an an
VOL. 2.
ar tna COLLEGE
No. 23.
PRIZES T O BE AWARDED PERSHING'S BAND IN W E S T E R V I L L E ; D~ctor Lawrence Keis ter, '82, Pro-
More Than H undred Attend A nnual Banquet of O t~erbein Alumna! Doctor Holt, Editor the Independent, A _ssoc1at10n · · at D ayton . . Tells Interes ting Pers onal Experi Luzerne Custer. · 10. was e lected ences of Visit to E urope. nesday Afternoon . anno un ced extensi,·e prize . f~r Greek president of the Miami \ a lley ttcr, s tud en ts made pos ihle by Dr. Law- I ,e ·n . lumnal A soc:ation a t th e m ee t URGES SUPPORT OF WILS O N PERSHING'S P E RSONA L BAND i re nee Kei;-ter of the clas, '82. This : ing and dinner held last Monday - --· ,, undoubtcd iy the mo ,t gen tern; ni"ht at the First L.:nited Brethren During the Six Weeks Doctor Holt Westerville Sma llest C ity in United 1 o 1··te1. ot· t h 1s " kind .· • ho ld s I chnrch " tl1at 0t t r1·he.1: of Dayton. Other office r s Learns Much T hrough Private ·:, trust. Do ctor Kei , ter is a retired e lected for th e coming year are: Miss State3 t o be H onored by Interviews with Many Delegates. Orga n izatio n . ,nini ~ter of cottdale . l' enn. an d ha -lil oe \" iswo nger , ' 11. ,·ice pr esi den t: When t he annal s f h :s tory a:-c 1 'leen a loya l friend to Ot t erbein. T h e Miss l~ut h Koo ntz, 'J.5, secr e tar y, and Co ll ege students and townspeop le - •, I ·ondit:o n ·s ag1·eecl tlJ)0 11 were <I rawn · I-· H . M c ,-•a dd e n. ·~4 t r easurc r . written and th e trave ls of l'ersh 111g 1 , had the good fortune Saturday ni g h t band arc no t ed o n e by one. it " ·' 11 :1;l hy l'rofessor Cornetet who \\"i ll he I Fo ll o win g th e e lec ti o n of officers. of hear in g Docor Ilamilton H o lt, probabl y run : •· u r in g th e \"i c:or_, · 1 charge of the fo und a ~1 ~11. j a d inn e r was e n ·e d at whi c h Mr s. edito r of t he Indep nd cnt, te ll o f his Loan dri ve for four billi o n . fi ,·e Inn-- . ( Genern l C~nchtions) \V . E. Bin g ham presided a s toa s t - ex J eriences at th e Pea ce Con fer e nce. . cl I" · , 1/ very interes tin g p ro- Mr. H o lt is in great demand ,,as a I.his fo und a t, 0 11 g 1\' es _ t he. mi nimum mi s tr ess. dred m1 11 1011 o 11ar s . _ ers 111n g s 1>alH , t ra ve Ie cl f rom coas t t o of fifty do ll a r s a year 111 pnze s as fo l- gra m in whi c h a number of the lec t u rer and it is onl y heca u;e he pieces · · 0 f 11 5 · s m wit · I1 t I1e1r · 1O\\" S: __ a lumni took pa, t ' f ll owecl th e din- ha a lway been especia ll y intereste d coast rou ing e nt I1u s 1a . 1. 1- 1r ~t year pupil s wh o ean1 g rade I ,,er '" d • h • • in tt e rb ein co ll ege th at Wes te r ville J · .plen d1 concerts 111 t e 1ar ge r c 1t1e un e 1 of eac h year . and ··The Price of Liberty" w as t he people have th e privi l ge o f hearing of th e nation. Tho se iti es in whirh 13 up t o it appea red are New Yo,·k , E itt sburg h. whose a nnual t est. or prize- deter- princ ip a l fea ture f th e pr ogram . D r. him so o ft en. He came here und e r Colu mbus, \\ esterville. t . Loui • min i'.1 g exa minati on~ . s hall ma rk 95'/, G. Funkh use r , '67. s po ke o f th e price the at1 picc of the Y. M. C. . a nd or higher s h a ll 1·ece1ve each one clo l- J)ai cl fo r th e li berty of th e co lored spoke in the Co ll ege chapel before a Chicago, Loui v ill e , e t c. "o lum b u s lar . except the st u dent am ng the ,e rac, in 1 86 1. L . l\'" . Troxe ll. "t :l, a representati\' e audie nce. wa · the smallest bi g city and \\' esterwho ranks highe s t sha ll be given five I veteran of th e \ Vol"ld \.Var. drew a ln speaking of co;iditions in ville the bi gg s t little ci t y in w hi ch dollars. great con tras t between the war of • 1 r pe at pre cut, fr. H It said th band appear e d ." Fully thirty-fi\·e . IL • econd year tudents shall be present time a n d th e \\"ar of Doctor that th e war mad e hcr~es and hero hun dred pe op Ie enJOy c1 t 11e concert . aware1eel two pnzes of five and ten F un khouser'. day. . f A . in . of 11s all, l,ut now that the figh t given on th e gro un c1s o t I,e men can . . . . dollars respectively according to class ;\ debate in which three merhh ers iag is over we hav become h u man 1 I sue ,,ubli h111 g ompany by t 1c ran kin 7 • • Pershing ba nd \\'e dn esday afternoon. g. . upheld eac h , 1de. on the subJec t of ,gain. There is a great dea l of . . b 111. I II case tlurd and fourth year '"lfrsol·:cd T hat Otterbein Did More friction right now between peop les fwo pec1al cars 1HOug1it t 1,e anc1 j ' · · tterbein,'" . . . . _ • pupil~ form o ne c la,s. then two pnzcs For Mc T han I Did For of different 11ati o11a litics; and the to \\ cstervill e, . arnv1ng here at 2 : 4 :> I, s I1a II I>e given · . . ·r the student rnnk- elicited ' much laughter from the sooner our hoy get home, the bet p. m. Alm ost 1111 med1ately th ey were , . k r I cl f h t d (Continued on pag~ two .) andicncc. The spea ·er for th e ter for all concerned. mec up an a ter a or para c ____ _ _ __ _ _ aflirmat:ve side were 1li s ;v1aj orie D ..1 ring his six · w _rks at the Peace went to th e Amen ca n l s ue ground~. The co nce rt consisted f s me of the Campaign for New S t ud epts. (Con t inued on page two.) Confe ren ce, Mr. 'Ho lt was in a posi ti on to re cci,·c first liand knowlege of better kn wn se lecti 11 and wound :-,1 ay (ir,t i the date . l!t for the Notice Everyone! al l tran s a c ti ons, and had persona l in up with a , pl ndid rendition. of ··The opening of the campaign for new s tu You are urged to attend the May ten·icw with many of th e delegates. Star Span gled Baner." dent,. 0. \V. Briner·. local Y. :0,1. T. H. Fish er, leader of the band , C. :\. secretary. ha. Ileen cho~en to .\tforning Breakfa»t to he give n next Ht.' tell s ti s that tl1I" Leap-u(' to En ochran Hall. force Peace, as it has finally mater wa for t wenty years I adCI" of the rep1·ese11t the co ll ege in the field. Hi s • aturday. J\ l ay 3. at r c h estrn, and wa · I wo1·k wi ll be quite extensi ,·e and Thi breakfast is an annual affair pro ialized, is also a League t o Insure Ford's theat er chosen from a c l,iss of 500 band lead- mostly of a pe1·sonal character. The moted ;,y th e Y. \V . C. A. girl and Progress. The cove nant as finally er , ,ome of nation a l repute, by Gen- 0tte1·hein district proper includes ha s alway been a delightful occasion. agreed upon is part ly Amcrican ancl era! Per shing. J\lember of the band Ohio. \ \ 'est V ir ginia. Southern ~fi chi This year Mis Gladys Howard is (Contin ued on page two.) are th e cream of a ll A. E. F . bands. gan. \\'es tern New York and \V estern manager-in-chief and as ure s u s that The afternoon classe» were di ·- l'enn~ylvania. J II these localities the the cats arc going to be delicious, so Campus to be Beautified. missed to permit students and faculty 1·nited Bretluen c burch is far behind you won't want to miss them. Break Another ground brraking occurred · to witn ess thr parade and concert. other denominations in the percen t fast ·wi ll be served anytime from :00 several clays ago. Thi s wa the be age of college students so there is to IO :00 ' 1 k. Come and bring your ginning f the campus improvement great neecl of just such a campaign. friend( ). Bishop W eekley Preaches. project which was announced some time ago. The spc ial committee Ili hop \\" . M. \ eckley of Parkerswhich has been work ing 011 the plant burg, \\'est Va., preached t,~,?1,1·ticnd- / ing program has deposited in the . piring sermons in the L office an immense beautification plan Brethren church yesterday. His vi it i arranged by P. 0. Beckley of the has Ileen looked forward to for 1 0 X o ble S\\ing! 0 Rustic Struc- overhead and the bug under foot Banyhill Nurseries, Harrisburg, Pa. several year· and his presence was tu 1·c that now ~its at the southwe.,ter- neYer buzzed more merrily-this feel Mr. Beckicy is a well-known landwelcomed mo t cordially. In th morning the church wa crowded to ly corner of the campu , \\'elcomcl ing of exultation is especially present cape architect and promises great hear hi im p le and direct di cour e Paltry word s cannot expre s our wh n two poor mortals stroll piti things for th~ enhancement of our on a text taken from the fourth chap gratefulness to the Seni rs of 1918 for fully back and forth, waiting for the college grounds. His superintendent is now at Otterbein to direct the having showered this. blc ing upon greedy nes to go home. ter of The . a lonians. ;,\\'hich t wo shall it be?" aid work. The plan ca ll s for the planting .\t thr e o"clock unday afternoon u . \\' hen two people are ensconced in Prexy in Chapel, and mo t fittingly. of trees and shrubbery around a ll the Bi hop \ \'eekley met about forty tudent who are p lanning to en ter this swing, it seem that the grass Indeed thi i the burning ques ti on buildings but uam Hall and the New Science Hall , whi h will be plotted the mini try o r missions as a life never looked greener, the birds never which a las! mathematical genius can later. twittered sweeter, the mosquitoes not olve. work.
v1des for Greek Prizes-Conditions Company of 115 Pioked Musicia n s I Formulated b Y P ro f essor C ornet : t . Enthus es R ec o rd C rowd Wed I'~ecen tl y i'rofe s,or );;_ E. Cornetet
I •1
THE TAN AND CARDINAL CAPITOL DEFEATS OTTERBEIN Two Regulars on Casualty. List and Poor H itting by Otterbein Results in One-Sided Score.
Picture of Miss Ethelynde Smith.
The Ladie ' Glee Cl ub ha sec ured a l~rge photognph of ~Ii Ethelyn de , m1th, the well-known soprano. who please d Otterbein with a co nce rt Janu ary 20. This photograph will hang in a beautiful oak frame in the mu s ic r eci tati o n room of Lambe1·t Hall. Be- 1 low the picture Mi s mith has ex pre sed he r appreciation of the pleas ant vi s it s he ha d with the Otte1·bein t girls. The Glee C lub p lan s to o btain pic tures of all artist - appearing at Ot- ' terbein in the fut ur e.
Otterbein' seco nd base ball game, p la yed with Cap itol, proved another di app o intment. The bad weather condi tion · preva ilin g through the week co upl ed wi th the loss of two in fielders wa too much of a handi cap for Otterbein. I n the last half o f the first inning Ca11itol took the lead with two sco re s. \,Vi ld e of Capito l held Otterbein down to tw o hits. Martin pitched a fair game but had little or no support. Jn the eigh th inning Martin walked, tole . econd, and scored on Albright's two-base mas h to left cen ter. The final sco r e bowed 14 to 1 in favor of apitol. ~l artin and !bright p layed the be t ball fo1· Otterbein.
Prizes To Be Awarded.
DOCTOR MARKLEY PROMOTED , a w Active Service on Several Fronts Where Dangerous Fighting O c curred- Now Ranks as Major. Dr. Stephen . Markl ey, '95. who ha been in the United tates 11edi ca l orp in France with rank of captain. has rece ntl y been pr6moted to the rank of major. ' .Major ~lark ley wa at f'ontarl ier, .France, with a regiment of Eng-ineers and as the e have finished their wo rk, he wa · hop ing that h e would s oon be sen t home. But he has just been appointed med ical inspector for a large te rritory lying we t of the Meu se river , ex t end in g to Verdu n, t. Mihiel, and as far we tat the Marne. Hi dutie s in clude th e making o f tour s of in spec tion that will carry him over part of the co untry where ome of the fier ce t fighting o f the ,w ar wa s carried on. His headqua r ter..arc at Eva c u ation Hospita l N . ·10, which is in ight of the Argonne wood where uch heavy fighting oc~urced.
\Vhether it' for Base Ball, Tenni o r
(Co ntinu ed from page one.) ing high e t fifteen dollar and the one rankin g next the re sidu e of the fifty dollars if that is no t m o re than ten dollar . If the fo undati on y ield s more th an fifty dollars per annum, then there · hall be a proportional in crease in each p riz e excep t the dol lar award ; _or. if for any rea on a JJrize is not is · ued to a class, the amou nt sha ll be added to ot her prizes 011 a proportionate ha is. JV. 1f the third and fo urth year ·tudents form di · tinct classc · . th en the mailer amoun t of th e two prizes named in article thr ee s hall be given to the third yea r tudent making the high e t credit. and the larger gift to th e s tud ent o i highest rank 111 th e four th cla ~s. Y. The rank of pupi ls s hall be de termi ned by th e profe or'· marks based 0 11 daily work. pe c ial t es t s, as ignment and a lso the final examina tion. The Greek profe or may con-
Headquarters ATHLETIC GOODS Track v\ ork, we are in positio n t upply your nee l \ e carry the mo t c·omplete line of
Hi 0 ·h Grade Sp o rting Go d in Central Ohio. con
Prices aln;a,· v,
lo \ \" e - t '
tent with quality.
100 No rth High Stree t
with his col leag . o r thhi e sdono ofu It thi s fo undati on ue during lifer. :: The e prize s hall be given out by the pro fe sso r of the department, or the per 011 designated by him. The a wards may be made before com mencement week, but a ll uch ha ll be announced 011 co mmencement day. Rea onab le change may be made in the e conditions as experience ug gests. EDITOR SPEAKS . Special Prize ON CONFEREN C E A prize of ten dollars will be given thi · year to any tudent in college '(Continued from page one.) partly Engli h,-probably mostly who po . e ses the be · t examination in American; though England's p lan Greek form . wa on th e wh le, the be t sin g le plan ubmitted to the Conference. Custer Elected President. In clo ing, Mr. H It urged that we (Continued from page one.) at home support Woodrow Wil on a .Miller. '21, G. \V . Duckwall, '11, and he i supported hy urope; and that Dr. P. M. amp, ·oo; for the negative, we, by our co-01>e ration, help him to D e nni Brane, '22. Luz e rn e uster, '' win the pea e," th a t it may be ju t '10, and Dr. J. G. Hub e r, ' . The and la ting. omc ha ve said that affirmative wa awarded the dcci ion \, ii on's " c 1rsed ideali s m" ha d e- by Mr. E. G. Pumphrey, '!l l who wa laycd the peace settlement: hut if elected a chief judge . Pre ident there ha been a ny d e_lay. it ha been Cliµpinger was pre ent and pok e of caus~d by two fa c ti?n , _the Bo!- th e plendid upp rt of the college h e,·1k and the rcactionancs of all 0 11 the part of the co n tituency of the nation·. This •·cursed ideali m" is ' denomination. the grea te t factor of a ll in in urin g A bout 120 member of th e Dayton I a permanent settlem ent. .\lum na l ,\ s ociation were present amo n whom were a number of tuTennis Begins -Jext Saturday. dents. Yell , and the in g in g of th e . Otterbein's te nni ca~on w_ill open I college on~ added to t he enth u ne.xt at ur day w hen Capitol will come · ia m and mtcre t of th e evening's to Westerville with a two man t eam. program. l 1fartin, Dancroft and Gray will de cide be tween them w ho is to repr sent Get your baked good at Day'.- [ Otterbein in this ini ~ia l meet. Adv.
Main 9095
C itizen 7012
Fancy Cut Flowers and Blooming Plants.
McKellar Flower Shop 22 N. High St.
Columbus, Ohio
Coi· ao·e
put up JU t right Fancy R o e , weet Pea , \ iolet Carnation , Etc.
Mr. H. F. Moore 1s our agent 1n Westerville. You will do well to see him.
Patronize Tan and Cardinal Advertisers.
_ ·Page Three
THE TAN AND CARDINAL Indifference. or Ignorance, Wh ich ?
Associa tion No tes.
I,--C. W.
STOUGHTON, M. D. Otterbein students missed an ex- 1 The · I · ceptional opportunity to acquaint h ' h red is a co umn_ in our paperI 31 W . College Ave. . , . . . w 1c oes not recen·e the car fu them se lves with conditions ' in Europe tt t' f e W esterville, Ohio and especially as regard s the Peace ~hen ion .ol st udent . as it shouldf Conference when comparative ly few ese ar_uc_ es deal with the work o _Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 atten.ded th.e _l ec ture given t he !~e Christian Association s. Many . \ . . f th . y 'I C A I S times we. hear that these notes a r e uspi ces o e . ., . . . ast att d· r · aurday night by Dr. Hamilton Holt no rea · ·•elks tell . us that those r Editor of the Independent. On everai who go do n ot care to read them and G. H . MAYHUGH, M . D . th occasions of recent date th.i same ose who tay away are not interth t 1:ick of interest ha been ex hibit ed by eS ed. Th e tru of th e matter is East Colleie A ve. th these same disloyal, depraved, goodat whe~her you do o r do not go to th th for -nothing individual s-words truly e meeu~gs ere is a lo t of good Phones-Citizen 26 Bell 84-R expressive of what we think would to be derl\·ed in reading a ummary not look well in print. If they will of th ~ ~epi c presented at the last come to u privately we will tell th em .Ass.~ciation meeting. The e "write r DR. W. M. GANTZ ju s t wh a t we think . It will be tonic u~s arc sho rt and to the point and t o our ouls and at the same time of give a le sso n and much good ad,·ice Dentist benefit to them. for each and every one of us. Bell Phone 9 Singular as it may seem some of the
Published Weekly in th-;;-;nterest-of O_tterbein by the .OTTERBEIN PUBLISH! G BOARD, \ Vesterville, Ohio Member o f the Ohio College Press Association STAFF E ditor-i n -Chief .. Ramey H . Huber, ' 20 A istant Editor ............ L. E. Pace, '21 ontributing Editor E ther Harley, '2 1 Edith Bingham, '20 Business Manager .. Carl L . Smith, '20 Assistant B u siness UanagersH . F. }.foore, '21 Harold Freeman. '22 Circulation Mgr . .. Mary Tinstman , '20 A,sistant ·irculation Managers ~farvel ebert, '21 Genevieve ;,[ullin, '22 Athletic Editor ........ \ . H . ance. '21 Local Editor ............ Hazel Payne, 21 ·ochran Hall Editor, Myrna Frank,'21 . lumnal Editor .. Prof. A. Guitner, '97 Exchange Editor. :Mary Ballenger, '20 Literary Editor. J. Gordon Howard,'22 Address all communications to The Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 20 vV. :-.lain t ., vVesterville, Ohio. ubsription Price, $1.50 Per Year, payable in advance.
suppo ed leader s in Y. M. C. thought it more profitable to go on a "feed" than to the le ctur e, while to the cred it of other it may be aid that they had good ense eno ugh to return in time to get to the chape l by eight o'clock.
Reform for Banquets
w . College
Time is necessary for so me refo rms. This is true in regard to y conduct at banquet . e,·eral years . OU ago there wa sp lend id decorum on I fo the part o f non-part1c1pants · · in th e c lass ba nqu~t s and the o rderlines s was exceed111gly gratifying to all. I Be Broad Minded. In the past few years. e pe ~ially At that time not the lightest kin d j
A ve.
get more Groceries 1 r eSS money at
21 N. State St.
during the recent world-con11i,· ,, of troubl e was created to mar th e people c,·eryw her e ha,·e enlarged dignity o f th e big social eve nt of th e their view • They have bee n led to y~ar for thes e college clas es. Both The College Avenue feel a se nse of re ponsibility to g irl and boys, dressed in their very others as well as a sen e of depend- 1 ,ie: t with all the beauty of nature and MEAT MARKET ency. Community of interests has man" s gen ius, as embled and banEntered a second class matter been emphasized and with a pirit 01 ql'eted together with perfect dignity eptember 25, 1917, at the po toffice cooperation much good ha been a~- and form. at Westerville, 0., under act of complished and many worthy end . :--:o.v. it appears that a certain few ,,;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: March 3, 1879. have been obtained. Jl' : enile. un op hi ticated fr e hman cceptance for mailing at pecial Yet, there is a tendency for some h~ve thought it clever to interfere • • ra te of postage p r?vide d for in Sec. persons, perhap more than other~. w_i~h these banquet . Tbey are to be Choice Cut Flowers and Corsage l 103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized I to center their affections on them- pitied for their igno rance and lack of Bouquets. Oct. 24, 1918. elves or o n re tricted units fore ight. J n fact they hewed t hemQuality Best-Prices Right _________________ ! which part. .\ hia ed and Tl -; elve s to Ii~ extremely ·'yellow" S. State St. • I they ar Citizen 345 1 se ll! 1 ~ttachment to_ one's class, or iere i · no r ea l fun in trying to make . t certain groups or literary ocieties, I .rc•Phle when the od ds are all in your ,' EDITORI AL o r e,·en to tt erbein a a co llege or favor. There ca n't even be o much 1 God and men think him a fool who I \Ve ten·ille as a commun ity i often a a fight. for who want to make such no ticed . This narrow feeling inter- exercise when laced up in a cisso r brags of hi s own great wi sdom . ' fe re with clear vi ion of one's rela- tailed and open-fronted outfit that tion to the larger community of only se rve as a good mark for the which all are members. In the opponents. Really there is no time What About Scrap Day?
Rhoades & Sons
How are class difficulties to be so lved n xt year? That is the ques tion that comes up at this time, for ju t two years ago we were makin g a rrangemtnt for th e ··Scrap Day•· J>rogram which was carried out a year ag last fall. At that time the propo 1t1on wa a new one and demanded a g reat deal of work. :-.few, all have ome idea of the nature of uch a serie of conte s ts. The affair being so genera l in its interes t s and p urpose, should be tarted by an organization wi t h such a scope. The . thletic . sociati'on fulfills uch requirement and could
present day , due to the rapid communi cation (of all part of the world ) by mean of the telegraph, new paper , etc., the entire g lobe i nothing more or le s than a great co rnnn nity. All nations have commen int ere ts and it is importan: that per ·ens be informed on the g reat problems and that they unite in intere t and endea,·or to effect change which mean improved condition . The present age demands men of broad , altruistic and unsellish inter, c I. uch men will be u eful and will do • their • • hare "'in c En tructing h. I
authorize the :ithletic board t arrange for uch a day. Rule all(! regula tions mu~t be drawn up now. However, before this can he done there hould be ome expre ion on the part of the st udent as well a the faculty, as to their attitude toward · conte t imi lar to tho e held on tlie "Ser~ Day" of two year ago. The unpleasant clas fights of previou year will undoubted ly be re rte d to if there i no better way provided to settle class superiority.
and ma1nta1111ng a .,ew ra w 1c1 is almo t certain t re ult. ·ollege tudents hould develop and practice in their immedia te intere l and a ociaton a · keen en e of relation to the larger affair of the world. The obligations to minor intere ts, although often good in them elves, are less pres ing than the obligations to d . wo rl d Iwithout. . k. d d broad the. dgreat Be m111 e 111 your t 1111 ·111g an o not allow comp~ratively trivial matters occupy too much of your attention .
when deviltry bring uch discord and cause o much inconveniece. Furthermore, it wa exceedingly d i _ r espec tful to the ladie of the church to cut the electric light wires and interfere with the preparation of the banquet. ft wa hoped that uch outrages were relegated to the pa t but the few .. children•· who mu ed thing up fo r th e Sophs rd and eniors have ti rr ed up again. lt is lamentable th th disco at e one or two formal ocial th e,·ent of c year cannot be carried on in proper tyle. The entire st·..i dent b dy to hould cert !um the Y reek. uthfu l ffendtrs a bathe in
For Nuts Fruits and Candies
Staple and Fancy Groceries see WILSON, THE GROCER South State St.
,;;:===============:' \NOLF''S
Bell 46-W. Citizen 92 Infringement Unnecessary. After chapel meeting are becoming entirely too fri:_quent. True it is that all are bu y and that it i diffi- 1: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::."'' cult to get folk togethe r at othe r B . C. YOUMANS, Barber time However. a little effort on 37 N. State St. the part of tho e in charge of variou I f h organizations hould . eliminate . a Sh op closed at 8 o'clock except Saturday. num )er o t ese meeti ng at a t une which infringes upon the rights of ,the college classes.
Page Four
teach French when he returns to this .:ountry.
'1 6. Don R. \Veber, and wife motored through \Vesterville Saturday after no n. D o n was discharged at -Camp S~erman in the morning. ·
Cha rles R . Bennett who has been a nited States In spec tor with the Ae tna Explosi,·e Company in th e east is pending a few days at the ho m e of his moth er, Mrs. H. L. Ben nett, in \Vesterville.
Eastman's Kodaks and ·P hotogr_a phic Supplies. , Films Developed and P rinted at lowest prices.
'98, '93. Mr .and Mrs. \V. Stoner of Dayton, spent the week-end with Mrs.' H. P. ~1iller.
'90. Dr. Earley . Wilcox of Wash ington , D . C., was renewing old ac quaintance s at Otterbein and in Wes terville last Friday. Dr. Wilcox is an agricultural expert and was for several years connected with the u nited tates Experiment tation in H onolulu, Hawaii. He is now agri culturi t in charge of tenancy and farm lab o r in the Department of Agriculture at \Vashington. Dr. \ ilcox is also the author of several books that are recognized a authority in hi s field.
Mrs. William Beal G::intz (Maude Barnes ) of D etroit, Michi gan, returned to her hom e la st wee k after spen ding e\'eral week s in \ es terville as the guest of her mother and her sis ter o n East ollege Avenue. ' 12. Mi ss Helen on,·erse, wh o went to Europe se'"eral month ago to do war relief work, is now located in Grenob le, Fran ce, where he is en Mr. K. J. Scott, chairman of the gaged in work for the Young M en' s Y. M . . A. Prayer Meeting Commit Chri stian ssociation. tee, has inaugurated a serie of con '7 8, '04. Mrs. S. \I\T. Keister, and Mrs. tests to be held from week to week. L. A. \ einland (A lice Keister), The leader of each meeting will be were in Logan. Ohio, last week, at judged a cco rding to uniquene s of tendin g the branch meeting of the program. number in attendance, num \Voman's Mi sionary Association of ber taking part and other points. The the Southeast Ohio Conference. Mrs . leader to open the contest was Mr. Keister is pre sident of the branch . . Replogle who led la s t Thur day night. The subject of Mr. Replogle' talk '05. Mrs. Eneil C. Doudna (Pearl Kirkpatrick), accompanied by her was "\\/hat College Has Done for husband and her little daughter, vi it Me." "College teaches u that we mu t ed recently at the home of Professor co nsider the influence we have upon and Mr . R. H. Wagoner.
'98 .
Up-to-Date Pharmacy
Satisfaction Guaranteed O PTICAL D E PARTMENT E yes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles all styles. GIVE US A CALL
Y. M. C. A.
'95. Mrs. W. C. Whitney (Edith our as ocia tes. "There are tho e who believe in the Turner) has a guests at her home on :--:orth tate treet Dr. and Mrs. doctrine of ·• elf-preservation" but Charles \Vhitney of Dayton, Ohio. Christianity teaches that we sho uld take ome intere s t in the other man. ' 14. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Miller, (Hazel "Out in the world. the college Cornetet) are visiting for a few days man is looked upon as a leader and it at the home of Profe s or and Mr · is in college that he acquires the initiornetet. ative and ambition necessary to every '96. At the meeting of the Ohio capable leader." lege A ociation held in 'olumbu [ , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ) during the Easter ,·acation. Profe or N. E . ornetet of Otterbein was elect- ..__ _________________ ed president of the classical Ianf\()propnate to the season, tne 'i. guage department of the Association. \\ · C. A. members d~scus ed the Ea tertide and it significance, in the '85, '97 . F. A. z. Kumler of Dayton , meeting o f the girls on April I 5, the · · Lh 1n " arge o f M ay Oh io, and A rthttr D . Bender of se~v1· ces 1)e111g leveland, Ohio, were in \Ve 5t erville ellman. ReY. Mr. Burtner ta lk ed week before last attending the funeral a few minutes; Ethel Eubanks gave a e rvices of the latter' mother, Mrs. piano so lo , and Lois >l eible a voca l Sarah Bender, who died in Cleve so lo. land pril' 16 and wa brought to J n the meeting of .\ pril 22, the Westerville for burial the Friday fol- leader. Marvel ebert. di cussed the interestin a subject, ·'The Beloved lowing. aptain.'' The duties of leader s in '04. Mr . Robert \Vilson (Josephine
Markley) and two children of un bury, Ohio. pent Ea ter at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Markley on East ·oll ege avenue.
Name Cards for College Folks P rinted Cards for either men or women, $1 for SO, or $1.25 for 100. Prices for E ngraved Stock on Application.
The Buckeye Printing Co. Both Telephones
West Main St.
Otterbein Students
Y. W. C. A.
Remember the folks at home with a picture.
all p ha es of Ii f e were pointed out, •::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: as well as the honor due them by foll owers. Each gi rl wa led to the realization of what he owes to the .. ·aptain of Lives." '15. ~fr . Herald Plott and little on At our next meeting we hall conof Akron are visiting her parent . sider ''Th e Blue and White," with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McFarland. •~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: '17. Corporal Charlie A. Merrill i Myrna Frank as leade r . l t eem that the majority of "stu one of a few officer and enli ted men Muskingum Coming Saturday. I p.ort the team with yells and enthusiof hi divi ion to receive an appoint- dent," are here to go on "feed ", Next Sat urday afternoon Otterbein asm. During this week every man ment to a French educational in,ti- walk the two and four mile sq ua res, tution . He is now doing post-gradu• and in general to have a good time wi ll play M usk:ingum here at \,Vester- that can play ball should go out and Every student and faculty give the fi rst team men some good ate work at the University of Mont- only, judging from the attendance at ville. m ember -sho~ld be on the field to sup - practice games. pellier in France. He expects to the lecture on Saturday night.
See the Quality Shop For Up-to-Date Cleaning and Pressing. 81 West Main Street
Page Five
attractive to th e co ll ege man going into b usines th an to de\·elop that ' sp irit of publi c se1:v ice for his City, or ' hi s S tat e o r Na ti o n , th a t mea11 so I Elemen t of Chance and O pportunity mu c h fo r th e betterment_ of a ll man- [ · Att rac t s Many Into kind · In co llege athletics ma1 y a for S erv1ce man ha s built up that super-abund . nappy new suits that a man BuSme ss World. ance of good health that wi ll 11l ow N OED him t o make th e sa me mark in hi can be proud of o n Special COLLEGE MEN EE busin_ess as he had mad_e in college, Occa ion · · Off ere d to M en and 1t wil l s tand. him Ill s te ad, fodr Greater 0 pportumt1es E th e ac tiv e, efficient and prol cnge in Busine ss World Than ver wo rk that th e average man of bu siX e,Yest variations of the Before C laims Graduate. ness must en dure , if h e expects to · · I fi t of a se ri es of ar t i• , s uc ceed He mu s t work with rapi d ity [Tl11s 1s t 1e rs po pular ,va1 tline idea here · . . clcs written by former g r ad uates a nd for ce and at th e ~ame tim e_ with at Lazar u ·. ab ou t th eir profession s. .Mr. F. D. 1o ut noise . not attractmg atten_t1on t_o Wil sey is a m embe r of th e class 1, him self. a lth o ugh he may to hi s bus1l876.-F: ditor.] · n ess as a means of e nlarging it. but I Tre m enclo u choice of . I . he mus t be ever a le rt and exercise :\'early a ll boys hav e nn p lan t ec _111 fo r et h o ught t o adjust his activities to pattern s and fabr ics at them th e i:1,tincts of t he gamb lei- co 11 -tantly cha nging condi ti ons. Our 1 1 ·- I th e JJlay marble , . Th at 1s t 1e reason Y I bo s coming back from the trenche s "f k ·•· '[ · t b ovs and young 111en Y . or ecps . •' o, -· have learned many th111gs and are not th look to a business career from e [ go in g to demand th e best simp ly as a same · tandpoint. The att racti_veness reward for what th ey have done, hu t :--:ew sp ring hats. ties. low cut , shirtsth lies in the u1i ce l'tainty a nd in . e as a matter of ri g ht. Labor all over 1 eYerything a man wants for s prin g . . · I lts that en t er into . . • JI I 1 pecu atn·e e emei the wo r ld ha come 111 fo r 1t; !u · ,1 I I1 1lt o r manufacit. ., o arge mere a I s h ai·e of recognition and the ucces · turer does not at some tnne go "s hor t I ful business man of t oday is not t he o th er words. he . • " I COLUMBUS, OHIO o f t I1c mar k·et - 11 • • man who .. fi r es" h is help when he 1 111 ells omet hin g th a t he ha s n o t h is disagre es wit h them, but makes con. d u s t go o ut and buy . posse~s1on an 111 . . d iti ons suc h as to work 111 harmony I . his raw material h It e gooc s or >U) with h is bus1ne . becau se no matter from which t o 111ake th em. He runs how we ll the shop may be b uilt o r the risk of a high market. an adva n ~e how well it may be equipped with ma 111 in cost of labor and _an t~icrea · e . ch in e ry. it is the men in th e organ- I 1 1111 freight rate • At n t e tn u r h s- iza ti O n that co unt after a 11. tory ha ve there been SU Ch wide op- · F k D \V''I · · '76 111 ran . t e). . . . 111an's I' portun itie s to engage a I)LIStnes, attention. \\'e are now th e world - - -.-_- - - - 1 . ma tter s of finance and .the II Alumni are Solicited to power 1n · · · old world looks to us for it,; i:_ebutld- t• Subscribe for Quiz. and Quill ing. The stee l, lu mper. hardwar e__ai~ I[ \ 1\le are plea se d t o call ~he attenti~n too ls must come from Ame ri ca of the Alumrn t o T h e Quiz and ;)utll , . Treaties wit h foreign Govern m ents the annua l number of which w,ll be are or have bee n based largely o n i s ued the las t week in May. The trade-Co mm erce h as been. since th e Qui z a nd Quill purpo es to p ubl ish days of Tyre, the m edi um for com- ea ch year the be t lit erary work of munica ti o n between peop les-T he Tn - the various cl a sses and o rganizai o ns terch,rnge of co mmoditi es has ever of Otterbe in o ll ege. The ntmber been th e tudy of nati o n s as we ll a for thi s year will co ntain th e fellow -Of individuals . T he s tud ~ o_f th e ing: An article by so me m embe r of nee ds o f the world is as facinat 111 g _a the faculty; a productio n fr o m each of the realm o f the law or the my s t e nes the fo ur lit e rary ocieties ; the wi1ning of medicine-To be merel y a shop- s tory in the Barne s' Short to ry Con keeper is no t a ll th er e is to a _buS t- te t: a s tory in French : mi ce ll a1eou Hollinger hould make a good prize J ness ca reer. Co llege men a_re 111 de- arti cle , s ketches, poems, etc.. by figh ter as he has an arm that can en- 1 mand in e ve r y pha e o f busrness a nd memb ers of th e Quiz and Quill Clu b. circle th e ·' Moon". co ll ege m e n are forging to th e front The Quiz and Quill for this year in every line of bu sin ess. will be in fo rm of a boo klet of one Greater oppor tuniti es for th ose at hundred pages: there will be no ad- A perf ume sho uld be uggestive of t he bo tt om and on th e way u p and adverti ing. per onality, fragrant, plea ing, unobhea vie r responsibilities for th ose at Price o f thi issue. 35 ce nt po t- s tru ive . Our pecial the top . paid. O rd er t o be fi lled by mail When we e ntered th e war tw o yea r s mu t be in by la s t week in May ago. b u ine s had fe w attractions. bee nd money o r ta mp to P·ofe - h b · all the e d i tin ctive qualities. cause us 111ess men were confro nte d or C. 0. A ltman. \V estervi ll e, Ohio. I a with a situatio n th a t they had neve r ORDER ~OW. Try it now .' And use Xyal Face and experienced JJrev io us ly, and no one ________ ~la •age Cream during this changeknew even from day to day what was Noted Minister to Lecture. able weather . ahca<l of him. vVhen uch a m a n as }fenrr I'. Davison of J . P. 11orga n & Dr. Je · e H ermann of the Avcndale Co. ga\·e up hi s po. ition for the past Pre byterian hurch. incinnati, DR. KEEFER two y ears to lead the work in th e Red I Oh io, wil l be at Otterbein next \ \'ed- 1 Th D · Cro s, or Col. Deed of Dayton. , ne day and Th ur day . On \Vcdne _ e rugg1st abandoned hi, bu ines to go to day evening at 7:30 he will speak in vVashington and solve problems for the college chape l on the subject, Strawberries, Bananas, Oranges, th e Government, these two insta_nces, "Faci ng the Future". At the 'Thurs- I Apples. First Class Shoe Repairing. which may be multiplied many time • day morn ing chape l period he will Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Head Lettuce,
New Waistlines
$25 and More
Athletic Goods, Fountain Pens,
Copyrights and Magazines.
Good Assortment CANDIES
Fresh and Fine at
shows the pirit of public er~ice that business men are learning 111 these days more than th ey have ever learneel before. and after all, what 1, more
t~lk_on prayer a a vital fore~ in o ur \ Radis hes. _ Slipknot and Q. T. S . Rubber Heels. h~e~. Dr: Hermann 1 a big man And other "Fixins" to satisfy that D. COOPER with a l)lg message. Don't hil to spring appetite. hear him. . MOSES & STOCK Scofield Building
Page Six
ton11er ly a stude nt in Otterbein anct is now employed at the DaytonOn atu r day e,·cn in g Pre ident and I \\"right :\eroplane Co. · · gcr ente rtam · c d D oc t or Mrs. C l1pp111 G. \\·. Fause)·. who has been staHami lton Holt at d.inn er. tioned at the G r eat Lake ::\"ava l I I
Bas eball Schedule. Apr il 12-\V es leyan at Delaware. April 26-Capi t o l at Columbus. May 3--M uskingum at \ Vesterville. :\fay JO-A nti oc h at W e terville. The co n di t ion of H:irold Freeman, Train in g Station. vi ited in \\' c ter.i\hy 17-(Ope n date) . who ha s been critically ill for se,·e ral i vi ll e for a few days th e P 35t week. .i\[ay 23-Capital at \ Vesterville. day · is slig h t ly better. .. Satan" is He re ccn t_ly recei ,·ed his discharge I !\fay 24-.M.uskingum at ;s; ew Con co rd . u ffe rin g from a nervou collapse and fr o m the :\a,·y. will probab ly be o ut fo r th e rest of the ye'.lr. He will be missed g reatly I COCHRAN HALL NOTES. For fine ca ke s go t o D'.l ys'.-A dv .
Welcome Back
o n th e baseball team. Full Dres Shirt Stud ,
Th e gi rl s are
orry to hear that
hirts. Ties. C liar , I irginia B lagg will no t he in sc h oo l Etc. Get th em from the reamainder of thi se me ster.
E. J . -Adv.
\\"e are a ll glad to ee Edythe Eby and Alice Abbott, who w er e home Merrill Mignery ha s a broken bone
j ================
I fr.==============================sil 1'
The un1on • 's
V\e 1111
~,::_;;,::1~;1;~:;1:,":::: : ~:,~:': :~;:;;·~:;;:.;~:;::· ::'.:, ·:::d ·I Great 25th Anniversary Sale Offers Hart, .Schaff ner & Marx Fine Suits at These I Savings
e<l yo u d ur-
Yaca ti o n.
R. \ . ("C h ee ry" ) hear. who wa s The conce rt. given by th e an recently discharged from t he army. Ca rl o Grand Opera ompany in Co ha re sum ed h i wo rk in Otterbein. lumhu la t Tuesday night was en Lmen and soft collar . \ ariety joyed by a number of och ran H a r girls. hop.-. dv.
li g ht e<l to
Ma r th a kinner Donald Bay W'.l accidentally . t r uck o n the head with a dumbell a t the se,·eral day ' ,·i it gymna ium Thursday afternoon . A t prino- fie ld. Ohio. this ra te The Tan and Cardina l w ill : Ladie ' Si lk Lis le have to pub lis h an Otterbein ca ua l- Lad ies' lJ hoen ix ity list. 1.55 and $2.00. E.
T he pat rici a n G r eek'.
Th e g irl of ·ochran Hall have j been g lad to haH_ in their mid_ t Dr. Holm e , who deln·er ed a ene f I lec ture s on soc ial morality. The e le ctur es were o- ive n in the a sociation building for both coll ege and town girl .
Dean F leming of Dayton ,·i ited , B. \ ·. D. and '.\[unsing mons. Otterbein friend aturday. He wa to 2.00. E. J. Norris.-Adv.
In our
culti vated ta t e s1 t
u pon h av ing a part
comp lete li ving. Each o m et hin g· nc,\· added .
$30 and $35 Men's Suits
"Come in and Brouse Around"
$40 and $45 Men's Suits
$50 Men's and Young Men's Suits
The party con · i led of Misse Mary Vance and :\lice Kimme l from G r eenYillc. Genc,·icYe Mullen. Ilera rl mith pent th e week-end at nice H eetcr, Gladys Yo kum and La nca ter, Myrn a Frank; Me srs. Vance, Ban \\'arre n Moore pent th e week-end croft. Howard. Michael, proul and at hi home at· Cana l \\' in ch ter. Dano.
Eve r y thin g in
h p ar~ th e thin o-s a
'\Vright' on it." Tn spi te of the co ld weather, a By ron Thoma , a former Otter- number of ear ly-ri er ate breakfast bein tudent, , i iled friend in \\"e . out in th country Saturday morning. .\ lthot gh thing were flavored tcn·ille Friday. "Tommy'' wa for I with moke and a he e,·eryone had several months a dri,·er of the I a g od time and al. 0 a good appc- 1 French .\mhulanc e co rp s. tite. I
perfectio n
P r o port ion. "
$25 Men's and Young Men's Suits
$25.00 I
wa "Nothing in E x
Frenchy-'·\\'hich of the,e racket your Glady ?" Ladies' \\'h ite Oxfords, 3.50. $4.50. lady :\l c-''Oh ! The one with $5.00 and 5.50. E. J. Norri .-Adv.
Frc h ailed Peanut , Candie a ll kind . Var iety hop .-Ad,·.
Hose. 50c and 60c. ilk H ose. 1.00, J. Nor ri .-Adv.
Rollin Durrant. who ha been w it h the Rainbow Divi io n for o ,·e r nineteen month arrived in ).; ew York Friday. Ha1i'da ll Conyer e returned with th e 332nd Infantry and will march in C le ve land aturday.
bac k.
left Friday f with fri en ds i:1
vVhi te D uck Pants fo r Tennis , $1. 50. · A loYely birthday dinne r was sen·£. J. Norri . -Adv. eel at the home of Ma r y Sidda ll last table was beaut ifull y gt. W . 0. ("Bi ll") S tauffer, who is week. The loca ted at St. E lizabe t h' Hospi t a l, decorated and the d inn er de li cio us. who were there were \\ ashington , D . C., spent Tue day Th e g ir l Helen BoYee, leo o ppock, J ose visiting Otterbein friend s. phine Foor, Mary T in t m an , Mary Pre ident and Mr • lippinge r en - Siddall. Genev ieve M ull in Ke ll ie M ae tcr_tain ed ~h e faculty a t dinner on foon, Ilo DeHoff, Ha;riett Hays, Friday mght. The gu t were G ladys Y ok um and Myrna Frank. Professor and Mr . Altman. Professor and Mrs. \ Ve in land, Profes or j , P~neil a nd Ta_b lets, Stati o nary. and Mr . M c loy a nd Profe or and anety hop.-Ad, · Mr e hear. Gene,·ieve :\[ullin entertained a jol"T here' more good loo king girl ly bunch of gi rl s in her room Fri in thi s town, for its size than any day night. The gue ts of honor j town I wa. ever in ." o excla imed ,~~1·e Mi c Ma'! Vance and :\li ce I one of the m embe rs of Pershing' Kimm ell fr o m Gre e nnll e, .. w ho' band \V edn csday afternoon and ome spent th e week-end here. o ne blamed it all upon the tterbein tudent · who ha,·e not yet sub"co-ed " Isc ribed t o the Quiz '.lnd Quill and Buy your I r ead at Day.' bakery.- 1 th se wh o wish additional copie , sec Adv. · Loi Adam!' or Cleo ippock.
ee vo u
$42.25 I
Both P hones
N. State St.