Deepthi 2017-18 Annual Magazine

Page 101



Simon Joy Third Year

ears, is probably the greatest gift of God. It encompasses and encapsulates all human emotions whether it is pain, sorrow, agony, joy, happiness etc. Tears, when they roll out of our gleaming eyes, caused by either witnessing pristine beauty, or pure joy or heart aching sorrow; they draw us closer to God; that is the power of tears. When we cast back our mind to the times of our grandparents and older generations, our minds would definitely play back the times, when they would sit in reverence in prayers, with tears rolling out uncontrollably. Those were the times of scarcity and not excess, hence tears were in surplus, hence they were spiritually rich, though poor materialistically. For us, ‘screen-agers’ of the modern times, it may be impossible to comprehend, how and why they wept. Therefore, my posting a view of the importance of tears may seem paradoxical, scandalous or simply unnecessary to many in our day. But remember we are all alive and blessed by their prayers, their tears. We have happily inherited their blessings and fortune; but what about tears? Tears not of pains, I do not wish

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