prophetic chronology of 1 page & 4 page comment

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Overview of Chronology by Prophecy 2016 Trib Start Hebrew Date Chronology of 7 Redemption Covenant Days Event ∆Years Gregorian Age HebMo DOW Julian Day 29Sep3026AD Elul25 Fri 2826555.0 3000.0 New Heaven New Earth 08Aug3023AD Tam27 Fri 2825406.8 2996.9 Gog Magog Start 07Aug2023AD Av21 Mon 2460164.3 1996.9 Millennium Start Mon 2457521.8 1989.6 12Sep2016AD Elul10 Tribulation Start Av15 Fri 1746846.5 43.9 08Aug70AD Temple Destroy by Fire 08Aug30AD Av23 Thur 1732236.5 3.9 Leaders Stone Stephen 07April30AD Niss18 Sun 1732113.5 3.5 1st Sunday after N14 Easter 29Sept26AD Tish30 Tues 1730827.5 0.0 Baptize Jesus by John 26Sep458BC Tish30 Sun 1554411.5 Rebuild Decree 483.0 25Sep528BC Tish08 Thur 1528844.5 1stCaptivity 538 secular 553.0 29Sep975BC Tish23 Fri 1365584.5 End Temple Dedicate 1000.0 31Mar1463BC Niss26 Mon 1187164.5 Red Sea Baptize End 1488.5 30Mar1893BC Niss14 Fri 1030109.8 Isaac born Abe's 100 Yr, 1918.5 30Sep1975BC Tish16 Wed 1000343.5 Abe move: Ur to Haran 2000.0 09Sep2345BC Tish17 Sat 865183.5 Noah Baptize End 2370.1 30Mar2443BC Niss28 Sun 829226.4 Shem born Noah502Y 2468.5 01Oct2975BC Hesh07 Sun 635101.5 Noe find Grace 29.5Y old 3000.0 Tues 269857.5 Sin's Redeemer Promised 4000.0 29Sep3975BC Tish27 Adam Living Soul 4026.5 30Mar4001BC Lyya04 Thur 260178.6 Temple Anointings; Solomon unto Christ 1k Yrs Years Event Ref 483 Rebuild decree unto Messiah, 69*7 years Dan9.25 Dan9.2 70 70 Years Captivity as told by Jeremiah Ezek4.6 40 B. Apostasy from Israel Captive Unto Judah Captive, 430total Ezek4.5 390 A. Solomon Apostasy Unto Israel Captive total A+B=430Yr 1Kgs11* 17 Temple Dedication & Anointing unto Apostasy (40-12.6-17=10.4) *17 yrs by difference. 40 years Solomon reigned in Jerusalem. 1000 Total Temple dedicated Solomon's 12.6th year; last 10.4years in apostasy

Generation Adam Seth Enos Cainan Mahalaleed Jared Enoch Methuselah Lamech Noah Shem Arphaxad Salah Eber Peleg Reu Serug Nahor Terah Abraham to Exodus Temple Anointed

Verse SiredYr Death Yr 130 930 gen5.3 105 912 gen5.6 90 905 gen5.9 70 910 gen5.12 65 895 5.15 162 962 5.18 65 365 5.21 187 969 5.25 182 777 5.28 502 950 5.32&11.10 100 600 11.10 35 438 11.12 30 433 11.14 34 464 11.16 30 239 11.18 32 239 11.20 30 230 11.22 29 148 11.24 130 205 11.32&12.4 100 175 21.5 430 Gal3.17 Ex12.81 488.5 1Kg6.38 1Kg6.1 Jesus Anoint-Bapt’ 1000 Luke Lu16.16 Total Past @Bapt’z 4026.5 Since Adam Created Solomon Temple Dedicate Time From Exodus Event Yr-Sol Yr-X Mo Heb Mo# years gone Start 4.17 480.1 May 2 0 Complete 11.67 487.6 Nov 8 17.50 Oct 7 8.42 Dedicate 12.58 488.5

The prior Tables provide a basis for most likely time of tribulation start. For details the reader is directed to other writings. By this method there are 4026.5 years from Adam creation as a Living Spirit unto Jesus Baptism. Foundation of the World was 4k year prior when Adam sinned. From Baptism unto New Earth is 3000 years. About 1010.4 years prior to New Earth starts the Tribulation, Sept2016.

This & other charts from C. Larkin are given to depict : Tribulation and other bible times. During Tribulation of 2520 days, 7/12 of world population perish and all sea life dies. Other judgment events also ensue as righteous wrath is loosed upon a wicked world.

Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 by OP Armstrong


This present era or ‘world’ started when Adam fell. For then was promised a redeemer. This started God’s work to make a new world; forever free of sin and corruption. This will be by banishment of corruption’s source, the devil. Who will go into eternal hell at the Lake of fire. That Lake is under the feet of Jesus, who sits at the right hand of God the Father. The age of Adam at sin was 26.5 years, 4026.5 less 4000 years. The Lamb of God was slain from the Foundation of the World. Stated other wise, this era started when the Lamb of God was slain. This was when Adam sinned. Thus began 7000 years work to make a new heaven and new earth. Brief on Mass Extinction Event Escape & Foundation of the World? Sept2014 by OP Armstrong



The Balfour Century, 1917 - 2017 Generation Consider the fig tree 1. Noah Limit of Man’s Age Termination: 120xJubilee 2. Balfour Generation - or The Balfour Century, TBC Judgment & Redemption 3. Psalms Age Limit that which has been shall be 4. Final Jubilee teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom

Year Age Year Start Limit End 1897




Ref 1


Ref 2 when you see the fig tree start to put forth then know (not guess) st 1 Zionist Return Conference

Gen. 5,7,6.3-4 earth brings forth fruit of herself (1) Matt24 1917 100 2017 Gen15 Balfour Decree Jewish homeland Gen5&6&7 first the blade (2) 1947 70/80 2017 Ps90.10 UN181 Israel created /3027 then the ear (3) 2017 Lev25.10

Six Day war: Jerusalem unto Israel after that the full corn in the ear (4)

When Jesus was asked about the end of the age, his reply was to consider the fig tree. ‘Know when you see the fig tree start to put forth it’s branches, then know that this Generation shall not pass away (elapse) until all these things be fulfilled.’ Another criteria is also, ‘this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached into all the world for a witness, then shall the end come. The latter can not preclude the former as the 144,000 shall witness during tribulation time. • For the earth brings forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. • After 2 days He shall revive us & on the 3rd day He shall raise us up to live in His presence • Jew & Jewrusalem are God’s time piece, ‘seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and your holy city to make an end …’ Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 by OP Armstrong Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1 by OP Armstrong

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