1 nation 2 kings of ancient israel

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1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016 Objective of Israel Kings Chronological Review  Are there gaps to be found in the biblical chronology of Jerusalem kings?  Is it reasonable to ignore a 40 year portion of Ezekiel Jerusalem judgment and use only the 390 year portion of Ezekiel prophesy? Do the Gaps in having a king present in Jerusalem explain this shortage?  How accurate are the predictions of when Jubilee years were celebrated? Findings  It is concluded there are gaps that can be accounted for by cross referencing the year counts of the kings of Jerusalem and the kings of Samaria.  This time gap confirms the prophetic 430 profane years of Ezekiel chapter 4.  The definitive Jubilees found here are the 300 year mark of Jephthah, Solomon Temple dedication and Christ baptism. Gaps The bible method of reporting the Kings of Israel and Judah differs from the chronology method employed for prior patriarchs. The method employed in the Pentateuch is typically given as: in Abe's 100 year he sired Isaac and he died at age 175 years, Isaac lived 137 years and in his 60th year he sired Jacob etc. For the kings in Jerusalem the recording moves to stating years of reign in as King over abc and died at 123 or at age 321 King Yz began to reign in Jerusalem for 123 years. Three recording styles are used, A. no age at start nor death given only reign time; #0Solomon, #7Athaliah, & #20Zedekiah. B. start age, reign time, no death age; #1Rehoboam, #2Abijah, , #3Asa, #4 Jehoshaphat, #5Jehoram, #6Ahaziah, #8Jehoash, #9Amaziah, #10Uzziah, #11Jotham, #12Ahaz(20y/16), #13Hezekiah(29y/25), #14Manasseh(55y/12) #15Amon(2y/22), #16Josiah(31y/8), #17Jehoahaz(0.25y/23), #18Jehoiakim(11y/25), #19Jehoiachin(1/4or1/2Y/8&18) C. start, reign, and death, David, start age 30, 7y Hebron, 33Y Jerusalem & died age 70, 2Sam5:4.

Kings of Jerusalem captured and exiled from Judah: b) -09Amaziah was CAPTURED by Jehoash and lived fifteen years after the death of Jehoash. Israel captured the treasure of Jerusalem 2Kgs14:13-15 c) -14Manasseh, taken to Babylon, repented and returned to Jerusalem d) -17Jehoahaz, taken to Egypt e) -18Jehoiakim, taken to Babylon, appointed by Egypt f) -19Jehoiachin, temple & city sacked taken to Babylon lives at least age 45 g) -20Zedekiah, 11y captive to Babylon If a king is in exile or captivity, he cannot reign as a king in Jerusalem. Scripture is mostly silent on the duration of these exile and captivity times. Prophecy is one way to find the time span of the Kings of Jerusalem, like Ezekiel 4:1-13. There we find the total years of offense of Jerusalem, 390 plus 40, not just 390 as some wish to make it. This easily seen in the 70 Sabbaths of judgment. For 70 times 7years/1sabbath is 490. Even if one says the 70 punishment years are therein included, one gets 490-70 or 420 years. Still it exceeds the 390 year many wish to use. I think the correct total is 500. For we find 70 judgment years added to the 430 years of apostasy is 500. Also remember that every 50th year is to be 1 extra Sabbath year or 10 Jubilee Sabbaths in 500 years, so 70 times 7 year per Sabbath is 490 plus the 10 Jubilee years gives 500, as does 390+40+70=430+70.

Nebuchadnezzar sacked Jerusalem three times as noted in chronicle of Jeremiah. This happened in Nebuchadnezzar, 7th, 18th, and 23yr years. When the seventy years were complete none of the captured kings returned. They all died in exile, akin to those of the wicked generation of Exodus. Some will say the 70 years started with carry away. Jeremiah says it started with the desolating of the land, And this whole land shall be desolation, and astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon 70 years. Jer25:11 That only happened under the 3rd smiting of the land in the 23 year of Nebuchadnezzar. Also in looking at Jeremiah Kings of Jerusalem captured and exiled from Judah: th a) -06 Ahaziah Then he searched for Ahaziah; and count of smiting, ‘in Nebuchadnezzar 7 year ended they caught him (he was HIDING IN SAMARIA), and #19Jehoiachin's reign, then 11 year later in brought him to Jehu. When they had killed him,.. Nebuchadnezzar 18Y ends #20Zedekiah's 11 years, this leaves yet another 5 years, (23-18) until the whole land 2Chr22:9 desolation unto start of the 70 year judgment.


1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016 Kings of Jerusalem captured and exiled from Judah: In Jer3:10 can be seen the linking of Judah with Israel, "her sister, Backsliding Israel has shown herself more righteous than treacherous Judah". This is yet another indication that Ezekiel 390 and 40 years are to be summed, not taken as separate judgments. Also found is that Ezekiel was given the same ration for both judgment periods, 20 shekels of meal a day, cooked on cow dung for each of the 430 days of his giving the prophecy.

Sabbaths and Jubilee years And there was very great gladness. Also day by day, from the first day until the last day, he read from the Book of the Law of God. And they kept the feast seven days; and on the eighth day there was a sacred assembly, according to the prescribed manner, Neh8:17-18 For.. Moses .. saying: "At the end of every seven years, at the appointed time in the year of release, at the Feast of Tabernacles, when all Israel comes to appear before the Lord your God in the place which He chooses, you shall read this law before all Israel in their hearing. Deut31:1011. Now if the books of the law were lost until Josiah, how could Israel be keeping the Sabbath years on a regular basis? "Hilkiah the priest found the (lost) Book of Moses Law in temple & after King Josiah had heard the words of the Law, he rent his clothes. 2Kg23:24/25." But alas this only mentions the Passover, not the Sabbath years.

Also is found in many places the word Israel refers to the combined houses of Samaria, the north 10 tribes plus the south two tribes. A read thru Hosea shows the varied use of these terms, Israel, Ephraim, Judah. One Harlot to represent both as unfaithful.

Sabbaths and Jubilee years Finally coming to the Sabbaths and Jubilee years, at look at Nehemiah could be helpful. ‌ For since the days of Joshua the son of Nun until that day the children of Israel had not done so.

The 450 years are 9 jubilees of 50 years each. Solomon Temple was years dedicated at end of 9th Jubilee or Event Yr-Sol Yr-X Mo Heb Mo# start of 10th cycle from when gone Moses starts Jubilee cycle at end Start 4.17 480.1 May 2 0 of East Bank conquest. Complete 11.67 487.6 Nov 8 7.50 The 300 years of Jephthah is 6 times 50 or the 6th Jubilee from Dedicate 12.58 488.5 Oct 7 8.42 when Moses first read law in ears Table 1 - Jubilee Cycle Calculations was at As Dedication of Temple was 488.5 years from Exodus and Conquest was of all Israel.th Christ baptism th end of 19 or start 20 jubilee complete 38.5 years from Exodus, there are (488.5 - 38.5) = 450 years from cycle. Moses 1st reading of the law after east bank conquest.

Solomon Temple Dedicate Time From Exodus


1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016 Table2 Table of Kings of Judah # -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Name 38.5Y after Exodus Jephthah Eli-Jephthah Eli last Yrs Samuel Saul overlap David Solomon Solomon Solomon Dies Rehoboam Abijah Asa Jehoshaphat Jehoram Ahaziah Athaliah Joash Jehoash Amaziah Uzziah, Azariah Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah Manasseh

Event Moses reads Law after capture of Amorites Jephthah requested to fight Ammon Overlapping Judges & Eli Priest time Eli Judge 40Y die 98Yo last Yrs. b4 Samuel Samuel & Saul overlap: Saul as King ~40Y David Reign as King 40Y, 7Y Hebron 33Y Jer Temple dedicated by Solomon Solomon Faithful Dies at end of 10.4 Unfaithful Years

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Years marked from 38.5Y after Exodus

Got tribute, turn to Jehovah but ppl idolater Worship Assyria gods brought Judah low Assyria besieged Samaria and took away did evil & repented in Babylon captivity

∆Years 0.00 300.00 31.00 25.00 41.40 40.00 12.60 17.00 10.40 17.00 3.00 41.00 25.00 8.00 1.00 6.00 40.00 29.00 52.00 16.00 16.00 29.00 55.00

Year 0 300.0 331.0 356.0 397.4 437.4 450.0 467.0 477.4 494.4 497.4 538.4 563.4 571.4 572.4 578.4 618.4 647.4 699.4 715.4 731.4 760.4 815.4


worshiped & sacrificed to carved images





Josiah Jehoahaz

killed by Pharaoh but restored temple imprisoned by Necho in Egypt 1st by Egypt, then Babylon, Judah sacked Babylon carried away Jer treasure -3mo Jeconiah in First Exile from 8 to 18 Y Jeconiah 2nd reign from Exile 18Y old king of Judah, until Babylon exile In 7thY, in 18thY in 23Yof Neb. Jer sacked Years without King in Jerusalem The Captivity Jesus Baptized by John at Jordan

31.00 0.25 11.00 0.25 10.00 0.28 11.00 6.00 9.80 70.00 483.00

848.4 848.7 859.7 859.9 869.9 870.2 881.2 887.2 897.0 967.0

39 24 36 na na 19 32 na na na 30

2kg22:1 2Kg23:33

Jehoiakim, -achin Elikim

Jeconiah at 8Yr old no king Jeconiah at 18Yr old Zedekiah Babylon Sacks unknown Captivity Prophesy

in Y5, Shishak of Egypt came ...& took away gold

war between Abijah & Samaria, Jeroboam get gold& treasures by sacking Ethiopians, Allied with wicked Ahab of Samaria allied with Ahab, all neighbors pillaged Jerusalem

allied with Ahab exiled HIDING IN SAMARIA usurper mother of Ahaziah murder royals restored Temple but city sacked by Syria Lost treasury& Jerusalem to Jehoash/ Israel gained war tribute& built-up Jerusalem walls



Die Y

Deut2 na Ju11:26 na Ju12&13 98 1Sa4:15,18 70 Acts13:21 70 2Sam5:4 na 2Chr3:2 na 1Kg11:4-13 58.5? 1Kg11:42 58 1kg14:20,21 1kg15:1, 2ch13:1,2,20 43 63 1kgs15:9-10 60 1kg22:41.44 40 2kgs3:1,12 23 2Kg 8:26, 9:29 62 2Ch22:12 47 2kgs13:10 59 2kg14:1-2,14 68 2kg15:1,2 41 2kg15:32-33 36 2kg16:1-2 54 2kg18:1-2 67 2kg21:1

2Kg23:36, Dan1:1

2kg24:8,12 2kg24:8,25:27 2kg24:12,25:27

2kg24:18,25:1 Jer52:28-29,Da1:1

2Chr36:21 Dan9:

By this count and the Prophetic word of Daniel, unto the Messiah; it shown that from the anointing of Solomon Temple by the Holy Spirit unto the anointing of Jesus bodily temple at baptism by the Holy Saint John there were 1000 years or one sacred day of elapsed time.


1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016 #

Kings of Samaria starting at Solomon'd death as refered to years past the 38.5 year after Exodus ∆Yrs King / Event Start End Comment ref

na Solomon die J0 i1 22 Jeroboam i2 2 Nadab i3 24 Baasha i4 2 Elah i5 0.02 Zimri i6 12 Omri i7 22 Ahab i8 2 Ahaziah i9 12 Joram Jehoram i10 28 Jehu i11 17 Jehoahaz i12 16 Jehoash i13 41 Jeroboam2 i14 0.5 Zechariah i15 0.08 Shallum i16 10 Menahem i17 2 Pekahiah i18 20 Pekah i19 9 Hoshea


477.4 Start count from Yr of Solomon death


499.4 in Jeroboam20Y Asa become King


501.4 Baasha kill Nadab Asa3Y, Samaria Kg24Y


525.4 Asa Y35 war w/Baasha & Asa lose Gold36Y


527.4 Asa Y26 Elah become king


527.4 Zimri kill Elad in Asa27Y reign 7days


539.4 crown Samar kg in asa31Y for 12y & die


561.4 Asa 38Y Ahab kg in Israel, r22Y in Samaria


563.4 Ahaziah2Y Israel king 17Y of Jehoshaphat


575.4 Jehoram Israel Kg 12Y, in Jehoshaphat 18Y


603.4 Over Samaria 28Y, cut off Joram 2kg9:14


620.4 Jehoahaz became king in Samaria, for 17Y


636.4 of Israel who break down 180m city wall


706.4 of Israel.. king in Samaria, & reigned 41Y


706.9 Zechariah king in Samaria 6 months


707.0 began to reign in the 39Y of Uzziah


717.0 In 39Y of Azariah began Menahem as king


719.0 In 50Y of Azariah began Pekahiah as king


739.0 In 52Y of Azariah begin Pekah as king


748.0 In Ahaz 12Y, begin King Hoshea in samaria

1Kg11:42 1kgs14:20,15:9 1kgs15:25/29 1kgs15:28 1kgs16:8 1kgs16:10,15 1kgs16:23 1kgs16:29 1kgs22:51 2kgs3:1,12 2kgs10:36 2kgs13:1 2kgs13:10 2kgs14:23 2kgs15:8 2kgs15:13 2kgs15:17 2kgs15:23 2kgs15:27 2kgs15:30,17.1



751.0 In Hezekiah 6Y, Hoshea 9Y Samaria taken




Table3 66 2 205 4000 66 53 107 700

Finding Missing Years of Kings by Cross Reference King Reference & # Table4

i16, 39Y of Azariah, j10 i17, 50Y of Azariah, j10 i18, 52Y of Azariah, j10 i19, Ahaz 12Y, #j12 i20, Hezekiah 6Y, #j13 Average missed Years

Judah Kings 686.4 697.4 699.4 727.4 737.4

Samaria Kings 707 717 719 739 748


ref Yr

20.6 19.6 19.6 11.6 10.6 16.4

647.4 647.4 647.4 715.4 731.4

Finding the Missing Years of Jerusalem Kings by Cross Reference Here are found the missing years of the Kings of Judah. As per prior statement, kings years are listed only regal years. If a king was captive or there was no king for an interim time, the scripture not account directly those years. In these two table the listed regal year of each listed king is summed sequentially. There be 2 common base points, the death of King Solomon and the carry away of Samaria. Both Tables and count is from the 38.5 year after Exodus. As seen here there is a maximum of 20.6 years missing. In Table 2 it was found necessary to add 19.8 year(items 20&24) to match the 430 year prophesy of Ezekiel 4. This table substantiates that addition of about 19.8 years. It is thought most overlook these years as they want fit Judean Kings into a total 390 year time gap. Ignoring the continuity of Ezekiel prophesies is not correct.


1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016

Asa 38Y, Ahab, is king over Israel; & Ahab reigned in Samaria 22Y, 1Kgs16:29 4. Jehoshaphat - King of Judah  Jehoshaphat : son of Asa : Reigned 25 years : st35 d60y  1Kg22:41 in Ahab 4Y, Jehoshaphat at 35 years old became king, & he reign in Jerusalem 25 years, 2Ch20:31. 1Kgs22:4 so Ahab said to Jehoshaphat, "Will you go with me to fight at Ramoth Gilead?" Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel, "I am as you are, my people as your people, my horses as your horses, 1Kgs22:43/44 ... the people offered sacrifices and burned incense on the high places. Also Jehoshaphat made peace with the king of Israel.  Ahaziah became king over Israel in the 17Y of Jehoshaphat for 2Y, and then Jehoram became king of Israel for 12Y in Jehoshaphat 18Y. 5. Jehoram - King of Judah  Jehoram of Judah : Son of Jehoshaphat : Reigned 8 years, d40  2Kg8:16 He was 32Y old when he became king, (in Joram 5Y) & reigned in Jerusalem 8Y & departed without being desired. 2Ch21:20 And he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, just as the house of Ahab had done, for the daughter of Ahab was his wife; and he did evil in the sight of the LORD, 2Kgs8:1, Being rebuked by Elijah, he & Judah suffered greatly for joining Israel's idolatry. For Philistines and Arabians near Ethiopia sacked Jerusalem and killed all but Ahaz. Go page1 GoTable1 6. Ahaziah - King of Judah  Ahaziah (Jehoahaz) son of Jehoram : Reigned 1 year, KIA23 or 43 by Syria  2Kg8:26, 9:29 Ahaziah was 22Yo when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem 1Y.9:29 in the 11Y of Joram the son of Ahab, Ahaziah had become king over Judah. He became allied with Joram.  2Chr22:9 Then he searched for Ahaziah; and they caught him (he was HIDING IN SAMARIA), and brought him to Jehu. When they had killed him, ...

0. Solomon – King of Judah  Solomon reigned 40 years, his last 10.4Y in apostasy, start temple Y4, dedicate Y12, at 488.5Y from Exodus, 530+488.5= 1018.5 years from Abraham birth. 1. Rehoboam - King of Judah  Rehoboam reigned 17 years: age63d? 58Y  1Kg14:21 Rehoboam the son of Solomon reigned in Judah. He was 41Y old when he began to reign, and he reigned 17Y in Jerusalem, (2Chr12), Now Judah did evil in the sight of the Lord. For they also built for themselves high places. In his 5Y… Shishak of Egypt came ...& took away all treasure, 1Kgs14:25, & there was war between him and Jeroboam all their days. 1Kgs14:20 Jeroboam reigned 22Y.. and Nadab his son reigned..in Asa 2Y over Israel, 1Kg15:25 2. Abijah - King of Judah  Abijah (Abajam): son of Rehoboam: Reigned 3 years d42 or 43?  1Kg15:1. 2Ch13:1/2 In King Jeroboam 18Y, Abijah was king & reigned 3Y in Jerusalem... there was war between Abijah & Jeroboam... 2Chr13:20 Jeroboam did not recover strength again in the days of Abijah; & the LORD struck him, & he died. 3. Asa - King of Judah  Asa: son of Abijah: Reigned 41 years: d63?  1Kgs15:9-10 2Ch16:13, Asa reign as king of Judah, he died in his 41Y as king  In Jeroboam, 20Y, (1Kg15:9) Asa became King, Asa 1st 10Y with peace, 2Ch14:1 Asa recovered much treasure by defeat and sacking cities of Ethiopians, 2Chr14. In Asa 15Y Judah renew covenant in 3rd month, 2Chr15:10.  Nadab, Jeroboam son, (1Kg15:25-30) became king for 2Y over Israel in Asa 2Y; Baasha killed Nadab in Asa 3Y, Baasha reign in Samaria for 24Y & die 1Kg15:33  Elah, Baasha son, became king over Israel Asa 26Y, 1Kg16:8, & reign 2Y until Zimri killed him in Asa 27Y, Zimri had reigned in Tirzah 7D, & Israel crown Omri, king over Israel, in Asa 31Y. Omri was king over Israel for 12Y & died. 1Kg16:23  Asa 35Y war with Baasha house in Y36 sends all gold, 1Kg15:18, 2Chr16:2, to Syria against Israel. Asa remove idols, follow Jehovah, but not take off Judah high places.

  So

the house of Ahaziah had no one to assume power over the kingdom... 2Kgs8:27 and he walked in the way of the house of Ahab, and did evil in the sight of the LORD, like the house of Ahab, for he was the son-in-law of the house of Ahab.


1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016  42Yo

was Ahaziah when he began his 1Y reign in Jerusalem. His mother was Athaliah, a granddaughter of Omri. (2Chr.22:2) (Compare 2Kg8:26). According to that passage, the commencement of his reign is dated in the 22Y of his age, and, according to this, in the 42Y of the kingdom of his mother‘s family [Lightfoot]. “If Ahaziah ascended the throne in the 22Y of his life, he must have been born in his father‘s 19Y. The point that is being stressed by the Holy Spirit who inspired the Chronicler to so write is that Ahaziah is as much the "son of Omri" as he is "the son of David". Since the Messiah was foretold as being "the son of David" (Mat.22:42), and not the "son of Omri", Ahaziah name is deliberately omitted in the official genealogy of Christ Jesus in Matthew 1:8. That is, Ahaziah, his son Joash, and Joash's son Amaziah have been judicially removed by the Holy Spirit in Matthew due to their relationship to Ahab's and Jezebel's wicked daughter Athaliah. Her idolatrous influence infected, as it were, the Judaic lineage and these three Kings of Judah were all charged with idolatry (1. Ahaziah, 2Chr.22:3-4, the "ways of the house of Ahab"; 2. Joash, 2Chr.24:17-18; 3. Amaziah 2Chr.25:14-15, "gods of Edom"). As the sins of the parents are visited to the third and fourth generation (Exo.20:5, cp. Ps109:13-14), 3 generations are passed over in the register in "cleansing" the Messianic lineage so that Messiah may be said to be the "son of David" and none other. Thus it may be seen that these two Scriptures (2Chr.22:2; Mat.1:8), both long held to be erroneous, actually sustain and explain one another. If it be doubted that the Holy Spirit's omission of these three names in Matthew 1:8 is deliberate, let the skeptic note that the names of three High Priests, (Amariah [Jehoshaphat's], Jehoiada [Athaliah etc.], and Zechariah [Joash's]) all of whom officiated during this time frame, are also not found in the official register. Moreover Jehoiada was one of the finest priests since Samuel (2Chr.24:16) and yet his name is omitted from the genealogical roll (1Chr.6:115, cp. Ezr.7:1-5; also see 2Ki11:4-19; 12:2; 2Chr. 2224). Jehoiada lived 130 years (2Chr.24:15) so was alive


First, it was he who made the plural marriages for young Joash, undoubtedly in an attempt to insure a male heir to David's throne. Such marriages were not only wrong in God's eyes, but by so doing Jehoiada displayed a lack of faith that God Himself would perform the promise to David that he would not lack a son who could occupy the throne", (2Sam.7; Psa.89:19-37). 7. Athaliah - Queen of Judah  Athaliah; usurper mother of Ahaziah Reigned 6 years: (7Y) d62? By revolt  2Kg11:1 now when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the royal family. Thus they hid him (Joash) from Athaliah, so that he was not put to death. And he remained with her 6Y, hidden in the house of the Lord, while Athaliah reigned over the land. She was the granddaughter of Omri, king of Israel, 2Kgs8:26 Go page1 GoTable1 8. Joash - King of Judah  Joash Reigned 40 years. D47Y wounded by Syria, killed in his bed by servant.  2Kg10:36 & the period that Jehu reigned over Israel in Samaria was 28Y.  2Kg12:1 In 7Y of Jehu, Jehoash began to reign, & he reigned 40Y in Jerusalem.  2Kg11:21 Jehoash was 7Y old when he became king, restored Temple only to have city sacked by Syria.  2Kg13:1 In the 23Yr of Joash the son of Ahaziah, king of Judah, Jehoahaz the son of Jehu became king over Israel in Samaria, and reigned 17Y. 9. Amaziah - King of Judah  Amaziah son of Joash of Judah : Reign of 29 years, killed age 59Y  2Kg14:2 In the second year of Joash the son of Joahaz, king of Israel, Amaziah the son of Joash, king of Judah, began to reign. He was 25Y old when he began to reign, and he reigned 29Y in Jerusalem. Lost treasury to Jehoash of Israel who break down 180m city wall. Amaziah took much of Edomite land but worshipped they gods & lost his kingdom and life. 2Kgs14:23 In Amaziah 15Y, Jeroboam-II, the son of Joash, king of Israel, became king in Samaria, and reigned 41Y, recapture much of Jordan valley from Syria to Arabah.  2Kgs14:13-15 Amaziah was CAPTURED by Jehoash and lived fifteen years after the death of Jehoash. Israel captured the treasure of Jerusalem

in the days of Rehoboam, perhaps even back to the time of Solomon. He would have reached the age of assuming the full priesthood during the middle of the reign of Asa and was the high priest at the time of Athaliah overthrow and the installment of little Joash to his rightful throne (2Chr.23:8c, 18-20; 24:6). Why are their names missing? Although a conclusive answer for all three is not known, perhaps it was due in part to their association with several of the monarchs. But, sufficient reasons are to be found related to Jehoiada having been excluded 6

1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016

10. Uzziah - King of Judah  Uzziah (Azariah) son of Amaziah : Reigned 52 years d68Y as Leaper last 5Y  2Kgs15:1, 2Ch26, In Jeroboam king of Israel 27Y, Azariah the son of Amaziah, king of Judah, began to reign at 16Yo, 2Kg14:21, and he reigned 52Y but died a leper, about 5Y after burn incense, as he was angry with the priests. He gained tribute from war and fortified Jerusalem walls. Jotham admin last 5Y.  2Kg15:8 In the 38Yof Azariah king of Judah did Zachariah the son of Jeroboam reign over Israel in Samaria 6Months.  2Kg15:13 Shallum the son of Jabesh began to reign in the 39Y of Uzziah king of Judah; and he reigned a full 1Month in Samaria.  2Kg15:17 In the 39Y of Azariah king of Judah began Menahem the son of Gadi to reign over Israel, and reigned 10Y in Samaria. : 23 In the 50Y of Azariah king of Judah Pekahiah the son of Menahem began to reign over Israel in Samaria, and reigned 2Y. v:27 In the 52Y of Azariah king of Judah Pekah the son of Remaliah began to reign over Israel in Samaria, and reigned 20Y. 11. Jotham - King of Judah  Jotham son of Uzziah : Reigned 16 years : d41  2Kg15:30-33 2Chr26:21-27:7 Jotham son of Uzziah became king of Judah at age 25Y when he became king, reigned 16 years, rested in Jerusalem. Got tribute, worshipped Jehovah but the people still sacrificed and burned incense on the high places.  2Kg15:30 And Hoshea...against Pekah... &...slew him, & reigned in his stead, in Jotham, the son of Uzziah, 20Y. 12. Ahaz - King of Judah  Ahaz son of Jotham : Reigned 16 years d36  2Ch28:1, 2Kgs16:1-2 Ahaz was 21Y old when he became king, and he reigned 16Y in Jerusalem; (In Pekah 17Y, the son of Remaliah)  2Ch28:22 in the time of his distress King Ahaz became increasingly unfaithful to the LORD. Worship Assyria gods brought Judah low, gave treasury unto Damascus for naught. Isaiah gives 65Y prophecy against Israel, Is7:8  Is7:1 in the days of Ahaz... Rezin the king of Syria, and Pekah... went up toward Jerusalem ... Is7:3, 8 Then the LORD said to Isaiah, "Go out now to meet Ahaz; Within 65Y Ephraim will be broken, So that it will not be a people. 2Ch28:5-6 .

12. Ahaz - King of Judah   And

(Ahaz) was also delivered into the hand of the king of Israel, who smote him with a great slaughter.

  For Pekah...

slew in Judah …(120k men) Go page1 GoTable1  2Kgs17:1 In Ahaz 12Y, Hoshea the son of Elah became king of Israel in Samaria, and he reigned nine years. 13. Hezekiah - King of Judah  Hezekiah reigned 29 years. D54  2Ch29:1 2Kgs18:2 At age 25Yo Hezekiah became king, & reigned in Jerusalem 29Y. Rested with his fathers in Jerusalem  2Kgs18:1 Hezekiah son of Ahaz, began to reign in Hoshea son of Elah, king of Israel 3Y  2Kg18:9-10 in King Hezekiah, 4Y, which was Hoshea.., king of Israel, 7Y, Shalmaneser king of Assyria came up against Samaria and besieged it. At the end of 3Y they took it. In Hezekiah, 6Y, that is, Hoshea king of Israel, 9Y Samaria was taken. …  ========= 284Y ========== 14. Manasseh - King of Judah  Manasseh son of Hezekiah : Reigned 55 years : d67  2Kg21:1 Manasseh became king at 12Yo & reigned in Jerusalem 55Y. He made his sons pass through the fire, practiced soothsaying, used witchcraft, and consulted spiritists and mediums. He did much evil, invoked more wrath than Israel. Although he repented, his 'generational curse' caused Jerusalem to be sacked during reign of his heirs.  2Chr33:11-13 So the Lord brought against them the commanders of the host of the king of Assyria, who took Manasseh with hooks and in fetters and brought him to Babylon. Now when he was in affliction, he implored the Lord his God, and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers, and prayed to Him; and He received his entreaty, heard his supplication, and brought him back to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord was God. …


1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016

15. Amon - King of Judah  Amon son of Manasseh : Reigned 2 years : d24 sired Josiah at 15y or16)  2Kg21:19-26 - Amon became king, at 22Yo & reigned in Jerusalem 2Y, & he worshiped & sacrificed to all the carved images which his father Manasseh had made, & served them until killed by his servants & was buried in tomb... 2Ch33:21-24 16. Josiah - King of Judah  Josiah son of Amon : Reigned 31 years : d39 KIA Pharaoh Necho 2Kg23:29  2Kg21:1, 2Ch34:1 Josiah became king @8Yo & reigned in Jerusalem 31Y. In his 8Y (while young) he began to seek Elohim and in his 12Y begin remove idols & take off the alters of Baals & In 18Y when finish cut down all the idols throughout all his land.., he returned to Jerusalem & give money that had collected from Manasseh, Ephraim, all the remnant of Israel, and from all Judah, Benjamin, and Jerusalem. While gathering the money that was brought into the house of the Lord, Hilkiah the priest found the (lost) Book of Moses Law in temple & after King Josiah had heard the words of the Law, he rent his clothes. ..and commanded saying, Go; inquire of the Lord for me and for those who are left in Israel and in Judah about the words of the book that is found. For great is the Lord's wrath... because our fathers have not kept the word of the Lord, to do according to all that is written in this book. … (then spake) Huldah the prophetess, she said to... Josiah... your eyes shall not see all the evil that I will bring upon this place and its inhabitants... Then Josiah took away all the abominations out of all the countries that pertained to the children of Israel, and made all that were present in Israel to serve, even to serve the Lord their God.  2Chr35:18-25 … there was no Passover like to that kept in Israel from the days of Samuel the prophet; neither did all the kings of Israel keep such a Passover as Josiah kept, ..., and all Judah and Israel that were present, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. In the 18Y... of Josiah was this Passover kept. …After all this, when Josiah had prepared the temple, Necho king of Egypt came up to fight against Carchemish by Euphrates: and Josiah went out against him ... in the valley of Megiddo ... & the archers shot at king Josiah...& he later died in Jerusalem And Jeremiah lamented for Josiah:

16. Josiah - King of Judah  2Ch34/35, 2Kg22. Jer3:10-11: And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah has not turned to Me with her whole heart, but in pretense," says the LORD. Then the LORD said to me, "Backsliding Israel has shown herself more righteous than treacherous Judah 2Kg22&23 show extent of Ahaz influence in Jerusalem  Go page1 GoTable1 17. Jehoahaz - King of Judah  Jehoahaz son of Josiah : reigned 3mo. d23.25Y imprisoned by Necho in Egypt  2Kgs23:31-33, 2Chr36:2 Jehoahaz was 23Y old when he became king, and he reigned 3 months in Jerusalem; in prison Riblah land of Hamath, under Egypt 18. Jehoiakim - King of Judah  Jehoiakim (Eliakim) son of Josiah : reigned 11Y : d36  2Kgs23:36/24:1-7, 2Chr36:5-6 Jehoiakim was 25Y old when he became king (as vassal to Necho of Egypt), and he reined 11Y in Jerusalem... Nebuchadnezzar ... came up against him,.. to carry him off to Babylon... With costly items from the Temple..; 1st under Egypt, then Babylon, Judah sacked in days of J'kim.  Jer25:1..in Jehoiakim 4th Y .. that was Nebuchadnezzar 1st Y king of Babylon.. 19. Jehoiachin - King of Judah  Jehoiachin son of Jehoiakim : reigned 3 months 10dy captive 18.25 & 8.5  Jehoiachin at 18Yo began to reign, & reigned in Jerusalem 3mo 10d (2Ki.24:8, ..2Ch36:9, says 8Yo) & did evil in the sight of the LORD. He & treasure were carried away to Babylon. On the 5th day of the month, this was in the 15thYr of King Jehoiachin’s captivity. Ez1:2 Now it came to pass in the 37Y of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the 12th month, on the 27D of the month, that Evil-Merodach king of Babylon, in the year that he began to reign, released Jehoiachin king of Judah from prison. 2Kg25:27..in 37Y of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the 12 month, on the 25D of the month, that Evil-Merodach king of Babylon, in the 1st Y of his reign, lifted up the head of Jehoiachin ...Jer52:31. From this Nebuchadnezzar passed in Jehoiachin 36Y.


1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016

20. Zedekiah - King of Judah  Zedekiah son of Josiah : reigned 11Y carried to Babylon  2Kg24:8 2Ch36:11 Jer52:12, 1:3 It came also in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah, until the end of the 11Y of Zedekiah (Mattaniah) he son of Josiah, king of Judah, until the exile of Jerusalem in the 5M. Ez33:21 in the 12Y of our captivity, in the 10M, in the 5D, that one.. of Jerusalem came .. saying, The city is smitten. Ez40:1, In the 25Y of our captivity, in the beginning of the year, in the tenth day of the month, in the 14Y after that the city was smitten,  Jer52:1 Zedekiah became king at 21Yo & reigned 11Y in Jerusalem, 2Ch36:11.  Jer32:1, in the 10Y of Zedekiah .., which was the 18Y of Nebuchadnezzar. 21. Babylonian Sacking of Judah  Babylonians sack Judah unto all carry away 11Y + 5Y= 16Y Judah without king.  Jer52:28-30, Dan1:1 These Nebuchadnezzar carried away captive: in the 7thY, .. (Jo'kim11Y) in the 18thY of Neb. (Jo'kim22Y, Zed'11Y) he carried away ... in the 23Y year of Neb.,(Jo'kim27Y, Zed'16Y) Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive of the Jews … 18-7=11Y, 23-18=5Y  Ez40:1 In the 25Y of our captivity, in the beginning of the year, in the 10d of the month, in the 14Y after that the city was smitten, in .. (11Y after captivity city..) 22. Jeremiah 70 years Prophecy & Judgment upon Israel & Judah  2Chr36:21 "To fulfill the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed her Sabbaths: for as long as she lay desolate she kept Sabbath, to fulfill 70Y."  Jer25:11 And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon 70 years.  For in 70 years of Sabbaths we have 7Y/1Sabbath year times 70 Sabbath years or 490 years, and in a total of 500 years there be 10 Jubilee land Sabbaths spaced 50Y apart. The sum is 490+10=500Y, for in the 50thY, the land was to rest also. Even double counting 49 year Jubilers will see 490<(390+40). Go page1 GoTable1

23. Ezekiel 390 years plus 40 years (430Y) Prophecy  This complete Ezekiel 390 years sin in Israel and 40 years sin in Judah for total apostasy of 430 years. It is only numerical answer to: 7Y/1Sabbath*70sabbath  70*7+10= 490 +10 = 500 = 390+40+70 = 430 + 70 = 500Y  Ez4:5-6 For I have laid on you the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, 390 days; so you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. And when you have completed them, lie again on your right side; then you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Judah 40 days. I have laid on you a day for each year. Quandary of Ahaziah and Jehoram. Ahaziah was 22 Years old when he began to reign, and he reigned 1Y in Jerusalem. His mother's ... the granddaughter of Omri king of Israel. (2Ki.8:26) Amp 42 years old was Ahaziah when he began his 1Y reign in Jerusalem. His mother was Athaliah, a granddaughter of Omri. (2Chr.22:2) Amp (Compare 2Kg8:26). According to that passage, the commencement of his reign is dated in the twentysecond year of his age, and, according to this, in the forty-second year of the kingdom of his mother‘s family [Lightfoot]. “If Ahaziah ascended the throne in the twenty-second year of his life, he must have been born in his father‘s nineteenth year. Another similar quandary was solved by the missing years Table. Jehoiachin was 18Yo when he began to reign, & he reigned in Jerusalem 3 months, & his mother's name was Nehushta, the daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem (2Ki.24:8). Jehoiachin was 8Yo when he began to reign, and he reigned 3 months & 10 days in Jerusalem: & he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD (2Chr.36:9).

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1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016

Chart of Succession of the Kings to illustrate double Names but different peerage.


1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016

The 1st time line breaks the 480 Years into 3 parts: A) From Exodus unto East Bank Conquest in the 38.5 Year from Exodus, B) The 300Y told Jephthah from East Bank Conquest unto beginning of Jephthah Judgeship, C) by difference there remain 141.5Y from start of Jephthah unto start of Solomon Temple. In part C, a further breakdown is made to see how the known years and unspecified years could be fitted into the 141.5Y time gap. The key numbers given in old testament are: times of the 4 listed Judges, (6,7,10,8); The 40 year priesthood of Eli’s 98 year life that ended with capture of the Ark; then 20 years the Ark spent at Abinadab’s until David brought it to Jerusalem in the 1st year of his 33 years there, David’s 7 years as King outside Hebron, and the 4 years of Solomon reign unto laying Temple foundation.

Eli’s 98 year life ended at capture of Ark. It is told he was priest for 40 years. This cannot start until age 30 by Moses Law. Thus his last 28 years were as an Elder. It is seen that Eli as Tabernacle Priest, overlapped the 4 judges by 15 years by counting back. The total time of either Samuel or Saul is not specified in scripture. But David kingship began at Solomon death, also Samuel could not be Tabernacle Priest until Eli retired. This leaves about 41 or 42 combined years for Saul and Samuel. It is possible Saul was king for 40 years. In one place David’s term is given as 33Y and a few months. The Ark was also 7 months in Gaza before return to Israel. Samson time by Seder Olam is placed outside the 141.5 year span.

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