OTC September 2017

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© 2017 Beautyge Brands USA All Rights Reserved For more information visit cremeofnature.com Purchase the entire line for Natural Hair today today OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 1 September 2017 | $6.00 8th Annual Beauty of Charity Edition. Show Coverage 8th Annual Beauty of Charity Issue Giving Back Why You Should be Doing That Right Now Cosmoprof North America 2017 Coverage

...Love Your Style

Twist Me

Curl Styling Pudding

Defines Curls

Adds Moisture & Shine

Creates Soft Crunch-Free Curls

Non-drying / No Shrinkage / No Flaking

Fortify Me

Strengthening Leave-In Conditioner

Strengthens & Conditions

Helps Prevent Breakage* Detangles & Adds Shine

Tames Frizz

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 1

Top Sellers


We take a look at the five most popular cosmetic products and determine why they’re such hot sellers at

52 Special Charity Section

There is a lot wrong with the world and often times it doesn’t seem like the good outweighs the bad. Thankfully, there are charities and support organizations for nearly every cause, allowing consumers and businesses to donate or volunteer to the issues that matter most to their interests and customers. As we celebrate the 8th Annual Beauty of Charity of Issue, OTC Beauty Magazine would like to take the time to celebrate the companies that lend a helping hand with their money, time and products.

Creme of Nature wants its customers to feel “super natural” with healthy, vibrant and defined tresses. That’s why natural hair consumers will love the brand’s Argan Oil collection. From cowashes to styling products, Creme of Nature offers a variety of nourishing products for textured hair. To learn more, visit page 75.

4 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 8th Annual Beauty of Charity Edition contents September 2017 10 Editorial Letter The Beautiful Benefits of Charity 자선의 아름다운 혜택 12 Expert Advice Give Back - Why Leveraging Community Involvement Is Essential For Your Store’s Survival 16 Marketplace Natural Beauty 22 How Should You Sell It? New Product Placement 어떻게 판매해야 하나? 신상품 배치에 대해 알아보자 37 Urban Call Briefs Leadership Profiles in Beauty 50 Notes From the Natural Nation Charity Begins in the Aisle 70 Clipper Tips From Boys to Men 72 Therapy Trends Cause-Related Beauty Trends 102 Industry News 116 BIR Bits 119 Coupons 124 Show Calendar / Ad Index 126 Reader Feedback 독자 의견 128 Product Spotlight Dark & Lovely Clumping Curls
Jinny Corp.
©2017 Beauty Perfection. All Rights Reserved. 1-855-9-SPARKS. To learn more, please visit www.ShopBeautyPerfection.com | HAVE YOU HEARD HidraColor is the hottest NEW hair color to be released! • 50 Permanent Shades • 2 Applications for the Price of One! • Hi- Gloss finish • Excellent Gray Coverage WHAT MORE COULD WE ASK FOR IN A COLOR? THE BUZZ?

contents September 2017

60 Manufacturer Profile

Luster Products, Inc

From earnest beginnings to becoming a global juggernaut, Luster Products, Inc. is one of the most recognizable legacy brands in the multicultural beauty industry. They are known for their vast product selection sold all over the world. And with this year being its 60th anniversary, the familyoperated business has no plans of slowing down. OTC Beauty Magazine spoke with the president of Luster Products, Jory Luster Sr. to learn more about the company’s history and future.

Luster Products주식 회사는 사업을 시작할 때부터 글로벌

강자가 되기까지 다문화 뷰티 업계에서 가장 잘 알려진 기존

브랜드 중 하나입니다. 전 세계에서 판매되는 다양한 제품 들로

잘 알려져 있습니다. 그리고 가족이 운영하는 이 사업은 올해에 창립 60 주년이 되었으며, 사업 속도를 늦출 계획은 없습니다. OTC 뷰티 매거진은 이 회사의 역사와 미래에 대하여 더 알아보기 위해 Luster Products 사의 대표인 Jory Luster Sr. 씨와 대화를 나눴습니다.

28 Knowledge To Know

Investing in the Hispanic Consumer

There is tremendous growth occurring in the smoothing, straightening and texturizing hair care categories for the Hispanic consumer base, offering exciting new retailing opportunities for OTC businesses. Learn more about what you can do to cater to the beauty industry’s highest spending demographic.

히스패닉 소비자에 대한 투자 머리를 부드럽게하고, 곧게 펴고 텍스쳐라이징을 하는 헤케캐어 시장이 히스패닉 소비자들 사이에서 엄청난 성장을 보이며 OTC 비즈니스에 엄청난 기회를 제공하고 있습니다. 이러한 최고의 소비자들을 어떻게 상대해야 할 지 알아보도록 하자.

34 Understanding Product Pricing by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

Two bottles of shampoo cost $3.99 or $12.99. If both have the same ingredients and claims, why are they priced so differently? Few understand why one product can resemble another in appearance and method of use, yet cost considerably more than the other. The reasons may surprise you.

제품 가격에 대한 이해 두개의 샴푸 중, 하나는 $3.99이고, 다른 하나는 $12.99 입니다. 만약 두개의 제품이 같은 성분을 함유하고 있다면, 왜 가격이 다른 것일까요? 한 제품이 모양과 사용 방법에서 다른 제품과 유사한데 왜 다른 제품보다 훨씬 더 비싼지 이유를 아는 사람은 거의 없습니다.

42 Business Tips

Don’t Be Blinded By Your Own Ego by Nathan Jamail

You’re never too old to learn new tricks, but you must be willing to invest in your education. Whether you’re reading a self-help book or taking a new course on business, you must continue to educate yourself. But first, you must be willing to set your ego aside and be willing to do better. Learn how to be your own catalyst for success with these action steps.

본인의 자존심에 의해 현혹되지 마십시오

새로운 무언가를 배우기 위해 나이는 중요하지 않지만, 그 만큼 투자할 의향이 있어야 합니다. 자립에 관한 책을 읽든 비즈니스

관련 새 강의를 듣든 간에, 지속적으로 배움을 이어가야 하는 데에는 변함이 없지요. 하지만 먼저 본인의 자존심을 모두 내려놓고 마음을 열어 더 나아질 기회를 잡을 준비를 해야 합니다. 이 과정들을 통해 어떻게 본인 스스로를 성공으로 가는 촉매제로 만들 수 있는지 살펴보십시오.

48 Beauty Ambassador Clean Styling by

76 Cosmoprof North America 2017 Coverage

Cosmoprof North America Maintains Its Reputation For Being the Leading B2B Beauty Event With Successful 2017 Exhibition Exclusive marketing, business development programs and a robust conference schedule were among the key highlights at the 15th annual trade show in Las Vegas


5th VIP International Trade Show at Jinny Miami

Nearly 100 VIP accounts gathered at Jinny Miami to partake in its annual trade show.

6 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017






8 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 Post Master: Please send address changes to: OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited. CEO: Ann Jhin
Jessica De Vault Hale editor@otcbeautymagazine.com subscriptions@otcbeautymagazine.com
News Editor: Tony Bae
Director: Sam Choi
tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com koreannews@otcbeautymagazine.com Art
& Sales
Coordinator: advertising@otcbeautymagazine.com
Will Williams Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Nathan Jamail Jenny Hogan Shannon Kwit Hannah Smith
Kenny Duncan Lafayette Jones Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

Editorial Letter

The Beautiful Benefits of Charity

It’s easy to overlook the importance of charity and giving back when we’re consumed with the daily activities of everyday life. Volunteering can feel like yet another obligation on a long to-do list, and donating funds can feel unreasonable if business isn’t going well. But I challenge you to work past those hurdles and give back to the community you serve.

Why? Because from a business perspective, giving back can be very beneficial. For our 8th Annual Beauty of Charity edition, we take a look at the advantages of corporate giving and community involvement. For example, did you know that your business’s financial donations can be tax deductible? Sponsoring a charitable event can also qualify for that perk, and it can be a great public relations move, too. Several studies have shown that consumers support businesses that donate to a social cause or who support a charity. And if that cause directly impacts the community you serve, you better believe there’s going to be some increased customer loyalty coming your way as a reward. You can learn more about what research shows on corporate giving in our Expert Advice column -“Give Back – Why Leveraging Community Involvement Is Essential For Your Store’s Survival” - on page 12.

If you’d like to get more involved but aren’t sure where to start, take your cues from beauty product manufacturers. We checked in with these companies to see what they’re doing throughout the year to give back and the results were inspiring. You can learn all about their charitable efforts on page 52.

There’s no doubt that charity is great for business. Not to mention, giving back actually feels great when you realize your contribution has helped someone else in their time of need. Consider the beauty of charity as an investment for your business and your heart.

The ROI will be well worth it.


자선의 아름다운 혜택

하루하루 일상을 살아가면서 자선의 중요성을 간과하고 소비 할 때가 많습니다. 자원 봉사 활동은 장기적으로 해야 할 의무로 느껴질 수

있으며, 사업이 잘 진행되지 않는다면 기부금이 부당하다고 느낄 수 있습니다. 그러나 저는 여러분들이 그 장애물을 넘어 지역사회에 환원을 해 주기를 요청합니다.

왜냐구요? 사업 관점에서 보면 베푸는 것이 매우 유용 할 수 있습니다.

Charity Edition의 제8회 Annual Beauty의 경우를 예로 들어, 우리는 기업 기부와 지역사회 참여에 대한 장점을 살펴 보겠습니다.

귀하의 사업 기부금이 세금 공제가 될 수 있다는 것을 알고 계셨습니까?

자선 행사를 후원하는 것도 세금 공제 특권을 누릴 자격이 있으며 훌륭한 홍보 활동이 될 수도 있습니다. 여러 연구에 따르면 소비자는 사회적 대의로 기부하거나 자선 단체를 후원하는 기업을 지원합니다. 그 원인이 귀하가 봉사하는 지역 사회에 직접적으로 영향을 미칠 경우, 고객 충성도를 높이는 방법으로 보상을 받을 수 있다고 생각하기 때문입니다. 전문가 조언 칼럼에서 기업 기부에 대한 연구 결과에 대해 더 많이 알 수 있습니다. 12 페이지의 “기부 - 지역 사회 참여를 활용하는 것이 왜 귀하 매장의 생존에 중요한가”를 확인해보세요.

더 많이 참여하고 싶지만 어디서부터 시작해야 할지 모르겠다면, 미용 제품 제조업체 들로부터 힌트를 얻으세요. 우리는 이 회사들이 일년

내내 기부 활동하는 것을 보고있으며, 그 결과가 어떠 한지도 지켜보고 있습니다. 자선 활동에 관한 모든 내용은 52 페이지에 있습니다. 자선이 사업에 도움을 준다는 것은 의심할 여지가 없습니다. 말할 필요도없이, 기부금을 사용해 실제로 누군가를 도와주었다고 느꼈을 때, 정말 잘했다는 생각이 들게 됩니다. 당신의 사업과 당신의 마음을 위한 투자로써

10 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017
자선의 아름다움을 생각해보세요.
ROI는 그만한 가치가 있을 것 입니다.

Expert Advice

Beauty supply stores have enjoyed customer loyalty over the years by relying on location, inventory, staff involvement and good service. However, a sudden proliferation of stores began to give consumers more choices. As a result: customer loyalty is no longer as strong as it once was. One of the best ways to avoid this decline is to be active in your community and give back.

Corporate community involvement is on the rise, offering a prime opportunity for OTC retailers to support the people who support

Why Leveraging Community Involvement Is Essential For Your Store’s Survival

loyalty, when that business contributes to local civic and school organizations.

Corporate giving is associated with subsequent sales growth, as well. Approximately 59 percent of Americans are more likely to buy a product associated with a corporate-nonprofit partnership. A study also found that 56 percent of Americans will travel an extra 10 minutes out of their way to purchase a product that supports a cause they care about and that 71 percent are willing to pay at least $2.28 more for that product.

them. Consumers appreciate the shops that back the development of the community in which it does business. Research has shown that getting involved makes a measurable impact on the community’s perception of the retailer - in store and out-of-store. In fact, studies have shown marked increases of store

Meet Will Williams

Over the last few years, consumer awareness has prompted changes in product formulation, with manufacturers omitting ingredients and including others thought to be healthier for the consumer. Gone are the days when the brand name was the only thing shoppers looked for. Now they read labels on the product packaging for ingredients, safety compliance, philanthropy and ethics. Shoppers are becoming increasingly concerned with where their dollars are being spent. Well-known retailers have removed certain brands from their inventories for this very reason. Businesses that fail to follow suit have suffered a decline in patronage and sales.

Retailers are poised to take advantage of an opportunity that does not exist for other

businesses because OTC stores have items that are not often found in big box retail. There is already a necessity to visit a beauty supply store. However, in the areas commonly surrounding these shops, community outreach efforts can result in organic recommendations for consumer interest and loyalty. For example in East Orange, New Jersey, one beauty supply had an annual community picnic and customer appreciation event. That kind of involvement has had a positive impact on customer retention and recruitment. Some Atlanta beauty supply stores are so involved in their community that shoppers outside their area will drive the extra miles, passing closer shops, to frequent the more charitable stores.

Survey after survey points to giving back as a leading indicator for customer loyalty. This is why neighborhood schools proudly use their hallways to display the names of corporations and local merchants who contribute time, computers and athletic equipment. Entire wings of hospitals are named after generous benefactors. And colleges and universities showcase the names of their donors all over their campuses so students won’t forget who invested in their education.

Charitable involvement in the community is the next frontier for OTC businesses. Retail owners should recognize this trend and capture customer loyalty. Predictions are that those who do will enjoy higher customer retention than those who don’t.

Will Williams is currently the director of New Product Development and Education at M&M Products Company, a position he has held for Design Essentials, W& W Pharmaceuticals and Paul Mitchell Systems. As an international educator and Toastmaster, Williams draws on experience as both a Master Barber and Master Stylist, who enjoys public speaking; although, he admits to having the occasional butterflies in the stomach whenever he takes the stage. Learn more at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meKgIeUaDCA and follow him on Twitter @masterbarberwms

12 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017


It’s no surprise that beauty products can mask our true features. Makeup can cover our natural appearance and there is a slew of hair products that strive to defy our hair’s natural texture. There’s nothing wrong with playing with new looks, but sometimes it’s a good idea to invest in products that bring out the best of your natural features. OTC Beauty Magazine curated a list of our favorite products for enhancing your natural beauty.


There are plenty of nude lipsticks on the market, but why not wear your lips au naturale? Consumers who enjoy the barely-there look will appreciate the Nivea A Kiss of Shimmer Lip care that offers nourishing and moisturizing properties, along with a dash of sparkle. Best of all, this balm is enriched with shea butter and jojoba oil to keep lips moisturized for hours.


Acne scars and dark spots are worrisome for those who would rather ditch the heavy makeup. Clearing up those unsightly marks can start with the Palmers Evertone dark Spot Correcting Cleanser. This foaming cleanser preps the skin for additional tone correcting treatments in the product line and helps bring out your complexion’s natural luminosity.


External hair products are great to use but nothing beats a well-balanced diet, chock full of hair-friendly nutrients. Ingesting the right items like the Curls Blissful Lengths Liquid Hair Growth Vitamin can help the natural hair grow by leaps and bounds. This product is formulated with a blend of vitamins, antioxidants, organic blueberry extract and biotin. Most importantly, 98 percent of liquid vitamins are absorbed into the bloodstream compared to the pill variety.

16 OTC Beauty Magazine MARKET PLACE


There’s not much that shea butter can’t do. For many, this natural ingredient is a go-to product for a myriad of things. One of the best uses is for scar reduction. Products like 100% Natural Organic Tummy for Stretch Marks & Scars can help minimize the appearance of unsightly scars and stretch marks, so you can show off your skin without hesitation.


Many are embracing their natural hair these days, and locs continue to grow in popularity, thanks to their low-key maintenance. If keeping your hair in smooth locs is the style of choice, Jahaitian Combination Shea Locking Wax is a great product to use to start and maintain them. The wax adds shine and firmly holds the hair’s natural pattern.


When hair is feeling dry and not looking its best, it may need a pick-me-up. Natural oils are often a great way to add shine and a healthy dose of nourishment. Products like Naturals Argan Rose Hair Oil does all of the above, thanks to its infusion of argan, rose and coconut oils. This can be used as a hot oil treatment or as a daily moisturizer.

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 17


If your male shoppers are looking for a product to soften a scruffy or dry beard, Okay Men Professional Beard Moisturizing Lotion is a good place to start. Most men will avoid a lengthy beauty routine, but a small amount goes a long way to moisturize and soften facial hair. No fussy beauty regiment required.


Thanks to air pollutants, cosmetic use and poor cleansing habits, our skin can be left in need of a serious cleansing. When this happens, a deep detoxifying mask like Helene Volcanic Ash Masque is perfect to draw out pollutants. The result: refreshed and renewed skin.


Heat styling, daily manipulation and balmy temperatures can do a lot of damage to our tresses. Those dry, limp strands can be revived with Pantene Gold Series Repairing Mask. Infused with argan oil, this product is formulated to restore hair health and is considered to be the gold standard of conditioners. It also works on all hair types.

18 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017


One of the essentials to having healthy, luxurious hair naturally is to have a hydrated scalp. Dry, itchy scalps are not only unpleasant but flakes can take away from the beauty One ‘n Only Argan Oil Dry Scalp Treatment addresses that problem by protecting and moisturizing the scalp and minimizing the dryness and itchiness, all of which promotes healthy hair.


In an effort to remove makeup and impurities, we can dry out the skin and rid it of all of its natural moisture. To clean the face without stripping the skin, try SheaMoisture Daily Hydration Milk Mask. This product gently removes impurities and helps hydrate the skin. Made with 100 percent virgin coconut oil and coconut milk, your face will thank you for this creamy cleanser.


Many naturals will manipulate their hair on a daily basis. From twisting to Bantu knots and braids, the styling options are endless. But for days when they’d like to rock their curls as is with little styling interference try Crème of Nature Moisture & Shine Curl Activator Crème. Not only does it encourage curl definition but it adds a dose of shine to dull strands.

20 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017

How should you sell it?

Beauty brands are constantly formulating and releasing new products for the public. This ensures consumer’s everchanging needs are never left unaddressed. But when companies have extensive product lines that take up a great deal of shelf space, new products can go overlooked. And when those customers can’t see a new product they are less likely to buy it.

How can OTC retailers showcase new products without cluttering their stores

or downplaying other merchandise from the same brand?

“OTC retailers across the country are carrying hundreds of manufacturer’s products and those manufacturers come out quarterly, biannually or yearly with new lines. How is a retailer able to sell and showcase their new items? Well, there are several ways.

First, they should all have endcaps that are strictly for the new items. Customers both men and women love to hear and see new items regardless if they love their items at home. It’s human nature to want to try these new items. If the OTC retailer can put all of the newest items on an end cap with a nice sign that says ‘New Store Items’ the customers would be drawn to that endcap, and see all of those new items. Manufacturers are constantly coming out with these to not only increase new sales, they know that in time, some old products don’t survive and they want to keep and also increase their shelf space. Once an item is 90 days old then the store managers or owners can put that new item back on the regular shelf with the current lines and company products. As always, small posters, door clings, signs and shelf talkers, along with new samples are the best way to push these items, along with the employees up front making new product suggestions. The stores would move a lot more of the new products if they would just take the time to make one new product endcap.”

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to editor@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the October issue.

22 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017
We salute you. We honor your originality and unwillingness to go with the flow. We support your every idea, style and texture. © 2017 Beautyge Brands USA All Rights Reserved. For more information visit cremeofnature.com

뷰티 브랜드들은

끊임없이 대중에게

새로운 제품을

만들어내고 출시합니다.

이렇게 하면 끊임없이

변화하는 소비자의

욕구가 반영되지

않고는 살아남아 있을

수 없습니다. 그러나

진열대를 꽉차도록

진열되는 광범위한

제품 라인을 보유한

회사는 신제품이 간과

될 수 있습니다. 그리고

고객들이 새제품을 볼

수 없을 때 구매를 더

적게 하게될 것 입니다.

OTC 매장에서 동일 브랜드의 다른 상품을

돋보이게 진열할 수 있는 방법은


엔드 캡으로 이동하여 모든 신상품들을 볼 수 있습니다. 제조업체는 신규 판매량을 늘릴뿐만 아니라 시간이 지남에 따라 일부 오래된 제품은 살아남지 못하고 재고로 만들어 진열 공간을 늘리기를 원하게됩니다. 제품 출시 후 90일이 지나면 점포 관리자 또는 오너는 새로운 신제품을 현재 라인과 회사 제품이 진열되어 있는 일반 진열대로 진열할 수 있습니다. 언제나 그렇듯이, 직원이 신상품을 제안하는 것과 같이 새로운 샘플과 함께 작은 포스터, 문 걸림쇠, 간판, 쉘프 토커등으로 이 제품을 뒤로 밀어 넣는 가장 좋은 방법입니다. 상점들은 신제품을 엔드 캡에 진열하려고 하면, 더 많은 신상품들 옮겨야 할 것 입니다!”

Scott Zangwill

Merchandise Brand Specialist Inc.

24 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 위와 관련하여 질문이 있으시다면 editor@otcbeautymagazine.com 로 보내주십시오. 10월호에 여러분의 의견이 채택될 수도 있습니다! 어떻게 판매해야 하나?
경시하지 않으면서, 신제품을
수백개 제조업체의 제품을 가지고 있으며, 제조업체는 새로운 라인을 분기, 반기
출시합니다. 소매업체는 어떻게 새 상품을 판매하고 선전할 수 있을까요? 여기에는 여러 방법들이 있습니다. 먼저 신상품에 엄격하게 적용되는 엔드 캡을 사용해야합니다. 고객이 집에서 상품을 잘 사용하는 것에 관계 없이, 남성과 여성 모든 고객들은 신상품을 듣고 보길 좋아합니다.
시험해 보는 것은 사람의 본성입니다.
모두 넣을 수 있으면 고객은 해당
“전국의 OTC
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K t K Knowledge to know

Boost Sales With Hair Care Marketing Geared Towards

This Growing Demographic

히스패닉 소비자에 대한 투자

지속적으로 증가하는 히스패닉 시장을 겨냥한

There is tremendous growth occurring in the smoothing, straightening and texturizing hair care categories for the Hispanic consumer base, offering exciting new retailing opportunities for OTC businesses. Nielsen reported that Hispanics are more likely to spend more on hair care products than the general market, accounting for 16 percent of the total U.S. sales in this category. OTC retailers can appeal to this demographic by including products designed to smooth, straighten ethnic hair and fight chemical damage caused by haircolor, hot tools and the environment.

Gregorio Luciano, owner of Dominican Magic Hair Care has developed a complete series of natural products inspired by generations of his family in the Dominican Republic. Luciano says, “There is a surge in the growth of Dominican hair salons across America, with the increase over the past 10 years now over 100 percent. The East Coast has the highest percentage of salon openings including New York, New Jersey, Washington D.C. and Florida, yet there is a Dominican salon in all 50 states including Alaska. Most everyone was using Italian and Brazilian hair care products previously. We have the best ingredients in the Dominican Republic and want to change the image of Dominican hair care products to show we are the best.”

머리를 부드럽게하고, 곧게 펴고 텍스쳐라이징을 하는 헤케캐어 시장이 히스패닉 소비자들 사이에서 엄청난 성장을 보이며 OTC 비즈니스에 엄청난 기회를 제공하고 있습니다. Nielsen씨는 히스패닉계인이 일반 시장보다 헤어 케어 제품에 더 많은 돈을 지출 할 가능성이 높다고 보고했으며 이 카테고리에서 히스패닉계인이 미국 전체 매출의 16% 를 차지하고 있다고 합니다. OTC 유통 업체는 헤어 스타일, 히팅 도구 및 환경으로 인해 발생하는 화학적인 손상을 복구하고 자연스럽게 머리카락을 부드럽게 만들어주는 제품들을 통해 이러한 시장을 공략할 수 있습니다.

Dominican Magic Hair Care 오너인 Gregorio Luciano 씨는 도미니카 공화국에 있는 그의 가족의 여러 세대에 걸쳐 영감을 받아 완벽한 천연제품 시리즈를 개발했습니다. Luciano씨는 “미국 전역의 도미니카 헤어 살롱의 성장이 급증하고 있으며, 지난 10년 동안 100% 이상 증가했습니다. 뉴욕, 뉴져지, 워싱턴 DC와 플로리다를 포함한 동부 해안지역에서 가장 높은 살롱 개업 비율을 보이고 있습니다. 하지만 알래스카를 포함한 모든 50개주 내에서는 하나의 도미니카 살롱만이 있을 뿐 입니다. 이전에는

28 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
대부분의 사람들은 이탈리아와 브라질 헤어 케어 제품을 사용했습니다. 우리는 도미니카 공화국에서 최고의 성분을 가지고 있으며 우리가 최고임을 보여주기 위해 도미니카 헤어 케어 제품의 이미지를 바꾸고 싶습니다.” 라고 말했습니다.
케어 마케팅
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Exciting New Opportunities

OTC retailers should take note and include this lucrative new segment in their business marketing. Hispanic salons represent a new market for tools, hair styling products, haircolor, heat protection and conditioning home maintenance products. Dominican stylists are skilled in working on all types, from straight to highly-textured curls. Luciano adds, “The Dominican Republic is a Caribbean nation with a diverse history combining Spanish, indigenous Taíno and African influences. The beauty in the natives of our island is the rich diversity of skin tones, hair textures and people represented.” Salons traditionally serving African American clients can expand their hair care services and products by including items that work for a number of hair types. Beauty schools and educators will also need to update their services to better serve a variety of hair types and individuals.

The Dominican Blow Out is a great example of a salon service that requires specific products to succeed. This natural hair straightening technique is becoming popular among other cultures as well, with a low price point at about $30. The treatment allows even the most textured hair to be smoothed with only a roller set and blow drying. The results are dramatic with silky smooth tresses that are bouncy, shiny, long lasting and most importantly – healthy and natural looking. Luciano says, “Dominican Blowouts give an airy, light and natural feel that cannot be matched. The blowout service includes a roller set under a dryer for 40 minutes and a vigorous blow out afterward. It uses a lot of heat to straighten the client’s hair. For the best results, you must use the highest quality products that will ensure the hair remains healthy.”

OTC 소매 업체는 비즈니스 마케팅 측면을 고려할 때, 수익성이 좋은

이러한 새로운 분야를 주목해야 하고 포함해야 합니다. 히스패닉 살롱은 도구, 헤어 스타일링 제품, 헤어 컬러, 열 보호 및 컨디셔닝 홈 유지 관리 제품에 대한 새로운 시장을 대표합니다. 도미니카 스타일리스트는 스트레이트부터 질감이 많은 컬까지 모든 유형의 작업에 능숙합니다. Luciano는 “도미니카 공화국은 카리브해 국가로 스페인어, 따이노족과 아프리카가 결합되어 있는 다양한 역사를 가지고 있습니다. 우리 섬 원주민들의 아름다움은 풍부한 피부색, 머리카락 텍스쳐 및 사람들의 다양성입니다.”라고 덧붙여 말했습니다. 아프리카 계 미국인 고객들에게 전통적으로 서비스하고있는 살롱은 여러 종류의 모발을 다루는 아이템을 포함하여 헤어 케어 서비스와 제품을 더 제공할 수 있습니다. 미용 학교와 교육자는 다양한 헤어

Blow Out은 성공을 위하여 특정 제품이 필요하다는 것을 보여주는 살롱 서비스의 훌륭한 예입니다. 자연스럽게 모발을 곧게 펴는 이 기술은 다른 문화권에서도 인기가 높아지고 있으며 가격은 약 30달러입니다. 이 처리법을 사용하면 가장 질감이 잘된 모발까지도 롤러 세트 및 바람으로 말리는 것 만으로 부드럽게 할 수 있습니다. 결과는 탄력 있고, 반짝 반짝 빛나고 오래 갈 수 있으며 가장 중요한 점은 건강하고 자연스러워 보이는 윤기나고 촉촉한 모발로 만들어 준다는 것 입니다. 루치아노는 “Dominican Blow Out은 바람이 잘 통하고 밝고 자연스러운 느낌을 주는 유일한 것 입니다. Blow Out 서비스에는 드라이기 아래에 40분 동안 롤러 세트를 말고 있으면 이후에 격렬한 파열이 발생합니다. 이것은 많은 열을 사용하여 고객의 헤어를 폅니다. 최상의 결과를 얻으려면 머리카락이 건강하게 유지 될 수 있도록 최고 품질 제품을 사용해야합니다.”

Retailers should emphasize the healthy results that salon owners provide their clients while providing an alternative to formaldehyde treatments. Old fashioned hair straightening techniques have traditionally used oily or greasy products that can damage hair and give heavy or limp results. By choosing healthy brands, stylists can provide essential nutrients and vitamins to dry, damaged, color-treated, processed and thinning hair. Luciano notes, “The products used in the Dominican Blowout repair damaged hair and actually help the hair to grow. Tropical avocado, coconut, aloe vera, wheat, cinnamon, garlic and rosemary have been used in hair treatment by native Dominicans for many generations.”

소매업자는 살롱 오너가 고객에게 제공하는 건강한 결과를 강조하면서 포름 알데히드 처리에 대한 대안을 제공해야합니다. 구식의 헤어 스트레이트 기술은 전통적으로 헤어에 손상을 줄 수 있는 유분 또는 기름기가 많은 제품을 사용하여 무겁거나 축 쳐지는 결과를 낳습니다. 건강한 브랜드를 선택함으로써 디자이너는 건조하고, 손상되고, 염색하고, 제품처리되고, 얇아진 머리카락에 필수 영양소와 비타민을 공급할 수 있습니다. 루치아노는 “Dominican Blowout 에서 사용 된 제품은 손상된 모발을 회복해주고 실제로 모발이 자랄 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 열대 아보카도, 코코넛, 알로에 베라, 밀, 계피, 마늘, 로즈마리가 여러 세대 동안 도미니카 원주민 모발 치료에 사용되었습니다.”

30 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
흥미로운 새로운 기회
서비스를 업데이트해야합니다.
유형과 개인에게 더 나은 서비스를 제공하기 위해
OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 31

It Is For You

Sancocho is a hearty Dominican stew made from a variety of meats and vegetables and is a cherished national dish. Luciano says, “Everybody knows the ingredients for Sancocho, yet what makes each family’s version unique is the way they prepare the recipe. It is the same for our hair care. We came up with the tagline ‘es para ti’ - it is for you - because it truly is for any type of hair.” Tested on European, Spanish and African American hair, Dominican Magic Hair Care is a true multicultural brand. OTC retailers can grow their businesses by including the Hispanic market and targeting salon owners and hairstylists who want to provide healthy straightening alternatives for a variety of cultures.

The Dominican Magic Hair Care brand includes five lines for the treatment of dry, damaged, haircolor-treated, processed and thinning hair. For more information on Dominican Magic Hair Care products and education, call 914-668-5895 or visit www.DominicanMagic.com. Dominican Magic is located 460 South 10th Avenue, Mount Vernon, New York 10550 USA.

Meet Jenny Hogan

당신을 위한 것 입니다

Sancocho는 다양한 고기와 야채로 만든 진한 도미니카 스튜이며 소중한 민족 요리입니다. Luciano는 “모두가 Sancocho의 성분을 알고 있지만, 각 가정마다 나름대로의 독특한 버전을 가지고 있으며 이에 따라 레시피를 준비합니다. 모발 관리도 마찬가지입니다.”라고 말했습니다. Dominican Magic Hair Care는 유럽, 스페인 및 아프리카계 미국인 헤어를 대상으로 테스트를 한 진정한 다문화 브랜드입니다. OTC 소매업자는 히스패닉 시장을 포함시키고 다양한 문화권에 대한 건강한 스트레이트 대안을 제공하고자 하는 미용실 오너 및 미용사를 대상으로 사업을 성장시킬 수 있습니다.

Dominican Magic Hair Care 브랜드에는 건조하고 손상되고, 염색하고, 제품 처리된 가는 모발에 대한 5개 트리트먼트 라인이 있습니다. Dominican Magic Hair Care 제품 및 교육에 대한 자세한 내용은 914-668-5895로 전화하거나 www.DominicanMagic.com 을 방문해주세요. Dominican Magic은 미국, 10550, 미국, 마운트 버넌 (Mount Vernon)에 있는 460 South 10th Avenue에 위치하고 있습니다.

Jenny Hogan is the Media Director at Marketing Solutions, a full-service marketing, advertising and PR agency specializing in the professional beauty and spa businesses. A massage therapist and esthetician with over 17 years in the industry, she writes on the topics of wellness and beauty. For more information, contact 407-395-9007, visit www.MktgSols.com or send an email to MktgSols@MktgSols.com.

Jenny Hogan은 전문 미용 및 스파 사업을 전문으로하는 풀 서비스 마케팅, 광고 및 홍보 대행사인 Marketing Solutions의 미디어 이사입니다. 업계에서 17 년 이상 마사지 치료사이자 미용사로 건강과 미용에 대한 주제로 글을 씁니다. 자세한 내용은 407-395-9007로 문의하거나 www.MktgSols.com 을 방문하거나 MktgSols@MktgSols.com 으로 이메일을 보내십시오.

32 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017

K t K Knowledge to know

Understanding Product Pricing

제품 가격에 대한 이해

Imagine going into a store to pick up a hair product. You find your item of choice placed next to its cheaper competitor. Both products offer the same ingredients and brag about the same benefits but the prices of each are drastically different. Situations like this confuse many buyers and beauty supply owners. Few understand why one product can resemble another in appearance and method of use, yet cost considerably more than the other.

There are several reasons for this. The least important but probable reason is that the so-called ‘name brand’ products will cost more due to its name recognition. These notable items do not have the most favorable discounts, but store owners are obligated to keep them in stock. These products are known as proprietary items meaning they must be kept in stock in order to bring customers in so that you have an opportunity to sell other products that may result in more profit. These items are usually not displayed in the most desirable areas of your shelf space because your customers will seek them out or ask for them. Eye level and corner or end cap displays are usually given to products that create a greater profit for the store or for special promotions that are paid for by the manufacturer.

헤어 제품을 고르기 위해 상점에 간다고 생각해보세요. 선택한 제품보다 더 저렴한 제품이 옆에 진열되어 있다는 것을 발견했습니다. 두 제품 모두 동일한 성분과 동일한 장점을 주나 가격 차이가 매우 다릅니다. 이러한 상황은 수 많은 구매자들과 뷰티 판매점 오너들을 매우 당혹스럽게 합니다. 한 제품이 모양과 사용 방법에서 다른 제품과 유사한데 왜 다른 제품보다 훨씬 더 비싼지 이유를 아는 사람은 거의 없습니다. 가격 차이가 발생하는 몇 가지 이유가 있습니다. 가장 중요하지는 않지만 가능성 있는 이유는 소위 ‘ 브랜드 이름’ 제품이 이름 명성으로 인해 더 비쌀 것입니다. 이 주목할 만한 상품에는 할인을 많이 주지는 않지만 상점 오너는 재고를 유지해야합니다. 이 제품들은 전매 상품으로 반드시 재고를 유지하고 있어야 합니다. 이 제품으로 인해 고객들이 스토어를 방문할 수 있고, 그렇게 방문한 고객들이 다른 제품들을 구입함으로 해서 또다른 수익을 창출할 수 있기 때문입니다. 이러한 품목들은 일반적으로 진열대에서 가장 좋은 지점에 진열되지 않습니다. 고객들이 제품을 찾거나 문의할 것이기 때문입니다. 일반적으로 상점에서 더 많은 이익이 나는 제품이나 제조업체가 지불하는 특별 프로모션에 대한 물건들이 눈높이 및 코너 또는 양쪽 끝 진열대에 진열하게 됩니다.

이제는 더 비싼 가격이 더 높은 품질을 나타내는 것은 아니라는 것을

Now, it should be made clear that a higher price is not an indication of a higher quality. Many lesser-known products that sell for a lower price are a better buy, with equal or higher quality than the name brand product. You can usually tell by looking at the ingredient list on the back of the label. By the rules of the Fair Trade Commission (FTC), the ingredients must be listed in the order that they are measured in the product. For example, if a product is 55 percent olive oil, that ingredient must be listed first. The second biggest ingredient is listed next and so forth. If you buy a product because you were attracted to a particular ingredient that is a part of the product name (i.e. ’vitamins’ ‘proteins’ or ‘herbals’) and that preferred ingredient is listed lower on the ingredient list, then that is an indication that the product has very little of that desired ingredient.

분명히 해야 합니다. 저렴한 가격으로 판매되는 잘 알려지지 않은 많은 제품들은 브랜드 제품의 품질과 같거나 높으며 구매 할 제품입니다. 일반적으로 라벨 뒷면에 있는 성분표시를 보고 알 수 있습니다. 공정 거래위원회 (FTC)의 규칙에 의하면, 성분은 제품에서 측정 된 순서대로 나열되어야합니다. 예를 들어, 제품의 55%가 올리브 오일인 경우, 해당 성분이 먼저 나열되어야합니다. 두 번째로 많이 함유된 성분이 나열되고 그 다음 성분이 나열됩니다. 제품 이름에서 한 부분을 구성하고 있는 특정 성분 (즉, ‘비타민 ‘단백질’ 또는 ‘식물성’)에 매력을 느껴 제품을 구입한 경우, 선호한 성분이 성분 목록의 아래쪽에 나열되어 있다면, 그 해당 성분은 제품에 거의 포함되어 있지 않다는 것을 나타냅니다.

34 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017

It is sufficient to say that price is not always an indication that the product is the best. But then again, sometimes it is. For example, stove-heated curling irons look very much alike but in actuality, they can be very different. Is the iron made with temperate high-quality steel or from scrap iron that is melted and molded to resemble the temperate steel model? Are the joints - where the pin and the shell of the iron meet - made in an integrated way so that there is no pin or rivet to break or misalign? Are the handles made so that there are no metal ends that can transfer heat to that area causing them to get hot, resulting in burns and blisters to form on the heel of the hands? The quality steel iron will hold heat longer and evenly and will last a lifetime of professional use. Whereby the cheaper iron will only be adequate for occasional home use by nonprofessionals because they cannot meet the demand that the professionals require and are not precision-balanced for comfortable, long-term use.

So while it may seem that a cheaper product is the same as its higher-priced counterpart, try to remember that looks and even pricing can often be deceiving.

Meet Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

가격으로 이 제품이 항상 최고라고 판단할 수 있는 것은 아닙니다. 하지만 가끔은 그렇습니다. 예를 들어 스토브로 가열하는 고대기는 외관이 매우 비슷하게 보이지만 실제로는 매우 다를 수 있습니다. 예를

들어, 고대기가 절제된 고품질 강철로 만들어졌는지 아니면 절제된 강철

모형과 비슷하게 녹여 주조된 고철로 만들어 졌는지? 고대기의 핀과 외부 틀이 만나는 부분의 접합부가 끊어 지거나 잘못 정렬되어 핀이나 리벳이 없도록 통합된 방법으로 만들어 졌는지? 손잡이 뒤쪽에 열이 전달되어 화상과 수포가 생길 수 있는 금속 끝 부분이 없도록 손잡이가 만들어 졌는지? 고품질의 철제 고대기는 더 오랫동안 균일하게 열을 유지하며 평생 사용할 수 있습니다. 따라서 값이 싼 고대기는 전문가가 요구하는 요구사항을 충족시키지 못하며 편의성과 장기간 사용에 대한 균형을 이루지 못하기 때문에 비전문가들이 가끔 집에서 사용할 때만 적합합니다.

따라서 저렴한 제품은 고가의 제품과 동일하게 보일 수 있지만 외관과 가격때문에 종종 속을 수 있음을 기억해주세요.

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.) and was sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D. C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Trichology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject and has authored many articles in trade magazines drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologists and students encounter on a daily basis. To obtain a copy of his book, “What the Text Books & State Boards Ignored in Regards to Ethnic Cosmetology,” contact Dr. Lloneau at liquidgoldbondng@aim.com or call 310-283-7118.

Urban Call Briefs

Mario de la Guardia is the founder and chief executive of Strength of Nature Global LLC, a family owned Savannah-based company focused on developing and marketing high-quality hair care products made exclusively for the hair care needs of men and women of color worldwide. He is also the Global Beauty Alliance Vice Chairman and Founding Board member. Guardia has headed up the introduction or re-launch of over 500 products since starting the family-owned company in 2000 with his father Mario Sr., a Cuban immigrant and chemist who created Magic Shave. Strength of Nature’s brands are well-known globally, with strong market share growth across both the U.S. and international markets. Popular brands include among others: African Pride, Beautiful Textures, Profectiv, MegaGrowth, Elasta QP and the newly acquired Soft & Beautiful, Pro-Line and TCB brands (recently acquired by Unilever, who acquired the brands from ProLine Corporation ). International markets rank high in the company’s overall growth strategy, with Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East and the Caribbean already experiencing a significant and fast growing market for Strength of Nature, with huge potential for long term growth.

Godrej Consumer Products Limited (GCPL), an Indian consumer goods company based in Mumbai, India, announced a deal to acquire Strength of Nature in 2016. Strength of Nature’s sales company sales are estimated at approximately $350 million annually. GCPL reported that it’s a move that clearly fits the company’s objectives. “Over the past few years we have been scaling up our international presence with acquisitions that fit well in our 3x3 strategy – a presence in emerging markets in Asia, Africa and Latin America through three core categories: hair care, home care and personal care,” said GCPL Managing Director Adi Godrej via a media release.

Hair Care Company Strength of Nature Acquired

GCPL’s products include soap, hair colorants, toiletries and liquid detergents. It has bought out foreign companies such as Keyline Brands Limited (United Kingdom) in 2005, Rapidol (Pty) Limited in 2006, and Godrej Global Mid East FZE in 2007 and the joint venture with SCA Hygiene Products AB, Sweden in 2007. The company is strategically growing through its acquisitions, particularly in hair care for women of African descent, and with this latest deal, the India-based company gains market share as well as US-specific insights and product knowledge.

GCPL owned a 49 percent non-controlling share in Godrej Sara Lee Limited (GSLL), an unlisted joint venture between the Godrej Group and Sara Lee Corporation USA, as of early 2010. In May 2010, it acquired Sara Lee’s 51 percent controlling share.In 2010, Godrej made several acquisitions, including Indonesian firm Megasari and Tura. In addition, Godrej entered Latin America with the acquisition of Issue Group and Argencos in Argentina, and later acquired Cosmética Nacional, a Chilean company.

In 2015, Godrej announced it had fully acquired a 100 percent equity stake in South African hair extensions firm Frika Hair.

Godrej Consumer Products acquired Strength of Nature in 2016 and its growth in Africa is up 61 percent in the latest 2017 quarter attributed entirely to Sales of Strength of Nature in Africa.

Guardia, a graduate of Georgia Institute of Technology in Industrial Management, continues as Strength of Nature president and reports to Godrej. Gambhir notes that the company’s people are a big asset, too. “Strength of Nature has a seasoned management team with over 100 years of combined experience in the industry … Mario de la Guardia and his team have built a great business over the past 16 years. We are excited to partner with them to build a world class portfolio of hair brands.”

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 37 The preceding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.
Mario de la Guardia President Strength of Nature Global LLC Mario de la Guardia President Strength of Nature Global LLC Cornell McBride, Jr. President and General Manager of McBride Research Laboratories (MRL) Michael v. Roberts Founder M.V. Roberts Distributing Tyrone A. Burroughs First Choice Sales & Marketing Group Inc

Urban Call Briefs

Cornell McBride, Jr. is President and General Manager of McBride Research Laboratories (MRL), manufacturers of the Design Essentials line of hair care headquartered outside of Atlanta. He is also a Global Beauty Alliance Founding Board Member and was elected to a two-year position as Vice Chair.

While the roots and the operation of the business are a traditional story of family business, their current initiatives have launched them firmly into the realm of technology and expansion. The brand was launched by Cornell McBride Sr. who co-founded M&M Products Company when they developed a formula that eventually became Sta-Sof-Fro, the very first product designed and marketed to moisturize and soften the naturally textured style popular at the time, the Afro. By the mid-1980s, M&M Products had four national brands: Sta-Sof-Fro, Sof-N-Free, Moxie and Curly Perm. The company’s annual revenues exceeded $40 million making it one of the top Black hair care companies in the world. But in 1989, after the company soared beyond $40 million dollars in sales, McBride and the company co-owner decided to dissolve their partnership and sell the company to Chicago-based, black-owned, Johnson Products. Both Sta Sof Fro and the Sof and Free relaxer are still available in stores today. At the time M&M Products was sold, McBride, Sr. also owned a chain of beauty supply stores in Atlanta. But McBride Sr., sold all the beauty supply stores and in 1990, decided to focus exclusively on using his talents as a registered pharmacist to develop lines of innovative products such as Therapeutics Rx, Wave by Design and Colaura

Design Essentials began as a salon-only brand, marketed and sold through an extensive MRL distribution network that has helped establish hundreds of business owners and millionaires spanning the United States, Caribbean, United Kingdom and Africa. Part of the success of the brand stems from having ownership and leadership by the McBride family. When they came of age, all of McBride’s children, his two sons — Andre and Cornell Jr. and daughter Sholanda - joined the company to make it one of the few businesses in the hair care industry that is owned, operated and managed by an African American family. McBride Jr., remembers those days when his father first started making the products. Every day when he came home from school he would go down to the basement and fill the bottles of products his dad had made. His mom and siblings helped. They filled the bottles, packed them up and prepared the boxes for his father to take out and sell; his dad sold the products out of his car.

In 2010, his involvement in the business came full circle when McBride, Sr. passed the baton of leadership to McBride, Jr., naming him as President and General Manager of MRL.

Under McBride, Jr.’s helm, the company continued to expand. McBride, Jr. serves as General Manager, leading the day-to-day operations and providing strategic direction for the company and ensuring the fulfillment of MRL’s creative initiatives through finance, marketing and sales. For 18 years, McBride, Jr. has led the company’s expanse not only throughout the United States and the Caribbean, but also globally, including, France, Amsterdam, Guadalupe, and Portugal as well as the United Kingdom and Africa.

In 2012, Design Essentials created the Design Essentials Natural brand, which directly returned the company to its roots of providing products for curly-textured styles. “From a historical standpoint, the ‘70s had a sense of pride with the afros. . .There was a change to relaxers then curls to relaxers,” McBride Jr. continued. “And now, it’s an evolution. Women are exploring natural hair because of liberation.” With the success of this line as well as the trend of “DIY” hairstyling among women with naturally curly

hair, Design Essentials launched into retail. Currently, it counts Walmart, ULTA, Sally Beauty Supply, Walgreen’s, CVS as retail partners. About 24 years after its founding, Design Essentials’ average growth rate is double digit. Sales have continued to grow and they’ve continued to expand, with distributorships in the Caribbean and Europe and Africa. With this resurgence of interest in naturally textured hair and their history providing products to consumers that cater to this texture, Design Essentials and the McBride family is poised to recreate history.

First Choice Sales & Marketing Group Inc


A lifelong entrepreneur, Tyrone A. Burroughs is a visionary and pioneer in the consumer products management industry. An advocate of multicultural marketing, Burroughs’ full-service sales and marketing firm, First Choice Sales & Marketing Group Inc., has evolved into the largest multicultural manufacturer’s representative agency for the 21st century. First Choice leverages its multicultural legacy, diverse talent, and deep expertise to deliver ideas that move and increase market share. The agency has the unique ability to not only reach audiences but also touch individuals.

An innovator, Burroughs has established himself as a driving force in the multicultural personal care industry by carving a name for his agency within a distinct and growing niche market and influencing the $1.7 trillion buying power of multicultural demographics. He has been instrumental in advising the world’s largest product manufacturers and retail partners in developing sales, marketing, and merchandising strategies that truly connect with their target consumer.

After graduating from Benedict College and serving a four-year stint in the United States Army, Burroughs began his sales and marketing career at Merck, Sharp & Dohne Pharmaceutical Co. before taking lead as Regional Sales Manager with Ben Sheftall Distributing Co., and then as President at Elite Distributing Co. In 1987, Burroughs fulfilled his dream and started his own agency, 1st Choice Sales & Merchandising, which he later rebranded as First Choice Sales & Marketing Group, Inc.

With offices in Bentonville, Arkansas, Atlanta, Georgia, Dallas, Texas and Memphis, Tennessee, First Choice has become one of the nation’s largest minority-owned, full-service sales, marketing and merchandising agencies. Under Burroughs’ expert leadership, First Choice was recognized as the “Broker of the Year” four years in a row by the American Health and Beauty Aids Institute (AHBAI).

Well known for his entrepreneurial spirit, his latest enterprise includes the acquisition of Brown Sales Agency, The Tom Hood Group, Real Estate Development Company, Memphis Premier Restaurant , and R.S. Lewis & Sons Funeral Home, the historic funeral home that prepared the remains of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for public viewing, under The Choice Group Inc. With Burroughs at the helm, this independent venture company seeks out real estate opportunities, strategic partnerships, and alternative businesses for First Choice clients as well as Fortune 500 companies. Burroughs is also a Founding Board Member of the Global Beauty Alliance Global (GlobalBeautyAlliance.org).

Further, to promote entrepreneurship as a career choice amongst college students, in 2010 Burroughs launched The Burroughs Foundation Inc., which awards annual scholarships to help future generations of entrepreneurs fulfill their dreams. He’s also contributed over the last five years to various organizations promoting youth education, empowerment, and development.

Burroughs has received numerous awards and recognitions for his civic,

38 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017

religious, and community involvement, most recently as Honorary City Councilman of Memphis, Tennessee. He also serves on the advisory boards for the NAACP Memphis Chapter, First Alliance Bank, Regional One Hospital, Memphis and Shelby County Convention and Tourism Board, and is the chairman of the board of Trustees Metropolitan Baptist Church. Burroughs earned his Bachelor of Arts in History and Political Science from Benedict College and currently resides in Memphis.

*provided by SegmentedMarketing.com

Michael Roberts, a true pioneer of the business, has a CV that sparkles with the biggest names in ethnic hair care. Founder and CEO of M.V. Roberts and Company, a global based sales and marketing company which has the unique distinction of helping launch and grow two $100 million plus companies in Softsheen and Organic Roots Stimulator ORS, he was also the president of Mizani where he brokered a relationship between Redken Laboratories and Softsheen which led to the development and launch of that brand. Add to that the other brands that he has worked with, and you get a person whose life is steeped in hair care and whose knowledge is second to none. ShopTalk International spoke to him about his life and his journey in the business. Below is an excerpt from that interview:

For those who don’t know your background, tell us how you started out? I started my professional career with Deloitte & Touche, I was in finance and accounting. When I started my own company in 1978, my first client was Softsheen. I acted as a broker for them in the western regions which including Hawaii. With my experience, the Gardner’s would ask me questions about things that they should do in terms of their financial growth, and it got to the point where the things I was telling them were critical to the success of the business.

Speaking of success, what do you think contributed to Softsheen’s (success)? I think they were very successful because they had the winning formula for growth. They were strong entrepreneurs and they brought in professional management. If you look at companies like Microsoft and Apple, as the companies grew they hired professional managers. We had very smart people in sales, marketing, finance, R & D and operations that made the company grow.

Forty years and there’s been a huge amount of change in the business from production right through to marketing. What keeps a business going in this day and age?

From a personal standpoint, dealing with something near and dear to African Americans, which is their hair and skin, you have to be relevant and you’ve got to stay current. Companies have to be really consumer focused. They can’t be current but nobody thinks they’re relevant – the two go hand-in-hand.

You would have seen many trends come and go. Did you sense that the natural hair market would take off the way it has? The natural hair care market again is the natural order of things. Since I’ve been in the business we’ve gone from relaxing, kids who run wild with the curls, back to relaxer; and during that whole period of time, it’s always natural hair and natural hair care products. They became relevant recently but they’ve always been there.”


• Global Executive Vice President Namasté Laboratories, L.L.C. (makers of Organic Root Stimulator®)

• Chief Financial Officer for Soft Sheen Products and Senior Vice President of International Operations Soft Sheen Products

Deal Maker

• Chief Investment Officer for Soft Sheen Products – Oversaw acquisitions and investments

• President of Mizani® – Brokered the relationship between Redken® and Soft Sheen Products leading to development and launch of Mizani®

Business Strategist

• Helped create and execute strategies globally – Mizani®, Soft Sheen Products, and most recently, Namasté Laboratories/ORS®

Prior and present clients represented include Ampro, Alikay Naturals, Andre Walker Hair, As I Am, As I Am Born Curly, Baby Sweet, Camille Rose Naturals, Entwine, High Time Bump Stopper, Isoplus, Murray’s, Namasté Laboratories LLC, Smoothcare, Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil, T-Tree by Parnevu and Twisted Sista.

Excerpted from Shop Talk International – The Trade Magazine For The Ethnic Hair and Beauty Business, copyright A Hawker Consumer Publications LTD 2017 (Issue 26 ): Interview with Michael Roberts The Go To Man For Business and Brand Strategy.

Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi). For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit www.segmentedmarketing.com.

The preceding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 39
Michael V. Roberts Founder M.V. Roberts Distributing
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Business Tips


The most successful people never stop learning

본인의 자존심에 의해 현혹되지 마십시오 성공한 사람들은 배움을 멈추지 않습니다

A management consultant was checking out at the Austin airport bookstore, where Nathan Jamail’s most recent book, “The Leadership Playbook”, was being promoted. The cashier asked if she would be interested in buying a copy. She responded, “Nope, I work too much as it is. So I read only fun books.” When asked if she thought that leadership books would benefit her clients or herself, she responded, “I don’t teach my clients. They are smarter than me anyhow, so to think I could teach them anything would only be arrogant.”

One can only assume she unknowingly limits her value to her clients and her ability to become more successful; all because her ego is in the way. This lady, like many in business, has mixed up the use of the terms confidence and arrogance. The fact that she did not see the need to learn or get better is arrogance, and the fact that she does not have the ability (or desire) to teach her customers is not humility, it is a lack of confidence.

Confidence makes people believe in their bosses, teachers, and others. If a person is confident, then others will assume they are competent- which is good. But, when that confidence gets in the way of a willingness to learn and be taught, it becomes arrogance- and that is bad.

한 경영 컨설턴트가 Nathan Jamail 의 최신작인 “리더십 전술 (The Leadership Playbook)”을 홍보하고 있는 Austin 공항 서점에서 계산을 하고 있었습니다. 직원은 그녀가 그 책을 살 의향이 있는지 물었죠. 그러자 컨설턴트는 “아니오, 저는 보시다시피 과도한 업무량에 시달리고 있어요. 그래서 재미있는 책만 읽는 편이죠.” 라고 대답했습니다. 그 책이 만약 그녀의 고객 혹은 그녀 자신에게 이득이 될 것이라고는 생각 안 해보았냐는 질문에는 “전 저의 고객들을 가르치지 않아요. 그들은 이미 저보다 똑똑하거든요, 그러니까 제가 무언가를 가르치려 한다면 그것만큼 바보 같은 짓을 없을 거예요” 라고 했습니다.

이런 이야기를 토대로 볼 때 그녀가 고객들에 대한 자신의 가치를, 그리고 더 성공할 수 있는 그녀의 능력을 스스로 막고 있다고 밖에 생각할 수 없습니다; 그녀의 자존심 하나 때문에 말이지요. 비즈니스에 종사하는 대부분의 사람들과 마찬가지로 이 컨설턴트 또한 자신감과 오만함을 혼동하고 있었습니다. 더 이상 배울 필요가 없고 나아질 필요가 없다 생각하는 것은 오만함 이며, 그녀의 고객들을 가르칠 능력 ( 혹은 그럴 마음) 이 없다고 하는 것은 겸손이 아니라, 자신감의 부족이기 때문입니다.

자신감은 사람들로 하여금 그들의 상사, 선생님, 혹은 다른 이들을 믿게 만듭니다. 만약 어떤 사람이 자신감에 가득 차 있다면, 타인의 시선에서는 그가 유능하다고 생각할 것입니다. 이건 분명 좋은 일이고요. 하지만, 그

42 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017

Learning in college vs. learning for life

There are plenty of reasons that anyone could have for not committing to bettering their lives by continuous learning, yet this habit is one of just a few big differentiators between regular people and successful, high-achieving people. Placing a significant value on learning can only benefit you later. For example, when we’re in college, we must attend class and complete all of the reading assignments to ensure the information is learned. The consequence of not reading the assigned chapters is recognized within a few days or weeks by way of a test or graded assignment. As professionals and business owners, there are no immediate or visible consequences of not reading the ‘daily assignment’. However, there are consequences and they are costly in career, personal wealth and achievement of personal success. Keep in mind also, if a 40-year-old person, who graduated college at the age of 24, never read a business or self-improvement book again after college, then they are no smarter than they were at the age of 24. They are wiser, older and more experienced, but they are not smarter.

자신감이 배우고자 혹은 가르침을 받고자 하는 마음을 가로막는

그래서 자신감이 오만함으로 변한다면 분명 나쁜 일 이라 얘기할 수 있겠습니다.

대학에서의 배움 vs. 인생을 위한 배움

끊임없이 배우는 것을 포기함으로써, 풍족한 삶에서 멀어져도 되는 이유는 꽤나 많습니다만, 이것을 하냐 하지 않느냐가 분명 보통 사람들과 성공한 사람들의 가장 큰 차이점일 것입니다. 배우는 것에 중요한 가치를 두는 것은 시간이 지난 후에 유익해집니다. 예를 들면, 대학에 다닐 때에는 수업에 반드시 참여하고 읽기 과제를 마치며 정보를 습득하는 과정을 겪습니다. 주어진 과제를


Seek to learn, not to justify.

Warning: Anyone trying to justify how this fact is inaccurate might want to adjust their mindset before continuing their knowledge journey. Ask yourself, what will be taken from this article to make things better?

Remember: Seek to learn, not to justify.

The Challenge

Learning is often a habit that is not cultivated. It is a matter of recommitting oneself to daily routines for self-development and evolvement. Many times, a person knows what they should be doing, but fail to actually do them. If they don’t feel learning is a necessary part of living, then they should be challenged to understand what their purpose is - not just in life but in the role they play for their clients, relatives and themselves.

If you feel compelled to make continuous learning a habit, follow this challenge:

1. Buy one self-help or leadership book or get a recommendation from a respected person (audiobooks qualify).

2. Start by reading for 10 minutes every morning, then eventually increase

않습니다. 그러나, 결과적으로 경력, 개인적인 부와 성공에서 영향을 미친다는 것을 알게 될 것입니다. 또한 기억하셔야 할 것은, 만약 24 살에 대학교를 마친 40 살의 사람이 졸업 후 한 번도 자기계발 혹은 비즈니스 관련 책을 가까이 하지 않았다면 그것은 곧 그가 24 살 이후로 전혀 똑똑해지지 않았다는 뜻일 것입니다. 더 지혜롭고 연륜이 생겼을지언정, 똑똑하지는 않다는 뜻입니다.

경고: 이 사실이 정확하지 않다고 반박하고 싶은 사람이 있다면 지식의 탐구를 계속하기 전에 자신의 사고방식을 다시금 돌아봐야 할 것입니다. 스스로에게 질문해보십시오, 이 글에서 어떠한 것들을 골라내고 추가해야 더 좋은 영향을 미칠 수 있을까요?

기억하십시오: 정당화시키려 하지 말고, 배우려 하십시오.


배움은 때때로 경작하기 힘든 과정이기도 합니다. 그저 매일 자기 계발과

발전을 위해 일상 생활에 충실해야 하는 그런 것이지요. 대부분 사람들은

자신이 뭘 해야 할지 알고 있지만 항상 그것을 해내지는 못 합니다. 만약 배움이라는 것이 그들 인생에 있어서 필요하다 느끼지 못 한다면, 그 목적을 이해하기 위해 스스로 도전해야 할 것입니다. – 단순히 인생이라 단정지을 것이 아니라 그들이 고객, 친구 혹은 그들 자신을 위해 하는 연극에서의 목적을 말입니다.

만약 배움을 지속하는 것이 강제적이다 느껴진다면, 아래 도전들을 시도해 보십시오:

1. 자립과 리더십에 관한 책들 또는 존경할 만한 사람으로부터

추천을 받아 책을 구매하십시오. (오디오북 가능)

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 43
하지 않은 것에 대한 결과는 며칠 혹은 몇 주 후에나 시험 혹은 성적을 통해 나타나게
주어진 과제’ 를 읽지 않았다고 해서 그 결과가 즉각 혹은
혹은 경영주로서, ‘매일
가시적으로 나타나지는

Business Tips

it to 30 minutes or listen to an audiobook on the way to and from work every day.

3. Do this for 3 weeks.

If afterward there are no feelings of excitement or a need to share what’s been read to others- then don’t do it anymore. But if it’s started, then keep doing it.

When a person becomes a committed lifelong learner, others will seek their teachings.

Meet Nathan Jamail

2. 매일 아침 10분씩 읽는 것으로 시작해 30분이 될 때까지 습관을

들이십시오. 혹은 출근이나

퇴근길을 이용해 매일 오디오북을 듣는 것도 좋습니다.

3. 이렇게 3주 정도를 유지해 보십시오.

만약 어떠한 즐거움이나 다른 사람과 읽은 것에 대해 공유하고

싶다는 생각이 들지 않는다면 거기서 멈추시면 됩니다. 하지만

만약 그러하다면, 계속 지속하시길 바랍니다. 평생 배움의 길을 택해 노력한다면, 다른 이들은 그의 가르침을 얻고자 할 것입니다.

Nathan Jamail, president of the Jamail Development Group and author of the best-selling “Playbook Series”, is a motivational speaker, entrepreneur and corporate coach. As a former executive director, life insurance sales professional and business owner of several small businesses, Jamail travels the country helping individuals and organizations achieve maximum success. He has worked with thousands of leaders in creating a coaching culture. Get your copy of Jamail’s most recent series installment, “The Leadership Playbook” through Penguin Publishers.

Nathan Jamail 은 Jamail Development Group 의 회장이자, 베스트셀러 “Playbook Series” 의 저자인 그는, 동기 부여 연설가이자, 사업가이며 기업의 조언가로서도 활동하고 있습니다. 몇몇 중소 기업의 전 생명 보험 영업 전문가, 기업주 및 상무이사로서, Jamail 은 개인과 기업의 성공을 돕기 위해 여러 나라를 방문했습니다. 코칭 문화를 접목시키기 위해 그는 수 많은 리더들과 함께 일을 하기도 했습니다. 펭귄 출판사 (Penguin Publishers) 에서 나온 Jamail 의 최신작 “리더십 전술 (The Leadership Playbook)” 을 경험해 보십시오.

Beauty Ambassador Styling Tools

Clean Styling

Tired of that sticky buildup on your styling irons? We have just the solution for you. Hot Tools Professional Styling Iron Cleaner cleans and prevents that annoying build-up, prolonging the life of your curling and flat irons. This styling iron cleaner is a safe, non-toxic formula that easily removes styling product residue from tourmaline, ceramic, and metal curling/flat irons. The styling cleaner prevents build-up and eliminates residue, no matter how burnt or caked-on.

There’s no way around it – over time, the styling products you use on your hair will cause an ugly buildup on your flat irons and curling irons. The result is excess stickiness on your styling plate surface, which leads directly to a stylists’ worst nightmare: poor styling results. The gummy residue on the plates inflicts damaging stress to your hair and, if left uncleaned, will pull and snag hair strands, causing split ends and breakage. Properly maintained styling irons glide through hair smoothly with no tension. A critical part of that styling tool maintenance is to make sure your iron is clean before every use –especially if you want to keep hair looking fresh and healthy. Designed for daily use, The Hot Tools Styling Iron Cleaner is your ideal tool for that.

The process is simple and quick. Just follow these four easy steps:

After regular use of a tool, the buildup can become baked onto the styling surface. The longer the styling products are left on the iron, the harder it is to remove that nasty buildup. If a stylist isn’t cleaning their tools regularly with the proper product, the styling surface can get scratched, which affects the heat distribution. Even if a stylist attempts to clean the styling surface, but does it improperly, the styling surface can be left with uneven, patchy heat spots that lead to hair not curling or smoothing as quickly as a properly maintained iron. Taking good care of your styling tools is an investment in the tools of your trade. With proper cleaning, your tools will last longer. The longer they last, the more use you will get out of them.

Ultimately, if your styling irons are not properly maintained, they can cause damage to your client’s hair. Once styling products stick to the styling surface, styling appliances can become scorched if they are not cleaned. Imagine what would happen to hair if it were to touch a scorched surface. The scorched product can bake the surface of the hair, causing it to be left with a discolored, blighted stain. That’s every stylist’s nightmare! Ruining a fresh hair color that took good money and a long time to process is not something a stylist wants to do to their clients. It’s not worth giving your clients faded and ruined hair strands! Clean irons equal healthy, long-lasting color and happier clients.

Unplug your styling iron and let it cool down to room temperature.

1 Unplug your styling iron and let it cool down to room temperature.

Spray the Hot Tools Styling Iron Cleaner on the entire surface of the styling tool.

2 Spray the Hot Tools Styling Iron Cleaner on the entire surface of the styling tool.

3 Let the spray set for 1 to 10 minutes, depending on the extent of the buildup.

1 2 3 4

Let the spray set for 1 to 10 minutes, depending on the extent of the buildup.

4 Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe away!

Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe away!

The Hot Tools Professional Styling Iron Cleaner does not leave any residue, and helps keep your iron looking brand new. The better care we provide for our tools, the better use we get out of them. Still not sold on the value of properly cleaning your styling tools? Let’s take a look at what happens to your tools if you don’t properly clean them and they become corroded with styling products.

Meet Terri

It’s important to remember to never use the Hot Tools Professional Styling Iron Cleaner on a hot iron. This can cause damage to your appliance and is a risk for personal injury. Only use the cleaner on styling appliances that have cooled to room temperature. Also, the Hot Tools Professional Styling Iron Cleaner is not designed to be used on glass or mirrors. This Hot Tools spray-on cleanser is designed only to use on gold, ceramic, titanium, and tourmaline.

Closely follow the instructions for use, and enjoy the benefits of clean, properly maintained styling tools. Something as simple as keeping your styling tools clean can keep them performing well, and can keep colored hair looking fresh and true to tone. The Hot Tools Professional Styling Iron Cleaner is too easy not to use.

Terri Taricco-Cropp has been part of the Professional Beauty Industry since 1984, as a stylist and salon owner. She also has worked in fullservice distribution, online beauty, trade shows and is currently Vice President of Marketing for Hot Tools. She leads a team of dedicated people devoted to bringing the best styling products to stylists and consumers globally.

48 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017
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Notes From The Natural Nation

Charity Begins in the Aisle

As an OTC retailer, you want the best for your customers. They come through your doors wanting, and you have aisles upon aisles of solutions to offer them. You know you have the perfect items to entice shoppers and turn a profit. But, experience tells you that not all customers who stop in will make a purchase. Sometimes they wander the aisles searching high and low for their favorites, or you’ll find them standing in the same spot for eons having an internal debate over price and quality. This is where you can step in and lend a hand.

Regardless of their final decision to buy, you always have an opportunity to give back to your customers through considerate service and product education. Consumers have the power to get anything from anywhere. It speaks volumes that of all the options out there today, these resourceful shoppers picked you and put their trust in you to deliver must-have items. Keep that trust and go above and beyond their expectations.

Encourage your customers to invest in their well-being, especially when it comes to caring for their natural hair. Often the simplest things, like a morning routine that runs smoothly, can lay the foundation for an upbeat day. You should point them in the direction of products that will not only meet their needs but will also make them feel good about themselves. Jamaican Mango & Lime® and their line of Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® products can do exactly that.

Need some go-to recommendations? Make sure you point out the Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® Coconut Milk & Honey Shampoo and Coconut Leave-In Conditioner & Detangler. Natural hair is difficult to manage and style when it’s dehydrated. This amazing shampoo is one-ofa-kind when it comes to nourishing the hair and scalp. Pair it with the

Meet Shannon Kwit

conditioner and you have a match made in heaven. The conditioner works magic on split ends, and it even has a detangler to make styling prep a breeze.

Let’s say your customer is past the building blocks of shampoo and conditioner, and they’re on to styling. Offer the Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® Coconut Moisturizing Hair Lotion, otherwise known as the muscle behind maintaining strong, healthy hair. Its lightweight formula provides a heavy dose of moisture while keeping curls and coils defined all day long. While you’re on a roll, anyone who’s doing some thermal styling should pick up the Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® Shea Oil Styling Serum for radiant shine and extra protection against breakage.

Remind your customers that self-care is important. Offer a product that will give their hair a luxurious experience, like the Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® Coconut Milk & Honey Moisture Masque. Natural hair of all types and textures will feel pampered with deep-conditioning waves of soothing moisturization.

Product recommendations are an excellent way to help someone who is on the fence about heading to the register. At the very least they’ll appreciate the gesture, and if they truly like the products they’ll be more likely to come back to you for a repeat purchase. Whether it’s word-of-mouth or an online review, experiences with retailers and products can spread like wildfire. Take advantage of this and make excellent, helpful customer service a top priority. A great hair day adds volumes to a person’s confidence. Your customers may even be inspiring others with their self-assurance and style, and if someone gives a compliment or asks about their hair, they may just point out your establishment as the start of it all.

Shannon Kwit is a marketing copywriter for Universal Beauty Products, Inc. She works closely with the Jamaican Mango & Lime team to help promote natural hair care and education. She also specializes in men’s grooming products and the natural skin care market.

50 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017

It’s a 360 degree “Moisture Miracle” NEW! Jamaican Mango & Lime

Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture is perfectly blended with natural butters, oils, vitamins & honey that surround every strand of dry, thirsty, over-worked hair with intense, long-lasting moisture.

jamaicanMangoandLime.com ©Univer sal Beauty Products, Inc. Glendale Heights, IL 60139 Questions or comments call: (800) 390-3338 It’s Ef for tless... Maximum Moisture. Shine. & Softness
Natural Ingredients: Hibiscus – Coconut Milk – Coconut Oil – Shea Butter – Honey
At Ever y Angle!

Beauty of Charity

Beauty of Charity

There is a lot wrong with the world and often times it doesn’t seem like the good outweighs the bad. Thankfully, there are charities and support organizations for nearly every cause, allowing people and businesses to donate or volunteer to the issues that matter most to their interests and customers. As we celebrate the 8th Annual Beauty of Charity of Issue, OTC Beauty Magazine would like to take the time to celebrate the companies that lend a helping hand with their money, time and products.

DeMert Gives Back

DeMert Brands, Inc. supports many charities on a national, regional and local level. This year the company sent care packages to our troops and to veteran organizations, supported animal rescue groups and donated products to various charity fundraisers.

For the past seven years DeMert Brands, Inc. have been a supporter of Young Survival Coalition (YSC). We are currently a national sponsor of the organization and have committed to continue this support throughout 2018, as well.

Jennifer Merschdorf, CEO of YSC said, “We at YSC are incredibly moved by the fact that Not Your Mother’s has a sincere interest in helping and advocating for YSC and likewise, raising awareness that young women can and do get breast cancer.” Aiming to make a positive impact, DeMert Brands is aligning well with YSC and working closely throughout the year to include breast cancer awareness information on products, in stores, at events and via social media. Breast cancer survivors are also invited as VIP guests at Not Your Mother’s sponsored events including New York Fashion Week. DeMert Brands also currently supports and donates products to the survivors and competing bikers for all of then YSC “Tour De Pink” bike ride events taken place in multiple locations throughout the USA to help raise funds for young women affected by breast cancer.

“YSC is a wonderful organization with an important vision we have made a long-term pledge to support,” said DeMert Brands owner, Bethany Pagliarulo. “Their work to increase the quality of life and uplift the lives of young women with breast cancer is near and dear to our hearts.”

52 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017

Hain Celestial Personal Care Brands and CARE® Combine Forces Again To Expand Support of the Qach’Umilal Girls’ Education and Leadership Project

with Release of Limited Edition Products

In March, Botanica®, Avalon Organics® and JĀSÖN® brands, along with leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty, CARE®, are delighted to announce the expansion of the Qach’Umilal Girls’ Education and Leadership Project with second year of support for another Guatemalan region in need, and to celebrate the progress of the Empower Her through Education campaign thus far. This year’s program benefits an additional group of 200 indigenous girls from families in western Guatemala by supporting their primary school education. As part of the brands’ Empower Her through Education campaign with CARE, this program is a crucial step in making a difference in girls’ and women’s lives and their communities, while breaking down barriers to education for girls in developing countries. The Qach’umilal (or Guiding star in the Mayan language K’iche) Girls Education and Leadership project not only promotes access to educational programs for girls, but also helps to keep girls in school, while helping to build self-esteem and leadership skills. Currently in Guatemala, only 60 percent of students who start first grade complete sixth grade. Retention is even lower among young girls, who are expected to devote a majority of their time to domestic and field chores. Guatemalan women and girls face countless additional challenges due to gender discrimination and ethnical racism. The Qach’Umilal Girls’ Education and Leadership Project has made significant progress in empowering girls to be more confident by emphasizing music, art and relationship-building. These key factors are what drive the Qach’Umilal Girls’ Education and Leadership Project to inspire change and enable girls to follow their dreams. “The Qach’umilal project shows what impact we can make when we invest in girls, especially when those investments knock down the barriers keeping them from school and otherwise holding them back,” said Michelle Nunn, CARE’s president and CEO. “We’re delighted to have a partner like Hain Celestial that so generously expresses our shared commitment to equipping girls with the tools they need to thrive. Now more than ever, it’s exciting to see opportunities for consumers to express their support and connection to women and girls around the world.” Following the success of last year’s efforts to raise awareness, the Alba Botanica®,

Avalon Organics® and JĀSÖN® brands, in collaboration with CARE, are introducing a collection of limited edition personal care products featuring actual drawings from the girls participating in the Qach’Umilal program. The brand has chosen their best-selling products to display the meaningful limited edition labels to honor this year’s program. The Alba Botanica®, Avalon Organics® and JĀSÖN® brands have donated $50,000 directly to the local schools through this partnership, going directly to support the 200 girls in the Qach’Umilal program.

“The Qach’Umilal Girls’ Education and Leadership Project is not seen as a donation from Hain Celestial, but as an investment in our future women of the world. This year it was important to us at Hain Celestial to expand upon the program allowing our consumers to also have a voice in the project; whether it is from purchasing, donating or joining us at our event held on March 1st in New York City. No matter the level of participation it all leads to one common goal: positive change in these young women’s lives.” said Julie Marchant-Houle, General Manager, Personal Care at The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. “We’re simply honored to be part of this initiative for a second year in a row. It’s amazing to see the positive change in these girls’ lives and communities.”

To expand on this, the brands in partnership with CARE hosted a consumer facing event in New York City on March 1, 2017 to encourage support of the cause, while all charitable donations contribute to further fund CARE initiatives. The event focused on women’s empowerment inspired by the Qach’Umilal Girls’ Education and Leadership Project with a motivational Yoga session led by Beauty and Wellness Expert, Jeannine Morris, and a presentation from the Hain Celestial brands on their work with CARE. Consumers were encouraged to share what access to education means to them via social media using #accesstodream and expressed words of encouragement by painting on a large canvas wall.

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 53

Cantu Partners with Essence and Master P to Give Back on 2017 Day of Service

As one of Cantu’s initiatives to give back to communities, the brand team joined Essence and New Orleans’ native son, Master P, with his nonprofit youth organization Team Hope NOLA for the 2017 Day of Service in June. This is the second year Cantu has participated in this project.

The day emphasized serving the city’s elders through a beautification project of a historic inner-city senior residence, Guste Homes Senior Residence. Volunteers gave the facility a mini makeover that included painting, landscaping and serving meals to the Guste residents. Breakfast and lunch were also served and team members were onsite to hand out hair care samples and provide instructions on how to use them.

54 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017

One ‘N Only Supports the 1736 Family and Crisis Center Holiday Store

In December, One ‘N only supported the 1736 Family and Crisis Center Holiday Store and several, local women’s homeless and domestic violence shelters with more than 500 donated products and sample packs.

The 1736 Store reached out to One ‘N Only in years past, whether it was through the company’s personal care division (Conair) or it professional branch (One ‘n Only), One ‘N Only always aims to participate in this great holiday tradition to help support families in need during the holiday season. The company strives to support women in need and continues to provide support throughout the year.

Andis Company: A Legacy of Giving

Andis Company is known for its leading role in clipper-cutting education, but its commitment to education extends beyond the professional barber and beauty sector. Four generations of generosity rooted in the values of the Andis family inspired the creation of the Andis Foundation in 2015. President Matt Andis put it best when he said, “The Andis Foundation is guided by a single principle: building strong communities on the foundation of family.”

A separate entity from Andis Company’s philanthropic partnerships, the Andis Foundation is committed to helping kids thrive through education that extends beyond the classroom with programming that enriches the spirit, mind and body. The foundation supports programs that encourage broad community engagement and volunteerism, from the local Racine, Wisconsin YMCA to employee-selected

charities, always prioritizing opportunities to support programs that engage young people and families.

Biannual grants are awarded to locally-based programs offering youth development and environmental or outdoor skills education. Recipients of recent grants include the Wisconsin FFA Foundation, Inc. (Future Farmers of America), 4-H, Racine Zoo, Junior Achievement and the Racine Art Museum. The Foundation also launched the Next Generation Leaders scholarship program, awarding financial assistance for the children of Andis Company associates pursuing secondary and post-secondary education. To date, Andis has supported seven kids in their mission to advance their education.

Andis believes communities thrive best when charitable giving includes donors from all

income levels. That’s why the Foundation matches Andis Company’s annual United Way campaign and conducts a formal matching program for the benefit of charities supported by Andis Company associates. The Andis Foundation looks forward to continuing to develop partnerships with organizations that exhibit Andis’ guiding values and philosophies of excellence, integrity, and respect in support of strong families and a vibrant community.

In addition to the work of the Andis Foundation, the company gives to other charitable initiatives supported by barbers and stylists across the country including St. Baldrick’s Foundation, haircutting for the homeless, back-to-school haircutting for lowincome kids, and many others.

To learn more visit andis.org.

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 55

Wella’s Hairdressers at Heart Announces 2017 Wella Cares Grand Prize Winners

A total of $17,000 was awarded to three winners across North America

Wella’s Hairdressers At Heart was proud to announce the three Grand Prize Winners of the Wella Cares Contest as Grand Prize Winner, Second Prize Winner, and Third Prize Winner in May. Each respectively received $10,000, $5,000, and $2,000 for their dedication and commitment to charity-related efforts. Hairdressers At Heart holds the annual Wella Cares Contest, inviting Wella stylists to share stories of the transformative projects they are leading in their neighborhoods and salon communities.

The Wella Cares Contest reflects Hairdressers At Heart’s commitment to supporting salons and stylists by helping them give back to their communities, both locally and globally. The top five Wella Cares Contest Finalists were announced on Monday, May 15th.

Hairdressers At Heart congratulated and announced the winners across their social platforms, gaining awareness for the causes and expanding each stylist’s professional following. In the following weeks, the three Grand Prize Winners were surprised with an in-person delivery of their check by the Hairdressers At Heart team.

The Grand Prize-Winning project, Barbers Without Borders, was awarded $10,000 for their work. The team includes founders Joshua Wagner, stylist at High Five Salon, and Spanky Caudill, owner of Spanky’s Barber Shop, as well as Justin Boh, Creative Director at Hambone Collective, and project manager Katie Wagner. Their mission is to

empower underserved communities across the globe by sharing their craft through education and one-on-one mentorship. They plan to travel to Kenya this fall in partnership with Missions of Hope International (MOHI) to continue to spread their passion for the craft.

The Second Prize-Winning project was awarded $5,000 for continued charitable work through hosting an annual education-focused fundraising event. The team includes: Vance Theodour, owner of Salon Evangelos; Chuck Morris, owner of Charles Morris Salon; Jeffrey Lamorte, salon owner, and Jason Lamorte, salon partner, of Jeffrey Lamorte Salon & Day Spas (3 locations).

The Third Prize-Winner, Katrina Ruiz, was awarded $2,000 for her work with the Beauty Cures Project. As a cancer survivor, Ruiz started Beauty Cures Project to help cure the pain that cancer brings to those battling the disease, as well as their families, by offering support classes, care baskets, and specialized beauty services. “We developed Hairdressers at Heart to honor the personal and professional commitment of stylists to their communities,” said Coty Senior Vice-President North America Professional Beauty and Global OPI Sal Mauceri. “The Wella Cares winners are great examples of the power of the beauty professional to make a difference in our world.”

The next Wella Cares Contest will commence in March 2018. For more information and updates, please, visit www.HairdressersAtHeart.com.

Imperial Dax Supports the Triangle Residential Options for Substance Abusers Organization

Imperial Dax has supported a number of charitable organizations through the years. Recently, the company have been working with Triangle Residential Options for Substance Abusers (TROSA) based in Durham, North Carolina.

TROSA has more than 500 residents from all backgrounds; men and women from coast to coast: Veterans, the homeless, high school dropouts and holders of advanced degrees. All share a determination to recover from addiction and become productive members of the community. Imperial Dax supported this organization by sending Dax hair care in an effort to help the residents and offset some of the costs of the operators.

56 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017

Dark and Lovely, In Partnership With The Tom Joyner Foundation, Announce Winners of the Young Women with a Purpose Project

Winners Receive $2,000 Scholarships and a Mentor from L’Oreal USA

Dark and Lovely, a hair care brand for women of color and part of L’Oreal’s Multi-Cultural Beauty Division, in partnership with The Tom Joyner Foundation, was proud to award five students with $2,000 scholarships each as part of the Young Women with a Purpose Project. These five dynamic scholars also received an all-expense paid trip to New York City and a L’Oreal USA senior-level executive mentor.

“Supporting educational programs is a key pillar of the Multi-Cultural Beauty Division’s sustainability platform. The Tom Joyner Foundation is an incredible partner to us because they value education and empowering others as much as we do. Through their extensive initiatives and partnerships in support of Historically Black Colleges and Universities, they have helped thousands of students complete their education. We are pleased to work with such a great organization,” said Cherie Washington, of the Multi-Cultural Beauty Division of L’Oreal USA.

Upon their arrival in New York City, students will shadow their mentors for a day at the L’Oreal USA Corporate offices. Mentors and mentees were matched based upon the scholars’ field of interests and have been interacting with their mentors via phone conferences since October 2015; thus giving them the opportunity to learn more about each other.

“We are delighted to partner with the Tom Joyner Foundation to create an amazing opportunity for a group of deserving young college students,” said Vivianna Blanch, vice president of Integrated Consumer Communications of the L’Oreal USA Multi-Cultural Beauty Division.

“With a great interest in mentoring and giving back to the community, this was a great opportunity for Dark and Lovely to help mold young women to be future professionals in the beauty industry.”

The five scholars and their mentors include:

Jesslyn Course, a sophomore from Utica, Mississippi is a mass communications major, Jackson State University. Course’s mentor is Erica Bowen, the vice president of Business Development, L’Oreal USA Multi Cultural Beauty Division.

Ariel Davis, a sophomore from Chicago, Illinois is an economics major at Jackson State University. Her mentor is Angela Rutherford, vice president of Finance, L’Oreal USA Multi-Cultural Beauty Division.

April Fulgham, a sophomore from Chicago, Illinois is biology major at Jackson State University. Fulgham is paired with Cecilia Nelson-Hurt, assistant vice president of Diversity and Inclusion at L’Oreal USA.

DesTeen Green, a junior from Jackson, Mississippi is a chemistry major at Tuskegee University. She will shadow Lisa Price, the founder and senior creative director of Carol’s Daughter – L’Oreal USA.

Markeisha James, a sophomore from Jackson, Mississippi is a chemistry pre-pharmacy major at Jackson State University. Her mentor is Sivonne Davis, assistant vice president of Marketing at L’Oreal USA Multi-Cultural Beauty Division.

For more information, contact Neil Foote, media relations, Tom Joyner Foundation, neil.foote@tomjoynerfoundation.org, 214.448.3765.

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 57

An estimated 1 in 5 women su er from thinning or sparse eyebrows. Reasons include over plucking, aging, and medical conditions.

MyBrows are long lasting eyebrow transfers whose unique design is feathered to create a beautiful and natural looking eyebrow in seconds!

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OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 59
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Innovative Beauty Products • 800 854 9809 • Arlington, TX USA • www.godefroybeauty.com
Available Eyebrow Shapes Low Arch Medium Arch
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Each package contains 12 Pair of Eyebrow Transfers

Luster Products, Inc

From earnest beginnings to becoming a global juggernaut, Luster Products, Inc. is one of the most recognizable legacy brands in the multicultural beauty industry. They are known for their vast product selection that’s sold all over the world. And with this year being its 60th anniversary, the family-operated business has no plans of slowing down. OTC Beauty Magazine spoke with the president of Luster Products, Jory Luster Sr. to learn more about the company’s history and future.

Luster Products주식

다양한 제품 들로 잘 알려져 있습니다. 그리고 가족이 운영하는 이 사업은 올해에 창립 60 주년이 되었으며, 사업 속도를 늦출 계획은 없습니다. OTC 뷰티 매거진은 이 회사의 역사와 미래에 대하여 더 알아보기 위해 Luster Products 사의 대표인 Jory Luster Sr. 씨와 대화를 나눴습니다.

60 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 Manufacturer Profile
회사는 사업을 시작할 때부터 글로벌 강자가 되기까지 다문화 뷰티 업계에서 가장 잘 알려진 기존 브랜드 중 하나입니다. 전 세계에서 판매되는

OTC: Can you give us a brief description of Luster Products’ history?

Luster Products, Inc. was founded by my father, the late Fred Luster Sr., in 1957. He was a successful barber who was inspired to create a line of hair care products that would specifically cater to the health and maintenance of the hair. Initially, he sold and used the products in his own shop. As word spread about the products’ effectiveness—demand increased—he sold his products to other stylists and barbers. As a result of this success, he founded Luster Products, Inc. Mr. Luster guided the company from a modest business to a multi-million dollar, worldwide enterprise.

OTC: How is Luster Products structured?

Luster Products is a corporation. The company is managed by Jory Luster Sr., Fred Luster II and Sonja Luster-Munis. The company is managed by a 17-member management team that oversees all of the operating functions of the company which includes everything from research and development to accounting, engineering, and manufacturing. The company maintains both a Domestic sales division (which sells both retail and salon-oriented products) as well as an International sales division.

Our brands include PINK, S-Curl, Smooth Touch, and Short Looks.

OTC: What do you think has contributed most to your company’s growth in the business to become the powerhouse that it is today?

OTC: Luster Products 역사에 대하여 간략하게 말씀해 주시겠습니까?

Luster Products 주식회사는 제 아버지 이신, 고 Fred Luster Sr. 씨가 1957년도에 설립하셨습니다. 제 아버지는 모발의 건강과 유지관리를 위해 영양분을 공급해주는 헤어 케어 제품 라인을 만들기 위하여 헌신을 한 성공한 미용사이셨습니다. 처음에는 아버지의 샵에서 제품을 판매하고 사용 했었습니다. 제품 효과가 입소문을 타면서—수요가

증가되겠죠—아버지는 제품들을 다른 스타일리스트들과 미용사들에게 판매했습니다. 이 성공의 결과로, 아버지는 Luster Products 주식회사를 설립했습니다. 아버지는 중소규모 사업장부터 수백만 달러를 판매 하는 세계적인 기업까지 가이드해 주었습니다.

OTC: Luster Products 의 조직은 어떻게 구성되어 있나요? Luster Products 는 주식회사입니다. 회사는 Jory Luster Sr., Fred Luster II 와 Sonja Luster-Munis 가 관리하고 있습니다. 회사는 연구 개발에서부터 회계, 엔지니어링과 제조를 포함한 회사의 모든 운영 기능을 17-멤버 관리 팀이 관리감독하고 있습니다. 회사는 해외 판매 부서는 물론 국내 판매 부서(소매 및 살롱 중심의 제품 모두 판매)를 운영하고 있습니다. 당사의 브랜드는 PINK, S-Curl, Smooth Touch, 그리고 Short Looks 들 입니다.

Luster Products’ most valuable and most important asset is our people. We are blessed to have a very dedicated, hard-working, passionate professional and focused team who care deeply about the company’s growth and well-being.

OTC: Are there any interesting facts about the company that you would be willing to share?

From my perspective, the most interesting fact about the company is that the company remains family owned and the third generation has joined the company and is already making a solid contribution. We continue to operate in accord with the values that were established by our founder, Fred Luster Sr. We continue to operate from a platform of fairness, honesty, and integrity.

OTC: How can OTC stores benefit by carrying Luster Products and what differentiates you from others of its kind in the market today?

OTC stores benefit from carrying Luster products because their customers are very familiar with them. Our products are known for their high quality. The company also is very active with merchandisers and instore activities in many markets, which drive up store sales and bring consumers into the stores. Our high activity level differentiates us from the competition in many markets.

OTC: 현재의 탄탄한 회사가 되기까지 사업에서 회사의 성장에 가장 기여했던 것은 무엇이라고 생각하세요? Luster Products의 가장 가치 있고 중요한 자산은 우리 직원들입니다. 우리는 회사의 성장과 복지에 깊은 관심을 갖고있으며, 열정을 가지고 열심히 일하는 전문적이고 집중력 있는 팀을 꾸리는 축복을 받았습니다.

OTC: 회사에 대해 공개하시고 싶은 흥미로운 사실이 있나요? 저의 관점에서 볼 때 회사에 대한 가장 흥미로운 사실은 회사가 가족 소유이고 3 세대가 회사를 운영했으며 이미 확고한 공헌을 하고 있다는 것입니다. 우리는 설립자이신 Fred Lustre Sr.가 창립한 가치관을 따라 지속적으로 운영하고 있습니다. 우리는 공정함, 정직함과 청렴의 플랫폼을 계속 운영하고 있습니다.

OTC: OTC 매장들이 Luster 제품들을 판매함으로써 어떤 잇점을 얻을 수 있으며 오늘날 시장에서 차별화되는 다른 점은 무엇인가요? 고객들이 Luster 제품에 대해 잘 알고 있기 때문에 OTC 매장이 Luster 제품을 판매함으로써 이익을 얻습니다. 저희 제품은 품질이 좋은 것으로 유명합니다. 저희는 제품 마케팅에 있어 매우 활발하게 활동하고 있어, 그로 인해 소비자들을 매장으로 끌어들이는 효과를 가져올 수 있습니다. 저희의 마케팅 레벨은 다른 경쟁사와는 차원이 다릅니다.

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 61

OTC: How do you determine when it is the right time to develop and release a new product? Are there any indicators you look for and where does the company’s inspiration generally come from?

We are continually developing new products and they are introduced on an annual basis. The inspiration for our new product comes from the need to keep up with changing consumer tastes and demands. We gather information that gives us direction for our new offering from multiple sources, social media, formal and informal consumer research, interactions with the professional salon styling community, and interactions with the consumers via events and field activities.

OTC: How do you keep consumers and store owners educated on product releases, uses and general information?

We keep store owners informed and educated on product releases and general product information via sales rep and merchandiser visits to the actual stores, distributor selling shows, distributor sales meetings, information displayed in distributor catalogs and special store owner-only activities. We keep consumers informed and educated via trade shows, special consumer promotional activities, grand instore promotions, social media (including digital ads, blogger engagements, web based videos, problem/solution tips, etc.), traditional consumer advertising, and editorial content placements.

OTC: 신제품의 개발 및 출시에 대한 최적의 시기를 어떻게 결정하시나요?

특정 기준이 있나요? 일반적으로 영감을 어디에서 받고 있나요?

우리는 지속적으로 신제품을 개발하고 있으며 년 단위로 발표합니다. 당사 신제품은 변화하는 소비자의 취향과 요구를 지속적으로 따라가며 영감을 받고 있습니다. 우리는 다양한 소스, 소셜 미디어, 공식 및 비공식 소비자 조사, 전문 살롱 스타일링 커뮤니티와의 상호 작용, 이벤트 및 현장 활동을 통한 소비자와의 상호 작용 등을 통해 새로운 서비스 방향을 정하는 정보를 수집합니다.

OTC: 소비자 및 상점 오너들이 지속적으로 제품 발표, 사용 및 일반적인 정보를 알 수 있도록 어떻게 하고 계시나요?

OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most recently in your sector of the beauty business and how has the company met consumer demand for it? The natural/ multicultural subcategory continues to drive growth in our sector for the beauty business. We are continually learning and finetuning our natural/ multicultural product offering in order to provide viable solutions to today’s consumers’ needs in this area of the business.

OTC: In your opinion, what is the most interesting aspect of the beauty industry?

I find the fact that through the products that we develop to help consumers solve their beauty needs, we actually provide solutions that help consumers to feel better about themselves, which is very rewarding. I also find the history of the beauty industry itself to be very interesting with all of the transitions and changes that have occurred over the years at all levels within the industry.

OTC: Luster Products is celebrating its 60th anniversary. What is the company doing to commemorate this special occasion?

We have had many internal 60th Anniversary celebrations with our employees. We have notified and informed all of our direct customers, and vendors of Luster Products 60th and thanking them all for making the milestone possible. We have a calendar of activities that will be implemented throughout the remainder of 2017.

우리는 실제 매장 방문, 배급자 판매 쇼, 특별한 고객 판촉활동, 배급자 판매 미팅, 배포 카탈로그상의 정보와 특별 상점 소유자만을 위한 활동등을 통해 제품 릴리스 및 일반 제품 정보에 대한 정보를 제공하고 교육합니다. 소비자에게는 트레이드쇼, 특별 고객 판촉활동, 대형 매장 판촉, 소셜 미디어 (디지털 광고, 블로거 참여, 웹 기반 비디오, 문제에 대한 해결책 등), 전통적인 소비자 광고와 사설을 통해서 소비자에게 정보를 제공하고 교육을 하고 있습니다.

OTC: 가장 최근에 뷰티 비즈니스 분야는 어떤 추세를 보였습니까? 그리고 이 회사는 어떻게 소비자 요구에 부응 했습니까?

자연친화/ 다문화 하위 카테고리는 뷰티 사업에서 계속 성장하게 될 것 입니다. 당사는 이 사업 분야에서 오늘날 소비자의 요구에 맞는 솔루션을 제공하기 위해 자연친화 / 다문화 제품 제공을 지속적으로 학습하고 섬세하게 튜닝하고 있습니다.

OTC: 미용 업계에서 가장 흥미로운 점은 무엇이라고 생각하시나요? 소비자들의 미적 요구를 충족시켜줄 수 있도록 개발 한 제품을 통해, 소비자가 스스로 만족하는 솔루션을 제공한다는 사실을 알게 되었습니다. 이는 매우 보람 있는 것입니다. 또한 수년 동안 미용 사업 모든 단계에서 발생한 전환과 변화가 미용 산업의 역사가 된다는 점이라는 것입니다.

OTC: Luster Products는 창립 60 주년을 맞았습니다. 회사에서는 어떤 특별한 행사를 준비하고 계시는지요?

회사 내부에서는 직원들과 수 많은 창립 60주년 행사를 했습니다. 우리는 직접 모든 고객과 벤더들에게Luster Products 60 주년을 알려드렸고, 오늘날의 성공을 가능하게 도와 주신 것에 감사드립니다. 우리는 2017 년의 나머지 기간 동안 일정도 잡아 놓고 있습니다.

OTC: 소셜 미디어 또는 웹 사이트가 있나요? OTC 스토어 오너와 고객

모두가 어떻게 활용할 수 있나요?

우리는 존재감이 있는 모든 주요 브랜드의 웹 사이트와 소셜 미디어를

가지고 있습니다. 브랜드를 보유한 상점 주인은 제품을 구매할 수 있는 위치, 특별 판매점 프로모션 활동 및 위치가 표시됩니다. 소비자들께서는

62 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017
Manufacturer Profile

OTC: Do you have a website or a presence on social media? How can OTC store owners and customers both use this to their benefit?

We do have a website as well as a presence on social media for all of our primary brands. Store owners that carry our brands are listed as locations where our products can be purchased, special instore promo activities and locations. Consumers can visit our site and get hair tips, locations to purchase products, consumer event information, how to videos, product facts, consumer trade show information, general interest information, consumer contests, consumer giveaways, etc.

OTC: What do you feel is the most important thing for multicultural beauty store owners to know when recommending your company’s products to their customers?

The most important fact that we want consumers to know about our products is that we produce best-in-class products that perform well every time. We have a wide variety of products that can meet any of their customers’ hair care needs.

OTC: Does your company have any big plans or products in store for the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018 that you can talk about?

We do have both beneficial plans and products in store for the remainder of 2017 as well as 2018, which will be announced in the very near future.

OTC: Is there any additional expert advice you would like to give OTC Beauty Magazine readers?

I would first like to thank OTC (Beauty) Magazine’s readers for their ongoing support because without that support Luster Products would not be able to continue its legacy. We would also like to continue to work alongside our industry partners in order to provide a memorable shopping and buying experience for our consumers, which we feel is key to sustaining (the) business over the long term.

Company Information

Company Name: Luster Products, Inc.

Address: 1104 W. 43rd Street, Chicago, IL 60609

Contact Number: (773) 579-1800

Website: www.lusterproducts.com

Years in Business: 60

당사 사이트를 방문하여 헤어 팁, 제품 구매 위치, 소비자 이벤트 정보, 교육 동영상, 제품 정보, 소비자 무역 쇼 정보, 일반 관심 정보, 소비자 컨테스트, 소비자 경품 등을 얻을 수 있습니다.

OTC: 다문화 미용 상점 오너들이 고객에게 귀사의 제품을 추천 할 때 가장 중요한 것은 무엇이라고 생각합니까?

소비자가 당사의 제품에 대해 알기를 바라는 것들 중 가장 중요한 것은, 우리가 항상 최고의 품질로 출시한 제품들이 최고의 효과를 낸다는 것입니다. 당사는 고객의 모발 관리 욕구를 충족시킬 수 있는 다양한 제품을 보유하고 있습니다.

OTC: 남아 있는2017 년과 2018 년 초에 계획하고 있거나 또는 상점내의 제품에 대해서 이야기 할 수 있는 것이 있나요?

2017 년도와 2018년도에 유익한 계획과 매장내 제품들이 있으며 곧 발표하게 될 것 입니다.

OTC: 전문가로서 OTC 뷰티 매거진 독자에게 말씀하고 싶은 것이 있나요?

먼저 OTC(뷰티) 매거진 독자들에게 감사드리고 싶습니다. 독자들의 Luster Products에 대한 지원 없이는 저희가 여기까지 올 수 없었기 때문입니다. 저희는 사업 파트너들과 함께 앞으로도 계속 기억되는 제품들을 생산해 나갈 것입니다. 그것이야 말로 비즈니스가

정보 회사명: Luster Products, Inc. 주소: 1104 W. 43rd Street, Chicago, IL 60609

연락번호: (773) 579-1800

웹사이트: www.lusterproducts.com

사업기간: 60년

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 63
오래 지속될 수 있는 가장 중요한
Model is wearing
LAYER YOUR LASHES IN LUXURY DESIGNER LASH COLLECTION ArdellLashes.com | #ArdellLashes | @ardell_lashes
Ardell Faux Mink 811

Top Selling Cosmetic Products

Consumers may go into an OTC retail store to buy hair products, but many pick up a few extra items along the way. Cosmetics are often one of the final add-ons to a customer’s order. Whether they’re grabbing some lipstick or a nail polish in a shade they’ve been hoping to try, inexpensive grab-and-go products will always be a hot seller at a beauty supply store. Be sure to take note of these popular items and stock up on your next order.

1J Nail Lacquer in Clear JNP058

Why It’s the Top Contender

Clear coat nail polish is often the item that nail enthusiasts cut costs on, so to grab a bottle of the J. Nail Lacquer in Clear is likely a no-brainer for customers. Plus, this bargain polish offers an excellent clear coat for less than $2. It’s no wonder this topcoat flies off the shelves.

Suggested Retail Price: $1.09

Top Stats

• Applies in an even, thin coat

• Quick drying

• Affordably priced

More From This Brand

This isn’t the only top seller from J Nail Lacquer. Check out the popular brand in black (JNP024).

66 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 Top FIVE


When shopping for styling tools and products, shoppers may turn to online product reviews for guidance. This not only makes customers more likely to purchase popular merchandise, but it also boosts sales for these trending items, as well. That’s why it’s important to know what products are selling well and are in high demand at Jinny Beauty Supply. This monthly feature will keep you posted on what’s in and what’s out, so you can purchase your inventory accordingly.


J2 Eyelashes #066 JEL066

What’s not to love about long lasting, full lashes that are made of 100 percent human hair? We suspect this item is popular due to its glamorous lash design and affordability. Compared to other brands in its category, the J2 Eyelashes rivals its higher-priced competitors. The #066 design is particularly popular.

Suggested Retail Price: $1.89



ICU Lacquer Set Pre Pack ICUSET

Thanks to its sleek design and a vast array of colors, it’s no surprise that ICU Lacquer made the list. OTC retailers keep this brand in stock for consumers who enjoy the bright colorways and are drawn to the polish bottle’s sleek design.

Suggested Retail Price: $1.99

MAXI BB Cream BR4531

BB Creams are quite popular for their light coverage and smooth application. This makes the Maxi BB Cream a great beauty supply store staple. Customers interested in trying a BB cream will likely grab this item while purchasing other beauty products.

Suggested Retail Price: $1.99


ZURI Pressed Powder (Cocoa Bronze) ZUR701

It’s challenging for women of color to find pressed powder that matches their skin flawlessly without pinching the wallet. The Zuri Pressed Powder, however, fits the bill for many shoppers as the Cocoa Bronze shade and several others are frequent hot sellers at Jinny. This powder absorbs excess oils and reduces shine, for a natural matte finish.

Suggested Retail Price: $5.99

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 67


From Boys to Men by

As high school graduates become collegiate freshmen in the fall, acquiring personal grooming tools and techniques become a higher priority. During this transition period (which often includes moving to a new city), facial hair blooms and visits to one’s favorite local barbershop cease. The concern of finding a new barber can be a real problem. As a trusted men’s grooming expert in my neighborhood, I’m often asked for grooming tips during this time of transition.

The two biggest issues for college freshmen are: finding someone new to trust with his grooming regiment and deciding if they would be better off doing their own grooming versus trusting a stranger with their hair. Many young men come to the conclusion that nobody knows their hair better than they do. In this case, the only things missing from DIY grooming success are the right tools and techniques.

The young man with blooming facial hair would benefit most by having the Andis Envy™ clipper and T-Outliner® combo called the Andis Barber Combo Kit. The T-Outliner trimmer is the best-designed tool for outlining facial hair and dry shaving. This combo set is also the best starter kit for the brave soul who now desires to handle his hair, as the Envy clipper features eight attachment combs to achieve many hair cutting lengths.

In addition, if a young man (or woman) is looking for a convenient tool for shaving, the Andis Profoil Li shaver is the best choice. It features large, independent foil heads that make shaving easy and smooth. The specially designed titanium foils help cut hair close while cutting it in a way that helps prevent ingrown hairs. For the best prevention of bumps when shaving, couple the Profoil Li shaver with Andis Bump Care™.

For grooming videos featuring these tools visit Andis on YouTube, master-barberschool.com, and andis.com. These educational videos from Andis can help consumers and professionals alike with step-by-step grooming techniques that work. Armed with the right tools and techniques from Andis, growing from boys to men becomes easy.

JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.

70 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017
Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of a 12-chair salon— Main Attraction Unisex Salon— based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in films such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company.


Cause-Related Beauty Trends

The beauty industry is usually known for its charitable contributions and cause-related marketing efforts. From the early days of free Back to School “Curl-A-Thons” many firms have sought to give back to their consumers. In today’s market, beauty industry firms offer a variety of philanthropic promotions. These programs target the issues most relevant to their target consumers. Charitable programs are good business: Over 87 percent of consumers make their purchase decisions associated with a relevant cause. Over 70 percent believe companies have an obligation to take actions that will improve community concerns. Many programs heighten brand awareness. Some may focus on cultural or religious festivities while others may connect a brand with a mission. Consumers need to know that the OTC and the marketer are in touch and aware.

One of the most popular cause-related marketing efforts supports the National Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Major beauty brands participate every year on a national level—Aveda, Clinique, Conair and Estee Lauder. Other popular philanthropic efforts involve awareness and education involving AIDS, Autism, Diabetes, and Cancer. National philanthropy may link purchases and promotional programs to key environmental concerns. To be a good corporate citizen, every manufacturer should associate with a cause whether related to health, social or environmental matters. Charity begins in the neighborhood. Local OTC programs involve donations, local events, or other fundraising efforts. Every customer is watching to see if there is a spirit of charity where they shop. Many marketers identify health related issues that index higher among their consumer groups. Other marketers may want to provide local community efforts which could involve the local OTC stores. Specialty holidays like Cinco de Mayo or Juneteenth would be ideal. Many causes are beauty causes. For instance hair loss or anti-aging. Whatever the cause, there is a charitable connection for every marketer and retailer.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skincare and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com.

72 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017


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Show Coverage

Cosmoprof North America Maintains Its Reputation For Being the Leading B2B Beauty Event With Successful 2017 Exhibition

Exclusive marketing and business development programs and a robust conference schedule among the key highlights at the 15th annual trade show in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS, NV (JULY 13, 2017) – Cosmoprof North America (CPNA), the only all-encompassing, award winning, business-to-business beauty event in North America and the ultimate meeting point for beauty professionals, industry insiders and the most innovative brands is proud to announce once again it surpassed expectations. The 2017 show held at Mandalay Bay Convention Center July 9th -11th once again delivered record breaking exhibitor and attendee sales.

Held, annually in Las Vegas, 36,787 attendees,(up 9 % from 2016) engaged with record breaking 1,278 exhibitors (up 9% from 2016), representing 45 countries were able to see and experience several new programs, special areas and unique opportunities to engage and attract.

The show floor space covered 293,306 sqf (27,249 sqm) of space with an increase of of 4% compared to the previous year.

Staying true to its mission of providing unmatched brand-building resources necessary to building powerful companies the event delivers unparalleled opportunities - from domestic and international business development, to providing insights and inspiration through education, to delivering connection to social media influencers and trade / consumer

76 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017

media and ultimately to allowing networking with the industry’s elite movers and shakers.

Igniting the power of online beauty influencers, CPNA increased the span of its popular influencer programs and recruited 17 highly connected beauty influencers to engage with exhibitor brands through innovative programs and discovery on the show floor. This unparalleled exposure resulted in 336 posts for an estimated 8 billion impressions and a total 896 million engagements. CPNA also created original content through its own social sites resulting in 146 million impressions with over 21,000 total engagements.

Furthering in its mission to inspire, the event remains THE place where entrepreneurs can have access to top knowledge resources like Google and FIT Capstone and research companies like Kline & Company. Coupled with insights from worldwide experts from retailers (like VIP.com/China and QVC), trend forecasting from international firms and leaders sharing business tips across the beauty spectrum, the 3-day event offered endless business building tools within the 38 unique sessions.

Another distinguishing aspect of the show are the highly curated areas that are trend directional allowing buyers to quickly get a pulse of what is up-and-coming across different categories. Making a return were DISCOVER BEAUTY, DISCOVER BEAUTY SPOTLIGHTS and DISCOVER SCENT for specialty retail along with TONES OF BEAUTY for multi-cultural beauty and DISCOVER GREEN for organic beauty. Unique to the show are the curated sections where key buyers participate in speed-dating meetings with selected companies; for DISCOVER BEAUTY retailers included Kohl’s and Neiman Marcus. Brand new to the show were DISCOVER GREEN LEAF where organic beauty brands met with key specialty retailers and chain spas focused on organic beauty such as Pharmaca and Auberge Spas, along with DISCOVER BEAUTY PRO where selected companies met with key national distributors like ULTA and SalonCentric.

Exhibitors outside of special areas were not left without opportunities to meet with key buyers on their own. International buyers like Murale (Canada) and VIP.com (China), came as part of the International Buyer Program which is open to all exhibitors. Specifically to aid international exhibitors, the Domestic Buyer Program included buyers from leading retailers like Amazon and key national distributors like Armstrong McCall. The exclusive TV Shopping Auditions program took place live on the show floor giving exhibitors the chance to pitch their brands to

buyers from domestic channels HSN and QVC and international channels HSE (Germany), QVC (Worldwide), TV Shopping Network (Australia). Before and throughout the event, all participants also had access to the free 1to1BeautyMatchmaking.com, an portal which allows attendees to connect directly with exhibitors of interest seamlessly online.

As a result of these programs, hundreds of unique opportunities and relationships were formed. Through the various programs offered by the organizers, close to 1,000 face to face meetings were scheduled for exhibitors in addition to the thousands scheduled directly by exhibitors and attendees. This is a direct indication that is no better place to discover and be discovered than at Cosmoprof North America.

Industry recognition and a chance to network with thousands of industry professionals were also highlights of the exhibition. Events like the Discover Beauty Awards, which expanded from year’s past to included Discover Green Leaf and Discover Beauty Pro exhibitors was a unique chance to network and recognize the most innovative and on-trend brands. Among the winners of the Discover Beauty Awards were PRO-EVOX (Discover Beauty PRO), Glycelene (Discover Green Leaf) and Battington Lashes (Discover Beauty).

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Many vendors chose sleek, minimalist designs for their booths. Booths were often grouped by their country of origin and influence. Eric Dow of BTB Sales & Marketing was seen chatting with Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp. Charlene Dance and Courtney Adeleye of Mane Choice walk to their booth at Cosmoprof.

Giving back has been a huge part of the exhibition for many years and this year was no different. The highly coveted Boutique area allowed attendees the opportunity to engage and discover the latest products and curate a unique and reusable beauty box with over $18,426 raised for PBA Foundation (Look Good, Feel Better) -- an increase of 30% over 2016. Glamour Me also returned to give attendees the chance to try exhibitor products first-hand while receiving beauty treatments, makeup and styling. Donations were collected on behalf of the PBA Foundation.

New for 2017, CPNA engaged in retail partnerships with Amazon and QVC as well as international shopping networks from around the world. Amazon and QVC were at the show seeking to meet with brands, of which, some will be chosen to have their products featured at a “Discovered at Cosmoprof North America” section on their respective platforms. Beauty buyers for QVC were also available to meet with attendees and exhibitors at their booth.

Understanding that packaging is a huge part of a beauty brand’s success, CPNA created a full rounded program to emphasize and highlight this industry sector. This year marked the debut of a new program, Discover Pack where innovative suppliers covering various facets of the supply chain were featured; these companies enjoyed a distinctive design and dedicated marketing along with guaranteed meetings from leading companies such as Estee Lauder Companies and Sephora. Also putting the spotlight on the production side, attendees were able to see the Fabulous Live Lipstick show,

78 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017
Mark Osinoff, owner of Hain Celestial/Queen Helene, met with James Lee of Jinny Corp. Eric Dow of BTB Sales & Marketing, Brenda Leckie of King Research meet with Dean Kim of Jinny United. Many vendor spaces were massive and elaborate like the Helen of Troy booth. Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp. and Maggie Oskoff and her assistant, both of Bronner Brothers. The Krishner Group’s booth was a popular destination for many visitors. Shane Choi of R&R Corp. and Steve Ma of Jinny Corp. review the latest products.

showcasing Italian Excellence from 3 key suppliers (CMI Industries, Intercos, Lumson) and walk away with freshly made lipsticks. To provide inspiration and recognize true creativity in packaging and contract manufacturing, the new Beauty Innovation and Design Awards (BIDA) was hosted during the show; finalists were on display and winners were announced at a ceremony where 12 prizes were given out to various companies including Estee Lauder and Sphynx. Several sold out educational sessions were also dedicated to packaging trends and analysis.

CPNA also hosts PBA Beauty Week which included the sold-out PBA Business Forum with celebrity keynote Earvin

‘Magic’ Johnson and the coveted North American Hairstyling Award (NAHA) where winners were recognized during a star-studded awards ceremony; the Lifetime Achievement Award was given to industry icon Sam Villa.

The next Cosmoprof North America edition will be July 29th through 31st, 2018. To continue and discover products that were part of this year’s edition be sure to follow CPNA REVIEWS series on YouTube where select exhibitor will demo their product; new videos will be published as of end of July and will be updated on an ongoing basis. Social channels Instagram (cosmprofna), Twitter (cosmproflv) and Facebook will also have ongoing updates with products that were featured at the past edition.

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Barber John Ennis cuts a customer’s hair at the American International Industries booth. Elaborate booths were seen throughout Cosmoprof. Cheryl Kinnon of Spilo chats with reps and attendees. Ron Rajesh Kothari of American Dawn seen with Steve Ma of Jinny Corp. The Fisk Industries booth. Dean Kim of Jinny Corp. and Thomas Crumpton of Southeast Services.

James Hughes of JLJ Sales Group, Sonja Mair of Briggs and Darrin Barbour of Namaste Laboratories were seen at Cosmoprof.




Cosmoprof had thousands of attendees.

80 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017
Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp. and Craig Lloneau of Liquid Gold Bonding. Attendees peruse the many vendor booths at Cosmoprof. Ken Klibaner of KSA and Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp. Yumas Kalla of M&M Products and Yves Burton Bois of Deka Group were all smiles at Cosmoprof. Barber John Delgado gave client Viacheslave Savdov a close cut at the Andis booth. (l to r): Eddie Jhin and Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp reviewed the latest products with Sean Duffy of Conair. Leo Alba of Beauty Group, James Lee of Jinny Linda Patty Michel Farah of Mitchell Group. Peter Mudahy of Pak Group, Deborah Haynes Brannon and Jim Berlin of Murray’s Worldwide, Inc.

Many attendees stopped by the location-themed sections at

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Sharon Parker and Elizabeth Jumet of Keystone Laboratories, Inc. (l to r): Brian Oh, Art Emm and Eddie Jhin of Jinny Corp. with Harry Sczukowski and TJ Dickenson of Andis. Bottom right: Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp. Sue Seok of Jinny Corp. meets with Mike Picerno and Jack Bogosian of Fantasia. Cosmoprof. Vendors met with attendees from all over the nation. Cosmoprof was brimming with visitors. Throngs of people were seen at Cosmoprof. Special products were placed on display in the lobby of the event. Amika had one of several elaborate booths at Cosmoprof.

Marketing Brand Manager Mimi Edwards and Customer Experience Manager Ashley Mercer of Mielle Organics.

82 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017
Passerby check out American International Industries booth exterior. Passerby check out American International Industries booth exterior. Eddie Jhin of Jinny Corp. met with Victor Brownlow and other professionals at Helen of Troy. GirlandHair exhibit in the Tones of Beauty section. Strength of Nature booth. Marianna Industries booth. Registration at Cosmoprof.
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Walt Winslow of KAB Brands, LLC met with James Lee of Jinny Corp and Eric Dow of BTB Sales & Marketing. NYX Professional Makeup came prepared with hundreds of products to showcase at Cosmoprof. Thousands of attendees came to Cosmoprof. Shawn Tollerson, CEO of ORS Hair Care of Namaste Laboratories. l to r: Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp with Domenic Costa and Walt Winslow of KAB Brands, LLC.
84 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017
Jeff Cho and Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp. James Lee, Dean Kim, Jeff Cho and Nicole Cho of Jinny Corp. Nicole Cho Brian Oh, Sue Seok and Steve Ma of Jinny Corp. pose for a selfie. Garrett Wright, James Lee and Dean Kim of Jinny Corp. Rachel Knutson, Tim and Lisa Rudquist of Ladibugs, LLC.
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Attendees Glen, Gregg, Keltie and Maggie. l to r: Jordan Yanatos, Taylor Rae, Neil Malek, Alanna Littlepage, Michelle Chandler, Kayla Boyer and Caisa Airmet of Pravana Carla Truex of Loxa Beauty, Nina Lu and Jessica Iturralde of Cosmoprof. Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp. and Matt Cook of Revlon. Harlan Kirshner of the Kirshner Group (center) with Steve Ma (left) and Art Emm (right) of Jinny Corp. Art Emm of Jinny Corp. Sarah Jones addresses the audience at the gala. Mark Spinks of Beauty Systems Group was honored with an award, presented by his son Jack Spinks. Jennifer and Victor Brownlow of Belson Helen of Troy. Todd Kane, founder of Love Out Lavender, addresses the audience about the importance of charity.

Show Coverage

Cantu Event

PDC Brands’ Cantu held a private event at the House of Blues at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas on Sunday, July 9. Members of the beauty industry enjoyed delicious foods, Las Vegas showgirls and great music, courtesy of hip hop violinist Tony B and a live DJ. Tables were also accented with products from Cantu’s men’s collection to their popular Shea Butter line. www.cantubeauty.com

Photos by K. Penn Photography. www.k-penn.com

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Cantu product displays were seen throughout the House of Blues.
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Hip-hop violinist Tony B. Williams performed at the Cantu event. The Cantu event had everything from great food, music and Las Vegas show girls. Visitors poured into the House of Blues for the Cantu party. Jessica De Vault Hale and Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp. attended the Cantu event. Hors d’oeuvres were inspired by well-known cities. Delicious hors d’oeuvres were served to attendees.

SheaMoisture Launch Party

SheaMoisture celebrated its latest product line at its private party held at one of Las Vegas’ premiere venues on Monday, July 10. Attendees enjoyed a hair show and product demonstration of their latest Jojoba and Ucuuba Protective Styles collection. Martha Lampley, the owner of Hair by Xquisite Beauty Salon in Las Vegas, Nevada, detailed the versatility of the product line by showcasing a variety of protective styles, from wigs to weaves. No matter the style, the collection can help nourish and protect the hair, Lampley said. www.sheamoisture.com

Photos courtesy of Marketing Excellence

88 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 Show Coverage
Garrett Wright and Jessica De Vault Hale of Jinny Corp. Dawn Green of Marketing Excellence and Germain Bolds-Leftridge of GBL sales. Taliah Waajid and her son. Dawn Green of Marketing Excellence amd Richelieu Dennis of Sundial Brands. Darren and Deb Morris of Omni Sales. Jaredd Smith of Sundial Brands with Jessica De Vault Hale of OTC Beauty Magazine. Darren Morris of of Omni Sales, Dawn Green of Marketing Excellence and Richelieu Dennis of Sundial Brands.
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Richelieu Dennis with Sundial Brands staff and Dawn Green of Marketing Excellence. Jiyong Lee and John Park of Ebin New York, Erin Jung and Steve Chung of Big Man Trading. Rich Gallucci of Sundial Brands and Frank and Nelson Kriger of Carib Sales. Germain Bolds-Leftridge of GBL Sales, Eddie Jhin of Jinny Corp. and Taliah Waajid of Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Care Products. Carlos Perez, Mike Ross, Tyesha Vidal and Luis Jiminez of Ultra Standard. Ryan Alberta of Ultra Standard, Dawn Green of Marketing Excellence and Richelieu Dennis of Sundial Brands. David Yoon andily Hyun of Ben’s Beauty Supply; Richelieu Dennis of Sundial Brands and Dawn Green of Marketing Excellence. Richelieu Dennis, Rich Gallucci and Jaredd Smith of Sundial Brand staffers. David Yoon of Ben’s Beauty Supply flanked by the SheaMoisture hair models.

5th VIP International Trade Show

- Miami -

Letter from Eddie Jhin

On a warm, sunny afternoon Miami held their 5th VIP International Trade Show in their own building on Sunday, Aug. 6.

As expected, the show was a huge success with 92 VIP accounts gathered together in one space. Each account placed high-quantity case orders, per item, with Jinny's vendors, and even truckloads worth of orders were made.

"I am very proud of my Miami team, and we all supported each other and tried our best to accommodate our vendors, especially to our customers," said International Sales Director and VIP show Director Lan Wilkerson. "We are so excited to say that overall, I think we have done even better than last year's VIP International show numbers.”

After the show Jinny Miami Warehouse Manager Joseph Jang stated, "We will have to work until 10 p.m. for the next three weeks, but we are ready and have been prepared for this show."

Andy Son, the Miami sales manager, added, “I was really happy to see our top customers and next year my Miami team may change how we pick our customers to invite to our show. "

Overall, this one-day event was a huge success for Jinny Miami, and they want to thank each and every single vendor who attended the event with much appreciation and love.

92 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 Show Coverage
Customers checked out the Inspired Beauty booth. The trade show was filled with many customers, eager to meet with Jinny vendors.

Customers check out the

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Suki Kwon of Jinny Miami sales department helps customers. David Seo of the Jinny Miami sales department with customer from The Beauty Warehouse in Miami. Darrin Barbour and several other Namaste reps meet with customers. Cantu Brand Manager Sarah Zieman and Associate Manager McKay Matchett of PDC Beauty. Jonathan Tiram of Ecoco works with a customer. Customers meet with vendors. Revlon table. Petra Rampersad of the Jinny Miami sales department with a customer. Deborah Brannon of Murray’s Worldwide and customers discuss products. Cora Watson of Henkel, Sonia Maire and Joe Briggs of Briggs Master Marketers with customers.
94 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017
A Revlon representative assists customers with their orders. Robert E. Lee and another sales person of Ampro. Todd Simmons of Imperial Dax speaks with a customer about the company’s latest products. Customers gather around the Namaste booth. Customers chat with a J. Strickland representative. Customers peruse products at the L’Oreal booth. Catered food was served to vendors at Jinny Miami. Bronner Bros. reps talk with customers about their products. Brian Mullenbach of House of Cheatham and a fellow rep arrange products at their table. A Coty rep meets with a customer.
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Reps from Ecoco meet with customers. McKay Matchett of PDC Beauty completes an order with customers. Jinny Miami Warehouse crew A customer learns more about J. Strickland products. An R&R Corp. representative talks with customers. Crowds of customers came to Jinny Miami for the trade show. McKay Matchett and another rep, both of PDC Beauty talk with customers. Justin Lee of Jinny Miami shows products to an attendee. A J. Strickland rep explains products to visitors.

Ecoco representatives work with an attendee on an order.

96 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017
Reps at Ecoco talk with customers about their products. Vendors worked diligently with customers to help them place an order. Derek Lee of Strength of Nature met with a customer. Customers at the Revlon table. Strength of Nature representatives work with customers. Ken Klibaner of KBS and TJ Dickenson of Andis work with a customer. Sales Department Manager David Seo with customer from Venus Trading in Miami. Morrishane Horton of Strength of Nature with a customer. Crew members from the Jinny Miami Warehouse.

l to r:

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 97
Strength of Nature reps work with customers. Joe Briggs of Sonia Maire of Briggs Market Masters and Cora Watson of Henkel chat with customers. A Coty rep works with customers to place orders. David Seo (second from the right) of the Jinny Miami sales department with customers from Diamond Girl Beauty, Classy Beauty and Ali Beauty stores in Miami. Customers meet with various vendors at the show. A Jinny rep speaks with a customer. Customers from Diamond Girl Beauty and Classy Beauty stores in Miami. Sales Manager Lan Wilkerson of Jinny Miami, Account Manager Suki Kwon and Kristine Lee of the sales department. Customers check out the Revlon booth.
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Naturals, facial masks and colour cosmetics trending at in-cosmetics Asia 2017

Region’s leading personal care ingredients event reveals plans for its latest edition

Three major cosmetics trends which are driving substantial growth within the beauty and personal care market across APAC will be examined at this year’s in-cosmetics Asia exhibition. Natural extracts, facial masks and colour cosmetics will be highlighted as part of the ‘Spotlight on’ feature, enabling visitors to easily identify and learn about the latest developments in these highly popular sectors.

Aptly the world’s natural & organic personal care and cosmetic market is projected to reach $19.8bn[1] by 2022, representing an annual growth rate of 10.2% from 2016 to 2022 and Asia-Pacific is estimated to register the highest annual growth of 11.1% during this time. Meanwhile, the well-entrenched popularity of facial masks in APAC is spreading across the western world. The low unit price and instant hydrating properties have rendered them an essential part of the beauty routine for many years and the recent explosive K-beauty phenomenon has given facial masks a renewed push.

ingredients and informative insights to inspire future product design.”

Natural Extracts: In order to help the region’s manufacturers source innovative new ingredients, the Spotlight on Natural Extracts area at in-cosmetics Asia will feature a number of suppliers including CLR, DOC Japan and many more that have sourced unique plant and marine extracts from 100% natural sources with distinctive applications in personal care products. Not only that, during a presentation in the Marketing Trends Theatre leading experts on natural products will highlight the latest consumer demands from Asia Pacific.

The third trend to be explored in detail at in-cosmetics Asia 2017 will be colour cosmetics. Euromonitor International anticipates that APAC will replace the US as the leading colour cosmetics region by 2020, whilst in India alone the colour cosmetics market is projected to grow by more than 20% by 2020 – driven by an increasing number of women entering the workplace and demanding products such as lipsticks, lip gloss, nail polish, eye liners and mascara.

Sarah Gibson, Exhibition Director at in-cosmetics Asia, commented: “We have chosen to specifically focus on these areas as the demand for these product types in Asia Pacific is positively booming. Google recently revealed ‘masking’ is the most searched-for skincare term globally and naturals and colour cosmetics continue to remain strong, dynamic growth markets. These three areas provide exciting product development opportunities to manufacturers and we will provide invaluable

Facial masks: In the Spotlight on Facial Masks area, a dedicated product showcase area will feature active and functional ingredients for use in masks, as well as materials particularly suited to face and eye mask creation. In addition, a Marketing Trends presentation will be given by Senior Beauty and Personal Care Innovation and Insights Analyst at Mintel, who will examine the future growth opportunities for this category.

Colour cosmetics: Make-up has long been a staple of the cosmetic industry and, over the last few years, innovations in pigments and unique uses of colour have seen it become an increasingly important area of the market. In the event’s Spotlight on Colour Cosmetics area, R&D professionals will find an array of new technologies to try that will help them capitalise on the latest trends in lip colour and face make-up.

Why attend in-cosmetics Asia 2017?

The APAC region is forecast to grow to around US$192bn by 2021 at an annual growth rate of 5.52%, according to Euromonitor International. With more than 4bn potential consumers spanning 48 countries, the markets in this region are abundant with opportunity.

Propelled by the unprecedented growth in the region over the past five years, in-cosmetics Asia 2017 is expected to be the largest edition in its history – uniting the entire APAC cosmetic industry.

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demertbrands.com 1.813.903.0434

Industry News

The 2017 event will provide personal care product manufacturers with a platform to source new ingredients and technologies, expand their networks, establish new partners and learn about predicted future trends. This year’s event will build on the success of last year’s event, which attracted cosmetic manufacturers from 77 countries across Asia Pacific.

Speaking about the 2016 event, Alice Lefebvre, R&D Development Chemist at L’Oréal Japan, said: “I came across a hugely diverse range of suppliers at in-cosmetics Asia that were completely new, and a wide array of ingredients not yet on my radar. I believe I have actually found solutions for my current R&D project – what a fantastic show!”

in-cosmetics Asia will take place from 31 October – 2 November 2017 at the BITEC in Bangkok, Thailand. Further information is available at www.incosmeticsasia.com.

Asia’s New Trend Setting Exhibition for Whole Beauty & Health Industry

For those who are in the beauty industry and seeking businessexpanding opportunities toward overseas market in Japan and Asia, Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd. is introducing Asia’s new trend setting exhibition, 8th Beauty & Health Week [Tokyo]. The event is slated for January 24 -26, 2018. The show organizer is Japan’s largest and most reliable exhibition organizer and will gather 1,000* exhibitors from 40* countries and 30,000* visitors, all under one roof.

The 8th Beauty and Health Week [Tokyo] hosts businesses from the cosmetics ingredients, packaging, private label cosmetics, finished cosmetics products, beauty and health foods, beauty goods industries. The show consists of four specialized

exhibitions: Cosme Tokyo, CosmeTech, the 1st Health and Beauty Goods Expo and the Inner Beauty Tokyo.

Approximately 90,000 visitors in total] will get to see concurrent shows that will put synergetic influence to 8th Beauty & Health Week [Tokyo]. One of the concurrent shows is “GIFTEX 2018 Spring” which consists of 5 specialized exhibitions focused on variety-gift, baby & kids goods, fashion accessories, table and kitchenware and interior products. Buyers visiting GIFTEX will also visit 8th Beauty & Health Week [Tokyo] and seek trendy, unique beauty products. The other concurrent show is “SALES PROMOTION World 2018 Spring”, Japan’s largest exhibition for promotion & marketing products/solutions.

104 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017

Industry News

essie Introduces New Summer Nail Colors For 2017

essie, a leader in luxury polish and America’s salon expert since 1981, introduces six new pastel nail polishes as part of their latest summer collection. Inspired by the sweet sugar confections of Paris’ most opulent cafes, these glistening polishes are ideal for creating whimsical and fun summer nail art looks.

The perfect companion to your fashion adventure, these six super sweet pastel nail polishes are chic, bright and romantic. They’ll leave you feeling delighted to escape to the city of lights for a sweet summer adventure. Indulge in Paris’ decadence and romance with these pastel nail polishes and create the perfect summer nail art look.

Have your cake and eat it too with essie’s summer 2017 collection of pastel nail polishes. From soft crèmes to playful metallics, essie’s summer polishes are destined to be devoured. Create a summer nail art look featuring a pastel Parisian blue, like essie in blue-la-la, and combine with a lavender pink foil, s’il vous play, for a metallic twist.

• éclair my love – red candy passion

• blue-la-la – pastel parisian blue

• baguette me not – unforgettable lilac macaron

• fondant of you – sparkling apricot marmalade

• s’il vous play – lavender pink foil

• sweet soufflé – iridescent sugar white

essie’s new summer 2017 collection with an array of pastel nail polishes retails at $9.00 per bottle and is currently available at http://essie.com, fine salons and beauty destinations nationwide. To find even more decadent summer nail art inspiration, visit http://www.essie.com/essie-looks/nail-art.aspx

about essie nail polish

the USA’s nail salon expert since 1981, essie aims to inspire a love for the manicure experience with a wit and style that touches the hearts of women everywhere. essie is the go-to nail brand for beauty professionals, industry insiders, celebrities and fashion icons around the world. as the color authority, essie is center stage on runways around the world, offering highly-anticipated color collections that drive trends season after season. the salon-quality formula and catchy, whimsical names has led to the creation of more than 1,000 shades. essie is a leader in nail luxury, committed to highquality standards with an award-winning line of polishes and nail care products for every woman and salon professional. Since its introduction by Essie Weingarten, essie has delighted the colorobsessed with a love shared all over the world.

106 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017

Univar & Hallstar Grow European Distribution Partnership

Broader portfolio extends solutions for beauty and personal care industry

PARIS-- Univar BV, a subsidiary of Univar Inc. (NYSE: UNVR) (“Univar”), a global chemical and ingredients distributor and provider of value-added services, announced the extension of its exclusive agreement in Italy with Hallstar to include five additional countries: Spain, Portugal, Greece, France, and Benelux.

“Hallstar’s competency in esters is unmatched. Their core capabilities, including their leading platform of functional naturals, are essential to the formulation of next generation beauty and personal care products,” said Matthew Ottaway, vice president of Focused Industries for Univar EMEA. “The Hallstar product range further enriches our European product catalog and allows us to bring a more holistic portfolio to our customers. As a result, we improve our ability to work with customers to create custom highperformance formulations, allowing them to quickly bring superior products to market.”

With this expanded agreement, Univar now proudly offers the following products across southern Europe and up to Benelux:

• Natural Exotic Oils (Biochemica®)

• Natural butters (Biochemica®)

• Photostabilizers (Hallbrite® Solastay® Polycrylene®)

• Mineral UV Filter Systems (Hallbrite®)

• Antioxidants (Eurol® Biochemica®)

• Emulsifiers/ Surfactants (Olivem® and Florasolvs®)

• Emollients (Olivem® Sensolene® Florasolvs®)

• Solubilizers (Hallbrite® Spectrasolv®)

• Stabilizing agents (Oliwax®)

• Active ingredients (Eurol®)

“We are very pleased to expand our partnership with Univar’s Beauty & Personal Care team in Europe,” said Robert Hu, Hallstar’s vice president, EMEA. “Our end-users in France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and Benelux will benefit from the outstanding support from Univar’s market-focused technical sales team and laboratories. It is reassuring to know that distribution of Hallstar’s specialty performance-based, functional and natural product portfolio of photo protection, and butters and oils is in Univar’s very experienced and supremely capable hands.”

About Hallstar

Hallstar is a leading global provider of specialty chemistry solutions. The company takes a collaborative approach to every engagement, delivering technical support, chemistry expertise and industry knowledge that helps its customers make the most of their products, from concepts to the first production batches. www.hallstar.com

About Univar

Founded in 1924, Univar (NYSE: UNVR) is a global chemical and ingredients distributor and provider of value-added services, working with leading suppliers worldwide. Supported by a comprehensive team of sales and technical professionals with deep specialty and market expertise, Univar operates hundreds of distribution facilities throughout North America, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific and Latin America. Univar delivers tailored customer solutions through a broad product and services portfolio sustained by one of the most extensive industry distribution networks in the world. For more information, visit www. univar.com. www.univaremea.com.

108 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017
Industry News
Buy 4Dz Of Dr. Miracles Maintenance Items (DM18, 36, 24, 26, 30, 32) Get 1 Case Of Dr. Miracles Edge Holding Gel (DM525) FREE ITEM DM525 OFFER ENDS September 30, 2017. FREE SPECIAL OFFER

Industry News

The Fusion of Physical and Digital Worlds Reinvents Beauty Brick-and-mortar Retailing, Kline Shows

PARSIPPANY, NJ – With hundreds of new doors opening in various formats, the expanding cosmetics specialty and vertically integrated stores, such as Ulta, Sephora, Bluemercury, NYX, Kiko Milano, and e.l.f., which have grown at a compound annual growth rate of nearly 19% over the past five years, now account for an estimated 20% of total beauty market sales, finds Kline’s just-published Beauty Retailing USA: Channel Analysis and Opportunities report.

“While traditional department stores experience declining traffic and store closures, brick-and-mortar is not a dying breed, but a rising phenomenon of specialty retailers and vertically integrated stores that set trends, provide open-sell environments, offer solution-based approaches in digital formats, and enhance the overall consumer experience,” comments Naira Aslanian, the study’s project manager.

for the incredible growth of these free-standing beauty stores, finds Kline’s Boutique Beauty Retailers: Channel Analysis and Opportunities.

Department stores, however, are not giving up. They’re mimicking tactics applied by successful multi-brands specialty stores to draw more traction. In early 2017, Bloomingdale’s launches the first Knockout Beauty boutique composed of prestige brands with a natural/ organic slant. Nordstrom’s beauty area continues to evolve, bringing in brands with limited distribution. Nordstrom also adds beauty concierges in remodeled locations to help guide consumers across brands, showcasing the top products in each beauty category. Neiman Marcus launches its Memory Mirrors to help consumers remember the steps and products used during the in-store makeover.

Bluemercury has made headlines in recent weeks, opening its digitally-enhanced flagship location in New York City, with plans to open 40 more stores by the end of the year. In 2017, Sephora opens its largest store in North America in New York, and a few days ago its smallest 2,000 square foot freestanding concept store, Sephora Studio, opens in Boston. This concept is one step towards creating more curated and digital experiences for consumers in the real world. Alongside digital tools, increasingly demanding younger generations require one-on-one services, including 15-minute facials and 45-minute makeovers that drive consumers seeking a spa-like experience into stores.

Vertically-oriented boutique beauty stores, such as NYX, e.l.f., and Kiko Milano, are conquering local malls as these fastgrowing newcomers offer unique concepts targeted to younger consumers at lower price points. These brands are increasingly offering digital enhancements, such as NYX’s iPads that help create different looks with beauty influencers/vloggers walking consumers through the replication while in store. Enhancing a customer’s experience with a brand is one of the key reasons

A different type of revival is evident in the person-to-person segment of the direct sales channel. Previously characterized by powerhouses like Avon and Mary Kay, this segment has seen the rise of new stars that offer targeted, results-driven products, as well as the utilization of social media platforms and millennial sales associates. Players such as Rodan + Fields, Younique, Beautycounter, Ever Skincare, and Monat are the new generation of social selling brands that will have a high impact on the segment. The proof of this growing trend is Coty’s acquisition of a 60% stake in Younique in early 2017, desiring to tap into this new genre of social media-oriented person-to-person sales.

About Kline

Kline is a worldwide consulting and research firm dedicated to providing the kind of insight and knowledge that helps companies find a clear path to success. The firm has served the management consulting and market research needs of organizations in the agrochemicals, chemicals, materials, energy, life sciences, and consumer products industries for nearly 60 years. For more information, visit www.KlineGroup.com.

110 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017

STUDY: Confusion Over Ingredients in Personal Care Products Impacts Female Buying Behavior

Label Insight study reveals women are confused about personal care product ingredients and nearly half are willing to pay more for products that contain ingredients that they understand

CHICAGO-- American women are increasingly evaluating the contents of their personal care products and still walking away confused as to what the ingredients are and whether or not they fit into their personal requirements. In response, shoppers are more willing to comparison shop for personal care products with recognizable ingredients and pay more for those products. The study was released today by Label Insight, the market leader for product transparency. It surveyed more than 1,000 consumers on the importance of ingredients in personal care products, feelings of confusion with personal care product ingredients and labeling and the behavioral impact of this confusion on purchasing behavior.

Consumer demand for personal care ingredient information is on the rise.

Label Insight’s 2017 Ingredient Confusion study found that consumers consider ingredients when evaluating personal care products. 68 percent of those surveyed believe it is important or extremely important to consider the ingredients when deciding which products to buy.

Personal care ingredients confuse consumers.

Yet, consumers often do not recognize ingredients on labels. 81 percent of those surveyed do not recognize ingredients on the label of personal care products at least somewhat often. Only 2 percent of women said they always understand what all of the ingredients are.

When buying personal care products, 79 percent of women said they are at least sometimes confused about ingredients listed on the package label. Of those, 45 percent are often, very often or almost always confused.

When considering a personal care product to buy, if the ingredients on the label are confusing:

• 33 percent of women would not buy the product and look to another product instead

• 55 percent of women would look at another product to see if they understand the ingredients better

• 44 percent of women would research the ingredients on their mobile phone while shopping the aisle

112 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017 Industry News

Industry News

Ingredient confusion impacts brand trust and purchase behavior.

The study revealed that when consumers don’t understand product ingredients, it impacts their feelings toward the brand, and purchase behavior. 45 percent of those surveyed say they trust the brand less when they see personal care ingredients they don’t recognize or find confusing.

When it comes to making a purchase, 61 percent of women are more likely to buy personal care products that contain ingredients they understand or recognize. 53 percent would be willing to switch to a different personal care product if they understood the ingredients in that product better. 49 percent will pay more for a personal care product that contains ingredients they understand or recognize.

Ingredient definitions alleviate ingredient confusion and concern

When presented with a confusing, but harmless, ingredient, Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate, 88 percent were not familiar with it and 49 percent said they would not be comfortable buying a product that contained it. Once defined as liquid form of vitamin C used in cosmetics and personal care products that enables the vitamin C to penetrate the skin more effectively, there was a 43 percent increase in those who say they would be “very comfortable” purchasing the product.

“While consumer demand for product transparency in food and beverage has experienced a groundswell, our study shows that interest in transparency for personal care products is also on the rise,” said Kira Karapetian, Vice President of Marketing for Label Insight. “Women in particular are concerned about what is in their personal care products - from lotion to shampoo to sunscreenand will make buying decisions based on ingredient data. It will be

important for manufacturers to respond and to provide solutions such as SmartLabel in order to address these demands.”

SmartLabel™ gives consumers a way to access more detailed product information about a wide range of food, beverage, household, pet care and personal care products. It’s fast and easy to use, with a consistent digital format that shares accurate product data directly from the manufacturer. Through online landing pages that are accessible by smartphones, tablets, desktops and by phone, consumers can find product information organized in a consistent manner, including ingredient definitions and the reason each ingredient is in the product. Label Insight is the leading SmartLabel solution provider, powering more SmartLabel pages than any other provider.

About Label Insight: Label Insight is the market leader for transparency, enabling access to complete and accurate product information for more than 400,000 products, representing 80 percent of the top purchased CPG products in the U.S. The company’s product transparency engine powers data driven solutions for brands, retailers, researchers, analytics providers, government agencies and consumer applications by capturing and enhancing data contained on the packaging and labeling of food, pet, and personal care products. Label Insight customers use this data to provide greater transparency to consumers; easily participate in industry and government initiatives, such as SmartLabel; create more connected omni-channel experiences; and maximize category growth potential. www.labelinsight.com

114 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017

BIR Bits

Michael F. Heines joins ColorProof Color Care Authority as president.

In this new position, he will be held responsible for the management and leadership of the sales, marketing, education and operating teams, while executing the brand vision of CEO and Founder, Jim Markham. Jim shares, “When we recognized the need for this new position, Michael immediately came to mind as the perfect fit. I have known him for over 20 years and believe that his ability to build brands through strategic thinking and his management style will play a pivotal role in expanding our presence while driving revenue.”

Michael joins ColorProof from Sally Beauty Holdings’ CosmoProf division, where he served as group vice president since June 2012. Prior to joining sally, Michael owned Pacific Salon Systems, a regional distributor that merged with Cosmoprof. Jim met Michael and his father Fred, when they distributed one of Jim’s prior brands, ABBA Pure & Natural. www.colorproof.com

The Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers and Distributors is teaming up with Bologna Fiere Cosmoprof Worldwide and Corferias,

the International Business and Exhibition Center of Bogota, to power a new international hall during Feria Belleza y Salud, a beauty show in Bogota, Columbia, held from September 27-29, 2017. With an exhibition area that hosts 279 exhibitors and 55,000 visitors, Belleza y Salud is for companies that are looking for business opportunities in South America and for distributors, suppliers, import/export companies and beauty managers interested in trends in the cosmetic industry. The International Hall 7, powered by Cosmoprof, will host international companies that want to take advantage of specific

initiatives and an international communication plan to help attract South –American distributors and retailers and make networking and business relationships easier.


Candy Shaw, CEO and founder of Sunlights Balayage, has been named both Female Entrepreneur of the Year and Woman of the Year

in the Women Helping Women category by the 2017 Women in Business & the Professions World Awards. Fondly referred to as The Balay Lama, Candy has nurtured thousands of stylists, predominantly women, during her career. Sunlights Balayage is the maker and purveyor of balayage products and education. Candy also owns Atlanta’s 50-chair, 5,000-squarefoot Jamison Shaw Hairdressers.

Candy started Sunlights with two goals – to increase stylists’ productivity by helping them work smarter, not harder and to decrease the environmental impact that hairdressing has on the planet. Today, Sunlights is available in eight countries. www.sunlightsbalayage.com

Government Relations

• There is a continued trend to mandate domestic violence training for licensed beauty professionals (Arizona this year and Illinois last year). The Professional Beauty Association invites stylists to join its free Cut it Out! Program. www. probeauty.org/cutitout/

• There continues to be a trend in the reduction of cosmetology programs hours, notably Kentucky (reduced hours from 1,800 to 1,500), Montana (reduced from 2,000 hours to 1,500) and Colorado (reduced hours from 1,800 to 1,500).

Courtesy of “The Beauty Industry Report.”

The Beauty Industry Report is a monthly newsletter for executives in the professional beauty biz.

For 3 FREE complimentary issues of the “Beauty Industry Report,” please send your request to Lisa Iavello at lisa@bironline.com. Include your name, company name, address, phone number and email address in the email message.

116 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017
Michael F. Heines Candy Shaw
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Reader Feedback

Show Calendar / Ad Index


9-12 13th Annual Beauty Fair Sao Paulo, Brazil www.beautyfair.com.br/us/

13-16 Natural Products Expo East Baltimore, MD www.expoeast.com

17 NailPro Sacramento Sacramento, CA www.nailprosacremento.com

18-19 Professional Beauty Mumbai Mumbai, India www.professionalbeauty.in


6-9 Beauty Expo 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia www.beautyexpo.com

11-12 In-Cosmetics North America New York, NY www.northamerica.in-cosmetics.com

12-14 Cosmobeaute Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia www.cosmobeauteasia.com

15-16 Premiere Beauty Classic Columbus, OH www.beautyclassicshow.biz

15-16 Skin Inc.’s Face & Body Southeast Atlanta, GA www.faceandbody.com

23-24 Premiere Birmingham Birmingham, AL www.premierebirminghamsho.biz

28 Curls, Kinks & Culture Music Festival Atlanta, GA www.naturalhairshow.org/buy-tickets/

31-Nov. 2 In-Cosmetics Asia Bangkok, Thailand www.asia.in-cosmetics.com

AFAM Concept ...................................... 2, 3,


American International .............................................. 65 www.aiibeauty.com

Ampro Industries ......................... 31 and Back Cover www.amprogel.com

Andis Co. ............................................. 7, 40-41, and 70 www.andis.com

Beauty Perfection ..........................................................


Brock Beauty .................................................................


Carol’s Daughter..............................................................31 www.carolsdaughter.com

Conair ..............................................................................

Coty ..............................................................................

Curls .................................................................................

DeMert Brands ...........................................................


Magic .........................................................


Fantasia Ind. ..................................................................

www.fantasiahaircare.com Giovanni Cosmetics.....................................................100 www.giovannicosmetics.com Hair Illusion......................................................................90 www.hairillusion.com

www.hotus.com House of Cheatham ....................................................

126 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017
46 and 99
9, 45
11 www.curls.biz
91 www.houseofcheatham.com Innovative Beauty Products, LLC ........................... 59 www.godefroybeauty.com Inspired Beauty Brands ..................................... 32, 68 www.haskbeauty.com Jane Carter Solution.................................................128 www.janecartersolution.com JBS Hair ........................................................................ 107 www.jbshair.com KAB Brands, ................................................................. 113 www.aphogee.com King Research................................................................105 www.barbicide.com Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products .............. 98 www.liquidgoldbonding.com L’Oreal Technique...........................................................64 www.lorealtechnique.com M&M Products .............................................................. 33 www.mmproducts.com Mane Selection................................................................8 www.maneselection.com Mitchell Group .............................................................. 47 www.mitchellbrands.com Murray’s Worldwide .................................................. 127 www.murrayspomade.com Namaste Laboratories ............................................... 21 www.orshaircare.com Nature’s Protein ......................................................... 115 www.NPhaircare.com PDC Beauty.......................................................................26 www.pdcbeauty.com Queen Helene ........................................................ 35, 44 www.queenhelene.com Roux Laboratories.....................Cover, IFC, 23 and 75 www.cremeofnature.com and www.lottabody.com SMSi Urban Call ............................................................ 36  SoftSheen-Carson ........................................... 129, IBC www.softsheen-carson.com Sundial ............................................................................. 27 www.sundialbrands.com Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products ...................... 19 www.naturalhair.org Universal Beauty Products, Inc..................................51 www.universalbeauty.com Vogue International .................................................... 13 www.vogueintl.com Wahl.....................................................................................72 www.wahl.com Xtreme Beauty International ............ 14, 15, and 69 www.xbi.co
‘N Hot .....................................................................
www.goldnhothair.com Helen of Troy .................................................................

Product Spotlight

Dark and Lovely® Au Naturale Expands Its Popular

Anti-Shrinkage Collection with Clumping Curls

Cleanse, Clump and Go! The New Way to Easy Curl Definition

Dark and Lovely® Au Naturale, the award-winning authority on natural hair care and styling, is excited to introduce a new regimen to cleanse and define curls: Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage Clumping Clay Cleanser and Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage Clumping Curl Crème Gel, two products with a nourishing blend of Argan Oil and Coconut Oil that moisturizes and smoothes curls and coils.

Inspired by naturalistas as a curl enhancement, “clumping curls” is the act of hair strands binding together to create a natural curl without the frizz. What’s great is that the thicker the hair strand clumps, the bigger the curl. In the past,

women with natural hair would create their own clay wash mixture –such as Bentonite Clay and Apple Cider Vinegar – to clump their curls. However, Dark and Lovely Au Naturale has taken the guesswork out of clumping curls by introducing this easy, no-need-to-cocktail system. Just cleanse, clump and go!

The clay cleanser kicks off the two-step system by softly binding and defining curls. Then the crème gel holds it all together, creating a new way of achieving curl definition. The new Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage extension includes:

• Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage Clumping Curl Clay Cleanser – The first step of the clumping routine, this clay cleanser is formulated with a nourishing blend of Kaolin Clay, Argan Oil and Coconut Oil that cleanses without stripping hair of moisture and encourages curl definition.

• Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage Clumping Curl Crème Gel – The second step of the clumping routine, this crème gel holds your curls together without buildup and frizz.

The Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage maintenance and styling line is infused with nourishing oils to provide all-day hydration, elongation, definition and nourishment for all curl types. Featuring an exclusive anti-shrinkage recipe, these products are specially formulated to address the unique needs of naturally curly hair textures to fight curl shrinkage, frizz, and elongate curls all-day long and contains NO drying alcohol, NO mineral oil, NO petrolatum, NO sulfates and NO parabens*.

128 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2017

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