The All Natural Issue, Feb 2014

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February 2014| $6.00 The All Natural Issue

Advancements in the

Natural MIZANI Market Manufacturer Profile

OTC Store Interview Inside Hair World – TN

Useful Business Tips Industry Updates

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CONTENTS February2014 in this issue

Editorial Letter ����������������������10 Be Yourself

자연스럽게 행동하세요.

Expert Advice �����������������������12 Dermatologists Share Home Remedies for Dry Skin 피부과 의사가 말하는 건조한 피부의 홈 케어 방법

Marketplace �������������������������16 Naturally Beautiful

Urban Call Briefs ������������������35 Connecting with Your Most Important Consumers: Part II

King of Locs..........................51 Natural Living

Clipper Tips ��������������������������72 Pint Sized Yet Powerful

Therapy Trends ���������������������74 Naturally Free to be Healthy

Tonsorial Times .................... 76

Feature Article Has the Korean Beauty Supply Industry Reached its Summit? ��������������������������������������� 54 by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

The Korean beauty supply industry is very strong, yet some indicators suggest that small changes in stores could help keep them prosperous. Staying dedicated to business success, keeping your store attractive to customers, and reaching out to the Hispanic market could be the ticket to striving in the New Year.

한국인 뷰티 서플라이 산업은 정점에 도달했는가? 한국인 뷰티 서플라이 산업은 매우 강하다. 하지만, 번영을 위해 약간의 변화가 필요하다. 비즈니스의 성공에 초점을 맞추고, 소비자들의 관심을 끌고, 히스패닉 시장으로 접근을 해야 보다 발전적일 수 있을 것이다.

Retailer Profile

Hair World – TN �������������������66 by Tony Bae

고객과의 원활한 관계가 성공을 만드는 가장 중요한 요소입니다

All About the Benjamin

업계소식................................ 80

Industry News ���������������������86 Coupons ������������������������������91 Show Calendar ��������������������96 Ad Index ������������������������������96 Reader Feedback ������������������98 Product Spotlight �������������� 100 Naturally You! Deep Conditioning Masque


OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

On The Cover

Strength of Nature is excited to announce the release of the New Reversible™ Straightening Texture Manageability™ System. Branching out to the African Pride, Dream Kids and Beautiful Textures brands, this new innovation offers all of your customers a way to flip from curly to straight styles and back again, without the hair damage often caused by chemicals or changing hair texture. Learn more on page 65.

CONTENTS February 2014 Knowledge To Know Finished Product

New Texture Manageability Leave-in Conditioner ������������������������������������� 22 Justin Gooch Category Seeks to Revolutionize by Hair care is a comprehensive solution containing the essential components of shampoos, Natural Hair ���������������������������������� 26 conditioners, and oils. The basic conditioners that have been used over the years have evolved in by Syd Shaw

With each passing year, the styling needs of naturals grow, particularly in the area of heat-styling. Women and children want versatility and the ability to safely flip back and forth between natural and straight styles. Strength of Nature has answered this call by creating a new category in hair that revolutionizes the way naturals style. Say hello to Texture Manageability!

새로운 모발관리(Texture Manageability) 카테고리가 네추럴 헤어의 혁명을 추구한다. 해가 거듭되면서, 네추럴 스타일링의 요구가 성장하고 있는데, 특히 열 스타일링 분야에서 더욱 그러하다. 여성과 아동들은 네추럴 헤어와 스트레이트 스타일을 안전하게 변환할 수 있는 다양성과 기능성을 원한다. Strength of Nature는 새로운 카테고리를 창출하며, 혁신적인 네추럴 스타일을 탄생 시켰다. 그것은 Texture Manageability 라고 불린다!

form and shape into what are called leave-in conditioners. Learn all about this intensely nourishing product here.

Business Tips

Customers Want Wide Product Selections In-Store ���� 40 by Denman Inc. It is vital to meet the demands of your customers to gain business success. Adding value to the instore experience and stocking a comprehensive range of hair care products will help. A varied stock of brushes, combs and complementary products coupled with knowledgeable sales staff builds the reputation of the store and gives a competitive edge.

고객들은 선택할 수 있는 다양한 제품들을 원하고 있다. 고객들의 요구를 충족시켜 주는 것이 비즈니스 성공에 있어서는 핵심적인 요소이다. 스토어내의 제품들을 늘리는 것은 많은 도움이 될 것이다. 다양한 종류의 브러쉬, 빗, 그리고 보완 제품들이 제품 지식이 풍부한 판매 직원과 함께 준비된다면 매장의 명성을 쌓고 경쟁에서의 우위를 가져올 수 있을 것이다.

Feature Larger Product Sizes and Are You Penny-Pinching Yourself Out of Business? Build Your Professional Stylist Business ���������������������������������������� 30 Five Expenses You Should Never, Ever Skimp On ������ 44 by Ted Fishman

Many OTCs could do a lot more business by catering to the professional stylist and addressing his or her needs. It is well known that salons and professional hair stylists are always looking for larger sizes of products—styling gels, shampoos, conditioners, relaxers, etc. It is more economical for them to buy their salon needs in the larger sizes since the usage is much greater than individual consumer use.

대용량 사이즈 제품을 갖추고 전문 스 타일리스트 고객들과의 비즈니스를 구축해라 많은 OTC 매장들은 전문 스타일리스트들의 요구 사항에 맞추고 그것을 해결해줌으로써 더욱 많은 비즈니스를 만들어 왔다. 살롱과 전문 헤어 스타일리스트들이 언제나 대용량 제품을 찾는다는 것은 잘 알려진 사실이다. 스타일링 젤, 샴푸, 컨디셔너, 릴렉서 등등. 살롱에서는 가정에서보다 사용량이 훨씬 많기 때문에 대용량을 구입하는 것이 그들에게는 매우 경제적이다.

Manufacturer Profile MIZANI ����������������������������������������� 60 “In Swahili MIZANI means ‘Balance,’ which is central concept behind the brand,” explains Melka Davis of MIZANI. OTC Beauty Magazine spoke with Davis to learn all about the company whose “products are dedicated to work gently to balance the levels of moisture and protein in the hair.” “스와힐리어로 MIZANI는 ‘균형’을 뜻하며, 이것은 브랜드의 중추적인 개념입니다.” 라고 MIZANI 의Melka Davis 는 설명한다. OTC 뷰티 매거진은 “모발의 수분과 단백질 레벨의 균형을 위해 부드러운 작용에 중점을 둔 제품” 들을 보유하고 있는 이 회사에 관해Davis와 많은 이야기들을 나눴다. 6

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

by Sean C. Castrina

The ability to stretch a budget is a survival skill, especially in those cash-strapped early days of running your own business. And because you know you’re never much more than a bad quarter or an unexpected expense away from closing your doors, you’re always looking for new ways to save money. But here’s the real question: Are you being cheap about the wrong things?

당신은 폐업을 초래할 수 있는 구두쇠인가? 당신이 결코 아끼지 말아야 할 5가지 지출 예산을 당신은 절약할 잘못된

늘릴 수 있는 능력은 특히 초기에 현금이 묶여있는 상황에서는 생존 기술이다. 그리고 아주 힘든 시기나 예상치 못한 지출이 생길지 모른다는 것을 알기 때문에, 언제나 돈을 수 있는 새로운 방법을 찾고 있는 것이다. 그러나 여기에 진짜 질문이 있다. 당신은 것들에 대해 절약을 하고 있는가?


Ann Jhin


Haley McNeal

Korean News Editor:

Tony Bae

Earl Cole

Art Director:

Advertising & Sales Coordinator:

Contributing Writers:

American Academy of Dermatology Sean C. Castrina Denman Inc. Ted Fishman Justin Gooch Cyrus Jackson Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Syd Shaw


Kenny Duncan Lafayette Jones Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.

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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 88

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

Editorial Letter

Be Yourself I

자연스럽게 행동하세요. 네

t is no secret that the Natural movement is prominent within the industr y. What you might not know is that it is constantly evolving. The pride and individuality that is tied to “going natural” will always be the driving forces behind the lifestyle, but it is continually growing and expanding. One way in which the Natural segment is expanding is in product offerings. Flip through our Marketplace section to see what’s new. With more ways than ever to make their hairstyle their own, you want to make sure your customers have the pick of the litter when it comes to products. Help them stock the collections with the beauty goods they want and need! Secondly, new practices are coming to play in the Natural arena. The article about this “New Texture Manageability Categor y” can be found on page 26 and explains this revolutionar y process. Offering more styling freedom to Naturalistas, it truly is a great innovation with tremendous potential. In this issue we also wanted to offer Business Tips to ensure your company is running as efficiently as possible while you are still settling in to the New Year. Starting off on the right foot is essential, and the information offered here will help you with that. We’ve heard it all our lives, “If something isn’t broke, why fix it?” but we do not believe it actually applies here. It’s not that the Natural sector is being “fixed,” it is simply growing and becoming even bigger and better. Won’t you and your customers join us on this journey?

추럴한 동향이 업계에서 눈에 띄는 것은 더 이상 비밀스럽지가 않은 일입니다. 여러분이 알지 못할 수도 있는 것은 그것이 끊임없이 진화하고 있다는 점입니다. “자연스러움의 추구”와 결부된 자부심과 개성은 언제나 라이프 스타일을 이끄는 힘이 될 것입니다. 그러나 그것은 지속적으로 성장하고 확장하고 있습니다. 네추럴 분야가 확장하고 있다는 것은 새로이 쏟아져 나오는 제품에서 볼 수 있습니다. 저희 Marketplace 섹션을 통해 어떤 새로운 것들이 출시 되는지를 보실 수 있습니다. 자신의 헤어 스타일을 스스로 만드는 방법들이 이전보다 훨씬 많아졌고, 여러분은 고객들이 그들에 맞는 최고의 제품들을 사용할 수 있도록 도와줘야 합니다. 둘째로, 네추럴 분야에서 새로운 실험들이 시작되고 있습니다. “새로운 모발 텍스처 관리 기능의 종류”에 관한 기사를 페이지26에서 볼 수 있는데, 이 혁신적인 과정에 관해 잘 설명하고 있습니다. 자연스러움을 추구하는 사람들에게 더욱 다양한 스타일링의 자유를 제공하는 것은, 정말이지 엄청난 잠재력을 가진 중대한 혁신입니다. 또한, 이번 호에서 우리는 여러분의 사업체가 새로운 해를 맞아 안정을 찾는 동안 가능한 효과적으로 운영될 수 있는 비즈니스 조언을 제공하고자 합니다. 올바른 첫걸음을 내딛는 것은 필수적이며, 여기에 제공된 정보들은 여러분에게 그러한 도움을 줄 것입니다. 우리의 모든 삶에서 이런 말을 들어왔습니다. “고장나지 않았다면, 왜 고칠려고 하는가?” 그러나 이 말은 사실 여기엔 적용되지 않습니다. 네추럴 분야는 ‘수정’ 되는 것이 아니라, 단순히 성정하며 심지어 더욱 크고 더욱 나아지고 있습니다. 여러분과 여러분의 고객들도 이 여정에 동참해야 하지 않을까요?

Editor 10

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

June 2012OTC Beauty Magazine


Expert Advice

y r D Skin

by The American Academy of Dermatology


Share Home Remedies for

피부과 의사가 말하는 건조한 피부의 홈 케어 방법

Dry skin is a common problem during the winter and its effects can be painful—causing the skin to flake, itch, crack and even bleed. Yet dermatologists say there are ways people can find relief by implementing a few changes to their daily lives. “It’s tempting, especially in cold weather, to take long, hot showers, but being in the water for a long time and using hot water can be extremely drying to the skin,” said boardcertified dermatologist Stephen P. Stone, MD, FAAD, professor of dermatology and director of clinical research, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield. “Keep your baths and showers short and make sure you use warm, not hot water. Switching to a mild cleanser can also help reduce itching, and be sure to gently pat the skin dry after your bath or shower as rubbing the skin can be irritating.”

by 미국 피부학회

피부 건조는 겨울철에 발생하는 일반적인 문제이며 그로 인한 고통들 이 수반된다.- 피부가 가렵고 균열이 생기며 심지어 피가 날 수도 있 다. 그러나 일상 생활에서 몇 가지 변화를 주는 것만으로도 이런 문제 를 해결할 수 있는 방법들이 있다고 피부과 의사들은 말한다. “특히 겨울철에는 뜨거운 물로 장시간 샤워를 하고 싶은 마음 이 많이 생기죠, 그러나 오랜 시간 뜨거운 물 속에 있는 것은 극심한 피부 건조를 유발할 수가 있습니다.” Southern Illinois University School of Medicine의 피부과 교수이며 연구 디렉터인 피부 전문의Stephen P. Stone은 이렇게 말한다. “목욕이나 샤워는 뜨거 운 물이 아니라, 따뜻한 물로 짦은 시간에 마치도록 합니다. 이전보다 순한 클렌저로 바꾸는 것도 가려움을 줄이는데 도움이 될 것입니다, 그리고 샤워나 목욕을 마친 후에는 수건으로 피부를 문질러 닦으면 피 부 손상을 초래할 수 있으니 가볍게 두드려 말려야 합니다.” 피부 건조를 방지할 수 있는 Stone 박사의 조언들은 다음과 같다: 1. 목욕이나 샤워 후에는 보습제를 바른다. 로션보다는 연고나 크림

Dr. Stone shares more tips to relieve dry skin: 1. Apply moisturizer after getting out of the bath or shower. Ointments and creams tend to be more effective than lotions. 2. Read ingredients on skin care products. Deodorant soaps, alcohol-based toners, and products that contain fragrance can irritate dry, sensitive skin.

타입이 더욱 효과적이다. 2. 스킨 케어 제품의 성분을 읽는다. 데오도런트 비누, 알콜 성분의 토너, 방향 성분을 포함한 제품들은 건성이나 민감한 피부를 자 극하기 쉽다. 3. 실내의 충분한 보습을 위해 가습기를 사용한다. 4. 피부가 호흡할 수 있도록 100% 순면과 같은 부드러운 소재의 옷을 입는다. 양모나 거친 직물의 옷을 입고자 한다면, 부드러운 직물 을 안에 입는다.

The American Academy of Dermatology (Academy), is headquartered in Schaumburg, Ill. and was founded in 1938. It is the largest, most influential, and most representative of all dermatologic associations. With a membership of more than 17,000 physicians worldwide, the Academy is committed to: advancing the diagnosis and medical, surgical and cosmetic treatment of the skin, hair and nails; advocating high standards in clinical practice, education, and research in dermatology; and supporting and enhancing patient care for a lifetime of healthier skin, hair and nails. Contact the Academy at 1-888-462-DERM (3376) or Follow the Academy on Facebook (American Academy of Dermatology) or Twitter (@AADskin). 12

OTC 2014 OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine February December 2008

3. Use a humidifier to add much-needed moisture to the air. 4. Wear soft fabrics that breathe, such as 100 percent cotton. If you want to wear wool and other rough fabrics, wear a soft fabric underneath. 5. Don’t skimp on hand washing, which can remove harmful bacteria and viruses. If you need to wash your hands frequently, hand sanitizers are a good alternative. 6. Apply hand cream after each hand washing. If more relief is needed, dab petroleum jelly on your hands before bed. If your hands are frequently immersed in water, wear waterproof gloves to help protect them. “It’s very important for people to see a board-certified dermatologist if these tips do not relieve their dry skin,” said Dr. Stone. “Very dry skin may require a prescription ointment or cream, and dry skin also can be a sign of an underlying medical condition, such as eczema.” These tips are demonstrated in “Dry Skin Relief,” a video posted to the Academy website and the Academy’s YouTube channel. This video is part of the Dermatology A to Z: Video Series, which offers relatable videos that demonstrate tips people can use to properly care for their skin, hair and nails. A new video in the series posts to the Academy’s website and YouTube channel each month.

5. 유해한 세균이나 바이러스를 제거할 수 있는, 손 씻기에 인색하 지 말아야 한다. 손을 자주 씻어야할 경우, 손 살균제가 좋은 대안 이 될 수있다. 6. 매 회 손을 씻은 후에는 핸드 크림을 바른다. 더 심도있는 관리가 필요할 경우, 자기 전 페트롤리움 젤리를 손에 살짝 바른다. 물 에 손을 자주 담궈야할 경우에는 손 보호를 위해 방수 장갑을 착 용하면 도움이 된다. “이런 조언으로도 피부 건조에 도움이 되지 않을 경우에는 피부과 전 문의를 만나는 것이 아주 중요합니다” Stone 박사가 말하기를, “심한 피부 건조에는 처방용 연고나 크림이 필요할 수도 있으며, 피부 건조는 또한 습진과 같은 상태를 나타내는 신호일 수도 있습니다.” 이상의 조언들은 아카데미 웹사이트와 아카데미의 유투브 채 널에 게재된 “피부 건조 치료” 동영상에 설명되어 있다. 이 동영상은 피부과 A to Z의 일부이다. 이 동영상 시리즈는 사람들이 피부, 헤어 및 네일 관리를 위해 적절하게 사용할 수 있는 조 언들을 제시하는 논리적인 동영상을 제공한 다. 매달 아카데이 웹사이트와 유투브 채 널을 통해 이 시리즈의 새로운 동영 상이 게재된다.

You can find this particular video at

February2008 2014 OTC OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine December


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2008

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine


Naturally Beautiful Do not let anyone tell your customers otherwise, they are beautiful just the way they are! We have gathered some of the hottest new items in the industry to help them flaunt their own natural, unique styles stunningly.

Gro Natural

Ensure happy customers by providing them with products that keep their hair and scalp healthy. Johnson Products’ Ultra Sheen® Gro Natural Hair and Scalp Treatment gently hydrates the scalp while keeping hair soft and healthylooking. For maximum results, advise customers to apply twice a day. The natural oils inside moisturize while adding soft, supple sheen to any hairstyle.

Keep it Curly

As a part of the House of Cheatham Texture My Way® line, Keep it Curly Ultra-Defining Curl Pudding is the ultimate solution for achieving luscious, elongated, moisture-rich curls that last all day. Super light-weight and non-greasy, it is the product your curly customers have been looking for!


OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

Awesome Avocado

Less breakage, improved manageability and more curl definition…where do we sign up? Co-washing hair is a great daily treatment to obtain strong, conditioned tresses, and III Sisters of Nature is proud to present their Cleansing Co-Wash with avocado. Infused with beneficial, natural ingredients with no harmful additives, this product yields strong, flexible hair.

Unleash the Ringlets

A part of the Curls Unleashed™ line, the Let it Flow™ Shine and Define Mousse from Namasté Laboratories is perfect for wavy and curly textures. Simply wet hair, liberally apply the product then scrunch, shape and get curl definition without frizz. Beautiful tresses with alluring movement have never been easier to achieve!

February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


M A R K E T PLACE Dessert for Hair

It claims to be the “final course and dessert for your hair,” and the Au Naturale Sheen Sealing Nectar from SoftSheen-Carson is the recipe for all day shiny, elongated curls and coils. It conditions both hair and scalp while providing a succulent sheen to perfect the style. Let your customers treat their tresses today.

Milk for Manes

Long lasting moisture and shine awaits in a few quick sprays of Cantu® for natural Hair Coconut Milk Shine and Hold Mist. It will rehydrate and refresh curls, leaving them frizz-free and full of shine. Made with 100% Pure Shea Butter and formulated without chemicals or harsh ingredients, it restores real, authentic beauty.

Fantastically Floral

Soften and detangle natural hair while allowing it to smell of exotic Polynesian flowers with Universal Beauty Products’ My DNA™ Leave-In Conditioner and Detangler. When applied to wet or dry hair, this lightweight conditioner treatment detangles and moisturizes hair. It works on a variety of hair types: spiral, wavy, kinky, coily and straight.


OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

Tropical Roots

Open the jar and there’s no denying it – Tropical Roots™ Twist Cream™ from Bronner Brothers truly does transport you to the islands. With natural tropical ingredients to begin and maintain healthy, lightweight braids, locks and twists, it keeps the hair frizz free with a natural luster. Tropical Roots promotes growth, does not have dyes or artificial colors, doesn’t flake, and boasts no build up.

On-The-Go Beauty

No woman should have to compromise her makeup routine because of travel. Equip your customers with the portable product they need – the Deluxe Travel Brush Set from Cala®. What’s more, the bag that contains them and the tips of these five brushes are pink, and we’re not sure a lovelier feminine color exists that makes anyone feel more fabulous.

February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


by Justin Gooch


Conditioner Your Hair Deserves It


OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

Hair care is a comprehensive solution containing

the essential components of shampoos, conditioners, and oils. The basic conditioners that have been used over the years have evolved in form and shape into what are called leave-in conditioners.

Hair deserves care and attention to flourish in

a punishing and testing environment—as is only to be expected, hair is prone to be affected by dirt and the whole host of pollutants in the environment, which shampoos and conditioners work together on to provide healthy hair. And for a complete treatment that eliminates the problem from scratch, leave-in conditioners are essential, as they work intensely on the hair.

While conditioners act on the hairs to make them soft

and supple, providing them with moisture and with nutrients, they are supposed to be washed off after being left on the hair for a few minutes. Leave-in conditioners, on the other hand, are meant to be applied after you have washed and rinsed your hair, which makes them even more effective, providing essential nourishment and moisture.

Leave-in conditioner is not based on dense oil, unlike

conventional conditioners; hence you may not have to worry about the greasy part of the equation. And you could draw the most out of your leave-in conditioner if you could ensure that it is made of natural ingredients, as the leave-in conditioner is meant to stay on in your hair, by design. The conditioner keeps your hair moist and soft for a long time, and this moisture prevents your hair from being damaged by the effects of static electricity. While dryness of hair is not a recommended prescription for healthy hair, the presence of moisture keeps your hair soft and supple, preventing the growth of yeast and bacteria, which could otherwise lead to dandruff formation. Another benefit of using leave-in conditioner is that you could have more control over fly-away hair, given that moisture tends to be locked into hair.

If you have decided to use leave-in conditioner, you

could be better off using a fully natural or herbal leave-in conditioner, given that the ingredients in it—such as naturally occurring Aloe Vera, natural oats or green tea—are known for their healing powers and skin care properties. With regular application of leave-in conditioner, you could benefit from hair that looks soft and locks in moisture, overcoming the harmful effects of pollution and dust, resulting in light and bouncy hair for the perfect look and feel. Article courtesy of You can find the article at: health-articles/leave-in-conditioneryour-hair-deserves-it-5208514.html February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by Syd Shaw

새로운 모발관리(Texture Manageability) 카테고리가 네추럴 헤 어의 혁명을 추구한다.


he explosion of the natural hair movement has meant many things for retailers. Many store aisles have now expanded to include products for women with kinky, curly and wavy hair needs, also known as “multi-textured.” Along with a bevy of new products for natural-haired women, came a slew of new styles and terminology like fingerstyling, the process of using crèmes or gels to define wet curls, and two-strand-twisting, the process of plaiting natural hair to create a soft, wavy look. With each passing year, the styling needs of naturals grow, particularly in the area of heat-styling. Women and children want versatility and the ability to safely flip back and forth between natural and straight styles. Strength of Nature - the makers of African Pride, Beautiful Textures, Elasta QP, MegaGrowth, Soft & Beautiful, Soft & Beautiful Botanicals, TCB and Pro-line Comb-Thru brands - has answered this call by creating a new category in hair 26

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

추럴 헤어의 폭발적인 움직임은 소매업체에 많은 것 을 의미하고 있다. 많은 상점의 통로들이 곱슬머리나 컬, 웨이브 헤어의, 소위 “다중 텍스쳐”로 알려진 여성들이 필 요로하는 제품으로 넓어지고 있다. 네추럴 헤어 여성들을 위 한 새로운 무리의 제품들과 함께, 핑거스타일과 같은 새로운 스타일과 용어, 촉촉한 컬을 위해 크림이나 젤을 사용하는 작 업, 두 가닥 꼬임, 네추럴 헤어를 부드럽고 웨이브있는 형태로 만드는 플레이팅 작업이 생겼다. 해가 거듭되면서, 네추럴 스 타일링의 요구가 성장하고 있는데, 특히 열 스타일링 분야에 서 더욱 그러하다. 여성과 아동들은 네추럴 헤어와 스트레이 트 스타일을 안전하게 변환할 수 있는 다양성과 기능성을 원한 다. African Pride, Beautiful Textures, Elasta QP, MegaGrowth, Soft & Beautiful, Soft & Beautiful Botanicals, TCB and Pro-line Comb-Thru brands 의 제조사인Strength of Nature는 네추럴 스타일을 위 한 방법의 혁신을 통해 헤어의 새로운 카테고리를 창조함으로

February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


K-t-K that revolutionizes the way naturals style. Say hello to Texture Manageability.

써 이러한 요청에 응답해왔다. 모발관리(Texture Manageability)가 바로 그것이다.

WHAT IS TEXTURE MANAGEABILITY? Texture Manageability, a term coined by Strength of Nature, is a new hair category with product offerings that allow multi-textured women to be able to wear many different styles, including straight styles, without damaging their natural curl pattern. For the first time, kinky-coily, curly and wavy textures will be able to perform Reversible Straightening, another term coined by Strength of Nature, that allows naturals to blow-dry and flatiron their hair and achieve identical results of a relaxer without the harsh chemicals. Texture Manageability also offers those with relaxed hair the ability to lessen their relaxer applications throughout the year, allowing them to maintain healthier hair. Transitioners – women whom are growing out their relaxers to go completely natural – are also given the advantage of being able to straighten their locks during this time without damaging their virgin hair. The key aspect of Texture Manageability is its focus on reversion, which is the ability to return to natural hair after straightening.

모발관리(TEXTURE MANAGEABILITY)는 무엇인가? Strength of Nature에 의해 만들어진 용어, Texture Manageability는 다중 텍스쳐의 모발을 가진 여성들이 네추 럴 컬 형태의 손상없이, 스트레이트 스타일을 포함한 다양한 스 타일로 변환할 수 있게 하는 제품으로 형성된 새로운 헤어 카 테고리이다. 처음으로, 심한 곱슬 머리, 컬, 웨이브 텍스쳐에, Strength of Nature 에 의해 처음으로 사용된 또 다른 용 어인, Reversible Straightening(스트레이트 스타일로 반 복 변환)을 할 수 있게 될 것이다. 이것은 네추럴 헤어에 블로 우 드라이나 플랫 아이언을 사용할 수 있게 하며, 독한 화학제 품의 사용없이도 릴렉서 사용과 동일한 결과를 얻을 수 있다. Texture Manageability는 또한 헤어 릴렉서를 사용한 사 람들이 연중 릴렉서 사용을 줄일 수 있게 함으로써, 보다 건강 한 모발을 유지할 수 있게 해준다. 전환기에 있는 사람들 -릴 렉서를 사용한 모발에서 완전한 네추럴 헤어로 전환 중인 여 성들-에게 이 기간 동안 자연 모발의 손상없이 스트레이트닝을 할 수 있는 이점을 제공한다. Texture Manageability의 주 요 측면은 스트레이트닝 후 원래의 자연 모발로 복귀할 수 있는 능력에 그 초첨을 둔 것이다.

WHY DO WE NEED TEXTURE MANAGEABILITY? Many multi-textured women are not able to go back and forth between curly and straight styles due to the fear of permanently straightening their hair. Depending on the level of heat damage, many naturals have had to cut their locks or completely start over after straightening just a few times. This is a high price to pay for versatility. Texture Manageability allows naturals to comfortably and safely heat-style their hair at-home. The category also allows naturals to better manage their tightly coiled textures by providing products that help to loosen and smooth tangled, tight curls. “I’d love to be able to wear my curly hair straight sometimes but I’m afraid that my curls will never be the same. Having a Texture Manageability category would help me style at home with ease, and I’d finally be able to wear all of the fun styles I’ve been dying to try! I love the idea of being able to go back and forth between curly and straight with no damage,” says Kimberly Walker, beauty expert and ten year naturalista. TRY THE TEXTURE MANAGEABILITY SYSTEM To accompany the new category, Strength of Nature is releasing a new ground-breaking product, the Beautiful Textures Naturally Straight Reversible Straightening Texture Manageability System™. 28

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

TEXTURE MANAGEABILITY는 왜 필요한가? 다중 텍스쳐를 가진 많은 여성들은 모발이 영구적으로 스트레 이트닝이 될지도 모른다는 두려움때문에 컬과 스트레이트 스타 일을 자유롭게 변환할 수가 없다. 열손상의 정도에 따라, 많은 네추럴 헤어의 여성들은 손상 부위를 잘라내거나 몇 번의 스트 레이트닝을 한 후 완전히 다시 시작해야했다. 스타일의 다양성 을 위해 높은 가격을 지불해야 하는 것이다. Texture Manageability는 편하고 안전하게 가정에서 네추럴 헤어에 열을 가하는 헤어 스타일링을 할 수 있게 한다. 이 카테고리는 또한 엉키고 단단한 컬을 부드럽고 느스하게 도와주는 제품을 제공 함으로써 단단하게 꼬인 그들의 곱슬머리를 더욱 잘 관리할 수 있게 해준다. “내 곱슬머리를 가끔씩 스트레이트로 만들 수 있어 서 좋습니다. 그러나 내 곱슬 머리가 전과 같지 않을 것이 걱 정이예요. Texture Manageability 카테고리를 사용하면 서 집에서도 쉽게 스타일을 만들 수 있게 되었습니다, 또 너무 도 해보고 싶던 재밌는 여러 스타일들을 마침내 다 해볼 수 있 게 되었죠! 모발 손상없이 스트레이트에서 네추럴 컬로 이리저 리 스타일을 바꿀 수 있는 아이디어가 정말 좋네요,” 미용 전 문가로서 10년 동안 네추럴 헤어를 유지하고 있는 Kimberly Walker의 말이다. TEXTURE MANAGEABILITY 시스템을 시도해 봐라. 새로운 카테고리에 첨부하기 위해서, Strength of Nature 는 획기적인 신제품, the Beautiful Textures Natu-



Now, in four quick steps, curly girls can have straight hair for up to six weeks and revert back to their natural texture. The secret is the Inner-Active Leave-In Conditioner, which is infused with essential oils and amino acids and has no harsh chemicals. The leave-in conditioner penetrates the hair for 15-20 minutes, which causes the hair to elongate and soften making it easier to detangle. Once the detangling process is complete, hair is blow dried and flat ironed, creating silky straight hair with unmatched body and shine that is touchably soft in a fraction of the time of most traditional straightening methods. Here’s how it works: Step 1: Shampoo your curls like usual. Step 2: Apply the Inner-Active Conditioner and detangle your curls. Step 3: Blow-dry your hair. Step 4: Flat-iron your hair to seal in the conditioning agents of the Texture Manageability System™ and get up to six weeks of straightness. For naturals who want elongated curls, the Texture Manageability System ™ also helps lengthen a tight curl pattern. Simply follow the steps above but, instead of wearing a straight look, immediately revert back by washing hair and revealing softer, smoother, less frizzy kinks, curls and waves. For more information about the Texture Manageability System™ visit


rally Straight Reversible Straightening Texture Manageability System ™를 출시하고 있다. 이제, 4 단계의 신속한 과정으로, 곱슬 머리 소녀는 최대 6주까지 스 트레이트 헤어를 가질 수 있게 되었고 원래의 자연 모발로 되돌 릴 수도 있다. 비밀은Inner-Active Leave-In 컨디셔너 (모발 에 침투해서 작용할 수 있도록 씻어내지 않고 그대로 발라두는 컨디셔너)인데, 여기에는 에센스 오일과 아미노산이 주입되었 고 독한 화학 물질은 첨가되지 않았다. leave-in 컨디셔너는 15-20분 동안 모발에 침투하여, 모발을 길게 늘이고 부드럽게 함으로써 엉킴을 쉽게 풀 수 있게 한다. 일단 곱슬한 모발을 길 게 푸는 작업이 끝나면, 모발을 드라이어로 말려서 플랫 아이언 을 사용한다. 이것으로 가장 전통적인 스트레이트닝 방법보다 짧은 시간 안에 누구도 따라올 수 없는 부드러운 촉감과 광택을 가진 매끄러운 스트레이트 헤어를 만들 수 있다. 방법은 다음과 같다: 1 단계: 평소와 같은 방법으로 헤어 샴푸를 한다. 2 단계: Inner-Active 컨디셔너를 사용해서 곱슬한 컬 을 푼다. 3 단계: 드라이어로 모발을 말린다. 4 단계: Texture Manageability System ™의 컨디 셔닝제가 모발에 밀착되어 최대 6주까지 스트레이트 상 태를 유지할 수 있도록 플랫 아이언을 모발에 사용한다. 길이가 긴 컬 스타일을 원하는 네추럴 모발을 위해서, Texture Manageability System ™ 는 또한 단단한 컬 형태를 길게하는데 도움을 준다. 위의 단계들을 따른 다음, 스트레이트 스타일을 만드는 대신, 곧장 머리를 감아 원래대로 복귀를 시키 면 더 부드러우면서도 덜 곱슬한 컬과 웨이브가 나타난다. Texture Manageability System ™에 관한 더욱 자세한 정보는visit www.talkingtexture.com에서 참조하기 바 란다. February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by Ted Fishman

대용량 사이즈 제품을 갖추고 전문 스타일리스트 고객들 과의 비즈니스를 구축해라 Many OTCs could do a lot more business by catering to the professional stylist and addressing his or her needs. It is well known that salons and professional hair stylists are always looking for larger sizes of products— styling gels, shampoos, conditioners, relaxers, etc. It is more economical for them to buy their salon needs in the larger sizes since the usage is much greater than individual consumer use. The following steps will help you attract stylists to shop in your store on a regular basis if they know the larger size products will be available to them. 1. Let them know that you have what they need by creating a flyer with pictures of several brands of larger size products and send it out to the salons. 2. Choose a section in your store for professional large size products. You could put up a sign that says “HAIR STYLISTS – VISIT OUR PROFESSIONAL SIZE PRODUCTS DEPARTMENT – WE HAVE WHAT YOU NEED!” 3. Make an attractive display of the various 16 oz., 32 oz., and even gallons of several popular products. Include shampoos, conditioners, styling gels, hair sprays, peroxide for hair color, etc. 4. You may want to include manicure and pedicure needs, plastic caps, hair coloring needs, and other items that salons use on a regular basis such as blow dryers, curling irons, flat irons, etc. Store personnel should know the various features of the professional styling implements and should try to sell their customers these items by pointing out the features and better results they will get by buying them. 30

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

많은 OTC 매장들은 전문 스타일리스트들의 요구 사항에 맞추고 그것 을 해결해줌으로써 더욱 많은 비즈니스를 만들어 왔다. 살롱과 전문 헤어 스타일리스트들이 언제나 대용량 제품을 찾는다는 것은 잘 알려 진 사실이다. 스타일링 젤, 샴푸, 컨디셔너, 릴렉서 등등. 살롱에서는 가정에서보다 사용량이 훨씬 많기 때문에 대용량을 구입하는 것이 그 들에게는 매우 경제적이다. 다음 단계들은 전문 스타일리스트들이 대용량 사이즈의 제품들을 당 신의 매장에서 구매할 수 있다는 것을 알게 될 경우, 정기적으로 당신 의 매장을 찾게 하는데 도움이 될 것이다. 1. 다양한 브랜드의 대용량 사이즈 제품 사진들이 포함된 전 단지를 제작하여 살롱마다 발송하고, 그들이 원하는 제품 을 당신의 매장이 보유하고 있음을 알려라. 2. 전문가용 대용량 사이즈 제품들을 위한 섹션을 매장 내에 마련하라. “헤어 스타일리스트- 전문가용 대용량 사이즈 코너를 둘러보세요- 당신이 원하는 것이 여기 있습니다!” 라는 사인을 붙여 놓아도 좋다. 3. 16OZ, 32OZ, 혹은 겔론 사이즈의 다양한 제품들을 눈길이 가도록 진열해라. 샴푸, 컨디셔너, 스타일링 젤, 헤어 스프 레이, 헤어 컬러용 과산화수소 등등. 4. 메니큐어나 페디큐어와 관련된 제품들, 비닐 모자, 헤어 컬 러용 제품들, 그리고 드라이어나 컬링 아이언, 플랫 아이언 등 살롱에서 정기적으로 사용하는 다른 아이템들도 포함시 킬 수 있다. 매장 직원은 전문가용 스타일링 기구들의 다양 한 기능을 알고 있어야하며, 이러한 아이템들에 관해서 고 객들에게 기능을 제대로 알려주고 그 제품을 구입함으로써 그들이 더욱 나은 결과를 얻을 수 있음을 알려주어야한다. 5. “전문가용 사이즈 취급 - 헤어 스타일리스트를 위해 매장 내에 마련된 코너를 방문해 보세요.” 라는 사인을 창문에 걸어두어라.

February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


K-t-K 5. Put up a window sign that says “We Carry Professional Sizes – Hair Stylists Visit our Salon Needs Department.” 6. Plan to send out flyers to the salons on a regular basis and feature some sale prices on the 32 oz. sizes and even on the gallon sizes of products. 7. Find out what products the professional stylists want you to carry. If you don’t currently stock them you could take orders for them and go to your normal source to order them. You will soon realize that some “Plus Business” can grow substantially as you get additional stylist business. You can eventually add other products to this department as the stylists request them. There are a large number of salons and they need these products on a regular basis. By accommodating them you will grow your professional business and increase your sales volume. Soon word will get around that your store caters to the professional stylist. There is business to be had by featuring larger professional sizes of products. Why not give it a try?

6. 살롱 겔론 7. 전문 하길 문을

대상으로 정기적인 전단지 발송을 계획하고 32oz 나 사이즈 제품의 할인 가격을 게시해라. 스타일리스트들이 당신의 매장에서 어떤 제품을 취급 원하는지를 파악해라. 현재 보유하고 있지 않다면 주 하고 그 제품들을 일반적인 주문 항목에 추가해라.

“대용량 사이즈 제품의 비즈니스”는 당신이 추가적인 스타일리스트들 과의 비즈니스를 얻음으로써 실질적으로 증가할 수 있음을 알게 될 것 이다. 결국 스타일리스트들이 요청하는 다른 제품들까지도 이 분야에 추가할 수가 있게 된다. 살롱의 수는 무수히 많으며 그들은 정기적으로 이런 제품들을 필요로 한다. 이를 수용함으로써 전문 미용인을 대상으로 하는 당신의 비즈니 스는 성장할 것이며 매출량도 증가하게 된다. 곧 당신의 매장은 전문 스타일리스트를 충족시켜 줄 수 있다는 입소문을 탈 것이다. 전문가용 대용량 사이즈 제품을 취급함으로써 성사되는 비즈니스가 있다면, 한 번 시도해보는 것은 어떠할지?

Ted Fishman president of Ted Fishman & Associates is an industry veteran who has dedicated his life to the betterment of the business. He can be reached through email at


OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Urban Call Briefs by Lafayette Jones

Connecting With Your Most Important Consumers Hip-Hop, White, Latino, Black and Asian Communities Part Two

It is necessary for decision makers who are marketing and

and profit draining lawsuits must we read about retailer

retailing consumer products in America to figure out what

mistreatment of their most important multicultural consumer

are the faster-growing segments; what are the wealthier

segments by culturally incompetent loss prevention policy

segments; what are the segments that buy more of one

and personnel?

product versus another than average; where are these people

and what are they like. If you expect to do more business in

that will help your organization to better understand and

future years, you must learn who they are and their influence

profit from America’s changing demographic. These books

on cultural groups. It’s nothing more complicated than

cover top news stories about the intricate relationship

that. Wise marketers make every effort to include a variety

between aspirational brands and celebrities, and multicultural

of different scenarios, races, ethnic groups and families.

consumer segments. You may want to check out book titles

Retailers must invest more in training their sales associates,

and their content on multicultural consumers in this article.

specifically in product knowledge and cultural competence,

You can learn more about the collaborators on each book

two qualities that are often lacking. Customers will appreciate

here as well as review the table of contents.

services that make shopping easier, avoid wasting shopper

time, offer the appropriate product assortment and signage,

so with FREE SHIPPING by visiting

treat their customers with respect and provide a harmonious

and use coupon offer code SMSi-UC.

In this series, I have selected leading multicultural books

If you decide to purchase any of the titles listed, you can do

atmosphere in the store. How many headlined news stories

Lafayette Jones

Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi). For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit

The preceeding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author. February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Urban Call Briefs

Putting the Luxe Back in Luxury

Author: Pam Danziger Theme: How New Consumer Values are Redefining the Way We Market Author Biography: Pam Danziger is the founder and president of Unity Marketing, a marketing consulting firm serving consumerproduct businesses selling luxury and discretionary products. Her work is designed to help companies capture more market share and build brand equity by deepening their understanding of their customers. Ms. Danziger is a nationally recognized expert in consumer marketing and psychology. She has appeared on most major television news programs, and is frequently quoted in the nation’s largest newspapers. She speaks frequently at industry trade shows and professional conferences. With a BA in English literature from Pennsylvania State University and an MS in Library Science degree from the University of Maryland, Pam long ago traded in the Dewey Decimal card catalog for computerized databases. She has been surveying, analyzing, classifying and researching information to solve business problems ever since. Before founding Unity Marketing in 1992, Pam worked for a major Washington trade association and Bell Communications Research. Her last job was at Franklin Mint where she was director of competitive analysis, gathering marketing information to identify trends in the collectibles market. Besides “Putting the Luxe Back in Luxury” and “Why People Buy Things They Don’t Need,” Pam is the author of “Shopping” and” Let Them Eat Cake.” Book Description: Meet the HENRYs (High Earning Not Rich Yet households with incomes of $100,000 or more). They along with their wealthier counterparts, including the sometimes overlooked millionaires living next door, make up the top 20% of household incomes in the U.S. and account for more than 80%

of all luxury spending. You will find them in the lobbies of five-star hotels, at boutique counters, and on the sales floors of high-end department stores. They can also be found at auto shows and in art galleries, and they are often major contributors to a wide spectrum of not-for-profit organizations. This new book by one of the foremost experts on retail and discretionary spending redefines the luxury market today, segmenting it by the obvious demographics of age and income, and by the more nuanced characteristics of life stage and lifestyle, which better explain consumer relationships with high-end brands. The author uses survey data collected between 2007 and the first quarter of 2011 to define five distinct groups within the luxury market—Butterflies, Cocooners, Aspirers, Temperate Pragmatists, and X-Fluents. Each of these groups makes up approximately one fifth of the market. Understanding these five groups of consumers, especially the new Temperate Pragmatists, will be the key to surviving and thriving in today’s highly competitive luxury marketplace. Pam Danziger is one of the most astute observers of how consumers spend their discretionary income. In this, her latest book, she offers insights into the shopping and spending behavior of top-tier consumers, warning that as Baby Boomers age out of their peak earning (and spending) years, luxury markets won’t see another wave of consumers with as much spending power until about 2020. In the meantime, marketers, retailers and service providers will have to work harder and smarter to maintain or grow their brand share. “Putting the Luxe Back in Luxury” also examines the myth that luxury consumers don’t use the internet and points out that many luxury marketers are missing the mark by refusing to allow their time-starved clients to shop online. Replete with interviews from dozens of retail industry experts, thought leaders, and top brand executives the book offers you their sage advice along with strategies and Danziger’s own prescriptions for rainmaking in the face of the drought. Find out about the demographic and economic forces that will shape the high-end market for the next 10 years. Learn how leading brands are adjusting to the biggest wave of changes to sweep through the luxury market in decades. This is an important book for brand managers and a must-read book for all marketers. 272 pages, paperback, ISBN 978-0-9819869-4-4; May 2011 Book Content: Introduction: The Future for Luxury Marketers Depends on Putting the Luxe Back in Luxury

1. The Luxury Market Has Changed – and It’s Never Going Back to the Way It Was Before Part 1: Marketing Begins with Understanding the Customer – Understanding the Customer Begins with Demographics 2. The Income Demographics of Affluence 3. Household Income Defines Demographics 4. On Paper, the Affluent are Very Much Alike, but Not in the Store 5. The Next Generation of Affluents and the Changes They Bring to the Luxury Market Part 2: Marketing Strategy Hinges on Understanding Consumer Purchase Behavior 6. Purchase Behavior Reveals What Luxury Consumers Buy, Where They Buy, and How Much They Spend 7. How Spending on Luxury Has Changed 8. Shifts in the Luxuries People Buy and Where They Buy Them Part 3: Psychographics Tell Us Why People Buy 9. Luxury Is Not Bought Out of Need, but from Desire 10. When Good Enough Is Better than Best 11. Personalities that Make Up the Luxury Market 12. Values Shift: How Consumer’s Values Are Shifting and How Marketers Must Respond Part 4: Rainmaking in the Luxury Drought 13. A Perfect Storm Has Hit the Luxury Market: How to Transform Your Business and Your Marketing for the Future 14. Rainmaking in the Luxury Drought: #1 Enhance the Quality of People’s Lives 15. Rainmaking in the Luxury Drought: #2 Sell to a Doubly Bifurcated Market 16. Rainmaking in the Luxury Drought: #3 Create Great Expectations to Support Price Premiums 17. Rainmaking in the Luxury Drought: #4 Speak the New Language of Value 18. Rainmaking in the Luxury Drought: #5 Master 21st Century Technology Tools 19. Rainmaking in the Luxury Drought: #6 Raise Corporate Social Responsibility 20. Rainmaking in the Luxury Drought: #7 Look to Emerging Markets 21. Rainmaking in the Luxury Drought: #8 Evolve Your Luxe Brand or Risk Extinction 22. Invest

Profit with Purpose

Author: Teneshia Jackson Warner Theme: A Marketer’s Guide to Delivering Purpose-Driven Campaigns to Multicultural Audiences Author Biography: Teneshia Jackson Warner is an awardwinning multicultural marketing expert. She began her career as a mentee of the globally successful innovator, entrepreneur and hip-hop mogul, Russell Simmons, where she became the General Manager of Rush Communications. Teneshia embarked upon her own entrepreneurial path to found Egami Consulting Group in 2003. Egami is now an award-winning multicultural marketing firm and under her leadership, Egami formed a strategic partnership with the world’s third largest communications firm, MSL Group, a Publicis Groupe global engagement firm. Together they have delivered award-winning client work for leading brands such as P&G’s Bounty and 36

OTC Beauty Magazine

February 2014

My Black is Beautiful, Verizon Wireless, Hennessy, Heineken, Dasani, General Motors, Western Union, and KFC. Teneshia has won several business awards, including the coveted Black Enterprise Rising Star 40 and Under in 2012. In 2010, she was recognized by The Network Journal Forty Under 40 Award for US African-American achievers. Born in Marianna, Florida and raised in Dothan, Alabama, Teneshia is a graduate of HBCU, Alabama A&M University, where she received a BS in Computer Science and minor in Communications. Book Description: Managing a business for profit alone is a short-term-success strategy at its best. When profit becomes the primary focus over a sense of purpose, organizations tend to zero in on the bottom line, neglecting what should be central to every marketing initiative—the interests of customers. This book is about the long view. In it, author Teneshia Jackson Warner challenges you to put “Purpose” at the center of every business decision, and she explains how this approach will lead to better decisions, greater brand value, inspired and engaged employees, and customers who are loyal and become enthusiastic advocates. And here’s the best part—all of those benefits WILL lead to long-term profits and sustained shareholder value over time. While Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an idea that you have heard and considered, this book is a guide for managers who are ready to begin the task of building their businesses around causes that extend beyond the products they manufacture or the services they provide. Profit with Purpose

provides instructive examples of how brands such as P&G, Verizon, and Moet Hennessy have turned multicultural, purposedriven, marketing strategies into winning campaigns, global brand awareness, and yes, tremendously profitable long-term growth. Teneshia guides you through the process of finding YOUR cause and then forming the alliances you will need to share your passion and commitment with others. Purpose-driven marketing is an effective and important strategy for connecting with multicultural consumers, especially those who believe that your company doesn’t care specifically about them. Often, the best approach to bridging this gap is to identify a cause that matters to them, own it and embrace it, and then begin to share that passion. Without a doubt, one of the most effective ways to communicate your passion will be through a celebrity spokesperson. From causes ranging from education to health, the arts to politics, financial literacy to environmental issues, this book identifies dozens of Urban Influencers—“celebrities gone good” and the causes they support. Whether a brand manager, a CEO, a student, or entrepreneur, each of us must feel that our lives have meaning in our day-to-day activities. Profit with a Purpose will help you discover that purpose whether for yourself, your company, your brand, or your marketing campaign. More than that, the book offers a framework for inspiring passion for the cause within your organization, and strategies for communicating your purpose inspired message to the outside world—your current and future customers. 240 pages, hard cover, ISBN 978-0-9851795-0-2; 2013

Hustle Healthcare, American Express, Maid Brigade, Best Buy and Coca-Cola connect with their audiences to impact their bottom line prior to starting her firm, Whole Brain Solutions.

Author: Bonnie Ulman (Right) and Sal Kibler
(Left) Theme: Marketing to Women in the PostRecession World
 Author Biography: Bonnie Ulman is president of The Haystack Group, a strategic communications and consumer insights firm based in Atlanta. Co-author of a leading book about marketing to mothers, “Trillion-Dollar Moms: Marketing to a New Generation of Mothers,” Bonnie is considered a pioneer and nationally recognized expert in the fields of marketing-to-moms and marketing-to-women. She is a frequent speaker and media commentator. Bonnie’s research and insights have been featured in various media outlets, including The New York Times, go! magazine, Bloomberg News, Atlanta JournalConstitution, Family Fun, and others. Her perspective on the day-to-day issues impacting women has helped shape the content and programming created for television, online and print media. Backed by more than 25 years’ experience in brand-building and consumer insights, she has helped companies such as Wyeth Consumer

Sal Kibler held executive leadership positions in several of Atlanta’s top advertising and marketing firms, including The Haystack Group, Inc. With a special interest in deciphering the code for what makes women and girls tick, Sal parlayed her marketing and advertising expertise into successful campaigns and brand invigorations for a range of clients, including Vanity Fair intimates, Nature’s Own bread, Russell Athletic Women’s Division, Cox Communications, The Atlanta Women’s Foundation, and The Georgia Coalition for Nutrition Education. Ms. Kibler has been featured in The New York Times, The Atlanta Business Chronicle, Atlanta Woman, and go! magazine. She has been named one of The Atlanta Business Chronicle’s “Women to Watch,” ADWEEK Dream Team and as head of one Atlanta’s Fastest-Growing Women-Owned Firms. Book Description: In “Hustle,” authors Bonnie Ulman and Sal Kibler examine the new and long-term spending culture of the post-recession era, from the rush to get the biggest discount to the decline of brand loyalty. Armed with the latest market research and scores of stories from the many women interviewed, they provide the building blocks for solid marketing strategies. The typical woman’s opinion of the economy is heavily cloaked in the sacrifices and

changes that she has experienced in the past few years, and as a result, how she has reorganized her life, including where she shops, how she shops, even how she prepares to make a purchase. How do you map out a strategy for your brand or company in the New Hustle Economy where your target consumer is less trusting, slower to purchase, hyper-vigilant, hyper-educated, fixated on a discount, and using all the screens available to determine if you should be part of her consideration set? The good news is that the opportunities to differentiate your self are robust and straightforward. There are core techniques that need to be executed well and delivered consistently. Be mindful that the post-recession woman operates in the “Age of the Deal,” which represents both a game and a high-stakes financial exercise. Her expectation is that you have a deal for her or will soon. Women are looking for help, stability, and a superior transaction rather than a relationship. Your challenge is to demonstrate how you are supporting them during tough times. It has never been more important to remain consistent in your message and communicate it clearly, frequently, and across multiple platforms. In the Hustle Economy, the deal has to be transparent and easy for your time-stressed customer to understand and manage. More bells and whistles or steps required to get a reward do not advance the cause. Smart marketers must figure out how to re-define their consumer partnerships and communicate with post-recession women. “Hustle” will guide the way. 120 pages, hardcover, ISBN 978-0-9851795-2-6; June 2013


Author: Andrea Syverson Theme: 77 Creative Prompts for Innovation Author Biography: Andrea Syverson is a customer-centric listener, connector and creator. As a right and left-brained creative marketing strategist with over 25 years’ experience, she holds the customer in highest regard in all decision-making processes. By actively and intuitively listening to customers she has created and developed best-selling products and strategies across a variety of categories —from gifts and stationery and books to gourmet food and apparel to spirituality, and many in between. Her clients include many large and small giants: Hallmark, Hershey Foods, Ben & Jerry’s, Celestial Seasonings,

Spanx, Boston Proper, Compassion International, and World Vision, just to name a few. While she holds an MBA, Andrea acknowledges that her true expertise comes from continuous hands-on customer experiences. Syverson loves her work as a brand provocateur. She’s helped companies “stop and think” about their product positioning, their brand relevance, their customer needs. She’s helped companies get back to the heart and soul of their mission, reposition themselves if necessary, construct product and brand fit charts, creatively brainstorm the future and develop strategic merchandising and marketing plans that place their customers’ needs first and center. Her clients appreciate her warm and enthusiastic style and ability to work as an “outsider-insider.” She is President of IER Partners (www., a national consulting firm based in the Rocky Mountains, specializing in branding, strategic planning, merchandising, new product development and creative thinking. Book Description: Your brand is your most important product. But are you taking full advantage of it? Are you connecting it to your customers and thinking about how to extend it in a meaningful way? If your job is to creatively merchandise your brand and your products, to write innovative copy that connects with your customers, or to

reposition your brand for new channels, this book is for you. Featuring companies as diverse as Pendleton, Ben & Jerry’s, Kickstarter, American Girl, Bobbi Brown, CHEFS and Chipotle, “ThinkAbout’s” variety of product prompts purposefully engage you in worlds outside your own industry and are certain to shift your thinking into high creative gear! Andrea Syverson is one of the most creative thought leaders when it comes to helping your merchandising team think outside the box. This book uses 77 verbs to give you quick case summaries and a series of questions that will help you move forward in product development, catalog and web copy, and repositioning. Rather than reading this book from cover to cover, you can dip in wherever the muse takes you. Only have ten minutes of down time? That’s plenty of time to glean inspiration from Andrea, whether your category is food and beverage, apparel, services such as hotels and restaurants, dentistry, banking, or publishing. “ThinkAbout” will help you get to the heart of what really matters to your best customers and those that have not yet discovered your brand or product. 176 pages, paperback with full color illustrations throughout, ISBN 978-0-98851795-3-3; September 2013

February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Denman Inc.

Customers Want Wide Product Selections In-Store 고객들은 매장에서 선택의 폭이 많은 것을 선호합니다.

An Inside Look at the Expansive Brush Category With all industries evolving at such a fast pace it is now more important than ever for businesses to keep their finger firmly on the pulse and meet the demands of all customers in an ever-changing environment. In the hairdressing industry, stores face many challenges including those presented by the competition of online stores. By adding value to the in-store experience and stocking a comprehensive range of hair care products, this will develop a loyal customer base. A varied stock of brushes, combs and complementary products coupled with knowledgeable sales staff builds the reputation of the store and gives a competitive edge. Shampoos and finishing products are now created to suit a wide range of hair types and textures and so too are brushes to achieve various finishes: • • • • • • • • •

Classic Styling Brush: For blow styling with maximum grip and control. Volumising Brush: For blow styling with volume and movement. Heat-Retaining Curling Brushes: For straightening or adding curl when blow drying. Paddle Brush: For gentle grooming and hair straightening. Vent Brush: For fast and gentle blow drying. Grooming Brushes: For grooming and finishing. Curling Brush: For creating curl, volume and shine. Heat-retaining Curling Brushes: For extra volume and root-lift. Combs Pin Tail Tail Cutting Setting


Dressing Barbering Grooming Styling & Lifting

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

Detangling/Rake Pocket

모든 산업 분야가 빠른 속도로 진화하면서 이제는 기업들이 끊임없이 변화하는 환경을 훤히 꿰뚫고 모든 고객들의 요구 사항을 충족시키는 것이 그 어느 때보다 중요하다. 미용 업계에서, 매장들은 온라인 상점의 경쟁으로 나타나는 것을 포함한 많은 도전에 직면하고 있다. 매장 경험의 가치를 높이고 포괄적 범위의 헤어 케어 제품을 보유하는 것으로, 고객의 충성도 기반을 발전시키게 될 것이다. 다양한 종류의 브러쉬, 빗, 그리고 보완 제품들이 제품 지식이 풍부한 판매 직원과 함께 준비된다면 매장의 명성을 쌓고 경쟁에서의 우위를 가져올 수 있을 것이다. 샴푸와 마무리 제품들은 이제 다양한 범위의 헤어 타입과 텍스쳐 등에 맞게 만들어지고 있으며 다양한 마무리를 이끌어낼 수 있는 브러쉬 또한 그러하다: 클래식 스타일링 브러쉬: 그립과 조절을 최대화할 수 있는 블로우 스타일링용 제품. 볼륨을 극대화하는 브러쉬: 볼륨과 움직임을 위한 블로우 스타일링용 제품. 열 고정 컬링 브러쉬: 블로우 드라이 중 스트레이트닝이나 컬을 만들 때 사용. 패들 브러쉬: 부드러운 손질이나 헤어 스트레이트닝에 사용. 벤트 브러쉬: 빠르고 부드러운 블로우 드라이용. 그루밍 브러쉬: 정리 및 마무리용. 컬링 브러쉬: 컬, 볼륨 및 광택을 내는데 사용.

February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Not only is product variety important, but also the effective representation of each product’s brand. Each one must be managed carefully within the store environment to stand out amongst a wide portfolio of products. The packaging, advertising and marketing are all key for effective engagement with the customer. UK hairbrush manufacturer, Denman, is the leading manufacturer of the professional hairdressers’ favourite tools and has products that offer a solution to every styling challenge. They understand the importance of offering customers and professionals the correct tools so as to stay current and relevant within the constantly evolving hairdressing industry. Brushes in every size, style and colour are designed to cater to every different hair type, age and ethnicity. From styling brushes, paddle brushes and combs, there is something for everyone. Learn more at


OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

열 유지 컬링 브러쉬: 추가적인 볼륨과 모발의 뿌리 부분을 세우는데 사용.

빗 핀 테일 테일 커팅 세팅

드레싱 이발용 손질용 스타일링 & 리프팅

엉킴 / 레이크 포켓

제품의 다양성도 중요하지만, 각 제품 브랜드를 효과적으로 보이게 하는 것도 중요하다. 각 제품들은 다양한 제품군들 사이에서 돋보일 수 있도록 매장 내에서 특별히 관리되어야 한다. 포장, 광고 및 마케팅은 고객들의 효과적인 참여를 위한 모든 열쇠이다. 영국의 헤어 브러쉬 제조업체인 Denman은 전문 미용인들이 선호하는 제품의 선도적인 제조업체이며 모든 스타일링 도전에 관한 해결책을 제공하는 제품들을 보유하고 있다. 그들은 끊임없이 변화하는 미용업계에서 이 시기에 적절한 정확한 기구들을 고객과 전문가들에게 제공하는 것이 중요함을 인식하고 있다. 모든 사이즈와 스타일, 색상의 브러쉬가 모든 모발 형태와 연령, 인종에 맞게 디자인된다. 스타일링 브러쉬, 패들 브러쉬부터 일반적인 빗까지, 모든 이들을 위한 제품들이 있다. www.denmanbrushUS.com에서 상세한 정보를 얻을 수 있다.

February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Sean C. Castrina

Are You

PennyPinching Yourself Out of Business? Five Expenses You Should Never, Ever Skimp On


OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

당신은 폐업을 초래할 수 있는 구두쇠인가? 당신이 결코 아끼지 말아야 할 5가지 지출 당신이 만일 소규모 비즈니스를 운영하고 있다면, 당신이 쓸 돈이 없다고 말하는 것은 아마도 굉장히 절제된 표현일 것이다. 그러나, 비용을 절감하지 말아야할 몇가지 분야가 있다. 여기, 당신이 결코 돈을 아끼지 말아야하는 5가지 분야를 설명하고자 한다. If you’re a small business owner, it’s probably a vast understatement to say that you don’t have money to burn. But, there are some areas in which it doesn’t pay to cut costs. Here, I outline five areas in which you should never be cheap. If you’re bootstrapping your own business, you know all about doing more with less. The ability to stretch a budget is a survival skill, especially in those cash-strapped early days. And because you know you’re never much more than a bad quarter or an unexpected expense away from closing your doors, you’re always looking for new ways to save money. But here’s the real question: Are you being cheap about the wrong things? If your goal is to cut costs at any cost, you’re heading into dangerous territory. And too many entrepreneurs don’t just wander into Cheapskateville—they set up shop there. Avoiding unnecessary expenses is one thing; becoming a fear-driven perpetual penny-pincher is another. Too many people can’t see the difference. And that’s too bad, because “cheapness” can hurt the value of your product or service, or the efficiency of your business, both of which will drive customers away.

당신이 비즈니스를 혼자 힘으로 운영해야할 경우, 당신은 적은 비용으로 많은 것을 할 수 있는 모든 방법을 알고 있다. 예산을 늘릴 수 있는 능력은 특히 초기에 현금이 묶여있는 상황에서는 생존 기술이다. 그리고 당신은 아주 힘든 시기나 예상치 못한 지출이 생길지 모른다는 것을 알기 때문에, 언제나 돈을 절약할 수 있는 새로운 방법을 찾고 있는 것이다. 그러나 여기에 진짜 질문이 있다. 당신은 잘못된 것들에 대해 절약을 하고 있는가? 만일 당신의 목표가 어떤 희생을 감수해서라도 비용을 절감하는 것이라면, 당신은 위험한 쪽으로 향하고 있는 것이다. 가격이 싼 데는 그만한 이유가 있는 것이다. 불필요한 지출을 줄이는 것이 한 방법이고, 두려움에 떨며 끊임없이 구두쇠가 되는 것이 다른 방법이다. 대부분의 사람들이 이 두 가지의 차이를 모른다. 안타까운 것은, “ 염가”는 당신의 제품이나 서비스 가치, 비즈니스의 효율성을 떨어트릴 수 있으며, 이것은 모두 당신의 고객을 멀어지게 할 수 있기 때문이다.

February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Having started more than 15 companies in industries including direct mail, home services, property management, retail and more, I know just how tough it is to write checks to employees, vendors, landlords, banks, etc. when your hopes, dreams, credit and livelihood are at stake. Yet making those checks too skimpy can cost you big down the road. In my book, “8 Unbreakable Rules for Business Start-Up Success,” I encourage you to subject every prospective cost-saving measure to this litmus test: What are the possible short- and longterm effects of this decision? Will it save my business money without negatively affecting profits? Sometimes, the answer is “no.” Here, I take a look at five penny-pinching sins that are costing your business:

다이렉트 메일, 홈 서비스, 자산 관리, 소매업 등을 포함한 산업 분야 중, 15개 이상의 기업을 시작함에 있어서, 당신의 희망과 꿈, 신용과 생계가 위험에 처해 있을 때, 직원들과 공급업체, 건물주, 은행 등에 돈을 지불하는 것이 얼마나 힘든 일인지 나는 알고 있다. 그러나 이러한 비용들을 지불함에 있어 너무 인색한 것은 장래에 더 큰 비용을 지불하게 만들 수 있다. 나의 저서, “성공적인 창업을 위한 8가지 깨지지 않는 규칙” 에서, 나는 모든 미래의 비용 절감 방법들을 이 리트머스 실험으로 측정해보길 바란다. 이 결정의 단기 및 장기적으로 얻는 효과는 무엇일까? 나의 이익에는 나쁜 영향을 주지 않지만, 비즈니스 자금은 절약해 줄 것인가? 때때로, 그 대답은 “NO”이다. 지금부터, 당신의 비즈니스에 악영향을 발생시키는 5가지 구두쇠 같은 잘못들을 살펴보겠다.

PENNY-PINCHING SIN #1: Paying employees the bare minimum. Excessive tightfistedness on payday sends a very clear message to your employees: “I place a low value on you and what you do for my company. I don’t see you as a person with talents and unique abilities, but as a debit on my monthly expense report.” And that is the kind of message that sends skilled employees running for the hills, costing you money in lost productivity, turnover and customer dissatisfaction. Quality employees can make or break your company.

구두쇠 같은 잘못 #1: 직원들에게 최소한의 임금을 지불한다. 월급날의 과도한 인색함은 당신의 직원들에게 아주 명확한 메시지를 전달한다. “나는 당신과 당신이 내 회사를 위해 하는 일에 관해 가치를 낮게 둡니다. 나는 당신을 재능있고 독특한 능력을 가진 사람으로 보지 않습니다, 단지 나의 월별 비용 보고서에서 자동이체되어 빠져나가는 정도로 생각합니다.” 그리고 그것은 생산성과 매출의 손실, 고객 불만으로 당신이 더욱 비용을 지불하고 언덕을 향해 힘들게 달리는 것임을 숙련된 직원들에게 보내는 일종의 메세지이다. 능력있는 직원들은 당신의 회사를 흥하게도 망하게도 할 수 있다.

PENNY-PINCHING SIN #2: Using an in-house bookkeeper. Too many small business owners do bookkeeping in-house. Why is that a problem? First, many boss-designated bookkeepers don’t completely know what they’re doing. For instance, they may use unnecessarily broad headings or classify items incorrectly. Sooner or later, your accountant (or worse, the IRS) will charge you to correct these mistakes, saving you nothing. Also, it’s easy for an in-house bookkeeper to steal from you. PENNY-PINCHING SIN #3: Skimping on legal services. I recall going through a touchy legal matter several years ago. When I described the matter to an older business colleague, my colleague had this to say: “Your attorney is a nice guy, and he’s good with general matters, but for this situation you need a killer. You need someone whose name strikes fear into the heart of opposing council!” For general matters, I like hiring young, new-to-their-firms attorneys whose rates are low and who are really trying to earn my business. But for matters in which your company’s survival is at stake, hire the best lawyer you possibly can. PENNY-PINCHING SIN #4: DIYing branded materials. “You have one chance to make a good first impression.” We’ve all heard this advice our entire lives, but too often, business owners forget it…often, to their detriment. We’ve all encountered a business that made a poor impression because their employees weren’t wearing uniforms or because their signage and/or print materials weren’t professionally created. The fact is customers are always going to judge businesses by their covers. So if you want to be paid like a great company, you need to look like one. PENNY-PINCHING SIN #5: Relying on word-of-mouth marketing. Have you ever heard of Budweiser? Everyone has heard of Budweiser. Among (many) other things, the company produces an endless stream 46

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

구두쇠같은 잘못 #2: 사내 회계 담당자를 이용한다. 너무도 많은 소규모 비즈니스 소유자들이 자체적인 회계 장부를 사용한다. 이것이 무슨 문제일까? 첫째, 상사가 지정된 회계 직원은 그들이 하는 일을 완전히 알지 못한다. 예를 들어, 그들은 불필요하게 광범위한 제목을 사용하거나 정확하지 않은 항목을 분류할 수도 있다. 조만간, 당신의 회계사는(혹은 심각한 경우, IRS에서) 이러한 실수의 수정을 위한 비용을 청구할 것이며, 당신은 아무런 이득도 얻지 못하게 된다. 또한, 사내 회계 직원은 당신 모르게 공금을 유용하기도 쉽다. 구두쇠같은 잘못 #3: 법률 서비스 비용을 아낀다. 몇 년 전 나는 민감한 법적 문제를 겪었던 것을 기억한다. 사업 동료에게 사정을 설명했을 때, 내 동료는 이렇게 말했다. “자네의 변호인은 좋은 사람이고, 일반적인 문제들에 능숙해, 그러나 이 상황에서 당신은 더 확실하고 철저하게 일을 처리할 수 있는 검객같은 사람이 필요해. 지금 자네는 상대방의 심장에 확실한 두려움을 심어줄 수 있는 누군가가 필요해!” 일반적인 문제에 관해서는, 나는 변호사 사무실에서 비교적 낮은 등급으로 새롭게 일을 시작하여 나의 일을 진정으로 맡고 싶어하는 젊은 변호사를 고용한다. 그러나 당신의 비즈니스 생존에 관한 문제에 있어서는, 가능한 최고의 변호사를 고용해야 한다. 구두쇠같은 잘못 #4:조립식 브랜드 제품을 사용한다. “좋은 첫 인상을 줄 수 있는 기회는 단 한번뿐이다.” 우리는 전 인생을 통해 이런 충고를 들어왔지만, 비즈니스 오너들은 이 충고를 너무도 자주 잊어버린다. 너무 자주, 그것도 자신의 손실을 초래하면서. 직원들이 유니폼을 입지 않거나 매장의 사인이나 인쇄물이 전문성을 띄게 보이지 않는 등을 이유로 비즈니스는 좋지 않은 인상을 만드는 문제들과 맞닥드리게 된다. 중요한 사실은, 고객은 언제나 외형적인 것으로 그 비즈니스를 판단할 것이라는 것이다. 그러므로 큰 기업처럼 가격을 높이고 싶다면, 그들과 닮은 모습이어야 한다.

of expensive, Hollywoodquality commercials just to remind consumers of the well-established fact that it sells beer. The point is, no matter how successful they are, great companies are always trying to communicate with and attract potential customers. If I hear one more small business owner tell me that he or she believes in “word-of-mouth marketing,” I may scream! Don’t get me wrong; customer referrals are very powerful and can really help drive your business. But I’ve never owned or worked with a company that owed more than a third of sales to word-of-mouth business. The fact of the matter is, if you try to save money by not budgeting for marketing, you’ll save your way right out of business. You simply must spend money to attract customers. Here’s the bottom line: In business, you get what you pay for. If you try to skimp on something that affects the experience your company offers consumers or that compromises its ability to run efficiently, your efforts will probably backfire. As an entrepreneur it’s good to be frugal, but it really doesn’t pay to be cheap.

구두쇠같은 잘못 #5: 입소문 마케팅에 의존한다. 버드와이저 브랜드를 들어본 적 있는가? 누구나 버드와이저는 들어봤다. 이 회사는 맥주를 팔고 있다는 이미 잘 알려진 사실을 소비자들에게 상기시키기 위해 헐리우드 품질의 비싼 광고를 지속적으로 만들고 있다. 요지는, 그들이 얼마나 성공을 했건, 큰 기업은 언제나 지속적으로 잠재적인 고객들과 소통하며 그들의 눈길을 끌려고 노력한다는 것이다. 만일 내가 한 번 더 소기업 오너들로부터 그들이 “입소문 마케팅”을 믿는다는 소리를 들으면, 나는 소리칠 것이다! 오해하지 말라. 고객 추천은 매우 강력하게 당신의 비즈니스에 정말로 도움이 된다. 그러나 나는 입소문이 매출의 30%를 넘는 회사를 소유한 적도 일해본 적도 없다. 문제의 사실은, 만일 당신이 마케팅을 위한 예산을 절감해 비용을 절약하려 한다면, 당신은 바로 비즈니스를 접는 길을 준비하게 되는 것이다. 단순히 고객들을 유치하기 위해 돈을 써야하는 것이다. 결론을 말하자면, 비즈니스에서 당신은 당신이 지불한 것을 얻는다. 만일 당신의 회사가 고객들에게 제공하는 경험에 영향을 주거나 효율적으로 실행할 수 있는 능력을 절충하는 무엇인가에 쓰는 돈을 아낀다면, 당신의 노력은 아마도 역효과가 될 것이다. 기업으로서 검소한 것은 좋지만, 무조건 저렴한 것만을 지불하지는 말아야 한다.

Sean C. Castrina is the author of “8 Unbreakable Rules for Business Start-Up Success” (Champion Publishing, 2013, ISBN: 978-0-

989-10456-2, $14.87, and the soon-to-be-released “8 Unbreakable Rules for Small Business Dominance.” He is also founder of A successful business coach and a true entrepreneur, he has started over 15 successful companies over the last 18 years. His companies have ranged from retail, direct mail marketing, and advertising to real estate development and home services. Sean is a sought-after speaker and can speak with authority on what it takes to start, sustain, and grow a business. February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


textures & Tones


special savings spring collection Featuring Warm Blondes & Radiant Reds

Use the bottom portion of this ad as a shelf talker to promote the offer in store to consumers. 광고 지면 밑 부분을 프로모션 안내 지로 사용하시면 됩니다.

Ask your distributor for this specially priced 25 piece display of this season’s top shades!

Ideal for natural hair

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Ask your distributor about special savings. 동날 사용 가능할 만큼 순한 암모니아-무 함유 염색. Fold Here

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Enrich, deepen or brighten your natural hair color • Permanent moisture-rich color for natural and relaxed hair • Infused with Jojoba and natural protein • Ammonia free, damage free formula • Designed by African American hairstylists

Special Savings Jessica is wearing 6G.

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OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

King of Locs by Cyrus Jackson

Natural O


Over the past decade, there has been a major growth of people across the world becoming more health conscious and seeking more information about what exactly is in the products they use and consume. For this reason alone, corporations have found new ways to increase profit from this new trend of “all natural.” While walking in any store, you will be overwhelmed with the number of products that market “natural,” “all natural,” and even “100% natural.” Natural has become a questionable term that has been branded on many products. Products labeled as “natural” and “organic” are usually viewed as good and wholesome, whereas “chemicals” are viewed in a negative sense. Consumers are now interested in healthier alternatives and are willing to spend the extra buck for it. If a consumer sees a product with the word “natural” on the packaging, they are more inclined to pick it up and want to know more about the product. We keep our consumers health and well-being as top priority when we make our products and that is why it is very important to make sure the label is accurate and reflects the product itself. People want to know they are “getting what they pay for.” When I started this company in 1992,

many people were not aware of what it meant to be natural; however, in the ethnic hair industry there were people wearing natural hair. Realizing there was a demand for products that worked for ethnic hair, I decided to start a line tailored to natural hair. The “natural” aspect of our products has been key to our company’s sales. When you make the benefits of the “natural” products known, that information helps the consumers make an easier decision when trying to decide between two different “natural” products. Even for myself natural is close to heart for me. For years I have been a vegetarian for the reasons of fighting off disease, longevity, preserving Earth’s natural resources, more energy and living a healthier life overall. Research shows that an estimated 70 percent of all diseases, including one-third of all cancers, is related to diet. A diet free of meat and toxins reduces the risk of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancers such as colon, breast, prostate and lung. The use of natural products inspires others to not only be healthy, but also to be conscious of the environment as a whole. Everything in the universe works together and being natural comes with a sense of pride.

Cyrus Jackson has had a successful career in the hair care industry for over 30 years including sales, marketing and product development with companies such as World of Curl, D-Orum Products and Leisure Curl. Jackson is the owner and president of Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. makers of one of the first complete products lines in the industry for the care and maintenance of natural ethnic hair types, Jamaican Mango & Lime. Jackson’s continued development and promotions of quality products for natural ethnic beauty has made him the self proclaimed King of Locs. February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Feature by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

Korean Beauty Supply Has the

Industry Reached its Summit? 한국인 뷰티 서플라이 산업은 정점에 도달했는가? 54

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

한국인 뷰티

The Korean beauty supply industry is very strong. In fact, the largest beauty supply network in this country is Korean; Jinny Beauty Supply, which has distribution centers in eight major cities is a strong example. Most Korean beauty supply stores are big and stock a large variety of products, including local and regional products. However, for the most part they are located in mostly Afro American communities. The reason for this is because the main focus of sales are for commercial hair (i.e. wigs, hair for weaves, braids, extensions and all forms of hair augmentations) and Afro American woman are major consumers of these items. Koreans control the major source of import of this hair through Korea. Afro Americans are only 12% of the country’s population, but are consumers of over 33% of hair care products in America. These facts make for good business sense for the Korean beauty supply stores to be located in the Afro communities. Koreans control 60% of the beauty supply industry in America, but they are only 3% of the population. With the preceding in mind, this leads us to the reason for this article: When Koreans first came to this country in the late 1960s, they discovered the demographics of commercial hair and the correlation of hair and hair care products as it related to the Afro consumer. Thus they opened stores in the predominately Afro communities to service that demographic. At first the community was apprehensive and a bit untrusting, and most of the Koreans could not speak English well, making communication difficult.

서플라이 산업은 매우 강하다. 사실상, 미국에서 가장 큰 뷰티 서플라이 네트워크는 한국업체이다. 주요 8개 도시에 유통 센터를 보유하고 있는Jinny Beauty Supply가 대표적인 예이다. 대부분의 한국인 뷰티 서플라이 매장은 규모가 크고 지역적인 제품을 포함해 보유 제품의 종류도 다양하다. 그러나, 그들 대부분은 아프리카계 미국인 상권에 자리잡고 있다. 이것은 판매의 중점을 상업용 모발(가발이나 위브, 브레이드용 헤어, 익스텐션, 그리고 모든 종류의 헤어 보강 제품들)에 두고 있으며, 아프리카계 미국 여성들이 이러한 제품의 주 고객이기 때문이다. 한국업체들은 이런 헤어 제품을 주로 한국에서 수입한다. 아프리카계 미국인들은 미국 인구의 12% 정도이지만, 전체 미국 헤어 케어 제품의 33%를 넘는 소비자층이다. 이런 사실이 한국인 뷰티 서플라이 매장들이 흑인 지역 사회에 자리잡게 한 좋은 비즈니스 이유를 만든 것이다. 미국내 한국인의 인구는3%에 불과하지만, 한국업체들은 미국 미용 재료 산업의 60%를 장악하고 있다. 이러한 것들이 내가 이 기사를 쓰게 한 이유이다! 1960년대 후반 한국인들이 처음 미국으로 건너올 때, 그들은 상업용 모발의 인구통계와 흑인 소비자들과 관련된 모발 및 모발 관리 제품의 상관 관계를 발견했다. 따라서 그들은 그 인구를 대상으로 하기 위해 주로 흑인 지역 사회에 매장을 열었다. 처음에는 지역 특성에 대한 두려움도 있었고 약간의 불신도 있었다, 대부분의 한국인들은 영어를 잘하지 못했으므로 의사 소통에도 문제가 있었다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 한국 상점들은 고객 기반이 원하고 필요로 하는 제품들을 경쟁력있는 가격으로 제공함으로써 고객들이 일부러 다른 지역으로 제품 구매를 나설 필요가 없게 만들었다. 시간이 지남에 따라 두 문화의 혼합이 받아들여지게 되었다. 1 세대 한국인들은 60년대 후반과 70년대 초반까지 거슬러 February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Feature Nevertheless, the Korean stores had what the customer base wanted and needed at competitive prices without having to go outside of the area. The blending of the two cultures over time became acceptable. The first generations of Koreans overcame the many barriers of doing business in a somewhat hostile environment dating back to the late 60s and early 70s. The second generation for the most part assimilated into the family business and the language barrier became less of a concern in the late 80s and mid 90s, but when the third generation came on the scene many of them had other goals and ambitions that did not include the beauty supply business. This was the beginning of the slowdown of the Korean dominated beauty supply business. Many of this generation went to colleges and universities, and came out with skills and diplomas that related to high tech industries and professional careers. Another factor that leads to the slowdown of the Korean beauty supply business is over saturation. Years ago the Koreans were careful not to compete against each other in the same vicinity, but now they are doing just that. The Korean beauty supply market is over saturated in the Afro community, especially in large metropolitan areas. Additionally, when the Koreans first set up shop in the Afro communities the community was over 90% black, but now many areas are less than 50% black. They have been replaced by the growing Hispanic population. Hispanics have a need for different products, and that translates to fewer sales coming from the community. Hispanics are the largest minority in America. The disappearing Afro residence has assimilated into the mainstream population. HOW TO ADDRESS THIS CONCERN Try to stock products that relate to the Hispanic market. Hire sales people of that culture and place window displays that relate to the market. This still will not replace the business from the lost Afro customer based on the information in the last paragraph, but it will stabilize sales and lead to other opportunities that you may not be aware of yet. Thirty-five years ago the Afro community had only a few beauty supply stores scattered throughout the area. Today there are locations in most every shopping area large and small within that community. However, other mainstream communities in the cities have changed very little in this regard. Maybe that is where the new opportunities are. This will mean stocking high-end items that relate to the professional market only, (as an independent section) as well as general retail products. The drawback is that rent and property costs are higher, but this can be overcome due to the higher income bracket of people in these communities. You may not agree with the suggestions here, but now you know how and why the market is in transition.

올라가는 다소 적대적인 환경속에서 많은 비지니스의 장벽들을 극복했다. 2 세대는 대부분 가족 사업으로 동화가 되었으며 80년대 후반에서 90년대 중반까지의 시기에는 언어의 장벽도 훨씬 낮아졌다. 그러나 3세대가 등장했을 때, 그들 중 많은 이들은 미용 재료 비즈니스가 아닌 다른 목표와 야망을 갖게 되었다. 이것이 바로 미용 재료 산업 분야에서 지배적이었던 한국인들의 침체기가 시작되는 계기이다. 3 세대의 많은 사람들은 대학을 진학해 하이테크 산업이나 전문 직종과 관련된 기술과 자격증을 취득하게 된다. 한국 미용 재료 산업의 침체를 이끈 또 다른 요인은 포화 상태에 있다. 몇 년 전 한국인들은 같은 주변 지역에서 서로 경쟁하지 않도록 주의했지만, 지금은 그렇지 않고 있다. 한국인 뷰티 서플라이 시장은 흑인 사회에서 포화 상태에 있으며, 특히 대도시 지역에서 더욱 심하다. 게다가, 한국인이 흑인 사회에 매장을 처음 열었을 때는 지역의 90% 이상이 흑인이었다. 그러나 지금은 많은 지역들이 50% 이하의 흑인 분포를 보이고 있다. 히스페닉 인구가 성장하면서 그들이 다른 곳으로 이주를 하고 있기 때문이다. 히스페닉 시장은 다른 성격의 제품이 필요하기 때문에, 그 지역으로부터의 판매율이 점점 낮아지고 있는 추세이다. 히스페닉은 미국에서 가장 큰 소수 민족이다. 사라지고 있는 흑인 거주 인구는 주류 인구 속으로 동화되고 있다. 이러한 문제의 해결 방법 히스패닉 시장과 관련된 제품을 보유해야 한다. 그 문화권의 판매 직원을 고용하고 시장과 관련된 윈도우 디스플레이를 전시해라. 이것이 앞서 말한 이유로 인해 잃어버린 흑인 고객 기반 비즈니스를 대체할 수는 없지만, 이것은 판매를 안정화하고 아직 인식되지 않았을지도 모르는 또 다른 기회를 이끌어낼 수 있다. 35년 전 아프리카 지역 사회는 여기저기 흩어진 몇몇 미용 재료 상점만을 보유하고 있었다. 오늘날 이 지역 사회에는 거의 모든 쇼핑 지역에 크고 작게 자리들을 하고 있다. 그러나, 도시의 다른 주류 지역 사회는 이런 점에서 아주 작은 변화를 보이고 있을 뿐이다. 아마도 그곳이 새로운 기회일 수 있다. 이것은 전문 시장과 관련된 고가의 제품뿐 아니라, (독립적인 섹션으로) 일반적인 소매 제품 또한 보유함을 의미할 것이다. 단점은 임대료와 시설 비용이 높아진다는 것이지만, 이 지역에 있는 높은 소득 계층의 사람들로 극복할 수 있을 것이다. 이런 제안에 아마 당신은 동의하지 않을 수도 있다, 그러나 이제 당신은 왜, 어떻게 시장이 변화하고 있는지를 알게 되었을 것이다.

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.), and sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D.C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Tricology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject, and has authored many articles in trade magazine drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologist and students encounter on a daily basis. Contact Dr. Lloneau at or call 310-323-7100. 56

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine




Melka Davis


OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

“In Swahili MIZANI means ‘Balance,’ which is central concept behind the brand,” explains Melka Davis of MIZANI. OTC Beauty Magazine spoke with Davis to learn all about the company whose “products are dedicated to work gently to balance the levels of moisture and protein in the hair.” “스와힐리어로 MIZANI는 ‘균형’을 뜻하며, 이것은 브랜드의 중추적인 개념입니다.” 라고 MIZANI 의Melka Davis 는 설명한다. OTC 뷰티 매거진은 “모발의 수분과 단백질 레벨의 균형을 위해 부드러운 작용에 중점을 둔 제품” 들을 보유하고 있는 이 회사에 관해Davis와 많은 이야기를 나눴다.

February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Manufacturer Profile OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): Please tell us about the history of MIZANI. Melka Davis (MD): Developed in 1991, MIZANI was the brainchild of the labs of SoftSheen and Redken who designed MIZANI as the leader in ethnic hair care for professionals who managed excessively curly hair types with a portfolio of treatments, hair care, relaxers and styling.

OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC): MIZANI 의 역사에 대해 알려주세요 . Melka Davis (MD): 1991년에 시작된 MIZANI는 심한 곱슬 머리의 트리트먼트, 헤어 케어, 릴렉서와 스타일을 해결하는 전문가들을 위한 특정 인종을 겨냥한 헤어 케어의 선두주자로, MIZANI를 디자인한 SoftSheen과 Redken 실험실의 발명품이었습니다.

OTC: MIZANI has products tailored directly to the natural hair care sector. What do you find most interesting about this part of the beauty industry? MD: The beauty industry has responded to the needs of consumers in new and innovative ways by providing access and support to women all over the world who are embracing their natural hair texture. Product introductions that offer alternative styling options, easier manageability, and formulas that treat natural curls have become occurrences that engage consumers to connect with a variety of offerings. It is a testament to the industry addressing customer demand with the resources that support their hair care maintenance needs.

OTC: MIZANI는 네추럴 헤어 케어 분야를 직접적으로 겨냥하는 제품들을 보유하고 있습니다. 뷰티업계의 이 분야에서 가장 흥미로운 점을 찾는다면 무엇이 있을까요? (MD): 뷰티산업은 선천적인 모발의 질감을 그대로 받아들이려는 전 세계 모든 여성들에 대한 액세스와 지원을 제공함으로써 새롭고 혁신적인 방법으로 소비자들의 요구에 응답하고 있습니다. 대체할 수 있는 스타일링 옵션과 보다 쉬운 손질, 그리고 네추럴 컬을 관리하는 성분들을 제공하는 제품들은 소비자들의 다양한 요구에 규합하기 시작하였습니다. 이것은 업계가 소비자들이 필요로 하는 제품들로 소비자들의 욕구를 충족시키고 있다는 증거입니다.

OTC: How is MIZANI structured? Briefly describe the divisions that make up the company. MD: MIZANI has a dedicated sales, education and marketing team. Sales is committed to building relationships with buyers, as well as managing and securing new distribution to ensure we are present and meeting all our professional stylists’ and consumers’ needs. Our education team is comprised of talented stylists from all around the globe who support the brand with their technical mastery, trend inspiration and execution, and professional expertise in the field of instructing stylists on MIZANI products and services. Our marketing team is enthusiastic about leading the vision for the next generation of professional stylists and servicing the textured hair consumer. OTC: What differentiates your company and makes it stand out from similar companies in the industry? MD: MIZANI is dedicated to enhancing the professional stylist. This is achieved by elevating their business with innovation and education with aspirational and inspirational trends and instruction. MIZANI is a division of L’Oréal USA whose commitment to research, innovation and its worldwide network is unsurpassed; MIZANI has access to advanced, patented technology and has discovered new ways to care for textured hair and scalp. The stylist that chooses MIZANI expects quality and a high standard of excellence, which our team is dedicated to presenting within every aspect of the business from formula introductions to salon instruction. OTC: Briefly describe the brands that make up your product portfolio. What tips do you have to help retailers incorporate these items in their stores? MD: Providing a portfolio of salon and at home maintenance hair care, MIZANI is segmented into categories to meet all hair textures. Our True Textures collection is designed specifically to care for naturally curly hair; the Thermasmooth Straightening System is a non-chemical smoothing system designed to repair, protect and keep hair straight until it gets wet. Clients transitioning from relaxed to natural can also benefit from the Supreme Oil Moisturizing Treatment, and the Scalp Care Treatment system designed for clients with moderate to severe scalp problems. For those who desire permanent straightening, MIZANI offers conditioning sodium and calcium based relaxers. OTC: How do you keep consumers and store owners educated on product releases, uses and general information? MD: Consumer and store owners rely on product information, informative merchandising, sampling and in-store education. We will continue to build our brand website as a main point of contact awareness, enhance the user experience within our social media networks, and share engaging information with our consumers and professional stylists that allows them to participate and be a part of the conversation.


OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

OTC: MIZANI 는 어떻게 구성 되어 있습니까? 회사를 구성하는 부서 설명을 간단히 부탁드립니다. (MD): MIZANI에는 전용 세일즈 팀, 교육 및 마케팅 팀이 있습니다. 세일즈는 바이어들과의 관계를 구축할 뿐 아니라, 현재 고객들인 모든 전문 스타일리스트 및 소비자들의 요구를 충족하고 새로운 유통을 확보하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 저희 교육팀은 세계 각지로부터 모인 재능있는 스타일리스트들로 구성되는데, 자신의 기술적인 능력과 트랜드 감각 및 실행을 통해 브랜드를 지원하고 있으며, MIZANI 제품과 서비스를 사용하는 스타일리스트들을 지도하는 분야의 전문가또한 교육팀을 구성하고 있습니다. 마케팅 팀은 차세대 전문 스타일리스트의 비전을 선도하고 텍스쳐 헤어 소비자들에게 서비스를 제공하는데 열정을 갖고 있습니다. OTC: 업계내의 동종업체들과 차별화되는 점은 무엇이며 그들 사이에서 눈에 띌 수 있는 것은 무엇이라고 생각하십니까? (MD): MIZANI 는 전문 스타일리스트들을 강화하는데 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 이것은 트랜드와 지도를 갖춘 혁신과 교육으로 그들의 비즈니스를 성장시킴으로써 이루어 지는 것이지요. MIZANI는 연구, 혁신 및 그 세계적 네트워크에 있어 타의 추종을 불허하는L’Oréal USA 의 한 부서입니다. MIZANI는 고급, 특허 기술을 보유하고 있으며 텍스쳐 헤어와 두피를 관리하는 새로운 방법을 개발했습니다. MIZANI를 선택하는 스타일리스트들은 고품질과 높은 수준의 우수성을 기대하며, 저희 팀은 제품 소개부터 살롱 교육에 이르기까지 사업의 전반적인 면을 제시하기 위해서 최선을 다하고 있습니다. OTC: 제품 포트폴리오를 구성하는 브랜드에 관해 설명 부탁드립니다. 소매업체들이 이 제품들을 그들의 매장에서 통합하는데 도움이 될 수 있는 조언이 있으시다면? (MD): 살롱 포르폴리오와 가정용 헤어 케어를 제공하는 MIZANI는 모든 질감의 헤어를 충족하도록 분야별로 세분화되어 있습니다. 저희 True Textures 컬렉션은 특히 선천적으로 곱슬한 모발을 관리하도록 디자인되었습니다. Thermasmooth Straightening System은 모발이 젖을 때까지 스트레이트 헤어 상태를 지속적으로 유지하고 보수 및 보호하도록 디자인된 비화학 성분의 스무딩 시스템입니다. 릴렉서를 사용한 후 네추럴로 전환 중인 고객들은Supreme Oil Moisturizing 트리트먼트로 도움을 얻을 수 있으며, Scalp Care트리트먼트 시스템은 가벼운 상태부터 심한 정도의 두피 문제를 갖고 있는 고객들을 위해 디자인되었습니다. 영구적인 스트레이트닝을 원하는 사람들을 위해서, MIZANI는 컨디셔닝 나트륨과 칼슘을 기반으로 하는 릴렉서를 제공하고 있습니다. OTC: 고객들과 매장을 대상으로 신제품 소개 및 사용법, 일반적인 정보에 관해 어떤 교육을 지속하고 계신지요? (MD): 고객과 매장 소유자들은 제품 정보, 유익한 상품화, 샘플 및 매장

OTC: What form of product promotion do you believe works best in OTC stores and why? MD: While MIZANI is new to the OTC business, we will continue to pay close attention to the consumer and provide them an exceptional buying experience. Demonstration is always a fool-proof way to illustrate a product’s benefit and performance results. Our educators are experts at illustrating the MIZANI product story and bringing the products to life. OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most recently in your sector of the beauty business and how has the company met consumer demand for it? MD: The natural and transitioning trend is the fastest growing hair trend in the beauty business to date. We continue to meet the consumer demand by supporting her throughout her hair journey; whether she has just begun her transition or is already committed to embracing her natural texture. MIZANI will continue to offer creative and versatile options for this client and her stylist to manage their texture with conditioning and moisturizing products—depending on their lifestyle, mood and occasion—that provide long term healthy looking results. OTC: What final thoughts would you like to share with OTC readers about the company? MD: With the emergence of a new generation of professional stylists and consumers, our goal is to continue to maintain a valuable partnership with our customers, elevate the salon business and the consumer experience, and provide premium formulas that excite them to reach for MIZANI as their “must have” product dedicated to treat curl types in any condition.

Company Name: MIZANI Address: 575 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Website: Contact Number: Phone 973-283-2893, Fax 973-283-2894 Year in Business: 23 years

교육에 의존하고 있습니다. 저희와 접촉할 수 있는 주된 지점으로써 브랜드 웹사이트를 지속적으로 구축할 것이며, 소셜 미디어 네트워크를 통한 사용자들의 경험을 강화하고, 소비자들 및 전문 스타일리스트들이 참여할 수 있고 대화의 일부가 되게 함으로써 그들과 정보를 공유할 것입니다. OTC: OTC 매장에서 가장 효과적인 제품 홍보 형태는 무엇이며 그 이유는? (MD): MIZANI가 OTC 비지니스에는 새로운 업체이긴 하지만, 저희는 지속적으로 소비자들에 주의를 기울이고 그들에게 예외적인 구매 경험을 제공할 것입니다. 데모는 제품의 장점과 기능을 설명하는데 있어서 언제나 실패할 염려가 없는 방법이죠. 저희 트레이너들은 MIZANI 제품 이야기를 설명하고 제품을 생활로 가져오는데는 전문가들입니다. OTC: 뷰티 산업의 내 귀하의 분야에서 최근 성장하고 있는 트랜드는 무엇이며 회사는 고객들의 수요를 어떻게 충족하고 있습니까? (MD): 네추럴 트랜드와 전환 트랜드가 현재 뷰티업계에서 가장 빠르게 성장하고 있는 헤어 트랜드입니다. 저희는 여성들의 헤어 여정을 통해 그들을 지원함으로써 지속적으로 소비자들과 만나고 있습니다. 이제 막 헤어의 전환을 시작한 여성들이든, 이미 자신의 네추럴 텍스쳐를 받아들이는데 최선을 다하는 여성들이든 구별없이 모두 말이죠. MIZANI 는 이 고객들과 그들의 스타일리스트를 위해 라이프 스타일이나 기분, 특별한 행사에 따라 컨디셔닝과 보습 제품으로 그들의 모발을 관리하며, 장기적으로는 건강한 모습을 제공할 수 있는 창조적이고 다양한 옵션을 지속적으로 제공할 것입니다. OTC: 귀사에 관해 OTC 독자들과 공유하고 싶은 최종 의견은 무엇입니까? (MD): 전문 스타일리스트와 소비자의 새로운 세대가 출현함에 따라, 저희의 목표는 고객과의 가치있는 협력관계를 유지하고 살롱 비지니스와 소비자 경험을 향상시키며, 최고의 제품을 제공함으로써MIZANI가 어떤 상태에 있는 컬 유형도 손질하는 “반드시 필요한” 전용 제품에 도달하게 하는 것입니다.

February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



Profile by Tony Bae

고객과의 원활한 관계가 성공을 만드는 가장 중요한 요소입니다

Hair World • Nashville, TN 비즈니스를 성공적으로 운영하는 데는 여러 가지 요소들 이 있다. 그 중 어느 것이 제일 중요하다고 꼭 집어낼 순 없지만, 그 중 하나가 ‘고객과의 관계’ 라는 것에는 모든 스토어 오너들이 공통적으로 동의할 것이다. 일반 친구를 사귀는 것이 아니라 스토어와 손님의 관계로 돈이 오가는, 그야말로 비즈니스 적으로 만나면서 좋은 관계를 유지한 다는 것은 결코 쉬운 일이 아니다. 서로 상대에게 돈이 결 부된 이해관계를 가지고 있기 때문에 어떠한 부분에선 상 당히 예민할 수 있기 때문이다. 몇 년을 단골로 지내다가 도 한 순간에 등을 돌리는 경우가 생기기도 하고, 반대로 한번의 거래로 충성심 강한 단골이 될 수도 있다. 어떻게 하면 모든 고객들을 만족시켜 단골로 만들 수 있을까? 이 또한 정답이 없다. 확고한 자신만의 신념을 가지고 지속적 인 노력과 시간의 투자가 수반되어야 하는 긴 여정인 것이 다. 특히, 뷰티 서플라이처럼 경쟁이 심화된 업종의 성공 가도에는 더욱더 필수적인 요소가 되는 것이다. 모든 스 토어 오너들은 자신들만의 경영철학에 따라 각각의 방식 으로 고객들을 응대하며 신뢰를 쌓아가고 있다. 어떠한 방 법이 옳다고 말할 수 없기 때문에 누가 잘하고 못한다고는 말할 수 없지만, 고객관리에 얼마만큼의 비중을 두고 실 행하는 지에 따라 면 년 후 결과는 눈에 띄게 달라져 있을


OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

것이다. 이번 달 OTC 뷰티 매거진은 TN, Nashville 에 위 치한 Hair World 를 방문하여, 2세 경영자인 Peter Kim 매 니저를 만나 스토어경영에 대한 전반적인 이야기와 Kim 씨가 특히 신경을 쓰고 있는 ‘고객과의 관계’ 에 대해 이 야기를 나누어 봤다. 고객과의 관계 쌓기 “그 전에 부모님을 도와 스토어 일을 도와드린 적은 있지만, 제가 직접 본격적인 스토어 경영에 뛰어든 것은 2년정도 되 었습니다.” 현재 Hair World 를 실질적으로 운영하고 있는 Peter Kim 씨는 본인의 경영철학으로 “Fairness & Customer relationship” 을 최우선으로 꼽는다고 한다. “공정 하지 않으면 불만이 생기는 법이고, 고객과의 친분이 없다 면 불 안정한 비즈니 스 가 되 는 것입니 다” 라 는 Kim

씨는, 직원들에게 항상 고객을 자기 손님으로 만들어야 한 다고 강조하고 있다. “직원들에게 스토어에 들어오는 고 객들 에게는 항상 먼저 인사를 하고 접근을 하라고 합니 다. 그곳으로부터 고객과의 소통이 시작되는 것입니다” 라는 Kim 씨는 본인이 소비자의 입장에서 봤을 때 어느 스토어로 가는지를 결정하는 조건이 가격도 물론 중요하 지만, 그보다는 스토어의 환경과 그 스토어의 직원과의 관 계로 인해 발걸음을 옮기는 경우가 대부분이기 때문이라 고 한다. “가장 기본적으로 시작할 것은, 왔던 손님이 다 시 스토어를 찾았을 때 지난번의 직원을 다시 찾을 수 있 도록 만드는 것입니다.” 본인을 알아봐 주는 스토어를 방 문했을 때, 환영 받는다는 느낌과 친근함을 느끼는 것은 당연한 일이다. 그리고, 이를 싫어하는 고객들은 거의 없 다고 보면 된다. 고객과의 신뢰 쌓기 “헤어 제품에 대한 공부를 많이 하고 있습니다” 라는 Kim 씨는, 이를 통해 고객들에게 올바른 정보를 전해주기 위 함이라 한다. 그러한 지식들은 유투브나 잡지, 세일즈맨 들을 통해 얻으며, 뷰티션들을 통해서 실질적인 제품에 대 한 평가를 듣기도 한다고 한다. “이런 것을 하는 가장 중 요한 이유는 고객들에게 신뢰를 주기 위해서 입니다” 라 며 고객과의 신뢰가 중요한 데에는 많은 이유가 있다고 한 다. 위해서 말했듯이, 비즈니스 관계로 얽힌 손님들과 관 계를 돈독히 하기 위해서는 반듯이 신뢰가 바탕이 되어야 한다. 신뢰가 없는 관계는 언제라도 금방 무너지는 모래 성과 같을 수 밖에 없다. “고객들이 스토어에 들어와서 원 하는 제품이 없을 시에는 보통 바로 나가는 경우가 대부 분 입니다. 하지만, 고객들과의 친분이 있다면 다른 제품 을 권해줄 수도 있고, 다음에 다시 스토어를 찾아오는 확 률을 높일 수 있습니다” 라고 Kim 씨는 말한다. 스트레스를 덜 받는 직원들의 작업환경 오너가 스토어에 들어오는 모든 고객들을 일일이 상대할 수는 없다. 결국, 실질적으로 고객을 응대하는 것은 직원 들인 것이다. 직원들에게 스토어는 그들이 일하는 직장이 다. 때문에 모든 직장인들과 마찬가지로 스토어 안에서 여 February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Retailer Profile

러 가지 스트레스들을 받고 있다. 그러한 직원들에게 밝 은 얼굴로 고객들을 맞이할 수 있는 환경을 만들어 주기 위해서는 그들이 일하는 분위기에도 신경을 써줘야 한다 고 Kim 씨는 말한다. “직원들이 일을 하면서 스트레스를 받는 원인들은 여러 가지가 있겠지만, 그 중 하나는 고객 들로부터의 스트레스도 큰 비중을 차지하고 있습니다”. ‘ 손님이 왕이다’ 라는 생각은 틀린 것은 아니지만, 무조건 맞는 것도 아니다. 이것에 대해 Kim 씨는, “직원들이 어 떠한 이유로 인해 스트레스를 받은 상태라면, 스토어를 방문한 고객들에게 웃는 얼굴로 올바른 서비스를 제공하 기 힘듭니다” 라며 고객들에게서 받는 스트레스를 회사 차원에서 최소한으로 줄여줘야 한다고 한다. 그 방법으 로 “고객들도 경우에 따라서 각각 다르게 대응해야 하는 것 같습니다. 너무 상식을 벗어난 행동을 하는 고객들은 스토어 차원에서 어느 정도 제제를 해줘야 직원들이 스 트레스를 덜 받고, 그 시간에 다른 고객들에게 서비스를 제공할 수 있는 것입니다. 포인트는, 모든 사람들에게 잘 해줄 수가 없기 때문에, 막무가내의 손님들에게 시간낭 비 하지 말고 다른 고객들에게 시간을 할애하는 것이 더 욱 효과적이라 생각합니다” 라며 스토어 직원들이 회사 의 방침 (policy)을 방패막이로 사용할 수 있도록 교육시 키고 있다고 한다. 거기에 더 나아가, Kim 씨는 직원들도 참여하는 미팅을 통해 스토어의 전반적인 사항을 전달한 다고 한다. “특정 사항을 결정할 때는 미팅을 통해서 사 안에 대한 이야기를 하고 가급적 직원들의 의견을 반영 하려는 편입니다. 그래야 직원들의 불만을 줄일 수 있다 고 생각합니다.” 어떠한 단체이던 간에 상사로부터 수직 으로 내려오는 지시사항은 불만을 초래할 수 있다. 하지 만 자신과 비슷한 위치의 사람들이 동참한 의견은 받아 들이기가 수월한 법이다. Kim 씨는 또한, 직원들과의 미 팅을 통하여 새로운 제품이 들어오거나, 평상시에 의문 점이 있던 것을 얘기하는 시간을 가짐으로 해서 모든 직 원들이 스토어 안에서 벌어지는 일들을 잘 숙지하고 있 을 수 있게 한다고 한다. 이는 직원들에게도 주인의식을 심어줄 수 있는 좋은 관행이라 보여진다. 68

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

미디어 활용 “마케팅에 돈을 투자해야 하는 것은 맞습니다. 하지만 모든 것에 투자를 할 수는 없는 것입니다” 라는 Kim 씨 는 현재 face book 에 fan page 를 만들어 놓고, tweeter 를 함께 연동하여 관리하고 있다고 한다. 아직도 뷰티 서플라이 업계에서는 SNS (Social Network Service) 를 활용하는 스토어들은 전무한 상태다. 하지만, 미국 내 대부분의 다른 업종 스토어들은 SNS 를 매우 적극적으 로 활용하고 있다. 이러한 것이 젊은 사람들의 전유물이 라는 생각에서 벗어나야 한다. 특히, Hair World 처럼 영 어가 자유로운 2세들이 운영하는 스토어에서는 반드시 실행되어야 하는 마케팅 분야가 아닐 수 없다. 거의 비 용이 들지 않고 시간적 노력만으로 커다란 효과를 볼 수 있는 훌륭한 도구를 사용하지 않을 이유는 없다.

가까운 미래의 계획에 대해 질문을 하자 Kim 씨는 다음 과 같이 말을 이어갔다. “현재는 가지고 있는 제품들을 잘 관리하는 것에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 잘 움직임이 없 는 제품들을 다시 주문하는 경우나, 창고에 배치되어 있 는 제품들을 최대한 매장으로 진열해야 합니다. 시간이 좀 걸리는 일이지만, POS 시스템을 최대한 이용하여 보 다 효과적인 스토어 관리를 하기 위해 한가지 한가지씩 업데이트를 하고 있습니다.” 이는 시간이 걸리는 작업이 긴 하지만 일단 시스템을 구축해 놓고 나면 그 효과는 생 각했던 것 이상일 것이다. 이제 업계 3년차인 Peter Kim 씨는, 1세대 뷰티 서플라이 업계의 선배님들과는 많은 경험의 차이가 있다. 하지만, 처음부터 자신만의 계획을 세우고 차근차근 실천해 나가는 그의 10년뒤 모습이 몹 시도 기대되어 진다.

February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine




Sponsored by Andis Co.

Pint Sized, Yet Powerful If your customer is looking for a trimmer that can be used on the go and has a professional grade quality of performance, look no further. The new Andis Slimline Pro fits all the needs of a professional barber or hairstylist, yet has the cordless appeal that most consumers want. The key features this tool has includes a smaller and lighter body, a long lasting battery that powers its strong rotary motor, and the blade it has can be zero gapped. What makes this tool different from other cordless trimmers is that this trimmer is pint sized, yet it packs a powerful punch that can be adjusted according to the personal preference of the barber or stylist that uses it. Knowing that the blade can be set to the user’s preference is huge because everybody prefers a different result from their trimmers. Some barbers are heavy handed and desire a trimmer that has a stock setting to its blade, yet others who are light handed prefer a zero gapped setting to their trimmers. No matter what setting they prefer, both types of barbers or stylist can reap the benefits of a small yet powerful trimmer. This 5 ounce trimmer is ergonomically correct, fits very comfortably in the hand and helps reduce fatigue. The Ni-MH battery gives the Slimline Pro power to last all day under normal use. The Andis Slimline Pro is made in the USA, and is backed by a one year warranty. For more information about this tool contact that Andis Company by phone at 1-800-558-9441.

#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.

Andis Supra 120 Ion™ Cordless Clipper Andis Co. offers professional barbers and stylists

Kenny “The Professional” Duncan is a National educator for the Andis Co. He has presented classroom demonstrations and platform education at many tradeshows such as Empire Future Professionals, IHS International Hair Show, Bronner Bros International Hair Show and many more. He brings a wealth of information and experience to clipper cutting education. He teaches styling professionals the simplest approach to multicultural hair styling through a combination of solid technical demonstrations, creative interpretations, and entertaining presentations. Kenny is co-owner of Main Attraction Unisex Hair Salon, located in Philadelphia. He is reaching stylists around the world through, where his goal is to provide inspiration, motivation and education to clippers cutters of all experience levels. He truly is a trailblazer in this industry. 72

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

another option for cordless clipping with its Supra 120 Ion™ clipper. The Supra 120 Ion™ is a powerful rotary motor clipper with adjustable, removable blades for limitless cutting options. The clipper’s lightweight, ergonomic design helps reduce hand fatigue while its lithium ion battery delivers consistent power and will not lose performance as the charge declines. With a two-hour run time and one-hour recharge time you can’t go wrong with this professional tool. Learn more at


Therapy Trends Naturally Free to be Healthy

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Over 70% of African American women want to be free to wear a natural hairstyle or have worn their hair in some natural style. Chemically treated hair sales are declining rapidly—down 26% from 2008 and down 11% from 2011. Chemically free does not mean product free. Natural hair care is still driving the styling market, conditioners and hair color segments. A recent study shows that 48% of women believe natural or curly hairstyles exude confidence and are trendsetting. What is creating the shift away from relaxers? Damage avoidance, coupled with a strong urge to be healthy from the inside out. Regrowth and restoration are also key. The ability to lead a vigorous non-limiting lifestyle—swim and sweat without style limitations. Most consumers now understand that healthy hair stems from diet, exercise and a clean, fresh scalp. So many products are available to stock OTC shelves—oils from every continent and butters from every pantry. Consumers can invest in unique formulas devoted to healthy natural hair. Many of these formulas and oils are used for skin, scalp and shower. Please also note, they replace the dollar drain caused by the lessened revenue from the relaxer category.

This new wave of natural styling is being fueled by many mixed

race consumers who have learned to better contend with curls. No matter how tight or how loose, the curl patterns that are being exhibited on the social media sites as well as on celebrities shout “Style! Innovation! Creativity! and, Healthy Living!”

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit 74

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

RA Shea Butter Lotion Our # 1 seller, 100% shea butter with Jojoba Oil is the ultimate moisturizer to vitalize and soften skin while blocking the harsh effects of sun, wind, cold and aging. Apply the healing and cooling power of cucumber to your skin. Cucumber melon lotion is a great skin moisturizer packed with vitamin E that softens and heals damages skin. Now customers can take their favorite shea butter lotion wherever they go. By popular demand, we’ve introduced a fit in the palm of your hand size for those who don’t want to be without! For more information, visit



All About the Benjamin In honor of black history month, I would like to give honor to all the men and women who sacrificed their life and legacy towards innovation, invention, the fight for freedom, equality and justice. This year we have seen a large number of men’s grooming products come onto the scene. Ironically, there must also be a marketing strategy in place for your beauty supply location to create increased push and pull for these products by finding ways to attract more men into your establishment. I would like to highlight a unique and natural grooming product line called Frederick Benjamin found in select, high service level barbershops. The creator and founder of Frederick Benjamin is Michael James, a third generation entrepreneur, who provides today’s modern natural grooming solutions for men. Michael has over ten years’ experience with his former employer Revlon and L’Oreal, he knows firsthand the power of personal appearance, and the affect quality products can have on a person’s attitude and overall outlook. During his tenure in brand management, his access to personal care products was endless, yet he could not find a grooming line which met his personal preferences. The products he used were either unpleasantly or over-fragranced, laced with ingredients that worked against the very problem he was seeking to solve. With that in mind, he set out to launch his own product line called Frederick Benjamin grooming. Frederick Benjamin is a natural hair care line for the savvy, multicultural male consumer base. The line consists of shampoo, conditioner, styling crème and pomade. Frederick Benjamin was specifically designed for barbers and stylists servicing the multicultural male grooming demographic. Michael says, “Our natural ingredients set us apart from most products. Through our extensive research and development, we have created formulations that solve problems unique to our consumers. All of the products provide a light, clean and minty fragrance while invigorating, cleansing and hydrating normal to dry scalp and natural hair without weight and grease.” For more information on the produce line go to

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit 76

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

Sow Time Join us for advertising! Call 678.805.3291


조지아 협회.

해 시행할 행사 계획과 오 는 3월 30일에 있을 제7회 조지아 뷰티 트레이드쇼에 대해서 집중적으로 토론이 이어졌다. 이번 트레이드쇼 는 여러 가지 불리한 여건 속에 헤어 도매업체가 예전 에 비해 축소할 것에 대비,

정확한 예산과 실속 있는 집행을 통해 이번 쇼에 대 처해 나가기로 했으며, 대 신 잡화, 쥬얼리, 코스메틱 부분에 집중적으로 홍보해 나가기로 했다.

사이다. 이 행사에는 30여 개의 회원업체가 참여할 예 맴피스 협회는 오는 2월 중 정이고, 각 스토어마다 TV 순쯤 협회원들이 모두 참여 도 상품으로 내놓고 있다. 하는 공동세일을 준비하고 있다. 회원들의 스토어에서 또한 협회는 오는 2월 23 물건을 구입하는 사람들에 일, 트레이드쇼를 개최할 한하여 티켓을 나누어 주 예정이다. 예년과 마찬 가 고, 2개월 후에 추첨을 통해 지로 Harrah’s Tunica Ho자동차를 경품으로 주는 행 tel and Casio 에서 개최되

며, 아침 10시에 개장하여 85개 부스가 200 여명의 참 가자들을 맞을 예정이다. 쇼에 대한 자세한 문의는 아래로 하면 된다.

조지아 뷰티협회는 지난 1 월 12일 트레이드쇼 지정 호텔인 Wyndham Garden 회의실에서 임원 20여명이 참가한 가운데 2014년 신 년회 워크샵을 가졌다. 올

맴피스 협회


OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

안병관 쇼준비위원장: 901-487-6992, 김도형 총 무: 901-452-9512 , 이동 윤 회장: 901-246-5759.

February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine

81 89

IndustryNews IndustryNews SoftSheen-Carson Laboratories® Dark and Lovely® Introduces NEW Au Naturale Anti-Breakage Collection Nurturing Collection Helps Repair Breaking and Transitioning Hair SoftSheen-Carson Laboratories®, the #1 ethnic hair care brand in the world, is excited to introduce its breakthrough Dark and Lovely® Au Naturale Anti-Breakage line: a range of treatment products designed to reduce breakage, restore and revive strands, and support hair growth. Featuring an exclusive anti-breakage recipe, the NEW Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Breakage collection helps strengthen strands by reducing breakage, helping hair grow up to 4 inches yearly. Formulated with a powerful combination of nurturing ingredients including honey and Guarana Root, Au Naturale AntiBreakage is the first damage-fighting full regimen; it leaves hair shiny, supple, stronger and healthy-looking. “For women of color, hair length is a badge of honor but a frustration to achieve as damaged hair challenges its growth and breakage threatens her ability to proudly shine,” says Mezei Jefferson, Senior Manager of Education, SoftSheen-Carson. “We’re excited to introduce this innovative care system formulated to revitalize and nourish distressed strands, help strengthen the hair’s fiber, and ultimately help hair grow.”

Comprised of four exclusive products, the Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Breakage treatment line includes: Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Breakage Root-To-Tip Mender—Helps prevent split-ends before they start and leaves ends resilient, healthy and strong. Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Breakage Tension Release Wash— Soothes dry scalp and hair while rebuilding hair elasticity. Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Breakage Strength Restoring Conditioner—Replenishes hair with necessary nutrients to stimulate hair growth. Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Breakage Super Softening Hair Butter— Moisturizes and reconstructs damaged hair for a supple, shiny finish.

The Dark and Lovely® Au Naturale Anti-Breakage and Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage lines are specially formulated to address the unique needs of naturally curly hair textures. Whether your hair type is curly, wavy, kinky or coiled, these unique recipes address every curly girl’s treatment and styling needs. Au Naturale Anti-Breakage treatment collection has NO drying alcohol, NO mineral oil, NO petrolatum, and NO parabens and is fortified with nutritive ingredients to fight damage and help grow hair longer, 4 inches yearly.

Andis Company Raises Record Funds for Racine County United Way for Second Consecutive Year Last year, Andis Company associates set a record raising funds for the United Way of Racine County. This year, they have surpassed last year’s contribution by a substantial 6 percent. “Each year our associates prove with their time and contributions how committed we all are to our community and to people in need,” says Matthew K. Andis, the company’s president. “Our United Way Committee did a fantastic job in running a campaign that was motivating, successful and full of fun events.” For the second year in a row, creativity combined with a generous spirit helped achieve this year’s record- setting donation. Andis Company associates held numerous year-round fundraising efforts to inspire giving, including a silent auction, a car wash and raffles for sporting event tickets. A significant portion of this year’s funds came from 30 Andis business partners who responded to the company’s donation letter with gifts ranging from $100 to more than $1,000. Those that donated $1,000 and above are Gold United Way Partners: 86

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

CH Robinson, Chase Products Company, Harig Manufacturing Corporation, Horton Group, Lapham-Hickey Steel and New Berlin Plastics. Silver United Way Partners donated $500-$999: Alloy Welding, Inc., Continental Marketing, Klibaner Sales Agency, Lee Plumbing and Van Nest Coleman and Associates. The Bronze United Way Partners gave $100 - $499: Avanti Engineering, Bernard Laboratories, Century West Marketing Co. of AZ, Christopher Gunderson, Continental Sales & Marketing, Inc., Elektrisola, Excel Spring & Stamping, Great River Plastics, John Busey/Laura Hebert @ Robert W. Baird & Co., Klibaner Sales Agency, Louis & Associates, Milliman, Performance Marketing, PSR Sales Marketing Inc., Synergy Marketing, Tim & Cynthia Borah, Universal Die & Stamping, Westview Industries and Willis. Learn more at and

June 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


IndustryNews PBA to Host Four, One-Day Regional Forums in 2014 for Beauty Industry Professionals Alexandria, VA – March 3 | Joliet, IL – May 19 | Las Vegas, NV – July 14 | Boston, MA – September 22

concepts for a NAHA collection; how competition concepts can relate to you every day; the advantages of social media; and proven techniques to market yourself. 3. Body Language: Confidential | Speaker: Traci Brown, Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistics, Hypnosis and Huna In this fun, interactive and informative talk, learn how to read body language and use specific verbal language to immediately create powerful relationships; accelerate your networking; interview powerfully; increase sales; elegantly persuade others; appropriately respond to hidden messages to ensure you’re sending the right message; and respond to hidden clues to close a sale at the price you want. 4. How to be an Eco-Friendly Salon and Stylist | Speaker: Tamara Jercha, Founder of the National Association of Eco-Friendly Salons & Spas Most salon and spa professionals care about the environment, but their passion is in the creative process of perfecting the craft. Conducting business in an eco-friendly manner becomes something PBA Regional Forums will be held: which rests on your to-do list. In this session, we will bust the myth • Monday, March 3 - Alexandria, VA that an eco-friendly salon and spa is an oxymoron; provide greater • Monday, May 19 - Joliet, IL understanding of the word “sustainability;” remove the sense • Monday, July 14 - Las Vegas, NV (as part of PBA of information overload that paralyzes salon professionals into Beauty Week at Cosmoprof North America) inaction because they don’t know where to start; and provide a clear • Monday, September 22 - Boston, MA road map for implementing sustainability initiatives. Featured core sessions: 5. Legislative Update | Speakers: PBA Government Affairs Team 1. Trend Interpretive Business Solutions | Speakers: DJ Riggs & Berry PBA is dedicated to keeping members informed on the laws and Bachen, MAINENTRANCE Artists Creative Directors regulations governing the industry. Learn about current issues Learn strategies to follow trends and create added value, and and state and federal legislation, including deregulation, FICA Tax incorporate them into your business. Get a summary of key Fairness Legislation, state legislation, and the PBA State Captain elements of the current season (essential knowledge for any fashion Program. or beauty professional) and proven techniques for translating trend knowledge into client consultation tools. Keep your team ahead Price for PBA members is $119; non-PBA member price is $159. Price of the trends to build your reputation as an industry leader and includes lunch. For more details, including locations of each the stimulate client interaction and creative growth. session, hotel information, and to register, visit 2. Designing Hair with Color for NAHA | Speaker: Palma N’Sheluvzit, NAHA 2011 Avant Garde Finalist In this thought-provoking and motivational session, discover what is it that drives you and your passion; the steps to create a collection for NAHA; how to conduct a photo shoot; design, color, and hair In an effort to continually provide education, best practices, peer networking and business support for beauty professionals and salon/ spa leaders, the Professional Beauty Association (PBA) is hosting four, one-day Regional Forums, formerly known as the Regional Salon Summits, across the U.S. The first event takes place in March in Alexandria, VA. Each session during the day-long forums will be led by highly qualified and respected industry leaders and consultants. Discussion topics range from marketing and stylist development to business management and government affairs, and are designed to assist salon owners and beauty professionals to elevate their business, careers, and our industry as a whole with practical information they can readily apply. Networking with other salon professionals will also take place to allow attendees to learn from one another and discuss common interests and business strategies. The PBA Regional Forums are open to all, regardless of PBA membership.

The “Next Generation” of Hot Tools Launches with First Entry into Wet Goods 88

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

Hot Tools is proud to announce the launch of an exciting new category under their company umbrella called NexGen™. It is accompanied by their first entry into the wet goods category… “Coconut Jo,” a Coconut Jojoba Conditioning and Shine Serum. Bring together the clean, fresh breeze of the desert and the floral burst of the tropics with the coconut and jojoba line of NexGen™ hair care appliances. This new hair care line is infused with history’s finest natural softener and moisturizer—coconut oil—and the conditioning balm of Jojoba, the secret to the thick, healthy hair of the Sonoran desert natives. Treat your customers’ hair to this ancient beauty formula everyday with the NexGen™ appliance line and take a bold step toward strong, healthy, naturally revitalized hair. Boost hair’s natural shine even further with “Coconut Jo™” Coconut-Jojoba Conditioning and Shine Serum. This natural shine serum is currently available in 4-ounce pump bottles, but a 2-ounce bottle is included in all of NexGen™ packages as a free gift to you. Also included in the NexGen™ appliance line is a heat-resistant pouch for curling irons and a convenient travel bag for hair dryers.

ShowCalendar Ad Index FEBRUARY:

Aliya Paris ���������������������������������� 9, Insert

16-19 Global Beauty & Wellness Exchange

Advanced Beauty Systems ����������������� 5

Amelia Island, FL

American International �������������������� 58

17-19 Beauty Asia 2014

Andis Co. ��������������������������������������72, IBC


22-25 Bronner Bros. International Hair Show Atlanta, GA

March: 6-9 Natural Products Expo West

Belson ��������������������������������������������������� 39 Bonfi Natural/Wet-n-Wavy �������������� 42 City of Hope ���������������������������������������� 25 Dream World, Inc. ��� 8, 20, 21, 38, 48, 64, 84, 85 Ecoco, Inc. �������������������������������������� 11, 83

Anahein, CA

Fantasia Ind. ���������������������������������������� 33

9-10 Spectrum International Beauty Expo

Helen of Troy ����������������������������������������� 3

Los Angeles, CA

House of Cheatham ����������������������������� 7

16-19 ASD Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV

22-24 America’s Beauty Show\ Chicago, IL

30-31 Eastern Buying Conference Atlantic City, NJ

30-31 South Florida Beauty Show For Lauderdale, FL

30-31 Southern Regional Beauty Show Jackson, MS


OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

Inspired Beauty Brands ���������������������� 79

Latin Beauty ���������������������������������������� 89 Liquid Gold Bonding/ Lloneau Products ������������������������������� 82 L’Oreal Technique ������������������������������� 49 Miss Jessie’s ������������������������������������������ 23 Oster Prof. Products �������������������������� 53 Procter & Gamble ������������������ 59, Insert Professional Products Unlimited �������������������������������������� 50, 77 Queen Helene ������������������������������������ 32 RA Cosmetics ������������������������������� 74, 90 Sensitive By Nature ��������������������� 70, 71 Smooth Care �������������������������������������� 97 SMSi-Urban Call Marketing, Inc. ������ 34 SoftSheen-Carson ������������������������ IFC, 1 Starlet International �������������������������� 99

JBS Beauty Club ��������������������������� 52, 72 JBS Hair �������������� 2, 14, 15, 57, 78, 81, 93 JF Labs/AFAM ������������������������������� 24, 87

Straight Arrow/Mane ‘n Tail �������������� 43 Strength of Nature ���������������� Cover, 65 Unilever ��������������������������������75, 100, BC

Jinny Corp. ������������������������������������� 94, 95 Keystone Laboratories ���������������������� 73

Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard! In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants

to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

1. What are your thoughts on the new innovations in the Natural hair care category? 1. 네추럴 헤어 케어 분야의 새로운 혁신에 대한 여러분의 견해는 무엇입니까?


______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What are some ways your store is going paperless with the use of technology (i.e. tablets, computers, etc.)? If you are not doing it yet, do you plan on implementing this strategy? 2.

여러분의 매장에서 테크놀로지의 사용으로(이를 테면, 테블렛, 컴퓨터 등) 종이와 문서 사용을 중단할 수 있는 방법에는

무엇이 있을까요? 만일 아직은 이것을 실행하지 않고 있다면, 이러한 전략을 시행할 계획을 갖고 있습니까?____________

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What product would you like to learn more about and why? 3. 여러분이 더욱 알고 싶은 제품에는 어떤 것이 있으며 이유는 무엇인 가 요?________________________________________________________________________


When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

Name (성함) _______________________________ Store Name (스토어 이름) _____________________ State (주) _________________________________ 98

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

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September 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Naturally You!

Deep Conditioning Masque

The new Deep Conditioning Masque of the Motions’ Naturally You! line significantly increases moisturization, shine and strength to your customers’ natural hair. The salon-tested deep conditioner with shea butter, coconut and avocado oils intensely rehydrates and detangles hair, leaving it feeling soft and looking vibrantly healthy. We cannot fail to mention the delicious scent of this product! A perfect harmony of a fresh, clean scent and a 100

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2014

sophisticated blend of flowers, it will delight even your pickiest of customers’ sense of smell. Who wouldn’t want to add this extraordinarily rich and intense conditioning treatment to their stash of natural hair pampering goods? It can be used as a regular conditioner after shampooing, or can be applied before covering hair with a plastic cap and heat is applied for maximum conditioning.

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