OTC December 2017

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December 2017 | $6.00 The Year End Issue Prepare Your Hair and Skin for the Winter Top Selling Products of the Year at Jinny Beauty Supply JINNY AND OTC BEAUTY MAGAZINE AWARDS

Infinite Edges Serum

Apply this scalp conditioner daily where needed to revitalize the delicate, weak and overworked areas of your hair. Infinite Health. Infinite Results.

Your hair requires special care. Infinite Edges Serum is an intense infusion of vitamins and active botanicals that nourishes targeted areas to promote healthy hair.

“After using steroid creams for a skin condition, I developed alopecia areata. I had a severe rebound effect from stopping the use of my medication that created huge bald spots on my scalp… My hair would also break and was thinning rapidly. I used Hairfinity Infinite Edges Serum and saw results within the first month. After the second month all of my hair was back!” — Hairfinity Customer

This product and the statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Product must be used on a viable follicle.

2 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 1 A Soothing Solution for What’s BENEATH THE WEAVE
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Introducing the first shampoo and conditioner created just for weaves and protective styles. Revive and replenish with
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76 Special Awards Section

OTC Beauty Magazine Awards

Advertisements are an integral part of any publication, and here at OTC Beauty Magazine, we take time to recognize a few each year. We congratulate 2017’s winners as well as honorable mentions.

Tae H. Jhin Vendor Awards

Jinny Corp. presents various manufacturers with coveted Tae H. Jhin Vendor Awards in recognition for their achievements within the industry.

Top Sellers

The Top Selling Products of the Year

We take a look at the five highest-selling products for 2017 and determine why they’re hot sellers at Jinny Beauty Supply.

64 Feature

Beat the Winter Woes Naturally By Natasha Bhalla

Have you noticed that your skin becomes sallow and hair becomes lackluster in the winter? You’re not alone - many experience these issues when the temperatures drop. Our skin and hair may be sensitive but are resilient, and there are ways to prevent them from becoming dull. 28 Finished Product Pink Himalayan Salt By Osman Mithavayani

Xtreme Beauty International wants its male customers to take pride in their beard. With the OKAY Grooming & Styling Hair and Beard Collection for men, fellas can do just that. From the shampoo and conditioner to a moisturizing pomade, this product line will keep the beard and hair healthy and strong.

4 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 In Every Issue contents December 2017 10 Editorial Letter Preparing for New Beginnings 새로운 시작을 앞두고 12 Expert Advice Stop Winter Hair Shedding 16 Marketplace Combatting the Cold 22 How Should You Sell It? General Merchandise 어떻게 판매해야 하나? 일반잡화 판매 41 Urban Call Briefs Leadership Profiles in Beauty 60 Notes From the Natural Nation Jamaican Black Castor Oils Bring Holiday Cheer 84 Clipper Tips Must-Have Tools for Fading 86 Therapy Trends The Culture of Beauty in 2018 92 Industry News 100 Korean News 업계소식 101 Coupons 104 Show Calendar / Ad Index 106 Reader Feedback 독자 피드백 108 Product Spotlight Revlon’s Black Seed Oil Collection

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contents December 2017


Knowledge To Know

Acquisitions and Mergers: Formerly Black-Owned Businesses Part II

There have been several major acquisitions as of late involving black-owned firms that are now owned by majority and foreign country firms. However, this trend is not new, in fact it dates back to as early as the 60’s.

흑인 소유였던 흑인 전문 모발케어 제품 제조사들의 몰락 2

현재 대다수 및 외국 기업이 소유하고 있는 흑인-소유의 회사들이 최근 몇몇 주요 인수에 연계되었습니다. 하지만 이 트렌드는 새로운 것이 아니라, 1960년대 초까지 거슬러 올라갑니다.

34 Why Your Hair Isn’t Growing – and What To Do About It

Are your customers dying for longer locks, but it’s taking forever for their hair to grow? They’re not alone. Many women find that they can’t coax their hair to grow beyond a certain length, or sometimes even grow at all. No matter the reason, if your tresses are taking their time reaching new lengths, there are tried and true ways to see results faster.

머리카락이 자라지 않는 이유- 조치와 방안

여러분의 고객들이 더 긴 머리를 갈망하지만 그들의 머리를

기르기 위해 너무나 오랜 시간이 걸리나요? 이는 그들만의

문제가 아닙니다. 많은 여성들은 그들의 머리를 특정 길이

이상으로 기르거나 가끔은 아예 기르는 것 자체가 불가능하다고

생각합니다. 이유가 무엇이든, 여러분의 긴 머리가 새로운 길이에 도달하는 데에 오랜 시간이 걸린다면, 더 빠른 결과를

보기 위해 신뢰할 수 있는 정확한 방법들이 있습니다.

38 Natural Hair Industry Convention

Throngs of visitors attended the 4th Annual Natural Hair Industry Convention in November. This year marks Atlanta’s first time hosting the conference.

46 Marketing 101 Online – the New Frontier

While many drug stores and large beauty supply stores have taken their business to the web and on social media, smaller retailers have kept their focus on their brick and mortar locations and continue to rely on signage and foot traffic for new customersbut is that to their detriment?

마케팅 개론 온라인 – 새로운 개척자


Business Tips

Five Pillars to Success as a Manager

Today, many employers say they’re having trouble retaining their younger employees —specifically Millennials. At 82 million strong, Millennials are the workforce of the future. It’s imperative to realize that the people in your organization—especially young people—are the fuel to your long-term success, and the one person who affects that outcome more than any other is the frontline manager.

매니저로서 성공하기 위한 5가지 방법 오늘날, 많은 고용주들은 그들의 젊은 직원들- 특히 밀레니엄 세대들을

유지하는 데에 어려움을 겪는다고 얘기합니다. 820만 명이나 되는 이 밀레니엄 세대들은 미래의 일꾼입니다. 여러분의 기업의 직원들-특히 젊은 인력들-이 당신의 장기적인 성공을 위한 연료라는 것을, 그리고 그 누구보다 더 이 결과에 영향을 미치는 사람은 바로 우수한 매니저라는 점을 반드시 깨달아야 합니다.


Removing Company Silos

The terms “us” and “them” are words many leaders and employees use to separate their department from other departments within the same organization. For the past 100-plus years, the constant stress between departments within the same organization has existed. Customer Service vs. Sales. Finance vs. Sales. Engineering vs. Operations. The real issue is not the separation of departments because they are separated by responsibility and duties. The real issue is when internal departments blame or resent one another.

기업의 부서간 장벽 제거 “우리”와 “그들” 이라는 용어는 많은 리더와 직원들이 같은 회사내에서 다른 부서들을 구분하는 데 사용하는 단어입니다. 지난 100년 이상 동안 동일한 조직 내의 부서 간에 지속적인 갈등이 있었습니다. 고객 서비스 vs 판매. 재무 vs 판매. 엔지니어링 vs 운영 같이 말이죠. 부서들은 책임감과 의무에 의해 분리되었기 때문에 부서의 분리는 사실상 문제가 되지 않습니다. 진짜 문제는 내부 부서가 서로를 비난하거나 업무를 서로 미루는 경우입니다.

58 Beauty Ambassador

Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador by Terri Taricco-Cropp

Make Your Salon Guests the Life of the Party

6 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017
미용 용품 가게들은 그들의 비즈니스를 인터넷과 소셜 미디어로 이동시킨 반면, 소규모 소매상들은 계속해서 그들의 오프라인 거래에 집중하며 새로운 고객들을 위한 표지판과 유동 인구에 의존하고 있습니다 - 하지만 이것이 과연 그들에게 손해를 끼치는 것일까요?
다수의 대형 약국들과
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 7
©2017 Beauty Perfection. All Rights Reserved. 1-855-9-SPARKS. To learn more, please visit www.sparkscolor.com |
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Editor: Tony Bae tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com koreannews@otcbeautymagazine.com

Art Director: Sam Choi support@otcbeautymagazine.com

Advertising & Sales Coordinator: advertising@otcbeautymagazine.com

Contributing Writers: Osman Mithavayani

Columnists: Kenny Duncan Lafayette Jones Elayne McClaine

8 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 Post Master: Please send address changes to: OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.
Ann Jhin
Hale editor@otcbeautymagazine.com subscriptions@otcbeautymagazine.com
Editor: Jessica De Vault
Tony Lloneau Shannon Kwit Scott Zangwill Detra
Jan Makela Natasha Bhalla Khalia

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Preparing For

New Beginnings

Is it just me or did 2017 fly by? It’s been an eventful year, to say the least. Since moving into this position in June, I have learned a lot and am now forging ahead with fresh new ideas and plans for OTC Beauty Magazine But isn’t that how December inspires us all? Many of us will ponder what’s happened this year and look ahead to make the next year even better. Well, don’t ignore that urge to reflect on the year’s events.

Take the time to examine how far you’ve come and where you can improve. Were there mistakes? Were there things you wish you could have done differently? Perhaps, a marketing idea for your store just didn’t pan out or a particular in-store promotion did better than expected. Whatever it may be, 2017 is ripe with learning opportunities.

Take a moment to consider what your hottest-selling items of the year were. Which merchandise moved and which ones sat on the shelf and collected dust? Perhaps there are some products you hadn’t considered that you should stock up on for the New Year. Learn what the must-have items at Jinny Beauty Supply were in our Top Sellers roundup on page 74.

This is also a good time to take a hard look at your staff. Who’s stepped up this year, and who needs a bit more guidance? Employing talent is one thing, cultivating it and helping it flourish are another. Learn how to encourage young talent in the Five Pillars of Success For Managers on page 50.

They say all good things must come to an end. But whether 2017 was a great year or one that left a lot to be desired, the good can be found within your retrospection. Learning from it will simply guarantee a continuation of positive growth for yourself and your business. “Cheers to a new year and another chance to get it right.” – Oprah Winfrey

2017년은 정말 눈 깜짝 할 사이 지나갔네요. 저만 그렇게 생각하나요? 많은 일들이 일어난 해 였습니다. 지난 6월에 이 일을 시작한 후 많은 것을 배웠고 OCT Beauty Magazine을 위한 플랜과 새로운 아이디어로

진전해 가고 있습니다. 뭐, 12월은 그렇게 우리 모두에게 영감을 주는 달이 아닌가요? 무슨 일이 일어났는지 그리고 다음 해를 어떻게 더 잘 보낼지 생각하게 만드는 것 같습니다.

아무튼, 이번 해에 일어난 일들을 잘 한번 생각해보세요. 얼마나 성장했는지, 그리고 얼마나 발전할 수 있는지 차근차근 생각하세요. 실수가 있었나요? 다시 경험하고 싶다는 생각이 드는 일이 있었나요? 혹은, 마케팅 아이디어가 원하는 대로 진행되지 않거나 준비한 홍보가 생각보다 성공적이었을 수 있었을 겁니다. 어떠한 일이었든지 2017년은 배울 기회로 가득 차 있어요.

그리고 또 이번 해에 가장 잘 나갔던 제품이 무엇이었는지 생각 할 시간을 가져보세요. 어떤 제품이 팔렸고 어떤 제품이 선반에서 먼지만 쌓이고 있었나요? 내 년을 대비해 채워야 하는 제품들도 있을 겁니다. Jinny Beauty Supply에서 가장 중요한 제품이 무엇인지 저희의 탑 셀러 모음을 페이지 74에서 찾아보세요.

이맘때면 모든 직원을 자세히 살펴보는 것도 좋아요. 누가 가장 열심히 일했고 누가 지도가 필요한지. 재능 많은 직원을 고용하는 것도 중요하지만 그 것을 구축하고 발전시키는 것도 중요합니다. 페이지

50에 있는 Five Pillars of Success For Managers에서 어떻게 재능을 발전시키게 도와주는지 배워보세요.

모든 좋은 것에는 끝이 있어야 한다고 합니다. 2017년이 좋았든 안 좋았든, 좋은 것들은 추억으로 남을 것입니다. 그 것으로부터 배울 수 있다면, 자신 그리고 사업의 지속적인 성장을 보장할 수 있습니다.

“더욱 발전할 수 있는 기회가

10 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017
있는 새 해를 반기며”
Editorial Letter
새로운 시작을 앞두고

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Expert Advice

How to Stop Winter Hair Shedding

Hair shedding is common in both men and women. You can lose up to 50 to 100 strands of hair each day. But when you start to lose more than that, you need to worry. Unhealthy scalp coupled with unhealthy hair can cause hair fall during the winter season. You can control your hair fall by understanding the reasons why it’s falling out and making some changes to your daily hair care routine. Here are a few reasons why your hair may be coming out.


Winter hair shedding typically starts in November and lasts until January. When the temperatures start dropping, the shedding will occur. Seasonal hair loss can be dramatic. If you are trying to prevent hair fall that is triggered by the cold season, you need to understand your hair and its condition first. One cause of shedding or thinning hair in the winter is dryness. Your central heat along with the dry wintry air outside can cause damage to your hair. Exposing your hair to high temperatures can destroy the vital proteins and damage your hair’s protective cuticles. When this happens, the moisture balance of your hair gets disrupted, making it susceptible to breakage. Use your blow dryer and curling iron sparingly. Also, make it a point to apply a heat protection spray to reduce friction and protect your hair. Protect as much of your hair from the winter air when outside.

Reduce Hair Washing

flow on the scalp. It will also help with dandruff from the dry scalp due to the cold weather.

Moisturize Your Hair and Scalp

Washing your hair strips your hair of its natural oils and dries out the scalp. African American hair is naturally dry and must be moisturized regularly. Reduce shampooing every other day or as needed, it’s important to keep your scalp clean to create the ideal environment for healthy hair growth. Use a gentle shampoo that cleanses the scalp to remove debris like Evonne Essentials Cherry Hydration Ultimate Cleansing Co-Wash. It removes impurities without stripping the hair of its natural oils.

Deep Condition Weekly

Weekly deep conditioning is the key to ensure your scalp and hair remain healthy in the winter months. Use a conditioner that helps to prevent itching, irritation, and excess hair shedding throughout the changing season. Use one with menthol in it like Evonne Essentials Vanilla Mint Tingle Extra Strength Restoring Conditioner. This helps circulate the blood

Meet Evonne Jordan

African American hair needs moisture and even more moisture in the winter season. There are many oils and moisture products that don’t effectively moisturize black hair because they can’t penetrate the hair shaft. You need a product such as Evonne Essentials Cherry Hydration Refreshing Repair Hydration Hair Mist

Leave-In Conditioner. It penetrates the hair with the nourishment that it needs. Oil products should be used to seal moisture and add shine. Using an oil such as Evonne Essentials Sweet Citrus Touch Strengthening Serum Growth Oil can have dual benefits because it contains oils such as castor oil, coconut oil and shea butter which is known to penetrate the hair shaft with nutrients to promote growth and to stop unwanted shedding.

Hair Cuts and Trims

Get regular haircuts. A trim, every 6 to 8 weeks, depending on your hair length, will help remove the dry, dull ends that weigh the hair down. Shorter hair looks fuller and healthier. Trimming the ends of your hair removes damaged, split ends and helps to invigorate the hair and scalp to grow and stop shedding.

Other Tips to Stop Winter Hair Shedding Naturally

1. Drink recommended amount of water.

2. Get plenty of sleep.

3. Find ways to destress.

4. Wear protective styles.

5. Wear silk or satin scarves or use a satin pillow.

6. Take a vitamin supplement.

7. Never detangle your hair when it’s dry.

8. Massage your scalp daily.

Therefore, it’s important to ensure that the hair and scalp are healthy, conditioned and nourished to maintain the ideal environment for healthy hair. With these fail-safe tips, your hair will shed less during the winter months.

Evonne Jordan, author and founder of Evonne Essentials Healthy Hair Care Products, is a motivational speaker who holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree with a minor in human resource management. She is the owner of Evonne Essentials Beauty Supply store and Salon in Madison, Alabama. She has a passion to help others reach their goals. Contact Evonne Jordan at evonne@evonneessentials. com or call (256) 325-0525.

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017

In the dead of winter, there’s nothing like snuggling up in your favorite blanket and wearing cozy sweaters and knit hats to keep the cold weather at bay. The problem is, those creature comforts can wreak havoc on your hair. Wooly scarves, sweaters and coats can cause friction and split ends. And cold, dry air can lead to parched, itchy skin. Help your customers stay hydrated from hair to toe with these must-have products.


There is nothing festive about dry, dull strands. Products like Fantasia Olive Moisturizing Shine Serum work great for customers on the go, who want to boost their hair’s sheen without a lot of products. Simply add a few drops to dry or damp hair and style for frizz-free, conditioned tresses. www.fantasiahaircare.com


While moisturizing is continuously the topic of discussion for many during this time of year, it’ll inevitably be the most elusive trait to acquire, as well. That’s why deep conditioning on a weekly basis is important. Enter: the One ‘n Only Argan Oil Coconut Treatment Mask. This deeply conditioning treatment not only hydrates the hair, but it returns those parched strands back to their moisture balance. www.one-n-only.com

16 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 MARKET PLACE


There’s nothing worse than having dry brittle hair from the colder temperatures. Keeping hair moisturized, especially with textured hair, is essential to keeping hair happy and healthy. Using a penetrating conditioner such as the As I Am Hydration Elation helps to revive thirsty tresses with one use. www.asiamnaturally.com


It’s no doubt that shea butter is a phenomenal emollient that helps with locking in moisture and protects skin and hair from the elements. But using the butter in its hardened state can make it difficult to apply. The Absolutely Fabulous Shea Souffle is not only whipped for easier application, it also helps strengthen and condition skin, hair and nails – perfect for those chillier winter months. www.whippedshea.yolasite.com


Customers with long or thick hair may struggle to keep a satin scarf tied to their hair at night. Hair coverings made out of satin help reduce friction against the hair strands. It also protects hair from cotton pillowcases that may sap the moisture from the hair. Protecting the hair can be as easy as wearing the Satin Wide Band Bonnet. The band keeps the bonnet on while sleeping and the satin material protects the hair. www.dreamworldproducts.com

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 17


If wearing a bonnet doesn’t fit your shopper’s style, there’s always the Satin Pillowcase. Slipping this over your pillow ensures the hair is protected at night, even if your hair scarf or bonnet slip off. www.dreamworldproducts.com


Dry skin is an inevitable circumstance in the winter. But it doesn’t have to be a mainstay. Lotions like Eucerin Intensive Repair Body Lotion can not only moisturize the skin, but can also exfoliate and condition rough skin with an enriched formula made to hydrate and repair the skin. It also won’t clog pores and can approve the appearance of dry skin. www.eucerinus.com


Blistering cold winds can lead to blistering, dry lips. Cracked lips don’t have to exist for your customers. Suggest a soothing lip balm like the Nivea Moisture Lip Care to combat dryness. This formula is enriched with Shea butter and Jojoba Oil, for smooth and soft lips. www.niveausa.com

18 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 MARKET PLACE


After a long, hard day’s work, nothing soothes the skin like organic Shea Butter and Lavender oil. This blend of relaxing ingredients can be found in the SheaMoisture Lavender & Wild Orchid Bath, Body & Massage Oil. The enchanting fragrance not only eases the soul, but it also hydrates and calms irritated skin, too. www.sheamoisture.com


The term “ashiness” is often related to the pale, ashen complexion that people of color encounter when their skin is dry and in need of moisture. While lotions are a natural go-to for this predicament, the Palmers Dry, Ashy Skin Lotion is specially created to combat this issue. It’s combination of Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E, Shea Butter and alpha and beta hydroxy acids work to penetrate the skin and lock in moisture; leaving behind supple, hydrated skin. www.palmers.com


Color-treated hair endures the brunt of the cold weather and often needs more moisture after the coloring process. Using a hair with a product like Miracle 7 Silk Deep Conditioner is ideal for binding hydrating and conditioning ingredients into the hair shaft. It also improves the elasticity of the hair and restores its vibrancy and shine, no matter the temperature.


One of the best ways to keep your hair moisturized is to seal damp strands with an oil, such as Sunny Isle Organic Argan Oil. Like many of the oils in the Sunny Isle collection, this oil works well to hydrate and restore hair, but the Argan oil is a lighter option for shoppers who don’t prefer the heaviness of the Black Castor Oil. www.jamaicanblackcastoroil.com

20 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 MARKET PLACE

Ultra hydration, elongation and slip for simple wash-and-wear styling. EVERY


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How should you sell it?

Diversifying your product offerings is always a good move, especially when all of your products are somehow related. General merchandise is a must-have in any OTC store. If consumers see your store as a one-stop shop, you’ll always have repeat shoppers.

How should you highlight a store’s general merchandise to increase sales?

“While going into the OTC stores every day I have noticed an increase in the General Merchandise Departments.

Actually, this is a very good thing for the stores as over the years it has become more difficult for them to make money on just wigs and shampoo sales alone. As rent, gas and electric, insurance and overall costs continue to rise, it can be tough for a store to keep up. Today’s stores - some much more than othershave brought in beautiful handbags, scarves, an assortment of hats, and lots of costume jewelry. The handbags, with their leopard, zebra, tiger and rhinestone designs, are very reasonably priced, with most ranging from $15 to $50. The costume jewelry such as earrings, toe rings, nose rings, necklaces and finger rings are often in boxed showcase displays with lights to help the merchandise stand out in the store. The scarves and hat assortments are also beautiful along with a nice variety of fashion sunglasses. Many of the hats are covered in clear and multicolored rhinestones and are very nice and sell well. The mark up of all of the General Merchandise is much higher being that most of these items are made in China.

Ramping up the inventory for General Merchandise can result in more revenue generation. These new products do a lot for the store owners as their customers are not only shopping for daily or weekly hair and skin maintenance products; but their families and friends can go into the stores for birthday gifts, baby and wedding shower gifts and holiday gifts, too.

Use these opportunities to your advantage and invest in the in-store marketing of your General Merchandise.”

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to editor@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the January issue!

22 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017


Introducing our gentle skin care line for babies, made with naturally derived olive oil. Olive Babies is infused with nature’s best ingredients such as aloe vera, argan oil, shea butter and oatmeal to gently mositurize, soothe and comfort your precious little one’s skin and hair.

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판매 증가를 위해 매장의 일반 상품들을 어떻게 눈에 띄게 할 수 있나요? 위와 관련하여 질문이 있으시다면 editor@otcbeautymagazine.com 로 보내주십시오. 1월호에 여러분의 의견이 채택될 수도 있습니다! 어떻게 판매해야 하나?

제품 취급을 다양화하는 것은 좋은 것입니다. 서로 관련되어 있는 제품들일 때는 더욱 그렇습니다. 일반 잡화들은 모든 OTC 상점에서 필수품입니다. 고객들이 여러분의 스토어를 원스톱 상점으로 생각하는 순간, 여러분의 판매는 지속될 것입니다.

“OTC 상점을 매일 방문하는 동안, 저는 일반 잡화 섹션이 증가하고 있다는 것을 알아차렸습니다.

사실, 이것은 가발과 샴푸 판매만으로 수익창출이 점점 어려워지고 있는 상황에, 스토어의 이익을 높이는데 굉장히 긍정적인 영향을 줄 것입니다. 임대료, 가스 및 전기, 보험 및 전반적인 비용이 지속적으로 오름에 따라 스토어를 유지하는데 계속해서 어려움을 겪을 수 있습니다. 요즘의 스토어는, 다른 상점보다 많은, 아름다운 핸드백, 스카프, 다양한 모자, 많은 의상과 쥬얼리를 가지고 있습니다. 호피무늬, 얼룩말 무늬, 호랑이 무늬 및 모조 다이아몬드 디자인의 핸드백들이 $15에서 $50정도의 합리적인 가격으로 판매되고 있습니다. 귀걸이, 발가락 반지, 코걸이, 목걸이, 그리고 손가락 반지와 같은 패션 쥬얼리는 눈에 띌 수 있도록 조명이 있는 쇼케이스에 전시되는 경우가 많습니다. 스카프와 모자는 다양한 패션 선글라스와 함께 아름답게 조화될 수 있습니다. 투명 또는 다양한 색의 라임스톤으로 디자인된 아름다운 모자들도 잘 판매되고 있습니다. 이러한 수익을 만들어 줄 대부분의 일반 잡화들은 중국에서 만들어진 상품들입니다.

일반 상품에 대한 재고량을 늘리면 더 많은 수익을 창출할 수 있습니다. 고객들은 매일 또는 매주 사용하는 모발 및 스킨 유지 관리 제품만을 구매하는 것이 아니라, 그들의 가족 및 친구들도 생일선물, 돌잔치 선물, 결혼식 선물, 그리고 홀리데이 선물을 구매하기 위해 상점을 방문하기 때문에, 새로운 상품들의 역할이 더욱

커질 수 있습니다. 이것은 스토어 오너에게 많은 도움을 줍니다.

이러한 일반제품을 활용하여, 수익창출의 기회를 높이세요.”

Scott Zangwill

Merchandise Brand Specialist Inc.

24 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017
December 2017 REPAIR. RENEW. REVIVE.
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 27 THE ONE AND ONLY CHOICE FOR STRONGER, HEALTHIER-LOOKING HAIR One ’n Only™ Argan Oil Treatment is the secret to stronger hair and incredible shine. This rare oil goes deep into the hair to help moisturize, tame frizz, and reduce breakage. www.one-n-only.com onenonlyarganoil @arganoilproduct @onenonlyarganoil ©2017 Professional Products Division 17LQ 032172

Finished Product

Pink Himalayan Salt

Himalayan Salt is known to be the cleanest, healthiest, and most nutritional salt on the planet. You can use this salt for various purposes. It can be used for food, as well as for its therapeutic and healing properties for the body. Pink Himalayan salt contains minerals like calcium, copper, and iron. This salt originates in the Punjab region of Pakistan. It is said that the salt from this region is close to 1 billion years old. The salt is extracted from the Khewra salt mine which is the oldest salt mine on the planet. Scientists estimate that there are around 400 million tons of pink salt in this mine alone.

The reason that Himalayan Salt is so clean and pure is that it is so ancient and has been unexposed to the pollution in the air and water for millions of years. In a way, every time you use or eat Himalayan salt you are using or eating a part of ancient history. Holding true to the tradition of the region, this salt is extracted by hand, crushed by hand, and washed by hand to keep the pure integrity of the salt. Throughout history, the people of this region have used this amazing and ancient salt to preserve their meat and fish year-round.

The benefits of Himalayan Salt are said to be plentiful. There are many sources who say that Himalayan salt contains more than 84 trace minerals. One of the more obvious benefits of Himalayan Salt is the fact that it is more natural than processed table salt. Regular white commercial table salt through strenuous processing is stripped of most of its minerals except sodium and chloride. They add artificial iodine to table salt, they bleach this salt white and use various chemicals and even heat the salt at very high temperatures. These extreme processes that table salt goes through is a major reason why Himalayan Salt is regarded so highly and is a healthier option for so many people.

Other benefits of Himalayan Salt include controlling the levels of water in the body, it is said to also help regulate blood pressure, and delay the signs of aging. Himalayan salt has been used to purify the air. The way this works is by taking a block of pure Himalayan salt. The salt attracts the vapors in the air and it also attracts impurities in the air as well as pollution. The impurities are absorbed by the block of salt instead of being absorbed by your lungs and body.

Meet Osman Mithavayani

Himalayan Salt is widely used to relax the body, soothe sore muscles, exfoliate dry calloused feet, detoxify the skin, stimulate circulation, and provide an overall healing, medicinal, and restorative effects. Himalayan salt is also known to help regulate healthy sleep patterns. This incredible salt also helps improve digestion in the body, helps regenerate muscles in the body as well as strengthening the bones. Himalayan salt aids in lowering blood pressure and relieving sinus and respiratory issues.

These are just some of the reasons why Himalayan Salt is just as good for the body and overall physical health and wellbeing, as it is for food. The fact that Himalayan Salt is not processed, tampered with, or chemically altered makes it superior for use in both food and beauty products. In this information age, people want to be aware of what they are putting on their bodies as well as what they are putting inside their bodies. Himalayan Salt is the answer for many people who want healthy alternatives to processed and artificial salts in the markets. Himalayan salt is a natural and overall healthy alternative to processed regular table salt for food as well as for beauty and skin purposes both internally and externally.

At OKAY, we carry many products with Himalayan Salt. We have detoxifying foot soaks with pink salt that helps heal and soothe tired and rough skin as well as black salt for the same purposes. We carry both Pink Himalayan salt and Black Himalayan salt. We also have foot scrubs in both pink and black salt which help exfoliate rough feet and leaves them feeling refreshed, renewed and pampered. We have Himalayan Pink and Black Salt body washes in gel form that promotes and nourish healthy skin as well as leave you feeling cleansed and renewed. We also carry these Himalayan Body washes with Seaweed.

Overall, Himalayan Salt is a wonderful and powerful ingredient for beauty, skin, food, and health. This ancient salt - whose origins are believed to be from a primordial ocean which was uprooted, then covered in a protective layer of lava and ice to be formed into the Himalayan mountains spanning through China, India, Nepal and Pakistan - has many beneficial properties to help heal the body both on the inside and the outside.

Osman Mithavayani, the co-founding son of OKAY, started in the beauty industry nearly 30 years ago when his family opened their first salon. He gained hands-on experience in the family’s beauty salons, retail beauty stores, wholesale, and now the manufacturing side of the business. Osman states “OKAY brand has been developed with the collaboration of many great people which makes us a strong team. We are headed by my parents who are the driving force behind our rapidly flourishing company. I am very proud to be part of such a great team and brand, which can one day be one of the biggest in the world.

28 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017

Knowledge to Know


Part 2

The Disappearing Black Power



Formally African American Owned Manufacturers of Black Designated Hair Care Products

Pro Line Products of Dallas, Texas was acquired by Alberto Culver (mentioned earlier in the Part 1 installment) in 2005. Pro Lines’ niche was strong in the retail market for Black hair care products. Alberto Culver was already strong in the Black professional market with TCB and Motions, plus at that time, they were the parent company of Sally’s Beauty Supply Stores. This acquisition gave them a strong position in the Black retail market. In the latter part of 2010, Alberto Culver was purchased by the Unilever Company that is headquartered in the UK. Pro-line and the other Black-centric products (TCB & Motions) were a part of the overall deal. This made Unilever the third largest manufacturer of ethnic-related products. In late 2016, all of the ethnic lines were acquired by the U.S. firm Strength of Nature from Unilever.

Afam Concept, Inc., a non-Black firm in Chicago, now owns Hawaiian Silky, a brand that was originally based in Shannon, Mississippi and owned by Harry Green. Green passed away in mid-2010. Leisure Curl was also Black-owned and is now also owned by Afam Concept. Namaste, the makers of Organic Root Stimulator - the most imitated product line on the market today - was purchased in 2010 by an India-owned firm called Dabur International. This was the largest transaction of a Black-owned hair care company in history. It was valued to be a $100 million transaction. The owner of Namaste, Gary Gardner, is the son of Edward Gardner, the former owner of SoftSheen Products. Prior to this transaction, L’Oreal’s acquisition of SoftSheen was the largest transaction.

When Proctor and Gamble acquired Wella, Johnson Products was a part of the deal. The Wella line was the main consideration for the acquisition. Because of this, it made Johnson Products vulnerable for acquisition by anyone interested. Johnson Products were purchased in March of 2009 by a majority-owned holding company and headed by Eric and Renee Brown, a husband and wife team. The duo is the son-in-law and daughter of the former Black owner of Pro Line Comer Cottrell. In mid-2013, Johnson Product Company (JPC) underwent a merger with the makers of Dr. Miracle’s (DRM) to become the DRM-JPC BRANDS.

JM Products, a company founded by Ernest Jhosua, was headed by his son Michael shortly after Jhosua’s death in 2005. In October 2009, the company went into receivership. JM Products had several divisions that included the production of the ISOPLUS and other trade-named Wet Goods products, and an aerosol plant. The Isoplus line and other wet goods are now owned by the majority-owned Murray Products Co. in Detroit, Michigan.

텍사스 달라스의 Pro Line Products는 2005년 Alberto Culver에 의해 인수되었습니다(이전에 연제된 파트1에서 소개됨). Pro Line의 틈새 시장은 흑인용 헤어 케어 제품 소매 시장에서 강력했습니다. 알베르토 컬버는 이미 TCB와 모션으로 블랙 전문 시장에서 강세를 보였으며 당시 샐리 뷰티 서플라이 스토어의 모기업이었습니다. 이 인수로 블랙 소매 시장에서 강력한 입지를 확보하게 되었습니다. 2010년 후반에 Alberto Culver는 영국에 본사를 두고있는 Unilever Company를 인수했습니다. Pro-line 및 기타 흑인용 제품 (TCB 및 Motions)은 전체 거래의 일부였습니다. 이를 통해 유니레버는 세 번째로 가장 큰 인종 관련 제품 제조업체가 되었습니다. 2016년 말에 Unileaver의 모든 소수민족 라인 제품은 미국 기업 Strength of Nature가 인수했습니다.

시카고에 소재하고 있는 비-흑인 회사 인 Afam Concept 주식회사는 현재 Hawaiian Silky라는 브랜드를 소유하고 있습니다. Hawaiian Silky 는 원래 Shannon, Mississippi에 본사를 두고 있었던 Harry Green 소유의 브랜드입니다. 그린은 2010년 중반에 세상을 떠났습니다. Leisure Curl은 흑인 소유였으며 현재는 Afam Concept이 소유하고 있습니다. 현재 시장에서 가장 모방개발로 성공한 제품 라인인 Organic Root Stimulator 제조사인 Namaste는 Dabur라고 하는 인도인 소유 법인이 2010년도에 인수하였습니다. 이것은 역사상 블랙 소유의 헤어 케어 회사 중 가장 큰 거래였습니다. 이 거래는 1억달러 가치의 거래였습니다. Namaste의 소유주인 Gary Gardner는 SoftSheen Products의 전 소유자 인 Edward Gardner의 아들입니다. 이 거래 이전의 가장 큰 거래는 로레알의 SoftSheen 인수였습니다.

Proctor and Gamble이 Wella를 인수했을 때 Johnson Products 는 이 거래의 일부였습니다. Wella 라인은 인수 시 중요한 사항 이었습니다. 이 때문에 존슨 제품은 관심있는 모든 사람이 인수 할 수 있도록 되었습니다. Johnson Products는 2009년 3월 과반수 소유 지주 회사에서 매입되었으며, 부부인 Eric과 Renee Brown이 이끄는 회사입니다. 듀오는 Pro Line Comer Cottrell의 전 흑인 소유자의 사위이자 딸입니다. 2013년 중반 존슨 프로덕트 컴퍼니 (JPC)는 Dr. Miracle (DRM)과 합병하여 DRM-JPC 브랜드가 되었습니다.

Ernest Jhosua가 설립 한 JM Products는 2005년에 Jhosua가 사망 한 직후 아들 Michael이 이끌었습니다. 2009년 10월에 회사는 관리 계약을 체결했습니다. JM Products에는 ISOPLUS 및 기타 무역 관련 제품인 Wet Goods 제품 및 에어로졸

30 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017
플랜트를 포함한 여러 분야가 있었습니다.
라인 및 기타 Wet 제품은 현재 미시건주 디트로이트에 있는 Murray Products Co.가 대부분을 소유하고 있습니다.
흑인 소유였던 흑인 전문 모발케어
및 인수. 파트 2
제품 제조사들의 몰락
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 31

It is noteworthy that many of the manufacturers mentioned in this article are based in other countries. For example, L’Oreal is based in France; Wella is headquartered in Germany; Dubar International is based in India and Unilever is in England. It appears that many of the American-based hair care and cosmetic companies are being dominated by foreign interest, especially in products directed to the Black market. Three of the five largest manufacturers of Black-designated hair care and cosmetics products are foreign owned.

A few of the hair care manufacturers that are still Black-owned as of this article are: Luster Products (Chicago, Illinois), the producers of the Pink Moisturizer; Kizure Iron Works - a manufacturer of curling irons, pressing combs, stove heaters and several other related items; Summit Lab (Harvey, Illinois); Lloneau Products (Los Angeles, California), the makers of Liquid Gold Hair Bonding and Lace Front Adhesives; Bronner Bros. (Atlanta, Georgia), known for creating and operating the most successful multicultural cosmetology trade show in the word, its complete line of hair care products and its publication, Upscale Magazine; Dudley Products (Kernersville, North Carolina) - one of the few Black-owned direct sales organizations for the professional cosmetology industry in this field and the operators of a chain of cosmetology schools in several states; Fashion Fair Cosmetics owned by Johnson Publishing (Ebony & Jet). Clentex (Chicago, Illinois), owned by Steve Luster, the brother of the founder of Luster Products; Research Labs (Atlanta, Georgia), makers of Design Essential, owned by Cornell McBride, one of the original owners of M&M Products (now majority-owned); E.F. Young Products (Meridian, Mississippi), is now being run by a third generation of a family-owned business; Mixed Chicks (Woodland Hills, California); Professional Products Unlimited (Fayetteville, Georgia), headed by Cyrus Jackson, and the makers of the Jamaican Mango & Lime product line that was later sold to Universal Beauty Products, a Korean owned company. Clear Essence, a skin care product line made by Bluefield Associates, was made especially for Black-centric skin care needs; and Taliah Waajid, based in Atlanta, Georgia.

Sundial Brands of Farming Dale, New York is the maker of SheaMoisture and other well-known brands, including The Madam C.J. Walker line. The company was founded by Richelieu Dennis and was named by Black Enterprise magazine as one of the Top 10 Black-owned Businesses in America.

This is but a partial listing of Black-owned firms but does represent most of the major Black-owned players still in the game. So if you were curious as to who’s who in regards to ethnicity in the ownership of major ethnicdirected product companies, you now know part of the story. And this story is still unfolding as you read this article.

Meet Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

사실입니다. 예를

로레알은 프랑스에 있습니다. 웰라는 독일에 본사를 두고 있습니다. Debar는 인도에 기반을 두고 있으며 Unilever는 영국에 있습니다. 많은 미국계 모발 관리 및 화장품 회사들이 특히 흑인 시장을 겨냥한 제품에 대한 외국의 관심이 지배적인 것으로 보입니다. 흑인용 헤어 케어 및 화장품 제품의 5대 제조사 중 3곳은 외국인 소유입니다.

현재 이 기사를 쓰고있는 시점에서, 흑인 소유주인 헤어 케어 제조업체 중 일부는 다음과 같습니다: Luster Products (일리노이주 시카고), 핑크 모이스쳐라이저 제조사; Kizure Iron Works - 고대기 제조사, 프레싱 콤, 스토브 히터와 기타 다른 관련 제품; Summit Lab ( 일리노이주 하비); Lloneau Products (캘리포니아주,로스앤젤레스), Liquid Gold Hair Bonding and Lace Front Adhesives 제조사; Bronner Bros. (조지아주, 애틀랜타), 가장 성공적인 다문화 화장품 무역 박람회를 창안하고 운영하는 것으로 알려진 헤어 케어 제품 및 그 발행 라인 Upscale Magazine; Dudley Products (노스캐롤라이나주, 커너스빌) - 이 분야의 전문 미용 산업을 위한 몇 안되는 흑인-수유 직판매 조직 중 하나이며 몇 개 주에 있는 화장품 학교 체인 운영자; Johnson Publishing 이 소유하고 있는 Fashion Fair Cosmetics. Clentex (일리노이즈주,시카고), Luster Products 창업자의 형제인 Steve Luster 소유; Research Labs (조지아주, 애틀랜타), Design Essential 제조사, M&M Products의 원시 소유자중 하나였던 Cornell McBride 소유; E.F. Young Products (미시시피주,머리디언)은 가족기업으로 3대째 운영되고 있음; Professional Products Unlimited (조지아주, 페이엣빌), Cyrus Jackson이 운영하고 유니버설 뷰티 제품에 판매 된 제품 라인인 Jamaican Mango & Lime 제품라인 제조사로 한국인 소유 기업입니다. Clear Essence, 스킨 케어 제품 라인으로 Bluefield Associates가 제조하며 흑인용 스킨 케어 필요에 의해서 제조되었습니다; 그리고 조지아주, 애틀랜타에 기반을 둔 Taliah Waajid가 있습니다.

뉴욕의Sundial Brands of Farming Dale 은 SheaMoisture 을 만든 회사이며, 또 다른 유명제품인 Madam C.J. Walker 라인을 생산한 회사이기도 하다. 이 회사는 Richelieu Dennis 에 의해 설립 되었으며, Black Enterprise 매거진에 의해 미국내 혹인이 소유한 톱 10 회사에 선정되기도 하였다.

위 목록은 부분적인 흑인 소유 기업이지만 아직도 경쟁을 펼치고 있는 흑인이 소유한 대부분의 주요 기업을 대표합니다. 따라서 주요 특정 민족을 위한 제품 회사의 소유자가 누구인지 궁금해 하신다면 이제 이야기의 일부를 아시게 되었습니다. 그리고 이 기사를 읽고 있는 현재에도, 쓰지 못한 이야기들은 아직도 많이 남아있습니다.

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.) and was sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D. C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Trichology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject and has authored many articles in trade magazines drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologists and students encounter on a daily basis. To obtain a copy of his book, “What the Text Books & State Boards Ignored in Regards to Ethnic Cosmetology,” contact Dr. Lloneau at liquidgoldbondng@aim.com or call 310-283-7118.

32 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017
이 기사에 언급 된 많은 제조업체들이 다른 국가에 기반을 두고 있다는 사실은
주목 할 만한
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 33 30 Fun Colors for Reselling in Your Salon & Spa *Tes ree la p

Knowledge to Know Why Your Hair isn’t Growing

And what to do about it

Are your customers dying for longer locks, but it’s taking forever for their hair to grow? They’re not alone. Many women find that they can’t coax their hair to grow beyond a certain length, or sometimes even grow at all.

Pin straight, wavy, or curly Qs, all hair types must be healthy to grow long and strong. Textured hair is the most fragile of all types and is easily prone to brittleness and breakage. If your hair isn’t properly cared for, don’t expect to see tremendous growth.

Biological factors like age and genetics also contribute to the uniqueness of your hair growth. As you get older, hair tends to get weaker. It’s caused by years of styling with heat, coloring or bleaching, and other forms of manipulation. Your genetics determine your hair growth cycle. The growth phase is long for some women, short for others.

고객들이 머리카락을 더 길게 기르고 싶어 하는데 머리카락이 전혀 자라지 않고 있나요? 그들은 혼자가 아닙니다. 많은 여성들은 특정 길이 이상으로 머리카락이 잘 자라지 않거나 전혀 자라지 않는 다는 것을 알고 있습니다.

No matter the reason, if your tresses are taking their time reaching new lengths, there are tried and true ways to see results faster. It’s time to ditch the ordinary routine. Help your shoppers get their tresses on track with these six hair growth tips.

스트레이트, 웨이브 또는 곱슬 머리 모양 등 모든 모발 유형은 길고 강하게 성장할 수 있어야합니다. 모든 유형의 헤어 중 텍스쳐 머리는 가장 부서지기 쉽고 취성과 손상에 약합니다. 머리카락이 적절하게 관리되지 않으면 엄청난 성장을 기대할 수 없습니다.

나이와 유전과 같은 생물학적 요인도 개성있는 모발 성장에 영향을 줍니다. 나이가 들면 머리카락이 약해지는 경향이 있습니다. 열, 염색 또는 탈색 등 여러 형태로 머리를 만졌던 수년간의 스타일링 결과입니다. 여러분의 유전자는 모발 성장주기를 결정합니다. 성장 단계는 일부 여성에게는 길지만 일부 여성에게는 짧습니다.

이유가 무엇이든간에, 여러분의 긴 머리를 더 긴 머리로 기르기 위해 시간을 더 투자한다면, 결과를 더 빨리 볼 수 있는 시도와 확실한 방법이 있습니다. 평범한 일상을 버릴 때입니다.

34 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017
쇼핑객에게 여섯 가지 모발 성장 팁을 사용하여 긴 머리가 흘러 내릴 수 있도록 도와주세요.
머리카락이 자라지

Take hair supplements regularly

Hair vitamins have always been a popular way to boost hair growth. Just like the rest of your body, hair depends on vital nutrients to be healthy. This includes B, A, and D vitamins, biotin, niacin, and pantothenic acid, which are nutrients you can also get with a balanced diet.

Find a supplement you like and stick to a strict regimen. Hairfinity Healthy Hair Vitamins are a popular capsule option for growing longer, stronger hair. Or try Curls Blueberry Blissful Lengths Liquid Vitamin, which boasts maximum growth with just one bottle.

Eat a hair-healthy diet

If adding another supplement isn’t high on your list, take a closer look at your diet instead. Protein, iron, and folate are important nutrients for hair health. Protein and iron fortify hair and make it strong, while folate stimulates growth.

Foods like eggs, chicken, nuts, and Greek yogurt are great sources of protein. White rice, beef, and even dark chocolate pack enough iron to improve hair health. If it’s folic acid you’re lacking, turn to leafy greens like spinach or collard greens, avocado, and citrus fruits.

Trim Split Ends

It seems counterintuitive, but trust us, it works. If you’re trying to grow your hair out, get a trim every 12 weeks. Split ends left uncared for cause breakage high up on the hair shaft, resulting in a shorter length.

머리카락 보충제를 정기적으로


헤어 비타민은 항상 모발 성장을 촉진시켜주는 보편적인 방식입니다.

다른 신체와 마찬가지로 머리카락은 건강에 필수적인 영양소가 필요합니다. 여기에는 비타민B, A, D, 비오틴, 니아신, 판토텐산이 있으며, 이들은 균형 잡힌 식단으로 먹을 수 있는 영양소입니다.

좋아하는 보충제를 찾아 처방전에 따르세요. Hairfinity Healthy Hair Vitamins 는 길고 강한 모발 성장을 위한 인기있는 캡슐입니다. 또는 한 병 만으로도 최고의 성장을 자랑하는 Curls Blueberry Blissful Lengths Liquid Vitamin을 사용해보세요.

건강한 모발을 위한 식단을 드세요

보충제를 추가하는 것이 우선순위가 높지 않다면 식단을 자세히 살펴보세요. 단백질, 철분 및 엽산은 모발 건강에 중요한 영양소입니다.

단백질과 철분은 모발을 강화시켜 강하게 만들고 엽산은 성장을 촉진시켜줍니다. 계란, 닭고기, 견과류, 그리스 요구르트와 같은 식품은 훌륭한 단백질 공급원입니다. 흰 쌀, 쇠고기, 심지어 다크 초콜릿 팩은 모발 건강을 개선시켜주는 충분한 철분이 들어 있습니다. 엽산이 부족하면 시금치나 콜라드 그린, 아보카도, 감귤류 같은 잎이 많은 채소로 전환하세요. 갈라진 모발 끝을 자르세요 상식에 어긋나는 것처럼 보이지만 우리를 믿으세요. 머리카락을 기르려면 12주 마다 손질 하세요. 갈라진 모발끝이 그대로 남아 있으면 모간에서 높은 손상으로 인해 길이가 짧아지게 됩니다.

Getting rid of dead, damaged hair is good for growth, and having healthy hair can even influence its growth rate. Not to mention, when you finally reach your desired length, you want your hair to look and feel its best.

Know when to wash and condition

Everyone loves the feeling of clean hair, but did you know that over washing it could cause more harm than good? Daily cleansing strips away the hair’s natural oils, making it dry and brittle and more prone to breakage.

Limit shampoo use to 3-4 times per week, but never skip out on conditioner. Each time you wet your hair, lather some in. Conditioner helps hair maintain

죽고 손상된 모발을 제거하는 것은 성장에 좋으며, 건강한 모발을 가지고

있으면 성장 속도에 좋은 영향을 줄 수 있습니다. 말할것도 없이, 마침내 원하는 길이로 자랐을 때, 최고의 모습과 촉감을 느끼기를 원할 것 입니다.

머리를 감고 컨디셔닝 할 시점 알기 누구나 깨끗한 모발을 좋아하지만, 너무 자주 감는 것은 오히려 더 안좋다는 것을 알고계셨나요? 매일 씻어 내면 머리카락의 천연 오일이 사라져 건조하고 부서지기 쉽고 손상되기 쉽습니다.

한 주에 3-4회로 샴푸하는 것을 제한하세요. 하지만 컨디셔닝은

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 35

fullness while replenishing essential nutrients and protecting against further damage.

To prevent dry, flat strands, try Shea Moisture’s Raw Shea Butter Shampoo and Conditioner. It’s consistently rated as a top choice for textured hair and has none of the harmful chemicals found in conventional products.

Apply an oil treatment often

Sometimes hair needs more help than a conditioner alone. Show your locks some love with an oil treatment or mask. Oil treatments replenish the moisture and lipids that your hair needs to be healthy. Hot oil treatments encourage hair growth by increasing the blood flow in the scalp.

You can easily make a DIY mask at home using coconut oil or castor oil. If you’d prefer to buy a tried and true product to refresh those curls, check out the Maui Moisture Strength & Anti-Breakage Agave Hair Mask treatment for intense moisture and fortification.

거르지는 마세요. 컨디셔너는 모발이 충만을 유지하면서 필수

보충하고 추가 손상을 방지해 줍니다.

건조하고 뻣뻣한 모발을 방지하려면 Shea Moisture의 Raw Shea Butter 샴푸와 컨디셔너를 사용해 보세요. 질감의 머리카락용으로 지속적으로 평가되었으며 기존 제품에서 발견된 유해한 화학 물질은


자주 오일 트리트먼트를 해주세요

때로는 모발은 컨디셔너보다 더 많은 도움이 필요합니다. 오일 트리트먼트

또는 마스크로 긴 머리에 애정을 보여주세요. 오일 트리트먼트는 건강한 머리카락에 필요한 수분과 지질을 보충합니다. 뜨거운 오일 트리트먼트는 두피의 혈류를 증가시켜 모발 성장을 촉진합니다.

코코넛 오일이나 피마자유를 사용하여 집에서 쉽게 DIY 마스크를 만들 수 있습니다. 이러한 곱슬을 새로 고치기 위해 시도해보았던 제품을 구입하려면 Maui Moisture Strength & Anti-Breakage Agave Hair Mask 트리트먼트를 확인해 보고 강렬한 수분 및 강화를 해주세요.

36 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017

Atlanta Welcomes the Natural Hair Industry Convention

ATLANTA – The Natural Hair Industry Convention (NHIC) held its 4th annual convention on at the Renaissance Atlanta Airport Gateway on November 12. This was Atlanta’s first year hosting the convention. Natural hair professionals gathered from all over the nation to attend this exclusive event, which was meant to help them build their brand, make valuable connections, and share natural hair knowledge.

Attendees had the choice of participating in 22 ‘Look and Learn’ classes, four hands-on training workshops, and nine main stage presentations. These classes ranged from learning how to press natural hair without damaging it to learning the signs of hair loss. A significant focus was placed on sharing knowledge within the natural hair community. It’s a form of education that often can’t be taught

in cosmetology school. The array of learning opportunities is what drew hair stylist Kayla Stutson from Columbus, Georgia.

“I’m a natural hair care freak, so learning different things about it is very interesting,” said Stutson.

The loc styling classes were popular, with most rooms being packed with interested attendees. There was a lot of buzz surrounding the Goddess Locs class which was taught by Dr. Kari Williams –the chief creator, designer, and owner of Mahogany Hair Revolution—a natural hair salon and hair care studio located in Los Angeles. Many guests were particularly excited about her course.

“I’m obsessed with her work. She’s really good,” said Jasmine Davis, a natural hair specialist who works under her own brand, Sassy Hair Therapy. Davis said she came to the convention to perfect her rendition of the popular style. “Why not learn from the creator?” she added.

38 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017
Show Coverage
Ft Lauderdale Natural Hairstylist and salon owner of Natural Trendsetters, Simone Hylton (blue dress), presents her hair models featuring loc styles for Fall-Winter 2017-2018 at the NHIC Step-and-Repeat. Photo courtesy of Beauty Maestros

While every attendee came to the convention for their own reasons, many said they were the most pleased with the focus on natural hair. “I really like the natural aspect of it because it’s part of my expertise,” said Marquita Carter from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Carter has a mobile braiding service in which she travels as far as two hours outside of Philadelphia to style clients. “It’s good to have the information that you need, and it’s not always chemical based,” said Carter, who was the most enthused about the Goddess Locs and Natural Henna Hair Coloring classes. “I’m getting more experience, and I am able to help my clients better.”

To learn more about the Natural Hair Industry Convention, visit www.thenaturalhairindustryconvention.com

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Attendees are able to learn the newest techniques in natural hair care. Photo courtesy of Beauty Maestros. Inventor of the “Goddess Locs,” Dr. Kari Williams conducted the class-- “How To Create The Original Goddess Locs”--to teach NHIC attendees her innovative techniques. Photo courtesy of Beauty Maestros. Fort Lauderdale Natural Hairstylist and salon owner of Natural Trendsetters, Simone Hylton, closed out the convention with couture, natural loc styles for Fall-Winter 2017- 2018. NHIC co-founders Angela Walker and Susan Peterkin-Bishop. Photo courtesy of IndaHouse Media. The State of the Industry panel featured industry business moguls (left-right) Tulani Kinard, Bernard Bronner, Shavonne Riggins, Diane C.Bailey, Professor Devin Robinson, Anita Hill-Moses, Cornell McBride, Jr., and Angela Walker. Photo courtesy of IndaHouse Media.

Urban Call Briefs

Obia Ewah, founder of Obia Naturals and Omini Ewah, RN BSN, co-founder and president of Obia Naturals

Presented with the “2015 Best Emerging Brand for Type 4 Natural Hair” by the editors at Naturally Curly; OBIA Naturals is focused on producing vegan, pH balanced, nontoxic hair and body care products that offer a natural alternative to conscientious consumers. The OBIA Naturals journey began in 2012, when Obia Ewah, MPH, decided to use her dual bachelor’s degree in both Chemistry and Biology to start a hair and skin care line that addressed her sensitive skin needs.

On the path to becoming a doctor, it was during Obia’s 3rd year of medical school when she fell ill and started becoming more conscientious of the foods she ate and the products she used on her hair and body. As a part of her quest to live a healthier lifestyle, Obia decided to shed her relaxed tresses for her naturally tightly coiled texture. Known as the “Big Chop,” Obia’s newly embraced coif left her needing the right combination of products to tame her thick hair without jeopardizing her overall health with toxins. A former

chemist for private label cosmetic manufacturing companies, Obia recognized the void in the market and began tinkering with her own formulas that used the natural ingredients that she had spent years studying.

In just four short years, what started out as botanical blends for friends and family has blossomed into a global business of pH Balanced, herbal based vegan products that do not contain: mineral oil, sulfates, petroleum, alcohol, silicones, honey, beeswax, goat’s milk or animal protein. Being a member of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists enables Obia to attend seminars regularly to stay on the pulse of the latest beauty industry studies and research. Using science based technology, OBIA Naturals products have developed an award winning reputation for high quality formulations that are composed of easily absorbed natural humectants that nourish all hair textures and skin types.

A well-respected beauty industry thought leader, Obia, uses educational Instagram clips and DIY YouTube videos as a platform to inspire and educate women on the science behind healthy hair. Obia’s passion for quality ingredients has propelled OBIA Naturals to the forefront of the natural hair movement with features by top beauty influencers and magazines. OBIA Naturals is now available in Wal-Mart, Target, Sally Beauty, CVS, Bed Bath & Beyond, Amazon and in beauty supply and salons in over 21 countries.

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 41
Dr. Ali N. Syed President And Master Chemist Avlon Industries
The preceding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. - and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.
Obia Ewah Co-Founder and President Obia Naturals Obia Ewah Co-Founder and President Obia Naturals Omini Ewah Co-Founder and President Obia Naturals Toni Love Platform Stylist and Educator

Urban Call Briefs

Omini Ewah, RN BSN, is the CoFounder and President of OBIA Naturals. Omini, the younger brother of Obia, has been a part of the OBIA Naturals team from the very beginning. Initially taking a cue from their father, Omini decided to “pitch in” and help his big sister explore the entrepreneurial opportunity of starting a business, putting his career as a Registered Nurse, on hold. Omini continues to work diligently on expanding the reach and message of the brand, instituting marketing and promotional campaigns (#AskOBIA, 10in10, etc.), in addition to managing personnel and manufacturing/warehousing functions.

Omini graduated in 2011 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing. Omini Ewah supplies OBIA Naturals with dynamic leadership, an attention-to-detail presence, and guides the overall company direction and message.

Toni Love, Platform Stylist and Educator

Toni Love is an international platform stylist and educator, holding instructor’s licenses in Cosmetology and Barbering; she is a Certified Instructor and a twicepublished author. A graduate of the Hair Design Academy, Toni has taught students in both private and public schools. She currently owns Toni Love’s Training Center L.L.C., located in Atlanta, Georgia.

Her book, “Tips to Passing the Cosmetology State Board Exam” can greatly improve the odds of passing the state board exam. She also authored “The World of Wigs, Weaves and Extensions”, a must-have for all successful stylists using artificial hair. Released December 2001, and published by Milady Publishing, it can be purchased directly from Love and is available in topnotch bookstores like Books-A-Million, Barnes & Nobles and Border Books as well. Additionally, Love is a contributing writer for Milady’s Standard Textbook of Cosmetology.

Love has an extensive background in higher education, which is reflected in her writing and teaching. A graduate of Alabama’s Stillman College, she holds a degree in business administration and management. She continued her education by earning a master’s degree from the University of West Alabama and went on to obtain additional training as an educational specialist from Alabama A & M University. She has also completed the cosmetology instructor’s program at Shelton State Community College.

In addition to these degrees, Love holds the following credentials and credits:

• Board Certified Professional Cosmetologist

• Board Certified Cosmetology Instructor

• Certified Barber

• Platform Artist

• Educator – Private and Public Sectors

• Author of Wigs, Weaves and Extensions

• Author of Tips to Passing the Cosmetology State Board Exam

As an educator, Toni has traveled extensively to areas such as London, England, where she served as the International Commentator for Hawaiian Silky Products. She has also worked as a platform stylist for Sally’s Beauty Supply and has performed at many major trades shows:

• Proud Lady Beauty Show in Chicago, IL

• ICE Show in Los Angeles, CA

• Bronner Brothers International Hair Show in Atlanta, GA

• International Beauty Show in New York, NY and Long Beach, CA

• Midwest Beauty Show in Chicago, IL

• Hair Shows and Schools: Washington, D.C.; New Orleans, Louisiana; San Antonio, Texas; Austin, Texas; Birmingham, Alabama; Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Eutaw, Alabama; Greensboro, Alabama; Meridian, Mississippi; West Point, Mississippi and many more.

For two years, Love served as the Director for Advanced Programs for Dudley Cosmetology University (DCU), one of the nations most advanced training institutions. While there, Love’s vision for the future for DCU was to welcome all hair care professionals from all cultures. Diversity was the key, and “we wanted and encouraged more diversity, more cross-cultural training and interaction.”

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Toni Love Platform Stylist and Educator Omini Ewah Co-Founder and President Obia Naturals

An innovative entrepreneur, Dr. Ali N. Syed is a master chemist with a wealth of experience in the formulation of hair care products. He successfully served as a consultant, research chemist, manufacturing chemist, and laboratory manager for a number of major companies before founding his own business in 1984. He currently holds 28 published patents, four pending patents, three book chapter publications, 21 published magazine articles and six journal articles to his credit.

Syed has written numerous articles on the chemistry of hair and related hair products in leading trade and scientific journals, including four scientific papers published in Cosmetics & Toiletries and American Chemical Society journals, as well as articles for various other trade publications and scientific journals. Since 2012, he currently serves as an editor for the scientific journal, TenSides. He has been the guest speaker at Global Cosmetic Congress sponsored by Chemical Week Magazine, as well as at the London College of Hair & Fashion in England, ABC Associacao Brasileira De Cosmetologia (Brazilian Association of Cosmetology) in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He has also presented scientific papers at the Advanced Technical Conference sponsored by Cosmetics and Toiletries magazine for chemists from all over the world. In addition, Syed has conducted numerous lectures on the chemistry of hair for other organizations such as Chicago Cosmetology Association, Illinois Cosmetology Association, Ohio Vocational Cosmetology Association, and has

been a Guest Artist at the Americas Beauty Show (Midwest Beauty Show) in Chicago. Syed is experienced in formulating skin care, cosmetics, fragrances, and OTC products.

Since 1984, Syed has been president of his own international corporation: Avlon Industries, which manufactures hair care products exclusively for the salon trade. His winning strategy for formulating Avlon’s own Affirm (sub brands include – Fiber Guard and MoisturColor), Ferm, and KeraCare lines is to use no ingredient that can have a negative effect upon hair and skin. Among the Avlon products are relaxers, permanent colors, semi-permanent colors, weave products, shampoos, conditioners, permanent waves, and finishing products.

With an abiding affinity for chemistry, Syed personally manages each and every research & development project undertaken by Avlon’s expert team of chemists. Equal to his regard for chemistry, is the respect he holds for the professional hairstylist. Always positive towards the ideas and opinion of stylists, Syed considers his company to be part of a team with cosmetologists. His ongoing goal is to provide the very best products that advanced research and innovative thinking can offer, and always with an eye towards continual upgrading.

“An innovative chemist must be a dreamer,” says Syed. “One must persist in dreaming to accomplish that which seems difficult or yet to be done ... New methods ... New techniques...New formulations. In chemistry, there’s a lot of room for creativity”.

Syed holds a Bachelor of Science with honors, a master’s degree in chemistry; an MBA in marketing/management, and Ph.D. in management.

Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi). For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit www.segmentedmarketing.com.

The preceding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 43
Dr. Ali N. Syed President And Master Chemist Avlon Industries

Digital Marketing on the Rise for Beauty Supply Stores

뷰티 서플라이 스토어의 성장을 위한 디지털

Technology is a very vital part of our lives. Most of us practically live on our phones, be it for business, social interest, or general curiosity. With the entire world able to be accessed so quickly and effortlessly, the digital platform has easily become one of the best ways to expand and market a business. In fact, the majority of beauty retailers use some form of digital presence – be it a website or a social media page – to bring in new customers and keep the loyal ones. But how does this strategy fair for the neighborhood beauty supply store?

It’s no secret that most beauty supply stores keep their focus on their brickand-mortar locations. It makes sense. Shops that have only one or two locations typically focus on appealing to the neighborhoods in their area. But recently, many of these smaller retailers have been active on digital media. Some have created websites, while others have taken to Facebook and other social media platforms.

Websites are a great tool to increase customer engagement and digital sales. They are very convenient and have everything the physical store can offer without the hassle of having to go in-store and purchase. Customers can save a lot of time knowing that the entire store is at their fingertips and that returning an item can be just as easy as buying it.

기술은 우리 삶에 없어서는 안될 필수적인 요소다. 우리 대부분은 사업적, 사회적, 또는 단순한 호기심 때문이든, 거의 핸드폰과 실질적으로 살다시피 한다. 전세계가 빠르고 쉽게 접속이 가능해 진 가운데, 디지털 플랫폼은 사업을 확장하고 선전할 최고의 방법 중 하나가 되었다. 실제로, 대부분의 뷰티 소매상들은 - 웹사이트 또는 소셜 미디어를 통해 - 새로운 고객들을 끌어오고 단골손님들을 유지하기 위해 어느 정도의 디지털을 사용하고 있다. 그런데, 동네 뷰티 서플라이 스토어에게 이

전략은 어떤 영향을 미치나?

대부분의 뷰티 서플라이 스토어들이 온란인 사용과 거리가 먼 지역에 위치한 것은 비밀이 아니다. 일리가 있다. 한 두개의 상점만 자리한

지역은 대체로 이웃들에게 잘 보이는 데에 집중한다. 하지만 최근, 많은 이러한 작은 소매상들이 디지털 미디어에 활발하게 활동 중이다. 몇몇이 웹사이트를 만든 와중에, 다른 이들은 페이스 북과 다른 소셜미디어 플랫폼을 사용한다.

웹사이트는 고객 참여와 디지털 세일을 증가할 매우 좋은 도구이다. 직접 매장에서 제공하는 서비스를, 실제로 스토어 방문을 하지 않고도 누릴 수 있다. 고객들은

46 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 Marketing 101
반품이 구매만큼 쉽기 때문에 많은 시간을 절약할 수 있다.
상점 전체가 손가락 하나로 접속이 가능하고

Beauty & More, located in Ellenwood, Georgia, is one store that is making the shift to digital media with the creation of their very own website. Manager, Jun Chun, explained why the small chain was branching out. “Everybody’s online,” Chun said. “Certain items that we have on sale, we can put them online.” He hopes the launch of the site will help increase sales. The store is planning on expanding to social media platforms soon, but Chun made it clear that he wanted the store to focus on one platform at a time.

Social media is practically a must when it comes to marketing your store. With so many platforms to choose from, the possibilities and opportunities are endless. “By taking pictures of the outside and inside of the stores, putting up special deals, and posting them on a Facebook or Instagram account you will slowly see more people,” says Scott Zangwill, the merchandising specialist behind Merchandise Brand Specialist, Inc. “Slowly getting more and more followers and this spider webbing, you have the ability to get ahead of your local competition.”

Angie’s Beauty Supply, located in Stone Mountain Georgia, is another shop that has recently made the shift to digital media. Unlike Chun’ store, this location has opted to use social media instead of a website. “Instagram and Facebook are simple,” says store manager Minji Kim. “It’s easy to use and a lot of people are using them.” Kim states that they haven’t seen much progress since the recent shift, but they do expect to see an impact soon.

Successfully conquering the digital market does take some time. The results aren’t immediate, but the insight gained can only move your business forward. Blair Jones, Head of Digital for Namaste Laboratories and the ORS Hair Care brand, knows this better than anyone. The company has been using digital and social media for over 10 years. According to Jones, “in the past four years, consumers’ media consumption and purchase behavior have become upended and even more mobile focused, which means social media and digital strategy is a top company.”

ORS has since seen results through eCommerce sales and with some trade accounts. “We measure the success of our digital campaigns with key performance indicators, metrics that allow us to set benchmarks and quantify our ROI,” adds Jones. Now, more than ever is the time to take advantage of the influence that social media has.

조지아 주 엘렌우드에 위치한 Beauty & More는 자신들 만의 웹사이트를 만듬으로써 디지털 미디어로 변화 중인 상점들 중 하나이다. 메니져 Jun

Chun은 이 확장에 대한 이유를 성명 했다. “모두가 온라인을 이용해요,” Chun이 말했다. “세일 중인 제품들은 온라인에 올릴 수 있어요.” 그는 웹사이트의 시작으로 판매가 증가하기를 원한다. 그의 상점은 곧 소셜

미디어 플랫폼으로도 확장할 계획이지만, Chun은 한번에 하나의 플랫폼에만 집중하기를 원한다고 명료하게 말했다.

상점 마케팅에 있어 소셜 미디어는 실질적으로 없어서는 안된다.

너무나 많은 플랫폼이 선택 가능한 가운데, 그 기회와 가능성에는 끝이 없다. “상점 바깥과 내부의 사진들을 찍고, 특별 가격을 올리고, 이를 페이스북이나 인스타그램 계정에 올림으로써 점점 더 많은 사람들을 볼 수 있게 돼요,” 라고 회사 Merchandise Brand Specialist의 제품 스페셜리스트인 Scott Zangwill이 말했다. “천천히 더 많은 고객들이 상점을 따르고 이 거미줄로 다른 지방 경쟁자들 보다 앞서갈 수 있어요.”

조지아 주 Stone Mountain에 위치한 Angie’s Beauty Supply는 디지털 미디어로 방향을 바꾼 또다른 상점이다. Chun의 상점과는 다르게 이 상점은 웹사이트 대신 소셜미디어를 사용하기로 결정했다. “

인스타그램과 페이스북은 간편해요,” 라고 상점메니저 Minji Kim이 말했다. “사용이 쉽고 많은 사람들이 이들을 이용중이에요.”

Kim은 최근 변화 이후에 그렇게 많은 효과는 아직 보지 못하고 있지만 곧 영향이 있을 것으로 기대하고 있다.

성공적으로 디지털 시장을 정복하기 위해서는 어느 정도의 시간이 필요하다. 결과가 즉시 나타나지는 않지만 내실을 다져 사업이 발전할 수 밖에 없다. Namaste Laboratories 와 ORS Hair Care 브랜드의 디지털 장인 Blair Jones는 이를 누구보다도 잘 안다. 그의 회사는 10 년이 넘게 디지털과 소셜미디어를 사용해 왔다. Jones에 따르면 “지난 4년간 고객들의 미디어 소비와 구매 행동이 더 증가했고 더 핸드폰에 집중되어 있다, 이는 소셜미디어와 디지털 전략이 가장 중요하다는 것을 의미한다.”

ORS 는 e커머스를 통해 좋은 결과를 만들어 냈다.“저희는 중요 성과 표시들을 사용하여 저희 디지털 캠패인의 성공여부를 측정해요, 이 표시들은 저희가 벤치마크를 설정하고 저희 투자대비이윤을 수치화 할 수 있게 해주는 척도입니다,”라고 Jones가 덧붙였다. 지금이야 말로 소셜미디어가 가진 영향력을 이용할 절호의 시기다.

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Understandably, there are some shop owners who may be hesitant to use digital media for marketing purposes, or they may think that digital media may not be worth the time. Jones thinks otherwise. “Social media is not a fad and companies pay a ‘real’ consequence for not being active or not having a digital presence,” says Jones. “Consumers will still have conversations about your business with or without you.”

Ask, Measure, and Learn.

For those interested in diving into online marketing, Blair Jones, Head of Digital for Namaste Laboratories has a few tips.

• Ask - Beauty supply owners interact with their customers daily and have a free sounding board; they should use that to their advantage. Nothing beats direct feedback from your customers.

• Measure - Measuring success and setting benchmarks to any digital or social activation is important. Measuring allows you to optimize your activations and track against short and long-term goals.

• Learn - Digital and social (media) marketing are constantly changing; moreover, to be relevant and viable you have to learn new tools and platforms. You don’t have to invest in a degree, you can learn via subscribing to blogs, digital marketing and social media trade journals, and podcasts.

몇몇 상점 주인들이

주저하거나, 아니면 디지털 미디어의 사용이 시간 낭비라고 생각하는 것에는 이해가 간다. Jones는 이에 반대한다. “소셜미디어는 단순한 인기 만이 아니고, 활동을 하지 않는 회사들은 디지털 상에 존재하지 않음으로써 ‘실제적’인 손해를 보게 될 것이다,”라고 Jones이 말한다. “ 어쨌든 고객들은 여전히 당신의 사업에 대해 얘기할 것이다.”

질문, 측정, 그리고 학습

온라인 마케팅을 시도하고자 하는 이들을 위해 Namaeste Laboratories의 디지털 장이 몇가지의 팁을 소개한다.

• 질문 - 뷰티 공급 주인들은 고객과 매일 대화하고

무료 홍보수단을 가지고 있다. 이를 이용하여야 한다.

고객의 직접적 피드백보다 더 좋은 것은 없다.

• 측정 - 성공을 측정하고 어떤 디지털 또는 사회적

진출에 벤치마크를 설정하는 것은 중요하다. 측정을

통해 당신의 진출을 최적화 하고 단기/장기적 목표로의

진행여부를 알 수 있다.

• 학습 - 디지털 및 소셜 (미디어) 마케팅은 계속해서

변화하고 있다. 게다가, 관계와 영향력을 유지하기 위해

새로운 도구와 플랫폼들을 배워야 한다. 대학교에서

공부할 필요없이, 블로그, 디지털 마케팅 및 소셜

미디어 거래 잡지들, 그리고 팟케스트를 구독함으로써

배울 수 있다.

48 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017
디지털 미디어의 사용을

Business Tips

Pillars to Success as a Manager

매니저로서 성공하기위한 다섯 가지

Why does your organization exist, and why should anyone care? Organizations exist to perform—period. Be for-profit or non-profit, they all exist to do something, make a product, or supply a service.

Today, many employers say they’re having trouble retaining their younger employees —specifically Millennials. At 82 million strong, Millennials are the workforce of the future. Studies have shown they want to work where they can make a difference and contribute to something bigger than themselves.

It’s imperative to realize that the people in your organization—especially young people—are the fuel to your long-term success, and the one person who affects that outcome more than any other is the frontline manager. Fortunately, there are five defined pillars of success that managers can rely on to help them succeed in their aim to boost employee retention.

1. Engage employees with a compelling vision of what is expected, and provide the mission to achieve that vision. Why? What’s in it for the employee to want to achieve for you? People respond when they are doing or contributing to something bigger than themselves. When national crises such as earthquakes or hurricanes occur, people are driven to volunteer not because they have to, but because they want to. Your vision and the culture you create are the reasons you exist.

Tell your people that without them doing what they do you wouldn’t achieve the results that you desire. The way employees view a job and its role in their life is evolving. Employees don’t just come to work for a paycheck. They seek a purpose, the opportunity to do what they do best every day, and to lead a life they desire for their families and themselves.

2. Make decisions based on productivity. By keeping your eye on the goal and having your people similarly focused, everyone will understand why certain decisions are made and can buy in. If disagreements occur in discussions they are welcomed because they are focused on achieving a better outcome toward the end objective. When disagreements occur, be sure to ask what the ultimate goal is.

만들거나 서비스를 제공하기 위하여 존재합니다. 오늘날 많은 고용주들은 젊은 직원, 특히 밀레니엄 세대를 계속 근무할 수 있도록 유지하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있다고 말합니다. 8천 2백만명 규모의 밀레니엄 세대는 미래의 인력입니다. 연구 결과에 따르면 그들은 변화를 일으킬 수 있으며 자신보다 더 큰 무언가에 기여할 수 있는 곳에서 일하기를 원합니다.

조직내의 사람들, 특히 젊은 사람들이 장기적인 성공을 위한 연료라는 사실을 깨닫는 것이 중요합니다. 그리고 그 결과에 영향을 미치는 사람은 프론트라인 매니저입니다. 다행스럽게도 매니저가 직원이 계속 근무할 수 있는 환경을 향상시키는 데 성공할 수 있도록 지원할 수 있는 5가지 성공 요소가 있습니다.

1. 직원에게 설득력이 있는 비전을 제시하고, 그 비전을 달성하기위한 미션을 제공하십시오. 왜냐구요? 직원이 당신을 위해 성취하기를 원하는 근본적인 것이 무엇입니까? 사람들은 자신이 수행하는 일이나 자신보다 큰 일에 기여할 때 반응합니다. 지진이나 허리케인과 같은 국가 위기가 발생하면 사람들은 해야 하기 때문에 가 아니라 그들이 원하기 때문에 자원 봉사를 하는 것 입니다. 당신의

비전과 당신이 창조하는 문화가 당신이 존재하는 이유입니다.

직원들이 일을 해 주지 않으면 원하는 결과를 얻지 못할 것이라고 말하십시오. 직원들의 직장에 대한 관점은 변하고 있습니다.

직원들은 급여를 받기 위해 일하는 것이 아닙니다. 직원들은 매일 최선을 다하는 일을 할 수 있는 기회를 얻는 목적을 찾고, 가족과

자신을 위해 원하는 삶을 바라고 있습니다.


생산성을 기반으로 하는 의사 결정을 합니다. 목표를 주시하고 사람들에게 똑같이 초점을 맞추도록 하면 모든 사람들은 이러한 의사결정이 왜 내려졌으며 구매 되었는지 이해할 수 있습니다. 토론에서 의견충돌은 최종 목표에 대해 더 나은 결과를 얻는 데 중점을 두기 때문에 좋은 현상입니다. 의견충돌이 발생하면 궁극적인 목표가 무엇인지 질문하세요.

50 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017
왜 조직이 존재하며 왜 누군가가 관리해야 할까요? 조직은 한마디로 어떠한 일을 실행하기 위해 존재하는 것입니다. 영리 또는 비영리적인 조직 모두 제품을

3. Motivate every team member to take action. People are more likely to take action if they know what is expected of them. When expectations are clearly defined, employees are less likely to disappoint their manager or their peers. Employees will work together without your direction or approval when they all know what is expected and have bought into achieving the desired results. Most people are going to live up or down to their perception of the expectations of them. If your people don’t know what is expected, don’t be surprised by what you get.

4. Have the assertiveness to drive outcomes. Are you more concerned with the process or the outcome? Managers are in place to strive for positive outcomes. Employees may find ways to produce an outcome that the manager never thought of. Provide employees the freedom to experiment and try new ways of doing things. Keep progress results in front of the employees. If they do not see the progress they are making as a team, they will lose interest over time and productivity will wain.

When your staff see that their work is making a difference they will continue to contribute. If you avoid providing appropriate feedback on your employees’ progress, you’ll immediately notice a decline in the contributions of team members. Remember, feedback is the breakfast of champions—be generous with your thoughts and expectations.

5. Create a culture that you want. Culture impacts every aspect of how you get things done, from hiring and developing the talents of the employees to customer service. Define your desired culture and then take it from words to actions. If you don’t like the culture you currently have or the results that you are currently obtaining, you are the only person who can change it. Your actions have to mirror what you desire. Do you allow the negative behavior to go unchallenged? Realize negative behavior brings down all your good employees. Your employees are watching and if they see you doing nothing, your lack of action has sent a powerful message. You don’t care!

Employees are not going to care if the manager doesn’t care. When employees know that the manager truly cares about them as a people, they will walk through fire for the manager. When people believe the manager doesn’t care the employees will let the manager walk off a cliff. This caring gets to the heart of employee engagement.

By creating a workplace where people want to come to work, managers will see positive changes. Most people don’t wake up in the morning and say, “I think I will do a bad job today.” Help them achieve the results necessary for the organization, but in a way that each and every employee’s contribution is recognized and appreciated.

Meet Jan Makela

자신이 기대하는 바를 알고 행동을 취할 가능성이 더 큽니다. 기대가 명확하게 정의되면 직원들은 매니저 또는 동료를 실망시킬 가능성이 적습니다. 직원들은 기대하는 바를 알고 자신이 원하는 결과를 달성 할 때 지시나 승인없이 함께 일할 것입니다. 대부분의 사람들은 자신이 기대하는 것을 생각하며 만족하거나 기대에 부응하려고 할 것 입니다. 여러분의 직원들이 예측되는 사항을 모른다면, 그 결과에 놀라지 마세요.

4. 결과를 이끌어 내기 위해 단호함을 가지세요. 당신은 과정 또는 결과에 더 관심이 있나요? 매니저는 긍정적인 결과를 얻기 위해 노력합니다. 직원들은 매니저가 전혀 생각하지 못한 결과를 낼 방법을 찾을 수 있습니다. 직원들에게 자유롭게 실험하며 새로운 방식의 시도를 제공해주세요. 직원 앞에서 진행 결과를 유지하십시오. 직원들이 팀으로서의 진전을 보지 못한다면 시간이 지남에 따라 관심을 잃게 되고 생산성은 떨어질 것입니다.

직원이 자신의 업무가 결과를 만들어 내는 것을 알게 되면 계속 기여할 것입니다. 직원의 발전 상황에 대한 적절한 피드백을 제공하지 않으면 즉시 팀원의 기여도가 감소한 것을 알 수 있습니다. 피드백은 챔피언의 아침 식사와 같으니 생각과 기대에 대해 관대하게 생각하세요.

5. 원하는 문화를 만들어줍니다. 문화는 직원의 채용과 직원들의 재능 개발부터 고객 서비스에 이르기까지 모든 일을 처리하는 모든 측면에 영향을 미칩니다. 원하는 문화를 정의한 다음 글을 행동으로 옮기세요. 현재 갖고있는 문화나 현재 얻은 결과가 마음에 들지 않으면 변경할 수 있는 사람은 나 자신 뿐 입니다. 당신의 행동은 당신이 원하는 것을 반영해야 합니다. 부정적인 행동을 당부 할 수 있습니까? 부정적인 행동을 실행하면 좋은 직원들의 사기를 낮추게 됩니다. 직원들이 당신이 아무것도 하지 않고 있는 것을 보고 있으면, 그들에겐 다음과 같은 강력한 메시지가 전송됩니다. 상관 안 해!

매니저가 신경 쓰지 않는다면, 직원들은 신경을 쓰지 않을 것입니다. 직원들이 매니저가 진정으로 사람들을 잘 케어 한다는 것을 알게 되면 매니저를 위해 불을 헤쳐 나갈 것 입니다. 사람들이 매니저가 직원에 대해 관심이 없다고 생각하면 직원들은 매니저가 절벽에서 떨어지도록 그냥 내버려 둘 것 입니다. 이러한 관심은 직원 참여의 핵심입니다.

사람들이 일하기 원하는 직장을 만듦으로써 매니저는 긍정적인 변화를 보게 됩니다. 대부분의 사람들은 아침에 일어나서 “나는 오늘도 힘든 일이 될 거라고 생각해.” 라고 말합니다. 조직에 필요한 결과를 얻을 수 있도록 돕되, 모든 직원의 공헌을 인정하고 평가하는 방식으로 도와줍니다.

Jan Makela is an executive coach, highly-sought after speaker, and best-selling author of Cracking the Code to Success and Be the Manager People Won’t Leave. Jan has a long and successful history of working with companies to ensure quality hiring and training practices. His specialty revolves around strength-based leadership development, with a particular focus on working with senior and mid-level executives, business owners, and professionals. For more information on Jan Makela, please visit www.StrengthBasedLeadership.net.

Jan Makela는 경영코치이며, 연설자 및 Cracking the Code to Success and Be the Manager People Won’t Leave 베스트셀러 저자입니다. Jan은 오랫동안 양질의

보장하기 위해 기업과 협력해 왔습니다. 그의 전문 분야는 상급 및 중급 경영진, 사업주 및 전문가와 함께 일하는 것에 중점을 둔 강도 중심의 리더십 개발에 관한 것입니다. Jan Makela 에 대한 자세한 내용은 www.StrengthBasedLeadership.net 을 방문하여 확인해주세요.

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3. 모든 팀원이 행동을 취할 수 있도록 동기를 부여해주세요.
채용 및 교육을

Business Tips

Removing the Company Silos



부서간 장벽 제거

The terms “us” and “them” are words many leaders and employees use to separate their department from other departments within the same organization. For the past 100-plus years, the constant stress between departments within the same organization has existed. Customer Service vs. Sales. Finance vs. Sales. Engineering vs. Operations. The real issue is not the separation of departments because they are separated by responsibility and duties. The real issue is when internal departments blame or resent one another.

Most likely, if a person has been an employee or manager for any smallto-large sized company, they have experienced the danger of silos. A silo can occur when different departments in the same company avoid sharing information or working with one other. Sticking to your silo – or team – and pitting your group against another department can be problematic. The key to building stronger teams and thriving cultures starts with removing those silos. Here are the three steps any team can implement to accomplish that.

Step 1: Recognize who is responsible

The most common mistake in addressing silos in an organization is when a leader looks for other leaders to blame for the silos. A leader must believe that they, themselves, are the ones who hold the blame, and, more importantly, that they are the ones with the responsibly to remove the silos. Here is the good news: with responsibility comes power. The manager who recognizes their role in creating silos is also the one who has the power to remove the silos and build a stronger team.

“우리”와 “그들” 이라는

용어는 많은 리더와 직원들이 같은 회사내에서 다른 부서들을 구분하는 데 사용하는 단어입니다. 지난 100년 이상 동안 동일한 조직 내의 부서 간에 지속적인 갈등이 있었습니다. 고객 서비스 vs 판매. 재무 vs 판매. 엔지니어링 vs 운영 같이 말이죠. 부서들은 책임감과 의무에 의해 분리되었기 때문에 부서의 분리는 사실상 문제가 되지 않습니다. 진짜 문제는 내부 부서가 서로를 비난하거나 업무를 서로 미루는 경우입니다.

대부분의 경우, 중소기업의 직원이나 관리자인 경우에 단절로 인한 위험을 경험했을 것입니다. 단절로 인해, 같은 회사의 여러 부서가 정보를 공유하지 않거나 다른 동료와 협력하지 않을 수 있습니다. 단절로 인해 각자의 팀만을 생각하여 다른 부서와 맞서게만 된다면 문제가 될

수 있습니다. 더 강한 팀을 구축하고 성장시키는 문화의 열쇠는 그러한

단절을 제거하는 것에서 시작됩니다. 다음은 부서가 이것을 이루기 위해 구현할 수 있는 3가지 단계입니다.

1 단계: 누가 책임이 있는지 식별하기

조직에서 단절을 해결할 때 가장 흔히 저지르는 실수는, 하나의 리더가 다른 리더에게 책임을 떠 넘기는 것입니다. 리더는 이렇게 단절이 발생한 사항에 본인의 책임임을 인정해야 하며, 더 중요한 것은 책임감있게 그러한 상황을 해결해야 한다는 것입니다. 좋은 소식은, 책임감은 힘을 만들어 준다는 것입니다. 이러한 단절을 만든 것에 자신의 책임을 인정하는 관리자는, 이를 제거하고 보다 더 강력한 팀을 구성 할 수 있는 힘도 갖고 있습니다.

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Observation: Internal silos are like old feuds between two families. Most of the employees don’t like or respect the other team, yet they have never met them or have never personally been given a reason to feel the way they do. Most of the employees’ feelings are created from the words, feelings and actions of their leader. Leaders must own the responsibility to lead with humility and power. Humility is not being quiet or insecure; it is about being so powerful that you can be a servant without sacrificing your ego.

Step 2: Learn to “serve out”

Serving-out is where the power of removing silos begins. A leader must believe and teach their employees that part of their job is to serve the other departments. Not from a position of weakness, but from a position of empowerment. When the sales team goes to the engineering team and says, “What can I do to make your job better?” they show they have the power to make a difference and they are choosing to use it to serve others.

Take the blame: Don’t just say it; a person must believe it. When another department falls short, the leader and employees of the other departments must assume they did everything humanly possible to get it done. When a person focuses on how to better serve the other department, to keep the issue from happening again versus blaming the other department for the issue, they will find unity and, most likely, future success.

Step 3: Live it, teach it and demand it!

Live it: The leader must be the first to reach across departments and share their intent to serve the other leaders. A leader must take real action that shows the other leaders and their teams how to serve others. A leader must also sustain this belief and activity. An example of this would be if a person only goes to a gym one time or for one week. They don’t achieve any real change, and no matter how long a person goes to the gym, once they stop going, they will most likely get out of shape. This serving out is not a shortterm activity, it is a cultural change that will be required until one is no longer a part of the team.

Teach it: A leader must not believe that because they hire professionals, they don’t need to teach them anything. Serving out is done by very few, and if a leader can teach their employees how to serve out, it is a value that will better their employees’ lives and careers. A leader’s job is to teach, not manage.

Demand it: This whole world is filled with leaders and employees knowing what to do, but not actually doing it. A leader’s willingness to hold their team accountable affects their ability to serve out, as well as their ability to effectively lead their team. Serving out is, “Treating others the way you want to be treated.” It is just the right thing to do for everybody. If an employee is not willing or able to serve out, then they should get out. It only takes one person to weaken a strong team. A leader’s job is to protect that team from outside threats, as well as inside threats. 관찰

같습니다. 대부분의 직원들은 다른 팀을 좋아하거나 존중하지 않으며 아직도 만난 적이 없거나 다른 팀이 하는 방식을 느낄 이유가 주어지지 않았습니다. 대부분의 직원들의 감정은 리더의 말, 감정 및 행동에서 비롯됩니다. 리더는 책임감을 가지고 겸손과 권력으로 이끌어야 합니다. 겸손은 조용하거나 불안정하지 않습니다. 겸손은 당신이 남의 종이 되더라도 자존심을 희생하지 않을 수 있을 정도로 강력한 것 입니다.

2 단계 : “도움” 학습 도움은 단절을 제거하는 힘이 시작되는 곳입니다. 리더는 자신의 직무 중 일부가 다른 부서에 도움을 주는 것이라고 믿고 직원에게 가르쳐야 합니다. 약하기 때문이 아니라 능력을 이양하는 것이라 생각해야 합니다. 영업팀이 엔지니어링 팀에 가서 “당신의 업무를 개선하기 위해 제가 무엇을 할 수 있습니까?”라고 말하면 그들은 변화를 일으킬 수 있는 힘이 있으며 다른 사람들에게 도움을 주고 있음을 보여주는 것입니다.

비난을 달게 받으세요. 아무생각 없이 말하지 마세요. 사람은 믿어야 합니다. 다른 부서가 부족할 경우, 다른 부서의 리더와 직원은 가능한 한 인간적으로 가능한 모든 것을 했다고 가정해야 합니다. 문제가 다시 발생할 때 타 부서를 비판하는 것 보다 다른 부서에 더 잘 도와주는 방법에 중점을 두면 더 단결하고 더 높은 미래의 성공 가능성을 발견할 것 입니다.

3 단계: 실천하고, 가르치고, 요구하세요!

실천하세요: 리더는 부서를 넘나들며 다른 리더들에게 도움을 주겠다는 리더들의 의도에 동참해야 합니다. 리더는 다른 리더와 팀에게 다른 사람들을 위해 도움을 주는 방법을 보여주는 진정한 행동을 취해야합니다. 리더는 또한 이러한 신념과 행동을 지속해야 합니다. 예를 들어 한 사람이 체육관에 한 번 또는 일주일에 한 번 가는 경우입니다. 그들은 진정한 변화를 이루지 못합니다. 아무리 오랫동안 체육관에 가더라도, 일단 가는 것을 멈추면, 대부분 몸매가 망가질 것입니다. 도움을 주는 활동은 단기 활동이 아니며, 팀에서 벗어나기 전까진 지속적으로 해야 하는 것입니다.

가르치세요: 리더는, 그들의 팀이 전문가들 이기 때문에 아무 것도 가르칠 필요가 없다고 생각해서는 안됩니다. 도움을 주는 행동들이

소수에 의해서만 이뤄지고 있다면, 직원들에게 도움을 주는 방법을 가르치는 것이 직원의 삶과 경력에 도움이 될 것입니다. 리더의 임무는 가르치는 것이지 관리하는 것이 아닙니다.

요구하세요: 지도자와 직원들이 무엇을 해야 할지를 알고 있지만 실제로 해야 할 것을 하고 있지는 않습니다. 팀의 책임감을 지키려는 리더의 능력은 팀을 효과적으로 이끌 수 있는 능력 뿐 아니라 도움을 주는 능력에도 영향을 미칩니다. 도움을 준다는 것은, “내가 다른 사람들에게 대우받고 싶은 것처럼, 그 들을 대우하는 것” 입니다. 그것은 모든 사람들을 위한 올바른 일입니다. 직원이 도움을 주고 싶지않거나, 그러한 능력이 없다면, 퇴사해야 합니다. 한사람이 강한 팀을 약하게 만들 수 있습니다. 리더의 임무는 내부 위협뿐 아니라 외부 위협으로부터 팀을 보호하는 것입니다.

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Last Thoughts

Serving out is not some over-the-top noble idea or righteous behavior. It is the right behavior, which rewards those who serve. The most successful leaders in all industries create a serve-out culture (even though they may not call it this), and, most importantly, you don’t have to ask them - their peers will share how they do it! The power of leadership, coaching and success is based on a person’s willingness to serve others and help them get what they want and, in turn, they will get rewarded with what they want.

Meet Nathan Jamail


남에게 도움을 주는 것은 엄청나게 고귀한 생각이나 대단히 의로운 행동이 아닙니다. 이는 그저 그로 인해 본인도 보람을 느끼는, 올바른 행동일 뿐입니다. 모든 산업 분야에서 가장 성공한 리더들은 도움의 문화를 만들어 냅니다. 가장 중요한 것은 어떻게 그러한 문화를 만들어 내는지 물어볼 필요도 없다는 것 입니다. 동료들이 자신의 방식을 공유하면서 만들어 내게 됩니다! 리더십, 코칭 및 성공의 힘은 다른 사람을 위해 기꺼이 도움을 주고 자신이 원하는 것을 얻을 수 있도록 도와주는 사람의 의지를 기반으로 합니다. 그러면 그들이 원하는 대로

보상을 받게 됩니다.

Nathan Jamail is author of the bestselling Playbook Series including his latest book “The Leadership Playbook”. Nathan is a top international motivational speaker and expert on leadership and employee coaching. As a former executive director, business owner, and sales professional, Nathan is an expert that teaches from experience. Nathan has helped thousands of great leaders become great coaches. You can find more information about Nathan at www.nathanjamail.com and follow him on https://www.facebook.com/jdgroup/

Nathan Jamail은 최신작 “The Leadership Playbook”을 포함한 베스트셀러 시리즈의 저자입니다. Nathan은 리더십과 직원 코칭에 대해 국제적으로 동기를 부여해주는 최고의 전문가입니다. 전 전무이사, 사업 소유자 및 영업 전문가인 Nathan은 경험을 기반으로 가르치는 전문가입니다. Nathan은 수천명의 위대한 지도자가 훌륭한 코치가 되도록 도왔습니다. Nathan에 대한 자세한 정보는 www.nathanjamail. com 에서 찾아 볼 수 있으며 https://www.facebook.com/jdgroup/ 에서 확인할 수 있습니다.

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Beauty Ambassador Styling Tools

Tricks for Making your Salon Guests the Life of the Party

Use color, extensions and the right tools to make her hair the life of the party! With holiday celebrations in full swing, we need to offer our salon guests quick and easy ways to change their looks from work to weekend in a flash.

Have pre-colored wefts of hair readily available for use after a silky blowout. You can color human hair wefts in your spare time with minimal expense. Have them blown dry, curled, or straightened and ready to attach in just a few minutes. This is a great way to add profit to your next paycheck.

The trick to the smoothest blowout before adding extensions is to use the concentrator on the end of your Gold N’ Hot blow dryer. Use your favorite heat-protective blowout cream and place the heat directly onto the hair while brushing with a flat brush. A brush with a mix of nylon and boar bristles will give the shiniest finish. The nylon bristles grip the hair and direct it while the boar bristles smooth it. Push the hair in the direction you want it to lay when it is dry.

If short hair still needs a little straightening, use the 1” Gold N’ Hot Ceramic Flat Iron. I recommend the 1” is because it’s small enough to get close to the scalp and straighten the entire strand of hair. If the hair is long, you might want to consider the Gold N’ Hot 2 1/4” Flat Iron. Both sizes have a ceramic coating to keep the best evenly heated surface. The temperature setting will reach 450° F degrees. We suggest starting at 375° F degrees and moving up 20° degrees at a time to determine the best temperature for each hair type.

pre-lightened and then colored, it will not be as heat-resistant as natural hair. The weft will need less heat to achieve your desired look. When straightening or curling, start at 325° F degrees and go up from there. The color starts to fade sooner with temperatures over 375° F degrees. The softer heat of the ceramic and easily controlled temperature settings on the Gold N Hot flat irons make them perfect for styling wefts and extensions.

If you like to curl with a flat iron, you’ll find it very easy to work with the 1” Gold N’ Hot Ceramic Flat Iron. You can use this tool to smooth quickly. Wrap the hair around it a couple of times while sliding down each strand with tension to create curls. The versatility of this 1” flat iron makes it one of the most popular in the Gold N’ Hot line. It feels comfortable in your hand which supports ergonomics as well.

Simple tips and tricks can take your work from good to great. Making sure you have clean edges will set your work apart. The above-mentioned Gold N’ Hot 1” flat iron is easy to use on edges and short cuts, too. Because of the thin structure of the flat iron, you can get really close to the scalp to grip short hair. The best way to do this is to take thin, horizontal partings; start at the base and use tension while smoothing the hair. Use a humidity blocking finishing spray to keep the hair straight longer.

After coloring the wefts, you will need to protect that color with the lowest heat setting that works for the hair’s texture when styling. If a weft has been

Keeping up with the latest tools and technology will help you stay in the mainstream behind the chair. Advancing your skills will keep you fresh and up to date. In today’s world of beauty, every advantage matters. Knowing proper temperature settings, tool surfaces, and using trend-setting styling techniques will show that you are on the cutting edge. It is exciting to see something new every day in the beauty industry.

Detra Smith is the artistic director for Belson/Gold ‘N Hot and is a Matrix Artistic Educator.

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Notes From The Natural Nation

Jamaican Black Castor Oils Bring Holiday Cheer

December is here once again. Between the hustle and bustle, the traditions, the family gatherings, and possibly an impending snowfall, there’s a lot to be done. You know it, and your customers do too. Last-minute gift purchases will be at the forefront of most customers’ minds. But chances are when they walk into your establishment, they’re taking some time for themselves. After all, shopping for others doesn’t mean you neglect your own go-to necessities.

As an experienced OTC retailer, you have all the personal care items your customers need during this winter season. Make finding the best products a non-issue. Better yet, make the experience welcoming and enjoyable for your patrons. The best way to do that is to point them toward the always excellent selection from Jamaican Mango & Lime®. You should specifically show off their incredible assortment of Jamaican Black Castor Oils that give hair, skin and nails a luxurious experience with each application. They’re a perfect recommendation for any customer in need of some extra self-care.

No matter what might be ailing your customer, you have a Jamaican Black Castor Oil in stock that’s up to the challenge. After a long day of shuffling from store to store and standing in long lines, any shopper could benefit from a soothing foot massage. Don’t hesitate to offer Jamaican Black Castor Oil with Lavender, which works to heal dry, chapped feet. Not to mention, it’s a quick and easy remedy for total body relaxation. Perhaps your customer is experiencing tired and aching muscles from carrying around their purchases. Jamaican Black Castor Oil with Rosemary helps

Meet Shannon Kwit

improve blood circulation to rejuvenate the body and get your customer back on the move.

Moisture is key in properly caring for hair of all textures. Spending time outside in the blustery winter weather means strands are most likely in desperate need of moisture. Luckily, Jamaican Black Castor Oil with Peppermint helps promote healthy hair and scalp. If your customer needs a little extra protection from dandruff, take a minute to point out Jamaican Black Castor Oil with Tea Tree. The fortified concoction adds a dose of hydration straight to the roots, which helps relieve itchiness and dryness.

The frigid air affects the skin, too, even under all those layers. Jamaican Black Castor Oil Xtra Dark combats that irritating dryness, especially around nails and cuticles. The oil nourishes and softens the skin, providing intense moisture with every drop. With so many different oil combinations to choose from, it’s easy to see why every Jamaican Mango & Lime® Jamaican Black Castor Oil offers something special. Stay attuned to what your customers need most, and your suggestions can’t go wrong.

The month of December will be over before we know it. We’re about to turn over a new leaf and start afresh. So, let the resolutions begin! Declarations of self-improvement and self-empowerment frequently start with health and wellbeing. This is your chance to recommend solutions to customers that will have them returning to you all throughout 2018. Seize the opportunity and help your business grow even more successful in the new year.

Shannon Kwit is a marketing copywriter for Universal Beauty Products, Inc. She works closely with the Jamaican Mango & Lime team to help promote natural hair care and education. She also specializes in men’s grooming products and the natural skin care market.

60 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017

Generation Next, Curls and Coils

Curly, Kinky, Coily, Wavy & Frizzy

62 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017

Beat the Winter Woes Naturally

Top Tips to Winterize your Skin & Hair this Season

Have you noticed that your skin becomes sallow and hair becomes lackluster in the winter? You’re not alone – both women and men experience these issues when the temperatures drop and the indoor heat turns on. The cold outside and heat inside suck the moisture out of the skin and hair leading to uncomfortable dryness, flaking and even rashes. Our skin and hair may be sensitive but are resilient, and there are ways to prevent them from becoming dull – naturally and without having to spend a lot of money!

Add these simple tips to your weekly routines to improve the health and look of your skin and hair this winter:


Pick up some organic, unprocessed sesame oil at your grocery store and apply it all over once a day as a replacement for your body lotion. This oil creates a thin layer on the skin and locks in moisture and vitamins. Sesame oil is known for its warming, healing properties and is especially good to use during winter months. Jojoba oil is another good option as its chemical structure is very similar to our skin’s natural oils and can be easily absorbed and strengthens the skin. These oils can be used on the body, as well as, on the face – use them at night before heading to bed to hydrate throughout the night and to avoid a greasy-look during the day.

On the hair, apply coconut or olive oil a couple of times a week and leave the oil in overnight. Be sure to lay a towel on your pillow to keep the oil from seeping into your pillowcase. You can also wrap a satin cap or sheet around your hair. The oils will soften the hair’s cuticle, while also locking in moisture and protecting it from further damage. Look for an unprocessed, cold-pressed coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil for full benefits.


When it’s cold outside, a hot shower feels amazing. Unfortunately, the hot water can wreak havoc on your skin and hair and can pull the moisture out of both, causing dryness, flakiness and irritation. Hot water disrupts skin’s natural hydration process and can cause itchiness, rashes and cracked skin which moisturizing with creams may not alleviate. Dry, cracked skin can increase your risk for infections and can even lead to acne.

The scalp’s sebaceous glands produce oils that are essential for your hair’s health. Using hot water to wash your hair opens the cuticle and strips the hair shaft of these natural oils. The oils give the hair shine and strength, both of which are necessary for beautiful hair. Ridding the hair of these natural oils can cause irritation of the scalp, dandruff and the dreaded flakes that come along with it. Using hot water also makes the strands more porous which results in dry, brittle hair.

64 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017
Feature Article


Avocados are high in vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acids which help cells function and keep the skin hydrated. Grab an avocado, mash it up, and apply the blend onto your face (and any other dry areas like your hands and elbows) and leave it on for 20 minutes. Once you rinse the mask off, you will notice your skin has a glow and feels soft and moisturized. Apply this mask once a week for best results.

Avocado masks are fantastic for the hair as well. Mash up an avocado, add in a couple of teaspoons of coconut oil and put on a shower cap. Leave the mask on for at least half an hour. The fatty acids and lipids in both the avocado and oil will deeply moisturize, strengthen and restore shine to your strands. It’s important to rub the mixture into the scalp as well to sooth, smooth, heal and encourage hair growth.


scalp healthy and encourage hair growth. The nutrients in nuts prevent dryness and dandruff and hydrate the hair shaft, inside out. Adding chia, flax and hemp seeds to your meals are also a great way to incorporate fabulous fats to your diet that will moisturize and heal your scalp and hair.


Our skin needs water to look and feel healthy, stay flexible and keep from looking “grey.” In the winter months, when indoor heating and cold winds suck the moisture from our skin, it’s critical to drink plenty of water to hydrate skin cells. Water draws toxins away from the skin, aids in circulation and hydrates tissue. It’s important to drink warm water, particularly in the winter to improve absorption and keep toxins moving out of your body. Drinking plenty of water is the number one way to prevent dryness, cracking and even wrinkles.

Nuts and seeds contain vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids and minerals that are critical to skin and hair health. The fats and minerals in nuts support healthy skin cells and also hydrate the skin, keeping it soft, supple and elastic, characteristics that can diminish during the harsh winter months. At least three times a week, grab a handful of almonds, brazil nuts or walnuts and chow down. Eat a variety of nuts each week to get maximum benefits.

Eating a variety of nuts and seeds is also important for healthy hair. From peanuts to cashews to almonds, the oils, proteins and fats in nuts keep the

Water makes up almost ¼ of the weight of a strand of hair and in order for the hair to remain lustrous and healthy, drinking water is critical. Lack of sufficient amounts of water can result in less hair growth, dullness and dehydration of the hair shaft. In addition, water transports the necessary vitamins and nutrients from the bloodstream to the roots in the scalp to nourish the hair shaft.

Keeping your skin and hair healthy and hydrated during the winter months takes a little more effort than during other times of the year. Thankfully, the earth has given us a variety of natural ways we can combat common winter-skin and hair problems. With the tips above, you’ll enjoy skin that’s hydrated and hair that shines all winter long.

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 65
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 67 EASY CUT® ADJUSTABLE CLIPPER - 13 Piece Kit AN18050 www.andis.com BUY 1 PC of each items, GET 1 PC of Easy Cut Kit FREE! EASY CUT® ADJUSTABLE CLIPPER - 8 Piece Kit AN18365 1 PC FREE SPECIAL PRICING Exclusive Deal Available at Jinny

Strength of Nature

There aren’t many who are unfamiliar with the product lines underneath the umbrella of Strength of Nature. This juggernaut of a company houses more than 15 brands that cater to women of color, including African Pride, Motions, Dr. Miracle’s, Mega Growth, Proline and Just for Me. With 2018 right around the corner, Strength of Nature shows no signs of slowing down. Kelly Keith, the vice president of marketing, talks with OTC Beauty Magazine about the art of selling the company’s brands in OTC stores, its challenges and its plans for the New Year.

Strength of Nature의 제품 라인들을 잘 알지 못하는 사람은 그리 많치 않습니다. 이 무적의 회사는 African Pride, Motions, Dr. Miracle’s, Mega Growth, Proline and Just for Me 등을 포함해 유색여성들을 돕는 15개 이상의 브랜드를 가지고 있습니다. 2018년 이 코앞에있는

지금도, Strengh of Nature은 멈출 기미를 보이지 않고 있습니다.

마케팅 부사장인 Kelly Keith가 저희 OTC Beauty Magazine과 함께 OTC 상점에서 회사 브랜드를 판매하는 방법, 힘든점, 그리고 계획에

대해 이야기해 보았습니다.

68 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 Manufacturer Profile

OTC: What is Strength of Nature founded on as a company? Can you briefly explain its history?

Kelly Keith: Strength of Nature has always been anchored in affordable, yet efficacious hair care for women of color. We are pioneers in providing maintenance, styling and growth products that don’t break the bank. Serving the consumer fuels us as we focus on developing innovative hair care solutions that make her life easier.

OTC: Describe the goods that make up your product portfolio. What tips do you have to help retailers incorporate these items in their stores?

Kelly Keith: I am a big fan of segmenting all chemical products together, and all maintenance and styling products together by brand. For example, a brand’s relaxer or texturizer offerings would sit together in the chemical segment. Subsequently, a brand’s shampoo, conditioner, detangler, daily oil moisturizer and edge gel products would be segmented together in the styling and maintenance set. This creates a billboard effect that draws the consumer in and makes her more likely to try other products in a line beyond her goto staples.

OTC: Who makes up the primary audience/consumer base for your products?

Kelly Keith: Strength of Nature services such a wide range of women and girls with brands like Just for Me, African Pride and Ultra-Sheen we have something to meet the needs of the consumer at every stage in her life from ages 5 to 95.

OTC: Strength of Nature회사는 어떤 원칙을 두고 설립되었나요? 그 역사를 간단히 설명해 줄 수 있나요?

Kelly Keith: Strength of Nature 는 언제나 유색 여성들을 위한 저렴하고도 효과있는 모발 케어를 중심으로 해 왔어요. 저희는 값 비싸지 않은 관리, 스타일, 그리고 성장 제품을 제공하는 선구자에요. 고객들에게 제품을 제공하는 것이 저희들의 원동력이되어 그들의 삶에 도움을 줄 획기적인 모발 케어 솔루션을 개발하는 데 더 집중할 수 있게 됩니다.

OTC: 제품 포트폴리오를 구성하는 제품들을 설명해주세요. 이 제품들을 소매상들이 자신들의 상점에 들여오는 데 도움이 될만한 팁이 있나요?

OTC: If you had to pick one product (or a couple) that is most symbolic of your company, what would it be and why? How is it differentiated from other products in the market?

Kelly Keith: I think the Motions Versatile Foam Styling Lotion is a great representation of our company because it is an affordable product that works regardless of hair texture or hair state. When it first launched, the Foam Styling Lotion was used for wraps and roller sets. Today it is also being used for braid outs, twist outs, and other natural styles requiring hold. And with ingredients like Shea Butter, Argan Oil and Coconut Oil, it’s actually good for your hair. This type of crossover appeal is rare in our industry and is a great representation of Strength of Nature.

OTC: What form of product promotion do you believe works best in OTC stores? Why?

Kelly Keith: The OTC channel provides the consumer with options they can’t find anywhere else, but it also creates a challenge for brands to stand out. I think without a doubt you’ve got to violate at shelf if you want to win in OTC. You’ve got to have danglers, shelf takers, aisle violators, neck hangers, etc. Product promos and in-store promotions are also key. Anything that is going to draw the consumer’s attention to your product on shelf is best.

Kelly Keith: 저는 모든 화학 제품들을 한군데로 모으고 모든 관리 및 스타일 제품들을 브랜드 별로 진열하는 것을 매우 선호합니다. 예를 들어 한 브랜드의 릴랙서 또는 텍스쳐라이져 제품들을 화학 코너에 같이 진열해요. 또한, 한 브랜드의 샴푸, 컨디셔너, 디탱글러,

제품들은 스타일 및 관리 세트에 다 함께 진열될 거에요. 이렇게 하면 빌보드 처럼 고객들의 시선을 끌 수 있고, 그들이 언제나 사용하는 제품 외에도 같은 종류의 다른 제품들도 사용해 볼 수 있어요.

OTC: 당신 제품의 일차적인 고객들은 누군가요?

Kelly Keith: Strength of Nature 는 Just for Me, African Pride and UltraSheen과 같은 브랜드들로 광범위한 여성들과 소녀들을 돕고있어요. 5세 부터 95세까지 모든 나이에 필요한 제품들을 가지고 있어요.

OTC: 회사를 가장 잘 상징하는 제품을 하나 (아니면 둘) 선택하라면 무엇을 선택하겠어요, 그리고 그 이유는? 시중의 다른 제품들과는 어떻게 다른가요?

Kelly Keith: 제 생각에 Motions Versatile Foam Styling Lotion이 저희 회사를 잘 대표하는 것 같에요, 왜냐하면 모발 텍스쳐나 상태와 상관없이 효과가 있는 저렴한 제품이기 때문이에요. 처음 출시되었을때, Foam Styling Lotion은 랩이나 롤러 세트에 사용되었어요. 이제는 브레이드, 트위스트, 그리고 홀드를 필요로 하는 네추럴 스타일들에 사용되고 있어요. 쉬어 버터, 알간 오일, 코코넛 오일과 같은 재료들을 사용하여 실질적으로 모발에 좋아요. 이런식의 퓨젼은 저희 산업에서 보기 힘들고 이는 Strength of Nature의 좋은 본보기에요.

OTC: OTC 상점에서 어떤 식의 제품 프로모션이 가장 잘 통한다고 생각하나요? 그 이유는 모죠?

Kelly Keith: OTC 채널이 고객들에게 다른 곳에서는 찾을 수 없는 옵션들을 제공하기는 해도 이 때문에 브랜드가 여러 제품들 사이에서 눈에 띄는게 쉽지 않습니다. 제 생각에는OTC에서 이기기 위해서는 반드시 진열대에 변화를 주어야 해요. 광고를 걸거나 붙이고, 달고 하는 것 등등 말이에요. 제품 프로모와 상점내 프로모션 또한 중요해요. 어떻게든 진열대 위에 당신의 상품들로 고객들의 시선을 끌어야 합니다.

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 69
엣지 젤
데일리 오일 모이스쳐라이져, 그리고

OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most recently in your sector of the beauty business and how is the company meeting consumer demand for it?

Kelly Keith: At this point I think it’s safe to say that the natural movement is less of a trend and more of a way of life. One thing I have seen is a shift in the way naturalistas are wearing their hair. I think with the growing popularity of artists like Sza and continued popularity of Tracee Ellis Ross we are going to see an increased focus on curl stretching, elongation and blow outs as consumers go for big hair. We are keeping this trend top of mind as we prepare new products for market.

OTC: What has been the biggest factor contributing to the growth that Strength of Nature has seen as a company? Are there any obstacles you had to overcome, and if so, how did you do so?

Kelly Keith: Much of our company’s growth has been due to strategic acquisition of strong legacy brands like Ultra Sheen, Dr. Miracle’s, Just for Me and Motions, making us a leader amongst legacy manufacturers. There’s been somewhat of a challenge maintaining a connection with the natural consumer. She’s so excited by trendy brands of today and eager to try something new. We know that she’s just looking for the best possible options to manage the health and style of her hair, so we’ve doubled down on our efforts to talk to her and understand exactly what she needs, and what she’s missing. Given that, we’re working on some exciting new projects so stay tuned!

OTC: What is Strength of Nature doing to ensure excellent customer service to OTC retailers? How can they benefit from working with you?

Kelly Keith: Without OTC retailers our consumer base wouldn’t be fully serviced, so we’ve made the OTC channel a focus for this year. We’ve taken steps to ensure that retailers are getting hands-on customer service at the store level by bringing on a merchandising team 100% focused on store partnerships. We know the level of pride each store owner has in their business and it is our goal to assist in making it as successful as possible. Store owners that partner with us will benefit from pull through programs focused on getting consumers into the stores to make purchases. Brand awareness and product availability on shelf is an essential part of a successful partnership between OTC retailer and manufacturer. As a manufacturer, it is our job to service the OTC channel by ensuring that they have the necessary tools to compete. Our merchandising teams are constantly monitoring and optimizing the product mix at shelf so that it results in lift for our store owners.

Kelly Keith: 현 시점에선 네추럴로 돌아가는 추세인데, 이는 트렌드라기 보다는 생활방식이라고 해 도 될것 같아요. 제가 본 것중 하나는 자연주의자들의 모발스타일이에요. 제 생각에 Sza와 같은 아티스트들의 인기가 커지고 Tracee Ellis Ross의 인기가 지속됨에 따라 고객들이 트레치, 일롱게이션, 그리고 블로아웃과 같이 큰 헤어 스타일에 관심이 많아 질 것 같아요. 저희는 시장에 새로운 제품을 준비하면서 이를 제일 염두에두고 있어요.

OTC: Strength of Nature 회사의 성장에 가장 큰 공을 준 요소는 무엇이었나요? 넘어서야 할 장애물들이 있나요, 그리고 그렇다면 어떻게 이를 극복했나요?

Kelly Keith: 저희 회상 성장은 Ultra Sheen, Dr. Miracle’s, Just for Me, 그리고 Motions과 같은 튼튼한 전통 브랜드들을 전략적으로 병합함으로써 가능했고, 레가시 생산자들의 선두가 될 수 있었어요. 네추럴 스타일의 고객들과의 관계를 유지하는데 어느정도의 문제가 있었어요. 그들은 현재 트렌드한는 브랜드에 빠지고, 새로운 것을 시도하고 싶어해요. 저희는 그들이 단순히 모발 건강과 스타일을 유지할 최고의 방법을 찾고 있는 것을 알기 때문에 두 배로 더 노력을 하여 그들에게 얘기를 하고 그들이 필요한 것, 원하는 것이 정확히 무엇인지 이해하려고 했어요. 이 때문에, 현재 놀라운 새 제품들을 만드는 중이에요, 조금만 기다려 주세요!

OTC: Strenth of Nautre는 OTC 소매상들이 훌륭한 고객 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 보장하기 위해 무엇을 하고 있나요? 그들이 당신 회사와 일함으로써 어떤 이득을 얻을 수 있나요?

Kelly Keith: OTC 소매상들 없이는 저희 고객층이 완전한 서비스를 받을수 없기 때문에 저희는 OTC 채널을 올해의 목표로 했어요. 저희는 상점 파트너쉽에 100% 집중하는 상품 팀을 불러와 고객들이 상점에서 직접적인 서비스를 받을 수 있도록 보장하는 조취를 취했어요. 저희는 각 스토어 주인들이 자신의 스토어에 가지고 있는 자부심을 알고 있고, 이를 최대한 성공적으로 만들게 돕는 것이 저희의 목표에요. 저희와 파트너쉽을 가지는 상점 주인들은 고객들이 상점안으로 들어와 구매를 하는데에 집중하는 풀-쓰루 (pullthrough) 프로그램들을 통해 이득을 볼 거에요. 진열대에서의 브랜드 인지와 상품 존재

여부는 OTC 소매상과 생산자 간의 성공적인 파트너쉽을 위한 필수 요소에요. 생산자로서, 저희의 역할은 OTC 채널들이 경쟁을 위해 필요한 모든 도구들을 갖도록 보장하는 것이에요. 저희 상품 팀들은 진열대의 제품 구조를 항상 모니터하고 최적화하여 상점 주인들이 이득을 볼 수 있도록 합니다.

70 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017
어떤 트렌드가 커지고 있나요, 그리고 이에 회사가
OTC: 뷰티 사업 섹터에서 최근에
어떻게 대응하고 있나요?
Manufacturer Profile

OTC: Are there any big plans in store for Strength of Nature in 2017 and 2018 that you can share?

Kelly Keith: I can’t say too much, but I can tell you that we have a new marketing team, and more brilliant minds behind the communication and innovation that we are sure will push the industry forward. We are so excited for 2018 and the way forward!

OTC: Is there a central belief that serves as the driving force behind the company? Please explain.

Kelly Keith: We believe that exquisite hair care should be accessible to all women at affordable price points. We approach all innovation and development with this core belief in mind as we strive to create products that make her life easier.

OTC: How do you educate consumers and retailers on product knowledge? Do you have an online and/or social media presence?

Kelly Keith: In the past we have educated consumers on product usage through our website and we will continue to build out that resource with how to videos and through our expanding social media channels. We are currently revamping our web pages to better serve our consumers, so be on the lookout for more interactive, solution-focused websites in 2018!

OTC: What do you think makes the multicultural beauty industry so unique and exciting?

Kelly Keith: There is just so much fun to be had in this industry! The opportunity to create products and communications for women of color is a humbling experience because we get to become a part of so many lives. There’s not one woman of color who can’t name a product she grew up with, or the products her mom used, or even the products she saw at her grandmother’s. These formulas and fragrances are cultural markers that help shape us as women. Technology has come so far since the industry first started, and we are committed to continuing the innovation in this industry.

OTC: What final thoughts would you like to share with OTC readers about the company and/or the beauty industry in general?

Kelly Keith: I think the most important thing that any of us in this business can do is listen to and respect our consumer. We are in a time where her thoughts are easily accessible on social media, she wants to communicate with us. In the end, those who succeed in this business will be the ones who heard her and acted accordingly.

OTC: 2017년과 2018년을 위해 준비된 큰 계획들이 있나요?

알려줄수 있나요?

Kelly Keith: 다 말해드릴 수는 없지만, 저희에게 새로운 마케팅 팀이 있고 저희가 생각하기에 이 산업을 발전시킬, 커뮤니케이션과 혁신을 주도하는 뛰어난 두뇌들이 있다고는 말해 드릴 수 있어요. 2018년과 미래가 매우 기대되요!

OTC: 회사를 이끄는 중심 원칙이 있나요? 설명해 주세요.

Kelly Keith: W저희는 훌륭한 모발 케어가 모든 여성들에게 저렴한 가격으로 접근이 가능해야 한다고 믿어요. 저희는 모든 혁신과 개발을 이 믿음과 함께 다루고 고객들의 삶을 더 쉽게 해줄 제품을 만드는데 노력하고 있어요.

OTC: 고객들과 소매상들에게 어떻게 상품들을 소개하나요? 온라인이나 소셜 미디어를 이용하나요?

Kelly Keith: 과거에 저희는 웹사이트를 통해 고객들에게 소개를 해왔고, 계속해서 설명비디오들과 점점 커지고 있는 저희 소셜 미디어

Company Information

Name: Strength of Nature Global, LLC

Address: 64 Ross Road, Savannah, GA 31405

Contact Number: 912-228-3246

Website: www.strengthofnature.com

OTC: 다문화 뷰티 산업이

Kelly Keith: 이 산업에는 즐거움이 많아요! 유색 여성들을 위한 제품들과 대화의 장을 만드는 것은 저희를 겸손하게 해요, 왜냐하면, 그들과 함께 그들 인생의 일부분이 되기 때문이에요. 유색 여성들은 모두 자신이 자랄 때 사용한 제품, 또는 그녀의 엄마가 사용하던 제품, 아니면 그녀 할머니 집에서 본 제품까지 이름을 다 기억해요. 이 포뮬라와 향들은 저희를 여성으로 가꿔줄 문화적 특징이에요. 이 산업이 처음 시작된 이후로 기술이 이 만큼 발전했고, 저희는 저희 산업에 계속해서 혁신을 불러오기 위해 노력합니다.

OTC: 회사와 일반뷰티산업에 관해 OTC 구독자들과 공유할 마지막 말은요?

Kelly Keith: 제 생각에 이 사업에서 저희가 할 수 있는 가장 중요한 것은 저희 고객의 의견을 듣고 존중하는 것입니다. 저희는 고객들의 생각을 소셜 미디어에서 쉽게 알 수 있는 시기에 있어요. 그들은 저희와의 대화를 원해요. 결과적으로, 이 사업에 성공하는 이들은 고객들을 듣고 그에 맞게 행동한 이들이 될 것입니다.

Years in Business: 17 회사 정보

회사명: Strength of Nature Global, LLC

주소: 64 Ross Road, Savannah, GA 31405

연락번호: 912-228-3246

Website: strengthofnature.com

사업 경력: 17년

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 71
현재 저희는 고객들을 위해 저희 웹페이지를 탈바꿈하고 있기 때문에 더 사용가능하고 솔루션에 집중된 저희 웹사이트를 2018년에 기대해 주셔도 좋습니다!
채널을 이용하여 이를 계속 해서 발전 시킬거에요.
특별하고 기대되는 이유가 무엇이라고 생각하나요?

OP Selling Products of the Year

When shopping for styling tools and products, shoppers may turn to online product reviews for guidance. This not only makes customers more likely to purchase popular merchandise, but it also boosts sales for these trending items, as well. That’s why it’s important to know what products are selling well and are in high demand at Jinny Beauty Supply. This monthly feature will keep you posted on what’s in and what’s out, so you can purchase your inventory accordingly.

Every year, there are a small group of products that outshine the rest. These are the continuously successful, highly-sought after items that Jinny Beauty Supply sells consistently every year. We discovered that most of the highest-selling products are the classics that have been around for years. For 2017, these products outsold them all. Take notes and stock up for 2018.

1Ampro Pro Styl Protein Styling Gel [Super Hold] AM40840

Why It’s the Top Contender

This gel is the flagship product for Ampro and is one that is a staple in many salons and households. The firm hold allows users to sculpt and style their hair to their hearts’ content. Best of all, this inexpensive find doesn’t leave any unsightly residue or flaking – a key concern for many shoppers. Suggested Retail Price: $1.99

Quick Facts

• Adds shine

• Gives body and fullness

More From This Brand

This isn’t the only top seller from Ampro. Check out their Pro Styl Protein Styling Gel with regular hold (AM40622).

74 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 Top FIVE


This glue is known for its quick bonding and is a stylist favorite in hair salons. It works well on human or synthetic hair wefts and can even be used on braiding hair.

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 75 2 3 5 HONORABLE MENTIONS Bronner Bros. Pump It Up! Gold (Super Hold) BB1634 Suggested Retail Price: $4.99 Crème of Nature with Argan Oil Perfect Edges Extra Hold RR21404 Suggested Retail Price: $5.95 SoftSheen Carson Magic Extra Strength Shaving Powder CR16 Suggested Retail Price: $3.40 Blue Magic Conditioner Hair Dress ST157 Suggested Retail Price: $2.69 Salon Pro 30-Second AntiFungus Super Hair Bond Glue UB2416
Bigen Permanent Powder Hair Color 59 Oriental Black NC59
Wild Growth Oil WGC100
Suggested Retail Price: $1.65
Known for its ability to cover grays seamlessly, this hair coloring product is a popular seller. In addition, it requires no hydrogen peroxide and is ammonia-free. Suggested Retail Price: $5.49
Who doesn’t want long, healthy hair? With this oil, customers have raved of miracle hair
and thicker, healthier tresses. Judging by its position in the Top 10 Sellers List, the claims ring true.
Crème Hair Relaxer with Protein and DNA SN81408
Suggested Retail Price: $9.99
This classic relaxer formula is a fan favorite for its nourishing properties. After using this product, customers are left with soft, silky and shiny hair.
Retail Price: $3.09

OTC Beauty Magazine Awards 2017

We congratulate 2017’s winners as well as honorable mentions. We also extend our greatest gratitude to all of our advertisers for your support.

76 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017
Best Cover - RevlonHonorable Mention: PDC Brands

Best All Around Advertiser - Xtreme Beauty InternationalHonorable Mentions: Ampro, AFAM Concept

Most Creative Ad - Namaste LaboratoriesHonorable Mention: Andis

Most Marketable - PDC BrandsHonorable Mentions: Xtreme Beauty International, Namaste Laboratories

Best New Advertiser - CurlsHonorable Mention: GraffEtch

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 77

Tae H. Jhin Awards 2017

Each year, Jinny Corp. presents various manufacturers with coveted Tae H. Jhin Vendor Awards in recognition for their achievements within the industry.

Congratulations to all!

78 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017



At OTC Beauty Magazine and Jinny Beauty Supply, we not only work with tons of hair and beauty products, but we use them, too. We’re fortunate to have access to the newest and most innovative brands and are often some of the first to try the products ourselves. A few staffers offered their favorite products this year.

Queen B Braiding Hair

This gel is the flagship product for Ampro and is one that is a staple in many salons and households. The firm hold allows users to sculpt and style their hair to their hearts’ content. Best of all, this inexpensive find doesn’t leave any unsightly residue or flaking – a key concern for many shoppers.

82 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017

ORS Herbal Cleanse Dry Shampoo ORS11027

“I swear by the ORS Herbal Cleanse Dry Shampoo. Whether I’m wearing my hair out in its natural state or in braids or cornrowed under my weaves, I use this stuff to refresh my hair and scalp in between washes. Washing my hair can take hours to do – from shampooing, deep conditioning and setting my hair. So when my schedule is too tight to accommodate all of that, I use this stuff instead. Not only is it convenient, but it doesn’t leave any residue behind like many other dry shampoos do.”

Jessica De Vault Hale, Editor

Cantu Shea Butter For Natural Hair Collection

“Life is too short to have boring hair, and the Cantu Product line brings out my lovely curls and keeps them on point throughout my day. Their product line is amazing. My alltime favorite would be the Coconut Curling Cream. As soon as I get out the shower I slap this in my hair and I’m like a fresh coconut walking around the city. Their products keep my hair nice and moist and gives me hair that has a natural, heathy shine to it. I’m a queen crowned in my curls and Cantu definitely helps me keep my crown on nice and tall.”

Taliah Waajid Bamboo, Avocado, and Peppermint Conditioning & Restoring Serum


“I’ve been wearing a lot of protective styles lately so my go to product has been the new Bamboo, Avocado, and Peppermint Conditioning & Restoring Serum by Tahliah Waajid. I’ve used it on a regular basis and I have seen the texture, overall appearance and health of my hair improve! Not only that, but it feels great on my scalp and really helps me maintain and keep my natural hair soft, strong and itchfree no matter what protective style I’m rocking at the moment!”

“I use it with just water and it makes your hair naturally soft. It doesn’t leave a film, it isn’t greasy or oily, and it lasts. I can apply it one day and my hair still feels soft. And if I want to add an additional product on top of that – like a moisturizer or a cream – it doesn’t pile up. I enjoy it, and it smells good.”

Garrett Wright, Co-op Coordinator

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 83
SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen Grow & Restore Leave-in Conditioner SD21551

Must-Have Tools for Fading CLIPPER TIPS

Men’s haircuts today typically include some form of a Taper. A “Taper” means that hair will be closer on the sides and back and longer in the crown. In recent times, the term “Fade” was introduced when men requested a Taper cut to be super close on the sides and back. As a result, when a man requests a Fade it usually means he wants his haircut to be extremely close, or bald, on the sides and back of his head.

To achieve this aggressively close, tapered Fade haircut, specific tools are needed for a quality cut. Every adjustable blade clipper can cut close enough for a Fade, but not every clipper cuts close enough to produce a Bald Fade. The closest-cutting clipper will leave the hair at .2 mm, which would feel like very short stubble. A close-cutting tool like the Andis Profoil™ Li Shaver or Andis Superliner trimmer with shaver attachment will produce an ultra-smooth finish for a Bald Fade. Most barbers will use either attachment combs or the clipper-over-comb technique to blend hair from 2.4 mm up to the desired length at the top, but when fading the section below 2.4 mm there are a few different clipper options. My personal favorite is the Andis Supra ZR™ detachable blade clipper equipped with the following blade sets: Outliner®, 0000, 000, 0A, and a 1. I also am a fan of the Andis Envy® Li adjustable blade clipper.

The most important section for Fading is between bald and 1.2 mm of hair. The ProFoil Li Shaver or the Superliner Shaver attachment will effectively shave the hair bald. When the shaver is used with the flicking C-stroke motion that barbers use to blend, the hairs can be cut down to about .2 mm. Now the task of blending from .2 to 1.2 becomes the important part. To easily adjust from .2 mm up to 1.2 mm, the suggested tool to use will be the Andis Fade or the Andis Fade Master®. Both of these clippers are adjustable blade tools that have the ability to leave hair between .2 mm and 1.2 mm depending on whether the adjustable blade is closed or all the way open.

Creating a quality Fade becomes much easier when the right tools are selected. The Profoil Li Shaver alongside the Envy Li are two of the tools that have helped me create better Bald Fades and I know they can do the same for others.

For more information on Andis tools visit andis.com

84 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 Advertisement
Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of a 12-chair salon— Main Attraction Unisex Salon— based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in films such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company.


The Culture of Beauty in 2018

As we close out 2017 with a holiday cheer, we are heralding in a multicultural beauty industry that’s approaching $8 billion. Is multiculturalism driving this industry? The term multicultural typically denotes non-white consumers with a flamboyant style. These consumers are becoming 50% of the market and dramatically influencing the other 50%. Contemporary beauty culturalism is inclusive of all OTC consumers. Their culture is being driven by the global mood found on the runways, politics and entertainment. These consumers are learning to be an expert in creating their own unique image and identity, no matter the race or hair texture.

In 2017, consumers have learned to become experts at expressing identity. They can showcase their culture or change it. They can alter their hair color, hair texture or makeup as they alter their mood. The upcoming year will reveal consumers trending toward escapism or fantasy, depending on how one interprets consumer reaction to a changing world. This new culturalism encourages consumers to experiment with vivid hair shades, artsy hair shapes and extreme facial sculpting.

Why this transformation in 2018? Consumers are exploring new limits as the world seems to become limitless. There will be multimedia, multifaceted techniques: braids and shaven styles; androgynous boy cuts; and layers upon layers of romantic locks. Dark skin tones will boast platinum hair and makeup. Fair skin consumers will flaunt mushroom browns and grays Consumers will choose artistic techniques like ombre hair, ombre eyes or ombre lips. What’s amazing about these new global trends, is that consumers will be able to create many of these looks without seeking professional assistance. OTC’s have empowered them to buy any product, therapy or technique off the shelf. All the products and tools are available at the local beauty store. OTCs should follow the urban Millennials and other citizens of the world as they merge and blend the new beauty culture.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skincare and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence.

ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com.

86 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 87

QVC Founder Launches Customized Hair Care Formulas and Shopping Experiences

PHILADELPHIA/PRNewswire/ -- Just months after the introduction of Cloud 10 Customized Hair Care for the Millennial consumer, QVC founder and ProfilePro Co-CEO Joe Segel announces the launch of HairRx Advanced Hair Care, dedicated to fulfilling the hair care customization needs and shopping preferences of women ages 30 and up.

“Women in their thirties, forties and beyond seek customized beauty solutions,” says Segel. “They have different hair care challenges and goals than their Millennial counterparts. HairRx provides the ultimate customization experience that instantly matches each hair profile to the ideal shampoo and conditioner formulas, including scent and lather preferences.”

HairRx is scheduled to launch on QVC.com in late 2017. Both HairRx and Cloud 10 Hair Care were developed by ProfilePro LLC, a multichannel brand development company.

“While research shows that customization in the beauty sector is desired by all generations, women in their thirties have different shopping habits than Millennials,” explains Ellen Langas, ProfilePro Co-CEO. “With the addition of HairRx Advanced Hair Care, we are now offering customized hair care solutions for all ages and needs.”

HairRx gives customers the ability to customize their shampoos and conditioners by identifying their key hair care goals, lather preference and scent selection, including citrus, coconut, jasmine, lavender and vanilla.

How it works: HairRx customers answer a short series of questions online that are focused on their unique hair care goals, scent and lather preferences. Individual profiles are instantly matched to shampoos and conditioners drawn from one of the industry’s most comprehensive inventories of 165 formulas. HairRx also offers a broad assortment of styling and finishing formulas. HairRx customers may also choose from eight different HairRx Home Hair SalonTM sets, which offer curated collections of shampoos, conditioners and styling formulas in attractive organizers.

About ProfilePro LLC

Founded in 2014, ProfilePro LLC is a pioneer in customized and personalized hair care. The ProfilePro family of brands includes Cloud 10 Customized Hair Care, HairRx Advanced Hair Care, and ProfilePro Home Hair Salon sets. Visit: www.hairrx.com and www. cloud10hair.com

Christian Siriano X imPRESS Press-On Manicure Limited Edition Collection

PORT WASHINGTON, NEW YORK /PRNewswire/ -- In collaboration with designer, Christian Siriano, KISS Products, Inc. unveils its limited edition Christian Siriano X imPRESS Press-On Manicure Collection, bringing fashion right to your fingertips. The collection launches on November 1, 2017 and is available for a limited time on imPRESSManicure.com.

The collection offers a diverse range of seven nail designs, inspired by Siriano’s collections and garments. “Fashion should be fun and I want every girl to feel confident about her style, no matter her shape, size or ethnicity and she can do just that with this collection,” says Siriano.

Annette DeVita-Goldstein, Senior Vice President Global Marketing at KISS Products, Inc. “Partnering with industry leaders like Siriano, elevates the imPRESS brand and brings about a deeper appreciation for the true innovation of our products.”

imPRESS Press-On Manicure achieves a one-step gel manicure in minutes with SuperHold Technology for optimal wear experience. The easy, glue-free application redefines the press-on nail category.



Nails complete a look, its not always just about the clothes, hair or makeup. With imPRESS Press-On Manicure you have the ability to select a style and have a flawless manicure in minutes, for a night out or everyday wear.

“We have partnered with Christian Siriano for New York Fashion Week, creating bold and beautiful runway nails season after season and this collection brings high-fashion to everyone,” says

KISS is the world’s largest manufacturer and distributor of professional quality nail products. The first company to bring quality, professional nail care directly to the consumer, KISS offers easy-to-use, all-in-one kits so she can achieve salon results at home. Today, the KISS line of products has expanded to include nail care, nail jewelry, nail art, manicure & pedicure tools as well as eyelash kits and hair styling tools. Each of these quality products originated from KISS’s innovative thinking and vast salon experience. For more information, visit www.KISSusa.com

90 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017
For your skin care trust Fair & White!

First-time speakers, new exhibitors and product launches lined up to impress at incosmetics Asia

Region’s leading personal care ingredients event shows why this year won’t be the same as the rest

The 10th edition of in-cosmetics Asia will not disappoint with a host of new speakers, exhibitors and innovative products lined up to educate and inspire R&D professionals when it returns to Bangkok from 31 October – 2 November.

The Asia Pacific (APAC) beauty and personal care market is due to lead the world in market growth, which is set to exceed 30% over the next four years –reaching US$192bn by 2021[1]. Inspired by this thirst for development, in-cosmetics Asia 2017 will bring more new insights and innovation to visitors than ever before, designed to inspire the next wave of product formulations across the industry.

Eva Baldaro, Technical Director at Hallstar is one of many new additions to the incosmetics speaker line-up. Cosmetic manufacturers attending her session on ‘The next generation of cold process emulsifiers’ in the Technical Seminars Theatre on Tuesday 31 October, will learn about a naturally-derived cold process emulsifier that can create water or glycerin gels or create an emulsion by being added in any phase and at any time in the formulation development process (Olivem 2020).

Baldaro said: “As naturality, functionality and sustainability continue to be key themes in beauty and personal care, our next-generation cold process emulsifier is a perfect match for the Asia Pacific audience. in-cosmetics Asia is an influential platform for all of Asia Pacific and the gathering in Bangkok allows the industry to connect

with so many people who want to hear more about the latest developments.”

Also new to the line-up this year is Jo Chidley, chemist and Founder of Beauty Kitchen, which creates natural and effective beauty products. Presenting in the Marketing Trends Theatre on Wednesday, 1 November on ‘Consumer trends in Europe for natural fragrances & aromatherapy’, her session will examine the blurring of the lines between health and beauty and how this is driving the movement towards natural fragrances and aromatherapy. Her audience will also be keen to hear her advice on how to make an impact in a mature market.

“The show is essential for getting an overview of what other people and organisations are developing for the industry and is key to keeping ahead in terms of innovation –that is important for any R&D professional,” said Chidley. “Visitors will hear from diverse voices within the industry from natural and organic to the latest in biotechnology.”

Aside from a three-day programme of informative sessions by industry experts running across the show, there will be more than 400 global suppliers of ingredients, fragrances, lab equipment, testing and regulatory solutions. More than 70 exhibiting companies from around the globe are entirely new to in-cosmetics Asia, including Biobeautech Co, Coskin Specialities, Dermaject Co.,Ltd. GTG Wellness, Omniscentral and Aumento Chemical. They will expose visitors to fresh ideas and ingredients for an even more

diverse experience at the show this year.

A long-standing attraction, the popular Innovation Zone will draw in personal care manufacturers that are looking for the world’s most novel ingredients. Maruzen Pharmaceuticals will display Lemon Balm Extract – a new natural active that promotes collagen receptor ‘Endo180’ production. This new approach focuses on the recycling system that our skin naturally possesses.

HerbaShield URB, another active ingredient that has been developed by Lipoid Kosmetik, will be showcased as ‘the natural solution to pollution’. It substantially reduces pollution-induced skin damage and ageing as a COSMOS-approved botanical based on watercress, horsetail and nettle extracts.

Sarah Gibson, Exhibition Director, commented: “We have pulled out all the stops for in-cosmetics Asia this year, with a number of brand new speakers, never-seenbefore exhibitors and exciting ingredients –many of which have not yet been launched to market.

“We believe this year’s programme will inspire attendees and equip them to plan for future successes and innovate beyond the expectations of today’s consumers. We look forward to welcoming the whole industry to the show in just a few weeks’ time.”

The event will run from 31 October to 2 November 2017 in Bangkok. For more information, visit asia.in-cosmetics.com.

Wahl Professional Unveils Limited Edition “Senior” & “Hero” Tools

Designs Inspired by the Industriousness of the Barbers and Stylists Who Use Them

STERLING, ILLINOIS/ -- Every professional has their tools of the trade. For barbers, it all comes down to long-lasting precision from their clippers and trimmers of choice.

Using that as their inspiration, Wahl Professional is pleased to announce a limited run of two of their most popular tools with a nod to the industriousness of those who use them: The Wahl Limited Edition Industrial Senior and the Wahl Limited Edition Industrial Hero.

“People reference our clippers and trimmers as ‘tools’ all the time,” said Aaron Flick, Senior Marketing Associate, Professional Division, Wahl Clipper Corporation. “A light bulb clicked on that we should make the products and packaging look like industrial tools.”

The updates to the appearance of both are striking. The Limited Edition Industrial Senior features a hint of measuring-tape yellow

to its power switch and taper lever, while the Limited Edition Industrial Hero features a thin yellow pinstripe along the side, with a rugged stencil font used on the packaging and trimmer itself.

Perhaps even more apparent is the powerful feel of the Senior, thanks to its fully-encased chrome manufacturing.

“These are heavy duty items that can be used by the busy barber or stylist all day long in the shop,” said Flick. “These two pair great together for precision cutting.”

While the aesthetic has changed as part of the new limited edition product release, the work ethic associated with the tools has not.

92 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017

Henkel Displaces Coty and ELC to become the #2 Professional Hair Care Marketer in North

America, Kline Comments


-- Last week’s announcement that Henkel will acquire Shiseido’s North American professional hair care business is the latest step in the company’s path to the top of the leaderboard in the global salon hair care industry. According to data from Kline’s Salon Hair Care Global Series, this plus its earlier 2017 acquisition of Pravana will nearly double Henkel’s share in North America from 7.7% to 13.6%, ahead of Coty’s 11.1% and ELC’s 8.1%.

“On the heels of Henkel’s acquisitions of Pravana earlier this year and TSG brands not long ago, Henkel’s activity is the most aggressive we’ve seen on the professional hair care M&A front in 15-20 years…the era when L’Oréal gobbled up Matrix, Redken, Softsheen, and Carson while Procter & Gamble took hold of Clairol and Wella,” comments Carrie Mellage, Vice President of Kline’s Consumer Products Practice. “Those moves landed L’Oréal and Procter & Gamble with the #1 and #2 spots in North America, respectively, positions those businesses* held until today.”

This move further plays out a theme Kline has reported on for years: that among the professional hair care market leaders, very few are strong globally, but each is powerful in its own “playground.” The deal will strengthen and bring greater focus to Henkel and Shiseido in their respective “playgrounds” of North America and Asia.

“North America is an attractive market. Even though it is a large and mature region, it still returns consistent growth each year,” says Agnieszka Saintemarie, Kline’s salon hair care market expert. “With a market so large, even a small percentage increase translates to tens of millions of dollars, so there is plenty of potential for all players. The acquired business is a nice addition to Henkel’s portfolio. The Joico brand in particular has performed well in recent years, investing into hair coloring, the fastest growing category on the market. It has also been at the forefront of the unnatural colors trend with its highly popular metallic shades.” The move also strengthens Henkel’s position in two key back-bar categories: coloring and texturizing.

Data from Kline PRO, an interactive database for the professional hair care industry based on hard, transactional data from distributors and salons, indicates that Henkel would achieve well over 50% of hair texturizing product sales with the addition of Shiseido’s brands.

Likewise, Shiseido’s sharpened focus on Asia is a smart move. The firm has already been gaining a presence in the region, with its sales growing by double-digit rates in China, South Korea, and Indonesia during 2016. Asia is the third largest market in the world, and many Asian countries are experiencing above-average market growth. Kline will be assessing and exploring opportunities in 12 Asian markets in the upcoming edition of our Salon Hair Care series with an add-on special

volume covering channels of distribution in Asia.

Henkel will need to continue to make power moves if it wants to reach the ranks of Coty or L’Oréal. With a gap of still several hundred million dollars, it will need to add at least one other major business or several smallto-medium sized ones to achieve the same size as Coty. To better achieve this goal, Henkel might need to start looking outside the North American region where it has been making its recent acquisitions and “shop” in other markets, such as Europe or Asia.

These and other market shifts will be covered in detail in the upcoming edition of Salon Hair Care Global Series, which will provide subscribers with an accurate picture of the size, segmentation, and performance of the professional hair care market in all key geographic regions.

* Procter & Gamble’s salon hair care business was purchased by Coty in 2016.

About Kline

Kline is a worldwide consulting and research firm providing the kind of insight and knowledge that helps companies find a clear path to success. The firm has served the management consulting and market research needs of organizations in the agrochemicals, chemicals, materials, energy, life sciences, and consumer products industries for nearly 60 years. For more information, visit www.KlineGroup.com.

Lilly Lashes Launches Exclusive ‘Lilly Lashes for Sephora Collection’ to North American Market

LOS ANGELES/PRNewswire/ -- Lilly Lashes – which has become an in-demand glam necessity for celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez – is expanding their Luxury Lash Line through a new collaboration with beauty giant Sephora. The partnership is now available exclusively at www. Sephora.com and will be available at all Sephora North America locations as of January 2018.

Founded in 2013 by BRAVO TV star Lilly Ghalichi, Lilly Lashes has revolutionized the world of false lashes by creating “3D Lashes.” The product quickly become the buzz of Hollywood-glam and a red carpet staple for starlets like Rihanna, Paris Hilton, Lady Gaga, Chrissy Tigen, and Nicki Minaj. Kylie Jenner raved in an Instagram post, saying: “Everyone always wants to know what lashes I wear. My favorite are Lilly Lashes.” Additionally, Lilly Lashes are trusted by the most sought after makeup artists in the beauty industry, and are tagged by more social media influencers

than any other lash brand. These highly coveted glam lashes will now be accessible to the every-day glam girl at Sephora.

The first Lilly Lashes x Sephora Collection offering is the Limited Edition “Perfect Pair Lash Kit,” which released on October 24th and is now available at Sephora.com. In January 2018, Lilly Lashes will expand with a range of Sephora Collection lash products that will be available in all Sephora locations throughout USA and Canada.

To learn more (or to discover what pair of Lilly Lashes your favorite celebrity wears), visit www. LillyLashes.com or check out Istagram handle @ LillyLashes.

Shop “Lilly Lashes for Sephora Collection” here: https://www. sephora.com/product/lilly-lashes-for-sephora-collectionperfect-pair-lash-kit-P423768

94 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 Industry News
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 95 Infinite Health. Infinite Length. Infinite Results. hairfinity.com @hairfinity Download the Hairfinity app available in the App Store & Google Play. See results in the first month. System proven to reduce breakage by up to 95%.

OPI Sets Guinness World Record for Longest Manicure Bar with Public Event

SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA/PRNewswire/ -- In an unprecedented event, the world’s #1 salon nail brand, OPI set a Guinness World Record for The World’s Longest Manicure Bar on October 21, 2017. The event was held in Santa Monica from 9am – 5pm, where all were invited to attend and receive a free OPI GelColor manicure to help OPI make history.

To achieve the goal, OPI created a 155ft long manicure bar sprawled out along Santa Monica’s famous 3rd Street Promenade shopping area, just steps from the beach. More than 50 nail technicians were seated along the bar giving event attendees GelColor manicures with OPI’s newly launched innovation, ProHealth Top and Base Coat. The exclusive ProHealth Base and Top Coat technology provides healthier looking nails during wear and even after removal. When combined with iconic OPI GelColor, attendees received a flawless GelColor manicure that can be removed scrapefree in as little as 7 minutes without the worry of damaging nails.

Celebrities and influencers were in attendance showcasing ProHealth GelColor manicures, including actress Peyton List, a longtime OPI fan, and Tom Bachik celebrity manicurist and OPI’s newest global nail ambassador. Peyton was available for meet and greets alongside Tom. The event featured music, a step and repeat, a selfie-station, a plush lounge, and OPI treats, amongst other activations. OPI Co-Founder and Brand Ambassador, Suzi Weiss-Fischmann, was also in attendance.

The record was officially set and declared at 5pm on Saturday, October 21, 2017 with more than 500 manicures completed. For more information, please visit OPI.com. Follow OPI on Twitter and Instagram @OPI_PRODUCTS and go to OPI Products on Facebook to become a fan!


“It was a very exciting moment for OPI to achieve a Guinness World Record for Longest Manicure Bar! To see so many nail technicians and so many OPI fans come together to do something as grand and fun as setting a world record was a real treat!” says WeissFischmann.

As the number one salon brand worldwide, OPI is committed to providing high-quality products and services to both salons and their customers, along with a focus on industry safety and innovation. With exceptional formulas, fashionable colors, and iconic names, OPI’s heavily pigmented lacquers are super-rich, long lasting and chip-resistant – offering an affordable luxury to consumers. OPI nail lacquer is available in more than 200 shades. OPI Infinite Shine is a no light three-step long wear lacquer system offering long wear, brilliant shine and ease of application and removal with up to 11 days of wear. There are now more than 150 shades in the Infinite Shine collection. Each lacquer features OPI’s exclusive ProWide™ Brush for the ultimate application. Currently, OPI is available in over 100 countries and retails a full line of professional items including OPI GelColor (available in more than 140 shades that match their iconic OPI lacquer counterparts), nail treatments, finishing products, lotions, manicure/pedicure products, files, tools, gels and acrylics. OPI is guaranteed only when purchased through authorized professional beauty outlets and prestige stores, not from a drugstore, supermarket, mass outlet, or other unauthorized sources. For more information, please visit OPI.com. Follow OPI on Twitter and Instagram @OPI_PRODUCTS and go to OPI Products on Facebook to become a fan!

96 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 Industry News

L’Oréal Paris Celebrity Experts Sir John and Mara Roszak Decode the Season’s Hottest

Beauty Trends

NEW YORK/PRNewswire/ -- The catwalk serves as the ultimate beauty and fashion forecast, and this season was no exception. From bold berry and metallic colors to cropped cuts and romantic waves, the Fall 2017 runways were full of inspiration. The daring looks shown were opposite of the recent “no-makeup makeup look.” L’Oréal Paris celebrity makeup artist Sir John and celebrity hairstylist Mara Roszak break down the top runway looks and how to not only make them wearable for every day, but also how to rock them with confidence.

Trend 1: Berry Lips

RUNWAY SPOTTED: Jason Wu, Public School, Marc Jacobs, Alice & Olivia. Sir John recommends a monochromatic makeup look to make berry lips pop. To start, line the lips with a berry lip liner, and then fill in the lips with Colour Riche Matte Lipstick in Doesn’t Matte-R. Sir John’s secret is to use the berry lip liner as an eyeliner as well for a bold, finished look.

Trend 2 – Metallic Lids

RUNWAY SPOTTED: Emporio Armani, Balmain, Alexis Mabille, Ellie Saab. Contrary to what some may believe, metallic eyes are a great look for any occasion. “It’s important to anchor the eyes to ensure they don’t look puffy with the metallic eyeshadow,” says Sir John. Metallic eyes can be easily achieved with Infallible Paints Metallic Eyeshadows and paired with a waterproof eyeliner and mascara.

Trend 3 – Bold Lashes

hydrating products that won’t weigh it down. Mara says, “I love the EverPure Moisture collection from L’Oréal Paris because it leaves hair hydrated and soft without stripping the color.” After washing, Mara recommends spraying L’Oréal Paris Advanced Hairstyle Boost It Air-Blown Texture Mist to add volume and texture followed by L’Oréal Paris Elnett Satin Hairspray to lock the hair in place.

All products are available at lorealparisusa.com, and mass, food and drug retailers nationwide.

About L’Oréal Paris:

RUNWAY SPOTTED: Chanel, Jeremy Scott, Tadashi Shoji, Junya Watanabe. Bold lashes complete any look and are easy to achieve with the new Voluminous Lash Paradise Mascara. Sir John raves, “It’s such a great mascara that you don’t need to do much for a bold look.” He recommends applying 3-4 coats to ensure the eyes really pop.

Trend 4 – Tousled, Loose


RUNWAY SPOTTED: La Perla, Max Mara, Dior, Jenny Packham. When it comes to wavy hair, it’s important to use


The L’Oréal Paris division of L’Oréal USA, Inc. is a total beauty care brand dedicated to empowering women by offering the most luxurious and innovative products and services available in the mass market. The brand’s signature tagline, “Because I’m Worth It,” was born in the United States in 1971 to celebrate the beauty and intrinsic self-worth of women, and for more than 100 years, L’Oréal Paris has been providing women around the world with products in four major beauty categories: hair color, haircare, skincare and cosmetics. With L’Oréal’s invention of hair color in 1909, the brand continues to serve as the leading innovator of hair products across color, care, and styling with brands such as Superior Preference, Féria, Excellence Crème, Advanced Haircare, the Ever Collection, Advanced Hairstyle, and Elnett Satin Hairspray. L’Oréal Paris provides scientifically-advanced skincare products that are clinically proven to address individual skin concerns through its renowned brands Revitalift, Hydra Genius, Age Perfect, and Sublime Bronze. L’Oréal Paris’iconic cosmetics collections include Infallible, True Match, Colour Riche, Voluminous, and Visible Lift. For more information about L’Oréal Paris and to receive personalized advice, expert tips, and exclusive content, please visit www.lorealparisusa.com or follow on Instagram (@LOrealMakeup, @LOrealHair, @LOrealSkin, @LOrealMen, Snapchat (@LOrealMakeup), Twitter (@LOrealParisUSA), Facebook (@LOrealParisUSA), and Pinterest (@LOrealParisUSA).

Industries Corporation

Michael Picerno

Fantasia Industries Corporation is pleased to announce the promotion of Michael Picerno to National Sales Manager. Michael has been working with all North American, domestic distributors and will assist with Export division. Please contact Michael at; Mike@fantasiahaircare.com

98 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 Industry News
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 99 FREE ITEM CR61555, CR61565 OFFER ENDS December 31, 2017. SPECIAL OFFER BUY 4 CASES OF DARK & LOVELY RELAXERS (SS6788, CR1907, CR1906, CR1903) FREE GET 1 CASE LET’S JAM 4oz (CR61555, CR61565)

Cosmoprof North America has been recognized by Trade Show Executive’s prestigious Gold 100 Awards in the following categories:

• Winner of the Slam Dunk Award for Best New Idea for its Glamour Me project,

• Recognized as one of the Gold 100 largest trade shows in the country,

• Finalist for the Super Sticky Show Floor Award,

• Finalist for Marketing Genius Award for Daniela Ciocan, marketing director. This award comes on the heels of several other recognitions. Most recently, Cosmoprof won the Grand Award from UFI in their 21st International Fair Poster Competition for its series of posters designed by photographer Olivero Toscani. In addition, CPNA was awarded by Trade Show News Network as one of the Top 25 Fastest Growing Shows – Net Square Footage. Visit www.cosmoprofnorthamerica.com

Congratulations to Candy Shaw, CEO and founder of Sunlights Balayage, Inc., on two prestigious honors.

First, the Atlanta Business Chronicle and Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce named Candy Atlanta’s Small Business Person of the Year. She won in the Emerging Entrepreneur category for companies in business between three and seven years. Her company recently turned three years old.

Candy remarked, “I never went to college or even to beauty school. I succeeded based on the sheer will and determination to survive. I built my foundation on the bricks that others threw at me! I created Sunlights to help stylists, who are predominately women (85% in N.A.), earn a better living and live better lives. I also wanted to decrease the environmental impact that hairdressing has on the planet by eliminating the use of aluminum foil in coloring hair.”

Jeffrey Davidson has been appointed CEO of JD Beauty/Wet Brush by the company’s Board of Directors.

Jeff Rosenzweig has assumed the role of executive chairman.

“This is the perfect time for Jeffrey to become Wet Brush’s next CEO. We have selected strong leader at a time when Wet Brush is in a very strong position,” says Jeff Rosenzweig.

“Our next CEO needs to thrive in a highly dynamic environment, to be capable of accelerating what is working well for Wet Brush and disrupting what needs to change. Jeffrey is unique in his ability to translate vison and strategy into world-class execution, bringing together teams and people to drive results. Over his three-and-a half years with Wet Brush, Jeffrey has demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, tenacity and patience, along with strong strategic and analytical thinking. He is driven, passionate and intensely committed to our business.”

Jeffrey is no stranger to the CEO role, having served as CEO of several successful entrepreneurial companies such as Magic Cinemas, Lindsay Phillips and MB Associates. He was also a managing partner of Coqui Capital and the SBIC Venture Capital firm.

“I am thrilled to have the opportunity to lead, grow and further develop the Wet Brush brand. With a great team in place, we can continue to build and develop disruptive marketing and social platforms to further transform our ability to meet our customers’ needs,” says Jeffrey. Visit jdbeauty.com and wetbrush.com

“협회 발전위해 봉사하겠습니다”

조지아 애틀랜타 뷰티 협회 제14대 회장에 현 손영표 부회장이 선출됐다.

조지아 애틀랜타 뷰티 협회(이하 뷰티협회)는 지난 8월 선거 공고를

통해 제14대 회장 선출을 위한 선거관리 위원회(위원장 구금서)를 구성했다. 후보 등록 기간 동안 손영표 현 13대 부회장이 단독 입후보자로

등록한채로 지난 29일 도라빌 소재 협회 사무실에서 제 14대 뷰티 협회

회장 선거가 개최됐다. 이날 구금서 선거관리위원장은 협회 회칙을

설명하며 “회장으로 선출되려면 재직이사 과반수 이상이 참석한 가운데 3

분의 2이상의 찬성표가 나와야 한다”고 밝혔다.

무기명 비밀투표 선거 결과 이사전원 만장일치로 손영표 후보가 14대

신임 회장으로 선출됐다.

김일홍 현 회장은 “손 신임 회장의 당선으로 협회가 더욱

연계를 더욱 강화할 것으로 기대한다”고 말했다. 이어 김일홍 회장은 “이사들을 비롯한 모든 협회원들이 신임 회장을 도와 협회가 발전할 수 있도록 협조하기를 바란다”고 당부했다. 손영표 신임 회장은 1981년 도미해 뷰티업 뿐만 아니라 그로서리, 컨비니언스스토어, 핫윙, 전화 업종에 이르기까지 다양한 비즈니스 경험을 거친 인물로 알려져 있다. 그는 뷰티협회 12대 이사를 시작으로 13대에는 부회장을 역임하면서 지난 5년간 협회발전을 위해 일해왔다. 당선소감을 전한 손 신임회장은 “지난 5년 임원직에 있으면서 나름대로 배웠으나, 아직도 부족함을 느낀다”며 “향후 2년간의 임기 중에 뷰티협회 발전을 위해 봉사하겠다”고 말했다. 구체적인 사업 계획에 대해서는 내년 1월 예정인 신년 워크샵을 통해 밝힐 예정이다. 한편, 협회는 협회 정기총회와 송년회를

BIR Bits 100 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017
전하고 “특히 1.5세인 손 신임회장이 향후 협회와
오는 12월 17일 개최하고 이날 손영표 신임회장의 회장 취임식도 거행할 예정이다. 손 신임회장의 임기는 내년 1월 1일부터 2019년 12월 31일까지다. 조지아 애틀랜타 뷰티협회 제14대 회장에 손영표 현 부회장 당선 KOREAN NEWS
것으로 기대한다”고
SPARKS SOFTSHEEN EXPIRATION DATE: December 31, 2017 Coupon must be presented to Jinny Beauty Supply by the last day of the promotional month to qualify for rebates. JINNY BEAUTY COUPONS • JINNY BEAUTY COUPONS • JINNY BEAUTY COUPONS • JINNY BEAUTY COUPONS • JINNY BEAUTY COUPONS • JINNY BEAUTY COUPONS • JINNY BEAUTY COUPONS EXPIRATION DATE: December 31, 2017 Coupon must be presented to Jinny Beauty Supply by the last day of the promotional month to qualify for rebates. JINNY BEAUTY COUPONS • JINNY BEAUTY COUPONS • JINNY BEAUTY COUPONS • JINNY BEAUTY COUPONS • JINNY BEAUTY COUPONS • JINNY BEAUTY COUPONS • JINNY BEAUTY COUPONS OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 101 Buy $250 of SPARKS HAIR COLOR DEVELOPER OR LIGHTNER products, get a $20 Rebate! Buy $400 of OPTIMUM AMIA LEGEND PRODUCTS products, get a $40 Rebate!


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Store name Address Jinny Invoice Number Date Signature Phone I. Purchase the required amount of the vendor’s products. Coupon good for ONE TIME PURCHASE ONLY. 2. Fill out the coupon, supplying all necessary information. 3. Return the refund coupon* along with a copy of your original Jinny invoice** per Manufacturer’s request. 4. You’ll receive a credit from your Jinny Beauty Supply Accounting Department to be used on your next Jinny invoice. S. NO RETURNS will be accepted on coupon purchases. *Original only, NO COPIES will be accepted. **Copy of invoice MUST ACCOMPANY refund for credit.
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Show Calendar | Ad Index



6-7 PBA Executive Summit Scottsdale, AZ www.probeauty.org/execs

104 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 Advanced Beauty Care, Inc 62-63 AFAM Concept 2, 3, 23 and 49
American International Industries 73
66-67, 85
Beauty Perfection 7 www.sparkscolor.com Brock Beauty Inside Front Cover, 1, 95 www.conair.com Conair 26-27 www.conair.com DeMert ............................................................................ 11
E.T. Browne 5 www.palmers.com Fantasia Ind. 9 and 101
Gold ‘N Hot 53
GraffEtch 33, 84
Helen of Troy 59
Henkel Consumer Goods 93 www.henkel.com Innovative Beauty Products, LLC 31, 57 and 87 www.godefroybeauty.com Inspired Beauty Brands 55 www.inspiredbeauty.com JBS Hair 14-15, 25 and 97 www.jbshair.com Jane Carter Solutions 21 www.janecartersolutions.com Just For Locs 88 www.justforlocs.com Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products ............ 103 www.liquidgoldbonding.com M&M Products 19 and Inside Back Cover www.mmproducts.com Mitchell Group 91 www.mitchellbrands.com Nature’s Protein 89 www.NPhaircare.com Queen Helene 36, 56 www.queenhelene.com Spunge 107 www.spungeformen.com Strength of Nature Back Cover www.strengthofnature.com Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products 105 www.naturalhair.org Universal Beauty Products, Inc. 61 www.universalbeauty.com Western Buying Conference ................................... 37 www.westernbuyingconference.com Xtreme
Cover, 13, 29, 44
Beauty International
CC First Mondays Holiday Event Chicago, IL www.americasbeautyshow.com
Customer Orders: customerorders@naturalhair.org Contact Your Local Distributor For More Details! www naturalhair org #taliahwaajidbrand Give Your Customers Your Hair Deserves IT! 97% to 100% Natural Ingredients Leading all natural brands in the market with The Natural Way MONEY MAKER Lift Sales and Watch Products Move Off Of the Shelf B st Y r Sales Most Natural Products for Curly Hair that Really Works! Fights Frizz and Defines Curls that last all day

Let your voice be heard!

In this segment, OTC Beauty Magazine wants to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it via email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

• What was your hottest selling product in 2017?

2017년도에 가장 많이 팔린 제품은 무엇인가요?

• What was your favorite popular trend this year and why? 올해 가장 좋아했던 인기있는 트랜드는 무엇이고 이유는 무엇인가요?

• What have you learned from 2017 and how do you plan to make 2018 better for your business?

2017년도에 어떤것을 배웠으며 2018년도 사업발전을 위해 어떻게 계획 하시겠어요?

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication.

보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써,

감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

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Product Spotlight

110 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2017 new day. new slay. STAY EFFORTLESSLY FIERCE with versatile hair care. © 2017 Strength of Nature Company. All Rights Reserved. new day. new slay. STAY EFFORTLESSLY FIERCE with versatile hair care. © 2017 Strength of Nature Company. All Rights Reserved. #slayinmotion -@motionshair -motionshair

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