OTC August 2017

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™ LIVE ON THE EDGE! Targeted, Small Section Relaxing... Perfect for Edge Ups! Reversion Resistant for Natural Hair! SMOOTH & EASY EDGES HAIR GEL WITH PEQUI OIL BEAUTIFUL HAIR COMES IN ALL TYPES. For more information call (888) ROOT-Stim (766-8784) toll free or visit us at August 2017 | $6.00 The Hair Issue Bombshell Blowout Tips For the Summer Wigs 101: Help Shoppers Find the Perfect Wig Hair Masks: Which is Right For Your Customer?

The Hair Issue

102 Product Spotlight


Top Sellers Flat Irons

We take a look at the five most popular flat irons and determine why they’re such hot sellers at Jinny Beauty Supply.

58 Feature Article Wigs 101

Learn the fundamentals of wigs. Whether it be for fashion, convenience or need, women wear wigs for many reasons. Wigs allow women to have the hair of their dreams. However, for most customers, finding that perfect wig is an intimidating task. By knowing the basics, you’ll be able to better serve your shoppers and increase your chances of landing a sale.

28 Finished Product

Argan Oil

Argan Oil is having a moment in the beauty industry. The oil is infused in everything, from leave-in conditioners to moisturizing lotions and serums. It’s clear that manufacturers are seeing the benefits of this antioxidant-rich oil and soon, your customers will, too. Stay ahead of the curb and discover why Argan oil should be stocked on your store shelves.

62 Manufacturer Profile

Innovative Beauty Products

In the beauty industry, the devil is often in the details, and companies like Innovative Beauty Products have found significant success in focusing on just that. Innovative Beauty provides niche products that cater to the finishing touches of our beauty and grooming regimens. We spoke with Innovative Beauty co-owner Clay Campbell to learn more about the business and its latest product offerings.

미용 산업에서의 성공은 주로 디테일에서 오는데, Innovative Beauty Products 는 그 분야에서 큰 성공을 이룬 대표적 사례라고 할 수 있습니다. Innovative Beauty 는 우리의 미용 생활에서의 마지막 손질을 도울 수 있는 틈새 상품들을 제공해 왔습니다. 우리는 Innovative Beauty 공동 소유주인 Clay Campbell 씨와의 인터뷰를 통해 Innovative Beauty Products 와 그 제품들에 대해 알아보았습니다.

4 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
10 Editorial Letter Tools of the Hair Trade 헤어 스타일링 기구 12 Expert Advice Uncovering Your Hair’s Healthy Potential With Hair Masks 16 Marketplace Hair Care, From Root to Tip 22 How Should You Sell It? Win the Battle Against Frizz and Humidity 어떻게 판매 해야 할 것인가? 곱슬곱슬함 그리고 습도와의 전쟁에서 승리하십시오 43 Urban Call Briefs Leadership Profiles in Beauty 54 Notes From the Natural Nation Jamaican Mango & Lime®: Something for Everyone 70 Clipper Tips Clean Cuts 72 Therapy Trends The Rise of All-in-One Products 74 Tonsorial Times How to Avoid Coloring Your Hair Too Dark 78 Industry News 90 BIR Bits 91 Coupons 100 Show Calendar / Ad Index 96 Reader Feedback 독자 의견
Aphogee Hair Straightening Kit

30 Knowledge To Know

How to Achieve the Perfect Blowout

Who says you have to go to the salon to get a bombshell blowout? With the right OTC products and a few tricks of the trade, your customers can whip their textured tresses into silky, straight strands in no time.

완벽한 블로우아웃 그 누가 끝내주는 드라이를 받기 위해서는 미용실을 가야 한다고

했던가요? 올바른 OTC 제품들의 사용과 간단한 몇몇 요령들을

통해 여러분의 손님들도 곱슬거리는 그 머리를 비단처럼

부드럽게 펴진 모발로 탈바꿈할 수 있을 것입니다.

34 9 Simple Ways to Get Strong, Healthy Hair by

The products we buy aren’t always enough to obtain the luxurious hair we desire. After all, great hair often comes from good genes and positive lifestyle habits. But there are a few simple ways to get the healthy, vibrant hair we seek. Take note of these quick tips and add some natural products to your inventory to simplify your customers’ quest for fantastic hair.

강하고 건강한 모발을 얻기 위한 간단한 9가지 방법

때때로 아름다운 모발을 얻는 과정에서 우리가 사는 제품이

만족스럽지 못 할 때가 있습니다. 물론 좋은 머릿결은 유전이거나

긍정적인 생활 습관에서 오는 경우가 많습니다. 하지만 그렇지

않더라도 생기 있고 건강한 모발을 얻을 수 있는 방법이 있지요. 주어진 팁들을 활용해 천연 제품들을 잘 골라내어 여러분이 원하는 훌륭한 모발을 얻으십시오.

46 Business Tips

7 Secrets That Increase Your Leadership Impact by Brian Braudis

In today’s climate of unprecedented change, intense competition and more demanding customers, leaders can’t hold back or shrink. Team members need strong leadership to model the way because all they see in this modern-day complexity is uncertainty and that leads to anxiety. Employees are looking to leadership for definitive guidance, vision and a solid commitment. Are you maximizing your opportunity for impact?

리더십 효과를 높여 줄 7가지 비밀 오늘 날 리더들은 예측할 수 없는 변화들, 치열한 경쟁, 갈수록 까다로워지는 고객들의 요구에 부흥하기 위해 위축되거나 주저할 수 없는 위치에 있습니다. 팀 구성원들에게 길을 제시하기 위해서는 리더십이 필요한데 현대의 사회가 가진 복잡성은

너무나 불확실하고 이는 곧 불안감을 야기하기 때문입니다. 직원들은 확실함, 확고한 지침, 비전 그리고 변치 않는 약속을 제공해 줄 리더십을 찾습니다. 당신은 좋은 결과를 만들기 위한 기회를 만들고 있습니까?

52 Beauty Ambassador

Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador by Peter Rousso Hair Fundamentals: Getting to the Root of Hair Care

40 Stove-Heated Curling Irons vs. Electric Curling Irons by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

When customers search for a curling iron, the endless options can be overwhelming. From barrel size to the handle type, there are plenty of irons to consider and choose from. You can narrow shoppers’ search by helping them understand the foundation of curling irons – iron heat.

가열 컬링 아이론vs. 전기 컬링 아이론 컬링 아이론을 찾는 소비자들은 그 수 많은 선택 앞에서 고민하게 됩니다. 아이론은 배럴 사이즈에서 손잡이 유형까지, 고려하고 선택해야 할 부분이 너무나 많은 것이 현실입니다. 여러분은

소비자에게 컬링 아이론의 가장 기본이 되는 부분인 열처리에 대해 설명함으로써, 구매를 도울 수 있습니다.


Namaste wants your customers’ hair to look as fantastic as it did when they first went to the salon, whether they’re relaxed or natural. Thanks to ORS Olive Oil Zone Relaxer and Olive Oil Smooth & Easy Edges, shoppers can straighten or smooth the edges of their hairline from the comfort of home. Both formulas are enriched with nourishing olive oil to ensure hair remains healthy and moisturized. Learn more on page 53. www.orshaircare.com

6 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017


Korean News Editor: Tony Bae tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com koreannews@otcbeautymagazine.com


Advertising & Sales Coordinator: advertising@otcbeautymagazine.com

Contributing Writers: Sheena

Columnists: Brock Bruce Lafayette

8 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 Post Master: Please send address changes to: OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited. softeeproducts.com | Made in the USA © 2017 Memphis Contract Packaging Inc. Somerville, TN 38068
CEO: Ann Jhin
Jessica De Vault Hale editor@otcbeautymagazine.com subscriptions@otcbeautymagazine.com
Director: Sam Choi support@otcbeautymagazine.com
Henry Stephanie
Natasha Bhalla Shannon Kwit Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Nathan Jamail Brian Braudis
Peter Russo
Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

Tools of the Hair Trade

Nothing makes an impression quite like our hair. It gives the world a glimpse of our personality and is the ultimate form of self-expression.

I’m a creative person, so I often change my hair frequently. One minute I’m rocking my natural curls, the next I’m donning bone straight tresses or dying my hair a completely different color. For many women, hair is very important. So much so, it deserved its own issue to address all of the typical concerns shoppers have with their coifs. In this issue, you’ll learn all you need to know about hair care for all types. We wanted to ensure you had all of the knowledge and tools needed to assist your customers. That’s why I’m excited to introduce our newest monthly feature, Top Sellers. In each issue, we’ll highlight the highest-selling products at Jinny Beauty Supply. This never before released information will come in handy when you’re planning for your next merchandise order. In this edition, we’ll explore the Top 5 Flat Irons in high demand right now. Check it out on page 70.

We’ll also share tons of tips on issues that matter to your customers like our feature story (“Wigs 101: How to Choose the Perfect Wig” page 60). It will help you guide your customers with their wig purchase by offering product knowledge that will encourage them to make an informed decision.

We all know that shoppers rely on store staff to provide relevant information on the products they plan to buy. Being a true source of information for them builds your store’s credibility and results in consumer trust. OTC Beauty Magazine knows this and intends to help you stay in the know about the industry trends and more so you can better serve your customers. If there are topics you’d like to learn more about, don’t hesitate to let us know! Until the next issue,

헤어 스타일링 기구

헤어만큼 사람의 인상을 좌우하는 것은 없습니다. 헤어를 통해 개성을 나타낼 수 있으며 궁극적으로 자신을 표현할 수 있는 방법입니다. 저는 창의적인 사람으로, 헤어 스타일을 자주 바꿉니다. 저는 1분 안에 컬을

자연스럽고 멋지게 연출하고, 그 다음은 긴 머리를 곧게 펴거나 완전히 다른 색으로 염색합니다. 헤어는 완벽한 헤어스타일을 연출 하고 싶은 모든 고객들에게 매우 중요한 관심사 입니다.

이번 호에서는, 모든 유형의 머리를 관리하는 방법에 대해서 배울 것 입니다. 우리는 고객을 지원하는 데 필요한 지식과 도구를 모두 갖추고 있는지 확인해보고 싶었습니다. 저는 우리의 새로운 기능인 탑 셀러를 소개하는 것에 대해 매우 기쁘게 생각하고 있습니다. 매달 Jinny Beauty Supply에서 가장 많이 판매되는 제품을 강조할 것 입니다. 이것은 출시

예정인 정보가 아니라 다음 상품 주문을 계획 할 때 유용하게 사용할 수 있을 것 입니다. 또한 수요가 많은 탑5 플랫 아이언을 살펴볼 것입니다.

70 페이지에서 확인하십시오.

또한 특집기사(“가발 101: 완벽한 가발을 선택하는 방법” 60 페이지) 와 같이 고객에게 중요한 문제에 대한 수 많은 팁들을 공유 할 것입니다.

고객이 가발을 구매할 때 제품의 지식을 제공하여 안내하는 것은 고객이

결정하는데 도움이 될 것 입니다.

고객들은 구매하려고 하는 제품에 대해서 매장 직원들에게 적절한

정보를 제공 받기를 원합니다. 고객들에게 사실적인 정보를 제공하는 것으로 상점의 신뢰성을 높이고 소비자의 신뢰를 받게 됩니다. OTC


뷰티 매거진은 이 사실을 알고 있으며 업계 동향등에 대한 정보를 제공함으로써 고객에게 더 나은 서비스를 제공 할 수 있도록 도와 줄 것입니다. 더욱 알고 싶은 주제가 있다면 언제라도 저희에게

10 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
연락해주세요! 다음 호에
Editorial Letter
DONE IT WE’VE AGAIN! ©2017 Beauty Perfection. All Rights Reserved. 1-855-9-SPARKS. To learn more, please visit www.shopbeautyperfection.com |
Sugar Plum Desert Rose Night Indigo Denim Blue Camo Green

Expert Advice

Uncover Your Hair’s Healthy Potential With Hair Masks

Between the damage caused to hair by hot styling tools, daily styling and the seasonal changes - thanks to the humidity of summer and the brittle and drying winter - all of these factors can add up to make your hair look and

oils to help make their hair shinier, thicker and to maintain the vitality that healthy hair has in spades. The maintenance of hair has long been important to societies of the different ages and can be found in our current culture, as well.

Maui Moisture’s Heal & Hydrate + Shea Butter

Hair Mask for dry, damaged hair is a blend of creamy shea butter, rich coconut oil and pure macadamia oil to help soften, quench and repair. For weak, brittle hair, Maui Moisture

feel dry, frizzy, and just lifeless. A great product to help combat the impact of these damages are hair masks.

Hair masks were created to help enhance hair softness, add hydration, and in some way, restore your natural tresses. They’re also very versatile, as you can use them in multiple ways, either daily as a heavier conditioner or also as a periodic, deep-conditioning intensive treatment. The consistency of a hair mask is usually thicker than that of a regular conditioner, and when used as a deep treatment, it can be left on the hair anywhere from three to 15 minutes, depending on the hair’s thickness and porosity.

Treatments for hair, such as hair masks, have been around for centuries. It has been said that ancient cultures were known for using concoctions made from fruits, vegetables, and

Meet Allie Steiner

Ingredients of the ancient hair mask recipes can still be seen being used in offerings on the market today.

Maui Moisture is an example of one such offering. Maui Moisture’s hair masks were inspired, handpicked and handcrafted by ingredients that can be found on tropical islands like Maui. Most hair masks have deionized, chemically-treated water as their primary ingredient. Maui Moisture masks start with a unique blend of aloe vera juice and are infused with pure coconut water. This product line crafted a variety of hair masks that are rich, creamy, gentle, and all vegan. There are no silicones, no parabens, no gluten, no mineral oil, no sulfated surfactants, and no synthetic dyes in any of the formulas. There’s something suited for all different hair types and textures to help your hair become healthy.

has their Thicken & Restore + Bamboo Fibers Fortifying Mask. This unique line contains exotic bamboo fibers, rich castor oil and neem oil to strengthen, repair and add density to hair. The Strength & Anti-Breakage + Agave Hair Mask is the choice for chemically damaged hair. Infused with rich agave, hibiscus oil, and pineapple extract, this line is incredible for helping to smooth, heal and quench hair damaged from over processing. For those with curly hair, who are looking for help with curl definition, while adding hydration, there’s the Maui Moisture Curl Quench+Coconut Oil Curl Smoothie. Blended with rich coconut oil, creamy papaya butter and plumeria extract, this line was created to help detangle, defrizz and define curls, all while enhancing softness and body for shiny and bouncy curls, waves, and coils.

Allie Steiner is the Community Management Specialist at Vogue International. She spends her days analyzing and talking about the ins and outs of hair and hair care products. She’s a self-proclaimed expert in spotting different hair porosities and can’t live without her cats, fiancé, and hair oils. You can find her most days behind a computer, scouring for the latest beauty articles, analyzing trends in the segment, and chatting with consumers, all with musicals blasting in the background.

12 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017


When it comes to our hair, there are some products you just can’t live without. When life gets busy, our must-haves become an important part in helping us style our hair effortlessly and efficiently. When your customers come in search of these “holy grail” products, refer them to some of these popular items.


Discovering a patch of thinning hair can be devastating. Baldness can occur for a variety of reasons and can be disheartening when nothing seems to work. Thankfully, products like Hawaiian Silky 14-in-1 Apple Cider Vinegar Bald Spot Hair

Recovery Serum can help stimulate the hair follicles and encourage new growth. Just remember that this product is not ideal for shoppers who have chemically treated or bleached hair.


Many may choose to fight their gray hairs, but for those who prefer to embrace what Mother Nature has bestowed upon them, there is Jhirmack Distinctions Silver Plus Ageless Shampoo. This product is formulated with silver foxes in mind. Brassiness and dry hair can be kept at bay when using this antioxidant-rich shampoo. It boosts the hair’s texture and improves elasticity, for lush, shiny silver strands.


When you’re on the go, washing and conditioning your hair may not fit into your schedule. That’s why Only Argan Oil Dry Shampoo comes in handy. Not only is it infused with argan oil, but it helps to refresh the hair and absorb excess oil without leaving behind that notorious white powder residue that many dry shampoos are known for.

16 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 MARKET PLACE


When hair just won’t grow, Bronner Bros. Hydrating Growth Oil can come to the rescue. This revitalizing oil is full vitamins A, E and D, along with a growth formula that can strengthen hair. Often times, hair may grow but failure to tend to the dryer ends can create breakage, giving the appearance of no growth. This product addresses that issue as well, by adding moisture and preventing breakage with its infusion of coconut and argan oils.


Short, broken hairs near the hairline can be challenging to treat. With taut braiding styles and friction from extensions and wigs, the hairline can lose hair over time. The Hairinfinity Infinite Edges Serum stops this breakage in its tracks with its nourishing formula of active botanicals and vitamins. This ambitious serum can restore hydration and fortify and protect the hair, encouraging the growth of stronger, healthier tresses.


When you’re wearing a protective style, taking care of the hair underneath can be tricky. But if your scalp needs to be cleansed, Waajid Protective Styles Refresh and So Clean Bamboo, Avocado and Peppermint Dry Gel Shampoo can refresh your scalp without disturbing the foundation of your style. Complete with a SciNatranol peptide fortifying complex of bamboo, basil and biotin, this purifying gel can add nutrients to the hair follicle and moisture to the hair and scalp.



The unbearable heat of summer can not only dry out our skin but it can zap our hair of moisture, too. Customers with textured hair will need to find products like Aunt Jackie’s Curl Boss Coconut Curling Gelée to keep their tresses moisturized and defined. This gelée is perfect for wash-n-gos and can help prevent shrinkage without the caking or flaking.


Nothing says distinguished gentleman like salt and pepper hair coifed to perfection. If your shoppers aren’t ready for a full head of gray, introduce them to Just For Men Control GX 2-in-1 Grey Reducing Shampoo and Conditioner. This multifaceted product allows the user to control how much gray hair they’d like to show, since it gradually reduces the grays with each wash.


No one likes an itchy scalp while wearing extensions, especially when there’s no time to rewash and style the hair. Rather than resorting to a complete shampoo and conditioning treatment, you can use Cantu Shea Butter Apple Cider Vinegar Root Relief instead. Thanks to its mix of apple cider vinegar, peppermint oil and shea butter, you can revitalize your scalp quickly and effectively.

18 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 MARKET PLACE



Whether you’re blowing out your hair or styling it with a flat iron, you don’t want your tresses to be singed or permanently damaged by too much heat exposure. By using a heat protectant such as Dominican Magic Nourishing Thermal Protector Hair Spray you’ll protect your hair and get undeniable shine, as well. The spray is formulated with an amino acids complex that binds to the hair strands to protect it from the styling elements and leaves your tresses smooth and moisturized.


Who needs the salon when you can color your own hair at home? You’ll no longer have to worry about damaging or drying out your hair with box color kits. The Revlon Colorsilk Moisture-Rich Color has the Revlon 3D Color Gel Technology that creates natural, lasting color and shine, while also moisturizing it with Argan oil from Morocco for soft and luminous hair.


The Wahl Wood Designer Limited Edition Clipper is the company’s No. 1 selling clipper and is known for its ergonomic design, high precision blades and powerful electromagnetic motor. If your professional customers are seeking a clipper that can cut all types of hair, wet or dry, they’ll appreciate this powerful clipper and its adjustable lever for easy blending and fading.


When hair extensions get tangled or matted, it takes a special sort of brush to detangle it all. The Txture Pro Extension Brush allows customers to melt the tangles away from their expensive extensions with its InteliLoop bristles. Whether you’re brushing clip-in hair or working through an installed, sew-in weave, the tapered head of the brush allows you to get to the weft of the hair to ensure tresses remain tangle-free.

20 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 MARKET PLACE

How should you sell it?

Summer Hair care

With the balmy summer months officially upon us, many struggle to keep their hair moisturized and frizz free. Whether natural or relaxed, multicultural shoppers will flock to OTC stores to find a remedy for their hair woes. What products can customers look for to keep the humidity at bay this season?

“Being natural or relaxed, we all have that one thing in common: humidity! Products you should look for in the stores would be products that have apple cider vinegar, avocado, aloe vera, honey and also flaxseed in them. These ingredients will help you get through the summer months easy. It’s so important to look at the ingredients in all of your hair products that you buy. That would definitely make your choice easy and educate you.”

Bell, Education/Marketing Development Consumer Relation Manager AFAM Concept, Inc. www.afamconcept.com

22 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 This month’s topic is . . . If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to editor@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the September issue!

이번 달의 주제는…

여름 모발 관리 입니다.

여름이 다가옴으로써,

많은 사람들의

모발은 촉촉함과는

거리가 멀어지고

곱슬곱슬해져 가고

있을 것입니다. 자연

머리이든 그렇지

않든, 많은 다문화

소비자들은 OTC

상점에 때로 몰려

들어 머리에 대한

고민의 해결방안을

찾으려 할 것입니다.

여름철에 습도와의 전쟁을 준비하기

제품을 찾아야 할까요?

“자연 모발이든 화학 처리를 한 모발이든 공통점이 있습니다: 바로 습도이지요! 여러분이 상점에서 찾아야 할 상품에는 사과즙 발효 식초, 아보카도, 알로에 베라, 꿀, 아마씨 등이 첨가

중요합니다. 그런 과정을 통해 제품에 대한 지식을 높이고 선택의 폭을 줄일 수 있는 것이지요.”

Miown Bell 교육/마케팅 소비자 관계 매니저 AFAM Concept, Inc. www.afamconcept.com

위와 관련하여 질문이 있으시다면 editor@otcbeautymagazine.com 로 보내주십시오. 9월호에 여러분의 의견이 채택될 수도 있습니다!

24 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
어떻게 판매 해야 할 것인가?
위해 어떤
있어야 합니다. 이런 재료들을 통해 여름을 잘 이겨낼 수
확인하는 것은 매우
있습니다. 구입하시는 모발 상품에 어떤 성분이 첨가됐는지

Finished Product

The Amazingness of

This nourishing oil originated in Northern Africa and was harvested from the nuts of the Argania Spinosa tree. Possessing many beneficial properties - including preservation, moisturizing and healing attributes - this ancient ingredient is available in hair care products to help hydrate and protect the hair. Argan oil also provides high-shine and brilliance to the hair. Rich in fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, argan oil –also known as “liquid gold” - goes on smoothly and melts into skin and hair. The results are softer, highly-conditioned hair that looks and feels healthy. This intense conditioning oil is a wonderful ingredient to have in shampoos, hair masques, hair butters and holding products including hair gels. It’s often used in hair products because it makes the hair feel smoother due to its conditioning properties. Argan oil also works to prevent dryness, breakage and damage without taking away from its high shine and great holding capabilities.

“dozen hair care and hair styling products. Our newest products were created to care for hair while providing maximum hydration, styling versatility and superior protection without the build-up. Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco products are infused with argan oil and help permeate the hair with moisture, strength and enhanced Exotic Shine. This product line is ideal for all hair types.

Argan oil uses

There are many uses for argan oil. It can condition the hair, protect it from damage, heal scars, condition lips, and provide superior hydration to the skin. Argan oil can also be found in its pure form with products such as the Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco 100% Pure Oil or in hair care products created with the oil. This oil makes a wonderful conditioning ingredient and works well as a daily hydrator for the hair.

The benefits of this oil are all of the factors that today’s consumer considers when reaching for superior hair products that will work on natural or relaxed hair.

”Argan oil can also be used as a nighttime moisturizer, lip conditioner, leave-in conditioner and hair and body moisturizer. As a conditioning agent, argan oil is also great for soothing the scalp and preventing itchiness or the flaking associated with dry scalp.

These traits were enough to catch the eye of Crème of Nature. Now the brand carries a complete line filled with argan oil-infused products. The newest Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco products include:

Argan oil’s natural moisturizing and softening attributes come from its essential fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins that each work to prevent frizz, dryness, shrinkage and promote curl elongation. The benefits of this oil are all of the factors that today’s consumer considers when reaching for superior hair products that will work on natural or relaxed hair.

Argan oil can provide moisture and Exotic Shine™. Creme of Nature was the first ethnic brand to use argan oil in its formulas and the innovation continues with over two

Meet Teneya Gholston

• Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco Flexible Styling Snot Gel ($5.99; 8.4 oz.) – A versatile styling gel with maximum, moldable hold for smooth updo’s, controlled edges, and frizz-free twist-outs. Provides Exotic Shine™ and tames frizz without flaking to give you flexible hold the way you want it.

• Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco Apple Cider Vinegar Clarifying Rinse ($5.49; 15.5 oz.) – The first purifying, deep cleansing, overthe-counter treatment with 100 percent pure apple cider vinegar, designed specifically to remove product build-up, smooth the cuticle, refresh the scalp and protect the natural pH of the hair.

• Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco Moisture & Shine Curl Activator Creme ($6.49; 12 oz.) – Defines, elongates and smoothes curls leaving them rehydrated. The weightless formula helps to eliminate frizz and make curls come alive.

• Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco Day & Night, Hair & Scalp Conditioning Hair Dress (5.3 oz.; $4.99) – Lightweight conditioning moisturizer that can be used as an overnight treatment before bed or during the day to improve manageability and softness. Restores moisture to dry hair and scalp while providing long-lasting Exotic Shine™. Perfect for all hair types.

• Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco Perfect Edges Black ($5.99; 2.25 oz.) – An edge control gel that also contains temporary black hair color to deepen roots, cover grey and fill-in sparse areas while softening hair and holding slick looks in place.

The future of argan oil in hair care is very bright. We will continue to see ways that argan oil can improve the hair and scalp both in hair care and hair styling. While this extraordinary oil continues to grow in popularity, it’s important to look for high-quality ingredients from brands you trust. By doing so, your customers will appreciate having a variety of superior products to choose from.

Teneya Gholston is a leader when it comes to beauty marketing and branding. As the Director of Marketing for Revlon Professional brands including Creme of Nature, Gholston oversees brand launch concepts and executes plans including art direction, ad campaigns and photoshoots, consumer education and all creative for the Certified Natural Ingredients and Argan Oil from Morocco lines. Gholston also earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Management and a Master of Business Administration in Marketing and International Business from Florida A&M University. Teneya is also a licensed cosmetologist. She is often invited as an expert for panels, focus groups and seminars and has been featured in national magazines including Sophisticated Black Hair, Ebony, Essence and documentaries and was recently named Visionary of the Year by Curlbox.

28 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
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Knowledge to know

How to Achieve the Perfect Blowout

Customers can achieve bombshell results with the right products

완벽한 블로우아웃

Many with textured-hair love their curls and coils, but enjoy switching to straight tresses from time to time. However, straightening the hair without damaging it is the tough part. Luckily, the Dominican Blowout can provide customers with an effective and long-lasting solution.

This game-changing hair treatment allows even the most textured hair to be smoothed with only a roller set and blow drying. Whether the customer is straightening their own hair or working with a client, the results will be dramatic with silky smooth tresses that are bouncy, shiny, long lasting and most importantly – healthy and natural looking. Gregorio Luciano of Dominican Magic Hair Care offers product lines with healthy ingredients from the Dominican Republic. “The Dominican Blowout service uses a lot of heat to straighten the client’s hair. For the best results, you must use the highest quality products that will ensure the hair remains healthy,” Luciano said. “Our haircare systems contain safe and natural ingredients that the Dominicans have used for generations to straighten hair. We have a wide diversity of people in our country and every variety of hair types and textures is represented.”

Ingredients like coconut oil, avocado, aloe vera, wheat, cinnamon, garlic and rosemary have been used in hair treatments by native Dominicans for many generations and are known to repair and help hair grow. Because of their diversity, they are experts in techniques for smoothing and straightening every type of hair. “As the Dominican Blowout service originated in the tropics of the Dominican Republic, it will resist heat and humidity. If the Dominican Blowout can hold up to our climate, it will work in any environment,” Luciano said. The blowout will typically last up to three weeks. A flat iron can be used to touch up the hair in between, but Dominican Magic Thermal Protector Spray

텍스처모발을 가진 많은 사람들은 컬과 곱슬 머리를 좋아하지만 가끔 스트레이트 긴 머리로 전환하는 것을 즐깁니다. 그러나 머리카락을 손상시키지 않고 곧게 펴는 것은 어려운 일 입니다. 다행히도, 도미니칸 블로우아웃은 고객에게 효과적이고 오래 지속되는 솔루션을 제공 할 수 있습니다.

헤어 트리트먼트를 변경하면, 텍스처 된 모발도 롤러 세트 및 자연 건조만으로도 부드럽게 할 수 있습니다. 고객이 직접 자신의 헤어를 펴든지 클라이언트와 함께 하든지 관계없이 결과는 탄력 있고 반짝이며 오래 지속되며 가장 중요한 것은 건강하고 자연스럽고 매끄러운 모발을 갖게 된다는 아주 고무적인 일입니다. 도미니칸 매직 헤어 케어의 Gregorio Luciano는 도미니카 공화국에서 생산된 건강에 좋은 재료로 제조한 제품 라인을 제공합니다. “ 도미니칸 블로우아웃 서비스는 많은 열을 사용하여 고객의 모발을 폅니다. 최고의 결과를 얻으려면 머리카락이 건강하게 유지 될 수 있도록 최고의 품질의 제품을 사용해야합니다.”

Luciano 씨가 말했습니다. “당사의 헤어 케어 시스템에는 도미니카인의 머리카락을 펴기위해 수 세대 동안 사용해 온 안전하고 친환경적인 성분이 들어 있습니다. 우리 나라에는 다양한 사람들이 있으며, 다양한 종류의 머리와 질감이 표현됩니다.”

코코넛 오일, 아보카도, 알로에 베라, 밀, 계피, 마늘 및 로즈마리와 같은 성분은 여러 세대 동안 토착민의 모발 트리트먼트에 사용되어 왔으며 모발을 회복하고 모발 성장에 도움을 주는 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 모발의 다양성으로 인해 모든 종류의 모발을 부드럽게하고 펴는 기술의 전문가입니다. “도미니칸 블로우아웃 서비스는 도미니카 공화국의 열대 지방에서 시작되었으므로 열과 습도에 강합니다. 도미니칸 블로우 아웃이 우리 기후를 견딜 수 있다면 어떤 환경에서도 작동 할 것입니다.” 라고 Luciano씨가 말했습니다. 블로우아웃은

30 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
일반적으로 최대 3 주간
K t K
고객은 올바른 제품을 사용하여 아주 섹시한 머릿결을 가질 수 있습니다. BEFORE AFTER



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must be used before hot tool use to avoid damage. After the blowout is washed out; the natural curls will return healthier and stronger than before the service.

For those with extremely dry hair, after roller setting, the heat from the dryer should be directed only to the hair’s roots. For others with less texture in their hair; the roller set can be skipped and results achieved with just a blow dry.

The Steps:

• First, shampoo the hair at least three times with either Dominican Magic Detangler Shampoo or Anti-Aging Shampoo for thinning hair. If the hair is greasy, apply a small amount of either shampoo before wetting the hair; otherwise, apply the shampoo after wetting the hair.

• Then, apply Dominican Magic Deep Conditioner or Hair Mask, alternating products with each blowout session. When the comb passes through the hair easily you are ready for the dryer.

• Put on a cap and sit under the dryer for 10 minutes.

• Rinse the conditioner out of the hair. Apply a small amount of Dominican Magic Leave-In Conditioner before roller setting the hair.

• Comb the hair out very straight with a small comb. It is very important to make sure the tips of the hair are flat against the roller. Typically it’s best to use three different roller sizes, with smaller sizes against the face. Use more rollers than less, depending on the length of the hair. Use two clips for each roller to keep the hair tight. A great roller set is achieved when the hair is straight, tight and knot free and treated with only the best quality products.

• Apply Dominican Magic Hair Loss Drops to the roots for a healthy and conditioned scalp. Apply a hair net; the net should be tight over the rollers. Sit under the hair dryer for 40 minutes.

• Remove the rollers and divide the hair into small sections. Use a big roller brush along with a high-temperature blow dryer with a focused nozzle, concentrating the air into a small area. Blow dry the hair from the root to the tip, without putting the blower too close to the hair to prevent damage. At the tips turn the round brush in a circular motion while applying heat to the hair. This will prevent split ends and make hair bouncy and shiny. Continue until all sections are blown out to ensure maximum smoothness.

• Apply Dominican Magic Hair Shine to your hands and rub through the hair for the finishing touch and healthy glow.

For more information on Dominican Magic Hair Care products and education visit www.DominicanMagic.com.

있지만 손상을 방지하기 위해 도미니칸 매직 열 보호 스프레이는 뜨거운 도구를 사용하기 전에 사용해야합니다. 블로우아웃을 씻어 낸 후에; 자연스러운 컬은 서비스를 받기 전 보다 더 건강하고 강하게 될 것 입니다.

극도로 건조한 머리카락을 가진 사람의 경우, 롤러를 고정한 후에 건조기의 열은 머리카락의 뿌리로 향하게해야합니다. 덜 텍스처 된 모발에는 롤러 세트를 사용하지 않을 수 있으며 결과는 블로우 드라이만으로도 얻을 수 있습니다.


• 첫 번째, 머리를 가늘게 하기 위해 도미니칸 매직 디탱글러

샴푸 또는 안티-이이징 샴푸로 머리를 최소 세 번 샴푸하세요.

머리카락이 끈적 끈적한 경우 머리카락을 물에 적시기 전에 어느

정도의 양의 샴푸를 바릅니다. 그렇지 않으면 물에 머리카락을

적시고 샴푸 하세요.

• 그런 다음 도미니칸 매직 딥 컨디셔너 또는 헤어 마스크를

적용합니다. 매번 미용실 방문시 제품을 교체하십시오. 빗이 머리를 쉽게 통과 할 때 드라이어를 사용할 수 있습니다.

• 캡을 쓰고 10 분 동안 드라이어 아래에 앉습니다.

• 컨디셔너를 머리카락에서 헹구십시오. 롤러를 머리에 집어 넣기 전에 약간의 도미니칸 매직 리브-인 컨디셔너를 바릅니다.

• 작은 빗을 이용하여 직선으로 머리카락을 빗으세요. 머리카락의 끝 부분이 롤러에 평행한지 확인하는 것이 매우 중요합니다.

일반적으로 세 가지 롤러 크기를 사용하는 것이 가장 좋습니다.

머리카락의 길이에 따라 롤러를 더 많이 사용하십시오. 머리카락을 단단하게 유지하려면 롤러별로 두 개의 클립을 사용하십시오.

커다란 롤러 세트는 머리카락이 곧으며 매듭이 없고 최고 품질의 제품으로만 처리 될 때 이루어집니다.

• 도미니칸 매직 헤어 로스 드롭을 건강하고 컨디셔닝된 두피의 뿌리까지 떨어 뜨립니다. 헤어 네트를 바릅니다. 그물은 롤러 위에 단단히 고정 되어야 합니다. 40 분간 헤어 드라이어 아래에 앉으십시오.

• 롤러를 제거하고 머리를 작은 부분으로 나눕니다. 큰 롤러 브러시와 집중화된 노즐이있는 고온 블로우 드라이어를 사용하여 공기를 작은 영역에 집중시킵니다. 블로어를 머리카락에 너무 가깝게 두지 말고 뿌리부터 끝까지 머리를 말리세요. 끝에서 머리에 열을 가하면서 원형 브러시를 돌립니다. 이렇게 하면 머리카락 끝이 상하는 것을 방지하고 머리카락을 탄력 있고 윤기있게 만듭니다. 최대한의 부드러움을 보장하기 위해 모든 부분이 없어질 때까지 계속하십시오.

• 도미니칸 매직 헤어 샤인을 손에 바르고 머리카락을 문지르면 건강한 빛이 납니다.

도미니칸 매직 헤어 케어 제품 및 교육에 대한 자세한 내용은 www.DominicanMagic.com 을 방문하십시오.

Meet Jenny Hogan

Jenny Hogan is the Media Director at Marketing Solutions, a full-service marketing, advertising and PR agency specializing in the professional beauty and spa businesses. A massage therapist and esthetician with over 17 years in the industry, she writes on the topics of wellness and beauty. For more information, contact 407-395-9007, visit www.MktgSols.com or send an email to MktgSols@MktgSols.com.

Jenny Hogan은

32 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
전문 미용 및 스파 사업을 전문으로하는 풀 서비스 마케팅, 광고 및 홍보 대행사인 Marketing Solutions의 미디어 이사입니다. 업계에서 17 년 이상 마사지 치료사이자 미용사로 건강과 미용에 대한 주제로 글을 씁니다. 자세한 내용은 407-395-9007로 문의하거나 www.MktgSols.com 을 방문하거나 MktgSols@MktgSols.com 으로 이메일을 보내십시오. 지속됩니다. 플랫 고데기를 사용하여 모발을 스타일 할 수

9 Simple Ways to Get Strong, Healthy Hair

위한 간단한

It takes more than serums, shampoos and conditioners to attain and maintain healthy, beautiful hair. While that which comes from bottles and tubes may give the hair a temporary shine, applied products rarely offer hair the nutrients and vitamins it needs to remain strong and radiant. Therefore, it’s important to eat the right foods and nurture your tresses with the right products to achieve the healthful hair you desire. Incorporating these beauty-inducing tips and foods will enhance the hair’s growth, strengthen and boost shine over time, while nourishing the hair follicles to grow resilient strands.

• Massage your head – Our scalps don’t get enough love and attention outside of the shower! Once a day, it’s important to massage the head to increase circulation, stimulate blood vessels and nerves and promote hair growth. Increasing circulation brings essential nutrients and vitamins to hair follicles. Massaging the scalp before bed is a fantastic daily practice which will also relieve stress and decrease tension, while encouraging the hair to grow. Oils like coconut, jojoba or sesame oil can be used for the massage, and are often stocked in OTC store aisles.

• Wash hair less often – The scalp is rich in blood vessels and nerves which open up while bathing in warm water. This means that the shampoos and conditioners being applied are quickly absorbed into the scalp. While many products tout hair-benefitting properties, most also include harmful ingredients that may dry the hair out and cause potential allergic reactions. Therefore, it’s beneficial to wash the hair less often, and when doing so, choose products that are free of sulfates, alcohols and fragrances. Furthermore, washing the hair less often will allow the scalp’s natural oils to moisturize strands, creating luster.

• Use a natural bristle brush – Natural, wooden bristle brushes stimulate hair follicles and distribute natural oils in the hair more evenly, allowing for a beautiful sheen. Wooden bristles organically condition the hair and are gentler than the plastic variety, causing less breakage and split ends. Plus, wooden brushes are durable, sustainable and even massage the scalp lightly, without harming the scalp or hair shaft.

건강하고 아름다운 모발을 얻고 유지하기 위해서는 세럼, 샴푸, 컨디셔너 보다 더 많은 것들이 필요합니다. 병과 튜브를 통해 제공되는 제품들은 일시적으로 모발을 빛나게 할 수는 있어도, 강하고 윤기 있는 모발을 지속시켜주는 데 필요한 영양소와 비타민은 거의 제공하지 않는 것이 현실입니다. 그러므로, 여러분이 원하는 건강한 모발을 얻기 위해서는 올바른 음식을 먹고 올바른 제품들로 모발을 관리하는 것이 매우 중요합니다. 이런 미용 팁들과 음식들을 잘 활용하면 모낭에 영양분을 제공, 회복력을 길러주게 되며 이는 모발의 성장을 촉진시키고, 건강함은 물론 윤기까지 선사할 것입니다.

• 머리 마사지 – 샤워 할 때가 아니더라도 두피에게 사랑과 관심을 주어야 합니다! 하루에 한 번씩 두피 마사지를 하면 혈액 순환을 증진시키고, 혈관과 신경을 자극하여 모발 성장을 촉진시킬 것입니다. 혈액 순환은 곧 모낭으로의 필수 영양소와 비타민 공급으로 이어집니다. 잠 자기 전 두피 마사지를 하는 멋진 버릇을 들이시면 스트레스 해소는 물론 긴장 완화와 더불어 모발 성장에도 도움이 됩니다. 코코넛, 호호바, 참깨 오일 등은 마사지에 사용될 수 있으며, OTC 상점 통로에서 찾아보실 수 있습니다.

• 머리 덜 감기 – 두피는 따뜻한 물로 샤워를 할 때 열리는 혈관과

신경으로 가득 구성 돼 있습니다. 즉 샴푸와 컨디셔너가 그만큼

두피에 빠르게 흡수된다는 것을 의미합니다. 많은 제품들이 모발에

도움이 되는 부분들만 홍보를 하지만, 대부분의 경우 두발을 건조하게 만들고 잠재적인 알레르기 반응을 일으킬 수 있는 해로운

성분들도 포함하고 있습니다. 따라서, 머리를 덜 자주 감는 것이

오히려 더 이로우며 황산염, 알코올, 향이 첨가되지 않은 제품을

고르는 것이 중요합니다. 게다가, 머리를 덜 감는 것은 두피가 천연 기름을 만들어내, 두발에 광택을 더하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.

• 천연 솔 브러시 사용 – 나무로 만든 브러시는 모낭을 자극하고 모발의 천연 기름을 더 골고루 분배해주어 아름다운 광택을 나게 해 줍니다. 나무 재질은 모발을 유기적으로 보존시켜주고 플라스틱 재질보다는 부드럽기 때문에 모발의 파손이나 끝 부분의 갈라짐이 덜 생깁니다. 추가적으로, 나무 브러시는 튼튼하고 지속적으로 사용 가능하며 두피나 털 줄기에 손상을 주지 않고 마사지가 가능합니다. 강하고 건강한 모발을

34 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 9
9가지 방법 K t K Knowledge to know

• Incorporate foods with biotin – Biotin, also known as B7, is a vitamin critical for healthy metabolic and adrenal function. People who are deficient in biotin experience hair loss and brittle, thinning hair. Foods containing biotin include Swiss chard, avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, cheese, chicken, fish, legumes, mushrooms, nuts, potatoes, and spinach.

• Eat more strawberries – Strawberries are high in silica and Vitamin C, both essential nutrients for healthy hair. Silica promotes the hair’s elasticity while the Vitamin C in the fruit improves the absorption of protein, critical to healthy hair. Papaya, bell peppers, broccoli and pineapple are also great to incorporate into the diet for hair that grows healthily, right from the follicle.

• Increase Vitamin E – Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that neutralizes the damage done to the scalp and hair by free radicals and environmental factors. Found in foods such as almonds, sunflower seeds, butternut squash, spinach, avocado, barley, olive oil and trout, Vitamin E banishes dryness and over time and transforms brittle, weak strands into strong, healthy ones. In addition to increasing the Vitamin E in the diet, you can also apply it to the scalp directly to moisturize and encourage hair growth.

• Devour orange fruits & vegetables – Carrot, pumpkin, cantaloupe, sweet potato, mango and other orange-hued fruits and vegetables contain beta-carotene, which turns into Vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is critical for hair cell growth and prevents dandruff, itchy scalp, and dry hair. Foods high in beta-carotene also encourage hair growth and keep hair follicles healthy. The more orange fruits and vegetables included in your diet, the healthier the hair.

• 비오틴 함유 음식 – B7 이라고도 알려져 있는 비오틴은 신장 기능과 신진대사의 많은 도움을 주는 비타민 입니다. 비오틴 결핍은 탈모 및 얇고 푸석푸석한 모발을 유발합니다. 비오틴을 함유하는 음식들로는 근대, 아보카도, 브로콜리, 콜리플라워, 치즈, 닭, 생선, 콩류, 버섯, 견과류, 감자와 시금치 등이 있습니다.

• 딸기 섭취 – 딸기는 건강한 모발을 위한 필수 영양소인 이산화규소와 비타민 C 를 가득 포함하고 있습니다. 이산화규소는 모발의 탄력성을 증진시켜 주고, 과일의 비타민 C는 건강한 모발에 필수적인 단백질 흡수 량을 증가시킵니다. 파파야, 벨 후추, 브로콜리, 파인애플 또한 건강한 모발을 위해 식단에 첨가하는 것이 좋습니다.

• 비타민E 섭취 – 비타민 E는 활성 산소와 환경적 요인에 의해 손상된 두피와 모발에 다시 힘을 실어줄 강력한 산화 방지제라 할 수 있습니다. 아몬드, 해바라기씨, 버터호두호박, 시금치, 아보카도, 보리, 올리브유, 송어 등 에서 찾을 수 있는 비타민 E 는 시간이 흐름에 따라 건조하고 약한 머리 가닥들을 강하고 건강하게 바꾸어 줄 것입니다. 식단을 통한 비타민 E 섭취 외에도, 보습과 모발 성장을 위해 두피에 직접 적용시킬 수도 있습니다.

• 오렌지 색 과일과 채소 섭취 – 체내에서 비타민 A로 바뀌는 베타카로틴을 포함한 당근, 호박, 칸탈루프, 고구마, 망고 등 오렌지 색의 과일들과 채소를 섭취해야 합니다. 비타민 A는 두발 세포 성장에 필수적이며 비듬, 두피 간지러움, 건조한 두발 등을 방지해줍니다. 베타카로틴을 가득 포함한 음식들은 두발 성장과 건강한 모낭을 유지하는데 도움을 줄 것입니다. 오렌지 색 과일과 채소를 많이 먹으면 먹을수록 더 건강한 두발을 갖게 될 것입니다.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 35

• Keep greys away – Copper is an important trace mineral found in every cell in the body. The mineral supports the hair in maintaining its natural color and prevents and reverses greying. Copper aids in melanin pigment production and rebuilds capillaries around hair follicles, healing and supporting the follicles and hair growth. The healing properties of copper repair scalp damage from chemical and thermal treatments (including chemotherapy), which can cause thinning hair over time. Plus, copper inhibits DHT, the hormone that causes alopecia. This mineral can be found in shiitake mushrooms, seaweed, sesame seeds, spirulina, buckwheat, cashews and quinoa.

Beautiful, healthy hair is attainable with consistent care techniques and by eating the foods that offer nutrition, protection and support to the scalp and hair shaft. Keep up with these tips and you will see positive results over time.

Meet Natasha Bhalla

• 채소 섭취 – 구리는 인체의 모든 세포에서 발견되는 아주 중요한 미량 원소입니다. 이것은 모발의 천연색을 유지해주며 머리가 하얗게 세는 것을 방지해 줍니다. 구리는 멜라닌 색소 생산에 도움을

주고 모낭 주위에 모세 혈관을 재건하여 모낭과 두발 성장에 도움을 줄 것입니다. 구리의 치유 성분은 또한 화학 및 열처리 (화학요법 포함) 로 인해 얇아진 두발을 복구하는 일도 합니다. 추가적으로, 구리는 탈모증을 유발하는 다이하이드로테스토스테론 (DHT) 을 억제합니다. 표고버섯, 해조, 참깨, 스피룰리나, 메밀, 캐슈와 명아주 등에서 구리 원소를 찾으실 수 있습니다.

아름답고 건강한 모발은 지속적인 관리 기법과 두발과 털 줄기에 영양, 보호, 도움을 주는 음식을 먹음으로써 이뤄낼 수 있습니다. 이 팁들을 잘 새겨들으시면 시간이 지남에 따라 긍정적인 효과를 보실 수 있을 겁니다!

Natasha Bhalla is a Health, Wellness & Beauty Coach who has been in the beauty industry for nearly 15 years. She has experience both behind the chair as a makeup artist and as a marketing and communications professional who has worked with a variety of beauty companies. Her mission is to help individuals become their healthiest versions naturally, by eliminating toxins from their diets, as well as from their beauty regimen. Bhalla works with both, individuals and corporations, and creates programs that encourage and motivate a healthy, beautiful lifestyle. Find her on Facebook @pranahealthandbeauty or visit her website pranawellnessandhealth.com.

Natasha Bhalla 씨는 건강 및 미용 코치 (Health, Wellness & Beauty Coach) 로서, 뷰티 산업에 15년 이상 몸 담았습니다. 그녀는 메이크업 아티스트와 마케팅 및 커뮤니케이션 전문가로서, 여러 미용 회사들과 함께 일을 해왔습니다. 그녀는 사람들의 식단 및 미용 식이 요법에서 독이 되는 것들을 없애고 그들이 자연스레 건강해질 수 있도록 돕는 역할을 맡고 있습니다. Bhalla 씨는 개인 및 기업 모두와 함께 일하며, 건강하고 아름다운 생활 방식을 장려하고 독려하는 프로그램들을 개발하고 있습니다.

K t K Knowledge to know

Stove-Heated Curling Irons Electric Curling Irons

Which curling iron is right for your customers?

When customers search for a curling iron, the endless options can be overwhelming. From barrel size to the type of handle you’d prefer, there are plenty of irons to choose from. You can narrow their search by helping your shoppers understand the basics.

There are two categories of curling irons: stove-heated irons and the electric variety. The electric curling iron is endothermic. The stove-heated iron is exothermic, meaning that one is heated from the inside out, the other heated from the outside in. The electric iron has a heating element located on the inside of the curling pin and the outer surface is indirectly heated. The stoveheated iron is heated by placing it on a stove or in an oven designed for this purpose. This is direct heat. Indirect heat means that the surface of the iron did not come into contact with its heating source. Direct heat means that that the surface that comes into direct contact with the hair also came into direct contact with its heat source.

The heating element in an electric iron can burn out in a much shorter time than a stove heater. The maximum life span of an electric iron when used professionally on an everyday basis is one year or less. The lifetime of a stoveheated iron and stove under identical usage is indefinite. So on a purely economic basis, the stove-heated iron is much more practical. There are many more advantages of the stove-heated iron:

1. There is no electronic umbilical cord to hinder or restrict your movement.

2. There are many more sizes and types to choose from. There are more than 40 choices of size and type of stove heated irons, compared to less than 12 electric iron choices.

3. Even though both irons may measure the same temperature, the stoveheated variety will be a much more intense heat and will maintain that heat longer, due to its direct heating quality.

4. The metal of the electric iron’s surface is 3 to 5 times thinner than the stove-heated type, therefore cannot withstand as much heat before melting or losing its shape.

5. Due to the fact shown in No. 4 above, the stove-heated iron can be heated to whatever degree needed to curl extremely coarse or hard-to-manage hair.

By presenting these facts to your customers, you’ll help them focus their search for the perfect curling iron and assist them with making an informed decision.

Meet Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

고객이 컬링 고데기를 검색 할 때 끝이 없는 옵션에 놀랄 수 있습니다.

배럴 크기에서 원하는 손잡이 유형에 이르기까지 선택할 수 있는 고데기는 많습니다. 구매자에게 기본 사항을 이해시켜 줌으로써 검색

범위를 좁힐 수 있습니다.

컬링 고데기에는 두 가지의 카테고리가 있습니다. 스토브-가열 고데기

와 전기 고데기 입니다. 전기 컬링 고데기는 흡열입니다. 스토브-가열 고데기는 발열성이며 내부에서 열이 발산되고 외부에서 가열됩니다. 전기 고데기는 컬링 핀 내부에 발열체가 있으며 외부 표면은 간접적으로 가열됩니다. 스토브-가열 고데기는 스토브 또는 오븐에 넣어 가열합니다. 이것은 직접적인 열입니다. 간접 가열은 고데기 표면이 가열 원과 접촉하지 않는다는 것을 의미합니다. 직접적인 열은 머리카락과 직접 접촉하게되는 표면 또한 열원과 직접 닿는다는 것을 의미합니다.

전기 고데기의 발열체는 스토브 히터보다 훨씬 더 짧은 시간 안에 소진 될 수 있습니다. 전문적으로 매일 사용하는 전기 고데기의 최대 수명은 1 년 이하입니다. 동일한 용도로 스토브 가열 고데기와 스토브의 수명은 영구적입니다. 그래서 순수하게 경제적인 측면에서 스토브 가열 고데기는 훨씬 더 실용적입니다. 스토브 가열 고데기가 더 많은 장점이 있습니다.

1. 움직임을 방해하거나 제한하는 중앙의 전자 코드가 없습니다.

2. 다양한 크기와 유형을 선택할 수 있습니다. 선택할 수 있는 12가지 미만의 전기 고데기 종류에 비해, 스토브-가열 고데기의 크기와 유형은 40 가지가 넘습니다.

3. 두 고데기 모두 동일한 온도를 측정 할 수 있지만 스토브로 가열된 제품은 훨씬 더 과도한 열이 발생하며 직접적으로 발생하는 열 때문에 더 오래 열을 유지합니다.

4. 전기 고데기 표면의 금속은 스토브-가열형보다 3~5 배 얇기 때문에

녹거나 모양이 변하는 열을 더 견뎌 낼 수 없습니다.

5. 위의 4 번에 나와있는 사실 때문에 스토브-가열되는 고데기는 매우 거칠거나 관리하기 어려운 머리카락을 컬 할 때 필요한 정도까지 가열 할 수 있습니다.

고객에게 이러한 사실을 제시함으로써 완벽한 컬링 고데기에 대한 검색을 집중하여

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.) and was sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D. C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Trichology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject and has authored many articles in trade magazines drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologists and students encounter on a daily basis. To obtain a copy of his book, “What the Text Books & State Boards Ignored in Regards to Ethnic Cosmetology,” contact Dr. Lloneau at liquidgoldbondng@aim.com or call 310-283-7118.

40 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
정보에 입각한 결정을 내리는 데 도움이 될 것 입니다.
스토브-가열식 컬링 고데기 vs 전기 컬링 고데기 고객에게 적합한 컬링 고데기는 무엇인가요?

Urban Call Briefs

Senior Vice President of U.S.

Strategic Community Alliances and Consumer Engagement, Nielsen

Urban Call Briefs: Leadership Profiles in Beauty

The beauty industry is undergoing seismic shifts in consumer behavior and demands, affecting every sector and market. What was once considered the norm is completely transforming. To address the critical challenges and opportunities the beauty industry faced, ECRM and the Global Beauty Alliance (GBA) collaborated at the Facts Matters: Multicultural Global Beauty Update in June to share their expertise with retailers, entrepreneurs, distributors, brand owners, media companies and consumers.

It was immediately determined that finding the right balance is the key to continuing efforts to improve the multicultural beauty category size of $7 billion and annual growth of 8 to 12 percent. A panel of experienced marketing research experts provided readyto-use data about the latest multicultural beauty trends for skin, hair and body in a variety of essential topics, including:

• The New General Market: The Minority is The Majority Global and Domestic Market Size and Geography

• Dollar and Unit Volume by Segment

• Shelf Space Management Retail Channel Preferences

• Online Shopping

• Demographics and Psychographics

• Marketing and Consumer Mindset

• Social and Traditional Media

• Mobile Usage, Media Consumption

• Retailing and Merchandising Opportunities

• Shelf Space Management and Product Placement: Professional Salon Connections

• Our Roots

• Buying Power, High-End and Price-Conscious Shoppers, Shopping Influences

• Product Choice, Brand Loyalty

• Business Building Techniques – Free Product Sampling

• Category Nomenclature: Styling Trends for Natural and Relaxed Hair

• Multicultural Shelf Space History, Relevance and Importance

Meet Lafayette Jones

Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumersHispanics and African Americans - who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi).

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 43 The preceeding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.
Lafayette Jones Urban Call CommunicationsPublisher SMSi-Urban Call Marketing - CEO Cheryl Pearson-McNeil David Cooper Principal Strategist, The Cooper Group, Inc. Deborah Johnson Hall CEO/Founder, Johnson and Associates Marketing Romina Brown Founder, Strategic Solutions International, Inc.

Urban Call Briefs

Cheryl Pearson-McNeil oversees the multicultural advertising strategy for Nielsen – the global company that measures what consumers watch and buy. She also works extensively with news media, elected officials and community and corporate leaders to expand the company’s philanthropic engagement and shed light on the significant purchasing power of multicultural consumers. She is a highly accomplished thought leader and the visionary behind Nielsen’s African-American Consumer Report. This award-winning report led to the company’s historic creation of Nielsen’s Diversity Insights Series. Each report focuses on the rapidly growing Hispanic, African American and Asian consumer base. Known for her engaging and refreshing perspective about why we buy what we buy, Pearson-McNeil is a much sought-after speaker. Learn more: Nielsen. com.

Presentation Description:

McNeil’s presentation was a briefing of Nielsen’s core measurement areas and how they reveal the true power and potential of multicultural consumers and the United States’ multicultural future. She also described how Nielsen’s insights influence how advertising dollars are spent and how those dollars may shift as the already formidable power of multicultural consumers continues to grow.

Deborah Johnson Hall has accumulated more than 35 years in consumer-centric research among diverse urban populations since her first market research position at the venerable Marsteller Advertising Agency in 1976. Her expertise includes primary qualitative and quantitative research for major U.S. companies and advertising agencies across a wide range of product and service categories, as well as major nonprofits in health, education, civic engagement and arts and culture, both locally and nationally. Her client/ project experience includes impactful and actionable research for AlbertoCulver, American Express Financial Advisors, Art Institute of Chicago, Avlon Industries, The Chicago Community Trust, Chicago Department of

Public Health, Coca- Cola, Cub Foods, Ford, General Mills, GMC, Helene Curtis, Johnson & Johnson, Johnson Products, Keystone Laboratories, Levi Strauss, Luster Products, McDonald’s, Motorola, Namaste Laboratories, Ortho-McNeil, Procter & Gamble, Reebok, Shorebank, SoftSheen Carson Product Company, Taco Bell, Walgreens and Wells Fargo. Hall is a frequent presenter and speaker for conferences, brainstorming sessions and other business development events. She also offers pro bono research services to new business startups, inventors and entrepreneurs in under-served communities. For more information: www.linkedin.com/in/deborah-ajohnson.

Presentation Description:

Hall conducted a wide range of studies across consumer product categories, with an initially inadvertent concentration in Black hair care. Whether it involved a new product concept for a diversified general market manufacturer like Procter & Gamble or a positioning study for a legacy brand like Luster Products, she’s collected data and heard women openly talk about their needs, desires, self-image, experiences, aspirations, concerns and even regrets when it comes to the products they use, the ways they shop, how they get and use information and how they’re marketed to.

Except for the hyper-vocal and super-engaged few, Hall doesn’t believe we’ve heard enough from the regular, everyday women. Her work is custom and proprietary, but she shared general, overarching insights that provided context into the general conversation on Black hair care.

Romina Brown is a graduate of Florida State University with a bachelor’s degree in marketing. She also earned an MBA in management science from the School of Business & Industry at Florida A&M University. With more than 20 years of sales, marketing, category management, general business management and international luxury good experience, she is a highly respected strategic consultant. Brown has served as a mid and senior level executive in marketing and sales for three well-known brands: Eastman Kodak Company, Sara Lee and L’Oreal USA. In 2004, she formed Strategic Solutions International, Inc. – a Chicago-based consultancy where she is supported by a diverse team of trained analytics, marketing and general management experts. Experienced in both corporate and entrepreneurial environments, Brown provides tremendous insight into the development and execution of strategies for all types and levels of business. Brown and her team have

44 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
Romina Brown Founder, Strategic Solutions International, Inc. Deborah Johnson Hall

provided strategic consultation on many of the largest and fastest growing brands in their respective categories. She is a member of several charitable and professional associations including Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and the National Black MBA Association. She serves on the board of directors for Temple Works Wellness Centers and the Young Executives Board at the Metropolitan Club. Romina is also on the advisory board of Guess Who Inc. Fluent in aspects of corporate, brand and product marketing, she is experienced in corporate/organizational development, brand position/strategy development, channels, special events, advertising, collateral, public and consultant relations and executive and internal communications. She has worked in a range of corporate environments, from startups to a six-division, $15 billion unit of a Fortune 100 company. She has managed shoestring budgets, as well as multi-million dollar marketing campaigns. She is experienced in new business and product launches, leading the introduction of more than 100 new products. She has extensive knowledge in a broad array of industry segments. Familiar with English, French and Spanish, she has delivered strategic direction based on seasoned unicultural insight. For more information.www.ssiconsults.com.

Presentation Description:

African American hair care is one of the fastest growing categories in beauty. The retail market is becoming more segmented based on the different hair characteristics and styling flexibility. With the growing embrace of the natural lifestyle and the blurring of boundaries, a new market of consumers is emerging. To better understand this industry shift, Brown presented a top line category overview for the multicultural hair care category at retail.

The overview included:

• Category Progression

• Key Growth Drivers

• Channel Summary

• Category Pricing

• Factors offsetting gains

• Segment Evolution Driven By Shifts in Product Usage

• Overview of Leading Brands


Principal Strategist, The Cooper Group, Inc.

David Cooper is a seasoned executive with deep experience and expertise. He provides organizations with actionable solutions in strategy, marketing, analytics and planning. Cooper focuses on innovative thinking, using both traditional and unconventional models to be competitive in today’s tumultuous business environment. With a strong business acumen, he delivers holistic solutions which integrate disparate efforts toward the improved organizational efficiency and effectiveness needed to make the most of emerging business opportunities. He encourages leaders to build a dynamic business culture with evolving models, and he mentors youth by volunteering with organizations such as Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta, Junior Achievement of Georgia and Year Up Atlanta. For more information: www.coopergroup.net.

Presentation Description:

The marketplace has never been more tumultuous. Consumer dynamics continue to disrupt previous norms, causing brands, buyers and retailers to re-think marketing and sales models.

The celebration of individualism and cultural co-existence continues to interrupt how we define haircare, obliterating historical category definitions, barriers and models. This phenomenon has permanently altered the competitive landscape. Contemporary strategies have truncated life cycles. Traditional approaches need lifelines. Cooper urged attendee to reevaluate their views on this movement.

For a copy of this presentation please contact LafayettegJones@gmail.com

Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi). For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit www.segmentedmarketing.com.

The preceding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 45

Business Tips

Secrets That Increase Your Leadership Impact

A Business is Only As Strong As Its Leadership

In today’s climate of unprecedented change, intense competition and more demanding customers, leaders can’t hold back or shrink. Team members need leadership to model the way because all they see in this modern-day complexity is uncertainty and that leads to anxiety. Team members are looking to strong leadership for certainty, definitive guidance, vision and a solid commitment. Are you maximizing your chances of success?

Here Are 7 Secrets to Increase Your Leadership Impact:

1. Shift the Energy of Your Team

With composure, increase and elevate your communications. Share your higher perspective and calm the anxiety with your increased presence and obvious commitment. Neutralize the teardown effect of uncertainty and anxiety. Shift the energy of your team toward purpose. You can’t just remove the deconstructive nature of negativity without replacing it with something. Use purpose to drive the conversation. Strategically use each day to keep your organizational purpose in front of your team members. Talk about your mission.

There will always be uncertainty but when you demonstrate resolute certainty in your commitment to your team, anxiety drops, morale increases, team members take note and follow your lead.

2. Collaborate

Bigger results come from bigger efforts. Instill collaboration within divisions

급속하게 변화하고 치열한 경쟁이 펼쳐지고 고객의

더 다양해지는 현재 상황에서 리더들은 방관하거나 위축되어서는 안됩니다. 팀원들은 현재의 복잡한 상황이 불확실하다는 것을 알고 있으며 이 상황은 불안감으로 이어지기 때문에 팀원들은 모델을 삼을 수 있는 리더십을 필요로 하고 있습니다. 팀원들은 확실하고, 최종적인 지침, 비전 및 확고한 의지의 리더십을 원하고 있습니다. 이 상황은 리더십 영향력을 발휘할 수 있는 기회입니다.

여기에 리더십 영향력을 높일 수 있는 7가지 비밀이 있습니다:

1. 팀 에너지를 이동시키세요 유연하게 커뮤니케이션을 많이 하고 향상 시키세요. 나의 고차원적인 관점을 공유하며 나의 존재감과 분명한 약속으로 불안감을 해소시켜주세요. 불확실성과 불안감의 해체 효과를 중화시켜 주세요. 팀 에너지를 목표를 향해 이동시키세요. 부정적인 파괴 본성을 다른 것으로 대체하지 않고는 제거할 수 없습니다. 목표를 매개체로 대화를 시도하세요. 팀원 앞에서 전략적으로 조직 목표에 대해서 매일 언급 하세요. 나의 미션에 대해서 이야기 하세요.

불확실성은 언제나 존재할 것 입니다. 그러나 팀에 대한 약속을 단호하게 입증하면 불안감이 줄어들고 사기가 오르며 팀원들은 집중하게 되고 내 지도를 따르게 됩니다.

2. 협업하세요

많이 노력하면 더 큰 결과를 얻게 됩니다. 부서 및 프로그램 전반에서 협업을 유도하십시오. 불협화음을 유대관계로,

46 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
요구가 점점
사일로를 결속으로, 프로그램을 혁신으로, 위험을 보상으로 그리고 일일 노력을 극적으로
조직을 강하게 합니다.
리더십을 높일 수 있는 7가지 비밀 조직의 리더십이

and across programs. Use your leadership presence to convert dissonance to connectedness, silos into solidarity, problems into innovations, risk into reward and daily efforts into a dramatically improved future. Set the behavioral norm by becoming known as the leader interested in organizational success over individual success. When you execute on a higher and larger perspective, you instantly increase leadership impact.

3. Cultivate Creativity

Open the floodgates of creativity by asking more questions. The days of one leader with all the answers are in the past. In all likelihood, your team is bursting with new ideas. You don’t have to be Michelangelo, just ask powerful questions and be patient.—the innovation will come pouring out in the discussions. Team members are intimately familiar with problems. They simply need you to provide them the space to contemplate how today’s problems can become tomorrow’s innovations.

4. Use Influence Not Power

No one likes a pompous leader. Rather than relying on the shortsighted and limiting power of position, reap the long-term benefits that come from building trust and influence. If you use power, good people will leave you and other people will get you.

When you rely on the external power of your leadership position you not only expose weakness in yourself, you build weakness in others by forcing them to conform, stifling their growth and the potential for their unique contribution. Ultimately, the entire relationship is weakened. Defensiveness ensues, low trust follows and the potential for cooperation is lost— smothered by negative emotion. Fight the imprudent impulse to command, and direct and invest in the higher, more refined skills of finesse, influence and persuasion.

Patience, finesse, influence and persuasion are the building blocks of increased impact.

5. Promote Daily Progress

Leaders are only deemed successful if they get results, and they get those results through working with people. The only way people do great things is by focusing on their strengths and possibilities. Leaders set the stage for this focus.

Leaders have tremendous influence in promoting daily progress by ensuring team members have the environment they need to make steady progress and maintain momentum. Avoid the toxicity of high pressure, punitive and judgmental measures that constrain momentum. Rather, set clear goals for meaningful work. Provide autonomy and promote ownership of the outcomes. Nourish your team’s efforts through affiliation, showing respect, words of encouragement and minimizing daily hassles.


Build a Body of Behavior

Be more of a model a less of a critic. Avoid the all-too-common “Killer Cs” that will keep you in the weakness of victim mode. Negativity will rob you of energy, initiative and impact.

Avoid These Killer Cs

• Criticizing

• Complaining

• Competing

• Comparing

• Colluding

• Contending

기반으로 조직의 성공 을 이루는데 관심있는 지도자로 알려지는 행동 규범을 설정하세요. 보다 큰 규모의 관점에서 실행하면 즉시 리더십 영향력이 커집니다.

3. 창의력을 양성시키세요 더 많은 질문을 하여 창의성의 수문을 여십시오. 모든 것에 대한 답을 주는 지도자는 구시대적인 것 입니다. 아마도 팀은 새로운 아이디어로 넘쳐날 것 입니다. 미켈란젤로가 될 필요는 없습니다. 강력한 질문을 하고 기다리세요. 토론에서 혁신적인 사항들이 쏟아져 나올 것입니다. 팀원들은 문제에 익숙해져 있습니다. 팀원들에게 지금의 문제가 미래의 혁신이 될 수 있도록 하는 방법을 고민 할 수 있는 공간을 제공하기만 하면됩니다.

4. 권력이 아닌 영향력을 행사하세요

아무도 권위적인 리더를 좋아하지 않습니다. 근시안적인 것에 의존하는 대신 지위의 권력을 제한하고, 신뢰와 영향력을 구축하여 받을 수 있는

장기적인 혜택을 얻으세요. 내가 권력을 사용하면, 좋은 사람들이 나의 곁을 떠나고 다른 사람들이 나에게 올 것 입니다.

리더십 지위를 외부 권력에 의존 할 때, 내 자신의 약점을 노출 시킬 뿐만 아니라, 팀원들의 성장과 고유한 기여에 대한 잠재력을 방해하면서 다른 사람들의 약점을 일으키게 됩니다. 결국, 전체전인 관계가 약해집니다. 방어적인 태세가 계속되고, 신뢰가 낮아지며 부정적 감정으로 인해 잠재되어 있는 협력이 사라지게 됩니다. 지휘를 하기 위해 경솔하게 충동적으로 하는 것을 억제하고, 수완, 영향력과 설득력에 대한 기술을 더 정제하기 위한 더 고차원적인 것을 지시하고 투자하세요.

인내심, 수완, 영향력 및 설득력은 영향력을 증가시키는 요소입니다.

5. 일일 성과를 장려하세요

리더는 결과가 나온 경우에만 성공한 것으로 간주하며 사람들과 협력하여 이러한 결과를 얻습니다. 사람들이 훌륭하게 일을 할 수 있도록 하는 유일한 방법은 자신의 강점과 가능성에 집중하는 것입니다.

리더들은 이것에 집중할 수 있도록 무대를 마련해주는 것 입니다.

리더들은 팀원들이 꾸준한 성과와 추진력을 유지하는데 필요한 환경을 조성해줌으로써 매일 진도를 향상 시키는데 막대한 영향력을 발휘합니다. 성과를 제한하는 높은 압박, 처벌 및 독자적인 판단 기준을 피하십시오. 대신에 의미있는 일에 대한 명확한 목표를 설정 해 주세요. 자율성을 제공하고 성과에 대한 자긍심을 키워 주세요. 소속감, 존경의 표시, 격려의 말을 해주고 매일 하는 자질구래한 일을 최소화하여 팀의 노력을 키워주세요.

6. 행동 기준 구축

비평가자 보다 모범이 되어야 합니다. 희생자 모드의 약점을 유지하는 평범한 “Killer Cs(고객만족도를 저해하는 것)”를 피하십시오. 부정적인 것은 에너지, 진취성 및 효과를 없앱니다.

피해야할 Killer Cs

• 비평 • 불만

• 경쟁 • 비교

• 야합 • 언쟁

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 47
개선된 미래로 변환시켜주는데 나의 리더십을 발휘하세요. 개인적인 성공을

Don’t criticize. Talk about what went well. Show your team what is possible. Add energy to the context. Be consistent. Your team is faced with being productive in spite of problems and hassles. When they know that they can consistently count on you for support and direction, momentum skyrockets.

7. Focus on What is Right, Not Who is Right Team members rely on leaders to create an environment that is impartial, where everyone has the same opportunities that are based on merit. Don’t take sides. Use conflict to demonstrate your commitment to organizational success. Model a higher perspective that lifts others from their petty preoccupations and carries them above the fray. Be a stronghold trailblazer that guides the upward purpose of your team.

When you employ these seven secrets and increase your leadership impact, you set up your entire team for success.

Meet Brian Braudis

비평하지 마세요. 잘된 것에 대해 이야기하십시오. 무엇이 가능한지 팀에게 보여주세요. 컨텍스트에 에너지를 추가하십시오. 일관성을 유지하십시오. 귀하의 팀은 문제와 번거로움에도 불구하고 생산적이게 될 것 입니다. 팀원들이 지속적으로 지원과 방향 지시에 대해 나에게 의지 할 수 있다는 것을 알게 되었을 때, 모멘텀은 급상승합니다.

7. 누가 맞는지가 아니라 무엇이 맞는지에 집중하세요 팀원들은 모든 사람들에게 동일한 기회가 주어지는 공평한 환경을 조성 해 주는 지도자를 추종합니다. 편을 들지 마세요. 보다 높은 이상을 목표로 삼아, 모두들 따라 올 수 있도록 만드세요. 팀을 보다 높이 이끌어주는 지도자가 되세요.

이 7 가지 비밀을 통하여 리더쉽 파워를 높이고, 팀을 성공으로 이끄세요.

Brian Braudis is a highly sought-after human potential expert, certified coach, speaker and author of “High Impact Leadership: 10 Action Strategies for Your Ascent.” He has also authored several audio programs from executive leadership development to stress management. Braudis believes “leadership” is a verb not a title. He is passionate and inspiring presentations are based on the foundation that regardless of your position or role everyone is a leader. For more information, please visit: www.TheBraudisGroup.com

Brian Braudis 씨는 고도의 인적 자원 잠재력을 갖춘 전문가, 자격이 있는 코치, 강연자 및 High Impact Leadership 의 저자입니다. 그는 또한 경영진의 리더십 개발에서 스트레스 관리에 이르기까지 몇 가지 오디오 프로그램을 저술했습니다. Braudis는 “리더십”은 제목이라 동사라고 믿습니다. 그의 열정적이고 영감을 주는 프레젠테이션은 지위나 역할에 상관없이 모두가 리더라는 토대를 기반으로 합니다. 자세한 내용은 www.TheBraudisGroup.com 에 방문하세요.

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Beauty Ambassador Styling Tools

Hair Fundamentals Getting to the root of hair care

Hair is an amazingly complex biological structure forming the outer covering of most mammals. Hair fibers serve not only a functional role by providing a barrier between mammal and environment but one that also reflects history, culture, and personal choice.

Science has spent decades developing an in depth understanding of the human hair fiber: how it grows, why it behaves the way it does and how it interacts with the environment around it. Studies have mostly focused on the hair’s color - how it is affected by heat, UV light and chemical processing. Much of this focus is aimed at understanding how cosmetic products can better treat the hair and how we can improve upon them in support of a global multi-billion dollar market (almost $81 billion as of 2016).

Hair is predominantly constructed of a protein called keratin. Making up the balance of the fibers are small amounts of protein-bound sulfur, lipids, sugars, and minerals. The structure of the human hair shaft consists of three basic yet complex parts: the follicle, the cuticle and the cortex. Our hair growth begins in a very intricate structure called the follicle located just below the surface of the scalp. It is here where the hairs’ shape and color are defined as the fiber is biosynthesized. Upon emerging from the follicle, the fiber is, for all intents and purposes, dead.

The cuticle forms the outer layer of each fiber manifested as thin overlapping sheets much like the shingles on a roof. The average fiber contains anywhere from six to 10 layers of cuticle. As the outer surface the cuticle makes up a minor proportion of the overall fiber - approximately 25 percent, it is often considered the most important due to its direct interaction with cosmetic treatments.


provides red coloration. Each particular color is the result of the amount and type of melanin distributed through the hair fiber.

• The average human scalp contains 100,000 hair fibers

• The average human hair can support a 100-gram weight (equivalent to 20 nickels)

• An average life cycle for a single hair fiber is 1,000 days

• A single hair fiber can hold 30 percent its weight of water

The cortex consists of longitudinal cells forming the inner structure of the fiber making up almost 75 percent of the fiber mass. Cortical cells run parallel to the fiber axis and are protected by the cuticle. The cortex is very complex and provides the hair fiber with most of its mechanical strength. Embedded in the cortex are melanin granules which give rise to the color of the fiber. The natural color of all human hair is derived from two types of melanin: Eumelanin which is responsible for the black/brown colors and Pheomelanin which

Meet Peter Rousso

Peter Rousso, Vice President of

The medulla, when present, makes up a very tiny portion of the innermost region of the fiber defined as a loosely packed porous region. The role of the medulla is not well understood. The presence of a medulla and its pattern can vary greatly person to person and amongst fibers on any individual’s head. One fiber may have a fragmented medulla while the next completely devoid of one. As discussed, hair fibers are formed in the follicle where they grow in a threephase cycle. Each individual hair fiber grows in an active phase called Anagen, then passing into a transitional or recession stage called Catagen, followed by a resting phase called Telogen. The typical length of the Anagen stage is 3-5 years. We also know that all human hair grows at a rate of 0.5 inches per month (or 6 inches per year). Simple math tells us that the average human is capable of growing hair about 30 inches in length. As a follicle transitions through these phases, it becomes a normal event to shed the fiber. We, as humans, typically shed about 100 hairs a day. The preceding only scratches the surface of the topic of human hair. We continue to explore, learn, and understand this complex structure and its behavior.

Hot Tools® is looking for brand ambassadors to provide feedback on our products and increase brand awareness. If you are interested, please contact Veronica Guerrero vguerrero@hotus. com or visit our website at www.HotTools.com. Also, visit our website for how-to-videos, style sheets, and tips from the pros. Be sure to follow (or like us) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube @ /HotToolsPro.

Peter has been a part of the Beauty industry for over 34 years. He has also worked for companies, such as Clairol, P&G, Conair and Avon.

52 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017

Notes From The Natural Nation

Celebrate Natural Hair with Jamaican Mango & Lime ®

With an unmatched loyalty for over 20 years, Jamaican Mango & Lime® is a tried and true brand for natural hair. Their line of Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® has something for everyone, no matter how you rock your style. Need some help recommending products to your OTC customers? Here are a few of our top suggestions:

Long Hair

For long hair, maintenance can seem like a chore. But it doesn’t have to be! The Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® Coconut Milk & Honey Shampoo will cleanse those long tresses and reintroduce any lost moisture. You can also direct them to the Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® Coconut Leave-In Conditioner & Detangler. Ingredients like Coconut Oil and Hibiscus Extract strengthen hair and bolster shine. Not to mention, the addition of the detangler makes combing easy as pie. For protection during any thermal hair styling, like flat-ironing, blow drying, or curling, use the Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® Shea Oil Styling Serum.

Short Hair

Short hair is a true demonstration that less is more. If your shoppers want hair definition that passersby will envy, the Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® Coconut Moisturizing Hair Lotion will help them get there. It’s

Meet Shannon Kwit

incredibly lightweight, gently helping you sculpt curls while adding just the right amount of moisture. Pair it with a hair sponge to quickly define coils.

Curly Hair

If your customer wants to let their curls have free reign or only do limited styling, suggest the Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® Coconut Conditioning Mist. It gives hair a “wet” look long after your hair has dried. But don’t worry! Your hair won’t feel dry one bit. For additional shine, try a few spritzes of the Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® Shea Oil Styling Serum.

Natural Hair

For natural hair of any length, the biggest issue is dryness. After using the Coconut Milk & Honey Shampoo, the best thing to do is let the Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® Coconut Milk & Honey Moisture Masque sit on the hair. This helps lock in maximum moisture, even

after it’s been rinsed out. The Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® Butter Creme is great for twisting hair and letting it air dry, or sitting under the dryer to lock in twists. If your customer needs even more hydration, point them toward the Exotic Collection of Jamaican Black Castor Oils. The moisturization lasts so long that they won’t have to keep adding product to their hair every day.

Relaxed Hair

If you’re helping a customer with relaxed hair, consider telling them about one of the Jamaican Black Castor Oils from the Exotic Collection of Jamaican Mango & Lime®. Relaxers are notorious for leaving hair dry and brittle, so what’s needed most is a great big helping of moisture. The oil quickly absorbs into the hair, leaving it hydrated and moisturized. Only a small amount is needed, and you can apply it from the scalp all the way down to the tips of each strand.

Jamaican Mango & Lime® continues to create products that assist consumers in achieving current styling trends. The Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® line will provide your customers with the moisture their dehydrated hair desperately needs. Direct all of your shoppers to the Jamaican Mango & Lime® section in your store for a hair-changing experience!

Shannon Kwit is a marketing copywriter for Universal Beauty Products, Inc. She works closely with the Jamaican Mango & Lime team to help promote natural hair care and education. She also specializes in men’s grooming products and the natural skin care market.

54 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017





For skin’syourneeds!

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 55

Weaves, Braids, Wigs, Crochet, Updos, Faux Locs & Transitioning Hair

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Helps Stop Damage before it starts For Longer, Thicker Hair

Customer Orders: customerorders@naturalhair.org Contact Your Local Distributor For More Details! www.naturalhair.org #taliahwaajidbrand The Best care for your customer HAIR UNDER THERE

Feature Article

WIGS 101

Finvest their money and time into finding the perfect style.

Wigs allow women to have the hair of their dreams. Think about it: With a wig, she can have the exact texture, length, and color she covets, all without commitment. She can achieve long, straight, bleached blonde hair without chemicals, or try a head full of bouncy curls that behave even in humid weather. And if she wants to be adventurous, she can wear a short crop minus the cut. Today’s wigs are very different than the wigs of your mother’s generation. Technological advancements have resulted in the high-quality construction that’s cool, comfortable and remarkably believable.

Wearing a wig doesn’t just offer a fashion fix, it can also provide a solution for women suffering from legitimate medical issues. For those who are

flair that today’s fashion-conscious consumers demand. Wigs give women undergoing chemotherapy treatments the freedom to look their best with very little effort; this is especially appreciated on low energy days. Wigs come pre-styled so they’re ready to go when you are. Enjoying the convenience of not having to raise their arms above their head to style their hair makes a wig absolutely invaluable.

When it comes to wigs, the rule is typically true: you get what you pay for. High-quality wigs are made with multidimensional colors – just like your own natural hair. You will be able to notice subtle highlights and lowlights. Some styles even feature a realistic looking darker root.

If your customers are intrigued by wigs but aren’t sure where to start, be prepared to guide them with these basic tips:

58 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017


• A safe bet is to select a style and color that resembles her regular look.

• A bob haircut looks great on almost everyone and can be styled with or without a bang.

• Longer wigs are youthful and can be worn in an updo for special occasions.


• Going lighter can brighten her complexion and draw attention to the eyes.


• 100 percent human hair wigs are luxurious and the most natural looking, though they are also more expensive and require styling like natural hair.

• 100 percent Remy human hair is a luxurious, full cuticle hair. Because all of the cuticles run in the same direction, there is a noticeable difference in feel. Hair is softer to the touch and natural looking.

• Synthetic hair wigs stay styled even after washing. This is an important benefit to consider for women undergoing chemotherapy who may experience low energy recovery days.

• Heat-styleable synthetic fiber wigs can be curled with a curling iron, straightened with a flat iron or blown dry with appliances set to a moderate temperature. Heat-defiant fiber typically feels softer, lighter and more like natural hair compared to other synthetic fiber blends. It may also have less shine. However, longer styles made with heat-friendly fiber are prone to tangle after prolonged wearing, especially where the hair hits the shoulders or rubs against a shirt collar.

Meet Teresa Lane


• 100 percent hand-knotted wigs (also known as hand-tied) are the most expensive but by far the most comfortable for a sensitive scalp.

• Lace front wigs allow the style to look realistic even when brushed back, away from the face.

• The monofilament part, crown or top are areas of the wig that are made to give the illusion of hair growing directly from the scalp. The monofilament area provides styling flexibility as the hair can be parted in any direction.

• Open ear tabs allow eyeglasses to be worn without affecting how the wig lies close to head. By keeping these basic facts in mind and asking your customers the right questions, you’ll be able to guide them to the best wig options your store offers. In addition, shoppers will appreciate your knowledge on the topic and will likely return, as you’ll be seen as a trusted source.

Teresa Lane has provided expertise to HairUWear as the Director Of Design for more than 16 years, accumulating numerous patents for inventing hair pieces and extensions that are both beautiful and user-friendly. Teresa possesses the remarkable ability to recognize trends in fashion before they happen and has a positive outlook on absolutely everything.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 59
www.palmers.com © 2017 E.T. Browne Drug Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved. /palmers /@palmersworks /@palmers

Innovative Beauty Products

In the Beauty industry, the devil is often in the details, and companies like Innovative Beauty Products, LLC have found success in focusing on just that. Innovative Beauty provides niche products that cater to the finishing touches of our beauty and grooming regimens. Whether its products for longer lashes, tinted eyebrows, graying hair or manicured beards, this company caters exclusively to the little details that matter the most to beauty-conscious consumers. OTC Beauty Magazine spoke with Innovative Beauty co-owner Clay Campbell to learn more about the business and its latest product offerings.

뷰티 업계에서는 디테일을 다루기가 매우 힘들며, Innovative Beauty,LLC 와 같은 회사는 바로 그 디테일에 집중하여 성공을 거두었습니다. Innovative Beauty 사는 아름다움을 돋보이게 하기 위한

마지막 터치에 아주 적합한 제품을 제공합니다. 제품 용도가 속눈썹을 더 길게 해주고, 눈썹에 색조를 주고, 흰 머리카락용 또는 턱수염을 잘

다듬기 위한 제품의 여부에 관계없이, 이 회사는 아름다움에 민감한

소비자들에게 가장 중요한 디테일을 독점적으로 제공합니다. OTC

뷰티 매거진은 Innovative Beauty 공동 소유자인 Clay Campbell

씨와 비즈니스 및 최신 제품에 대해 이야기를 나눠봤습니다.

62 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 Manufacturer Profile
Clay & Lena Campbell Co-owners

OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): What is your role with Innovative Beauty Products and how did you first get involved?

I am co-owner along with my wife Lena. I focus mainly on sales & marketing, along with new product development.

OTC: What do you find most interesting about the beauty industry?

I grew up in the industry, so I have seen many changes over the last 25 years. The most interesting aspect of the beauty business is the relative ease of entry for entrepreneurs who may not have a lot of capital to start. It’s still a great place for startups to compete with major corporations.

OTC: Briefly describe the history of Innovative Beauty Products. The flagship brand Godefroy has been around for almost 100 years and has been owned by several different companies during that period. In fact, the brand was once owned by Carson Products back in the 80’s.

OTC: How did this company get started and what is it founded on?

We purchased the Godefroy brand 12 years ago and then formed our company, Innovative Beauty Products. The Godefroy brand had been in a steady decline for many years and was doing less than $100,000 per year when we purchased it, so it was almost like starting a new business. Our business was founded on the idea to create high-margin, niche items that meet a specific consumer need. We try to create timely products that nobody else offers.

OTC: How is the company structured and what brands is it comprised of?

All of our products are sold under the Godefroy brand. We offer products for both salon professional and retail consumers. We have seen a tremendous growth with our consumer products since Amazon began to offer beauty products. Our channels of distribution include salon wholesale, Beauty OTC, specialty retail, chain drug, catalog and e-commerce. We have a small but growing international business.

Some of our best-selling product lines include Instant Eyebrow Tint, 28 Day Mascara, Double Lash & Brow, Barbers Choice Beard & Mustache Dye and THICK

OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC Beauty Magazine, OTC): Innovative Beauty Products 에서 맡으신 역할과 그 일을 어떻게 시작하셨는지 말씀해


저와 제 아내 Lena 는 공동 소유자 입니다. 저는 주로 새 제품 개발에

따른 판매와 마케팅을 맡고 있습니다.

OTC: 미용 산업에서 어떠한 점이 가장 흥미롭다고 생각하시나요?

저는 지난 25년 동안 이 산업 속에서 자라며 많은 변화들을 보아왔습니다. 뷰티 비즈니스 적인 측면에서 가장 흥미로운 점은 창업할 자본이 많지 않은 사업가들이 비교적 쉽게 접근할 수 있다는 것입니다. 새롭게 시작하는 사람들이 주요 기업과도 경쟁할 수 있는 그런 멋진 곳이지요.

OTC: Innovative Beauty Products 에 관해 간단하게 설명 부탁 드립니다.

주력 브랜드인 “Godefroy” 는 근 100 년이라는 시간 동안 여러 다른 회사들을 거쳐왔습니다. 사실 80년 대에는 Carson Products 가 소유하기도 했었죠.

OTC: 이 회사는 어떻게 그리고 어떠한 것을 기반으로 설립되었나요?

저희는 12년 전 Godefroy 브랜드를 사들이고 Innovative Beauty Products 를 설립하였습니다. Godefroy 는 몇 년간 꾸준히 하락세를 보여왔고 저희가 매수한 시점에서는 연 100,000 달러 이하의 실적을 보이고 있었지요. 즉, 저희는 거의 새 비즈니스를 시작하는 것과 다름이 없었습니다. 저희의 비즈니스는 특정 고객층을 대상으로 틈새시장을 노려 고 이익을 창출하자는 생각을 토대로 세워졌습니다. 저희는 그 누구도 시도하지 않은 그런 제품들을 제 때에 맞춰 제공하려 노력하고 있습니다.

OTC: 귀사는 어떠한 브랜드들로 구성돼 있습니까?

저희의 모든 제품은 Godefroy 브랜드 이름 아래 판매 되고 있습니다. 미용전문가들과 소매업 소비자들 양 쪽 모두를 위해 제품을 준비하지요. 아마존 (Amazon) 에서 뷰티 제품들을 내놓기 시작한 시점부터 저희 제품은 엄청난 성장을 일궈왔습니다. 저희의 유통 경로는 도매 살롱, 뷰티 OTC, 전문 소매점, 약품 체인, 카탈로그와 전자 상거래 등을 포함하고 있습니다. 국제적 비즈니스 또한 아직 작지만 꾸준한 성장을 보이고 있지요. 베스트 셀링 제품들로는 Instant Eyebrow Tint, 28 Day Mascara, Double Lash & Brow, Barbers Choice Beard & Mustache Dye 와 THICK 등이 있습니다.

You have a lot of competition from the retail chains to e-commerce, but you can still provide superior customer service. It takes a lot of work, but it can keep you in business.

OTC: Who is the main audience for your products and what steps are you taking to ensure you meet their needs?

We focus primarily on women and men of all colors and ethnicities who have small patches of gray or graying hair. We also offer a full range of eyelash & eyebrow companion products to our L&B color lines. We try to meet our customers’ needs by offering exceptional product formulations at an affordable price. Most of our products retail for under $10.

OTC: 주요 소비자층은 누구이며 어떤 방법으로 그들을 만족시키십니까?

주로 모든 피부색의 남성, 그리고 여성들을 중점적으로 생각하고 있으며 또한 새치 혹은 노화된 머리를 유전적으로 타고난 소수 민족들도 이에 해당됩니다. 추가적으로 L&B 작업공정에게는 속눈썹과 눈썹 제품 등을 제공하고 있습니다. 저희는 합리적인 가격에 우수한 제품을 제공함으로써 고객의 요구 사항을 충족하고자 노력하고 있습니다. 대부분의 저희 소매 제품들은 10 달러 이하로 책정돼 있습니다.

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 63

OTC: What sets your products apart from similar ones in the industry? We are the manufacturers of Capsule Tint, which are single dose color treatments packaged in separate capsule units. Unlike tube colors which must be used entirely once you open them, capsule tint is not exposed to air until you are ready to use it. You can use what you want, when you want, with no color oxidation or waste.

OTC: What is the best way for retailers to position your items and effectively market them in their stores?

We recommend merchandising them in the permanent, boxed hair color section of the store or a secondary location would be with the lash & brow color and accessory section.

OTC: Explain how your OTC store partners and our readers can benefit from carrying Innovative Beauty Products. We offer very unique products that are not traditionally carried by OTC stores that cater to a predominantly ethnic customer base. As a consequence, store margins range between 40 and 50 percent. Our product range sells especially well with OTC stores that have a diverse customer base.

OTC: What is the biggest challenge with doing business in the beauty industry?

Consolidation within certain retail and wholesale accounts have made it difficult for small companies to operate. Also, the Caucasian OTC beauty market has seen a significant decline in the number of stores over the past five to 10 years.

OTC: How is the company rising to that challenge?

We looked to certain markets like the ethnic OTC market that have not been affected by consolidation or e-commerce, and are relatively easy to gain access. We have tried to develop products that can be sold successfully in these markets. Also, e-commerce via Amazon and others have been a godsend to many small companies who are shut out of the traditional retail consumer market. Third party sellers on Amazon have been a tremendous source of growth for our company.

OTC: 귀사 제품이 업계의 유사 제품들과 차별화되는 점은 무엇입니까?

저희는 캡슐 단위의 일회 투여 색상 치료체인 Capsule Tint 를 제조하는 회사입니다. 만약 개방이 된다면 반드시 모두 사용 해야 하는 튜브들과는 달리 Capsule Tint 는 사용자가 준비가 될 때까지 공기에 노출되지 않습니다. 소비자들은 원하는 것을 어떠한 색 산화작용이나 낭비 없이 원하는 때 이용할 수 있습니다.

OTC: 상점에 귀사 제품을 배치 시 소비자의 마음을 더 사로잡을 수

있도록 하는 방법이 있을까요?

상점 내 영구 염색 섹션 등을 추천 드리는 바이지만 속눈썹, 눈썹 색상 및 액세서리 섹션에 놓는 것도 좋은 방법이겠습니다

OTC: 귀사의 OTC 파트너들과 저희 독자들이 Innovative Beauty Products 와 함께 하며 얻을 수 있는 이점에는 어떤 것이 있나요?

저희는 지배적 소수 민족 소비자들을 위한 제품들과 같이 그 동안 OTC

상점들에서 소개되지 않았던 특별한 제품들을 제공했습니다. 이는 결과적으로 상점 이율을 40 에서 50 퍼센트까지 이르게 만들었습니다.

저희 제품은 OTC 상점들 중에서도 다양한 소비자 층을 상대로 하는 곳에서 특히나 뛰어난 성과를 보여왔습니다

OTC: What is the newest innovation and/or advancement Innovative Beauty Products has undertaken?

We have recently introduced a line of Eyebrow Transfers for women with little or no eyebrows called MyBrows. These are temporary eyebrow tattoos with a feathered design that creates a beautiful and natural looking eyebrow in just seconds and can last for up to five days. They come in three designs and three colors. MSRP is $4.95 for a package of 12 pairs.

OTC: 미용 산업에서 비즈니스를 하는 데 있어서 가장 어려운 점은 무엇일까요?

일부 소매업과 도매업의 합병 과정이 작은 중소기업들의 운영을 어렵게 만들었습니다. 또한

OTC 백인종 미용 시장은 지난 5 ~ 10 년 사이 상점들의 수가 현저히 감소하는 것을 지켜봐야 했습니다.

OTC: 귀사는 어떠한 방식으로 이 어려움을 극복해 나가셨나요?

저희는 합병 혹은 전자 상거래 등의 영향을 받지 않고 상대적으로 접근이 용이한 소수 OTC 시장 등에 눈을 돌렸습니다. 이러한 시장에서 성공할 수 있는 제품을 개발하려고 노력해왔고요. 또한 아마존과 같은 전자 상거래 방식은 전통 소매 시장에서 문을 닫은 많은 중소 기업들에게는 하늘이 내린 선물이었습니다. 아마존에서의 제 3 판매자 들은 당사 성장에 굉장한 도움이 됐습니다.

OTC: Innovative Beauty Products 에서 착수하고 있는 새 혁신적인 혹은 진보적인 품목들이 있다면 말씀해주실 수 있나요?

최근 당사는 눈썹이 거의 혹은 전혀 없는 여성분들을 위한 제품인 MyBrows 를 소개해 왔습니다. 이 깃털 모양의 눈썹 문신은 단 몇 초 만에 아름답고 자연스러운 눈썹을 만들어내며 최고 5 일 정도 까지 유지됩니다. 세 개의 디자인과 색상을 제공하며, 권장소비자가격은 12 쌍이 들어있는 한 팩에 4.95 달러에 책정 되어 있습니다.

OTC: 제품 관련 정보를 소비자와 소매업자들에게 어떤 식으로 전달하나요?

POS 자료들과 전시품들로 전달합니다.

64 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
Manufacturer Profile

OTC: How do you educate consumers and retailers on product knowledge? POS materials and displays.

OTC: Do you have an online presence? Yes, (we’re) very active in social media

OTC: What are Innovative Beauty Products’ plans for the rest of 2017?

Specifically, do you plan on attending Cosmoprof North America in July? If so, what do you think is the most influential part of taking part in the show? Our plans are to stay active in those trade shows we feel best maximize our potential to reach new and existing customers. We exhibit in all of the Cosmoprof shows around the world. We will continue to promote our existing product lines and develop new ones as well. The beauty business is activity driven, and we plan on staying active.

OTC: What is the best business advice you can give store owners?

OTC: 온라인에서도 활동하시나요?

네, (저희는) 소셜 미디어를 통해 활발한 활동을 하고 있습니다.

You have a lot of competition from the retail chains to e-commerce, but you can still provide superior customer service. It takes a lot of work, but it can keep you in business.

OTC: What final thoughts would you like to share with OTC readers about Innovative Beauty Products and your product offerings?

With many traditional OTC product categories suffering from declining retail margins, offering a wide selection of high-margin, niche items can help to bring your overall store retail margins up.

Company Information

Compan: Innovative Beauty Products

Address: 2217 Michigan Ave, Arlington, TX 76013

Contact Number: 800-854-9809

Website: www.godefroybeauty.com

Years in Business:12

OTC: Innovative Beauty Products 의 남은 2017 년 동안의 계획을 듣고 싶습니다. 특히 7월에 열리는 북미 미용 박람회 (Cosmoprof North America) 에 참여하실 계획이신가요?

만약 그렇다면, 박람회에서 가장 영향을 미치는 점은 어떤 것이라 생각하십니까? 저희는 이러한 박람회 등에 적극 참여하여 현 소비자 및 잠재 소비자들에게까지 저희의 잠재력이 최대한 도달할 수 있도록 할 것입니다. 저희는 전 세계에 걸친 모든 박람회에서 전시를 하고 있습니다. 계속해서 기존 제품들을 홍보하고 새 제품 개발에 주력할 예정 입니다. 이 뷰티 산업은 굉장히 활동적이며, 저희는 모든 것을 적극적으로 진행할 계획입니다.

OTC: 비즈니스적인 면에서 상점 주 분들께 드릴만한 조언이 있을까요? 여러분은 소매업에서 전자 상거래에 이르기까지 많은 경쟁자를 두고 있습니다. 하지만, 여전히 최상의 소비자 서비스를 제공할 수 있지요. 많은 시간과 노력이 필요하시겠지만, 그것이 곧 여러분을 성공으로 이끌 것입니다.

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Innovative Beauty Products

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OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 65

Top Selling Flat Irons

When shopping for styling tools and products, shoppers may turn to online product reviews for guidance. This not only makes customers more likely to purchase popular merchandise, but it also boosts sales for these trending items, as well. That’s why it’s important to know what products are selling well and are in high demand at Jinny Beauty Supply. This monthly feature will keep you posted on what’s in and what’s out, so you can purchase your inventory accordingly.

Ceramic plates. Negative ion fusions. Fast heat ups. There are tons of factors to consider when purchasing a flat iron. While the market is flooded with this styling tool, there are a few items that retailers can’t keep on the shelves. Take advantage of this information and stock up on these proven sellers.

Gold ‘N Hot Flat Iron Ceramic 1" GH2027


It’s the Top Contender

Known for its ceramic-coated plates and ability to heat up in 60 seconds, this Gold ‘N Hot iron is a fan favorite. The flat iron uses infrared heat to infuse deep conditioning in the hair and lock in the hair’s natural moisture. That means no straw-like tresses, static or frizz.

Suggested Retail Price: $25.99

Top Stats

• Heats up to 400 degrees F

• Provides finger rests for two-handed styling

• Has a handle lock and swivel cord to avoid tangling

More From This Brand

This isn’t the only top seller from Gold ‘N Hot. Check out the popular Gold 'N Hot Professional Irons in models GH2144 and GH9087.

68 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 Top FIVE

Babyliss Nano Titanium Prima 3000 Styling Iron BABNT3000T

From the 1.25” aircraft-grade titanium plates to the dual ceramic heating system, but customers can’t get enough of this iron. Thanks to its Ion Multiplier Technology, millions of ions are passed through the iron to create

Suggested Retail Price:

J2 Hair Tool Flat Iron Combo With Mini DRE2115

Customers enjoy this product’s 2-For-1 deal with its 1” and ½” flat irons set. Perfect for straightening hair and touching up the edges of the hairline. The larger iron heats up to 430 degrees, while the smaller one can reach up to 400 degrees.

Suggested Retail Price: $21.99

Bionic Flat OnePass Straightening Iron BIOP15

As the name suggests, there’s no need to flat iron the same strands of hair twice with this tool. Its silicone speed strips allow you to quickly straighten your hair without the damage and leaves hair looking shiny and healthy.

Suggested Retail Price: $240 Hot Tool Digital Tourmaline Flat Iron 1”

Aside from the fact that this flat iron can reach temperatures of up to 440 degrees, this Hot Tools product has a dual voltage – a plus for those who travel and style on the go.

Suggested Retail Price: $49.99

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 69
2 3 4



When you have a busy day of appointments ahead of you, it’s important to keep your tools sanitized in between clients to ensure the health and safety of your salon.

A common mistake that professionals face when cleaning their cutting tools is not knowing which maintenance product they should be using and as a result, using the wrong one. During a normal day in the salon, tools need to be cleaned, oiled and sometimes disinfected to prevent infections or bacteria spreading between clients, while ensuring the cutting performance of the clipper or trimmer.

Quick Cleaning and Blade Cooling Between Clients

– The most sanitary practice is to clean used tools between appointments. Using a multipurpose product like Andis’ Cool Care Plus® spray is ideal as a fast-acting cleaner since it is a 5-in1 spray functioning as a lubricant, disinfectant, cleaner, rust preventative and coolant. Simply spray the clipper or trimmer and using a cleaning brush, brush away hair, before using a towel to dry off and wipe any excess product residue from the clipper and blade.

Disinfection – Cool Care Plus Spray also has a key ingredient allowing it to function as a germicide to kill infectious bacteria should your blades contact blood, etc. If a client’s skin has been nicked or if they have any other skin condition where blood or infection is visible, tools will need to be thoroughly decontaminated. After the normal brushing and blade cleaning, spray Cool Care Plus on the blade surfaces until wet and let stand for a minimum of 10 minutes prior to wiping.

Deep Cleaning – After a long day of clipping and trimming, grime builds up on the blades impeding performance. A deep cleaning can help restore cutting power and reduce strain on the tool’s motor and blade drive. My go-to product for removing hair debris from clipper and trimmer blades is Andis Blade Care Plus in a jar. To use, pour some product into a bowl – just enough to cover the clipper/trimmer blade only – run for at least one minute. This will penetrate the hard-to-reach areas and clean your blade better than any other process.

Adding these simple practices to your routine is essential to keeping barbershop and salon standards high and protecting your reputation as a professional.

For more information visit www.andis.com

Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula:

• Deeply Nourishes and Hydrates dry skin

• Restores skin’s natural radiance and glow

• Made with Fair Trade Coconut Oil and Tahitian Monoi

• Free of Parabens, Phthalates, Mineral Oil & Dyes

• Ethically and sustainably sourced ingredients

• Certified Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

70 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of a 12-chair salon— Main Attraction Unisex Salon— based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in films such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company.


Multiple Solutions to Multi Textured Hair

Nearly 10 million Americans identify themselves as either multiracial or multicultural. That’s nearly half of this country’s millennial generation. These consumers join other sectors of the market in defining their hair type as multi-textured. In one given family this could mean differences in curl pattern that range from coils to curls. With so many consumers of every ethnic group reverting to their natural texture, the need for multiple product types is astounding.

Hair care product choices may be ideal for one family member but too heavy for another. Some products can weight down naturally curly hair while it strengthens and protects another hair type. A moisturizer for one hair texture could be used as a conditioner. A styling agent for one curl pattern could be a volumizer for another. Multiple uses of the same product could be achieved by using a smaller amount to tame a curl or greater amount to moisturize a braided style. OTC products must offer multiple solutions for multi-textured hair.

Many of the formulations available on the market will benefit most hair types. Oils may provide reparative benefits for one consumer while it may nourish a dry scalp condition on another. Brands are featuring oils from every corner of the world, from Africa to China, Brazil or India. The multiple uses of oils can vary by how much is applied, with or without heat. Waxes, puddings or custards can be used to slick down short hair or to provide curl definition on long hair. Leave in styling aids and mousses can be used on damp hair during blow drying or for air drying curly tops. Every family will need products with multiple solutions. Multi-textured hair mandates that products be versatile. Consumers require new product concepts that run the gamut of cleansing, styling and texture control.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skincare and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com.

wholesome hair starts with first ingredient. aloe juice as the
72 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 73


How to Avoid Coloring Your Hair Too Dark

The hair color business is booming, and both men and women are starting to color their hair at a young age. I have seen men as young as 25 requesting color at the barbershop. But even in the barbershop, barbers fail to choose the correct color combination to make a client’s hair look natural. Men can often make the same mistake at home and may color their hair too dark in an attempt to cover their gray hair.

Since the majority of men will choose to color their hair the first time without professional assistance, they often choose a hair coloring kit off the shelf, such as Just For Men or Bigen #59, which are both great products if used properly. Some products may be too dark and will need to be lightened or mixed with Bigen #58 or #57 to achieve a more natural, uniformed look. Talk to a professional before coloring your hair yourself.

Rules of Thumb:

• Select a hair color no darker than your eyebrows.

• Consider backing off the darkest color in the coloring spectrum to a more natural dark color (i.e avoid using jet black. It will make you look weird. Choose natural black instead).

• Products like Bigen EZ Color offers a great option for addressing the gray hair on your head, along with your beard and mustache. You may need more than one box for proper coverage.

• Not all color products are designed to be placed on your face to color your beard and mustache. The wrong products can create an allergic reaction, so always do a skin test.

• Avoid leaving the color on too long. Always follow the directions included with the product.

• Use a timer.

My product of choice is Bigen EZ Color. It’s an easy, comb-in cream formula that requires no mixing, won’t drip and won’t leave stains on the skin. The product can also be used on facial hair, as well. Just remember, all permanent hair colors require a preliminary skin test before each use. Your body constitution and condition change every day. Allergic reactions can occur depending on the constitution of the day of use. Please make sure that you do the skin test before each use, even if you have been coloring with a product for years without any problems.

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, The Official Barbershop Trade Publication focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit www.tonsorialtimes.com.

74 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017

CurlKit Partners With Taliah Waajid’s Uncle Jimmy Products for Special Father’s Day Edition Men’s Box Industry News

Leading natural hair solution for women launching new men’s line of products for beard, hair and skin

NEW YORK - CurlKit is excited to announce a collaboration with Uncle Jimmy Products as part of the reveal of its new line of products for men; these products will be featured in the CurlStar Men’s Box debuting this month. Developed by natural hair entrepreneur and innovator Taliah Waajid, the new men’s line will cater to the needs of discerning gentlemen everywhere. More information is available at www. UncleJimmyProducts.com.

like argan oil, black seed and honey. The CurlStar Men’s Box includes five full-size products from Uncle Jimmy Products’ new men’s line. As a leading subscription service for natural hair products, CurlKit has seen its business grow exponentially since launch. A firm commitment to innovation and service has been instrumental in this success story.

after subscription companies on the market. Each month, subscribers receive a professionally packaged CurlKit box, along with the latest edition of CurlLife Magazine. CurlKit boxes contain from four to eight handselected products from both wellknown brands and emerging beauty lines. Products range from pomades and conditioners to styling tools. Meanwhile, http://www.curlkitshop. com includes how-to guides, product descriptions and an easy subscription sign-up form.

About CurlKit

Taliah Waajid has built a widely respected brand over the last two decades, and much of that respect is thanks to her commitment to chemical-free solutions. The brand’s mission is “to provide high-quality products that enhance and positively contribute to healthy hair, skin and body.” Uncle Jimmy Products is no exceptions. The new line of products combines effective and soothing natural essential oils and ingredients

“Ten years ago, I struggled through the trials and tribulations inherent in the transition from processed to natural hair,” says Heather Cummings, founder of CurlKit. “I knew there had to be a better way — that’s what motivated me to create a company to help others in my position. CurlKit is the result of lots of research and determination, and I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished so far.”

In March 2012, CurlKit launched its subscription service for curly, coily, kinky, locs and textured hair. In just five years, the company has grown to be one of the most sought-

CurlKit is a complete solution for women with naturally curly hair of various textures. They provide exclusive services, products, tutorials, videos, how-to manuals and information to help lifelong naturals, as well as, women who are choosing a newly natural hair style. CurlKit had their premier launch in March 2012, opening Curlkit.com to customers in United States, Canada, Hawaii and the US Virgin Islands. In September 2012, they expanded their market share to over 150 countries worldwide accomplishing one of their first-year goals ahead of schedule.

78 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
Taliah Waajid

Korea’s biggest personal care ingredients event to date Industry News

High profile visitors and exhibitors come together to honour Korea’s €10bn cosmetics market at extended three-day event

It was sold out well in advance, so it’s no surprise that this year’s in-cosmetics Korea, organized by Reed Exhibitions, delivered the biggest– and most high profile – personal care ingredients event in Korea to date. The show was 20 percent bigger than in 2016 and, with many of the industry’s most established brands in attendance, it revealed the latest innovations and upcoming trends to inspire new product development teams.

7,217 professional visitors from companies including AmorePacific, Cosmax, Johnson & Johnson, Kimberley Clark, Kolmar, L’Oréal, LG Household & Health Care, Shiseido, TonyMoly, Unilever and more gathered at COEX in Seoul from 20-22 June to conduct business with the world’s leading ingredients suppliers. This record attendance equates to an increase of 17 percent on 2016. The exhibition also hosted a group of VIP R&D visitors from China and Taiwan, as part of the event’s Gold Business Guest program. By popular demand, the show was extended to three days, offering R&D professionals a greater opportunity to review the latest innovations, delve into current trends and network with industry colleagues.

With Korea known as a hotbed of innovation and the country’s cosmetics market expected to hit €10.95bn this year, the event was undeniably crucial for any businesses looking to enter or develop their offering in the region. And as the only exhibition dedicated to personal care ingredients in Korea, it certainly made its mark.

Visitor Sooryun Tak, Senior Researcher at LG Household enthused: “We are launching a hair care brand and met a supplier at the show who we are talking to about developing a new range of products collaboratively. I was also really inspired by the range of non-silicone solutions available from suppliers here, that’s why it’s really good to have a personal care ingredients event like in-cosmetics Korea in our country.”

why, next year, I will get involved with the Sensory Bar. In addition to Koreans, I also had visitors from China, Japan and Thailand so it was a very successful experience.”

While this year’s exhibitor offering was particularly impressive, the educational program covered a diverse range of topics including Premium Skincare in Asia by Sunny Um of Euromonitor International; Understanding Korea’s Cosmetic Regulations by Ja-eun Song of Korea Cosmetic Association; Haircare Trends by Belinda Carli of Institute of Personal Care Science and more.

The Sensory Bar – a new addition to in-cosmetics Korea – attracted large crowds, drawing manufacturers in to examine the unusual textures and sensations of products developed by some of the leading innovators in the field. Visitors were also treated to live demonstrations by suppliers highlighting how to formulate their sensory products.

New for in-cosmetics Korea 2017 were Product Trails recommended by independent industry experts in three categories. Designed to help attendees navigate their way around the exhibition, they highlighted key natural actives, moisturisers and anti-ageing products.

For visitors keen to discover the latest launches (within the last 8 months), the Innovation Zone displayed the most current active and functional ingredients to see and test. The area retained its crown as one of the most popular areas of the show and achieved a 94 percent satisfaction score in the research carried out via interactive feedback touchpads.

Of the 214 exhibitors present, there was a higher representation of the world’s top 20 ingredient suppliers than in previous years, with personal care giants AzkoNobel, Clariant, Croda, Dow Chemical and DSM Nutritional Products all taking stands. In total, 58% of exhibitors were based outside Korea, highlighting the importance of the event – and indeed the Korean cosmetics industry – to the global market. Exhibitor Carla Perez, Asia Pacific Beauty Care Technical Manager at SEPPIC commented: “in-cosmetics Korea is special because it balances raw materials and presentations. You can learn about ingredients and the latest innovations but also about market trends, consumer insights and finished products, which is important for suppliers like us.”

Alongside the many well-known exhibitors, this year’s exhibition also attracted many new companies who signed up to showcase their products to a captive audience. Among them was Elizabeth Cambar-Roney, International Sales Director at Connoils LLC who added:

“Korea is the biggest international market for us and that’s the main reason why we’re here. This show has been an eye-opener for me. Korean visitors enjoy experimenting with our products and that’s

Sarah Gibson, in-cosmetics Korea Exhibition Director, commented: “We are delighted – but not surprised – by the success of this year’s incosmetics Korea. We are proud to bring the Korean and global industry together on an annual basis. Education at the show is 100 percent free and the 91 percent average satisfaction score for this year’s seminars demonstrates how beneficial this program is to our attendees. We are very much looking forward to the 2018 event, which will feature a 4th exhibition hall to accommodate more exhibitors and the launch of our first ever Formulation Lab in Korea.”

in-cosmetics Korea 2018 will take place at COEX in Seoul from 1315 June 2018.

About in-cosmetics Korea:

in-cosmetics Korea brings together over 200 exhibitors of ingredients, fragrances, lab equipment, testing and regulatory solutions with over 7,000 cosmetic professionals from Korea and overseas. in-cosmetics Korea promotes innovation in ingredients and technologies, providing quality education and consumer insights for formulators, R&D and regulatory professionals. Showcasing local and global industry trends, in-cosmetics Korea offers the most cost-effective business and networking opportunities for the personal care ingredients community in the dynamic Korean market. Follow in-cosmetics Korea on Twitter at www.twitter.com/incosmetics and Facebook at www.facebook. com/incosmeticsgroup

80 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017

Industry News

Wahl Professional Creates Global Platform for Education as Host of the 2017 Global Education Leadership Summit

Wahl Professional hosted the inaugural Global Education Leadership Summit (GELS) to engage with Wahl educators from around the world and teach them to think like an artist. In March 2017, Wahl global artists met at Wahl Clipper Corporation’s Global Headquarters in Sterling, IL to practice the joining of

Products, Wahl Clipper Corporation personally support and attend the event as guest speakers was encouraging, and reinforces the importance of education for the industry,” says Laura VanderMoere, Global Director of Education, Wahl Professional and host of the summit.

minds, identifying core techniques and best practices and implementing them to create a global platform for education. “We want to provide not only the mechanical tools that work for the global beauty and barber industry, but we want to provide the knowledge to use them,” says Lance Wahl, Global Vice President Professional Products, Wahl Clipper Corporation. “This knowledge will help our professionals elevate their careers and create great hair anywhere in the world!”

From the United States to Australia and Russia and many more, the first Wahl GELS represented eighteen total countries and introduced an inclusive look at the best hair techniques from around the world.

“To have Greg Wahl, CEO of Wahl Clipper Corporation and Lance Wahl, the Global Vice President Professional

From Wahl’s origin in 1919, Wahl education has since surged as a global phenomenon. When industry influencers think of men’s grooming, they immediately connect with Wahl—the catalyst behind every hair artist’s success for precision clipper cutting and creative hairstyles.

29 artists from 18 countries attended the inaugural GELS at Wahl’s Global Headquarters.

“Our mission is to leave no artist behind,” says VanderMoere. “To pour everything we have into supporting and helping each licensed professional, student and instructor to think and create beyond the boundaries our industry imposes on us, in both hair artistry and business. And to always be there for them.”

With a growing global reach of hair artistry, Wahl practices the joining of minds—and techniques—with a consistent methodology. Wahl Professional launched the 5-Step Method, a universal education for hair artists around the world.

“We introduced a format called the 5-Step Method, which is a thought process to be used by everyone. It applies to all cultures, textures, genders, ages and skill levels. Once the artist understands this concept, they will

soar,” says VanderMoere. “I challenge all artists, regardless of how long or little they have practiced, to engage in the 5-Step Method.”

To think like an artist opens professionals up to every opportunity the industry offers while recognizing and respecting all genders and cultures as equal. It positions the professional to choose and create their career path.

This consistent message was the motivation and goal behind the inaugural GELS, and was carried out in all aspects of the summit, from the joining of minds and identifying core techniques and best practices, to creating a global platform for education. Wahl hosted hair professionals from the following countries: USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Argentina, Italy, France, Japan, Spain, Australia, India, Costa Rica, Mexico, Netherlands, Malaysia, South Africa, Russia and Brazil.

“The summit was extremely successful. To see everyone from around the world in the same room, with the same passions coupled with their energy was powerful! At times, I stood back in awe (and pride) watching everyone connect. Communicating through the internet is fascinating, to meet in person is life changing,” says VanderMoere.

Wahl plans to host future summits with the hopes that each subsidiary will have an opportunity to host the event so attendees can experience cultures firsthand.

“With Wahl, there is a Method behind our education so anyone who attends a Wahl class feels like they truly got something out of that class,” adds Wahl.

To learn more about Wahl education and to find out about upcoming classes and events, visit www.wahlpro.com.

82 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017

Barbers Choice is great for coloring mens facial hair. Pre-measured in separate units, it gives you the versatility to use the exact amount of color with no waste or oxidation. Great for use on beards, mustaches, temples, side burns… Anywhere you need a little color!

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 83
WITH CAPSULE TINT Small in size, big in results. Highly concentrated dyes for maximum gray coverage for up to 6 weeks. 6 weeks of rich, vibrant beard and mustache color! Beard & Mustache color Super Offer! Buy one 12 pc Display Barbers Choice Beard & Mustache Dye GET FREE One 6 pc Display THICK Beard & Mustache Growth Serum $89 Retail Value Free

Amid EU Palm Oil Bill Debate, New Members Join Leading Initiative to Reform Palm Oil Industry

The Palm Oil Innovation Group welcomes major global companies L’Oréal and Barry Callebaut

LONDON - The Palm Oil Innovation Group (POIG) announced that global companies L’Oréal and Barry Callebaut are the newest members of the leading initiative for responsibly produced palm oil. These companies join others in POIG that have committed to stepping up efforts to drive the much-needed transformation of the palm oil sector. The announcement follows the increasing debate on what single ‘No Deforestation’ and ‘No Exploitation’ standard will be adopted by the EU following the successful passage of the palm oil resolution in April 2017. Members of Parliament overwhelmingly voted in support of the introduction of a single certification scheme that will ensure all palm oil entering the EU market is not tied to deforestation or human rights violations.

Matthias Diemer, the Co-chair of the Palm Oil Innovation Group issued the following statement during the annual European meeting of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO): “The Palm Oil Innovation Group welcomes the commitment by L’Oréal and Barry Callebaut to innovate and join the ranks of the most responsible companies in the palm oil supply chain.”

“These new members will continue to support the transformation of the palm oil sector by demonstrating innovation to implement RSPO existing standards as well as additional critical requirements, such as ending deforestation, the development of

peatlands and gross labor and human rights violations.”

L’Oréal, the world’s largest cosmetics company, and Switzerland-based Barry Callebaut, the global leading supplier of high-quality chocolate and cocoa products, have joined existing POIG members like Ferrero and Danone in their commitments to drive truly responsible palm oil production.

“With more innovators joining forces under POIG, we move closer to achieving POIG’s vision: a responsible supply chain that has broken the link between palm oil production and the destruction of forests and peatlands, the exploitation of communities and workers, and climate change,” concluded co-chair Matthias.

POIG was recently recognized by the European Parliament as a strong standard for responsible palm oil production. The EU palm oil resolution presents a great opportunity for RSPO and POIG members, especially at a time when the RSPO is considering strengthening its standards to incorporate no deforestation and no exploitation requirements outlined in the POIG Charter. The initiative was founded by Agropalma, DAABON, Greenpeace, WWF, Rainforest Action Network (RAN) and Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) in 2014 and remains the initiative that sets the highest benchmark for independently verified and truly responsible palm oil.

To learn more about POIG, visit www.poig.org.

Farouk Systems Appoints Edwin Hofstede as Managing Director for Europe

HOUSTON, TX - Dr. Farouk Shami proudly announces the appointment of Edwin Hofstede as Managing Director for Europe as of July 1, 2017. With over 20 years of experience in the professional salon industry, Edwin Hofstede worked as a successful Sales and Marketing Manager for Farouk Systems’ Dutch Distributor TrendyHair Company. Earlier he served Farouk Systems Europe (from 2007 till 2013) as a Marketing Manager by focusing and supporting the European distributors.

In his new position of managing director, Edwin Hofstede will be responsible for the performance (growth), support and performance of the European Division. He will accomplish this by managing all departments, taking ownership of European Sales & Marketing plans, creating the right plan to build, integrate and engage brand experiences. This will be accomplished by intensively supporting distributors and salons worldwide by giving them the best education, sales and marketing tools while listening to their needs. Therefore, growing their businesses and becoming the strongest European leader in this industry.

According to Edwin Hofstede, “It has never been a secret that it was and still is my interest, goal and focus to develop and grow international markets. With this new challenge and opportunity that

Dr. Farouk Shami has given me as Managing Director for Europe, it is a dream come true and I am more than confident that I will be a valuable asset in sales and marketing. “Farouk Systems is not just a product line; it is a story about a man that proves dreams can and will come true if you have the perseverance and mentality to make it all happen.”

Dr. Farouk Shami adds, “We are very excited to have Edwin Hofstede as our Managing Director of Europe. His devotion and knowledge of the professional salon industry will help to expand not only our business but improve sales and marketing for our distributors and also deliver the type of education and shows our fellow hairdressers want and need in Europe to be even more successful. He will be a great asset to our company and to the hairdressers we are dedicated to serving.”

About Farouk Systems: Farouk Systems, Inc. is a Houston based company of hairdressers for hairdressers. They manufacture high-quality professional hair care products, including industry-leading brands CHI® and BioSilk®. Farouk Systems was founded in 1986 by Dr. Farouk Shami, a hairdresser whose mission is to provide the professional beauty industry with the most advanced American technology based upon “Education, Environment and Ethics”. Farouk Systems distributes its products throughout the United States and to over 100 countries worldwide. Please visit our website at www.farouk.com and like us on facebook.com/farouksystems.

84 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
Industry News

Wahl Professional Introduces Another Game-Changing Trimmer: The Beret

STERLING, IL – If you visit Jacob’s Barbershop in Cicero, Illinois, you’ll hear what you expect. There’s banter, laughter, the buzz of clippers and the spraying of water bottles.

But when Nieves Almaraz, owner of Jacob’s Barbershop and member of the Wahl Education and Artistic Team (WEAT.), switches his Wahl Beret trimmer on, you’ll hear something unexpected: hardly anything at all.

“It’s one of the quietest trimmers I’ve ever used,” says Almaraz. “It’s very beneficial when working with children. They don’t flinch when I’m working on them.”

That means something coming from Almaraz. As a W.E.A.T. member, he’s used nearly every Wahl Professional clipper or trimmer throughout his career.

The Beret trimmer is the latest in a series of innovations from Wahl Professional. Unveiled at Premiere Orlando in early June, the Beret trimmer has its own spot within the distinguished line of Wahl Professional tools designed for barbers and stylists while featuring the added convenience of both cord and cordless use.

In typical Wahl fashion, the Beret is lightweight, ergonomic, and comes with everything needed for high-precision cutting, including automatic recharge stand, recharging transformer, 4 trimming guides (1/8” – 1⁄2”), oil, cleaning brush, styling comb and more. The lithium ion battery holds power for a two-hour run time (when fully charged) and can be recharged in between or during haircuts.

While the performance is predictable, the appearance is not. The Beret deviates from the standard Wahl color palette and features a rich copper hue. In this case, the Beret is the ideal blend of form and function with exceptional versatility.

“I use it for a lot of things,” Almaraz says. “Scalp cutting, trimming, lining. Even facial hair and detail design. Lining is especially easy, with nice sharp cuts that aren’t too aggressive for younger or older clients.”

The Beret is now available nationwide.

About Wahl Clipper Corporation

Since 1919, with the invention of the first practical electric hair clipper, Wahl Clipper Corporation has been the leader in the professional and home grooming category. Today, with over 2500 employees worldwide, Wahl is proud to carry forward the tradition of innovation and superior customer service that was created by Leo J. Wahl. Headquartered in Sterling, Illinois, Wahl distributes to 176 countries and has eight global manufacturing facilities as well as 25 sales offices. At Wahl, we are proud of our heritage of excellence as well as our remarkable list of ground breaking innovations for the present and future for the global market. Visit www.wahlpro.com for more details.

86 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 Industry News



BIR Bits

Regis Corporation recently announced that it is considering strategic alternatives for its mall-based salons.

Those salons constitute one of the largest shopping mallbased personal services retailers in North America, with more than 900 retail locations employing over 7,500 stylists across the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. They provide services in a mall retail environment via two principal brands: one addressing a premium, upscale experience and the other addressing a value-based experience. The premium concept, operating under the Regis Salons brand, is targeted primarily to young, suburban female guests and the value concept, operating under the MasterCuts brand, is targeted primarily to price- and time-conscious male, female and family guests. Regis has retained Huron Transaction Advisory for financial advisory and investment banking services to assist in its review.

Visit www.regiscorp.com.

Michael F. Heines joins ColorProof Color Care Authority as president.

In this new position, he will be responsible for the management and leadership of the sales, marketing, education and operating teams, while executing the brand vision of CEO and Founder, Jim Markham. Jim shares, “When we recognized the need for this new position, Michael immediately came to mind as the perfect fit. I have known him for over 20 years and believe that his ability to build brands through strategic thinking and his management style will play a pivotal role in expanding our presence while driving revenue.” Michael joins ColorProof from Sally Beauty Holdings’ CosmoProf division, where he served as group vice president since June 2012. Prior to joining Sally, Michael owned Pacific Salon Systems, a regional distributor that merged with Cosmoprof. Jim met Michael and his father, Fred, when they distributed of one of Jim’s prior brands, ABBA Pure & Natural. Visit www.colorproof.com.

Dave Monday joins The Kirschner Group’s Western Territory Sales Team.

He will cover Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska and Hawaii. Dave began his career in the beauty industry in 1997 as a distributor sales consultant and field sales manager for CosmoProf. He has a diverse background and broad experience in sales, as well as store management. Reach Dave at dave@kirschnergroup.com. In addition, Stephanie Taricco has left the company.

Visit www.kirschnergroup.com.

Industry veteran John Woloshyn joins Keratin Complex as senior executive vice president.

John will be responsible for the company’s sales and education division, including oversight of the internal and external sales and education teams, as well as the company’s vast distributor network. Says Noah LeFevre, chief operating officer. “John possesses a wealth of experience in the beauty industry and has a track record of success at every level. His leadership skills will be instrumental as we deliver on our mission to be a global brand synonymous with excellence. He brings a level of credibility and expertise to our sales division that will serve us well.” Adds John, “It is an honor to join Keratin Complex during an extremely exciting time. We have an incredible opportunity to continue building upon the success and innovative heritage that the company has enjoyed over the past decade. I look forward to working closely with all of our distributors, chain and salon partners, as well as the entire Keratin Complex team, salons and stylists.” Prior to joining Keratin Complex, John enjoyed a 29-year career at Redken 5th Avenue, most recently serving as senior vice president, sales where he helped spearhead the company’s growth by developing and supporting a multifaceted national distribution network of over 85,000 salons. As a senior team member, he was also involved in the acquisition of Pureology in 2007 and integrating the brand into the Redken distribution network. Visit www.keratincomplex.com.

Courtesy of “The Beauty Industry Report.”

The Beauty Industry Report is a monthly newsletter for executives in the professional beauty biz.

For 3 FREE complimentary issues of the “Beauty Industry Report,” please send your request to Lisa Iavello at lisa@bironline.com. Include your name, company name, address, phone number and email address in the email message.

90 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
John Woloshyn Michael F. Heines Dave Monday
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OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 95 SPECIAL OFFER BUY

Let your voice be heard!

In this segment, OTC Beauty Magazine wants to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it via email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

• What type(s) of products have had an increase in sales and popularity at your store recently?

귀하의 상점에서 최근 매출이 증가한 상품의 종류에는 어떠한 것이 있습니까?

• Is there a hair product trend or business topic you would like to learn more about?

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• What is the one hair care concern you get the most questions about from your customers? 모발 관리와 관련하여 소비자로부터 가장 많은 질문을 받는 부분은 어느것입니까?

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication.

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98 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017
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Reader Feedback

Show Calendar / Ad Index


19-21 Bronner Brothers Mid-Summer Show Atlanta, GA www.bronnerbros.com

20-22 BehindtheChairs.com’s Color, Cut & Style Austin, TX www.behindthechair.com

22-24 Indie Beauty Expo New York, NY www.indiebeautyexpo.com

26-27 Beauty Expo Australia Sydney, Australia www.beautyexpoaustralia.com.au

26-27 Ubiquitous Expo Washington, DC www.ubiquitousexpo.com

26-28 Skin Inc.’s Face & Body Northern California San Jose, CA www.faceandbody.com


9-12 13th Annual Beauty Fair Sao Paulo, Brazil www.beautyfair.com.br/us/

13-16 Natural Products Expo East Baltimore, MD www.expoeast.com

17 NailPro Sacramento Sacramento, CA www.nailprosacremento.com

18-19 Professional Beauty Mumbai Mumbai, India www.professionalbeauty.in

100 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 AFAM Concept 2, 3, 38 and 50 www.afamconcept.com American International 21 www.aiibeauty.com Ampro Industries 19, 49, 89 www.amprogel.com Andis Co. 9, 70 www.andis.com Beauty Perfection 11 www.sparkscolor.com Brock Beauty 71 www.brockbeauty.com Combe 85 www.combe.com Conair 33 www.conair.com Coty 7, 61 www.wella.com Curls 5 www.curls.biz DeMert Brands 97 www.demertbrands.com Dominican Magic 101 www.dominicanmagic.com ET Browne 60, 70 www.palmers.com Fantasia Ind. 23 www.fantasiahaircare.com Gold ‘N Hot 53 www.goldnhothair.com Helen of Troy ................................................................. 29 www.hotus.com House of Cheatham 26 and Back Cover www.houseofcheatham.com Imperial Dax 73 www.daxhaircare.com Innovative Beauty Products, LLC 83 www.godefroybeauty.com Inspired Beauty Brands 75 www.haskbeauty.com JBS Hair 39, 99 www.jbshair.com KAB Brands, Inside Back Cover www.aphogee.com Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products 41 www.liquidgoldbonding.com Luster Products ...........................................................76, 95 www.lusterproducts.com M&M Products 77 www.mmproducts.com Mitchell Group 55 www.mitchellbrands.com Murray’s Worldwide 67, 81 www.murrayspomade.com Namaste Laboratories .................................. Cover, 51 www.orshaircare.com Nature’s Protein 37 www.NPhaircare.com OMT, LLC 56 www.nappystyles.com Queen Helene 36, 48 www.queenhelene.com SMSi Urban Call 42  Softee 8 www.softeeproductscom SoftSheen-Carson 25, 88 www.softsheen-carson.com Sundial 31 www.sundialbrands.com Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products 57 www.naturalhair.org Universal Beauty Products, Inc. Inside Front Cover www.universalbeauty.com Vogue International 13, 72 www.vogueintl.com Xtreme Beauty International 14, 15, 27 and 79 www.xbi.co

ApHogee’s Newest Specialty Treatment

The Hair Strengthening Kit

When hair is weakened and damaged, it likely needs a healthy dose of protein. When customers are in need of this, you can point them in the direction of the ApHogee Hair Strengthening Kit. This new product uses the same technology as the pioneering ApHogee TwoStep Protein Treatment, but it’s simpler to use and ideal for nonstylists. This product also works on its own, without the necessity of a hooded hair dryer, which is an added bonus.

Once this product is used the customer should not need another treatment for up to 2 or 3 weeks. While ApHogee will continue to sell the original Two-Step Protein Treatment as the best option to combat hair breakage and damage, the user-friendly Hair Strengthening Kit will still be offered as an easier, effective product, as well. Remember, this treatment works for all hair types, but it’s best to use this treatment prior to hair color touch ups.

The results of this treatment includes:

• Improved strength and texture

• Reduced hair splits and loss due to breakage

• Hair that is better prepared for color services

To use, apply the activated amino acids to repair and strengthen the hair. Afterward, drench the hair in moisture and seal. One kit contains 3 to 4 applications, depending on the length and thickness of the hair.

102 OTC Beauty Magazine August 2017 Product Spotlight

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