OTC April 2018

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April 2018 | $6.00

General Merchandise Issue

Bolster Sales with Apparel Stock Up On Must-Have General Merchandise Show Coverage:

Jinny Beauty Supply Miami & Chicago Trade Shows

Style with Ease Achie

Caref ve Styleree s That Last


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


April 2018

c ont en t s

In Ever y Is s u e

Letter 10 Editorial Generally Speaking 일반적인 사항들

Advice 12 Expert Getting to the Root of Alopecia

16 Marketplace Must-Have General Merchandise Should You Sell It? 22 How Apparel 어떻게 판매해야 하나? 의류제품

Product 28 Finished Aftershave Call Briefs 45 Urban Leadership Profiles in Beauty Tips 104 Clipper Andis Cutter Blades and Quality Fades Trends 106 Therapy Beauty Blasts from the Blogosphere

By Khalia Dunn For many consumers, their local beauty supply store is their first stop when repurchasing or trying out a new hair product. When most go to one of these stores, they make a beeline for the wigs, extensions, and other hair products. But a beauty supply store carries much more than colorful extensions and the newest organic shampoo. From lipstick to hair brushes, there really is no end to what customers may discover.

Profile 66 Manufacturer Softsheen-Carson

Softsheen-Carson has been a market leader in the ethnic beauty industry for well over a century. Producing iconic brands such as Dark and Lovely, Magic Shave, Let’s Jam, Optimum Care, Dark and Natural, Sportin Waves and Care Free Curl, this company has been a fixture in the culture of black hair care. Its broad portfolio and focus on innovation positions the company to be a mainstay and continuing forerunner in the industry. With the recent release of several new products, Softsheen-Carson shows no signs of slowing down. OTC Beauty Magazine chatted with the company about its history and upcoming plans for the future. 소프트신-카슨(Softsheen-Carson)사는 한 세기가 넘도록 민족 뷰티 산업 시장의 리더였습니다. 다크 앤 러블리(Dark and Lovely), 매직

108 Industry News

쉐이브(Magic Shave), 렛츠 잼(Let’s Jam), 옵티멈 케어(Optimum

116 BIR Bits

브랜드를 만들어 내면서, 이 회사는 흑인 머리스타일의 문화에

117 Show Calendar 119 Coupons 124 Ad Index Feedback 126 Reader 독자 피드백

128 Product Spotlight

Ardell’s Double Up False Lashes Mascara

Sellers 72 Top We take a look at the 5 fastest-moving

General Merchandise at Jinny Beauty Supply.


64 Feature Beauty Supply Treasures

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Care), 다크 앤 내츄럴(Dark and Natural), 스포틴 웨이브(Sportin Wave), 그리고 케어 프리 컬(Care Free Curl) 같은 상징적인 정착시켜 왔습니다. 폭 넓은 포트폴리오와 혁신에 중점을 두고 있으며, 이 업계의 주류이자 지속적인 선구자가 되려고 노력하고 있습니다. 최근 출시된 여러 신제품으로 인해, 소프트신-카슨사의 매출은 줄어들 조짐이 보이지 않고 있습니다. OTC뷰티 매거진은 자사의 역사와 미래의 계획에 대해 소프트신-카슨사과 함께 논의했습니다.

ON THE COVER: From straightening your kids’ hair

to detangling and embracing their

natural curls, African Pride’s Dream

Kids collection offers a style solution for any hair challenge your children may have.

To learn more, visit www. africanpridekids.com

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


April 2018

c ont en t s

To Know 34 Knowledge Nutricosmetics: Beauty from the Inside Out

By Khalia Dunn In a society where we are judged by our appearance, looking your best is a must. As a result, self-grooming is a healthy habit that many have picked up. Luxurious hair and flawless skin are often the first traits many look at when determining one’s beauty. But vanity isn’t the only reason many people stick to a regular grooming routine. People not only want to look their best, but they want to feel their best, too. That’s one of the reasons why nutricosmetics have taken over the beauty scene and are becoming a fast-growing market. 뉴트리코스메틱스: 내 외부의 아름다움 외모로 판단되기 쉬운 현대 사회에서, 가장 멋진 모습으로 보이도록 하는 것은 필수적인 일이 되었습니다. 그러므로, 이젠 스스로 꾸미는 일은 많은 사람들이 하고 있는 건강한 습관인 것 입니다. 풍성하고

By Ted Fishman The beauty and barber supply marketplace is very competitive. That’s why we created a self-evaluation form, so you can critique your store’s everyday operations. This will get you thinking of ways to maximize the appeal of a full selection, locally-based store. 자신을 평가해 보세요 미용과 이발의 공급 시장은 매우 경쟁적입니다. 그 것이 바로 저희가 자기 평가 양식을 만든 이유 입니다. 이 것을 통해 여러분께서는 본인 매장의 일상적인 업무 상태를 평가 할 수 있습니다. 이 것은 어떻게 하면 좋은 제품이 가득한, 지역 기반 매장의 매력을 최대화 할 수 있는지를 생각할 수 있도록 해줄 것 입니다.

Team Conversation: The Foundation of a 54 Powerful Successful Team

By Chris Ciardello A major subject in many offices and workplaces is conflict resolution. Every office has conflict, but not every office handles it the same way. That is why it’s a topic that should be discussed clearly with your team. Workplaces are full of diverse personalities who communicate in unique ways. These differences in personalities are what make conflict resolution an uncomfortable and touchy subject.

탐스러운 머리카락과 완벽한 피부는 종종 그 사람의 아름다움을

강력한 팀 소통: 성공적인 팀의 토대

결정짓는 첫 번째 특성일 것 입니다. 하지만 이런 허영심 만이 많은

많은 사무실과 직장에서의 주요 주제는 갈등 해결입니다. 모든

사람들이 몸치장을 계속하는 이유는 아닙니다. 사람들은 남들에게

사무실이 갈등을 겪고 있지만, 모든 곳에서 그 것을 똑같이 다루는

최고로 보이는 것을 원하기도 하지만, 스스로 자신의 최고의 모습을

것은 결코 아닙니다. 이 것이 바로 여러분의 팀과 명확하게 논의되어야

느끼고 싶어 하기도 합니다. 이 것이 아마 뉴트리코스틱스가 뷰티

할 주제인 이유입니다. 직장은 다양한 성격의 사람들로 가득차 있고,

시장을 장악하고 빠르게 성장하는 시장이 되고 있는 이유일 것 입니다.

각각 자신만의 방식으로 소통합니다. 성격의 차이는 갈등을 해결 하는

38 By Briana Lockman

Say ‘Hello’ to EDEN Skin We are all about leading a healthy lifestyle in all aspects, and it’s no secret that many of the same great nutrients that are essential to nurturing healthy hair are also just as beneficial to the skin. After all, scalp care is taken into account with hair products and the scalp is indeed skin. With this in mind, EDEN Bodyworks thought it was important to extend the EDEN family to include products that were dedicated to the skin, as well.

것을 결국 불편하고 민감한 주제로 만드는 것 입니다.

Year I Hope to [Insert Answer Here] 58 This By Jeff Bush

Everyone has heard the saying, “hope is not a plan.” That’s because it rings true. But equally true is that your life is only limited by the work you don’t do. You work to achieve. Achievement is the manifestation of executing more consistently and methodically. Are you ready to achieve your goals? Are you prepared to get your business back on track? Try this strategy.

에덴스킨(EDEN Skin)과 만나보세요.

올해 내가 달성하고 싶은 것. [여기에 적으세요]

우리 모두에게 건강한 생활을 이어가는 것은 가장 중요한 일이며,

많은 사람들이 “희망은 계획이 아니다.”라는 말을 들어 본 적이 있을

건강한 머리카락을 기르기 위해 필요한 많은 훌륭한 영양소들이

것 입니다. 그 것은 사실이기 때문입니다. 하지만 여기에서 또 한

피부에도 똑같이 이롭다는 것은 더이상 비밀이 아닙니다. 결국, 두피

가지 사실인 것은, 여러분의 삶은 오로지 여러분께서 하지 않는 일에

관리 제품은 헤어 제품과 함께 고려되어야 합니다. 두피는 확실히

의해서만 제한된다는 것입니다. 여러분은 목표를 성취하기 위해

피부입니다. 이 점을 염두하여, 에덴 바디웍스(EDEN Bodyworks)

일합니다. 성취는 목표를 위해 좀 더 일관되고 체계적으로 실행하는

는 EDEN제품을 피부 전용 제품으로 확장하는 것이 중요하다고

표현이죠. 목표를 달성할 준비가 되었나요? 사업을 다시 정상 궤도에


올릴 준비가 되었나요? 그럼 이 전략을 시도해 보세요.

Vendor Alert 32 New Tropic Isle Living

62 Beauty Ambassador

Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador By Detra Smith Tools of the Trade


Tips 50 Business Evaluate Yourself

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Big Show 74 The Miami and Chicago

Jinny Beauty Supply of Miami and Chicago held The Big Show to celebrate the biggest show in Jinny history on held on February 25 and March 5 respectively. The company’s VIP customers were invited to partake in special promotions and unbeatable deals. Every show exceeds the one from the year before and this year’s events did not disappoint. Attendees walked away amazed, looking forward to the next tradeshow.

COLOR THAT POPS @kyrahstewart ©2018 The Wella Corporation, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 CSM2018-1054

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Simply beautiful


Ann Jhin


Jessica De Vault Hale editor@otcbeautymagazine.com subscriptions@otcbeautymagazine.com

Korean News Editor:

Tony Bae tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com koreannews@otcbeautymagazine.com

Art Director:

Sam Choi support@otcbeautymagazine.com

Advertising & Sales Coordinator:


Contributing Writers:

Scott Zangwill David Wright Briana Lockman Khalia Dunn Chris Ciardello Ted Fishman Jeff Bush Detra Smith


Kenny Duncan Lafayette Jones Elayne McClaine

To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store

owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving

products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations.

OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.

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© Softee Products, a division of Memphis Contract Packaging, Inc., Somerville, TN 38068 | Made in the USA


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Editorial Letter by Jessica De Vault Hale

Generally Speaking When it comes to the essentials, every store should carry the foundational tools for hair care. Combs, brushes, rollers, curling rods, satin caps - these are all the general items that help customers take care of their tresses and create beautiful styles. And despite how they may all look, all of these general items aren’t created equal. Self-grip rollers aren’t the same as the magnetic variety. Some sleeping bonnets are infused with special ingredients to condition the hair, while others are made out of basic satin fabric.

일반적인 사항들 일반적으로, 모든 매장에는 헤어 케어를 위한 기본적인 도구가 있어야 합니다. 빗, 브러쉬, 롤러, 컬링 막대, 공단 캡 – 이와 같은 것들은 고객들의 머릿결을 관리하고 아름다운 스타일을 만들어 내는 데 도움을 주는 일반적인 품목들입니다. 그리고 모든 제품이 갖추어있다고 해도, 이 기본 품목들이 모두 똑같이 만들어지지는 않았습니다. 셀프 그립 롤러는 자석 종류 롤러와는 다른 것 입니다. 몇몇 쓰지 않고 있는

A wide-tooth comb doesn’t serve the same purpose as a fine-tooth comb with a rat tail end. Close-bristled brushes are perfect for smoothing the hair to create a sleek ponytail, but the paddle brush is ideal for blowouts. Don’t assume that only the professional stylist or barber is aware of these fundamentals. Consumers are becoming increasingly savvy about the importance of using the right tools, and so should you. To help you sort through the gamut of product variations, Artistic Director Detra Smith for Belson/Gold ‘N Hot offers some pertinent info on some of the necessary combs and brushes on page 62. You’ll also want to check out our monthly Marketplace feature on page 16. We’ll touch on the growing interest in nutricosmetics – think hair and skin vitamins. With the beauty industry shifting more towards a natural approach, consumers will focus more on taking care of their bodies from the inside out before investing in products to give them the appearance of healthful beauty. These products will be just as relevant as bobby pins and hair bands soon. Learn about some of our most requested nutricosmetics brands on page 34

보닛에는 머리카락을 조절하기 위한 특별한 성분이 주입되어 있는 반면, 다른 것들은 기본적인 새틴으로 만들어졌습니다. 넓은 이빨 빗과 촘촘한 이빨의 가늘고 긴 쥐꼬리 빗은 서로 다른 목적으로 사용합니다. 촘촘한 브러시는 매끄러운 포니테일을 만들거나 머리카락을 부드럽게 빗는데 아주 적합하지만, 패들 브러시는 파티용 스타일에 적합합니다. 전문 스타일리스트나 이발사만 이런 기본 지식들을 알고 있다고 생각하지 마세요. 소비자들도 올바른 도구를 사용하는 것에 대한 중요성을 점점 더 잘 알아가고 있으며, 여러분도 그렇게 되어야 합니다. 제품의 다양성에 대해 자세히 알아볼 수 있도록 Belson/ Gold’N Hot의 아트 디렉터, 데트라 스미스(Detra Smith) 는 62페이지 일부분에 꼭 필요한 빗과 브러쉬 몇 가지에 대한 관련 정보를 제공하고 있습니다. 또한16페이지의 월간 마켓 플레이스에서 확인 하실 수 있습니다. 또한 저희는 헤어나 스킨 비타민과 같은 뉴트리코스메틱스에 대해 사람들의 관심이 증가하고 있는 점에 대해서도 다룰 것 입니다. 미용 산업이 보다 자연적 접근법으로 이동함에 따라, 소비자들은 보다 건강에 좋은 아름다움을 추구하기 위해 이제는 제품에 투자하기 앞서, 자신의

By staying on top of the available tools and knowing what’s in demand, you’ll ensure that your shoppers will always find what they need when they need it at your store.

몸 내부를 돌보는 것에 더 초점을 맞출 것입니다. 이 제품들은 조만간 바비 핀이나 헤어밴드 만큼 인기가 있을 것 입니다. 34페이지에서 사람들의 관심을 가장 많이 받았던 저희의 뉴트리코스메틱스 브랜드에 대해 더욱 자세히 알아보세요. 도구에 대한 지식들을 갖추고, 사람들이 원하는 것이 무엇인지를 잘 인지하고 있으면, 여러분의 고객들은 자신이 필요로 하는 물건을 늘

Jessica De Vault Hale EDITOR


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

여러분의 매장에서 발견할 수 있게 될 것 입니다.

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Expert Advice by Khalia Dunn

GETTING TO THE ROOT OF ALOPECIA Hair loss has become a hot button issue in hair care, especially in the natural hair community. As both hair care enthusiasts and stylists become increasingly aware of this growing problem, they start seeking out solutions. Luckily, in our modern age we have many different tools available to not only help us understand hair loss but also find solutions to fix it. Although commonly thought of as its own condition, hair loss is actually a symptom of a condition called alopecia. Different forms of alopecia may have various signs and symptoms. “The most common form of hair loss - or alopecia - in African American women is called CCCA - Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia. It can sometimes be associated with symptoms of scalp itching, burning or tenderness,” said Dr. Yolanda Lenzy, Dr. Yolanda Lenzy a board-certified dermatologist. Her research and clinical practice focuses on hair and scalp disorders, and skin disease in people of color. “One of the common forms in young men is called Dissecting Cellulitis. It can be associated with scabs and mild draining,” added Lenzy. She believes that proper treatment lies in an accurate diagnosis. She recommends getting a proper diagnosis from a board-certified dermatologist, preferably one that specializes in hair loss.

Anita Hill Moses

“The most popular [symptom] is called traction,” said Anita Hill Moses, licensed cosmetologist and natural hair care specialist. As an alopecia sufferer herself, she spent four years researching and studying the condition and went onto create her own brand, Natural Hair Restoration (NHR).

According to Moses, traction is very easy to recognize. It’s usually caused by braids, weaves, and ponytails that are installed too tightly. “Anything that pulls that hair and causes the hair to pop out of the follicle could cause traction,” she explained. A clear

Meet Khalia

indication of traction is thinning around the hairline, the crown of the head, and noticing a wider part if you part the hair a certain way. One way a stylist can recognize the signs of hair loss is by investing in continuing education to receive proper training. Cosmetology schools offers a very basic understanding of hair loss but not enough in-depth information is given to help recognize the various signs. To help stylists fill this need, Lenzy created the Getting to the Root Hair Loss Academy - a 12-week, continuing education program that can be taken online at www. gettingtotherootbook.com. Certain types of alopecia are treatable, namely the non-scarring types like Trichorrhexis Nodosa or breakage – especially if caught early. Hair restoration products, salon treatments and herbal remedies can be used. Moses’ company has their own remedy called NHR Natural Hair Restoration Scalp Rejuvenator. “It contains all herbs that will heal the scalp and it will also regenerate the hair follicles so that the hair will start to grow back in.” If not caught early enough, alopecia could cause permanent hair loss. Brenda Jonson, a patient of Lenzy’s, had noticed her symptoms four years ago. She had a bald spot and a very itchy scalp. “I had been to dermatologists before, of course. But they don’t specify in the work that she does for black people’s hair,” said Johnson. Previous dermatologists never even informed her that she had alopecia. After seeing Lenzy and receiving treatment, Johnson started to see results. The itching stopped immediately and hair growth started becoming noticeable after a year. Now, she has a full head of hair and is completely satisfied. Fortunately, there is a way to prevent hairstyling-induced forms of styling like Traction Alopecia or thin edges. “This can certainly be prevented by limiting hair styling which added tension or weight to the follicles like braids, sew-in weaves or locs,” said Lenzy. Moses notes that many people go to stylists looking for them to recreate a hairstyle that they might see in a magazine, instead of asking for the stylist’s credentials. “Most licensed and trained stylists know how to braid the hair, put in a weave, and put in chemicals without causing damage,” said Lenzy. “They know how to grip the hair and they have special techniques that they use when they’re applying these different styles that will not cause that kind of damage.”

Writing has always been in Khalia’s future, as she’s been writing since elementary school. Oddly enough, she graduated from the University of West Georgia with a bachelor’s degree in criminology. Yet, she chose to ditch that career path to pursue her passion in writing. When she’s not writing short stories, she’s doing nail art and listening to Kpop.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Must-Have General Merchandise Having the right styling gel or makeup product is highly important for your shoppers. But those products won’t matter if they lack the proper tools to execute the looks they want. Here are a few of our favorites.


When professional stylists need the right gloves, they’ll likely gravitate to the Ammex NX3 Nitrile Gloves. Known for their

dexterity, strength, comfort and, most importantly, value, these powder-less gloves are a popular choice. These are also a fantastic alternative to the typical latex gloves.


Finding great synthetic hair for crochet hairstyles is important, but you have

to have a crochet needle like the Brittny Weaving Crochet Needle handy to

complete the look. Stylists can never have enough of these and customers usually keep their own on hand to touch up their styles.


When customers are on the search for reliable blades, the Diane Polymer

Coated Shaper Blades is a good direction to point them in. These straight edge blades are made of stainless steel and are long-lasting.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


When it comes to a beautiful hairstyle, products aren’t the only important

factor to consider. Some of the best curly styles are executed with curlers and rod sets. The Brittny Professional Salon 10” Flexible Rods works well on all hair types – wet or dry – and are comfortable enough to sleep in.


Nothing sets the mood of a space than incense. It not only creates

an ideal aromatic fragrance, but its smell can be just as potent as a

candle. The Gonesh Incense Sticks are highly popular and have many

scents for shoppers to choose from.


With lace fronts being all the rage, protecting your own hair from

the friction of the wig is very important. The Dream World Wig Cap is perfect to keep the hair covered and also helps create a natural “scalp” complexion that can be seen underneath the wig’s lace.

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



Must-Have General Merchandise


Display your assortment of wigs on the perfect display, like an attractive Mannequin Head. These are not only useful in store but can also be sold to customers who want to take care of their wig units at home, as well.


Whether the hair is synthetic or human, extensions can

occasionally become tangled. That’s why the correct tool is

necessary to avoid damaging your investment. The TxturePro

Extension Brush has Intelliloop bristles are perfect for gliding

through tangles without snagging the hair or damaging the wefts.


Whether you’re a professional stylist or an amateur, everyone needs the right combs in their arsenal. For parting and

sectioning the hair, the Brittny Pin Tail Comb is a perfect choice.

Use one side to comb the hair and the other to separate the hair as necessary.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018





7 3

6 8

10 9

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



Must-Have General Merchandise


Men often rely on Du-rags to maintain their cornrowed styles or create stunning new wave designs in their hair. That’s why it’s

good to keep the Deluxe Du-Rags in stock in an variety of colors for your male customers.


Brushes and sponges are a necessity for makeup enthusiasts,

but one of the most popular tools for makeup application are oval

brushes. Customers can try their hand at these unique looking

tools with the Delux Makeup Blend Brush at an affordable price.


Adults aren’t the only people in need of general merchandise. Parents will often buy their children’s hair accessories from beauty supply stores, as well. Shoppers can accent their

children’s hair with colorful ribbons, barrettes or ponytail holders like this Chloe Ponytail holder.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


How should you sell it? By Marwan Zreik

This month’s selling focus is…


Beauty supply stores offer more than just hair and beauty products these days. Now, there are all types of miscellaneous products available to consumers from jewelry to handbags. However, selling clothing at the store can be one of the trickier pieces of merchandise to offer.

What are the best ways to offer and sell apparel to consumers?

Icon Beauty Supply, Philadephia, Pennsylvania “Clothing? Yes. We are now seeing some women’s clothes at the OTC stores. Most recently the large and medium-size stores are carrying a variety of women’s clothes to occupy more space and increase their profit margins in the stores. From an assortment of scarves, ponchos,

light jackets, sweaters, belts, socks, hats and gloves, there is a nice little niche in the stores for customers. Whether you’re buying for yourself or for a gift, you’re already in the store and it can be an impulsive item for the customers.

After speaking with the store managers and owners, I learned that most of the items are imported from China and Thailand. If you have or

can buy a few mannequins for your store, put some of the clothes on it and follow them up with a nice wig or hat, and finish it off with some of your store’s jewelry.

I am sure the customers will take a look and see an inspiring display to give them nice ideas to buy or get as a gift.”

Scott Zangwill, Merchandise Brand Specialist, Inc. If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to editor@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the May issue! 22

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



RED PALM OIL & COCOA BUTTER COLLECTION SheaMoisture’s Red Palm & Cocoa Butter Collection is the perfect assortment for showing off the length of shrinkage prone hair. It helps elongate, define and prevent hair reversion. Red palm, cocoa butter and flaxseed oils are blended to create amazing formulas free of Coconut oil and sulfates. Great for stretching curly and kinky hair and elongating twists and coils. Leaves locks soft, shiny and defined.

Available March 2018

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


어떻게 판매해야 하나? By Marwan Zreik

어떻게 판매해야 하나...

의류제품 요즘 미용 용품점은 헤어와 미용제품만 아니라 그 이상의 것을 제공합니다. 현재 보석에서 핸드백까지 소비자가 구매할 수 있는 모든 잡화가 있습니다. 그러나 상점에서 의류를 진열하고 판매하는 것은 매우 까다로운 부분 중 하나가 될 수 있습니다.

소비자에게 의류를 판매하고 판촉하는 가장 좋은 방법은 무엇입니까?

의류? 네. 우리는 이제 OTC 매장에서 여성 의류를 보고 있습니다. 최근 대형 및 중형 매장에서 다양한 여성 의류를 진열하여 매장의 이윤을 높이고 있습니다. 상점에는 스카프, 판초, 얇은 재킷, 스웨터, 벨트, 양말, 모자 및 장갑등을 모아놓은 고객을 위한 작은 틈새시장이 있습니다. 직접 구매하든 선물을 구입하든 관계없이 매장에 있는 고객이 충동구매를 하는 항목이 될 수 있을 것 입니다. 점장 및 오너들과 이야기 해본 결과, 저는 대부분의 품목이 중국과 태국에서 수입된다는 것을 알게되었습니다. 마네킹을 가지고 있거나 구매한다면, 마네킹에 판매하는 옷을 입히고 멋진 가발이나 모자를 씌운 후 매장에 있는 보석으로 꾸며주십시오. 저는 고객들이 선물을 사거나 어떤 선물을 선택하는 것에 좋은 아이디어를 줄 수 있는 멋진 디스플레이를 보게 될 것이라고 확신합니다.

Scott Zangwill, Merchandise Brand Specialist, Inc. 위와 관련하여 질문이 있으시다면 editor@otcbeautymagazine.com 로 보내주십시오. 5월호에 여러분의 의견이 채택될 수도 있습니다! 24

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Finished Product By David Wright

The Use and Importance of Aftershave There are tons of aftershave products on the market. However, the ones

irritation. Menthol is used in some varieties to numb damaged skin, as

that are best for African American consumers are the ones that help stop


irritations and prevent razor bumps. A large percentage of African-American men depend

Antiseptics are substances that may kill,

on their barbers to shave them weekly. The

retard, or prevent the growth of bacteria

barbers often use aftershave after shaving

and can generally be safely used on the skin.

and trimming around the head and neck

Hydrogen peroxide, isopropyl (rubbing)

with clippers and razors. On the other hand,

alcohol 50-60% and ethyl also called ethanol

grooming standards in the military have

SD Alcohol are some examples of antiseptics.

included the requirement to be clean-shaven

There are many types of alcohols used in

daily to promote uniformity. This means a

science and manufacturing. The two most

lot of aftershaves will be used to get the job

common forms utilized by barbers are ethyl

done. Aftershave is a very important part of

alcohol also called ethanol (SD Alcohol) and

the male grooming process because men have

isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol.

to constantly shave and trim their facial hair to stay well groomed and maintain a healthy

A 50-60% isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol may

and attractive appearance.

be used on the skin as an antiseptic. However, after 25 years of research and experience,

What is Aftershave?

I know for a fact that many of the clients

Aftershave is a liquid product applied to the

serviced in barbershops and beauty salons

skin after shaving. It contains an antiseptic

cannot tolerate the harshness of isopropyl

agent such as denatured alcohol, stearate citrate or witch hazel to prevent

(rubbing) alcohol after getting shaved or trimmed. Because of either the

the infection of cuts, as well as to act as an astringent to reduce skin

drying effects or the burning or stinging pain it causes when applied to their


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


JAMAICAN BLACK CASTOR OIL MIST Infused with Tea Tree Oil This unique blend of Jamaican Black Castor and Tea Tree Oils adds moisture, helping to prevent a dry, itchy scalp. Strengthening properties encourage hair’s resistance to breakage and frizz. Leaves hair with a silky, shiny finish.





Fantasia Industries Corporation • 201.261.7070 • www.fantasiahaircare.com • Made In USA OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


skin. And 100% of children disapprove of alcohol-based antiseptics after

aftershave product as supposed to the less expensive isopropyl (rubbing)

being trimmed with trimmers. However, they have to have an antiseptic

alcohol antiseptic. He or she is concerned about the best possible skin care

applied to their skin after getting trimmed.

that will give their clients a refreshing, finished service that will keep them coming back.

With this known fact, exposed OTC stores can now offer the alternative solution. There is a new kid on the block: Barber Shop Aid® No Burn

Women, on the other hand, use aftershave antiseptic to heal and relieve

solution. This new antiseptic contains Benzalkonium Chloride and has the

chemical burns and relaxer burns. Chemical relaxer burns occur when the

advantage of not burning when applied to a wound, which is not the case

scalp is exposed to a lye or no-relaxer for a long amount of time. Many

with alcohol-based antiseptics. As the antiseptic in Bactine, benzalkonium

hairstylists will treat the scalp by using a cotton ball or piece of cloth to

chloride has been used safely for decades on childhood scrapes and cuts.

apply antiseptic to prevent infection of the wound. Many women have

Kids love the no-burn alternative.

started to use the Barber Shop Aid® No Burn Alcohol Free solution because they’ve already been burned once by the relaxer and do not want to tolerate

Although benzalkonium chloride antiseptics work effectively as an

the burn of an alcohol antiseptic.

antiseptic, some men in the barbershops still prefer the hot stuff with a manly scent, such as Barber Shop Aid® Sport Heat™ - an alcohol-based

Stock Up

aftershave. They feel as “if it doesn’t burn, then it doesn’t work!” They need

As you can see, the use and importance of aftershaves are very important to

to feel the heat.

the hairstylists and barbers that visit the OTC stores to purchase supplies. They are professionals and they recognize that their clients are entitled to

An ethanol (SD Alcohol) formula aftershave with aloe and a refreshing

every possible protection against infection and contagion while in their

scent is most preferred by men after shaving. This aftershave formula

establishments. The average barber and hairstylist will use one 1-2 bottles

freshens, invigorates, cools the skin down, soothes razor nicks, helps to

of aftershave per week. That’s a lot of aftershave being sold, so keep your

prevent infection and reduce irritation that can be caused by shaving.

shelves stocked and make your selections look appealing.

The true professional barber will pay a few dollars more for a great

Meet David

David (Bebe) Wright, the founder of Barber Shop Aid Brand Products, has relied on his skills as a Master Barber & Barbershop Owner to succeed in business. This knowledge helped to aid in the research and development of Barber Shop Aid Brand Products. Learn more at www. barbershopaid.com or contact David at 251-533-5625 or dwrightimage2006@aol.com


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

wholesome hair starts with

aloe juice as the

first ingredient.

mauimoisture.com |


wholesome beauty ...for ALL hair types. OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


New Vendor Alert

Tropic Isle Living In the ethnic beauty industry, a new oil takes center stage every season. Whether it’s made of olives or coconuts, a new miracle oil is presented periodically, touting out-of-this-world benefits. However, only a few oils have become permanent beauty staples for consumers. Jamaican Black Castor Oil (JBCO) is one of those mainstays. Known for its omega fatty acids, minerals and Vitamin E, pure JBCO can hydrate dull hair, stimulate hair growth and offer a host of other benefits, as well. No one knows that better than Lois Hines, the owner of Tropic Isle Living. “We don’t sell any variation of anything. We only sell one thing: Jamaican Black Castor Oil – well done and well balanced,” she said. “When you use Tropic Isle Living Jamaican Black Castor Oil, you’re going to get the highest quality.” Tropic Isle was co-founded by Hines and her husband Michael in 1992. But long before then, Hines was raised as one of eight kids in Jamaica. She spent a significant amount of time with her grandmother, who often shared natural remedies using herbs and oils such as JBCO. Those lessons would later come in handy for her in ways she’d never expect.

Challenges Ahead

By the age of 16, Hines made her way to the Bronx where she attended Lehman College and later met Michael. The two did not seriously date until several years later. In 1991, they married. They worked together for another business before realizing that Hines’ affinity for JBCO was the better avenue to pursue. In 1992, they launched Tropic Isle Living but that did not come without its own challenges. Retailers weren’t receptive to their dark-hued oil and its strong aroma. Few could understand why this castor oil was not clear like the other variations they had seen before, Hines said. That is when the term Jamaican Black Castor Oil was formed. A close business mentor recommended the name, Hines said. “Not because it was black, but because it was how we roasted it. We gently roasted it, and it is honey in color.” To produce this oil, Hines said she Lois and Michael Hines in the early days of buys from local farmers in Jamaica – Tropic Isle Living. the only true source of JBCO. “There is a balanced way to make Jamaican Black Castor Oil, which is, you parched the seed enough, not to burn it, but to optimize the nutrients in the beans,” she said. “This is the reason why you get the golden honey color. Tropic 32

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Isle only makes the highest quality, the most balanced quality of Jamaican Black Castor Oil.” Hines said the company didn’t gain much traction for the first 10 years of its existence. After all, natural products weren’t the rage at the time. But their sales never slumped; instead, they steadily grew, bit by bit, each year. Her husband became the heart of the business, working endless hours to make it grow, while Hines worked outside the home and took care of their two children. In 2004, the family moved to Marietta, Georgia - where they are now based –and continued their uphill climb to grow the business. In 2015, Tropic Isle endured a devastating blow when Michael was diagnosed with cancer. “I wanted to give up the business, I didn’t want anything to do with it, because I resented it at the time,” she said. “A lot of Jamaican Black Castor Oil (brands) were coming out. . . but I couldn’t react to the market. The most important thing to me was my husband,” she said. “But we held the business together.” Unfortunately, Michael passed away in 2016, leaving Hines to run the business on her own. Losing her life partner of 26 years was excruciating, but for her family’s sake, Hines knew she had to forge ahead.

Moving Forward

The company has come a long way since its days of being produced in Hines’ kitchen, one drum at a time. Now the company owns farmland in Jamaica and exports it ingredients from there – a process that requires certification from Jamaica. Tropic Isle then manufacturers the products in Georgia. With JBCO becoming wildly popular among the natural hair community and with those who prefer all-natural ingredients, the market for the oil has become inundated with brands claiming to offer authentic JBCO. Hines insists that shoppers do their research before buying any oil. Only a few companies are certified to export the oil from Jamaica, and the availability of resources to produce this oil are far too limited to justify the number of brands on the market, she said. But despite the increased competition, the business continues to thrive and has become a brand of its own. It is a testament to the company’s dedication to its consumers. “Tropic Isle Living is not only about Jamaican Black Castor Oil,” she said. “It’s about the living part, the healthy part, the spiritual part, the mental part. All of the products are a reflection of who we are. . . Our mantra is: ‘The Natural and Traditional Way to a Healthy Beautiful You.’” Jinny Beauty Supply now offers Tropic Isle Living products. Please contact your sales rep for more information.

Jamaican Black Castor Oil I t Starts With Us!

The Natural and Traditional Way to a Healthy, Beautiful You! OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Knowledge to Know by Khalia Dunn

Nutricosmetics: Beauty From the Inside Out 뉴트리코스메틱스: 내 외부의 아름다움 In a society where we are judged by our appearance, looking your best is a must. As a result, self-grooming is a healthy habit that many have picked up. Luxurious hair and flawless skin are often the first traits many look at when determining one’s beauty. But vanity isn’t the only reason many people stick to a regular grooming routine. People not only want to look their best, but they want to feel their best, too. That’s likely one of the reasons why nutricosmetics have taken over the beauty scene and are becoming a fast-growing market. Nutricosmetics are supplements that provide nutrients for the purpose of supporting, developing and enhancing beauty. They contain many of the same vitamins and minerals as many other dietary supplements. Vitamin C, for example, has an antioxidant effect that reduces the damage that free radicals may cause in the skin. “Other micronutrients such as some omega-3, 6, 9 fatty acids and carotenes, which our body collections contain, protect the skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet light exposure, which may lead to premature aging and loss of elasticity,” said Alexia Amerson, the business operations manager for The Mane Choice Hair Solution. These supplements aid the body in operating more efficiently by satisfying deficiencies, which in turn allows for healthy bodily functions. Many nutricosmetics are geared towards improving the overall health of the hair, skin, and nails, and quite a few consumers buy these products solely to strengthen and grow their hair. Additionally, some nutricosmetics have even undergone – and are currently undergoing – tests and studies to prove their effectiveness. As more health and beauty information is released, consumers are becoming more conscious of what they are putting into and onto their bodies. Many people are trying to stay away from chemically-enhanced products and prefer the natural route. “Natural product solutions continue to gain share in both the nutrition and cosmetic markets,” added Amerson. So, it’s not surprising that many consumers include nutricosmetics into their daily routine. In many cases, they can be used as a daily multivitamin and can be beneficial for more than just the nails and hair.

외모로 판단되기 쉬운 현대 사회에서, 가장 멋진 모습으로 보이도록 하는 것은 필수적인 일이 되었습니다. 그러므로, 이젠 스스로 꾸미는 일은 많은 사람들이 하고 있는 건강한 습관인 것 입니다. 풍성하고 탐스러운 머리카락과 완벽한 피부는 종종 그 사람의 아름다움을 결정짓는 첫 번째 특성일 것 입니다. 하지만 이런 허영심 만이 많은 사람들이 몸치장을 계속하는 이유는 아닙니다. 사람들은 남들에게 최고로 보이는 것을 원하기도 하지만, 스스로 자신의 최고의 모습을 느끼고 싶어 하기도 합니다. 이 것이 아마 뉴트리코스틱스가 뷰티 시장을 장악하고 빠르게 성장하는 시장이 되고 있는 이유일 것 입니다. 뉴트리코스메틱스는 아름다움을 지켜주고 가꾸어주며 향상시켜주는 영양소를 제공하는 보충제입니다. 뉴트리코스메틱스에는 다른 식이보충제처럼 많은 비타민과 미네랄을 함유하고 있습니다. 예를 들어, 비타민 C는 피부에 자유기(free radicals)가 초래할 수 있는 손상을 줄이는 항산화 효과가 있습니다. Mane Choice Hair Solution 의 비즈니스 운영 관리자 인 Amerson 씨는 “우리 몸에 함유되어 있는 오메가 3, 6, 9 지방산과 카로틴과 같은 다른 미량 영양소는 자외선 노출로 인하여 조기 노화와 탄력 저하를 유발할 수 있는 피부 손상을 막아줍니다.” 라고 말했습니다. 이러한 보충제는 몸의 건강을 해치는 부족한 영양분을 보충시켜주어 신체가 보다 효율적으로 작동하도록 도와줍니다. 많은 뉴트리코스메틱스는 머리카락, 피부, 손톱의 전반적인 건강을 향상시키기 위한 목적으로 만들어졌으며 상당수의 소비자가 머리카락을 강화하고 키우기 위해 이 제품을 구입했습니다. 또한, 일부 뉴트리코스메틱스도 효과를 증명하기 위해 테스트와 연구를 진행중에 있습니다. 건강 및 미용 정보가 더 많이 발표되면서 소비자들은 무엇을 먹고 있는지에 대해 더 많이 의식하게 됩니다. 많은 사람들은 화학적으로 향상된 제품을 사용하지 않고 천연제품을 더 선호합니다. “천연 제품 솔루션은 영양 및 화장품 시장 모두에서 지속적으로 점유율을 높여가고 있습니다” 라고 Amerson은 덧붙였습니다. 따라서 많은 소비자들이 일상 생활에서 뉴트리코스메틱스를 사용하는 것은 놀라운 일이 아닙니다. 수 많은 경우에서 매일 먹는 종합 비타민처럼 사용할 수 있으며 손톱이나 머리카락뿐만 아니라 여러 방면에서 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

Some of the most popular nutricosmetics are from brands your OTC store already carries. Here are a few of the most popular offerings:

가장 인기있는 뉴트리코스메틱스중 일부제품은 귀하의 OTC 상점에 이미 진열되어 있는 브랜드의 제품입니다. 다음은 가장 많이 공급되는 제품 중 일부입니다:

The Mane Choice Hair Solution

길고 숱이 많은 사람이 선택하는 헤어 솔루션

Manetabolism Plus Vitamins is a physician-formulated, multicultural, healthy hair vitamin that helps to support healthy hair, nails, and skin. Their GMO-free formula is loaded with essential antioxidants to help boost the immune system and energy levels, and it promotes longer, thicker, and healthier hair. It can also serve as a multivitamin to aid in a healthier nutritional intake. One important ingredient is Zinc, which helps the body utilize protein and contributes to speedy hair growth. Another 34

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Manetabolism Plus Vitamins는 건강한 모발, 손톱 및 피부를 유지하는 데 도움을 주는 의사가 인정한, 다문화적이고 건강한 모발 비타민입니다. GMO가 포함되지 않은 이 제품에는 면역계와 에너지 수준을 높이는 데 도움이 되는 필수 산화 방지제가 들어 있어 길고 두껍고 건강한 모발을 촉진시켜줍니다. 또한 건강한 영양 섭취를 돕기 위한 종합 비타민제 역할을 합니다. 중요한 성분 중 하나인 아연 (Zinc)은 신체가 단백질을 사용하여 신속한 모발 성장을 할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 또 다른 인기있는 성분은 비타민 C입니다. 모발 성장에 매우 큰 도움을 주는 단백질만이








OUR 1st SYSTEM TO FIGHT 7 DAMAGE FACTORS MOISTURE LOSS | BREAKAGE | HEAT | COLOR | ENVIRONMENT | TRANSITIONING | RELAXING *Use system of the rescuer treatment, restorer shampoo and strengthener conditioner vs a non-conditioning shampoo. OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


popular ingredient is Vitamin C. Not only is it a protein that is crucial to the hair growth process, but it helps to build collagen, as well.

아니라 콜라겐을 만들어 주는 데에도 도움이 됩니다.

KAB Brands

The ApHogee Nutritional Supplement for Healthy Hair promotes strong, healthy hair by supplying vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that may be lacking, given today’s diets and lifestyles. Vitamin deficiency has been known to result in hair weakness or loss. This supplement provides 100% of the minimum daily requirement of vitamin E, B1, B2, B6, B12 and other minerals and extracts that have been proven to benefit healthy hair growth.

건강한 모발을 위한 ApHogee 영양 보충제는 현재의 식이요법과 생활 습관을 고려할 때 부족한 비타민, 무기질 및 기타 영양소를 공급하며 강하고 건강한 모발을 촉진시킵니다. 비타민의 결핍은 모발을 약화시키거나 머리가 빠지게 하는 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 이 보충제는 건강한 모발 성장에 도움이 되는 것으로 입증 된 비타민 E, B1, B2, B6, B12 및 기타 미네랄과 추출물의 최소 일일 필요 섭취량의 100% 를 제공합니다.



Curls Blissful Lengths Liquid Hair Growth Vitamin promises to grow, strengthen and maintain healthy hair, nails and skin. Their liquid formula (in a new and improved blueberry flavor) also promotes itself to absorb up to 98% of the vitamins and nutrients into the bloodstream, compared to pills which absorb up to 20%. It promotes a healthy scalp; increased hair growth and repairs scalp cells. It does not cause breakouts and boosts metabolism without the use of caffeine. The formula is also GMO-free and vegan-friendly. By carrying nutricosmetics in your store, you give your customers more options to choose from and the ability to improve their beauty and health, from the inside out.

Meet Khalia

KAB 브랜드

Curls Blissful Lengths Liquid Hair Growth Vitamin 은건강한 모발, 손톱 및 피부를 성장, 강화 및 유지시켜 줍니다. 그들의 액체 화학식 (새롭고 향상된 블루 베리 맛)은 20%까지 흡수하는 약과 비교하여 혈류로 비타민과 영양소의 98%까지 흡수하도록 촉진합니다. 이 보충제는 건강한 두피로 만들어줍니다. 모발 성장을 증가시켜주고 두피 세포를 회복시켜 줍니다. 그것은 뾰루지를 일으키지 않으며 카페인을 사용하지 않고 신진 대사를 촉진합니다. 성분에는 GMO가 없으며 채식주의자에게 친화적입니다. 귀하의 상점에 뉴트리코스메틱스를 들여옴으로써 고객에게 맞게 선택할 수 있는 더 많은 옵션과 아름다움 및 건강을 향상시킬 수 있는 능력을 마음껏 발휘하는 기회를 제공할 것입니다.

Writing has always been in Khalia’s future, as she’s been writing since elementary school. Oddly enough, she graduated from the University of West Georgia with a bachelor’s degree in criminology. Yet, she chose to ditch that career path to pursue her passion in writing. When she’s not writing short stories, she’s doing nail art and listening to Kpop.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

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OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Knowledge to Know By Briana Lockman

Say ‘Hello’ to EDEN Skin 에덴스킨(EDEN Skin)을 만나보세요. Last year, we decided to put the “body” in EDEN BodyWorks with the

작년에, 저희는 첫 번째 스킨 케어 제품을 출시하면서 에덴 바디웍스

launch of our very first skincare collection. We are all about leading a

(EDEN Bodyworks)에 ‘바디제품’을 넣기로 결정했습니다. 우리

healthy lifestyle in all aspects, and it’s no secret that many of the same

모두에게 건강한 생활을 이어가는 것은 가장 중요한 일이며, 건강한

great nutrients that are essential to nurturing healthy hair are also just as

머리카락을 기르기 위해 필요한 많은 훌륭한 영양소들이 피부에도

beneficial to the skin. After all, scalp care is taken into account with hair

똑같이 이롭다는 것은 더이상 비밀이 아닙니다. 결국, 두피 관리 제품은

products and the scalp is indeed skin. With this in mind, we thought it

헤어 제품과 함께 고려되어야 합니다. 두피는 확실히 피부입니다. 이

was important to extend the EDEN family to include products that were dedicated to the skin, as well! This collection will cleanse and rejuvenate the skin. Enriched with Shea Butter and Vitamin E, our lightweight, hydrating formulas were designed

점을 염두하여, 에덴 바디웍스는 에덴 제품을 피부 전용 제품으로 확장하는 것이 중요하다고 생각했습니다. 이 컬렉션은 피부를 깨끗하게 하고 재생시켜 줄 것입니다. 시어버터와 비타민 E가 농축되어 있는 우리의 가벼운 포뮬러가 피부를 부드럽게 보호해주며, 영양을 충분히 공급해 주도록 고안되어 있습니다. 전 제품

to leave skin feeling soft, protected, and nourished. The entire line contains

군에는 미네랄 오일(석유), 염료 및 파라벤이 들어 있지 않으며, 저온

no mineral oils (petroleum), dyes or parabens, and is cruelty-free.

살균 처리됩니다.

Coconut Shea Body Wash

코코넛 시어 바디 워시

Washes away impurities and

• 불순물을



moisturizes skin. Our non-




drying formula gently cleanses

넌드라이 방식으로 피부를 건조하지

without drying the skin out,

않고 부드럽게 세척해주어 피부를

leaving it feeling soft, nourished

매끄럽고 부드럽게 해줍니다. 또한

and smelling amazing.

충분한 영양을 공급해주며 향기도 아주 좋습니다.

Coconut Shea Body Lotion



코코넛 시어 바디 로션


• 피부를

formula that leaves skin soft, smooth and moisturized.





매끄럽고 가벼운

하이드레이팅 포뮬러 제품입니다. 촉촉한 크림 타입의 이 제품은

for applying on damp skin, fresh


out of the shower, to lock in the

수분을 충분히 가두기 위해 완벽한



Hydrate and moisturize hands with this ultra-absorbent coconut




코코넛 시어 핸드 크림

매우 흡수성이 강력한 코코넛 크림으로 손에 수분을 충분히

cream. It helps to soften and protect hands, especially in cold weather

공급하세요. 이 것은 특히 추운 날씨에 손을 부드럽게 하고

conditions. It’s also great to travel with.

보호하는데 도움이 됩니다. 여행용으로 휴대하는 것도 아주 좋습니다.



creamy consistency is perfect

Coconut Shea Hand Cream

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Since its debut, the EDEN Skin collection has been received with open

데뷔 이후, 에덴 스킨 컬렉션은 많은 사람들에게 좋은 평가를

arms. Beauty influencers and consumers alike, have provided us with

받아왔습니다. 미인 대회 참가자들과 소비자들은 저희에게 긍정적인

positive feedback. Each piece of the trio has 5-star ratings on our website,

피드백을 제공해 왔습니다. 이 트리오의 각 제품은 사용해 본 사람들에게

with awesome reviews from those who have given the products a try.

아주 좋은 리뷰를 남겼으며, 별 5점을 받은 것 또한 저희 웹 사이트에서 확인 할 수 있습니다.

“The texture and smell of this lotion is divine.” - Carla P. “This body wash smells so luxurious and decadent. I was introduced to it by Curlbox and now I’m a forever fan!” Tamika V.

“이 로션의 감촉과 냄새는 정말 대단합니다.” - 칼라 P. “이 바디워시는 정말 고급스럽고 멋스러운 향기가




이 제품을 알았는데, 이제 나는 영원한 팬이 되었습니다!” - 타미카 V.

“The hand cream is the truth! It’s so

“이 핸드 크림이야 말로 진리입니다! 손을 씻을

creamy and lasts on my hands for a long

때까지 아주 촉촉하고 오래 지속돼 습진에도

time until my next wash. It also helps

도움이 됩니다.” -에마누엘라 D.

with my eczema.” - Emanuella D. 왜





Wondering what’s causing the hype?

이것은 모두 재료 덕분입니다. 그러면, 이

It’s all due to the ingredients. So, what

제품들은 정확히 무엇으로 만들어졌을까요?

exactly are these products made of? The

코코넛 오일과 시어 버터에 주입된 트리오는

Coconut Oil and Shea Butter infused

저희의 클래식 코코넛 시어 헤어 컬렉션의

trio are a complement to our classic Coconut Shea hair collection. They share the same soft scent and some of the same great ingredients!

완결체입니다. 이것들은 서로 같은 종류의 부드러운 향과 좋은 성분들을 공유하는 것이죠!










OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Coconut Oil: contains fatty acids which help moisturize with deep

코코넛 오일: 깊이 침투하여 피부의 촉촉함을 도와주는 지방산을

penetration; It’s antifungal, which means it can help protect the skin

함유하고 있습니다. 이것은 항진균제이기도 합니다. 이것은 피부를

against some fungal infections; It’s rich in proteins, which helps strengthen

곰팡이 감염으로부터 보호하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있고, 죽은 피부 조직을

the skin tissue and eliminate dead cells.

튼튼하게 하는 역할을 합니다.

Shea Butter: offers anti-inflammatory properties help to soothe skin. It

시어 버터: 항염증의 특성은 피부를 진정시키는데 도움을 줍니다.

contains healthy acids which aid in increasing collagen production, leading

이것은 콜라겐 생산을 증진시켜 주는 건강에 좋은 산을 함유하고 있어,

to smoother, ageless skin. Shea butter is also full of natural oils that seal in moisture.

Vitamin E: an antioxidant which can soothe irritated skin and protect it from sunburn and other damage

Some other key ingredients...

부드럽고 노화가 없는 피부로 이어지도록 도와줍니다. 시어 버터안에는 수분을 밀폐하는 천연 오일이 가득 들어있습니다.

비타민 E: 염증이 생긴 피부를 진정시키고 햇볕에 그을리는 것이나 다른 손상으로부터 피부를 보호할 수 있는 산화 방지제 역할을 합니다.

다른 몇몇 주요 성분은, 해바라기 씨 기름: 피부가








prevent dry skin and its antioxidant

산화 방지제 성분이 피부 투명도를

properties aid in improving skin

향상시키는 데 도움을 줍니다.


망고 씨 기름: 산화 방지제가 Mango Seed Oil: Also rich in

풍부하여, 여드름과 같은 염증의

antioxidants, it reduces signs of

징후를 줄여줍니다.

inflammation, such as acne

Aloe Leaf Juice: contains antifungal



properties that soothe dry, itchy

알로에 잎 쥬스: 건조하고 가려운 피부, 특히 햇볕에 탄 피부를 치료하는데 도움이 되는 살균






skin, especially helpful in healing

치료와 피부의 탄력 개선에도

sunburn. It’s also helpful in treating

도움이 됩니다.

acne and improving the skin’s natural firmness. 이것들이 에덴 스킨 트리오를 우승자로 만드는 몇 가지의 재료입니다. These are just a few of the ingredients that make the EDEN Skin trio a

당사의 아주 훌륭한 제품으로서, 계속해서 여러분들의 피부를 매끄럽고

winner. It’s been a wonderful addition to our company, and we’re excited to

깨끗하게, 투명하게, 촉촉하게 그리고 치유해 주는 제품들을 하나씩

see it continue to flourish, cleansing, clarifying, moisturizing and healing

출시 할 것이며, 이 들이 성장하는 것을 지켜보는 것이 정말 기대됩니다!

skin, one product at a time!

Meet Briana

Hailing from Sewell, New Jersey, Briana Lockman is a graduate of Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, where she received a B.A. in English and Entrepreneurship. Upon graduating from Rutgers, she obtained the position of Digital Marketing Coordinator which transitioned into the role of Assistant Marketing Manager for EDEN BodyWorks. Briana lends her writing skills to their weekly blog, aids in product development, creates digital campaigns and email blasts, coordinates partnership outreach and more! 뉴저지(New Jersey)의 스웰(Sewell)에서 온 브리아나 로크먼(Briana Lockman)은 뉴저지 주의 브런즈윅에 위치한 러트거스(Rutgers) 대학을 졸업했으며, 그 곳에서 영어와 엔터프루너쉽으로 학사를 받았습니다. 러트거스 대를 졸업한 그녀는 디지털 마케팅 코디네이터로서 일했고, 이 후 에덴 바디 웍스(EDENBodyWorks)의 마케팅 대리로 근무하였습니다. 브리아나는 그녀의 뛰어난 작문 실력으로 주간블로그에 글을 기고하고, 제품 개발에 도움을 주며, 디지털 캠페인 및 그룹 이메일 보내기, 협력 업체 홍보 등의 업무를 하고 있습니다. 42

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OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Urban Call Briefs by Lafayette Jones

Grayson Mitchell


James Wealthy


Grayson Mitchell of Mitchell & Co.

Dr. Whitt-Glover


Elsie Cardell


Chicago. Mitchell worked for the Washington Post from 1972 to 1973 and as Jet and

Grayson Mitchell


Grayson Mitchell was the first press

Ebony magazines’ Washington bureau editor until 1974. After a stint as

secretary for Chicago Mayor Harold

Washington columnist for Black Enterprise magazine, he became director

Washington, a political adviser during

of corporate communications in 1980 for Johnson Products in Chicago,

the Council Wars maelstrom and

according to Crain’s Chicago Business Publications.

trusted confidant to the CEO/Founder of Johnson Products (Ultra Sheen, Afro

For nearly 20 years, Mitchell served as the founding Chief Executive Officer

Sheen and Gentle Treatment Products).

of one of the leading consultancies in Chicago, Summit Consulting Group,

Mitchell recently passed at his Chicago

until it was acquired in 2005 by British holding company, Huntsworth. At

Southside home. He was 67.

Summit, Mitchell lobbied to block a Chicago casino on behalf of the horse racing and breeding industries. He provided counsel to a select roster of

Mitchell, who also was a consultant to Carol Moseley Braun’s historic

public and private sector clients as Managing Director of Mitchell & Co.,

U.S. Senate campaign in 1992, served two years in the Washington


administration. Mitchell’s specialties include crisis management, reputation management, Mitchell was a highly accomplished corporate communications and public

civic engagement, issues management and public affairs strategy

affairs strategist, who provided counsel to a diversity of clients in many

development. Previous clients have included General Motors, G.E. Capital,

different industries and business sectors, from Fortune 500 corporations to

Northern Trust, Dave & Buster’s, United Airlines, Lockheed, ComEd,

newly emerging enterprises.

Public Service of Colorado, Texaco, Quaker Oats and Spiegel. Within the public sector, clients included the University of Illinois at Chicago,

Beginning his career as a journalist, Mitchell covered politics for the Sun-

Coalition of Organ and Tissue Transplant Network, National Association

Times in 1970 after winning an internship as a precocious Morehouse

of Securities Professionals, City of Chicago, Adventist Health Care System

College student. He later graduated from the University of Illinois at

and the Washington, D.C. Convention Center and Chicago Public Schools.

Chicago and pursued his post-graduate studies at Stanford University as a National Endowment for the Humanities’ Fellow, according to the

His most notable accomplishments have included principal strategist in

History Channel’s “HistoryMakers“. The Mobile, Alabama native received

securing electricity deregulation in Illinois, Chicago’s landmark public

an economics degree the following year from the University of Illinois at

housing “Plan for Transformation” redevelopment, and establishing

The preceding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc . - and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author. OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Urban Call Briefs by Lafayette Jones elected Local School Councils to share parental and public governance of

of one of the world’s greatest motivational speakers, Les Brown. Wealthy

Chicago’s more than 600 public schools. Mitchell was the chief strategist

has helped, coached and mentored hundreds of creative heart-centered

in the formation of the American Health & Beauty Aids Institute trade

beauty, barber professionals, entrepreneurs, motivators and influencers.

association, in collaboration with Lafayette Jones, its founder and first executive director.

Wealthy is a cutting-edge speaker, trainer, business mentor and coach, helping to shift mindsets by providing methods on how to focus and

Mitchell was affiliated with the Economics Club of Chicago, Illinois

transform limited belief systems.

Humanities Council and the American Schoolhouse Consortium. James has been married to his wife Beatra for 24 years and has one daughter Mitchell himself did have another life. He was a father to his children

and four sons.

Ayanna and Jua and grandfather. He was also an avid cyclist and took up painting in recent years. He will be missed by many.

Dr. Whitt-Glover James Wealthy, the creator of Wealthy Brow Lash System

Melicia Whitt-Glover is President and CEO of Gramercy Research Group in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Dr. Whitt-Glover has spent more than 20

For over a decade James Wealthy has redefined the beauty and barbering industry. As a heart-centered creative

James Wealthy


entrepreneur, he is the CEO and Founder of James Wealthy Systems.

years honing her skills in academic and

Dr. Whitt-Glover


community settings as a researcher who works for and with communities to improve their health. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degree in Exercise

Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1993 and Few





1996, respectively. Her Ph.D. in Public Health/Epidemiology was acquired

generation as Wealthy, the creator of the Wealthy Brow Lash System and

at the University of South Carolina in Columbia in 1999. She completed

inventor of the popular Dome Comb. Wealthy is one of the first professional

a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania School of

African American “Brow Lash” educators of the ancient art of eyebrow and

Medicine (2000 – 2002) before joining the faculty as an instructor from

facial threading. His eyelash application is known for its tear-free eyelash

2002 – 2003. After a particularly cold winter in Pennsylvania, she decided


to head south to join the faculty in the Wake Forest School of Medicine, where she served from 2003 – 2009 in a variety of roles including as an

The master barber stylist graduated from Pivot Point Beauty School and

assistant professor, the assistant director and later director of Community

educated at countless major hair and beauty trade shows such as Premiere

Outreach for the Maya Angelou Center for Health Equity, the associate

Beauty Show and Bronner Brothers, just to name a few.

faculty member in the Women’s Health Center of Excellence and codirector of the Wake Forest School of Medicine – YWCA Collaborative to

He has appeared on television shows episodes such as “Making the Band

Strengthen Families and Neighborhoods.

4” and ”LA Hair”. Being a Chicago native, he was raised as the youngest of four children in a single-mother home. He understood the need and value

Whitt-Glover has always felt a strong calling on her life to work with

of having a good mentor and coach in his life. This created a desire for

people, and in 2009 she left Wake Forest School of Medicine to form

self-improvement and personal development. James has been honored as a

Gramercy Research Group. The name came about when she decided to

certified in speaker development training by the distinguished mentorship

combine the words “grace” and “mercy”. The new role allows her to more


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

closely interact and partner with individuals in communities to develop

years of experience in strategic sales leadership, including stints at some

mutually-beneficial partnerships and solutions to improve the health of

of the world’s leading beauty and multicultural companies (L’Oreal USA,

the community. In 2009, Whitt-Glover was awarded funding from the

Soft Sheen-Carson, Johnson Publishing), Elsie has a reputation as a “doer”

National Institutes of Health to conduct the Learning and Developing

who produces measurable results with integrity, passion and fortitude. As

Individual Exercise Skills (LADIES) for a Better Life study. To date, the

president and owner of Results Sales & Marketing LLC, a premier sales

LADIES Study is one of the largest studies to focus on increasing physical

and marketing company, Cardell and her team provide sales direction

activity among African American women ever funded. Whitt-Glover also

and support for small to midsize manufacturers in some of the largest,

received funding from a variety of national, state, and local agencies to

nationally-recognized mass and specialty salon retailers including Sally

conduct her work.

Beauty Supply, Ulta, JCPenney Salons, Walgreens, CVS, Target, and Walmart.

Whitt-Glover currently lives in Winston-Salem, North Carolina with her

Cardell started her career in the early 80’s as an account manager at M&M

husband Raymond Glover and their two sons, Garrison and Logan, and

Products and then matriculated through various levels of regional and

their ornery dog, Seager. She is a diehard Tarheels fan and enjoys reading

national sales management at a number of well-known companies with

and watching and playing sports. She recently coached her son’s YMCA

strong positions in the African American community. After working as a

soccer team through a winning season. When the family is not in Winston-

national sales manager at SoftSheen-Carson in 2001, Cardell was promoted

Salem, you can find them building sand castles on one of the many beautiful

to director of sales and then assistant vice president for L’Oreal USA, with

beaches along the coast of North Carolina.

responsibility for the national sales team and all channels and outlets of sales distribution for the United States, Canada and the Caribbean. Cardell’s influence with her clients and her customers is unmatched. She is

Elsie Cardell, owner of Results Sales & Marketing, LLC

known for leaving a positive impact on the brands, companies and teams she engages. When she is not negotiating a multimillion dollar distribution deals, Cardell is known as a personal encourager and motivator. She is a mentor to many young people providing counsel, guidance and direction,

Elsie Cardell


Elsie Cardell is one of the most trusted

and is affectionately referred to as “AuntiETM”, sharing her world famous

and respected leaders in the multicultural

“Elsieism’s”. In her free time, Cardell provides support to the Barbara Bates

beauty industry, having influenced the

Foundation and other community efforts through her membership with

sales destiny of national and international

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Also, she a member of the National Association

hair care brands representing more than

of Professional Women, Professional Beauty Association, Global Beauty

$200 million in global sales. With 30

Alliance, Cosmetic Executive Women and Fellowship MB Church Chicago.

Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. Lafayette Jones

(SMSi). For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit www.segmentedmarketing.com. The preceding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018




OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018






OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Business Tips BY TED FISHMAN

BUSINESS TIPS: EVALUATE YOURSELF The following OTC Self-Evaluation Form was developed as a business aid for beauty supply storeowners. The beauty and barber supply marketplace is very competitive and this form offers the opportunity to evaluate your store’s everyday operations. It will get you thinking of ways to maximize the appeal of a full selection, locally-based store. This form offers the opportunity to evaluate which areas need to be addressed, which action to take and the priorities to set. Utilizing this form in conjunction with your key distributors to provide you with additional data regarding your individual market should be most helpful in increasing your presence and success of your store operations.


RETURN POLICIES Clear statement of return policies on a visible sign both in the store and at the checkout counter. Could be posted in the sections that are primarily affected, such as human hair, chemical liquids, hair color, etc. - where state laws dictate no returns. BEAUTICIAN (SALON) SUPPLIES Appointment books, receipts, gloves, cotton, neck strips, hair color area, bowls, applicator bottles, tint brushes, capes, neutralizing bibs, anything that lends to this grouping. APPLIANCE SECTION Store stocked with a variety of hair appliances such as curling irons, straightening combs, crimpers, stoves, etc. There should be a mix of higher end and lower end goods. Professional oriented goods for the professional stylist only. STORE EMPLOYEES Utilization of neighborhood employees, properly trained and available for shoppers assistance when called for COMMUNITY RELATIONS Contact with local church groups, charity organizations, political figures, support of youth programs, (i.e.) basketball youth teams, little league, local charities, being involved in local community events. OVERALL STORE MERCHANDISING Merchandizing by major brand with like items within brand-merchandise together vertically for best impact. Store layout has featured brands in best location and readily available to consumers. Closeout items are in the back of store so that customers must walk through store to find them. Low end and promotional goods should not be placed in key spaces. Key promo space reserved for items that give the most dollar return (items that show growth pattern, hot categories). STORE PERSONNEL Knowledge of categories and differences between individual products. Place feature lines in best locations. Ability to recommend products (this knowledge is gained through manufacturer materials and seminars that store personnel can attend. AVAILABILITY OF PROFESSIONAL ONLY SECTION WITH SIGNAGE Signage stating “beautician license required for purchase of professional only products-applicator knowledge necessary”. Identify professional-only products with a different color tag (i.e. A red tag with signage stating “Red tag items require proof of professional license). OVERALL STORE APPEARANCE AND CLEANLINESS Uncluttered Aisles Clean Windows Clean Show Case Shelf Stock Condition SIGNAGE Hanging signs-identify locations by brand Category Signs Window Signs Shelf Talkers Hair and Skin Care Signs NEW ITEMS SECTION Designated End Cap with signage and items on display for 30-90 days while being double merchandised in the appropriate sections CONSUMER VALUE SECTION Combos, Buy One Get One of same item, two different items, value packs, special pricing combos, etc. (This section could be 60-120 days depending on availability of new entries). 50

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Needs Improvement

Action Needed


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


자신을 평가해 보세요 다음의 OTC자체 평가 양식은 뷰티 서플라이 스토어에서 사용할 수 있는 사업 보조 도구로서 개발되었습니다. 뷰티 서플라이 시장은 매우 경쟁적입니다. 그 것이 바로 저희가 자기 평가 양식을 만든 이유 입니다. 이 것을 통해 여러분께서는 본인 매장의 일상적인 업무 상태를 평가할 수 있습니다. 이 것은 어떻게 하면 좋은 제품이 가득한, 지역 기반 매장의 매력을 최대화 할 수 있는지를 생각할 수 있도록 해줄 것 입니다. 이 표를 통해 어느 부분을 개선해야 하고 어떤 조처를 취해야 하며 우선순위를 어떻게 정해야 하는지 판단할 수 있을 것입니다. 여러분의 주요 공급 업체와 관련하여 이 양식을 사용하면서 시장에 대한 데이터를 분석한다면 당신의 존재 가치를 높이고 성공적으로 스토어를 운영하는데 도움이 될 것입니다.

비즈니스 조언 – 자기 평가 차트 양호함

개선이 필요함

실행이 필요함


환불 정책 상점내와 계산대 모두 보이는 표지판으로 환불 정책에 관한 분명한 설명이 있어야 한다. 특히 사람의 머리카락, 화학 물질 액체, 머리카락 색과 관련된 제품과 같이 지역 자치법에서 환불이 되지 않는 제품이 있는 곳에 우선적으로 게시되어야 한다. 살롱 제품 예약 장부, 영수증, 장갑, 솜, 목 스트립, 헤어컬러 영역, 그릇, 도포용 병, 틴트 브러쉬, 케이프, 중화용 턱받침 등 해당 그룹에 적합한 물품들. 도구 섹션 컬링 아이언, 스트레이트닝 콤, 크림퍼, 스토브 등과 같은 다양한 헤어 기구들을 비축해 두어야 한다. 고급 제품과 값이 낮은 제품들을 섞어서 갖추는 것이 좋다. 프로 스타일리스트를 위한 전문 제품. 매장 직원 쇼핑객을 돕기 위해 적절히 훈련되고 이용 가능한 지역출신 직원의 활용. 지역 사회와의 관계 지역 교회 단체, 자선 단체, 정치적 인물 및 청소년 프로그램의 지원. (예: 농구 청소년 팀, 리틀 리그, 지역 자선 단체, 지역 공동체 행사에의 참여.) 전체적인 매장 판매 브랜드 상품 중에서 주력 브랜드와 비슷한 아이템을 함께 판매하는 것이 가장 좋은 효과를 낼 수 있음. 매장 배치는 소비자들이 쉽게 구할 수 있도록 브랜드 상품을 가장 좋은 위치에 놓는다. 정리 세일하는 물품은 매장의 뒤쪽에 배치하여, 고객들이 그것을 찾기 위해 상점을 통과하도록 한다. 저렴하고 세일하는 제품은 메인 장소에 배치하지 않도록 한다. 주요 수익률이 가장 높은 품목은 프로모션 공간에 놓는다. (상승 중 또는 인기 카테고리에 해당하는 항목) 매장 직원 개별 제품의 범주와 차이점에 대한 지식을 갖춤. 메인 품목들은 최적의 위치에 배치. 제품을 추천할 수 있는 능력. (제조 업체의 자료나 직원이 참석할 수 있는 세미나를 통해 지식을 습득할 수 있음) 표시가 있는 전문가 전용 코너의 유무 "전문가 전용 제품 구매를 위해 미용사 자격증 필요- 관련 지식 필요" 라는 표시 전문가용 제품을 구별해 놓음- 다른 색상의 태그로 식별 하기. (예: “빨간 색 태그 품목은 전문 미용사 인증이 필요함") 전체적인 매장의 외관 및 청결도 깔끔하게 정리 된 통로 깨끗한 창문 깨끗한 쇼 케이스(전시대) 재고물품 저장 상태 표지판 걸어놓는 표시-브랜드에 따라 위치를 구분한다. 카테고리 표시 윈도우 사인 선반 표시 헤어케어, 스킨케어의 표시 신상품 섹션 표시가 부착된 전용 엔드 캡 및 품목들은, 해당 섹션에서 이중으로 진열되어 30-90일간 전시되어야 한다. 세일 섹션 묶음 상품, 같은 품목의 1+1 상품, 두 개의 다른 품목, 세일 상품, 특가 묶음 등. (이 섹션은 신제품 입점 여부에 따라 60-120일이 될 수 있다.)

Meet Ted Fishman

Ted Fishman, president of Ted Fishman & Associates, is an industry veteran who has dedicated his life to the betterment of the business. He can be reached via email at tfish90469@aol.com.

Ted Fishman & Associates 대표인 Ted Fishman 씨는 사업을 성공적으로 이끄는 방법을 연구하는데 자신의 삶을 바친 업계 베테랑입니다. 이메일 tfish90469@aol.com로 연락 할 수 있습니다. 52

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Business Tips By Chris Ciardello

Powerful Team Conversation:

The Foundation of a Successful Team

강력한 팀소통: 성공적인 팀의 토대 When faced with a problem, it often helps to grab someone and talk it out.

문제에 직면했을 때, 누군가와 이야기를 하는 것은 종종 도움이됩니다.

This is a great collaborative strategy to problem-solving. Everyone has a

대화를 하는 것은 문제 해결을 위한 훌륭한 협력 전략입니다. 모두

different personality, and everyone sees the world in a different light. What

개성은 서로 다르며, 다른 시각으로 세상을 보고 있습니다. 내가 가지고

happens when the problem you have is with another person? A common

있는 문제를 다른 사람과 공유 했을 때 어떤 일이 발생합니까? 일반적인

answer is, “I just need to vent, to get this off my chest.” The drawback with

대답은 “내 가슴에서 이 문제를 떼어 버리기 위한 탈출구가 필요하다”

handling your problem with another person is that it now becomes gossip.

라는 것 입니다. 다른 사람과 문제를 다룰 때의 단점은 이제 그것이

Gossiping is a cancer in any workplace. It builds walls and divides teams.

가십이 된다는 것입니다. 험담하는 것은 모든 직장의 암과 같은 것 입니다. 험담은 벽을 만들고 편을 가르게 되는 것입니다.

A major subject in many offices and workplaces is conflict resolution. Every office has conflict, but not every office handles it the same way. That is why it’s

많은 사무실과 직장에서의 주요 주제는 갈등 해결입니다. 모든

a topic that should be discussed clearly with your team. Workplaces are full

사무실이 갈등을 겪고 있지만, 모든 곳에서 그 것을 똑같이 다루는 것은

of diverse personalities who communicate in unique ways. These differences

결코 아닙니다. 이 것이 바로 여러분의 팀과 명확하게 논의되어야 할

in personalities are what make conflict resolution an uncomfortable and

주제인 이유입니다. 직장은 다양한 성격의 사람들로 가득차 있고, 각각

touchy subject.

자신만의 방식으로 소통합니다. 성격의 차이는 갈등을 해결 하는 것을 결국 불편하고 민감한 주제로 만드는 것 입니다.

The first step to successfully deal with conflict is to bring both parties together and have a meeting of the minds. The parties involved in the conflict need

갈등을 성공적으로 해결하기 위한 첫 번째 단계는 양당사자가 같이

to sit down and talk it out. Prior to this meeting, the ground rules need to

생각의 회의를 하는 것 입니다. 갈등에 관련된 당사자들은 앉아서

be explained.

이야기해야 합니다. 이 회의에 앞서, 기본 원칙을 설명해야합니다.

There are four ground rules to successful conflict resolution.

성공적인 충돌 해결을 위한 4가지의 기본규칙이 있습니다:

Rule #1 Each side must listen fully to the other side before responding.

규칙#1 각 측은 응답하기 전에 상대방의 의견을 완전히 경청해야합니다.

Often times when one party is explaining something that is bothering

한 쪽이 다른 한쪽을 괴롭히는 무언가를 말할 때가 종종 있고, 상대

them, the second party will feel defensive and want to jump in and explain

당사자는 방어를 하기 위한 자신의 행동을 정당화하기 위해 설명하는


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

themselves to justify their actions. There is nothing more frustrating when

것을 원할 것입니다. 누군가가 당신을 방해하는 것보다 실망스러운 것은

someone interrupts you, especially when trying to resolve a problem. The

없습니다 .특히 문제를 해결할 때는 더욱 그렇습니다. 첫 번째 사람은

first person listens to everything the other person has to say, and then the

다른 사람이 말하는 모든 것을 듣고, 두 번째 사람은 자신에 대해 설명

second person will have their opportunity to explain their side. This process

할 기회를 갖습니다. 이 절차는 양측이 자신의 의견을 충분히 표현 할

is repeated until both sides have sufficiently made their case.

때까지 반복됩니다.

Rule #2 Identify the issues clearly, professionally, and concisely. Unless the

규칙#2 문제를 명확하고 전문적이며 간단하게 파악하십시오. 문제가

issue is identified, a resolution cannot be found. For example, an employee

확인되지 않으면 해결 방법을 찾을 수 없습니다. 예를 들어 베티라는

named Betty came into work, threw her purse on her desk and snapped at

직원이 출근하여 책상에 지갑을 던지고 동료 샐리에게 화를 내었습니다.

her coworker Sally. Shortly before coming into the office, Betty received a

베티는 출근하기 직전에 아이의 선생님으로부터 불만스러운 문자

frustrating text message from her child’s teacher. When Sally greeted her,

메시지를 받았습니다. 샐리가 그녀에게 인사했을 때, 베티는 무례하게

Betty rudely responded. That text had nothing to do with Sally, yet the

응답했습니다. 그 문자 메시지는 샐리와 아무런 관련이 없지만, 그녀에게

frustration was taken out on her, and this caused some tension between the

불똥이 튀었고 그로 인해 두 사람 사이에 긴장감이 돌았습니다. 어떤

two of them for the rest of the day. In some cases this kind of tension can

경우에 이런 종류의 갈등상태는 끓어 오르게 되므로 동료들과 열린

simmer and slowly build up to a boil, making it extremely important to have

대화를 나누는 것이 매우 중요합니다. 다른 사람의 삶에서 어떤 일이

open communication with your co-workers. You may not always know what

일어나고 있는지 항상 알 수는 없으므로 결론에 도달하지 않도록

is going on in another person’s life, so try not to jump to conclusions.


Rule #3 When both parties meet to discuss their issues, they are only allowed to use “I” statements. “I felt ignored at the meeting this morning when I was

규칙 #3 양 당사자가 자신의 쟁점을 논의하기 위해 모일 때 “저는”

trying to explain the details about Mrs. Jones.” Framing an issue you have

문장만을 사용할 수 있습니다. “저는 오늘 아침 회의에서 존스 부인에

with another person with an “I” statement helps to bring their defenses down

대해 자세히 설명하려고 할 때 무시당하는 느낌이 들었습니다.” “저는”

so that a resolution can be found in the conflict. ‘You’ statements tend to put

이라는 문장을 사용하여 다른 사람과 맺은 문제를 골라 내면 자신의

people on the defensive because they feel like their integrity is under attack.

방어력을 낮추고 해결책을 찾아 낼

수 있습니다. 갈등에서. ‘당신

‘ 이라는 문장은 진실성이 공격 받고 있다고 느끼기 때문에 사람들을 “You always put the instruments back wrong.”

방어적으로 대우하는 경향이 있습니다.

“You never take out the trash.” “당신은 악기를 제 자리에 갖다 놓지 않아요” When someone starts to get defensive they stop hearing everything that is

“당신은 쓰레기를 버리지 않아요.”

being said. They are focusing on how to defend their integrity. “I” statements diffuse anger and assault.

누군가가 방어하기 시작하면 전혀 들으려고 하지 않습니다. 그들은 그들의 완전성을 방어하는 방법에 대하여 중점을 두게 됩니다. “저는”

Rule #4 The final and most important rule is that there are no personal

문장은 화와 습격을 분산시켜 줍니다.

attacks, name-calling or finger-pointing. These are a surefire way to get the

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


other person on the defensive, and there is just no need for petty attacks

규칙#4 마지막으로 가장 중요한 규칙은 개인 공격, 이름 호명 또는

in a professional environment. When voices raise, the control of the

삿대질을 하지 않는 다는 것입니다. 이 규칙은 방어시에 다른 사람을

conversation is lost. This prevents both parties from being able to continue

얻는 확실한 방법이며 전문적인 환경에서 옹졸한 공격을 할 필요가

the conversation with a level head. As soon as the voices raise, or tears start

없습니다. 목소리가 커지면 대화를 제어 할 수 없습니다. 이렇게하면 양

to flow each side needs to pause (maybe even step aside for a few moments)

당사자가 공정하고 냉정한 판단을 위한 대화를 계속할 수 없게됩니다.

to gain their composure so that a civil conversation may continue.

목소리가 커지거나 눈물이 흘러 나온다면 민주적인 대화가 계속 될 수 있도록 즉시 각자가 잠시 쉬어야합니다.

Having conflict in an office is ok; in fact, it’s actually healthy. However, preventing conflict from turning into a heated conflict is crucial to avoiding

사무실에서 갈등이 있는 것은 괜찮습니다. 사실, 갈등은 건전한 것

division in an office. If a resolution cannot be found with the two parties

입니다. 그러나 분쟁을 격렬한 분쟁으로 돌리는 것을 방지하는 것은

sitting down and talking it out, then it is time to bring in a mediator. Often

사무실에서 편을 가르는 것을 피하는 데 중요합니다. 양 당사자가 앉아서

times this will be the office manager. Whoever it is, they need to remain as

말하면서 해결 방법을 찾을 수 없다면 중재자가 필요한 시기 입니다.

neutral as Switzerland. The mediator cannot and should not pick sides, and

종종 중재자는 사무실 관리자가 될 것입니다. 누구든지 스위스만큼

the same ground rules apply. Everyone wants to work in a happy, peaceful

중립을 유지해야합니다. 중재자는 어떤 한 당사자를 선택할 수 없으며

environment, so it’s important to talk it out.

선택해서도 안되며 동일한 기본 규칙이 적용됩니다. 모두가 행복하고 평화로운 환경에서 일하기를 원하므로 이야기하는 것이 중요합니다.

Meet Chris

Chris Ciardello is a practice management consultant with Global Team Solutions. Passionate about sharing his expertise in technology and marketing, Chris has a distinctive knack for understanding the needs of office environments and assisting companies in building productive, cohesive teams. He began his career in dentistry as an office manager after graduating from the University of Texas, San Antonio with a bachelor’s in marketing. For more information on Chris Ciardello, please visit www.GTSGurus.com. Chris Ciardello씨는 Global Team Solutions의 프랙티스 관리 컨설턴트입니다. Chris는 기술 및 마케팅 전문 지식을 공유하는 데 열정적인 관계를 유지하여 사무 환경의 요구 사항을 이해하고 회사가 생산적이고 응집력있는 팀을 구성하도록 돕습니다. Chris씨는 샌 안토니오 텍사스 대학에서 마케팅 학사를 취득 후 치과의 오피스 관리자로 시작하여 경력을 쌓았습니다. Chris Ciardello씨에 대한 자세한 내용은 www. GTSGurus.com을 방문하십시오.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018





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OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Business Tips By Jeff Bush

This Year I Hope to [Insert Answer Here] 올해 내가 달성하고 싶은 것. [여기에 적으세요] Imagine closing your eyes, throwing a dart at the Wall Street Journal to pick a stock you had to invest your entire savings in. You can’t look at the price until the last day of the year; nervous? But yet, this is how most businesses plan. They choose one time a year, develop a plan, put it in the drawer only to review it at the same time the following year and hope they achieved their goal. This approach is not a good investment strategy, nor is it a good business planning process. Everyone has heard the saying, “hope is not a plan.” That’s because it rings true. But equally true is that your life is only limited by the work you don’t do. You work to achieve. Achievement is the manifestation of executing more consistently and methodically. Are you ready to achieve your goals? Are you prepared to get your business back on track? Try this strategy. A more fluid approach to business planning is more realistic in the “real world” vs. the one-and -done way you’ve always done planning. Business planning should be a living, breathing process that follows a cycle of brainstorming, winnowing, executing and measuring which naturally leads to the next planning opportunity. This process can be as short as weeks or as long as years. Each part of a business follows different timelines and the planning process for each, should match. Just like New Year’s resolutions fall away quickly because of a lack of an execution strategy, business plans succumb to the same fate; destined to collect dust on a shelf or occupying the ignored bottom position in your inbox. Why? Because these methods lack a quantifiable execution and measurement strategy, which is a pivotal portion of the planning process— the part of the process where most fall short. 58

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

눈을 감고 상상해보세요. 월스트리트 저널을 벽에 걸고 그 곳에 다트를 던져 주식을 선택하는 모습을 말이죠. 당신의 모든 돈을 투자하는 그 주식을 말입니다. 연말이 되기 전에는 주식 가격을 볼 수 없습니다. 긴장되시겠죠? 하지만 이 것이 대부분의 기업들이 계획하는 방법 입니다. 대부분의 회사들이 일 년에 한 번씩 날을 잡아 계획을 세우고, 그 것을 다시 서랍 속에 넣어둔 채 같은 시기에 검토만 하면서, 그들은 목표를 달성하기를 희망합니다. 이 접근 방식은 좋은 투자 전략도 아니고 좋은 사업 계획을 수립하는 과정도 아닙니다. 많은 사람들이 “희망은 계획이 아니다.” 라는 말을 들어 본 적이 있을 것 입니다. 그 것은 사실이기 때문입니다. 하지만 여기에서 또 한 가지 사실인 것은, 여러분의 삶은 오로지 여러분께서 하지 않는 일에 의해서만 제한된다는 것입니다. 여러분은 목표를 성취하기 위해 일합니다. 성취는 목표를 위해 좀 더 일관되고 체계적으로 실행하는 표현이죠. 목표를 달성할 준비가 되었나요? 사업을 다시 정상 궤도에 올릴 준비가 되었나요? 그럼 이 전략을 시도해 보세요. 보다 유연하게 비즈니스를 플랜하려면, 예전에 했던 방식을 그대로 답습하는 것 보다 “진짜 세계”를 생각하며 현실성 있게 계획해야 합니다. 사업 계획은 브레인 스토밍, 위노잉, 그리고 실행 및 측정 사이클을 살아 숨쉬는 과정과 같이 자연스럽게 이어가야 합니다. 이 과정은 몇 주 정도로 짧을 수도 있고 길면 몇 년이 걸릴 수 도 있는 것 입니다. 사업의 각 부분은 각각의 일정을 따르고 각각의 계획 과정에 따르되 매치가 되어야 합니다. 마치 새해 결심이 실행 전략의 부족으로 무산되는 것처럼, 사업 계획도 같은 이유로 굴복하게 됩니다; 결국 선반위의 먼지 받이가 되거나, 수신함의 아무도 신경쓰지 않는 맨 밑 자리나 차지하곤 하죠. 왜냐구요? 왜냐하면 이러한 방법은 계획 과정의 가장 핵심적인 부분이라고 할 수 있는 측정이 가능한 실행 방법 그리고 수치를 정확히 잴 수 있는 전략이 부족하기 때문입니다.

Whether you’re well on your way to achieving your business goals and you are ready to shoot for something bigger, or you’ve fallen short of expectations and you are looking to get back on track, a measurable execution strategy must be deployed and continuously redeployed through the process. The first step in any execution strategy is to define the issue in sufficient detail such that anyone in your organization will intuitively understand the incremental activities necessary to achieve the goal. If you cannot break the goal down into actionable steps, you need to continue refining your goal. A goal is only actionable when it is evident to everyone in your business what those actionable steps are. The most straightforward example is a sales goal. Most business plans will state a specific numeric goal, “$50,000,000 in product sales”. But if your

비즈니스의 목표를 달성하기 위해 준비가 잘 되어 있든, 더 큰 목표를 향해 높이 쏘아올릴 준비가 되어 있든, 혹은 기대치에 미치지 못하거나 이제 다시 제자리로 돌아가려고 하든, 측정 가능한 실행 전략은 효율적으로 사용되며 지속적으로 개발되어야 합니다. 실행 전략의 첫 번째 단계는 목표를 달성하기 위해 단계별로 해야하는 활동들을 조직의 누구나 본능적으로 이해할 수 있도록 자세하게 정의해 놓는 것입니다. 목표를 실행 가능한 단계로 나눌 수 없는 경우 목표를 지속해서 미세하게 조정해야 합니다. 목표는 비즈니스에 관련 된 모든 사람에게 그 단계가 분명할 때만 실행 가능합니다. 가장 직접적인 예는 판매 목표입니다. 대부분의 사업 계획은 “제품 매출액 5천만달러”라는 구체적인 수치 목표를 명시할 것입니다. 하지만 만약 여러분의 조직이 그 목표와 그들만의 고유한 업무 사이의 관계를 이해하지 못한다면, 그것은 결코 일어나지 않을 것입니다.

organization doesn’t understand the connection of that goal to their unique job duties it will likely never happen. Instead, restate the goal to something more actionable, “Maintain 100% client retention of profitable $1million clients while sourcing, vetting and closing one new client that will average $5mm in sales each week.” If the goal is restated in such a way to that every department of your company understands their role in achieving that goal it is much more likely to happen. A sales goal is not going to get a person in accounts receivable to change their behavior. Arguably, an overly zealous receivables person could be detrimental to your goal by collecting in such a way that drives clients out the door. By changing the focus of the goal to an action statement, it changes the way your organization views their role in executing their part in the process. It focuses a goal into a philosophical change with obvious incremental steps. Now list the steps, as few or as many as it takes, but it must be actionable and measurable.

그 대신 조금 더 실현 가능한 목표를 설정해봅시다. ‘매주 평균 5백만 달러의 수익을 발생시키는 새로운 고객을 찾아내어 점검하고 거래처를 만들어 나가는 동시에 백만 달러 이상 수익을 내는 기존 고객을 100% 유지하기’ 등이 예시입니다. 이와 같은 방식으로 목표를 재설정 한다면 회사 내 모든 부서의 역할에 대한 이해도를 높이는 동시에 목표를 달성할 확률 또한 높아집니다. 영업 목표를 설정한다고 해서 곧바로 미수금 계정 고객의 행동을 바꿀 수 없습니다. 분명한 사실은 과도한 열정을 갖고 미수금을 받아내려는 사람 때문에 고객이 떠날 것이고, 이로 인해 목표 달성에 해가 된다는 것입니다. 목표의 초점을 구체적인 행동과 관련된 내용으로 변경한다면, 여러분의 회사가 목표 달성 과정에 있어 실행해야 하는 역할에 대한 관점을 바꿀 수 있습니다. 목표의 초점을 분명하고 점진적인 단계를 통한 이성적인 변화에 맞추어 봅시다. 이제 변화를 위한 몇 가지 또는 그 이상의 단계를 정해봅니다. 단계의 수는 크게 상관없지만 반드시 행동 및 평가를 할 수 있는 단계로 구성해야 합니다. 1. 2.

매주 다섯 가지의 기회를 발굴하십시오. 발굴한 다섯 가지 기회를 통해 매주 잠재력 있는 세 명의 고객을 질적 측면에서 평가하십시오.

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



Identify five leads weekly


Qualify three prospects per-week from the leads


Close one client per-week with a potential average $5 million in annual sales per month (keep in mind, if you onboard a new client late in the year, they likely will not do $5 million in sales this year.)


Reduce new client onboarding time to three business days


Prioritize our customer service model, so we are spending 80% of our


4. 5.

time with those clients making up 80% of our sales. (Once again, the old 80/20 rule) 6.

100% on-time shipping every day.


Reduce accounts receivable to 45 days.

Secondly, you have to do the work. While this seems obvious, the majority of goals find their way to the scrap heap for the most basic of reasons. The work was done intermittently, but honestly, the work was not done. Someone first said, “What gets measured, gets done.” And they were right. So measure your action steps. Use technology to help keep track of your progress. Reminders on your phone work, but some prefer something more visual. Use a spreadsheet program to come up with a customized action tracking sheet. A suggestion would be, at the end of the measuring period, color code the boxes to highlight successes and challenges. Distribute the finished sheet each period to all stakeholders. “What gets measured gets done”.

6. 7.

매달 연간 영업 수익을 평균 5백만 달러 가량 올릴 수 있는 거래처를 매주 하나씩 확보합니다. (여기서 명심해야 할 점은 새로운 고객을 연말에 유치한다면 해당 연도 안에 이 고객을 통한 5백만 달러의 매출 달성은 힘들다는 것입니다.) 신규 고객 유치에 걸리는 시간은 영업일 기준 3일로 줄이도록 합니다. 고객 서비스 모델을 최우선시 하여 사용 시간의 80%는 고객을 위해 보내고 영업의 80%로 직결되도록 합니다. (여기서 다시 한번 80/20 법칙을 생각합시다.) 매일 100% 정시 배송을 완료하십시오. 미수금 처리는 45일로 줄이십시오.

두 번째는 여러분이 직접 일해야 한다는 점입니다. 이는 분명한 사실이지만, 대부분 목표가 이런 기본적인 이유를 충족하지 못해 쓸데없는 일이 되기도 합니다. 일을 간간이 했다는 말이 툭 터놓고 말해 일을 완료했다는 뜻은 아닙니다. ‘평가한 일이 곧 완료한 일이다’ 라고 누군가 말했습니다. 이 말이 정답입니다. 여러분의 행동단계를 평가하십시오. 기술을 활용하여 발전 단계를 기록해 두십시오. 핸드폰 알림을 활용할 수도 있지만, 어떤 사람들은 눈에 더 잘 들어오는 수단을 선호하기도 합니다. 목표 맞춤형 행동 추적 내용을 기록할 수 있는 스프레드시트 프로그램을 활용해 봅시다. 프로그램을 통해 평가 기간이 끝나갈 때 즈음 달성내용과 도전과제들을 다른 색깔로 표시해보기를 추천합니다. 시트가 완성되면 목표와 관련된 모든 사람들과 내용을 공유하십시오. ‘평가한 일이 곧 완료한 일이다.’ 를 명심하십시오.

And finally, you need to have a consistent and honest accountability system; accountability to do the small, necessary steps to accomplish your goal, both in quantity and quality. The fallacy of the spreadsheet of reminders is we can lie to ourselves. As human beings, we have a horrible ability to lie to ourselves and, worse yet, believe our lies. So how do you manage this fault? Have an accountability partner. Find that person who cares enough about your success that they won’t tell you what you want to hear or make you feel better about only half-hearted work. Share with them your spreadsheet each week and go over every single event. Mutual accountability works well. Find a fellow salesperson, manager, significant other or business owner that is working on their own goals and be accountable to one another.

그리고 마지막으로 일관성 있고 정직한 책임을 지는 방법이 필요합니다. 양적 및 질적으로 목표를 달성하기 위해 작지만 필요한 단계입니다. 리마인더가 포함된 스프레드시트에는 우리가 스스로에게 거짓말을 한다는 엄청난 오류가 숨어있습니다. 인간으로 살아가면서 우리는 자신에게 거짓말을 하는 동시에 더 나쁘게는 이를 사실로 생각하기도 합니다. 그렇다면 이런 문제를 어떻게 해결할 수 있을까요? 책임감 있는 파트너와 일하십시오. 여러분의 성공을 진심으로 생각하는 사람을 찾으십시오. 이런 사람은 듣기 좋은 말만 하거나 성의 없이 완성된 일을 갖고 칭찬하지 않습니다. 이런 사람과 스프레드시트의 내용을 공유하고 모든 항목을 검토하십시오. 공동의 책임이 이런 면에서 효과적입니다. 동료 영업사원, 상사, 특정 상대방, 또는 자신의 목표를 달성하기 위해 노력 중인 비즈니스 소유주 등을 찾아 서로에게 책임을 다하십시오.

It has been said, “If success were easy, everyone would be successful.” While it is not easy, you have more control over your success than you think; and sometimes it is just about having a definable goal and doing the work consistently and being honest with the quantity and quality of your efforts.

‘성공이 그렇게 쉬웠다면 모두가 성공했을 것이다’ 라는 말이 있습니다. 어려운 일이겠지만 여러분은 생각보다 쉽게 성공을 만들어 낼 수 있습니다. 정확한 목표를 갖고 끈기 있게 업무를 해내고 여러분의 질적 양적 노력을 정직하게 바라보는 것만으로도 성공을 이루어 낼 수 있습니다.

Meet Jeff Bush

Jeff Bush, Wall Street’s Washington insider, is a dynamic and insightful speaker on tax and fiscal topics, and the author of American Cornerstones: History’s Insights on Today’s Issues. A 28-year veteran of the financial industry, Jeff works with executive teams, business owners, and high income individuals to proactively prepare their organizations to succeed in an ever evolving-market place. For more information on Jeff Bush, please visit www.JeffBush.net. 저자 제프 부시는 월스트리트의 워싱턴 관계자로 세금과 재정 관련 주제에 관해 뛰어나면서도 통찰력 있는 견해를 제시하고 있습니다. 또한, ‘ 미국의 초석: 역사적 통찰과 오늘날의 문제(American Cornerstones: History’s Insights on Today’s Issues)를 저술하기도 했습니다. 저자는 금융업계에서 28년간 몸담아오며 기업 중역, 회사 소유주, 고소득층 등과 협업하여 급변하는 시장 상황 속에서 기업 또는 기관을 성공으로 이끄는 능동적인 방법에 관해 조언하고 있습니다. 저자에 대한 자세한 정보는 www.JeffBush.net에서 참고하실 수 있습니다. 60

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Beauty Ambassador

Styling Tools

By Detra Smith

Tools of the Trade As a session and editorial stylist, I find people asking to see what is in my kit everywhere I go. Stylists and editors take pictures of my tools and station setup. Many times I cannot start working until we have done an interview explaining why I pack and use certain tools. Every stylist has their favorites. If you look at each tool in your kit and ask yourself why it is there, you might find yourself reflecting on a lesson. This has caused me to have a greater appreciation and understanding of the importance of every detail in my work. Every stylist has favorite combs in their kit. My kit has wide tooth combs for detangling, tail combs for parting, cutting combs, and combs with picks on the ends. The one comb I will not go without is large with fine teeth on one end and wide teeth on the other. That comb is good for moving the hair with the wide teeth and detailing with the fine teeth. I always carry duplicates in case one gets misplaced. Comare has some great choices in these combs. There are so many brushes out there that stylists may become overwhelmed at the choices. We have our favorites but sometimes a new one comes along and we wonder how we ever worked without it. Let’s start with detangling brushes. Those brushes with soft flexible nylon bristles and a soft cushion are the best. They will smooth out tangles with very little tension, therefore, pulling the hair less. Paddle brushes are great to have for brushing and blowing out long hair. A brush with a rubber pad and nylon bristles is great for detailed blowouts on all lengths of hair. You can find many of these brushes in the Comare line. Different sizes of round brushes are must-haves, too. Natural bristle brushes will smooth the hair while spreading natural oils. The metal ones will shape the hair while drying it. The Brazilian Heat Thermal Ceramic Ion brushes are some of my favorites. The ceramic keeps a soft, even heat on the surface of the brush. There are also thermal reading stripes on the surface that change colors and let you know when the heat is at an optimal temperature. A good blowout with a heat protectant and smoothing cream

Meet Detra

is essential before moving to the styling steps.

We have all heard “The magic is in the details.” Our brushes can make or break our finished looks. Comare has some nice brushes to finish detailed styling. A padded brush with a combination of nylon and boar bristles is great for working the hair and moving it in the direction we want it to stay. The nylon bristles lay down any hairs that try to tangle or pop up. The boar bristles carry the hair’s natural oils throughout and smooth the surface. I also keep a cushion brush with all boar bristles for surface work. How about an edge brush? We all need to have a small brush for cleaning the edges. Rough edges can ruin the look of something beautiful that we spent a lot of time creating. If you do not have an edging brush then use a fine tooth comb. An edging cream is a necessity as well. I always have the Gold ’N Hot 2” Professional Ceramic Crimping Iron and 1” 24k Gold Marcel Curling Iron. These irons are necessities on set. The crimping iron will give extra volume to fine hair and also give you fuller braids. The 1” Marcel curling iron is the most versatile for creating different size curls. If you twist the hair and wrap it around this iron you will get a firm curl. If you stretch the hair vertically while wrapping it around the barrel like a ribbon you will get an elongated curl. If you are session stylist that travels with tools, you will really like the lightweight Gold “N Hot Professional 1875 Watt Dryer with Tourmaline. It comes with a concentrator, pick, and 9-foot cord. A small craft box with different sized compartments houses my extra “tricks in the bag.” In it I have large embroidery needles, thread covered craft elastic, a crochet hook, and a variety of hairpins in different sizes, shapes and colors. There are always a couple of Hot Tools heat protective gloves in my kit, too. Sometimes with intricate styles, I will use my tools in non-traditional ways and need to protect my hands. If you haven’t examined your kit in a while, what are you waiting for? Have it ready just in case you get your next big break!

Detra Smith is the artistic director for Belson/Gold ‘N Hot and is a Matrix Artistic Educator.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Feature Article by Khalia Dunn

Beauty Supply Treasures For many consumers, their local beauty supply store is their first stop when repurchasing or trying out a new hair product. When most go to one of these stores, they make a beeline for the wigs, extensions, and other hair products. But a beauty supply store carries much more than colorful extensions and the newest organic shampoo. From lipstick to hair brushes, there really is no end to what customers may discover.

Hair Accessories and Rollers

Hair accessories and rollers do not only lend themselves to fashion; they can provide function, as well. Often times, hair accessories can be overlooked because many of them are considered to be for children. But there are many accessories that adults can wear, too. The Brittny Shell Beads – Stone 36pcs BR98114 can be worn in both braided and dreaded styles. They can be used to add a bit of flair to an everyday ‘do. For something more versatile, bandanas can do work wonders. They can be folded several different ways to add a fun spin on common hairstyles, and they can be used to protect hair while sleeping. Many also wear them around the arm or neck as a fashion statement. The Dream Bandana – Folded Regular Red DRE305 has a simplistic design that can be paired up with almost anything. Brittny Roller S/Grip [Blue] 6 Count,1” BR67903 can provide phenomenal curls that last all day. Different curl patterns can be achieved by adjusting the curlers in different positions. The best part is that no heat is needed to achieve these curls!

Brushes and Combs

Daily grooming is important to hair health. Everyday tools like combs and brushes help stimulate the scalp and promote healthy hair growth. The Brittny 3N1 Bone Comb BR3N1 is everything one will need in a comb. It has a fine-tooth edge for regular grooming of the hair, a wider tooth edge to help with detangling, and a pick to add volume to hair. The Brittny Soft Grip 9 Row Brush, Assorted BR52013 is a great bristle brush that promotes shiny hair with less frizz. The bristles help clean the hair by removing product build-up and reducing static when brushing. Wigs need their own special brushes, too. Regular brushes can damage a synthetic wig and even pull out hairs, so using a brush made for a wig is the best way to keep the unit looking as good as new. The Brittny Wig Wire Cushion Brush BR52034 is recommended to groom such wigs.

Meet Khalia

Salon Wear

What customers and stylists wear in salons and barber shops can mean the difference between a pleasant experience and a ruined shirt. Salon apparel is meant to comfortable for both parties, while also providing protection from water, products, and chemicals. The Dream Salon Wear – Styling Cape Nylon Black DRE3001 is lightweight, water repellant, and wrinkle-free. Dream Salon Wear – Barber Jacket Black Large DRE3051 has a very practical design. It is made with pockets to hold styling tools and it has a front zipper for easy removal. It’s also very lightweight for easy movement.

Hand and Foot Care

Just as it’s important to groom hair, it is equally important to take care of hands and feet. The Brittny Curved Foot File Plastic BR1663 is perfect for removing dead skin cells on rough feet. Just like exfoliating your face, exfoliating your feet promotes a healthier look and feel to the skin. It also helps prevent calluses from forming. Regularly cleaning under finger and toenails are something most people neglect to do, but it is a must for nail health. The Brittny Nail Brush BR1683 can easily scrub under nails to remove dirt and bacteria that could potentially spread infections.

Cosmetic Tools

Tools such as cosmetic brushes and sponges are used very frequently for those who wear makeup, but they can get very expensive. Beauty Supply stores provide an inexpensive alternative to many makeup tools. Eyebrow razors like Brittny Eyebrow Razor Tinkle, 3pcs/pk BR98057 can be a great alternative to tweezers. They are less painful, faster to use, and allows the same precision as tweezers to achieve the desired shape. A good makeup applicator is a key to having a flawless foundation look. Makeup sponges work better than brushes because they distribute makeup evenly on the face and do not leave streaks like brushes. They also soak up less product. The Brittny Cosmetic Sponge Round 55mm, 2pc BR1605 is recommended for a smoother finish.

Writing has always been in Khalia’s future, as she’s been writing since elementary school. Oddly enough, she graduated from the University of West Georgia with a bachelor’s degree in criminology. Yet, she chose to ditch that career path to pursue her passion in writing. When she’s not writing short stories, she’s doing nail art and listening to Kpop.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Manufacturer Profile

Softsheen-Carson has been a market leader in the ethnic beauty industry for well over a century. Producing iconic brands such as Dark and Lovely, Magic Shave, Let’s Jam, Optimum Care, Dark and Natural, Sportin Waves and Care Free Curl, this company has been a fixture in the culture of black hair care. Its broad portfolio and focus on innovation positions the company to be a mainstay and continuing forerunner in the industry. Catering to their core consumer base is the secret to their success, said Tiffany Plater, the head of marketing for Softsheen-Carson. “We remain dedicated to servicing the beauty needs of African American people,” said Plater. “We have never wavered in that endeavor and have stayed true to our roots. We have over a 100 years of experience and know we can create the best products for our industry and customer.” With the recent release of several new products, Softsheen-Carson shows no signs of slowing down. OTC Beauty Magazine chatted with Plater about the history of the company and its upcoming plans for the future.

소프트신-카슨(Softsheen-Carson)사는 한 세기가 넘도록 에스닉 뷰티 산업 시장의 리더였습니다. 다크 앤 러블리(Dark and Lovely), 매직 쉐이브(Magic Shave), 렛츠 잼(Let’s Jam), 옵티멈 케어(Optimum Care), 다크 앤 내츄럴(Dark and Natural), 스포틴 웨이브(Sportin Wave), 그리고 케어 프리 컬(Care Free Curl) 같은 상징적인 브랜드를 만들어 내면서, 이 회사는 흑인 머리스타일의 문화에 정착시켜 왔습니다. 폭 넓은 포트폴리오와 혁신에 중점을 두고 있으며, 이 업계의 주류이자 지속적인 선구자가 되려고 노력하고 있습니다. Softsheen-Carson의 마케팅 책임자인 Tiffany Plater는 핵심 고객층을 수용하는 것이 성공의 비결이라고 말합니다. Plater씨는 “우리는 아프리카계 미국인의 미에 대한 욕구를 충족시키기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. “우리는 그것을 노력하려고 절대 동요하지 않았으며 우리의 근원을 그대로 유지해 왔습니다. 우리는 100년 이상의 경험을 가지고 있으며 업계와 고객을 위해 최고의 제품을 만들 수 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다. “ Softsheen-Carson은 최근에 여러 신제품을 출시 했으며 항상 발전하는 것을 보여주고 있습니다. OTC 뷰티 매거진은 Plater씨와 회사의 역사와 미래를 위한 향후 계획에 대하여 이야기를 나누었습니다.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): Please briefly describe the history

OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC): Softsheen-Carson의 역사를

of Softsheen-Carson. How did this company get started and what

간략하게 설명해주세요. 이 회사는 어떻게 시작되었으며 기반은

is it founded on?


Plater: We were actually two separate companies for most of our history.


Carson Chemical, which started as Morehouse Manufacturing, launched

회사이었습니다. Morehouse Manufacturing으로 시작한 Carson

Magic Shave in 1901. Then in the 1970s, they launched the first hair color

Chemical은 1901년에 Magic Shave를 출시했습니다. 그 후 1970

for African American women, Fade Resist, which is still to this day the

년대에는 아프리카계 미국인 여성을 위한 최초의 헤어 컬러인 Fade

No. 1 hair color for women of color. They also launched the first patented

Resist를 출시했습니다. Fade Resist는 현재까지도 여성용 컬러 중

no-lye relaxer in Dark-N-Lovely which is still one of the market leaders in

No.1번 컬러입니다. 또한 릴랙서 시장의 선두주자 중 하나인 Dark-

relaxers. SoftSheen Laboratories had a much later start, when it was founded

N-Lovely에서 최초로 특허받은 비가성소다 릴렉서를 출시했습니다.

in 1964 and then started distributing Care Free Curls, patented professional

SoftSheen Laboratories는 훨씬 이후인 1964년에 설립되었고 1980

relaxer Optimum and retail relaxer Optimum Care in 1980. Then in 2000,

년에 Care Free Curls, 특허받은 전문 릴랙서인 Optimum 및 소매점용

L’Oreal acquired both SoftSheen and Carson and developed what is today

완화제인 Optimum Care를 판매하기 시작하였습니다. 그 후 2000년

SoftSheen-Carson. The brands together stand for empowering women

L’ Oreal은 SoftSheen과 Carson을 모두 인수하고 현재의 SoftSheen-

of color to explore and express their individual style with unwavering

Carson을 개발하였습니다. 이 브랜드들은 함께 여성들이 확고한

confidence and uncompromising care.

자신감과 타협없이 자신의 스타일을 탐구하고 표현할 수 있는 능력을









OTC: Who is the main audience for

OTC: 제품의 주요 고객은

your products and


what steps are you

사항을 충족시키기 위해 어떤

taking to ensure you

조치를 취하고 계시나요?



meet their needs? Plater: 우리의 고객은 18 Plater: Our audience

세 이상인 아프리카계 미국인



여성과 남성입니다. 회사가 설립

women and men, 18+

된 날부터 아프리카계 미국인

years old. From the day

사회에 봉사하는 것이 우리의

we were founded, it was


in our DNA to service

출시를 위한 개발을 할 때는

the African American

항상 아프리카계 미국인 남성,





having her and him in





우리는 이 분들이 원하는 것

the forefront when developing any new product launch. We keep on top of

이상을 계속 유지하고 우리가 그들을 위해 최상의 솔루션을 제공 할 수

what she or he may be looking for and ensure we offer the best solution for

있도록 하고 있습니다.


OTC: 귀사와 사업을 같이 하는 것은 어떻다고 생각하시나요? OTC: What is it like to have a business relationship with your

강점은 무엇이라고 생각하시나요?

company? What do you consider your strengths? Plater: L’ Oreal은 세계에서 규모가 가장 큰 뷰티 회사이므로 사업 Plater: L’Oreal is the largest beauty company in the world, so what you

관계를 맺을 때 얻을 수 있는 것은 전문성과 업계에서 제공하는 최고

get when entering in a relationship is our expertise and the highest quality,

품질의 최신 트렌드 제품입니다. 우리의 강점은 기술 및 마케팅에

on-trend products the industry has to offer. Our strengths are with our

노력하고 있다는 것 입니다. 미국 연구소에서는 년간 1,800건 이상의

technology and marketing efforts. We develop over 1,800 patents a year

특허를 개발하고 있습니다. 그리고 전 세계 100여 개국의 원천 화학식을

in just our U.S. labs. And we can source formulas from over 100 countries

얻을 수 있습니다! 이것이 우리의 가장 큰 강점 중 하나입니다.

around the world! This is one of our biggest strengths we have. OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Manufacturer Profile OTC: What do you feel is the most important thing for

OTC: 뷰티 서플라이 스토어 주인이 회사 제품을 고객에게 추천

multicultural beauty store owners to know when recommending

할 때 가장 중요한 것은 무엇이라고 생각하시나요? 공유 할 수

your company’s products to their customers? Do you have any

있는 마케팅 팁이 있습니까?

marketing tips to share? Plater: 각각의 제품의 기능을 파악하여 헤어에 문제가 있는 사람을 Plater: It’s important to know what each of the products do and how they

도울 수 있는 방법을 아는 것이 중요합니다. 제품을 추천 할 때 스토어

can help someone with their hair problems. When recommending our

오너들은 우리가 전문가라는 것을 인지하는 것이 중요합니다. 우리는

products, it’s important for store owners to know we are the experts. We

수년동안 이 제품을 개발해 왔으며 이러한 화학식을 마스터했습니다.

have been developing these products for years and have mastered these

카테고리에 따라 가격이 변동을 거듭하는 반면 화학식은 그렇지 않으며

formulas. While prices fluctuate across the category, formula doesn’t and we

우리는 최고의 제품을 가지고 있습니다.

have some of the best.





OTC: What trends have you



seen grow the most over

무엇인가요? 회사는 어떻게

the past year, and how has


the company met consumer







demand for it? Plater: Plater:



컬러와 자연스런 질감을 더 많이

experimenting more - with hair

시험해보며 자신의 아름다움을

color, their natural texture, and

더욱 많이 표현하고 있습니다.

just becoming more expressive

올해 우리는 시도해보는 것을

with their beauty. This year, we

선호하지만 영구 헤어 컬러를

launched Dark and Lovely GO

원하지 않는 소비자를 겨냥한

Intense Color Sprays which are to

Dark and Lovely GO Intensity

satisfy the consumer who likes to

Color Spray를 출시했습니다.

experiment but doesn’t want the

스프레이는 임시적으로 색을

permanent commitment of hair

표현해주며 씻어서 색을 없앨

color. The sprays are temporary

수 있습니다. 이 제품은10가지

and immediately wash out. They come in 10 shades and are interchangeable

색상이 있으며 서로 섞어서 사용할 수 있고, 유니콘 머리카락, 오일 스필,

to create unique looks like unicorn hair, oil spill, peacock, and more!

공작 등과 같은 독창적인 모습을 만들 수 있습니다!

OTC: What is the newest innovation and/or advancement that a

OTC: Softsheen-Carson의 브랜드가 만든 최신혁신 또는

Softsheen-Carson’s brand has undertaken?

진보는 어떤 것인가요?

Plater: Dark and Lovely is returning to its heritage of being the first to

Plater: Dark and Lovely는 예전의 전통을 이어받아 또 다시 살롱

market salon technologies/services for at home use. We are tackling damage

전문제품들을 집에서 사용할 수 있는 제품으로 만들고 있습니다. 획기적

with our breakthrough innovation, Damage Slayer by Dark and Lovely. It

혁신 제품인 Damage Slayer by Dark and Lovely로 헤어 손상을

strengthens bonds weakened by relaxer, color, environment, heat, and

해결하고 있습니다. 릴렉서, 염색, 환경, 열 및 매일 헤어를 꾸미는

everyday manipulation for up to 96% less breakage! It’s for all hair types,

것으로 인하여 약화된 결합력을 최대 96%까지 줄일 수 있습니다! 이


제품은 모든 헤어 유형에 사용할 수 있습니다.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

OTC: What is the best business advice you can give store owners?

OTC: 스토어 오너에게 제공 할 수 있는 최고의 사업 조언은 무엇입니까?

Plater: Stay faithful to the brands that have weathered the storm of time. There is a reason they have been around for so long and there is a reason

Plater: 긴 시간동안 온갖 역경을 견딘 브랜드에 신념을 가지십시오.

they will continue to thrive and grow. Not only has the category of products

이 브랜드들은 오랫동안 주변에 있었고 앞으로도 계속 번창하고 성장할

changed a lot over time so has the retail environment. We hear you and

이유가 있습니다. 제품 카테고리가 시간이 지남에 따라 많이 변했을

what you are challenged with, and we’re here to support you. Adaptation

뿐만 아니라 소매 환경도 그렇습니다. 우리는 여러분의 의견을 듣고,

to change and moving with the consumer can be challenging, but you must

도와드리려 여기에 있는 것 입니다. 소비자와 함께 변화하고 움직이는 것에

do it in order to keep

대한 적응은 어려울


수 있지만, 계속 나아가기 위해서는







적응해야 합니다.

plans for the rest of 2018? Specifically, do you plan on attending Cosmoprof North

OTC: Softsheen-Carson의 2018년 계획은 무엇입니까?

America in July? If so, what do you think is the most influential

구체적으로, 7월에 Cosmoprof North America 에 참석할

part of taking part in the show?

계획인가요? 참석할 계획이시라면 쇼에 참여할 때 가장 영향력있는 부분은 무엇이라고 생각하십니까?

Plater: We have lots of big plans for the rest of the year for consumerfacing activations but have not confirmed our attendance to any major

Plater: 우리는 소비자와 직접 만나는 것을 장려하기 위한 많은 계획들을

manufacturing conferences such as Cosmoprof.

가지고 있지만 Cosmoprof와 같은 주요 제조사 회의 참석에 대해서는 아직 확정하지 않았습니다.

Company Information Company Name: L’Oreal USA- SoftSheen-Carson Address: 10 Hudson Yards, New York, NY 10001 Website: www.softsheen-carson.com Years in Business: 116 years

회사 정보 회사명: L’Oreal USA- SoftSheen-Carson 주소: 10 Hudson Yards, New York, NY 10001 웹사이트: www.softsheen-carson.com 사업기간: 116년

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



General Merchandise When shopping for styling tools and products, shoppers may turn to online product reviews for guidance. This not only makes customers more likely to purchase popular merchandise, but it also boosts sales for these trending items, as well. That’s why it’s important to know what products are selling well and are in high demand at Jinny Beauty Supply. This monthly feature will keep you posted on what’s in and what’s out, so you can purchase your inventory accordingly

American Dawn Towel TOW0

Why It’s the Top Contender

It’s probably one of the most basic essentials in a beauty salon

or barbershop – towels. Whether professionals are blotting their client’s hair after a wash or wrapping a towel around their customer’s neck to keep it dry, towels are a

necessity. Investing in durable, quality towels ensures your

professional customer base will

return again and again to stock up on this must-have.

Suggested Retail Price: $1.74


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

2 AmerCare Vinyl Powder Free Gloves AMC23999M

When coloring hair or working with other chemicals, using your bare hands is not an option. But many

shoppers have latex allergies or sensitives. That’s why many

choose to purchase these powderless gloves in high numbers.

Suggested Retail Price: $9.23

3 Blue Moon Beauty BMB Lace Glue BMB10211

Lace front wigs are a major trend that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. That’s why retailers have kept this lace wig glue handy for their shoppers.

This particular glue is not only undetectable, but it’s 100% waterproof and

can last for up to 4 to 6 weeks – making it a fan favorite among professionals and amateurs.

Suggested Retail Price: $6.88

4 Fromm International Dorco Stainless Edge Blade (Blue) DRO211 Gentleman want to ensure that every shave is a smooth and

comfortable one. That’s why they rely on these double-edged,

stainless steel blades. These blades allow for a close and irritationfree shave and it fits into any standard, double-edge razor handle.

Suggested Retail Price: $12.13

5 Dreamworld Satin Sleep Cap DRE5089

The key to healthy hair is to keep it protected at night. Doing this prevents damaging friction against cotton pillowcases. Satin sleep caps like this

one not only keep the hair protected, but it also nourishes it with its Argan Oil-infused material.

Suggested Retail Price: $3.95

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018




Celebrating The Biggest Show in Jinny History!

Jinny Beauty Supply of Miami and Chicago held The Big Show to celebrate the biggest show in Jinny history on Feb. 25 and March 5 respectively. The company’s VIP customers were invited to partake in special promotions, unbeatable deals and the opportunity to win a brand new car at each tradeshow location. Every show exceeds the one from the year before and this year’s events did not disappoint. Attendees walked away amazed,

Customers chat with a sales rep at the Dream World Products booth.

looking forward to the next tradeshow.

Vogue International Jinny sales rep Manouchika Cesarin (right) smiles for the camera with La Main store owner from Haiti. 74

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

As I Am

JBS Hair

OTC Retailers from all over the nation came to The Big Show.

Jinny sales rep Manouchika Cesarin (right) poses with a retailer.

Kaleidoscope Hair Products

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Hundreds of attendees visited vendor booths throughout the show.

Demert Brands


L’Oreal Technique

Tropic Isle Living

Jinny Buyer Sue Seok chats with attendees.

A Jinny Miami team rep assists customers. 76

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Dream World Products Booth.

JBS Hair rep Grace Seong works with customer.

The Jinny Miami team greets visitors at the entrance to The Big Show.

Imperial Dax

Eric Dow works with customers at the KAB Brands booth. Customers visit the Kaleidoscope Hair Products booth.

Jinny sales rep David Seo and attendees.

A JBS Hair sales rep assists customers. OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Attendees visit the JBS Hair booth.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Jinny Co-Op Coordinator Garrett Wright and Sales Manager Lan Wilkerson

Jinny Vice President Charles Seo chats with Jinny Miami team members.

Derek Lee, of First Choice Sales and Marketing Group, helps with an attendee.

Vogue International

Attendees register for The Big Show.

Luster Products

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Sales rep with Dream World Products assisted customers with orders.

Jinny sales team members chatted with customers.

Osman Mithavayani of Xtreme Beauty International with a retailer from Too Cute Beauty Supply.

JBS Hair

AFAM Concept

R&R Corp.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Strength of Nature


Randy Lee, of Luster Products Inc., chats with an attendee.

Jinny Buyer Sue Seok and Susan Delucia with Coty.

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Sean Duffy helps a customer at the Conair booth.

Mike Picerno of Fantasia Industries Corporation helps an attendee. R&R Corp.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Jinny Buyer Steve Ma and Vice President Charles Seo chat with a Dream World Products rep.

Jinny staffer Maria Zeiour smiled for the camera with Classy Girl Beauty store customers.

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Andis Company


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Kevin Back, a Jinny Miami sales member, helps an attendee.

Manic Panic

Kristine Lee and David Seo of Jinny Miami.

An attendee and Jinny sales rep Manouchika Cesarin

Jinny staffers Darling Acuna, Maria Zeiour and Amalyer Morales.

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


David Seo, Sue Seok and Chris Kim of Jinny Corp.

Jinny Buyer Sue Seok assists an attendee.

A Curls rep talked with customers about their latest product offerings. Susan Delucia of Coty chats with an attendee.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Platform stylists educate passersby at the Wahl booth.

Keyshia Ka’oir takes a selfie with a fan.

Deborah Brannon of Murray’s Pomade helps an attendee.

Attendees enjoyed complimentary food at The Big Show.

Jinny sales rep Manouchika Cesarin with an attendee. OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Ecoco Osman Mithavayani of Xtreme Beauty International chats with an attendee.

Vogue International

Jinny Miami Team Member David Seo talks with an attendee.

Andis Company 88

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

L’Oreal Technique

Jinny Chief Human Resources Officer Steven Fischman and Purchasing Director Art Emm dew the name of the winner of The Big Show.

The Beauty Exchange won a 2018 Jeep Wrangler.

Jinny President Eddie Jhin (far left), Osman Mithavayani of Xtreme Beauty International (middle) and tradeshow attendees. OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018




o g a c i h C

Celebrating The Biggest Show in Jinny History!

Jinny Sales team members Kevin Lee, Jason Lee, Ted Yoon, Rachel Lim and Alex Yoon. Jinny Sales team members Noah Cho, Jason Park, Hannah Lee and Alex Yoon.

Jinny Purchasing Director Art Emm, Chief HR Officer Steven Fischman and Co-Op Coordinator Garrett Wright.

Dream World Products sales team Kevin Lee, Richard Kim, Cristina Pliego, Winnie Kim, Michelle Lee, Brandon Park, and Matthew Chung.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Brandon Jhin and Jinny Corp. President Eddie Jhin.

JBS Hair staffers Damon Cho, Chloe Lee, Grace Seong, Daniel Lee and Justin Lee

Urban Beauty Models Share the brand’s hashtag.

Lovely Mimi showed off her Urban Beauty hairstyle. PDC Brands

M&M Products

JBS Hair OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


High Ridge


Imperial Dax

Fisk Industries

Belson Products, Helen of Troy and Idelle

E.T. Browne Drug Company


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

By Natures Products

Universal Beauty

Universal Beauty

Queen Helene Nouritress


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018




Vogue International


Universal Beauty Xtreme Beauty International 94

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Bonfi Natural Products



L’Oreal Technique

Jane Carter Solution

B&C Products Sundial Brands OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


AFAM Concepts Zotos

OMT Nappy Styles

Namaste Laboratories

Bronner Bros.

House of Cheatham

GIBS Grooming


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Mane ‘n Tail Kendo

King Research Demert Brands

L’Oreal Technique

KAB Brands

Inspired Beauty Brands Genie Co. OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Luster Products

EDEN Bodyworks

Ampro Industries

Luster Products

Summit Lab

Strength of Nature 98

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

DIAL Murray’s Pomade

Andis Company

HOYU America

Mike Picerno (left) of Fantasia Industries works with an attendee.

R&R Corp.

Sarah Parker, Paris Shelton and Sam Choi

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Strength of Nature

Strength of Nature

JBS Hair

Luster Products.

A special winner received this Hyundai Santa Fe. Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp. and Afua Adame of AFAM Concept.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Sean Duffy and an attendee pose for the camera.

Jason Lee and Hannah Lee of Jinny Corp.

Dream World Products

Attendees enjoy a complimentary buffett.

Cantu Beauty OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Jinny Corp. CEO Ann Jhin and Jennifer Jhin.

Jinny Co-Op Coordinator Garrett Wright at the Tropic Isle Living booth.

Jinny Corp. CEO Ann Jhin is flanked by the sales team for Dream World Products 102

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Attendees proudly took pictures at this successful event.

DJ Beauty Supply was named the winner of The Big Show grand prize.

Garrett Wright, Art Emm, Steven Fischman and Derek Lee of Jinny draw a name for a new car.

Dream World Products Director Kevin Lee, with Big Show winner DJ Beauty Supply from Indianapolis, Indiana.

Jinny Corp. President Eddie Jhin and CEO Ann Jhin (far right) present DJ Beauty Supply with a new car.

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



CLIPPER TIPS Sponsored by Andis Co.

Andis® cutter blades and quality fades by Kenny Duncan

Ever wonder why your fades don’t look as good as what you see on Instagram? While some barbers may cheat and doctor their pictures with Photoshop, that might not be the only difference. For example, the Andis Master® clipper is a barber shop staple, but many of you might not know that over the years it has actually been produced with different cutter blade designs. Three blade variations exist – #18, #22 and #28 – and have different characteristics that can impact the finished look of your haircuts. As a longtime Andis educator, I’ve used all three extensively and will shed some light on how they differ and perform on various hair types.

The #18 cutter – First, the blade numeral denotes the actual

number of cutting teeth. The #18 is an older blade design that Andis discontinued several years ago. It had thicker teeth with wider spacing that made cutting through thick, coarse and/ or wet hair easy. In my opinion, the thicker teeth were also stronger. New old stock can still can be found if you’re willing to hunt for it.

The #22 cutter – This is the standard blade that comes on the

current Master clipper today. It is great for all-around cutting, but it won’t produce as fine a finish as a #28 cutter – especially for fading. The #22 cutter blade has taller, thinner teeth spaced closer than the #18, but wider than the #28. While this blade works best with dry hair, it can be used on wet or damp hair as well. If you do decide to use the #22 blade to cut wet or damp hair, take your time and cut hair in smaller sections.

The #28 cutter – This is my favorite of the three because

it produces the most precise finished look for fading. The characteristics of this blade are tall, skinny teeth with very little spacing between them. If I had to compare it to anything, it would be like extra fine sand paper for woodworking. It performs best with dry hair and I don’t recommend using it on wet hair. The #28 can be found at most barber supply stores. The Master isn’t the only tool with cutter blade teeth suited to smooth, blended finishes. The new Envy™ Li and ProAlloy™ clippers are equipped with the #28 cutter blades and I have used them both to create smoother fades than what I could achieve with the #22 equipped Master. It wasn’t the clipper body that made a difference nor the technique…it was the cutter blade that effected the quality of the fade! For more information on blades visit Andis.com.

Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of a 12-chair salon— Main Attraction Unisex Salon— based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in films such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company. 104

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry

JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



THERAPY TRENDS Beauty Blasts from the Blogosphere by Elayne McClaine

Beauty blogging is the underground access to whatever you want to know. What’s the latest trend? What’s the latest shade? Who do I want to be? How do I find the therapy I need for my skin, my hair, my life? When consumers want expert advice they look beyond the ads in magazines or commercials. They want an expert who has been endorsed by hundreds of followers and thousands of “likes”. Some may have a following into the millions. Who are these experts? They are people who love beauty and want to share. They have defined a community who is receptive to their grassroots approach to social media and journalism. One might have an expertise in the beauty business. Another may have a malady like a skin or scalp condition. Yet another might be someone who is vigilant about sharing ingredient analysis with fellow consumers. Their interests match the interests of consumers. Their influence is invaluable! Some select and endorse products. Others may help their audience with tutorials on makeup, hair or nail techniques. It’s like a built-in infomercial. Many vloggers have become superstars. They may have started with a Facebook, Instagram or Twitter following and have moved on to their own channels and publications. Best yet, since they influence so many, major brands and minor startups will pay to be mentioned. Consumers can shop or get samples from the Blogosphere. OTC dealers should be aware of which vloggers are trending and resonating with their customers.

Vloggers are often

world-renowned yet have a tremendous impact on local sales. For beauty truth-seekers who want to invest in the best and most efficient brands and product forms, it is well worth it for them to blast into the Blogosphere for free beauty advice. Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skincare and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com. 106

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



Get 1 Case Of Lb Shine Mist (RR39833)


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Industry News R&D in the spotlight at in-cosmetics Global

A host of new initiatives unveiled ahead of this year’s event in Amsterdam from 17-19 April in-cosmetics Global will land in Amsterdam this April for the first time in a decade, bringing with it hundreds of the most innovative personal care ingredients and an in-depth education programme featuring some of the world’s leading analysts, formulation experts and consultants. Around 9,000 visitors are expected to travel to the Netherlands from more than 100 countries when the event opens on 17 April. Over three days, the personal care industry’s most interactive ingredients exhibition will provide a one-stop-shop for manufacturers to enhance business relationships, learn about the latest trends and get a first look at novel ingredients created in all four corners of the globe. And with global expenditure on research and development reaching almost US$1.7 trillion , this year’s in-cosmetics Global will home in on R&D to ensure cosmetics scientists, chemists and dermatologists are supported as they embark on this new age of innovation. Among the major cosmetic manufacturers that attended the 2017 edition of the event in London and are expected to send teams to Amsterdam are GlaxoSmithKline, Beiersdorf AG, Clarins, Colgate Procter & Gamble and L’Oréal. Speaking about the show Nadine Leichsenring, Global Procurement at Beiersdorf, said: “It’s fantastic to be able to meet all my contacts from all over the world in one place – such a time-efficient way to see everyone. We would never get the chance to do this in any other setting. This exhibition is great for discovering the latest innovations and newest raw materials.” Bertrand Schmitt, Haircare at L’Oréal, added: “in-cosmetics Global is a great exhibition. I identify lots of exciting innovations, make great new contacts and cultivate relationships with existing suppliers. It is the biggest show in the industry.”

What’s new for 2018

Following the huge success of the ‘Focus on Marketing: The Story Behind The Science’ tours at in-cosmetics North America 2017, the organisers of in-cosmetics Global have announced the launch of new R&D-focused tours that will run in Amsterdam. Exclusively for R&D professionals and sponsored by Mibelle Biochemistry, a series of ‘silent’ tours will zero in on two of the industry major trends – Biotechnology Actives and The Future of Anti-Ageing. Each tour offers 20 spaces and participants will be provided with wireless headphones, through which prominent technical consultant and cosmetic chemist Rouah Al-Wakeel will guide them through the most compelling ingredients and sophisticated technologies being launched at the show. The tours have been designed to ensure busy R&D professionals efficiently navigate the event’s must-see areas, exhibitors and innovations, ensuring they leave in-cosmetics Global brimming with ideas for their future formulations. In another new initiative for 2018, in-cosmetics Global will hold a half-day Regulatory Conference in partnership with Conusbat on 16 April at 2pm – the day before the show opens. Aimed at regulatory and compliance professionals from both ingredients suppliers and the manufacturers of finished products, the 108

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

invaluable sessions will ensure attendees are informed of crucial regulations helping them create safe and effective products and enter new markets worldwide. Over the course of the afternoon, the conference will provide tailored content on cosmetics frameworks and regulatory and testing modules in the European Union, United States of America, China and the rest of the world. Delegates are also invited to network at a drinks reception and take part in one-to-one ‘speed meetings’ with the experts to discuss their regulatory challenges. The Amsterdam show will also see cosmetics giants go headto-head in the hotly-anticipated Formulation Challenge, which will hit in-cosmetics Global for the first time this April. Sponsored by Croda and taking place on the final day of the event, six leading manufacturers will be tasked with creating an innovative formulation from a box of mystery raw materials in just 90 minutes. The resulting products will be judged by a panel of market specialists who will present the winning team with the highly-coveted trophy. Colgate-Palmolive scooped victory at incosmetics North America 2017 – who will steal the title this April?

The secret to winning formulations

Since its launch at in-cosmetics North America in 2016, the incosmetics Formulation Lab has become renowned across the world as a unique opportunity to learn from top suppliers about how to maximise the potential of their ingredients. Taking place in a purpose-built lab, the interactive Formulation Lab sessions bring together the industry’s most highly skilled experts to deliver a series of hands-on demonstrations. The presentations will guide delegates through overcoming common development challenges and let them in on the secrets to creating winning formulations. The three-day programme, sponsored by Brenntag, will feature practical presentations from The Institute of Personal Care Science, as well as the world’s most innovative suppliers, with 18 confirmed so far. Specialists from companies including BASF, Kobo, Cosphatec, Ashland, DSM, Symrise and Evonik are among those that will share their technical know-how, theory and practical formulation tips to help manufacturers bring exciting innovations to market. Speaking about the Formulation Lab at the 2017 event, Natalia Klenina, Technologist, R&D, SPLAT Cosmetics, said: “It was fantastic. I think it’s great that only people with laboratory experience are approved so everyone can understand and move quickly through each stage. It’s a unique opportunity to get so close to all the various ingredients and textures.”

Innovation highlights

The in-cosmetics Innovation Zone will return to the 2018 event, providing a launchpad for more than 100 state-of-the-art concepts. The ever-popular area allows time-poor R&D scouts to find the latest ingredients all in one place, mitigating the need to scour the show floor. Mintel will also host a series of live demonstrations, presenting market-leading finished products alongside key insights into the trends that inspired them.



GET 6 PIECES OF NEW DARK N LOVELY GO INTENSE HAIR COLOR (CR8690, 8928, 01144, 1257, 8706, 8744, 1373, 8737)


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Industry News Punita Kalra, CEO Research & Innovation at Emami Ltd, said about the 2017 show: “I saw some really interesting technologies and some fantastic new ingredients – the Innovation Zone was a particular highlight, with all the wonderful products, structures and textures.” The Make-Up Bar will demonstrate the latest innovations in pigments and technology, with visitors able to touch and experiment with the ingredients on display. Exhibitors will demonstrate their expertise and help cosmetics manufacturers identify eye, skin, nail and lip make-up formulations to deliver captivating and trend-setting colour cosmetics products. Product developers, formulation experts and marketing professionals are also invited to browse the Sensory Bar. This is where they will experience unusual textures and sensations firsthand, including transforming and hybrid textures; heating and cooling, jellies, butters and powders in the ‘try-out’ area. Textural effects remain a key focus for manufacturers and that will be reflected at the event. With widespread media coverage on the severe threat to our planet due to plastic waste, depleting natural resources and air pollution, manufacturers in the personal care industry are under pressure to adopt more environmentallyfriendly practices. To support them in this endeavour, the in-cosmetics Sustainability Corner will return to the Global event to showcase a selection of environmental and social initiatives. The area will also highlight how the beauty industry is moving beyond compliance and paving the way towards a more sustainable business model. Experts in the field will take to the stage to deliver insightful presentations relating to this topical issue, and a dedicated area will showcase ethically-sourced ingredients and eco-friendly alternatives to harmful products such as microbeads. Anne-Sophie Brac de la Perriere, R&D Engineer at L’Oréal visited the Sustainability Corner at last year’s event. She said: “The Sustainability Corner was brilliant. Sustainability is a key consideration for all beauty companies at the moment and proved a real highlight among my colleagues.”

Insights from industry leaders

Education is at the heart of in-cosmetics Global and the worldrenowned Marketing and Technical Seminars Theatres will deliver hot-off-the-press consumer trends, analysis and research data, as well as information on the latest relevant regulatory changes. Topics will be diverse but of-the-minute, with representatives from the top market analysts, including Euromonitor, PeclersParis, GlobalData and Mintel, sharing the latest data and insights into the hottest industry trends from DIY beauty to athleisure. Eleni Alexandropoulou, Pharmacist at Peristeri, said: “The Marketing Trends programme covers all the current issues that are facing the industry at the moment and it’s invaluable to hear advice from leading experts on what our next steps should be.” In the Technical Seminars Theatre, sponsored by Givaudan, suppliers of the world’s most technologically advanced ingredients, including Evonik, AkzoNobel and Lipotrue, will share 110

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

the science behind each innovation and how to make the most out of these concepts to create products consumers will love. Meanwhile, the in-cosmetics Global Workshop programme will enable participants to stay ahead of industry issues. Speakers will present crucial scientific and regulatory updates such as what’s new in the field of protecting the skin against the radiation of the electromagnetic spectrum and new avenues of research into the skin microbiome.

International inspiration

More than 700 suppliers will be present at the RAI, armed with their latest innovations and representing more than 100 countries. Dedicated regional pavilions, including Brazil and South Korea, will sit on the show floor, marking the international relevance and global appeal of this event – the largest in the in-cosmetics calendar. The world’s leading suppliers of ingredients, fragrances, lab equipment, testing and regulatory solutions, including Kobo Products, Chemyunion, Gattefossé and Ashland, will sit side by side with smaller start-ups and brand new exhibitors such as Fufeng Group – a specialist in the research, production and management of various amino acids and their derivatives.

After Party and Awards

Industry professionals are also invited to the in-cosmetics Global After Party on 17 April, which is new for 2018. Attendees will enjoy an evening of music, food, drink and entertainment, as well as celebrating the achievements of the in-cosmetics Global Award winners. The awards recognise suppliers that have developed the most novel functional and active ingredients, while a Make Up Award will be presented for the most innovative developments in colour cosmetics. Expert judges will review all entries and present the winning suppliers with their prizes at the show. Speaking ahead of the 2018 edition of the event, Roziani Zulkifli, Exhibition Manager of in-cosmetics Global, commented: “Amsterdam is a central hub of business in Europe, easily accessed by international suppliers and manufacturers – from the USA to the Middle East – which is why we’ve decided to return after ten years. We’re thrilled to be introducing our exciting new elements, which have all been imagined to further inform and inspire our visiting cosmetics manufacturers. “In particular, we’re looking forward to introducing our new tours that will help R&D professionals make the most of the show and enable them to see ingredients and exhibitors at the forefront of innovation, even when pressed for time. “Not only that, in-cosmetics Global 2018 will provide invaluable educational insights to thousands of cosmetic professionals from every corner of the globe and we look forward to welcoming them all in April.” in-cosmetics Global will take place at RAI Amsterdam from 1719 April 2018. For more information and to register for the show please visit http://www.in-cosmetics.com/.





OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Industry News COSMOPROF NORTH AMERICA SHOWCASES LEADING BEAUTYTRENDS FROM ACROSS THE GLOBE Sneak Peek of Global Trends New to Market on Display at Uber-Cool Ron Robinson Store Las Vegas, NV (February 26, 2018) – Cosmoprof North America (CPNA), the

The event featured several brands

business-to-business beauty event in

occasion. Trends highlighted included:

from each Cosmoprof event, with

many making their US debut on this

only all-encompassing, award winning,

girl power, sustainability, portability,

North America, co-hosted a sneak peek

cooling, edibles, the marriage of beauty

of the latest trends from around the world

and technology and many more. Each

at the renowned Ron Robinson Flagship

brand was displayed throughout the

Store in Santa Monica, California on


February 19th. The event was a hit with




demonstrations performed by several

consumer and beauty industry media,

participating companies.

buyers and social influencers, and was curated by Cosmprof North America


In addition,

guests were sent home with a gift bag

to showcase trends discovered at three of Cosmoprof’s global

valued at over $400 that included some of the products on display.

The event also offered a unique opportunity to hear from


events hosted in Bologna, Hong Kong and Las Vegas.

Companies participating in this event included:

Robinson, Ron Robinson Stores, Andy Howell, MatchCo and Arthur

1. Gellé Frères | FRANCE | Trend: Girl Power | gelle-freres.fr 2. Skin Regimen | ITALY | Trend: Anti-Pollution | skinregimen.com 3. Snowcrystal | SWEDEN | Trend: Sustainability |

within their respective fields, the panelists shared insights on

4. Teaology | ITALY | Trend: Edible | teaologyskincare.com

of their own and become part of culture.


tastemakers and trendsetters through a panel discussion hosted by Daniela Ciocan, Marketing Director of CPNA and featuring Ron Chipman, Producer of LA Fashion Week. Recognized authorites

what a trend versus fad is and how trends percolate to take a life


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Aria Beauty | USA | Trend: Mood | ariabeauty.com Glycelene | USA | Trend: Cooling | glycelene.com

LeChat | USA | Trend: Mood Inspired | lechatnails.com Lisse | USA | Trend: Cooling | lisseskinhealer.com

Spynx | USA | Trend: Portability | shopsphynx.com

Supermood | FINLAND | Trend: Sleep | supermood.fi


1. Auro Mask | TAIWAN | Trend: Beauty + Tech | eql.com.tw 2. HiShine | PHILIPPINES | Trend: Beauty + Tech | himirror.com/ us_en/home

3. Maskingdom | TAIWAN | Trend: Portability | maskingdom.com 4. Plabio | SOUTH KOREA | Trend: Beauty + Tech | plabio.co.kr/ plabio-en/

“Cosmoprof is the only beauty platform that offers a truly

“Co-Hosting this event with Ron Robinson was the perfect

innovation from around the world” says Daniela Ciocan, Marketing

“Ron is a true tastemaker and is known the world over for his

global showcase to the industry, spotlighting beauty trends and

Director of CPNA and panel moderator. “I was very excited to

showcase several trend directional products and be able to

round out the experience with incredible insights from these distinguished gentlemen who provided a unique and well-rounded perspective from accross different fields.”


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

partnership,” says Daniela Ciocan, Marketing Director at CPNA.

discerning taste and ability to find the most amazing brands for his loyal clientele. “

To learn more about CPNA or for registration and show updates, please visit www.cosmoprofnorthamerica.com.





OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018





FREE 114

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018





(JCS6097, 6073, 6035, 6066, 6103, 6080)


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



The fourth annual Natural Hair Industry Convention in Atlanta featured nearly 40 technical and theory-based natural hair classes, business development workshops and hundreds of hair stylists from around the world. Presenters included Diane C. Bailey, natural hair care pioneer; Kari Williams, PhD, celebrity stylist/

trichologist; and Michelle London, Sherelle Holder and Typh the Braider, natural hair artists of Essence China. Also offering expertise were Shavonne Riggins of Curlkalon; Cornell McBride, Jr.

of Design Essentials; Renee Morris of Uncle Funky’s Daughter; Anita Hill-Moses of Natural Hair Restoration Products; and Bernard Bronner of Bronner Brothers Haircare Products/ the Bronner Brothers International Beauty Show.

“Making the show a destination education retreat in Atlanta allowed us to get our full wish list of natural hair industry leaders.” Said Angela Walker, co-founder. Added Susan

Peterkin-Bishop, co-founder, “We surpassed expectations with registrations and were blown away

by the quality of the professional attendees. Atlanta has set us up for an even better convention in 2018.” Co-Founders Susan PeterkinBishop and Angela Walker

For more information, visit thenaturalhairindustryconvention.com/


Ratner Companies, the largest family-owned and operated chain of hair salons in the country, has appointed Darren Mangus as senior vice president of people, heart and culture. In this newly created role, Darren will lead the company’s efforts to infuse Passion, Purpose and

Values into everything it does, and ensure the unique culture lives and thrives far into the future. Darren will oversee culture strategy, brand services, internal communications, leadership and operations training, field recruitment, and associate engagement and development.

Darren has over 23 years of experience as a retail executive. Most recently, he was the vice

president of talent acquisition and leadership development at Ulta Beauty. Prior to that role, he was a regional vice president for Ulta, overseeing the Midwest. Before joining Ulta, he was a district manager, flagship district manager, and regional manager at Bath and Body Works

“We truly believe Darren is an ideal fit for this position,” says Phil Horvath, president and COO of

Ratner Companies. “Darren is passionate about people and leadership development, and he will be a positive force for our organization.”

“As the people company of the beauty industry, we see the addition of a talented and experienced

leader such as Darren as an important step in ensuring that we keep our focus on supporting our Salon Professionals and our Resource Center associates in realizing their potential,” adds Dennis Ratner, founder and CEO of Ratner Companies. Visit ratnerco.com.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018





April 2-3

Professional Beauty Kolkata

Kolkata, India


April 5

Ulta Beauty 2018 GM Conference

Houston, TX

April 7-8

Evolve Fargo

Fargo, ND

April 8

NailPro Pasadena

Pasadena, CA

April 8-9

April 18-20

April 19-20

Keune The Creative Process

Scruples Global Design Artistry

Int’l Meeting on Cosmetology & Trichology

April 19-21

Cosmobeauté Vietnam Phu My Hung,

April 21-22

CT Barber Expo

April 21-22

April 21-22

April 21-23

April 21-23

April 21-24

April 22-23

April 22-23

April 25-26

April 25-28

April 28

April 28-30

April 28-30

April 29 4th

April 29-May 1

April 29-May 2 May

May 6

May 6-7

May 6-7

May 6-7

May 6-7

May 9-10

May 9-10

May 13-18

May 14-16

May 19-21

May 20-21

May 20-21

May 20-23

May 22-24

May 27

May 27-28

21st Taliah Waajid: World Natural Hair

International Beauty Forum 2018

Intercoiffure Spring Atelier

American Hair Loss Council

Natl. Assoc. of Chain Drug Stores Meeting

Scottish Hair & Beauty 2018

Natural & Organic Products Europe

Makeup in Seoul

25th Iran Beauty and Clean

Beauty Supply Summit 2018

America’s Beauty Show

Int’l. Esthetics, Cosmetics & Spa Conference

Annual Glitz & Glam Hair/Barber Show

Sport Clips Annual National Huddle

Atlanta, GA

Lakeville, MN

Dubai, UAE

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Hartford, CT

Atlanta, GA

Leipzig, Germany

Memphis, TN

Nashville, TN

Palm Beach, FL

Glasgow, Scotland

London, England

Seoul, South Korea

Tehran, Iran

Atlanta, GA

Chicago, IL

Chicago, IL

Decatur, GA

San Antonio, TX


http://www.cosmoprofbeauty.com/ showsandevents





www.cosmobeauteasia.com https://ctbarberexpo.com/



800-442-3007, intercoiffure.com








800-648-2506, americasbeautyshow.com

800-498-6984, iecsc.com



Strategies Incubator

Centerbrook, CT


One Oregon Nail Expo

Portland, OR


Beauty School Forum Anaheim

The Makeup Show NYC

26th International Hair & Beauty Show

Keune Foundational Color

Indie Beauty Expo

Beautyworld Middle East

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia

BeautyWorld Japan

Shanghai International Beauty Expo Spring

Beauty UK

Barber UK

Professional Beauty Durban

22nd China Beauty Expo

Canadian Nail Tech Connection

Afro Hair & Beauty Live

May 30-June 1 PhilBeauty Philippines Int'l Beauty Show

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OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



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Coupon must be presented to Jinny Beauty Supply by the last day of the promotional month to qualify for rebates.



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Coupon must be presented to Jinny Beauty Supply by the last day Beauty Magazine April 2018 of the promotional OTC month to qualify for rebates.


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Signature I. Purchase the required amount of the vendor’s products. Coupon good for ONE TIME PURCHASE ONLY. 2. Fill out the coupon, supplying all necessary information. 3. Return the refund coupon* along with a copy of your original Jinny invoice** per Manufacturer’s request. 4.You’ll receive a credit from your Jinny Beauty Supply Accounting Department to be used on your next Jinny invoice. S. NO RETURNS will be accepted on coupon purchases.


New Jersey

*Original only, NO COPIES will be accepted. **Copy of invoice MUST ACCOMPANY refund for credit.


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1-800-535-6110 1-800-925-4669

Signature I. Purchase the required amount of the vendor’s products. Coupon good for ONE TIME PURCHASE ONLY. 2. Fill out the coupon, supplying all necessary information. 3. Return the refund coupon* along with a copy of your original Jinny invoice** per Manufacturer’s request. 4.You’ll receive a credit from your Jinny Beauty Supply Accounting Department to be used on your next Jinny invoice. S. NO RETURNS will be accepted on coupon purchases.


New Jersey

*Original only, NO COPIES will be accepted. **Copy of invoice MUST ACCOMPANY refund for credit.


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New Jersey

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018





Signature I. Purchase the required amount of the vendor’s products. Coupon good for ONE TIME PURCHASE ONLY. 2. Fill out the coupon, supplying all necessary information. 3. Return the refund coupon* along with a copy of your original Jinny invoice** per Manufacturer’s request. 4.You’ll receive a credit from your Jinny Beauty Supply Accounting Department to be used on your next Jinny invoice. S. NO RETURNS will be accepted on coupon purchases. *Original only, NO COPIES will be accepted. **Copy of invoice MUST ACCOMPANY refund for credit.

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Ad Index AFAM Concept .................................................................................5,13 www.afamconcept.com

Nature’s Protein................................................................................... 53 www.jstrickland.net

Ampro Industries ................................................................................ 19 www.amprogel.com

Queen Helene ....................................................................... 28 and 46 www.queenhelene.com

Andis Co. .................................................................................... 61, 104 www.andis.com

Respected Roots................................................................................. 55 www.respectedroots.com

Barbershop Aid.................................................................................... 30 www.barbershopaid.com

Softee.........................................................................................................8 www.softeeproductscom

Cosmoprof ............................................................ Inside Back Cover www.cosmoprofnorthamerica.com

Segmented Marketing Services, Inc............................................ 44 www.segmentedmarketing.com

Coty ........................................................................................................... 7 www.wella.com

Softsheen-Carson.............................................................................. 35 www.softsheen-carson.com

Dream World Products......................................Inside Front Cover, 1- 3,70-71, 118, 121-123, 125, 127 and Back Cover www.dreamworldproducts.com

Strength of Nature............................. Cover, Gatefold and Poster www.strengthofnature.com

Fantasia Ind. ......................................................................................... 29 www.fantasiahaircare.com Giovanni Cosmetics........................................................................... 37 www.giovannicosmetics.com Gold ‘N Hot ............................................................................................ 63 www.goldnhothair.com Helen of Troy ........................................................................................ 43 www.hotus.com Henkel (DIAL) ....................................................................................... 59 www.henkel.com House of Cheatham ......................................................................... 57 www.houseofcheatham.com Innovative Beauty Products, LLC ................................................ 25 www.godefroybeauty.com Inspired Beauty Brands..................................................................... 11 www.inspiredbeauty.com JBS Hair ...................................................................... 4, 15, 26 and 27 www.jbshair.com KAB Brands .......................................................................................... 21 www.aphogee.com Kaleidoscope Hair Products .......................................................... 56 www.iluvcolors.com M&M Products ..................................................................................... 41 www.mmproducts.com


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Sundial Brands..................................................................................... 23 www.sundialbrands.com Tropic Isle Living ................................................................................. 33 www.tropicisleliving.com Vogue International............................................................................ 29 www.mauimoisture.com Xtreme Beauty International.................................................. , 29, 65 www.xbi.co

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard!

In this segment, OTC Beauty Magazine wants to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it via email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

What general merchandise items sell well at your store? 스토어에서 어떤 잡화들이 판매되고 있나요?

When it comes to displaying your variety of combs, rollers and other general items, what are merchandising issues do you face? 다양한 빗, 롤러 및 기타 일반 품목을 디스플레이 할 때 야기되는 판촉 문제는 무엇인가요?

Which general merchandise items are harder to sell? 판매하기 어려운 잡화들은 무엇인가요?

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

Name (성함) _________________________________________ Store Name (​상호명) ___________________________________ State (주) ___________________________________________ 126

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

Mail this form to: (보내실곳: ) OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email: editor@otcbeautymagazine.com

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


Product Spotlight

DOUBLE UP Volumizing Mascara upply

eauty S B y n in J o t w e N

Get the Look Of Double Up™ False Lashes In 2 Steps The first mascara to replicate the dramatic, double-layered effect of Ardell’s Double Up False Lashes. Instantly doubles the volume for glamorous lashes so thick and dense, it looks like you have twice as many! Double action lets you finesse the finish.

THICKENING: Pull brush through wide mid cap to upload product for double the volume. SEPARATING: Pull through narrow wiper top cap to remove excess mascara and clumps. WHY WE’RE OBSESSSED WITH IT: “Supreme Plumping Without Clumping” How To Use Open middle cap and coat lashes to double volume. Twist wand back into tube. Open top cap and remove excess mascara, to separate lashes and remove clumping.

Benefits • The look of double lashes • Maximum volume • Non-clumping


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018


REGISTER BY JUNE 29TH AND SAVE UP TO 25% www.cosmoprofnorthamerica.com

Organizer - North American Beauty Events LLC.: Sales Office US, Canada, Mexico: PBA - Scottsdale, AZ - USA - ph. +1.480.281.0424 - fax +1.480.905.0708 - info@cosmoprofnorthamerica.com Sales Office Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia and South America: BolognaFiere spa - Bologna - Italy - international@bolognafiere.it - for info: ph. +39.02.796.420 - fax +39.02.795.036 international@cosmoprof.it | Marketing and Promotion: BolognaFiere Cosmoprof S.p.a. - Milan - Italy - ph. +39.02.796.420 - fax +39.02.795.036 - info@cosmoprof.it OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018



OTC Beauty Magazine April 2018

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