OTC May 2017

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May 2017 | $6.00 The Men’s Issue Men’s Grooming 411 Jinny Corp. Pure Buying Shows New Jersey and Chicago Draw Today’s Male Consumer to Your Store


Feature Article

Men’s Trend 2017 by Michael

There are a variety of trends happening in multicultural men’s hair today. Male grooming practices have diversified far past the close or short cut classics. Men are opting for diversity of style, altering their grooming practices to boast longer hair lengths in the crown and beard, whilst tailoring their maintenance to respect the demands of their texture.

Finished Product

Hair Pomades by Todd

In recent years there has been an increased awareness in men’s grooming. One of the tools that men are using to achieve their desired look is hair pomade. Hair pomades are some of the most versatile of all hair styling products, and they have been around for quite some time.

60 Manufacturer Profile

Combe Incorporated

The multicultural beauty industry we are all a part of is delightfully unique among competing markets, and here at OTC Beauty Magazine we believe that individuality is part of what makes it so wonderful. However, we also appreciate a company or brand that can span across multiple retail markets to appeal to an even wider array of customers. This month we were able to speak with representatives of Combe Incorporated to learn more about this company that effectively “transcends cultural barriers.”

다문화적인 미용산업은 경쟁 시장 속에서 매우 독특한 형태를 띠고 있으며, 저희 OTC 뷰티 매거진은 개개인의 특성이 이 산업을 더욱 특별하게 만든다고 보고 있습니다. 또한 다양한 유통 업체를 통해 광범위한 고객층에게 어필할 수 있는 회사 혹은 브랜드에 대해서도 감사한 마음을 표하고 싶습니다. 이번 달 저희는, Combe 주식회사의 대표분 들과 이야기를 나누며 효과적으로 “문화적 벽을 초월한” 이 회사의 이야기를 들을 수 있었습니다.


From creating traditional haircuts to the breathtaking styles influenced by current culture and trends, barbering truly is a skilled art. Andis proudly celebrates this talent by offering barbers their wide collection of tried and true tools, which includes the Envy Adjustable Blade Clipper and Slimline 2 Cordless Trimmer Both of these items feature a fun barber pole design. See more on page 93. andis.com

4 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017 The Men’s Issue contents May 2017 10 Editorial Letter A Sharp Dressed Man 옷 잘 입는 남자 12 Expert Advice Men’s Grooming 411 16 Marketplace Get in the Game 22 How Should You Sell It? Men’s Product Placement 어떻게 판매해야 하나? 이번 달의 판매 포커스는….남성 제품 디스플레이 입니다! 52 Notes From the Natural Nation Men’s Grooming Trends in 2017 64 Clipper Tips Specialty Blades Offer Barbers Special Results 66 Therapy Trends The Bare Faced Truth 68 Tonsorial Times “Real Dads Read” Book Drive in Georgia Barbershops 96 Industry News 104 BIR Bits 107 Coupons 116 Show Calendar / Ad Index 118 Reader Feedback 독자들 피드백 120 Product Spotlight ORS™ Delivers Restorative Hydration for Dry, Frizzy Hair with New Olive Oil for Naturals Line 56


30 Knowledge To Know

The Overlooked Men’s Hair Color Market by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

Oh, how times bring about a change. Who would have thought that we could be almost as worried as women when it comes to covering tell-tale grays and possessing rich, vibrant hair color? Yet, it is more than safe to say that men, too, are discovering the riches of having healthy, natural looking hair color, even if it does have to come out of a bottle.

남성 헤어 컬러 시장에 대한 고찰

시간은 변화를 불러오죠. 그 어느 누가 저희도 여자들처럼

새치에 대해 이야기하거나 윤기와 생기가 넘치는 헤어

컬러에 대해서 걱정하게 될 것이라고 생각이나 했을까요?

하지만 남자들도 이제는 건강하고 자연스러운 느낌의 헤어

컬러를 갖는 것에 대한 즐거움을 알았다고 볼 수 있습니다.

34 How to Clean, Maintain, and use Tweezers by Ken Adams Tweezers are perhaps the oldest, most popular, and most reliable grooming device still widely available and used today. We all know the important role tweezers play when managing eyebrows, ear hair, and other areas, but in this article we also explore the best practices for using, maintaining, an caring for tweezers.

핀셋의 청소 및 유지 관리법

핀셋은 모발 손질 기구 중 아마도 가장 오래되고, 가장

유명하며, 가장 믿을 수 있으며 현재까지도 널리 사용되고

있는 기구일 것입니다. 우리 모두 눈썹, 귀 털, 혹은 다른 부분을 정리할 때 핀셋이 얼마나 중요한 역할을 하는 지 알고 있습니다. 하지만, 이 글에서는 어떻게 핀셋을 사용하고, 관리하는지를 좀더 광범위 하게 알아보도록 하겠습니다.

38 Cosmoprof North America Answers Growing Industry Trends Courtesy of Cosmoprof North America

Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) has long provided a platform that meets beauty industry demands. This years’ event, taking place July 9-11 at Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, is no different. Whether through its showcases or education programs, CPNA has ensured a well-rounded exposition.

코스모프로프 북 아메리카가 떠오르는 트렌드 동향을


코스모프로프 북 아메리카 (Cosmoprof North America, CPNA) 는 뷰티 산업 수요를 충족시키는 플랫폼을 오래도록

제공해 왔습니다. 올 해 이벤트도 라스베가스 만달레이 베이 컨벤션 센터 (Mandalay Bay Convention Center)

에서 7월 9~11일에 걸쳐 열립니다. 쇼케이스든 혹은 교육 프로그램 등을 통해서든 CPNA 는 항상 다방면의 박람회를

준비해 왔습니다.


Business Tips

How to Draw the New Male Beauty Consumer to Your Store by Taliah Waajid

Since 2012, the male grooming industry has progressively grown into a multi-billion dollar market and is projected to continue its steady positive gains— which presents an exciting opportunity for the beauty industry and your store. Use these simple steps to make introductions with, attract and grow male patronage.

내 매장에 새로운 남성 뷰티 제품 소비자를 끌어오는 방법 2012년도부터 남성 뷰티 산업이 점차적으로 수십억 달러 시장으로 성장했으며 꾸준하게 긍정적인 상승세를 이어갈 것으로 추정됩니다-- 이 사항은 뷰티 산업, 특히 매장을 열광하게 하는 기회를 제공하는 것입니다. 이 새로운 기회는 전통적으로 여성을 위한 공급과 구매 습관을 가지는 환경에서 남성 소비자들을 끌어들여야 하는 어려움을 극복하는 것도 의미합니다. 하지만 스토어 오너들에게 남성들 제품들을 소개하고 애용자들을 많이 확보하는 것이 그렇게 간단하지만은 않습니다.

44 Beards, Buns & Cuts by Jane Carter

In the past, some men may have been using a bar of soap, body wash or their sister’s or mom’s products for hair care. However, the “Natural Hair” movement has changed all that and has influenced men to embrace their own hair. Learn more about how here!

수염, 번즈 & 커트 과거에는 일부 남성들이 사각형 비누, 바디 워시 또는 누나나 엄마의 헤어 케어 제품을 사용했습니다. 하지만 “자연 모발” 운동이 이 모든 것을 변화 시켰으며 남성 자신의 헤어를 관리하는 것에 영향을 미쳤습니다. 이에 대해 좀더 알아보도록 하겠습니다.

50 Beauty Ambassador

Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador Article by Terri Taricco-Cropp

Summer Fun doesn’t have to Mean Damaged Hair!


Show Coverage

Jinny Corp. Pure Buying Shows

Jinny Beauty Supply continues their Pure Buying Show series with installments in New Jersey and Chicago. Find photos from these events here.

6 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017

CEO: Ann Jhin

Editor: Haley


Editor: Tony Bae tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com koreannews@otcbeautymagazine.com

Art Director: Sam Choi support@otcbeautymagazine.com

Advertising & Sales Coordinator: advertising@otcbeautymagazine.com

Contributing Writers: Ken Adams Jane Carter Cosmoprof North America Terri Taricco-Cropp Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Todd Simmons

Taliah Waajid Will Williams Michael Wray Emma Young

Columnists: Kenny Duncan Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

8 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017 Post Master: Please send address changes to: OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.
editor@otcbeautymagazine.com subscriptions@otcbeautymagazine.com

A Sharp Dressed MAN

Those familiar ZZ Top lyrics may come easily to mind when you read the title of this article. You know the one…“Every girl’s crazy ‘bout a sharp dressed man.” Although it may not be called for in every situation, there are times where ladies do appreciate a clean-cut, well put together, masculine man. This includes hands that flaunt clean fingernails, a well-maintained beard as well as haircut, and perhaps a whiff of aftershave or cologne to give the ultimate manly finishing touch. This month as you prepare your store for Father’s Day in late June, we chose to highlight editorial subjects and beauty products that cater to your male customers.

One interesting dynamic we often notice is how female-dominated the product offerings and overall feel of OTC stores can seem to be. Nothing says that’s wrong because the general practice of shopping highly caters to women. However, we challenge you as a store owner to find ways to make men feel more welcome in your store, encouraging them to visit and select the products they want for themselves, ensuring they are a perfect fit for the user. Perhaps one step to attaining this goal is carrying the on-trend products they’re looking for. Throughout the pages of this month’s issue you can learn more about just that.

We also have coverage of the final two Jinny Pure Buying shows in this edition—New Jersey and Chicago. Tradeshows like this are a great way for store owners to learn of new product offerings, including those for men, and stock up to ensure sales success.

We hope you enjoy this issue, as well as the ones to come. As always, if you have topics you would like for us to focus on, or if you have any questions at all, feel free to let us know by emailing editor@otcbeautymagazine.com.

옷 잘 입는 남자

기사의 제목을 보시면 아마 지지 탑 (ZZ Top) 노래의 익숙한 가사가 쉽게 떠오르실 겁니다. 그 중에 하나로…”모든 여자들은 옷 잘 입는 남자들에게 미치지. (Every girl’s crazy ‘bout a sharp dressed man.)” 가 있습니다. 항상 그렇다 하기는 뭐하지만, 여성들이 단정한 용모와 남성스러움에 감탄하는 때가 있기도 합니다. 이것은 깨끗한 손톱, 잘 손질된 수염 혹은 머리를 포함하며 그리고 어쩌면 애프터쉐이브나 콜롱의 향이 남성스러움의 마무리를 해주기도 합니다. 여러분이 6월 말에 있을 아버지의 날 (Father’s Day) 을 준비하고 있을 것이기 때문에 저희는 이번 달, 남성 고객들의 요구에 응할 주제와 뷰티 제품들을 다루기로 하였습니다.

저희가 자주 발견하는 흥미로운 점은 OTC 상점의 전반적인 분위기나 제품의 제공 면에서 여성이 매우 큰 비중을 차지하고 있다는 것입니다. 물론 대부분의 쇼핑이나 몰의 공급이 여성을 위주로 가는 것이 일반적인 관행이기에 이것이 잘못됐다는 것은 아닙니다. 하지만, 저희는 여러분이 상점의 주인으로서 남성들이 더욱 환영 받는다 생각할 수 있는 방법을 찾아내어, 그들이 그들을 위한 제품을 사기 위해 방문을 하고 소비자로서 충분하다 느낄 수 있도록 도전하셨으면 하는 바람입니다. 어쩌면 이 목표에 도달하는 첫 시작으로는 남성들이 찾는 트랜드 제품을 준비시키는 것도 있겠지요. 이 점에서 이번 달 이슈를 통해 더 많은 정보를 얻으실 수 있습니다.

저희는 또한 이 에디션에 뉴저지와 시카고 (New Jersey and Chicago)의 마지막 두 Jinny Pure Buying 쇼 대해서도 다루었습니다. 이런 박람회는 상점 주 분들이 남성 제품들을 포함한 새 제품들에 대해 배우고 성공적인 판매 전략을 배울 수 있는 좋은 기회입니다. 앞으로 다룰 내용을 비롯해 이번 이슈에 대해서도 만족하셨으면 좋겠습니다. 언제나 그렇듯이, 저희가 자세히 다루었으면 하는 내용이나 혹은 질문이 있으시다면 언제든지 editor@otcbeautymagazine.com 로 이메일을 보내주시기 바랍니다.

10 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017
Editor © Cari Pilgrim Photography

Expert Advice


It’s time for the new 411 on men’s grooming. Here is a quick tutorial about where today’s man is and how he grooms.


According to GQ magazine more men than ever are getting facials. Some men get dragged into a spa under the guise of couples massages and facials. Thank God for women who know how to handle men…

As a Barber I was used to giving and getting facials as a matter of course. From my first clay pack and Boncilla rub to my latest peppermint mask and lemon rub, I try to make facials a routine. Ask any guy who has gotten them or gets them regularly and he will tell you there is just no reason in the world why a man should not indulge himself in a facial at least once a month.

At-home facials are a great ritual to indulge the senses, open and clean pores, tighten skin and bond with wives and girlfriends.

Only truly enlightened guys will rap with one another about the virtues of scrubs and splashes, but those conversations do take place, just not usually over beers at the bowling lanes.

Good-bye Nose Hairs and Unibrow

When I was a young barber-stylist, one of my mentors put me on-point with information critical at the time, even though a lot of guys did not practice this in the 1970s. I knew it was a future wave to come.

“Will, when your customer is lying back in the chair with the hot towel over his face during the shave, inform him that you are going to trim the nose hairs that extend beyond his nostrils as part of the shave or moustache trim.” That sage advice endeared me to many a customer who was either afraid to or did not care to trim his own. Nowadays it is almost second nature for men to trim.

Another piece of great advice was while the lower portion of the face was being steamed with the hot towel, use the point of the shears to open and close flush with the face on the unibrow. The quick open and close will remove hair without pinching or cutting and leave the skin intact. Threading does the same, using a razor or wax on the unibrow removes skin cells that can sometime become irritated or just leave a guy looking all red between the eyes.

Nail Care

So I’m in the nail shop getting my routine mani-pedi because “She who must be obeyed” said, “You are not getting in this bed with scratchy feet or socks. Go get a pedicure.” The eucalyptus scrub for feet and legs was my idea after the nail tech suggested it. She also suggested the paraffin wax on my hands, so for many years this has been a part of my manicure. No polish, just a nice buff, and my hands look good while I’m working on clients, and I get points at home.

Trim Up

Making sure that hair is trimmed from earlobes is a must, especially if you are wearing a haircut that is close on the sides to emphasize face and bone structure. OTCs have nose and ear trimmers that should be suggested to men when they make purchases at the store.


I really love having a nice shave after a trip to the sauna and a massage because it kind of puts a finishing statement to the totally groomed experience. Even though it is an almost everyday effort, the clean-shaven look still can be enjoyed.

Pre shave oil on a wet face after a nice steam lays down the extra lubrication that allows extreme razor glide for a faster shave. Bump Patrol Pre Shave Oil has clove bud, orange oil, tea tree and lavender to nourish the face before, during, and even after the shave. Build a great lather with a quality shave brush and Bump Patrol Cool Shaving Gel and you, my friend, are ready to zip through and over stubble to reveal that baby smooth face she loves to dance cheek to cheek with, or plant quick smooches on.

Finish off your shave with an aftershave treatment, and Bump Patrol Moisturizer. Now here are the goods on moisturizers for men:

12 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017

1. It has to have sun protection because we are—for the most part— outside more than some ladies (Honeydo list not withstanding).

2. Men, we have this amazing hormone called testosterone that helps keep us looking younger than our mates, and it can also stimulate oil production in our skin. Therefore our moisturizers have to be different from hers because she has estrogen and that can be an oil suppressant. So OTC staff, please let men know that his moisturizer is for him and hers is for her, because hers can just make him too darn shiny (and I dare say greasy) from time to time.

to the lexicon of men’s grooming. We like and need a matte finish to skin because of the aforementioned testosterone and its affinity for stimulating oil. (Teenage and adult acne, hello.)

So OTC staff, please let men know that his moisturizer is for him and hers is for her ”

Mattification is not a misspelled word, it’s just a new word I am adding

Meet Will Williams

Well, I think you guys have got it from it here. OTCs and Beauty Supply Stores, know that men are coming into the store and soon you will see them reading packages just like women. They are becoming better informed consumers as they learn about themselves. We have to be ready to serve their newly recognized needs.

Just remember, guys need product and advice for hair, skin and nails. Oh yeah, and manscaping, but that’s another article. Until next time, this is Master Barber Will Williams. Out.

Will Williams is currently the Director of Education for M&M Products Co., a Master Barber, Master Cosmetologist, Public Speaker and Product Developer. Will is a Global Ambassador working with professionals and consumers the world over.


Get in the Game

It’s time for men to take the field and get into the beauty game. Luckily we’ve compiled a collection of some products that can help get them pumped up for game time. Stock your shelves today!

Cool Curls

Men with curly hair should be proud of their hair texture, just like many women are. Made with essential oils and extracts, Uncle Jimmy’s Curl Kicker is a light flake-free cream that’s perfect for defining natural curl patterns. It works with the hair’s natural system to provide intense moisture and ultimate flexibility. www.unclejimmyproducts.com

Dapper with Dax

Do you have customers looking for an everyday styling product for their short or medium length hair? Look no further! DAX Hair Wax is a strong holding wax that contains a special ingredient to help it wash out more easily so users get the all-day handsome hairstyle they want without the evening wash-out worry. www.daxhaircare.com

Seductive Shine

Mane Tame by J Carter Men is an all-natural spray shine oil that can be spritzed on the hair, scalp and beard to instantly soften and condition dry hair and skin. This mixture of natural ingredients helps effortlessly boost shine, making it a triple threat. www.jcartermen.com

16 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017 MARKET PLACE

Sensitive Shaving

Bump Patrol Sensitive Shave Gel is formulated with aloe vera to improve razor glide while soothing and protecting skin against razor bumps, razor burn, nicks, scrapes and cuts. Those all sound like no fun, so encourage your customers to take caution today! This gel is dermatologist recommended, and great for use on bald heads and faces… anywhere your customers shave. www.mmproducts.com

Beard Butter

Beard Guyz’ Beard Butter with Grotein 20™ has all the moisturization benefits of their original Beard Butter plus a special boost of growing power. This special blend helps fill in patchy areas to give users the full, soft beard they’ve been waiting for. It also helps to reduce itch and irritation. www.beardguyz.com

Replace when Necessary

The 5-Star Series Replacement Foil and Cutter Bar Assembly from Wahl is your customers’ all-in-one replacement package for their 5-Star Shaver. Designed to get the closest shave possible without being painful or irritating, the replacement package includes hypo-allergenic gold foil, which prevents bumps, and cutter bar assembly for a like-new shaver. www.wahlpro.com

OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017 17


It’s phenoMENal!

Men can be confident that they wow the crowds in any room they enter thanks to got2b’s Phenomenal Thickening Styling Cream. Inspired by the barber shop, this formula is scientifically proven to enhance hair’s thickness while providing natural sheen and hold.


Guys Color Too!

Creme of Nature realizes that women aren’t the only customers who dye their hair; men do too! Their Moisture-Rich Hair Color for Men provides great benefits and maximum convenience. The formula works in just five minutes and provides naturallooking gray coverage while its Shea Butter conditioner works to lock in color and leaves hair soft. www.cremeofnature.com

Grow with Godefroy

Your shoppers can grow longer, thicker, softer beards and mustaches naturally with Godefroy’s Thick Beard & Mustache Growth Serum. This nighttime treatment combines Jamaican Castor Oil and plant extracts to provide intense nourishment to men’s facial hair. Used nightly, it can help eliminate beard itch and flaky skin, while also softening and adding shine and luster to hair. www.godefroybeauty.com

Ensure Good Smells

Neutralize body odor with Lucky Tiger Head to Tail Deodorant & Body Spray

More than just an antiperspirant, this good-for-the-environment, non-aerosol spray deodorant is made with botanical extracts and essential oils that keep users smelling clean and fresh from head to toe. Vetiver and rosewood are used to create the irresistible scent.


Special Treatment

Sensitive skin calls for a little special attention…especially when it’s on the face. Clubman Special Reserve Cologne is an aftershave with a unique blend of ingredients to cool and soothe tender skin. Now all can enjoy the alluring scent of aftershave, not matter their skin type.


Soothe Skin PostShave

Moisturize and calm skin with Cantu’s Post-Shave Soothing Serum, which is part of a collection specially formulated for men with wavy, curly and coarse hair. Created with cooling menthol, this product helps calm and moisturize the skin to help promote healthy hair and skin growth. www.cantubeauty.com

18 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017

How should you sell it?

This month’s selling focus is…

Men’s Product Placement!

In this industry that seems to be dominated by ladies, it can be challenging to make men feel at-home in a beauty supply store, and it’s often difficult for them to find their products. This month we’ve turned to a few experts on where men’s products can effectively be housed.

What tips do you have for men’s product placement in OTC stores?

“Men’s HBC products can be merchandised all together in a separate men’s set within the beauty aisle. This set would include bath, body lotion, facial products, fragrance, etc. Men’s products can also be interwoven within their respective general sub-categories (i.e. bath, body lotions, etc.) with all like items.”

Peter A. Augustine, Vice President/Sales E.T. Browne Drug Company www.palmers.com

“Men will be more comfortable shopping in your store if your men’s grooming supplies are organized, easy to find and close to the front, not hidden among a variety of female driven items. It’s best to have the men’s area clearly marked and all items simple and easy to understand on shelf. Men do not want to search; they want a quick in the door, grab their items, and out the door experience.”

Linda Woods, Sales Manager American International Industries www.aiibeauty.com

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to editor@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the June issue!

22 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017

여성들이 주가 되는 이 산업에서 남성들이 뷰티 판매 상점을 집안처럼 편안하게

느낄 수 있도록 하는 것이 결코 쉬운 일이 아니며, 남성이 원하는 제품을 찾는

것도 만만하지 않습니다. 이번 달에는

“남성용 HBC 제품은 뷰티 상점 통로 내에 독립된 남성 세트 코너에서 모두 함께 판매 될 수 있습니다. 이 세트는 목욕용품, 바디 로션, 페이스용 화장품, 향수등이 포함될 것 입니다. 남성용

제품은 유사한 제품의 하위 카테고리끼리 섞여 있을 수 있습니다 (즉, 목욕용품, 바디 로션 등). ”

Peter A. Augustine, 부사장/세일즈

E.T. Browne Drug Company www.palmers.com

“남성용 미용 용품이 정리되어 있어 찾기 쉽고 문 가까이에 진열되어 다양한 여성용 물품과 같이 섞여 있으면, 남성들은 매장 안에서 더 편안하게 쇼핑하게 됩니다. 명확하게 표시해 놓은 남성용

24 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017 이 질문에 관하여 공유를 원하신다면 editor@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일을 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. 귀하의 의견은 6월 호에 소개 될 수 있습니다! 이번 달의 판매 포커스는… 남성 제품 디스플레이 입니다! OTC 상점에서 남성용 제품을 진열하는 팁을 말씀해 주신다면?
어떻게 판매할 것인가?
제품을 매우 효과적으로 진열할 수 있는 전문가들과 이야기를 나눠보도록 하겠습니다.
진열대에서 간단하고 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 하는 것이 가장 좋습니다. 남성은 찾기를 좋아하지 않습니다. 따라서 문 앞에서 바로 찾아 바로 물품을
Linda Woods, 세일즈 매니저 미국 국제 사업
물품 디스플레이 지역을 구분하여 물품을
구매할 수 있도록 합니다.”

Finished Product


n recent years there has been an increased awareness in men’s grooming. One of the tools that men are using to achieve their desired look is hair pomade. Hair pomades are some of the most versatile of all hair styling products. They differ from gels and hairspray in that they allow you to restyle your hair throughout the day while providing a variety of holds and differing levels of shine depending upon the make-up of the product. One of the premier attributes of pomade is that it has different uses depending on the type of hair you have.

The history of pomade usage can be dated back to the Roman Era when soap was used to control the hair. During the 1800’s bear fat was typically the main ingredient in hair dressings. Thankfully, by the early 20th century bear fat was replaced by other ingredients such as petroleum jelly, lanolin, lard, and beeswax. Early film stars popularized the use of pomade with their shiny, well-groomed styles. Companies soon capitalized on this craze and there was the introduction of products like Dax Pomade, Brylcreem, Murray’s Pomade, Royal Crown Hair Dressing and others. During the 1950’s pomades maintained their popularity with celebrities like Elvis using products to sport styles such as the pompadour, ducktail, and jelly roll. Pomade users in this era were often referred to as “greasers.” Pomade usage declined after the 1960’s, but has recently made a comeback as men started using modern versions of pomade to achieve their desired style.

Today there is a wide range of products claiming to be pomades. Traditional pomades that are made of petrolatum, waxes, and natural oils are still in demand for their holding ability, the shiny appearance they can offer and the

restyling ability they provide to the hair. These products are designed to not be easily removed from the hair, but are kept at manageable levels by regular shampooing. Consumers looking for styling products that are easier to remove from the hair have turned to water based pomades. These pomades, which can be easier to work with, typically do not give the same versatility and strength of hold offered by traditional petro and wax based products. Many products such as hair gels, styling creams, putties, pastes, glues, and clays market themselves as pomades. These products come in various textures and consistencies and provide a variety of levels of hold and finishes. Messy styles with dry or matte finishes are common uses for these products. No matter what type of style you are trying to achieve there is likely a pomade that will work for you.

As mentioned earlier, pomades have different uses for different textures of hair. For people with Afro textured hair, traditional pomades have been used for decades due to their moisturizing properties. These products seal and protect this type of hair, allowing it to grow with less breakage. Pomades have also been used to help with hair straightening and to develop waves in the hair. They have been a mainstay in the ethnic beauty industry for many years. Many of the pioneering companies in the ethnic hair care industry and the products they developed are still in business today, which is a testament to the effectiveness of their petro based products.

The future for pomade use appears to be promising. In fact, the whole men’s grooming category has been one of the fastest growing in recent years. Hair styles that feature a slick, groomed look are currently popular not only in the U.S., but in Europe and abroad. Because of this demand, many companies are developing and offering an entire range of products strictly for men. Some of the products being marketed are shampoos, shaving creams, soaps, beard, moustache, and hair styling products. It is safe to say that any retail store that neglects this category of products is missing out on an opportunity for growth.

Todd Simmons is the Sales Manager at Imperial Dax. He has been in this position since January 2015, and was a manufacturers’ rep prior to that, since 1997. www.daxhaircare.com

28 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017
Meet Todd Simmons

K t K Knowledge to know

The Overlooked Men’s Hair Color Market

Oh, how times bring about a change. Who would have thought that we could be almost as worried as women when it comes to covering tell-tale grays and possessing rich, vibrant hair color? Yet, it is more than safe to say that men, too, are discovering the riches of having healthy, natural looking hair color, even if it does have to come out of a bottle.

Hair color specialists and manufacturers alike suggest that stylists take notice of this lucrative, growing market. For instance, sales in the men’s hair color category have tripled from a sluggish $17.9 million in 1998 to an incredible $63.4 million at the close of 2010, according to figures supplied by Information Resources, Inc. (IRI). That’s not even including the movement over the past 6 years! The reason for this exciting trend has to do with men’s increased awareness level and

남성 헤어 컬러 시장에 대한 고찰


대해 이야기하거나 윤기와 생기가 넘치는 헤어 컬러에 대해서 걱정하게

생각이나 했을까요? 하지만 남자들도 이제는 건강하고 자연스 러운 느낌의 헤어 컬러를 갖는 것에 대한 즐거움을 알았다고 볼 수 있 습니다. 헤어 컬러 스페셜리스트들과 제조사들은 이 수익성이 좋고 성 장하는 시장에 대해 스타일리스트들이 눈치를 채야 한다고 이야기 하고 있습니다. 일 예로, 1998 년 남성 헤어 컬러 부분의 매출은 17.9 밀리언 달러 정도로 부진한 성적을 보였지만, 2010 년에는 그 세 배인 63.4 밀 리언 달러가 치솟았다고 Information Resources 주식회사 (IRI) 에서 밝혔습니다. 이건 지난 6 년간의 성적을 전혀 포함하지 않은 값입니다! 이런 흥미로운 트렌드는 남성의 미용에 대한 인식과 의식 수준의 증가가 이유라고 볼 수 있습니다. 패션과 미용에 대한 이런 관심증가는 주로 세 가지의 이유가 있습니다: 성적 매력, 일과 관련한 이유, 자부심이 그것입 니다.

Meet Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

남성들을 움직이게 만드는 것은 (염색과 같은) 보통 여성들이 나 혹은 여성들이 주는 칭찬이라고 할 수 있습니다. 들리는 소식에 의하 면 요즘 인력 시장은 굉장히 붐빈다고 합니다. 그리고 보다 젊은 남성들 과 경쟁을 해야 합니다. 최근 또한 이혼이나 개인적인 사정으로 혼자 사 는 남성들이 많아지면서, 스스로를 가꾸거나 로맨스의 이유로 경쟁을 합 니다.

얼마나 많은 남성들이 전문 컬러 서비스를 찾는지는 알려지지 않았지만, 미용 염색 서비스의 굉장히 거대한 잠재적 지표를 가지고 있 다고 볼 수 있습니다. 남성들이 이런 전문 컬러 서비스에서 얼마나 비 중을 차지하는지 잘 알려진 컬러리스트에 따르면, 그들의 전체 비즈 니스에서 남성 의뢰인들이 차지하는 비율이 10 에서 60 퍼센트에 다 다른다고 합니다. 그 남성 고객들 중 놀랍게도 50 에서 70 퍼센트의

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.), and was sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D. C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Trichology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject, and has authored many articles in trade magazines drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologists and students encounter on a daily basis. To obtain a copy of his book, “What the Text Books & State Boards Ignored in Regards to Ethnic Cosmetology,” contact Dr. Lloneau at liquidgoldbondng@aim.com or call 310-283-7118.

30 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017
불러오죠. 그 어느 누가 저희도 여자들처럼 새치에
것 이라고

consciousness about their overall grooming. Their concern about appearance is usually influenced by three key motivations: sexual attraction, work related acceptance and self-esteem.

What prompts men to (color their hair) is often times a woman or a compliment from a woman (about their gray). They cite that the job market is a lot more competitive today…and they are competing with younger men. And, also the fact that more men are single now, either through divorce or whatever their personal circumstances are and they’re competing for romantic and personal acceptance.

It is not known how many men seek professional coloring services, but indicators are strong that men represent huge potential for salon color services. To get an idea of how many men indulge in professional color services, according to well-known colorists, their male clientele ranges from 10 – 60 percent of their coverall business. Of those male clients, an impressive 50 – 70 percent receives color services. These percentages clearly mean that while cutting and styling services may be what initially prompts men to sit in your chair, the coloring services you provide will be what keeps them coming back.

Men’s Hair Color Needs

Although men are prime candidates for hair color services, men have distinct hair color needs that distinguish them from women. Keep this in mind when encouraging gentlemen to venture into color.

Men usually just want partial gray coverage; they don’t have to have all of the gray eliminated like their female counterparts. Generally, they are interested in a much more gradual transformation. A man’s greatest concern seems to be that he’s going to go to work one day and people at work are going to notice that yesterday he had gray and today he doesn’t.

Keep it Natural

Men have not quite evolved the way women have in terms of pursuing some of the most sophisticated color services like dramatic color changes and highlights. They want to maintain their natural hair color which tends to be in the dark brown and black categories. Since a significant number of African American men already have chemical treatments, like texturizers and relaxers, semi-permanent color is recommended. These men are especially key candidates for color products and services because after a while the chemicals start to fade the color; adding color tends to lend more life and drama to the hair.

Time is of the Essence

남성들이 염색 서비스를 이용합니다. 이러한 숫자들은 어쩌면 애초에 머 리 손질 및 스타일링 서비스를 받으러 오는 남성들이 염색 서비스로 인 해 다시 찾아오게 되는 것이라고도 볼 수 있습니다.

남성 헤어 컬러 니즈 남성들이 비록 헤어 컬러 서비스의 주요 후보라고는 하지만, 남성들은 보통 여성들과는 다른 자신들만의 뚜렷한 머리 색깔에 대한 니즈가 있습 니다. 남성들에게 색깔을 권유할 때 항상 이것을 염두에 두십시오. 남자들은 보통 부분 새치 염색만을 원합니다; 마치 대응 관계 의 여자들처럼 모든 새치를 없앨 필요는 없는 것이지요. 일반적으로, 그 들은 점진적인 변화를 원합니다. 남자들이 가장 신경 쓰는 것은 어느 날 그들이 회사를 갔을 때 어제 있던 새치가 사라진 걸 사람들이 알아챌 지

말지에 대한 것들입니다.

자연스러움을 유지하세요

남성들은 아직 극단적인 머리 색깔의 변화나 부분 염색과 같은 세련된 염색 서비스에 대해 여성들보다는 덜 진보된 생각을 가지고 있습니다. 그들은 어두운 갈색 혹은 검정색 계열인

색깔이 바래 지기 때문이지요. 색 깔을 추가하는 것은 머리의 더 활력을 줄 것입니다.

Patience is not a virtue for men when they want their hair colored, which is why the retail market has done so well with them. The five minute formations that can be found over the counter with products like Men’s Choice and Just for Men respond to a very important need for men to zip through the coloring process. Men expect the same expediency with professional services. Therefore, the experts say the color application for men should only be about 10 minutes (since men usually only want natural color maintenance instead of the more time consuming highlight or color change that women do).

The salon has to be convenient so that they don’t have to travel a lot; a place that knows they’re on a schedule. The salon has to be a place where they can get a great haircut, get the gray blended…and get out there.

시간이 곧 키입니다.

남성들이 염색을 원할 때는 참을성이라는 것을 기대하면 안 됩니다, 그 렇기 때문에 소매 시장에서 매우 좋은 성적을 내고 있는 것입니다. 카운 터 옆에 위치한 Men’s Choice 나 Just for Men과 같은 제품들은 염색 을 빠르게 마치고 싶어하는 남성들의 이런 욕구를 충족시켜주는 중요한 역할을 합니다. 남성들은 전문 서비스와 같은 편의를 기대합니다. 그러 므로, 전문가들은 남성들은 대략 10 분 정도만 염색약을 투여하기를 권 합니다. (특히나 남성들은 여성들처럼 부분 염색이나 완전한 머리 색의 변화를 원하는 것이 아니라 그들의 자연스런 원색의 머리를 유지하고 싶 어하기 때문이죠)

멀리 가지 않도록 미용실은 가까워야 합니다; 그들의 스케줄 동선에 있는 장소처럼 말이지요. 미용실은 머리를 잘 자르고, 새치 염색 을 한 후 그냥 바로 나가는 그런 장소여야 합니다.

32 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017
머리 색을 유지하고 싶어하지요.
많은 아프리칸 아메리칸 남성들이 이미 결을 내는 약 품, 컬한 머리를 펴는 용액 등의 약품 처리 를 거친 경우가 많으 므로 반 영구적 염색 을 하는 것을 추천합 니다. 이 남자들은 염 색 제품이나 서비스 에 있어서 중요한
보군 이라고 할 수 있 는데, 약품은 시간이
그들의 원

K t K Knowledge to know

How to Clean, Maintain, and use Tweezers

핀셋의 청소 및 유지 관리법

Tweezers are perhaps the oldest, most popular, and most reliable grooming device still widely available and used today. We all know the important role tweezers play when managing eyebrows, ear hair, and other areas (some you may not be as familiar with, such as plucking hair under your arms). However, our relationship with tweezers has typically been based on how well it performed the last time we enlisted its help. A sort of “what have you done for me lately?” relationship.

Today we are going to reverse that “one way street” mentality and take on what is rarely, if ever, addressed: best practices for using, maintaining, and caring for tweezers.

Think of it this way: It’s kind of like using a chef’s knife. If it’s not sharpened or maintained, the performance diminishes greatly over a relatively short period of time depending on how often you use them.

Occasionally we receive feedback from professionals—(barber shops, spas, salons, etc.) who use our tweezers all day long, seven days a week—that their tweezers no longer easily grab hairs or that they cut hairs in half as opposed to plucking them from the root. Each time we look into these situations and, outside of blunt trauma like the tweezers getting stepped on, we arrive at the same conclusion: improper use of the tweezers and, more specifically, improper cleaning during and after use. Like we always say, cleanliness is next to godliness, and that can certainly be applied to tweezers.

핀셋은 모발 손질 기구 중 아마도 가장 오래되고, 가장 유명하며, 가장 믿을 수 있으며 현재까지도 널리 사용되고 있는 기구일 것입니다. 우리 모두 눈썹, 귀 털, 혹은 다른 부분(여러분 중 겨드랑이 털을 뽑는 것에 익숙하지 않은 분도 계시겠지만)을 정리할 때 핀셋이 얼마나 중요한 역할을 하는 지 알고 있습니다. 하지만, 이런 핀셋과의 관계는 우리가 마지막으로 핀셋의 도움을 빌렸을 때 얼마나 그 역할을 잘 수행했는지에 달려있습니다. 즉, “네가 요즘 해준 게 모야?” 정도의 관계라고 볼 수 있습니다.

오늘 저희는 이런 “일방 통행” 식 마음을 뒤집어 누구도 딱히 언급한 적이 없었을, 핀셋의 유지 및 관리법에 대한 최고의 이야기를 해보려 합니다.

이런 식으로 한 번 생각해보세요. 이건 마치 요리사의 칼을 사용하는 것과 같다. 만약 관리가 잘 되지 않고 무뎌졌다면, 여러분이 얼마나 자주 사용하는지에 따라서 매우 짧은 기간 내에 제 역할을 수행하지 못하는 신세가 될 것입니다.

가끔 전문가들–(이발소, 스파, 미용실 등) 핀셋을 일주일 내내 하루 종일 사용하는–로부터 받는 피드백으로는, 그들의 핀셋이 더 이상 머리를 쉽게 잡지 못 한다거나 혹은 뿌리부터 뽑는 것이 아니라 머리를 반 만 자르기도 한다는 것들이었습니다. 저희는 이런 상황들을 바라볼 때마다 핀셋이 밟혀서 생기는 둔상 등을 제외하고는 항상 같은

결론에 도달합니다: 잘못된 핀셋의 사용, 특히나 사용 후 잘못된 청소 법 등이라고 말이지요. 청결은 신을 공경하는 것 다음으로 중요하다는 말이 있듯이, 핀셋에도 똑같이 적용된다고 볼 수 있습니다.

Here are the basics of how to use tweezers, and tweezers maintenance:

1. Prior to using tweezers, clean the pads and arms using a cloth or cotton ball and some rubbing alcohol. This will not only ensure easier plucking using less pressure, but by cleaning the arms and handles you will have a better grip for greater control.

2. Pull hair from the lowest point of the hair closest to the root. This is also the strongest part of your hair follicle and doing so will create the least amount of sting. Some people apply ice, hot compresses or cold compresses to the area before plucking to ease the sting, however we don’t recommend it. Keep it simple.

3. While plucking, simply wipe the pads clean of hair and debris on a tissue

다음은 핀셋을 사용하고 관리하는 기본적인 방법들입니다:

1. 핀셋을 사용하기 전, 천이나 약솜에 소독용 알코올을 사용하여 핀셋의 패드와 집게 부분을 닦아 주십시오. 이런 행동들은 덜한 압력을 이용하여 더 쉽게 뽑히게 해주지만, 손잡이와 집게 부분을 닦는 것으로 더 쉽게 쥘 수도 있을 것입니다.

2. 털 뿌리의 가장 가깝고 낮은 부분을 잡아 당기세요. 이 부분은 모공에서 가장 강한 부분이며 이렇게 하시면 최대한 고통을 줄일 수 있을 것입니다. 몇몇의 사람들은 뽑기 전 얼음, 뜨겁거나 차가운 찜질을 이용해 고통을 줄이려고 하는데 딱히 추천할 만한 방법은 아닙니다. 최대한 간단한 방법을 택하세요.

3. 뽑으실 때마다, 패드 부분을

34 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017
가볍게 닦아 털이나 부스러기를 휴지

or cloth between each pluck. This extra step actually shortens the amount of plucking time. Again, better performance equals less sting, better results, and higher efficiency.

4. Finally, when finished repeat step number one and store the tool in a dry place, or in a dust-free leather sheath.

You see, each time you pluck a hair with your tweezers, you should also remove that hair from the pads to create a clean surface for the next round of plucking. When a tip is “clogged” with hairs and hair residue (dirt, oil, etc.), you need to apply more pressure on the tip. When this happens that build up will cause an uneven balance of pressure on the tweezer tips or pads, and the tips will cut the hair instead of plucking it from the root. The longer you neglect cleaning your tweezers, the harder you will need to squeeze the forceps together. The harder you squeeze the forceps over a length of time will lead to misalignment of the pads and cause permanent damage.

So, there you have it…everything you never wanted to know (but needed to know) about tweezers best practices. The whole truth and nothing PLUCK the truth. 혹은 천에 놓으세요.

다시 한 번 말씀 드리지만, 잘 하실수록 적은 고통, 만족스러운 결과 그리고 높은 효율성을 얻으실 수 있습니다.

4. 마지막으로, 끝내신 후에는 다시 1 번의 방법을 따라 하신 후 마른 장소 혹은 먼지가 안 붙는 가죽 싸개 등에 놓으십시오.

아시다시피, 핀셋을 이용해 털을 제거하실 때마다 패드를 청소하셔서 다음을 위해 깨끗한 표면을 만드는 것이 중요합니다. 만약 끝 부분이 털이나 털 잔여물 (먼지, 기름, 등) 로 “막혔다” 면 사용하실 때 끝에 힘을 더 주셔야 합니다. 이런 일들이 반복해서 일어난다면 핀셋 끝이나 패드에 주는 압력의 밸런스가 무너져 뿌리부터 뽑는 대신 중간에 털이 절단되는 일이 벌어질 것입니다. 핀셋을 청소하지 않고 계속 방치해두신다면 겸자 부분에 힘을 주기가 더욱 힘들어질 것입니다. 긴 시간 동안 겸자 부분에 계속 힘을 많이 주게 된다면 결국 패드의 균형에도 문제가 생겨 영구적인 손상을 줄 것입니다.

자, 이제 여러분은 평생 알고자 하지 않았던 (하지만 알아야 했던) 핀셋의 사용법에 대해 들으셨습니다. 모든 진실을 아셨고, 이제 그 어떠한 진실도 뽑힐 수는 없습니다.

Meet by Ken Adams

Ken Adams is a grooming and dating expert. Ken launched GorillaKilla.com, a website dedicated to helping men pluck, trim, and cut their eyebrows, nose hair, back hair, fingernails, and more, by offering hand honed grooming instruments made in the US.

36 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017
이런 추가적인 행동들이 실제 뽑는 시간을 줄여줄 것입니다.

K t K Knowledge to know



Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) has long provided a platform that meets beauty industry demands. This years’ event, taking place July 9-11 at Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, is no different. Whether through its showcases or education programs, CPNA has ensured a wellrounded exposition.

Many of the leading special areas, such as Tones of Beauty, which focuses on multicultural beauty, and Discover Green, which is tailored to clean, eco-friendly brands, are making their return. In addition, CPNA has added several new curated areas to build on these successful platforms. Expanding on the ‘green’ movement, CPNA has added an additional curated area Discover Green Leaf, a new section featuring 10 brands dedicated to green, eco-friendly, clean, organic, and/ or natural products interested in distributing to upscale green spas. Making its debut for the professional market is Discover Pro Beauty, a new curated area that will feature 12 pre-selected brands to meet varying needs— from nail and haircare to tools and makeup. Those looking for the latest packaging, contract manufacturing and formulation solutions should also plan to visit the new Discover Pack area, which will also feature 12 pre-selected, first-time exhibitors.

코스모프로프 북 아메리카 (Cosmoprof North America, CPNA) 는 뷰티 산업 수요를 충족시키는 플랫폼을 오래도록 제공해 왔습니다. 올 해 이벤트도 라스베가스 만달레이 베이 컨벤션 센터 (Mandalay Bay Convention Center) 에서 7월 9~11일에 걸쳐 열립니다. 쇼케이스든 혹은 교육 프로그램 등을 통해서든 CPNA 는 항상 다방면의 박람회를 준비해 왔습니다. 특별한 분야에서 힘써온, 특히 Tones of Beauty 와 같이 다문화적 뷰티에 집중하거나, 디스커버 그린 (Discover Green)처럼 깨끗하고 친환경적인 브랜드 등이 다시 참가할 예정입니다. 추가적으로 CPNA 는 몇몇의 큐레이트 영역을 이 성공적인

Beyond the ability to explore and connect with more than 1,100 exhibitors, attendees can also gain industry insights by attending any of the leading conferences. Addressing green beauty, the conference “What Women Want from Naturals” will provide insight on the rapidly evolving market segment and tips for how to keep product messaging fresh while avoiding regulatory wrath. Those that are looking for insight on how to break into the multicultural market should make sure not to miss the session “Unlocking the Kingdom of Success” which will provide tips from leading brands Carol’s Daughter, Mielle Organics, and Walker & Company Brands. From packaging to professional beauty, conference sessions can be found that answer nearly every trend and demand.

As an exclusive special offer, OTC Beauty Magazine readers can purchase show tickets at a 50% discount by using code “OTC2017.” To learn more about the show, please visit www.cosmoprofnorthamerica.com.

합류시켰습니다. 또한 CPNA 는 ‘친환경’ 운동을

확장시키고자, 고급

스파의 친환경적이고, 깨끗하며,

관심이 있는 10 개의 브랜드가 준비된 새 섹션, 디스커버 그린 리프 (Discover Green Leaf) 의 큐레이트 영역을 추가하였습니다. 전문적인 시장에 새로 출범하는 디스커버 프로 뷰티 (Discover Pro Beauty) 는 사전 선택된 12 개의 브랜드가 포함되며 네일, 헤어케어부터 메이크업과 도구 등의 니즈를 아우릅니다. 최신 패키징, 계약 생산, 제제 해결책 등을 찾는 분들은 새 디스커버 팩 (Discover Pack) 영역에 찾아주셔서 새로 출범하는 사전 선택된 12 개의 브랜드를 만날 계획을 세우시는 것도 좋을 것 같습니다. 1,100 개 이상의 출품 회사를 만나는 것 말고도 참가자 분들은 컨퍼런스에 참석하시어 이 산업에 전반적인 면모를 볼 수 있습니다. 친환경 뷰티에 대해서 다룰 “여성들이 천연으로부터 원하는 것(What Women Want from Naturals)” 컨퍼런스는 급속히 성장하는 특정 세분시장에 대한 이야기와 규제적 문제를 피하면서 제품의 메시지 전달을 유지하는 방법 등을 제공할 예정입니다. 다문화 시장에 뛰어들고자 하시는 분들은 “ 성공의 왕국으로 가는 길 (Unlocking the Kingdom of Success)” 섹션에 꼭 참석하시어 Carol’s Daughter, Mielle Organics, Walker & Company Brands 와 같은 브랜드들이 제공하는 팁들을 들으시기 바랍니다. 패키징부터 전문 뷰티에 이르기까지 모든 트랜드나 수요에 관한 컨퍼런스 세션을 찾으실 수 있습니다.

OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC Beauty Magazine) 독자들은 스페셜 독점 할인으로 코드 “OTC2017.” 를 사용하시어 쇼 티켓을 50% 할인 된 가격으로 구입이 가능합니다. 쇼에 대해 더 알고 싶으시면 www. cosmoprofnorthamerica.com 를 방문해 주십시오.

기사 및 사진 코스모프로프 북 아메리카 (Cosmoprof North America) 제공

38 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017
Article and photos courtesy of Cosmoprof North America
유기농의 자연 제품들에
북 아메리카가 떠오르는 트렌드 동향을 보여준다.

Business Tips

Since 2012, the male grooming industry has progressively grown into a multi-billion dollar market and is projected to continue its steady positive gains — which presents an exciting opportunity for the beauty industry and your store in particular. This new opportunity also means overcoming the challenge of attracting male consumers to an environment that traditionally caters to women and their buying habits. However, there are many simple steps proprietors can take to make introductions with, attract and grow male patronage.

Since women continue to make the majority of purchase decisions for their households, an initial step is to educate female customers on the emerging men’s product lines available for their husbands’, boyfriends’ and sons’ grooming needs. Share samples of these men’s products with your female patrons as well as any relevant printed information, promotional materials, or coupons pertaining to men. Advise your female customers on how these products can make life and grooming easier for their loved ones by sharing the benefits of these products and the fact that these styling and grooming tools will help their men look and feel better. Be sure to let them know that the men in their lives are always welcome to visit and discover more about what you have to offer them. In this way, you can convert your current customer base to act as personal ambassadors to the new male customer base you wish to build.

Much like women, men also tend to request product recommendations from their individual hair care specialists or barbers. It’s a good idea, therefore, to cultivate relationships with local barber shops and businesses near your supply store. Make introductions with these barbers and find out what products these professionals use with their customers. If you don’t carry these products then make updates to your inventory or present comparable alternatives that you do offer. Establish a habit of keeping these barber contacts updated with any new product offerings or special promotions you may have and share suitable samples with them as well. As they advise their customers, they will remember your store and point their customers in your direction to help purchase any recommendations they make.

How to Draw the New Male Beauty Consumer to Your Store

2012년도부터 남성 뷰티 산업이 점차적으로 수십억 달러 시장으로 성장했으며 꾸준하게 긍정적인 상승세를 이어갈 것으로 추정됩니다-이 사항은 뷰티 산업, 특히 매장을 열광하게 하는 기회를 제공하는 것 입니다. 이 새로운 기회는 전통적으로 여성을 위한 공급과 구매 습관을 가지는 환경에서 남성 소비자들을 끌어들여야 하는 어려움을 극복하는 것도 의미합니다. 하지만 스토어 오너들은 남성들에게 제품들을 소개하고 애용자들을 많이 확보하는 것이 그렇게 간단하지만은 않습니다.

여성들이 구매를 결정할 때 대부분 가정을 위해 구매하기 때문에 초기 단계는 남편, 남자 친구 및 아들에게 필요한 미용 사항에 대해 사용할 수 있는 남성용 신제품 라인으로 여성 고객들에게 알려주는 것입니다. 남성용 제품 샘플을 여성 고객에게 나누어 주고 관련 인쇄물, 홍보 자료 또는 남성 관련 쿠폰을 제공해주세요. 여성 고객에게 이런 제품의 장점을 알려주고 이런 스타일링 및 미용 도구가 외모를 돋보이게 하고 기분을 좋게 한다는 사실을 알려주어 이 제품들을 통해 사랑하는 사람들의 삶을 더 좋게 하며 더 쉽게 손질을 할 수 있는 방법에 대해 조언하세요. 남성들의 방문을 언제나 환영하고, 여러 제품에 대해서 더 많이 알아 볼 수 있다는 것을 인식 시켜주세요. 이런 방식으로, 현재의 고객 기반을 개편하여 구축하고 싶은 새로운 남성 고객층을 대상으로 그들의 방문을 점차 늘려가야 합니다.

여성과 마찬가지로 남성도 개인적인 헤어 관리 전문가 또는 헤어 디자이너에게 제품을 권장 해 달라고 요청하는 경향이 있습니다. 그러므로 매장 근처에 있는 미용실과 업체와의 관계를 형성하는 것은 매우 좋은 아이디어 입니다. 미용사들에게 제품 소개를 하고 이들 전문가가 고객들에게 어떤 제품을 사용하는지 확인해보세요. 이 제품을 가지고 가지 않았으면 재고 목록을 업데이트하거나 제공하는 것과 같은 대안을 제시하세요. 미용사에게 신제품은 물론, 할 수 있는 특별한 프로모션, 그리고 샘플 정보를 업데이트하는 습관을 길러주세요. 미용사들은 고객들에게 제품에 대한 조언을 할 때 귀사의

42 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017
스토어를 기억하여 제품을 권장할 수 있도록 만들어야 합니다. 내 매장에 새로운 남성 뷰티 제품 소비자를 끌어오는 방법

Since men may often feel overwhelmed on an initial visit to a beauty supply store, do what you can to cultivate a comfortable environment for them. Add display posters and marketing material featuring men’s products in your windows. Designate an area in your store that is specifically and exclusively for men’s merchandise only. Clearly label this men’s product section and simplify browsing as best as you can by organizing buyerfriendly displays. Add a few knowledgeable male customer associates to your sales force to assist male patrons and make in-store recommendations. These associates can also conduct in-store product demonstrations of new merchandise that may add a new dimension to a man’s grooming habits.

Finally, as you are maintaining your store’s inventory of maleoriented merchandise, don’t forget how important skincare, shaving and beard upkeep products are to this segment. Keeping abreast of products that help customers cleanse and condition men’s skin, prevent ingrown hairs and help soften facial hair is crucial to keeping your male customers satisfied and devoted to your store.

Meet Taliah Waajid

추가해주세요. 매장내에 남성 전용 상품을 독점적으로 이용할 수 있는 영역을 마련해주세요. 남성 전용 제품 구역을 명확하게 표시하고 구매자에게 친숙한 디스플레이를 구성하여 가능한 한 가장 쉽게 찾을 수 있도록 해주세요. 남성 고객을 대하는 지식이 풍부한 판매 사원을 투입시켜 남성 고객을 지원해주고 매장의 제품을 권고해주도록 합니다. 또한, 이 직원들은 남성의 미용 습관에 새로운 관점을 추가 할 수 있는 신상품의 데모를 매장 안에서 보여줄 수 있습니다.

마지막으로, 스킨 케어, 면도 및 수염 유지 제품의 남성용 제품 재고를 계속 유지하는 것이 이 분야에서 얼마나 중요한 것인지를 잊지 마세요. 남성 피부의 정화 및 유지, 피부속으로 자라는 털을 방지하고, 얼굴의 털을 부드럽게 하는데 도움이 되는 제품을 매장에서 쉽게 찾을 수 있으면

남성 고객을 만족시키고 매장관리에 더 집중 할 수 있습니다.

Taliah Waajid is a natural hair care specialist who, for the past 25 years, has trailblazed and innovated the acceptance and ongoing popularity of natural hair care, natural hair care techniques and natural hair care products. She is the creator and developer of Black Earth Products, SheaCoco Natural Collection, Curls|Waves & Naturals, and Kinky Wavy Natural products lines. She also produces the new Uncle Jimmy line which are products specifically geared toward men’s grooming needs. Her various natural hair care creations are available in all 50 states and four countries.

뷰티용품 매장에 처음 방문했을 때 사람들이 종종 압도 당할 수 있으므로 편안한
전시하는 포스터
환경을 조성 해 주셔야 합니다. 창문에는 남성용 제품을
및 마케팅 자료를

Beards, Buns & Cuts

수염, 번즈 & 커트

Why men’s hair trends have become a new way of looking at men’s hair care

헤어에 대한 인식이 변하고 있는 이유

“Men are simple and not fussy like women. When they find something that works, they stick to it. They are in no way wired like us and how we take care of our hair. There is definitely an emerging trend for men to be more conscious of their grooming habits. Beards and longer hair is certainly trending for today’s man. The need for more hair care, beard care and shave products is on the rise.”

- Jane Carter, Hair Expert & Founder of Jane Carter Solution.

In the past, some men may have been using a bar of soap, body wash or their sister’s or mom’s products for hair care. However, the “Natural Hair” movement has changed all that and has influenced men to embrace their own hair. Men are finally seeing long hair, long beards and curly hair as being more acceptable.

I also know that music and sports have played a role in current hairstyle trends for men. Celebrities such as the rapper Drake, football players like Troy Polamalu and athletes like Odell Beckham Jr. have been trailblazers for what I call “loving the hair you wear.” This has helped brands such as J Carter Men create products and offer tips and advice to encourage great grooming practices.

“남성은 여성보다 단순하며 까다롭지 않습니다. 남성들은 자신에게 맞는 것을 찾으면 계속 그것을 고집합니다. 남성들은 여성처럼 어떻게 머리를 관리하는 지에 대해서 서로 공유하지 않습니다. 그런데 지금은 남성들이 자신을 관리하는 습관에 대해 관심을 가지기 시작했습니다. 수염과 긴 머리는 요즘 남성에게 있기 있는 트랜드 입니다. 더 많은 헤어 케어, 수염관리와 면도 제품이 필요할 때 입니다.” - Jane Carter, 헤어 전문가 & Jane Carter Solution 설립자.

과거에는 일부 남성들이 사각형 비누, 바디 워시 또는 누나나 엄마의 헤어 케어 제품을 사용했습니다. 하지만 “자연 모발” 운동이 이 모든 것을 변화 시켰으며 남성 자신의 헤어를 관리하는 것에 영향을 미쳤습니다. 이제 남성들은 긴 머리, 긴 수염과 곱슬머리를 훨씬 더 자연스럽게 받아들이게 되었습니다.

저는 음악과 스포츠가 남성의 헤어스타일에 매우 큰 비중을 차지하고

있는 것도 알고 있습니다. 랩퍼 드레이크 (Drake),

트로이 폴라마루와 같은 축구 선수, 오델

베컴 주니어 같은 선수들은 “당신의

머리스타일을 사랑합니다” 라고

할 정도로 헤어스타일 선망의

대상이 되었습니다. 이것은 J

Carter Men과 같은 브랜드가

제품을 만들고 훌륭한 관리

팁과 조언을 제공하는 데 매우 큰

도움이 되었습니다.

성장하고 있습니다. 남성의

전반적으로, 곱슬머리를 가진

남성 소비자를 위한 헤어 케어

카테고리가 새롭게 떠 오르며

44 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017
Business Tips

That being said, in general, the hair care category for male consumers, and certainly for male consumers with curly and coily hair, is emerging and growing.

Just like vloggers and beauty bloggers set the tone and give women information on tips and tools, barbers are becoming the new influencers for men. Whatever a barber uses on his customer in the barbershop, as well as makes suggestions for at-home use and maintenance, his client will follow those instructions. Men don’t typically go out to look for a new product unless it is recommended by his barber.

Many ask me: “Jane what would you recommend to men for hair care?” If you have waves, you typically do not shampoo your hair daily and often this consumer suffers from dry scalp. I recommend a natural based scalp oil for dry scalp. If your hair is medium length and you don’t shampoo daily, a spray on leave-in conditioner works well. As an easy step to follow, men should stick to a regimen that works for them. A waterbased conditioner, spray sheen oil or curl activator will help keep your hair, scalp and beard healthy, manageable and smelling great.

Here are some steps for facial beards:

When you have a beard, your facial hair is coarser. To make it softer and controlled, I would recommend a beard balm or gel to keep it soft and manageable.

Men who have razor bumps should always use a single blade razor. A lot of the irritation issues can be avoided by using a razor that does not cut the hair beneath the skin. Many of the razors used today have triple edge blades and cut coarse hair beneath the skin, causing irritation. Our dads used razors that had single edge blades and prevented a lot of the irritation that occurs for men with coarse beards.

비디오 블로거와 뷰티 블로거가 여성에게 팁과 도구에 대한 정보를 제공하고 분위기를 만드는 것처럼 남성에게는 미용사가 새로운 영향력을 미치고 있습니다. 미용실에서 미용사가 고객에게 사용하는 제품뿐만 아니라, 집에서 사용하고 관리하는 것에 대해 제안을 하면 남성 고객은 미용사가 추천한 내용을 따르게 될 것입니다. 일반적으로 남성들은 미용사가 추천하지 않으면 신제품을 찾지 않습니다.

많은 사람들이 저에게 묻습니다: “제인, 헤어 케어를 위해 남성에게 무엇을 권하고 싶습니까?”. 모발에 웨이브가 있으면 일반적으로 매일 샴푸를 하지 않으며, 이로 인해 종종 두피 건조증이 생깁니다. 전 건조한 두피를 위해 천연 헤어 오일을 추천합니다. 머리길이가 중간 정도이고 매일 샴푸를 하지 않는다면, 리브-인 컨디셔너를 뿌려주면 좋습니다. 따라 하기 쉬운 단계로, 남성들은 자신에게 적합한 방식을 고수해야 합니다. 수성 컨디셔너, 스프레이 광택 오일 또는 컬 활성화제는 머리, 두피 및 수염을 건강하게 유지할 수 있고 향도 좋습니다.

턱수염을 위한 몇 가지 단계가 있습니다.

Overall, the diverse male consumers is looking to their barbers and celebrities as their influencers for hair care and beard care. Men are open to trying out new brands as a result of wearing their hair and beards longer. New hair and beard trends offer an opportunity for new products to be developed to address the new emerging grooming needs of men. A man’s barber is their #1 influencer on what they will use on their hair, skin and beards.

Meet Jane Carter

수염이 있으면, 얼굴에 난 털은 더 거칠 것입니다. 더 부드럽게 하고 관리를 더 쉽게 하기 위해 수염 밤 또는 젤을 권합니다.

레이저 범프가 있는 남성은 항상 싱글 블레이드 면도기를 사용해야 합니다. 피부 밑에 있는 털을 깎지 않는 면도기를 사용하면 많은 문제를 피할 수 있습니다. 요즘 사용되는 면도날은 대부분 삼중 날이며 피부 속의 굵은 털을 깎아 자극을 유발합니다. 우리 아빠 세대에는 싱글 면도날이 있는 면도기를 사용해서 굵은 수염을 가진 남성에게 발생하는 많은 염증을 예방했습니다.

전반적으로, 다양한 남성 소비자들은 미용사 및 유명인과 같이 모발 관리 및 수염 관리를 위한 영향력 있는 사람들을 찾고 있습니다. 남성들은 머리와 턱수염을 오래 기르기 때문에 새로운 브랜드를 시험해 볼 수 있습니다. 새로운 머리, 수염의 추세는 남성의 새로운 미용 요구를 해결할 수 있는 신제품 개발의 기회를 제공합니다. 남성의 미용사는 머리, 피부 및 수염에 사용하는 제품에 대해 최고의 영향력을 줄 수 있는 사람입니다.

Jane Carter has been a professional hair stylist/colorist and salon owner for over 20 years. She is also the CEO of Jane Carter Solution. This company was founded after an allergic reaction caused by prolonged exposure to chemicals in traditional hair care products urged Jane to formulate her own hair care line using plant-derived ingredients, specifically designed for all hair types and textures. www.janecartersolution.com

OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017

Beauty Ambassador Styling Tools

Summer Fun doesn’t have to Mean Damaged Hair!

Summertime means hot and humid weather creating havoc on your trendy hair style. It’s frustrating to see the hairstyle that looked so smooth and sleek at home puff up into a hot mess when you arrive to your vacation spot! But you can keep your style looking fresh and sleek with a few simple tips.

are detangling sprays that contain UV protection. Make sure to use these detangling sprays as a finishing mist or as a leave-in conditioner.

When planning a vacation, we rarely think about how the weather affects our hair. Make sure to know how your hair reacts to dry, humid or any other conditions, and pack the appropriate haircare products. Thinking ahead can make a world of difference when you look back at your vacation photos and admire your well-maintained trendy style.

Whatever your travel plans are—a tropical vacation spot or spending a day at the neighborhood pool—there are a few things you must do to keep your hair conditioned. Remember chlorine and salt water can damage your hair, so make sure to protect yourself from longterm damage by applying a little conditioner to wet hair and tucking it into a swim cap. Hair will absorb less chlorine/water when it’s wet. It’s best to shampoo after swimming, but if that’s not possible, make sure to at least rinse. After rinsing, moisturize and style.

When your hair is exposed to sun, it degrades the hair shaft’s proteins and pigments. Why should this matter to you? Your hair could lose its color and dry out. It’s critical to protect your hair from the sun! Items that will help protect you from sun damage

You can also make a fashion statement with fedoras, straw hats and wide brimmed hats. Not only do these help protect your hair from the sun and UV rays, they also provide a great accessory to your vacation style.

It’s important to prevent any unnecessary damage from vacationinduced dryness. A great tool to lock moisture deep into your hair is our Hot Tools® 1 ¼” Conditioning Vapor Flat Iron, which heats up to 450 degrees (enough heat for just about any hair type!). This flat iron uses Argan conditioning treatment and thermal protectant, which seals in moisture to create silky styles without drying out your hair. The Nano Ceramic surface glides effortlessly across your hair, leaving it soft and shiny for healthy, salonquality straight hair. It’s the perfect styling tool for your vacation getaways.

Meet Terri Taricco-Cropp

Hot Tools® is looking for brand ambassadors to provide feedback on our products and increase brand awareness. If you are interested, please contact Veronica Guerrero vguerrero@hotus.com or visit our website at www.HotTools.com. Also, visit our website for how-to-videos, style sheets, and tips from the pros. Be sure to follow (or like us) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube @ /HotToolsPro.

Terri Taricco-Cropp has been part of the Professional Beauty Industry since 1984, as a stylist and salon owner. She also has worked in fullservice distribution, on-line beauty, trade shows and is now Vice President of Marketing for Hot Tools. She leads a team of dedicated people devoted to bringing the best styling products to stylists and consumers globally.

50 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017

Notes From The Natural Nation

Men’s Grooming Trends in 2017

This year, women aren’t the only one’s bringing spring in with style. Men are becoming more style conscious than ever, especially when it comes to their hair. The brothers are learning that they don’t have to settle for the traditional short haircut that has everybody looking alike from the eyebrows up. They’ve learned there are plenty of options. This trend toward more creative hairstyles can be credited to a number of factors. First there are the barbers of the new millennium. They have discovered that there can be a lot more to their trade than just keeping hair short. In the spirit of this freedom to be more innovative, today’s barber has become an artist, with the many different textures of a man’s hair providing a versatile canvas upon which a barber can express his creative genius. There are long fades, short fades, high and low fades with deep waves, or short and spongy twists. Basic black or dark brown hair doesn’t have to be the thing either. We’ve

seen men with blonde at the top, red in the middle and brown on the edges. Of course a man who rocks such a colorful style must have the rest of himself very much together.

Bald, shaved heads are no longer the trend— unless a person is balding. However, even that is becoming a rarity with so many products out that keep the hair healthy and on the scalp where it belongs, instead of missing in action. Add to that a healthier lifestyle, more nutritious eating habits, drinking plenty of water and men are beginning to keep their hair longer (in terms of time as well as length.)

to keep their sexy braids and cool locs looking their absolute best. For instance, Jamaican Mango & Lime® Island Oil provides every thirsty strand of hair, from roots to ends, with moisturization. Don’t think for a minute that this great product is made only for locs or braids. Short fades, crew cuts, deep waves and every other style can benefit from its moisturizing, hydrating properties. Even beards and moustaches can use some of this fantastic product to look their very best. Nobody wants to look at a scroungy beard or an unkempt moustache. When a man cares enough to take the time to groom his beard or trim his moustache, people notice.

Well-groomed locs and braids look exceptionally good on well-groomed men. No longer does he have to settle for dry, raggedy-looking locs, because there are now products that provide the moisture they need

Meet Emma Young

This spring, remember that men want to look their best, whether it’s for a Mother’s Day dinner, to be the guest of honor on Father’s Day or every day between. Just make sure your shelves are stocked with the right products and you’re ready to give the right advice so men can understand what the right products are for their hair.

Emma L. Young is a freelance writer who has written for various publications including ShopTalk Magazine, the Saints Magazine, South Shore Current and the Spiritual Perspective Newspaper.

52 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017

Men’s Trend 2017

There are a variety of trends happening in multicultural men’s hair. Male grooming practices have diversified far past the close or short cut classics. Men are opting for diversity of style, altering their grooming practices to boast longer hair lengths in the crown and beard, whilst tailoring their maintenance to respect the demands of their texture. There’s even more to be said about the trends giving options beyond natural hair inheritance, allowing men to opt to use commercial hair to instantaneously achieve their desired stylistic choice.

Men Grow Out Their Hair Too

Men are growing their manes with a pride that would rival a lion. Some are sporting lengths long enough to fashion into a bro knot, braid, or crest a cloud of hair, while others are opting to grow just enough length to create some volume. Shorter length brush cuts, waves, buzzed and bald remain classic masculine looks. No matter the length, male grooming has gone to a whole new level.

Many men are opting to avoid use of razors, clippers, or depilatories on their faces and let their manly manes grow. There’s an expansive market of beard products to choose from. There are so many beard baths and washes, butters, oils and creams it can be overwhelming for a beard novice. A great approach to moisturizing after cleansing with a beard bath or shampoo is to apply a beard oil while damp and coat the oil with a beard butter or cream. For those with longer length beards, this moment is an optimal time to detangle. Overly curly textures of beards are more prone to popping and experiencing breakage when combed or picked while dry. And if you have to groom by picking or combing your beard when dry, apply a cream or butter to soften before managing that mane.

Yes, guys typically want simple and easy grooming practices, but men are adapting their grooming practices in consideration of the texture of hair they have. Straighter to wavy textures are cautious of their oily-prone hair, while curly to tightly coiled textured guys are concerned about maintaining the hair’s moisture. Whether on the crown or the beard,

56 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017 Feature Article

the right cleansing process makes a world of difference in manageability. Men’s cleansing product usually offer the choice of shampoo and conditioners or “two in one” shampoo conditioner. For straighter and wavy hair textures needing to remove oil build up, traditional stables of shampoo and conditioner or “two in one” cleansers usually adequately cleanse without leaving it stripped. But then there’s this new hair cleansing phenomenon that has now caught the attention of the fellas called “co washing.” Curly to tightly coiled haired guys need to cleanse without stripping the hair or beard, hence the benefit from this “co wash” method. These curly, coily haired guys can either use a standard conditioner in place of a shampoo, or take advantage of the co wash products in the market. Co washing helps refresh and cleanse the hair without removing the oils and moisture curly and coiled patterned hair so desperately needs.

Some Still Choose to Shave

Not everyone can grow a beard, and chose to shave. Additionally, there are guys who simply chose to shave their heads as well. When rocking a bald dome or clean shaven face it’s important to choose the right hair removal process whether depilatories, razor or clippers. The hair removal method is crucial and should especially consider the hair texture being removed in order to efficiently and safely remove the hairs, without abrading or irritating the scalp or skin. Overly curly hair or tightly coiled hair can be prone to ingrown hairs and skin sensitivity, so these hair types must use a method of hair removal that will best remove the hair without causing irritation.

Whether the hair is as low as a buzz or so gone like a bald shave, it’s a must to keep the scalp moisturized. Hair and scalp moisturizers help to avoid tightness and flaking. To ensure dandruff control, dandruff shampoos and conditioners are remedies, as well as using products that include tea tree, peppermint, or eucalyptus oil.

Styling Product Choice

There has been a broad discussion about cleansing, but how are men styling these variations of hairstyles and lengths? In order to masterfully sport any style it requires the right styling product. Pomades, gels, foams, fibers and waxes can be used by mostly all textures, but curly to coiled hair types should also add moisture to the style equation. Curls and coils do so much better with the aid of oils, creams, moisturizers, and curl puddings. For more control and hold there

are a plethora of foams and gels with added oils to really benefit dehydrated strands without sacrificing that styling option. Here are a few curl tips:

• For guys with wavy textures who want to use a product to enhance curls, using a light hold foam will easily lather on curls and will dry with a light hold. Using a light oil after applying foam will diminish some of the hold and enhance the shine.

• For softer looking curls with the same method of foam application, once hair has dried rub fingers through the hair with a light oil to give a softer look with the benefit of the curl definition provided by the foam.

• Or for a softer look from the start, wavy textures can also simply use a hair cream or hair dress moisturizer. Overly curly to tightly coiled hair can benefit from using curl puddings and custards which moisturize while still offering curl definition.

• Or to increase curl texturizing, use a soft hold gel that will stretch those curls, and then go over it with an oil to enhance shine and prevent the hold from being too firm.

Hair Illusion Techniques

Choices, choices, choices, there are so many styling options and techniques for the modern man. Length variations; undercuts; fades; straight and an assortment of textures, including locks; as well as the male specific products to enhance care taking and styling—these have all made male grooming extensive. The new horizon becoming commonly popularized is the implementation of hair illusion techniques as a stylistic option. Men don’t have to be stuck with the fate of male pattern baldness or wait for their hair to grow to achieve a desired style. Hair illusion techniques provide nonsurgical means to address male pattern baldness or thinning, or provide a quick way for men with no hair loss issues to sport another hairstyle without the growing out phase.

Meet Michael Wray

Extensions, commercial hair, and hair fibers are more commonly offering men instantaneous means to achieve their desired hair results. Hair additions are becoming the go-to for perfectly coiffed hair and reflect the camera ready, image conscious, selfie age we live in. Texture, length, color, fullness, and every other benefit of commercial hair is of option to the stylistic men. Toupees, weft and bulk hair, fibers, and the masterful incorporation of hair illusion techniques are gaining familiarity due to outlets like social media, thusly diminishing the stigma of male extensions. There is a growing momentum of barbers and hairstylists learning these techniques, allowing them to extend their male grooming services and consequently provide a service which male clients can partake of.

Michael Wray is a Celebrity Stylist, Salon Owner and Lead Stylist for SoftSheen-Carson.

OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017 57

Combe Incorporated

The multicultural beauty industry we are all a part of is delightfully unique among competing markets, and here at OTC Beauty Magazine we believe that individuality is part of what makes it so wonderful. However, we also appreciate a company or brand that can span across multiple retail markets to appeal to an even wider array of customers. This month we were able to speak with representatives of Combe Incorporated to learn more about this company that effectively “transcends cultural barriers.”

다문화적인 미용산업은 경쟁 시장 속에서 매우

독특한 형태를 띠고 있으며, 저희 OTC 뷰티 매거진은 개개인의 특성이 이 산업을 더욱 특별하게 만든다고

보고 있습니다. 하지만 저희는, 다양한 유통 업체를 통해 광범위한 고객층에게 어필할 수 있는 회사 혹은

브랜드에 대해서도 감사한 마음을 표하고 싶습니다.

이번 달 저희는, Combe 주식회사의 대표분 들과

이야기를 나누며 효과적으로 “문화적 벽을 초월한”

이 회사의 이야기를 들을 수 있었습니다.

60 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017
Manufacturer Profile

OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): Please briefly describe the history of Combe. How did this company get started and what is it founded on?

Combe Incorporated (CI): When Ivan B. Combe founded the company in 1949 his mission was to create products that meet real consumer needs that no other company was paying attention to or knew how to fix. He was an innovator, not an imitator, and it’s still the same today at Combe. Our current brands are category leaders in feminine health and intimate skin care, men’s hair color and grooming, and oral device care.

Building on Ivan Combe’s vision and leadership, his son, Chris Combe oversaw the robust growth of our company for two decades until his recent retirement as CEO. Today, Chris’ daughter, Keech Combe Shetty, and son-in-law, Akshay Shetty, are steering our company into the future. You could say we are now in our third generation of Combe entrepreneurialism—building on our flagship brands, but always searching for our next breakthrough idea, ever-inspired by our company’s iconic big hits of the past.

OTC: What brands make up Combe’s product offerings? Our readers may be surprised that they are familiar with so many of them already!

CI: Vagisil, Just For Men, Sea Bond, Lectric Shave, Brylcreem, Aqua Velva, Johnson’s Foot Soap, and Williams Mug Soap

OTC: Who is the main audience for your products and what steps are you taking to ensure you meet their needs?

CI: Our products break down across male and female targets as we focus on men’s grooming and gray care, and women’s intimate health.

OTC: What differentiates this company from the others in the multicultural beauty industry?

OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC Beauty Magazine, OTC): Combe 회사 연혁에 관해 간단히 설명해주십시오. 어떻게 시작하였으며 어떤 걸 기초로 만들어진 것입니까?

Combe 주식회사 (Combe Incorporated, CI): 1949년 Ivan B. Combe 씨께서는 회사를 설립할 때, 고객들이 진정으로 필요로 하는 물품 즉, 당시 그 누구도 주의 깊게 보지 않았고 어떻게 고쳐야 할지도 몰랐던 것들을 만들고자 하셨습니다. 그는 누군가를 모방하는 것이 아닌 항상 혁신을 추구하셨으며, 현재 Combe 는 그 정신을 그대로 이어받았습니다. 저희 브랜드는 여성 건강, 스킨 케어, 남성 헤어 컬러, 그루밍, 구강 위생 용품 카테고리 부문에서 선구자의 위치에 서있습니다.

Ivan Combe 씨의 비전과 리더십을 이어받은 아드님, Chris Combe 씨는 당시, 최근 CEO로서 은퇴하신 오늘날까지의 약 20 년 앞 자사의 강력한 성장을 미리 예견하셨습니다. 현재는 Chris 씨의 따님이신, Keech Combe Shetty 씨와 사위이신 Akshay Shetty 씨는 회사를 미래로 이끌어가기 위해 노력하고 계십니다. 현 Combe 기업가 정신은 제 3 세대를 구축하고 있으며, 주력 브랜드를 더욱 더 굳건하게 하면서도, 과거 자사의 상징적인 히트상품들을 토대로 새 돌파구적인 아이디어를 추구하고 있습니다.

OTC: Combe 의 메이크업 브랜드 제품들에는 어떤 것들이 있을까요? 저희 독자들이 친숙한 이름들을 들으면 놀랄지도 모르겠군요!

CI: 바지실 (Vagisil), 저스트 포 맨 (Just For Men), Sea Bond, Lectric Shave, 브라일크림 (Brylcreem), Aqua Velva, 존슨즈 풋 솝 (Johnson’s Foot Soap) 그리고 윌리엄스 머그 솝 (Williams Mug Soap) 등이 있습니다.

CI: Many of the companies in the multicultural industry launch items that are specifically targeted to that consumer. Combe has a mass-market approach/appeal that cuts across all markets (Mass, Drug, Food, Multicultural). The items we introduce are targeted towards a specific consumer need. Combe takes a TOTAL market approach by grounding our insights in human truths that transcend cultural barriers. We leverage these insights to develop effective solutions and communication that strongly resonates with consumers of all ethnicities and cultures.

OTC: 제품들의 주 구매층은 누구이며, 어떤 절차를 통해 그들이 필요로 하는 부분을 찾으시나요?

CI: 아무래도 저희가 남성 그루밍과 흰 머리 케어 그리고 여성 건강 등에 주력하다 보니 남성, 여성 가릴 것 없이 모두 주 고객층으로 잡고 있습니다.

OTC: 다문화적 미용 산업에서 다른 회사와 차별화를 두는

것에는 어떤 것이 있나요?

CI: 다문화적 산업에 있는 많은 회사들이 오직 그 고객층을 타겟으로 삼고 상품을 출시합니다. 그에 반해 Combe 는 대중 시장 (Mass-Market) 을 이용, 모든 시장 (대중, 약품, 음식, 다문화적) 에서 고객에게 어필하고 있습니다. 저희가 소개하는 물품들은 모두 고객이 원하는 그 특별한 무언가에 초점이 맞춰져 있습니다. 문화적 벽을 초월하는 사람들의 진실함을 토대로 저희는 모든 분야의 시장을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 저희는 이런 통찰을 활용하여, 모든 민족과 문화의 소비자들을 아우르고 공감하게 만드는 효과적인 해결책과 대화를 이끌어냅니다.

OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017 61

OTC: Please explain how your OTC store partners and our readers can benefit from carrying Combe products.

CI: Combe products resolve some of the most common skin, hair and health concerns that are experienced by Black and Hispanic Americans. Our significant advertising investment drives foot traffic into stores. This higher level of awareness driving advertising support, coupled with our portfolio of iconic heritage brands, will help your stores increase foot traffic, consumer satisfaction and higher profits for store partners.

OTC: What is it like to have a business relationship with your company? What do you consider your strengths?

CI: Just like our multicultural retailers need to create a personal relationship with their customers to develop loyalty, Combe treats our relationships with our retailers and distributors similarly. We consider our company the most personal, personal care company in the world. Being personal with our retailers and distributors allows us to understand what makes them successful in our categories and continue to deliver solutions to drive that success.

OTC: What do you feel is the most important thing for multicultural beauty store owners to know when recommending your company’s products to their customers? Do you have any marketing tips to share?

CI: The most important thing multicultural beauty store owners should know is that when they’re recommending Combe’s products to their customers, they are recommending high quality products that will exceed their customer’s expectations. In addition, Combe has a fully staffed consumer support department that is available to assist over the phone or online should a customer get a product home and determine they have questions. So, the owners should be confident that they will not lose customer confidence in the products they supply when they recommend Combe brands.

OTC: OTC 상점 주들과 저희의 독자들이 Combe 제품을 들여놓음으로써 얻는 이점에 대해 설명해 주시겠습니까?

CI: Combe 제품들은 흑인과 스페인계 미국인들이 흔히 겪는 피부, 머리, 건강 문제 등을 해결해 줍니다. 저희가 광고에 하는 주요 투자들은 사람들의 발길을 상점으로 이끕니다. 이렇듯 광고로 힘 입은 높은 수준의 인지도는, 고객에게 상징적인 명품 브랜드의 이미지를 심어주어 더 많은 손님이 찾아오게 할 것이며 이는 결국, 고객만족과 상점 주 분들께 많은 이익을 가져다 줄 것입니다.

OTC: CI 와 함께 비즈니스 관계를 맺는다는 것은 어떤 것일까요? 어떠한 강점들이 있는지 설명해 주시겠어요?

OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most over the past year, and how has the company met consumer demand for it?

CI: Simplicity! Men are seeking remedies that work, which can be easily integrated into their daily routines without an additional step. Our newest innovations deliver on this better than our competition. Combe has greatly expanded the options for men of all backgrounds to do something about their gray hair with breakthrough offerings such as partial gray coverage

CI: 저희의 다문화 소매업자들이 고객들과의 친분을 형성하며 고객 충성도를 높이듯이, Combe 또한 비슷한 방식으로 소매업자, 유통업자들과 관계를 쌓아갑니다. 저희 회사는 세계에서 가장 친근하고 쉽게 가까워질 수 있는 회사라 자부합니다. 소매업자, 유통업자들과 이런 개인적인 관계를 유지함으로써, 그들을 더욱 이해하게 되고 이런 지속적인 해결책의 제시가, 결국 어떤 것이 그들을 성공으로 이끄는지 보여주는 계기가 된다고 믿고 있습니다.

OTC: 다문화적 뷰티 제품 상점 오너 분들이 고객에게 본사 제품을 추천할 때 알아야 할 가장 중요한 점은 뭐라고 생각하시나요? 마케팅에 대한 팁이란 게 있을까요?

CI: 다문화적 뷰티 제품 상점 오너 분들이 고객에게 자사 제품을 추천할 때 알아야 할 가장 중요한 점이라 하면, 그들이 고객이 갖고 있는 기대 이상의 고품질 제품을 추천한다는 것을 알아야 한다는 것입니다. 또한, Combe 는 고객이 제품을 구입한 후 가질 모든 의문점들에 대해 해결해드릴 완벽한 고객 센터를 보유하고 있습니다. 고객은 전화 혹은 온라인을 이용해 도움을 받을 수 있습니다. 따라서, 상점 주 분들은 저희 제품을 팜으로써, 절대 소비자들의 신뢰를 잃지 않을 것이라는 확신을 갖는 것이 중요합니다.

OTC: 지난 몇 년간 어떤 트랜드가 많이 성장했다고 생각하시나요? 그런 고객의 요구에 대해 CI 는 어떤 식으로 대처하셨나요?

CI: 심플함입니다! 남성들은 보통 어떠한 추가적인 단계 없이 일상 생활에서 쉽게 해결할 수 있는 치료법을 찾습니다. 저희의 새 혁신법은 이러한 점에서 다른 경쟁자들과 비교했을 때 훨씬 낫다고 할 수 있습니다. Combe 는 흰 머리 처리에 대하여 부분 흰 머리 염색 (Touch Of Gray), 노 믹스 영구염모제 (AutoSTop) 그리고 가장 최근에 나오는 혁신 제품: 흰 머리를 서서히 줄여주는 샴푸 (Control GX) 등을 통해 제품들이

62 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017
Manufacturer Profile

(Touch Of Gray), No-Mix permanent hair color (AutoStop) and our most recent innovation: a shampoo that gradually reduces gray (Control GX). Aqua Velva 5-in-1 Sensitive Aftershave Balm relieves the top five shaving related skin issues impacting men with sensitive skin and also helps to prevent ingrown hairs and razor bumps, while relieving razor burn and redness.

OTC: What tradeshows have you been a part of, and what others are on your radar this year? What value do these events present your company as well as show visitors?

CI: Combe has attended several multicultural trade shows this year. Our primary objective for attending has been to assist with educating retailers about our new and existing products. The categories that Combe competes in are categories that require consumer education. If our retailer partners are educated on our products and can assist the customer on making the right product decision, that customer is more likely to make repeat purchases than a customer who makes a purchase mistake, in turn, delivering incremental sales and profits for the shop owners. Since the shop owners are also very close to the customers shopping their stores, they are a great source of insights for Combe, as well!

모든 남성들에게 공통적으로 적용될 수 있도록 선택 폭을 넓혔습니다. Aqua Velva 5-in-1 Sensitive Aftershave Balm 는 민감한 피부를 가진 남성들이 면도를 통해 겪는 상위 5개의 피부 문제를 완화시켜주며, 면도 자극이나 붉어짐 현상을 완화시켜주어 내생모나 면도 상처 등을 예방해 줍니다.

OTC: 올 해 어떤 박람회에 참여하셨으며, 현재 생각하고 계시는 다른 박람회도 있는지요? 이런 이벤트들이 쇼 참석자들을 포함해 회사에 어떤 가치를 가지고 오나요?

CI: Combe 는 올 해 여러 다문화 박람회를 참석했습니다. 저희의 주 목적은 저희의 기존 그리고 새 제품들에 대해 소매업자들을 교육하는 데에 있습니다. Combe 가 경쟁하는 이 분야는 소비자 교육을 꼭 필요로 하는 분야입니다. 만약 저희의 소매업자 파트너

Vital Company Information

Company Name: Combe Inc.

Contact Number: 800-431-2610

Website: www.combe.com

Years in Business: 68

바이탈 회사 정보

회사명: Combe 주식회사 (Combe Inc.)

연락처: 800-431-2610

웹사이트: www.combe.com

사업 경력: 68 년

OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017 63
교육이 돼있고
인해 고객이 옳은 결정을 내릴 수 있게끔 도와드린다면, 분명 그 소비자는 잘못된 선택을 한 고객보다 더 많은
방문하여 재 구매할 것입니다. 이는 결국 상점 오너 분들의 판매량 증가와 수익으로 돌아올
매우 가깝게 있으므로 이 또한 Combe 의 좋은 통계 자료가 될 것이라고 생각합니다!
분들이 제품에 대해 잘
확률로 재
것입니다. 또한
매장에서 쇼핑을 하는 소비자들과


Specialty Blades Offer Barbers Special Results

Social media has allowed barbers to network worldwide. Because detachable blade use is most prevalent in the U.S., barbers abroad are continually asking me about detachable blades and why American barbers use them. The main advantage of the detachable blade clipper is that it has more torque to cut hair faster than any other tool. Second, you have access to a wider range of blades—many of which are designed for a specific purpose—and they deliver a smoother finish.

A specialized detachable blade should be selected based on a barber’s clientele and the styles they cut most often. The more you understand your customer and his cutting needs the better you can help recommend these specialty blades and boost your store’s business. Here’s a rundown of some Andis® specialty blades that any pro looking to improve his or her productivity should consider:

T-84 Flat Top Blade - The T-84 leaves hair behind the same length as a number 1 blade set, yet is wider to cut more hair evenly. If the Flat Top style is popular at a shop, such as those located near a military facility, this blade is a must-have.

Outliner Blade - Of all the specialty Andis blades, the Outliner blade is hands down my most used and favorite. Using the Outliner clipper blade to dry shave and to clean the lower portion of bald fades instead of using my trimmer, means my trimmers last longer. The Outliner clipper blade is a valuable asset for any barber who says they cut bald fades and should be discussed with every barber that walks into your retail store.

Skip Tooth Blades - 3 3/4 Skip Tooth blade is perfect for laying down thin hair with a loose S wave pattern. When the hair is thin and has a loose wave, it is easy to clip too much hair in a small section and it will appear as if there is a bald spot. The alternating sizes of blade teeth on the lower blade of the Skip Tooth reduces the amount of hair that is lifted up and then cut. Simply said, select a Skip Tooth blade for barbers cutting large amounts of curly hair clients, especially older men with thinning hair.

5/8 and 3/4” HT Blades - These are the largest/longest cutting of the detachable blades Andis produces, and are most valuable for the clipper cutter who needs to move fast and doesn’t have time for scissor-over-comb technique in the crown area. These blades also have more teeth than the respective plastic attachment combs so they will deliver a better finish.

For more information about detachable blades visit andis.com today.

• Hand Honed & Crafted in USA

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Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.

64 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017 Advertisement
Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of a 12-chair salon— Main Attraction Unisex Salon— based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in films such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company.
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The Bare Faced Truth

Men’s grooming is driven by the bare facts—the skin must be cleansed, hydrated, and protected. As many men remove their beards they are exposing their skin to basic bare faced skin concerns. Pre-shave there will be a need for softening. Postshave there will be a need to moisturize and protect. Bearded or bare, the shaving, cleansing and moisturizing segments of the market are increasing at alarming rates. Over 90% of men are using grooming products and 85% select and purchase their own. There is a heightened awareness since major brands have been targeted to men’s unique skincare needs. Use of facial moisturizers and anti-aging products has become very common. Men are seeking the same skincare product forms that women routinely purchase. They want problem-solution formulas for razor bumps, dry skin, and shaving rash. Men want products that are task specific and effective. They also want to be coddled with manly ingredients like charcoal, sage and sandalwood. While it is perfectly acceptable to purchase women’s facial products, men prefer to have their needs addressed with brands targeted to men. While 76% of men are purchasing women’s skin care products, the bare truth is that they prefer their own.

Men are being offered a variety of balms, creams and lotions. These products provide for soothing before shaving and toning after shaving. Men are comfortable with the full range of products required for a gentlemen’s skincare routine. As well, it is perfectly acceptable to get facials, use tanning products, expect SPFs, and dabble with concealers. Men want products with the sophistication found in the women’s market. The bare-faced truth is that men are beautifying and protecting their skin and striving to become “mansomer.”

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com.

66 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017


“Real Dads Read” Book Drive in Georgia Barbershops

Tonsorial Times will spotlight a wonderful program taking place within Atlanta and Columbus, Ga. barbershops and soon nationally in cities throughout the United States—a project called “Real Dad’s Read.”

This project was created by Fathers Incorporated. Established back in 2004, Fathers Incorporated, serves as a leader in the field of Responsible Fatherhood. The agency’s international, national, and local mission focuses on remediating the impact of father absence. The gentleman spearheading this organization is Kenneth Braswell, Executive Director, who has worked in the field of responsible fatherhood for 11 years. Kenneth Braswell is also the author of the children’s book “Daddy There’s a Noise Outside,” a book that teaches parents how to speak to their children about protesting injustices in their community.

Kenneth states, “It continues to be our mission to elevate and improve the well-being of children and families by the positive engagement of involved fathers. Many of today’s social ills can be connected to absence of father engagement. In contrast, research shows that fathers are more engaged today than ever.”

“Real Dads Read” is a program aimed at elementary and middle school aged children (grades K-8) and designed to engage all fathers/ men in encouraging children to enjoy reading. While the overall project is designed to encourage all fathers, there is a particular need to emphasize a focus on Black and Latino fathers; particularly in lowincome communities. There are over 40 barbershops participating in the program throughout the Atlanta, Ga. area and Columbus, Ga. To learn more go to www.realdadsread.org.

The program has four engagement levels:

1. Implementation of a book drive in Barbershops throughout Atlanta

2. Creating small libraries in Barbershops

3. Creating school-based community groups to meet once a month in reading activities

4. Creating a social media platform to impact the current narrative of Black and multicultural fathers.

We believe that “Real Dads Read’ will be a great project in Atlanta (eventually other cities) to assist with the images of narrative change for Black men/fathers, their children and families. The project is a perfect opportunity to help elevate a counter narrative by providing a great two generational approach to services for parents and children. Keep up the good work!

Please contact Fathers Incorporated for more information at 770-804-9800 or fathersincorporated@gmail.com. To donate to this project go to: www.gofundme.com/realdadsread.

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit www.tonsorialtimes.com.

68 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017

Jinny Corp. Pure Buying Show


The excitement continued as Jinny Beauty Supply held the third event of the Pure Buying Show series in New Jersey on March 12. This branch, the company’s newest, hosted 96 vendors and 124 show visitors.

A look down a show aisle as the event begins

(Left to right) Stephany Garcia and Kim Wirick of Bio Ionic (Left to right) Carol Sexton and Myrtle Blake at the Coty (Wella/Clairol) booth Robert Lee, Senior Vice President of Sales for Ampro Industries, Inc. Osman Mithavayani gives the photographer a “thumbs up” at the XBI booth, with Robert Lee of Ampro alongside him. Andrey Court speaks with a happy show attendee at the Ecoco booth. Brian Fitzgerald of Combe Incorporated Domenic Costa of KAB Brands (Left to right) Abby Espinal and Kelly Matthews work at the JD Beauty Group booth Mark Osinoff of Queen Helene (Left to right) Lauren Zawisha and Jackie Kenny of Imperial Dax (Left to right) Suelen Brandao and Ketlie Toscan at the nuNAAT booth. Brian Marshall of INAHSI The OMT booth Will Williams of M&M Products Carolina Velasquez and Santiago Urtiaga of International Beauty Exchange Lenore Pinkney at the Curls booth Nneka Watkins, a brand ambassador for EDEN BodyWorks The ladies working at the Dominican Magic booth are ready to meet with customers A customer speaks with representatives at the Sundial booth. Jane Rossi of Manic Panic Jeannell Darden of Moisture Love

More product offerings from Strength of Nature

Juanita, a representative of Strength of Nature Brian Mullenbach of House of Cheatham The fully stocked Dream World booth The B&C Products booth Roc Cannon, representing Taliah Waajid Jordan Briggs of Briggs Market Masters, representing Dial Iman Rhoden works the Mane Choice booth Greg and Donna of Zotos Professional Joyce Lasalvia of Graham (Left to right) Sean Duffy of Conair and Gary Fishkin of CFN Beauty Representation (Left to right) Michael Jeffreys and Don Baldock of J. Strickland and Co. A look down a show floor aisle Leslie Paige, Merchandiser for AFAM Concept, working at their booth The JBC Distributors/Sunny Isle booth The smiling ladies working the Revlon booth Darrin Barbour, National Account Manager, and Keisha, a Beauty Advisor, both of Namaste Laboratories. Broker Jay Moton stands at the Bonfi booth. The Wondergro booth Tennille Richardson, a Marketing Representative for Namaste Laboratories, stands at their booth. Linda Woods of American International and Kelly Miller of Greg Dawson and Associates Kirsten Horton of High Ridge/High Beams and Jeff Higgins of Fromm pause for a photo at the booth. Omini and Obia working the Obia Naturals booth Vanessa Brown (right) and a fellow booth representative smile at the Luster booth. Joe Magnano of Sparks The Oster booth James William of Inspired Beauty Brands The Summit Labs booth Johnny Jung of Jinny Corp. happily greets customers while walking the show floor One family attends the show together, making it fun for everyone! Linda Patty of Mitchell Group stands alongside Leo Alba of Beauty Consultants Group Julie Ahn of Jinny Corp. Brandon Park and Winnie Kim of Jinny Corp. stand at the Dream World booth. The Jinny Corp. New Jersey branch showroom. Ms. Ann Jhin, Simon Kim and Steven Fischman, all of Jinny Corp., meet briefly before the show begins. Christina Song of Jinny Corp. registers customers as they arrive at the show. The JBS Hair Corp. booth (Left to right) Noah Cho, Brandon Ok, Jae Kim and Johnny Jung of Jinny Corp. Show visitors, vendors and workers all enjoy lunch together. A view of the busy show floor. Julie Ahn and Justin Lee of Jinny Corp. Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp. stops by to speak with the ladies at the Coty booth.

Customers stand looking at the JBS Hair Corp. product offerings, deciding what products to purchase.

Ms. Ann Jhin (left) and show attendees Jinny Corp.’s Noah Cho speaks with customers. Customers from Beauty Mart Philadelphia’s Hair Town show attendees (Left to right) Charles Seo and Simon Kim of Jinny Corp.

Customers peruse Dream World product offerings.

Show attendees pause for a quick photo with Chris Kim of Jinny Corp. and Brian Mullenbach of House of Cheatham. Ms. Ann Jhin and show attendees in joyful conversation Ms. Ann Jhin speaks with the owner of Lucky Beauty Supply, located in Baldwin, New York. Ms. Ann Jhin strolls a show aisle with Kichul Kim, owner of New York’s Lucky Beauty Supply. (Left to right) Kichul Kim, owner of Lucky Beauty Supply, and Jinny Corp.’s Ms. Ann Jhin, Jae Kim, Brandon Ok, Tina Jeon, Julie Ahn and Harim Kim. Harim Kim, Tina Jeon and Julie Ahn of Jinny Corp. Jinny Corp.’s Johnny Jung and Ryan Kim Show visitors (Left to right) Harim Kim, Tina Jeon and Noah Cho of Jinny Corp. Jinny Corp. employees (left to right) Bayron R. Mejia Hernandez, Jorge S. Cruz, Sandra Ramos, Noah Cho and Antonio Lucas Jinny Corp.’s Brandon Ok speaks with a show attendee. Happy show attendees pause for a quick photo under the welcome sign. A show attendee from Crazy Wave in Pennsylvania smiles alongside Jinny Corp.’s Jay Lim. (Left to right) Victor Brownlow of Helen of Troy stands with Chris Kim of Jinny Corp. and a show attendee. (Left to right) Garrett Wright, Steven Fischman, Mr. Eddie Jhin, Art Emm and Matt Coleman of Jinny Corp. Mr. Eddie Jhin, President of Jinny Corp., blows out a candle on the cake celebrating the opening of the New Jersey branch. Simon Kim, New Jersey Branch Manager A view of dinner. Jinny Corp. employees speak with Mr. Eddie Jhin. Jinny Corp. employees enjoy dinner with Mr. Eddie Jhin. Mr. Eddie Jhin speaks with company employees. Jinny Corp. employees enjoying dinner. A celebratory toast!

Jinny Corp. Pure Buying Show


Last, but not least, the final stop of the new Jinny Corp. Pure Buying Show series was held in Chicago on March 19. This event attracted 157 customers from Detroit and St. Louis, as well as 94 vendor companies.

The Jinny Corp. team prepares for a great show day. Vendors gather around for coffee and breakfast snacks before the day gets underway. Coty Educator Caio Andrade The Jinny Corp. team stops to learn about Coty products from the company’s Educator, Caio Andrade (far left). Excited visitors of the Jinny Corp. Chicago branch prepare for a successful show. Corey Hart at the NouriTress Hair Products booth Laura King and Marie Stapleton are smiling and eager to greet customers at the Wella booth. Nicole Far of Giovanni Cosmetics Amy stands ready to greet customers at the FISK booth. Kevin Stewart of Ampro (Left to right) Joel Calfee and Tom Gebhart of Bio Ionic. The Softee booth Morrishane Horton of Revlon assists a customer Morrishane Horton completes a customer’s Creme of Nature product order at the Revlon booth. Fuad Ravat of M&M Products The B&C Products booth Leo Alba of Beauty Consultants Group and Linda Patty of Mitchell Group Tia Hurd of EDEN BodyWorks Joe Magnano, National Sales Manager of Sparks Hannah and Rachel of Kendo Belal Ahmed of Salon Commodities Vanessa Brown (left) and a fellow Luster booth representative wait to speak with customers. Jane Rossi, Key Accounts Specialist of Manic Panic The Strength of Nature booth Derek Lee of First Choice Sales and Marketing stands with Brenda at The Mane Choice booth. The House of Cheatham booth (Left to right) Gary Fishkin of CFN Beauty Representation, Sean Duffy of Conair and Kelly Miller of Greg Dawson and Associates The Universal Beauty Products team The fully stocked American International Industries booth The Bronner Bros. booth Amy and Lee smile at the JD Beauty Group booth. The Oster booth Rhonda Marshall of INAHSI L’Oreal USA’s Janice Doctor and Evelyn Henderson Rich Mucha of The Kirschner Group representing Inspired Beauty Brands (Left to right) Abike Kamson, Marketing Manager, and Patrice Owens, Merchandising Manager, of Jane Carter Solution (Left to right) Lydia Choi, Bree Lara and Brittany Johnson at the TGIN booth. Workers at the Namaste Laboratories booth review product order information. (Left to right) Becky Clark, Sonja Mair and Beverly Curd of Briggs Market Masters pause for a photo at the PDC Brands booth Deborah Haynes Brannon assists a few happy customers with JM Products/Murray’s item selection. Joyce Lasalvia of Graham The Helen of Troy/Gold ‘N Hot booth Al Gibbon and Kathy of Zotos stand with Thomas Crumpton of Southeast Rep Services Thomas Crumpton of Southeast Rep Services and Cheryl Kinnon of Spilo Worldwide A customer is assisted with an order at the JBS Hair booth (Left to right) Frank Cowell, Deborah Haynes Brannon and Douglas Stapleton smile behind the JM Products/Murray’s booth. Brenda Leckie of BlueCo Brands Jeff Higgins assists a customer with placing a Fromm product order. LaToya Bishop, Afua Odame and Miown Bell at the AFAM Concept booth. Dawn Holz of BTB Sales, representing KAB Brands Tom W. working the Genieco booth (Left to right) Michelle Lee, Winnie Kim and Cristina Pliego of Jinny Corp. Jeff Higgins of Fromm and Todd Smith of The Kirschner Group Todd Simmons of Imperial Dax

Customers stop by booths to learn more about various products and exclusive deals.

Ken Klibaner of Klibaner Sales Agency discusses Andis products with a show attendee. Customer service was supreme at the event, leaving customers happy and satisfied. Michelle Lee of Jinny Corp. assists a customer with a Dream World order. Marcia Sewell representing JBC Distributors/Sunny Isle A crowded show floor aisle Orders being placed at the Namaste Laboratories booth Lee Nielsen speaks with a customer about the Txture Pro brand A view of the busy show floor Mike Picerno, Sales Manager for Fantasia

A glimpse of a portion of the show floor

Roc Cannon of Taliah Waajid Tara Coleman assists a customer with completing a SoftSheen-Carson order. Winnie Kim speaks to curious customers at the Dream World booth. A customer speaks with Kevin Stewart at the Ampro booth. Rebecca Han, Accounting Manager of Jinny Corp. Chicago A great time was had by all at this successful event. Bella and Bill stand ready to inform show attendees about Bonfi Natural’s product deals. David Neidow hard at work at the J. Strickland booth TJ Dickenson of Andis speaks with customers. Damon Cho and Ryan Jung discuss JBS Hair brands with customers The bustling show floor (Left to right) Luis Torres, Hector Luna and Andres Miranda of Jinny Corp. Steven Fischman and Art Emm of Jinny Corp. Leo Alba of Beauty Consultants Group pauses for a photo with show attendees. The cafeteria area of the show floor There are always new products to learn about at Jinny tradeshows! Maddy Borbelly of B&C Distribution Show visitors enjoy lunch Nearly every seat is filled when lunchtime arrives. Visitors learn about Universal Beauty Products items. (Left to right) Richard Kim, Mr. Eddie Jhin, Michelle Lee, Winnie Kim and Cristina Pliego of Jinny Corp. Great show deals are taken advantage of by customers. Customers learn about JBS Hair (Left to right) Jay Gil, Joyce Park, Dan Lee, Daniel Lee, Ms. Ann Jhin, Rachel Lim, Victoria Park, Charles Seo and Alex Yoon of Jinny Corp. Mr. Eddie Jhin, President of Jinny Corp., addresses show vendor partners. Hand claps all around for a wonderful show day! Customers stand alongside Ms. Ann Jhin as well as Jennifer Jhin, John Plunkett and their adorable bowtie-wearing dog, Pilot. (Left to right) Justin Lee, Kevin Lee, Ms. Ann Jhin, Ryan Jung and Damon Cho of Jinny Corp. Show orders being placed Eduardo Gomez hard at work at the busy Ecoco booth

The Show Scoop

A one-on-one interview with Mr. Eddie Jhin, President of Jinny United

After their long awaited four Pure Buying shows held in Miami, Atlanta, New Jersey and Chicago, OTC Beauty Magazine sat down for an exclusive interview with Eddie Jhin, President of Jinny United.

OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): How were these shows different than the previous Jinny Tradeshows that were held four years ago?

Mr. Eddie Jhin (EJ): These shows were smaller in terms of attendance by region compared to the previous Jinny shows. However, in regard to the orders that were placed before and at the shows, they were significantly larger at these recent events. I feel that the Jinny Pure Buying shows still maintained their number one spot compared to any other shows held this year.

OTC: If you could have changed anything about the shows, what would that be?

EJ: For 2018’s shows I want to do a few things that Jinny has not done in the past, which are:

Jinny United 대표

Eddie Jhin 씨와의

Jinny United에서 오랫동안 준비했던 4개의

1. Invite Korean Beauty Associations to have a part in all Jinny shows and share some responsibilities amongst the association for each show. If there is not a Korean Beauty Association in that part of the region, Jinny would still want to give special benefits to those store accounts that would be a part of the Jinny shows, regardless of having an association or not.

2. Invite top human hair, synthetic, and wig importers or distributors to the Jinny shows.

3. Invite beauty supply store related fashion importers and/or companies (i.e. credit card, POS system, sign, etc.) that regularly deals with the beauty industry.

Additionally, the bell ringing deals that we gave to our customers were by far the best promotion we have ever given, but our customers did not have enough time to really understand these deals fully. So in the 2018 shows we will make it much easier for all parties to understand and execute these deals.

OTC: In general, how do you feel about the shows?

EJ: Over all, all four shows gave all 12 branches a good, steady growth in the month of February, as well as a record breaking month in March. We already came up with a new concept for our 2018 shows that will be very new and it will bring excitement to the shows. It will also provide the very best promotions and deals for our customers, and produce big purchase orders for our vendors.

I believe that Jinny as a company must create new channels and embrace and nurture our ethnic/multicultural beauty supply stores worldwide. This is our responsibility and our commitment to our industry.

Pure Buying 쇼가 마이애미, 애틀란타, 뉴져지 및 시카고에서 개최된 후 OTC 뷰티 매거진은 이 회사의 대표인 Eddie Jhin 씨와 독점 인터뷰를 진행했습니다.

OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC): 이 쇼들이 4년전에 개최되었던 Jinny 트레이드 쇼와 어떤 차이점이 있나요?

Eddie Jhin (EJ): 이전의 Jinny 쇼와 비교해보면 지역적으로 볼 때 오히려 참석하는 범위가 더 작았습니다. 하지만 주문량으로 본다면 이전에 진행했던 쇼들보다 훨씬 더 많았습니다. 저는 올해 열린 다른 쇼와 비교해보면 Jinny Pure Buying 쇼가 여전히 최고의 자리를 지키고 있다고 생각합니다

OTC: 쇼를 바꿀수 있는 부분이 있다면, 어떤것일까요?

EJ: 2018년도 쇼에서는 Jinny 쇼가 이전에 해보지 않은 몇 가지 사항을 해보고 싶습니다:

1. 모든 Jinny 쇼에 한국 뷰티 협회를 초대하여 협회가 같이 책임을 지고 쇼를 여는 것 입니다. 해당 지역에 한국 뷰티 협회가 없다면 Jinny 쇼에 참여하는 이러한 매장 계정에 특별한 혜택을 주고 싶습니다. 협회를 가지고 있던 없던 간에 상관없이요.

2. 최고의 인모, 합성 및 가발 수입업체나 유통업체를 Jinny 쇼에 초대합니다.

3. 뷰티 산업과 지속적으로 거래하는 패션제품 수입업체와 관련된 뷰티 판매점/또는 회사(즉, 신용카드, POS 시스템, 사인 등)를 초대합니다.

게다가, 지금까지 우리가 했던 프로모션중에는 Bell ringing 딜이 최고였으나, 우리 고객들은 이 딜에 대해 완전히 이해할 시간이 부족했습니다. 따라서 2018년도 쇼에는 모든 단체들이 이 거래를 이해하여 좀 더 쉽게 실행에 옮길 수 있도록 만들것입니다.

OTC: 전반적으로 쇼는 어떠셨나요?

EJ: 무엇보다 4 개의 쇼를 통해 모든 12 개 지점에서, 2 월에는 양호하고 꾸준한 성장과 더불어 3 월에 최고의 판매기록을 세웠습니다. 2018 년 쇼에는 쇼를 아주 새롭고 흥미를 가져다 줄 새로운 컨셉을 이미 구상해 놓았습니다. 이 쇼를 통해 고객들에게

엄청난 양의 구매 주문들을 할 수 있을 것 입니다. 저는 Jinny사가 새로운 채널을 만들어야하고 전 세계적으로 소수민족/다문화 미용 용품 매장을 포용하고 육성을 하고 있다고 믿고 있습니다. 이것이 우리의 의무이며 우리 산업에 대한 책무입니다.
최고의 프로모션과 거래를 제공할 것이고
쇼 후기

Industry News

Dark and Lovely Announces R&B Songstress Justine Skye as Haircolor Ambassador

Meet the Muse Behind Dark and Lovely’s Newest Haircolor Hue – Go Intense! Passion Plum

Dark and Lovely, the brand that has catered to the beauty needs of African American women for 45 years, is excited to announce that R&B singer Justine Skye is joining the Dark and Lovely family as its newest Haircolor Ambassador and muse behind the new Go Intense!

haircolor shade, Passion Plum

“Our Dark and Lovely Go Intense! Haircolor collection features vibrant colors for the girl that isn’t afraid to take risks; and we believe Justine embodies just that,” says Stacey Hoffstead, Dark and Lovely brand Manager. “With her flawless purple strands, edgy style and abundant personality, Justine is the perfect ambassador to represent Dark and Lovely.”

As Haircolor Ambassador, Skye will support Dark and Lovely’s

haircolor portfolio and their latest Go Intense! haircolor hue, Passion Plum. In addition, Skye will be lending her talents to create dynamic digital content, drive social media campaigns, appear in advertisements and participate in key brand activations and live events.

“I’m so excited to be working with Dark and Lovely as their Haircolor Ambassador and I’m honored to have been the muse behind their new Go Intense! Passion Plum shade,” says Justine Skye. “My haircolor is super important to my look because it helps define who I am. It’s a characteristic of mine that makes me feel comfortable and different from the rest. I’m a purple girl!”

Dark and Lovely Go Intense! Is a powerfully-pigmented permanent, nondrip haircolor developed for African American women of all hair textures. This ultranourishing cream color has been precisely calibrated to work with the natural undertones of dark hair to deliver highly reflective color and intense shine with nourishing care. Available in seven captivating hues, including its newest shade Passion Plum, Go Intense! is

formulated with Olive Oil to provide bold color and brilliant shine with a soft feel.

In addition, Dark and Lovely is continuing its powerful media campaign entitled #LOVEMYCOLOR whose provocative tagline goes beyond being a witty double entendre for Women of Color. #LOVEMYCOLOR connects with women on every level—their color, their hair color, and their colorful lives. The look, tone and feel is authentic and anthemic. We hear her voice. We see her moments. We believe in the hair color she believes in. For more information, visit www.DarkandLovely.com, or follow on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Also, follow the trend with #LOVEMYCOLOR.

Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna and Alibaba Announce the Collaboration for Taobao Global Project

Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna and Alibaba have announced their collaboration for Taobao Global project. Alibaba Group, the B2B international e-commerce website with specific focus on China, will select 40 companies exhibiting at Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, which will have the chance to present their products on the Taobao platform, the most important B2C website for online sell in China. Thanks to this project, companies exhibiting in Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna will enter the Chinese market and take advantage from the direct contact with Chinese customers, who are looking for luxury and high quality products, 100% “made in Italy.” Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna inaugurated the 50th

edition of the show with 2,677 exhibitors from 69 countries. To increase the international platform there are 29 country pavilions.

Alibaba Group is the reference website for brands, producers and companies with a specific interest in business opportunities in China, which is one of the main global markets. Taobao Global represents a unique opportunity for companies which are not placed in China to enter in the Chinese market. Taobao subscribers are really interested in a personal shopping experience. For further information: www.cosmoprof.com, www.alibaba.com

96 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017

Industry News

It is for You!

Dominican Magic Hair Care Provides for a Diverse Market with Naturally Healthy Benefits

Now for the first time, the famous Dominican Blowout can be provided with products from a Dominican-owned company, using naturally healthy ingredients from the region. Founder Gregorio Luciano created Dominican Magic Hair Care in 2003, with the vision originating deep in his heritage and family. Luciano shares, “What makes the Dominican Blowout so good is the ingredients we use. We wanted to bring our haircare line back to our country and represent them in this distinctly different brand. The beauty in the natives of this island is the rich diversity of skin tones, hair textures and people represented here.” Now, Dominican Magic Hair Care is expanding to provide naturally healthy straightening products into every diverse haircare market.

blow drier to dry the hair after it has been washed and deep conditioned. For those customers with ultra-coarse hair texture, the company offers a traditional hair relaxer in two categories with a lye and a no-lye relaxer. In all of these systems, coconut oil and shea butter play an important role. Coconut oil provides important hydration, stimulates hair growth and helps prevent hair loss. Coconut oil is able to penetrate the hair shaft and is rich in amino acids for moisturizing. Combined with silicone, the coconut oil is pushed further into the hair cuticle, lowering the surface tension for better penetration and more consistency.

Healthy Ingredients: Luciano was inspired to create his own line of haircare products featuring the ingredients from his youth grown in the Dominican Republic. Tropical avocado, coconut, aloe vera, wheat, cinnamon, garlic and rosemary have been used in hair treatment by native Dominicans for many generations. Luciano wanted to create a high end professional line of haircare products using natural ingredients that would be good for a diversity of hair types and conditions. The products provide essential nutrients and vitamins to dry, damaged, color-treated, processed and falling hair, resulting in a healthy and revitalized hair strand.

Multicultural Markets: With the name came a challenge. Luciano notes, “If you are not Dominican, you may not see the need to use our products. The face of the Dominican Republic to Americans is pro baseball, yet most players are dark skinned with textured hair. We have a variety of skin tones in our country, with hair textures varying from straight hair to coarse, curly hair. Due to our African, European and Indigenous ancestry in our heritage, we have dealt with the variety and have products that can truly be used for all types of hair. In our brand we use materials with models representing each ethnicity. We came up with the tagline ‘es para ti’— meaning ‘it is for you’—because it truly is for any type of hair!” Tested on European, Spanish and African American hair, Dominican Magic Hair Care is a true multicultural brand.

Educational Programs: Dominican Magic Hair Care strives to educate hairstylists and salon owners in technical advice as well as business growth. They provide instruction in the Dominican Blowout online as well as in-salon. They provide the best tools for their customers, employees and shareholders to grow their business with marketing and sales training. They have distribution throughout the United States, while planning expansion into the Dominican Republic, Europe and Latin America. With low markups, professional customer service, convenient purchasing and a long reliable market standing, they have many benefits including consistent advertising and social media presence. For salon owners, they offer direct sales, education and experts who can visit on location for group training. VIP membership is available with free trade show attendance and training.

Chemical Free Straightening: Formaldehyde straighteners that release harmful gas are unfavorably toxic for both hairstylists and clients. Dominican Magic offers four different formaldehyde-free straightening systems in their product portfolio. The first system uses urea and a sulfide complex combined with hydrolyzed quinoa, hydrolyzed keratin and wheat protein to break the disulfide bonds in the hair. Due to a very small molecule size, the formulation is able to penetrate the hair follicle and infuse the proteins into the hair bond, which causes straightening. For smoothing and frizz control, the company uses a combination of glycolic acid, hydrolyzed protein and glyoxylic acid that, unlike formaldehyde, is able to cross link to the hair bonds without producing harmful gas. As a temporary straightening system, the company offers the traditional Dominican Blow-out, which uses a round brush and

Full Haircare Line: The Dominican Magic Hair Care brand includes five lines for the treatment of dry, damaged, haircolortreated, processed and thinning hair. The Nourishing line contains products that can be used as the aftercare line for clients who color or processed their hair and those who want to improve the overall health of their hair regardless of their hair texture. The Anti-Aging Treatment line is made with a natural botanical complex and is designed to increase the moisture and blood circulation of damaged or thinning hair. The Ultra Straight Protein Treatment line is a formaldehyde-free, wheat protein based treatment that straightens, repairs, and provides long-lasting conditioning to all hair types, including color treated and previously relaxed hair. The Definitive Color Rinse is a semi-permanent haircolor line that offers shiny color with no ammonia or peroxide. The DUA line offers products with free radical scavenging ingredients for those living with exposure to pollution.

Professional Natural Hair Care: For more information on Dominican Magic Hair Care products and education, call 914-668-5895 or visit www.DominicanMagic.com. Dominican Magic is located 460 South 10th Avenue, Mount Vernon, NY 10550 USA.

98 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017

Industry News

Coty Professional Beauty Announces Partnerships with Salon International and Alternative

Hair Show for a Weekend Full of Inspiration in London

Coty Professional Beauty recently announced two exciting partnerships that will bring to life an unforgettable VIP experience in London, one of the world’s capitals of fashion, trends, beauty and hairdressing.

“We are delighted and proud to partner with two institutions of British hairdressing and have exciting plans in place behind them, seeing all our brands—Wella, ghd and OPI— come to life. These partnerships are a great example of Coty Professional Beauty’s commitment to celebrate and elevate our unique industry of passionate and extremely talented individuals,” said Sylvie Moreau, President Coty Professional Beauty.

For the first time, the new Coty Professional Beauty division is partnering with Salon International, the UK’s largest professional exhibition for the hairdressing sector with a truly global reach. Held at ExCeL London, Salon International will provide an exclusive platform for Wella’s International Trend Vision Awards (ITVA) 2017 as well as a star-studded line up of shows and features from all Coty Professional Beauty brands—Wella hair portfolio, ghd and OPI on Saturday, October 14th. The ITVA finalists from all over the world will finalize their model preparation on the floor of the Salon International exhibition, with the final competition and its iconic Walk

of Fame, Parade of Nations and Awards celebration taking place in the Salon Live theatre, reserved exclusively for Coty Professional Beauty guests. Additionally, the Coty Professional Beauty division will be exhibiting at the Salon International exhibition itself from October 14 – 16, 2017.

will be the headline sponsor of the iconic Alternative Hair Show at the Royal Albert Hall. Celebrating its 35th anniversary this year, the show will feature an exciting array of hairdressing talent drawn from some of the world’s foremost salons who each stage their own theatrical interpretation of this year’s theme, Utopia.

“We are delighted that Coty Professional Beauty has chosen to partner with, and host ITVA at Salon International 2017. This collaboration will deliver inspiration, education and excitement to thousands of hairdressing professionals from around the world and this together with their exhibition presence will make for a truly exhilarating weekend,” said Jayne Lewis-Orr, Executive Director of Salon International. Continuing the journey of inspiration and creativity, on Sunday October 15th, Wella

Dominican Magic Works Wonders

Upon receiving samples of Dominican Magic’s Nourishing Shampoo and Nourishing Conditioner at a tradeshow I recently attended, I decided to give it a try…and goodness am I glad I did! Firstly, I was pleased with the amount of product in each sample packet. Each one contained just the right amount to cleanse my mid-back length hair and condition it completely without wanting or needing more. As I began working the shampoo through my hands the scent was delightful. I was immediately transported to a spa as I began working it through my tresses and massaging my scalp. As if that wasn’t great enough, I attest that the best was yet to come.

After rinsing the shampoo and applying the conditioner its aroma was absolutely scrumptious! An almost fruity, but a bit floral, fresh smell filled the shower and I almost didn’t want to rinse it out. Even though I had to, I was left with no worries because that wonderful aroma stayed in my hair all day long, even after drying and styling!

Don’t get me wrong, the fragrance left behind by these products was amazing, but it only highlighted the shine and volume they provided my hair with. I have a little natural curl to my hair, yet the waves can easily be straightened out with the help of a styling iron. For this day I decided to simply blow dry and go, and it was the perfect decision. These products left my hair frizz-free

Founder and Director of the Alternative Hair Show, Tony Rizzo, commented: “It is wonderful news in this very special anniversary year. Wella were right behind us at the very first Show in 1983 and with their backing over the years we have gone on to be one of the leading lights in the global hairdressing calendar.”

“Wella is pleased to return as the headline sponsor for the 35th Anniversary Alternative Hair Show. There is simply nothing like it in our industry. It’s a grand example of beauty professionals coming together to celebrate and liberate the diversity of their artistry all in the name of a good cause and making the world a better place,” said Michelle Mason, Senior Vice President Education, Coty Professional Beauty.

A truly inspiring occasion and the perfect celebration of the diversity of hair and beauty without borders, this is a must-attend weekend filled with creativity, imagination, excitement and entertainment, inspired by today’s leading stars from the world of hairdressing. www.coty.com

and flaunting slight beautiful waves, and I left my house ready to confidently take on the day.

In all, I was very pleased with the Dominican Magic’s Nourishing Shampoo and Nourishing Conditioner Trying these samples has left me ready to test out other products in this collection. Made with natural botanical extracts, the items are rich in amino acid, vitamins, minerals and hydrolyzed proteins that are essential to maintaining healthy hair strands. I can’t wait to see how my hair healthily transforms after continuous use. I encourage you to try Dominican Magic’s hair products today, and experience the magic for yourself! www.dominicanmagic.com

100 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017
Product Review by Brooke Watson

Industry News

Andis Announces Winners of First-Ever Fabulous Fades Competition at America’s Beauty Show

Andis® Company—the leading manufacturer of handheld tools to trim, cut, curl, straighten and dry hair— recently debuted the first-ever men’s grooming competition on the center stage at America’s Beauty Show. Fourteen professional men’s grooming contestants showcased their talent and clipper-cutting techniques during Andis’® Fabulous Fades Competition on the CosmoProf Center Stage.

Using Andis® products and tools exclusively, professionals from across the country were tasked with creating a cutting-edge look in 30 minutes on a live male model. Required to remove at least a ½ inch of hair, contestants were judged on their technique, originality, style and tool usage. The top three barbers— Horacio de Loera, Jesse Gill and Jamal Sherman—were awarded Andis® products and monetary prizes.

“We are excited to partner

with ABS and CosmoProf to bring the first-ever men’s grooming competition to a main stage at a major industry show. The Fabulous Fades Competition challenged some of the nation’s best to showcase the art of men’s grooming, and create both an innovative and well executed cut,” said Karen Formico, Vice President of Marketing for Andis. “We are incredibly proud of and impressed with the caliber of talent at this first-time event and congratulate all of the competitors on a truly extraordinary performance.”

Fabulous Fades winner, Horacio de Loera, from salonJAS in Oak Park, IL, expertly fused an old-school pompadour style with a new-school fade to capture the competition’s top accolade—$500 in Andis® tools and $100 cash. “I’ve been barbering for over 10 years, and love using Andis clippers—they are the perfect tools

for executing fades,” said de Lorea. Second-place winner, Jesse Gill from LIONHEAD Barber Parlour in Bartlett, IL, and third-place winner, Jamal Sherman from Groomed in Toledo, Ohio, received $250 in Andis® tools and $50 cash, and $150 in Andis® tools and $25 cash, respectively.

Andis will host its next men’s grooming competitions at Premiere Orlando on June 4-5. For more information about Andis® or the Fabulous Fades Competition, please visit Andis on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter www.andis.com

Global Marketing Director Breaks Ground with Formation of Multicultural Marketing Collective—The Montage Agency

Marketing executive Charlene Dance, with over 15 years of expertise spanning various industries including beauty and public health, announces her official departure from Strength of Nature Global LLC as its Global Marketing Director to step into a new role as President & CEO of The Montage Agency. A groundbreaking full-service multicultural marketing collective of seasoned brand architects, Dance’s motivation to launch the agency stems from years of experience conceptualizing national campaigns, spearheading marketing efforts, and being a champion of innovation for brands that directly cater to multicultural audiences.

“Montage is the technique of producing a new composite whole from fragments of individual elements. That’s exactly what The Montage Agency is all about. Our goal is to shake up the traditional agency model and bring together the perfect pieces of the mix to create a well-rounded approach to multicultural marketing and advertising.”

“The underlying foundation of my mission as a marketing executive has been empowering and serving the multicultural audience. My goal is to ensure this audience feels visible, understood and catered to so it brings me great joy to embark on this new journey at the head of a transformative and disruptive agency like Montage,” says Charlene Dance. When asked about the mission and philosophy of her new platform, Charlene explains that her plan is to super serve clients by partnering with the best and brightest creatives and thought leaders in the multicultural space. The agency will take on a collaborative approach by bringing experts in various specialties like content creation, public relations, social media management, media buying, grassroots marketing and more.

For the foundation of the agency, Dance looked to partners who are industry leaders in multicultural marketing with proven results. Randy Washburn, a 35-year veteran in media research, media planning, and media buying serves as Chief Operating Officer and Media Services Director. Tracey Jennings, former EVP of GlobalHue ad agency brings over 17 years of strategic marketing expertise and serves as the agency’s Sr. Vice President of Client Services. Christan Duncan brings a plethora of digital ad services and paid social strategy experience as the agency’s Digital & Social Media Services Director. Christina S. Brown, Wharton graduate and founder of fast-growing multicultural platform LoveBrownSugar, serves as the agency’s Director, PR Services & Influencer Engagement. Kimberly Walker is the agency’s Content Producer with over 10 years’ experience in journalism across many major media companies as well as film writing for independent producers. The Client Services Director, Stephanie Eason, comes to the agency with over 10 years of marketing and public relations experience, and Yasmine Parrish brings a decade of knowledge and serves as Public Relations Manager. The Montage Agency is currently seeking partners and affiliates for a growing roster of lifestyle clients. For more information please contact Randy Washburn at randy@themontageagency.com. www.themontageagency.com

102 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017
Andis® Fabulous Fades Winners (left to right): Jamal Sherman, Horacio de Loera and Jesse Gill Charlene Dance Marketing Executive

BIR Bits

Gerry Udell, Inc. shared that the recent Western Buying Conference was a successful venue for the launch of American International Industries’ new products.

“AII has one of the best marketing departments in the professional beauty business that generates critical support for the many new and innovative items that American International brings to the marketplace,” says Gerry. The Gerry Udell Group represents American International in the Northeast United States. Reach Gerry at gerry@gerryudell.com.

Frank Fulco joins the Professional Division at Conair as vice president of sales, Sally Beauty Holdings.

Frank will lead the effort to enhance Conair’s commercial relationship with Sally Beauty Holdings.

Frank is a professional beauty industry veteran, with a career spanning more than 25 years. Most recently, he served as general manager and vice president of Armstrong McCall, LLC. Reach Frank at frank_fulco@conair.com.

Henkel announced its acquisition of Nattura Laboratorios, S.A. de C.V., headquartered in Guadalajara, Mexico, Pravana (USA) and other associated companies in Colombia and Spain.

The transaction includes a portfolio of leading brands in Henkel’s core category of Professional Haircare. Major brands in Nattura’s portfolio are Pravana and Tec Italy. In the fiscal year 2016, the business generated sales of more than 100 million euros.

In 2016, Target registered a double-digit percentage lift in sales of natural skin-care products and is seeking to be a trusted resource for affordable, natural beauty products.

The mass-market retailer is adding several natural beauty brands and increasing the presence of those it already carries. Read more at wwd.com.

Congratulations to Sam Villa, the longtime Redken educator, who has been appointed global artistic ambassador for Redken.

Sam will continue to represent Redken on the Main Stage at tradeshows. He will also continue to teach at the Redken Exchange in New York City.

Sam is also the co-founder and owner of Sam Villa professional hair styling tools, and is a judge on “The Look All-Stars,” a reality competition show that showcases the professional industry to a mainstream consumer audience. He will be receiving the NAHA Lifetime Achievement Award in Las Vegas in July 2017. For more information on Sam’s activities, visit redkenpro.com.

Leaders in the professional beauty industry have launched The Future of the Beauty Industry Coalition to advocate for reforms that strengthen and streamline hour requirements for licensure by advocating for the reduction in the hours required for licensure with the goal of standardizing at 1,000 hours in all states.

The FBIC brings together licensed stylists, salon owners, manufacturers, distributors, state cosmetology boards, students and schools in order to build a stronger industry. Members include Empire Education Group, BlueCo Brands, the Professional Beauty Association and The International SalonSpa Business Network. The coalition was formed to advocate for reforms that streamline industry standards and protect against licensing deregulation. http://futurebeautyindustrycoalition.com

In Idaho, Bill 136, the Barber and Cosmetology Services Act, passed the Idaho House on February 28.

The bill combines the Idaho barbers with cosmetology, gives professionals a 90-day grace period to renew their licenses and reduces the number of hours to get a license from 2,000 to 1,600. The bill will also allow makeup artists, with or without a license, to freelance outside of their establishments. The bill passed 58-11-1- in the House. If it passes the Senate and is signed by the governor, it will become law. Read more at http://bit.ly/2mHnzBE

Courtesy of “The Beauty Industry Report.”

The Beauty Industry Report is a monthly newsletter for executives in the professional beauty biz.

For 3 FREE complimentary issues of the “Beauty Industry Report,” please send your request to Lisa Iavello at lisa@bironline.com. Include your name, company name, address, phone number and email address in the email message.

104 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017
Sam Villa Frank Fulco
EXPIRATION DATE: May 31, 2017 Coupon must be presented to Jinny Beauty Supply by the last day of the promotional month to qualify for rebates. EXPIRATION DATE: May 31, 2017 Coupon must be presented to Jinny Beauty Supply by the last day of the promotional month to qualify for rebates. EXPIRATION DATE: May 31, 2017 Coupon must be presented to Jinny Beauty Supply by the last day of the promotional month to qualify for rebates. EXPIRATION DATE: May 31, 2017 Coupon must be presented to Jinny Beauty Supply by the last day of the promotional month to qualify for rebates. Purchase $250 of SNS Polisher 4 oz Hair Polisher, Spray-on Polisher, Straighten Polisher products, and receive a $20 Rebate! SNS PALMERS DARK N LOVEY NATURALICIOUS Purchase $500 of any Palmer items, and receive a $25 Rebate! Purchase $300 of assorted Naturalicious products (mix & match), and get $30 Rebate! Purchase $300 of Dark and Lovely Au Naturale products (mix & match), and get $30 Rebate!
EXPIRATION DATE: May 31, 2017 Coupon must be presented to Jinny Beauty Supply by the last day of the promotional month to qualify for rebates. EXPIRATION DATE: May 31, 2017 Coupon must be presented to Jinny Beauty Supply by the last day of the promotional month to qualify for rebates. EXPIRATION DATE: May 31, 2017 Coupon must be presented to Jinny Beauty Supply by the last day of the promotional month to qualify for rebates. EXPIRATION DATE: May 31, 2017 Coupon must be presented to Jinny Beauty Supply by the last day of the promotional month to qualify for rebates. LUSTER AFAM AFAM AFAM Purchase $250 of Pink Shea Butter Coconut Oil products, get a $25 Rebate! Purchase $150 of Vitale Olive Oil products, get a $20 Rebate! Purchase $100 of Vitale Sensitive Scalp products, get a $10 Rebate! Purchase $100 of Elentee Soy Organics products, get a $10 Rebate!
OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017 111 Purchase $200 of Organic Hair Energizer products, get a $25 Rebate! EXPIRATION DATE: May 31, 2017 Coupon must be presented to Jinny Beauty Supply by the last day of the promotional month to qualify for rebates. EXPIRATION DATE: May 31, 2017 Coupon must be presented to Jinny Beauty Supply by the last day of the promotional month to qualify for rebates. Purchase $150 of Olive Babies products, get a $10 Rebate! AFAM AFAM
112 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017

Show Calendar / Ad Index


7-8 Image Expo Houston Houston, TX www.theimageexpo.com

7-8 The Makeup Show NYC New York, NY www.themakeupshow.com

14-16 Beautyworld Middle East Dubai, UAE www.beautyworldme.com

15-17 20th Beautyworld Japan Tokyo, Japan www.beautyworldjapan.com

20-21 International Hair and Beauty Show Secaucus, NJ www.ihshow.com

21-22 Barber UK, Beauty UK & Hair UK Birmingham, England www.barberukshow.com, www.beautyukshow.com, www.hairukshow.com


3-5 Premiere Orlando Orlando, FL www.premiereshows.com

4-8 ECRM/EPPS Skin, Bath, Cosmetics, Fragrances Henderson, NV www.ecrm.marketgate.com

5-8 ECRM/EPPS Hair Care & Multicultural Hendreson, NV www.ecrm.marketgate.com

11-14 ECRM/EPPS Latin America Health Beauty Miami, FL www.ecrm.marketgate.com

24-26 International Beauty Show (IBS) Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV www.ibslasvegas.com

25-26 7th Texas International Hair & Tradeshow Mesquite, TX www.texashairshows.com


www.aiibeauty.com Ampro Industries .........................................................


Andis Co. ............................................................ Cover, 93 www.andis.com


www.sparkscolor.com BlueCo Brands


www.carolsdaughter.com Combe Inc.









112 www.dreamworldproducts.com

E.T. Browne and Drug Co., Inc. ....................................







of Troy


116 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017 AFAM
2, 3, 39, 53
Coty 40, 69, IBC
Carol’s Daughter
North America
DeMert Brands
99 www.houseofcheatham.com Imperial Dax 29 www.daxhaircare.com Innovative Beauty Products, LLC 37 www.godefroybeauty.com Inspired Beauty Brands 47 www.haskbeauty.com JBS Beauty Club 64 JBS Hair 20, 95 www.jbshair.com Jane Carter Solution 35, 114 www.janecartersolution.com Jinny Corp. 15 www.jinny.com KAB Brands 103 www.aphogee.com L’Oreal Technique 106 Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products 94 www.liquidgoldbonding.com M&M Products 119 www.mmproducts.com Mane Selection 66 www.maneselection.com Mitchell Group 113 www.mitchellgroupusa.com Murray’s Worldwide .................................................. 105 www.murrayspomade.com Nature’s Protein ........................................................... 59 www.NPhaircare.com OMT, LLC 21 www.nappystyles.com One Bottle Products 48 PDC Brands .......................................................... 11, 115 www.pdcbrandsusa.com Queen Helene ........................................................ 13, 43 www.queenhelene.com Salon Commodities, Inc. 58 www.asiamnaturally.com Sensitive By Nature 111 www.sbnusa.com Softee Products 8 www.softeeproducts.com SoftSheen-Carson 26 www.softsheen-carson.com Sundial Brands 117 www.sundialbrands.com Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products 23 www.naturalhair.org Universal Beauty Products, Inc. 54, 55 www.universalbeauty.com Xtreme Beauty International IFC, 1, 27, 67, 101 www.xbi.co
‘N Hot
of Cheatham

Let your voice be heard!

In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.

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• Do you run any specials on men’s products during the time around Father’s Day? Are they successful?

아버지의 날에 특별한 남성용 제품을 판매하나요? 성공적이었나요?

• What efforts do you take to make men feel more “at-home” in your store?

상점에서 남성들이 더욱 “편안하게” 느낄 수 있도록 하기 위해 어떤 노력을 하나요?

• What type(s) of products have you seen increase the most in sales popularity recently? 최근에 판매가 증가한 인기 제품의 유형은 무엇인가요?

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Reader Feedback

ORS™ Delivers Restorative Hydration for Dry, Frizzy Hair with New Olive Oil for Naturals Line

“At Namaste, we understand firsthand the process of maintaining strong, beautiful and healthy natural hair,” said Candace Cage, Category Head –ORS™ Naturals. “No matter where our customer is in her natural hair journey, Olive Oil for Naturals will provide moisture, help maintain stronger hair and deliver elongated curls.”

The combination of nourishing olive oil, hydrating coconut oil and ghee butter is a proven recipe to deliver stronger and healthier-looking hair. ORS™ Olive Oil for Naturals consists of a wide range of maintenance products including the Butter Bliss Sulfate Free

Namaste Laboratories, the makers of ORS™ The Original Root Stimulator hair care products, has unlocked a game-changing secret for natural hair maintenance.

Known as the healthy hair advocate, ORS™ expands the Olive Oil family to include, Olive Oil for Naturals, a full product line infused with ghee butter, an Ethiopian secret to softer, healthier looking hair. Rich in vitamins A, D, K2 and E, and anti-oxidants, ghee butter is the ideal solution for restoring vital moisture for dry, frizzy hair.

Shampoo, Buttery Smooth Conditioner, Butter Milk Styling Lotion, Butter Rich Co-Wash, Butter Whipped Leave in Conditioning Crème, Butter Crème Styling Smoothie, Butter Glaze Gel Soufflé and the Hydrating Hair Butter.

“Much too often, women of color are made to feel as if the hair that grows from their head is unacceptable, unkempt or even unnatural,” said Shawn K. Tollerson, Chief Operating Officer. “We want all of our consumers to know their hair is unbelievably beautiful, regardless of type, texture or style of choice.”

120 OTC Beauty Magazine May 2017
Product Spotlight

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