OTC Magazine - March 2017

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March 2017 | $6.00 The Color Issue WBC 2017 Show Coverage Building Trust in Swatches FIRST CHOICE CELEBRATES 30 YEARS The Influence of COLOR Knowledge to know

Product Spotlight

Creme of Nature


Coloring Tips for Highly Textured Hair by Teneya Gholston

Coloring ethnic hair can take an ordinary look to the next level. Learning how takes precision and practice, but with a few helpful tips it’s easy for any consumer to feel like a pro at home.


Finished Product

All About Developers by Maria Cerminara

Hair color developers, which are really hydrogen peroxide, have been a salon mainstay for a long time. Hydrogen peroxide was adopted as a bleaching agent in 1867, and really, there’s no substitute. Colorists may ask for it by several names, mostly “developer,” “peroxide” or even “H2O2.” Learn more about this hair coloring staple here.


Manufacturer Profile Manic Panic

Who says that anything other than passion is a requirement to creating a creative, fun and unique thriving business within the beauty industry? Manic Panic was born when two sisters—Tish and Snooky Bellomo— both with no previous experience in business or the industry, created a company for the “love of creative color and alternative style.” The rest is history, and OTC Beauty Magazine was fortunate enough to speak with Snooky and Tish, co-owners and Co-Presidents, to learn about its cool past and exciting future.

뷰티 업계에서 창조적이고, 재미있고 독특하게 번창하는 사업에 열정만큼 필요한 것이 없다라고 말하는 사람은 누구인가요? Manic Panic은 비즈니스 또는 산업 분야에서 경험이 없었던 두 명의 자매 Tish와 Snooky Bellomo가 “창의적인 컬러와 얼터너티브 스타일의 사랑” 을 위한 회사를 만들면서 탄생했습니다. 다 아시는 이야기이고, OTC 뷰티 매거진은 멋진 과거와 흥미 진진한 미래에 대해 알아보기 위해서 운 좋게도 공동 운영자 및 공동 회장인 Snooky 그리고 Tish 와 대화를 나눌 기회를 잡았습니다.


Special Industry Profile

First Choice Sales and Marketing Group Inc. Celebrates 30 Years Here at OTC Beauty Magazine we love to see companies flourish and celebrate noteworthy milestones. First Choice Sales and Marketing Group is celebrating their 30 year anniversary this month, and we sat down with a few representatives to learn more about its history. Please join with us in congratulating this establishment on their successes.

4 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 The C o l o r Issue contents March 2017 10 Editorial Letter Brilliantly Colorful 풍부한 색감 12 Expert Advice Keep your Vibrant Color from Fading 16 Marketplace Color Coded 22 How Should You Sell It? Beauty Salon Retailing 어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 집중할 판매는 ...... 뷰티 살롱 소매업입니다! 48 Notes From the Natural Nation Locs! Sealed & Delivered! 68 Clipper Tips That’s My Speed 70 Therapy Trends The Revival of Nature’s Green Bounty 72 Tonsorial Times Fill in the Gaps 86 Newsworthy 업계소식 103 Coupons 108 Show Calendar / Ad Index 110 Reader Feedback 독자 피드백 112
New Edge
Perfect Edges Black 52
Control Gel:

contents March 2017


Knowledge To Know

Satin Bonnets and Sleep Caps

Attention all retailers! Some of the most profitable hair accessories are at your fingertips and I’m sure you are not watching them appropriately. It’s your Satin Hair Bonnet and Sleep Caps! Read on to see what makes them hot products among your customer base.

새틴 헤어 보닛과 수면 모자

모든 소매 업체들은 주목하십시오! 가장 수익성이

좋은 헤어 액세서리들이 손끝에 있는데 여러분들은 이 제품을 눈여겨 보지 않을 것입니다. 바로 새틴

헤어 보닛과 수면 모자입니다! 이 기사를 읽고, 어떠한 요소가 히트상품을 만드는지 알아보도록 하세요.

32 Can Swatch Color be Trusted?

One of the most important things that defines a good colorist from a great colorist is the mastery of his or her tools. Understanding how and when to use The Color Swatch is one of our industry’s most daunting challenges!

컬러 스와치를 신뢰할 수 있는가? 훌륭한 컬러리스트로부터 좋은 컬러리스트를 추려내는 것은 능력입니다. 컬러 스와치(색상 견본) 를 언제 그리고 어떻게 써야 하는지 이해하는 일은 결코 쉽지 않은 도전 중 하나입니다!


The Influence of Color by Karen Batley

Every day, no matter where we are in the world, color plays a massive part in our lives, affecting our behavior, mood and attitudes. To a certain degree, we have been hard-wired to have particular reactions to color, and this can affect consumer behavior. Likewise, in the beauty industry, color and fashion go hand-in-hand; learn how here.

색의 영향

우리가 어디에 있든, 매 순간, 색은 우리의 삶에 큰 영향을 미칩니다. 우리의 기분과 행동에서부터

사고까지 말이죠. 어느 정도까지는, 우리의

몸은 색에 특정한 반응을 하도록 설계되어있고, 행동에도 영향을 미치게 됩니다. 마찬가지로, 뷰티

업게에서는, 색상과 패션은 뗄 수 없는 조합입니다. 그에 대해 알아보도록 하겠습니다.


Business Tips

2017 컬러 동향

Color Trends for 2017 by Brooke Watson Green, get ready for it. In 2017 the color green (specifically, the hue named “Greenery”) is projected to be all the rage in design, clothing and even beauty products. How will you incorporate this, and other colors, in your store this year?

초록색 컬러를 주목하라. 2017년 그린 컬러(특히 녹색빛을 한)는 디자인, 의류, 심지어 뷰티 제품 등 모든 분야에 유행할 것으로 전망한다. 이에, 여러분은 어떻게 대처하실 생각이신가요? 생각하신 특별한 색상이라도 있으신가요?


OTC Sidewalk Sale by Will Williams Ah, spring-cleaning. This is a time of renewal for everything it seems, so why not the OTC? It’s out with the old and in with the new. A sidewalk sale could be an excellent option as it could push certain product sales and enable you to place new items on shelf display inside.

OTC 노상 할인 판매

지금은 봄 맞이 대청소의 계절입니다. 모든 것이 새 단장을 하는 이 때, OTC 또한 빠지면 안 되겠죠? 이제 옛 것은 버리고 새로운 것을 들일 시간입니다. 노상 할인판매를 통해서 특정제품의 판매를 도모하고, 여러분의 선반을 새로운 제품으로 채우는 것이 주용합니다.


Beauty Ambassador

by Terri Taricco-Cropp

Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador Article

Introducing Hot Tools® Tourmaline Tools SuperLite Turbo IONIC® Dryer


Show Coverage

Western Buying Conference 2017

Western Buying Conference (WBC) 2017 was held in fabulous Las Vegas, January 15-16. Browse photos of the event here.


Cleanse, soothe and condition hair with Cantu’s new Refresh Apple Cider Vinegar Collection. Perfect for protective styles, these three products are made without harmful ingredients and work to deeply cleanse and nourish hair and scalp. No matter what hair style you choose, Cantu has you covered! www.cantubeauty.com

6 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017

CEO: Ann Jhin

Editor: Haley McNeal editor@otcbeautymagazine.com subscriptions@otcbeautymagazine.com


Editor: Tony Bae tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com koreannews@otcbeautymagazine.com

Art Director: Sam Choi support@otcbeautymagazine.com

Advertising & Sales Coordinator: advertising@otcbeautymagazine.com

Contributing Writers: Oliver Adams Karen Batley Maria Cerminara Bethany Crellin Teneya Gholston Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

Terri Taricco-Cropp Loretta Warfield-Johnson Brooke Watson Will Williams Emma Young

Columnists: Kenny Duncan Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

8 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 Post Master: Please send address changes to: OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.

Brilliantly Colorful Brilliantly Colorful

풍부한 색감 풍부한 색감


the elegant and classy combination of black and white is exactly what an occasion calls for. There’s no color that matches anything as seamlessly, or looks more distinguished than black—a little black dress or even a black and white suit and tie. But ladies, it’s always fun to throw in a bold red lipstick or a bright funcolored heel if you’re free to add a little fun to your look. Gentlemen, you can strategically add excitement with a colored tie or pocket square. This month in our color-themed issue I encourage you to enjoy life’s moments that call for sophistication and class, but to also take advantage of every situation where you can throw in a little color…just to shake things up a bit.

When we think of color in the beauty industry it’s easy to get caught up in hair color and cosmetics. Those are two sections where colors certainly rule. Depending on the weather season, nearing holidays, or simply culture trends, there is no telling what color may be popular at any given time; that’s why carrying a variety in your store year-round is advantageous. But we dare say there are more areas of your establishment where color can make an impact as well. For example, learn on page 34 how color has influence on buyer behavior and even mood. Likewise, offering beauty tools in varying colors can provide shoppers the opportunity to make their personal bathrooms or professional salons distinctively themed.

Here at OTC Beauty Magazine we also ran with the color idea and have spotlighted Manic Panic, a fun, energetic and unique company that has been in the arena for a while. Check them out on page 56! This month’s issue is cram-packed with interesting information, highlights on noteworthy companies and shows, new product information and so much more. You don’t want to miss any of it…it’s all brilliantly colorful!


품위 있는 흑백의 조합이 필요한 장소와 때가

있습니다. 검은색처럼

어울리고 매칭되는 색은 어디에도 없을 겁니다 - 검은 색 드레스 또는 흑백조화의 수트와 넥타이처럼 말이죠. 하지만 숙녀 여러분, 재미를 감미 하시려면 대담한 빨간 립스틱이나 밝은 하이힐과 함께 매칭하면 스타일이 더욱 재미있을 것입니다. 신사 숙녀 여러분, 색깔이 있는 넥타이 또는 포켓 스퀘어로 생동감을 더할 수 있습니다. 이번 달 컬러 테마의 이슈에서 세련되고 우아함을 요구하는 삶의 순간들을 즐기시기를 바라며 약간의 재미를 더하기 위해 색깔을 더하셔도 좋을 것 같습니다. 미용 업계에서 색상을 생각하면 머리 색깔과 화장품에 쉽게 빠질 수 있습니다. 그 두 가지 분야에서만큼은 색감이 모든 것을 지배하죠. 기상 조건, 가까워지는 휴일, 아니면 단순히 문화 트렌드에 따라 특정한 시점에 어떤 색상이 인기가 있는지 알 수 없습니다. 그래서 연중 내내 다양한 스타일들을 매장에 보유하고 있는 것이 유리합니다. 하지만 감히 색깔이 영향을 미칠 수 있는 곳이 더 많다고 할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 색상이 구매자 행동 및 분위기에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 페이지 34에서 알아볼 수 있습니다. 마찬가지로 다양한 색상의 미용 도구를 제공하면 쇼핑객에게 개인 욕실이나 전문 미용실을 더욱 개성 있는 테마로 구성할 수 있는 기회를 제공하게 됩니다. OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC Beauty Magazine)에서는 ‘색깔’ 이라는 주제로 작업을 하며 꽤 오랫동안 활동한 재미있고 활기차고 독특한 회사인 매닉 패닉 (Manic Panic)에 주목했습니다. 매닉 패닉을 56페이지에서 확인해보세요! 이번 달 이슈는 흥미로운 정보와 주목할만한 회사 및 쇼의 하이라이트, 새로운 제품 정보 등으로 가득 차 있습니다. 놓치지 마세요… 모두 화려하니까요!

10 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 Editor, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com

Expert Advice

Keep your Vibrant Color from Fading!

Loving the bright shade trend, but not sure how to keep your selected color vibrant as long as possible? I want to share with you some tips and tricks and what to use to really preserve and extend color vibrancy as long as possible!

Starting with healthy hair is key to coloring your hair. Unhealthy or damaged hair will not hold color well.

Starting with healthy hair is key to coloring your hair. Unhealthy or damaged hair will not hold color well. A very important tip during the coloring process is to rinse with cool water. Seems odd? Warm water actually opens the hair cuticles letting the color pigment escape.

Now, using a great color product and after care is vital to the entire finished look and vibrancy of your creation. Sparks Long Lasting Bright Color comes in 20 shades, and is sure to hold its vibrancy longer than other bright hair colors. Sparks Color Care products are formulated to lock in your color and help it last longer. With breakthrough technology, Sparks Color Care offers benefits such as extended color longevity, shine and enhancement to your existing shade and UV protection from the sun.

Sparks Color Care Sulfate-free Shampoo and Protecting Conditioner are uniquely formulated with positively charged molecules to better adhere the color to your hair strands. This greatly ensures that the vibrancy of your hair color is extended to the fullest without having to stress and worry about color fading. Enriched with Jojoba seed extract, Cupuacu butter and Sunflower seed extract, your hair will be moisturized and nourished to the core.


For added color protection, Sparks Color Care Protecting Spray has UV filters to prevent color fadeage from the sun and antioxidant rich Carrot Seed oil to fight off any harmful free radicals. When used in addition with Sparks Color Care Sulfate-free Shampoo and Protecting Conditioner, this spray will ensure your color is locked in, stays in and leaves the hair looking healthy and shinier than ever!

1. Apply a generous amount of Sparks Color Care Sulfatefree Shampoo to wet hair and massage into lather. Rinse with cold water.

2. Follow with Sparks Color Care Protecting Conditioner, apply and rinse with cold water.

3. For the best results, end with Sparks Color Care Protecting Spray. Spray on damp or wet hair and comb through. Style as desired.

Beauty Perfection was established in 2013 with the philosophy to create the most ingredient-focused colors imaginable that deliver nutrients to the hair, while providing vibrant, long lasting color! Our brand encompasses love and color, and is the one-stop shop for all your hair care needs. For more information, please visit our website www.sparkscolor.com.

Meet Bethany Crellin

Bethany Crellin is the VP of Marketing for Beauty Perfection.

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017

Color Coded

There is a special kind of satisfaction that comes from clothes, shoes, accessories—or anything really—being organized by shade. Although these product selections are not separated in that fashion, they are all distinctly set apart among your shelves because of their eye-catching color.

Color Oasis

Your customers can increase volume, body and shine without weighing down hair with the special sulfate and paraben-free formula of One ‘N Only Argan Oil’s Color Oasis Volumizing Shampoo. They can also toss the fear of color loss to the wayside, thanks to its patented UV color protection system that shields from environmental light. Seal in color and prevent color wash-out today! www.argancolor.com

Polish Up

Fantasia’s Hair Polisher for Color Treated and Chemically Damaged Hair works to prolong the life of both semi-permanent and permanent hair color, while magnifying shine and smoothness of hair. Enriched with Aloe, this extra strength formula revitalizes, renews and repairs tresses. www.fantasiahaircare.com

Intensely Gorgeous

It may seem like a feat to get bright, beautiful vivacious color on dark hair, but Dark and Lovely has this sometimes difficult task all figured out. Their Go Intense! Ultra Vibrant Color is an intense conditioning crème gel made with olive oil that leaves behind an incredible soft feel. It also includes a new color booster! www.softsheen-carson.com

16 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017

Plum Pretty Hair Color

Formulated specifically for dark hair base colors, L’Oreal Technique’s Excellence HiColor offers multi-level lift in one step. Hair color shown here is in the shade “Black Plum,” but all 6 violet and black shades offer breathtaking beauty.

Superb Silver

A current trend in hair color is silver tones; they’re no longer exclusive to the most seasoned and mature of your customers, but fashionistas of varying ages can flaunt them. Sparks’ Long-lasting Bright Hair Color in “Silver Mist” will whisk your customers away. www.sparkscolor.com

Blue for Blondes

Hask’s new Blue Chamomile & Argan Oil collection for blondes is created to banish brassy tones so blonde tresses can shine through. The Blonde Care Conditioner’s deep blue violet formula helps neutralize unwanted yellow tones and enhance radiance of hair. Tame frizz, add shine and prevent breakage all at once! www.haskbeauty.com

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 17

Intriguing Indigo

Why not be dare to be different? Manic Panic supports creativity and the company’s Semi-Permanent Hair Color Cream, shown here in “Ultra™ Violet,” provides your customers the opportunity to set their style apart from the crowd. This vegan formula colors and conditions hair. www.manicpanic.com

Eliminate Blank Spots

Introducing the only hair fiber designed for curly hair, Make It Fuller Hair Building Fibers from NouriTress Hair Products. These fibers make thinning hair look fuller, resemble real hair, and are easy to apply. Your customers can say “goodbye” to thinning, blank spots and “hello” to uniform hair color again. www.nouritress.com

Italian Intelligence

Proudly made in Italy, Eco Style Pro’s Semi-Permanent Moisturizing Color offers customers the option to change up their style, whether subtly or drastically. With no ammonia or peroxide, this dye is great for use on all hair types. Aloe Vera and jojoba oil in the formulation offer additional benefits to hair health. www.ecocoinc.com

Honey Blonde Hues

Looking to stock a permanent hair color that is rich in vitamins E & B5, olive oil and coconut oil for excellent moisturizing and vibrancy? Look no further than ORS’s Olive Oil Hues Vitamin & Oil Crème Color. Shown here in “Honey Blonde,” it adds just a touch of glam to any look. www.orshaircare.com

18 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017

How should you sell it?

This month’s selling focus is…

Beauty Salon Retailing!

Retailing in Black beauty salons seems to be a lost art, but it has the possibility to raise your income by as much as 30% or more. With the patron’s attention undivided for 1-3 hours, that gives you an opportunity to retail products and increase your income.


are the benefits to retailing in beauty salons, and how can it be done effectively?

One way to use retailing is by selling the patron items for home care use. This helps to insure he/she will take care of their hair as you recommend, which will result in fewer complaints about after-service hair condition. If you don’t have products on hand, the patron will go to a discount or retail store and may buy unsuitable products because they’re on sale or because he or she just doesn’t know any better. This ends up harming you, the professional, in two ways:

1) You could have made a profit from the sale.

2) You are the one who has to take extra time to repair the negative effects of poor quality or improper product purchases and use.

If you feel you can’t sell your patron a hair care product to use at home, then include it in the price of the service and give it to them when you’re through. This will aid you in four ways:

1) You’ll profit from the item sold.

2) You’ll ensure proper product use in home after the service.

3) The patron will feel good because he/she will think that you gave them something extra as a gift.

4) Your work will be made easier on the patron’s next visit. They may even bring you a new customer!

The key to retailing is knowing how to buy. If you go to the beauty supply store and buy items one or two at a time, then you’ll most likely pay retail prices like anyone else. However, if you buy a dozen or more of each item for retailing, the supply house will likely discount it off the suggested retail price (which is your profit when you sell it at that same retail price). In the end, you control your own destiny when it comes to retailing. Choose wisely and win!

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to editor@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the April issue!

22 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017
Liquid Gold Bonding www.liquidgoldbonding.com
뷰티 살롱 소매업입니다!

블랙 뷰티 살롱에서 소매는 잊혀진 지 오래이지만, 여러분의 소득을 30% 이상 올릴 가능성을 갖고 있다.

단골 고객들에게 방해 받지 않는1-3시간동안을 이용해, 물건을 판매할 기회를 가질 수 있다.

살롱 내의 소매는 어떤 이점이 있고, 어떻게 효과적으로 진행할 수 있는가?

소매업을 하는 한가지 방법은 홈 케어용으로 고객에게 상품을

판매하는 것이다. 이는 그/그녀가

여러분이 추천한 제품으로 그들의

헤어를 관리할 것이며, 이는 모발 상태에 대한 불만을

최대한 낮춰줄 것이다. 만약 여러분이 제품을 구비하고

있지 않다면, 고객들은 할인된 상품이나 소매 가게에

가서 그들에게 맞지 않는 제품을 구매하게 될 것이다.

왜냐하면 그 제품들은 싸기도 하고, 더 나은 제품인지

아닌지도 모르기 때문이다. 이는 다음과 같은 두 가지

손실을 초래할 수 있다.

1) 당신은 판매를 통해 이익을 챙길 수 있는 기회를


2) 소비자들이 품질이 좋지 않은 제품을 사용함으로 해서 손상된 모발을 복구해야 할 사람은 바로

당신이며, 이는 보다 많은 시간을 요한다.

만약 당신이 고객에게 집에서 쓸 수 있는 헤어케어

제품을 팔지 못할 것 같으면, 제품가격을 서비스 가격에

포함하고, 제품을 그냥 주도록 해라. 이는 네 가지 방법으로 당신에게 도움이 될 것이다. :

1) 제품 판매로 인한 수익 창출.

2) 서비스 후 올바른 제품 사용 보장.

3) 고객은 당신이 특별한 뭔가를 선물로 주었다고 생각하기 때문에 기분이 좋을 것입니다.

4) 고객의 다음 방문을 더 쉽게 만들어 줄 것입니다.

그들은 심지어 당신에게 새로운 고객을 데려올 수도 있습니다!

소매업의 핵심은 구매하는 방법을 아는 것이다. 만약

당신이 뷰티 공급 업체에 들러 한번에 하나 또는 두 개의

제품을 구매하는 경우, 다른 사람들처럼 똑같이 소매

가격을 지불하게 될 것이다. 하지만, 한번에 더즌이나 그

이상을 구매한다면, 할인된 가격을

받을 수 있을 것이다. 결국, 그

차액은 여러분의 몫이 되는 것이다.

현명하게 선택하고 승리하라!

24 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau 박사, 모발학자 Liquid Gold Bonding www.liquidgoldbonding.com 이 질문에 관하여 공유를 원하신다면 editor@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일을 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. 귀하의 의견은 4월 호에 소개 될 수 있습니다!
이 달의 판매 초점은 ......
어떻게 판매할 것인가?

Finished Product

All About Developers

Every colorist needs a range of hair color developers. Here’s what you need to know.

Hair color developers, which are really hydrogen peroxide, have been a salon mainstay for a long time. Hydrogen peroxide was adopted as a bleaching agent in 1867, and really, there’s no substitute. Colorists may ask for it by several names, mostly “developer,” “peroxide” or even “H2O2.” It’s available in liquid and crème forms, and for both, the mixtures contain a variety of additives, which is important to understand when it comes to storage and display.

The old-school way of thinking was that liquid developer was best for gray coverage and crème developer was best for greater conditioning. Not so. Today, most developers are a crème format, unless they are dedicated developers created specifically for a demipermanent color brand.

Inside the Bottle

In addition to hydrogen peroxide, generically speaking all developers contain stabilizers, surfactants, thickening agents, water and solvents. These all combine to create a relatively unstable mixture that is light sensitive and can be contaminated easily. So, developers must be kept in sealed containers and protected from strong light and heat. They would not be a good product to display in a window!

molecules in the peroxide combine with the hair color molecules. This causes the coloring agent to develop and locks the color molecules within the hair haft, thus making the results “permanent.” In regards to using developers with hair lighteners, the hydrogen peroxide activates the bleaching agents, which attack the natural pigment content of the hair. They disperse and destroy the melanin, and the result is lighter hair.

Why Developer Strengths Matter

Hydrogen peroxide or developer strength is typically measured in volumes of oxygen liberated per volume of solution. The strength may also use percentages to indicate the percentage of peroxide. For example: 3% = 10 volume, 6% = 20 volume, 9% = 30 volume and 12% = 40 volume. (It’s not reasonable to go higher than 40 volume.)

There is an easy way to convert peroxide volumes into percentages, and percentages into volume measures. Multiply the volume strength by .3 to arrive at the percentage of peroxide. Or, multiply the percentage by 10 and divide by 3. Knowing this will help you help your customers, when they ask for 6% developer.

When displayed properly, they have a shelf life of about three years, but any good store will go through inventory much sooner.

How Developers Work

When hydrogen peroxide is mixed with oxidative dyes (permanent color), the oxygen

Basically, when mixed with permanent hair color, 20-volume developer gives equal color lift and deposit of color. As the strength is lowered, there is less lifting action and a greater deposit of color. Conversely, when the volume is increased, there is greater lift of color and less deposit of permanent hair color. Why does carrying a variety of strengths matter? Typically, in a mixture with permanent hair color, 10-volume developer is used for deposit, but can yield up to one level of lift. Twenty-volume developer is considered the standard and lifts up to two levels. Thirtyvolume developer lifts approximately three

levels. Approximately three-to-four levels of lift is achieved with 40-volume developer—this strength is generally recommended for use with “High Lift” permanent hair color.

Demi-permanent hair color generally has a dedicated developer that is less than 10-volume in strength. That’s just enough to develop the dyes in the hair color mixture. (Colorists should never use anything but the dedicated developer when working with demi-permanent hair color, or they could get unexpected results.)

Any good colorist will do a variety of services, from demi-permanent color to highlift lightening, in a single day. So, you should always have the full range of developer strengths fully stocked. Colorists don’t want to run out of a particular strength developer, and end up faced with the need to mix two different volumes to get what they need!

A Word About Displays

Dedicated developers in volumes 10 through 40 should always be displayed with their corresponding hair color brand. It is not advised to mix and match developers with different brands of color or bleach. Doing so may result in thinner viscosity, improper dilution of ingredients and unpredictable results. Bulk generic or store brands should also be displayed together.

When speaking to customers, stress that they should always use the proper dedicated developer and follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the quantity of developer in the color or lightening mixture, or the “mixing ratio.” This ratio is crucial for liberating the ingredients and creating the right amount of lift and deposit in the amount of time the manufacturer indicates.

If you are uncertain of how many bottles of each volume to stock, 20-volume is the most widely used, followed by 30, 10 and lastly, 40.

Says David Stanko, a celebrity colorist at Licari Cutler Salon in NYC, “Twenty-volume is my go-to developer for gray coverage and minimal lifting of the natural color, as well as for use with powdered lighteners when I need slow, steady lifting.”

Just remember, hydrogen peroxide is mandatory for all permanent hair color and lightening mixtures, and hair color is the biggest dollar generator in most salons. These days, you can never have enough developer inventory on hand to meet colorists’ demands!

28 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017
OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 29

K t K Knowledge to know

새틴 헤어 보닛과 수면 모자 Satin Hair Bonnets


Some of the most profitable hair accessories are at your fingertips and I’m sure you are not watching them appropriately. It’s your Satin Hair Bonnets and Sleep caps!

Why is that product so important to consumers?

Aside from making a unique fashion statement, satin caps have several hair benefits:

• Preserves Hairstyles - Many hours are spent in a beauty salon to get that perfect hairdo. It is imperative that every effort is taken to maintain the fresh beautiful style. Wearing a satin cap can promote that.

• Helps Prevent Split Ends - Whether you are pin curling your hair, wrapping it, or just wearing it loose and natural, wearing a satin bonnet will protect your ends from splitting.

• Reduces Dryness - According to Desiree McKelvin of Bella Dame Salon in Maryland, it is recommended to refrain from wearing cotton scarves to bed or placing your head on cotton pillow cases. It can cause scalp dryness which may result in hair breakage. However, wearing a satin bonnet will maintain moisture, minimize hair friction, and protect and preserve the health of hair.

Many consumers who wear hair extensions also wear satin bonnets to prolong the condition and style of their hair. Cai Davis, owner of The Hair Guy (www.the1hairguy.com), recommends for all of his customers to use satin bonnets to preserve the life of his hair extensions. Using proper hair coverings will promote healthier looking hair.

So what does this mean to you retailers? It means you really should be selling and promoting this product heavily. It is a very desirable product that women of all walks of life are using. They are not just using it to accessorize a particular look, but also to protect their hair.

가장 수익성이 좋은 헤어

MARKETING TIP: Instead of having the bonnets located by hair accessories such as shower caps, combs, hair pins and rollers, consider having the products positioned by hair and scalp conditioning products. For example, Diva by Cindy Super Gro Hairdress coupled with a satin bonnet promotes hair growth. Positioning satin bonnets and scarves around the products that promote healthier hair will boost sales! Offering a variety of colors and styles is also a plus. 모든 소매 업체들은 주목하십시오!

Meet Loretta Warfield-Johnson

몰라 봤을 것입니다. 바로 새틴 헤어 보닛과 수면 모자입니다!

고객들에게 왜 그렇게 중요한 제품들일까요?

독특한 패션감각 외에도 새틴 캡은 머리카락에 좋은 여러 가지 이점들이 있습니다:

• 머리스타일 보존 - 완벽한 머리스타일을 하기 위해 미용실에서 몇 시간을 사용하죠. 그렇게 만든 아름답고 완벽한 헤어스타일을 보존하는 것은 매우 중요합니다. 새틴 캡을 씀으로 해서 보존할 수 있습니다.

• 갈라지는 머리끝을 방지 - 머리카락을 핀으로 감거나 그냥 자연스럽게 착용하는 경우 새틴 보닛을 착용하면 끝이 갈라지는 것을 방지 할 수 있습니다.

• 건조함 감소 - 메릴랜드의 벨라 데메 살롱 (Bella Dame Salon) 의 데시리 맥켈빈 (Desiree McKelvin)에 따르면, 목화 스카프를 착용하거나 베개 케이스에 머리를 두는 것을 삼가 하는 것이 좋다고 합니다. 두피 건조가 일어나 머리카락이 부서 질 수 있기 때문이죠. 그러나 새틴 보닛을 착용하면 수분을 유지하고 모발 마찰을 최소화하며 모발의 건강을 보호하고 보존합니다.

머리카락 확장 기능을 사용하는 많은 소비자들은 새틴 보닛을 착용하여 머리카락의 상태와 스타일을 연장시킵니다. The Hair Guy (www. the1hairguy.com)의 주인, 카이 데이비스(Cai Davis)는 모든 고객이 새틴 보닛을 사용하여 머리카락 연장 수명을 유지할 것을 권장합니다. 적절하게 머리카락을 덮으면 건강한 머리카락을 유지할 수 있습니다. 그럼 소매업체들에게는 무슨 의미일까요? 즉, 이 제품을 많이 팔고 홍보해야 한다는 의미입니다. 모든 여성들이 사용해야 할 매우 실용적인 제품입니다. 그들은 특정 스타일을 꾸미기 위해서뿐만 아니라 머리카락을 보호하기 위해 이것을 사용하는 것이죠.

마케팅 팁: 보닛을 샤워 캡, 빗, 헤어핀 및 롤러와 같은 헤어 액세서리로 배치하는 것보다 머리 및 두피 컨디셔닝 제품에 제품을 배치하는 것이 좋습니다. 예를 들어, 신디 수퍼 그로 미용 (Cindy Super Gro Hairdress)의 디바 (Diva)를 새틴 보닛과 결합하여 머리카락 증진을 할 수도 있죠. 건강한 머리카락을 선사하는 제품 주변에 새틴 보닛과 스카프를 배치하면 판매량이 늘어날 것입니다! 다양한 색상과 스타일을 제공하는 것도 장점입니다.

Loretta Warfield-Johnson, a native of Baltimore, has dedicated her time and effort to educating her community on managing their finances and entrepreneurship. Additionally, she owns a consulting firm specializing in Small Business Development for startups and existing businesses with a strong concentration in the beauty industry. Loretta is also a College Professor, Realtor, Nail Salon Owner, and Licensed General Contractor. www.thewarfieldgroup.com

March 2017
액세서리들이 손끝에 있는데 여러분들은 이 제품의가치를

Can Swatch Color be Trusted?

컬러 스와치를 신뢰할 수 있는가?

One of the most important things that defines a good colorist from a great colorist is the mastery of his or her tools. Understanding how and when to use The Color Swatch is one of our industry’s most daunting challenges!

As colorists, we get excited when we browse the hair color aisle of our favorite beauty supply store and we see all of the beautiful hair color jumping off of all the swatches. We fill our basket with everything we think is going to be amazing, and we can’t wait to put it on our clients! We mix the color perfectly according to the manufacturer’s directions and apply it flawlessly based on our years of training and experience; yet the color on our dark multicultural hair client just doesn’t live up to the beauty and vibrancy of the color swatch! WHY we ask ourselves? Is it me? Is it the color line? Is the swatch a scam? NO is the answer to all of these questions!

We have to understand that the majority of color swatches show you the true color of the shade, BUT it is put on a swatch with very light or white hair. This poses a slight problem when formulating for darker levels of hair color based on looking at a swatch. At my salons, we came up with an amazing solution to help us master using color swatches… we create our own!

Try making sets of swatches for all of the hair colors your salon uses the most frequently. Your stylists will be amazed at how easy it will be to determine which hair color to use when you have your own custom swatches in front of you. To get a true representation of our favorite shades on many different levels of hair, each tone goes on a set of swatches on level 10, level 8, level 5, level 3 and Salt & Pepper.

훌륭한 컬러리스트로부터 좋은

컬러리스트를 추려내는 것은 능력입니다. 컬러 스와치(색상 견본)를 언제 그리고 어떻게 써야 하는지 이해하는 일은 결코 쉽지 않은 도전 중 하나입니다! 컬러리스트로써, 우리가 가장 좋아하는 뷰티 스토어의 헤어 색깔을 탐색할 때가 가장 행복한 순간입니다. 모든 아름다운 머리 색깔들은 스와치로 시작됩니다. 우리는 장바구니에 가장 괜찮을 만한 제품들을 가득 채워 넣고, 고객들이 이를 봐줄 때까지 기다릴 수 없습니다! 우리는 제조업체의 지시에 따라 완벽하게 색깔을 섞고, 우리의 수년간의 트레이닝과 경험에 기초하여 완벽하게 도포합니다. 그러나 어두운 헤어 컬러 고객은 컬러 스와치의 아름다움과 활기에 부응하지 못하고 있습니다. 왜라고 스스로에게 물어야 하는 건가요? 이게 자신 때문인지, 컬러 라인 때문인지? 아니면 이 스와치가 사기인 것인지? 모든 질문의 답은 NO입니다!

색상 견본(컬러 스와치)의 대부분이 매우 밝거나 흰 머리를 기본으로 한 색상입니다. 어두운 헤어 컬러에서 색상을 만들 땐 약간의 문제가 발생합니다. 이에, 우리 살롱에서는 컬러 스와치(색상 견본)을 사용하는 훌륭한 솔루션을 직접 만들어 보았습니다!

여러분의 살롱에서 가장 많이 사용되는 헤어 색상의 견본 세트를 만들어보세요! 여러분의 스타일리스트는 직접 만든 스와치로 인해 손쉽게 머리 색을 결정할 수 있음에 매우 놀랄 것입니다. 원하는 색상을 정확하게 만들어 내려면, 스와치 레벨 10, 레벨 8, 레벨 5, 레벨 3그리고 소금&후추로 단계를 만들어 가면 된다.

Meet Oliver Adams

Oliver Adams is a Clairol Professional Top Artist.

32 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017
K t K

K t K Knowledge to know

The Influence of Color


Every day, no matter where we are in the world, color plays a massive part in our lives, affecting our behavior, mood and attitudes.

To a certain degree, we have been hard-wired to have particular reactions to color; e.g. red as a warning, yellow for optimism, green for health, and marketers are well tuned-in to these different psychological effects on the consumer.

According to Kissmetrics (www.kissmetrics.com), 85% of customers place color as the primary reason for why they buy a particular product. Their studies identified the emotions created by color of North American customers. For example: Blue creates the sensation of trust and security; Purple is used to soothe and calm (often used for beauty products); Orange as a call to action - to subscribe or buy; and black is perceived as powerful and used to market luxury products.

In the beauty industry, color and fashion go hand-in-hand and manufacturers are constantly seeking out the latest catwalk looks and designer collections to make sure their products are on-point to meet the demands of ever-changing trends. At Denman, product development teams research, develop and manufacture brush and comb collections at their UK headquarters for professional hairdressers and barbers in over 60 countries worldwide.


우리가 어디에 있든, 매순간, 색은 우리의 삶에 큰 영향을 미칩니다. 우리의 기분과 행동에서 부터 사고까지 말이죠.

Image credit: www.blog.kissmetrics.com/color-psychology/

Color plays as big a part in the process as the technical capabilities of the tools to ensure they withstand the day-to-day demands of the salon and barbershop. By creating high quality tools in a varied and interesting color palette, beauty supply stores then have the added value of creating an enticing and attractive environment for customers to enjoy and be inspired by.

Color also offers a practical solution. For example, Denman created the Thermo Neon Radial brush collection – a range of ceramic coated curling brushes that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also offer the easy way to identify barrel size by shade with the Neon Green being the smallest, the Neon Orange as medium, Neon Blue as large as Neon Pink as extra-large. The perfect way for any stylist to quickly find what they need in their busy kitbag!

Brushes are not the only products to benefit from color; Denman’s professional precision combs come in bright green, pink and standard black – always a way to identify any combs that go AWOL in the salon!

어느 정도까지는, 우리의 몸은 색에 특정한 반응을 하도록 설계되어있습니다. 예를 들자면, 빨간색은 경고, 노란색은 낙관성, 초록색은 건강. 그리고 마케터들은 소비자들의 이러한 반응을 족족 활용하고 있습니다. Kissmetrics (www.kissmetrics.com)에 따르면, 85%의 소비자들이 어떤 상품을 사는 데 가장 큰 요인이 ‘색’이라고 답하였습니다. 그들의 연구는 색에 대한 북미 소비자들의 반응을 알아내는 데까지 도달하였습니다. 파란색은 신뢰와 안전의 감정을 불러일으키며; 보라색은 부드러움과 침착함 (화장품에 많이 쓰임); 주황색은 행동을 불러일으킵니다구매 혹은 구독같이 말이죠; 그리고 검은색은 권력으로 받아들여져 고급 제품 마케팅에 주로 활용됩니다. 화장품 업계에서는, 색과 패션은 실과 바늘과 같아 제조사들은 항상 최신의 패션쇼 디자인과 디자이너 컬렉션을 주시하며 그들의 상품들이 끊임없이 변화하는 최신 트렌드에 맞는지 확인합니다. Denman Inc 에서는, 제품 개발팀이 영국 본사에서 롤 빗과 일반 빗을 연구, 개발 및 제조하여 전세계에 분포된 60여 개국의 전문 헤어 살롱과 미용실에 납품합니다. 나날이 살롱과 미용실에서 쓰이며 색은 제품의 기능과 내구성에 큰 역할을 합니다.

다양하고 흥미로운 색을 이용한 고품질 도구를 만들어 내 가게에 배치함으로써, 유혹적이고 매력적인 환경을 만들어내며 소비자들이 즐기면서 영감을 얻을 수도 있기 때문에, 미용 도구 가게의 가치는 올라갑니다.

Stylists use tools to express their individuality, so the more variety available, the better. Stores that include products that are on-

색은 또 현실적인 해결방법을 제시합니다. 예로, Denman Inc.는 Thermo Neon Radical 롤 빗 컬렉션 출시하였습니다세라믹 코팅된 롤 빗들로 미적으로 만족스러울 뿐 아니라, 크기를 구별하는 데 쉬운 방법을 제시합니다: 네온 연두가 가장 작고 (XS), 네온 오렌지가 그다음(S), 네온 남색이 중간(M), 네온 분홍이 가장 크게 (L). 모든 스타일리스트가 빠르게 지저분한 키트에서 찾을 수 있게 하는 완벽한 해결 방법입니다!

롤 빗들만이 색의 도움을 받는 것이 아닙니다; Denman의 정교한 전문가용 빗은 밝은 초록, 분홍과 기본 검정의 옵션이 있습니다. 어떤 빗들이 살롱에서 갑자기 사라졌는지 규명하기에 아주 유용하죠! 스타일리스트들은 자신들의 개성을 보이기

34 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017
위해 도구를 선택합니다. 그러므로 더 많은 선택지를 줄 수록, 더 좋습니다. 최신의 상품들을 진열하고, 다양한 색감과 옵션을 제공하는

Adding attractive, colorful product ranges to any store will improve the customer experience and alter their perception. Even the subtlest of changes can have a direct influence and over time can help build branding and sales.

trend, and show a range of color and purpose will encourage stylists to return for inspiration, ideas and also to see what the new collections bring.

Stylists are by nature creative and artistic, and some take this right through to the very style and appearance of their salon. Some create stunning interior design for their clients to enjoy and relax in. Color plays a significant part in this in everything from salon furniture, electrical tools, fixtures and fittings to complete the look. Even hair tools can be tailored to fit in with the ambience, and British Hairdressing Hall of Fame Member Paul Stafford went the extra mile to create his own collection of personalized brushes to coordinate with his uber-chic salon in Belfast.

Adding attractive, colorful product ranges to any store will improve the customer experience and alter their perception. Even the subtlest of changes can have a direct influence and over time can help build branding and sales.

Meet Karen Batley

가게들은 스타일리스트들에게 영감, 아이디어와 최신의 컬렉션들이 무엇인지를 보려 다시 돌아올 목적을 줄 것입니다. 스타일리스트들은 본능적으로 창의적이고 미적인 사람들로, 이 본능으로 그들의 살롱 디자인과 모습도 세세히 신경을 씁니다. 몇몇은 손님들이 즐기고 쉴 수 있도록 굉장히 아름다운 인테리어를 조성합니다. 색은 살롱 가구, 전자기기, 비품과 부속품 등의 모든 점에서 이 목적을 달성하는 데 큰 역할을 합니다. 미용 도구들마저도 이 조화와 어울릴 수 있도록 꼽힐 수 있는데, British Hairdressing Hall of Fame의 회원, Paul Stafford가 Belfast 시에 위치한 자신의 uber-chic 살롱과 맞추기 위해, 오직 자신만의 롤 빗 컬렉션을 만들어 이를 달성하였습니다.

매력적이고 색깔이 풍부한 상품 옵션들을 늘리는 것은, 어느 가게에서나 고객 경험의 질을 높이고 좋은 평을 받을 수 있습니다. 아주 작은 변화라도 직접적인 영향을 주며 시간이 지나면서 브랜드와 매출을 쌓는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.

Karen Batley is Marketing Executive for Denman, the UK’s largest manufacturer of professional hairbrushes and combs which are used and endorsed globally by leading stylists and barbers. Karen has over 20 years’ experience in marketing working with a variety of international organisations to deliver effective campaigns worldwide. Learn more about Denman Inc. at www.denmanbrushUS.com.

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 35

Business Tips

Green, get ready for it. In 2017 the color green (specifically, the hue named “Greenery”) is projected to be all the rage in design, clothing and even beauty products. This is according to Pantone, the world-renowned authority on color. Every year the company selects the “Pantone Color of the Year” that is projected to steer our global culture in regards to expression of mood and attitude. This year it’s all about growth, refreshment and new beginnings.

What better time to announce this than when we are gearing up for spring? This time of year is typically known as a time of refocusing, cleaning and refining ourselves both personally and professionally. This also comes on the heels of kicking off the new year and making resolutions to better ourselves. Considering that, this article could also serve as a reminder of all those goals you set 2 months ago… an all-in-one article for rejuvenation and preparation.

Concentrating on Color

Being on-trend is essential to luring in customers, showing that your store is up-to-date and stocking products your customers want. Looking forward it might be a good idea to make sure your colored items include the shade green. This could span into all sections of your store: makeup (eye shadows, eyeliner, and possibly even lipstick), nail polish, hair dyes, brushes and styling tools. A color variety in goods, tools and even packaging can keep your store interesting and allow customers to make their individual looks, vanities and perhaps their own salons uniquely personal.

Accessories are also a great place to throw in color variety. The most fashion forward of your customers love to adorn their hair with embellishments or add colorful hats, light scarves, and fun shoes to their wardrobes. Do not let these categories go unnoticed.

Remember the Rainbow

Although green is projected to take the spotlight, do not forget the other colors of the rainbow. Customers will still want variety in their selections, so be sure to keep bright neons, muted neutrals and even dark classics stocked throughout your store.

Always Reach for Success

As you head into spring and see the beauty of the season blooming around you, let it be a reminder to stay positive, optimistic and always striving to become better than yesterday. Green may represent growth, but remember that cannot happen without the yellow warmth of the sun, nourishment from colorful fruits and foods, and the calm nurturing relaxation and rejuvenation of calm blue waters. Most importantly, always remember to have fun along the way! Add excitement through color to even the most mundane of tasks.


Meet Brooke Watson

Brooke Watson is a freelance writer who enjoys writing about beauty and lifestyle topics.

초록색 컬러를 주목하라. 2017년 그린 컬러(특히 녹색빛을 한)는 디자인, 의류, 심지어 뷰티 제품 등 모든 분야에 유행할 것으로 전망한다. 세계적으로 유명한Pantone에 의한 전망이다. 매년 회사는 기분과 태도의 표현에 관하여 우리의 글로벌 컬쳐를 반영한 “올해의 팬턴 컬러” 를 선정한다. 올해는 모두 성장, 새 출발에 관한 것이다.

이러한 사실을 알리기에, 봄을 준비 하는 이 시기보다 더 좋은 시간이 있을까? 일반적으로 일년 중 이 시기에는 개인적 및 일적으로도 정리, 청소, 그리고 새롭게 마음가짐을 가지는 시기이다. 이를 고려하여, 이 기사 또한 여러분이 2 개월 전 설정 한 모든 목표의 알람이 될 수도 있다. 원기 회복 및 준비를 위해 모두 갖춘 하나의 기사이다.

컬러에 집중하라. 현 추세는, 상점이 고객이 원하는 최신 제품임을 보여주고, 고객을 유혹하는 것이 필수적이다. 당신이 컬러화한 아이템이 녹색 쉐이드를 포함하고 있는지 확실하게 해두는 것이 좋다. 이 상점의 모든 부분에 걸쳐 가능: 메이크업 (아이쉐도우, 아이라이너, 립스틱, 메니큐어, 헤어 염색, 눈썹 및 스타일링 도구) 제품, 툴 및 심지어 포장에서도 당신의 스토어를 흥미롭게 만들고, 손님들로 하여금 특별한 경험을 하도록 만들어 준다. 액세서리들도 다양한 컬러를 표현하기 좋은 파트다. 여러분의 앞서가는 고객들은 자신의 머리에 컬러풀한 모자, 가벼운 스카프들, 재미있는 신발을 좋아할 수 있으니 이를 추가해 보도록 해라. 이러한 카테고리들을 간과하지 말도록 하자.

레인보우를 기억하라.

물론 그린컬러가 주목 받을 것으로 예상되지만, 무지개의 다른 색상 또한 잊어서는 안된다. 고객들은 여전히 자신의 선택에 다양성을 원할 것이므로 밝은 네온 컬러, 중성의 컬러, 심지어 어두운 색깔도 모두 스토어에 비치해 놔야 한다.

언제나 성공을 만들어 내라.

봄에 다가갈 수록, 주변에 활짝 핀 꽃들의 아름다움을 볼 수록, 긍정적이고 낙관적인 사람이 되어 어제보다 더 나은 사람이 되기 위해 노력해 봐라. 녹색은 대개 성장을 나타내지만, 태양과 노랑색의 따뜻함, 컬러풀한 곡식과 음식의 영양, 진정 및 파란 물의 원기회복 없이는 성장이 이뤄질 수 없다. 가장 중요한 것은, 항상 흥미를 유발해야 한다는 사실을 기억하는 것이다!

38 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017

Business Tips

OTC Sidewalk Sale

OTC 노상 할인 판매

Ah, spring-cleaning. This is a time of renewal for everything it seems, so why not the OTC? It’s out with the old and in with the new.

When is the last time you had an old fashioned blow out sidewalk sale? I am sure you have seen them before on one or two peak weekends in April or May when people are out and about, looking for bargains…any kind of bargain.

Benefits of a Sidewalk Sale

Why not let them find that bargain at the OTC sidewalk sale? There are three very significant benefits of a sidewalk sale.

#1 - Mature Inventory Reduction:

Quite a few products have a life span that is cyclical. As a new product they fly off of shelves, and if they are style-specific or trend-dependent they enjoy steady sales until that cycle starts to decline and consumers are off to new styles and trends. As that cycle declines and customers stop purchasing in the same quantities, we may find that we have product on shelf that is only purchased by one or two patrons. It may take them so long between visits that we forget it’s even there, but they know. In fact, the item may have been popular “back in the day,” but the trends have moved on and the customer has not.

However, we need that space in store for something that will sell quicker. We know that the mature ‘legacy’ item is going to sell. We just can’t predict how many and how fast. So let’s try something different.

This is what we do know: by putting the product outside on the sidewalk on a nice spring day, someone is going to pick it up just for “nostalgia” sake. They may buy two or three for that special aunt or neighbor who still has that style.

Putting mature product where it can interrupt the normal flow of traffic increases the odds that it will sell.

#2 - That “Ah Hah” Moment

This is rediscovery, or the, “Darn, I was looking for that” moment. It’s that moment when product suddenly shows up to induce and cause an unexpected sale. Some call it an “impulse buy;” it’s not impulse if it’s planned.

지금은 봄 맞이 대청소의 계절입니다. 모든 것이 새 단장을 하는

이 때, OTC 또한 빠지면 안 되겠죠? 이제 옛 것은 버리고 새로운 것을 들일 시간입니다.

여러분께서는 마지막으로 언제, 오래된 노점들이 쭉 들어서 할인된 물품을 파는 광경을 보셨나요? 확실한 건 예전에

분명 보신적이 있을 거라는 겁니다. 4월이나 5월쯤 사람들이 할인이나 특가 판매 같은 것을 찾아 밖으로 나오는 성수기 주말이면 말이지요.

노상 할인 판매의 이점

그렇다면 OTC 노상 할인 판매에서 그 사람들이 원하는 특가 품목을 찾게 하면 어떨까요? 노상 할인 판매에는 세 가지 정도 상당한 이점들이 있습니다.

#1 – 오래된 제고 정리:

상당수 제품들의 수명은 순환적이라고 할 수 있습니다. 날개 돋친 듯이 팔려나간 신상품이 특정한 스타일을 추구하거나, 유행에 민감한 제품이라면 꾸준한 판매를 기록해나가겠지만 이는 그 순환이 끝나는 시점, 즉 고객들이 새로운 스타일이나 유행을 찾아 떠나는 시점까지만 계속될 것 입니다. 그 순환이 감소하고 소비자들이 더 이상 예전과 같은 양을 구매하지 않을 때, 우리는 그제서야 고작 한 두 명의 구매자들로부터 선택 받은 다른 제품을 발견할 수 있을 것입니다. 소비자가 재 방문하기까지 걸리는 기간 자체가 굉장히 길기 때문에 존재유무조차 잊고 있었던 제품이지만 고객들은 기억할 것입니다. 사실 이런 제품들은 “과거에는” 굉장히 유명했었고, 시간이 지나 유행은 계속 바뀌었지만 고객들만이 변하지 않았을지도 모르는 일이지요.

하지만, 우리는 상점에 조금 더 빨리 팔릴만한 저런 물품들을 위해 자리를 마련해두는 것이 좋습니다. 우리는 이미 저 오래된 “유산” 과

같은 물품들이 팔릴 것이라는 것을 알고 있습니다. 그저 얼마나 많이 그리고 빨리 팔릴지 예상 못 하는 것뿐이지요. 그렇다면 조금 다른 방법을 써 볼까요?

저희가 아는 것은 이렇습니다: 날씨 좋은 어느 봄 날, 물품들을 노상에 내놓고 있으면 “향수” 에 젖은 누군가가 분명 제품을 집어들 것이라는 것 말이지요. 여전히 옛 스타일을 고수하시는 이웃 혹은 사랑하는 이모에게 두 개나 세 개 이상을 선물할 확률이 있다는 그런 말입니다.

이런 오래된 물품을 놓음으로써, 지나가던 사람들의 시선을 빼앗을 수만 있다면 물품이 판매될 확률은 따라 올라갈 것입니다.

#2 – “바로 이거야!” 라고 깨닫는 그 순간

이 경우는 예전에 보았던 물품을 다시 발견한다거나 혹은 “맞다, 저걸 찾고 있었지” 하고 생각하는 순간이라고 볼 수 있습니다. 이런 순간은 제품이 갑자기 눈 앞에 나타나서 구매자를 유혹하고 예상치 못한 구매를 일으키죠. 누군가는 이걸 “충동 구매” 라고 부르지만, 이것이 만약

40 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017

Some conditioners or treatments were sworn by and everybody used them when there was that special problem of shedding or breakage. Again, the trends moved on and that wonderful highly efficient conditioner was overshadowed when that new product came along and bloggers and vloggers took it to YouTube to review and recommend.

Again – voila! – unexpected sales could result by a sidewalk sale because that item was regularly being passed by and passed over, unseen out of sight and dwarfed by the time and glossier product. That would not be the case in a sidewalk sale.

#3 – Donations Make Good Conversation

People are always talking about OTC. Some OTCs gets high recommendations for doing this or that, for being friendly or knowledgeable, etc. Also, consumers talk about how community friendly OTCs are.

So suppose everything does not sell at the sidewalk sale? What does not sell after the “spring cleaning” sidewalk sale can always be donated to a charity. This of course results in two additional things: good will and a tax deduction, plus and added benefit of good publicity about the OTC.

Get the Word Out

Everybody loves a sale. It is a good idea to announce the sidewalk sale well in advance – at least 3 weeks to a month prior to sale.

A word of advice prior to a sidewalk sale: alert neighbors on either side of the OTC that the sale will take place on a specified date. This will allow those businesses to prepare and even help spread the word about the sale.

Offer sidewalk bucks! Simply print some stickers or slips of paper with specified amounts to be discounted only on sidewalk items. A good and very common discount is $1. That dollar incentive will induce someone to make a purchase.

Timing for the Sale

Plan the sale so that it coincides with a pay period. Some employers pay weekly, others the first and fifteenth of the month, while others use a once monthly pay period. It is good to time the sale when you know consumers will have disposable income and are more inclined to make an impulse purchase.

Do not Co-Mingle

Products that enjoy prominent placement in-store such as end caps and countertops are not part of sidewalk sale. These items enjoy their own universe and have up-front placement so they will never be overlooked by consumers, and most times are top of mind for store employees and are recommended often.

The purpose and benefit of the sidewalk sale is to give shelves a fresh start, with more trending products. However you decide to deal with “mature products,” a fresh approach always induces consumer excitement and questions.

같은 제품들은 한 때 머리의 손상이나 빠짐 현상을 겪은 모든 사용자들로부터 비난을 받아야 했었죠. 하지만 또 다시 추세가 바뀌어 새 제품이 나왔을 때, 굉장히 효과적이고 훌륭한 컨디셔너로 탈바꿈하며 모든 블로거 (Blogger) 와 블로거 (Vlogger) 들이 유튜브 (YouTube) 에 리뷰를 올리고 추천하기 시작했죠. 자 보세요! 노상 할인 판매를 통해 얼마든지 예상치 못한 판매를 만들어낼 수 있습니다. 왜냐하면 거기 있는 물품들은 시간이 지나며, 번지르르한 제품들로 인해 외면 당하고 소외 당한 물품들이니까요. 노상 할인 판매에서는 절대 그럴 일이 없습니다.

#3 – 기부는 대화를 좋게 이끌어 갈 수 있습니다 사람들은 언제나 OTC에 대해 이야기 합니다. 몇몇 OTC 는 매우 친절하다거나 지식이 풍부하다거나 등의 이런저런 일들로 많은 추천을 받고 있죠. 또한 소비자들은 OTC 가 얼마나 사회 친화적인지에 대해서 이야기하고는 합니다. 그렇다면 만약 노상 할인 판매에서 모든 것을 다 팔지는 못했다고 가정해보죠. “봄 맞이 대청소” 기념 노상 할인 판매에서 팔리지 못한 물품들은 언제나 자선 단체로 기부하실 수 있습니다. 이런 과정은 두 가지 정도의 결과를 낳을 텐데요: OTC에 대한 호평이 증가하며 추가적으로 얻을 수 있는 친절함과 세금 공제가 그것입니다.

말을 널리 퍼트리세요 누구나 할인 받는 것을 좋아합니다. 이 노상 할인 판매에 대해서 적어도

3주 혹은 한 달의 여유를 두고 널리 알리는 것이 좋다고 생각합니다. 노상 할인 판매를 시작하시기 전에 간단히 충고를 드리자면, OTC 양편에 있는 모든 이웃들에게 할인이 언제 어디서 열리는지 정확히 알리세요. 그럼으로써, 이 비즈니스를 준비할 수 있고 소문도 더 빨리 퍼질 것입니다 노점 화폐를 만드세요! 간단한 스티커나 종이에 오직 노점에서만 사용할 수 있는 할인율을 적으시는 겁니다. 가장 적당하고 널리 사용되는 할인 가격은 1 달러인데요. 그 1 달러 할인 때문에 누군가는 구매하고자 하는 욕구가 생길 것입니다.

할인의 적절한 시기 할인 시기를 잘 계획하셔서 급여를 받는 주기와 맞추시면 좋습니다. 어떤 고용주들은 주급으로 돈을 주고, 한 달의 1일과 15일에 급여를 주기도 하며 대부분의 사람들은 한 달에 한 번 급여를 제공하는 것을 선호합니다. 사람들의 지갑에 언제 돈이 생기는지 미리 알고 할인을 한다면, 충동 구매를 더욱 쉽게 유도할 수 있을 것입니다.

이것저것 섞지 마세요

매장 내 양쪽 끝 진열대나 계산대 위와 같이 중요한 위치를 차지하는 물품들은 노상 할인 판매와는 어울리지 않습니다. 이런 제품들은 그들만의 세상에서 항상 앞 자리에 배치돼, 언제나 손님들의 시선을 끌고 보통 종업원들이 가장 먼저 떠올리고 추천하는 것들이지요.

노상 할인 판매의 목적과 이점은 여러분의 진열대를 조금 더 유행인 상품들과 함께 새로이 꾸미고자 함입니다. 하지만 여러분은 “오래된 물품”을 이용하기로 마음 먹으셨고, 이런 신선한 접근법은 소비자의 의문과 흥미를 유발할 것입니다.

Meet Will Williams

Will Williams is currently the Director of Education for M&M Products Co., a Master Barber, Master Cosmetologist, Public Speaker and Product Developer. Will is a Global Ambassador working with professionals and consumers the world over.

42 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017
계획된 것이었다면 충동이라고 할 수는 없습니다. 몇몇의 컨디셔너나 트리트먼트

Beauty Ambassador Styling Tools

Introducing Hot Tools® Tourmaline Tools SuperLite Turbo IONIC® Dryer

Say goodbye to heavyweight hair dryers and hello to Hot Tools® SuperLight Dryer with Tourmaline!

This SuperLite Hot Tools® dryer not only dries hair fast, but weighing only 10 ounces, is quite possibly the lightest weight dryer on the market. With this true lightweight dryer, you can quickly style hair from wet to dry without the strain and effort that leaves your arm aching and fatigued while styling. Don’t be fooled by how light weight this dryer is, it has the full features a salon stylist needs along with the addition of Tourmaline and IONIC® Technologies.

Need a refresher course on the awesomeness of having an Ionic® Dryer with Tourmaline? Remember that ordinary nonionic hair dryers produce a storm of static electricity all around your hair. Only ionic hair dryers can neutralize that storm by producing millions of negative ions to target that destructive static, using friendly ions to attack the built-up static electricity, removing its damaging charge so it is less harmful to your hair. This SuperLite Dryer is further enhanced with a Tourmaline semiprecious Gemstone® complex, which transforms heat into a soothing, gentle flow of nourishing air. Consider it a hydrating spa treatment for your hair! This combination of Tourmaline and Ionic® Technologies also enables your hair to dry up to 50 percent faster than non-ionic dryers by breaking down water molecules into smaller, easier to evaporate droplets which helps reduce the amount of heat exposure to your hair, resulting in an incredibly shiny, soft, frizz-free finish.

With all the benefits mentioned above and lightweight, too, this dryer is a must-have in your lineup of hair styling appliances.

At Hot Tools®, we pride ourselves on giving

Meet Terri Taricco-Cropp

you quality tools that help you achieve the look you need, while ensuring you have healthy, vibrant hair. Hot Tools® appliances are the gold standard for professional hair stylists and empower customers to get professional results from the comfort of their home. Through innovation in materials, technical features and ergonomically advanced designs, Hot Tools® hair dryers, curling irons, flat irons and hair setters help stylists and the home user be at their creative best—delivering beautiful, longlasting styles, redesigned to reduce heat styling damage while enhancing moisture and shine. Hot Tools® products are coveted by stylists who demand excellence in all kinds of high pressure styling environments including film, photo shoots and backstage styling and runway shows.

Hot Tools® is looking for brand ambassadors to provide feedback on our products and increase brand awareness. If you are interested,

46 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017
products to stylists
Terri has been part of the Professional Beauty Industry since 1984, as a stylist and salon owner. She also has worked in full service distribution, on-line beauty, trade shows and now VP of Marketing for Hot Tools. She leads a team of dedicated people devoted to bring the
and consumers globally.

Notes From The Natural Note

Locs! Sealed & Delivered!

As we head into Spring, this is the best time for naturalistas to show-off their fabulous natural-styled hair. Those cool curls, coils, locs twists or straight hair styles are no longer hiding under winter caps. Just don’t forget the key word: Healthy! They’ll find out that the only thing cooler than showing off their awesome natural hair is showing off a healthy head of hair.

Keeping hair healthy means keeping it clean with the right product, like My DNA SulfateFree Shampoo. It cleanses away product build-up without stripping the hair of its natural oils. And it infuses moisture in to the hair, to keep it ultra moisturized.

MY DNA Leave in Conditioner and Detangler infuses healthy moisture into the hair. The rich, natural ingredients penetrate the hair shaft and get straight to your roots, making your hair smooth, frizz free and beautiful!

In between shampoos, moisturizing the hair daily with Jamaican Mango and Lime Jamaican Black Castor Oil helps the hair stay hydrated, soft, and easy to style. A hot oil treatment with Jamaican Black Castor Oil, once a week, is a sure way to make hair its healthiest best.

March is also a great month for bringing out the new and unique colors women love to paint on their nails. However, all the colors in the world won’t do much for brittle, dry and unhealthy nails. That’s why keeping nails healthy is so essential, and it’s so easy; it can turn into a daily habit. Keeping nails healthy also means washing hands with a mild soap, using a nail brush to get under the cuticles and nails.

It’s springtime, “Where You Surrender Your Senses”! It’s time to get nails into great condition with the new Jamaican Black Castor Oil Exotic Oil Collection. This vitamin-enriched natural oil is enhanced with exotic aromas so our oils not only moisturize nails and repair and moisturize cuticles, but they do it all with the flava of Scentsational exotic richness.

This spring, make your place the onestop shop for everything healthy for natural hair, skin and nail care.

Meet Emma Young

Emma L. Young is a freelance writer who has written for various publications including ShopTalk Magazine, the Saints Magazine, South Shore Current and the Spiritual Perspective Newspaper.

48 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017

Coloring Tips for Highly Textured Hair

Coloring ethnic hair can take an ordinary look to the next level. Learning how takes precision and practice, but with a few helpful tips it’s easy for any consumer to feel like a pro at home. With so many fantastic shades and formulas available now, the sky is the limit with how creative you can be with hair color. Mixed texture hair can range from curly to coily, to wavy to straight, but should be treated similarly to curly hair that needs moisture, conditioning and care.

Color on mixed textured hair can add a whole new dimension to her curls. Whether she’s looking to add subtle highlights or change her hair color completely, adding a new layer of style with hair color is a fun way to change her look while still feeling like herself. The highly textured hair consumer wants to enjoy hair color without losing the luxuriousness of her curls.

Helpful Hints

It’s important to use the right type of hair color. Consumers should look for hair color that has conditioning agents in them, like silk proteins, and are formulated with moisturizing conditioners that will hydrate the hair while depositing color. Ammonia-free versions can offer long-lasting color that won’t fade and look vibrant on all hair textures.

Color on mixed textured hair can add a whole new dimension to her curls

For first time box color users, the thought of coloring hair at home can be scary so education is needed. It’s important for the consumer to know how much color to use, when to apply it and when to rinse it out. Picking out the right shade using the visual guides is also very important. If the hair is healthy, you can use any color if you follow the hair color box instructions. Manufacturers do a lot of testing on their products and include detailed instructions on the box and with the directions sheet. It would be great to encourage your customers to read the directions and look at “how-to” videos on their websites or social media pages to learn how to best apply athome hair color on textured hair.

Some helpful tips for the mixed textured hair consumer coloring her hair at home would be to start the hair color application one inch away from the scalp and comb down to the ends. The scalp holds heat so if you apply color at the scalp first, it will process faster and leave you with different colors in your hair. Ends tend to accept hair color more readily.

It’s also important to note that there may be several textures of hair in mixed textured hair. Curly hair can tend to be more fragile. Coloring virgin hair that does not contain any chemicals or relaxer is a great way to have longlasting color and play around with bolder shades that can tend to be more experimental like bold blonde shades.

When coloring textured hair that is grey, it is important to look for a formula that says “100% grey coverage” on the outside of the box. Grey hair can tend to be resistant to color and this is true with curly or mixed textured hair as well, so full coverage will be very important to the consumer’s happiness.

Meet Teneya Gholston

Teneya Gholston is the Marketing Director for Revlon Professional’s Creme of Nature brand.

52 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017
Feature Article

Curly hair can tend to be dryer and more dehydrated so it’s important to look for formulas, like Creme of Nature Moisture-Rich Hair Color with Shea Butter Conditioner and Creme of Nature Exotic ShineTM Color with Argan Oil from Morocco, that offer maximum conditioning benefits with nourishing ingredients like Shea Butter and Argan Oil. Newer athome hair color includes these high-quality ingredients to help protect her tender curls and make the color last longer.

At-home maintenance after the color application is very important. To maintain color, consumers should look for gentle, sulfate-free shampoos, like Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco Sulfate-free Moisture & Shine Shampoo, and conditioners that will provide moisture back into her hair. Leave-in conditioners with nourishing oils like coconut oil or Argan oil will be helpful for her daily styling and maintenance, as will moisturerich treatment masks. You should also suggest that she do hot oil treatments with natural Argan oil to lock moisture into her strands. This will

Mixed texture hair can tend to be more full and voluminous than straight hair, so encourage the consumer to buy more than one box if she has hair that is longer than a lob

help to keep her hair hydrated and really bring out the shine of her new color. Using the right amount of color is key. There’s nothing worse than coloring your hair at home and running out of hair color. Mixed texture hair can tend to be more full and voluminous than straight hair, so encourage the consumer to buy more than one box if she has hair that is longer than a lob. In this case, it’s better to have than to have not.

Fabulously Fun

Lastly, today’s consumers want to have fun with hair color – so let them! Whether they are looking to go deep with jet black, kick things up a notch with auburn or burgundy, or experiment with bright red or blonde, there are a variety of options for every hair texture. She can choose all over color, balyage or add subtle highlights at home. Follow the instructions, use enough color, condition and take plenty of selfies afterwards.

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 53
Photos courtesy of Creme of Nature.

Who says that anything other than passion is a requirement to creating a creative, fun and unique thriving business within the beauty industry? Manic Panic was born when two sisters—Tish and Snooky Bellomo—both with no previous experience in business or the industry, created a company for the “love of creative color and alternative style.” The rest is history, and OTC Beauty Magazine was fortunate enough to speak with Snooky and Tish, co-owners and Co-Presidents, to learn about its cool past and exciting future.

뷰티 업계에서 창조적이고, 재미있고 독특하게 번창하는 사업에 열정만큼 필요한 것이 없다라고 말하는

사람은 누구인가요? Manic Panic은 비즈니스 또는 산업 분야에서 경험이 없었던 두 명의 자매 Tish와 Snooky Bellomo가 “창의적인 컬러와 얼터너티브 스타일의 사랑” 을 위한 회사를 만들면서 탄생했습니다.

다 아시는 이야기이고, OTC 뷰티 매거진은 멋진 과거와 흥미

공동 운영자 및 공동 회장인 Snooky 그리고 Tish 와

OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): How long has Manic Panic been in existence?

Snooky Bellomo (SB): In July, we celebrate our 40 year anniversary and owe all of our incredible success to our commitment to doing what we love, loving what we do, and working tirelessly and fearlessly!

OTC: We understand that Manic Panic has some very unique beginnings. Please tell us about the company’s cool history.

Tish Bellomo (TB): We opened America’s first punk rock fashion boutique in 1977, as a sideline to our singing career. We were part of the original NYC alternative music scene, singing backups in Blondie and many other bands. We sold everything we liked: clothing, accessories, cosmetics and hair color. When we created our own line of hair color, we marketed it as a DIY product, targeted towards musicians, artists, and innovative people, because the majority of the beauty industry was not interested in our unconventional line of creative colors. Now Manic Panic® has become a household name. Our products can be seen on the runways at Fashion Week and have been proudly worn by celebrities such as Rihanna, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Missy Elliot, Demi Lovato, Sharaya J, Justine Skye and Kelis and singer Corey Glover from Living Colour. Even basketball legend, Dennis Rodman is a fan.

OTC뷰티매거진(OTC): Manic Panic은 얼마나 오래되었나요?

Snooky Bellomo (SB): 7월에 40주년을 맞이하며 우리가 사랑하는 일, 우리가 하는 일에 대한 사랑, 지치지 않고 두려움 없이 헌신하여 일한 덕택에 놀라운 성공을 이끌어 냈습니다!

OTC: 우리는 Manic Panic이 시작을 아주 특별하게 했다고 알고 있습니다. 회사의 멋진 역사를 좀 말씀해주세요.

Tish Bellomo (TB): 가수를 하면서 부업으로 1977 년 미국 최초의 펑크 록 패션 전문점을 오픈하였습니다. 우리는 Blondie 와 다른 많은 밴드의 노래를 부르는 오리지널 NYC 얼터너티브 음악에 참여했습니다. 우리가 좋아하는 모든 것을 판매했습니다: 의류, 악세서리, 화장품과 헤어 칼러. 우리의 헤어 칼라 라인을 만들었을 때, 대다수의 뷰티 업계가 틀에 얽매이지 않은 독창적인 색상 라인에 관심이 없었기 때문에 뮤지션, 예술가와 혁식적인 분들께 DIY 제품으로 마케팅을 했었습니다. 이제 Manic Panic®은 누구나 알고 계십니다. 우리 제품은 패션 위크의 런 웨이에서 볼 수 있으며 리안, 케티 페리, 레이디 가가, 미시 엘리엇, 데미 로바토, 샤라 야 J, 저스틴 스카이, 케리스와 같은 유명 인사와 리빙 컬러의 가수 코리 글로버가 자랑스럽게 사용하고 있습니다. 심지어 농구 전설인 Dennis Rodman도 우리 제품의 팬이지요

56 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017
알아보기 위해서 운 좋게도
나눌 기회를 잡았습니다.
진진한 미래에 대해
Manufacturer Profile
(Left to right) Snooky and Tish, Photo courtesy of Patrick McMullan

OTC: Briefly describe the brands/items that make up the company’s product portfolio.

SB: Manic Panic semi-permanent hair color is available in 3 formulas: High Voltage Classic, Amplified, and the Creamtones, which are 5 Perfect Pastels.

All Hair Color collections are:

• 100% vegan and cruelty free – Tested on Celebrities Not Animals! ™

• MANIC PANIC® Hair Colors do not contain harsh chemicals such as ammonia or peroxide and are PPD free

• Made with a conditioning agent base. This base also acts as a “filler” for the hair shaft

• Semi-permanent, direct dyes, which means there is no pre-mixing with developer required

• Made in the USA

- Flash Lightning Bleach Kits: (in 30 and 40 Volume,) plus our new “Blue Lightning” 30 Volume blue bleach kits to get the perfect base for intense color.

OTC: 회사 제품 포트폴리오를 구성하고 있는 브랜드/제품에 대해서 간략히 설명해 주세요.

SB: Manic Panic 반-영구적인 머리색에는 3종류가 있습니다: High Voltage Classic, Amplified, 완벽한 5개 파스텔을 나타내는 Creamtones 입니다.

모든 헤어 컬러 컬렉션은:

- Dyehard Temporary Color Styling Gel (available in 11 vibrant colors): for our customers who desire color without commitment.

- “Glam Strips” Clip-in Color: another product for “color without commitment.” Add a touch of color in seconds (available in a rainbow of shades).

- “Glamnation” line of Alternative Cosmetics: includes lipsticks, eyeshadows, foundations, glitters and powders that radiate the total Manic Panic look!

OTC: What tips do you have to help retailers incorporate these items in their stores?

TB: Manic Panic is a perennial favorite—not just in the youth market, but also with customers who fell in love with the brand when they were young and love it just as much today. It’s more than a beauty brand—it’s a lifestyle brand! Both the name and the packaging are eye-catching and iconic. Retailers can benefit by learning about the Manic Panic history, product benefits and points of differentiation between the Manic Panic brand and the imitation brands. The fact that MP hair color is vegan, cruelty-free, PPDfree, and made in the U.S.A. set the brand apart. Naturally, it is best displayed at eye level, with contrasting colors next to and above each other, to really make the display “pop,” highlighting the vibrancy of our 40+ shades! Our hair swatch charts help the customer choose just the right shade.

A picture is worth 1,000 words, and we recommend and provide signage with our logo and pictures of beautiful people with beautiful hair.

OTC: What customer base would you say Manic Panic’s products most speak to?

SB: Our largest demographic is 18 to 35-year-olds, along with fashion-conscious individuals of all ages. Manic Panic has remained on-trend for 4 decades! We have something for everyone, from fun and funky “Glow Under Black Light” colors to the most sophisticated shades to choose from.

• 100% 비건(vegan)과 크루얼티 프리(cruelty free)입니다 – Tested on Celebrities Not Animals! ™

• MANIC PANIC® 헤어 컬러에는 유해한 암모니아, 과산화물과 PPD가 함유되어 있지 않습니다

• 컨디셔닝 에이전트 베이스로 만듧니다. 이 베이스는 모간용 “필러” 역할을 합니다

• 반영구적, 직접 염색으로 용액과 사전 혼합이 필요하지 않습니다

• 미국에서 제조

- 플래시 라이트닝 탈색 키트: (30 및 40 볼륨) 새로운 “블루 라이트닝”30 볼륨 블루 탈색 키트로 강렬한 색상을 위한 완벽한 베이스를 얻으십시오.

- 다이하드 임시 컬러 스타일링 젤 (11가지 생생한 색상 사용 가능): 빠른 시간에 컬러를 원하시는 고객님들을 위한 제품.

- “글램 스트립스 “ 클립-인 컬러: “시간낭비 없는 컬러”를 위한 또 다른 제품. 몇 초 만에 컬러 터치를 추가하세요 ( 무지개 색 가능).

- 얼너티브 코스메틱 라인의 “Glamnation”: Manic Panic 모습을 발산시켜주는 립스틱, 아이 쉐도우, 파운데이션, 글리터 및 파우더가 포함되어 있습니다!

OTC: 이러한 제품들을 소매점에서 판매 하는데 도움이 될만한 팁이 있나요?

TB: Manic Panic은 유스 마켓에서뿐만 아니라 젊은 시절에 이 브랜드를 좋아하셨던 고객들이 아직까지도 사랑해주시는 여러해 동안 인기를 누리고 있는 브랜드입니다. 뷰티 브랜드 이상의 라이프스타일 브랜드입니다. 이름과 포장은 눈을 사로잡으며 상징적입니다. Manic Panic 역사, 제품의 장점과 Manic Panic 브랜드와 짝퉁 브랜드간의 차이점을 학습하여 수익을 얻을 수 있습니다. MP 는 비건, 크루얼티-프리, PPD-프리이고 U.S.A 에서 만들었다는 사실은 브랜드를 특별하게 만들어 주고 있습니다. 당연히 눈높이에 진열해야 가장 잘 보이고 상하좌우에 서로 대비되는 색상을 사용하여 40 개가 넘는 색조를 선명하게 보여주는 “팝” 디스플레이가 가장 좋은 진열입니다! 헤어 견본 차트는 고객이 올바른 쉐이드를 선택하실 수 있도록 합니다.

천마디 말보다 한 장의 사진이 더 나으므로, 아름다운 머리를 가진 아름다운 사람들의 로고와 입간판 사진을 권장하며, 그러한 것들은 우리가 제공하고 있습니다.

OTC: Manic Panic의 제품에서 가장 중점을 두는 고객층은 어디인가요?

SB: 우리의 가장 큰 고객층은 18세에서 35세 사이이며 패션에 관심있는 모든 연령대 입니다. Manic Panic은 40년 동안 계속해서 트랜드의 변함이 없었습니다! 우리는 즐겁고 펑키한 “Glow Under Black Light” 색상부터 가장 정교한 색조까지 선택할 수 있는 모두를 위한 특별한 제품입니다.

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 57

OTC: Do your products work on customers of all skin and hair types? If so, what makes them universal?

TB: YES! Manic Panic has a range of colors so large (over 50 shades and counting!) that we have the perfect color for every imaginable hair and skin type. For those who want lighter shades, we have a Pasteli-zer product that enables one to create delicate pastel shades from any of our colors. Because our formula is conditioner-based, it adds shine and softness to hair, which is great for all hair types.

OTC: What differentiates this company’s products from others like them within the multicultural beauty market?

SB: We believe the multicultural market is underserved when it comes to options and availability in creative colors. Manic Panic is here to change all that! By partnering with the best distributors to bring Manic Panic to multicultural markets, and by offering education about the benefits of our formula on multicultural hair, we feel we can reach more people and they will receive our message well. Manic Panic is also the “go-to” brand for creative color used on wigs and hair extensions. Our hair color is gentle and nourishing to the hair, with no ammonia, peroxide, or other harsh chemicals, and is PPD-free. It is a certified vegan formula—tested on celebrities, not animals™.

The company has always had a commitment to community, and philanthropy. We donate regularly to many worthy charities and support animal rights as well. We want everyone to enjoy the fun and freedom that goes with having fabulous, colorful Manic Panic hair color.

OTC: What impact do you think color in general has on the beauty industry—both in terms of trends, creativity, and variety in styling good staples?

TB: The creative color trend that we introduced to the US market 40 years ago is now exploding! The world is finally more open to self-expression and individuality. Options for creativity and variety are limitless!

OTC: What trend(s) have you seen grow the most recently in your sector of the beauty business and how is the company meeting that consumer demand?

SB: Ombré, Color Melt, UV hair, Split Dye, Opalescent Hair and Rainbow Hair are trends we have seen over the year that continue to reinvent themselves. Currently Rainbow Roots and Rainbow Under lights are a social media hit! And let’s not forget creatively colored beards and mustaches!

We have continued to expand our line of colors to meet consumer demand. All of our hair colors can be mixed together to customize a look. It is also helpful for consumers who don’t have as much experience in color theory to have more choices of shades— they can use it straight out of the bottle.

OTC: 제품이 모든 피부, 머리 타입에 잘 어울리나요? 그렇다면 어떤 점이 이것을 가능하게 했나요?

TB: 물론이죠! Manic Panic에는 매우 다양한 색상(50가지 컬러 개수!)이 있어 상상할 수 있는 모든 머리와 피부 유형에 어울리는 색상을 가지고 있습니다. 더 밝은 색상을 원하시는 분들에 대해서는 당사의 모든 색상을 파스텔 톤 색상으로 만들 수 있는 파스텔라이저 제품이 있습니다. 우리의 포뮬러는 컨디셔너 기반이므로 헤어에 빛과 부드러움이 추가되어 모든 헤어 유형에 좋습니다.

OTC: W이 회사의 제품이 다양한 문화 뷰티 마켓내의 다른 제품과 차별화되는 요소는 무엇이죠?

SB: W우리는 다양한문화 시장이 독창적인 색상의 옵션과 가용성에 관해서는 서비스가 충분하지 않다고 생각합니다. Manic Panic이 바로 모든 것을 바꿀 주역입니다! Manic Panic은 최고의 유통 업체와 제휴하여 다양한 문화 시장에

진입하고 다양한 문화의 헤어 제품 장점에 대한 교육을 하여 더 많은 분들께

다가 갈 수 있으며 저희의 메시지를 잘 받게 될 것 입니다. Manic Panic은 또한 가발 및 붙인 머리에 사용되는 독창적인 색상의 “go-to” 브랜드입니다.

우리의 헤어 칼라는 머리에 자극이 없으며 영양을 공급해주는 것으로 암모니아, 과산화물 또는 다른 유해한 화학 성분이 없으며 PPD가 없습니다.

이 제품은 검증된 비건 포뮬러로 tested on celebrities, not animals™ 입니다.

회사는 항상 지역 사회와 박애 정신에 대해 헌신해 왔습니다. 우리는 훌륭한 많은 자선 단체에 정기적으로 기부하고 동물의 권리도 지지합니다. 우리는 모두가 멋지고 화려한 Manic Panic 헤어 칼라를 갖는 즐거움과 자유를 누리기를 바라고 있습니다.

We continue to stay abreast of current trends and have a strong customer service team that works with our customers individually to assist them in achieving any look they desire. We also create videos to educate our customers.

OTC: What do you personally think makes the beauty industry so unique and exciting?

TB: The beauty industry is evolving every second. In forty years we’ve watched our brand grow from an underground revolution of punk rockers rebelling with their hair and fashion choices to models wearing Manic Panic on the runways at Fashion Week and all around the world. Executives in offices rock Manic Panic in meetings. Creatively colored hair is for everyone now.

OTC: 트렌드, 창의성, 스타일의 다양성 측면에서 컬러가 뷰티 산업에 미치는 영향은 무엇이라고 생각하시나요?

TB: 40년 전에 미국 시장에서 선보인 창의적인 컬러 트렌드는 이제 폭발적인 반응을 얻고 있습니다. 지금은 자기 표현 및 개성에 더 개방되어 있는 세계입니다. 독창성과 다양성을 위한 옵션은 무한합니다!

OTC: 가장 최근에 뷰티 사업 분야의 트랜드는 무엇이며 회사가 소비자 요구를 어떻게 충족시켜주시나요?

SB: O옴브레, 칼라 멜트, UV 헤어, 스플릿 다이, 오팔 헤어, 레인보우 헤어는 수년동안 스스로 매년 다른 모습을 보여주고 있는 트렌드입니다. 지금은 레인보우 부츠와 레인보운 언더 라이트가 소셜미디어에서 히트를 치고 있습니다. 그리고 창의적인 컬러 수염과 콧수염도 잊지 말자구요!

우리는 소비자 요구를 충족시키기 위해 지속적으로 다양한 컬러를 만들어 왔습니다. 모든 헤어 컬러를 혼합하여 내 마음대로 꾸밀 수 있습니다. 또한 컬러에 대한 경험이 별로

없으신 소비자는 다양한 색조를 선택하여 바로 사용하실 수 있습니다.

우리는 최신의 트랜드에 뒤쳐지지 않고 고객과 개별적으로 협력하여 고객이 원하는 모습을 얻을 수 있도록 돕는 강력한 고객 서비스 팀을 꾸준히 유지합니다.

우리는 고객을 위한 교육용 비디오도 제작합니다.

OTC: 뷰티 산업이 매우 독특하고 흥미롭게 하는 이유는 무엇이라고 생각하시나요?

TB: 뷰티 산업은 매순간 진화하고 있습니다. 펑크 로커들이 반항의 표시로 한 헤어와 패션 언더그라운드 혁명이 이제 패션 위크와 전 세계의 런웨이의 모델들이 Manic Panic 을 착용하고 있는 성장까지 40년간 지켜보았습니다. 사무실의 임원들은 회의에서 Manic Panic을 외칩니다. 이제 창의적으로 염색한 헤어는 모두를 위한 것 입니다.

58 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017
Manufacturer Profile

OTC: What form of product promotion do you believe works best in independent OTC beauty supply stores? Why?

SB: We like gift with purchases (GWPs) to cross promote; “Buy two hair colors, get a free Pastelizer” works well. Giving away a free “DyeAway” Hair Color Removal Wipe with purchase also works well.

Marketing materials with pictures of models wearing different looks draw attention to the products and show consumers various possibilities. We also have a “how to” tutorial video that beauty supply stores can run and also recommend to people new to Manic Panic color. Education on how to use the product is always a plus.

OTC: What is Manic Panic doing to ensure excellent customer service to OTC retailers? How can they benefit from working with you?

TB: We are always available for questions and concerns Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm EST. Our reps and customer service team are all trained and constantly updated on our products. We offer a more personal customer service because we have educated stylists available to answer customer calls and emails about the product. Manic Panic has reps across the US to make personal store visits for education, new product training, and any other OTC retailer needs. Additionally, OTC retailers will benefit by increased sales and product diversity when Manic Panic is brought into their mix of offerings.

OTC: What beauty shows does your company plan to participate in this year, and how do you see that they benefit both you as an exhibitor and show visitors?

SB: Bronner Bros, Western and Eastern Buying Conferences, America’s Beauty Show, International Beauty Show, Premiere Orlando, Cosmoprof North America and Cosmoprof Bologna are some of the major shows we will be participating in. We also partner with some of our trusted distributors and participate in their independent shows to reach more people and show our support.

Shows are very important for this industry. They allow us to meet our customers and consumers face-to-face, introduce new products, reeducate on the existing line, and get valuable feedback.

OTC: Are there any other big plans in store for Manic Panic in 2017 that you can tell us about?

TB: We are launching an amazing new super strength 30 Volume bleach kit called “Blue Lightning” this March. The mega blue bleach powder helps neutralize brassy tones, giving the hair a “clean slate” before applying the hair color. We’re also launching a dry shampoo called “Hair Freshener.” This allows users to freshen their hair in-between shampoos without removing color.

OTC: What final thoughts would you like to share with OTC readers?

SB: In 2017, Manic Panic celebrates its 40th year in business, with no plans of stopping anywhere in sight. We thank you for helping us to make the world a more colorful place. And as we always say...Live fast and dye your hair!

OTC: 독립적인 OTC 뷰티 판매점에서 가장 효과가 있다고 생각하는 제품 프로모션의 유형은 무엇이죠? 그 이유는요?

SB: 교차 프로모션인 구매시 경품(GWP)을 선호합니다; “헤어 칼라 제품 2개 구매시 무료 파스텔라이저” 가 반응이 좋습니다. 구매시 무료로 “DyeAway” 헤어

컬러 리무버를 지급하는 것도 좋은 반응을 얻고 있습니다.

서로 다른 외모를 지닌 모델 사진이 담긴 마케팅 자료는 제품에 대한 관심을 끌고 소비자에게 다양한 가능성을 보여 줍니다. 우리는 뷰티 판매점에서 실행할 수 있는 “how to” 비디오를 가지고 있으며 Manic Panic 컬러를 처음 접하신 분들께도 추천합니다. 제품 사용법에 대한 교육은 항상 효과가 있습니다.

OTC: Manic Panic은 OTC 소매점에 우수한 고객 서비스 보장을 위해 어떤 것을 하고 있나요? 귀하와 협업하는 소매점들은 어떻게 혜택을 받을 수 있나요? TB: 우리는 동부표준시로 월요일-금요일, 오전9시 부터 오후6시까지 언제나 질문과 문의 사항에 대한 답변을 드릴 수 있습니다. 당사 대리점과 고객 서비스팀은 모두 잘 훈련되어 있으며 지속적으로 당사의 제품을 새롭게 갱신하고 있습니다. 교육을 받은 스타일리스트가 고객 전화와 제품에 관련된 이메일에 대해 응답을 해 드리고 있기 때문에 우리는 좀 더 친숙한 고객 서비스를 제공합니다. Manic Panic은 미국 전역에서 교육, 신제품 훈련 및 기타 OTC 소매업자의 개인 상점 방문 담당자를 두고 있습니다. 또한, OTC 소매 업체에 Manic Panic 제품을 판매되고 있는 제품에 추가될 때 제품의 다양성으로 판매가 증가되어 수익을 얻게 될 것 입니다.

OTC: 귀사는 올해 어떤 뷰티 쇼에 참가할 계획이고 출품자 및 방문객 모두에게 이익이 된다는 것을 어떻게 알 수 있을까요?

SB: 우리는 Bronner Bros, Western and Eastern Buying Conferences, America’s Beauty Show, International Beauty Show, Premiere Orlando, Cosmoprof North America 및 Cosmoprof Bologna등에 참여할 예정 입니다. 우리는 또한 신뢰할 수있는 유통 업체 중 일부와 파트너 관계를 맺고 더 많은 사람들에게 다가가며 우리의 지원을 보여주기 위해 독자적인 쇼에 참여합니다. 이 산업에서는 쇼는 매우 중요합니다. 쇼를 통해 고객과 소비자를 직접 만나 새로운 제품을 소개하고 기존 라인에 대한 재 교육을 해드리고 아주 중요한 피드백을 받을 수 있습니다.

OTC: 2017 년에 Manic Panic 스토어에 대한 다른 큰 계획이 있는지 말씀해 주시겠어요?

TB: 우리는 올해 3월에 “블루 라이트닝 (Blue Lightning)”이라는 놀랍고 새로운 슈퍼 강도 30 볼륨 탈색 키트를 출시 할 예정입니다. 메가 블루 탈색제는 헤어 칼러를 적용하기 전에 머리카락에 “클린 슬레이트”를 주어 브래시 톤을 중화시켜 줍니다. 이를 통해 소비자는 컬러의 제거 없이 샴푸로 헤어를 새롭게 할 수 있습니다.

OTC: 마지막으로 OTC 독자들과 공유하고 싶으신 것은 무엇인가요?

SB: 2017년에 Manic Panic 은 창립 40주년을 기념하며 앞으로도 멈추지 않고 계속 발전해 나가겠습니다. 더욱더 컬러풀 한 곳으로 만들어 주신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다. 그리고 항상 말씀드렸듯이...활기차게 살고 머리를 염색하세요!

Company Name: Manic Panic

Contact Number: 718-937-6055

Website: www.manicpanic.com

Years in business: 40

회사명 : Manic Panic

연락전화번호: 718-937-6055

웹사이트: www.manicpanic.com

사업년수: 40

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 59

CELEBRATES First Choice Sales and Marketing Group Inc.


Here at OTC Beauty Magazine we love to see companies flourish and celebrate noteworthy milestones. First Choice Sales and Marketing Group is celebrating their 30 year anniversary this month, and we sat down with a few representatives to learn more about its history. Please join with us in congratulating this establishment on their successes.

62 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 Special Vendor Profile
(Left to right) Demar Roberts, Tyrone Burroughs and Melanie Burroughs

OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): Please provide us with a brief overview of First Choice Sales and Marketing Group, Inc. What exactly does the company do?

Melanie Burroughs (MB): In a nutshell, First Choice Sales and Marketing Group serves its clients through the management and execution of their sales, planning, promotion and merchandising strategies at the retail and OTC levels. As a global consumer products management firm, we've been helping brands across the health and beauty industry prosper since 1987.

OTC: How did the company get its start? Is it founded on a certain idea or vision?

Tyrone Burroughs (TB): I started First Choice with a simple principle— to be a catalyst in creating economic opportunities—for my employees, for our clients, and within our communities. Beauty seemed like a good platform—it was relatable to everyone, male or female, and was independent of stereotypes. Beauty could be defined by the beholder.

OTC: Is there a certain portion of the beauty industry and geographic area the company serves?

Demar Roberts (DR): First Choice initially established a niche skill set servicing clients and customers in the multicultural industry whose primary audience was women of color. Our “reach” now extends across the {retail} aisles, into the hands of everyday women and men around the world.

OTC: Please describe the services that the company offers.

MB: We’ve grown our platforms to be able to support brands from concept to consumer through sales, product planning and placement, merchandising, category management, marketing and public relations. With over 150+ years of combined experience, we believe we’ve assembled a talented team capable of servicing our clients and customers across a variety of disciplines.

OTC: What distinguishing factor makes First Choice stand out among this industry?

TB: As a “bridge,” we believe our service model is based upon integrity. Everything we do is in the best interest of our clients and customers, the industry, and the end consumer.

OTC: What is the biggest accomplishment this company has celebrated since it began?

TB: Sustainability! By far, we have accomplished much, yet we have so much more work to do in this business. We are grateful to have clients and customers who have been with us for decades, entrusting us to serve them and manage their businesses. Those relationships, without a doubt, are our blessing [for longevity].

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Photos are from the 25th Anniversary Celebration of First Choice Sales and Marketing Group, held on January 27, 2012.

OTC: In what ways has time changed the way that business is conducted as a consumer products management firm?

DR: If we go back 30 years, before the technological advances, we would see the emphasis on a customer’s in-store experience. Today, we must also ensure that a customer has a pleasant online and social experience as well—websites must be informational and easy to navigate; influencers must become official brand ambassadors, and brands must have multiple touch points. When we think about how to best prepare and represent our brands for distribution, we take a 360 approach based upon consumer marketing practices to ensure a win-win for the brand, the retailer, and the consumer. We are no longer able to look at the business/industry as monolithic, as there are many layers to getting a product on shelf—and off (into the hands of a customer/consumer).

OTC: Do you have a favorite memory you can share with us from your time at First Choice?

MB: I have a few, but one of my very first memories was trying to decide what I would call my father at the office. I wasn’t quite brave enough to say “Tyrone,” but I wanted to be validated and saying “Daddy” didn’t seem adult enough. I guess you can say I started the “Mr. Burroughs” movement.

OTC: What or who would you attribute to the company’s success and longevity in the industry?

MB: Definitely, my father. He’s very well-known and respected—even among brands and businesses that are not in our client portfolio. I grew up in the business, but the appreciation for his talent and passion in this industry only became apparent when I began working in it after college. His vision and the talent he brings to First Choice are why our customers have remained with us for so long. People trust him. They respect him. They value him, which in turn makes our company valuable… and successful.

OTC: What do you think is the best piece of advice for success in the multicultural beauty industry, for both manufacturers and beauty supply storeowners?

TB: Love what you do! If you really enjoy what you’re doing or building and the customers that you serve, it will never feel like work. Invest in yourself and your business—learn more, get the right tools, and find the resources to help you create a stronger team, a better store, a better business. Never become complacent. There’s always room for improvement.

OTC: Now that First Choice has made it 30 years in this industry, what do you see the future holding for the company?

TB: Expansion. We will continue to add services to our portfolio such as distribution and logistics. A long-term strategy of mine has been to include global offerings for our clients. As a full-service agency, it’s important for us to continue to grow and to be {serve} where our clients and customers do business. These days, that quite possibly extends beyond North America.

64 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017


That’s My Speed

In the inner-city Philadelphia neighborhood where I grew up, the phrase “That’s my speed” was a statement used to communicate your preference for something. For example, if you preferred Pepsi over Coca Cola, while pointing to a Pepsi you would say “That’s my speed!” and your friends would know exactly what you wanted. This statement now applies to the actual speeds of clippers—detachable blade clippers to be exact.

Why multiple speeds?

Multi-speed, detachable blade clippers are becoming a top choice of professionals because of the flexibility and control they deliver. These tools help tailor the cutting performance to the needs of the operator. For example, a barber who specializes in kids/youth clientele will run their clipper on lower speed settings to avoid heat buildup that can occur with high speeds and to gain added control with the squirming client. On the other hand, a barber like me, who desires to cut through very thick hair easier and quicker, will select higher speed settings.

My favorites

Andis makes a variety of detachable blade clippers, but here I will highlight the MVP and the Supra ZR™. The MVP is a corded unit with two speeds, while the Supra ZR is cordless and features five speeds. Both have been personal favorites of mine due to their quality craftsmanship and performance. Each has a high speed option to allow my CeramicEdge® blade sets to cut through thick, wet hair easily. So if asked why my clippers sound so fast, I would respond “That’s my speed!”

In the case of the MVP, I think its lowest speed is best for keeping UltraEdge® blade sets running cool, while the highest speed setting is ideal for quickly cutting through thick or coarse hair. The newest offering to the Andis detachable clipper family is the Supra ZR and it doesn’t disappoint! Its highest speed is faster than any other detachable blade clipper on the market that I know of. With a powerful lithiumion battery and five total speeds, both seasoned pros and advanced home haircutters are sure to find the right speeds to fit their needs. Try out the Supra ZR and I’m sure you’ll say “That’s my speed”!

For more information on multi-speed detachable blade clippers, visit andis.com.

Shea & Coconut Smooth Edges:

The perfect hairline finish to protect your edges, with flexible hold and without dryness or flakes.

Coconut: Moisturizes, adds shine and helps promote growth.

Shea: Nourishes roots and soothes scalp.

Omega 3: Helps rebuild, strengthen and protect hair from within.

68 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 Advertisement
Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of a 12-chair salon— Main Attraction Unisex Salon— based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in films such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company.


The Revival of Nature’s Green Bounty

Color forecasts for the upcoming year are reminiscent of a revival. Fashion and beauty icons selected the top 10 colors for 2017. It is a surprising collection of colors that capture nature’s bounty of greens, blues, and overall nature. These shades are evidence that consumers are seeking the spirit of renewal and hope. They want to be invigorated and surrounded by nature.

This year’s earthy shades all revolve around greenery. From the greens that spring brings to the muted hues that surface in every season. Kale, Dogwood, Yarrow and Lapis all create a healthy palate of sunlight and the great outdoors. Hazelnut and Flame are all shades of warmth and serenity. Your choices will be akin to a subconscious renewal and commitment to all things positive and light. It is said that this is a way of oxygenating – becoming enriched and renewed through nature. It’s time for a bit of fresh air.

Consumers will not be shy of lip, eye and nail colors that run the gamut. Shades of green will be found in hair choices either through graduated ombré tones of green or splashes of green streaks. Temporary hair color shades of greens and blues have already hit the market. Consumers are turning over a new leaf! These subtle and muted tones are not normally in lip products or eyeliners, shoppers will seek the most sophisticated hues. This revival of color is not a rebellious statement. It is a refreshing, re-start of how the world is going to focus on new concepts in beauty and imagery. As the fashion collections on the runways make their way to the neighborhoods, this year’s bounty of colors will make a refreshing statement of revival.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com.


Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.

The Denman Tangle Tamer Goes LARGE

Bigger & Better for Detangling Long, Textured Hair!

Following the great success of the Tangle Tamer, Denman added the Tangle Tamer Ultra to its detangling collection:

• Super-soft nylon bristles gently glide through the hair to remove tangles

• Air-cushioned pad follows the contour of the head for smooth, damage-free grooming

• Pad set into Denman’s standard large paddle brush handle featuring matt finish providing grip and control

• Ideal for hair extensions and wigs

• Excellent for detangling both wet and dry hair

• Available in 7 colors: Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Purple and Black

For further information, please contact Karen Batley: k.batley@denmanbrush.com

70 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017


Fill in the Gaps

The only hair fiber designed for curly hair! by

Make It Fuller Hair Fibers is a new breakthrough technology in hair thinning and hair loss specifically formulated for curly textured hair. Made with all natural ingredients, each application of Make It Fuller Hair Fibers will give you back your confidence and make you feel younger!

Make It Fuller Hair Fibers is different from similar products because their proprietary advanced formula is designed to mimic the texture of curly hair and appear invisible to the human eye. Similar products, when applied to curly textured hair, look powdery and unnatural, giving the appearance of a painted, dull, stained look on the hair. Make It Fuller Hair Fibers is formulated from natural fibers of Keratin Protein designed to resemble real curly hair that builds upon your own natural hair to make it look fuller.

Their proprietary advanced formula has superior quality because Make It Fuller Hair Fibers provides full coverage and is designed to create a strong attachment to the hair strand, thus allowing the fibers to stay attached to the hair and become resistant to perspiration, wind or rain.


• Hypoallergenic

• Fragrance free

• Non irritating to scalp

• Friendly to sensitive scalp

• Unique formulation to resemble real curly hair texture

• Stays in regardless of sweat, rain or wind

• Available in 3 colors: Black, Dark Brown, Medium Brown

• Guaranteed to not stain or run

Find Make it Fuller and stock your shelves as hats come off for the return of spring.

Keep up the good work.

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit www.tonsorialtimes.com.

72 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017

Western Buying Conference 2017


Western Buying Conference 2017

Bally’s Hotel & Conference Center, Las Vegas

The Western Buying Conference held their 32nd show this January. It was a huge success! With distributorship attendance up 20 percent and overall attendance up 15 percent this year, WBC continues to expand. This year, the conference, which is usually held Monday and Tuesday in the third full week of January, was moved to Sunday and Monday. This move allowed one of the industry’s top distributors to have a summit the dates following the show.

This also provided the opportunity for the heads of many exhibiting companies to attend both the WBC and the summit. Once again, WBC was sponsored by 13 western rep groups; had 157 exhibitors and a total count of 214 booths. WBC also provided meeting rooms for 4 fullservice distributorships who held successful

meetings throughout Sunday and Monday. The WBC would also like to thank the many rep groups outside the western territory for supporting their show. These rep groups held booths and brought in numerous exhibitors and attendees.

A sold-out floor on Sunday and Monday made this year’s WBC notably lively. The party Sunday night was well attended with good food, drinks and dancing with music provided by DJ Erio. Then, it was back to business as usual on Monday as many exhibitors closed deals with attendees before show’s end. We would like to thank everyone for their support in making WBC 2017 a greatly attended and a widely successful show AGAIN this year.

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 77
Show Report
Beauty Perfection awarded Jinny Corp. with the Top Customer of 2016 award at the show. Jinny has been the company’s top customer for 5 years in a row!
78 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017
The view outside of the Jinny Beauty meeting room. A crowded show floor aisle The busy Kirschner Group booth Cheryl Kinnon and Gabrielle Gaydos of Spilo Worldwide speak with another booth attendant. Walt Winslow of KAB Brands speaks with a booth visitor. Nicole Freeman of The Freeman Group sits in a meeting. John Perrone of Fantasia Industries (Left to right) Jeff Higgins and Terry Purcell, Regional Sales Managers for Fromm
OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 79
The American International Industries booth is constantly abuzz with meetings, education and fellowship among colleagues. Joe Magnano of Beauty Perfection smiles standing beside Carrie English as she speaks with a fellow show attendee. Harlan Kirschner, C.E.O. of The Kirschner Group, catches up with Kevin Osterloh, also of The Kirschner Group, and Dan Parsons of Oster on the show floor. (Left to right) Gilles Argivier, Terri Taricco and Leah Bailey of Helen of Troy Sue Seok and Art Emm of Jinny Corp. meet with Osman Mithavayani and Ayman Abdel of Xtreme Beauty International. Art Emm of Jinny Corp. and James William of Inspired Beauty Brands Bruce Selan of Zotos and Gary Fishkin of CFN Beauty Representation The Don Juan Pomade booth
80 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017
The Kirschner Group booth An excited crowd of show visitors gather at the floor entrance. (Left to right) Garrett Wright and Steve Ma of Jinny Corp. Eddie Jhin, president of Jinny Corp., was presented with the Andis Golden Blade Award. Jinny Corp. received this award for its outstanding sales growth and support in 2016. (Left to right) Dean Kim of Jinny Corp., Jantzen Roth and Jamie Demao of Toppik Products, and Kelly Miller of Greg Dawson and Associates
OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 81
(Left to right) Sue Seok of Jinny Corp., Thomas Crumpton of Southeast Rep Services, Al Gibbon of Zotos and Matt Bucholc of Van Nest Coleman Midwest. Dave Vilmore of DeMert Brands Min Kim of Fisk stands alongside Jinny Corp.’s Steve Ma. Mr. Eddie Jhin, president of Jinny Corp., speaks with Dan Parsons of Oster. In their meeting room, the Jinny Corp. team meets with Helen of Troy. The Jinny Corp. team meets with Andis Company The Jinny Corp. team meets with Oster Professional Helen of Troy and Jinny Corp. settle in for their meeting.
82 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017
The Giovanni Cosmetics booth Interested show visitors stop by the Mini Mani Moo booth to learn more about the company and products. The Conair booth full of meetings in progress Nicole Freeman of The Freeman Group and Dean Kim of Jinny Corp. meet with representatives of Croc. Steve Ma and Dean Kim of Jinny Corp. pause for a quick photo. Conair and Jinny Corp. sit in meeting (Left to right) Art Emm of Jinny Corp, Thomas Crumpton of Southeast Rep Services, Cheryl Kinnon of Spilo, Steve Ma and Dean Kim of Jinny Corp., and Matt Bucholc of Van Nest Coleman Midwest in a meeting at the Spilo booth. (Left to right) Walt Winslow of KAB Brands, Eric Dow of BTB Sales and Marketing, and James Lee of Jinny Corp.

업계소식 SC 미소협


SC미소협은 지난 2017년 1월 29일 일요일 오후 7시 Eastern Buffet 식당(Columbia, SC)에서 협회 1차정기총회를 개최하였습니다.

이번 정기총회에선 6대 회장 취임식과 새 집행부 구성이 있었습니다. 간략한 회장님 인사말과 올해 사업계획으로 세미나 개최, 공동구매

실시, 회원 배가 운동, 도매상 횡포에 대한 대책 그리고 2018년 SC 뷰티 엑스포 개최 추진을 발표하였습니다.

이번에 새로 출범한 협회 6대 집행부 명단은 다음과 같습니다.

• 수석 부회장 및 재무 부회장으로 John Chung (JC Hair Land – Greenville)

• Greenville 지역 부회장으로 윤 석원(JP Beauty Supply – Greenville)

• Charleston 지역 부회장으로 이 미실(Queen Beauty Supply – Charleston)

• 감사에 이 문수(Young’s Fashion – Clinton)씨로 임명하였습니다. 또한 2016년 감사보고가 있었고, 별 이상 없이 감사를 마쳤습니다. 이어 김 덕진(Kim’s Enterprise) 회원님은 종업원 대한 대우 및 처신에 대한

노하우를 전달하였습니다.

86 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017
OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 87

Industry News

Grow and Slay the Blueberry Way

CURLS Introduces NEW Blueberry Bliss Curl Collection Launches

CURLS, one of the most widely recognized hair care brands for natural curls, offers comprehensive cleansing, treatment and styling products that care for the unique needs of all curl types. From wavy to kinky and everything in between, CURLS makes it possible to achieve naturally defined, smooth, and frizz-free curls without relying on harsh chemicals.

The brand’s thriving Blueberry Bliss Curl Collection utilizes organic blueberry extract and other natural botanicals that work wonders for treating and styling curly hair. Rich in Vitamins B and C, these blueberry-infused formulas are also proven to repair, protect, restore and grow all curl types.

The Blueberry Bliss Curl Collection currently includes Blueberry Bliss Reparative Leave In Conditioner, Blueberry Bliss CURL Control Jelly, Blueberry Bliss Twist N Shout Cream and Blueberry Bliss CURL Control Paste, with the following four products which joined the lineup in February:

• Blueberry Bliss Reparative Hair Wash – Formulated with certified organic blueberry extract, aloe leaf juice and chamomile extract, this rich and creamy sulfate-free cleanser softens and hydrates curls while encouraging healthy scalp and hair growth.

• Blueberry Bliss Reparative Hair Mask – Formulated with certified organic blueberry extract, aloe leaf juice and chamomile extract, this intensive, deep-conditioning hair

mask softens, detangles and hydrates curls while repairing damage, protecting against breakage and encouraging hair growth. After cleansing, massage the mask into the scalp and leave on for 15-25 minutes for a deep-conditioning treatment.

• Blueberry Bliss Hair Growth Oil – Blueberry extract, pomegranate seed, argan and gardenia flower oil provide a lightweight yet powerful formula proven to grow, repair, protect and restore damaged tresses. After conditioning, apply this multi-tasking miracle oil directly to the scalp to stimulate hair growth and moisturize tresses.

• Blissful Lengths Liquid Hair Growth Vitamin – The body absorbs up to 98% of liquid vitamins into the bloodstream, and only up to 20% with a pill. This time-release elixir is formulated with a proprietary blend of bioactive coenzymes, vitamins and nutrients and organic blueberry extract to promote healthy hair growth, enhance the strength of each hair shaft and increase the integrity of the hair. Take one tablespoon per day on its own or mixed with your daily smoothie. www.curls.biz

A Million Ways to Shea Hair Recognition Tool

As part of the brand’s ongoing commitment to addressing women’s lifestyle needs wherever they are, SheaMoisture invested in the technology to build the first hair recognition tool of its kind on the market –“Good Hair Day” (AMillionWaysToShea.com). The “Good Hair Day” tool provides each SheaMoisture community member and visitor the benefit of anytime, “at-a-click” personalized recommendations to easily match their hair need with a specific product and quickly navigate the vast hair offerings to find their “way to Shea.”

Specifically, the tool delivers individual product recommendations to each user based on their hair type, style, condition and goals. Once a user uploads a

photograph or selfie on the site, it uses an innovative hair recognition technology that automatically identifies the user’s hair type and/or style. Through a brief 3-step process, the tool then matches the user with a custom hair care regimen tailored to her specific hair needs around maintenance (cleansing/conditioning); treatment (restoring/renewing); and styling (shaping/ finishing). YouTube stars filmed themselves using the “Good Hair Day” web tool to discover their customized SheaMoisture haircare regimen, including SunKissAlba, Remi Ashton, Naptural85, MahoganyCurls, iamKayElle and Samantha Scherman.

94 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017

Industry News

Introducing Rhassoul Clay, the New Purifying Clay Collection from Carol’s Daughter

What are they?

Carol’s Daughter Rhassoul Clay is an active living haircare collection designed to bring balance to busy lives, which sometimes leave hair looking overworked and feeling over washed: dry and dull with oily roots. It’s their first clay-based line, blended with Moroccan Rhassoul Clay, Aloe Juice and Cactus Flower to draw out impurities, restore essential moisture and add touchable softness—to gently care for worked-out hair.

Rhassoul Clay is designed for active women who crave balance, sweat daily with their busy lifestyles, and need a regimen that fits their routine. These formulas are made to purify and rebalance hair’s natural moisture.

The line includes:

• Sulfate-Free Shampoo: This moisturizing cleanser helps to gently draw out sweat and impurities without stripping the hair. Made with Moroccan Rhassoul Clay, Aloe Juice, and Cactus Flower, it softens hair and improves manageability so managing your daily to-do list is a breeze.

• Enriching Conditioner: Living an active life can leave hair looking unbalanced and overworked—dry, dull and depleted. Revitalize hair with this enriching conditioner that restores essential moisture and softness to tired strands, revealing healthier-looking hair. This shine-boosting blend with Moroccan Rhassoul Clay, Aloe Juice and Cactus Flower extract gets users one step closer to balancing out their day.

• Softening Hair Mask: When customers are hard on their hair, it can look and feel overworked and lifeless—so they can soften it with this hair mask that replenishes moisture for brilliant, revived hair. It’s a velvety clay that infuses deep moisture for rejuvenated hair. Made with Moroccan Rhassoul Clay, Aloe Juice and Cactus Flower extract, it absorbs excess oil and leaves hair recharged and ready to take on the rest of the day.

How to they work?

The line uses Moroccan Rhassoul Clay, a volcanic clay with purifying properties that acts like a magnet to remove oil and impurities without removing essential oils hair needs to stay healthy. The collection is specifically targeted to gently purify, balance and soften overworked and over-washed hair.

How do I use them?

Simply apply the Sulfate-Free Shampoo to wet hair and massage into the scalp to gently clean and purify hair from dirt and excess oil. To use the Enriching Conditioner, work desired amount through clean, wet hair to restore moisture and softness. For a deeper hydration, massage a generous amount of the Softening Hair Mask into hair, with extra love and attention to ends. Gentle enough to use every day. www.carolsdaughter.com

Denman Sponsors “Hairlooms” Book Launch

Have you ever wondered how to love your natural hair and beauty or how to detangle natural hair issues? If your answer is, “Yes,” you need the “Hairlooms” book!

“Hairlooms: The Untangled Truth About Loving Your Natural Hair and Beauty,” written by Michele Tapp Roseman, is the story of her emotional, natural hair transition plus “hair” stories from 32 amazing men and women she interviewed over the course of 6 years.

After years of trying to figure out how to love her natural hair, Michele finally learned how to transition to natural hair. Even when she reached that point, she still had to manage the maintenance side; learn to reduce natural hair breakage; and navigate the emotional highs and lows of her look.

The concept for “Hairlooms” materialized after numerous, random encounters with women who asked about her natural afro and proceeded to share stories about their hair. Some of these impromptu conversations centered on product choices and hairstyle fails. Others pinpointed the best way to wear a ‘do in professional settings. These women were old, young, permed, and natural.

The book creates a platform for Black women— and those who connect with them—to begin to write a new narrative about their natural hair and beauty.

In Michele’s own words, she says, “I’ve lived and walked through the words and exercises in ‘Hairlooms.’ The material is not just something I wrote, but something I still use to empower me today.” She adds, “I was touched by the words of ‘Hairlooms’ endorser Glamazini.” This natural hair blogger wrote:

“Reading through each chapter of ‘Hairlooms’ was soothing and familiar. I found myself sliding effortlessly through each chapter like a wide-toothed comb through conditioner-covered tresses.”

Denman is proud to sponsor the “Hairlooms” book launch and is honored to welcome Michele to their booth at IBS, New York on Sunday, March 12 from 10.00am – 6.00pm. www.hairloomsthebook.com

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OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 97

Industry News

ORS™ Olive Oil Introduces Innovative Relaxer and Texturizer Products to Meet the Growing Needs of Consumers

ORS™ Olive Oil Zone Relaxer™ and ORS™ Olive Oil Curl Stretching Texturizer now available in stores

Namaste Laboratories, the makers of ORS™ The Original Root Stimulator hair care products, continues to meet the changing needs of consumers. The relaxer category leader, under its Olive Oil product line, recently rolled out two ground-breaking new products. ORS™ Olive Oil Zone Relaxer™ is for consumers who choose to relax targeted sections of their hair versus their entire head; and ORS™ Olive Oil Curl Stretching Texturizer offers a solution for consumers who want to gently elongate their naturally curly hair for looser curls with easier manageability.

“At Namaste, we are passionate about the consumer and intently listen to her to ensure that we continue to meet her hair care needs,” said Nicole Ray Robinson, Category Head – Straightening, Maintenance and Hairdress. “Whether relaxed, texturized or natural, we aim to offer her quality products that deliver beautiful, healthier-looking hair and allow her to unapologetically embrace her individuality.”

The game-changing ORS™ Olive Oil Zone Relaxer™ is the first-ever targeted, small section relaxer. This uniquely designed mini application kit provides the perfect amount for small section relaxing and offers easy and precise application via a luxurious crème on crème formula (rich crème relaxer base AND rich crème relaxer activator). Great for small section relaxer users, weave blenders and even semi-naturals, it allows

consumers who relax to stay in the right zone whether relaxing their edges, sides or back. Plus, the system is infused with nourishing olive oil to help protect hair during relaxing to deliver smoother, silkier, softer hair with beautiful shine.

The innovative ORS™ Olive Oil Curl Stretching Texturizer gently stretches short to medium length naturally curly hair for easy to groom, easy to wear, looser curls. This superior quality texturizer features a proprietary formula and a unique “Mix-It-Yourself” boost of four potent exotic oils from around the globe: Mediterranean Olive Oil for moisture, Brazilian Pequi Oil for smoothing, African Shea Oil for softness, and Egyptian Black Seed Oil for strength.

“These two new products serve as examples of how Namaste celebrates and honors the beauty of our consumers regardless of her hairstyle choices,” said Shawn K. Tollerson, Chief Operating Officer. “Whatever hairstyle she chooses… relaxed, natural, extensions, braids, locs, our beauty should be embraced and not stereotyped.”

ORS™ Olive Oil Zone Relaxer™ and ORS™ Olive Oil Curl Stretching Texturizer are available at select retailers across the country. For more hair care news and tips, visit www.orshaircare.com or connect on social media at www.facebook.com/orshaircare and @ORSHairCare on Twitter and Instagram.

ORS™ Olive Oil… Beautiful Hair Comes In All Types. Not Stereotypes. Join the conversation at www.ORSNoStereotypes.com or by using #NoStereotypes on social media.

Industry Leader Fromm Launches New Line of Hair Accessories

For years, Fromm has been a brand treasured by beauty professionals industrywide. From exceptionally crafted shears to innovative and timesaving brushes, the brand continues to be an instrumental source for stylists and salons. Now, Fromm is thrilled to launch a line of 26 elevated hair accessories.

As an extension of the company’s 1907 by Fromm brand, the Hair Accessory collection features a series of essentials every girl needs in her repertoire. Just like every woman has a favorite line-up of fashion, she also needs a go-to collection of hair accessories. Because when it comes to basics, a chic wide leather headband is just as integral as a classic camel tote.

Designed with a fashionable purpose, the collection showcases genuine leather bow hair-ties to help you “Put A Bow On It,” along with other essentials such as bobby pins and headbands with unique design elements. www.frommbeauty.com

98 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017

Industry News

Cosmoprof North America Introduces the “Discover Pack” Program Featuring New and Innovative Packaging Solutions

Bringing beauty brands and cosmetic industry suppliers together on the West Coast

Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) has announced it will launch DISCOVER PACK, a new special area dedicated to novel suppliers, at its upcoming annual event, scheduled to take place July 9-11, 2017 at Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. With an entire pavilion already dedicated to packaging, contract manufacturing, machineries and private label, DISCOVER PACK puts a spotlight on the section and reinforces the importance the entire supply chain plays in the beauty industry. Since only 12 exhibitors will be featured, the DISCOVER PACK area also promises to deliver a tailored and wellrounded showcase of the latest innovations, from packaging to contract manufacturing. Participating companies will benefit from

guaranteed face-to-face meetings with key US and international buyers in addition to receiving unsurpassed exposure.

DISCOVER PACK rounds out the portfolio of special areas that distinguish CPNA as the premier event. As such, the area will be highly stylized to resemble the other highly coveted “special areas” and stand out on the show floor. To ensure showcase novelty, only first-time CPNA exhibitors qualify to exhibit in the new area. The program is open to suppliers of innovative packaging, ingredients and raw materials, novel contract manufacturing, innovative fillers, machineries manufacturers, converters, labelers and unique decoration process providers. www.cosmoprofnorthamerica.com

102 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017

Show Calendar / Ad Index


8-12 Natural Products Expo West Anaheim, CA www.expowest.com

12-14 International Beauty Show (IBS) New York New York, NY www.ibsnewyork.com

16-20 Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, Cosmopack & Cosmoprime Bologna, Italy www.cosmoprof.it

18-19 The Makeup Show Orlando Orlando, FL www.themakeupshow.com

25-27 America’s Beauty Show Chicago, IL www.americasbeautyshow.com

26-27 Spectrum International Beauty Expo Los Angeles, CA www.sibe.us

31-April 2 Beauty Dusseldorf 2017 Dusseldorf, Germany www.beauty-international.com


1 Baltimore Beard and barber Expo 2017 Baltimore, MD www.beardbarberexpo.eventbrite.com

1-2 Baltimore Natural Hair Care Expo 2017 Baltimore, MD www.bnhce2017.eventbrite.com

1-2 Eastern Buying Conference East Rutherford, NJ www.easternbuyingconference.com

1-2 Skin and Make-Up Artist Expo 2017 Baltimore, MD www.bmoreskinmakeupexpo2017.eventbrite.com

9-10 San Jose Spring Style Presented by Cosmo Prof San Jose, CA www.springstyleshow.net

22-23 Taliah Waajid World Natural Hair Show Atlanta, GA www.naturalhairshow.org

AFAM Concept 2, 3, 31, 43, 88 www.afamconcept.com

American International 73 www.aiibeauty.com

Ampro Industries 87 www.amprogel.com

Andis Co. ...........................................................9 www.andis.com

Beauty Perfection 13 www.sparkscolor.com

Carol’s Daughter 53 www.carolsdaughter.com

Colomer USA IFC, 1, Gatefold, IBC, Poster www.cremeofnature.com www.lottabody.com

Conair 39 www.conair.com

Curls, LLC 11 www.curls.biz

Denman 70 www.denmanbrushus.com

DeMert Brands ...............................................5 www.demertbrands.com

Dream World Products .............................. 86 www.dreamworldproducts.com

E.T. Browne and Drug Co., Inc. 48b, 92 www.palmers.com

Fantasia Industries 93 www.fantasiahaircare.com

Giovanni Cosmetics 45 www.giovannicosmetics.com

Gold ‘N Hot 47 www.goldnhothair.com

HairUWear, Inc. 29 www.hairuwear.com

Helen of Troy 83 www.hotus.com

House of Cheatham 109 www.houseofcheatham.com

Innovative Beauty Products, LLC 27 www.godefroybeauty.com

Inspired Beauty Brands 41 www.haskbeauty.com

J2 Beauty 100 www.dreamworldproducts.com

JBS Beauty Club ......................................... 70

JBS Hair 20, 21, 36, 37, 44, 54, 66, 85, 97 www.jbshair.com

J.M. Products – Isoplus, LLC 99 www.isoplus.com

Jane Carter Solution 65 www.janecartersolution.com

Jinny Corp. 14, 15 www.jinny.com

KAB Brands ................................................... 67 www.aphogee.com

108 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017
NouriTress Hair Products 26 www.nouritress.com One Bottle Products 107 Oster Prof. Products 25 www.osterpro.com PDC Brands Cover, 71, 90 www.pdcbrandsusa.com Queen Helene 35, 102 www.queenhelene.com Salon Commodities, Inc. 89 www.asiamnaturally.com SoftSheen-Carson ....................... 7, 69, 111 www.softsheen-carson.com Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products ..... 91 www.naturalhair.org Universal Beauty Products, Inc. 50, 51 www.universalbeauty.com The Warfield Group 68 www.thewarfieldgroup.com Wahl 32 www.wahlpro.com Wella, The Salon Professional Division of P&G 19, 48a, 74, 101 Xtreme Beauty International 23, 60, 61 www.xbi.co
www.barbicide.com Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products
Technique 33 www.lorealtechnique.com
Products 68, 95 www.mmproducts.com Mane Selection
www.maneselection.com Manic Panic 8 www.manicpanic.com Mitchell Group
www.mitchellgroupusa.com Nature’s Protein 55 www.NPhaircare.com Namaste Laboratories BC www.orshaircare.com

Let your voice be heard!

In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.

합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더

발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을

전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

• How have you used color in your store setting to increase sales? Perhaps painted an accent wall, color-coded item sections, placed new tile, used colored lighting, etc.? If you have, how has it helped?

판매의 증가를 위해 매장내의 색상을 어떻게 사용 했습니까? 강조된 벽, 색으로 구분 된 항목 섹션, 새로운 타일 배치, 컬러 조명 사용 등을 사용했나요? 그렇게 했다면 어떻게 도움이 되었나요?

• Do you utilize signage in your store? If so, does it help customers find products easily and entice them to come back? 귀하의 가게에서 간판을 활용하나요? 그렇다면 고객이 제품을 쉽게 찾고 다시 방문하도록 유도하나요?

• What spring cleaning techniques do you utilize each year? 매년 특별한 봄맞이 청소 방법이 있으신가요?

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다.

110 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017
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Reader Feedback

Creme of Nature Introduces New Edge Control Gel: Perfect Edges Black

Women of all hair textures rejoice in smoothing edges while covering gray from the makers of the #1 selling hair gel.

Leading hair care brand Creme of Nature is launching a new styling product for consumers looking for a smooth finish while covering gray edges: Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco Perfect Edges Black, perfect for temporarily covering gray roots and filling in edges and part lines while creating sleek, smooth styles, and styling the hair, allowing consumers

to create thousands of hairstyles with the confidence that they have grown to expect from Creme of Nature’s products. Infused with Argan Oil from Morocco, Creme of Nature’s latest styling aid does not flake, moisturizes hair and adds Exotic Shine™.

“Creme of Nature has the go-to styling aids and the #1 selling edge gel, Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco Perfect Edges original, to ensure that your hair is always looking great,” said Teneya Gholston, Creme of Nature’s Director of Marketing. “Our customers are busy executives, moms, careerwomen, and beyond, and with all of the responsibilities that they have, they want the confidence that our products provide, as well as the quality that they’ve come to expect from Creme of Nature. We have answered the call with Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco Perfect Edges Black, which conceals gray while slicking down edges to polish any hair style; allowing them to extend their color in between applications.”

Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco Perfect Edges Black can be applied to hair with fingertips and smoothed as needed for relaxed or

natural textures. It provides the perfect balance of color and hold for long and short hair, great for sculpting, ponytails, high buns and natural up-dos. The product is also wonderful for consumer looking to fill in edges or hair part lines.

Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco Perfect Black will be available in beauty supply and Wal-Marts stores nationwide in March 2017.

For more than three decades, Creme of Nature has produced an extended variety of exceptional products to help women achieve and maintain beautiful, healthy hair. Creme of Nature is the first ethnic brand to offer hair care and styling products with Argan Oil with its Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco products, which provide intense conditioning and nourishment. The top-selling hair care brand offers a selection of shampoos, conditioners, relaxers and styling aids enriched with natural ingredients, like Argan Oil and Argan Butter, for all hair types and styles. Visit www.cremeofnature.com for more details. Creme of Nature is also on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, @cremeofnature.

112 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2017 Product Spotlight

Gatefold - Creme of Nature

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