Osun Defender Online Version of December 20, 2024

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•Former Minister of Interior, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola with former deputy chief whip, Osun State House of Assembly, Hon. Gbenga Ogunkanmi (4th from left), during the Final Burial Ceremony of Alhaja Fatimah Ogunkanmi in Ile- Ogbo, Ayedire Local Government, recently

‘Imole Youth Corps’: Fate Of Over 52,000 Osun Youths Hangs

In The Balance

•As Govt Sets To Engage 10,000 Applicants To Replace O’YES Cadets

FOLLOWING the announcement by the Osun State government on the recruitment exercise of ‘Imole Youth Corps’, about 62,544 youths in the state have applied for the job, OSUN DEFENDER gathered.

But fate of over 52,000 of the applicants hangs precariously in the balance, as the OSUN DEFENDER reliably gathered that the job is only meant for 10,000 youths.

The state Commissioner for Youths Affairs, Hon. Moshood Olagunju, confirmed this in an exclusive interview with OSUN DEFENDER on Monday.

Earlier, the Commissioner, in a statement signed by him, said the interest shown by the youths in par cipa ng in the ‘Imole Youth Corps’ registraon process is a testament to their eagerness to engage in ac vi es that will

•(R-L) The First Lady of Osun State, Mrs Titilola Adeleke, Nigeria’s First Lady, Senator Oluremi

and Governor

benefit both themselves and their communi es. According to him, “the high number of applicants, totaling 62,544, reflects

the enthusiasm and drive of the youth to play an acve role in shaping their future.

“The successful appli-

cants for the Imole Youth Corps will soon receive a congratulatory message, recognizing their achievement and commitment to

serving their communi es.

“This acknowledgment is a crucial step in mo vating young people to connue their engagement in

Osun Men Accused Of Preventing Partners From Family Planning

Agroup of experts in reproduc ve health has decried the low level of male involvement in family planning uptake in Osun State, no ng that it nega vely affects percep on of the whole concept.

The group, working in collabora on with The Challenge Ini a ve (TCI), made the asser on on Monday at the Year 3 Endline Review Meeting of TCI’s Nigerian Urban Reproduc ve Health Ini a ve (NURHI) in Osun state.

Ololade Abatan, Osun State Family Planning Coordinator, during her presenta on, said low male involvement was a drawback and a hurdle that must be crossed to increase family planning uptake in the state.

She said a lot of women and families were missing out on the benefits of adequate child spacing and op mal maternal health due to male hesitancy in adop ng family planning.

Abatan argued that a lot of women who could have adopted family planning to improve their reproduc ve health were prevented by their partners who did not believe in such concept.

She added that the nonchalant a tude of some men towards family planning was responsible for the reluctance of other women who felt they needed the buy-in of their spouses before taking up family planning methods.

“We cannot do away with the involvement of men, especially where the

man is the head of the family and whose nod of approval is cri cal before any important venture, such as family planning, is embarked upon.

“There is no doubt that we need the involvement of men in the effort to get more women to take up family planning methods to improve their health.

“In our bid to curb maternal morbidity and child mortality, we must speak to the conscience of our men in order to get them involved,” Abatan said.

The Adolescent Health Desk Officer, Roseline Akinlabi, in her remarks, highlighted the need to include teenagers in family planning programmes and advocacy in the state.

She said the NDHS 2023-24 data recorded that Osun has 7.3 percent teenagers who have ever been pregnant, urging that the demographic be included in future family planning advocacy.

“The truth is that our adolescents are very adventurous and ac ve. Therefore, we need to make plans for them, es-

pecially in ge ng them acquainted with sexual and reproduc ve health myths and misconcepons.

“We must dispell myths, misconcep ons and rumors for them. This will help them to make informed choices that will steer them away from trunca ng their dreams as a result of reckless and dangerous choices,” Akinlabi noted.

Agreeing with her, the Health Promo on Officer for Osogbo Local Government, Beatrice Iyanda, appreciated TCI for grooming mobilizers, who spread family planning message in a locality where male involvement is low.

She said a lot more needed to be done to get the menfolk to support family planning and for them to use long or short ac ng reversible contracep ves.

She said, “We must appreciate TCI for grooming mobilizers, who penetrate deep into the neighborhoods, telling people about the benefits of family planning. They

are largely successful but for the challenge of male hesitancy which o en discourage a lot of our women from taking up methods.”

Ola Raheem, who presented TCI’s perspec ve, focused on demand genera on for family planning as it drives uptake in the state. He tasked media partners on using evidence based data to support their report.

He said media reporting is a cri cal tool for crea ng awareness and getng the buy-in of men for family planning adop on.

“Family Planning repor ng should be evi-

dence based. We must ensure sta s cs are taken from reliable sources to enhance believability of the reports.”

Analysis of quarter by quarter family planning repor ng shows that there is an increase in quarter four compared to quarter three, even though quarter four is s ll ongoing.

“This is cheery news and I think we should sustain that,” he added.

Raheem urged Media Champions to scale up their advocacy repor ng so as to increase family planning awareness and male involvement in the state.

meaningful ac vi es that will benefit society as a whole.

“The selec on and picking of successful applicants for the Imole Youth Corps will be conducted with a focus on merit and fairness for each category.

“By ensuring that the selec on process is transparent and impar al, the Ministry of Youth Affairs is upholding the values of equality and opportunity for all par cipants.”

Recall that Governor Adeleke had in February 16, 2023, through a circular issued by the secretary to the state government, Teslim Igbalaye, dissolved the Osun Youth Empowerment Scheme (O-YES) and replaced it with ‘Imole Youth Corps’.

It said the decision was taken to reposi on the youth empowerment programme inherited from the previous government for effec ve func onality, sustainability and dignity of labour.

The circular noted that the replacement was in fulfilment of one of the governor’s electoral promises to ensure meaningful and proper youth engagement in Osun.

“A new scheme codenamed Imole Youth Corps is hereby put in place to engage our teeming youths in the state. Applica on forms will be available for prospec ve youths in all the 30 local governments, including Ife East area office of the state, free of charge, beginning from Friday, 17th February, 2023,” the circular added. OYES was established by former Governor Rauf Aregbesola for youth empowerment in the state.

LG Election Will End APC In Osun State - PDP Chair

THE Chairman of the Peoples Democra c Party (PDP), in Osun State, Sunday Bisi, has boasted that the forthcoming local government elec ons in the state will end the opposi on, All Progressives Congress existence in Osun.

OSUN DEFENDER reports that the local elecons is slated for February, 2025.

Bisi stated this on Monday during the defec on of members of the All Progressives Congress, APC, to the ruling Peoples Democra c Party, PDP, in Ifedayo local government area of Osun State.

The PDP chairman said developments in the state have convinced

a lot of APC members to leave the party for the PDP, insis ng that many are s ll coming before the year ends.

He, however, appealed to Osun people to connue suppor ng the administra on of Governor Ademola Adeleke.

He noted that what the current administra on has done in the last two years surpasses that of the APC in the state.

Welcoming the new defectors, he assured them that in the PDP, there is nothing like discrimina on.

“I want to assure those who joined our party today, in PDP, we don’t discriminate. Let’s join hands with those you met to move the party forward. There are lots of goodies on ground for all of us.

“Let me assure you all that come February 2025, PDP will coast to victory at the polls. Let us mobilise members and non-members for that elec on. We want to use the elec on to tell APC that Osun is not like Edo or Ondo. No rigging templates will work here. We are fully prepared.

Speaking on behalf of the defectors, Goke Folayan said part of what informed their decision to join the PDP is that Governor Adeleke has proven his cri cs wrong.

He said, “Nobody could ever imagine that the Governor would perform, and today, he is delivering on his promises to the people, making life more bearable for the people.”

He said, “It is sad that my former party,

•Continued on Page 4

Yusuf Oketola
Yusuf Oketola
Kazeem Badmus
Ademola Adeleke at the commissioning of the Alternative High School for Girls in Osogbo, recently.

A Merry Xmas?

“Governments in the year ahead must put the people first and end the delusional spouting of ephemeral ‘palliatives’ and instead concentrate on jobs led sustainable development. There are consequences attached to the weaponisation of poverty as the unfortunate stampede in Ibadan clearly shows. The new year must come with a redirection of thinking and of policies, there is no alternative”

WE wish our terming readers a fulfilled Christmas and a much be er New Year ahead. They deserve it, most Nigerians have had a very disrup ve 2024 and should at least be cau ously opmis c about the future, hope as it is said springs eternal. The absence of an atmosphere of conviviality at year’s end is a manifesta on of the erosion of purchasing power. People are really hard pressed and the recently announced budget esmates at all levels have not rekindled feelings of op mism; on the contrary its

more like a feeling of resigna on or cauous pessimism!

Governments in the year ahead must put the people first and end the delusional spou ng of ephemeral “pallia ves” and instead concentrate on jobs led sustainable development. There are consequences a ached to the weaponisa on of poverty as the unfortunate stampede in Ibadan clearly shows. The new year must come with a redirecon of thinking and of policies, there is no alterna ve.

Once again we wish our readers great fulfilment.

Carnage In Ibadan

THE Governor of Oyo State Engineer Seyi Makinde has stated his resolve to inves gate the events leading to the deaths of children in Ibadan the Oyo State capital, he will be held to his words. His resolve must be unshaken for this sordid episode males mockery of the very concept of civilisa on and is one two many. Sadly people have go en away with manslaughter in the past meaning that there is no deterrence. We recall the stampede leading to the deaths of job applicants in the past, nothing seems to have come out of it.

The avoidable deaths in Ibadan is a tes mony to the weaponisa on of poverty. Thousands of

kids were crammed into a small space in search of succour. In the mid nineteenth century the philosopher Frederick Engels aptly described this as “social murder” and it is!

It is also a manifesta on of the inadequacy of ins tu ons. What manner of permits were granted for the event and on what terms? Issues must be resolved about arrangements in terns of policing, the provision of medical personnel, fire precau ons and so forth.

The promised enquiry must be open and in full glare of the television cameras. There must be no sacred cow. May the souls of the vic ms rest in peace.



Omoluabi Progressives Makes Case For Increased Quota For Women In Government

•As Tendency Holds Seminar for Female Stakeholders

THE need for women to show more interest and par cipa ve ac vely in poli cs has been re-emphasised.

This is the consensus of facilitators and stakeholders that spoke at a special seminar and interac ve session among members of the women wing of Omoluabi Progressives, the leading poli cal organisa on in Osun.

They also charged the female genders to rededicate themselves to the core values of na on building due to their natural roles of providing comfort and shield at the family level.

The facilitators inlcuding Dr. Adepeju Adigun, a member of the State Coordina ng Team, Omoluabi Progressives, former Commissioner for Informa on and Strategy in Osun, Hon. Adelani Baderinwa, among others, reiterated the need for women to re-emerge from stereotyped no ons and fully posi on themselves to lead the society at various capaci es.

Dr. Adigun said, “Women are powerful ingredients of the society. The world cannot be together without the impact of the female gender. We are vital to the progress of every strata of human life. We are also home builders and the shield for our various families.

“We possess all the required na ve, natural and intelligent a ributes to become leaders in our own right. We need to parcipate fully in ac ve poli cs. We cannot leave it to the men alone. Look at the popula on of our various poli cal par es, it is hugely dominated by us. We have the numbers. So, why are we afraid to come out to demand for what righ ully belongs to us?

to show the world that we have got all it takes to lead,” Dr. Adigun noted.

In his presenta on taken from Senator Babafemi Ojudu’s thoughts on Progressive Polics and Omoluabi Progressives, the Secretary of the tendency, Hon. Adelani Baderinwa, harped on the need for women to fully back the men folk in their a empt to build a Nigeria that can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with developed countries.

He stated that the fold is poised to building leaders who will not just lead, but provide quality direc on which will manifest in groundbreaking policies and ini a ves as witnessed during the visionary leadership of Late Chief Obafemi Awolowo.

“If women stand firmly behind their men, they will be able to focus directly on addressing issues on education, economic instability, corruption, transparency and accountability, among others, while building the home front requisite for national development”

“We asked for 30% affirma ve ac on for women in elec ve and appointment posi ons, they gave us. Our colleagues are now running away from contests. We should let these men know that we are together and inclined to drive posi ve change across board. This is why we want you to go back to your various wards and local government areas to propagate this important informa on to them.

“Omoluabi Progressives is dominated by women like every other poli cal firmament. We are giving equal opportuni es to everyone including our mothers. Our ideological compass, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola believes so much in us. It is le to us, however,

“If women stand firmly behind their men, they will be able to focus directly on addressing issues on educa on, economic instability, corrup on, transparency and accountability, among others, while building the home front requisite for na onal development, “ the former Informa on Commisioner stressed further.

Addressing members of the tendency, Chairman of Omoluabi Progressives, Alhaji Azeez Adesiji commended efforts of stakeholders within the tendency to re-energise members for the task ahead.


Publisher – Moremi Publishing House Ltd.

He also called on the women wing of Omoluabi Progressives to remain committed to the ideals of the fold in promo ng responsible leadership and governance, vis a vis making life more abundant for the people.

Asst. News Editor – Yusuf Oketola

Asst. Features Editor – Kazeem Badmus

Deputy Photo Editor – Shola Aderinto

Deputy Graphics Manager – Zainab Olalere

Produc on Controller – Petkola Taiwo Ibitowa

OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing House Limited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB), Gbongan Road, Osogbo, Osun State.

ISSN : 0794-8050

Telephone : 0809-301-9152

Website : www.osundefender.com/index.php e-mail : osundefenderhq@gmail.com osundefenderbank@gmail.com

All correspondence to the above email addresses.

The seminar also addressed ques ons from various tendency across the local government areas of the state as parcipants pledged to work assidiously for the realisa on of the caucus aims and objec ves.

•Abosede Oluwaseun Organising and Publicity Secretary Omoluabi Progressives

Oyetola Stole My Mandate In 2018 But God Has Vindicated Me - Adeleke


la Adeleke of Osun

State has again, said he didn’t lose the 2018 gubernatorial elecon to his predecessor, Mr Gboyega Oyetola.

Adeleke said instead, his mandate was stolen by the APC led administraon.

He stated this during an interview with Wazobia Television in his office recently.

Adeleke who spoke in Pidgin in the video obtained by Osun Defender, however, said God vindicated him and shame the people who stole his mandate.

He said, “I didn’t lose the last elec on, they stole the mandate of the people of Osun State.

“But I believe in God because I know that not only when good things happen to a person that one needs to be grateful to God. A er stealing my mandate, I called my family together and told them we should be thankful to God for being alive.

“I have faith and believe in God that it was not yet me then. God has a way of doing things. God told me to leave those who stole my mandate but said he would punish them and He did. They started figh ng among themselves.

“I did not only win my predecessor during the last elec on but I floged him. I didn’t fear they

would manipulate the last elec on result because I have faith in God.”

Speaking on some of the things he did during his first two years in office, Adeleke said he has been able to fulfil some of his campaign promises to Osun people.

“I promised my people infrastructure during campaign which I’m doing. I’m not only doing that in the urban area but also in the rural areas. I’m constructing roads in the rural areas because I want to invest in Agriculture, and without good roads, our farm produce will not get to the urban area.

“Our elderly people were given free health insurance. I’ve also done things in the area of Agriculture and youth empowerment.

“I’ve been paying the half salaries owed by my predecessor and I’m doing all these without borrowing any money. What I’ve been doing is listening to my team’s advise. I don’t behave as a boss and I always go with a superior argument.

“I’ve not been collecting my security vote. I only tell my people to remove from the money whenever we have a security challenge,” he added.

On what residents should expect in the last two years of his first term tenure, Adeleke, said, “The next two years will be for more goodies for Osun people. I’m not going to slow down.”

Osun Assembly Passes Public Procurement Bill, 2024

OSUN State House of Assembly, OSHA, has passed the Osun State Public Procurement Bill, 2024, into Law. The bill aims to give legal backing for the establishment of the Osun State Public Procurement Agency.

Majority Leader of the House, Mr. Babajide Kofoworola moved the moon for the passage of the bill and was seconded by

the member represen ng Osogbo State Cons tuency, Mr. Bamidele Lawal, during plenary held at the Assembly Complex, Osogbo.

The Speaker, Prince Adewale Egbedun, said the clean copy of the bill would be sent to the state governor, Senator Ademola Adeleke, for assent.

Prince Egbedun had earlier read before the House, a Private Member Bill by the Deputy Speaker, Mr. Akinyode Oyewusi -

tled “Osun State Historical Sites, Structures and Items Designa on and Preservaon Bill, 2024”.

He explained that the bill, when passed into law, would increase the Internally Generated Revenue, IGR, of Osun State, reduce unemployment and poverty through the crea on of jobs, and help increase government investments in the tourism sector and tourist sites, amongst other benefits.

Osun Residents May Celebrate Christmas In Low Key - Report

Lateef Olayiwola Kaosar Adetoye Paul Olajide

WITH Christmas just days away, the economic situa on might affect how residents of Osun State would celebrate this year’s fes val, OSUN DEFENDER gathered.

Christmas is an annual celebra on marking the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a significant religious and cultural event celebrated by people across the globe. The fes val is an opportunity for both Chrisans and non-Chris ans to come together and celebrate.

However, the astronomical increase in the price of foodstuff and other commodi es may dampen the morale of those who usually celebrate the fes val in a big way.

Visit to major markets in Osogbo, Ede, and

Ikirun by OSUN DEFENDER showed a decline in patronage as traders lamented the low turnout of customers. A foodstuff trader at Owode Ede market, Mrs Olufunke Ayobola, said the mood in town does not reflect that of a fesve season.

She, however, said the con nuous increase

in food prices was a huge factor in the low turnout of people at the market.

“Compared to last year, sales have been extremely slow. People are struggling to make ends meet, and the high cost of living is taking a toll on their purchasing power. Usually, by this me, we would have sold a substan al amount of rice,

beans, and groundnut oil.

“However, this year, sales have been minimal, with most customers buying in units rather than bulk,” she said.

Ayobola emphasised the need for government interven on, par cularly in reducing fuel prices.

“The high cost of fuel is a significant contributor to the increasing cost of raw foods and other essen al items. If the

government could reduce fuel prices, it would have a ripple effect on the en re economy, making goods more affordable for the average ci zen.”

At Oluode market, Osogbo, a livestock seller, Isa Muideen, told the medium that most people couldn’t afford to buy chickens and turkeys due to the cost this year.

“It is very unfortunate. I’ve been coming to this market to sell Chicken and Turkey for the past 12 years but this year is not looking good at all.

“The price of chickens and turkeys have gone up and that is not our fault. Most of the people who came to price the livestock are saying they couldn’t afford it.”

Things were also the same at ‘Alamisi’ market in Ikirun and Igbona market in Osogbo with traders complaining about low turnout of customers.

Meanwhile, the Osun State Electricity Market Regulatory Bill 2023 had scaled through the first reading.

The speaker urged the lawmakers to carefully study the bill properly in prepara on for its policy thrust.

In another development, the leadership of the thirty local government areas across the state appeared before the assembly for their budget defence exercise.

In his remarks, Prince Egbedun urged the Heads of Local Government Administra on and directors to be prudent and meet the expecta ons of residents of their communi es.

Corrobora ng him, the chairman, House Committee on Finance and Appropria on, Mr Saheed Fatunmise, called on heads of Local government areas, LGA, to ensure strict compliance with the budget presented before the House.

•Continued from page 2

APC couldn’t remember Ifedayo local government for the whole twelve years they spent. They keep deceiving our people, making vague promises. In just two years, the abandoned Ora-Igbomina water scheme is being reconstructed by Governor Adeleke.

“Our coming to the PDP is to join hands together with those we met to move our local government forward.”

Kazeem Badmus
Yusuf Oketola
•The Orangun of Oke-Ila, Oba (Dr) Adedokun Abolarin addressing children during a town hall meeting against Gender Base Violence (GBV) in his palace, on Tuesday
Photo Shola Aderinto

Death By Hanging: After OSUN DEFENDER Reports, Adeleke Orders Pardon For Segun Olowookere

Yusuf Oketola

AFTER an exclusive report that went viral by OSUN DEFENDER, Governor Ademola Adeleke has directed immediate inves ga on and pardoning ac on on the case of a young man, Segun Olowookere, who was sentenced to death by hanging in Osun state for stealing fowl and eggs.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Governor ordered the A orney General to intervene in the ma er and ensure that Olowookere is listed for preroga ve of mercy before the end of the year.

“I have read about the case. I recognize separaon of powers in our democracy. In this par cular case,I have directed the Commissioner for Jus ce to ini ate processes to grant preroga ve of mercy to the young man.

“Osun is a land of jusce and equity. We must ensure fairness and protec on of the sanc ty of lives.

“I assure the public that the ma er is receiving my direct a en on. A sense of urgency is also a ached to our response to the ma er as a responsible state government”,

the Governor was quoted as saying.

Olowookere was arrested when he was 16year-old alongside one other convict, Sunday Morakinyo, in Oyan, in April, 2010, for robbing a poultry where they stole two fowls and eggs.

Both Olowookere and Morakinyo were convicted and sentenced to death in December 2014 by Jus ce Jide Falola of the State of Osun High Court, si ng in Okuku then.

But in his judgment, Falola recommended that the Governor of the state could decide to commute the death sentence to 10 years imprisonment, considering the age of the convicts then.

The second convict, Morakinyo, who is also on death row at Ibara Maximum Prison, Abeokuta, is said to be ba ling with mental challenges and have been abandoned by his family.

Olowookere’s ma er was reported to OSUN DEFENDER by an Osun based Founda on, Monsurat Ajoke Founda on (MAF) in September 2022 when he was been vic mised in the prison by the Deputy Controller of Correc ons of the Custodial

•The Osun State Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Barr Jimi Bada received Mr & Mrs Olowookere to discuss issues surrounding the imprisonment of their son, Segun Olowookere.

Centre, Mr. Mike Okorie, who was threatening his life due to his inability to fulfill some financial obliga ons he demanded from him.

Olowookere’s parents had insisted that their child did not commit the offence for which he was convicted. Their appeal for his release has attracted huge public interest, informing Governor Ademola Adeleke to consider an official pardon

Why Men Prefer Less Attractive Women – Cardi B

AMERICAN rapper, Cardi B, has claimed that men prefer da ng less a rac ve women because they are more submissive than attrac ve women.

She made the claim during a recent social media live stream.

“Men prefer less a rac ve women because they are more submissive than perfect 10s,” she said. Shedding more light on her claim via X, Cardi B explained that the live stream was about “how men are in midated by

for Olowookere. Olanrewaju and Folashade, Olowookere’s father and mother, were interviewed by Biola Adebayo, an actress, on Tuesday. They narrated that an unnamed police boss requested N30,000 to free their son, but they could not raise that amount at the me.

“We are here to beg Nigerians to help us. In 2010, I was at the shop where I was ren ng out

casse es, and at about 11 am, some police officers came around,” Olanrewaju said.

“We later found out some students from Segun’s school were in their vehicle and they said they were arrested because of the the of a chicken and eggs. Truth be told, Segun does not eat chicken. Because I trained broilers. He refused to run away, telling us that he didn’t know anything about the

the of the chicken.

“They came back around 9 pm in the night and he was eventually arrested. It was when I visited the sta on that I knew who owned the chicken and eggs. He was just like a brother to me. I was told by the DPO in charge to bring N30,000 so my son could be released but a er running around, all I could raise was N20,000 which he refused to collect.”

Nigeria Not Getting Any Better – BBNaija Star, Elozonam Entertainment

women that make their own money because they are not as easy to control ..and how a man told me why he rather dates 6 and not 10s.”

Card B recently divorced her husband, rapper Offset, over infidelity allega ons.

BIG Brother Naija reality star, Elozonam, has spoken on the effects of “japa” culture on rela onships and how it has affected him.

Featuring in a recent episode of the ‘Uncolored’ podcast, Elozonam said his rela onships with his twin brother and other siblings have become poor following their reloca on abroad.

He shared that he’s now wary of making new friends as they might also relocate since Nigeria isn’t ge ng any be er.

He said, “The economic hardship in Nigeria is unbearable. I won’t say I got hit the hardest but as far as I know, it has affected a lot of my relaonships.

“Between 2018 to 2024, the first person that le my life was my boss when I was working a 9-5 job. We were close but he moved to Canada with his family.

“A er that, it’s like he opened the floodgate for everybody; people in my life started reloca ng


“The inherent effect of that is that you’re now too wary of making new friends because they might relocate abroad tomorrow.

“So everything is on the surface level now; you can’t make real friends because they can relocate any me. Nigeria is not ge ng any be er. We all know this.”

Bulgaria, OAU Partner On Cultural Ties

THE Bulgarian Government and the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), IleIfe, are partnering to enhance cultural es through the teaching of Bulgaria’s folklore dances in the ins tu on.

The Bulgarian Embassy in a statement in Abuja at the weekend, said a solid rela onship had been built by Bulgaria and OAU over the past two years.

It explained that the effort resulted in the Bulgarian Government’s provision of financial grant for classes and the teaching of Bulgarian folklore dances at the university.

“This is a project that Bulgaria and the university have been working on for several months. Its ini al framework was set up by the successful celebra on of Bulgarian Day in May 2024 in IleIfe.

“During the few weeks of teaching, more than 25 students mostly from OAU’s Faculty of Arts’ Departments of Drama c Arts and Music were trained in Bulgarian folklore dances,” it said.

The embassy de-

scribed the folklore dances as a specific dancing technique that is characteris c of Bulgaria and similar to some Nigerian tradi ons and customs. It said the grant,

which was channeled through the embassy, was provided in the context of renewed enhanced bilateral coopera on between Bulgaria and Nigeria.

“It is aimed at developing cultural es between the two countries with the most visible prospects in the creave industries development,” it added.

Campus Review Campus Review

UNIOSUN Holds 5th Candido Da Rocha Lecture

AProfessor of Accoun ng at the Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos State, Prof. Babatunde Yusuf, has disclosed that un l Nigeria improves its intellectual capital, the country’s firms might not be able to compete with others in the world.

Yusuf said countries like South Africa, Morocco, and Rwanda are doing be er than Nigeria in Intellectual Capital, adding that the intellectual capital of Nigeria, according to the Global Sustainable Compe veness Index, 2024, was 25.4 percent.

The professor of accoun ng said Nigeria lacks innova on, adding that things will be the same if the issues are not addressed.

Professor Yusuf stated this while delivering a lecture tled, ‘Op mising Intellectual Capital for a Robust Performance:

•As Don Harps Intellectual Capital Building

A Dilemma for the 21st Century Firm’, at the 5th Candido Da Rocha annual memorial lecture held at the Osun State University, Osogbo, on Tuesday.

Prof. Yusuf noted that the present administraon has worsened the situa on, adding that firms are closing up in the country due to a lack of basic infrastructure and high interest rates.

He said the only area where Nigeria could com-

pete with other countries was in terms of resources, urging governments to develop the country’s intellectual capital in order for firms to be able to achieve compe ve advantage and drive growth.

He said, “We lack innova on in Nigeria. 30 years ago, nobody wanted a China product, but here we are today; virtually all products are from China, and they are able to do so through intellectual capi-



“Nigeria is poor in terms of intellectual capitalism and no ma er who the president is, we will con nue to have problems un l we address the issue. We can’t keep doing the same thing and expect different results.

“Nigeria’s intellectual capital (25.4%) falls below the intellectual capital scores for South Africa (43.5%), Morocco (44.3%) and Rwanda (39.2%).

“No firm can operate in a close environment and the governments are not helping ma ers. Some basic ameni es needed for businesses - road, water, and light- are not provided.

“The present administra on has even worsened the situa on. How do you want a business to operate with almost 30 per cent interest rate? Nigeria has resources and

that is the only area it can compete with others all over the world.

In his remarks, the Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor Clement Adebooye, said if things are to change in the country, Nigerians need to change their mentality.

“The difference between developing and developed countries is technology, and that technology is intellectual capital, and that is what they leverage on. We must rise from the state of 25.4 per cent to at least 50 per cent in the next few years if we want to build a na on that will stand the test of me. We have to change the way we think as Nigerians.”

The three best students in the accoun ng department of the ins tuon were given scholarships and awards at the event.

Court Stops Annual Anniversary In Osun Community Over Fear Of Killings

FOLLOWING yearly clash at Ekosin community, in Odo-O n Local Government of Osun State, which always results in killings and loss of belongings, a state High Court has banned 2024 Ekosin Day.

It will be recalled that several clashes occurred in the community over kingship tussle in the past, which led to loss of lives among warring fac ons and loss of property to arsonists.

While preparing for the 2024 Ekosin Day, an Osun State High Court si ng in Ikirun, presided over by Jus ce Isiaka Adeleke, in a suit filed by Prince Bowofola Abraham, against Governor Ademola Adeleke and 10 others, including tradi onal chiefs, stopped the anniversary fixed for December 28.

According to the suit, the court was informed that Ekosin Development Associa on (EDA) and the community intend to celebrate Ekosin Day at the Palace Square, Ekosin. Abraham said there was a pending suit before the court over the com-

munity, hence he prayed to stop the N2billion fundraising due to threat to peace of the community.

Jus ce Adeleke grant-

ed the prayer, saying: “Arising from the above anxiety for likelihood of threat to the peace of people and the commu-

nity, I order that there should be no physical presence of people at the celebra on of this year’s Ekosin Day.’’

He ordered that “the Nigeria Police and State Security Services should implement strictly that the events do not hold

physically, but through Zoom or virtual, using the instrumentality of informa on technology.”

Osun Court Stops Adeleke From Appointing New Owa Obokun

AN Osun State High Court si ng in Ilesa has issued a restraining order against the state governor, Ademola Adeleke, and Ilesa kingmakers, from nomina ng a new Owa Obokun of Ijesaland.

The court’s decision

follows a suit numbered HIL/117/2024, filed by Prince Debo Adeyemi and 10 others on behalf of members of the Ofokutu Royal Family of Bilaro Oluodo Ruling House. Other defendants in the case, apart from Adeleke, include the Obanla of Ijesaland, Chief Folorunso Adeniyi, and 11 other kingmakers, the

Ijesa Central Tradi onal Council, the Osun State A orney General and Commissioner for Jus ce, Adesuyi Haastrup, and the Osun State Commissioner for Local Government and Chie aincy Ma ers.

The applicants sought an order preven ng Adeleke, his administraon officials, and Ilesa

Osun Urges FG To Provide CNG Centres, Vehicles For Residents

THE Osun state government has appealed to the federal government to redeem its pledge of providing CNG conversion centres and buses to ease the hardship faced by residents due to the increased price of petrol. The appeal was made

by the state Commissioner for Informa on and Public Orienta on, Barrister Kolapo Alimi. Alimi disclosed that the federal government has not provided free CNG-powered vehicles and conversion centres for the residents of the state. “There is no single CNG conversion centre

in the state, nor has the FG provided the promised vehicles. The only measure in place to ease transporta on hardship is the Imole ini a ve provided by Governor Ademola Adeleke for workers, students, and residents. The vehicles are s ll opera onal, contrary to the claims of the naysayers,” he stated.

kingmakers from taking steps to appoint Haastrup or any other person as the Owa Obokun of Ijesaland pending the hearing and determina on of the suit filed regarding the stool.

Jus ce A. Aderibigbe, upon hearing the applicaon, granted the reliefs sought by the applicants, issuing an order of inter-

im injunc on dated December 16, 2024.

The order partly read, “ An order of interim injunc on is granted, restraining the 14th, 20th, 21st, and 22nd defendant/respondents from taking steps regarding the presenta on, nomina on, selec on, elec on or installing or appoin ng the 16th defendant/respondent or any person as Owa of ljesa land or Owa Obokun Adimula of Ijesa land or taking further steps as regards the subject ma er of this suit pending the hearing and determina on of the mo on on no ce already filed on the suit.”

The judge adjourned the matter ll January 14, 2025, for a hearing.

Yusuf Oketola
Kazeem Badmus
Yusuf Oketola
Kazeem Badmus
Yusuf Oketola

CAF Award: Osimhen Refuses Bad Blood With Ademola Lookman

VICTOR Osimhen has responded to fans who accused him of not celebra ng Ademola Lookman winning African Footballer of the Year. The Super Eagles star and Galatasaray forward faced some cri cism a er he posted about luxury items like a custom-made diamond pendant worth millions with

some fans bashing him for not pos ng a congratulatory message Lookman.

While Lookman was celebra ng his win in Marrakech, Osimhen shared a picture of his expensive pendant, designed by famous New York jeweler Benny the Jeweler. The pendant featured over 275 carats of emerald and carbon fiber, shaped into Osimhen’s

signature mask.

Osimhen, some hours a er the fans backlash started, posted more pictures of himself wearing Louis Vui on ou its on X (formerly Twitter).

The Super Eagles striker however cleared the air while replying to some fans, revealing that he sent a private congratulatory message to Ademola Lookman on Monday night a er he won the CAF Player of the Year

Replying to a fan who directly asked, “You never congratulate Lookman, wey n sup?” Osimhen said, “Done since yesterday around 23:49 Turkish me.”

Another fan claimed Osimhen didn’t congratulate Lookman on Twi er. Osimhen responded, “Them dey joke, them no say I definitely congratulate am immediately a er my game.”

Manchester United: Amorim Wants Wantaway Rashford To Stay


United manager Ruben Amorim, on Wednesday, said he wants to keep Marcus Rashford in his squad following the England forward sugges on he could leave Old Trafford for a “new challenge”.

The 27-year-old was dropped alongside Alejandro Garnacho by the manager for Sunday’s win at Manchester City.

Rashford however, responded by hin ng he would consider ending his me at United.

Rashford came through United’s youth ranks and has chalked up 138 goals in 426 appearances for the club since making his debut in 2016.

He has however lost form over the last 18 months with United and was also axed from England’s Euro 2024 squad.

Quizzed on Rashford’s comments that he is ready for a new challenge, Amorim told the media on Wednesday ahead of United’s League Cup quarter final that he


wanted Rashford to stay.

“No (I’ve not spoken to him),” Amorim said. “Not yet. It was yesterday (when) I gave the day off to the lads, so he’s our player and he’s ready for the next game.”

Asked if he would be happy to retain Rashford, Amorim replied: “Of course, because this kind of club needs big talents and he’s a big talent.

“So, he just needs to perform at the highest

level and that is my focus. I just want to help Marcus.”

Amorim added the “new challenge” Rashford spoke of could be found at Old Trafford in trying to revive the fortunes of United, once the dominant force in English football, but now a lowly 13th in the Premier League.

“We have here a new challenge, it’s a tough one,” he said.

Osun Pensioners Demand N25,000

THE Osun State Government has pledged to review the grievances raised by the Forum of Contributory Pensioners over the N10,000 monthly pallia ve offered to them, following the implementa on of the new minimum wage for workers.

At the signing of the agreement for the new minimum wage implementa on, the Osun State Commissioner for Informa on and Public Enlightenment, Kolapo Alimi, had announced a N25,000 increase for pensioners.

However, the Forum expressed dissa sfacon, sta ng that the N25,000 increment was only granted to pensioners who re red under the old pension scheme, while contributory pensioners were le with a N10,000 addi on.

In a statement signed by its Chairman, Abiodun Awodele, the forum described the arrangement as discriminatory, urging the government to ensure equity in the disbursement of pension benefits.

It stated: “Your Excellency, the same N25,000

granted to the NUP (rerees on the old pension) should also be extended to FOCOPEN members (contributory pensioners). Ninety-nine percent of the remaining few of them can barely cover half a kilometre a day for campaigning or mobilising during elecons.

THE Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, Osun State Command, has deployed 1,750 personnel to provide security during the Christmas celebra on in the state.

The NSCDC Comman-

“Grant us N25,000 under the new minimum wage or stop the payments en rely. This is our scien fic posi on, and it has nothing to do

dant in Osun, Igbalawole So yo, made this know in a statement, in Osogbo on Thursday.

Mr So yo said that the personnel would provide both covert and overt security during the fes ve period.

He said that the per-

with ingra tude toward the good governance of Senator Ademola Adeleke. Far from it.”

In response to the complaints, the commissioner, Alimi, explained in an interview on Monday that the

sonnel would also provide round the clock surveillance on cri cal na onal assets and infrastructure in the state during the fes ve season.

The commandant assured members of the public that secu-

N10,000 pallia ve for contributory pensioners was agreed upon a er consulta ons with their leadership.

He clarified that the government’s obliga ons primarily cover workers and pensioners on its payroll, while contributory pensioners, who are awai ng their bond cer ficates, fall outside these responsibili es.

rity would be in place at worship centres, market places, recrea on centres and some other flash points in the state.

Mr So yo said that the corps would work in synergy with other sister agencies to provide adequate security in Osun State during and a er the celebra on.

He warned those planning to cause breakdown of law and order in the state to have a rethink “or they should be ready to face the consequences of their ac ons.”

The commandant enjoined the personnel to be civil, but firm in the discharge of their dues. He also appealed to members of the public to report suspicious movement in their environment to the nearest security agency.

He stated, “Throughout the federa on, governments do not pay addi onal funds to that category of pensioners. Workers and pensioners on the payroll are the direct responsibility of the government. Those no longer on the payroll are considered outsiders.

“However, they approached us, and recognising that the government is s ll owing some of them half salaries, we decided to extend some relief. As a pallia ve, and in addi on to the half salary payments, the government agreed to pay N10,000 monthly un l the half salaries are fully paid.

“Once we complete those payments, they will no longer have any claims on the government. This arrangement was agreed upon, so their complaints now are surprising. The N10,000 offer stems from Governor Adeleke’s magnanimity, not an obligaon. That said, we will re-evaluate the situa on in light of their concerns and consider a review.”

Yusuf Oketola
Yusuf Oketola

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2024 - THURSDAY, JANUARY 09, 2025 VOL. 19 NO 47 www.osundefender.com, email: osundefenderbank@gmail.com

IN the run-up to picking Governor Rauf Aregbesola’s successor in 2018, there was a clamour by the leaders and rank and file members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) for zoning the gubernatorial cket to Osun West Senatorial District for jus ce and fair play, among others. This agita on gained momentum as it had the backing of Chief Bisi Akande who was a former governor and the pioneer Interim Na onal Chairman of the party and other party elders. The clamour was ini ated by all the chairmen and secretaries of the 10 council areas in Osun West via a le er wri en and signed by all of them and presented to Chief Akande at his country home in Ila Orangun. According to the leader of the group, Ahaji Semiu Ayofe, the APC Chairman for Iwo Local Government Council, “Aside Late Isiaka Adeleke’s 20-month tenure as the first elected Governor in the state, no indigene of the senatorial district has been able to occupy the seat. All other senatorial districts have always enjoyed the support of the West in the past in their quest to rule the state.” That informed why party stalwarts like Dr. Najeem Salam, the out-going Speaker; Alhaji Moshood Adeo , out-going Secretary to the State Government; Alhaji Bola Oyebanji, out-going Finance Commissioner; Senator Lere Oriolowo and Peter Babalola, among others, all from Osun West, signified their inten ons to succeed Ogbeni Aregbesola.

As me went on, there were rumours in the air that Aregbesola was poised to choose his Chief of Staff, Alhaji Gboyega Oyetola, as his successor. Oyetola is the nephew of Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu and he is from Iragbiji, Osun Central Senatorial District.

As a ma er of fact, there were protests by the party youths under the aegis of Osun Con nuity Movement in Osogbo on the 6th of July, 2018 with placards inscrip ons that read, “We must encourage equal poli cal stability”, “Rota onal Leadership”, “West is okay”, among others. In the evening of this protest, Ogbeni Aregbesola, who was outside the state, called me and said, “I have a security report that your men led a protest in Osogbo today, demanding that Osun West should produce the next governor. How do you explain this?” And I replied, “We didn’t ini ate the protest, Sir, but there is no way we could con nue to bo le their anger and hold them back. If we didn’t allow the protest, it could lead to mass defec on to the opposi on party. It’s like ‘le ng out the steam.’ A er the protest, we could now start talking and pacifying people to accept your choice.” “On my way to Osogbo. See me tomorrow morning, please.” Ogbeni concluded.

“In Nigeria of today, especially since the 1999 political dispensation, no successor to a governor could emerge from the same party’s primary without the blessing of the incumbent. It is practically impossible and this should lay to rest all the issues on this matter.”

Untold Facts On Ogbeni And Oyetola

Before this July 6th protest, by virtue of working as a Special Assistance to the Governor at the Department of Social Mobilisa on and Guidance in the Office of the Governor and having Ogbeni’s ear, I and my immediate boss, Comrade Adebayo Ojo, the Director of the Department, went to sound out Ogbeni on who would be his successor. Ogbeni did not mince words: Oyetola was his choice. Two weeks a er this mee ng, I and Sadiq Olajide, who is now the Director General of Oranmiyan Worldwide paid a visit to Ogbeni in the Government House. I asked Mr. Governor, “Where are we?” and he replied, “We are where we were!”And the last me I personally met with Ogbeni over the ra onale for his choice of Oyetola. He said, “Yes, people could say Oyetola doesn’t have some quali es that could endear him to people. But that is the person Asiwaju wants. I, Rauf Aregbesola, cannot refuse Asiwaju’s choice. Asiwaju as a leader has suffered some humilia ons from some of his disciples; he cannot suffer the same from me. His choice of Oyetola is mine.”

I asked further, “What if we lose to the opposi on at the elec on as some members have threatened to dump the party if you impose Oyetola from the Central on them?” His reply was stunning, “Too bad. If we lose, we lose and please, that is all on this ma er.”

And the threat was carried out as some poli cal juggernauts protested by exi ng APC for Ac on Democra c Party (ADP) and African Democra c Congress (ADC) among others on an alleged unlevelled playground created by Aregbesola to favour his Chief of Staff emerging the candidate of APC in 2018 governorship elec on through direct primary, which jeopardized the victory of the party and its candidate at the elec on.

The result of the 2018 governorship

elec on in Osun was 254,698 for PDP and 254,345 for APC in the first ballot which implies that PDP won the first ballot by 353 votes.

What eventually snatched the victory from PDP was a rerun as INEC declared the elec on inconclusive for disrup on of elec on and violence in seven polling units in Ife North, Ife South, Orolu and Osogbo Local Government Areas. At the end of the exercise, INEC declared APC winner with 255,505 votes and PDP came second with 225,023 votes. However, if Rt. Hon. Nojeem Salam who also felt short-changed like others had jumped ship by refusing Aregbesola’s persuasion to stay with the party, the 2018 Governorship elec on would have been an automa c victory for the PDP as 14,779 votes delivered to APC in Ejigbo Local Government Area by Najeem would have gone the other way.

A er the narrow victory, because APC’s strength had been decimated in the processes leading to its primary, Ogbeni instructed our department to do special mobilisa on in the forthcoming State Assembly elec ons to guarantee APC securing at least 18 from the 26 vacant seats so that the opposi on party would not be a threat to Governor Gboyega Oyetola. With Comrade Adebayo Ojo, I went to discuss this ma er with Governor Oyetola in his Iragbiji country home. On the logis cs involved, Governor Oyetola retorted, “I don’t warehouse money. Go and generate a memo and ensure it passes through normal channels, I will approve it.” True to his words, it was approved but no single kobo was released un l this very day. It was Ogbeni Aregbesola, who had le office that eventually funded the mobilisa on that yielded a comfortable 23 of the 26 seats for APC in the State Assembly elec on.

It is, therefore, nonsensical for some sponsored writers to insinuate that Aregbesola never wanted Oyetola to succeed him or has a hidden agenda.

In Nigeria of today, especially since the 1999 poli cal dispensa on, no successor to a governor could emerge from the same party’s primary without the blessing of the incumbent. It is prac cally impossible and this should lay to rest all the issues on this ma er.

However, I must not conclude this piece without a hint on Oyetola’s transforma on and extreme hos lity to Ogbeni a er ascension into the Governorship Seat and an instance of his encounter with me will suffice. I a ended UniOsun’s convoca on ceremony with Barrister Shenge Raman on Saturday, 21st September, 2019, an event also graced by then Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo, Ogbeni Aregbesola who had then been appointed Interior Minister and Osun Governor, Gboyega Oyetola. In the midst of the crowd, Mr. Governor sighted and beckoned to me. He said, “Demola, where have you been? I thought you had travelled out.” I replied, “No sir. I am very much in town.” “Okay. See me as soon as you can,” he looked straight at his Aide-de-Camp and said “Let him see me without any hindrance.” “Yes sir,” he responded. Two weeks later, we both met at the Government House. Mr. Governor told me, “Have you heard that Teju was in town, mobilising market women against me, sta ng that I would be given ‘Ambode Treatment?’ Anyway, my name is Gboyega Oyetola not Ambode and the interes ng thing I was told is that Ogbeni is the one who sent him. I responded immediately, “Mr. Governor, you shouldn’t be giving a en on to everything you’re told, Sir. For instance, who is Teju that Ogbeni would be sending him such an errand and for what purpose? Some informa on may be misleading. Police, for instance, yesterday blocked Okefia to Lameco road and when I asked the leader of the team why the blockade, he said there was informa on that some students were planning a protest march to the Government House. In the presence of the Police Team Leader, I called the students’ leaders to confirm but there wasn’t any such plan and nothing of such happened that day. You’re our Governor and many, especially poli cians, will come to give you wrong informa on to seek your favour. Although, I will invesgate this claim, I am sure Ogbeni is not that kind of pe y minded person that will be orchestra ng such.” Mr. Governor was very cold and didn’t feel at home with my response as the mee ng abruptly ended there. I later called Teju to inquire about the ma er. He was surprised and said he had never been to Osun for over three months and the informa on was not true. Teju Isola is one of Aregbesola’s personal assistants. Interes ngly, I have several mutually beneficial reasons to see him therea er but it was never possible as I was always sent away. It is worthwhile placing all these on record as a living witness and resta ng the fact again and again since mischief makers remain unyielding in fabrica ng false narra ves and pumping them into the public space. Neither Ogbeni nor Oyetola can deny this narra ve and however long falsehood journeys the truth will inevitably overtake it someday.

OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing House Limited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB), Gbongan Road, Osogbo, Osun State. All correspondence to the Asst. News Editor, YUSUF OKETOLA, Telephone: 0809-301-9152. ISSN: 0794-8050. Website: www.osundefender.com Email: osundefenderbank@gmail.com, osundefenderhq@gmail.com


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