Osun Defender Online Version of May 10, 2024

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Economic Hardship: Children At Risk Of Low Immune System, Stunted Growth – Expert Warns

THE lingering economic hardship is a poten al threat to the growth of children, an expert has warned.

Osun State Nutri on Officer, Mrs Rasheedat

•Says Children Exposed To Mobidity, Mortality

Popoola, stated that inflaon and low purchasing power of the people have resulted to inadequate nutri onal diet for some infants and young chil-


According to Popoola, foods that will give children adequate nutrients for their growth are no longer affordable to par-

ents and caregivers.

The expert, who spoke in an exclusive interview with OSUN DEFENDER yesterday, said many infants and young children



are not receiving the nutri on they need to survive and thrive. She said as a result of the high food prices, there is deficiency in essen al vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamin A, which weakens children’s immunity, increases the risk of blindness and can lead to death from common childhood diseases.

Popoola implored parents and caregivers of children between 6 – 23 months to priori se locally available foods and be innova ve in the food choices to ensure adequate diets for their children.

The expert said: “Children need the right foods at the right me to grow and develop to their full poten als. What, when and how children eat is more important before age two than any other me in life. Yet, today, many infants and young children are not receiving the nutri on they need to survive and thrive.

Don’t Deceive Us, Ooni Pleads As Adeleke Flags Off N14.9bn Ile-Ife Flyover

Yusuf Oketola

THE Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi, has appealed to Governor Ademola Adeleke to see to the comple on of the first flyover in Ile-Ife, following its flag-off on Tuesday.

The project, cited at Lagere Junc on, Ile-Ife is being executed at a cost of N14.9 billion.

Commending Adeleke for his a empt to upgrade infrastructural ameni es in Ile-Ife, Oba Ogunwusi urged Adeleke to also consider the rehabilita on of other roads that are in bad condi on across the metropolis.

Oba Ogunwusi said:

“When the governor proposed this project, I was very happy. Ile-Ife is the origin; despite that the governor is from Ede, he remembered his ancestral home. I want to plead with the governor to remember Mayfair Road.

“I want to plead with the governor not to deceive us with the flag off, but please help us to complete this project. Don’t just come here to cut the ribbon, but please complete this overhead bridge you unveil today.”

Speaking at the programme, Adeleke said the project which was awarded to Messrs. Sammya Nigeria Limited would be completed within 12 months.

Adeleke disclosed

that rehabilita on work has commenced on 55.86km of local government roads across Ife land at the cost of N30.6 billion.

He enumerated various road rehabilita on projects that his administra on has completed in the four local government areas in Ife, assuring that no efforts would

be spared to improve the state of infrastructure in recogni on of the special status of Ile-Ife as the cradle of the Yoruba race.

According to the governor: “We are flagging off the flyover bridge at Lagere Junc on as well as the commencement of 55km of roads across the 30 local governments

and the area office.

“A er compliance with due process and procurement laws, the flyover bridge is awarded to Messrs. Sammya Nigeria Limited at a total project cost of N14,938,924,771.45. The comple on period is 12 months.

“Addi onally, I flagged off the construc on of lo-

cal government roads totaling 55.86km at the cost of N30,677,814,099.42. This is also to have a comple on period of 12 months.”

He urged contractors handling the projects and residents of the host communi es to partner closely for the successful execu on of the work.

Transport Fare On The High Despite Availability Of Fuel, Queue Reduction

IKazeem Badmus

N spite of the available of fuel and reducon in queues at filling sta ons in Osogbo metropolis, commuters have refused to bring down transport fares, OSUN DEFENDER noted.

The medium had in its May 03, 2024 edi on reported that majority of the filling sta ons in Osogbo were not selling fuel, forcing residents of the state capital to search for the Premium Motor Spirit (petrol) in far distance and at high cost.

Aside from the NNPC which was selling at N580 per litre, every other petrol sta on in Osogbo was selling between N680 and N1,050 per litre.

However, a visit to some of the mega filling sta ons showed a sharp reduc on in those queuing to get the commodity compared to last week.

Apart from NNPC, BOVAS and NIPCO which are selling fuel at lower prices, other filling sta ons in the

state capital are selling comfortably to consumers without stress.


noted that most of the filling sta ons in Osogbo that did not sell petrol last week, were as of the me of filing this report yesterday, opera ng with some selling as high as N1,000 per litre.

However, despite the availability of fuel and the absence of queues in most of the sta ons, commercial transporters have refused to reduce the transport fares.

OSUN DEFENDER gathered that the commuters who increased transport by 75-100 per cent during the crisis are s ll maintaining the same price, blaming the hike in petrol price for their acons.

Speaking with the medium, a minibus (Korope) driver who gave his name as Oladimeji, said he s ll bought a litre of petrol at N950, saying that the transport fare cannot re-

duce un l things are back to normal.

He said: “People keep blaming us (drivers) but we are not the problem. We only charge based on what we buy. I bought a litre of fuel at N950 today and what do you expect?”

“Not everyone can stay on the queue to buy fuel at NNPC, NIPCO, Bovas and Matrix. Some of us are s ll buying from those selling it at higher prices.

When told that some commercial drivers are ge ng fuel at the mega sta ons and s ll charging high transport fares, Oladimeji said it is their me to also make a profit.

Meanwhile, the state government and relevant stakeholders have been urged to monitor the situa on and prevent the drivers from extor ng the residents.

Some residents who spoke with OSUN DEFENDER said it has become

a norm for the drivers not to reduce transport fares whenever they jack it up.

They noted that if the government failed to do something about the situa on, the drivers would maintain the current transport fares, causing more hardship for Osun people.

One of the residents of the state capital, Mrs Damiloa Oladosu, said: “This is what normally happens in the country. Whenever these drivers jack up the transport fares, they will not bring it down again.

“They are now buying fuel easily but they have failed to reduce the transport fare. Is this not extoron and we keep blaming the government for everything?

“I want to urge the state government and relevant agencies to monitor the situa on and call these drivers to order. They can’t con nue to milk us dry even when the fuel is now available.”

“Mee ng children’s nutrient needs in early life can be challenging, and many parents face barriers to securing enough nutri ous, safe, affordable and age-appropriate food for their children. These challenges are even greater during the present economic hardship.

“The current infla on of food prices has reduced purchasing power of the people and imposed limited access to nutri ous and healthy foods. No ma er the amount you have now, it is not enough to buy foodstuffs and other commodi es needed.

“As a result, the caregivers find it difficult to meet up with the child’s minimum dietary diversity. Carbohydrates and other energy giving foods, fruits and vegetables, body building foods such as the fish, meat, poultry, and eggs are too costly and most home cannot afford the minimum acceptable diets.

“Furthermore, as a result of the high food prices, there is deficiency in essen al vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamin A deficiency, which weakens children’s immunity, increases the risk of blindness and can lead to death from common childhood diseases like diarrhea; can also lead to poor growth, weight loss, low producvity and performance especially in school.

“Sustained poor diet may have both short term (was ng) and long-term (stun ng) effect on the children. A child that is not well fed is exposed to child morbidity and mortality.

“Children 6-23 months are most affected. They need healthy and adequate diet to boost their immunity, support healthy growth, cogni ve and brain development, also to be produc ve in life.

“However, parents and caregivers of children 6 –23 months are implored to priori ze locally available foods and be innovave in the food choices to ensure adequate diets for their children.”

2 News
MAY 10, 2024 - THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2024
•Former of State, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola, flanked by the Speaker, Osun State House of Assembly, Hon. Adewale Egbedun during the presentation of Business Capital Fund to 100 Small Scale Business Owners in ‘Odo-Otin’ State Constituency, on Wednesday Photo: Shola Aderinto

The Cyber Security Controversy

IN a nutshell, the conten ous bill indicates that “Following the enactment of the Cybercrime (Prohibi on, Preven on, etc) (amendment) Act 2024 and under the provision of Sec on 44 (2)(a) of the Act, a levy of 0.5 percent (0.005) equivalent to a half per cent of all electronic transac ons value by the business specified in the Second Schedule of the Act, is to be remi ed to the Na onal Cybersecurity Fund which shall be administered by the Office of the Na onal Security Adviser.”

This medium explains what the term means and how to know the cybersecurity levy charged on your transac ons.

Firstly, it is important to know that 0.5% is equivalent to 0.005 (which is half of 1 per cent). 0.005 is the decimal representa on of 0.5%. Hence, this entails that CBN will deduct 0.5% of any transfer made by the s pulated guidelines.

For instance, if a customer wants to transfer the sum of N10,000, following the new CBN direc ve, the customer will be charged N50 for cybersecurity levy, this is aside from bank charges or any other charges incurred on bank transac ons such as VAT, etc.

The bill should be amended. For a start, there are dangers in a democracy for humongous sums of money to be paid into an account with the office of the Na onal Security Adviser. There’s always opacity when it comes to accounting for funds interwoven with Na onal security. We have had numerous examples of the problems involved in the past and

“A way out is for the government to diligently implement the recommendations of the Oransaye committee’s report on the cost of the machinery of the government. This should now be extended since the Oransaye recommendations are now in my ways outdated, there’s too much fact in the operation of the government”

there are s ll court cases.

There must be a human face to what is being interpreted as hash government policies. The con nued erosion of purchasing power is already leading to massive inventories which is bound to lead to lay-offs. If we coun es with levies and taxa on, consequences will be socially destabilizing. This is reflected in the opposi on across the board to renew cyber security tariff, there must be a human face.

A way out is for the government to diligently implement the recommenda ons of the Oransaye commi ee’s report on the cost of the machinery of the government. This should now be extended since the Oransaye recommenda ons are now in my ways outdated, there’s too much fact in the operaon of the government. The long-suffering public cannot con nue to struggle with puni ve mul ple taxes and levies while a minuscule elite class are pampered with state-funded privileges. The me has come to rework the frame work and put the people first.

The Discourse




Sexual Harassment: A Persistent Menace

And Its Far-Reaching Implications

SEXUAL harassment, an insidious blight on society, con nues to cast a shadow over workplaces, educa onal ins tuons, and public spaces. It is a pervasive issue that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries, undermining individual wellbeing, professional growth, and societal progress. The implica ons of sexual harassment are profound and mul -faceted, demanding concerted efforts to eradicate this menace from its roots.

According to report, one in five people employed have experienced violence and harassment at work whether physical, psychological or sexual.

In another data on sexual harassment by Stop Street Harassment, over 38% of women have faced unwelcome sexual advances in the workplace while trying to do their jobs. This par cular form is referred to as sexual harassment in the workplace and is a day-to-day reality for millions of workers all over the world.

In Nigeria, the numbers are much higher, according to a report by Stand To End Rape (STER), with 64% of women repor ng they had been sexually harassed in their workplace.

At its core, sexual harassment infringes upon the fundamental human right to dignity and respect. Vic ms are subjected to unwelcome advances, comments, or acons that create an environment of fear, humilia on, and power imbalance. This not only affects their emo onal and psychological wellbeing but also impedes their ability to thrive personally and professionally. The psychological scars can linger long a er the harassment has occurred, leading to diminished self-esteem, anxiety, and even depression.

The implica ons of sexual harassment extend beyond individual suffering. Organisaons grapple with reduced employee morale, decreased produc vity, and poten al legal consequences. A toxic work environment erodes teamwork and trust, hindering crea vity and innova on. Furthermore, the erosion of trust in ins tu ons perpetuates a cycle of silence, allowing perpetrators to operate with impunity while discouraging vic ms from re-

““Sexual harassment is a societal ill that requires unwavering commitment and collective action. Only by dismantling the power structures that enable harassment and fostering a culture of empathy and accountability can we hope to eliminate this deeply entrenched problem””

por ng incidents. This undermines the very fabric of a just and equitable society.

Recoun ng her ordeal, a vic m of sexual harassment, Mrs. Abiola Ogunlade, said she was forced to leave her dream of working as Secretary due to sexual harassment.

“All my life, my dream was to become a Secretary, I went to school to learn shorthand wri ng and other secretariat skill but my boss o en made sexual advances which made me leave the job.

“I decided to learn shoe making skill, which I am currently doing, and always proud of doing it”, she added.

Educa on, another cornerstone of societal progress, also faces dire implica ons due to sexual harassment. Educa onal ins tu ons should be sanctuaries of learning and growth, but when harassment goes unchecked, it disrupts the learning experience and diminishes the poten al of young minds. Students who experience or witness harassment may become disillusioned and disengaged, hindering their academic achievement and personal development.

In order to address the grave implicaons of sexual harassment, a mul -pronged approach is impera ve. First and foremost, comprehensive awareness and preven on programs should be ins tuted at all levels of society, from schools to workplaces, fostering a culture of respect and intolerance for harassment. Repor ng mechanisms must be strengthened and supported, ensuring that vic ms feel safe and empowered to come forward without fear of retalia on.


Publisher – Moremi Publishing House Ltd.

Deputy Editor – Ismaeel Uthman

Legal frameworks should be robust and just, providing a clear path to jus ce for vic ms and appropriate consequences for perpetrators. Community support networks, counseling services, and mental health resources are crucial to help survivors heal and reclaim their lives.

Produc on Editor – Petkola Taiwo Ibitowa

Reporter – Yusuf Oketola

Reporter – Kazeem Badmus

Photo Journalist – Olushola Aderinto

Computer Graphics – Zainab Olalere

OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing House Limited, Promise Point Building, Opposite

Guarantee Trust Bank (GTB), Gbogan Road Osogbo, State of Osun

ISSN : 0794-8050

Telephone : 0809-301-9152

Website : www.osundefender.com/index.php e-mail : osundefender@yahoo.com osundefenderbank@gmail.com

All correspondence to the above email addresses.

Sexual harassment is a societal ill that requires unwavering commitment and collec ve ac on. Only by dismantling the power structures that enable harassment and fostering a culture of empathy and accountability can we hope to eliminate this deeply entrenched problem. The implica ons of inac on are stark, but by uni ng against sexual harassment, we pave the way for a more equitable, just, and harmonious future.

PEOPLE FIRST FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 - THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2024 3 •Read full article on www.osundefender.com

They Threatened To Kill Us – Lagos Residents Dumped In Osun Narrate Ordeal

SYusuf Oketola era on was undertaken by the government to tackle the security risk in Lagos which was caused by the influx of miscreants, beggars, and the des tute in different parts of the state.

OME residents of Lagos State who were forcefully evacuated from the state and dumped in Osun have narrated their ordeals in the hands of some officials of the Lagos State Task Force who superintended their forceful evacua on.

The vic ms said the officials threatened to kill them if they refused to cooperate with them, a er being dumped inside a forest in Ilesa, Osun State, on Sunday.

OSUN DEFENDER noted that the vic ms were arrested at the Marina area of Lagos State where they were conveyed in some buses to Osun on Saturday.

The Lagos State government had vowed to clamp down on miscreants across the state a er it uncovered about 86 par oned rooms, measuring 10×10 and 12×10, being used as makeshi apartments under the Dolphin Bridge.

According to the state Commissioner for Informaon and Strategy, Gbenga Omotoso, an ongoing op-

Omotoso further stated that some suspects were arrested under the Dolphin Bridge, and some pleaded for assistance to relocate to their various

hometowns, while others were in rehabilita on due to their medical state.

“As part of the exercise, 450 miscreants were rescued at the weekend. Of the lot, 371 pleaded for assistance to relocate to their various states due to the hardship they are facing in Lagos; 79 have been absorbed into some government facili es for rehabilita on a er showing

signs of being unwell,” the commissioner partly said on Sunday.

However, some of the vic ms while speaking with newsmen a er escaping from Ilesa forest where they dumped them, said they were arrested without proper inves ga on.

According to the vicms, about 500 of them, including people living with disabili es were ar-

rested and jam-packed in cramped condi ons inside chartered buses provided by the state government and taken to the forest.

One of the vic ms, Miracle Chukwu, who said he was selling phone accessories at the Marina area of Lagos, claimed he was not allowed to speak before being pushed into the bus, adding that the officials threatened to shoot any-


one who disobeyed them in the forest.

He said: “I was coming back from where I was selling phone accessories at the CMS area around 11 a.m., some task force officials and police officers stopped me and forced me into their Black Maria vehicle. They beat me up and collected my bag, which contained my iPhone XR, over N20,000, and my house key.

“That night, they arrested innocent people. They took me to the Lion Building, and then transferred us to Elemoro Police Sta on, Area J. They ordered a bus to pick us up and take us to Osun State, including people living with disabili es and a lot of traders in all kinds of businesses in Lagos.

“We were about 500 that they arrested. The bus dropped us at a forest in Ilesa, and the officials asked us to enter the bush. They threatened to kill anyone who did not cooperate with them.

“We stayed in the forest for thirty minutes before we came out. We •Continued on page 6

4 News
MAY 10, 2024 - THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2024
•Members of Omoluabi Progressives Causus with staff and Management of Moremi Publishing House during their visit to the organisation, recently Photo:Shola Aderinto
•‘Oyetola Sold Lautech Because He Lacks Managerial Skill’ Babayemi, Ogunbiyi Are Not PDP Members, Will Not Be Missed – Bisi, Osun PDP Chairman

THE APC has consistently accused Governor Adeleke of running government by autopilot, among other cricisms. What is your assessment of the governor’s style of governance?

Let me tell you one thing about APC, their propaganda cannot be matched by anybody. They are experts in telling and feeding people with lies. That is what they believe in. They are not good in governance. When they are outside, they do a lot of talking. But bring them into government, they will fumble. That is APC for you. They are so good in telling people lies. When they are in opposi on, they will be crying wolf. If someone just came in and within 18 months, he has done what could not be done in 12 years without borrowing a kobo, they should be praising the person. Upon their borrowing, they cannot jus fy one thing that they did in 12 years. The more they cri cise us, the more Ademola Adeleke is working. The APC underrated Adeleke. They thought he could not perform. Now that they are seeing what he is doing, they are now telling lies against him. We are not bothered; we are not perturbed. We will con nue dishing out dividends of democracy to the good people of Osun State who voted for us.

Adeleke’s style of governance is pleasing; he is so humane and open in governance. He is running an inclusive government. The APC should be ashamed that a person they underrated is clearing their mess.

Ideologically, the party should be the driver of the government, but there are insinua ons that the authority of your party and indeed that of the government lies with Yeye Dupe Adeleke-Sanni, the elder sister to the governor, how true is this?

Yeye Dupe Adeleke has nothing to do with the party or the government. I can tell you that one for free. I am not a dunce; I am not a mediocre, I am well-read. I am one of the founders of this party. We started this party together in 1998. I know what it takes to run a party of this nature. I do not take orders from anyone. The party and the government are working hand-in-hand. For instance, when the commissioners were to be appointed, the Governor consulted the party. We held a stakeholders’ mee ng at this secretariat. We asked leaders to produce one commissioner each from their federal cons tuencies. They all sat down to nominate those commissioners you are seeing. That is to tell you that we don’t take instrucons from anyone. So, Yeye Dupe Adeleke is not involved in the running of this administra on.

In what ways would you say the PDP administra on differs from the APC government?

The Oyetola administra on abandoned all the projects started by Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, he didn’t touch them. We have con nued those projects, and others started by Oyetola himself, and we are comple ng them. The past administra on did not also complete any project it started. The issue of LAUTECH is s ll an eyesore ll today. Any me I remember the episode as an Osun indigene, I always feel sad. Successive administra ons in Oyo and Osun had successfully managed the joint owned LAUTECH, but when Oyetola came in, they muted the idea of selling LAUTECH to Oyo State at a ridiculous amount of N8 billion. I can tell you authorita vely that, as of today, Oyo State has only paid a sum of N3 billion out of the money agreed. It is absurd! LAUTECH which was established with our sweat has been taken away from us just like that because of the managerial inability of Oyetola to handle the situa on well. I would not know why Oyetola decided to sell a thriving university at a ridiculous N8 billion. If you look at the ranking of LAUTECH in Nigeria, that university has made a name for itself. Even, the name is worth more than N8 billion, not to talk of the assets of that university. You can imagine what has happened to us in Osun State.

It is 16 months since your party started administering the state with Senator Ademola Adeleke as the Governor. Would you say the PDP administra on has met the expecta ons of the people on governance?

We have fulfilled and we are fulfilling our electoral promises. During the BBC debate before the 2022 governorship elecon, Sen. Ademola Adeleke spelled out his five-point agenda, and he has been keeping faith with it. We are on track. We

Hon. Sunday Bisi, the Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Osun State spoke to ISMAEEL UTHMAN and SODIQ YUSUF on sundry issues on the party’s affairs and Governor Ademola Adeleke’s administration. Excerpt:

have fulfilled and s ll fulfilling the promises we made to the people. From the issue of educa on; Adeleke’s administra on has rehabilitated some selected schools in all the local governments of the state. Aside from that, we also intervened in Osun State University. There was a me the NUC threatened to stop all the science courses because the school was not mee ng the requirements of the commission. The Governor rose to the occasion; and today, things are going fine in that school. The VC of the university said that in 12 years, the APC government did not erect any building in the school and Adeleke has done that. On the University of Ilesa, the immediate past governor Adegboyega Oyetola, on the eve of his exit, made a pronouncement on the university without any financial backing, thinking he wanted to set a landmine for the incoming administra on. How do you establish a university without making any budgetary provision for it? When Oyinlola established UNIOSUN, he made a provision of N2billion as of then for the take-off of the university. Local governments were also contribu ng five per cent of their alloca ons to the university every month through a law enacted by the House of Assembly. That made the university to start on a strong footing, unlike that of Oyetola. But today, the University of Ilesa has taken off; it has matriculated its first set of 1,000 students, and is running 32 programmes, including Law and Nursing. For the first me in the history of the NUC, when a university is established, they give you 50 students for Nursing, but the commission gave UNILESA 150 students. The university is running well and I know that in the shortest possible me, they will accredit more courses for the university.

What of the N100 billion infrastructure plan? We met many uncompleted projects. For example, the projects started by Aregbesola were not con nued by Oyetola. But Adeleke concentrated on the comple on of abandoned projects. Examples are the Osogbo/Ikirun road, Ilesa Garage/Oke-Baale/Tes ng Ground Road. There is a radical departure from where those people le those roads. Aside from that, we are also working on 1.5km road in every local government in the State, and the Old-Garage-Oke-Fia-Lameco road with overhead bridge is in progress. Not only that, Ede is wearing a new look. We have started the dualisa on of roads and overhead bridge.

Last week, we were at Ilesa to flag off the Ereja Palace Square-Okesa-Brewery Road-Akure Expressway Road. On

“LAUTECH which was established with our sweat has been taken away from us just like that because of the managerial inability of Oyetola to handle the situation well. I would not know why Oyetola decided to sell a thriving university at a ridiculous N8 billion. If you look at the ranking of LAUTECH in Nigeria, that university has made a name for itself. Even, the name is worth more than N8 billion, not to talk of the assets of that university. You can imagine what has happened to us in Osun State.”

Tuesday, we flagged off the Lagere junc on flyover in Ile-Ife. So, we are busy working, turning the face of Osun around. Our people are happy.

Within 18 months, we have done what the APC governor couldn’t do. We have paid six out of the 30 months salary arrears of modulated salaries owed by the APC government. We are paying salaries and pensions regularly and touching lives. We have a ended to contributory pensioners, paid gratuity, and cash-backed all of the promo ons done before we came in. The workers now get their promo ons as and when due. On health, we have the Imole Free Medical Outreach, in which over 50,000 people have benefited. Then, there is the Osun Health Insurance Scheme that the government has strengthened.

A former governorship aspirant in your party in 2022, Omooba Dotun Babayemi, recently formed a group named Atunto (of PDP). He is set to officially join the APC with his followers. Isn’t this a result of the disintegra on of the party, or what is your percep on on it?

Dotun Babayemi and Akin Ogunbiyi are no longer our party members, and we have not missed them, and we are not going to miss any of them. Akin Ogunbiyi le the party years ago a er the 2018 elec on. In 2022, he was the gubernatorial candidate of the Accord Party. He is defec ng from Accord Party and not from PDP. Dotun Babayemi has been expelled from this party since 2022, this is 2024. Two years a er, someone who has been expelled from his ward, local government, state and the na onal level of the party is now claiming to be leaving the PDP now. Which party is he leaving? We are not going to miss him. We don’t want him in this party. He is a destroyer, a serial decampee. He was in APC, from where he joined ADP. He came to PDP, and we sent him away two years ago. We did not miss him; we don’t need him in PDP.

Aside Babayemi and Ogunbiyi, Alh. Fatai Akinbade, the former SSG of the state is reported to be leaving PDP. Isn’t it why you called for the elders caucus mee ng at the Government House?

The mee ng we held on Sunday at the Government House was not the first that we held recently. There was a me when the governor, myself, and two leaders went round to meet former governor Olagunsoye Oyinlola and Akinbade. Issues of defec on wasn’t on ground then. Ordinarily, the elders’ caucus mee ng was supposed to be held once in a while. So, we held our own at the Government House. It has nothing to do with Babayemi or defec on. Akinbade is not defec ng. He said it himself at the mee ng. He has been out of this party twice and he is back to PDP for good. Oyinlola had been with the APC before he came back. If they had treated them well, they would not have come back. There is nothing like Oyinlola and Akinbade defec ng from the PDP. It is a figment of those carrying the rumour about Oyinlola and Akinbade’s false defec on plan.

Almost two years to the 2026 governorship elec on, both PDP and APC members have already been laying claim to victory. Isn’t the PDP threatened by the APC being the na onal ruling party and the defec on of your members to the APC?

If it did not give us sleepless nights in 2022 when APC was at the federal, state, and local government levels, why will it give us any fear now with our performance? The people will decide. The people decided and voted for us in 2022, and we have not disappointed them for a day. I can assure you that by the me the 2026 elec on is held, we are going to lead the APC with over 100,000 votes. I bet that with you. What are they doing? They are in a mess. Let them present whoever they want to present, I can tell you confidently that we are going to defeat them hands down in 2026. If they like, they should bring someone outside Osun State, let them come together and present someone. We will defeat them.

PDP is in crisis at the na onal level. What is the fate of the party?

The party ruled for 16 years and le an indelible mark on the sands of history. The party is the only one that has not changed name since incep on. I know PDP will come out stronger from this present self-inflicted problem. It is the party members wagging war against the party. I don’t see a reason why a er you have benefi ed from a party for 16 years and you just decided to leave the party and go to other party, is there any sense in that? If you go abroad, to America or Britain, their own system does not allow people to crosscarpet anyhow. I know and I am sure that PDP cannot die, PDP will not die, we will come out stronger of this crisis. The leadership of the party is working on it. Very soon, you will hear from us.

FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 - THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2024 5 Interview

FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 - THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2024

Obey Court Judgement, Reinstate 28 Sacked Staff - CDHR Writes FedPoly Ede Rector

THE Commi ee for the Defence of Human Rights (CDHR), Osun State branch, has urged the Rector, Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Engr. Man Yahaya Sani, to comply with an order of a Na onal Industrial Court and reinstate some sacked members of staff of the ins tu on.

The 28 sacked members of staff had dragged the ins tu on before the industrial court, si ng in Ibadan, to challenge their dismissal.

In a le er wri en to the Rector on behalf of the sacked staff, CHDR said Jusce Opeloye Ogunbowale of the court, had on November 23, 2023, in the suit No. NICN/OS/04/2018, ruled that the ins tu on unlawfully terminated the appointment of the sacked staff CDHR, in the le er signed by the Chairman of the organisa on, Comr. Emmanuel Olowu, a copy of which was made available to OSUN DEFENDER yesterday, said the court noted that the termina on of their appointment violated various statutes including the ACT establishing the Defendant, the Defendant’s employee manual, the ILO Conven on 158 and recommenda on 166, and sec on 42(1) of the cons tu on.

It added that the court declared the termina on of their appointment null and void, ordering their immediate reinstatement, along with the payment of all en tlements from January 2018 to date.

The human rights group, therefore, urged the Rector to obey the court judgement and reinstate the claimants without delay, maintaining that “It is impera ve to note that failure to comply with a court order carries severe legal consequences.

“Therefore, this le er serves as a formal no fica on of le ng you know that failure to comply with the Judgment connotes disobedience to court order which is contempt of court.

“The Council of the Federal Polytechnic of Ede is legally obligated to comply with the court’s judgment and reinstate the claimants without delay. Any further refusal to adhere to the court’s decision will be met with appropriate legal acon.

“The Commi ee for the Defence of Human Rights is commi ed to ensuring that the claimants receive jusce on this ma er and we will not hesitate to pursue all available legal avenues to ensure that the rights of the claimants are being enforced in line with the judgment in the suit NICN/


“We urge the Council of the Federal Polytechnic of Ede, to act swi ly and by the law to comply with the judgment within the next Fourteen (14) Days of the receipt of this le er.”

The claimants include; Cornelius Nwokoro, Thomas Aborowa, Lawal Akanni, Okunola Adeagbo, Oseni Waidi, David Adebayo, Moses Ikusika, Shehu Garba, Philip Shiyanbola, Saibu Raji, Isiaka Olasupo, Isiaka Jolaoye, Muideen Opadisi, Sedu Oladapo, Sikiru Kareem.

Others are; Mar ns Okah, Ezekiel Kuye, Bakare Olagunju, Ileh Agbo, Rasaq Amoo, Festus Olanrewaju, Ayodele Oni, Fatai Adeeyo, John Agbo, Folorunsho Hammed, Adewole Adesina, Olapade David, and Timothy Ajibola.

• Commissioner for Commerce, Rev. Bunmi Jenyo, and the Special Adviser to Gov. Ademola Adeleke on Market Women, Chief Eniola Omotosho, with Hon. Adewumi Adeyemi during the lawmaker’s courtesy visit to the Ministry, on Monday

NDLEA Vows To Clampdown On Patent Medicine Dealers Selling Illicit Drugs In Osun

Yusuf Oketola

THE Na onal Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Osun State Command, has warned members of Naonal Associa on of Patent and Proprietary Medicine Dealers (NAPPMED) against dealing with illicit drugs in the state.

The Osun NDLEA Com-

mander, Chidi Nnadi, gave the warning during a one day seminar for the patent medicine dealers in Osogbo, on Wednesday, vowing that any member caught will face true wrath of the law.

Nnadi said the workshop was part of effort to address the upsurge in drug abuse, par cularly psychotropic substances.

The Commander noted that there is need for

stringent measures by Pharmaceu cal Council of Nigeria (PCN) and NAPPMED to sanc on erring members who are bent on sabotaging the efforts of the upright members.

He said: “The upsurge of drug abuse, par cularly psychotropic substances, is frightening. Hence, the call for a workshop.

“The need to shun greed and deal only with

genuine and over the counter drugs cannot be stressed enough. The command will only partner with members with posi ve mindset and those who are desirous of a drug free society.

They Threatened To Kill Us – Lagos Residents...

•Continued from page 4

were begging people to help us un l we got to the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway; it was the sibling of one of us who came to rescue us.”

Another vic m, Arius Awodeji, who claimed to be a job seeker, said they were deceived by the officals who told them that they were heading to Ikeja to see the Governor.

“I am searching for a new job. I decided to stay in the Marina with my friends. On Thursday, I went to watch a football match, so I decided to rest at the Local Government council, in the front of Oando filling sta on. Then, I slept off with my bag on my head. Few hours later, I saw three flashlights pointed at my eyes. I was arrested with some others.

“They later brought luxury buses to pick us up, and they gave us a pack of rice and a sachet of water. Around 4:30 a.m., we had already got to Osun State.

“They instructed everyone to alight and run into the bush without looking back, so we would not end up being shot. We found it hard to locate our way back because we were trekking, but I was fortunate to see someone who

helped me with a li to Ibadan,” Awodeji said.

Another vic m, Peter Ocheja, said he was arrested unjustly on his way to work, saying he had no choice but to follow the direc ves of the task force officials in the Osun forest because of the fear of being harmed.

“I am based in Onikan, Lagos. I was going to work in the morning when I saw the task force officials and police officers in Black Maria. They asked me to enter the vehicle. I told them that I needed to call my family, but they refused and said it would be un l I got to where I was going.

“They threatened that they would waste our lives if we did not cooperate with them. We were taken to Ilesa in Osun State. We got there around 4 a.m. They asked us to alight while flogging us and instructed us to walk into the forest. They said they would shoot anyone who dared look back,” Ocheja said.

Meanwhile, Governor Ademola Adeleke has directed security agencies in the state to mount surveillance in and around Ilesa to track the deported youths and their des na ons. Adeleke, in a statement

by his Spokesperson, Olawale Rasheed, urged his Lagos State counterpart, Babajide Sanwo-Olu to look into the ma er and put an end to the incident.

The Governor said Sanwo-Olu told him that he didn’t authorise the repatria on of youths believed to be indigenes of Osun to their state of origin from Lagos.

He said: “I spoke with my brother, Governor Sanwo-Olu, on the ma er. He too was surprised, and he denied ever authorising

any such ac on. Governor Sanwo-Olu has promised an immediate inves ga on to unravel the facts of the situa on. The Lagos team will update us as quickly as possible.

“I am subsequently direc ng our security agencies in Osun to mount surveillance in and around Ilesa to track the deported youths and their des naons. I will update our people on this development. I urge residents to be calm while the security agencies carry out surveillance.”



That EFUNWOLE AYOOLA OLAPOSI and EFUNWOLE AYO are the same but now wish to be known and addressed as EFUNWOLE AYOOLA OLAPOSI and my correct Date of Birth is 29/04/1992 not 29/04/1989. All former documentsremainvalid.General public should take note.

That OLALEKE YEMI SOLA and ADELEKE YEMI SHOLA are the same but now wish to be known and addressed as ADELEKE YEMI SHOLA. All former documents remain valid. General public should take note.


That my name was wrongly written as ABDULRASHEED ENIOLA IQMAT instead of ABDUL-RASHEED IQMAT ENIOLA. That hence forth I wish to be called and address as ABDUL-RASHEED IQMAT ENIOLA. That all former documents remain valid generall public should take note.

That I was formerly known and addressed as LANRE MUIDEEN LEKAN, with former Date of Birth 06/10/1987, but now wish to be known and addressed as OLAREWAJU MUIDEEN LEKAN, with New Date of Birth 06/10/1990. All former documents remain valid. General public should take note.

“The agency appreciates the important role NAPPMED is playing in providing and complemen ng the services of the primary healthcare in rural dwellings, engage in revenue genera on, create job opportuni es and referrals, among other salient roles in our society.

“Against this backdrop, there’s need for stringent measures by Pharmaceucal Council of Nigeria (PCN) and NAPPMED to sanc on erring members who are bent on sabotaging the efforts of the upright members.”

Speaking at the workshop, the Guest Speaker, Dr. Jide Sarki from Osun State University Teaching Hospital (UNIOSUNTH), Osogbo, noted that there can’t be drug abuse when there’s nothing wrong with prescrip on, saying patent medicine dealers have a crucial role to play in curbing the menace.

Sarki noted that some youths use drugs for pleasurable reasons, noting that 20 per cent of Nigerian youths are involved in drug abuse.

He claimed that most patent medicines sellers deal in illicit drugs because of their love for money.

The medical expert warned youth to desist from drug abuse, saying it can damage their whole body and brain.

Sarki also urged NAPPMED leadership in the state to expose the quacks among them for sanc on from the appropriate authority and agencies.




Houses, Schools, Others In Eripa

RYusuf Oketola

AINSTORM wreaked havoc in Eripa, Boluwaduro Local Government Area of Osun State, on Monday, leaving many residents of the town devastated.

Some of the residents who have since been coun ng their losses, were rendered homeless as the rainstorm destroyed houses and schools.

The rainstorm, apart from destroying residen al buildings, also destroyed a church, a mosque while electrical poles were damaged, throwing the whole community into darkness.

Areas of the town that were worst affected by the rainstorm are Community High School, Ile Alasopo compound,

Isale Soorun, Iyalode compound, Rinsayo area, among others.

OSUN DEFENDER learnt that the whirlwind that preceded the rain

started at exactly around 7:00pm, and by the me the rain stopped, many

houses were badly damaged and trees uprooted.

Speaking, the Chair-

JONAPWD Lauds Osun Assembly For Passing Disability Bill Into Law

Kazeem Badmus

THE Osun State Joint

Na onal Associaon of People With Disability (JONAPWD) has lauded the state House of Assembly for passing the Osun State Discrimina on Against Persons with Disabili es Prohibion Bill into law.

JONAPWD said the bill, when assented to by

the State Governor, Ademola Adeleke, will give its members a level playing ground.

The House, during its plenary presided over by the Speaker, Hon. Adewale Egbedun, on Tuesday, passed the bill into law.

Speaking with OSUN DEFENDER in a telephone interview, the state

Chairman of JONAPWD, Mr Stephen Oluwafemi, people with disabili es in the state can have a better and more comfortable life with the passage of the bill. He said: “Today is the happiest day of my life. Other states, including the na onal, have passed the bill. The bill gives people with disability a good

and comfortable life.

“We have been agita ng for this for more than three years and I’m so glad this is coming to pass during my me as the Chairman of the associa on. It is a great achievement.

“The bill will give our members the right to work and care for others who cannot work. I

want to congratulate our former chairman and all members. Also, the NGOs that I’ve been suppor ve to us.

“During the last administra on, we tried and protested many mes, but the government then didn’t a end to us. I’m sure the State Governor will assent to the bill very soon.”

man, Eripa Progressives Union (IPU), Mr Wole Oyedele, who described the incident as an act of God, said the rainstorm wreaked havoc on most buildings in the town.

Oyedele lamented that the effect of the rainstorm was devastating and unfortunate, saying many residents of the community have been rendered homeless.

Oyedele called on the state and federal government for assistance in fixing the buildings destroyed by the rainstorm, saying the rain has crippled social and commercial ac vi es in the town.

A resident of the town, who iden fied himself as Waheed described the incident as shocking, even though it is a natural disaster.

Waheed solicited for quick assistance from the state government and other well-meaning individuals, describing the destruc on as monumental.

He said, “We know what the economy is saying right now, we know that there is paucity of funds and prices of foodstuffs and commodi es are on the high side, notwithstanding, we have to make point of call to the government that we need assistance.”

Residents Urge Govt To Address ‘Incessant’ Accidents At Lameco Intersection

Ismaeel Uthman


State have called the a en on of the state government to the reported incessant accidents occurring at Lameco area, Osogbo, due to the road diversion as a result of the construc on of an underpass bridge at the junc on.

OSUN DEFENDER noted that the state government had few months ago commenced the

construc on of a 4-span bridge at Lameco intersec on in Osogbo, with a budget alloca on of N8.52 billion.

The project which is expected to be completed within 12 months is being handled by Kmzee Global Investment.

However, some residents of the state have lamented the incessant accidents on the road since the construc on started. An X user, @Cheyih_ Viktah, who tagged the

Speaker of the House of Assembly, Hon. Wale Egbedun, in a post said many people have reportedly lost their spine as a result of accidents on the road.

The X User said accidents were occurring in the area on a daily basis, adding that there were no visible road diversion signs to guide the commuters.

He wrote, “Good evening honorable speaker @AOEgbedun. I’m tag-

ging you specially to this because you live at Agunbelewo. Sir, I had love you to go through Lameco tomorrow night and see how people are ge ng injured, some losing their spine, hand and face due to the unnecessary blockage the contractors the government in which you’re also part of awarded road contracts to did.

“The blockage was mounted with mere sand, no danger signals, no flashlight to alert com-

muters and no security personnel on the ground to keep the road in check even at night.

“The people who voted you and this government are dying every day through that road. I witnessed an accident there last week, same yesterday night and another two tonight. Do we all have to die before something is done?

“What sort of contractor takes on a road job without doing due diligence? It is absurd and bad; that road is poorly blocked, zero signals for new and old commuters.

“Same goes to that death trap at old garage, it should be filled ll the hole there is needed.

“Let’s get our priories right, please, do your check at night on these roads and you will see several casual es, sir.”

But in a swi reac on, the Assembly Speaker, Egbedun, promised to call the a en on of the Ministry of Works to the situa on, adding that the needful would be done as soon as possible.

Another resident, Olatunde Odetola, while making his contribu on said the contractor handling the project needs

to be called to order on the road diversion and closure.

He stated: “A road closure is different from road diversion, but there is serious confusion at Lameco, which may lead to accidents at night.

“The state government should lighten up that place. That will prevent unnecessary accident. Osun state government should do the needful to avoid casuales.”

Meanwhile, OSUN DEFENDER visited the area on Thursday and it was observed that hip of sand was on the road, while some diversions signs were also placed at strategic areas.

The medium also observed that some motorists were climbing the hip of sand to navigate their ways with no traffic warden on ground.

OLAYEMI MUJIDAT BIOLA I, formerly known and addressed as MUJIDAT OLAYEMI OLAREWAJU , now wish to be known, called and addressed as OLAYEMI MUJIDAT BIOLA. All former documents remain valid. General public should take note.

7 News
MAY 10, 2024 - THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2024

IN a historic turn of events, the Osun State House of Assembly has seen an unprecedented influx of youth representa ves, signaling a new era of inclusivity and equality. With a significant por on of its members now comprised of individuals in their twen es and thires, the Assembly boasts a demographic shi towards a younger genera on eager to enact change and champion reformist causes.

In this current dispensa on, out of 26 members, we have two members of the House of Assembly in their 20s, while 10 members are in their 30s, five members in their 40s, while others are in their 50s. Then it is safe to say youth cons tute the majority and, as a ma er of fact, they have a good number close to 2/3 majority.

Yet, amidst this apparent triumph of youth representa on, there are concerns regarding the efficacy and commitment of these young lawmakers to protec ng the interest of the youth. One wonders if they have forsaken the very principles and aspira ons that propelled them into poli cal office, succumbing instead to the trappings of tradi onal poli cs and an quated methodologies of business as usual?

This aide-memoire serves as a gentle reminder to our colleagues in the state Assembly, using Yoruba “aroko” to send a message to them with ‘cowry shell with strings a ached’ conveying a message of foreboding which suggests that unfavourable circumstances are befalling not only the youth but also the ins tu on of the Assembly by ignoring the plight of the youth in the State.

The administra on of Senator Ademola Adeleke, once hailed as a beacon of hope for the youth, now stands accused of betraying their trust. By disconnuing programs like OYES (Osun Youth Empowerment Scheme) without providing viable alterna ves, the government has le many youths disillusioned and des tute. Promises of a brighter future through ini a ves like Imole Youth service corps meant to replace the defunct OYES as announced by the government last year in February 2023 by the Governor’s spokesman, Mallam Rasheed Olawale, now rings hollow, leaving the youth of Osun languishing in despair. OYES is a volunteer social program for youth below the age of 35 selected and employed to assist the government in social service like sanita on, paramedics, traffic control, sanita on and teaching assistant.

It is disappoin ng to know that the current State House of Assembly has displayed insouciance and has not deemed it fit to promote any bill that would create jobs and prosperity for the youth and has failed to lobby the execu ve arm of the Government for youth empowerment.

On the other hand, I commend the Governor for promo ng and making the youth the fulcrum of his administra on by encouraging youth entry to the parliament and also suppor ng a youth to be

“It is disappointing to know that the current State House of Assembly has displayed insouciance and has not deemed it fit to promote any bill that would create jobs and prosperity for the youth”

Osun State House Of Assembly And The Cowry Shell With Strings Attached

the Speaker. Reflec ng on these strides, it becomes evident that the journey towards youth empowerment and inclusive governance is fraught with challenges and setbacks through egocentrism on the part of the young elected parliamentarians.

The cries for help echoing from the youth of Osun State serve as a stark reminder of the urgency to address their grievances and restore faith in the promise of a be er tomorrow. The youth are wai ng for the government to create an enabling environment for them to thrive through various programs and ac ons, like the crea on of innova ve and incuba on centres across the state for train-

ing in IT, So ware development, UI/UX design, Website design, graphics design, u lisa on of local crea ve arts, pottery, leatherworks, ba k, and aso oke. Improved youth access to MSME fund, and the crea on of innova ve funding via grants, pa ent funding and single digit loan to encourage youth in Agric. Mentorship program and sustain sporting programs coupled with nurturing of sports and arts talent, support upcoming youth start-ups, incorporate appren ceship, Teaching Assistantship, Graduate Assistantship, encourage digital literacy in all secondary schools by equipping schools with computers and IT facili es and be equipped with on demand rel-

evant market skills and pave way for a brighter future for our teeming youth.

The Osun State Assembly, as a matter of urgency, should influence programs that would bring prosperity to the teeming youth and, as a ma er of fact, the majority of the solu on had been proposed and approved in the Osun youth policy document 2021 as approved by the previous administra on. The state Assembly should do a policy brief on the Osun 2021 youth policy document, collaborate and put the execu ve on her toes by conducting oversight in the concerned ministries and implement the policy to the le er.

While commending some honourable members like the Speaker Rt. Honourable Wale Egbedun, who in his personal capacity had empowered youth in his cons tuency likewise Hon. Adeyemi Adewumi (Irekandu), represen ng Obokun state cons tuency, who was instrumental to the passage of the bill and has evidenced and mirrored the policy in his local government. It is per nent to state that your respec ve personal efforts in your local government regarding youth empowerment are visible and commendable, but I wonder why pushing and implementing the same policy that would benefit a larger number of the youth state-wide is looking like herding cats. The me for acon is now and not when the campaign is in the offing. The Osun State Assembly must priori ze policies that will upli the youth and create a pathway to prosperity for Osun youth.

• Written by Femi Adesola adesolafemigab@gmail.com

Dead Education And The Directive Principle

NIGERIA is at a me when we are fully witnessing the impact of the sustained and apparently successful destruc on of its educa on system.

It did not start with Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, but he dis nguished himself among dictators who are at the services of foreign powers that wanted the country destroyed.

Once educa on is destroyed, the destruc on of any country, especially one that has not even forged itself into a naon, is guaranteed; only a ma er of me.

As reportedly posted for contempla on at the entrance of a South African University - “Destroying any na on does not require the use of atomic bombs or the use of long range missiles. It only requires lowering the quality of educa on and allowing chea ng in the examina ons by the students. Pa ents die at the hands of such doctors. Buildings and bridges collapse at the hands of such engineers. Money is lost in the hands of such economists and accountants, humanity dies at the hands of such religious scholars, jus ce is lost in the hands of such judges... The collapse of educa on is the collapse of the na on.”

One can add that “suffering, miseries and tribula on is loosed on the people by such rouge poli cal and public administrators!”

It is clear that the administrators of Nigeria today do not even bother to ask themselves why government is ins tuted among men. They probably know but simply do not give a damn, confident and pompously gallivan ng around in the sure knowledge that the majority of ci zens are sufficiently dehumanised, impoverished and disempowered to think and act in

their collec ve self interest as demanded of EDUCATED and PATRIOTIC ci zens.

Even at its onset of na onhood, with all its internal foibles, the founding fathers of America recognised and penned down the reasons why government is necessary at all; the condi ons for tolera ng it or figh ng to bring it down and change it. They stated that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are ins tuted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destruc ve of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to ins tute new Government, laying its founda on on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

As conserva ve and rigid on liberal economy as Margaret Thatcher was, she said “Prosperity won’t come by inven ng more and more lavish public expenditure programmes. You don’t grow richer by ordering another cheque book from the bank and no na on ever grew more prosperous by taxing its ci zens beyond their capacity to pay. We have a duty to make sure that every penny piece we raise in taxa on is spent wisely and well.” Similarly, Winston Churchill said “For a na on to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to li himself up by the handle.” All these are great persons and

an imperialising na on that we try to copy by at the same me disobeying their wise counsels to themselves but obeying their malevolent instruc ons to us! Why?

We fancy that the Nigerian Cons tuon (as amended) stated our own reason for government in its Part II, which we term the Fundamental Objec ves and Direc ve Principles of State; as being the guarantee of the welfare and security of all ci zens. How well does that tally with the latest analysis of the Cadre Harmonise (CH) published by the Interna onal Rescue Commi ee (IRC) and more than a dozen interna onal organisa ons that “at least 32 million Nigerians are likely to face catastrophic, famine-like, condi ons between June and August 2024 (going forwards) if no urgent ac on is taken.” And we know the urgent ac ons that are being taken: tax them more; in the midst of unprecedented cost of living crises and escala ng insecurity!

Of course, an ignorant, trauma sed, impoverished ci zens going through brutal exploita on and oppression are disempowered from cri cal thinking much else meaningful libera on ac on; as they wallow in sectarian divide-and-rule manipula ons but are united in pervasive corrup on, selfishness, vanity and hypocrisy. Such se ng, however, is merely a me bomb both for the exploiter and the exploited, the oppressor and the oppressed. History has shown, like the Avatar, Obafemi Awolowo said, that except the miraculous happens or some dialec cal efforts at work for decades come to blessed frui on, calamity of unimaginable propor on is the usual end. May Nigeria be blessed.

2024 VOL. 19 NO 17
osundefenderbank@gmail.com NDLEA Vows To Clampdown On Patent Medicine Dealers Selling Illicit Drugs In Osun Pg. 6
Point Building, Opposite Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB), Gbongan Road, Osogbo, State of Osun.
UTHMAN, Telephone: 0809-301-9152.
osundefender@yahoo.com News By
MAY 10, 2024 -
MAY 16,
www.osundefender.com, email:
OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing House
All correspondence to the Deputy Editor, ISMAEEL
Website: www.osundefender.com Email: osundefenderbank@gmail.com,
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