The English Paper (Spring 2024) - Ohio State Marion

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Introduction to Poetry

Stuar t Lishan

MW 3:15‑4:35 / 3 Credit Hours

One of the things that poetry does is shake up the way we perceive the world and our experience in it. Sometimes it asks us uncomfor table questions. Do you dare disturb the universe? Sometimes it holds up a mirror that shows us our true selves, sometimes a lamp, and sometimes it holds up a gun So, how does poetry do all that? And just what is that thing called poetry, anyway? In English 2260 you’ ll find out

English 2260 is a literature course that meets the GE literature requirement We’ ll read and talk about poems, and hopefully extend your idea of what poetry is and what significance it (and ar t in general) has in our fair corner of the universe Besides reading, much of which you will be assigning, our assignments will include both the traditional sor ts of writing assignments that you might expect to have in a literature class, and some creative-not-so-traditional assignments, too, all designed to instruct and delight you, and to help you get a feel and understanding of this lovely ar t form.

Please consult with the Marion Academic Advisor for English Majors, Shellie Shirk (, or the Marion English Faculty Coordinator, Sara Crosby (, concerning which English major concentration and/or other requirements are met by your choice of these courses.


Honors Introduction to Poetry

Stuar t Lishan

MW 11:00‑12:20 / 3 Credit Hours

See the course description for English 2260 above, which is also offered in the Spring 2024 semester English 2260H is similar to English 2260, with the exception that English 2260H is the high-octane version of that class, with more writing and deeper, richer conversations about poetry, poets, and their readers. Strap in, and welcome aboard.


Introduction to Film

Nathan Wallace

MW 1:30‑2:50 / 3 Credit Hours

In this course we will survey the principles of cinematic form and style by way of films such as Victor Fleming’s The Wizard of Oz (1939), Alfred Hitchcock’s Ver tigo (1958), Quentin Tarantino’s Jackie Brown (1998), Lucrecia Mar tel’s La Ciénaga (2001), Jordan Peele’s Get Out (2017), Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheiner t’s Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022), Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer (2023) and Greta Gerwig’s Barbie (2023). You will be responsible for study questions in most classes and there will also be two essays and exams.


Introduction to Screenwriting


Introduction to Video Games Analysis

In this freewheeling class, students will learn to write scripts and scenarios for different media, including film, stage and TikTok. To do this, we'll watch, discuss and analyze works that exist within these media, including works by Alfred Hitchcock, David Mamet, Greta Gerwig, Taylor Swift and Mr. Beast. Along the way, we'll discuss plot, setting, dialogue, music, suspense and comedy. As an added bonus, we'll have dramaturges Stephen Cedars and Julia Hansen visit from New York's Theater for Social Change to help us out. If you've ever watched a film and thought "I (wish I) could do that," then this class is for you. Students will produce a script for a shor t film, write a treatment of an existing film, and produce a couple of shor ter analytical papers in our fifteen weeks together.

Play Pong, Pac-Man, Por tal, and more!

This course offers an introductory exploration of video games from a variety of angles: the history, their impact on the broader culture, implications for education and psychological research, formal/ structural/ technological innovations, and more. We’ ll look at how games have helped shape our notions of gender, violence, ethics, and the like. Throughout the term, we will discuss, read about, and write about video games. Additionally, you’ ll have the oppor tunity create multimodal content in conjunction with your exploration of the subject. And lastly: yes, you’ ll have oppor tunity to play some games as well.

PALS connects college students from the Marion campus with children in the Marion area to provide one-on-one mentoring opportunities for younger students Marion Mentors matches program volunteers with school-age children and provides them with the necessary resources and support to direct them through the mentoring process Students earn 1-credit per semester of independent study by attending mentoring sessions regularly, coming to occasional meetings, and critically reflecting on their mentoring activities

ENGLISH 3011.01

Digital Activism

Ben McCorkle Hours


Introduction to Literary Publishing

Ben McCorkle

MW 9:30 - 10:50 / 3 Credit Hours

Can you change the world with a hashtag?

This course is both critical and creative. Students will tinker with digital media tools and think about digital media and social change and citizenship within a rich and safe environment, investigating and experimenting with the consequences of humans’ relationships with digital media; studio days will afford hands-on guidance in mobilizing digital media for the purpose of protest and activism.

GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World

Get practical experience as par t of an established literary publication.

This course is responsible for producing Cornfield Review, the long-running annual literary journal of Ohio State Marion. Students will study the history of literary editing, publishing, and design. They will put their newfound knowledge to practical use as editorial staff members of Cornfield Review Visiting speakers possible. Requirements include class presentations and a significant end-of-semester project. For more information, contact Ben McCorkle: (


Structure of the English Language

Sara Crosby

TR 9:30 - 10:50 / 3 Credit Hours

Do you want to know the secret to powerful writing? Do you want to achieve genuine mastery of the English language? This course will give you a deeper understanding of English: where it came from, why it is the way it is, how it works, and what you can do with it You will gain a foundational understanding of linguistics, and you will master the advanced English grammar, punctuation, and style necessary for you to operate on a professional level whether that be editing, teaching, or writing with power and clarity

ENGLISH 3304 Business and Professional Writing

Amy Tibbals

TR 9:30 - 10:50 / 3 Credit Hours

Writing isn’t just for college papers, and having strong business writing and communication skills will help you far beyond the classroom. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of professional writing and apply these skills in real-world writing assignments. Also, as par t of the OSUM Pay It Forward Project, you and your team will build, adver tise and run a crowdfunding campaign with the goal of raising funds used to improve the Marion community. For your final project, you will create your own professional por tfolio in PebblePad which will include a resume, cover letter and LinkedIn page. If you’re looking for a writing course that will help you prepare for your future career and make an impact on the community at the same time, sign up for English 3304 with Amy Tibbals.

ENGLISH 4547 20th-Century Poetry

Stuar t Lishan

MW 9:30 - 10:50 / 3 Credit Hours

English 4547 will be a reading and writing class centered around 20th- Century Poetry written in English (and some 21st Century Poetry, too!). We’ ll discover and investigate our way into this work through both the traditional academic sor t of writing that you might expect in a literature class and through some weekly not-so-traditional, poetic sor t of writing assignments, based on the “moves” and “grooves” of the poets we’ ll be playing with. In the process we’ ll get poemcrazy, drenched in words, wet with the primordial dew of discovery, as it were, and we’ ll experience a whole bevy of poets from the outside-in as well as from the inside-out.

Texts: The Nor ton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry, Vols. 1 & 2. Requirements: A 10-12 page research paper, a review of a literary journal that spor ts a good deal of contemporary poetry, a collection of weekly not-so-traditional writing, a class presentation on a 20th Century poet of your choice, and a number of reading quizzes.


Special Topics in 19th-Century US

Literature: "Six Degrees of Poe"

Sara Crosby

TR 11:00 - 12:20 / 3 Credit Hours

Cheap con man or gentleman critic, vicious lunatic or modernist innovator—Edgar Allan Poe has always provoked strong reactions from writers and readers. But, love him or hate him, they could not ignore him. He may have reveled in literary mudslinging and hoaxing, but he also gnawed obsessively at the hidden horrors of 19th-century America and invented major modern genres, such as the detective mystery and the tale of psychological horror. In this class, we’re going to read American literature from 1830 to1865 through Poe-tinted glasses and immerse ourselves in a Poe-haunted America.

ENGLISH 4566 Advanced Poetry Writing

Stuar t Lishan

MW 1:30 - 2:50 / 3 Credit Hours

In English 4566, you’ ll experience writing poems in various poetic forms. That is, you’ ll be par t of a community of writers who work and play together for the common good of creating ever better and more beautiful and powerful sonnets, sestinas, villanelles, pantoums, and yes, free or open verse (Don’t worry if ou don’t know what some of those forms are–that’s why we’re here!). Trying to write in poetic forms vides you with a creative tension against which our imagination, intellect, and hear t can more fully ower It provides you with a field of play in which you can practice, stretch, and grow your writer’s voice (You know what a voice is, right? That way of speaking and writing that is unique to you!). And it provides you with a clearer understanding of all the other poets who have written in that form, so you can see how far you’ve come, and how much fur ther you might need to take a par ticular poem. Plain and simple, whatever level you’re at, writing in forms will help you grow as a writer Basically, we’re going to get warm for your poetic forms, man!

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