April 3 2012 Hampton Herald

Page 44

MUSINGS By Debbie Hickey


I recently read an article on guidelines for physical activity levels for preschoolers that recommends 180 minutes per day of physical activity and that by age 5 they should be attaining 60 minutes of “energetic play”. Firstly, I was horrified to think that guidelines were necessary for such a thing. When my own children were preschoolers I can’t imagine lack of physical activity being an issue. They were busy, busy, busy; it was getting them to sit still for any length of time that was the challenge! And while I don’t specifically recall my own preschool days, I certainly know that as older kids my brother and I were outdoors most of the time, which would likely mean we were physically active well beyond the guidelines. Secondly, as I read on I was even more horrified to learn that young kids today are not busy at all. Rather, measurements indicate they are sedentary, basically just sitting or reclining, up to 84 per cent of their waking hours. Since most of us tend to become less physically active as we age, what does the future hold for these kids! The Town of Hampton has recently started an eight week program for a healthier Hampton - The 8 Weeks of Wellness Event. There are family walks, fun events, wellness seminars, Sunday afternoon activities in the square. There may be similar initiatives happening in other communities (I hope so), but Hampton is where I am so that is the one with which I am familiar. Those early years are when so many of our lifelong habits and lifestyle choices are established. Family and community activities such as this event are a great way to greet the Spring and make some healthy choices not just for ourselves but also for our children and grandchildren. Hope to see you out and about! 801

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Hampton Herald - April 3, 2012



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