The Orléans Star Oct. 3, 2019

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October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10

Next edition October 20

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NCC rejects Brian Coburn extension

The sKreamers haunted barn and wagon ride is back for another year at the Proulx Farm on O’Toole Road. The attraction will be open every weekend until Hallowe’en. FRED SHERWIN PHOTO

By Fred Sherwin The Orléans Star Plans to extend Brian Coburn Boulevard to Anderson Road suffered a major setback last week when the National Capital Commission rejected the proposal saying it ran counter to the Greenbelt Master Plan and could potentially have a negative impact on the nearby Mer Bleue wetland. The NCC’s decision has angered the east end’s four city councillors who say the decision is just another example of the federal agency’s vice grip on Orléans in limiting it’s ability to address its transportation needs. “The NCC plays a major role, and has for a long time, in keeping Orléans down. They have a vice grip around Orléans because of where the Greenbelt is,” says Cumberland Ward councillor Stephen Blais. “They basically told Orléans residents that you’re going to be stuck with what you’ve got,”

The extension proposal was one of seven options to link the south part of Orléans to the Blair LRT station that were being studied as part of an Environmental Assessment being carried out by the City of Ottawa. In July, the seven options were narrowed down to four. Two of the options include the Brian Coburn extension to Anderson Road, while the other two options call for Brian Coburn Blvd. to be linked to a widened Blackburn Bypass using either a widened Navan Road, or a new road to run parallel to Navan Road. The prospect of all four options moving forward to the next phase of the EA depended on their receiving the blessing of the NCC, which many outside observers considered suspect at best, given the federal agency’s past reticence to support any project that would increase traffic within the Greenbelt. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

COMMUNITY BRIEFS RING video leads to arrest of would-be thief ORLÉANS – Don’t look now, but you’re on candid camera. The catch phrase from the popular television show can easily be applied to a would-be thief who was caught going house to house on a series of RING videos looking for keys on Boake Street. One video that was shared on the Orléans Star’s Facebook page leading to the suspect’s arrest shows the individual, identified as Corey Farmer (aka Corey Suprenant), looking into the resident’s mailbox, under the front mat, and around and under a pair of flower pots. When the resident woke up the next day, he found several tools missing from his shed. It was then that he checked his RING video and saw the thief rummaging around his front porch. He then shared the video with the Orléans Star which posted it on their Facebook page. Within hours, the post was shared with hundreds of people, garnering thousands of views. Several of the people who saw the video recognized Farmer, who is from Orléans and has a distinctive tattoo on his right wrist. He was arrested soon afterwards and now faces a long list of charges in relation to a series of break-ins.

Annual Navan Fall Fest happening this weekend

2 • October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10

ORLÉANS – The Navan Fall Fest is taking place this Saturday on the Navan Fairgrounds from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The annual event has become a huge hit in the village among young and old alike, with activities ranging from face painting and crafts to scarecrow making and ball hockey. But the highlight of Fall Fest is the pumpkin carving/decorating contest. Anyone can enter the contest just as long as they submit their pumpkin by noon. The pumpkins are then judged by members of the public who pick their favourite. The event also features a silent auction, a bake table, a photo booth and a BBQ hosted by the Navan Lions Club. Last, but by no means least, members of the local fire station will be on hand to meet members of the public and offer kids tours of their fire trucks.

The NCC recently rejected Option 7 of the Brian Coburn Extension Environmental Assessment which called for the roadway to be extended along Renaud Road to Anderson Road. FILE PHOTO

Local city councillors condemn NCC decision Continued from page 1 The four east end councillors pushing for the Brian Coburn extension were hoping that the NCC’s support for the future Innes-Walkley-Hunt Club parkway which will run along the east side of Hwy. 417 and is technically within the Greenbelt, would reflect positively on their own plans. That didn’t happen and now the four councillors are up in arms. Orléans Ward councillor Matt Luloff, Innes Ward councillor Laura Dudas and Beacon Hill, Cyrville councillor Tim Tierney have joined Blais in penning a letter calling on the various candidates running in the ongoing federal election in Orléans Ward to take their fight to the NCC should they get elected. Blais admits that the eventual MP-elect would have to be a member of the government for any lobbying effort to be effective. In the meantime, the city is moving forward with the EA, which will now focus on the two options left on the table. Option 1 would see Brian Coburn Blvd. extended past Navan Road and then link up with the Blackburn Bypass using a new road running parallel to the existing Navan Road. At the same time, the Blackburn Bypass would be widened from four to six lanes. Option 2 would see Navan Road widened from two to four lanes from Brian Coburn Blvd. to the Blackburn Bypass, thus avoiding the need to build a new road. It also includes plans to widen the Bypass to six lanes. All of the options include plans to build a bus transitway from the Millennium Park and Ride to the Blair LRT Station running along the hydro corridor through Avalon and then following Navan Road,

the Blackburn Bypass, Innes Road and Blair Road. According to the EA timeline, an Open House is supposed to be held sometime this month to allow area residents to provide their input on the remaining options. As of press time, the date of the Open House has yet to be made public.

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Local Green candidate committed to the cause Leahy received 9,399 votes good enough for 15 per cent of all the ballots cast. Not exactly earth-shattering. So why do they do it? Why spend hours campaigning when you have a slim chance of winning? The answer is simple. They do it because they believe in their party’s respective platforms and they feel it’s important to spread the word. Petersen says she has always been a Green Party supporter. She was initially attracted to the party because of their position on the environment, but her support was bolstered when she learned more about their social platform which among other things calls for free tuition, the development of a national seniors’ strategy and a national mental health strategy, and the establishment of a national living wage. “I’m a single mom with a five-yearold son and I am someone who has always been deeply concerned with the environment,” explains Petersen, who has spent 15 years working in the community and social services sector. “I initially thought about getting politically involved when I got older, but the older I get the greater the sense of urgency I feel. I couldn’t wait four more years, the issue of climate change is too important.” Having to split her time between

Green Party candidate Michelle Petersen (above) and NDP candidate Jacqui Wiens (right). FILE PHOTOS running her fledgling business and raising her five-year-old son, Petersen can’t spend as much time going door-to-door as the Liberal and Conservative candidates who are running full-time campaigns. Instead she relies on a dedicated team of close to 30 volunteers to help get the word out. “It’s funny, but most of my volunteers are seniors. People think our core support


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are millennials, but we are getting a lot of support from seniors who are worried about the type of future their grandchildren will have,” says Petersen. To find out more about the Green Party candidate and their platform you can visit For more information about Jacqui Wiens visit

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October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10 • 3 • 613.834.1796



By Fred Sherwin The Orléans Star Even by their own admission, Green Party candidate Michelle Petersen and NDP candidate Jacqui Wiens have little to no chance of getting elected to the House of Commons. Both are running in Orléans against Liberal hopeful Marie-France Lalonde and Conservative candidate David Bertschi. Petersen is a single mother with a fiveyear-old son, who launched a new business in April, while Wiens is a full-time student at the University of Ottawa. Both are campaigning on shoestring budgets, while Lalonde and Bertschi have tens of thousands of dollars at their disposal. During the General Election in 2014, former Conservative MP Royal Galipeau spent $126,975 on his campaign while his successor Andrew Leslie spent $186,398. By comparison, the NDP candidate spent $9,314 and received eight per cent of the vote and the Green Party candidate spent $3,260 and only garnered 1.8 per cent of the vote. In fact, the most votes a Green Party candidate has ever received in Orléans is 3,833 when Paul Maillet ran in 2008. The most successful run an NDP candidate had was in 2006, when Mark

4 • October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10

Politics at play pt. 2 So the Liberals finally have a local candidate (Marie-France Lalonde, surprise, surprise) and the real election campaign can finally begin. But the local nomination process did not come off without a few hitches, over 1,600 to be exact, or at least that’s the number being thrown around by the camp of Lalonde’s fellow nomination candidate Khatera Akbari. The crux of the complaint is that more than 1,600 supporters were disqualified from voting because they either had the wrong birth date or no birth date at all on their membership forms. When they tried to prove their date of birth using their driver’s license, they were told it didn’t matter, they didn’t fill out the form properly and therefore they couldn’t vote. Let’s ignore the argument that supporters of all three candidates would have been subject to disqualification if their date of birth was missing from the form. (I tend not to believe in conspiracies, this case included.) Unfortunately, this is just another black eye for a party that is running out of black eyes. Even more egregious than would-be members being turned away for not indicating their correct birth date on the form is that several long-term members were missing from the voting list entirely. People like Gerald Poulin – who has lived in Orléans for more than 50 years and has supported the Liberals all his life – or Laura Williams, who has volunteered for the past three local Liberal campaigns, often working the phone bank for hours on end. Despite suffering from fibromyalgia, Williams waited in line for over an hour before she was told she wasn’t on the list. Understandably, she wasn’t pleased in the least and is thinking of planting herself on the sidelines for this go-around. Personally, I don’t blame her. This election is going to be close. Ridings like Orléans could mean the difference between staying in government or being relegated to the opposition. For a party that claims to be inclusive, the Liberals seem to be doing everything possible to exclude as many would-be supporters as possible. Remember 2014 when then candidate David Bertschi was disqualified from running in order to pave the way for “star” candidate Andrew Leslie? A great many of Bertschi’s supporters either stayed on the sideline in 2014, or voted for one of the other candidates. Skip ahead five years, and the same party is disqualifying supporters over what is essentially a technicality. The party could have just as easily allowed those same supporters to vote if they could produce a proper ID indicating their birth date. But it didn’t. Just like it didn’t allow long-time supporters like Gerald Poulin and Laura Williams to exercise their franchise. The Liberals are going to need every vote they can get on Oct. 21 just to make up for all the ones they lost on Sept. 19. – Fred Sherwin

Editor & Publisher Fredrick C. Sherwin Advertising Consultant Dale Davis

The Orléans Star is a bi-weekly publication distributed to 44,000 residences in Blackburn Hamlet, Orléans and Navan. The newspaper is locally owned and operated by Sherwin Publishing Inc., 745 Farmbrook Cres., Orléans, ON. Inquiries and delivery issues should be e-mailed to

Letters to the editor

A rebuttal to climate change deniers To the editor: It is critical that Mr. V. R. Miller’s disparaging comments on climate change and climate science be responded to. First, I am happy that he, as an Orléans, Ontario, Canada, resident, is enjoying what he calls a “beneficial climate” – I point out that this is not the case for those in the sinking Marshall Islands, or in Indonesia, Africa, Greenland, etc. These are far away places, sure, but they are indicators of a global problem that one would hate to be a contributor to. As Andrew Scheer says: carbon dioxide doesn’t care about borders. Second, it is true that water vapour is more prevalent in the atmosphere and therefore retains more heat than carbon dioxide. The key differences are thermal infrared absorption and the time that the respective molecules reside in the atmosphere. CO2 becomes excited to a higher energy state (hotter) at different infrared wavelengths than

water vapour – such as the wavelengths emitted by the Earth’s surface when it normally rejects heat right past atmospheric water vapour and into space. Water vapour also condenses and rains to the surface within days. CO2, however, lingers and continues its heating effect for many decades. There is a great detailed explanation of this at the American Chemical Society website, for one. Contrary to Mr. Miller’s comment stating that climate change models do not account for the most abundant molecule on the planet, we can rest easy that 97% of the world’s climate scientists didn’t miss that. Yes, the IPCC has accounted for the enormous role of water vapour, along with all the other greenhouse gases, which you can read in the reports on their website, and on NASA’s website. Now I’ve tried to correct Mr. Miller’s statements, but all this effort of repeatedly researching and debunking climate change deniers is wasting everyone’s time. Here’s the thing: there are many of us that understand the urgency and want to do something about this problem. Some of you out there may be deniers, and that’s just fine, because your part is easy: all you have to do is step aside and do nothing at all. A.L. MacDonald, Orléans

NCC’s rejection of Brian Coburn extension hardly surprising So, as predicted by this scribe five years ago, the NCC has rejected a proposal to extended Brian Coburn Boulevard to Anderson Road. The proposal first came up during the 2014 municipal election by the Bradley Estates Community Association as a way to alleviate traffic through their neighbourhood on Renaud Road. The cause was taken up by former Innes Ward councillor Jody Mitic, who managed to get it included in the Brian Coburn Extension/Cumberland Transitway Westerly Corridor Environmental Assessment Study. Ain’t that a mouthful? At the time I wrote that the National Capital Commission would never, ever agree to extend Brian Coburn Boulevard through the Greenbelt to Anderson Road no matter how much sense it makes or how much it would help alleviate traffic on Innes Road and the 174 and open up a route to the south end via the future InnesWalkley-Hunt Club connection. The reason for my position was simple: the proposal was not included among the 25 transportation projects identified in the 2013 Greenbelt Master Plan that required further consultation with the city. Among the 25 projects are the Blackburn Bypass widening and the original

Up Front ’

Fred Sherwin plane to extend Brian Coburn past Navan Road and north along Navan Road to the Blackburn Bypass. When the EA consultants included the proposal to extend Brian Coburn Blvd. to Anderson Road among the four recommended options to move forward, I was both surprised and shocked. And here’s where things get a little murky. City officials say the NCC first supported bringing the proposal identified in Options 6 and 7 forward and then unexpectedly withdrew their support. The reason provided in a statement issued by the city is that the proposed road alignment runs counter to the Greenbelt Master Plan – period, full stop. The local councillors are hoping the next MP-elect for Orléans will push the NCC to reverse course and change their minds. Of course, to do that, the next MP-elect would have to be a member of

the governing party and the identity of both the future MP-elect and the future governing party are still very much in the air, if you believe the latest polls. Even if the future MP-elect happens to belong to the governing party, convincing the NCC to change their mind is a long shot at best. Cumberland Ward councillor Stephen Blais points to the NCC’s decision to reverse course on their original objection to allow Phase 2 of the LRT to run along the western parkway, but they did so only after the city agreed to fully bury the LRT line under the parkway. There also wasn’t any other option. In the case of the Brian Coburn extension, there is another option – in fact, there are two other options: extending Brian Coburn Blvd. past Navan Road and then linking it up to the Blackburn Bypass, or just widening Navan Road from Brian Coburn to the bypass. In both cases, the bypass would be widened from four to six lanes. The chief argument to extending Brian Coburn Boulevard to Anderson Road and the future Innes-Walkley-Hunt Club connection is that it would open up a route to the south end while alleviating traffic on the Blackburn Bypass. But widening the bypass from four to six

lanes would accomplish the same thing, especially if it’s done in conjunction with the Cumberland Transitway, which will run from the Millennium Park and Ride through Avalon along the hydro corridor to Navan Road and then alongside the Blackburn Bypass to a widened Blair Road and the LRT station. The problem is that a widened Blackburn Bypass won’t cut down on the number of commuters currently using Renaud Road to avoid the rush hour congestion on the Bypass. That can only be accomplished by decommissioning the section of Renaud Road between the two 90-degree turns, which is a distinct possibility. The only shot proponents of the Brian Coburn Extension to Anderson Road have is to have it added to the Greenbelt Master Plan when it comes up for review in 2023. Of course, that would delay the implementation of a solution to the existing traffic woes for at least another four years. That’s a long time. Hoping for the local MP to convince the NCC to have a change of heart could take even longer. All of which to say, the most expedient option would be to widen Navan Road and the Blackburn Bypass. S__–o get on with it already.

As a former business owner, social worker, member of provincial parliament, and cabinet minister, Marie-France Lalonde has the experience and the drive to deliver real results for Orléans: More money for families with children Lower taxes for the middle class Better health care for seniors Investing to build more affordable housing, better roads and transit A real plan to create good new jobs here in Orléans Protecting a clean environment for our kids

MARIE-FRANCE LALONDE Federal Candidate - Orléans | Candidate fédérale - Orléans

October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10 • 5

Marie-France’s commitment to the social and economic life of our community goes back 20 years. She has a proven track record of putting our community first and getting results. If elected, MarieFrance will: Advocate for the MIFO to get infrastructure funding for their new building Work with counterparts on the St. Joseph revitalization to bring more jobs and business to Orléans Secure funding for a new interpretation centre at Petrie Island Attract new Clean Tech firms to Orléans with the new tax cut incentive to create good quality local jobs Champion a Community Health Centre in Orléans

Long-term planning calls LRT a game changer for for Brian Coburn Extension Beacon Hill-Cyrville residents Infrastructure in the east end has not It is plainly obvious that the increasing kept pace with development. For more demands on our existing roadway infrathan a decade, this has been uncomfortably structure are not sustainable. accepted as fact, as our streets become As the municipal representatives for increasingly congested, Ottawa’s east end, Counputting mounting prescillors Tierney, Luloff, sures on our residential Blais and myself have communities and our written to the federal ability to develop ecocandidates asking for their nomic opportunities. support of Option 7. At the That is why, a letter same time, we are calling Innes Ward 2 recently sent from the on the NCC and the National Capital Commission to the City federal government, to partner with us and of Ottawa expressing a lack of support support the only design option that offers a for Option 7 which would extend Brian definitive solution for our residents. Coburn Boulevard to Anderson Road, The Brian Coburn Boulevard Extenis dismaying and frustrating for myself, sion is decades overdue, and Option 7 my east-end Council colleagues, and is the most efficient, effective, and longthe residential communities living with term solution to a problem that has increasingly excessive traffic congestion. been ignored for far too long. The other Option 7 is the only design proposal options put forward would only increase that provides the current and future the volume and congestion on existing residents of Orléans and the surrounding roadways while failing to provide a direct areas, with a long-term plan for a southern link to the south end. Option 7 provides arterial roadway; as well as an important a framework for such a connection and multimodal connection to the heart of our is indicative of the type of long-term, city and Stage 1 of our new Light Rail forward-thinking planning that is required Transit (LRT) system. for sustainable growth in our city.

Laura Dudas

We finally did it, Ottawa! On Saturday, will look and function so I’ve put together Sept. 14, we marked a momentous day in a nice package on my website that you can the City of Ottawa, as we finally launched view at light rail. This new transit system is going One final note on transit, as our friends to be a game changer for at OC Transpo have not only the residents of been saying there’s a Beacon Hill-Cyrville, but #ReallyBigServiceChange the entire city. coming to the system. I was out with my staff Many bus routes in on launch day handing the city are changing out commemorative pins Beacon Hill-Cyrville Ward 11 on Oct. 6 to better and greeting many excited service O-Train Line 1. transit users. I am proud to finally have These changes will help make ensure the this system up and running; but our work reliability of our local routes by taking isn’t done yet as this is just a precursor to them out of the downtown core avoiding the big game changer…Phase 2! Phase much traffic congestion. Please check out 2 is what we need to have Phase 1 make the OC Transpo website to learn more and more sense. see how your commute might change With the exciting launch of LRT, I I also had the pleasure of joining know many of us are now looking forward his worship Mayor Watson and other to Phase 2. While it’s still a few years dignitaries to mark Franco-Ontarian Day away, I wanted to look ahead to an exciting on Sept. 25. Our francophone community addition coming in the next phase; the new has and continues to contribute so much to Montreal Road LRT station. This is going our city and I’m proud we can take a day to be an amazing hub for transit in Beacon to celebrate our thriving bilingual city. Hill providing many residents a crucial As always, if you have any questions link to the rest of the city. My office has please feel free to contact my office at received many inquiries to how the station 613-580-2481.

Tim Tierney

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LRT’s arrival a giant step forward for Canada’s National Capital Bravo Ottawa and welcome to 2019, now that we have a real mass transit system complete with 12.5 km of electrified rail including a 2.5-km tunnel through the downtown core and 13 stations. And in another decade, LRT will expand further east, west, south along with a spur line to the airport. It’s a worthy accomplishment long in the making. Kudos to Mayor Watson who made sure that his predecessors Bob Chiarelli and my old boss, Larry O’Brien, were on hand for the opening day ceremonies as the tortured 15-year journey of LRT is part of their legacy too. Yet the giddiness of some folks with respect to the arrival of LRT is a bit childish while also complaining about multiple transfers as opposed to one bus ride is downright amateur and so small town. To be fair, context and facts are important to support these admittedly strident opinions. On the issue of giddiness, we should be mindful that our new LRT finally joins the mass transit ranks behind at least 180 subway systems and over 500 LRT, streetcar and regional rail networks worldwide across five continents. And we are also more than a touch late to the party given that the first London Tube line opened in 1863, the Paris Metro started

running in 1900 and the magnificently marbleized Moscow metro opened in 1935. Closer to home, New York City saw its first subway line in 1904 and here on our side of the border the folks in Toronto first experienced the red rocket in 1954, while nos amis in Montreal have been commuting on their Metro for 53 years since 1966. As for folks who are whining, yes whining, about their soon-to-be-mothballed 20s and 30s series of express routes which were a direct route from close to home to downtown – welcome to living in a region of a million people. If they would only bother to do an iota of research they would see that in most major transit systems around the world, multiple transfers are often the norm, not the exception. Besides, when the LRT reaches Trim

Road by the middle of the next decade, it should be one trip (bus, car, walk, bike, skateboard, scooter) to any east end station and then direct into the core or beyond. Fewer diesel spewing buses on the roads and decluttered downtown streets is a self-evident benefit for the environment. In addition, free WiFi (thank you Telus) on the LRT means folks can still be productive during their commute. We can only hope that our city planners with their downtown density intensification plans will work with landlords to revitalize Slater and Albert Streets to be more business- and pedestrian-friendly. Of course, the rollout of LRT has not been perfect. Glitches with stalled LRT trains, sometimes spotty communications from OC Transpo with riders and 90-minute Presto fare expiry issues need to be fixed (suggestion – push this to 115 minutes or two hours). As well, the paucity and speed of elevators for mobility-challenged and senior riders needs attention. Having tried the elevators at several stations, they are small and can only fit, at a maximum, one or two scooters or wheelchairs and move slower than a sloth on steroids. I would be happy to take our local councillors on a walk-through of these issues just minutes from our ward. We could hop a 95 to Blair station, then walk

at a measured pace from the bus platform to the elevator then up and over to another elevator then down to the LRT platform… it can easily become a 10- to 15-minute experience if you miss an elevator or two. Finally, the real test comes Monday, Oct. 7, the first weekday without direct buses into the downtown core. The morning loads on the LRT platform at Blair Station will still surprise Transpo officials despite all their informed modeling. Ditto on the need for surge capacity for buses at Blair from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. as folks make their way eastward to their homes. To be clear I’m not knocking OC Transpo on this; it will be terra nova for everyone as passenger volumes ebb and flow. And let’s not forget the uncertainty that still surrounds future LRT performance during the winter months of blizzards, massive snow accumulation and -30°C frigid temperatures. As for Phase 2 of LRT, let’s hope city officials and the construction consortium can channel their inner Panama work ethic. And here’s why – Panama City has completed two phases of LRT in the time we have taken to complete one. As a result, they have triple the length of our network and triple our station total (both above ground and tunneled platforms). Over to you, OC Transpo…

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October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10 • 7

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at Pine Hill Orchards!

Calling all young artists

8 • October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10

We invite kids 4 to 12 to colour the picture below, take a photo of it and have a ghoulish grownup send it to editor@ by Friday, October 18 at noon. Five lucky winners will be chosen by draw at 5 p.m. based on their age group and contacted by e-mail.

The winners in the younger age group will receive passes to the Proulx Farm’s 25th annual pumpkin festival, while the older winners will receive passes to the sKreamers Haunted Barn and Creepy Wagon Ride. Get colouring!

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I skream, you skream, everyone skreams at the sKreamers haunted barn and wagon ride STAR STAFF It’s time to get your spook on! While many people associate the month of October with fall foliage, Thanksgiving and setting their clocks back an hour, there are a great number of other people who associate October with ghosts, goblins and things that go bump in the night, culminating with All Hallow’s Eve. For those people, no October is complete without a trip to the sKreamers haunted attraction at the Proulx Farm on O’Toole Road. sKreamers is the name given to the two haunted barns and the creepy wagon ride that make up the attraction which has become a major fundraising activity for Kiwanis East Ottawa (formerly the Kiwanis Club of Orléans).

sKreamers is the brainchild, and some might say the obsession, of Kiwanis member Harley Bloom who first put together a modest Hallowe’en attraction in the Gloucester Centre Mall in 2001. It wasn’t until 2006, after an exhaustive search for a more permanent location, that the Kiwanis Club made a formal arrangement with the Proulx Farm to convert one of their barns into a haunted house. The attraction has evolved over the years to include a second barn and a creepy wagon ride involving over 200 volunteer actors, many of them students who use the experience to earn community service hours. Recognized among Canada’s Top 10 scariest attractions, sKreamers has raised

over $500,000 for various community initiatives including the Kiwanis Community Playground in Millennium Park while scar­ ing the daylights out of people, many of whom continue to come back year after year. To find out more about sKreamers, including a complete schedule, visit Admission is $20 per person or $15 if you present the coupon at the top right of this page at the time of purchase.

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October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10 • 9




10 • October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10



VW ready to roll out its first all-electric vehicle By Fred Sherwin The Orléans Star Don’t look now, but Volkswagen is about to become the leading manufacturer of all-electric vehicles – and we’re not talking hybrids here, we’re talking long range, all-electric cars for the masses. The German car maker has invested billions of dollars in developing battery technology and building new plants for it’s second generation of all-electric vehicles which were recently unveiled at a series of international car shows. Volkswagen plans to roll out four different models over the next five years, starting with the ID Crozz, which will be available in Canada in 2021. The Crozz is a crossover SUV comparable in size to the existing Tiguan. According to Volkswagen, it will have a range of 330, 420 or 550 kilometres, depending on which battery configuration you opt for, and go from 0-100 km/hr in about six seconds. Best of all, it is being dubbed as a “fast-charging” alternative to existing all-electric vehicles and it will cost under $45,000, exclusive of any government rebates. Volkswagen claims owners will be able to fully recharge the Crozz in under an hour at the rate of 10 km per minute. If the claim is true and the estimated sticker price

accurate, the Crozz might just as easily be called the Game Changer. The other all-electric vehicles being developed by VW are the Vizzion, a fully autonomous sedan that was unveiled at the 2018 Geneva Motor Show; the Buzz, which is an all-electric version of the iconic VW microbus; and the Neo, an electric hatchback with intuitive controls, a retractable steering wheel and rapid charging capability. Volkswagen’s first foray into the allelectric market is the ID.3 which will be available exclusively in Europe beginning in 2020, although Volkswagen Canada’s head of public relations, Thomas Tetzlaff, hinted during a recent interview with the Globe & Mail that the company is taking a “very, very, very close look” at bringing the hatchback to Canada. If so, it will join Volvo’s all-electric XC40, which the Swedish car manufacturer plans to make available in the spring along with a twin engine, plug-in hydrid. The potential price tag, maximum range and charging time were all expected to be made public when the vehicle is unveiled at a variety of auto shows later this month. The all-electric and hybrid XC40s are the leading edge of a program that will see Volvo drop the internal combustion engine entirely by 2025.

Volkswagen ID–.3 Crozz

Starting from



+HST *

JAGUAR OTTAWA 1300 Michael St.

St. Laurent Blvd. at the Queensway




October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10 • 11

2020 F-PACE

Volkswagen Atlas is an all-season people mover By Fred Sherwin The Orléans Star With Old Man Winter lurking just around the corner, it’s a good time to start thinking about trading that aging SUV in the driveway and making the move to an all-season people-mover like the Volkswagen Atlas which can accommodate up to seven adults. At 198 inches long and 78 inches wide, the mid-sized SUV is just shy of being classified as full-sized, allowing for a surprising amount of roominess. You can order the seating configuration with either two bucket seats in the middle row or a bench seat that can technically accommodate three adults, but it’s a tight squeeze. The rear two seats can easily accommodate two full-sized adults. I’m 5-foot-10 and 195 lb. and was able to sit in the back two seats with room to spare. The Atlas Comfortline is a tremendous value when compared to other full-size SUVs that are out there with a comparable powertrain set up. Taylor Creek VW is currently selling the 2019 Atlas Comfortline with the 3.6-litre, 6-cylinder engine and 8-speed Tiptronic 4-MOTION AWD transmission and suspension for just $45,239, which includes a $2,500 dealer discount.

The Comfortline was recently named Driving Canada’s five best three row crossovers, due in large part to the comfort it affords all seven passengers. And in a recent comparison with the Kia Sorento and the Hyundai Santa Fe XL, the Comfortline came out on top, largely due to its safety rating and potential resale value. Many 7-seaters are 7-seaters in name only with the rear seats barely able to accommodate small children. As the name infers, the Comfortline is comfortable – for everyone with ample leg room and head room for all, meaning your growing family isn’t going to grow out of your SUV. The roominess aside, the Comfortline comes standard with such safety features as Front Assist Autonomous Emergency Braking; and Blind Spot Detection with Rear Traffic Alert. It also has a rearview camera; keyless access with a remote push button starter; a power tailgate and Volkswagen’s Climatronic three-zone climate control system, which can be adjusted using the 8-inch touchscreen Infotainment monitor in the centre console. And for the techies out there, it has App-Connect Smart Phone integration with three USB ports – one in the front and two for the middle row of seats

The 2019 Volkswagen Atlas can carry up to seven passengers and is available in four different trim packages. STAFF PHOTO After taking the Comfortline out for a test drive, I was immediately struck by how easily it handled for a vehicle weighing over 2,000 kg. It was like driving a small sedan and the six-cylinder engine had power to spare. The Atlas has three driving modes that can be changed with a flick of a dial – On-Road Mode; Off-Road mode; an

Off-Road Mode that you can customize to your liking; and a Snow Mode that increases traction in snowy conditions. And for greater peace of mind, the Comfortline comes with an industry-leading 80,000 km, four-year warranty. To test drive the Atlas Comfortline, visit Taylor Creek VW at 1221 Trim Road just south of Hwy. 174.

12 • October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10

2019 Atlas Comfortline

Starting from...

The alpha of SUVs.






2019 Wolfsburg Crest Club

1221 Trim Rd. Orléans


Taylor Creek Orléans

2020 Volvo XC40 R-Design is a dream machine By Fred Sherwin The Orléans Star New Year’s has come early at the StLaurent Volvo dealership with the arrival of the 2020 XC40, the Swedish car manufacturer’s compact luxury SUV. In a word: WOW. That was my initial reaction when I first laid eyes on the XC40 R-Design I was able to test drive with its black on electric blue exterior. The R-Design is the middle trim package for the XC40 priced at $45,650 – that’s $3,300 more than the Momentum with the same T5 power plant and $2,550 less than the Inscription. Outside, the R-Design has a much sportier look than the Momentum with an attractive grill; 19-inch alloy wheels, rather than 18-inch wheels; front and rear glossy black skid plates; integrated dual tailpipes; fog lights; and bending LED active headlights with cornering lights. Inside, the R-Design is loaded with leather accents; heated seats that warm up in under a minute; a cushion extension on both front seats to better support your legs; and a futuristic touch screen LED centre console display that’s incredibly userfriendly as is the gear shift knob. And did I mention the R-Design also comes with a panoramic sunroof?

All of the trim packages come with the same state-of-the-art safety features including a Lane Keeping Aid that will gently steer your car back into the lane if you’re about to cross a lane marking without using the indicator; Hill Start Assist and Hill Descent Control as well as Whiplash Protection, in which the entire front backrest and head restraint moves with the occupant in the event of a collision. The vehicle I test drove was also equipped with a Sensus Navigation System that is optional at $1,000; and the Premium option package which includes Blind Spot Detection; a power tailgate; heated rear seats; headlight washers; an inductive charging station for your smart phone; a heated steering wheel and heated wiper blades; and retractable rearview mirrors, all for an additional $1,750. The XC40 is powered by Volvo’s T5 2.0 litre, four-cylinder turbocharged engine with AWD. Once you’re on the road, you can choose from four different driving modes: Comfort Mode, in which the XC40 responds gently and cautiously to your commands; Eco Mode, which adjusts the powertrain to allow for maximum fuel efficiency; Off-Road Mode, which can only be activated at speeds under 40 km/hr;

The Volvo XC40 R-Design is sporty, eye-catching and a thrill to drive in all seasons and in any conditions. STAFF PHOTO and my favourite, Dynamic Mode which turns the compact SUV into something akin to a sports car. The throttle goes hairtrigger, the revs are kept higher for quicker access to the turbo, and peak torque output is always within striking distance. The steering, which already has an extremely small radius, becomes even

tighter and more responsive. Of course, although the vehicle’s fuel efficiency suffers slightly in Dynamic Mode, the smile it will put on your face will be well worth the modest expense. To test drive the 2020 XC40 for yourself, visit St-Laurent Volvo at 1300 Michael Street.

2020 VOLVO XC40 T5 R-Design






Carling Volvo 1622 Carling Avenue, Ottawa | 613-706-7766 St. Laurent Volvo 1300 Michael Street, Ottawa | 613-706-0374

October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10 • 13


Range Rover Evoque: Driving in the lap of luxury By Fred Sherwin The Orléans Star When it comes to SUVs, no one does it better and no one has done it longer (with the exception of Jeep) than the folks at Land Rover. The very first Land Rover rolled off the assembly line in 1948. Since then, the brand has become a British icon, catering to an upscale clientele, who prefer a little luxury and comfort in an SUV just as much as reliability and durability, both of which the latest addition to the Land Rover family of SUVs provides. The 2020 Range Rover Evoque is the second edition of the sub-compact SUV which has become Land Rover’s best selling model since it was first unveiled in 2011 to fill the growing demand for smaller, more fuel-efficient sports utility vehicles. During the first eight years of production, the Evoque underwent a few minor changes that could best be described as tinkering. With a new decade on the horizon, the designers and engineers at Land Rover decided the model was in need of a complete makeover, and so the 2020 was born. According to the promotional material, the only thing that has been held over from

the first-generation Evoque are the door hinges – everything else has either been modified or changed entirely. So what makes the 2020 Evoque so special? Turn on the ignition and you will quickly find out. The vehicle has four high-definition displays – two in the centre console, one where the driver’s instrumentation cluster is, and one, believe it or not, in the rearview mirror which is the coolest thing ever. You can either set the rearview mirror with the traditional view out the rear window, or with the flick of a switch you can bring up a wide-angle view of everything behind you. You can even adjust the brightness to allow for low light conditions. The instrumentation cluster can display a live view map of not only the road you are driving on, but all the roads and landmarks around you. It’s like having a permanent GPS on constant display, making it virtually impossible to get lost. The Evoque comes standard with the P250 four-cylinder turbocharged engine which delivers 246 horsepower and has a base sticker price of $47,950. If you are looking for more horsepower, you can opt for the R-Dynamic package, which comes with the P300 power plant and delivers an extra 50 hp for an additional $5,0000.

14 • October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10



56, 418



+HST *


The all-new 2020 Range Rover Evoque is a luxury compact SUV that delivers in every category from driveability to functionality. STAFF PHOTO I took the base model out for a drive and the turbocharged P250 delivered all the spunk I needed. It was an exceptional drive and so comfortable that I was halfway home before I realized it wasn’t my car and I headed back to the dealer. My only regret is that I never got to take it off-roading.

Buying a Range Rover and not expecting to take it off the beaten track is sacrilegious – Range Rovers are built to be driven on any terrain and the Evoque is no exception. To test drive the all-new Range Rover Evoque, visit Land Rover Ottawa at 1300 Michael Street.


LAND ROVER OTTAWA 1300 Michael St.



The secret to amotorists worry-free road trip prevention Keeping Orléans on the road for is nearly 30 years By STAR Fred Sherwin STAFF – With winter fast The Orléans Star approaching, now is the time to take With enda of school year just around your carthe into reputable service centre the corner, many families are planning to have a seasonal vehicle inspection to their vacation while others avoidsummer any potential surprises down are the preparing to open their summer cottage. road. The common denominator both Precision Automotive on to Vantage activities is the need to get there from here. Drive has been providing honest If you are likeservice most people, main mode professional for anthehonest price of to get there is the family fortransportation nearly 30 years. car With – which is why is so important to 10 bays, fouritlicensed technicians properly maintain your vehicle, starting and two apprentice technicians, Precision with a thorough inspection. is the largest mechanical independently owned Nothing can ruin a family vacation service centre in Orléans. They also have more than anto unexpected the expertise service any breakdown make and which happens in the middle of model usually of vehicle. nowhere. Technicians at Precision will check from experience all I’m yourspeaking fluid conditions and levels,here. tire When I was teenager, we were asonalla condition anda pressures as well family vacation your drive belts to andPrince hoses.Edward Island when one of the leaf springs on our camper There is nothing more annoying than trailer broke halfway between Québec having an unforeseen breakdown. Not City Rivières. Fortunately, only and is itTrois inconvenient, but it can there cost was garage nearby tookmention two daysa you avaluable time, but notit to to get the part which put a serious potentially expensive towing bill. dent in ourProviding vacation plans. peace of mind for you and The second incident happened more your family is what Precision Automotive recently. I was driving to Chicago is all about. Owner Rob Brouwerwhen and my his timing belt snapped, leaving me stranded staff have a well-earned reputation for in the middle of nowhere. Once again I

was luckythe in first that time, there was doingincredibly things right everya garage nearbyback and they had me backwith on time. They up their work the in matter of hours. But it could an road industry leading 2 year/40,000km have beenon disastrous if it had of happened warranty most new installed parts and further down the road on one of the labour. interstates. it could have been Why notAndtake advantage of easily their prevented I had gotten car inspected expertise if and have my your vehicle before I left checked outOttawa, today to avoid the chance Most inspections will include all of a potential headaches tomorrow? your hoses belts. Your for brakes and Nothing hasand more potential disaster suspension. cooling and in the dead ofYour winter than ansystem unexpected air conditioning. And tires, mechanical failure thatyour could haveamong been other things. It is also a good idea to get a easily prevented by a trip to Precision realignment, Automotive.especially in the spring, if for nothing else than to save on Precision is also yourwear oneand stoptear shop your tires and improve your mileage. for snow tires. As driving conditions get Another to join the CAA. more severegood withidea eachis passing winter, it The organization can often be a godsend makes sense to consider purchasing a set when you tires. have an unexpected mechanical of winter failure or something as a flat tire. When driving asinsimple severe winter The CAA is one of those things that conditions, a set of snow tires will give many people never bother getting, only to added traction on both snow and ice, have something go wrong and you end up help prevent sliding and loss of control, wishing youyou did. A CAAgetting membership and keep from stuck isina great gift idea for Christmas, or birthdays, conditions that would challenge even the or as all-season a going away present. best tires. The Classic membership startsmost at Precision Automotive sells $78.50 a year for one driver. To add every brand of snow and winter tiresa second driver tocosts an and theyorare“associate” more than happy discuss additional $50. That’s a small price to pay


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unexpected break down in the middle of nowhere. The best way to avoid any potential to have your vehicle thoroughly inspected technicians before you With 10 problems bays, fouris licensed technicians and two apprentice Precision Automotive leave. FILE PHOTO is one of the largest independent service centres in Ottawa. CAA membership is definitely worth for peace STAFF of mind.PHOTO considering especially if you own an older should be between noted that Classic theItdifferences eachthe brand and restaurant at Innes and Tenth Line Road. membership only up car. make of tire so thatallows you getfor thetowing best value You can also check out their web site You can check out the benefits of to 10 km. If you are going on long road for your dollar. at or call them at trips you may want to upgrade to a Plus the various membership levels at www. Precision Automotive is located at 613-841-5550. membership which allows for towing up Vantage Dr, behind the McDonald’s Happy Motoring! plans. Happy motoring. to 200 km for an additional $51.

“We are commited to providing honest service for an honest price.” – Rob Brouwer, Owner

October 3, 2019 15 May 16, 2019 • Volume 34, 33, No. 10 26 • 17

SPRING WINDOW TINTING SPECIALS FULL INTERIOR COMPLETE EXTREME 2EXTREME Front Windows $100 4-Door Cars $275 DETAIL CLEANING & SHAMPOO MAINTENANCE PLAN 2-Door Cars $225 Full Van/SUV $225 4 Exterior Hand Wash Full Interior/Exterior Full Interior Detail Dry Packages Detail with Interior with Shampoo LIFETIME WARRANTY Shampoo plus Exterior 2 Basic Interior ASKDeluxe US ABOUT FORMULA ONE CERAMIC TINT Wash/Wax/Buff 99 CARS $ Cleaning + ALL 99 VANSFULL INTERIOR CARS $ COMPLETE EXTREME EXTREME FOR $ ONLY DETAIL CLEANING 99 MAINTENANCE PLAN SUVs $ & SHAMPOO TRUCKS VANS 4 –––––– Exterior Hand Wash Full Interior/Exterior Full Interior Detail OR –––––– $ 99 SUVs Dry4Packages Detail with Interior with Shampoo Exterior + 4 Interiors TRUCKS + Shampoo plus Exterior 2 Basic Interior ALL FREE EXTERIOR Wash/Wax/Buff $30 OFF OR FREE $ $ 99 FOR CARS Deluxe Cleaning +ONLY HANDWASH & DRY ENGINE SHAMPOO + ALL 99 VANS CARS $ FOR $ ONLY 99 SUVs $ TRUCKS VANS REMOTE CAR STARTERS –––––– ORAND –––––– WE SELL INSTALL 99 STARTING AT SUVs $ WINTER TIRES RIM PACKAGES 4 Exterior + 4&Interiors TRUCKS +99 FREE MOUNT AND BALANCING ALL ($100 VALUE WHEN PURCHASING A SET OF FOUR) FREE EXTERIOR $30 OFF OR FREE $ FOR $ FULL MECHANICAL SERVICES HANDWASH & DRY

Nothing throws a wrench into your family vacation plans more than an


When it comes to maintaining your furnace, experience matters STAR STAFF – There’s no question that when it comes to maintaining your furnace, experience matters. It can also save you hundreds of dollars. By hiring a professional to regularly maintain your furnace and humidifier, both units will be able to operate at maximum efficiency, and you will be able to avoid any problems that often occur when a home’s furnace is neglected. “It’s the one appliance you can’t do without,” says Jerry Lemay, who has been installing and maintaining furnaces in the east end for over 43 years. Now is the time to have your furnace checked out to prevent any potential problems from popping up this winter. Anyone who has experienced having their furnace malfunction in the dead of winter due to improper maintenance, or no maintenance at all, very seldom make the same mistake twice. With his wealth of experience, Lemay can pinpoint problems repairmen with far less experience may not which could mean the difference between merely repairing your furnace or having to replace it entirely. Although he is a sales rep for the

Keeprite line of furnaces, Lemay can repair any make and model including gas furnaces, oil furnaces, propane furnaces, combination wood and electric furnaces, and combination wood and oil furnaces, which is why he’s earned the nickname “Dr. Furnace”. “I’ve gained a reputation for being the repairman of last resort,” explains Lemay. “A lot of people call me for a second opinion, or when they can’t seem to get the right answer from anyone else. Obviously, I would prefer it if they called me first. A lot of people who I helped in the past are regular customers now.” It’s important to note that contracting J.G. Lemay Heating and Air Conditioning to maintain your furnace will not effect your existing warranty. Besides furnaces, Lemay also repairs and maintains hot water tanks, humidifiers, thermostats, and heat recovery ventilation systems, not to mention gas BBQ hookups, kitchen fan installation and dryer hook-ups and installation. Lemay warns against signing contracts offered by door-to-door salesmen who are often nothing more than con artists.

Jerry Lemay has been in the home heating and air conditioning business for more than 40 years. FRED SHERWIN PHOTO “No reputable furnace salesperson or maintenance guy is going to walk around with a clipboard. Stay away from those guys,” says Lemay. For quality work you can trust, it’s best to go with someone who has the type of

experience and solid reputation earned by serving the community for more than 43 years. To book an appointment and have your furnace checked out today call 613-8352658 or 613-830-1661.

16 • October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10

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LARGE VARICOSE VEINS Ultrasound-guided injections will eliminate them without surgery. BROKEN CAPILLARIES ON YOUR LEGS OR FACE Eliminate them with simple saline injections. Dr. Lucie BEAUPRÉ Diplomate of the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine

Village Bruyére resident defends world stationary bike title By Fred Sherwin The Orléans Star Norman Coté is no ordinary 84-yearold. The Village Bruyére resident umpires up to seven fastball games a week. He runs regularly and bicycles up to 150 kms every week. All the cycling came in handy when Coté recently took part in the international Road Worlds for Seniors competition with 29 of his fellow residents. The Road Worlds for Seniors has been held every September for the past three years. It involves pedaling a stationary exercise bike while viewing videos of roadways and bicycle paths from around the world. The event is held by Norwegian company called Motitech, which developed the Montiview program which uses specially adapted indoor exercise bikes, video and sound, to take users on cycling trips through familiar surroundings and childhood memories. Among the videos, residents at the Village Bruyére can use including a trip around Parliament Hill; another around the Mer Bleue Blog; a third along the Ottawa River bike path; and yet another along the Rideau Canal. The first Road Worlds for Seniors was held in 2017 and had fewer than 1,000 participants in five different countries. Last year, more than 2,500 participants took part in nine different countries, including Canada. Competing in the event for the first time, the team at Village Bruyére managed to win the bronze medal

in the team category lead by Coté, who was crowned World Champion in the men’s division. Coté was in third place with a couple of days remaining in the three-week event before he turned on the afterburners, cycling up to 200 kms a day to win the title going away. This time around, he wasn’t taken any chances. He started out doing 150 kilometres a day for the first three days. He then slowly ramped up his mileage until he was averaging over 200 kilometres a day. His highest single day total was 290 kilometres, which required more than eight hours on the bike. “I didn’t do eight hours at once. I broke it up,” explains Coté. “When you’re on the bike for more than four hours, it gets a little sore on the backside.” Coté ended up cycling a total of 5,316 kilometres, beating out his nearest rival by 3,682 kilometres. He also accounted for more than half of his team’s total of 10,374 kilometres, which was good enough for the silver medal in the team competition, but an agonizing 137 kilometres short of the gold won by a team in Norway. Village Bruyére’s marketing and activity coordinator Chad Chartrand says Coté has become somewhat of a celebrity at the senior’s residence which is located in Convent Glen North on the banks of the Ottawa River. Motiview was originally introduced at Bruyére as a research project, both in their long-term care facility and their geriatric day hospital. It soon became apparent

Adding Life to Years for Seniors

winning the Road Worlds for Seniors event in 2018. FILE PHOTO that it was an excellent, super low-impact fitness apparatus that can serve a variety of purposes such as in the rehabilitation of hip and knee injuries following knee and hip replacement. It can also increase balance and reduce the risk of falls. According to Motitech, the system is also designed to help people with dementia be more physically and cognitively active by taking the user through familiar surroundings and childhood memories. Village Bruyére purchased its first Motiview system using funds raised during its 2018 golf tournament.

The system is especially useful during the winter months when there is little or no opportunity to exercise or go for a simple walk outside. Residents can pedal as much or as little as they want to. They can either watch one of the videos that come with the system, or they can watch a movie or a sporting event on TV. Coté says he’s often on the bike while watching the Ottawa Senators or listening to music. For more information about Motitech and the Motiview system visit https://


for people 60+ on the banks of the Ottawa River. For a guided tour, call us at: 613-683-2508 889 Hiawatha Park Rd., Orléans |

October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10 • 17

Bruyère Village

Norman Coté displays his championship trophy and certificate after

A great place to call home! At 91 years young, Eleanor found Symphony – and is still enjoying life! Eleanor lived in our independent apartments for four years before moving into assisted living two years ago. Now 97 years young, she stills enjoys helping others where ever and whenever she can. Eleanor grew up amongst eight siblings and had to leave school at the age 16 to help in the home. She married a gentleman in the air force and had two daughters, Janice and Marilyn. Eleanor is proud to have stayed at home, raise her girls and look after the household. Being with the military, the family travelled all over the country. In her younger years, Eleanor loved to read, knit, bowl and curl. She was a big fan of the Toronto Blue Jays and was lucky enough to meet the team in Ottawa, at the Governor General’s house after they won the World Series.

Winifred is able to enjoy her life to the fullest! “What makes Forest Valley Terrace exceptional is the people who work there. Providing good quality care is challenging work. It requires individuals who truly want to help others, who understand dementia and who are patient, compassionate and well-trained. The passion of team members is evident in every aspect of the care that is provided. I have witnessed many acts of kindness by staff who went out of their way to make a resident more comfortable. “(Mom) is encouraged to attend concerts, the ballet, various museums, picnics, singalongs and many social events. She has made new friends, still grows tomatoes and loves the exercise classes and opportunities to paint. “Most of the services she needs — from hair care to foot care to medical care — are available at the residence. In short, her mind is stimulated, she enjoys the activities she loved when she lived at home, and her care is based on up-to-date knowledge about dementia. “I am pleased that the move to Forest Valley Terrace has worked out so well and I am grateful to the Forest Valley team for their ongoing efforts to improve the lives of those living with dementia.” — R. NORTHEY

She has no regrets in life. Eleanor’s words of wisdom: “Young people should stay off their phones, communicate more in person, and one on one” . What brought Eleanor to Symphony Orléans? For many years, Eleanor lived on her own, in her own house which her husband’s father had built. The day she found out the house had leaks was the day she knew it was time to go. Her daughters, who were ready for her to make to move, were finally happy that their mom had made this decision on her own. Eleanor is grateful to be at Symphony – she now feels safe and has a greater sense of security. When Eleanor’s daughter Janice was asked about having her mom at Symphony, she said she is thankful that is mom is so close by.

18 • October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10

Janice recalls her mom being a chaperone in Yukon for the Teen Town Friday Night dances. “Who wants their mom at the dance”? she mentioned, “especially when she was one of the first on the dance floor”. Janice hopes that her mom will continue to be healthy. Eleanor does not take any medications. She has survived and conquered breast cancer not only once, but twice. Eleanor, you’re an inspiration to us all!

“ Thanks to the Forest

Valley team, my mother is still able to enjoy a quality of life that I feared was gone forever.”

6419 Lumberman Way Orléans, Ontario Find out more online at

1510 St. Joseph Blvd Orléans, Ontario

Find out more online at

Advice from the experts on decluttering and downsizing So much stuff. It really is amazing how much some of us can accumulate in a lifetime. Some things, which in the world of Marie Kondo “spark joy,” should be kept, passed on and continue to be cherished. But frankly, our children aren’t much interested in ornate pieces of jewellery, family silverware or bulky china cabinets. The artwork they already have brings them their own joy. We all need to have the conversation with our families about what things in our home they will want to keep. And, urge the experts, those conversations should be had sooner rather than later. After 29 years in this home, and my innate tendency as a packrat, I also have to deal with the boxes/drawers/closets brimming with my grown children’s report cards, newspaper clippings, Christmas cracker novelties and winter coats that haven’t seen a snowflake in a decade. While the need to downsize our home isn’t (yet) on the horizon, now is the time for me to reduce the jumble of clutter and unnecessary items I have allowed to spread into virtually every empty space in our home. This is not a task, should something happen to me, that my husband or children should have to face. My motivation to declutter began

A Senior’s Moment by Heather Jamieson with the presentation at the Chapel Hill Retirement Residence by Barb McDougall, community relations for the lifestyle transitions company Darling Solutions, which I wrote about last month. McDougall is passionate about using her experience to help seniors take control of the next stage of their lives. The first step in that journey is getting rid of things we don’t need and our families won’t want. Getting started is a challenge, so McDougall suggest starting with a space, such as the laundry room, where we are unlikely to be emotionally attached to its contents. (This means I have to deal with the colourful painting of “un dinosaur” which my son painted on September 4, 1990 and has been pinned above the ironing board ever since. If I wasn’t supposed to keep it forever, why did his kindergarten teacher laminate it?)

I need to adopt McDougall’s system of S.T.O.P – sort, toss, organize and put away. And I will need to leave my sentimental self at the door. Award-winning entrepreneur, community leader and life coach Pierrette Raymond, owner of Moving Forward Matters and franchise co-owner of the partner service 1-800-GOT-JUNK? has seen first-hand how overwhelming dealing with our possessions can be and the financial, emotional and physical consequences when they become a burden. Downsizing after a death or a divorce can be especially difficult. When the process becomes too much, it’s time to bring in experts to guide you. Her team, she says, not only provides the requested practical services, but also “the emotional support needed so you are not alone or overwhelmed throughout the process”. Specialists like McDougall and Raymond represent a growing industry geared to helping our aging population adjust to and manage change. As much as we would like to continue to live independently in our own homes, circumstances and health can force us to accept a living situation better suited to our needs and abilities.

The advice I hear over and over again is to not wait for a crisis to start downsizing possessions or to have conversations with your family about everything from who wants the good china to funeral preferences. As uncomfortable as some of those conversations can be, they are much more difficult if left until the stress of illness or death. It is crucial to have your will, power of attorney and advance care directives in place “now before you need them,” Raymond adds. The Moving Forward Matters website presents dozens of video and print blog entries on everything from Dealing with Grief to Is Clutter Making You Sick? (In my case, perhaps not sick, but definitely less efficient.) The blog entry How to Let Go of Items with Precious Memories states: “Know that the item itself represents a memory and that memory is to be cherished, not the item.” That resonated with me and will help me to hold onto my memories and let go of things. An excellent Downsizing and Moving Checklist can be downloaded free from the Moving Forward Matters website at and is exactly the blueprint I need to get started.

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October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10 • 19


Kira - 24 Oct. 20:00 by / par Compagnie de danse Lua Shayenne Dance Company

20 • October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10



















the program. PHOTO PROVIDED













Biggest Loser winner sets new record





















Top to bottom, left to right / Du haut en bas, de gauche à droite : Zachary Richard, Spirit of Dance, Kira, Lighthouse, Messmer, A Taste of Mexico

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Biggest Loser 23 winner Roxanne Côté-Carrière set a new record for reducing her body fat by the highest percentage in the 12-year history of

By Fred Sherwin The Orléans Star When Roxanne Côté-Carrière decided to sign up for Biggest Loser 23 in June, she had no idea just how much the experience would change her life. The Garneau High School gym teacher underwent a hysterectomy just a year before and the hormonal changes she went through following the operation caused her to gain more than 25 lbs. In June, Côté-Carrière talked to a friend who had just completed the Biggest Loser 22 program and had nothing but positive things to say about it so she called 180Degree Fitness owner Adrian Delorey and registered for the 12-week course. “I decided that I was going to choose me for the summer and focus on myself,” says Côté-Carrière. The result has been nothing short of phenomenal. Côté-Carrière lost 45 lbs which represented 25% of her body fat and set a new Biggest Loser record in the process. “I had the greatest coach ever in Curtis Oates and I bonded with three other women in the program and we supported each other through the whole process. In fact, we’re all friends now,” says Côté-Carrière. As a result of the weight loss and her new diet, Côté-Carrière no longer has to take iron supplements and she no longer has to check her blood pressure every morning. “It’s changed my life, it really has,” says Côté-Carrière who also credits her husband and 11-year-old son Liam for her success. “They were behind me all the way. And

my son even said at one point near the end of the program that it really shows,” says Côté-Carrière. But the biggest compliment she received was from a student who was in her gym class last year and saw her when she returned to class on August 26. “She said, ‘Madame Coté, you look really good’.” After going through the 12-week program, Côté-Carrière feels like she has regained control of her health and she’s gone from a size 12 to a size 6 in the process. More importantly, she has regained her zest for life. “I have a picture in my room of a little girl and it says ‘Find the little girl inside you’, and inner little girl has definitely come out of me again. It was a struggle to get started and it was a lot of hard work, but it was worth every ounce of seat,” says CôtéCarrière who has been going back to the gym every weekend day morning at 5:30 a.m. “I save the weekend’s for my son.” As for her “before and after picture”, Côté-Carrière says she barely recognizes the “before” image. “I don’t even recognize myself. It’s like looking at another person,” she says. In setting a new record for percentage of body fat lost, Côté-Carrière just beat out Shawn and Gladys who lost 22 per cent each. Shawn dropped 52 lbs overall and Gladys lost 37 lbs. The next Biggest Loser program will start later this month. For information e-mail Adrian Delorey at or call 613-749-2267.

5369 Canotek Rd. 613-841-7867 •

Panthers maintain their winning ways By Fred Sherwin The Orléans Star The Cumberland Panthers Football Club had another successful weekend on the gridiron, winning all four of their games including a 35-14 win by the bantam team over the previously undefeated Cornwall Wildcats on Sunday. In what was billed as the marquee match-up of the day, the Panthers offence proved to be too much for the visitors due in large part to the efforts of their running back/ safety Khalid Campbell, who rushed for more than 150 yards, scored his team’s opening touchdown and made a game-clinching interception in the dying seconds of the fourth quarter. Quarterback Nate Beauvais also had a big day, throwing for a pair of touchdowns passes to Cordel Epale and Logan Olsthoorn and adding one on the ground. On defense, Jake Henderson made three outstanding open field tackles, added a highlight reel interception and was 4-for-4 in the convert department. The final score was 28-21 in favour of the Panthers who improved their record to 5-1 and have moved into sole possession of first place thanks to wins over the Bell Warriors and Myers Riders who are also 5-1. In earlier action on Sunday, the Panthers’ Tyke 1 team posted an impressive 74-28 win over the Wildcats Tyke 1 squad to improve their record to 5-1. Running back Elisha Mufuta scored four touchdowns; Jaxson Wilson, Gabriel Gauthier, Nicholas Charlebois and Jacob Pranschke each added a pair of majors and Trenton Murdock scored a solo touchdown and added a two-point conversion. The Panthers Mosquito team also improved their record to 5-1 with a 33-0 win over the Orléans Bengals. On Saturday, the Panthers Tyke #2 team beat the West Carleton Wolverines 72-24 to keep pace with the Tyke # 1 squad and the peewee team downed West Carleton 50-0 to improve their record to... you guessed it – 5-1.

Cumberland Panthers receiver and kick returner Cordel Epale levels a would-be tackler in the bantam team’s 28-14 win over the Cornwall Wildcats on Sunday. FRED SHERWIN PHOTO

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Piri-Piri Chicken with Salad $14

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October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10 • 21

NEW LUNCH MENU! Reserve your table today and enjoy a Touch of Portugal with your friends and family

New season brings new hope for Navan Grads By Fred Sherwin The Orléans Star It’s been a little over a year since the Navan Grads brought in new head coach and general manager Marty Abrhams to help turn around a team that had just finished in last place in the Central Canada Hockey League with just nine wins in 62 games. In his first full year behind the bench, Abrams lead the Grads to a 25-28-6-3 record, good enough for eighth place and a return to the playoffs where they lost in the first round to the Carleton Place Canadians. Despite their early exit in the post season, there was a substantial improvement in the Grads’ overall performance to hope for better things to come in 2019-2020 and so far after just 10 games the team sits in a tie for third place in the Yzerman Division with the Hawkesbury Hawks. Both teams have identical 5-5 records. Abrams says he is relatively pleased with the direction the team is heading in

this early in the season, but he cautions there’s a lot they have to work on. “Overall, we’re pleased with some of the things in our game, but we know there’s a lot of work to be had especially in the area of discipline and cutting down on our penalties and maybe working little more on our special teams. So those two particular areas are the things we need to work on over the next 10 games,” Abrams told the Star after a recent loss to the Kanata Stallions in which they gave up a pair of power play goals. Jackson Arcan and Curtis Fabro are leading the team on the score sheet with 13 and 11 points respectively. Arcan has scored six goals and added seven assisits in 10 games, while Fabbro has four goals and 11 assists. In goal, veteran Alex Wisco has started all 10 games, allowing 34 goals for a 3.40 goals against average. The team’s next home game is on Sunday, Oct. 6 against the first place Canadians.

Marty Abrams is in his second year as head coach and general manager of the Navan Grads Junior A hockey club. FRED SHERWIN PHOTO

22 • October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10

Ottawa Sens sign Orléans native Scott Sabourin By Fred Sherwin The Orléans Star It’s been long journey to an NHL contract for Orléans native Scott Sabourin who last week signed a two-way deal with the Ottawa Senators for a reported $700,000. The 27-year-old came up through the Gloucester Minor Hockey Association before playing with the Ottawa Jr. 67s Minor Midget AAA team. He then spent two seasons in the CCHL with the Brockville Braves and Kanata Stallions before being picked up by the Oshawa Generals midway through the 2009-2010 season. The 6-foot-3, 207 lb forward scored 46 goals and 33 assists in three seasons for the Generals, including 30 goals and 20 assists in his final campaign after which he signed a professional contract with the Manchester Monarchs of the AHL. In 2015-2016, he started the season with the Ontario Reign and ended it with the Iowa Wild. In the off season he signed a contract with the San Diego Gulls and played two seasons on the west coast before joining the Stockton Heat prior to last season. He earned a professional scout with the Senators largely due to his connection with the new head coach D.J. Smith who

MASTER CLASSES Friday, October 4, 2019

ALT HOTEL Scott Sabourin worked behind the bench for the Generals in 2014. Sabourin is a self admitted grinder and proud of it. He isn’t afraid to get into the corners and get his nose dirty. But he can sometimes fall prey to his over enthusiasm. He was suspended by the OHL for 12 games in 2011 for checking to the head, and he was suspended by the AHL on two different occasions. His no nonsense style and exceptional work ethic has landed him a spot on the Sens’ opening season roster and he will be in the lineup when the Sens take on the Maple Leafs on Oct. 2. Sabourin is the third Orléans native to be under contract with the Ottawa Senators. Former Sen Cody Ceci was from the area and Corey Cowick played for the Binghamton Senators from from 2010- 2014.

Meet our International & National Brand Ambassadors

GRAND TASTING HALL Saturday, October 5, 2019

CANADIAN WAR MUSEUM Sample over 150 whiskies from around the world!

Must be 19 years of age or older to attend this event. Please always drink responsibly and don’t drink & drive!


COMMUNITY BILLBOARD FRIDAY, OCT. 4 GREELY OLD TIME FIDDLE MUSIC & DANCE from 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. at 1448 Meadow Drive, Greely. Musicians, singers, dancers and listeners. Yearly membership available. For additional info, call 613 489-2697.

Kiddies fish pond, face and nail painting, scarecrow making, crafts and colouring, silent auction, bake table, ball hockey and many other games and races. The Navan Fire Fighters will on hand with fire fighting equipment and the Navan Lions Club will be operating the BBQ.

CUMBERLAND JR GRADS PUB NIGHT, AUCTION & FUNDRAISER 7:30 p.m. at the Navan Memorial Arena. “Relive the 90s” to support a great group of young hockey players! Great DJ and some amazing silent auction items donated from our community partners up for grabs! Tickets are $10 each. For more information visit events/522185965196189.

CUMBERLAND FARMERS MARKET from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the R.J. Kennedy Arena, 1115 Dunning Rd. in Cumberland Village. Rain or shine. Come visit a variety of local area producers bringing you fresh vegetables, seasonal fruits, specialty foods, homemade treats and a variety of artisan goods, on a weekly basis.

SATURDAY OCT. 5 NAVAN FALL FEST from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Navan Fairgrounds. Lots of fun activities for the whole family...

FRIDAY OCT. 19 CommuniTree CONFERENCE from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Just Food Farm, Big Red Barn, 2nd floor - 2391 Pepin Court in Blackburn Hamlet. Check in and registration at 8 a.m. The Conference will include various panels, a networking break and a tour of a Community Food Forest. This is an opportunity for community members to share tree-related stories, data and projects and provide attendees with new ideas, information and resources to carry out tree-related initiatives in their communities SATURDAY OCT. 20 OTTAWA BOOK EXPO from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Horticulture Building at Lansdowne Park. This is a grassroots oriented author, publisher, bookseller and literary services festival. Tickets $19 available at

MONDAY, OCT. 7 GLENGARRY-PRESCOTTRUSSELL ALLCANDIDATES MEETING from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Navan Memorial Arena, 1295 Colonial Road.

Audrey Went, 92 Passed away on Sept. 19, 2019 Pierre Landel, 70 Passed away on Sept. 19, 2019 Florian Bériault, 86 Passed away on Sept. 18, 2019 Gracia (Grace) Tessier, 97 Passed away on Aug. 13, 2019



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October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10 • 23

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24 • October 3, 2019 • Volume 34, No. 10


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