The Orleans Star Nov. 24, 2022

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Trial of former Orléans teacher, coach resumes

The on-again, off-again trial of former St. Matthew High School teacher Rick Despatie resumed last week with the testimony of two more former students who claim they experienced unwanted touching and sexual advances

Despatie, 58, taught Grade 7 and 8 students at St. Matthew High School over a period of more than 15 years. During that time, he was also the coach of the girls’ junior basketball team.

In April and May of 2021, Despatie was charged with more than 54 offences involving 16 alleged victims. Having already been suspended by the Ottawa Catholic School Board during the police investigation, he was immediately let go once the charges – which include sexual assault and sexual exploitation –were laid. All of the girls were under the age of

16 at the time the alleged offences occurred. At some point during the police investigation, Despatie legally changed his name to Rick Watkins.

Once arraigned, Despatie was released on bail under a number of conditions that include not contacting several people or their families, not being within 500 metres of where those people would be, not being within 500 metres of the school and not attending any public parks or public swimming areas where kids under 16 would reasonably be expected to be.

For the sake of prosecuting the case in a reasonable amount of time, the Crown Attorney’s office decided to pursue 14 charges involving four of the alleged victims.

Two of the alleged victims took the stand in September and testified that Despatie made several sexual advances against them.

November 24, 2022 • Volume 37, No. 14 Next edition December 8 Dr. Plant 613-834-5959 T: 613-834-5959 | 2668A Innes Road, Gloucester | | FOLLOW US! OPEN 2 EVENINGS PER WEEK CROWNS + VENEERS NEW PATIENTS WELCOME INTRAVENOUS (IV) SEDATION FOR WISDOM TEETH REMOVAL RESTORING SMILES WITH IMPLANTS COVID PROTOCOLS IN PLACE Dr. Plant T: 613-834-5959 | 2668A Innes Road, Gloucester | | FOLLOW US!
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Ottawa mayor Mark Sutcliffe takes a selfie with his fellow councillors prior to being sworn into office on Nov. 15. See story on page 3. FRED SHERWIN PHOTO


Santa Claus is coming to town

ORLÉANS – After a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Santa’s Parade of Lights is back. The parade will take place this Saturday and will follow the traditional route down St. Joseph Boulevard from Youville Drive to Prestone Street. Ottawa Fire Fighters will be on hand along the parade route to collect toys and cash donations for families facing financial hardship in the Ottawa area. The Orléans parade is run in conjunction with the Help Santa Toy Parade, which takes place in downtown Ottawa and the Toy Mountain program organized by CTV Ottawa and the Salvation Army. Thousands of toys are collected every year which are then distributed to family resources centres in the city including the Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre. Last year, the Toy Mountain program managed to collect more than 20,000 toys despite the fact there were no parades. As in past years, Santa’s Parade of Lights will start at 6 p.m. and will take approximately 45 minutes to an hour to reach the Place d’Orléans Shopping Centre.

Despatie trial continues

Continued from page 1

One of the former students testified that during a “private detention” Despatie placed his hand on her thigh and moved it under her school uniform skirt until it brushed the edge of her underwear. At other times, Despatie would approach her during class and often put his hands on her.

She alleged that he would place his arm around her shoulder and stroking her upper arm or place a hand on her thigh while helping her work out a particular math problem. On occasion he would do both, she testified.

In cross-examining the witnesses, Despatie’s defence lawyer, Dean Embry, questioned their memory of the alleged incidents, at one point going so far as to challenged whether the incidents even happened at all.

When the trial resumed last week, another one of the alleged victims testified that Despatie sometimes made her to sit on his lap when they were alone in his class, and groped her breasts, thighs, and sometimes squeezed her neck to the point where it

became painful.

After the alleged incidents, she felt “so dirty” that she would take showers and scrub herself until her skin turned red.

During cross examination, Despatie’s lawyer once again questioned whether incidents actually happened to which the young woman responded that she would “very much” disagree with the lawyer’s assertion.

The court has also heard from one of the alleged victim’s parents who testified that she went to the school’s vice principal at the time of the incidents to complain about Despatie’s behaviour “but nothing ever happened”. Since Despatie was charged, more than half a dozen parents have said they also brought complaints to the school’s administrators against Despatie and they were basically ignored.

Both the Ottawa Catholic School Board and the Ontario Teachers College have launched separate investigations into how the complaints were handled. The results of those investigations have not yet been made public. The trial continues.


In a story entitled “Local francophone community upset over health hub name change” that appeared on page 9 of the Nov. 10 edition of the Orléans Star, the impression may have been given that there may have been a connection between a donation made by Yves Tremblay and the naming of the facility, even though Mr. Tremblay was quoted in the story as saying he had no involvement in the name change. The reporting also includes an excerpt from a letter in which Montfort Foundation president and CEO Marc Villeneuve writes that the naming of the health hub was the “exclusive responsibility of the Montfort Hospital’s board of directors”. The Orléans Star regrets that there was any allusion to a possible connection between Mr. Tremblay and the name change. The fact is that there was absolutely no connection whatsoever.

Then feel free to enter our new contest for a chance to win a $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE to one of our participating businesses. Simply let us know if you read the paper some of the time or all of the time and submit your answer to A draw will take place every two weeks. Last week’s winner was Shelly M.

2 • November 24, 2022 • Volume 37, No. 14

Newly sworn in council ready to get down to business

Ottawa’s newly elected city councillors were sworn in during a formal ceremony on Tuesday, Nov. 15. It was a day to celebrate with their spouses and family members whose lives were put on hold during the election campaign and who can now celebrate the fruits of their labour and sacrifices.

During a modest reception following the swearing-in ceremony, the thoughts of a number of councillors had already turned to the job ahead, including the thoughts of at least three of the four east end councillors who were all comfortably re-elected. (Orléans West-Innes councillor Laura Dudas was away on a trip that had been planned months in advance before the inauguration ceremony was moved up from its traditional date in early December.)

The first order of business of the new council will be to populate the city’s various standing committees and appoint the committee chairs.

As a councillor representing one of the fastest growing wards in the city, Orléans

South-Navan councillor Catherine Kitts is hoping to get on the planning and transportation committees.

“There’s no question that making sure our transportation and road networks keep up with our growth while maintaining public safety is one of the biggest issues in the ward, if not the biggest issue,” said Kitts, who was thrilled at the chance of attending her first post-pandemic inauguration ceremony.

“In 2020, I was sworn in in a room with no one else there. Because of the pandemic, my family had to watch on Zoom. So to have the chance to be sworn in with everybody else and have Shane (her fiancé) here is pretty special.”

As the longest-serving member of council, along with Kanata councillor Alan Hubley, Tuesday’s inauguration ceremony was old hat for Beacon Hill-Cyrville councillor Tim Tierney, who was first elected in 2010.

“I look forward to bringing a lot of knowledge and history to the council table and to make sure the decisions made by the new council are reflective of the things that have happened in the past,” Tierney said

after taking the oath of office for the fourth time.

As the one of the deans of the new council, Tierney is expected to be given chairmanship of one of the city’s key committees. Just which committee he would prefer to chair, Tierney refuses to say, only that he will serve on whatever committee the new mayor, Mark Sutcliffe, decides.

Orléans North-Cumberland councillor Matt Luloff already has his eye on the Library Board which he chaired during the last term of council.

All three councillors planned to meet as a group as soon as Laura Dudas returns from her trip abroad. Together they have become known as the “Eastern Block”. It’s a dynamic they plan to take full advantage of on the new council, half of which is made up of first-timers.

“With so many new faces around the table I think having a corner of the city where there’s a lot of experience will benefit the east,” says Kitts.

The first working council meeting still has to be scheduled.

November 24, 2022 • Volume 37, No. 14 • 3 Constituency Office 255 Centrum Blvd., 2nd floor Orléans, ON K1E 3W3 613.834.1800 CANADA Marie-France LALONDE MP/Députée Orléans Here to help YOU! /LalondeMF Call now to book your winter heating and fireplace maintenance. STAY SAFE. STAY WARM. INVEST IN A NEW FURNACE THIS WINTER. Fully Bilingual Service. We service all makes and models. (613) 830-1661 • (613) 835-2658 J.G. LEMAY J GL Heating & Air Conditioning Book Your New Furnace & Fireplace Insert Installation Now & Avoid the Rush Furnaces by • High-Efficiency Oil or Natural Gas Furnaces • Single or Two Stage Heating • Wood, Gas, Fireplace inserts and Stoves • Chimneys and Chimney Liners • Electric Furnace Installation, Repairs and Service • Sheet Metal Work and Ductwork Humidifiers from $399 Installed • 613.834.1796 CALL TO BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! 2035 Lanthier Dr., Orléans (Near Innes and 10th Line)

Common courtesy

There are few issues more controversial in our society than the wearing of face masks. Anti-maskers see them as being an infringement on their personal freedom, whether they are mandated or not, while the pro-mask camp sees them as a valuable tool in protecting and maintaining public health.

You may be surprised to learn that I come down somewhere in the gray middle ground. While I’m against mandatory mask mandates, except under the most extreme circumstances, I am in favour of wearing a face mask to protect one’s health, say on an airplane, but most importantly as a prevention in spreading communicable diseases such as COVID or the flu.

We all have a responsibility to not knowingly make other people sick It doesn’t matter whether you’re talking about an STD or the flu, one rule should be clear – keep it to yourself. It’s called “common courtesy”.

It also doesn’t matter whether it’s a pre-schooler attending a day care, or grown-up going to work. If you’re sick, stay home, and if you can’t stay home, at least have the common courtesy to wear a face mask so you’re not making the people around you sick as well.

I have several friends who are schoolteachers who are outraged over the number of people who are sending their kids to school hacking and wheezing with runny noses and no protection.

The situation is similar in a number of work spaces where people insist on going to work despite obviously being sick. This is especially true in places where people don’t have paid sick leave and it’s being exacerbated by an early serge in flu cases.

It’s gotten so bad, in fact, that Dr. Kieran Moore, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, is “strongly recommending” that Ontarians wear masks in all indoor public settings, including schools and childcare settings; however, he stopped short of recommending a return to a mask mandate in the province, which is the way it should be.

Like I said earlier, I am against legislated mask mandates. If you are not sick, you shouldn’t have to wear a mask. And if you are afraid of getting sick, then you should either get vaccinated or wear a mask – or both. But that’s an individual decision.

If you are sick, then you should absolutely be wearing a mask. To refuse to wear a mask and knowingly risk making those around you sick is the height of selfishness.

If there is one absolute truth it is that masks significant lower the risk of transmitting an airborne communicable virus. It doesn’t eliminate the risk altogether, but it does significantly lower the likelihood or probability of an individual spreading the virus.

So if you’re sick and you insist on going to work, riding the bus or going to school, mask up. Or better yet, just stay home.

Proposed Better Municipal Governance Act ‘undemocratic’

Since the Ford government was first elected in 2018, they have shown no respect for our democracy. Earlier this month, the Premier invoked the Notwithstanding Clause to limit free speech and limit collective bargaining rights for education workers.

The government’s previous housing bill, Bill 23, would remove people’s rights to appeal planning decisions and give the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing the power to override municipal planning decisions. Bill 23 would also defund Ontario’s conservations authorities and restrict the conservation authorities’ ability to review the environmental impact of development applications.

Stephen Blais Queen’s Park Corner

Bill 39 is to subvert our democracy. The consequences of this legislation will lead to centralized power to the mayor and select city councillors, while neglecting the voices of other council members and their community’s needs.

Currently, Toronto Mayor John Tory and newly elected Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe need to win the support of more than half of their city council to pass motions. If Bill 39 is passed, Mayor Tory and Mayor Sutcliffe will only need one in three councillors to vote with them.

Now, the government has moved to subvert our democracy further with the introduction of Bill 39, Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022.

The Ford government has introduced three housing bills in the last three months, each one consolidating more power into the hands of a select few.

By giving the Mayors of ‘Strong Cities’ the power to pass bylaws with support from only one-third of council, while previously providing the power to veto legislation, the Ontario government’s sole focus with

Municipalities across Ontario were elected just a few weeks ago from fair and just elections. Residents deserve to have their voices heard during the local decision-making process through their council members. Giving mayors a majority-rule to pass motions and by-laws does our democratic process an injustice.

Instead of tampering with our democracy, the government should focus on building affordable housing – in ways that don’t cause irreversible damage to Ontario’s conservation lands or carve up our Greenbelt.

4 • November 24, 2022 • Volume 37, No. 14 The Orléans Star is a bi-weekly publication distributed to over 40,000 residences in Blackburn Hamlet, Orléans and Navan. The newspaper is locally owned and operated by Sherwin Publishing Inc., 745 Farmbrook Cres., Orléans, ON. Inquiries and delivery issues should be sent to Fred Sherwin Owner and publisher Jody Maffett Editor

Anniversary a time to walk down memory lane

On Nov. 1, I celebrated a series of anniversaries. It was the 33rd anniversary of my first article in the Orléans Star. It was the 21st anniversary of, which I launched in 2001. And it was the sixth anniversary of my purchasing the Orléans Star from Transcontinental Media in 2016.

Those are a lot of milestones to be celebrated on one day. (In truth, I completely forgot about all three anniversaries until a week later, which is why it’s taking me so long to write about it.)

Thirty-three years is a long time to be writing about the same community. I once tried to figure out just how many stories I’ve written over the years and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s been a lot. I’ve written over 1,500 stories since I acquired the paper alone. Prior to that I wrote over 4,000 stories for, including one year when I wrote over 750 stories, columns and editorials. That’s a lot of words. It’s also a lot of interviews and photos and people who I have met along the way.

This journey I’ve been on started with a chance meeting with an old friend in the Hard Rock Café on York Street back in 1989. I had just returned to Ottawa after a stint with the

Up Front

Montréal Daily News as a staff photographer.

The paper had folded after only 18 months and I had returned to Ottawa with my tail between my legs, hoping to pick up enough freelance work to pay the rent.

On this particular night I ran into James MacArthur, who I got to know during a May long weekend in A-Bay, New York. I assumed that he was still with the Napanee Beaver. In fact, he had just been hired as the new editor of the Star.

When he informed me that they already had a photographer, I intimated to him that I had done some writing in Montréal, which was sort of true. I actually had written a total of three stories.

He offered to give me a try and invited me to write a guest column on whatever I wanted to. I decided to write a tongue-in-cheek piece

Every season is the right season to

calling for the abolition of Hallowe’en which generated a dozen letters to the editor from upset readers. It was more letters than they had received in the past four months, and just like that, I was given a regular weekly column. (The Star was a weekly newspaper back then.)

By the time I left The Star in 2001, I had written over 500 columns.

Five months later, I launched which was the first independent news and information website in Ontario that wasn’t married to a printed product.

Having my own website gave me a lot of freedom, if not a lot of money. I think the most money the website ever earned in a single year between 2001 and 2016, when I bought the paper, was $26,000.

In order to keep the website going and a roof over my head, I had to work a series of full-time jobs. But during that time I was able to organize the Greater Orléans Canada Celebration on Petrie Island for 12 years and I launched the Orléans Outstanding Youth Awards, which has recognized more than 250 outstanding youth over the years.

I wasn’t sure how much longer I could keep the website going in October 2016 when I found out from former Orléans Star

editor and colleague Michael Curran that Transcontinental was entertaining offers to sell the paper.

I made an offer, put the funding together in less than a week and rescued the paper from certain closure. The first order of business was to change it from a weekly to a biweekly to cut down on the costs and make it financially viable. The second step was to launch the Orléans Star’s sister paper the L’Orléanais

It hasn’t always been easy, especially during the pandemic when advertising took a 30 per cent hit. It still hasn’t completely bounced back, but at least we’ve been able to keep the paper afloat during a period when a number of other community papers in Canada haven’t been so lucky. And I say “we” because it would not have been possible without the support of our advertisers and you, the readers.

In the weeks ahead, we will be launching a program that will give our readers the opportunity to support the paper and help take it into the future, so we can celebrate many more anniversaries to come.

So thank you for reading the paper and thank you for supporting our advertisers. Together all things are possible.

November 24, 2022 • Volume 37, No. 14 • 5
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Now that election is over, it’s time to get down to work

As this is my first column as Councillor for Orleans East - Cumberland, I’d like to spend some time discussing the work that I will undertake over the course of this term.

I am very grateful for the trust you have placed in me, and I have returned to office with the same enthusiasm and a renewed sense of optimism for what we can accomplish together.

Receiving the second highest number of total votes in the city is a humbling experience, and I will work tirelessly to deliver results for this beautiful northeastern corner of our city.

I want to start by saying that Cumberland Village and our rural areas need some love. Infrastructure renewal, community infrastructure like a dog park and community garden for village residents and the establishment of a forum for local businesses like a BIA are ideas that I have already began to discuss with members of the community association.

We need to build an active transportation bridge across the 174 at Trim Station.

Crossing at grade and meandering along the realignment is not a long-term solution for students, cyclists and those living or going to school on the north side. If we want to make using the LRT easy, this is the best start.

We also need to ensure adequate park-and-ride space to serve commuters from Glengarry-PrescottRussell. While the former is partially funded, the latter is not. There is work to do.

I don’t have adequate space here today to get into many more of the specific areas

I’d like to tackle over the next four years, but I must say that the municipality needs to concentrate on its core competencies.

In a time of extreme inflation, there is no room in our family’s budget for pet projects, and there certainly is not in the city’s either. Having clear priorities and getting back to basics are the only ways to move forward. Let’s serve you properly and deliver the basic services you pay dearly for.

Just a reminder that if you have any issue you can contact my office at 613-580-2471 or e-mail

New city council facing smorgasbord of challenges

A new term has begun, and I am beyond honoured to continue to represent the residents of Ward 19.

You may have noticed our ward has been renamed Orléans SouthNavan, and the boundaries have also changed. For those neighbourhoods new to Ward 19, welcome! I look forward to working together. To the communities of Cumberland Village, Vars, Cardinal Creek Village, Queenswood Heights South and Fallingbrook South, Vars and Carlsbad Springs, it has been such a pleasure to serve as your councillor.

I’ll continue to work closely with your new representatives on all things east end.

This new council has no shortage of challenges to confront and I have some big goals and projects I want to accomplish in the next four years.

Orléans South-Navan is one of the fastest growing communities in Ottawa, and we need critical transportation infrastructure. Roads are congested, intersections are failing and yet this is where development is planned.

The time is now to resolve the Brian

Coburn extension dispute with the NCC to relieve pressure from Innes, address cycling safety on Renaud and improve transit, including making better use of the Chapel Hill South Park-and-Ride.

In the rural area, roads have been badly neglected, impacting our farming community and rural small businesses. We need to addresses the promises broken after amalgamation, be proud of our agricultural identity and invest in all corners of our city.

During this era of increasing inflation, rising construction costs and grocery bills, Council also needs to prioritize affordability, smart spending and predictable taxes.

Tackling speeding on our streets, community safety, reliable snow clearing, investing in our parks, protecting greenspace, better waste diversion and enhanced bilingual services are also my key priorities.

Despite the challenges we are confronted with, I am optimistic about this new mandate and am looking forward to working to better our community in all of the big and small ways that matter most to you.

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6 • November 24, 2022 • Volume 37, No. 14
in your neighbourhood at 1980 Trim Road in Orléans. Wi l lowbend R etiremen t . co m
Catherine Kitts
Orléans South-Navan
Orléans North-Cumberland
Matt Luloff

Chez Shawarma committed to quality under new owner

Chez Shawarma is changing hands. After running the Lebanese restaurant for the past 10 years, Kassem Cheatani has decided to sell the business and go back into retirement.

The former teacher came out of retirement in 2017 to take over the full-time operation of the restaurant which he had opened as a Prince Gourmet franchise in 2009.

In 2019, Cheatani split away from Prince Gourmet and underwent a rebranding under the new name, Chez Shawarma. Four months later, the COVID pandemic hit and thoughts of going back into retirement were put on the backburner as he struggled to keep the business afloat along with many other restaurant owners.

Fortunately, Cheatani and Chez Shawarma is blessed with dozens of loyal customers, many of whom would place orders from the parking lot during the series of shutdowns.

“These people, I mean, I can’t thank them enough. I am so appreciative of all of our customers. They are what made coming to work such a joy,” says Cheatani. “I think I will miss them the most.”

Cheatani began thinking about selling the restaurant in the spring, but he would only sell the business under the right circumstances to

the right person. That’s where Ali Badreddine comes into the picture.

Badreddine has been in the restaurant business for over 15 years. In fact, he helped Cheatani’s brother open up the very first Prince Gourmet location in Orléans back in 2006. He is also from the same village in Lebanon that Cheatani is from and they have known each other for many years.

When Badreddine first heard that Cheatani night be willing to sell Chez Shawarma, he was immediately interested. After all the restaurant is one of the most successful Lebanese eateries in the city.

“It was easy for me to decide,” says Badreddine, who also owns a shawarma restaurant in Kanata. “First, I knew it was a first-class place because Kassem owned it and I knew it was doing well as a business.”

Badreddine is fully aware that the restaurant has a loyal clientele who have come to expect high quality fresh ingredients and excellent customer service. He has pledged to maintain those standards and even improve on them where possible.

One thing regulars of the restaurant will immediately notice is the flavour. Badreddin has switched to his own beef and chicken marinades which he has perfected over several years. The spice combinations are

bigger, bolder and more flavourful than in the paste. The fattoush salad dressing and hummus, both of which are Cheatani’s own recipes, will stay the same,

Badreddine plans to introduce a few new menu items in the weeks and months ahead and will gauge how popular they are with the customers to determine if they will stay on the menu or not.

One thing Badreddine is committed to keeping is the keto menu, which is the largest of it’s kind in Orléans and extremely popular with customers who are on a carb-free keto diet.

He is also committed to keeping Chez Shawarma’s many customers happy.

“The customers are the most important part of any business and I plan to make sure they stay that way,” says the new owner.

The 2022 Orléans Outstanding Youth Awards

The Arts – Academics – Sports Community Service – Humanitarianism

Do you know someone in your community under the age of 18 whose talents and abilities set them apart during the past year? If so, why not consider nominating them for the Orléans Outstanding Youth Awards? Nominees must be 17 years old or younger as of Sept. 1, 2022, and reside within the City of Ottawa east of Blair Road. Nominees will be judged on their accomplishments between Oct. 1, 2021 and Sept. 30, 2022. All submissions must include the name, address and phone number of both the nominee and the nominator as well as a resume of the nominee’s accomplishments. There are no categories per se – those nominated will be judged on their accomplishments in any one area, or a combination of areas. Nominations can be submitted by e-mail to or regular mail to The Orléans Star c/o 745 Farmbrook Cres., Orléans ON, K4A 2C1. The deadline for entries is Nov. 15. For additional information visit, or call Fred Sherwin at 613-447-2829.

November 24, 2022 • Volume 37, No. 14 • 7
Kassem Cheatani has turned over ownership of Chez Shawarma on Innes Road to long-time associate Ali Badreddine (left). FRED SHERWIN PHOTO
Last call for nominations


Setting the record straight on Sixth Crossing testing

To the editor:

I read with interest your article earlier this week and I would like to clarify a few things that are not factual.

In your first paragraph, you mention that the NCC is responsible for the geotechnical studies. In fact, the geotechnical studies are conducted by Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) which has taken over as the lead agency on the six crossings a few years back.

From October to December 2022, PSPC is undertaking a field study to collect additional geotechnical data in the Ottawa River. The results of the geotechnical study will be used to understand whether a site may be appropriate to support the structure of a potential crossing.

In addition to the data refresh, the PSPC led project office coordinates information gathering and data collection to support the preparation of a business case. PSPC created the dedicated project office following Budget 2021. The project office is responsible for work concerning an additional NCR crossing

Also, on the comments from residents and elected officials on the refresh studies, I would like to point out that, the federal budget of 2019 provided direction to the NCC to refresh existing technical studies on an

additional interprovincial crossing in the NCR and for the development of the Long-Term Integrated Interprovincial Crossings Plan (LTIICP).

The refresh studies were completed in 2021 and the LTIICP plan was developed by the NCC in collaboration with over 3,000 people who participated in engagement activities as well as the cities of Ottawa and Gatineau, the province of Ontario, the province of Quebec, PSPC and transit authorities.

In addition, Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) engaged WSP Canada Group Limited to assist with conceptual designs, cost estimates, and a refreshed assessment and evaluation of three potential corridors, for internal use to inform their departmental work.

As a reminder, their dedicated Sixth Crossing project office will use data from the aforementioned studies as well as the Origin Destination Survey, currently underway and led by the TRANS Committee (Ottawa, Gatineau, MTO, MTQ, NCC), and an upcoming Commercial Goods Movement Survey. These new data will be used by PSPC to help inform the government on its options for an additional NCR crossing. I hope this helps.

8 • November 24, 2022 • Volume 37, No. 14 % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Sledding Safety - Helmet Discount - 9.75x5.5.pdf 1 2022-11-18 1:49 PM

Looking for a unique item for that special person on your Christmas list? Well, there is a store just 10 minutes from Orléans that offers one-of-a-kind gift items made by local artists and artisans in nearly every price range. Da Artisti Studio and Gallery is located just east of Orléans in the heart of Cumberland Village.

The studio specializes in fused glasswork made by Wendy Canci and Martine Marceau, from gorgeous wall hangings, decorative bowls to sushi sets, clocks and more. No two pieces are alike. The multi-coloured glass comes to life as the light is reflected off each glass element. You won’t find anything like it in Orléans. The same can be said for the stained glass creations made by Diana Atkinson.

The gallery carries unique jewelry, scarves, soaps, candles and so much more. This year, the gallery will be selling wood Christmas Trees which are sure to brighten your porch.

The walls of the gallery are adorned by paintings in watercolours, oils, acrylics as well as by pyrography and marquetry pieces.

Among the local artist featured at Da Artisti is Deborah Lyall who specializes in fibre and textile art. Deborah will be at the

Cumberland studio offers unique one-of-a-kind gift items

studio for the Cumberland Christmas Market on Saturday, Dec. 3 where she will have several creations for sale from handbags to clothing to small original art pieces. Each piece makes its own statement using her unique and colourful graphics.

Deborah will be joined at the studio by fellow artist Hélène Charbonneau and jewelry maker Nathalie Brunelle. To make Dec. 3 even more special, Ian Hepburn, a virtuoso of the harp, will be playing live between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.

When you enter Da Artisti, you will also find fine woodwork creations by Ron Lacroix, Serge and Sheila Parisien, Stan Morrow and Lionel Bédard; metal sculptures by Ron Matton; and ceramics by potter and sculptor Colette Beardall.

The cabinets are filled with handmade jewelry by Nathalie Brunelle, Barbara Ham and Janet Evans. You will be surprised by how affordable they are. The gallery also carries lovely woven scarves made by Ian Hepburn.

Every holiday season Da Artisti hosts an exhibition of small and affordable works by local artists. This year, you can treat yourself or a loved one to the works of Danielle Beaulieu (watercolour), Brian Phillips (marquetry), Joanne Lacroix (pyrography), Pamela Stewart (mixed media), Maureen

Mitchell (oil) and Mary Douglas (acrylic). The exhibit is on until Dec. 31.

Da Artisti is just minutes away from Orléans. The gallery is filled with artwork by artists and artisans from around the area. The quality of the artwork cannot be overstated. You would have to travel to the Byward Market or Merrickville to get the same type of craftmanship you will find at Da Artisti.

In fact, almost everything at the gallery can fit into any Christmas shopping budget

or you can simply purchase a Da Artisti gift certificate which can be redeemed for merchandise, or classes at a later date.

Da Artisti is open Wednesday and Thursday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. They are closed Monday and Tuesday.

You can visit their website at on their Facebook page at DaArtisti.

November 24, 2022 • Volume 37, No. 14 • 9
The Da Artisti Studio and Gallery in Cumberland Village is full of one-of-kind, unique gift ideas created by local artists and artisans. STAFF PHOTO

Community resource centre launches Christmas program

The Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre (OCCRC) needs your help. As in years past, the OCCRC plans to provide seasonal food items and gifts for area families experiencing financial hardship during this holiday season.

More than 950 individuals benefited from the program last year, which included 267 families and 470 children.

But demand is expected to be even higher this holiday season. In the past year, the OCCRC has seen an unprecedented increase of over 160 individuals per month, with children making up 48 percent of the food bank’s clientele compared to 37 percent at the municipal level.

While several factors have contributed to the increase in demand for services, much of it is due to the impact inflation has had on the cost of living, especially the cost of groceries.

According to OCCRC Executive Director Luc Ouellette, inflation has deepened the challenge for many local families to make it through the holiday season. The Christmas

2022 Christmas Program

many parents during these challenging times. and parents,” says Ouellette. “But thanks to the generosity of those people who are able to donate to the Christmas program, we can help them provide a gift for their kids.”

Donations are being accepted in $50 increments, with each family getting a $50 Program banner, or scanning the QR code. The link will take you to a page where you can download a fillable registration form or make a direct donation. Funds are also being collected by the food bank to help stock the shelves for the busy holiday season.

Parents facing financial hardship who wish to register for the 2022 Christmas Program can do so by calling 613-830-4357.

This year, with the assistance of area donors, the OCCRC can help make the holidays a little easier for those in our community who need it most. With your help, they can ensure that every child in our community has food and a gift this holiday season.

10 • November 24, 2022 • Volume 37, No. 14 H e l p u s r a i s e m o n e y f o r d e s e r v i n g l o c a l f a m i l i e s a t C h r i s t m a s ! LIVE MUSIC SILENT AUCTION RAFFLE CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS ANGELS ANGELS 11TH ANNUAL 30+ PRIZES TO BE WON SATURDAY DEC 10 @ 7PM T I C K E T S O N S A L E B E G I N N I N G D E C E M B E R 1 s t P U R C H A S E I N - P E R S O N A T T A P R O O M 2 6 0 O R O N L I N E T A P R O O M 2 6 0 . C O M / C H R I S T M A S RAFFLE TICKETS $10 EACH OR 3 FOR $20 ii" \ Beacon Lite Traffic Control Specialists Toys and Cash donations will be collected by Firefighters alo:g t�e route! St. Joseph Blvd. (Youville Drive to Prestone Drive) I 613-526-2625
Scan the QR code for details!

The St. Matthew Tigers rise from the basement to the penthouse was completed last week with a 20-13 win over the St. Joseph Jaguars in the Tier 1 city championship game.

It was just a year ago that the Tigers limped to a 1-3 record in a truncated season that saw them forfeit two games when injuries left them with too few players to finish the contest.

This year’s turnaround started on Sept. 22 with a 46-0 win over the St. Peter Knights. What followed was 6-0-1 run. The lone tie came against the Ashbury Colts which they managed to avenge in the semi-finals with a 50-21 win.

The Jaguars topped the west division with a perfect 6-0 record, including a 17-3 win over the St. Peter Knights in their semi-final.

The championship game was played on

St. Matt Tigers roar to city championship

Wednesday, Nov. 16 on a snow-covered field at Carleton University, making the traction tricky at best. But that didn’t stop St. Matt’s running back Hugo Djeumeni from racking up 109 yards on 15 carries in the first half alone.

The Jaguars’ defence was fed a steady diet of Djeumeni resulting in seven first downs, three touchdowns and a 20-6 lead by the end of the first half

The Tigers first touchdown came on a 10-yard run up the middle by quarterback Jackson Plante on their opening drive of the game that was set up by a 41-yard punt return by Djeumeni.

The second touchdown was scored on a 50-yard pass up the middle from Plante to Jahim Kabongo who managed to get behind two defenders. The play was set up be five straight runs by Djeumeni covering 40 yards.


November 24, 2022 • Volume 37, No. 14 • 11 5369 Canotek Rd. 613-841-7867 •
Members of the St. Matthew Tigers varsity football pose with the championship trophy after beating the St. Joseph Jaguars 20-13 to win the NCSSAA Tier 1 title. FRED SHERWIN PHOTO
12 • November 24, 2022 • Volume 37, No. 14 2020 Mer Bleue Road Ottawa ON K4A 0G2 MONDAY: 10 A.M.- 5:30 P.M. TUESDAY: 10 A.M.- 5:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY: 10 A.M.- 5:30 P.M. THURSDAY: 10 A.M.- 9 P.M. 450.234.5066 STORE HOURS FRIDAY: 10 A.M.- 9 P.M. SATURDAY: 10 A.M.- 5 P.M. SUNDAY: 10 A.M.- 5 P.M. PAID TAXES on furniture and mattresses at regular prices NEW STORE IN ORLÉANS ! WILLIAM TABLE WITH 4 CHAIRS 903513 MANITOBA SECTIONAL WASHER & DRYER SET 905099 119999 179999 220998 149999 219999 239999 SINCE 2005 APPLIANCES MATTRESSES FURNITURE *Promotion valid until December 4. OPPOSITE CONFIGURATION AVAILABLE 901651

Tigers win first Tier 1 gridiron title since 2017

Continued from page 11

The Jaguars answered back with their first major score of the game which came on a spectacular 46-yard run by #24 who broke three tackles on his way to the end zone.

Plante and Kabongo would hook up again on the Tigers’ third touchdown, this time on a 61-yard pass that was set up by 29-yard run by Djeumeni. A two-point conversion throw from Plante to Christos Zigoumis made the score 20-6.

What looked like a comfortable lead at the half-time break, slowly evaporated in the third quarter as the Jaguar’s defence stiffened and prevented the Tigers from building any momentum.

St. Joseph meanwhile threatened to score on their opening series of the half before Cole Hamilton broke up a sure touchdown pass in the end zone to keep the score at 206.

The Jaguars would eventually score on a pair of runs by #24 to narrow the Tigers’ lead to a converted touchdown.

A key moment in the game came two series later when #24 suffered a head injury and had to be taken out of the game, removing the Jaguars’ main offensive threat for the rest of the contest.

St. Joseph would get one more chance to tie the game late in the fourth quarter but their drive stalled on the Tigers 11-yard line when St. Matt’s stuffed a third and three attempt. From there, the Tigers were able to put a long series together assisted by several penalties against the Jaguars.

A pair of first downs on their last series of the game allowed the Tigers to run out the clock and claim their first Tier 1 football

championship since the school won back-toback titles in 2016 and 2017.

Djeumeni finished the game with 122 yards rushing on 21 carries and two catches for nine yards.

Plante was 11-for-18 for 178 yards and two touchdowns. His favourite target was Kabongo who hauled in four catches for 128 yards and two touchdowns. The St. Matt’s quarterback also ran the ball six times for 46

yards and a touchdown.

Cole Hamilton, Christo Zigoumis, William Savard, John Byrne and Seyiram Soga also got in on the action with a catch each and Antonio Bonhomme made a key interception in the first half.

St. Matt’s had 352 yards in total offence compared to 204 yards for St. Joseph. The Tigers also had more first downs in the game – 12 to 6.

November 24, 2022 • Volume 37, No. 14 • 13

Shenkman Arts Centre is full of gifts this season

There’s a lot happening at Shenkman Arts Centre for the rest of 2022 and in to 2023.

Whether you are looking for a show to enjoy yourself, or a gift for someone special in your life, there is something for everyone!

This December kicks off with the Orléans Christmas Baazer. Taking place on Dec. 3 and Dec. 4, there is plenty of time to enjoy a stroll around this unique, local Christmas market. End the year with the 11th Annual New Year’s Eve Comedy Night featuring Frank Spadone and Cassie Cao. These hilarious headliners are sure to have you entering 2023 with a smile.

Looking ahead, there’s family fun on Jan. 28 as kid favourite Jeremy Fisher jumps on stage to entertain the youngest of theatre goers. The fun continues on Feb. 11 with the return of Fête Frissons. Enjoy a spectacular fun day during the coldest of winter months.

There’s a music theme for the month of March as Adrian Sutherland performs his roots-rock sound on Mar. 4. Great Big Sea’s Séan McCann wows fans on Mar. 11 with The Great Big Song Book, and The

Irish Rovers will provide the perfect entertainment on St. Patrick’s Day.

The Shenkman Arts Centre teams up with MIFO to present family show Walter Ego on Mar. 15. On Mar. 28 TREATY: A Reconciliation Revelry celebrates Indigenous contributions to Canada, and A’Court, Spiegel & Vinnick put on An International Roots ‘n’ Blues Kitchen Party on April 18.

If you can’t choose a show from the list, then you can purchase a gift card to brighten up someone’s holiday season! For more information visit

14 • November 24, 2022 • Volume 37, No. 14 Boasfestas! Boasfestas! 3712 Innes Rd. (beside Food Basics) 613-424-9200 • Celebratetheholidaysbydiningoutat CaravelaRestaurante.Whetheritbea romanticdinnerfortwo,ordiningoutwithyour lovedones.Callforyourreservationtoday! Dec
at Shenkman Arts Centre Experience it Live Dec
11 am to 4 pm
2095 St.
21 2 pm
31 9 pm An Afternoon of Nostalgia A concertdelightfulfeaturing nostalgic songs and seasonal favourites with coffee and treats after the show.
3 & 4
Reserve your table today by calling: 613-824-5557
Orléans |
DEC. 3 AT 7 PM.
show only! Prepare to be delighted by the lovely & captivating Joëlle! Reserve early –our shows sell out quickly!
Adrian Sutherland Sean McCann Jeremy Fisher


SANTA’S PARADE OF LIGHTS beginning at 6 p.m. at the corner of St. Joseph Blvd. and Youville Dr. The parade will follow it’s traditional route down St. Joseph Blvd. to the Orléans Town Centre.




THE OTTAWA SCHOOL OF THEATRE presents “The True Story of the Girl Who Saved Christmas, and Maybe Even

The World” at the Shenkman Arts Centre. Showtimes Friday, at 6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Adults $15. Age 25 and under $10. Family package (2 adults and children) $40. Tickets can be purchased at

DEC. 2 to DEC. 18

VINTAGE VILLAGE OF LIGHTS at the Cumberland Heritage Village Museum in Cumberland Village. Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from Dec. 2 through to Dec. 18. Time: 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Enjoy the postcard-perfect scenery of a 1920s and 30s village on foot as you explore the festive light displays and true-to-era buildings at Cumberland Heritage Village Museum. Take in colourful vignettes highlighting traditions of yesteryear, visit with Santa, and more. Continue the fun at home with a take-away cookie decorating kit and an online playlist of seasonal music from the interwar years! Cost: $25 per group (maximum of 6 people per group; at least one adult must be present to accompany children).




– 7:30 p.m. at the Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre, 355 Cooper St. Ottawa. Tickets $10 for students and $25 for general admission. Visit www. to buy tickets. Online streaming also available.



are pleased to announce their first public concert since 2019, “That Winter’s Night” with special guest choir , The Ottawa Carleton Male Choir and violinist Erik Johnson-Scherger. 7:30pm at Orléans United Church, 1111 Orléans Blvd. Tickets $20 available at the door.

Anna Lécuyer (née Sauvé)

Passed away on November 16, 2022

Médéric Danel Bouchard, 65

Passed away on November 15, 2022

Médéric Joseph LeBreton, 60

Passed away on November 9, 2022


PRICE DROP – 2007 Zinger by Crossroads. Excellent condition. 25-foot travel trailer. Two slide outs plus awning. Sleeps 8. One private bedroom with door. Equipped with A/C, heat, sofa, stove, fridge, microwave, dining table, TV antenna and 4-piece bathroom. Lots of storage space. Asking $14,800. Must be seen to be appreciated. CALL 613-822-7222

November 24, 2022 • Volume 37, No. 14 • 15 BUSINESS DIRECTORY REAL ESTATE HOME RENOVATIONS •General Contractor• Residential services - Framing - Drywall - Flooring - Trim - Plumbing - Electrical - Floor/ Wall Tiling - Concrete - Parging - Decks - Fences - Windows - Doors - Drywall repairs - Deliveries Free estimates Fully insured Pat Lavigne Flooring QUALITY & SERVICE FOR LESS! 613-292-6339 • 613-824-0860 1439 Youville Dr., Unit 4, Orléans GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING CHURCH LISTING Please come and join us in worship and fellowship Weekly Sabbath Services (Saturday) at 1:00 p.m. PLEASE JOIN US FOR ENRICHING MESSAGES AND DISCUSSIONS. Please call or email for location 613-416-1533 or cogcanada Church of God International Canada Quality Residential & Commercial Work • interior & exterior painting • • drywall & plaster repair • finish carpentry • PAINTERS IN MEMORIAM
CALL 613-822-7222 Private Readings & Tarot Card Do You Need Help In: Love • Marriage Family • Success Health • Happiness Business • Romance #1 in Canada GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS


16 • November 24, 2022 • Volume 37, No. 14 AÉROPORT EXÉCUTIF GATINEAUOTTAWA PETRIE ISLAND Highway174 OldMontrealRoad Frank Kenney Road Trim Road Sales Hours Mon, Tues, Wed – 12pm to 7pm Thurs & Fri – Closed Sat & Sun – 12pm to 5pm 613 830-8467
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