Orlando Vacation Rentals or Hotels? Make Your Choice

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Orlando Vacation Rentals or Hotels? Make Your Choice

Orlando is an exciting place to visit, and with hundreds of thousands hotel rooms and thousands of vacation homes, there are plenty of choices for the tourist. Yet amidst all the excitement of trying to procure Universal Studios vacation packages or planning the trip to Disney World, those on vacation tend to overlook the type of accommodations which would suit them best.

As you are about to see, there is no definite answer to the question of suitability because each individual and family have their own needs and desires.

Hotels in the city are a short distance from Disney World because the theme park is closer to Kissimmee than the city of Orlando.

If those looking for a party weekend in the city can get access to Orlando vacation rentals then they are in luck. Each of these houses has all the ingredients for a party including a wealth of space and quite likely a swimming pool in the backyard.

If you are willing to pay extra, you may even have a Jacuzzi. Houses are ideal for entertaining, as they are equipped with kitchens and refrigerators. It is simply important to always keep your neighbors in mind when entertaining on vacation.

Likewise, rental homes are an ideal place for a family because they are extremely private. Not only is there far more space than a hotel, there are no shared facilities. People really looking to have a wild vacation or one where they don’t have to lift a finger may be better served staying in Orlando hotels because you will be able to order food at all hours of the night and will be close to nightlife.

You are also likely to meet some very interesting people during your stay. Hotel rooms themselves may not offer the space a family needs, although on-site amenities are quite nice. However, many vacation homes also come with amenities such as community playgrounds or even private pools.

Orlando is full of sights and sounds that every individual can enjoy. Orlando vacation rentals work out nicely for large families who are taking a long vacation.

If you are hoping to visit Disney World, it may be the best thing to talk with an agency that specializes in Orlando vacations.

For more information about Orlando hotels and Universal Studios Vacation Packages, please check out www.orlandovacation.com

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