Rocky Mountain Mason – Issue 1

Page 47


The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite


ongratulations and best wishes to Brother Ben Williams on the inaugural issue of this magazine. I am looking forward what I hope will be further education and light in our pursuit of knowledge and perfection. I am attempting to make myself write this in December for publication in March. I don’t remember volunteering to do so, but must have forgotten my army training and the Grand Masonic Word “NO”, because here I am. Can you remember December of 2012? We were at the edge of the fiscal cliff; twenty–seven innocent children and teachers had just been tragically slain in Connecticut; two firemen had been ambushed and killed by an ex-felon who had bludgeoned his grandmother to death years ago, then killed his sister and himself; there was a mass murder at a midnight movie in Aurora., Colorado; tens of thousands Syrians had been killed by their own government and were still dying; Christians and women were being marginalized and in fear of repression in Egypt; China has a new super Aircraft Carrier; and Iran is about to have the “Bomb”. I wonder what the new year will bring. I am, however, absolutely sure that now more than ever those three great tenants of our profession as Masons are critically needed to be shared and taught to the World. Where better to start than right here at home. If our Lodges, Consistories, and Commanderys, would only find the means to spread our philosophy to those so in need of hope, meaning, and purpose in their lives I know we can make a difference. If we do not decide to make a difference, who will? If not now, when? In order to spread light and knowledge with greater efficiency than mouth-to-ear, publications such as this one are essential. If you are able, get involved and share your thoughts and insights on those matters important to you and your communities. The very genesis of speculative Masonry was the opportunity for men to gather and engage in social and intellectual intercourse about the great question of their time. Please stay involved and continue the quest. I look forward as I hope we all do to what the New Year will bring. Fraternally.

Stephen M. Munsinger, 33º Hon. Stephen Munsinger, 33º Sovereign Grand Inspector General Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Orient of Colorado

• Lodge of Perfection, Ineffable Degrees 4º 5º 6º 7º 8º 9º 10º 11º 12º 13º 14º

Secret Master Perfect Master Intimate Secretary Provost & Judge Intendant of the Building Elu of the Nine (Elected Knight of the Nine) Elu of the Fifteen (Illustrious Elect of the Fifteen Elu of the Twelve (Sublime Knight Elect of the Twelve) Master Architect Royal Arch of Solomon (Knight of the Ninth Arch) Perfect Elu (Grand Elect & Sublime Mason)

• Chapter of Rose Croix 15º 16º 17º 18º

Knight of the East, of the Sword or of the Eagle Prince of Jerusalem Knight of the East & West Knight Rose Croix

• Council of Kadosh 19º 20º 21º 22º 23º 24º 25º 26º 27º 28º 29º 30º

Grand Pontiff Master of the Symbolic Lodge Noachite or Prussian Knight Knight Royal Axe, Prince of Libanus Chief of the Tabernacle Prince of the Tabernacle Knight of the Brazen Serpent Prince of Mercy or Scottish Trinitarian Knight Commander of the Temple Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept Scottish Knight of Saint Andrew Knight of Kadosh or Knight of the White and Black Eagle

• Consistory 31º 32º

Inspector Inquisitor Master of the Royal Secret

• Court of Honor 32º KCCH Honor 33º 33º GCCH

Rocky Mountain Mason

Knight Commander of the Court of Inspector General Honorary Grand Cross of the Court of Honor


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