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Identifying and assessing high performing distributors – for successful distribution in your target country.


Effective teamwork – the basis of all success.

SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCHING A PRODUCT ON A NEW MARKET REQUIRES TOP-PERFORMING DISTRIBUTORS. Medicinal and medical products can only be successfully internationalised

package, orangeglobal draws on its entire service portfolio. Maximise

with the right distribution partner in the right target market. However,

your success in internationalising your products by establishing a reliable

correctly identifying this distributor without an intimate knowledge of

local base in your target markets and rest assured that all of your

local conditions can be a formidable challenge.

distribution needs are dependably taken care of – by orangeglobal.

orangeglobal is the leading Medical Globalisation Provider and specialises in providing its clients with comprehensive support, at a global level, every step of the way in tackling this task – from organising and managing local distributor searches to supporting your sales operations once your

Give us a try! We identify and assess high performing distributors – for successful world-wide distribution.

new partners have been successfully recruited. In delivering this service

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orangeglobal YOUR SPECIALIST FOR FINDING THE RIGHT DISTRIBUTION PARTNER TO GIVE YOU THE RIGHT COMPETITIVE EDGE. orangeglobal uses an iterative, modular process to support its successful distributor acquisition and distributor partnerships. Before commencing a search, we always first define the required number of potential candidates with you: Module 1 – Searching, evaluating and pre-selecting potential candidates Developing a set of distributor specifications and requirements

together with you as the client and defining a set of exclusion criteria Performing an extensive search for suitable candidates in the target

with this potential distributor. It will substantially add to and surpass any reference-based evaluations and provide high quality and valuable additional information that can be key to the success of your future collaboration with your new local partner.


Preparing the contents and a rough design for the assessment in

Establishing contact, evaluating and pre-selecting the first candidates

close consultation with you as the client (e.g. agreeing the areas that

Putting together all of the information and presenting the information

need to be assessed, such as communication, workflows, know-how,

data and patent protection, compliance, logistics, customer service

and key personnel)

on the pre-selected candidates in a report Outcome: You will receive information on a number of high-quality

Creating an assessment sheet

potential distributors that will meet your specifications as closely as

Discussing your specifications with the candidate

possible. Using the information from the report, you will then be able

Organising all administrative operations including, for example,

to start your negotiations and enter into talks with these distributors.

Module 2 – Assessing potential distributors

Outcome: The assessment will substantially contribute to the success of the

Based on module 1, we will then provide you with extensive support

selection process and provide you with the greatest possible reassurance

for organising and performing a detailed distributor assessment.

that you have selected the best possible candidate and hence minimise the

This assessment will create a reliable basis for all future collaborations

risk of choosing the wrong one.

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communication and coordinating travel

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orangeglobal WITH YOU ALL THE WAY – FROM THE START TO THE FINISH OF SUCCESSFULLY DEVELOPING A NEW MARKET. orangeglobal is a comprehensive service provider and also offers

organisation of the internationalisation of your documentation –

qualified services for effective project implementation and for ensuring

from the organisational and design process, which takes into account

a smooth partnership once you have chosen your one – or several –

individual, cultural and regulatory requirements, to its international

distribution partners.

release. This is because this is the only way to assure that the documents used in the various target markets are of the same high quality and

orangeglobal's service portfolio for supporting your collaboration with

that it is reliable.

your distribution partners includes services for taking care of all regulatory affairs, all of your marketing, and managing and meeting all of your

orangeglobal can also provide, to your specifications: An international

linguistic and localisation needs. If you wish, orangeglobal can also centrally

full service package for regulatory affairs, marketing, selecting and

manage all of your distribution partners in your different target markets

implementing software systems, qualified expert leasing and much more.

for you, or help you to organise centralised launch processes. Please refer to the end of this brochure and contact us for more When doing so, orangeglobal puts particular emphasis on the integral

information on our individual orangeglobal services.

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SOLUTIONS THAT DELIVER, STRATEGIES THAT WORK. orangeglobal. YOUR ONE-STOP PARTNER FOR SUCCESS. orangeglobal is a certified service provider for all internationalisation

What makes us so sure that we can help you? The fact that we have

processes. Our expertise covers the entire value chain and applies to

created a pool of more than 3,000 highly-qualified healthcare experts

nearly every country – including their linguistic, cultural and regulatory

over the past 40 years. Worldwide. And because we know the special


requirements and processes that dominate the healthcare industry inside out.

Studies: planning, coordination, implementation, QA, evaluation –

at a global level and in compliance with ICH-GCP Regulatory Affairs: consultation, documentation, submission

and maintenance – worldwide and competent


Vigilance: pharmaceutical drug safety and risk management –

reliable and in conformity with the law Marketing: market research, design, creation, brand management –

Shorter time-to-market

Quality enhancement

Cost minimisation

Greater security

360 on- and off-line communication o

Distribution: identification and qualification of strong distribution

partners – with precision and specifically for each target market

Try us: +49 (0) 731 954 95 - 84

More than 800 active customers across the globe greatly value our five Centres of Competence and our comprehensive service portfolio.



Tel +49 (0) 731 954 95 - 50

Managing Director: Harald Schmid

Business Services GmbH

Fax +49 (0) 731 954 95 - 60

Registered in the Commercial Register at

Am Sudhaus 9

the local court in Ulm under no HRB 1672

89077 Ulm, Germany

VAT Reg. no DE147035118 Tax no 88003/58758

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