Wednesday May 29-June 4, 2019 Edition

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WEDNESDAY May 29 - June 4, 2019


Bayelsa governorship May 29: Buhari’s election: Arch. policies, Reuben Okoya programmes as beautiful bride •P13

ISSN: 2545-5869


–Sola Sobowale


Agenda for new governments… •P38

VOL.4 No.21 N200


I dropped out of school to pursue acting career

fail the economy

Ijeh calls for adequate preparation for Eagles •P35

•Security is key •Increased agricultural production imperative •Industrialisation/

economic diversification indispensable •Employment/youth empowerment needed •Quality and affordable education •Social infrastructure upgrade/ construction

• Ikpeazu






s the President, C o m m a n d er-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Alhaji Muhammadu Buhari and 29 of the 36 State governors in Nigeria are sworn in on Wednesday, May 29, 2019, for a second term or to begin fresh mandates, political pundits have avvered

that, in the light of the socio-economic and political challenges facing Nigeria at the moment, the re-elected or newly elected chief executives being sworn in must hit the ground running or fall by the wayside sooner than later. According to a high-ranking APC insider who did not want to be named, “we

Cont’d on page 2



•Sanwolu •Wike •Okowa

May 30: IPOB lashes out at ‘traitors’, warns of ‘day of reckoning’ •P2 Page 10


Ex-Senators beg SDP senatorial candidate to withdraw suit against Ekwunife From OZO RAY, Awka


ormer senators of Anambra-central senatorial district have made a passionate appeal to the candidate of the Social Democratic Party for Anambra Central in the 2019 National Assembly elections, Barr.Tony Chukwuelue to discontinue his suit against the unlawful exclusion of his name and political party from the ballot papers by the Independent National Electoral Commission ( INEC ). The position of the former representatives of the zone were contained in a press release jointly signed by ex-senators Ebenezer Ikeyina, Ben Ndi Obi , Annie Okonkwo and Ikechukwu Abana and issued to jurnalists in Awka on Tuesday . They said the press release was issued in with regard to the election petition filed by the candidate of the SDP Barr.Tony Chukwuelue challenging the result of the 2019 Anambra Central senatorial district election on grounds of unlawful exclusion by INEC during the National Assembly election held on 23rd February this year . The former senators noted that in as much as they recognise a candidate’s right or political party’s right to challenge the conduct or result of an election at the tribunal, they were also of the firm view that Anambra Central cannot afford to go through another endless post-election litigations as was the case in 2015 which they said had negative impact on the senatorial zone for three years . The elder statesmen maintained that though

Cont’d on page 2

Okorocha: I will hand over N42bn to Ihedioha –Okorocha


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 - June 4, 2019


Agenda for the new governments… Cont’d from Pg 1

must recognise that the time for politics is not now; all of us in APC, indeed Nigeria, must roll up our sleeves and get down into the trenches and work. We need to deliver result to Nigerians in the next years in terms of democracy dividends or be doomed politically.” There are several areas in which the incoming administrations must deliver results or be damned, experts have warned. These are agricultural production, industrialisation/economic diversification, employment, security and youth empowerment through quality education and skills acquisition, among others. Although there has been an appreciable increase in agricultural production in the past four years, for instance, a lot still needs to be done to give agriculture its pride of place in Nigeria. As it stands today, there are indications that farmers no longer access inputs such as fertilizer and improved seedlings as easily as they used to when the immediate past administration introduced the electronic wallet system by which the federal government paid money directly into farmers’ accounts to subsidize their agricultural inputs. Such assistance has all but disappeared with allegations that whatever is available now can only be accessed through powerful middlemen whose cartel the previous government had effectively dismantled, thereby making easily available, for example, fertilizer and other farm inputs around which most of the nefarious activities of middlemen were built. Analysts say that given the enthusiasm with which Nigerians now approach farming, the government should meet them at their points of need by making inputs available and affordable, thereby helping farmers not produce themselves out of hunger but also to produce enough in commercial quantities for the export market. Agricultural economists who spoke with The Oracle Today noted that it is incumbent on the second-term President Buhari to rejig his agricultural policy in order to deliver better results in terms of the efficiency of services provided to farmers and the quantum of yields from farms. Similarly, analysts counsel that both at the State and federal levels, the governments must begin to seriously look in the direction of economic diversification. They are of the opinion that enough attention must be paid to making the environment conducive for local and foreign investors to invest in production with a view to diversifying the economy, increasing the nation’s base and generating massive employment for the teeming population of the nation’s youths. “What the economy needs are factories that can employ in thousands,” said Dr. Ikenna Nweze an Abakaliki, Ebonyi State-based production engineer. “We have to bring back our textile factories because these are the ones that employ in hundreds of thousands, directly and indirectly. That way, we will, like China and India, lift millions out of power in no distant time. That is the way to go. No seri-

ous government anywhere in the world can be content with running a mono-product economy as we are doing now, relying on crude oil for nearly 100 per cent of our foreign exchange needs. It is not only wrong, it is dangerous, because as we have seen, the world is moving away from fossil oil and energy source so that sooner or later, we won’t be selling as much quantity of crude as would sustain our economy with our burgeoning population.” The incoming governments also have a lot of work to do in the area of security, which, in fact, has been described as the most important problem facing Nigeria at the moment. Security experts argue that Nigerian leaders and citizens alike must wake up to the reality that Boko Haram insurgency, incessant attacks by herdsmen on farming communities and the ensuing mayhem and destruction; armed robberies and kidnappings across the country; extra-judicial killings by security agents; homicides, murders and assassinations, among several others, are all serious security threats that must be addressed holistically by the authorities. After four years in the saddle and having been re-elected, the

President and the governors must restrategise for more effective onslaught against crime and criminalities in the country. It is important for them to do so because security is the most important incentive they can provide to investors seeking to come into Nigeria or to local businessmen seeking to invest in any part of the country. “Security is everything,” argued Agent P, an officer in the Nigeria National Intelligence. “We can build the best roads in the world, have constant power supply, you know, provide all the incentives for investments or businesses to thrive in the country. But, if there are no security guarantees for those investments or businesses, they won’t find their way here. So, this time around, we must end these incessant, extremely destabilizing attacks by herdsmen as well as perennial kidnappings, murders and assassinations taking place in Nigeria or we won’t be able to deal with the hardships that will follow the massive unemployment that will follow the collapse of investments or total lack thereof, in the country. As they say, we must make hare while the sun shines.” Experts believe that one of the most effective ways to deal with insecurity is to empower youths who constitute most of the foot sol-

diers employed by these murderous groups to do their dirty jobs. They argue that youths can be empowered through quality and affordable education and skills acquisition and employment, adding that once governments can get their youth empowerment programmes right, they would have gone a long way in reducing crime and criminalities in the country to the barest minimum. However, there are those who believe that in addition to all these, the governments, especially the federal government, must begin to address the issue of corruption more holistically and sincerely. It is widely believed that the anti-corruption war in the country lost its verve and public support once the anti-graft agencies began to chase after only those in the opposition or perceived critics of the Buhari Administration. On several occasions, the APC National Chairman former Governor Adams Oshiohmole was reported to have unabashedly declared that once an allegedly corrupt person found his or her way into the APC, his or her sins were instantly forgiven. Analysts are aghast that the anti-graft war in the country in the past four years appears to have

followed that pattern almost religiously: once you are accused of corruption and you join the ruling party at the centre, your sins are instantly forgiven and your case file thrown out the window! To change that narrative, many are of the opinion that the government must henceforth go after every citizen against whom there is provable evidence of corruption, irrespective of his or her party affiliation. “Very importantly too, at whatever level, governments in Nigeria in the next four years must aggressively invest in power generation and efficient distribution; social infrastructure –roads, schools, hopsitals etc—upgrade or development so as to make life meaningful and enjoyable for citizens,” declared Oliver Chukwudi, an Onitsha-based businessman. According to him, the next four years will determine to a large extent whether Nigeria will make progress as a nation or remain wracked by internal contradictions. “There is so much at stake, including the unity of the country,” warned Agent P. “The current situation in the country provides the incoming Chief Executives and legislators with a lot of challenges. But, I believe that with sincerity of purpose, determination and hard work on the side of our leaders, we will surmount the odds and build a virile and progressive country.”

... SDP senatorial candidate to withdraw suit against Ekwunife Cont’d from Pg 1

•Matriculating students of Admiralty Unioversity of Nigeria (ADUN) Ibusa, Delta State

they were aware of the SDP candidate’s constitutional right to seek redress in court, they pleaded that there should be an end to the incessant legal battle in the zone to enable the people of Anambra Central get the representation they craved for . The past senators of the zone implored Barr.Tony Chukwuelue to sheath his sword for peace to reign supreme in the zone so that Anambra Central would not experience another political deprivation in the current dispensation on account of protracted legal battles . When contacted on the issue , Barr. Chukwuelue said he would address a press conference on the development .

May 30: IPOB lashes out at ‘traitors’, warns of ‘day of reckoning’ By ODOGWU EMEKA ODOGWU Indigenous People of BiTthoseheafrawho (IPOB) has warned all may have participated

in maiming, torturing and killing its members to be ready for the day of reckoning. The warning came in a statement signed by Comrade Emma Powerful, Media and Publicity Secretary of IPOB and made available to The Oracle Today in Onitsha. The statement read in part: ‘’We the indomitable IPOB family worldwide wish to remind the Nigerian army, police and their collaborators within and without, that threats, lies, propaganda, misinformation, arrests, torture,

illegal detention and a corrupt, complicit judiciary only serve to strengthen our resolve to restore Biafra not diminish it. ‘’But one thing is guaranteedthe day of reckoning will come when heaven and earth cannot contain the rage of the oppressed. On that day, every person or persons that ever partook in the persecution of IPOB will pay dearly for it, they and their families. ‘’Biafraland is under siege today, with hundreds kidnapped on a daily basis by an army that capitulated in front of Boko Haram and is actively supporting the ethnocentric campaign of genocide against non-Fulani populations in the Middle Belt. We have resolved to make every sacrifice needed to ensure

Biafra is liberated. Therefore, we are prepared for this wave of onslaught against IPOB. We are consoled by the fact that the whole world is taking stock of what IPOB is being forced to endure because a time will come when the hunter will become the hunted. ‘’Biafra Remembrance Day celebration is on Thursday 30th of May and Biafrans must not come out on that day. It will serve as a reminder to the overlords in Nigeria that we Biafrans are united in our quest to be free from the iniquitous bondage called Nigeria. ‘’IPOB is a disciplined movement that cannot abdicate its obligation to the dead. We owe it to our fallen heroes and heroines to honour them in the finest traditions of

IPOB on May 30th. No matter how many troops they deploy on our streets or how many people they kill or arrest, Biafraland will be locked down on that fateful day. ‘’There is nothing this wholly incompetent and fraudulent Nigerian government, her police, army and other security apparatus can do to stop or jeopardize 30th of May. This great day mapped out by Biafrans to remember their heroes and heroines who sacrificed and laid down their precious lives for this present generation to be alive today, will be observed. It is better for Nigeria police and other security agencies to stay indoors and respect that day or the spirit of those that died in the quest for Biafra will destroy them.’’

The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 - June 4, 2019


he entire members of Association of Luxury Bus Owners of Nigeria (ALBON) rejoice with Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, governor of Enugu State and his deputy, Barr. (Mrs.) Cecilia Ezeilo, as they take Oath of Office today for a second term. As you embark on another four-year term after a glorious, action-packed first term, we

Deputy Gov. Cecilia Ezeilo

Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi



pray that God will imbue you with the wisdom, good health and energy that will help you deliver good governance and finish strong. We have no doubt that Enugu under your able leadership will be taken to greater heights in the next four years.


Signed: Prince (Dr.) Chukwuemeka Mama (Ide), Chairman, ALBON

The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 - June 4, 2019

Congratulatory Message

Governor Ifeanyi



Deputy Gov. Cecilia


Another action-packed four years uploading…


y family and I felicitate with His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi (Gburugburu of Africa), governor of Enugu State, and his deputy, Barr. (Mrs.) Cecilia Ezeilo, over their inauguration today for a second term.

The journey to this beautiful day began on March 9 this year when the good people of Enugu State voted massively in the most peaceful governorship election in Enugu’s political history, to reelect the people’s governor. We celebrate with His Excellency who is not only a democratically elected governor but also a true

democrat whose every action is governed by democratic principles. The people-oriented policies of Governor Ugwuanyi, the participatory governance he encourages at all levels of government in the State and his unwavering sense of justice, equity and fairness so evident in the even distribution of democracy dividends across the three senatorial zones of the State, among others, are evidence that democracy is alive and thriving in Enugu State, with Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi on the driver’s seat. As he begins his second term, another four-year journey, today,

Signed: Prince (Dr.) Chukwuemeka Mama (Ide) Hon. Commissioner for Environment, Enugu State.

with his very supportive deputy by his side, we can only say fare thee well, our brother and leader. For, we have no doubt whatsoever that Gburugburu knows where he is headed. Congratulations! Enugu State is truly in the hands of God. Long live Enugu State Long live Federal Republic of Nigeria


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 - June 4, 2019


Buhari signs 2019 Budget into law


resident Muhammadu Buhari has signed the 2019 Appropriation bill of N8.92 trillion into law. The president had submitted the 2019 budget of N8.83trillion to the Senate but was increased by about N10billion by the Upper House, bringing the amount to N8.92trillion. The dignitaries who witnessed the signing of the budget, which took place at the mini-conference hall of the president, included the

Senate President Bukola Saraki and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara. Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Boss Mustapha and the Chief of Staff to the President, Malam Abba Kyari also witnessed the signing of the budget. Others at the event were the Ministers of Finance (Zainab Ahmed), Budget and National Planning (Sen. Udoma Udu Udoma), Information and Culture (Lai Mohammed) and

the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, Sen. Danjuma Goje, The Senior Special Assistant (SSA) to the President on National Assembly Matters (Senate), Sen. Ita Enang and his counterpart for the House of Representatives, Umar ElYakub were also at the event. It would be recalled that on June 6, 2018, Buhari signed the 2018 appropriation bill of N9.120 trillion. Minister of Budget and National Planning, Udoma Udo Udoma, after

the signing of the bill, said the president said the 2018 Budget will help his government to consolidate the achievements of previous budgets and deliver on Nigeria’s Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP) 2017-2020. World Council of Churches commemorates quad-centennial of forced voyage of enslaved Africans The statement also affirms the timely relevance and significance of related ecumenical work

Stop carrying children in front seats – FRSC warns motorists

Road Safety Corps (FRSC) Ffromederal has warned motorists to desist carrying children in front seats

or on their laps while driving. The FRSC Sector Commander in Enugu State, Mr Ogbonaya Kalu, gave the advice during the National Road Safety Club Day held on Monday in Enugu. Kalu said that the Road Safety Club Day, which was themed; “Creating Awareness of Road Safety on Young Children’’, was meant to take the road safety ideals to the grassroots and catch-them-young. The commander urged drivers and cyclists to be careful near built up areas such as schools, churches, mosques, markets, snack shops, ice cream stalls, parks, or fruit tress because children were usually found in such places. He said that children less than 12 months must sit in child restraint backing the driver, adding that children from one to seven years should sit facing the front of the car in a child’s restraint, strapped properly to the back seat. According to him, parents and guardians should not allow children to play with the handle of the vehicle doors. Kalu however, advised them to use child lock where available. “Do not allow children stick any part of their body out of the vehicle or allow them to sit in the baggage area of hatch backs, station wagons or vans. “While walking on the road, children should always face the traffic as well as use overhead or pedestrian bridges where they are provided to cross the road,’’ he said. Miss Nonye Ugwu, a pupil of Bright Star Schools, Enugu, said that the road safety club in her school had taught her to always tell her daddy and mummy to put on their seat belts. “I also advise my daddy not to take alcohol during the day or before driving since I want him to be alive,’’ Ugwu said. Master Chidiebere Agu, a student of College of Immaculate Conception (CIC), Enugu, said that road safety club had inculcated the habit of always walking along the road facing the traffic in him. “I have also learnt a lot about road signs and their uses as well as road safety codes,’’ Agu said. Over 17 schools within Enugu metropolis witnessed the celebration of the first National Road Safety Club Day in Enugu.

•From left: Wife of the Governor of Lagos State and Chairman of the Committee of Wives of Lagos State Officials (COWLSO), Bolanle Ambode, officially handing over to the wife of the incoming Governor, Dr. (Mrs.) Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu, at a brief handingover ceremony in Lagos House, Alausa, Ikeja, Sunday

Halt Fulani radio, Methodist Church tells FG From BONIFACE OKORO, Umuahia


he Methodist Church Nigeria has advised the federal government to halt its intention of setting up a Fulani radio station, saying it has the potentials of bringing about the disintegration of the country. The advice was contained in a communiqué issued at the end of the 58th Annual Diocesan Synod of the Methodist Arch-diocese of Umuahia (a.k.a Living Spring) held at Welsley Cathedral on Crowther Street, Umuahia which ended last Sunday. Theme of the Synod was “Obedience to God, better than sacrifice.” The Oracle Today recalls that last week, the federal government announced that it has acquired an Amplitude Modulated Frequency radio license for Fulani herdsmen. Government said the move was part of the measures to end the frequent clashes between herdsmen and farmers. But the Methodist Church says the move is divisive and unjustifiable. Part of the communiqué which was delivered by the Methodist Archbishop of Umuahia Archdiocese and Bishop of Umuahia Diocese (a.k.a Living Spring), His Grace, Most Rev. (Dr) Chibuzo Opoko, read: “The synod called on the federal government to desist from using tax payers’ money to establish a radio station for an ethnic and religious group. Such is a form of corruption that the President (Muhammadu Buhari) vowed to tackle.” Expatiating further on the issue

during a question-and-answer session with newsmen after reading the communiqué Monday, Opoko insisted that it was wrong to appropriate the tax payers’ money for the establishment of radio station for an ethnic group, adding that the federal government did everything to clampdown on radio Biafra when it came into existence. Said the Arch-bishop: “It is evil and it is corruption for you to use tax payers’ money to sponsor an ethnic and religious radio. Very soon, you will be talking about Ijaw radio, very soon, you will be talking about Benin radio. Is the government going to sponsor Ijaw radio, Benin radio or Igbo radio? Because I knew when the issue of Biafra radio was there, government banned it and did everything to destroy it. But they have turned round to go and start up an ethnic radio with tax payers’ money. That is a form of corruption. “It is not just that it should be condemned, but I call on the federal government and President Buhari, because he vowed to be a champion of corruption fight, to halt this move because the situation is creating a lot of disaffection among the people in the country. “That is why I said earlier he (Buhari) took over the leadership of this country as a united nation, that we hope that when he lives, that also Nigeria will remain one. “If not, posterity will come to know him and hold him accountable as one

during his time that this nation went to pieces.” On other issues, the synod congratulated Buhari on his re-election “as declared by INEC and reminds him that he met this country a united one and should after his tenure, leave this country a united one.” The synod also “commended the President for his stance on corruption and enjoins him to ensure that the fight is total, frontal and anyone found in corruption case is made to face the wrath of the law of the land. There should be no sacred cows.” According to Archbishop Opoko, the synod called for investigation of media reports of alleged corruption of highly placed people in government “and those culpable brought to book to restore confidence of the masses to your administration.” The synod also discussed the issues of rampant abduction and kidnapping in Nigeria “that has become a lucrative business where ransom are paid and in some cases, the victims are also murdered,” and called on security agencies in the whole federation “to rise to this task to ensure that citizen’s lives and property are secured.” “The synod also called on the federal government to see to the case of Leah Sharibu who celebrated her 16th birthday still under cage. Leah Sharibu today can be described as a prisoner of conscience because the report we received says Leah Sharibu was not released because of her faith in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.”

Bolanle Ambode hands over to wife of Sanwo-Olu W

ife of the Governor of Lagos State and Chairman of the Committee of Wives of Lagos State Officials (COWLSO), Bolanle Ambode, has officially handed over to the wife of the Governor-elect, Dr. (Mrs.) Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu, urging her to take the Committee to higher heights. At a brief handing-over ceremony in Lagos House, Alausa, Ikeja, Mrs. Ambode lauded the vision of the founding mothers of the Committee, which is to compliment the efforts of government, in critical areas that are women and childrenfriendly. She reflected that the Committee under successive chairmen, had continued to walk in that great vision, leading to remarkable improvement in the lives of women, girls and children, in vital areas of health, empowerment, education and others. Speaking further, she recalled some of the achievements recorded under her chairmanship in the last four years: “My lovely women, with all sense of modesty, we happily recall some of our collective achievements in the health sector of the state, by way of interventions in maternal and child health, year after year. “The various phases of intervention led to the sponsorship of goiter surgery for 30 women, free hearing aids for 15 children, 3 women and 2 men; as well as the upgrading of the ENT Department of the General Hospital, Odan, Lagos. We also purchased and installed state-of-theart audiology equipment, including Otoread OAE capable of detecting hearing defects in newborns”. Still speaking on COWLSO’s achievements under her, Mrs. Ambode said: ‘Other phases of intervention saw the procurement and donation of two Transport Incubator Ambulance to Gbagada General Hospital and Island Maternity Hospital, coupled with the donation of 32 neo-natal incubators to 13 General Hospitals and 6 fully fitted Birthing Suites for Amuwo-Odofin Maternal and Child Centre, Epe General Hospital and Island Maternity Hospital, Lagos, among others’. She copiously thanked members of the committee for their robust support for herself and the Ambode Administration over the past four years, while also appreciating her predecessors for their kind advice and words of wisdom. Responding, Dr. (Mrs.) Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu, commended her for taking COWLSO to its current enviable height, promising that she would not deviate from the founding ideals of the committee. She said, “I thank my big sister, Her Excellency, Mrs. Bolanle Ambode, for the great steps she has taken to move the committee to its current level. I thank her for the words of encouragement, that I should not be scared about the challenges of that Office. I will do my best, God helping me, to move COWLSO to the next level.” Mrs. Sanwo-Olu, who also praised Governor Ambode for his generous attention to the committee, noted that governance was a continuum, adding that the in-coming administration would work hard enough, to move the state to the next level. A major highlight of the event, was the presentation of charity grants to 29 orphanage homes and those for the less privileged.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 - June 4, 2019


Take electoral reform issues seriously – Jonathan tasks 9th Assembly

Don’t retrench workers over new minimum wage -- FG … Nigeria under siege – Prof Anya urges private sector F F ederal Government has appealed to the Organised Private Sector not to retrench its workers due the consequential adjustments resulting from the implementation of the new National Minimum Wage of N30,000. Minister of Labour and Employment, Sen. Chris Ngige, made the appeal in Abuja on Monday during a Valedictory Session organised for him and the Minister of State by staff of the ministry. According to him, the new minimum wage is for the lowest of low, that is grade level one and because of that the government is now carrying out the consequential adjustments. “So, I am appealing to the organised labour unions of workers to assist government, as the load is going to be too big “I want them to cooperate in order to get something good for those in the consequential adjustments level. “I also want to plead with the Manufactures Association of Nigeria (MAN) and the Nigeria Employers Consultative Association (NECA) to get the private sector not to retrench as that is what President Muhammadu Buhari is afraid of – retrenchment. “This government has never retrenched workers since we came and instead we have employed more. “So we are pleading with the organised private sector not to retrench workers in a bid to adjust to the consequential adjustment of the new minimum wage,” he said. He also appealed to labour unions to see reason with employers by ensuring industrial harmony in furtherance of the implementation of the new wage regime. “I want to assure you that if you did not receive the minimum wage now, you are surely going to receive the arrears,” he added. Ngige also said that the ministry had restored and forged industrial harmony through social dialogue in several sectors such as the economy, health, education, and petroleum. He said that since 2015 the ministry had recorded/received 1,425 trade disputes and complaints. According to him, 788 of the disputes have been completely resolved, while 37 cases have been referred to the Industrial Arbitration Panel, just as 600 of them are still awaiting but at various stages of mediation and conciliation. He, however, noted that in order to promote decent work and enforce labour standards for the safety and well-being of workers, the ministry conducted workers inspection on 10, 098 factories nationwide. Ngige said that the exercise was in line with the provisions of the Factories Act 2004, and in conformity with the terms and conditions of employment meant to protect workers. “We also issued a total of 426 fresh certificates of Factory Registration, renewing 3,718, and amending 37, and revoking 36 certificates. “Meanwhile, the ministry has developed and published, for the first time in the history of Nigeria, a Nigerian National Profile on Occupational Safety and Health,” he said.

ormer President Dr Goodluck Jonathan has urged elected members of the incoming Ninth Assembly to take the issue of electoral reforms a notch further by adopting measures that would deepen confidence in the electoral system. The President who stated this in Port Harcourt at a Public Lecture and Presentation of a book titled ‘Excellence in Governance and Creativity: Legal Essays in Honour of His Excellency, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike,’ also enjoined the African Union to provide the leadership towards establishing minimum requirements for constituting electoral management bodies on the continent. The former President noted that some of the issues that arose during the 2019 general elections were caused by lack of confidence in

the electoral system. He therefore urged the incoming Assembly to take measures that would address that. He said: “Parliamentarian who have won elections to go the National Assembly should take a look at what happened in the 2019 elections. We must modify our laws to make sure that in the 2023 elections, some of these things don’t repeat.” “As a nation we must move forward. Nigeria is a very important country in Africa and we must set the pace in some of these areas. We must not wait for other countries to come and teach us how we should elect our people.” He said further: “If democracy must endure in Africa, then the process leading to elections and the conduct of elections must be done

in a way that people will have confidence in the system.” Making a case for a continentwide minimum standards for constituting electoral management bodies, Dr Jonathan urged African nations to consider vesting the appointing authority on established bodies, as a means of deepening the credibility of the process. He said: “I believe that in Africa, for us to move forward we have no choice but to look forward to full electronic voting .This is debatable because a number of people are afraid that somebody hiding in his toilet can change the figures by pressing one or two buttons on a device, but we can’t run away from this. It is the ultimate and we must get there. But before we get there, we have to make sure that the institutions responsible for the

•Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu; Senior Special Assistant (SSA) to the President on National Assembly Matters (Senate), Sen. Ita Enang; Vice President Yemi Osinbajo; President Muhammadu Buhari; Speaker, House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara; and Minister of Budget and National Planning, Udoma Udo Udoma, during the official signing into law by the President of the N8.91 trillion 2019 Appropriation Bill (Budget of Continuity), at the State House, Abuja, Monday

conduct of our elections have the confidence of the people. “That means that as a continent, Nigeria and other countries, must come out with a minimum and acceptable standards of constituting our electoral management bodies, in a way that will inspire the confidence of the people. I believe in some countries what they do is that a body of people participate in constituting the electoral management bodies. The power to do that shouldn’t be in the hands of one person. When you leave the responsibility like that in the hands of a politician, no matter how good the person is, there is the tendency for people to suspect that the right thing is not done. Once people don’t have confidence in the system, it will be difficult for people to accept the outcome. I believe also that Africa should have a minimum standard in the code of conduct guiding security officials in charge of elections.” The former President who has just returned from South Africa where he led an election observer team to observe South Africa’s national and provincial elections praised the country for taking measures that inspired people’s confidence in the electoral process. He said further: “In South Africa, the first impression the electoral observer missions had was that political parties had confidence in the electoral management body known as the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). All the political parties we discussed with also had confidence in the IEC and that happened because they were not constituted by just one person. They also had maximum confidence in the security system. With that kind of confidence in place, at least more than sixty percent of the problem is solved.” In his lecture Prof Anya O. Anya declared that Nigeria is under siege, adding that the country has regressed on all fronts. He further commended President Jonathan for constituting the National Conference, stressing that adopting its recommendations could make the country get the constitution it desires.

“We have so far withdrawn 64 Certificates of Return’– INEC T he Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) says it has so far withdrawn 64 Certificates of Return and re-issued them to persons declared winners by courts of law, after the 2019 general elections. INEC Chairman, Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, disclosed this at the presentation of Certificates of Return to Zamfara State Governor-elect and members of the National and State House of Assembly elect from the state. Yakubu reiterate the importance of conducting proper primaries by political parties before elections in order to reduce the spate of litigation associated with them. “At the moment, there are 809 pre-election cases pending in various courts across the country challenging the conduct of primaries by political parties for the 2019 general elections. “This is clearly more than the total number of petitions currently before the various election petition tribunals nationwide challenging the outcome of the main election. “In our last update, the Commission reported that 25 certificates of return had been withdrawn and issued to persons declared winners by courts of law. Since then, three more certificates

have been withdrawn by court order. “With the Zamfara case, the figure has now risen to 64. In addition, the Commission is studying nine more judgments we were served in the last one week in which primary elections conducted by different political parties were upturned by the courts,’’ he said. Yakubu said that the Zamfara example is not the first pre-election case determined by the Supreme Court arising from the recent party primaries. He recalled that earlier, the apex court had determined the case of Lere Federal Constituency in Kaduna State which the Commission had already complied with and issued the certificate of return to the winner. Yakubu said that Nigeria’s democracy in particular and electoral process in general could never be virile unless political parties rise to the challenge of internal party democracy. “It is in this context that the latest judgments of the Supreme Court are crucial steps in strengthening our electoral jurisprudence,‘’ he said. Yakubu said that going forward, INEC would not accept the submission of names of candidates by political parties under Sec. 31of the Elec-

toral Act 2010 (as amended) unless there is evidence, monitored by the Commission, of compliance with the provision of Sec. 87 of the Act. “Party members interested in contesting elections start as aspirants before they emerge as candidates through the democratic process of direct or indirect primaries enshrined in Sec. 87 of the Electoral Act. “It is only after they comply with the requirement that their names can be submitted to INEC under Sec. 31. We shall continue to work with the political parties to ensure strict compliance,’’ he said. The INEC Chairman reminded political parties that party primaries for Kogi and Bayelsa election are scheduled for between Aug. 2 and Aug. 29. He urged them to make the two elections shining examples of internal democracy by the way they conduct their primary elections. “This will no doubt have a positive impact on the conduct of the proper elections,’’ he said. INEC at the occasion presented Certificate of Return to the Zamfara State governor elect, Dr Bello Matawalle of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and his Deputy, Mahdi Gusau.

Others issued certificate of return are three Senators-elect and seven Members of the House of Representatives-elect under the platform of PDP, while 24 certificates would be presented in Gusau to winners of the State Assembly elections, on Friday. Ngige, however, said that recent efforts were successful as it was passed in the yet to be signed 2019 budget. “Even though we observed that our Executive funding proposal was slashed by more than 60 per cent making it look like it will be a failed project. “It is our hope that our successor, the next Labour Minister will resuscitate the body with this initial funding for the benefits of all in the tripartite as the existence of this Council will be enormously felt by both the social partners and Government. “From the foregoing therefore, it is clear we have consistently been fighting to resuscitate this body which is a good establishment that will make for decent work Agenda of the Employer and Employee in the world of work,” Ngige said. He praised the management and staff of the ministry and the agencies under it for their support and cooperation.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019

NEWS OBJ’s position on plot to Islamize Nigeria confirms Kanu’s prophecy –IPOB From Pamela Eboh, Awka


he Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB on Sunday took a swipe at former President Olusegun Obasanjo for waking up late to re-echo what its leader Nnamdi Kanu has been saying for years on an impending agenda by the All Progressives Congress (APC) government of President Mohammadu Buhari to Islamize Nigeria. The group said that the former President’s statement on Islamisation of the nation is the latest fulfillment of Kanu’s prophesy, that “Fulani Herdsmen will be armed and encouraged to slaughter people with impunity and their masters will protect them. A statement by the IPOB’s media

and publicity Secretary, Comrade Emma Powerful said, “They are coming to ensure that people are enslaved forever, those who don’t believe me will soon see it happen before their eyes. “They are coming to elevate HausaFulani supremacy to reposition the security agencies by sacking all competent hands and replace them with their Fulani Herdsmen to drive their ethnic domination of Biafrans and other tribes in Nigeria” - Nnamdi Kanu prophesy on 6th Feb 2014; is the clearest proof that every word spoken by him will eventually come to pass. “There is now confirmation and realization among many that the ongoing Fulanisation and Islamisation process constitute a clear danger to non-Fulani

Nigerians, “The combination of 100 billion Naira to Miyetti Allah (Fulani herdsmen), withdrawal of gun license to citizens, federal government floating a Fulani only radio station, is the beginning of the opening of the floodgates of hell in Nigeria. Sadly many more will die before we all come to our senses that Nnamdi Kanu is indeed a saviour in the temporal sense. “Federal Government of Nigeria dominated by Northern Fulani jihadist soldiers and politicians will leave no stone unturned at this their Next Level agenda coming after May 29. We are urging Biafrans to prepare for the the very worse.” The group recalled that its leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu warned about their coming and connection to ISIS

saying that nobody listened to him. IPOB noted that another confirmation of Fulani Islamisation agenda is the issue of federal government using hard earned oil money from Biafraland to float a Fulani radio station to perfect their murderous plans through targeted dissemination of information to Fulani terror organisations in Nigeria. The statement added; “This is clearly unacceptable to us but we know it will not make any iota of difference. Those that fought against Biafra and now fighting Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB can now see the folly of their ways. “When Kanu was crying and lamenting that people will die, our daughters abducted, our mothers raped, nobody paid any attention,

he was dismissed as an attention seeking mad man. Today what is happening we ask? ‘What is mind boggling is that Nigerians, or should we say the parochial media, allowed an impostor to be fraudulently imposed on the weak, docile and battered populace of Nigeria. This impostor is now wreaking untold human and economic havoc on the people the British assembled together and condescendingly named Nigerians. “The same way the high and mighty in Nigeria have now conceded to the inevitability of the destructive Fulanisation agenda championed by APC, one day they will swallow their pride and also concede that Nnamdi Kanu was also right about Jubril AlSudani all along.”

Emulate Achebe, Soyinka, Chimamanda, young writers urged By Oge Onyeanusi


Inspector General of Police, Mohammed Adamu (r) receiving in audience former international, Kanu Nwankwo who called at the Force Headquarters, in Abuja, Thursday, to promote his pet project ‘Education + Football’ as a tool for empowering youths and combating crime.

Lawmaker woos investors to Abia From BONIFACE OKORO, Umuahia


n Abia lawmaker, Mandela Obasi, has called on prospective and potential business men and industrialists from Abia State, as well as foreigners, to invest in the state, saying the state has the conducive environment that would make businesses to thrive. Obasi who is a business magnate made the call in Umuahia while interacting with the executive of Abia State Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), noted that when Abians take their investments home, they would be contributing to the growth of the economy and equally influence the development of the state.

The lawmaker, who represents Ohafia North State Constituency in the Abia State House of Assembly and has been re-elected for a second term, equally explained that he ventured into government to contribute his quota to the evolution of Abia, saying “you don’t correct any observed lapses from outside but you have to get involved and work or fight from within.” According to him, those who bring their businesses home to Abia would help to create job opportunities and contribute immensely to the economies of families in the state which would culminate in improving the economy of the state and enhance security. “When many of our youths are engaged in productive ventures, they would have

no time to indulge in criminal activities,” he said. Obasi who established an import-export outfit upon his return from abroad, branched into the hospitality industry, establishing South East Asia Hotels and later, Evergreen Hotels, which are located in Aba and Umuahia. He said his confidence to invest in Abia was buoyed when he was nominated as one of the 100 eminent sons of Abia who were invited to a special security summit in the state. “After that summit, it dawned on me that Abia has a bright economic future and its security guaranteed. I will appeal to the people to cooperate and rally round government to ensure that the existing security in the state is sustained,” Obasi said.

oung authors in Anambra state have been tasked to emulate the likes of China Achebe, Chimamanda Adichie, Wole Soyinka, and other prominent Nigerian writers, who through their literary works, projected the country in good light before the world. A young writer and prominent lawyer, Jerry Chiemeke, gave the admonition in his lecture titled, “African Writing, Pushing Narratives and Getting our Voices Heard,” on Saturday, May 25, during the 3rd edition of the young authors conference held in Awka, Anambra state. The conference with the theme, “Bridging the Gap Between Africa and the Rest of the World via Literature,” was powered by Aurick Foundation. Chiemeke urged young Nigerian and African writers to start telling stories of Africa and Nigeria themselves instead of allowing white people to do so on their behalf. He said, “It is when we tell our stories ourselves that we’ll be able to change the narrative - how outsiders perceive us as Nigerians and Africans. “It is when we write our stories ourselves that we’ll be able to change how others see us. Young authors should paint Africa in good colours through their literary works; so that instead of seeing Africa and Nigeria as areas ravaged by war, hunger, corruption, etc, young

•Chinua Achebe

writers, through their works, should present their country and continent as good destinations for fulfilment of destinies.” In her remarks, the Honourable Commissioner of Basic Education in Anambra state, Prof. Kate Omenugha, who was a guest of honour at the event, urged young authors in Anambra state to project Nigeria and Africa as beautiful destinations. The commissioner commended the young writers led by Michael Chinese Ike, stating that their activities complement the efforts of Obiano’s government in promoting scholarship, especially among young people. In his short remark, another young writer, Kalen Doleman, who attended the conference all the way from the North Carolina, United States of America, shared some secrets tips in writing. He also revealed some secrets on how writers in America succeed. Earlier in his opening remarks, the chief host and president of Aurick Foundation, Ike Michael Chineme, said that the purpose of the conference was to encourage and empower young people with talents, particularly in Anambra state and Nigeria, to meet and achieve their targets in life. “Young Authors Conference is an annual event which aims at bringing young writers in Anambra and Nigeria together to share ideas, rob minds and learn from one another, and copy prominent world writers in order to be well equipped to change our world,” he said; adding that since the inception of the conference three years ago, young writers in Anambra have been able to improve greatly, so that majority of them have been able to write publishable books. He advised the young participants at the conference to work hard and keep to their talents even amidst challenges. Highpoint of the conference include distribution of plaques (awards) to Prof. Kate Omenugha, Kalen Doleman and Jerry Chiemeke in recognition of their supports and encouragements to young writers in Anambra state.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019

NEWS Media practitioner harps on shunning investigative journalism By Oge Onyeanusi


ournalists have been blamed for the rise in injustice and inefficiency of public office holders, as well as non-implementation of extant laws relating to justice. Editor-in-Chief of Premium Times, Mr. Musikilu Mojeed, made the assertion while addressing participants at the training on investigative journalism in criminal justice and anticorruption sector, organised by Premium Times Centre for Investigative Journalism (PTCIJ) in conjunction with Rule of Law and AntiCorruption (RoLAC), and sponsored by British Council through European Union. According to Mojeed, the society would be better off if journalists availed themselves of relevant laws on administration of criminal justice, public procurement laws, police act and others, and apply them succinctly in their daily reportage. Buttressing his points, he explained that Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA) provides that cases received by Chief Judge should be assigned to judges within 15 days, while judges are to issue notice of trials within 10 working days, but most times, according to her, these rules are not adhered to. “Criminal Justice Act stipulates that suspects could be remanded for 14 days, which is renewable for another 14 days. The Act also stipulates that the police should treat suspects with humane, not to interrogate them with torture. I want journalists to deepen their sources and be knowledgeable of all the relevant laws. These will empower them to be more professional, discover when law enforcement agents - the

NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER We the NEW HOME FRIENDS CLUB OF NIGERIA wish to announce to the public that we are disassociating this named person REGINALD IYKE ASOGWA ESQ. as one of the principal members of the club henceforth. On this note, we warned that any person or group of persons dealing with him in respect of our Estates or any other business using the name New Home Friends Club Of Nig. Does it at his or her own peril.


GENEVA, Switzerland, May 27, 2019


orated the quad-centennial of the forced transatlantic voyage of enslaved African peoples from Angola to Jamestown, Virginia (USA). A statement from the body, Monday, read: “The policy and practice of enslaving African people laid the foundations for the systematic disenfranchisement and disempowering of people of African descent for 400 years in the United States and around the world.” The statement also affirms the timely relevance and significance of related ecumenical work, and invites WCC member churches to find opportunities to commemorate this historic moment in their churches. The WCC “celebrates the spiritual resistance of African Peoples throughout these 400 years, the statement continues, “and affirms the historic partnership the US churches and ecumenical organizations in the US share with WCC in addressing racism globally.”

he World Council of Church• Enyimba tackle Rangers in opener June 4 T es (WCC) Executive Committee has officially commemhe League Management Company, LMC, organisers of the Nigeria Professional Football League, NPFL, has moved the venue for this year’s Super Six playoffs to Lagos. It was earlier slated for the Stephen Keshi Stadium, Asaba. The shift in venue was necessitated by the proposed Super Eagles camping in Asaba in preparation for the 2019 African Cup of Nations, AFCON, billed for Egypt, later in June. LMC confirmed the shift in venue on Tuesday in Abuja where the draws for the playoffs was conducted. Oriental derby involving Enugu Rangers and Enyimba will highlight the opening match at 3pm. This will be followed by Kano Pillars clash against Akwa United at 5pm while FC Ifeanyi Ubah tie against title holders, Lobi Stars, completes the night’s festival of football.

The Full Super Six Fixtures

judiciary or politicians, are Matchday 1 Fixtures (June 4, 2019): going contrary to them in Enyimba Int’l vs Rangers Int’l - 3pm their respective duties. “Journalists should ask Kano Pillars vs Akwa Utd - 5pm questions on why roads FC Ifeanyi Ubah vs Lobi Stars - 7pm. flagged off by our leaders have not been completed. Matchday 2 Fixtures (June 6, 2019): They should ask why vehicles Akwa Utd vs FC Ifeanyi Ubah - 3pm governments provide Rangers Int’l vs Lobi Stars - 5pm for security agencies and Kano Pillars vs Enyimba Int’l - 7pm. ministries disappear from the road in a short time,” he said. Matchday 3 Fixtures (June 8, 2019): He urged journalists to Kano Pillars vs FC Ifeanyi Ubah - 3pm move from conventional Lobi Stars vs Enyimba Int’l - 5pm journalism to investigative Akwa Utd vs Rangers Int’l - 7pm. journalism, a shift, he said, would enable them hold public office holders, police Matchday 4 Fixtures (June 10, 2019): and judiciary accountable, Rangers Int’l vs Kano Pillars - 3pm as well as reduce abuse of Akwa Utd vs Lobi Stars - 5pm power and injustice. Enyimba Int’l vs FC Ifeanyi Ubah - 7pm. The Editor-in-Chief, Matchday 5 Fixtures (June 12, 2019): however, regretted that FC Ifeanyi Ubah vs Rangers Int’l - 3pm majority of journalists shy away from investigative Enyimba Int’l vs Akwa Utd - 5pm journalism, including not Lobi Stars vs Kano Pillars - 7pm. following stories earlier reported, probably due to fear, intimidation, death and financial constraints, thereby, denying the public access to information and justice. Speaking on Data Journalism, Mr. Deji Adekunle, enjoined journalists to always seek and apply appropriate data in their reportage for more value, promotion of good governance and exposition of corruption. On her part, the Anambra state Project Coordinator, Rule of Law and Anti corruption (RoLAC), Mrs Josephine Onah, said the seminar would equip participants with requisite knowledge to publish materials that would make public office holders more accountable and responsive. Earlier, project assistant of PTCIJ, Mrs Jessica Odudu, explained that each participant at the training would be required, at the end of the training, to develop story pitch on criminal justice The Principal of Mercy Girls High School, Mbawsi, Rev. Sister Lilian Ifeoma Chibiko, (right), with Ottaro (left) and students during the tree planting. and anti-corruption sector.


Signed: Chairman

LMC releases Super Six draws





CHIDERA: This is to certify that OFFOR CHIDERA MARTINS is same and one person as OFFOR CHIDERA ELIJAH, now wish to be known as OFFOR CHIDERA ELIJAH. All former documents remain valid. The general Public to take note

UFORDIAMA: I formerly known as OBINNA UFORDIAMA now wish to be known as NNAMDI FIDELIS UFODIAMA. All former documents remain valid. Please Banks and General Public take note.

DURU: I formerly known as OLUCHI CHINYERE DURU now wish to be known as OLUCHUKWU CHARITY AMOBI.0 All former documents remain valid. Please Banks and General Public take note.

CHINYERE: This is to confirm that ONYEBERECHI CHINYERE is same and one person as ONYEBERECHI ULOAKU CHINYERE, now wish to be known as ONYEBERECHI ULOAKU CHINYERE. All former documents remain valid. The general Public to take note





PATIENCE: I formerly known as EMESIANI GLORY PATIENCE now wish to be known as EMESIANI PATIENCE. All former documents remain valid. Please Banks and General Public take note.

OKONKWO: I formerly known as NZUBE OKONKWO now wish to be known as NZUBECHUKWU DANIEL OKONKWO. Former documents remain valid. Banks and General public take note

KELVIN: I formerly known as ONMELLE UCHENNA KELVIN now wish to be known as ONELE UCHENNA KELVIN. All former documents remain valid. Please Banks and General Public take note.

CHINEDU: I formerly known as EGWE CHINEDU RHEMA now wish to be known as SHEDRACH CHINEDU RHEMA My correct date of Birth is August 21st, 1983. All former documents remain valid. Please Banks and General Public take note.




EZEANYIM: I formerly known as KELECHI KAIMA EZEANYIM now wish to be known as KELECHI SANDRA EZEANYIM. Former documents remain valid. Banks and General public take note.

EZEH: This is to confirm that EZEH CHINENYE CYNTHIA is same and one person as Ezeh Chinenye C, now wish to be known and addressed as EZEH CHINENYE CYNTHIA. All former documents remain valid. The general Public to take note

CHINECHEREM: I formerly known as OKEKE AGATHA CHINECHEREM now wish to be known as RAF-OKORO AGATHA CHINECHEREM. That my correct date of birth is 2nd February, 1999 All former documents remain valid. Banks and General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME AZUKA : I formerly known as AZUKA OKWELOGU now wish to be known as AZUKA CAJETHAN OKWELOGU All former documents remain valid. Please Banks and General Public take note.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019

NEWS ‘No state is as peaceful as Enugu’ –Archbishop Chukwuma declares


rchbishop of Enugu Ecclesiastical Province (Anglican Communion), Most Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Chukwuma, has expressed gratitude to God for the peace, unity and good governance being enjoyed in Enugu State under the administration of Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi. Archbishop Chukwuma who maintained that “no state in Nigeria is as

peaceful as Enugu State”, also thanked God for the peaceful general election in the state and successful first term of Gov. Ugwuanyi’s administration, declaring that God is in control of his second term. The Archbishop spoke at the Government House, Enugu, on Sunday during the inter-denominational Christian service organized by the state government

as part of the activities marking the 2nd term inauguration of Gov. Ugwuanyi and his deputy, Hon. Mrs. Cecilia Ezeilo. Describing the event as a service of transformation, Archbishop Chukwuma stated that the entire Church in the state gathered on the last Sunday of the first term of the present administration to not only thank God for its

successful end, but to also offer prayers and hand over the governor’s 2nd term into the hands of God. The cleric, who expressed delight at the choice of Government House as venue of the event, commended Gov. Ugwuanyi for his first term’s outstanding performance and advised him to remain faithful to God and committed to his

resolve to render more selfless service to the people of the state. He added that the governor is a peaceful man who has reconciled leaders in the state and taught politicians how to forgive one another. “Your Excellency, you have done well in your first term, most especially in infrastructural development. A lot is ahead

of you. You have kept your word; Enugu State has continued to pay salaries consistently. You have employed more workers than your predecessors. We are glad that work is going on at the Enugu International Conference Centre abandoned in the past. This shows that you are a silent achiever who believes in continuity of good governance”.

Non-indigenes rally support for APGA ahead 2021 governorship election in Anambra From OZO RAY, Awka


on-indigenes in Anambra state have expressed their avowed commitment and determination to drum up massive support for the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) to ensure that the party won the 2021 governorship elections. The resolution of the Non-indigenes was made known to journalists in Awka during the week by the Executive Assistant to Governor Willie Obiano on Non-indigene Mobilisation. Hon. Ferguson Okpara . He disclosed that non-indigenes resident in Anambra State played pivotal role during the 2017 gubernatorial polls which saw Governor Willie Obiano to his second term in office. He said they contributed over 25% of the votes that saw the governor to victory. Okpara further disclosed that since the creation of Anambra state in 1991, Governor Willie Obiano was the only governor to create an office of non-indigenes where they would be galvanised and their needs presented to the state government. According to him, nonindigenes in the state have projected over 50% of the votes in the forthcoming governorship elections for the All Progressive Grand Alliance and they will equally ensure that none

of their votes were lost to the opposition. Okpara who was the former National Youth Leader of APGA , also noted that Governor Willie Obiano in his first term incorporated non-indigenes in his government through his involvement of the Northern community in the state stressing that the nonindigenes would ensure that the governor’s good leadership initiative was not dragged to the mud. He said they already have a workplan which primarily has to do with the restructuring of nonindigenes in all the 21 local government areas of Anambra state even as he explained that the governor has created a political ward for nonindigenes in Nnewi-south; that before long the wards for non-indigenes would be replicated in all the local governments. Okpara also posited that they have come up with a number of programmes which include skills acquisition, talenthunt shows, Miss NonIndigenes beauty pageant, Dr. Willie Obiano yearly soccer competition as well as the maiden nonindigenes cultural carnival slated for December this year pointing out that the aforestated activities would help boost the good leadership of Governor Willie Obiano in Anambra state.

Participants at the just-concluded 3rd edition of the Aurick Foundation- powered Young Authors Conference which held in Awka, Anambra State, Saturday under the theme, “Bridging the Gap Between Africa and the Rest of the World via Literature”.

Anambra intensifies fight against illegal toll collectors From OZO RAY, Awka


he Anti-illegal Toll Collection Unit Anambra State has intensified its fight against fake toll collectors in the state following the arrest of two suspected illegal toll collectors, Monday. The Task Force Commander Anti-illegal Toll Collection in Anambra Mr.Nathan Obikwelu said the hoodlums were apprehended at different locations in connection with a tip off. Obikwelu said that one of the suspects was

arrested on the spot at Igbariam junction along Enugu-Onitsha expressway where he was allegedly collecting money from motorists in the guise of government revenue collector. The task force commander noted that another suspect was arrested at Ukwulu in Dunukofia local government area where he was applying force on motorists extorting money from them. He said that the AntiIllegal Toll Collection Unit have also remanded some hoodlums at the Awka and

YAPJEN offers scholarship to 5 Unizik students


youth based human right and good governance advocacy group, Youth Advocates for Peace, Justice and Empowerment Network (YAPJEN), has offered scholarships to five Undergraduates of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. The Executive Director of the group Amb. Timothy Nwachukwu who attracted the scholarship through the support of Comr. Peter Nwosu SSA to Governor Willie Obiano on Petroleum and Union Matters, made

the cash Presentation of the Scholarship award at the Law Students Senate Legislative Day and Award ceremony which held at the faculty of law Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. The beneficiaries who are all students of the law department of the institution are Odinakachukwu Okoroafor, Ezuma Promise, Miss Ozoude Chinelo, Izuchukwu Benedict Chidobem and Miss Okoroafor Priscilla Chinenye. A Professor of Law,

Offornze Amucheazi who was speaking at the occasion urged the beneficiaries and the entire law students to strive for excellence in whatever endeavour they found themselves as the legal profession offers it’s practitioners uncommon opportunity to excel in any field of human endeavour. Prof. Amucheazi promised to sponsor the indigent students who were given Scholarship by YAPJEN throughout their remaining years in the

University. The excited Professor of law who was touched by the kind gesture of the youth Advocate announced a donation of #100,000 to support the young Activist. Amb. Timothy Nwachukwu however announced an additional one year Scholarship for another indigent student of the department with the money donated by the Prof Amucheazi to the excitement of dignitaries who gathered for the occasion.

Onitsha prisons on account of illegal revenue collection across the state stressing that the agency won’t rest on its oars until the hoodlums were flushed out of the state . Obikwelu also said that the two suspected illegal toll collectors arrested by the agency would be prosecuted in court and the law meted out on them accordingly in order to reduce the menace of fake revenue collectors in Anambra state. Also the state commissioner for trade and commerce in Anambra

Dr.Christian Madubuko said there was need to flush out such criminal elements because they have syphoned government revenue without remorse. Madubuko said Illegal revenue collectors have become a terrible situation in Anambra state and that the state won’t stop in its efforts to put a stop to people who collect revenues unauthorized. The commissioner therefore assured the citizenry that government won’t go to sleep until fake revenue collectors were eliminated from the state.

Four escape death as building collapses in Imo


anic engulfed Owerri, Imo State on Sunday as an uncompleted two storey building collapsed and left four persons critically injured. The incident happened at Number 10 Amaram extension street, about a kilometer from the Dan Anyiam stadium where the State was holding an interdenominational Church Service to commence activities for the inauguration of the Governor-elect, Chief Emeka Ihedioha and his Deputy, Hon Gerald Irona as

the new helmsmen. One of the survivors identified as Paul, told newsmen that he heard a strange sound while in the building and decided to jump out. According to him, barely seconds after jumping out, the building caved in, trapping some people. Another eye witness who pleaded anonymity said the building has been under construction for almost twenty years, noting that the blocks may have soaked in too much water over the years.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019


I will hand over N42bn to Ihedioha –Okorocha By Collins Ughalaa


he outgoing Governor Rochas Okorocha has assured that he has set aside about Forty-Two Billion Naira (N42bn) to his successor, His Excellency Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha. Okorocha disclosed this through a press release by his Chief Press Secretary, Sam Onwuemeodo, in Owerri on Monday, saying that “he decided to keep such amount for the incoming governor so that there won’t be excuses in carrying out activities of government”. Okorocha also swore in eleven (11) new Permanent Secretaries including the new Accountant-General and Permanent Secretary, Deacon Donald Igbo, and the new Head of Service Mrs. Ngozi Ama Eluma. He disclosed that of the N42bn, N8.1bn was meant for the payment of salaries and Capital Projects, while N5.2billion was for Pension

Arrears. He added that N7.6billion was meant for the renovation of schools, while N21.6billion was mapped out for rural roads, totaling N42.5billion. He said: “Imo State Government have kept aside a total of N4.5b for the in-coming government, and for that reason, I will set up a sub-committee to make sure that the projects they are attached to, come to fruition even when I am out of office or when I will not be available because government is a continuum. “The breakdown of these funds are as follows: N8.1b that came into Imo State offers from both State and LG, from FAAC, that money has not been expended as not even one naira has been taken away from it and the money is in Zenith Bank and has not been touched. The second money is N5.2bn in Access Bank, the reminant of the Paris Club fund, not one naira has been removed

from it”. He further stated “The third fund is N7.6b, money that came from UBEC. Imo State has paid a total of N3.8b counterpart fund and UBEC has brought in their N3.8b. That gave us N7.6b. That money is intact and not one naira has been removed from it. The fourth fund is the RAMP fund of $60m representing N21.6b and is also in Imo State Government’s account. It is with First Bank. The money is also here in Imo State and no one naira has been touched”. “If you total N8.1b plus N5.2b, N7.6b and N21.6b, you have a total of N42.6b which I will be handing over to Emeka Ihedioha led government as from the 29th of May, 2019. How are these money meant to be expended? I want to put it succinctly clear. The N8.1b naira from FAAC usually will cover the cost of salaries and capital projects. This government

is expected to spend this N8.1b naira for the payment of salaries for May and also for the payment of other Contractual obligations as may be deemed fit.” The Governor also noted that following the petitions which some chieftains of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) wrote to the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC), the anti graft agency blocked the money for the payment of arrears of pension and others, at the point of starting the payments. He advised the new Permanent Secretaries to do their best to reposition the Civil Service system, protect the integrity of the State and shun corruption, stressing that workers in the state Civil Service should put in their best in the service of their fatherland. He called on them to “Remember God in discharging your duties. Discharge your duties without fear or favour and also defend your State when the need arises. I gave this State my best. I will do all I can to support the incoming government”.

Molestations: Anambra market leaders accuse Reps member-elect From OZO RAY, Awka


arket leaders under the auspices of Anambra State Amalgamated Traders Association (AMATA) took to the streets yesterday carrying placards with various inscriptions and made a protest march to the government house Awka to register their complaints over what they termed incessant gruesome molestations on traders by Chief Okwudili Ezenwankwo, a House of Representatives Member-Elect for Orumba-North and South federal constituency in Anambra state . The protesters alleged that the said Okwudili Ezenwankwo an outgoing president of the association was on a clandestine move to organize what they described as kangaroo election for the association to enable him plant his stooges in the markets for him to have firm control of the markets while at the Green Chambers. Leader of the protesters and former acting chairman Ogbaru

Main Market Ogbaru local government area Chief Ndubuisi Ochiogu lamented that the 12 years Okwudili Ezenwankwo ran the affairs of AMATA was horrible as he mounted fears on market leaders using thugs to unleash terror on them. He therefore pleaded that the state government should set up a caretaker committee for AMATA as they were not part of the kangaroo election that Okwudili Ezenwankwo was planning for June 15th this year ; that having ruled for 12 years , it was pertinent that he left Anambra traders alone and go to the House of Representatives . One of the protesters who gave his name as Mr.Oliver Nwankwo said he was the founder of AMATA and that the outgoing president took unilateral decisions, drafted constitution and signed single-handedly. He stated that traders no longer have their own say in the markets and that any person who attempted to question his actions met the wrath of daredevil thugs purportedly working for Okwudili Ezenwankwo.

Ugwuanyi urges children to shun cultism, examination malpractice

G Special Adviser to the Lagos State Governor on Civic Engagement, Mr. Benjamin Olabinjo (right) launching the Ubiquitous Boxes (U-BOX) and other equipment for 1,000 members of the Lagos State Vulcanisers Association spread across the five divisions of the state for their vocation.

‘Those plotting to destroy APGA should think twice –Ezeonwuka From OZO RAY, Awka


ember, Board of Trustees of the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) Chief Rommy Ezeonwuka has advised those plotting to destroy the party to have a second thought because they will all have themselves to blame should their evil intentions come to fruition. He said APGA was the only political party in the entire nation that will offer veritable platform for economic prosperity and national development.

The APGA stalwart who spoke with our reporter in an exclusive interview in Awka, stressed that should the Igbo nation lose hold of the All Progressive Grand Alliance, they will all bear the brunt of their overzealous ambitions. Ezeonwuka noted that APGA as a political party has instituted lots of infrastructures on ground in Anambra state . He recalled that the APGA-led state government under ex-governor Peter Obi recorded monumental accomplishments stressing that the incumbent state governor Chief Willie

Obiano was equally meeting the expectations of the citizenry in his developmental strides. According to him: “I am using my position as the spiritual leader of the Igbo nation to ask those that are seriously aggrieved and trying to destroy APGA to sheath their swords because by the time we do away with APGA, we shall all feel the pains. “ Ezeonwuka also alluded to the outgoing governor of Imo state Owelle Rochas Okorocha saying that he performed better as governor on the platform of the All Progressive Grand

Alliance but maintained that the spirit of the party left him when he betrayed APGA and joined the All Progressive Congress ( APC ) where he eventually met his Waterloo . The APGA BOT member who also doubles as the sole proprietor of Rojenny Games Village Oba in Idemili-South council area of Anambra state , noted that Okorocha’s predicaments began when he sold his loyalty to the opposition and started the fire he was unable to quench which he said crippled his APC led government in Imo state.

ov. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi has warned students in primary and secondary schools in Enugu state to shun cultism, examination malpractice and antisocial vices in order to become useful citizens. Ugwuanyi gave the warning on Monday, while declaring open the “2019 School Prize Quiz Winning/Scholarship Competition’’ held at Ugbawka, Nkanu-East Local Government Area of the state. The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the governor was represented by the Chief Supervisory Principal of the Post Primary Schools Management Board (PPSMB), Agbani Zone, Mr Sam Ani. The governor advised students to imbibe the culture of reading, pointing out that education remained the best legacy parents or guardians could give to their children. Ugwuanyi said; “The state government will continue to give priority to quality education. “Students should know that nothing will stop them from attaining

greatness if they embrace education with all seriousness it deserves’’. While commending Pure Heart Foundation, Enugu, a non-governmental organisation, for putting up the event, the governor urged philanthropists and multi-nationals to partner with government in investing in education, with a view to building a solid foundation for the children. In his remark, Executive Director of the Pure Heart Foundation, Enugu, Mr Peter Edeh, explained that the mission of the organisation was to give back to the society, by encouraging reading culture among children. “I thank Gov. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi for providing an enabling environment for teachers in the state, particularly in the regular payment of salaries and provision of infrastructure,’’ Edeh said. He said that he had the concept of organising quiz competitions when he was in secondary school, stressing that the competition would be an annual event that would spread beyond the current zone.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019

NEWS Valedictory Session: Enugu Assembly passes 53 bills, 49 motions


nugu State House of Assembly says its Sixth Assembly has passed 53 bills and 49 motions and resolutions. The Speaker of the Assembly, Chief Edward Ubosi, made this known in Enugu on Monday at the Valedictory Session to end the Sixth Assembly which started on June 6, 2015. Ubosi said that this was the first time the assembly was organising a valedictory session since 1999. He said that today was a special session in the lives of the legislative arm of Enugu state as it marked the successful end of the sixth assembly. “It is not a mirage; it is by the grace of God. We could have not been the best in our constituencies; we probably could not have qualified for our existence here on earth. “We are happy that we did not witness political intimidations, political harassment, political manipulations and above all, financial neglect. “We enjoy unquantifiable freedom till the end, thanking God for his infinite mercy. “It is not as if we never have challenges both internal and external but we have exhibited maturity in handling them. We have lived like brothers and sisters and also shared whatever came to us in common. “The past has not been so easy for us but by the grace of God, we were able to conquer all challenges,’’ Ubosi said. He commended his colleagues for their humility, doggedness, perseverance, intelligence and comportment in handling issues, most especially the state assignments. Ubosi also commended the peace and love that existed among the legislators, saying that personal qualities that characterised the sixth assembly contributed to the achievements enumerated. The speaker commended Gov. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State for providing for them an all-round enabling platform for the work they had done and the synergy that existed between them and the executive arm of government. He said that he remained indebted to the Chief Judge of Enugu State, Justice Ngozi Emehelu, for her support throughout his tenure as a speaker. He thanked all the staff of the assembly for their dedication to duties and support they gave to the assembly to ease their job. Ubosi wished his colleagues that were not coming back good luck in their future endeavour and also challenged the incoming members to be more organised, cooperative and dedicated in their tasks. Out of the 24 members of the assembly, 11 of them were returned while 13 were not returned.

Court orders NJC to produce records of proceedings in ex-Abia CJ’s case


he National Industrial Court, Abuja, has ordered the National Judicial Council (NJC), and its Secretary, to produce records of proceedings in the compulsory retirement case of former Chief Judge of Abia, Justice Theresa Uzokwe. The judgment also ordered the respondents to accept lodgment of the applicant’s Notice of Appeal. Justice Kiyersohot Damulak in the judgment said” the granting or refusal of an order of mandamus is at the discretion of the court and such, discretion must be exercised judicially and judiciously. ”The implication is that an order of mandamus can be rightly be made to enable the claimant pursue his rights as guaranteed by law. I so find and hold”, Damulak said. The judge further said by Order 3 Rule 13 of the Industrial court, the applicant had an option of filing a complaint against an award or decision of an Arbitral Tribunal,

Board Unions or any authority in respect of any matter within the jurisdiction of the court. He added that by Order 3 Rule 16 (3), such complaint must be accompanied by a Record of Appeal, which the respondents had failed to oblige the applicant with. He added by saying ”the above rule states that even when the applicant decides to file a complaint, he is going to need a Record of Appeal. ”There is therefore a compelling need for an order of mandamus to enable the applicant pursue his rights before this court. “I so hold, on the whole, the application has merit, it succeeds and the court hereby make the following order; ”An order of Mandamus compelling the respondents to accept lodgment of the applicant’s Notice of Appeal, compile the Certified True Copies (CTC) of the Record of Proceedings and furnish/ transmit the processes to this Honourable

court” he concluded. It would be recalled that the NJC in March, 2018 recommended the compulsory retirement of Uzokwe following findings of two investigative committees it instituted to look into petitions of misconduct against her. Uzokwe through her counsel, Nmamdi Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe had instituted the suit for an order of the court to make available the CTC of the verdict among other processes as granted by the same court in July, 2018. Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe in the statement of facts said that in October 2018 when they went to lodge Notice of Appeal on the respondents, they took one copy and refused to endorse receipt. He said these actions by the respondents necessitated the applicant instituting the suit in order to allow for a filing of an appeal against the respondents verdict of compulsory retirement of the applicant.

Enugu State Governor, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi (2nd left) his wife, Monica (3rd left), and the Chief Judge of the State, Hon. Justice Priscilla Ngozi Emehelu (1st left) with heads of Christian denominations in the state, during the intercessory prayers for the governor at the pre-inauguration service, held at the Government House, Enugu on Sunday.

Imo APC Rep-elect removed, as court orders INEC to return PDP candidate


Federal High Court sitting in Owerri on Monday sacked the memberelect for Nkwerre/Nwangele/Njaba/ Isu Federal Constituency of Imo, Mr Ugonna Ozurigbo. Ozurigbo of the All Progressives Congress (APC) resigned his position as the Deputy Speaker of the Imo State House of Assembly last Wednesday. Justice Tijjani Ringim, who delivered the judgment, ordered the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to issue a Certificate of Return to Kingsley Echendu of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). Neither PDP nor its candidate was a party to the suit.

The court said that the plaintiff, Harrison Nwadike, was the “rightful winner” of the primary election in the federal constituency. Nwadike had taken his party, APC, and INEC to court over the submission of Ozurigbo’s name as the candidate of the party. Nwadike prayed the court to declare him the APC rightful candidate, arguing that automatic tickets were unknown to the constitution. The court in its judgment agreed with the petitioner that automatic tickets were unknown to law. The judge said that the candidacy of Ozurigbo was illegitimate and ordered INEC to issue the PDP candidate, who

came second in the general elections, with the certificate of return as the rightful winner of the election. Nwadike said he agreed with the court that he was the rightful winner of the APC primary election. He, however, said that it was wrong for the court to have declared the PDP candidate the lawful winner of the poll. He said that he would go to court to challenge the aspect of the judgment which ordered INEC to issue a certificate of return to the PDP candidate. Counsel for the PDP candidate, Stanley Imo, also told NAN that the court was right to have declared his client the rightful winner of the election.

He said, “The law is very clear on this. Nwadike did not participate in all the stages of the election but my client did. “Now the court held that Ozurigbo was not the rightful candidate of the APC and said that the second runner-up, who is my client, that participated in all the stages of the elections, should be issued with the certificate of return.” The PDP Publicity Secretary in the state, Mr Damian Opara, urged INEC to waste no time in issuing its candidate the certificate of return as ordered by the court. Opara said that “the judgment has shown that impunity and illegality are bad. PDP held perfect primary election and we are reaping the dividend.”


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019

NEWS Police move to arrest kidnappers of N’Delta varsity lecturer’s wife From CLEM ONYEMAECHI, Yenagoa


ayelsa State police command says it has spread tentacles with a view to apprehend gunmen who abducted wife of a lecturer working with the Niger Delta University, NDU, in the early hours of Sunday. Mr. Asinim Butswat, Superintendent of Police and Spokesman of the Bayelsa Police Command

who confirmed the kidnap of the woman said the police have commenced Investigation with a view to apprehending the perpetrators and rescue the victim. . “Yes, I heard of the incident and the police have commenced Investigation with a view to apprehending the perpetrators and rescue the victim.” Butswat said. It was gathered from community sources that the lecturer escaped and hid himself when the

kidnappers struck at their residence in the Gbarantolu area of Yenagoa and exposed his wife to danger. Residents in the area said that sporadic shots of gunfire were fired to announce arrival of the hoodlums to scare people in the community. The gunmen reportedly entered the community through the River Nun in a speedboat boat and headed to the residence of their target, a University Teacher identified simply as

Dr. Charles. A source in the area who crave anonymity said that the gunmen narrowly missed their target who ran away for safety and whisked away the wife whom they took away in their boat According to the source, youths of the community mobilized themselves to the scene of crime few minutes after the shooting ceased only to meet the lecturer emerge from where he was hiding in the environment.

Wike sets up Committee to investigate, audit financial transactions of LGAs


ivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike has approved the setting up of a “Committee to investigate and audit the financial transactions of the 23 Local Government Councils from May 2018 to May 2019.” The Membership of the Committee include: Dr Ipalibo Harry Banigo (Chairman); Dr Zaccheus Adango; Barrister Isaac Kamalu; Mrs Bunmi Akaakar; Prof Kaniye Ebeku; Mrs Inime Aguma; and Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information

(Secretary). The committee will be inaugurated by the Governor on Tuesday, 28th May, 2019 by 11am at the Executive Council Chambers of the Government House, Port Harcourt.

and Hellenic Education of Nigeria. Two hundred and thirty one students were administered matriculation

oaths in different Faculties ranging from Arts and Social Sciences, Management Sciences and Science.

Okowa commissions Admiralty University From JONATHAN AWANYAI, Asaba


elta State Governor, Senator Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa has described the collaboration between armed forces and centres of learning as great contributors to military art and science. The governor made the description at the official commissioning and 1st matriculation ceremony of Admiralty University of Nigeria (ADUN), Ibusa, Oshimili North Local Government Area of Delta State. According to the governor, “most advances in military art and science are direct consequence of the close collaboration between the armed forces and centres of learning.” “It is commendable that the armed forces not only contribute to education, they also partner with the industrial sector in the production of goods and services,” Governor Okowa said, stating, “the foremost priorities of the present administration in the State remain the

provision of skills and professional competencies for all its citizens and residents of the State.” He continued, “in the light of the increasingly complex challenges in contemporary world, including employment challenges, the role of wellgroomed human capital cannot be overemphasized; this explains the desire of the State government to build a functional, result oriented technical education system to boost vocational skills acquisition that would help to increase job creation in the State.” “The State government is therefore pleased to have another university come on stream in the State, as this is consistent with our love for education and knowledge; permit me to use this medium to state that Delta State needs more universities and I therefore call on all well-meaning and education-loving Nigerians both at home and the diaspora, including foreign partners, to come and build more universities in the state because, we have many candidates seeking admission that existing

institutions could not accommodate,” he said. Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral I. E. Ibas had in a welcome address,

disclosed that ADUN was established as a publicprivate-partnership through the joint efforts of Nigerian Navy Holdings

Presentation of gift to Ooni of Ife, Oba Enitan Adeyeye Ogunwusi Ojaja II by the President, Nigeria Association of Tour Operators (NATOP), Hajia Bilikisu Abdul assisted by BOT Chairman, Nkereuwem Onung and flanked by Director General, National Council for Arts & Culture (NCAC), Otunba Segun Runsewe and NATOP Executives during a “Thank You Visit” for hosting the NATOP AGM at the prestigious Ife Grand Resort in Ooni’s palace.

Aiteo headlines Bayelsa Education Trust Fund with N500million From CLEM ONYEMAECHI, Yenagoa


ndigenous oil exploration and production company, Aiteo, operator of the Oil Mining Lease, (OML) 29 located in Nembe, Bayelsa State on Friday made the highest donation of N0.1 billion to the Bayelsa Educational Development Trust Fund. The oil company was one of the corporate organizations and individuals invited to the official launch of the fund by the state government which held at the Diepreye Alamieyeseigha Memorial Banquet Hall in the state capital.

Representative of the founder of Aiteo ,Victor Okoronkwo announced the donation, even as he lamented the challenges the company was facing with the host communities of Nembe, which according to him was hampering the operations of the company. Former President of Nigeria, Dr Goodluck Jonathan who graced the event saluted the efforts of the Bayelsa State Governor, the Honourable Henry Seriake Dickson in educational development saying he has surpassed expectations. Dr. Jonathan noted that the governor’s decision to deploy the tool of education

to the development and emancipation of the society was the right way to go. According to Jonathan, the initiative and the landmark achievements of Governor Dickson in the educational sector would outlive his eight years as it is backed by law. Dr. Jonathan who said the efforts of the present administration was in line with his educational policy to wrest the Bayelsa child from the claws of illiteracy when he was governor in 2006, noted that Education Development Trust would drastically change the story of Bayelsa as state that was once listed among disadvantaged states,

His words:” I appreciate what Governor Dickson is doing regarding education. We all know that the only way you liberate and uplift a people is through education. From where i started as a child, if i didn’t go to school nobody would have known me outside my village but today l’m known all over the world because i was able to go to school. So supporting education is key. “Governor Dickson has done much higher than i projected in 2006 in terms of expansion of educational work. Today, let me also thank Governor Dickson for this initiative because most problems we have in governance is not scarcity of

good ideas but how will that endure? “By setting up a board established by law has made the Education Development Trust Fund endure beyond his eight years in office and that really has made me very happy and my foundation will continue to partner with this board.” Speaking, Governor Seriake Dickson said his administration viewed investment in the education sector not as a burden but as a responsibility because of its far reaching impact on society. While recounting some of his achievements in the sector, Governor Dickson called on the private sector

and all people of goodwill to support the education trust fund stressing that education must be seen as a collective responsibility of all. The Governor who stressed that lack of education was at the root of instability, militancy and insurgency urged multinational oil companies to emulate the Nigerian Army by adopting secondary schools already built by the state government. He said that the State Government had committed N80 billion to the development of educational infrastructure in Bayelsa aside from salaries in pursuit of the vision to create access to education in the state.



The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 - June 4, 2019

Ohakim’s revelations: ‘You lack political relevance to Udenwa has some comment on 2023 Presidency’ questions to answer –Okere – Peter Obi blasts Amaechi Pg 14

Bayelsa governorship election: Arch. Reuben Okoya as beautiful bride CLEM ONYEMAECHI, in Bayelsa, ex-rays the governorship ambition of Reuben Okoya and explains why this notable architect is the beautiful bride of Bayelsa governorship politics.


n November 16, 2019, the people of Bayelsa State will go to the polls to elect their 5th civilian governor. Among those whose posters and bill boards have started emerging as potential contenders for the position are, Senator Heineken Lokpobiri, former Governor, Chief Timipre Sylva, former federal permanent secretary, Dr. Godknows Igali, former managing director of the Niger Delta Development Commission, (NDDC) Chief Ndutimi Alaibe and Chief Joshua Machiver. Others whose posters or billboards are not yet in the public domain but known to be nursing the ambition include, Arch. Reuben Okoya, Hon. Keniebi Okoko, Senator Emmanuel Paulker and Dennis Sami. From the foregoing however, Arch. Reuben Okoya appears to be the beautiful bride as groups and organizations have taken it upon themselves to sell his aspiration across the length and breadth of the state. In 2015, Okoya was a contender for the same position on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, but later withdrew and lent support to Seriake Dickson to secure a second term. As Dickson is rounding off his term, two pro Okoya groups have emerged, the Bayelsa Orange Movement and the Bayelsa Consolidation Movement. The groups say Okoya is the only person among the lot warming up for the guber contest that has what it takes to lead Bayelsa to the Promised Land. The Orange Movement is led by Dr. Konrad Ekiyor Welson, a university don, while the Bayelsa Consolidation Movement is led by Mr. Tommy Ere, a seasoned broadcaster. According to Dr. Welson, the Bayelsa Orange Movement is modeled after the campaign by Orange Scott who had preached around 1833 to bring to end social evils such as slavery and intemperance.

“It is a mission to mobilize all Bayelsans towards Development and Democracy for Prosperity. We are connected to Orange Scott, through history, and our faith in Jesus Christ. We have come to recognize the same sense of duty to call the attention of our people to the wrongs and outrages suffered by the least disadvantaged in our midst such as students, women, retirees, the unemployed and all vulnerable…. “The Bayelsa Orange Movement seeks to bring awareness to the issue of abject poverty and acute ignorance; to be at the feet of Jesus Christ in supporting the rescue of those held and to rally the voices of the people to be the light for both the victims and the perpetrators of poverty and ignorance to find the one true way to freedom and prosperity. “Our message is that it is through righteous leadership that the problems of our society can be addressed, and as such, Bayelsa people should rally round the leadership of Reuben Okoya”, the leader of the Movement, Dr. Ekiyor had said while presenting the group to the public in Yenagoa. On its part, the Bayelsa Consolidation Movement prides itself as a “New Voice” in the political conversation in Bayelsa State. …”Ours is a voice of temperance, a voice of reason and a voice of hope for Bayelsa. Ours is a voice that will, at all times, attempt to speak truth to the powers that be, without being malicious. “Also, ours is a voice that will always attempt to guide Bayelsans in the direction that we believe we should travel, as a people that will lead us to our desired collective destination, which is progress and prosperity, not only for today, but even for coming generations”, the group said at its media launch in Yenagoa. Again the group stressed that it is desirous of seeing the emergence as next governor, someone who will not waste precious time looking at the past, with the

intentions of playing the blame game and digging up dirt, but rather consolidate on the gains of all previous administrations, particularly those of the present one, and working to build on such gains for the betterment of “our beloved state”. “Against this backdrop, we have taken an interested look at virtually all of the names that are being thrown up for the governorship race. We find many of them very qualified and some even competent to hold that office. “However, only one person will eventually occupy the seat of governor, therefore, as a group of well meaning and patriotic Bayelsans, to whom the unity, speedy progress and prosperity of our beloved state is a big deal, we have identified one man, amongst the lot, best suited for the job. “We take this position on the basis of this individual’s humility, comportment, background, exposure, records of service, both in the private and public sectors, creativity, passion and compelling vision for the growth and development of our dear state. “The man we refer to is no other than Architect Reuben Okoya. We are very confident that under his watch, Bayelsa will make rapid and sustainable progress that will positively impact on the lives of all Bayelsans and residents alike. “We hereby, with one voice, call upon him to make himself available for this most important task of moving our dear state forward, even as we pledge to support him as a group with all the resources we can muster, to ensure that he becomes our next governor”, they maintained. The group called on other senatorial districts other than Bayelsa Central where Okoya hails from to drop the ambition to seek the office of governor and avail Bayelsans the opportunity to enjoy the goodies which Okoya’s leadership would bring to the people. They maintained that Bayelsa East has

Pg 16 had its turn with Dr. Goodluck Jonathan and Timipre Sylva as governors, while Bayelsa West is currently having its turn with Governor Dickson, leaving only Bayelsa Central to take its turn in the zoning arrangement. They went further to argue that Yenagoa in Bayelsa Central which is the State Capital and where Okoya hails from should take the first shot at the office ahead of Kolokuma/ Opokuma in the same district, even as Southern Ijaw in the same Central had taken through Alamieyeseigha. Interestingly, Okoya is not new in the politics of Bayelsa. He was one time Commissioner for Special Duties during the administration of the Late DSP Alamieyeseigha when he also served as Construction Manager, Niger Delta University Project, where he managed the entire Planning, Design and Construction Process for the infrastructural development of the Niger Delta University permanent site at Wilberforce Island, Amassoma in Southern Ijaw Local Government Area. His tenure in the State Executive Council spanned four years, 2003 to 2007, and terminated when a new administration led by Chief Timipre Sylva came on board. But while as Commissioner, Okoya also served as Chairman of African Movie Academy Awards (AMAA) Planning Committee (2007) and Vice Chairman of the same committee in 2006. When he left the state Executive Council in 2007, Okoya ventured into private practice for the first time in Nigeria and established a firm where he was the Chief Executive Officer, CEO and brought his wealth of experience to bear as a seasoned administrator and construction genius. In 2011, Okoya’s work in Bayelsa sought him out as he was appointed the Coordinator, Abuja Metropolitan Management Council (AMMC) under the Federal Capital Territory Ministry when Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan ascended the Presidency in 2011. He held the position up until Jonathan lost the presidency in 2015. Born on July 3, 1961 to Late His Royal Majesty, Ezekiel Pappah Okoya , the Ibenanaowei of Ekpetiama Kingdom (former Minister of Transport, Health and Information in the old Eastern Region) and Mrs. Sussanah Okoya of Bumoundi, also in Ekpetiama Clan in Yenagoa Local Government Area, Bayelsa State, the young Okoya attended both his primary and secondary school in Port Harcourt and obtained his West African School Certificate(WASC) in 1977. He thereafter proceeded to the University of Oklahoma in the United States of America in 1978, and bagged a Bachelor of Science Degree in 1981 in Environmental Design (BSED). He later capped his qualification with a Masters Degree in Architecture (M. Arch) from Florida A and M University, Tallahasse, Florida, USA in 1984. He is a member of the Nigerian Institute of Architects, (NIA), Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and American Institute of Architects (AIA). With a rich academic background, it was time to put the knowledge to work. He enlisted as a staff Architect with the Professional Engineers Inc, a leading architectural firm in Alexandria, Virginia, USA, and later in 1991, established VHT Associates, an Architecture and Construction company, based in Washington DC, where he offered professional services to private and public institutions in the United States of America. In the year 2000, Reuben returned to Nigeria to avail the country of his rich expertise in construction management.w

The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 - June 4, 2019



Ohakim’s revelations: Udenwa has some questions to answer –Okere Veteran journalist and author, Dr. Ethelbert Okere, recently published a book on the governorship transition programmes in Imo State. In this interview with COLLINS UGHALAA in Owerri, the Imo State capital, he speaks on the market performance of the book and the reactions that have trailed it, among other issues. Excerpts: Your latest book on governorship transitions has drawn a lot of attention. Did you expect that? Naturally, if you write something, whether it is an article or a book, you should expect it to catch the attention of readers. Otherwise, there would be no need writing. You probably have made a lot of money? It is not about the money. We pushed out only about three thousand copies into the market. The vendors tell me it has sold out and are asking for more. And you ask for the money, the sales people say they are waiting for returns, the usual excuse when you deal with vendors. (laughs). But that’s not the issue. We need the money quite alright but I am more satisfied by the fact that people pick it up. Just today, I was at one of the newspaper stands at Okigwe road roundabout. As soon as the vendor saw me, he started beckoning on a gentleman in suits. “Come, the Oga is here”, pointing at me. It happened that the gentleman had come to ask for few more copies of the book, haven bought one earlier. But the vendors there had ran out of stock I went back to my vehicle and fortunately, I had some copies there; so I gave him two. A drama ensued, the vendor wanted to collect the money but I insisted on collecting it myself and I did. And I now asked the vendor for the money of the ones he sold earlier and he spread his hands and we all laughed. It was nothing serious. It was just the fun. I am happy that people appreciate the stuff. What was the chief motivation for writing the book? It came after I had noticed that the state was going to witness another rancorous transition from the Okorocha administration to that of Hon. Ihedioha. Immediately after the declaration of the result of the March 9, governorship election, both camps began to throw missiles at each other. Although that was expected, I felt we should remind ourselves of the danger of prolonging the bitterness among members of the political class. I have witnessed two such rancorous transitions and I know it is not the best for the state and its people. The book was meant to be a newspaper article but it turned out to be too lengthy. So, I decided to put it in a book form. You could notice that the book is small. Only 62 pages. I had early taken a decision to produce most of my write-ups in a book format, no matter the volume. I am a publisher, so it would take me nothing. I have even discovered that the smaller a book is the more attention it draws, because people find it easier to go through it. During the last electioneering campaigns, I did a pamphlet titled, “NDIGBO AND ATIKU”. It was about 32 pages and I wanted to just distribute it free as part of my contributions to the presidential campaign of the former vice president. But unknown to me, the vendors were selling it. They kept on coming for more copies. So, by the time we had the PDP rally in Owerri, I had only about three thousand copies to distribute at the Dan Anyiam stadium that day. How many copies did you print? Over 20,000 copies. Did you get the money? For where? (Laughs) But like I said earlier,

my interest is that people see these publications worthy of parting their hard earned money for. There was a review of your latest novel, “Rebel Cattle From Katsina”. Is it also selling? It is not yet in the market but we are arranging to push it out before the end of June. Ok. Let’s go back to your latest work on Imo governorship transitions. There was a recent article by a former Speaker of the Imo State House of Assembly, Hon. Noel Agwuocha Chukwukadidia, in which he claimed that your book was an attempt to berate Udenwa while painting Ohakim as a saint. I met with Hon. Agwocha before he published his article. He had called me to ask for copies after reading its serialization in the newspapers. So, I personally took two copies to him because he is one leader I have tremendous respect for. He called me the following day to say that he had some reservations on some aspects of the book and that he was doing an article to make his views known. The former Speaker is a good friend of mine. He is fond of me and we always compare notes. But I was quite surprised at the claims he made over the aspects of the book that dealt with His Excellency, Chief Achike Udenwa. The impression he gives is that the book is part of the current fight between the two formers governors, His Excellency, Chief Achike Udenwa and His Excellency, Dr. Ikedi Ohakim. But that is a big fallacy. There is nothing like that. It is a very wrong interpretation of the thrust of the book as it concerns Chief Udenwa whom I also have a lot of respect for. He said you relied on an earlier book by C.O.C Akaolisa in which he took a swipe at Governor Udenwa. Whether or not Akaolisa took a swipe at Governor Udenwa was not my worry. I was writing of transitions of state administrations between 1999 and 2019 and while researching, I discovered that it was Akaolisa’s book that has anything on the subject matter I was writing on. So, I quoted him verbatim. I did not even paraphrase Akaolisa. I was not writing on the Udenwa administration generally and the book is not an appraisal of that administration. It is on transitions and I discovered that it is only Akaolisa’s book that touched on what I was writing. It is a well known fact that Akaolisa was a very close aide of Governor Udenwa. I couldn’t ask for anything more. In any case, I could not see any other publication by the several aides of the former governor on him. I was only interested in the views or information contained in Akaolisa’s book. Akaolisa’s book was published in 2010. Why is it now that they are taking note and reacting to what he wrote in his book? Again, linking me with the quarrel between the two governors, both of whom I have very high regards for, is quite unfair. But what is your take on the matter? I mean the quarrel between your former boss, Ohakim and his predecessor? Ordinarily, my take is that it shouldn’t have taken the dimension it has taken. For example, look at the attempt to link my book to it. And by no less a personality than Hon. Noel Agwuocha! Before him, at least three

• Ethelbert Okere other members of the Redemption camp or movement had joined the fray and all they achieved is to escalate the matter by trivializing it. Is that not a contradiction, Sir? It is not. There is no contradiction in what I am saying. The Redemption people or so, coming in defense of Governor Udenwa are doing both. They grant an interview or write articles merely to remind Ohakim that it was His Excellency, Chief Achike Udenwa, that made him governor. As far as I am concerned, that is too cheap. At least three of those who have so far defended him publicly, Mayor Eze, Alwell Onwuka and now Hon. Agwuocha have re-echoed that refrain. And these are highly regarded gentlemen. So, reducing the matter to just that of who made who governor is for me a trivialization of the issue. It is even a letdown on the people of the state. Governor Ohakim, in the course of defending himself from His Excellency, Chief Udenwa, who started the attack, raised some weighty issues. I think what the Redemption people should do is to address the issues. Or, they could as well ignore Governor Ohakim. But to begin to tell Imolites that Udenwa made Ohakim is an assault on the collective psyche of the people. It is not about who made who governor but by writing or talking the way they do, these Redemption people are telling Imo people that they are fools in electing Ohakim and also telling Ohakim himself that he is a Mr. Nobody. That is quite reprehensi-

ble. I am not holding brief for him but Ikedi Ohakim was certainly not a Mr. Nobody before 2017. Even the real Mr. Nobody will not take such a thing. That’s why his chief press secretary, keeps returning the attacks and asking them to respond to the issues raised by his boss. Up till now, they have not been able to respond to any of the issues raised by Ohakim or his press secretary. That’s why the matter is getting escalated. What are those issues? You probably read Dr. Ohakim’s interviews or his Chief Press Secretary’s write-ups? This is not the forum for that. I believe it is outside the scope of this interview. I also believe that both Governor Ohakim and his Chief Press Secretary made their points quite clearly. It is not for me to repeat them here. You see, I am of the sincere opinion that people should not be afraid of taking up issues either in attack or in defense. So, what is actually the origin of this matter? Many people in the state do not know... The origin of the matter is that His Excellency, Chief Achike Udenwa, threw a dart at his successor, Ohakim, in a newspaper interview sometime early in March. In the course of the interview, he claimed that Imo people desperately sought for Ohakim’s removal as governor. He claimed that Ohakim was a failure and that the people were agitating for his removal. He then went ahead to say that even if Ohakim recontests for the office of the governor ten times, he would fail ten


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 - June 4, 2019


• Udenwa times. I was in London when the interview was published in the Sunday Sun newspaper but somebody called me all the way from Nigeria to tell me about it. I read the interview online and I was shocked to discover that His Excellency, Chief Achike Udenwa, could sound that ordinary. His language was too cheap to come from a man of his standing. Apart from the factual error contained in his claim that Ohakin failed, to say that he, Ohakim, would fail elections even if he contested ten times was completely lacking intact and sophistication. I am sure quite a lot of people were disappointed with his choice of words. It was provocative because you were talking to a man who was still jolted by the figures posted against his name in the March 9, governorship election, whether the figures were correct or not. That was not fair at all. As a keen observer, what do you think that must have prompted Chief Udenwa to make those remarks? I think it is basically best known to him but I have also come across newspaper articles in which it was argued that His Excellency, Chief Achike Udenwa, might have become apprehensive by Ohakim’s open declaration of support for Hon. Emeka Ihedioha even before he was officially pronounced the winner of the March 9, 2019 governorship election. The interview where His Excellency threw that bomb on Ohakim came shortly after that open declaration of support by Ohakim for Ihedioha. Some people probably think that His Excellency, Chief Udenwa, wanted to sound a note of warning to Ohakim to stay clear of their party’s victory. But as I said, only His Excellency is in the best position to say why he took such a disappointing step. But some people still argue that Ohakim overreacted to what Udenwa said. I don’t agree with that. You said the man failed and you expected him to swallow his saliva and walk away. Of course, it is a big fallacy to say that Ohakim failed. So, even if nobody would defend him, he had to say no, I did not fail. Some of us who were part of his administration would have come out smoking but we felt there was no need. In fact, I thought initially that His Excellency, Chief Udenwa, would have had his attention drawn to the mistake he made by employing the type of language he did but those who came to his defense after Ohakim shot back didn’t help matters. They decided to make a song and dance of a claim that Udenwa made Ohakim governor, which, as I said earlier, completely trivialized the matter. Now, they are struggling to post the achievements of His Excellency, Chief Uden-

• Ohakim wa, twelve years after he left offices. As far as I am concerned, that is not a good image to create both of the former governor and his political family. If you go through Hon. Agwuocha’s article, you will discover that it was essentially about the achievements or His Excellency, Chief Achike Udenwa. Again, that is quite cheap. If after twelve years we are still being made to remember what that administration achieved, then it means that those achievements were not entrenched in the minds of the people in the first place. More importantly, it is taking the people back emotionally and psychologically. The people have since moved on twelve years after. But you were sort of taking them back to the past with your book. No. My book is not an appraisal of the three administrations between 1999 and now. And I kept on pointing at that. My concern was to interrogate the perennial antagonism between outgoing and incoming governors since 1999. In the case of the Udenwa-Ohakim transition, I noted that though it was not in the open, there was a cold war because Governor Udenwa was not keen on having Ohakim as his successor. But I did also point out that it was perhaps nothing personal because before Ohakim came to the scene, His Excellency, Achike Udenwa, had shown a baffling indecision over whom his party should support as his successor. It is a fact which even a cursory observer of the Imo political terrain knew. Perhaps that confusion merely extended to Ohakim. It was that type of indecision so exhibited by the governor that interested me while I was writing my book. And frankly speaking, I believe that His Excellency, Chief Udenwa, still needs to explain himself over what happened at that time. It was a monumental saga in the politics of the state and up till today, many Imolites believe that the animosity within the political elite in the state took its roots right there. It was that indecision that led to the emergence of Martin Agbaso as an adopted candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party which His Excellency, Governor Udenwa was leading. Agbaso later lost out following the cancellation of the April 14, 2007 governorship election. Up till now, there is no love lost between him and Ohakim. I was an insider of government during the litigations through which Agbaso sought to retrieve him so-called mandate from Ohakim. The same with Senator Araraume. He comes from a shouting distance with Ohakim, but their rivalry is legendary. You know what I am talking about. Their rivalry was part of the fall out of the baffling indecision on the part of Governor Udenwa. Till today, Ara-

raume sees Ohakim as a fellow who stole his mandate. Both appear to be irreconcilable. We can go on and on but the long and short of it is that majority of Imolites put the blame of the pervasive political animosity in the state on the door steps of His Excellency, Chief Achike Udenwa. For me, he has to explain some of those things to remove this notion in the minds of the people. It is not about whether or not Udenwa made Ohakim governor. If he had the ability to make anybody governor, why did he have to wait until the state virtually came to its knees before its people could have a fellow to succeed him? Hon. Agwuocha in his article admitted that when it became clear that the PDP was not going to have a candidate that Udenwa linked up with Maurice Iwu, the then INEC chairman and President Olusegun Obasanjo. Did that have to happen? Where else did Obasanjo have to go to determine who emerged as governor? Up till now, some of the remarks Obasanjo made about Imolites are still seen as the most condescending in our political literature. And somebody presided over that. So, the point I want to make is that His Excellency, Chief Achike Udenwa, should do something to stop the quarrel; one, because he started it, and two, because his handlers are further infuriating Imolites by reminding them of the leadership lacuna that they were made to witness at such a critical moment when they needed it most. As I said, my book is not about roads or buildings but about transition hiccups. In the 2007 transition, the state nearly imploded because of the baffling inability of the then governor to guide the ruling party properly. At the end, the PDP, which the governor was leading, could not produce its own candidate. I ask you, if that was not the origin of the party’s problems, which it is just struggling to come out from, what else is? But you were not in the party then? I didn’t need to be in any political party to know what was happening. I was in full journalism practice and I was writing one of the most widely read newspaper columns in the country then. In my trade, am in a position to know what most of the socalled politicians do not ºknow. I knew more politics then than since I started to belong to parties. Most partisan politicians are very circumscribed in their grasp of issues. That is why people like us do not get carried away by claims by some of them. You are probably the first member of the Ohakim administration to openly comment on this fight between him and Chief Udenwa. Can you buttress some of his claims? Like which claims?

Such as that Udenwa was part of the intrigues that caused him distractions. As I said earlier, many of us are quite reluctant to join the fray, but I must mention that one of Governor Udenwa’s boys in a recent interview was frantically denying that His Excellency had a hand in some of the ugly experiences Ohakim had. But nothing can be more far away from the truth. I can tell you that His Excellency, Chief Achike Udenwa, was the arrowhead of the conspiracy to stop Ohakim from being re-elected for a second term. I made that revelation in my book, Democracy By Military Tank, published in 2012. It was His Excellency that called Maurice Iwu to let him know that if the result from Ohaji-Egbema L.G.A was allowed in, Ohakim was home and dry as far as the April 26th 2011 governorship election was concerned. Thereafter, Iwu, who was part of that plot, swung into action using his contacts in INEC of which he had been chairman for five years. That was why Professor Akobundu, who was the state INEC returning officer, suddenly stopped the collation of results after receiving a phone call. It was at that point that some soldiers ambushed the returning officer for Ohaji-Egbema, one Mr. Ngozi Nwoko, and took him away. And that was why nobody saw the result of OhajEgbema. The story is fully told in my book under reference and which sold over eight thousand copies. Up till today, nobody has refuted what I wrote concerning the OhajiEgbema result even though I have since discovered that Professor Iwu must have been misled. He is a fine gentle man and today. he takes me as a friend and younger brother. I believe he has also made up with Ohakim. It is also a well known fact that it was in Governor Udenwa’s country home in Amaifeke, Orlu that an agreement was reached to bring in Rochas as Ohakim’s successor even though that was a betrayal of his then political ally, Ifeanyi Araraume, who was the governorship candidate of the Action Congress of Nigeria and to which he also belonged. Go back and read Democracy By Military Tank. Did Udenwa really need to produce a successor? We saw what happened in the attempt by Governor Rochas Okorocha to produce his successor. We should not mix up issues. Hon. Agwuocha alluded to that but what happened in 2007 is quite different from what happened in 2019. Okorocha wanted to impose his sonin-law. Good a thing Governor Udenwa did not contemplate such a thing but it would be tragic for us to use what Okorocha wanted to do as a yardstick for measuring the standard we want to build for our state. What Governor Okorocha wanted to do was an aberration. Let’s go back to your book. Hon. Agwuocha accused you of insinuating that Udenwa abandoned the recommendations of his own transition committee while Ohakim implemented all of his. He then went ahead to point out that Ohakim’s transition committee did not recommend the dredging of Nworie River which he embarked upon. There is nowhere in the book where it is suggested that a transition committee‘s recommendation is the only thing an administration can rely on. It could only be an input. And there are usually several inputs or ideas from different sources. In any case, the dredging of Nworie was an NDDC project. It was not initiated by the Ohakim administration. Finally Sir, how much impact do you think your book will make on the ongoing transition? You see, every writing is by inspiration. Looking at the book, I think that what I like most is in chapter seven where I suggested, among other things, that the incoming governor should reconcile members of the political elite in the state. I believe that the breakdown of elite consensus in the state, though this is not limited to Imo, is the root of the problem. When Okorocha came, he said he did not need the elite but he ended up not having the so called masses with him because the style of his administration. I think it is a lesson for Hon. Ihedioha. Of course, he will still face the problem of peer group jealousy but it will depend on his posturing.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 - June 4, 2019

INTERVIEW Talking about the recent 2019 general election, again in Enugu State, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) won all the elective seats as usual. How do you look at that sir? Is that not unhealthy for democracy in the State? The beauty of democracy is service delivery from the party in power through her candidates . In other words, the ability of the party in power to make dividends of democracy available to the people through her candidates by providing social amenities such as roads, water, quality education and healthcare, electricity and so on. That is the beauty of democracy not horsetrading among political parties. Those of us who operate at the grassroots are after dividends of democracy and not competition among the political parties. I think PDP through Rt. Hon. Dr. Ifanyi Ugwuanyi has consistently delivered dividends of democracy to the people of Enugu State and that is why we don’t have strong opposition in the State. In fact, there are no opposition parties in Enugu State because, all other political parties endorsed Gov. Ifanyi Ugwuanyi for a second term. Under Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, the people of Enugu State don’t look at the face of the opposition at all because Gov. Ugwuanyi in his first term excellently delivered and they wouldn’t want to be left out in his train because of the quality service being rendered by his administration. That was why the opposition parties were not visible in Enugu State during the recent elections. The people are of the opinion that there is no need for other parties since they have a governor who is doing very well under the PDP. You don’t have to change a winning team. So Ugwuanyi’s re-election is worth it by your own judgement? Yeah, the re-election of Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State for a second term is well worth it and no well-meaning person will argue about it. I can recall that prior to the 2015 election, Ugwuanyi who is popularly known as Gburugburu was described as the most popular governorship candidate in Nigeria by the national leadership of People Democratic Party (PDP). Then he won the 2015 election in landslide proving PDP right. However as Governor from May 29, 2015, he maintained that popularity all through with quality service delivery to the good people of Enugu State even at the time when the resources weren’t flowing like before. He started by constructing roads in all parts of the State both in the cities and rural areas. The facelift he gave to Nsukka with the reconstruction of Opi -Nsukka road is there for all eyes to see. The construction of 9th mile by pass, the reconstruction of old Enugu - Awka - Onitsha road, reconstruction of Abakpa - Ibagwa Nike road and the construction of Agbani - Amuri road among other roads he delivered across all the seventeen LGA’s of Enugu State is a wonderful stride that deepened his popularity and acceptability among the people. Furthermore, he paid arrears of workers salary and pensioners and he is ensuring steady payment of workers and pensioners up to date since he came on board. He ensured that there is improvement on the quality of Education, Health, Human Capital Development etc and all sectors of governance in the State. He restored Enugu Rangers as champions after over 30 years of no trophy from the club to Enugu State. He brought succor to the youth with skill acquisition program and empowered them financially taking 750 of them off the jobless market and many other things he did that kept his popularity soaring. The poor and needy are not also left out. Therefore, considering his impressive performance, relevant stakeholders started endorsing him for second term way back in 2017. The traditional rulers endorsed him, civil servants endorsed him, church leaders endorsed him, town unions endorsed him, labour union endorsed him, teachers endorsed him, elders endorsed him, women endorsed, youths endorsed him and so on, so his reelection is worth it 100%.

Why opposition can’t win election in Enugu State - Hon. Ozioko

•Hails Ugwuanyi’s re-election as well deserved. Enugu, the Coal City State is one of the States in Nigeria where political parties in opposition could not gain a foothold in the recent 2019 general election. The ruling party in the State, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) won all available elective positions in the State. In this interview, a Chieftain of PDP and former Chairman of Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area, Dr. Festus Ozioko explains why opposition political parties failed to win a single position in Enugu. Hon Ozioko, popularly known as Cozio and who is the founder and Coordinator of Cozio for Gburugburu 2019, is of the opinion that Governor Ifeanyi Ugwunayi deserved his re-election. The former council chairman also highlighted the expectations of the people from Ugwunayi’s second missionary journey to the Lion Building.

•Ozioko Coming in for a second missionary journey, what are your expectations from Gov Ugwuanyi? Continuation of quality service delivery. We expect him to continue his wonderful service delivery in all the aforementioned areas. I learnt that there is recruitment of new teachers in the State. That is a welcome development and this is not the first of its kind in Ugwuanyi’s administration. He has done massive recruitment in so many sectors of government. I must commend the governor for that. The skill acquisition program should continue because, taking the youth off the jobless market is also part of the security measure. We expect the tight security situation in Enugu State to remain intact. These are the expectations from the people on the second missionary journey of the governor which we are sure he will deliver because, doing good for people runs in his blood, he doesn’t learn it, it is his lifestyle.

Coming down to Igbo-Eze South where you served as Executive Chairman for four years, is there anything you would like the governor to attend to in Igbo-Eze South? Yes, like Oliver Twist, we always need some more, otherwise, he’s been doing a lot in Igbo-Eze South. One of the giant projects he is doing now in Igbo-Eze South LG is the construction of about 40 km Asphalt Road with drainage that cuts across all the Autonomous Communities in the local government. We never take his love and delivery of democracy dividend to Igbo-Eze South for granted and that’s why we massively gave him 38,326 votes during his re-election far beyond many LGA’s that are more in population than Igbo-Eze South and became the 3rd LG that cast the highest number of votes for PDP governorship candidate (Rt. Hon. Dr. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi) and of course other PDP candidates. In the sense of reciprocation, we actually need some more and we are optimistic that he will do more.. We are not to mention any

particular thing because, outside his being a governor, he is one us, Igbo-Eze South is his home. He is our son, brother, uncle and father. He knows what his people need and what is due for his people. You appear to be silent all the while, so what is your next political move or have you decided to hang your boot? Never been silent, rather, I speak and act more through my political support group ( Cozio Group For GBURU-GBURU 2019) than as an individual. The group is a household name in Enugu State politics and I am the founder. I remain a loyal card-carrying member of my party PDP and whenever and wherever the party considers me fit enough to serve, I will humbly accept it, so I am available to serve and to continue to contribute my quota to the progress of PDP in general and the development of Enugu State in particular. Indeed it ended in praise and Enugu remains in the hands of God.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 - June 4, 2019


‘We won’t allow militant activities in our communities’ Recently, a Niger Delta group, Ifalbobou Revolutionary Movement, (IRM), issued a 72-hour ultimatum to the First Exploration and Petroleum Development Company, (First E&P) to quit the shores of the region to avoid attack on its personnel and equipment. The group claimed that the company brought an oil drilling rig for oil exploration even when the health impact of its operations on the host communities had not been ascertained, among other concerns. However, in this interview with our correspondent, CLEM ONYEMAECHI in Yenagoa, Mr. Mathew Sele-Epri, Chairman KEFFES Rural Development Foundation, comprising the cluster of host communities of First E&P, in Bayelsa dismissed the group as self-seeking, while acknowledging a robust relationship between the host communities and First E&P. Excerpts:

A group, Ifalibobou Revolutionary Movement recently raised the specter of violence within the host communities of First E&P, otherwise known as (KEFFES), claiming that the company came into the communities for oil exploration without due process. They cited lack of genuine EIA, among others. What is your reaction? I say to you whoever is saying that there is no genuine Environmental Impact Assessment, (EIA), I don’t know if there is a fake EIA anywhere. If you want to do EIA, what is the process? You call a stakeholders meeting, you share your intentions with them; you go to the field, you collect your data samples, you do your health and social impact assessment. All this processes were followed. The company contacted the communities; the company went round our eight communities and did baseline studies three times. We had the opportunity, to share data with them at Ebis Hotel, (in Yenagoa). Stakeholders were invited. What else do they want me to say? Who is claiming that there was no EIA? The person should bring his facts before me and I will be speaking about EIA. If you want to confirm the state of the EIA, you should talk with the Federal Ministry of Environment and the State Ministry of Environment. Those are the only two authorities that can talk on EIA. You know that this is a massive project, comprising OML 83 and 85, what about the involvement of indigenous contractors, it is alleged that you are not coming clean on this…. Has anybody approached me to recommend him and I didn’t recommend the person? I got a mail today from the drilling company inviting community contractors to a meeting. If you know that you have a company that can provide services, you approach me, I write recommendation letter for you and you go and look for a job. They invited two community contractors for a meeting tomorrow. So who is saying that I am not coming clean on contracting? By the way, I am not even doing any contract with the company as I speak to you. I have no single contract, not a single one. Okay, what are the safety guarantees, like they cited the case of KS Endeavor in 2012 which wreaked havoc within that same axis? Do they know the safety of this rig? Do they even know the safety of the other KS Endeavor? Like I said to you, an EIA was done. What do we mean by an EIA? It is to mitigate any eventuality. And I know that this company did what is called… I have not heard it before; they did an Oil Spill Response Contingency Plan. I have not heard it before. But they did that as well and it was done in our communities. They simulated a spill and see how they can respond to it. If that happens who will be most impacted. That was done. Anybody claiming that an EIA was not done, that the company has not done anything to mitigate

any eventuality, the person is a blatant liar. People are just seeking attention. People are hiding under community to do their militant activities. I won’t take that from them. What is the extent of youth involvement in all this, like in the area of employment and other opportunities this project brings? I have 18 youths employed already that are working on board the rig. 18 youths are working on board the rig. Only 18 in such a big project….? The rig has less than 50 workers and we have 18 workers. We should give ourselves kudos. Going forward what should we expect from you as the leader of the KEFFESS Cluster Communities? We just sent 10 welders for employment as well. So within a period of how many months, the company has not taken anything from us. We just got a rig and we

already have 28 persons (employed). Is that not laudable? It is laudable. What’s your message to the youths of the KEFFES Cluster? The youths of the communities know that First E&P has a lot of potentials for them. So I am sure they are all happy with First E&P because First E&P brought to bear what has not been before in our communities. So if my communities are happy, those who say First E&P is not doing well are those with criminal intentions who are seeking attention; who do not want to work, but want to make free money. Every youth that is serious about his future is happy with what we are doing with First E&P. So those telling you they are advocating for the communities, they are militants that are finding a place to hide for their criminal activities. And we will not take it from them. The community people will come down on them if they dare it.


‘You lack political relevance to comment on 2023 Presidency’ – Peter Obi blasts Amaechi



eoples Democratic Party (PDP) Vice Presidential Candidate and former Anambra State Governor, Mr Peter Obi has declared that the Minister of Transportation, Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi lacks the competence to talk about which geo-political zone will produce the President in 2023 because he lacks political relevance in Rivers State. Addressing journalists after the lecture/ book presentation in honour of Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike in Port Harcourt on Monday, Peter Obi wondered why Amaechi who is not from South East would want to speak for the zone. Flanked by Senator Uche Ekwunife and Senator-Elect, Sandy Onoh, Obi said: “Amaechi is not from the South East, so he cannot speak for us. “He is not in any position to make such statements because even him that is in APC, he did not contribute anything to the success of that election. He did not even achieve anything in his own state. Those of us from the South East who are from the PDP contributed to the success of our party”. The Former Anambra State Governor added: “For example, PDP in my state got 95percent. They (APC) didn’t even get 25percent in Rivers State. So he is not competent to speak on the Presidency in 2023”. On the second term inauguration of Governor Wike, he said that the Rivers State Governor has performed exceptionally well, as evidenced by his numerous projects. He said: “What is happening in Rivers State is that every area has seen very visible improvement. He has done very well. The lecture and book presentation elucidated the performance of the Rivers State Governor”. On the growing insecurity in the country, Obi said the only way to achieve peace is for the Buhari Administration to unite the people and tackle insecurity headlong. “Everybody has to be involved. The President has to work with the governors and the Governors should work with the local government councils. We are Nigerians. We have no other country, so everyone must be involved “, he said. The PDP Vice Presidential Candidate said that the major way to end insecurity is to create jobs for the teeming unemployed youths. He said: “As Long as the youths remain unemployed, we have a crisis “. The former Anambra State Governor said that INEC should be made to be independent, so that they can work without favouring any group.

•Peter Obi



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BU$IN£SS The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019

•Energy •Finance




May 29: Buhari’s policies, programmes fail the economy By SOPURUCHI ONWUKA


he past four years that mark the first tenure of President Muhammadu Buhari has seen Nigeria’s economy in its worst state for decades as flawed policies, poor programme implementation and faltering fiscal regimes exacerbate oil price volatility to grow poverty in the country. Indices relentlessly pumped out by government agencies have consistently mirrored a disabled economy that is incapable of supporting productivity, leading to slow growth, high unemployment, pervasive poverty, high crime rate and internal cashes over limited resources and waning investor confidence. The administration’s efforts at economic diversification and sustenance of inherited structural reforms through recovery programmes and several executive orders to improve productivity were badly managed and so failed to achieve the desired results. Also, fiscal regimes and monetary policies of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) fell vulnerable to political manipulation in the period, leading to exchange rate volatility, lopsided access to foreign exchange (forex) and allegations of forex round-tripping and other manipulations that feed from the huge differentials in the multiplicity of rates. Under President Buhari, government has dominated the local borrowing window with bonds and treasury bills that offer greater lucre to lenders than credit facilities to enterprises. The administration has sustained a massive borrowing streak on assumption of office, supporting its annual budgets with huge debts funding. Debt Management Office in April declared the nation’s total debt stock at $79. 437 billion or N24.387 trillion in 2018 to, indicating 9.1 per cent increase or some N2.7 trillion rise from the N21.725 trillion recorded in 2017. Director-General, Ms. Patience Oniha, said domestic debt accounted for 68.18 percent of the debt stock, adding that official

exchange rate of N307/$ was used for the conversion of external debt stock to Naira. Historical information available at the DMO shows that the current administration has been mindless with borrowing since it came into power in 2015 when it launched off N1.457 trillion loan. Figures for 2016 recession induced borrowings were not available on the agency’s website but the government took another N2.321 trillion loan in 2017. It continued in 2018 N 1. 643 trillion loan and proposed to borrow another N1.649 trillion in 2019. The debts, unfortunately, are used to augment capital spend as rising recurrent and overhead expenditure traditionally take terminal toll on the budgets, leading to insufficient funds for capital expenditure. Expectedly, cost of servicing national debts has seen exponential growth since 2015, draining development funding and further cutting capital budget; leading to a trend of cyclical borrowing. Thus, limited access to forex compounded the stringent competition between government and private business for loans in the money market to create severe illiquidity in the economy and cast uncertainty in the business environment. According to the Director General of Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI),

CBN Exchange Rates APRIL 16th, 2019 Currency Buying(NGN) Central (NGN) Selling(NGN) US DOLLAR 305.95 306.45 306.95 Pounds Sterling 401.3146 401.9705 402.6263 EURO 346.1518 346.7175 347.2832 SWISS FRANC 305.0653 305.5639 306.0624 YEN 2.731 2.7354 2.7399 CFA 0.509 0.519 0.529 WAUA 424.7326 425.4267 426.1208 YUAN/RENMINBI 45.6075 45.6824 45.7574 RIYAL 81.5801 81.7135 81.8468 S/AFRICAN RAND 21.8806 21.9164 21.9521 DANISH KRONA 46.3673 46.4431 46.5189 SDR 425.3317 426.0268 426.7219

Mr. Muda Yusuf, the worsening business environment discourages private investors and robs the economy the opportunity to create jobs that engage the nation’s youthful population. Massive unemployment arising from weakening capacity of the private sector to retain employees has continued to fuel violent crime and insurgency across parts of Nigeria; while the nation’s ill prepared security forces face many internal battle fronts. Mr. Muda stated in a review of the performance appraisal of the ruling party that insecurity is taking the worst toll on agriculture following the regular clashes between herders and farmers in the country. The situation points to imminent hunger which will recycle and spread violence and crime across the nation. A report by The World Poverty Clock in June 2018 indicated that Nigeria overtook India as the country with the most extreme poor people in the world despite that fact that India has a population seven times larger than Nigeria’s. And global economic analysts indict the Buhari government for failing in the struggle to lift more citizens out of extreme poverty despite the rebound in oil prices. The World Poverty Clock calculated that 86.9 million Nigerians representing nearly 50 percent of the estimated 180 million population were in extreme




poverty by June 2018. Outgoing British Prime Minister, Ms Theresa May, had also last year bemoaned rising poverty in Nigeria, saying: “Much of Nigeria is thriving, with many individuals enjoying the fruits of a resurgent economy, yet 87 million Nigerians live below $1 and 90 cents a day, making it home to more very poor people than any other nation in the world.” A review by World Poverty Clock in May 35, 2019 showed that Nigeria’s poverty situation has worsened with the number of abjectly poor rising to over 93 million. The new figures imply that six Nigerians fall into extreme poverty every minute! It is not in doubt that the Buhari government has been in battle with worsening state of affairs. What is in serious doubt is the efficacy of policies deployed against economic depression and efficiency of programme implementation by agencies of government. The obvious is that all strategies introduced by the current administration appear to have yielded no respite to individuals, homes and businesses operating independent of government. In response to Nigeria’s first economic recession in 20 years in 2016, the Buhari government introduced the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP) in March 2017 with strong promises to reposition the economy for recovery and launch it into irreversible course of growth. The ERGP projected gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate of 4.5 percent by 2019, and targeted to reduce unemployment rate to 12.9 percent in the year. Almost in the middle of the year, both targets are far from sight. Latest report from the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS) shows that the economy grew by 2.01% in the first quarter of the year, indicating worsening performance than the last quarter of 2018. With only three quarterly reports expected before the end of the ERGP’s third year deadline, it could as be concluded that the plan has also failed to achieve its 2019 targets.

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Equity & Capital Market

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Stock Market Highlights As At 16th april, 2019



29,746.24 2,979.00 321,357,743.00 N4,657,186,639.16 N11,172,913,393,038.20 N10,744,459,607,350.90 N5,621,606,917.78

Top 5 Trade S/N Coy 1. UBN 2. GUARANTY 3. AFRINSURE 4. CHAMS 5. UBA

5 Top Gainers


Current N1500.3 N10.1 N35.6 N20.9 N4.18

Change %Change 48.1 3.31% 0.9 9.78% 0.5 1.42% 0.4 1.95% 0.31 8.01%

N23 N2.7 N4.8 N0.47 N6.8

-0.5 -0.15 -0.05 -0.05 -0.05

5 Top Losers (By Volume) Value(N) 134,139,573 N912,177,948.80 61,050,779 N2,154,815,752.10 15,000,000 N3,000,000.00 14,020,683 N4,515,536.82 11,302,494 N72,054,057.00


N23.5 N2.85 N4.85 N0.52 N6.85

-2.13% -5.26% -1.03% -9.62% -0.73%

The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 - June 4, 2019

ISSN: 2545-5869




Comfort the afflicted

Many Nigerians are depressed, and the less inthe nation’s funds circulate around government; formed among them are committing suicide. even the few successful private businesses are The number of people who take their life in those tied to the government. To make money the country every day may never be known in today’s Nigeria, you either become a public because only a fraction of the cases is reported. “servant” or collaborate with public “servants” At the same time, the rate of sudden death in to do overinflated or non-existent contracts the country has also gone high. Likely, some of or enjoy waivers for imported goods. In many those reported dead before any sign of illness “juicy” government agencies like the NNPC, were people who took their own lives silently. NDIC and Central Bank, many employees share What is happening? surnames with serving or retired public “servThe bad times are certainly to blame: There are no ants”. The children of the unknown respond jobs. There is little food. Businesses are colto advertisements, not knowing that they are lapsing. Mass poverty and insecurity are the helping to justify the employment letters already results. In this nation of pretenders, however, prepared for the children of the powerful and many hide their want and deprivation in good the influential. clothing. But in the streets, unhappy faces are Although hard times exist, they are not the major common: men in their 40s and 50s who have reason many Nigerians are losing hope and comnever been married, though they clutch univermitting suicide, however. It is mainly because sity degrees; women in their 30s and 40s who Nigerians are no longer their brother’s keeper. are not getting suitors because the men are not Worshipping of money has become the majorready for them. Out of frustration, many have ity’s preoccupation now. The rich are celebrated turned to prostitution or crime. The men (and even in religious houses; the poor are despised. some women) have turned to drugs, hot drinks Where are the comforters of the afflicted? Where and cigarettes. are the clerics preaching about morality rather More people are dropping into the poverty cessthan money? It is unfortunate that this country pool every day, thanks to the failure of most does not offer jobs to psychologists, psychogovernment policies and programmes. Let therapists and psychoanalysts. In their absence, everyone understand this and stop inflicting religious houses should take their place by giving emotional trauma on themselves or on other people hope. Clerics should comfort their trouNigerians who are already distressed. It is out bled followers and not overburden them with of desperation that so many young Nigerians monetary demands. have been perishing in the Mediterranean Sea Many parents are equally guilty. They love their and Sahara desert while trying to escape to Euchildren that do well more than those who do rope. Those who eventually reach Europe live not. Yet, they know it is not the fault of those in slavery or land in prisons from where they who remain unemployed or fail to prosper. are deported back to Nigeria. Some women How many parents themselves are prosperous reportedly eat faeces in some countries! anyway? Mothers are often guiltier than fathers The country is dying because schools have multiin this respect. For them, it is “no money, no plied and have been churning out young peofriendship”. The kind of pressure they mount on ple. Industries that should have accommodated their husbands could make many men go mad. school leavers have all folded up. Almost all of Some women obviously like money without

Culled from Asukwo




caring whether it was made by fair or foul means. But some who got married to criminals almost always end up in despair. Some have been used for money ritual. Divorce cases are soaring. Depression is a treatable disease. A large number of women are susceptible to prenatal (before childbirth) depression or postnatal (after childbirth) depression. Husbands or relations who notice suicidal tendencies in an expectant or new mother should tell a doctor. It is not a manifestation of “spiritual attack” or “ogbanje” but depression. Nigerians who can afford to go for regular checks abroad should kindly do so, for even the rich have been taking their own lives or succumbing to brief illnesses. The sudden death syndrome has been linked to several ailments including high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems. Regular checks of one’s health can arrest this slide. It costs little or nothing, for instance, to check for one’s blood pressure. Poorer Nigerians should help themselves too. It is no longer advisable to wait for any government to solve their problems. So, anyone who wishes to stay alive should be conscious of their health needs and not depend on government. Intending couples should determine their blood group and genotype in order to avoid having children with sickle-cell disorder. And couples should not have many children: it is no longer easy to train even one child well. Having many children obviously leads to complex problems – and depression. No matter the situation one finds themselves in, however, they should never contemplate suicide. It is an act of cowardice and foolishness. Wise people know that times change, and they therefore keep hope alive. No condition is permanent.

Our Vision TO BE among the top five newspapers in Nigeria and, in due course, the Numero Uno; to be a newspaper of records that effectively caters to the information needs of all segments and sections of the Nigerian society as well as all social classes and cultures. Essentially, we want to be a responsible corporate citizen, a commercially viable, properly organised media business, which meets its obligations to society, government and the workforce. Mission WE INTEND to contribute to the development of an inclusive Nigerian society, with a view to getting rid of the dark sides of our national life (slothfulness, greed, corruption, nepotism, totalitarianism, etc); to continually engender and sustain national debates that would ultimately lead to the enthronement of healthy national values--hard-work, justice, equity and fairplay, transparency, good governance, resulting, in themselves, the egalitarian Nigerian society of our dream. We will give voice to the voiceless and at all times, strive to be balanced, objective, honest, truthful and fair to all sides; so that through The Oracle Today, our people, the Nigerian people can see a bright light at the end of what has been a very dark tunnel. And we shall do all this in absolute trust in God who blesses good intentions.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 - June 4, 2019


Buhari and hard-to-say farewell to ministers



he valedictory meeting of the Federal Executive Council (FEC) on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, was convivial. When the ministers arrived at the Council Chamber of the Presidential Villa in Abuja, everyone was in high spirit. There’re shouts of “Hello, and how are you?” the type asked of a long, lost friend. There’re handshakes, hugs and backslapping. The hall was full of banter: chitchat, gossip, repartee, ribbing and small talk. When the pleasantries were done with, President Muhammadu Buhari, like a doting father, gave the ministers a chance to summarise their experiences as members of the FEC in the last three and half years. Remarkably, and amid further wit and humour, the ministers, one after the other, saw the FEC in the image, character and quality of leadership of the president, which they said majority of Nigerians, who had no such opportunity of close contacts with him, didn’t know, and appreciate. At his turn to assess the ministers, Buhari first paid tributes to those that started with his administration, but had to move on (one of them died in an auto crash), and praised the ministers, who remained till the lifespan of the cabinet. In heaping encomiums on them, the president was dramatically poetic, repeatedly urging them “to be proud” to have served Nigeria to the best of their ability. According to Buhari, the ministers should be proud to have been part of the government that liberated the local governments previously under Boko Haram’s rule; to have

contributed to the country’s food security and economic diversification, leading to a rural agrarian economy; and to have been part of the team that developed the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP), which led to Nigeria exiting its worst recession in decades. Besides, he enjoined the ministers to be proud to have introduced the social investment programme that enhanced the livelihoods of millions of Nigerians; to have participated in settling outstanding pensions of many senior citizens, while supporting state governments to meet their salary arrears; and to have overseen the most ambitious road, rail and airport rehabilitation programmes in the history of the country. Then President Buhari had an answer for Nigerians, who had queried why he didn’t change his cabinet since 2015. He said the FEC members, through heated debates, always offered differing views on the best way to achieving government’s goals, thus making the decisions taken “all the more rational.” “It is this quality that made me retain my cabinet for the full term,” Buhari told the nation, adding that each of the ministers had a unique skill and strength. “We (FEC members) are a reflection of the Nigeria we aspire to achieve: A diverse but tolerant nation where no one is silenced and where every opinion should be heard and considered,” he said. There’s no better testimonial than this for the ministers! Yet, they would rather these “kind words” were reserved for another day, preferably at a distant future in the “new government,” and not when they’re sitting, for the last time, at a FEC meeting. Because, beneath the façade were a thou-

sand and one thoughts going through their minds, as to whether, in the estimation of the president, they had performed to merit their consideration for re-appointment into the cabinet. Except those that had decided - none had publicised such intention prior to the meeting - to go into the private sector, serve humanity in other spheres, or retire entirely into a quiet life, every of the cabinet members would want to join the “next level” of the administration commencing on Wednesday, May 29, 2019. But that won’t be possible for a variety of reasons, chief among which is the evaluation of performance of the ministers, not only in the eye of their appointer, President Buhari, but also in the judgment and perception of his “kitchen cabinet” and family members, chieftains and members of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) and the general public. Actually, save for Buhari’s “belief” in the ability of the ministers to discharge their assigned duties in a very difficult political, economic, security and social environment these past years, some of them wouldn’t have remained on the job for six months. The ministers had hardly settled down when calls for a cabinet reshuffle began to mount, and the pressure didn’t go away even in the lead-up to the 2019 polls. If nothing else, some people just wanted a change in the make-up of the cabinet. Prior to the Buhari government, Nigerians were used to incessant cabinet shake-ups, whether minor or major, so long as “new bloods” were injected, to bring the so-called “fresh ideas” into the system. But self-interests were mainly the underlying orchestration


Season of suicides (2)

Of all the recent suicide cases in Nigeria, perhaps the most controversial is that of a young and handsome pastor, a music minister, Michael Arowosaiye, with the Shepherd House Church located in Apo area of Abuja. He was reported to have committed suicide on Tuesday, May 14, 2019, by hanging himself with his belt. Initial reports had claimed that Michael was a pastor with the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), but the church later issued a disclaimer that the pastor, popularly called Pator Tehil, “was only invited to minister at a RCCG programme, which is a common practice within the Christian family to invite music ministers across denominations and help push their musical careers and creating platforms for expressions for their gifts”. The church disclosed that Michael was the music director of Choir 2 in Shepherds House and that he had been living in a house owned by a member of his church who had sold his house. It was also learnt that the pastor was supposed to get married recently, but the wedding was cancelled after the wedding invitation cards had been shared. The cancellation followed allegation that another girl in the church choir claimed that the pastor also proposed to her. The church claimed that “Complications from the cancelation of the wedding, coupled with his accommodation issue possibly led to chains of events that led him to committing suicide”. Unconfirmed sources had also revealed that the second girl with whom the pastor was in love and

promised marriage was circulating the pastor’s nude videos and pictures on the social media, especially to the members of his church. Last week, a woman said to be a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Umuegbu Agwa in Oguta Local Government Area of Imo State took her life. Family sources said that the widow took herself because all her sons whom she labored to train since their father died have all gone into criminal activities. Frustrated with the situation she concluded that suicide was the best option. Despite our huge population, we cannot allow people whose future hold great prospects, or anyone for that matter, see any attraction in suicide. It is never a good way to die. Once someone is born, he has a date with Grim Reaper. In spite of this, people all over the world show respect for life. No culture or religion holds any promise to one taking his life. This is the reason the society in differs cultures imposes all kinds of taboos on the act of suicide. It is never to be contemplated. No matter what the situation is, we are often reminded that life itself is sweet, and we take to heart the age long sayings that assure us that tomorrow is greater. The Holy Bible enjoins us not to worry about tomorrow. “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof” Matthew 6:34. This Biblical aphorism appears in the Sermon on the Mount, and it implies that each day contains an ample burden of evils and suffering, with the embedded lesson that we should avoid adding to them or escalating them. This Biblical passage is variously translated to mean also that “the suffering of the (present) hour is enough for it”. It has further alternative translations such as “Each day has enough trouble of its own” (New American Standard), and “There is no need to add to the troubles each day brings” (Today’s English Version). Epicurean writers such as Anacreon, Greek philosopher and lyric poet, and Quintus Horatius Flaccus, oth-

By COLLINS UGHALAA efore we lost Akachi in his own hands, there was report of a young man who took his life because of a failed relationship with a young lady. The young and handsome man was said to be a devoted Christian and a church worker, a chorister and drummer. As bad as the Nigerian economy has been, many people cannot but wonder how the bad economy could be blamed for a young girl who killed herself because her boyfriend abandoned her. How could someone blame the bad economy for a young man who was doing well for himself, a church worker, chorister or drummer, who took his life? This drummer, reports say, was about to wed his heartthrob but he lost her and he felt it was high time he ended the drama, with his life.

erwise popularly called Horace, a Roman lyric poet, also advise: “quid sit futurum cras, fuge quaerere”, meaning, “Avoid asking what the future would bring”. Relevant institutions of the government should be activated to live up to the reasons they were set up in the first place. The National Orientation Agency (NOA), for instance, should sit up. Faced with economic uncertainties in the country, coupled with social pressures, there is need for aggressive orientation or enlightenment programmes to make the people to always see the reason to give life another chance. Counseling services should be made available to the public. In schools, churches and hospitals, people should get access to counseling services. This will give them the opportunity to talk to someone about their challenges and help solve the problem of depression. The media should also be wary of how it feeds the society with obscene wealth and thereby remolding the values of the society, creating new role models and setting new standards. As a people we must do something to arrest this drift. We need to review our values and standards. All over the country, our value system has fallen abysmally. A man is no longer measured by the strength of his character and the volume of his learning. A man is now measured by the depth of his pocket and how freely he doles out money from his deep pocket. People are now measured by the type and number of cars they drive, the kind of clothes they wear and the kind of mansion they live in. You become a role model once you have a fat bank account or drive expensive cars. And since these have become the measuring stick, a young man considers his life worthless right from the time he finishes secondary school, if he does not have money. To avert this ugly situation and to force himself into reckoning in the society, he wants to get rich by all means necessary. Suicide becomes a beautiful attraction if for any reason he fails to meet his own expectations, or he thinks he is being wrongly judged by his inability to meet up. Moreover, we should be mindful of the

for such adjustments in the cabinet. All this Buhari would have seen through, and held back and allowed the ministers to prove their mettle in the duration of his first term in office. So, it won’t be his fault if any of them failed to measure up to his expectation, or the anticipation of other Nigerians. Hence, at the valedictory FEC meeting, the president thanked them for being “proud” members of a record-achieving body in the face of many odds since 2015. As he told the ministers: “I want to put on record, that your achievements in the last three and a half years have guaranteed your position in the history books of this nation.” Alas, the ministers would wish it had read, “You have guaranteed your position in the new government!” Still, Buhari wasn’t ready to quickly sever the umbilical cord. He gave the ministers until Tuesday, May 28, 2019 (tomorrow), to officially hand over their schedules to their respective Permanent Secretaries, and the “handing over letters” submitted to the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation. It’s a dignified, face-to-face farewell from an appreciative appointer. Yet, it would be all well and good if any of them were to be returned to the cabinet. Otherwise, the former ministers, going into their new frontiers in life, would long cherish their relationships with members of the FEC, particularly President Buhari, who gave them a chance against the agitation for their replacement in the government. •Mr. Ezomon, Journalist and Media Consultant, writes from Lagos, Nigeria.

friends we keep. Growing up in our rural community, elders who did not know us quickly identified our families by our manners. Today, the value system has been eroded. We should at all times try to keep our family values and resist the temptation to borrow the values of our dear friends, especially when those values hold no good for us and our family. This way we will be able to benchmark not only our appetites but our expectations from life. Patience is one of the values to imbibe. It pays to be patient because it is said that a patient dog eats the fattest bone. Believing that tomorrow is pregnant, Igbo enjoin one another to have faith in tomorrow and that their life is not judged by the events of today. They believe tomorrow comes with its fresh hopes and opportunities. •Collins Ughalaa could be reached via email:, or via telephone: 07066222944.

THE GROUP Managing Editor/COO Felix Oguejiofor Abugu Deputy Managing Editor/COO Sopuruchi Onwuka Chairman Editorial Board Igwebike Mbanefo SE/SS Editor Odogwu Emeka Odogwu Acting BDM Kelechi Nze Head, Graphics & Designs Nnamdi Alex Chukwu Circulation Manager Felix Oti


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019


Ali Pate gets World Bank, Harvard University appointments By Daniel Iyanda


ormer Nigerian Minister of State for Health, Muhammad Ali Pate, has received two appointments from the World Bank Group and the public health graduate school of Harvard University: Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. Dr. Pate was appointed earlier this May by the World Bank Group as the Global Director of Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) and Director, Global Financing Facility (GFF), in Washington DC. At about the same time, he was also appointed by the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health as Julio Frenk Professor of Public Health Leadership in the Department of Global Health and Population. Both appointments are effective from July 1, 2019. However, the Harvard T. H. Chan School said Dr. Pate will be on leave while he serves as the Global Director for HNP and GFF. In his new position with the World Bank Group, Ali Pate will lead, develop and communicate the vision and strategic direction of the HNP and the GFF, as well as the linkages to the Human Capital Project; ensure that global priorities are effectively integrated into country programmes; oversee the delivery of high-quality global engagements; and work closely with the HNP practice affiliated regional directors. He will effectively oversee strategic staffing and talent management for staff in the HNP practice and the GFF to deploy and create knowledge and solutions. Established in 2015, the GFF’s goal is to end preventable maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent deaths and improve the health and quality of life of women, children, and adolescents. The GFF is a new model of development financing for the sustainable development goals (SDGs) that helps governments to prioritize critical health and nutrition areas and brings together multiple financing sources to close the funding gap for reproductive, maternal newborn, child, and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH-N) by 2030. The GFF monetary arm, which is the GFF Trust Fund, provides part of the financing countries

need for their investment in RMNCAH-N and it is linked to funding from the International Development Association (IDA) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). In 2018, donors, including the Gates Foundation, the European Commission, Norway, Japan, Cote d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso, pledged over $1 billion for the GFF. According to the World Bank, Dr. Pate was selected to the position through the Bank-wide competitive managerial selection process. He had previously worked with the World Bank: he joined the Bank as a young professional in 2000 and worked on health issues such HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in several regions including Africa and the East Asia and Pacific. Until recently, he was the Chief Executive Officer of Big Win Philanthropy — a UK-based organisation that invests in children and young adults in developing countries – to improve their living standard and maximise demographic dividends for economic growth. Prior to Ali Pate’s appointment as Nigeria’s Minister of State for Health in 2011, he had successfully served as the Executive Director of the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA). In 2013, he resigned as the Minister of State for Health to join the Duke University’s Global Health Institute, where he served as a visiting professor and taught comparative health systems to postgraduate students. At NPHCDA, Dr. Pate introduced various reforms that dramatically increased immunisation coverage in Northern Nigeria. In two years, incidences of the Wild Polio Virus (WPV) fell to only 11 cases from a staggering figure of 803 in the country. He also led the reform that increased the pool of skilled birth attendants and improved delivery of services, helping to reduce high maternal and child mortality and morbidity. Ali Pate studied at the Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria. He obtained his Master of Science in health systems management from the London School of Hygiene and Tropic Medicine, and his Master of Business Administration with a Certificate in Health Sector Management from Duke University.

• Ali Pate

Canopy by Hilton set to debut in Africa

• Lifestyle brand to open in Cape Town’s vibrant Longkloof precinct


ilton has announced the signing of a management agreement with Growthpoint Properties, South Africa’s largest REIT, to open a hotel under its lifestyle Canopy by Hilton brand. The 150 guestroom Canopy by Hilton Cape Town Longkloof is expected to begin welcoming guests in 2021 and will be the brand’s debut property in Africa. Canopy by Hilton launched in 2014 to appeal to travellers seeking locally inspired stays and wishing to immerse themselves in the culture and history of local neighbourhoods. It currently operates in nine destinations around the world with more than 35 properties in the pipeline, aiming to guarantee travellers unique and authentic experiences.

Located a stone-throw away from the city’s historical epicenter, the Company’s Garden, it will bring to life the heritage of a 112-year-old site, Longkloof Studios. The project forms part of a precinct redevelopment by Growthpoint, representing a R550m investment in the city. DHK architects will redevelop a building which began life as the premises of what was then the United Tobacco Company and subsequently served as the home of Cape Town’s Women’s Institute. In a release issued on their behalf by APO Group, Rudolf Pienaar, Chief Development and Investment Officer, Growthpoint Properties, said: “Growthpoint is thrilled to partner with

Canopy by Hilton to launch this phenomenal brand in Africa. Our prime Longkloof redevelopment project is in a magnificent multifaceted historic urban quarter of Cape Town and is the perfect setting for the first Canopy by Hilton branded property on the continent. Our investment in this property reflects our confidence in Cape Town as well as Hilton’s exceptional upscale lifestyle hotel brand. We believe Canopy by Hilton Cape Town Longkloof will become a South African landmark and will be supported by travellers from all over the country and the world.” Patrick Fitzgibbon, Senior Vice President, Development, EMEA, Hilton, said: “Cape Town is one of the world’s most sought-after destinations,

offering an array of attractions to suit every travel occasion. Canopy by Hilton becomes our third brand to gain a presence in the city and we are eyeing further expansion. The decision to locate Africa’s first Canopy by Hilton here, is testament to not only the strength of the destination, but the quality of partners at Growthpoint as we seek to create a showcase interpretation of the brand to introduce to the African continent.” In keeping with its traditional place within the social fabric of the city, guests will be welcomed by friendly ‘Enthusiasts’ selected for their expert local knowledge and will be invited to partake in local food and drink tastings alongside the local community.

Ivory Coast accelerates digital migration with SES • Ivorian TV viewers will be able to watch 60 digital TV channels via SES’s satellite at 22 degrees West


vory Coast’s public broadcasting company, the Société Ivoirienne de Télédiffusion (SIDT) has selected SES as its digital partner in a major move to meet the country’s 2020 deadline for switching over from analogue to digital broadcasting. Under this multi-year agreement, 60 analogue turned digital channels will be broadcast with brighter, sharper picture and better sound, via the SES-4 satellite at 22 degrees West. SES will be using the comprehensive coverage of SES-4 to ensure high service availability of bandwidth

and to broadcast all channels via the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) infrastructure across Ivory Coast. These digital channels will then be available to all Ivorian television (TV) viewers who have a digital set-top box or an integrated digital TV with a built-in DTT decoder. In addition to using SES4 to accelerate the digital switchover, the capacity leased on SES-4 for digital broadcasting will also be used to broadcast Radiodiffusion Télévision Ivoirienne (RTI), the state’s public TV network, to fulfill its public service mission of

providing local news and information to Ivorians. “SES has provided us with an innovative solution to ensure deployment of digital TV by broadcasting multiplexes across the country. This is an important milestone as we are now one step closer to ending analogue service,” said Yeo Adama, General Manager of the SIDT. “We are excited to work with SES, which has both the technical capabilities and the practical experience required to support our ambitious projects, including the implementation of new broadcasting standards.”

“The move from analogue to digital broadcasting can be complex, and we are fully committed to making this as hassle-free as possible for the SIDT in Ivory Coast. Our satellite will provide the reliability to broadcast high-picturequality TV services to Ivorians, while our teams are well-positioned to deliver the technical services and innovative solutions required to facilitate a successful digital migration for Ivory Coast,” said Clint Brown, Vice President of Sales and Market Development for SES Video in Africa.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019


NNPC posts $490.03 m Export Sale of Crude Oil and Gas


he Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) posted a total export sale of crude oil and gas of $490.03 million in February 2019 which is 32.45 per cent higher than the previous month’s sale. NNPC Group General Manager, Group Public Affairs Division, Mr. Ndu Ughamadu, in a release of the February 2019 edition of the corporation’s Monthly Financial and Operations Report (MFOR) in Abuja, said Crude oil export sales contributed $350.29 million (71.48 per cent) of the dollar transactions compared with $240.23 million contribution in the previous month. The report, the 43rd edition of the NNPC MFOR, explained that the export Gas sales amounted to $139.74million in the month under review, stating that the February 2018 to February 2019 crude oil and gas transactions indicated that crude oil & gas worth of $5.94billion was exported. The report announced a 40 per cent drop in recorded cases of oil pipeline vandalism in February, 2019 when compared with the reported incidents of January 2019. A breakdown of the report indicated that in February 2019, a total of 137 pipeline points were vandalized which translates to 40 per cent drop from the 230 points vandalized in January 2019. It was revealed that Mosimi-Ibadan petroleum products pipeline accounted for 72 per cent of the breaks while Kaduna, PortHarcourt, Warri and Gombe lines made up the remaining 28 per cent.


• GMD, NNPC, Maikanti Baru The report attributed the drop in the line break to efforts by NNPC, the local communities and other stakeholders to reduce and eventually eliminate pipeline vandalism. To ensure continuous increase in petrol supply and effective distribution across the country, 1.27bn litres translating to 45.53million liters/day were supplied for the month. The MFOR explained that in the Downstream Sector, the corporation has continued to diligently monitor the daily stock of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), otherwise called petro, to achieve smooth distribution of petroleum

products and zero fuel queue across the nation. In terms of natural gas off-take, commercialization and utilization, the records indicated that within the period, daily average natural gas supply to gas power plants increased by 8.23 per cent to 819.85million standard cubic feet (mmscf), equivalent to power generation of 3,336MW. The figure is an improvement from the January 2019 record where an average of 757mmscfd was supplied to generate 3,124MW. Also, out of the 223.23billion cubic feet (bcf) of gas supplied in February 2019, a total of 127.62bcf of gas was commercialized

consisting of 37.77bcf and 89.85bcf for the domestic and export market respectively. This translates to a total supply of 1,349.03mmscfd of gas to the domestic market and 3,780.24mmscfd of gas supplied to the export market for the month. This implies that 57.17 per cent of the average daily gas produced was commercialized while the balance of 42.83 per cent was re-injected, used as upstream fuel gas or flared. Gas flare rate was 9.51 per cent for the month under review i.e. 757.94mmscfd, compared with average gas flare rate of 9.52 per cent i.e. 750.01mmscfd for the period February 2018 to February 2019.

NNPC ongoing recruitment exercise enters third phase …Computer Based Testing Scheduled for 1st June


he ongoing recruitment exercise by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has said its ongoing recruitment exercise has entered the third stage, and cndidated would take computer based tests early june.

Spokesman, Mr. Ndu Ughamadu, said shortlisting of candidates for the exercise has been concluded. The release stated that shortlisted candidates have been scheduled to sit for Computer Based Testing (CBT)

at centers across the Country. He said shortlisted candidates are being contacted through electronic messages and mails, adding that validation of credentials of candidates would be a continuous process throughout the exercise.

He said that candidates discovered not to meet the advertised requirements or who had presented false documents at any stage would be withdrawn from the exercise.

World’s biggest semi-submersible crane vessel unveiled


he world’s biggest semisubmersible crane vessel (SSCV) is set to blaze a trail when it enters into service in the coming months, armed with the strongest pair of revolving cranes for offshore oil, gas and renewable energy installation and decommissioning jobs. Named after the Norse God Odin’s eight-legged stallion and newly completed at Sembcorp Marine’s Tuas Boulevard Yard for owner Heerema Marine Contractors, SSCV Sleipnir has a 220-m by 102-m reinforced deck area, making it the largest crane vessel to be built. The vessel also has two 10,000ton revolving cranes which can lift loads of up to 20,000 tons in tandem. No other existing crane vessel has this capability. Sleipnir can accommodate

India tackles air pollution with natural gas policy

400 persons and will be deployed globally for installing and removing jackets, topsides, deep-water foundations, moorings and other offshore structures. Importantly, with its singlelift capability catering to larger integrated structures than previously possible, Sleipnir will minimize offshore assembly work and raise operational efficiency to a new level, while not compromising the flexibility and robustness of traditional installation methodologies. The vessel further stands out as the world’s first crane vessel with dual-fuel engines running on Marine Gas Oil (MGO) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). Coupled with an IMO- and US Coast Guard-approved ballast water management system, Sleipnir will operate sustainably across all environmental jurisdictions.

Heerema has already secured contracts to deploy the vessel in various offshore energy developments, including: Leviathan topsides installation in the Mediterranean Sea; Tyra jackets and topsides installation and removal in the Danish North Sea; Brae B jackets and topsides removal in the UK North Sea; as well as transportation and installation of the Hollandse Kust Zuid (HKZ) Alpha HVAC platform in the North Sea, off the Dutch coast. In the offshore wind sector, Heerema sees a significant growth in the size of wind turbines and foundations, which requires specialized equipment for their installation. With its large cranes capable of a 129-m lifting height and a combined 20,000-ton lifting capacity, Sleipnir is very well placed to accommodate

this trend of increasingly bigger offshore wind turbines. Speaking at Sleipnir’s christening in Tuas Boulevard Yard this evening, Mr. Pieter Heerema, chairman of the board at Heerema Marine Contractors said: “I am immensely proud that Heerema Marine Contractors is again taking things further with the introduction of our new semi-submersible crane vessel. Sleipnir scores several firsts in the industry. It is the largest crane vessel yet built, it has the strongest pair of revolving cranes, and it’s also the world’s first crane vessel with dualfuel engines running on MGO and LNG, dramatically reducing harmful emissions. Sleipnir’s innovative capabilities will place Heerema even firmer at the forefront of developments in the offshore oil, gas and wind energy industry for both installations and decommissioning.”

ne of the biggest challenges facing Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as he begins his second term is ensuring clean air in a country that’s home to some of the most polluted cities in the world. The country is burning up more coal to supply cheap electricity to its 1.3 billion people, resulting in polluted air across vast stretches. That’s costing lives and denting the nation’s economic productivity, prompting a policy rethink. Air pollution and how political parties plan to tackle it figured in their manifestos for the first time in national elections that ended May 23. Efforts in the past to clean up the environment have struggled to clear the test of affordability. India’s fleet of coal-burning power plants, among the biggest sources of air pollution and a dominant provider of cheap energy, have dragged their feet over implementing emission standards, citing cost. A campaign to replace firewood with clean cooking fuel in rural homes needs to be affordable to have greater adoption. The Modi administration is expected to bring fuels, such as natural gas, under the national sales tax regime, helping them compete with dirtier options, such as coal and petcoke. The administration is expected to boost local production of gas and make it more affordable and help raise its share in the mix to 15%, more than double from now. It would strengthen the electricity distribution companies. Rejuvenating the power retailers would be crucial for transitioning to cleaner, although costlier electricity. Their losses rose from April to December, reversing a declining trend. Efforts to revive them during Modi’s first term met with some progress but haven’t been completely successful. The administration is expected to ensure timely implementation of emissions norms for thermal power plants. One of the reasons the process has moved slowly was a possible reluctance by lenders to finance retrofits in a sector already stressed with a mountain of bad debt. Fixing the money-losing power retailers would be key to resolving the bad loan mess. The government is also expected to accelerate capacity addition in renewable energy, while enabling the grid to deal with the rising flow of intermittent power. It is expected to also increase use of biomass for energy to help reduce the dependence on crude oil imports and prevent burning of crop residue, a leading air polluter in northern India.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019

ENERGY Supermajors lead the way in high impact exploration


he largest oil companies are playing an increasingly important role in high impact exploration but performance was down in 2018, limited by a lack of depth in the quality of global drilling opportunities, according to experts at research consultancy, Westwood Global Energy Group. It’s 10th annual ‘State of Exploration’ report reviewed global conventional exploration over the last five years and looked ahead at the prospects for 2019. The report reveals that the industry is following a twin track strategy, increasing short cycle exploration over the period in mature basins with existing infrastructure whilst maintaining the hunt for new petroleum provinces, particularly in deep water. Companies are also moving away from onshore frontier drilling opportunities in areas such as sub-Saharan Africa, due to the time (16 years or more) that some have taken to commercialize. Above-ground challenges including lack of infrastructure and political/ regulatory hurdles are effectively ruling these out, together with an anticipation of the energy transition for some companies. Other key findings from the State of Exploration report are that exploration drilling increased by nearly 30% in 2018 compared to 2017 but performance was down, with fewer big discoveries and a lower commercial success rate. The report also stated that discovered volumes from high impact drilling fell overall by 50% in the 2014-2018 period compared to the previous five years. In 2019, high impact drilling is forecast to increase by 20% to around 80 wells, with more high impact wells planned in maturing and mature plays, especially

North West Europe and Mexico, it stated. Also, supermajors participated in over 50% of the high impact wells in 2018 (up from 34% in 2015) and over 70% of high impact wells in 2019 to-date, according to the report. President in charge of research for Westwood Global Energy Group, Dr. Keith Myers, explains: “Whilst exploration is recovering, it’s from a very low base. There’s an acknowledgement amongst many exploration companies that it may never again reach 2014 levels. “There are three main reasons for this. First, the quality of the drilling portfolio globally is declining overall; despite improved drilling numbers there has been decrease in discovered volumes, average discovery size, and success rates. Second is the competition from the U.S. onshore for reserves replacement capital. Third is the looming energy transition away from fossil fuels that is starting to impinge on exploration thinking. “The competitive landscape is changing with the largest companies like Total, Equinor and Exxon now leading the way on conventional high impact drilling, which is forecast to increase by 20% this year. At the same time, mature regions such as North West Europe are seeing a renaissance, as explorers focus on trying to find more hidden gems.” The State of Exploration Report covers all high impact and frontier drilling, key discoveries of 2018, key plays explored and all frontier drilling. Exploration performance trends were analysed using a benchmark group of 36 international E&P companies that participated in 756 conventional wildcat wells between 2014 and 2018, drilled at a cost of $28.3 billion and discovering 22.4 Bbbl of oil and gas.

Japan, Austria support private sector climate change investments


he governments of Japan and Austria have approved a $1 million fund to strengthen the participation of the private sector in combating climate change. The funding will be channeled to the Africa Private Sector Assistance (FAPA) grant, which aims to expand the role of the private sector in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of African countries. NDCs are national efforts to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions and form part of the Paris Agreement on climate change. The project would be implemented by the Climate Change and Green Growth Department of the African Development Bank. It is intended to engage the private sector, especially small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs), in improving the integration of climate change measures in their investment decisions. The Regional Member Countries (RMCs) selected for the implementation of the project are Egypt, Angola, Mozambique, Morocco, Nigeria and South Africa. The project is expected to contribute to green and inclusive

economic growth in the target RMCs and enhance the capacity of SMEs, project developers and sponsors to scale up green investments that support NDCs. It will also help increase private sector investments that facilitate the implementation of NDCs in target countries. The project is to address constraints to attracting climate finance, including lack of enterprise knowledge, and insufficient capacity in preparing green bankable projects. FAPA is a multi-donor thematic trust that provides grant funding for technical assistance, as part of the Bank’s Private Sector Development Strategy. The governments of Japan and Austria and the African Development Bank are active contributors to the fund, which to date has provided over $68.58 million to 79 projects in 38 countries across the African continent. The FAPA portfolio includes regional and national projects that improve the business environment, strengthen financial systems, build private sector infrastructure, promote trade, and the development of micro, small and medium enterprises.

• Managing Director of NNPC Capital, Mr. Godwin Okonkwo, exchanging ideas with the House of Representatives Ad Hoc Committee Chairman Investigating the Non-Remittances of Funds to the Federation Account by the Corporation, Hon. Chukwuka Onyema Wilfred, at the National Assembly Complex in Abuja Tuesday.

Seplat canvasses investments in African energy bridge I ndigenous gas factor, Seplat Petroleum, has declared the need for new phase of investments in the African petroleum industry to focus on bridging the gap between petroleum resources and domestic energy demand. Operations Director, Mr. Effiong Okon, who spoke at a forum in London, stated that the challenge of importing refined fuel into resource rich African countries presents investment opportunity for new players interested in filling energy and infrastructure gaps in the continent. He said the paradox of exporting crude oil and importing refined petroleum products exposed weak midstream industry presence in the continent, saying the gaps in processing upstream commodity into consumable fuel products presently throw up the challenge of providing energy to fuel economies of the continent. Mr. Okon said Africa has a good balance of oil and gas but still faces the challenge of importing the refined crude due to lack of sufficient refining capacity. He stressed: “Over 100 people in Africa still do not have access to electricity. Lack of adequate infrastructure also still presents a problem. “These challenges present huge opportunities for gas development and investment. As a result, companies such as Seplat have remained bullish with its gas development. Seplat, whose strategic location on the gas hub in the Niger Delta, facilitates its gas development. According to him, the growing need for capital for emerging infrastructure such as refining and transportation of petroleum commodities and products and the development of a robust petrochemical industry, places the continent at a vantage point for investments. Mr Okon, who spoke on the theme, ‘Oil and Gas Rising in Africa’, said currently, Seplat contributes about 30 per cent of domestic gas supply in Nigeria.

•Autin Avuru

He said given the huge opportunity in Nigeria, the company has continued to make significant investment of well over $300 million at growing its gas business resulting to its massive current daily production capacity. He said: “Seplat current well stock is capable of delivering around 400 MMscfd (gross). “In addition to these, our Sapele Gas Plant upgrade and Assa NorthOhaji South (ANOH) project is to add 315MMscfd capacity by 2020.” He restated Africa’s stance as the destination for gas development and investment. Mr. Okon spoke at The Africa E&P Summit, a landmark event on Africa, which brings together key players and senior executives in the oil sector and governments involved in African oil and gas business. The conference provides insights into the diverse approaches and strategies of Africa’s key movers. Mr. Okon, in his keynote titled: ‘Oil and Gas Rising in Africa,’ provided an overview of the oil and gas landscape in Africa, stressing that there has been abundant discoveries of oil and gas reserves, which have over the years, attracted key international oil companies to the continent. Alongside the major oil

companies, he said, are the rising independents who have also come into existence and have continued to grow in leaps and bounds, he explained. “The appetite for Africa oil and gas is still growing and continues to present significant investment opportunities. Investors are attracted to the many recent and ongoing licence bid rounds in the continent. “Most of the oil majors and the independent companies have continued to flourish with some exporting not just oil but also gas out of the continent. Most companies had to restrategise portfolio balancing after the recent downturn in oil price. Assets have been changing hands between the oil majors and the Independents,” he said. Some challenges, according to the Seplat director, still exist despite the significant discoveries and impressive production of oil and gas across the continent, which has a good balance of oil and gas. Okon noted that of the top-20 discoveries globally between 2012 and 2016, Africa had the greatest contribution compared to any other area. 2019, according to him, looks promising for Africa with discoveries in South Africa, Egypt and Angola. He explained: “Africa is home to some of the world’s fastest growing economies, some of them lifted by new oil and gas discoveries. “An estimated 7.5 per cent of global proven oil reserves or 126.5 billion barrels; and 7.1 per cent of global proven gas reserves or 487.8 Trillion cubic feet sits in Africa. “Oil and gas play a strategic role in economies of African countries giving them power and influence on world stage, and this trend is likely to continue with new discoveries in Ghana, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Mozambique, and Uganda.” These opportunities, he highlighted, have attracted the majors with an increasing participation of indigenous oil companies.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019


NAICOM’s new recapitalization policy worries shareholders, others Stories by VICTOR NZE


hareholders in the insurance industry have expressed worry over the new minimum capital base set for Insurance and Reinsurance companies by the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM). Nigeria’s insurance regulator, it would be recalled, increased the minimum capital requirement for insurers more than threefold as it sought to improve the sector’s risk management. Existing companies must comply by June next year, while it is effective immediately for the issue of new licenses, the Abuja-based National Insurance Commission said in an emailed statement. The regulator planned to introduce the new requirements last year, but the measure was challenged in court. Insurers wanting to combine life and property and casualty businesses are required to have capital of at least N18 billion, up from N5 billion, while the minimum for property and casualty business is N10 billion compared with N3 billion. The requirement for life insurance is N8 billion versus N2 billion and that for reinsurance is N20 billion compared with N10 billion. The new directive to recapitalize is contained in a NAICOM May 20 Circular titled; NAICOM/DPR/CIR/25/ 2019, by the Director of Policy and Regulation Directorate, Mr Pius Agboola., which also directed that; “Existing insurance and Reinsurance companies shall be required to fully comply not later than June 30, 2020.” Explaining further the new directive, Lagos-based CSL Stockbrokers said in an emailed statement that the recapitalization will enable ‘insurance firms take on bigger risks.’ “We expect that this will lead to mergers, acquisitions and capital-

raising activities that should stir activities in the equity market,” the statement read. However, reacting, shareholders in the insurance sector, the Founder, Independent Shareholders Association of Nigeria (ISAN), Mr Sunday Nwosu, urged the insurance associations to dialogue with NAICOM to prevent the collapse of insurance companies because of the review. Nwosu said: “I was sad when I heard the new minimum capital base review for insurance companies. The commission should have engaged shareholders in dialogue before coming out with such review. “We own most companies, and based on our investments in them, this is not the time to increase the minimum capital base for insurance companies. “I call on the Nigerian Insurers Association (NIA), Nigerian Council

of Registered Insurance Brokers (NCRIB), Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria (CIIN), Institute of Loss Adjusters’ of Nigeria (ILAN) and Association of Registered Insurance Agents of Nigeria (ARIAN)to quickly intervene.’’ Also, the National Chairman of Dynamic Shareholders Association of Nigeria, Pastor Adio Alex, urged NAICOM to extend the June 30, 2020 deadline given to operators to shoreup their minimum capital base. Adio said, “The review seems so sudden; it may be hard for some companies to meet the requirements.” Commenting, the Chairman, Rock Shareholders Association, Mr Peter Eyanuku, urged NAICOM to seek for alternative ways of making the industry more robust than increasing the minimum capital base. “NAICOM can bring more funds to insurance industry by enforcing

From left: Emmanuel Otitolaiye, Chief Finance Officer; Okanlawon Adelagun, Executive Director, Technical; Daniel Braie, Managing Director/CEO; and Joyce Ojemudia, General Manager, Marketing, all of Linkage Assurance Plc during the official opening of the Company’s refurbished Customer Service Centre at its corporate head office in Lagos.

Wapic’s GWP increases by N13.9bn


apic Insurance Plc has said the group’s gross written premium (GWP) rose by 42 per cent to N13.9 billion in 2018 financial period, through enhanced underwriting capabilities. According to the group, underwriting profit rose by 40 per cent to N2.2 billion in the period under review. The group said its profit before tax however declined by 88 per cent to N187 million, which was negatively impacted by the drop in investment and other income, and

the `No Premium, No Cover Policy,” Eyanuku said. Also, Lawrence Oguntoye, a member of Distinct Shareholders’ Association, said that the new requirements might retard the growth of the industry. Oguntoye said: “We are not in support of NAICOM’s new policy on minimum capital requirements in view of the country’s economic condition. Besides, such policy will discourage indigenous companies from springing up.” Also reacting, an Insurance expert, Mr Ekerete Gam-Ikon, described the new policy as lacking in ‘significant plan.’ Gam-Ikon who stated this in Abuja, said rather than increasing the capital base, the regulator should focus at addressing the sector’s challenges. He said the insurance industry faced the challenge of poor engagement of the public, poor

the growth in underwriting and operating expenses for the period. It added that its gross claims paid for the year rose by 30 per cent to N4.96 billion, while gross claims ratio was relatively flat year on year at 41 per cent in 2018, against 40 per cent in 2017. Wapic Life Assurance Limited also had a four per cent year-on-year decrease in GWP to N1.97 billion from N2.05 billion in the prior year. “Gross claims paid decreased slightly by one per cent to N1.25 billion in December 2018, compared

to N1.26 billion in the corresponding period of 2017; underwriting profit had a commendable 370 per cent growth from the prior year’s position of N70 million to N330 million in 2018; Profit before tax recorded for the year was N24.8 million, the company said, in a statement by company, another subsidiaryWapic Insurance (Ghana) Limited’s gross premium income grew by seven per cent to N1.48 billion in 2018, from N1.38 billion recorded in the prior year. “Net claims incurred for the year

was N351 million, representing a 20 per cent reduction from the 2017 year end figure of N441 million. The subsidiary reversed its loss position of -N120 million in 2017 to close with a profit before tax of N7million for the year,” it added. The Managing Director, WAPIC Insurance Plc, Yinka Adekoya, said: “With a combination of an intensified underwriting capacity expansion, accelerated and focused execution of our business strategies and continuous efficiency improvement, we grew our Group GWP figures by an impressive 42 per cent year on year to close at N13.9 billion surpassing our annual growth rate target of 20 per cent.

governance, poor management, poor capital, and poor service delivery among others. The expert said increasing the capital base of insurance companies could not resolve the problems of the sector which required urgent attention. “The poor picture surely requires urgent and strong attention but the question is, should capital be the point from which to address these challenges?. “In spite of the good intentions of the regulator, NAICOM, I think there ought to be an integrated plan that is well communicated and the request for recapitalisation is then thrown into it. “Without an integrated plan to address other challenges, it is an incomplete attempt at bringing the insurance industry to speed. ”And I’ll rather say this is a right move without plan and if there is a plan, it should not be shrouded in secrecy,” Gam-Ikon said. According to Gam-Ikon, the state at which the industry is at the moment cannot allow it attract new funds needed to create growth of new dimensions. He said the level of distrust of the insurance industry occasioned by the misdemanour of the poorly managed and poorly funded companies also posed a great threat to the industry. He added that as it stood, NAICOM remained the only eligible institution to approach and invite potential investors to the industry. Gam-Ikon said if things were not looked into, “we would finish the recapitalisation exercise by 2020 then come back two years later looking for more capital.’’ He urged the regulator to ensure ways of bringing in more innovation and technology to insurance business in the country. “Demand that the companies should have people with certain skill set to provide the capacity the industry lacks to underwrite some risks. “Also ensure they invest in certain tech solutions that will drive premium generation and prompt claims settlement,” Gam-Ikon added.

“This positively influenced our underwriting profit position, which followed in the same stead with a 40 per cent annual growth rate to N2.15 billion from N1.54 billion in 2017. We expect that the disciplined execution of our growth strategy will continue to yield the desired dividends.” “As we continue to position the company for long-term success, we trust that our ongoing digitisation efforts and best-in-class customer experience offerings will open up new opportunities, which we believe will ensure the continued creation of sustainable value to all our stakeholders.”

Linkage Assurance refurbishes customer service centre


inkage Assurance Plc has strengthened its Customer Service Centre. The service centre, which has been equipped with state of the art technological infrastructure and more trained personnel will ensure that customers have unrestricted access to the care officers for any complaints they may have before

or after any transaction with the company. Managing Director/CEO of the company, Daniel Braie, who disclosed this during the formal launch of the refurbished Center at the firm’s corporate head office in Lagos said, this is in line with its vision to continue to enhance customer experience.

“What we have done today is one of the initiatives we have in our strategy to increase customer service experience because as an insurer, customer is the reason we are in business” Braie noted that in the past customers with complaints were directed to the technical officers concerned but we have discovered

that allowing the customer care officers to take their complaints and follow through until is resolved gives better experience to the customers. “This initiative is targeted at strengthening the customers’ dispute resolution process and enhances the confidence they have on our activities as an

insurance company”. Braie also noted that the centre was launched to provide the company’s customers a platform and channel through which they can register their complaints and also to build confidence in current and prospective customers about the firm’s services and ability to meet their expectations.

The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019

Travel & Hospitality


Int’l tourist arrivals in Q1 2019 up by 4% as Africa grows Stories by VICTOR NZE


he latest issue of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) World Tourism Barometer released last Tuesday shows that international arrivals has continued to grow over the first quarter of 2019. Though at a slower rate when compared with the last two years, the 4 per cent increase registered in early 2019 is a very positive sign. The Middle East (+8 per cent) and Asia and the Pacific (+6 per cent) experienced the highest increase in international arrivals. Numbers in both Europe and Africa were up by 4 per cent, and in the Americas growth was recorded at 3 per cent. “International tourism continues to perform strongly worldwide fuelled by a positive economy, increased air capacity and visa facilitation”, said UNWTO Secretary-General, Zurab Pololikashvili, who added: “Growth in arrivals is easing slightly after two years of exceptional results, but the sector continues to outpace the global rate of economic growth.” Europe, the world’s largest tourism region, reported solid growth (+4 per cent), led by

destinations in Southern and Mediterranean Europe and Central and Eastern Europe (both +5 per cent). Growth in Africa was driven by the ongoing recovery in North Africa (+11 per cent). In the Americas, the Caribbean (+17 per cent) rebounded strongly after weak results in 2018, following the impact of hurricanes Irma and Maria in late 2017. In Asia and the Pacific, results for the first three months showed a 6 per cent increase led by North-East Asia (+9 per cent) and a very solid performance from the Chinese market. “With this growth comes greater responsibility for translating it into better jobs and better lives”, Mr. Pololikashvili stresses. “We need to continue investing in innovation, digital transformation and education so that we can harness the many benefits tourism can bring while at the same time mitigating its impact on the environment and society with a better management of tourism flows.” Confidence in global tourism has started to pick up again after slowing down at the end of 2018, according to the latest UNWTO Confidence Index survey. The outlook for the May-August

From left: Ohis Ehimiaghe, SAA Regional Manager, North, West and Central Africa; Kemi Leke-Bamtefa, SAA National Sales Manager, Nigeria and Wellington Mpofu, RadissonBlu Anchorage Hotel Lagos Director of Sales at the SAA/ RadissonBlu corporate travel managers forum in Lagos.

2019 period, the peak season for many destinations in the Northern hemisphere, is more optimistic than in the recent periods and more than half of respondents are expecting a better performance in the coming four months. Experts’ evaluation of tourism performance in the first four months of 2019 was also rather positive and in line with the expectations expressed at the beginning of that period. UNWTO has earlier forecast growth of 3 per cent to 4 per cent in international tourist arrivals in 2019.

Plateau Govt. approves new tourism policy


new vista has been opened for tourism to blossom in Plateau State as the state government has approved a new tourism policy for the state following a draft that was submitted to it by the Commissioner of Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Hospitality, Mrs. Tamwakat Weli, who in partnership with stakeholders had worked assiduously on the policy. The draft, which has been in the works for months now was finally approved by the state executive council chaired by the state governor, Simon Lalong, during its recent meeting. Governor Lalong had tasked the commissioner to change the phase of tourism in the state by coming out with the

necessary policy and guidelines for the development and tourism of tourism in the state. In a reaction to this development, Weli, expressed appreciation and great delight to the state governor for the approval even as she commended members of the Tourism Drafting Committee headed by Mrs. Martha Azi the permanent secretary of the ministry, staff of the ministry and all the stakeholders across board that devoted their time and resources towards the achievement of what she said is a landmark for the state. ‘‘Your unflinching support towards achieving this dream for our beloved State is highly appreciated and commendable,’’

SAA, RadissonBlu offer exceptional travel experience to corporate travellers


outh African Airways (SAA) has partnered with RadissonBlu Anchorage Hotel Lagos to provide exceptional travel and hospitality experience for corporate travelers in Nigeria and beyond. At a corporate travel managers forum held at the RadissonBlu Anchorage Hotel, Lagos, both SAA and RadissonBlu management offered better travel and hospitality deals and packages for the growing corporate travelers’ community in Nigeria. South African Airways, National

Sales Manager in Nigeria, Kemi LekeBamtefa, advised the corporates to take advantage of all SAA corporate deals which include, ticketing discount, group corporate fares, special fare for MICE and Voyagers programme. “SAA corporate deals allow you to save up to 15% discount on flight tickets. Our Voyager programme, SAA’s award-winning loyalty reward programme accrues you benefits according to your spend among other numerous gains”, LekeBamtefa disclosed.

said the commissioner, adding that: ‘‘The Draft Tourism Policy was necessary to enable speedy growth and development of our numerous tourism endowments and potentials for the socio-economic development of our dear Plateau State.’’ With this new policy, Plateau State, which is known as the State of Tourism and Peace and was a leading destination in the country, with its Plateau State Tourism Board then under such leadership as Ladi Dakwo, making waves, the state may just be on its way back to the top but this may take a long short depending on how far the state government is willing to muster the right political support and funding for it to succeed. “SAA Y-up fare is currently active, allowing passengers to book Economy Class ticket and end up flying Business Class depending on availability”, she added. The SAA National Sales Manager used the opportunity to mention SAA new direct route between Johannesburg and Guangzhou, China. The flight will commence on September 18, 2019 with three flights per week from Johannesburg to Guangzhou. RadissonBlu Anchorage Hotel Lagos Director of Sales, Wellington Mpofu, said the RadissonBlu brand with five properties in Nigeria is available to complement SAA’s amazing flight experience by offering hospitable service to guests.

Sheraton Lagos Hotel partners Heineken to excite guests


heraton Lagos Hotel is happy to announce that they will Partner with Heineken-the official sponsors of the European Champions League to bring the finals to all football lovers and enthusiasts in most exciting ways at the hotel. General Manager for Marriott Hotel’s in Nigeria, Barry Curran explains: “We are ready for the 1st of June to create a pulsating football environment; in partnership with Heineken we aim to make the finals truly unforgettable for all our visitors and guests. “We intend to deliver to our customers an exciting opportunity to predict the outcome of the game for a chance to win great prizes. The finals will be displayed on our big screens at the lobby bar and Goodies Pub. “Our teams will make available specially curated menus which will activate our Sheraton Paired

program. Our Patrons will enjoy Heineken drinks paired with eclectic snacks for an elevated culinary experience. For those who do not consume alcohol, we have soft drink options available. “It’s all about making it fun and we encourage all friends and lovers of football to walk in, relax over some Heineken inspired cocktails or beers and enjoy the Game together. :We are happy to be able to partner with Heineken-sponsors of the league- and we look forward to creating a most illuminating experience at our venue during the football game. “As a City Landmark hotel, located within the epicenter of Ikeja’s bustling area, our focus has always been geared towards stepping up our game and creating unique experiences that help connect people through their passions.”

Queen Elizabeth 11 visits BA headquarters at centenary celebrations


er Majesty, Queen Elizabeth 11, visited British Airways’ headquarters at Waterside, Heathrow as part of the airline’s centenary celebrations. This is contained in press statement by Tiarhan Oghenejode of Quandrant, the agency which handles media activities of British Airways, Friday. It said that the Queen was introduced to colleagues in heritage uniforms from across the airline’s history. She also visited the airline’s museum, The Speedbird Centre, where she was shown artefacts relating to her historic journeys with the airline throughout her reign. They included images from 1951 when the then Princess Elizabeth and The Duke of Edinburgh made their first Transatlantic flight on a Boeing Stratocruiser from London to Montreal aboard British Air-

ways’ predecessor, BOAC. Also was a photo from her first Commonwealth tour in 1953, after her coronation, and others. Furthermore, she was introduced to members of the airline’s Community Investment team and champions from around the company. They told the Queen that those were the people who raised money for Flying Start, British Airways’ charity partnership with Comic Relief. It would be recalled that no less than £20 million had been raised till date by customers and colleagues for children living tough lives. The statement added that leaders from groups representing accessibility networks around British Airways and winners from the airline’s Above and Beyond recognition scheme were also introduced to the Queen.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019

AVIATION Air Peace loses N1.2bn in 1yr on W’Africa operations Stories by VICTOR NZE


hairman of Air Peace, Chief Allen Onyema disclosed that his carrier lost up to N1.2 billion in operational costs in the last one year operating on the West African routes, a situation he blamed on ‘gang up’ against Nigerian airlines on the sub-region. Onyema who made this known on Wednesday when the airline formally inaugurated its Board of Directors consisting of very notable and trust worthy Nigerians, further urged the Federal Government to enter what he termed ‘aeropolitics,’ as, according to him, the country is being over taken. The Air Peace boss declared that that most countries protect gang up with their airlines to protect them against Nigeria, doing all they can with their government’s backing to frustrate Nigerian businesses out. According to him, even the much touted Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) is geared towards

…As Onyema blames ‘gang up’ fleecing the Nigeria market and stunting its aviation industry growth. ”Out there is a gang up against Nigerian airlines. The SAATMs geared towards fleecing Nigeria and nothing more. It is targeted at our market. Some of these countries have nothing to show, when they come to Nigeria, we give them the red carpet treatment and play big brother. ”When you go to their country, they want to run you out of business with charges. They charge taxes or inbound and out bound passengers. They charge exorbitant landing and parking charges, they provide stage-managed ground handling service providers that charge over US$5,000, for what? To run us out of business. ”All these they do because they know you cannot increase you fares, you do so and you lose the passengers while their airlines on

that route do not get to suffer these injustices. Passengers will fly the competition because they are cheaper. Why are we not doing Abidjan? Why are we not doing Lome? ”Even the one we are doing, we are losing massively. People out of ignorance will say Nigerian airlines are making a lot of money on the West Coast, let the, come and fly and see it themselves. Air Peace has lost N1.2billion in the last year doing the West Coast route,” Onyema lamented. Inaugurating the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Onyema expressed satisfaction at the calibre of the airline’s board and stated that they would in turn strengthening the airline and add substance to the airlines core value of Professionalism, Efficiency, Assurance, Customer Service and Excellence (PEACE). He also said the Board would aid in the overall goal of the airline,

to bring peace to the nation, unify Nigeria as well as provide jobs for the teeming unemployed workforce the country is currently strangulated with. The members who include: Mr. Mutiu Sunmonu, Chief Emeka Ngige (SAN), Ekaette Bassey Okoro, Engineer Benedict Adeyileka, Mohammed Danjuma, Mrs Erijo Enagha, Mrs Oluwatoyin Olajide. The new Board consisting of two executive directors and five nonexecutive directors are drawn from a wealth of exeperience in the aviation industry, Legal Profession, oil and gas as well as other sectors of the economy. This brings to nine the current membership of the Air Peace Board of Directors, including the Chairman, Allen Onyema and the Vice Chairman, Alice Onyema. All the members expressed joy at the opportunity to serve and improve the airline, especially at this point when it is about to take off its international operations.

Arik Air’s B737800 NG aircraft returns from maintenance


rik Air last Thursday took delivery of yet another aircraft fresh from maintenance overseas. The arrival of the aircraft, a Boeing 737-800 Next Generation (NG) is coming eight days after another Boeing 737-700NG returned to service from C-check on Wednesday, May 15, 2019. The Boeing 737-800 NG aircraft is a stretched version of the 737-700 aircraft. The Chief Executive Officer of Arik Air, Captain Roy Ilegbodu reiterated the airline’s mission which is “To become a dominant air-services brand, globally admired for its world-leading operating, safety and service delivery standards, as well as its role in promoting Nigeria’s reputation at home and abroad”. Captain Ilegbodu once again thanked customers for their loyalty and trust in Arik Air.

Bristow Nigeria increases fleet size


ristow Helicopters (Nigeria) Limited (“Bristow”), the leading provider of industrial aviation services in Nigeria has recently increased its Nigerian fleet size with the introduction of at least six additional aircraft in the past six months. These state-of-the-art aircraft which include the Sikorsky S76D & S92, the Leonardo AW139 & AW189 helicopters, and also the Embraer ERJ 145 Jet aircraft serve to provide much more optionality and resilience to its operations in Nigeria, and further strengthen the company’s continuing support and commitment to its varied client base and particularly, to the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry as a whole. Bristow is the first and currently the only operator of both the Sikorsky S76D and Leonardo AW189 helicopter in the offshore Oil & Gas Market in Africa and currently the only operator of the Sikorsky S92 aircraft type in Nigeria with well over 32,000 flight hours flown on this aircraft type in Nigeria since its introduction to the country in 2008. The Sikorsky S76D helicopter represents the latest variant of tried and tested S76 Series.

A proven aircraft type that has flown well over 7 million flight hours since its first variant came into operation in 1977. This medium sized aircraft type and its variants is the workhorse of the industry. With its two Pratt & Whitney engines, composite blades, low noise signature, smaller D-Value, modern avionics suite and 400nm range, the S76D (as with the S76C++ type) is ideally suited to support the daily shuttles to the Oil & Gas accommodation platforms and unmanned offshore installations in the Niger Delta. The Sikorsky S92 on the other hand, is the largest helicopter type supporting the Oil & Gas industry in Nigeria today and arguably the only ‘heavy’ type aircraft currently supporting the Oil & Gas industry globally. With its robust gear box design, 540nm range and 19-Seat capacity, this aircraft is ideally suited to long range, crew change flights to offshore Rigs, FPSOs and also for Search & Rescue. Besides providing an ideal opportunity for client sharing, the aircraft’s internal seat configuration and large cabin space and cabin windows essentially provide such room and comfort as to qualify it

Air Peace new Board of Directors, Chief Emeka Ngige (SAN), Ekaette Bassey Okoro,Mohammed Danjuma, Allen Onyema, Mrs. Alice Onyema, Engineer Benedict Adeyileka, Mr. Mutiu Sunmonu and Mrs Erijo Enagha during their inauguration in Lagos, Wednesday.

as an ‘airliner’. The Leonardo AW189 is a new 8-tonne helicopter that sits ‘midway’ between the S76D and the S92 in terms of its seat capacity, size and range. It has also been designed to comply fully with the latest international regulatory safety requirements EASA/FAA Part 29 and JAR OPS 3/EU-OPS. A unique feature of

particular importance to the AW189’s use for offshore and SAR operations is the fact that it’s main Gear Box has been designed to provide for a 50-minute rundry capacity, well in excess of regulatory requirements. Bristow currently operates two of this aircraft types in Nigeria and has recently received the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authorities (NCAA)

approval to include the type on its Operations Specifications after a very thorough certification and approval process. According to Captain ‘Dapo Oyeleke, Managing Director of Bristow, these additions to the Bristow Nigeria fleet signify the importance, growth potential and confidence the company has in the Nigerian market.

Aero to modernize, upgrade MRO for Next Gen, Embraer 145s maintenance


anaging Director of Aero Contractors, Captain Ado Sanusi has revealed plans by Aero to modernize and upgrade its Maintenance Repair Overhaul ( MRO) facility to go beyond maintaining the Boeing 737 classics to cater for the Next Generations (NGs) and Embraer 145 aircraft. Aero is also planning to open a paint-shop somewhere in Northern Nigeria to commence painting of aircraft livery soon. Captain Sanusi who made this known during a ceremony lined up

in Lagos to celebrate the carrier’s 60th anniversary of flight operations in the country, last Tuesday, also promised an offer of 60 free one way tickets for passengers. Currently Aero Contractors is certified to handle Boeing 737 Classics but Sanusi has said Aero will continue to expand its capabilities as it is not content handling classics alone. “The question is important, you see in any business, in fact anything in life, you are either growing or you are dying and as a maintenance

organization we have to continue to grow and expand our capacity, we have to grow to be able to take on the Next Generation. We have looked at our capacity, we have looked at what we need to do to take on the NG in our maintenance facility and we will do that. so we will continue to grow, continue to expand. We will not be content with doing classics, of course we intend to look at, not only the next generation, we intend to look at the Embraer the E145. ” He however said maintenance

business was all about numbers, explaining that aero started with classics because in West and Central Africa, the Boeing classics are far more and stated that it is envisioning E145 because that type of aircraft is currently on the rise in the region. “In the business of maintenance, you have to look at the demand in the region, and of course the reason why we put our focus in the classic is because classic is being used in West and Central Africa it’s one of the most populous aircraft in the region and so we are also looking

at Embraer 145s because we are seeing a lot of 145s come into the market and we are looking at being able to provide maintenance for them.” So far, Aero Contractors is still in consultations to expand its reach in Africa and has secured certification to carry out comprehensive maintenance on aircraft from Ghana, Democratic Republic of Congo and is currently in talks with other countries to consolidate its stand as a choice for maintenance in the region.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019


Ransomware attacks increase by 105% in Q1 –Report Stories by VICTOR NZE


ansomware attacks skyrocketed in the first quarter of 2019, according to the Beazley Breach Response (BBR) Services team, which reported a 105 per cent increase in the number of attack notifications against clients compared to Q1 2018. In Q1 2019, the average ransomware demand reported to the BBR Services team was $224,871, an increase of 93% over the 2018 average of $116,324, said the Beazley Breach Insights report. Not only has the frequency of attacks skyrocketed, but attackers are shifting focus, targeting larger organizations and demanding higher ransom payments, said the report. While attacks using ransomware

Sony pulls out of Africa, others


ony has held its Corporate Strategy Meeting laying out its plans going forward. The mobile division, in particular, is long away from its glory days and was merged with the TV, audio and camera divisions two months ago in hopes to bring it back to profitability. The aim is to leverage the brand’s recognition across sectors like gaming, music and TV’s to bolster smartphone appeal and according to Sony, the Xperia 1 is the first example of this approach. Now the company announced its planning to cut operational costs by 50 per cent and will pull out of several markets in order to focus on a smaller client base. The focus regions include Japan, Europe, Taiwan and Hong Kong. At their expense, Sony is pulling out of India, Australia, Canada, South America, Mexico, Africa, and the Middle East. The main goal is to have the smartphone business profitable starting with the 2020 financial year. Sony is trying to stay afloat and this plan showcases a slow but certain strategy to do so.

as a service (RaaS) platforms remain commonplace, tending to hit unsuspecting small businesses, more sophisticated variants are being deployed through phishing emails and tricking users into activating banking Trojans, the report affirmed. Although banking Trojans are not a new form of malware – first hitting BBR Services’ radar in 2015 – they they are increasingly problematic for businesses. “[W] ithin the last year, BBR services has seen a substantial increase in incidents involving both ransomware and banking Trojans.” Originally designed to steal banking credentials from users of online banking websites, recent variants of banking Trojans such as Emotet and Trickbot have been used by criminals to harvest all kinds of account details, the report explained. Newer types of banking Trojans will also perform reconnaissance on email accounts and deploy other malware, most commonly ransomware, onto a system with relative ease, the report continued. Cyber criminals exploit the stolen credentials to steal from financial accounts, defraud through business email compromise, or commit identity theft. “We have witnessed a considerable uptick in notifications of both ransomware and banking Trojans in the first few months of this year,” emphasized Katherine Keefe, head of Beazley Breach Response Services, in a statement

accompanying the report. “Banking Trojans are particularly troublesome as they are often more difficult to eradicate from an infected IT system than other forms of malware,” she added. “Not only are we receiving more notifications but they are often used by cyber criminals to install secondary viruses onto computer systems,” Keefe said. “This can cause businesses serious operational, financial and reputational damage if not identified and managed early enough.” The report quoted Bill Siegel, CEO of Coveware, who attributed the increased number of attacks to two main factors. “First, anytime the average ransom demand

goes up, it’s going to pull in more attack groups interested in making money. Second, the easy availability of exploit kits (such as banking Trojans) and RaaS means there is a lower barrier to entry for would-be hackers.” The report recommended the following measures if a company’s system has been infected with a banking Trojan: Disconnect infected machines from the network (wired and wireless) as soon as possible and preserve them for forensic investigation. The report also recommended; resetting passwords for any users of the machine and alert employees to change passwords for any personal accounts they may have accessed through the machine;

‘Mobile penetration to reach 55% by 2025’

• The allnew Fujifilm GFX100, with 102MP sensor, built-in image stabilization, phase detection AF and 4K video recording priced at over N4m.


Huawei in talks with Aptoide over Google Play Store replacement


he result of a total Huawei ban slammed by the United States Government has caused many American companies to cut ties and partnerships with the Chinese smartphone maker. Not only was Huawei’s Android license revoked by Google for future devices, but it was even pulled from the Android Q beta programme and ARM, whose designs are used in Kirin processors, also has ceased ties with Huawei to comply with the US’ drastic new policy. Although the US delayed the ban for 90 days, Huawei is

already thinking of a backup plan, should the ban go back into effect. Huawei has reportedly asked app developers to submit their applications to the App Gallery – Huawei’s own App Store akin to the Galaxy Apps Store on Samsung phones. This is Huawei’s immediate back-up since many Huawei and Honor phones already come with the App Gallery pre-installed. A Portuguese media outlet has now reported that Aptoide, an open source alternative to the Google Play Store with more than 900,000 apps and more than

100 million users is negotiating with Huawei to develop a viable alternative to the Play Store. Remember, part of the Huawei ban is that Huawei’s Android license from Google is revoked. This means Huawei would need to resort to AOSP builds for Android and it won’t be allowed to ship devices with Google Play Services. Huawei’s Android license remains intact during the 90-day delay. Huawei is also reportedly trying to get European telecoms to offer the App Gallery on Huawei and Honor phones out of the box to help remedy the situation.

MainOne to commit N25bn to digitisation of Lagos


onnectivity and data centre solutions provider, MainOne has formaly launched its “Digital Lagos: Broadband for All” campaign initiative to enable the digital transformation of the state through deployment of ubiquitous broadband infrastructure across the state. At the campaign launch organized in Lagos to announce its plans on Tuesday, Funke Opeke, Chief Executive Officer, MainOne, said, the company is keen to collaborate with the Lagos State Government and all other relevant stakeholders to build Digital Lagos and help citizens from all walks of life realize the benefits of broad, sustainable economic growth, modernized education, health,

and other services delivery, and improved quality of life. “MainOne is pleased to have the opportunity to present its plan for Digital Lagos, a proven path to ubiquitous broadband connectivity. This plan will involve the investment by MainOne of over N25 billion over the next 2-3 years to develop critical fiber optic infrastructure to enable broadband services across Lagos state,” she said. A presentation was made by Mr. Judah Levine, CEO HIP Consult, a Washington DC based, independent, management consulting firm with specialization in ICT in emerging markets. HIP Consult worked with MainOne in developing a concept paper and implementation plan for Digital

Lagos. Mr. Levine touched on the research done for Digital Lagos, its implementation plans and subsequent impact in Lagos State. Opeke said MainOne has pioneered investments in critical internet-enabling infrastructure across West Africa, Nigeria, and Lagos. To date, the company has invested over N120 billion funded by leading African banks and has proven its capabilities in expanding and densifying localized fiber networks in neighboring Ogun and Edo States by deploying almost 1,000kms of fiber in partnership with Facebook to expand broadband access and connect government institutions and other areas of interest. Opeke said, as the licenced InfraCo for Lagos zone, the

as well as; Notify external cyber experts (such as BBR Services) who can investigate the incident and determine whether data has been exfiltrated that gives rise to a legal obligation to notify affected individuals. The report said businesses should regularly train employees not to open unsolicited attachments and links, particularly from unknown sources. In addition, macros should not be allowed to run and employees should be suspicious of links leading to web pages that ask for login credentials. Further, employees should be trained not to store any personal login information on their computers, even through their browsers, the report said.

resulting network to be built by MainOne would provide essential connectivity to critical State institutions, cover over 300 government agencies, up to 10,000 State CCTV locations, Telecom operators and ISPs, public Wi-Fi hotspots, Smart City components / IOT devices, in addition to Enterprises. In Lagos, MainOne’s existing 700-kilometer network already covers major population centers and Yaba, where it provides connectivity for the majority of the Yabacon ecosystem and has connected startups like Andela, ccHub, Paga, and Flutterwave and others that have raised up to USD500million Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Nigeria.

nline Marketplace, Jumia Nigeria, Friday projected that 55 per cent of Nigeria’s population would have access to mobile broadband by 2025. Omolola Onasanya, Head of Vendor Operations and Experience, Jumia Nigeria, made this known during the 2019 Mobile Report Launch held in Lagos. She said that 70 per cent of the population would have 3G connectivity, while 17 per cent would have access to 4G network. She noted that about 700 million new mobile subscribers from various countries across the world would push the total number of global mobile subscribers to 6 billion between now and 2025. Onasanya noted that Nigeria had been identified among these countries, with others being India, China, Pakistan, Indonesia, USA, and Brazil. “It is predicted that Nigeria will contribute four per cent of the estimated 700 million new global mobile subscribers, making it the only country in Africa marked with a significant contribution to increasing mobile penetration in the world. “By this quota, it is expected that 28 million new mobile subscribers will emerge from Nigeria between 2019 and 2025. That is, an average of 7 million new mobile subscribers annually, if the country is to meet its quota,’’ she said. Also speaking, Olukayode Kolawole, Head of Public Relations, Jumia Nigeria, said that the availability of lower price point phones still remains the major driver of smartphone penetration. At the end of 2018, there were over 36 million smartphone users, representing a penetration of 18.37 per cent. Kolawole, however, noted that although the number of smartphone users might have increased year-on-year, its penetration was still very insignificant. “Internet connectivity and the availability of affordable smartphones continue to drive an increasing uptake of social media networks.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019

EQUITY & Capital Market Seplat, NPDC in N600bn allegation of shifty deal Stories By JEROME USHAKANG


eplat Petroleum Development Company Plc (SPDC) and the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company Limited (NPDC), its Joint Venture partner have both been accused of defrauding the Federal Government of Nigeria of over N600billion within t five years. A capital market operator who commented on the matter on the condition of anonymity told The Oracle today that the allegation irrespective of the outcome, may affect the value of Seplat‘s shares. Seplat is listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) and currently trades at N520. If the government proceeds with recovering its claims then this could negatively impact on Seplat revenues. Investors could see this as a risk and dump Seplat shares. This revelation was unfolded by Special Presidential Investigation Panel for the Recovery of Public Property (SPIP). The panel stressed that NPDC , a subsidiary of the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company Limited and Seplat swindled the sum of $1.8 billion and N8.8 billion from 2013 to 2017. The Special Presidential Investigation Panel for the Recovery of Public Property (SPIP) stated that during it‘s one-year investigation, the panel discovered the funds were; Royalties on oil and gas, Concessional rental, Gas flaring penalty due to the Federal Government. It emphasized that the NPDC and Seplat never remitted the funds to the Government. According to the report, the swindling which took place from 2013 to 2017, actually began during President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration and continued under the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari.

• Seplat shares in jeopardy of value depreciation

•President Muhammad Buhari

Meanwhile, NPDC pleads guilty and without denying the accusation, NPDC admitted to shortchanging the Federal Government while promising to finance the discovered debt. According to the panel, Seplat allegedly owes $33,423,617.18 out of the $1,824,469,208.36 not remitted to FG, while NPDC owes $1,791,045,591.18. Also, out of the N8,825,778,039.61 yet to be remitted to FG, Seplat allegedly owes N1,302,028,429.46, while NPDC accounts for the remaining N7,523,749,610.15. In total, Seplat owes Federal Government about N13 billion. Meantime, NPDC said it is working towards remittance: Not only has the NPDC admitted the fault, it is also working towards payment of the owed funds to the Federal

•A.B.C. Orjiako

Government, as the government has since approved for NNPC/NPDC to source for a third-party loan to finance the payment of the outstanding balance of $1.747 billion. At the moment, SPIP said NNPC has made appreciable progress on this but has yet to achieve financial close. while waiting for the conclusion of the third party loan to pay off the balance, NNPC has since December 2018 stated the allocation of 30,000 barrels per day towards the liquidation of this indebtedness. On achievement of financial close and drawdown, NNPC will pay to the federation the lump sum less the value of the crude oil so far allocated; less the value of crude lifted by the federation post assignment of the assets; and less any other federation’s indebtedness to NNPC on the assets.”

SEC to collaborate with Finance Ministry on Project Light House


he Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC has pledged to co-operate with the Federal Ministry of Finance on Project Light House recently inaugurated by the Minister, Zainab Ahmed to assist the Committee achieve its set goals. This was disclosed by Acting Director General of SEC, Ms. Mary Uduk at the weekend in Abuja, while commending the Minister on the initiative. She also emphasized the need for collaboration among relevant agencies to assist the government in its revenue generation adding that Project Light House is a positive step in that direction. Uuk said “It is clear that data and information will certainly aid the generation of more revenue and in the long run and all agencies will be better for it as there will be more resources for government to carry out development Data gathering and sharing is the way to go especially in this digital age,

as when there is available data, information can be shared and that will increase compliance level as well as improve revenue generation.” The Acting DG said low revenue generation is a source of worry as a result, when the government does not meet its revenue generation targets, it will be difficult to provide critical infrastructure that will encourage investment in the country. She therefore pledged the full co-operation of the SEC to ensure that relevant data are made available when needed by the committee. In her address, Minister of Finance, Mrs. Zainab Ahmed said one of the key economic policy objectives of the current administration, as contained in the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan, ERGP, is improving overall Federal Government revenues by targeting and increasing revenues fron non-oil revenue sources.

She said also aims, among other goals, to increase the tax base by drastically increasing the Company Income Tax and Value Added Tax compliance, bringing additional tax payers into the tax net, and increase Tax to GDP ratio from the current 6 percent to 15 per cent by the year 2020. Ahmed said that in the last few months, major steps have been taken to address the Nation’s chronic revenue challenges among which is Strategic Revenue Growth Initiatives, SRGI, formulating policies and fiscal matters, preparing annual estimates of revenue and expenditure for the Federal Government among others. According to Ahmed, “ Despite the fact that we live in a technology and data-centric world, we have not had a culture of using data and information to guide the formulation, implementation and impact assessment of our initiatives and policies.

It would be recalled that the NPDC had initially deposited $100 million. This may be the beginning of the opening of a can of worms as the NPDC has Joint Venture agreements with nine companies to operate Oil Mining Leases, including Seplat, and they all have failed to remit oil royalty, gas royalty, concessional rental, and gas flared penalty to the Federal Government. Here below is a list of the partners involved with NPDC; Seplat/NPDC JV (OML 4, 38 and 41),ND Western (OML 34), Elcrest / NPDC JV (OML 40) and Neconde/ NPDC JV (OML 42). Others are NAOC (Nig. Agip Oil Coy)/NPDC JV (OML 60, 63), FHN (First Hydrocarbon Nigeria)/NPDC (OML 26), Abura/Oredo/Oziengbe (OML 65, 111),Okono/Okpoho/NPDC JV and Shoreline/NPDC JV (OML


Another resolution by SPIP, stated that the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) should shed light on the outstanding royalty payments for divested assets amounting to $745,462,045.00. It added that the DPR would also need to explain the defrayal of Nigeria Agip Oil Company’s royalty oil payments using the balance of NAOC’s ‘good and valuable’ consideration valued at $293,102,181.93. It also demanded that the Managing Directors of all the following regulators, and operators of OMLs should be interviewed by the SPIP and also avail the panel with records of oil and gas royalty payments; gas flaring penalty payments; and concessional rental payment for analysis, among others.

SEC, NSE to streamline listing modalities from June 1


he Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) have recently unveiled plans to make the modalities involving listing on the NSE more efficient and cost effective by streamlining the approval process between the SEC and the NSE. The streamlined process which will come into effect on June 1, 2019, is aimed at reducing the regulatory burden on issuer’s by eliminating duplication of processes between the SEC and the NSE, reducing the time to market for the issuance and listing of securities and ultimately driving more listing on the Exchange. Under the arrangement, SEC and the NSE will carry out joint site visits of companies intending to get listed, following the registration of their securities with the SEC. In the same vein, certain offer documents such as the Vending Agreement, Underwriting Agreement, Trust Deed and ISPO, identified to be strictly within the jurisdiction of the SEC are to be submitted only to the SEC.

The Exchange will also rely on SEC for approval of offer documents such as a Prospectus. The Acting Executive Commissioner Operations at the Securities and Exchange Commission, Mr. Isiyaku Bala Tilde disclosed that streamlining the issuance process with the listing process of the NSE is a major milestone for the Commission in its quest to create an enabling environment capable of attracting New Listings. “One of our core values is leading by example, and we hope that other stakeholders will also look inward to explore similar initiatives which will ensure quick time to market of securities in our market. We have no doubt that the streamlined process will enhance the competitiveness of the Nigerian capital market as a global investment destination.” Tilde said. Speaking on this development, Executive Director, Regulation at The Nigerian Stock Exchange, Ms. Tinuade Awe, said, “I commend the SEC for working with us in streamlining the listing process for securities on The Exchange.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019

MONEY Market

FG set to boost revenue profile, unveils data-based tax collection




aced with the reality of dwindling federal earnings and the need to enhance non-oil revenue and in a move targeted at tax defaulters, Nigeria’s Minister of Finance, Mrs. Zainab Shamsuna Ahmed, inaugurated the Steering Committee to help boost revenue needed to drive the nation’s economy. Codenamed: “Project Lighthouse,” expected to continue from where the Voluntary Assets and Income Declaration Scheme (VAIDS) stopped, according to a statement by the Minister’s Special Adviser on Media and Communications, Paul Ella Abechi, while the Presidential Initiatives for Continuous Audit (PICA) and Department of Technical Services at the Ministry of Finance will serve as the secretariat. Mrs. Ahmed in her inaugural address as chairman of the panel hinted that unlike several initiatives and policies launched and implemented by the Federal Government under the supervision of the Federal Ministry of Finance over the years, this project will be data-driven. She lamented that over the year and “despite the fact that we live in a technology and data-centric world, we have not had a culture of using data and information to guide the formulation, implementation and impact assessment of our initiatives and policies or even in carrying out our mandate as a Ministry. “You will recall that one of the key economic policy objectives of the current administration, as contained in the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP), is improving overall Federal Government revenues by targeting and increasing revenues from nonoil revenue sources. “You will also recall that in the last few months, major steps have been taken to address our chronic

• Minister of Finance, Zainab Shamsuna Ahmed revenue challenges. One of such steps is the launch of the Strategic Revenue Growth Initiatives (SRGI), which some of you have been participating in.” “Following the ratification of Project Lighthouse at Federal Executive (FEC) on Wednesday 9th May 2019, the Federal Ministry of Finance is entering in a postVAIDS or Phase 2 of the Project. However, this time around, Project Lighthouse is being positioned as a ‘single source of truth’ for revenue and tax-related intelligence that will support the Ministry, its agencies, revenue agencies, tax authorities and other stakeholders to be better positioned to address the revenue challenges we are facing.” She stressed that in the phase of Project Lighthouse, “we will be using Big Data analytics, data sciences and related technologies

to gather and analyze financial data and revenue related data from multiple but related sources. We would also use sophisticated data analysis tools to ‘connect the dots’ between different data sets. The term of reference of the Steering Committee include, provide strategic direction for the Project; serve as the source of the data required to populate the Project Lighthouse Platform; assist the Federal Ministry of Finance with relevant data/information on mining of information of taxpayers and revenue value chain; review of technical aspects of the Project and report on the progress of the project to relevant stakeholders. While urging stakeholders to put in their best to ensure the successful implementation of the initiative, the Minister said, “we can drastically change our revenue story

by fully and innovatively exploiting the great power of Big Data Analytics, Data Science and related technologies.” Earlier, the Permanent Secretary Special Duties at the Ministry and deputy of the panel, Dr. MK Dikwa, in his opening remarks, said the Project Lighthouse, is part of the Strategic Revenue Growth Initiatives, which according to him is the policy initiative of the current Minister of Finance as measures to boost revenues in line with the provisions of the Constitution, the Fiscal Responsibility Act, and other associated laws. He noted further that the project will be a platform that will help the Ministry gather information from both the formal and informal sectors for the purpose of boosting internally generated revenues to adequately fund the budget.

Stanbic IBTC launches Africa-China Agent Proposition


tanbic IBTC Bank has launched an AfricaChina Agent Proposition (ACAP) which aims to assist Nigerian importers source and validate quality goods, safely and efficiently, from the most competitive suppliers in China. The ACAP offering is expected to revolutionise African importers’ view of China’s supplier universe. It will also ease the cash flow of African importers by providing access to financing while empowering importers with sight and control of the entire importing and logistics process. The offering, which is expected to connect African importers and Chinese exporters and open China to Africa, was officially launched in Nigeria last week, and will also be launched in Ghana and South Africa with other markets in Standard Bank’s African footprint to follow before the end of 2019.

Leaders stress importance of history to Africa’s development

Currently, Nigerian importers order from only a handful of trusted Chinese suppliers. This limits the negotiating power of African importers while stacking the terms of trade against them. While ordering online provides access to a wider range of suppliers, online imports cannot guarantee the quality of goods. In most cases too, advance payments for goods is required. This is often demanded in cash, without reciprocal guarantees of delivery or quality. This means that Nigerian importers often carry a disproportionate burden of risk in most transactions. Language and cultural barriers are also a challenge for African importers when travelling and negotiating supplier agreements in China. In response to these challenges, and in light of the vast opportunity that China presents as a trading partner, Standard Bank, the biggest

bank in Africa, has leveraged its partnership with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the biggest bank in the world, to connect African importers with a dedicated trade agent in China. “The ACAP offeringunderpinned by a letter of creditwill deepen trust in Africa-China trade relationships, guaranteeing African importers access to the best suppliers in China, the best payment terms and the best quality,” said Dr. Manessah Alagbaoso, Head, Africa China Integration, Standard Bank. If any of the terms of the letter of credit are not met, payment will not be made. As such, the offering will, “place African importers in a much stronger negotiating position when it comes to the price, quality and efficiency of importing Chinese goods,” stated Dr. Alagbaoso. At the same time, “Chinese

suppliers can be confident that once the terms of the letter of credit have been met, payment will be made in full and on time guaranteed by Stanbic IBTC Bank or Standard Bank and ICBC,” added Dr. Alagbaoso. In his remarks, Chief Executive, Stanbic IBTC Bank PLC, Dr. Demola Sogunle, reaffirmed the bank’s objective of constantly exploring opportunities of adding significant value to the businesses of its customers. “Stanbic IBTC has established market leadership in several financial services segments, and our ultimate goal is to continually leverage on our connections, knowledge and experience in delivering impeccable service and value that would similarly make our customers not just get ahead but emerge leaders in their respective business segments and ACAP is another of such enablers”, said Sogunle.

frican leading minds have called on Africans to be mindful of their rich history, which according to them creates the path towards the sociocultural, economic and political development of the continent. The strong African voices which included Group Chairman, United Bank for Africa (UBA), Tony Elumelu, Nobel Laureate, Wole Soyinka; Professor emeritus and authority in Sahelian history, Djibril Tamsir Niane; Ghanaian Politician, Samia Nkrumah and famous musician, Femi Kuti spoke during the first edition of UBA’s Africa Conversations, a symposium organised by UBA Plc at the UBA House, Lagos, as part of activities marking this year’s Africa Day celebrations. The theme of the panel session was “Africa’s History Redefined, Our Past, the Path to the Future”. Opening the conversation, the Group Chairman, UBA, Tony Elumelu stated ‘UBA understands the past- that Africa as a continent has always been united by the struggle for identity. UBA is a symbol for the development of Africa, for the economic empowerment of our people, the Small and Medium Enterprises as well as the big corporations. Thus, identifying with Africa and indeed Africa Day is synonymous with who we are as a bank. It presents us the opportunity to remind ourselves, the world and indeed Africa that we owe ourselves the duty of making Africa the continent of our dreams.” Elumelu added that it is important for Africans to remember history as this will help prepare for the future. ‘Our past provides a veritable tool to fashioning the continent’s development, renaissance, and economic growth’ he emphasized. Speaking strongly on the issue, Professor Wole Soyinka, who commended UBA’s initiative for opening up discussions on these pressing topics decried the growing erosion of history from the curriculum in African schools, adding that the lack of knowledge of our past makes children’s growth on the continent truncated. “How can we cope with the modern phenomenon if we do not know the past? We should never forget the importance of history as it is not just an academic exercise,” he enthused. Corroborating Soyinka’s position, Professor Niane opined that reminiscing about Africa’s rich history is important as there are no people without history. He said, “A lot of work has been done by Africans and we have to be happy about it. There is a need to continue the conversation about African unity. Policies have been put in place and our democracy can only get stronger. Peace will reign and Africa will be reunited. Economic transformation is also important but it is not the only thing we should concentrate on.” Samia Nkrumah, the daughter of Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, who commended UBA for prioritizing African entrepreneurship, called for a renewed attempt at African unity, which according to her, has to be a collective effort of the people. Nkrumah said, “As we work in our individual smaller countries, it will be easier to achieve more if we work together and complete unification can only come if we work together; we won’t go anywhere unless we use unity as a political project.’ She added.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019

NEWS Extra Climate change: Abia school plants trees to protect environment From BONIFACE OKORO, Umuahia


tudents of Mercy Girls High School Mbawsi in Isiala Ngwa North local government area of Abia State has embarked on tree planting campaign as a way of finding remedies to climate change. Principal of the School, Rev. Sister Lilian Ifeoma Chibiko, told The Oracle Today that the campaign was part of the agenda to drive home the need for people to embrace the crusade for finding solutions to the unfriendly climate change and make the environment safer. “Actually, trees give shades, they protect our environment from erosion and flooding. Also, when we breathe in oxygen, we breathe out carbon dioxide and it is the trees that help to purify the air we breathe. So, trees are important to humans,” she said in an interview during the tree planting exercise. Rev. Sister Chibiko also revealed that the tree planting was also in honour of a visiting international environmental activist, Allen Ottaro, from Kenya. “We are also doing this tree planting today because we have

a visitor who has come to see how we can establish Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa. “He has come all the way from Kenya, so we want to commemorate his visit by organizing tree planting day. A tree will be planted in his name and in the name of his organization and also to prove to him that we are already into the campaign and awareness of climate change,” the Principal said. The Climate Change activist lamented that Nigerians have had to contend with the unpalatable consequences of climate change in the recent years, adding that tree planting provides one of the practical solutions to the menace. “As we could see, the effect was so much in the past two years: we had floods in the North and in the Middle Belt. It is becoming almost a yearly thing and the way we can contribute to make sure we protect our environment is by planting trees, by avoiding pollution from our cars and generators. “Almost every household in the nook and crannies of the country is using generator.”

BHCPF: FG launches N1.08b healthcare fund in Abia

The green tide energy is no longer there and everybody turned to the use of generator. “But the solar energy is very clean energy. So, if we can go by renewable energy, especially solar which is 100 per cent clean, we will go a long way in eliminating what is not good and contributing to pollution in the environment,” she noted. She lamented that the response to her climate change campaigns have been rather low and slow. “Honestly, it has been very very slow. People will come, show interest and they will withdraw because they still see solar as being very expensive. But what is expensive in solar is the initial investment capital. But in the long run, you are going to enjoy it because the panel alone has a life span of 23 years,” she said, urging the public to embrace solar energy to enable to save money. The principal, their guest, Ottaro, who hailed the school for being environment-friendly courtesy of the tree planting and their solar energy production, and some students of the school, planted trees during the tree planting exercise.


ederal Government has launched Basic Health Care Provision Fund (BHCPF) also known as HUWE, in Abia State. Speaking at the ceremony, held recently at Apumiri Ubakala Primary Health Centre, Umuahia South Local Government Area, in Abia State, the Minister of Health, Professor Isaac Adewole, said that rolling out the programme was the climax of all Government’s efforts geared towards improving access to quality and affordable healthcare to all Nigerians. Prof. Adewole noted that Abia State was entitled to benefit basic health care services worth N1.08 billion in the next nine months. He informed that ‘’ the amount is equivalent to the medical bills of 635,000 women with normal deliveries, 1.8 million under 5-childhood illnesses or over 1.3 million cases of malaria; in addition to 332 public-sector facilities that would become truly functional as a result of the programme’’ He further said that ‘’the fund will provide direct response to issues of inequality in access to quality primary healthcare services, and also eliminate out-of-the- pocket expenses for primary health care services.’’

The Minister added that ‘“Surprisingly, 70 percent of total healthcare expenditure in Nigeria is borne out of the pocket. This is far higher than the globally-acceptable rate of 30-40 percent, and remains a barrier to accessing health care.’’ He stressed that ‘’the Federal government is committed to reversing the ugly situation and promoting shared prosperity especially in medical services.” He also assured that the launch of the programme in Abia State would open the space for more people to benefit from basic healthcare services being delivered at the Primary Healthcare Centres (PHCs). He explained that the programme would be financially sustained through a certain percentage of the consolidated revenue fund of the federation as stipulated in the National Health Act, 2014. “Our target is one primary healthcare centre, per ward, as identified by States, based on defined criteria with operational budgets to enable the facilities improve service delivery,” he added.

Delta Govt. dissolves exco, all MDAs


Governor of Delta State, Ifeanyi Okowa (r) the first prize winner, Dr. Toju Eresanara with his cheque for N3m during the just-ended Delta State Governor Annual Elders ’Tournament Walk, which had as theme “Walk to Health” and started from the Abraka Junction in Asaba through Dennis Osadebay Way, Nnebisi Road, Anwai road terminating at the Government House, Asaba.

Court clears Jonathan’s cousin of $40m fraud charge


n Abuja Division of the Federal High Court has discharged and acquitted former President Goodluck Jonathan’s cousin, Robert Azibaola, of $40 million laundering charges filed against him by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). Delivering judgement on Monday, the judge, Nnamdi Dimgba, held that no credible evidence was adduced to establish the offence of money laundering against Azibaola, adding further that the prosecutor should have produced former National Security Adviser Sambo Dasuki

as a witness. Dasuki is in the custody of the State Security Service. He noted the following: “That the prosecutor failed to provide witness from the Office of the National Security Adviser(ONSA). That the EFCC and the prosecutor cried more than the bereaved. That the prosecutor has not been able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the 2-count charge against the defendant. The defendant is hereby discharged and acquainted and not guilty,” the judge ruled. The EFCC had in 2016 filed a seven-count charge against

Azibaola, his wife, Stella, and their company, saying that they received $40 million worth of illicit contract from Dasuki. They were arraigned on June 7, 2016, and were admitted to bail in the sum of N500 million each. They were re-arraigned on April 27, 2017, on a nine-count amended charge. In the course of the trial, the prosecution called 10 witnesses and tendered 27 documented evidence against the three parties and closed its case. Subsequently, Azibaola and One Plus company were ordered to open their defence

on the remaining two counts, as Stella’s name was struck off the charge sheet. He denied diverting money to his personal use. On February 6, 2019, his defence team led by Chris Uche, closed its defence after calling two witnesses, including Azibaola, and presenting several documents. Meanwhile, reacting, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), has described as unfortunate the acquittal of Robert Azibaola, a cousin to former president, Goodluck Jonathan, who was charged for $40 million fraud before Justice Nnamdi Dimgba.

ecretary to the Delta State Government, Hon. Festus Agas, has announced the dissolution of the state Executive Council, as well as Boards of parastatals, commissions and agencies and others in the state ahead of the inauguration of the new administration on May 29. Agas in a statement he signed, Monday, said the exco remained dissolved with effect from May 24. “It is hereby announced for the information of the general public that following the dissolution of the Delta State Executive Council (EXCO) with effect from 24th May, 2019, His Excellency, the Governor, has also approved the dissolution of the following Commissions, Parastatals and Agencies: The affected agencies and commissions are: the Local Government Service Commission; Delta State Oil Producing Areas Development Commission (DESOPADEC); Governing Council of College of Education, Warri; Governing Council of College of Education, Agbor; Governing Council of School of Health Technology, Ofuoma; Governing Council of School of Marine Technology; Governing Council of Institute of Continuing Education; Delta State Hospitals Management Board. Others include: Delta State Library Board; Christian Pilgrim Welfare Board; Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board; Board of the Agency for Adult and Non-Formal Education; Delta State Tourism Board; Delta State Urban Water Board; Delta Broadcasting Services Board; Delta State Arts Council; and Allocation Committee; Delta State Bursary Board; Delta State University Teaching Hospital Board; Delta State Rural Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Agency; and the Direct Labour Agency (DLA). “Similarly, Political Appointees, other than Chairmen/Members of the above mentioned agencies are affected by this directive which takes effect from today, 27th May, 2019.”


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019

NEWS Extra

2019 General Elections: God rescued us from external conspiracy –Wike


ivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike has stated his re-election was as a result of God’s miraculous intervention in the face of internal and external conspiracy to truncate the will of Rivers people on March 9, 2019. Addressing the State Victory Thanksgiving Service for his Electoral Victory on Saturday at the Yakubu Gowon Stadium in Port Harcourt, Governor Wike stated that a few PDP governors worked with the opposition to ensure that the PDP was cheated out of her victory in Rivers State. He said: “The fight was not just with the opposition. It was also within our party. When we lost the election in Ekiti State, one of our leaders in the South West said that Fayose is finished and the next person is Wike. “Some governors within

the party joined forces with the opposition against the State. But then, the will of God prevailed. I was not bothered by what the opposition did, but what some of our party members did was worrisome. “Some persons working with us in the state betrayed. They felt there was no way that we would make it. They became agents of the opposition. But God intervened “. Governor Wike commended the clergy and Rivers women for standing by him and the PDP all through the electioneering process. He said that their support ensured that the PDP emerged victorious. “Our women showed so much concern. Some of them were ready to die because of our election. I don’t know how to thank them.

“For the first time, I saw women like Aba Women riot, coming out to say no, we will not agree. Let me assure you that I will not disappoint the Christian community in Rivers State “, he said. The Governor assured Rivers people that he will work like a first term Governor, delivering on his pledges. He said that his performance will not be affected by the second term syndrome. He reiterated that he is committed to the olive branch that he extended to the opposition in the State. He said that it was done to promote peace and not out of fear of political fight. He said that the State Government will not abandon the families of courageous Rivers people who died in defence of democracy. He praised the PDP

Governorship Election Collation Agent, Dr Ferry Gberegbe who was murdered by the Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad for defending democracy. Governor Wike singled out his wife for praise on the positive roles she has played in sustaining his family. Former Rivers State Governor, Dr Peter Odili said that without God’s intervention, Rivers people would not be on ground for Thanksgiving. He called on Rivers elders to unite and work for the restoration of peace in the state. Odili noted that power comes from God, hence all leaders should support Governor Wike to move the state forward. “Power comes from God. Therefore, we must all stand behind our leader and governor. Enough is enough. It is time to

work for the growth of Rivers State “, he said. PDP National Chairman, Prince Uche Secondus said that the states of the Niger Delta were under siege by the authorities during the elections. He said that it was God that delivered Rivers State. He said that God confounded the Army Commanders and secular authorities to ensure the victory of Governor Wike. “It was written in Abuja. They issued several press statements. Security agencies and generals stood, but who can beat the Army of the Lord. They planned to take Rivers State by Force, but they excluded God from their plans. It was the power of God that delivered Governor Wike. When the Army Commanders took over, God intervened”, Secondus said.

‘Transition committee’s report, a foundation for my administration’ –Ihedioha


From left: Pastor David Ibiyeomie of Salvation Ministry; Rivers State Governor, Nyesom and wife during the State Victory Thanksgiving Service for his Electoral Victory which held Saturday at the Yakubu Gowon Stadium in Port Harcourt, the state capital.

ew Imo Governor, Chief Emeka Ihedioha, says the report of the state’s Transition Technical Committee (TTC) would form the foundation and take-off point for his administration. Ihedioha made the disclosure on Monday at Owerri while receiving the report from the Committee’s Chairman Mr Ernest Ebi. He assured of full implementation of the report and commended the committee members for working tirelessly for over one month to ensure that a template for the new administration is produced. “I thank all of you for the sacrifice that you have made to do the job and I also urged you to always make yourselves available to serve the state,” he said.

He disclosed that he would appoint more politicians in his cabinet, adding that some professionals would also be engaged to serve the state. Earlier, Ebi said the committee met the state in a very bad shape before starting its work. “Imo was in a very bad shape before we started our job but I thank God for all those who were in the committee to do the job. “We have made our recommendations for the incoming government and I believe that the report, if implemented, will go a long way in solving the problems of the state,’’ he said. The Ihedioha had inaugurated a Transition Technical Committee whose main duty was to recommend a template for the incoming administration in the state.

Okowa echoes importance of exercise as Delta elders undertake 10km walk From JONATHAN AWANYAI, Asaba


s part of activities lined up for the inauguration of Senator Dr Ifeanyi Okowa as Governor of Delta State for second term, elders of the state took a 10 kilometer walk in an event which the governor described as good for health and fitness. The event christened, Delta State Governor Annual Elders

’ Tournament Walk, with the theme, “Walk to Health” commenced at Abraka Junction in Asaba through Dennis Osadebay Way, Nnebisi Road, Anwai road through to Government House, Asaba. It was a 10 kilometer walk that was strictly for Deltans aged 55 and 70 years without gender discrimination. Governor Okowa who received those who participated in the walk at about 8 am on Monday at Government House,

Asaba, expressed joy that elders came out to participate actively in the walk, stating, “I am glad that this tournament is taking place as it will help us to keep fit and be healthy.” “Nigerians need to be encouraged to take a walk as it is good for our health and brain and I want to assure everybody that this tournament will be an annual event”, he said, adding “I want to urge you to always take a walk at least twice a week so as

to remain in good health.” While commending the organizers and participants in the walk for the colourful tournament, Senator Okowa promised that the next tournament would be broken into various categories so as to get the best from the participants. Earlier in their separate addresses, Chief Lulu Onobaifo and Sir Lawrence Oshiegbu on behalf of the organisers of the

tournament, disclosed that the tournament was meant to ensure that Deltans keep fit and healthy, assuring that the next edition would be more colourful and categories created to cater for the youths. Dr. Toju Eresanara who came out first in the walk, got the sum of N3 million as price while his runners up, Mr Hycinth Osuhor and Mr Ojubana Peter got the sums of N2 million and N1 million respectively.

‘Our priority is to provide enabling environment for our children to thrive’ –Obiano


nambra schools came out for Children’s Day celebration with Gov Willie Obiano assuring them of adequate protection and support in ensuring they are well educated to make the country develop. Obiano gave the assurance in Awka on Monday in a message to the 2019 Children Day celebration. The governor was represented by the Secretary

to the Government, Prof Solo Chukwulobelu who also presented the speech of President Muhammadu Buhari to the children. “Here in Anambra, we will do everything within our powers to provide enabling environment for our children to thrive and encourage brilliant ones to excel. “Mr President speech which is titled ‘Drug Abuse among Children, Addressing the

Challenges’ is apt,” he said. Buhari said government and parents were desirous of building positive future for Nigerian children. “A steering committee on drug master plan from 20152019, will soon submit its report on the way forward. “I call on you, my dear children, to stay away from drug and concentrate on your studies while promising the continuation of school feeding

program and other laudable programmes for our children,” he said. Commissioner for Children and Women affairs in the state, Lady Ndidi Mezuo, on her part, said provision had been made for children that wanted to go to school but had nobody to sponsor them to come forward. “Our ministry has concluded arrangement to help send willing children to school, it is for them to come forward,” she said.

In the match past that took place in the ceremony, Community Primary School, Nise took the first position, Ezike Primary School, Nibo came second and Community Primary School Awka came third. In the secondary category, Girls Secondary School Awka took the first position, St John of God Secondary School, Awka came second while Igwebuike Secondary School, Awka clinched the third position.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 - June 4, 2019

Nze Uche Nworah as ‘unbecoming’ patriot? D In o you remember Democratic Attorney General Candidate, Warren Tolman and his apologies for his use of the word ’unbecoming’ to describe his opponent Maura Healey’s criticism of his private sector record? You sure saw how female supporters of Healey blasted the comment? Remember 2002 when Mitt Romney got same attacks on his choice of ‘unbecoming’ to describe Treasurer Shannon O’Brien’s attacks on his abortion stance? I freeze as I reflect on those heated arguments around ‘unbecoming’. For, that would have been my dilemma had my bombshell of analysis of Nze Uche Nworah’s fiveyear superintendent of the Anambra State Broadcasting Service (ABS) Awka as Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer been published without his own side of the story. Thousands of his social media fans would simply have eaten me raw, not least because the publication would have come out about the same time as his commendation award by Governor Willie Obiano. Though my facts are unimpeachable as I have on record all those who spoke to me about ‘all his shortcomings’ in the establishment, I insisted on hearing him address some of those grey areas before going to press. He was overseas when I was ready with that piece, but promised to speak to me immediately he returned to Nigeria. Although he has since returned from Europe or so he told me, for one reason or the other, he has been too busy to be captured for the interview. But for now, let those accusations of favouritism, lack of motivation, highhandedness, ‘K-leg’ in ABS training of staff abroad, selective visits to Obiano’s residence in Aguleri, casual-worker syndrome, ‘sacked or redundancy staff’ palaver, No DMD in ABS Onitsha and compromises here and there unbecoming of a patriot wait for another time as I congratulate him for receiving a commendation award from Governor Obiano. It is not easy for Obiano to reappoint my friend, Nze Uche Nworah as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of ABS for a second term and award him a State Government commendation certificate some months after against all interests and ‘punches’. But Uche is not only a troubleshooter like when he handled ‘ABS Pageant misfire’, he is also a go-getter, having survived all plots against him in ABS, thanks to ‘Oh Good!’ Board of Directors, led by the Chairman of the Board of ABS, Mr Emeka Maduagwuna whom I had an ugly experience with after I did a proposal at his behest for the state. But truly, Maduagwuna has vision for ABS and love for state when he said ABS is poised to becoming the first station in the South-East to attain digital status and it happened in 2017 November. But, that is a story for another day. Have you watched ‘Patriot’, a movie in which an American Intelligence officer, under perilous threat to his life and family put country first to prevent Iran from going nuclear? That’s what I liken Uche Nworah’s service to Anambra State as the Managing Director of ABS and Rector of the ABS Film Academy. He is ever prepared to put everything it would take to defend not only the government position but also that of its officials. He has garnered some international linkages for ABS and used young ones more than any other CEO in the state. Can I ever be like Uche? Was I at any time in the past such ‘a

CORNUCOPIA By Odogwu Emeka Odogwu Telephone number: 08060750240

E-mail :

•Nze Uche Nworah

true patriot’? Uche is always at the centre of every government activity whether it concerns him directly or not even he campaigned in league with his brother, the Deputy Governor of Anambra state, Dr Nkem Okeke to return Obiano. That is now history. Presenting the commendation letter to Nze Nworah at the State Executive Chambers, during the State Executive Council meeting, Governor Willie Obiano lauded Chief Uche Nworah for dedication and sterling performance at ABS. This is true and needed no colouration, hate Uche or like him. He has indeed shown class and swag by taking ABS to the next level. ABS now competes internationally. I am proud of the staff, judging from when I started there as a rookie reporter in 1998. For me, Nworah did not only transform the ABS media organization justifying the humongous amount of resources and efforts put into the station by the Obiano administration under the watch of the Anambra State Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment, Mr. C. Don Adinuba, he also made ABS a station to be proud of by indigenes and residents in Anambra and beyond. People abroad now make reference to ABS, Awka, an unbelievable thing, courtesy of a Chief who prefers to be called Nze. Adinuba has added class and fun to Obiano’s Information management

team earlier shrouded in secrecy and backbiting. I had earlier tagged it ‘’Necromancy’’ information team as releases meant for journalists for the next day were seen by midnight on social media. Has it stopped? I commend C. Don Adinuba for his sterling strides and bridge building between the media and the government, though I am at a loss why we no longer do our duties as media men in Anambra. We are just there, seeing nothing, saying nothing and doing nothing? What magic has Obiano to shut us all up, just like that? Or is it that his achievements in office have silenced us-the journalists in Anambra that used to be vibrant before Obiano? This, though, is a tale for another day. Obiano further urged Nworah to sustain the tempo of excellence as his administration is poised to launch the ABS on the DSTV platform for 24-hour broadcasting. He admitted that without the support of the staff, he wouldn’t have fared well so far hence he urged the staff to continue to give him the needed support. Elated Nworah appreciated the governor and members of the State Executive Council for the honour and pledged to justify the confidence reposed in him even as he thanked his family, Staff and management of the ABS, noting that their sacrifices helped in the successes recorded so far in his first term. Already Nworah has launched ABS TV on 24-hour broadcast on the

terrestrial channel preparatory to launching on the DSTV platform. Still under Nworah, Obiano government has set aside the sum of N50m to support ABS Film Academy in film production. The Academy has graduated about three sets now. ABS has intention of competing in standard with internationally -notable broadcast stations, hence it has digitalized the studio and through the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, Indigenous Artwork, Culture and Tourism will establish shooting locations and movie villages in the state for the film academy. This is to give impetus to efforts at harnessing the potentials that abound in the entertainment industry. Graduates of ABS Film Academy are already in high demand in the society thanks to their practical-based training, that has made them sound resource persons from within and outside the ABS. A member of the Board of Directors of ABS and the traditional Ruler of Nteje, Igwe Roland Odegbo thanked the Governor for the commendation, even as he asked the ABS staff to work harder. Veteran Actor and ace broadcaster, Chief Pete Edochie acknowledged that Governor Obiano is doing great in exploring the abundant talents that abound in the State’s entertainment industry through the ABS Film Academy. This, he said, is sure to make the state a hub for creative economy in Africa soonest.

Vintage Nworah, an experienced communication professional with training in Nigeria and Europe has media, commercial, advertising and marketing experience and has worked with Globacom Communication, Nigeria’s 2nd largest telecommunication network as the National Manager of Out-ofHome (OOH) media advertising. Nworah has a B.A in Communication Arts from University of Uyo and MBA in Marketing from the University of Nigeria (Enugu Campus) as well as M.A in Educational Research from the University of Greenwich. He has CAM/BEEC Diploma in Advertising. He was the Best Graduating Advertising Student in Nigeria in 1991. He also holds a Post-graduate Diploma (PGD) in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), London, and a Post-graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) from the University of Greenwich. He was former head, PR & Events at Sunrise D’Arcy, an affiliate agency of the D’Arcy, Massius, Benton & Bowles (DMBB) network in Nigeria. He was also a visiting lecturer in Advertising and Promotions at the University of East London and senior lecturer in Marketing Communications and Business Strategy at the London Metropolitan University Business School; group head, Internal Communications and later group head of Human Capital Development/chief learning officer at Oceanic Bank International Plc where he headed the Oceanic Leadership Academy. He received the Jack Petchey Leadership Award in 2007 for his outstanding work with young people in the UK, The Chickenbones Writer of the Year (2006) Award for his witty and incisive writing about Nigeria and Africa related issues and the Distinguished Alumni Award of the Business Education Examinations Council (BEEC) in 2008. Author of The Long Harmattan Season and Nigeria Confidential, Nworah worked with the Federal Government of Nigeria Committee on Rebranding Nigeria in 2009. He is a member of the Education Committee of the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON), member of The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM, UK), the Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM) and Fellow of the Institute of Place Management (IPM, UK). He served as a Juror on the 2010 Rebrand 100 Global Awards to mention but a few. Nworah takes delight in the promotion of Igbo language and culture and uses ABS, more than so many others in his position in the South-East, to amplify his mission to ensure the language does not die, using different Igbo programmes in ABS. Under Nworah’s watch, ABS has partnered Fidelity Bank on Nduka Igbo TV Series; UNICEF, Ministry of Budget & Economic Planning on Information Sharing for rural Farmers; United Nations on media partnership; Chioma Okoye on new Igbo TV series ‘Ebube Igbo’ to mention but a few. He was honoured with a Chieftaincy title by Igwe Ralph Ekpeh of EnugwuUkwu, his town in Njikoka Council area as Ezeudo Enugwu-Ukwu na Umunri) peacemaker, and wife, Chief (Mrs) Uche Nworah as (Ugomba Enugwu-Ukwu na Umunri). Nworah is truly a man of peace but never look for his trouble! •Phone Number: 08060750240 E-mail :odogwuchampionawka@


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 - June 4, 2019


NPS nabs female hard drugs smuggler at Kano Prison Stories by VICTOR NZE


he Intelligence Unit of the Nigerian Prisons Service (NPS) attached to Kano Central Prison has intercepted a female visitor Rifkatu Anthony for attempting to smuggle in 39 wraps of Indian Hemps into the prison. A statement by DSP Musbahu Lawan, the CPRO NPS Kano Command, said the suspect from Badawa Quarters in Kano Metropolis concealed the hard drug in harmless packs with the intention to deliver them to inmates in the prison. Upon interrogation, Miss Rifkatu Anthony feigned ignorance of the illicit substance in her possession claiming that the items were given to her by one ThangGod for delivery

to the prison inmates. The Controller of Prisons Kano, Magaji A Abdullah had Commended the officers and Men of the Command for their untiring efforts in ridding the Service of the menace of Trafficking. Recently the Controller General of Prisons, Ja’afaru Ahmed approved the dismissal of Prison Personnel for aiding trafficking (smuggling) illicit drugs into the prison yard for prisoners. The action of the Controller General was part of a concerted effort by the administration to continue to maintain discipline and ensure that inmates in Prison custody were only handled by those with the required rectitude to do so. “There is no gainsaying that expos-

ing inmates to the use of hard drugs is an anathema to the reformation goal of the Prisons Service as it does not only precipitate health complications but also constitutes security risk to innocent lives in and around the prison” the statement noted. Mr. Ja’afaru therefore, warn that any officer caught aiding or failing to apprehend smugglers act will be shown the way out of the Service as they have no business being in a character reformation agency. He had assured the public that the management of the NPS would remain irrevocably committed to sustain the peace and calm now existing in prisons across the country in order to enhance reformation and rehabilitation of offenders in prisons custody.

Anambra police arrest 3 kidnap suspects in military uniform, recover stolen vehicle Police in Anambra said it had arrested three persons in military uniforms for allegedly kidnapping a businessman, Mr Uchenna Ezeonu at Ekwulobia in Aguata Local Government Area of the state. In a statement on Saturday, the Public Relations Officer of the state’s Command, Mr Haruna Mohammed, said that the suspects were arrested in a bush near the Uyo-Eke Market. Mohammed said that the arrests followed a distress call made to the command on May 24 at about 11am. “On May 24, at about 11:am, there was a distress call along Isuofia road in Aguata Local Government Area that three persons in military uniforms abducted one Uchenna Ezeonu around Ekwulobia Roundabout to unknown destination. “Police operatives attached to

Operation Puff Adder in conjunction with Joint Patrol teams rushed to the scene and cordoned-off the entire area in search of the hoodlums along the bush path by UyoEke market road. “Consequently, three suspects in military attires, who abducted the victim were rounded up and arrested inside the bush.The victim was rescued unhurt,” Mohammed said. The spokesman said that preliminary investigations revealed that one of the suspects, Obinna Ojiegbe, served in the Nigerian Army and was deployed to 101 Special Forces Battalion in Maiduguri, Borno. He said that Ojiegbe had been handed over to the Military Cantonment, Onitsha for further investigation. Mohammed added that the two other suspects – Peter Obasi and

Kenyan mother nabbed with 6.5 kilograms of cocaine at Abuja airport N

ational Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) says it has apprehended a 33-year-old Kenyan lady with 6.5 kilogrammes of cocaine at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja (NAIA). The agency made this known in a statement by its Head, Public Affairs Unit, Mr Jonah Achema, on Monday in Abuja, and said that the lady while trying to smuggle the drug into the country. Achema said that the arrest was made by the agency’s Special Area Command at the airport, and named the suspect as Angela Wairimu, a single mother of two. He said that the suspect was apprehended on arrival from South Africa aboard an Ethiopian Airline Flight to Abuja. “Some of the illicit substance was concealed in the false bottom of a travelling bag which also contained two wrapped parcels of the same illicit drug. “She carried the bag as hand lug-

gage,” he said. According to Achema, Wairimu who shuttles between Kenya and South Africa claimed to be a modelling expert and a trader in clothes and cosmetics. He said that the suspect claimed a friend in South Africa approached her to assist an unknown person to deliver the brief case containing wears in Nigeria which was brought to her at the Airport through an errand boy. “She was to deliver the consignment to the husband of the sender who was to meet her at the airport in Abuja. “She claimed to be on her second trip to Nigeria to procure home-made body beauty products and local fabrics for her enterprise called La Model in South Africa and Kenya. “She denied being under any financial inducement but confessed that her daughter was suffering from acute leukaemia which put her under financial pressure,” he added.

Benjamin Nicholas, who wore military vests – were found to be fake soldiers. He said that one Okoye Ugochukwu was also arrested as their accomplice. Also, the police image maker disclosed that the command rescued a kidnap victim, Mr Emmanuel Loco, who was abducted at Ogidi near Buckingham Polytechnic, Abatete road by yet, other military impersonators. According to him, the victim was flagged down by the two men in military vest and face caps at about 5:15pm on the same road. “The victim was driving his Mercedes Benz 320 SUV with registration number MHA 111KP before being joined by four other armed men, who abducted him. “On the May 24, at about 7:35pm, following the report of the kidnap, Police operatives attached to Operation Puff Adder and Ogidi Division mobilized to the area,” he noted. Mohammed said that no arrest was made in the case as the suspects abandoned the victim and fled into the bush off Abatete road when they saw the police. He said that investigation was ongoing to apprehend the fleeing suspects in order to bring them to Justice. In another development, Mohammed said that the command had arrested two suspected members of a car-snatching syndicate – Franklin Ifeanyi, 42, and Steven Chinedu, 41. He alleged that the two men stole a silver-colored Toyota Corolla with registration number BDG 317 FC belonging to one Mr Daniel Ozoigbo at No.12, Ogunbela Avenue, off Ago palace way, Okota, Lagos. “The vehicle was removed from where it was parked at the owner’s residence in Lagos and brought to Anambra by the suspects,” he said. He said that the vehicle had been recovered while the case would be transferred to the Lagos Command of the police for further investigation.

•A suspect, Miss Rifkatu Anthony, from Badawa Quarters in Kano Metropolis nabbed by the Intelligence Unit of the Nigerian Prisons Service (NPS) attached to Kano Central Prison for attempting to smuggle 39 wraps of ‘Indian Hemp’ into the facility

Man, 42, kills wife, son; commits suicide in Lagos


he police in Lagos said that a 42-year-old man, Enifeh Omomo, allegedly commited suicide after killing his wife and their six-yearold son at their Ikorodu residence in Lagos. DSP Bala Elkana, Lagos Police Spokesman, said in a statement that the Ikorodu divisional Police Station had received a distress call on May 24, at 8 a.m about the incident. “On May 24, at 8.00a.m. Ikorodu Police Station received a distress call that one Enifeh Akupa Omomo; 42, of No. 12, Eruga St., AgaIkorodu, allegedly killed his wife, Mrs Faith Omomo; 38 and his sixyear-old son, Glorious Omomo and thereafter committed suicide in his one room apartment. ” When homicide detectives visited the scene, the corpse of the suspect was found hanging on a rope, tied to the ceiling fan, while corpses of his wife and son were found on the floor. “Bodies of the deceased persons

were evacuated to General Hospital for autopsy. Investigation is ongoing.” he said. In a similar development, Elkana disclosed that the command had arrested a Lagos State Polytechnic security guard for allegedly killing his colleague on duty. Elkana said on May 24 at 7.00a.m, Operatives of Shagamu road Police Station in collaboration with the Chief Security Officer of Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu arrested one Cletus Williams, a security guard with the polytechnic for killing his colleague, Okoro John, while they were on night duty. “The suspect used a sharp knife to slash the throat of the victim and also chopped off his right wrist. “Homicide detectives from State Criminal Investigation Department Yaba are investigating the case to ascertain the motive behind the killing. “The knife used for the murder has been recovered and suspect will soon be charged to Court for murder.” he said.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019

SPORTS Ijeh calls for adequate preparation for Eagles •Says “Eagles’ absence in last two editions may be joker” By MADUABUCHI KALU


s the Gernot Rohr coached Super Eagles are getting set for this year’s Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) final which Egypt is playing host to, Peter Emeka Ijeh, former Julius Berger and Nitel FC of Lagos forward, has called for adequate preparations for the team to enable them do the country proud in Egypt. The former Malmo FF and IFK Goteborg of Sweden striker in exclusive interview with The Oracle Today Sports at the weekend explained that there is no substitute for adequate preparation saying the time has come for the country to do away with fire brigade preparation for the national team. Speaking further, Ijeh who is now a coach; said there was need to ensure that the right calibre of players were invited to the national team to enable them work as team. He said invitation to players who understand themselves will go a long way in ensuring that Eagles do well in Egypt. In his words: “The nonappearance of the Super Eagles in the last two editions of the Africa Cup of Nations can be the joker for the team because there will be less pressure and ratings. “However, football is not won by just mathematics. It is about chemistry of the invited players. The hard work, team work and other soccer components must be in place. “So, planning is essential but not fire brigade preparation as usual,” Ijeh admonished. It is recalled that the Super Eagles qualified for this year’s AFCON with a match to spare. Already, Gernot Rohr and his charges are optimistic of doing well despite the fact that the former Bayern Munich defender is trying to play safe by saying that Eagles are not the fovourites to win the competition considering that according to FIFA Rankings, Eagles are third behind Senegal who remains the top ranked African nation,

•Super Eagles (Inset) Peter Emeka Ijeh followed by Tunisia. Having said that, other stakeholders believe that the three time continental champions have what it takes to win the championship for the fourth time having won it last in 2013 when the team was led by indigenous coach and former captain of the team, the late Stephen Keshi in South Africa. Speaking recently, former captain of the team, Nwankwo Kanu emphatically stated that the Eagles would win the championship in Egypt, saying the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) recently engaged three former players of the team, Austin Jay Jay Okocha, Tijani Babangida and himself to help the team triumph in Egypt. Kanu stated this in an interview with “We are there to assist the team; the Super Eagles will win the nation’s cup. No country will stand on their way” Kanu told On his part, the 1st Vice President of the NFF, Barrister Seyi Akinwunmi while speaking recently on the chances of the Super Eagles at the 2019 AFCON said the team were not under any form of pressure to deliver the AFCON trophy but said they had been given everything they needed to do

Usain Bolt Launches $9999 Electric Car

We had successful league –Emeagha

By MADUABUCHI KALU with agency report



amaican and world sprint king, who holds the world record in the 100 meter, 200 meter, and 4×100 meter relay, Usain Bolt has launched $9999 Electric Car. The Olympic champion launched Bolt’s startup scooter-sharing initiative known as Bolt Mobility, a small electric car by the name the B-Nano. This vehicle is scheduled for sales beginning in 2020 at a price of just $9,999. The company which is based in Florida, the United States of America has been developing the electric vehicle in secret over the past year. The B-Nano is a tandem, two-seat vehicle that features swappable batteries. It is small enough to fit through “many” doors. The power and range of the B-Nano have yet to be revealed, but it was designed to meet the needs of urban drivers who travel fewer than 15 miles per trip. Private B-Nano owners will be permitted to offer their vehicles through the Bolt Mobility platform for use by its members in order to get income from their cars. This arrangement is similar to what Tesla has proposed for autonomous vehicles in the future. Currently, Bolt Mobility is taking reservations for the price of $9999 but has not displayed a prototype of the vehicle or indicated where the B-Nano will be

well at the biennial continental football showpiece. According to Akinwunmi: “What we have done so far as NFF is that; we have put up a programme where the footballers only have to think about football with no extraneous matters. “So, we expect them to be at their best and do their best. They should strive to win the Cup and if they didn’t win, that does not mean that they have failed. “They can only be termed as a failure if they failed to put in their best and we can judge that with their performance. But sometimes efforts are not enough. “Sometimes, circumstances may arise, then, we should know that they have tried, not to win at all cost,’’ he said. Speaking further, he urged Nigerians to support the team, adding that the support would help the team to be at their best instead of putting pressure on the team. “We expect Nigerians as before to support the team in all the ways they can because that is what they need right now and not that they should put pressure on the team. “I also know that Nigerians pray a lot, so I also expect that they pray for the team to succeed in Egypt, those that are able to go and those that will stay at home,” he said.

M built. Bolt Mobility plans to launch the scooter sharing program in Paris, France, with scooters said to last two years before needing replacement. The Jamaican great, Usain Bolt was born in 1986 in Sherwood Content, Jamaica. He holds the world records in the 100 meter, 200 meter, and 4×100 meter relay. He has won Olympic gold in all three of the events, and because of his achievements in the sport of track and field, he is considered by many to be the greatest sprinter in history. Bolt has won eight gold medals at the Olympics and gained international recognition when he achieved a double sprint victory in world record time at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. He retired from track and field competition in 2017 and co-founded Bolt Mobility in the United States in 2018.

r. Ferdinand Emeagha, the Technical Director of Nigeria Handball Federation (NHF), on Monday described the recently ended first phase of the Prudent Energy Handball League as very successful. Emeagha told the sportswriters in Abuja that the federation must be commended for improvement in the league. He explained that the federation under Sam Ocheho would continue to strive for giant strides aimed at promoting handball in the country. “Handball in Nigeria today is not what it used to be, you will agree with me that there is tremendous improvement. “Improvement in all faculties of the game, players, officiating, etc. and even the organisation,” the technical director declared. The Technical Director urged Nigerians to support the efforts of the federation for greater handball leagues. He called for financial support which he described as the biggest challenge of the federation, adding that the federation needs money to run. “We call on stakeholders and Nigerians to assist us for the sake of the game,” he added. The Oracle Today Sports reports that the first phase of the handball league that began on May 13 ended on May 25 in Abuja while the second phase would kick off in October in Lagos.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019

SPORTS Iwobi banks on Emery’s trust for Chelsea showdown By MADUABUCHI KALU


NFF law ’ll revamp football in Nigeria –Saraki

...Seeks Buhari’s prompt assent


enate President, Bukola Saraki, has disclosed that the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) Law is capable of stimulating accelerated growth of the game in the country when it fully becomes operational. Saraki announced on his official twitter page that the NFF bill had been passed by the Nigerian Senate and it is now awaiting assent of President Muhammadu Buhari. He said the Senate which he presides over had worked hard to get the NFF bill, which had spent 15 years in the National Assembly, passed before the termination of the life of the 8th Assembly. He said nations like the UK, Spain, Germany and Italy, became football ‘powerhouses’ because

their governments put in place legislation and support mechanisms to develop the sport into a sustainable industry that not only creates jobs, but also boosts internally generated revenue. “Football lovers across the nation will be pleased to know that the Nigerian Football Federation (@TheNFF) Bill, which has been in @NASSNigeria for the past 15 years, was finally passed by the @ NGRSenate on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019,” he wrote on his official twitter account. “Over the last 4-years, @ NASSNigeria has worked assiduously to pass previously elusive Bills that have hindered the development of many sectors like the #PIGB, #CAMA, the 1% clause for Healthcare out of the CRF, and

By MADUABUCHI KALU With agency report


ritain’s Sir Mo Farah and compatriot, Steph Twell Monday retained their titles as both win their London 10,000 races. Mo Farah, Britain’s four-time Olympic champion, won the Vitality London 10,000 for the seventh time as compatriot, Steph Twell also retained her title. Farah, 36, finished in 28 minutes 14 seconds as fellow Britons Andrew Butchart and Nick Goolab finished second and third respectively. Scotland’s Twell, 29, crossed the line in 31:55, ahead of Jess Piasecki and Verity Ockenden. “I honestly thought this was my sixth (win),” Farah told BBC Sport. “It’s even better when I heard it was my seventh one.” European 5,000m bronze medallist, Twell told BBC Sport: “I was a bit nervous because there is a great depth in British women’s running. “I love running with the guys. I think that an equal run is a really good way to push yourself and push your body. “This is the penultimate year before the Olympic year. You want to build as much foundation to give yourself the best chance of being selected.

uper Eagles and Arsenal striker, Alex Iwobi, has revealed that he is counting on the high level of trust he has gained from Arsenal manager, Unai Emery for him to play a part in today’s (Wednesday’s) Europa League final against their West London neighbours, Chelsea. Arsenal will be involved in an all-England final against London rivals, Chelsea, of which Iwobi, who made the trip alongside Nigerians Fikayo Saka and Xavier Amaechi, reckons a lot of spotlight will be on the historic game in Baku, the Azerbaijan capital. It is true that Iwobi played no part in both legs of the semifinal fixtures against La Liga sisde, Valencia of Spain, the Anambra State born striker is eagerly hoping to play a role in today’s final, as he admits he will look up to Emery again believing in his abilities. Iwobi, who was included in the team told Evening Standard: “I didn’t know what it was going to be like when he came. “I can’t lie,

it was a bit weird (at first) because I grew into the system playing under Arsene Wenger and that is all I have known. “When he did come, I came late to pre-season as I was at the World Cup. He spoke to me and said what ideas he had for me. “I have bought into them and I’ve played in a lot of matches and he has shown a lot of faith in me. I thank him for that. “To be involved in as many games makes me proud, but I have still got a long way to go and I am sure he has a lot more years at the club as well,” he said

now, @ theNFF Bill. “@TheNFF Bill, is crucial because it provides a framework to fast-track the adoption of football as an integral part of our nation’s economy, by bringing our nation’s football administration up to speed with international best practices. @ FIFAcom he Kano State Football first, second, third and fourth @CAF_Online. Association still held defendants in the suit. “The new @TheNFF Bill election despite Court Order ‎However, at the makes Nigeria one of the first na- restraining them from conducting conducted in Minjibir election Park and tions in Africa to key into the FIFA the said election. Resort on Sunday‎, Mr Ahlan statutes, and provides the necesDespite the court order the polled 55 votes to be returned sary leadership and example for election still went ahead and as chairman of Kano other African countries to remove produced the incumbent, Sharu another four years while FA for Aminu the barriers that have hindered Ahlan, as the Chairman of Kano Mohammed was also returned as the administration of sports on State Football Association (FA). vice chairman with 55 votes.‎ the continent. He is hoping that The Oracle Today Sports Other board members President Buhari will give the bill gathered that the election went include, Muktar Ahmadelected an accelerated assent so that he ahead despite a Kano High Court Usman Mustafa for Kano ‎and can become operational as soon order issued on Friday restraining Rilwan Idris and Hassan Central, Garo for as possible. Mr. Ahlan and four others from Kano South and Haliru Samaila‎ conducting the election. and Isa Uba for Kano North The restraining order was said senatorial districts. to have been issued by Justice The election was supervised by Usman Na’abba in response Ibrahim Gusau, the representative to the request of the plaintiff, of NFF President, Amaju Pinnick. Muhammad Salisu-Rabiu. The Oracle Today sports was The plaintiff had cited Mr. informed that Mr. Ahlan is also Ahlan, Ma’aruf Yakasai, Kano FA a member of the NFF executive and the State Sport Council as committee.

Elections: Kano FA hold election despite court order


NTA, HotSports ready to bring matches to Nigerian fans

Mo Farah, Steph Twell retain London 10,000 titles “It’s a huge honour to become an Olympian but that’s not the finish line. The finish line is giving a really good performance out in Tokyo.” Daniel Sidbury and threetime Paralympic medallist Shelly Woods won the men’s and women’s wheelchair races, having both won their respective races in Sunday’s Westminster Mile.

“I’m very surprised, but very pleased,” Sidbury told BBC Sport. “I’m pleased with how both races went. I was more nervous for this 10k as I thought it would be more of a challenge.” On Sunday, Twell and her husband Joe Morwood broke a world record for the fastest mile while holding hands.


otSports Media Group, hosted by Egypt in November, Nigeria’s foremost this year) Africa Women Cup marketing and Production of Nations (Congo Brazzaville Company, has formalised its 2020), Under-20 Africa Cup of relationship with Africa’s largest Nations in 2021 in Mauritania, the television network, the Nigerian Under-17 Africa Cup of Nations Television Authority (NTA) in Morocco also in 2021 and CAF Network, as the Official Exclusive Super Cup 2020. Marketers of the 32nd African At the signing of the Cup of Nations which kicks off in Memorandum of Understanding Cairo on June 21. (MoU) between NTA and NTA will broadcast the HotSports in Abuja during the matches on terrestrial television week, NTA Director General, channels across Nigeria, while Yakubu Ibn Mohammed assured the Super Eagles will be among that his organisation would 24 teams contesting to lift deploy its immense experience the trophy on July 19 in the in the coverage and broadcast of showpiece game. international sports competitions Other tournaments in the to AFCON 2019 and the other bouquet of the NTA/HotSports tournaments in view and it is marketing partnership include determined to deliver exciting the Under-23 Africa Cup of moments for Nigerian sports Nations (the 2020 Olympics fans through the partnership soccer qualifiers that will be with HotSports.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019

SPORTS Tiger Woods jumped to highest world ranking since 2014

By MADUABUCHI KALU with agency report

Super Falcons’ camp bubbles with arrival of Oshoala, Ihezuo By MADUABUCHI KALU


he Super Falcons’ Austria Camp is now complete with the arrival of Barcelona Ladies striker, Asisat Oshoala and Chinwendu Ihezuo. The arrival of the duo Monday was heralded with jubilation by teammates who celebrated their arrival as they look forward to intense training with Coach Thomas Dennerby. The arrival of the players brought more life to the camp as they throw panthers among themselves. It is recalled that the team’s Head Coach, Thomas Dennerby, had earlier picked 21 players for the championship. According to the Director of Communications at Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Ademola Olajire, in a statement, the two players were left out to join the team later. Olajire said the nine–times African champions went

on an endurance drill in the woods of Bad Tatzmannsdorf on Saturday. He explained that endurance drill in the woods was to ensure stamina building for the players by the technical crew ahead of the World Cup. He explained that 21 players, including forward and captain Desire Oparanozie and defenders Onome Ebi and Osinachi Ohale, took part in the drills. “There will be normal training sessions on Monday and a training match, against an All-Star team, had been scheduled for Tuesday at the team’s camp. “The Falcons will depart from Austria on June 4 for Paris before proceeding to Reims, the city where they will play their first match.” The Oracle Today Sports also reports that the Falcons will lock horns with Norway on June 8, before facing Korea Republic in Grenoble on June 12. They will play their last group stage match against host nation, France in Rennes on June 17.

I beleive next edition‘ll be better –Olude By MADUABUCHI KALU with agency report


he 2019 Okpekpe 10klm Road Race may have come and gone but the euphoria has not died down as the third Nigerian woman to cross the finish line at the event, Fadekemi Olude, has expressed optimism that the next edition would be better for her. The competition it is recalled began at Apama Road and ended at Okpekpe, Edo, on Saturday, May 25. No fewer than 3,000 runners participated in the road race which saw its 6th edition on Saturday. Olude told reporters in Lagos that she was certain of improving as her time and position even as she explained that the 2019 edition was better than 2017 edition. “Although I placed third in the Nigerian female category; I am happy, at least, it was better than that of 2017. If you will remember, I placed 6th then. “But in this competition, I placed third and I am very sure that next time will still be better than this for me,” she said.

She, however, commended her fellow compatriots who participated in the race, saying that “we all tried our best, my time was even better than before. But we will surely get there,” she said. Reacting to her next target, Olude said she was eagerly waiting for the Athletics Federation of Nigeria’s (AFN) next competition. Deborah Pam clocked a time of 00:38.13secs to finish as the fastest Nigerian, Hudung Gyang came second place with a time of 00:38.18secs. Olude, also a race walker finished with a time of 00:38.59secs. Fikadu Admasu Dawit of Bahrain was the overall winner in the men’s category with a time of 00.29.03secs, while Kenya’s Sheelah Shelangat won the overall with 00:32.59secs. The first, second and third position in the international elite category carted away the sum of $20,000, $13,000 and $9,000. The fourth to eighth position went home with $6,500, $3,000, $2,000, $1,500 and $1,000 respectively.

Deontay Wilder, Tyson Fury should face me now –Joshua By MADUABUCHI KALU


igerian-born British unified heavyweight boxing champion, Anthony Olaseyi Joshua, believes Deontay Wilder and Tyson Fury are wasting their time by not fighting him. Joshua will take on short-notice opponent, Andy Ruiz Jr. at New York’s Madison Square Garden on June 1. Meanwhile, Wilder most recently disposed of Dominic Breazeale, while Fury is scheduled to face Tom Schwartz next on June 15. It doesn’t seem like either one will face Joshua next and if anything, are more likely to have their own rematch. But “AJ” believes it would be to their benefit to face him now rather than later. “Wilder and Fury are wasting their own time,” Joshua said (via Independent). “They should fight me now. If I was them, I’d rather have it now than later. I don’t know what they are waiting for. They’re coming to the end of their careers, 10, 11 years as professionals. I’ve been doing it five years. “I don’t think they’re going to get much better. It’s worse for them because I have another five years honing

my skills. I’m not the finished article yet. I’m still working towards certain things so imagine another five years or another 18 months in my bag of tricks. I’ll have a few more skills I can do. The longer they leave it, the worse it’ll be for them so they should crack on.” With all three heavyweights contracted to different broadcasters, Joshua may have to wait even longer to face either Wilder or Fury. Having already accused the American of starving the fans of what they want to see, he believes it’s the same case with Fury.


ormer world No1, Tiger Woods, has jumped into the top five in the world, moving ahead of Justin Thomas. This is the highest ranking for the former world No1 since 2014 and this will be not be unconnected to his well celebrated Augusta Masters victory last month. Tiger Woods didn’t play this week’s Charles Schwab Challenge. And he missed the cut at last week’s PGA Championship. In fact, he hasn’t earned any prize money since winning the Masters in early April. But he’s climbing the world rankings anyway. Woods jumped from No. 6 to No. 5 when Monday’s latest rankings were released, leapfrogging Justin Thomas. The ranking represents Woods’ highest in a half-decade, dating back to June 2014, when his health began to slip and he lost his No. 1 ranking during the summer. Renowned golf reporter, Justin Ray reports that next week will be Woods’ 841st week spent in the world top five, the equivalent of more than 16 years. The reason Woods has kept pace in recent weeks is because Thomas hasn’t been able to play either; his last tournament result was a T12 at the Masters, and he sat out the PGA with a nagging wrist injury. Both Woods and Thomas will return to the course for this week’s Memorial Tournament at Muirfield Village in Ohio. Atop the world rankings, Brooks Koepka maintains his No. 1 spot, 10.85 to No. 2 Dustin Johnson’s 10.78. The two have separated themselves from the chase pack: Justin Rose (8.60) and Rory McIlroy (8.02) are next before Woods (7.32) and Thomas (7.24) round out the top six. Kevin Na jumped from No. 52 to No. 31 after winning the Charles Schwab Challenge. Bernd Wiesberger made a massive leap in the world rankings too, going from 389 to 161 after winning on the European Tour.

Rangers, Lobi, Enyimba others make Super VI cut ...As Insurance, Go Round, Kwara others go down By MADUABUCHI KALU


he 2019 Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) Super VI clubs Sunday emerged. The Super VI clubs that emerged include Enugu Rangers, FC Ifeanyi Ubah, Enyimba International, Akwa United, Lobi Stars and Kano Pillars. These six clubs will engage in playoff to determine who wins the 2018/2019 NPFL in the 24 league format. Lobi Stars and Enyimba qualified for the seasonending playoffs in the Nigeria Professional Football League despite failing to get victories in their matchday 22 games on Sunday. While the People’s Elephant were beaten 2-1 by Katsina United, Lobi Stars could only pull off a draw against Remo Stars, but it was still enough for the duo to pull through to the Super VI, alongside Enugu Rangers, who had already qualified with two games to spare. The Pride of Benue finished on 35 points while Coach Usman Abd’Allah’s men had 33 points from 22 games MFM, who were hoping to sneak into the post-season competition, were denied the chance as they were beaten 4-2 by Sunshine Stars in a tense Southwest derby. The loss by the Olukoya Boys saw them finishing just one point outside the playoff positions. In the lower rank of the table, Kawra United got an away win in Minna against Niger Tornadoes, but it was too little too late as the Harmony Boys still got relegated. Remo Stars despite pulling a draw against visiting Lobi Stars were relegated to the NNL where they just managed to gain promotion last season.


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019


With Douglas Omoyooma

I dropped out of school to pursue acting career

–Sola Sobowale



ctress, Sola Sobowale has featured in over a hundred movies and television shows over the last 30 years. However, for a long while she was off the radar and only returned when she starred in Kemi Adetiba’s The Wedding Party Part 1, a couple of years back. Oracle Today recently caught up with her and she opened up on what she has been up to and why she decided to take a break from Nollywood despite being one of the most sought faces in Nollywood. The actress also shared the sacrifice she made to become an actress.

thanks be to God and the producers, who considered me for the role.” For over three decades she has remained relevant on TV. What is the secret to her success? “I have been practicing for about four decade now. Movies is everything to me, there is absolutely nothing I can do aside acting. God is my secret my brother, I believe so much in him. I believe that God is the one who has given me the grace to remain relevant. I am very sure

that if I had towed a different career path I would have been forgotten by now so, this is path and this is what I have been led to do.” Recalling how she came into Nollywood she continued: “I dropped out of a college of education to pursue my dream of becoming an actor. I Started by going to Ibadan then the hub of entertainment in Nigeria. I initially enrolled as a secretary in

Speaking on her long absence she began: “I just took a decision which I think was best for me. And I am happy I made that decision. I am happy; there is no amount of money in the world that can take the place of my family. I needed time to be there for my children and family. You know, children are not asked to be born so when you have them, you must take care of them. I couldn’t face my career and carry out my responsibility as a mother at the same time so, I had to sacrifice one for the other.

training at Sight & Sound, Ibadan. However, Tunji Oyelana, (Sura Di Tailor), who married my elder sister, Kikelomo, enrolled me in the University of Ibadan’s Department of Music. But I switched to Theatre Arts. Did a couple of movies, including stage productions and here I am today, God has been faithful. Every time I look back to how I started my journey into Nollywood, I can’t help but thank God.” What’s her take on Nollywood? “The industry is growing. We are doing very well now compared to some years back. Today, it is a different thing entirely and we are competing with international markets. Our movies are been watched and celebrated across the globe and international festivals are recognising our efforts. Basically, Nollywood today is far better than where it started from. Although, there are some challenges, I am hopeful, we are going to rise above it.”

“I have got five children so I had to take care of them. Now that they are older I am back to doing what I know how to do best which is acting. The truth is if I am not acting I won’t be fulfilled.” While she was away, did she miss Nollywood? “Yes I did, but at least, now I have my time. Most holidays, I’m always with my family. And one good thing is that, Wedding Party came at the right time, it was just an opportunity for me to tell my fans I’m back. All

Secret to success “I will attribute it to God. Since I found my feet as an actress, God has made the path easy for me. While it was difficult for some of my colleagues to manage the home front and career, it was a walk in the park for me. I recall that whenever my children were on holidays and I was shooting a film, I lodged them in another hotel.” “That way I was not too far away from them. I always had my camp gas with me and so I cooked for them. I also had sisters and daughters who baby-sat for me at some point. I didn’t have any difficulty raising them. I left for England because I wanted the best for my children, education-wise.”

Talking about the Wedding Party, how would she describe the experience experience? “Fantastic and awesome! It is one experience I will never forget. And that is why I will remain grateful to the producers for giving me the opportunity to showcase my talent. Finding me worthy to be on the film means a lot to me; Wedding Party is everything.”


The Oracle Today Wednesday May 29 – June 4, 2019


Regina Daniels inducted into the Otu-Udu group

Becky G Features Davido In ‘Next To You’ Remix



ward-winning Nigeria singer, Davido features in the remix of Becky G’s new release, “Next To You”. The American singer who gained recognition in 2011 named the remix “Next To Yoi II”. She also featured Russian, who featured in the first version and Digital Farm Animals. Becky G while speaking on the collaboration with the Nigeria singer stated that she loves Afrobeat. “I’ve been a massive fan of the afro-beat vibe for a minute now, so when I heard that Davido was bringing his flow to the record, I was stoked.”

• Davido and Becky G

Ex-BBNaija housemate, Uriel Oputa shares adorable photos of her ‘600k’ dress

he Nollywood actress, Regina Daniels was inducted into the Otu-Udu group which confirms her marriage to the 59-year-old billionaire The Occasion of the official marriage induction rituals of Regina Daniels into the Anioma Community womenhood, where her Husband Senator -Elect Ned Nwoko hails from was well attended by Members of the Coalition of Nigeria Entertainers and celebrities, led by the National President of the entertainment body, Amb. Kenule Nwiya also known as Bishop Of Comedy. Some of the celebrities and entertainers are Chinedu Ikedieze, Charles Inojie, Ejike Asiegbu, Sydney Sparrow of Sparrow Production Global Ltd, Vichiano, MC Bob, Shortcut, MC Papi, Alexreports and a host of others to celebrate and witness the ritual induction ceremony. Speaking to the press, Ejike Asiegbu expressed joy in the happiness he observed in his colleague in the Industry, “the new wife”, as her referred to Regina Daniels. He says that her marital bliss will forever be rekindled.


x-BBNaija housemate, Uriel Oputa, took to Instagram to share beautiful photos of her ‘600k’ dress. The adorable dress fits her so well, and fans are so baffled at the price of the dress. The music star was a housemate in Big Brother 2: See Gobe, and she’s also passionate about her music career.

Celebrities storm IK Osakioduwa’s 40th birthday bash rocking GOT costumes


popular Nigerian media personality recently celebrated a new age and he made sure to invite his friends and colleagues in the industry to a Game of Thrones (GOT) themed birthday party. Ace broadcaster identified as IK Osakioduwa, clocked the age of 40 and he hosted popular faces in the industry to a night of celebration in an unusual, yet interesting way. Many of his celebrity friends who have been fans and followers of popular Home Box Office (HBO) television series GOT, stormed the event and got the opportunity to dress as their favorite characters. The celebrant himself kicked off the night by dressing up as the night king, a villain in the series. See a photo and video of when he made his entrance below Ace broadcaster identified as IK Osakioduwa, clocked the age of 40 and he hosted popular faces in the industry to a night of celebration in an unusual, yet interesting way. Many of his celebrity friends who have been fans and followers of popular Home Box Office (HBO) television series GOT, stormed the event and got the opportunity to dress as their favorite characters. The celebrant himself kicked off the night by dressing up as the night king, a villain in the series. See a photo and video of when he made his entrance below:

• IK Osakioduwa and Cobhams Asuquo

Iyanya shades Ubi Franklin over Baby Mama’s accusation


opular Nigeria singer, Iyanya, recently took to his Instagram account to shade his former business partner, Ubi Franklin. The reaction is coming after Ubi’s fourth baby mama accused him of owing her #4 million. Ubi Franklin has three other children from three different women and he is expecting the fourth with Sandra Iheuwa. Iyanya in his post stated that karma will catch up with deceitful people, a statement which many believed it’s addressed to Ubi Franklin. “For some, lies and deception come all too easily. It is done so often they don’t even know what is true and what is a lie. They have no conscience and believe that consequences won’t apply to them. This is the way of the coward.”

WEDNESDAY May 29 - June 4, 2019



racle Today


ISSN: 2545-5869

Next Level – the last struggle


new Nigeria will emerge within the next four years. That’s my prediction. Shall we have a better country or not? All I know is that the situation will not be pleasant, just as it isn’t now. Between 2019 and 2023, the majority of Nigerians will, finally, begin to face reality and return to where they should have been much earlier. I have no congratulations to offer Nigerian politicians on their inauguration this Wednesday, for I’m writing this from southeast Nigeria where I hope to observe a sit-athome in honour of the memory of my father and 3million other Biafrans (and maybe 3million other Nigerians) cut down by evil forces masquerading as lovers of Nigeria. It’s good that Yakubu Gowon, TY Danjuma, Olusegun Obasanjo, David Mark and some of their minions are still alive to witness the state of the country for which sake they committed the fratricide of 1967--70. There is no longer any doubt that “To keep Nigeria one is a task that must be accomplished”, the battle cry of the invaders of Biafra, was a hollow gimmick. Or, was the civil war instigated by the West that always sought opportunities to sell their arms and ammunition or take over oil wells? But what happened to the brains of those who were used to kill their own brothers? The curses placed by the innocents on their assailants 50—53 years ago seem to have started working. Today, the enemy is no longer “Nzeogwu’s brother” or “Ifeajuna’s sister” but a marauder whose lust is to kill and destroy whoever and whatever stands on their way. I believe what they call “Boko Haram” is not a gang of poor, jobless beggars; it is a well-funded and well-directed army being used to actualise a hidden agenda. Otherwise, why do we still have the armed forces, Nigeria police, DSS, NIA and dozens of other agencies? Does it mean nobody knows how this terrorist group is funded or the people behind them? Why has none of these agencies sustained by public funds not been axed? The more security votes are dispensed, the worse the insecurity situation becomes, yet few are raising eyebrows. Common sense tells every reasonable person that any ransom paid from the public purse is an indirect appropriation for strengthening the “enemy”. Imagine army generals and police commissioners intermittently issuing press releases to warn “unpatriotic elements” and “foreign collaborators” to steer clear of “derailing Buhari’s second term”. From their air-conditioned offices in Abuja or Lagos, they’re always “making concerted efforts” to be “on top of the situation” or deny reports of their humiliations by the enemy. Meanwhile, ill-equipped and poorly armed soldiers are being killed by better-armed terrorists. Almost every community in every part of the country has lost a son or two fighting a war they didn’t understand in the north-east. But why? Why are people this wicked? Just to satisfy a few whims and caprices, they’re sacrificing their own compatriots. Just to have access to stolen oil or mine gold and diamonds with little challenge, they’re murdering unarmed, starving and harmless villagers and razing their homes. Just to have a market for their weapons, they’re sponsoring ignorant and jobless hooligans



•Yakubu Gowon

•TY Danjuma

•Olusegun Obasanjo

•David Mark

to levy war on their country and their continent. Worse, these wicked godfathers of crime don’t even offer the “black things” they use to kill and destroy a chance to think rationally: drugs of all kinds are always available for their “fighters”. Forty-nine years after the so-called defeat of Biafra, only those who shot their way to power in order to loot our commonweal still talk of “this great country”. Once they’re out of power, they begin to complain about what is wrong with Nigeria. They’re never happy. They’re never healthy. And see how they’ve been dying miserably in large numbers. To restructure Nigeria is a task that must

be begun before the generation that fought Biafra die out. The “next level” should witness our last struggle for restructuring. Every day that passes without our leaders taking a step forward is a wasted one. Is it not said that only a mad person does one thing repeatedly and expects a different result? Nigeria is not working; it will not work until we return to where we were at independence in 1960. When some people accuse the Yoruba of having betrayal in their blood, this is what they mean: For at least 25 years before 2015, the Yoruba were at the forefront of the quest for restructuring. Once they succeeded in getting to the centre, their agitation

died down. Now that they’re anticipating a bad sign towards 2023, they’ve begun to proclaim “restructuring” from their rooftops once again. Hardly a day passes without one reading a release or the other from shadowy groups canvassing the position of the Yoruba on Fulani herdsmen, Fulani radio and Fulani rapists and kidnappers. The groups are obviously sponsored perhaps by politicians who are not getting the right signals as politicking for 2023 gathers steam. Only the Igbo have been consistent – and have been walking in the right direction. The middle belters who were used to fight Biafra seem to have realised their folly, having lost almost all privileges enjoyed by the “victors” of the fratricidal war. I just hope young people from the south-east won’t offer “pythons” another chance to murder them for mourning their loved ones this Thursday. They’ve been told to stay in their homes and not organise rallies. As for the “pythons”, I advise them to go to the theatre of war waged by Boko Haram and “bandits” and leave unarmed civilians in the south-east and south-south alone. It was the same action their kind took during the Nigeria—Biafra war: they murdered innocent men, women and children in villages but couldn’t go to the war front as expected of true soldiers. Never again! Please, we should be left to mourn; it’s our “next level” of hope. The effect of the current war waged by terrorists is only beginning to be felt. There are darker days ahead. Those billions of dollars used for procuring fighting equipment must be accounted for, because they were all imported. The treasury will continue to bleed, as funds that should be used to provide more essential things such as power, education, rail system and health get diverted to terror fights. By crippling the economy, the war may eventually lead to Nigeria’s disintegration. The so-called minimum wage has no meaning – it has been devoured already by inflation, even as the naira is set to be devalued again. [You may not get a dollar for N1, 000 by this time next year.] In two short years, no state or federal government may be able to pay salaries, just as the country may no longer be able to service its $25billion loan. [And creditors like China might start knocking at the door.] When soldiers can’t get their pay at the end of the month, they can’t be forced to fight on empty stomach. Better funded insurgents may then meet little resistance as they seek to overrun the entire country. Nonetheless, I have nothing but best wishes for President Buhari, state governors and other officeholders who have now entered a new term. While they rejoice they should understand, however, that the next four years will be the hardest period in the country’s history – much harder than the civil war years. Our lawmakers, I hope, will see the need to reduce their jumbo pay. All looters of the treasury may not be able to enjoy their loot in peace anymore, and that is for those lucky enough to stay alive. The table will certainly be shaken vigorously before 2023. •Nwamu, an entrepreneur, is the CEO of +234-8054100220 (SMS/ WhatsApp only)

The Oracle Today is published by The Oracle Newspapers Limited. Head Office: 116 Awka Road, Onitsha. Lagos Office: 25 Remi Fani-Kayode Street, GRA Ikeja. Abuja Office: 1st Floor, Plateau House, Central Business District, Abuja, FCT. ISSN: 2545-5869 Email:, Twitter: Facebook: Website: Advert hot lines: 09078310060, 09061836916. Editor: FELIX OGUEJIOFOR ABUGU.

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