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FRIENDSH I P Chronicles

Greetings Brothers of the Great State of Georgia and beyond Welcome to Volume XIX of the Friendship Chronicles The State of Georgia Organization is comprised of 46 chapters providing service in 40 counties and 16 colleges and universities. We are dedicated to empowering the youth, strengthening families, and uplifting the community The purpose of the Friendship Chronicles is to highlight the great work that chapters and brothers are doing across the State

In this edition of the Chronicles, you will see spotlights on Undergraduate and Graduate Leadership & Scholarship, along with various programming in the fourth quarter. Also included are Updates from the Virtual State Meeting in October, and Bro. Solomon Thomas has provided another thoughtprovoking essay entitled, “The Spirit of Cain & Abel.” The Chaplain’s Corner features the Manhood Monday Call information, along with the Book Spotlight, “The Grift” with a short summary and review.

I hope you enjoy the continued updates to the Friendship Chronicles As we continue striving in this fraternal year, our theme is ”Going From Good To Great!” Special thank you to Bro Dr John Williams, Director of Public Relations and our State Chaplain, Bro Mohandas Martin, for their work on the Friendship Chronicles and continuing to demonstrate excellence in everything that we do

David C. Jones




Friends, it is indeed an honor to continue serving! I’m thrilled to continue in collaboration with Bro Martin in the growth of this reinvigorated Friendship Chronicles. My goal as State PR Director is certainly to enrich the brand of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in the State of Georgia, and engage in dynamic storytelling. After serving as the State Graphic Designer for six years (s/o to Bro Marvin Broadwater, Sr ), I’m excited for this platform to showcase much of the work, and of course, continue developing communications, branding, and PR skills and competencies. I welcome ALL who may be interested in joining the State PR Team and becoming contributors to the FC BIG EMPHASIS on Undergraduate Relations and Professional Development

Stay tuned for all forthcoming publications and communications from the State Organization Special s/o to Bro. Phillip Mayo, our Social Media Lead. Make sure you follow us on all social media platforms (@OmegaPsiPhi_StateOfGeorgia) and stay connected to all the action and progress, as we endeavor in “Going From Good to GREAT!”


My Friends, welcome to the Friendship Chronicles (FC). The definitive goal of the FC team, is to ensure that the great Brothers of Georgia are completely cognizant of all prominent activities the Brothers are engaging in, throughout Georgia. Brothers, it is known fact that Georgia leads the arenas of Omega. The FC is a significant asset to Sphere” attitude Some inspiration going forward: you don't have. what you don't know. you don't believe. don't sacrifice don't release hate you don't study. you don't start. leader, if you don't follow you don't serve

Psi Omega Spr. 98

Brothers of the greatest Fraternity on the face of the Earth, I was reading and pondering on the goodness of life and came across this: “Every thought-seed sown or allowed to fall into the mind, and to take root there, produces its own, blossoming sooner or later into act and bearing its own fruitage of opportunity and circumstance. Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bad fruit.” With that being said, I look forward to seeing each of you reading this note on the Monday Manhood Prayer Call.

Brother Mohandas Martin “Dino”


THE GRIFT: The Downward Spiral of Black Republicans from the Party of Lincoln to the Cult of Trump

Publisher’s Summary

Part history and part cultural analysis, The Grift chronicles the nuanced history of Black Republicans. Clay Cane lays out how Black Republicanism has been mangled by opportunists who are apologists for racism.

After the Civil War, the pillars of Black Republicanism were a balanced critique of both political parties, civil rights for all Americans, reinventing an economy based on exploitation, and, most importantly, building thriving Black communities. How did Black Republicanism devolve from revolutionaries like Frederick Douglass to the puppets in the Trump era?

Whether it's radical conservatives like South Carolina Senator Tim Scott or Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, they are consistently viral news and continuously upholding egregious laws at the expense of their Black brethren. Black faces in high places providing cover for explicit bigotry is one of the greatest threats to the liberation of Black and brown people. By studying these figures and their tactics, Cane exposes the grift and lays out a plan to emancipate our future.


"The Grift isn't just a book―it’s a revelation. Cane's meticulous research, combined with his compassionate storytelling, lays bare the complexities of identity, loyalty, and political evolution within the Black community." BET.com


Award Winners

Scholarship Graduate Chapter of the Year

Scholarship Large Graduate Chapter of the Year

Delta Mu Mu Chapter | Atlanta

Fatherhood Initiative

Graduate Chapter of the Year

Alpha Gamma Gamma Chapter | Valdosta

Fatherhood Initiative

Large Graduate Chapter of the Year

Lambda Phi Chapter | Macon

Youth Mentoring

Graduate Chapter of the Year

Mu Beta Beta Chapter | Thomasville

Youth Mentoring

Large Graduate Chapter of the Year

Chi Gamma Gamma Chapter | Marietta

Economic Development

Graduate Chapter of the Year

Pi Nu Nu Chapter | Conyers

Economic Development

Large Graduate Chapter of the Year

Delta Mu Mu Chapter | Atlanta

Afro-American Life

Graduate Chapter of the Year

Mu Phi Chapter | Savannah

Social Action Graduate Chapter of the Year

Xi Mu Nu Chapter | Statesboro

Social Action

Large Graduate Chapter of the Year

Eta Omicron Chapter | Albany

STEM Graduate Chapter of the Year

Zeta Beta Beta Chapter | Athens

NAACP Graduate Chapter of the Year

Kappa Alpha Alpha Chapter | Decatur

Reclamation Graduate Chapter of the Year

Pi Mu Nu Chapter | Fort Valley


Large Graduate Chapter of the Year

Beta Lambda Lambda Chapter | Lawrenceville

Retention Graduate Chapter of the Year

Tau Mu Mu Chapter | Rome

Retention Large Graduate Chapter of the Year

Zeta Mu Nu Chapter | Jonesboro

State of Georgia

Committee Chairman of the Year

Bro. Shaun Lain – STEM Committee

Region I

Large Graduate Chapter of the Year

Phi Kappa Kappa Chapter | East Point

Region II

Graduate Chapter of the Year

Xi Beta Beta Chapter | Dublin

Large Graduate Chapter of the Year

Eta Omicron Chapter | Albany

Region III

Graduate Chapter of the Year

Pi Mu Nu Chapter | Fort Valley

Large Graduate Chapter of the Year

Lambda Phi Chapter | Macon

Region IV

Graduate Chapter of the Year

Xi Mu Nu Chapter | Statesboro

Large Graduate Chapter of the Year

Mu Phi Chapter | Savannah

Region V

Graduate Chapter of the Year

Tau Mu Mu Chapter | Rome

Large Graduate Chapter of the Year

Delta Mu Mu Chapter | Atlanta


Graduate Chapter of the Year

Pi Mu Nu Chapter | Fort Valley

Large Graduate Chapter of the Year

Delta Mu Mu Chapter | Atlanta


Undergraduate Chapter of the Year

Chi Epsilon Chapter

Albany State University

Social Action

Undergraduate Chapter of the Year

Zeta Delta Delta Chapter

Georgia Southern University

Fatherhood Initiative

Undergraduate Chapter of the Year

Alpha Gamma Chapter

Savannah State University

Youth Mentoring

Undergraduate Chapter of the Year

Zeta Theta Chapter

Georgia State University


Undergraduate Chapter of the Year

Alpha Delta Nu Chapter

Kennesaw State University

Afro-American Life

Undergraduate Chapter of the Year

Psi Chapter

Morehouse College

2023 - 2024 Award Winners

Psi Chapter

Morehouse College

Region II

Undergraduate Chapter of the Year

Chi Epsilon Chapter

Albany State University

Region III

Undergraduate Chapter of the Year

Nu Delta Chapter

Columbus State University

Region IV

Undergraduate Chapter of the Year

Alpha Gamma Chapter

Savannah State University

Region V

Undergraduate Chapter of the Year

Alpha Delta Nu Chapter

Kennesaw State University


Undergraduate Chapter of the Year

Chi Epsilon Chapter

Albany State University


Scholarship Recipients

Colin Royal

John Williams

Micah Hargrove

Edward Stephens

Victor Jones

Brantley Kimpson

Ferringhetti Brown

Justin Ferguson

Xavier Moore

Jadyne Fosten

Rahmon Scruggs

Robert Davis

Tyson Lowe

John Watkins

David Anderson

Orlando Reed

Garrek Fuller

Keiton Robinson

Shazmere Thomas

DaQuan Brown

Terry Richey

Phillip Middleton

Samuel Dominick

Georgia State Tag Scholarship Recipients

Jabari Mobley

Miles Harris

Mark Anthony Swain

Joshua Davis

Keandre Collins

Kivinie Johnson

Kylen Smith

Jaden Perpignan



Keiton Robinson

2nd Vice State Representative Senior, Biology Scholar | University of West Georgia

Brother Keiton Robinson (2-KK-23) is a Senior at the University of West Georgia, where he is completing a B.S. in Biology, with aspirations of becoming a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. He served as the Vice President of Student Life for the Student Government Association and has been Honor Society. He has been named to the President's List the Multicultural Achievement Program Award on multiple other organizations including the Pre-Vet Club, Emerging Healthcare Leaders

Brother Robinson was initiated into the Kappa Kappa Chapter in Fall 2023 and became Chapter Basileus, a role in which he currently serves. He received the Dr. Moses C. Norman, Sr. Education Scholarship Award at the 87th 7th District Meeting in Biloxi, MS in Spring 2024. He was elected 2nd Vice State Representative of the State Organization of Georgia at the 61st Georgia State Meeting


The idea of sacrifice is a fundamental substrate upon which the biblical stories rest. Many stories can be interpreted as the call to make the proper sacrifice or as the explication of what happens when you fail to do so. The story of Cain and Abel happens to capture both. Abel, the shepherd, sacrifices fatty portions of his first flock and receives the blessing of God. Cain, a farmer and Abel's brother, sacrifices some fruit, and God does not look upon him favorably. One interpretation of the story so far is that to sacrifice properly is to give up something of high value. A further exploration reveals not only the costs of improper sacrifice, but the characterization of someone who embodies a pattern of missing the mark.

Sacrifice Your Resentment

After Cain fails to sacrifice properly, he becomes resentful. He does not look to himself, as God suggests he do, to attend to his insufficiencies with the intent of ameliorating them. We can look to our own experience to understand Cain's mindset. When we fail, we seek out causal explanations, but we often favor those which keep our ego intact. Taking ownership of a mistake can be painful. It often involves admitting your own weaknesses and stupidity, and it sometimes involves social embarrassment. It can be easier to blame the world for why your life is not the way you think it should be. If it's the world's fault, then you are not responsible. A lack of responsibility can be freeing, but you're still stuck with the fact that your life is not what you want it to be. This pushes many to become bitter, angry, and cynical. It is the resentful who refuse to adapt and learn from their mistakes.

Sacrifice Your Ignorance

The story of Cain and Abel is played out in your life every time you encounter something anomalous, something you did not know. When you make a mistake at work or when you say the wrong thing to your wife, the same pattern emerges: You had an a priori notion

about what you thought was right; evidence for the weakness of this worldview emerges in the missed deadline or your upset wife; you then can decide to sacrifice the part of your worldview that led to the mistake, or you can maintain your convictions and find some other way to account for the incident. Maybe your boss did not give you enough of a heads up. Maybe your wife is just too sensitive. When you make a mistake, you can either admit that you were wrong and receive the blessing of knowledge as you learn from it, or you can blame the world and remain in your ignorance. One reason ignorance is bliss is because you do not have to learn. It is the ignorant who remain static and fail to adapt. It is also the ignorant who engage in the type of self-deception that Cain embodies in the next part of the story.

Sacrifice Your Fear

Instead of trying to learn from his mistakes, Cain kills Abel. The existence of Abel is a reminder of Cain's insufficiencies. Abel represents a judge, the ideal pattern of behavior that involves proper sacrifice and is looked upon favorably by God. Cain's resentment leads him to tear down this judge as he seems unable to stand the fact that he was doing something wrong. After the fratricide, God asks about Abel, to which Cain responds like an immature child. “I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Perhaps it was fear that caused Cain to attempt to deceive himself and God. Fear indicates that something painful or punishing is about to occur. It is a primordial emotion that grips your psyche and compels you to run away or to lash out. Fear also signals that you are unfit to deal with the situation at hand. It is the fearful who would rather engage in self-deception than to face the reality of their circumstances.


The spirit of Cain and Abel is in every decision we make as every decision is the sacrifice of one possibility for another. The story is trying to tell us what it means to make a proper decision, and what happens if we don't. We let the spirit of Cain inhabit us whenever we let our resentment obscure opportunities for learning and growth. The same occurs whenever we fail to sacrifice our ignorance due to fear of the truth. To embody the spirit of Abel is to sacrifice your resentment, ignorance, and fear, things that we value for their short-term protection, to something that is higher. The process of making these proper sacrifices is a mode of being, and to the degree that we can successfully practice this mode of being, we can receive the long-term blessings that make the short-term struggles worth it.

DeKAAtur Ques

Inspire Voter Registration, Education, & Mobilization

In The Community

September 18, 2024 – In recent weeks, KAA Chapter has generated and engaged in a busy schedule to help register community members to vote in Georgia's General Election November 5th, 2024. The Chapter has strongly supported the NAACP Dekalb County Branch, local business and educational leaders, by manning registration tables in various community locations. This has included setting up in the vestibules of New Covenant Christian Ministries, Young Street Community Baptist Church, and Victory of the Word Christian Ministries. Also, voters have been registered at Cedar Grove High School, DeKalb High School of Technology South, Columbia High School, and Elizabeth Andrews High School. And, their coverage to register voters expanded to East Lake Family YMCA, Kenley Catering and Restaurant at Georgia State University, and Wayfield Foods.

The Chapter efforts are led by Bro Basileus Tim Roberson, Bro Vice Basileus Clint Raines, Bro Pastor Marques Fletcher the Voters Registration Committee chair, and Bro Dwain Smith the NAACP DeKalb Political Action Committee chair. Additional KAA leaders include Bro Carl Weaver, Bro James Garner, Bro Alonso Bennett, Bro Clay Linder, Bro Patrick Franklin, Bro Dane Porter, Bro Kirby Frazier, Bro Willie Jackson, Bro William Gunn, Bro Tyrone Hay, Bro Calvin Horton, and Bro Carl Myers.

"A vote is a powerful tool that shapes the destiny of a nation,” says an unknown. DeKAAtur Ques are inspired by this relevant quote and in turn inspire others.


Back-2-School Activities & National Night Out

August 2024 | Eta Omicron & Chi Epsilon Chapters kicked off the Back-2-School season with a number of community partnerships to include a backpack giveaway, voter registration, and two National Night Out events with both city and county police departments. The brothers joined the Dougherty County Police Department (DCPD) in service and donated school supplies and prizes totaling over $500 to motivate young students heading back to school.

Next, the Brothers partnered with Bro. Donald Brown and his C&H Event Center, New Georgia Project, Black Voters Matter, and Saving Grace for an amazing Back-2-School event. HOXE was able to support over 100 students with supplies. Brothers were also able to inform and register voters for the 2024 Elections. Finally, we supported National Night Out with Albany Police Department (APD). We served food and drinks, handled logistics, handed out school supplies, and provided entertainment.


Omega Men and Friends Prostate PSA Screenings and Panel Discussions

On Saturday, September 28, 2024, the Phi Kappa Kappa Chapter closed out Prostate Cancer Awareness Month at the East Point, GA., City Hall grounds. Brother Ralph Carson, a prostate cancer survivor himself requested to serve as the Chairman for the event, “Because it’s personal to me”, he said. Brother Gerard Reese, Chapter Basileus was very opened to the event because of the number of brothers that are now prostate cancer survivors within the chapter, after seeing how many members stood up at the September meeting held earlier in the month. Brother Carson, had a very good turnout of organizations/vendors that are in support of prostate cancer awareness amongst Black men in the community.

The panelist for the event were Brothers Henry Washington, and Phillip Starke, both are prostate cancer survivors as well along with Dr. Shah (Brother Carson’s urologist), from the City of Hope a national leader in cancer treatment in Newnan, GA. They all agreed that some of the common fears of Black men and prostate cancer treatment are the Digital Rectal Exam (DRE), mistrust of the health care system, we’re less likely to be screened or receive treatment, and therefore are less likely to participate in clinical research to determine what treatments work best for Black men. Dr. Shah, told those in attendance that “I’m going to open up my own private practice in Henry County, GA., and I’ll be offering free PSA screenings at a date to be determined”. He stated that we must spread the word to other men we know so that more of us can find out what their Gleason score is. The Gleason score is a way to describe prostate cancer by adding together the grades of the two most common types of cancer cells in a biopsy sample.

Brothers Washington and Starke, both talked about their respective prostate journey’s and agreed that having a strong religious faith and a great support system of family and friends definitely helped them out. They also agreed that we need to get over the stigma of being diagnosed with prostate cancer and the fear of being treated differently by others after being diagnosed with it. Both brothers also thanked the Fraternity for pushing Prostate Cancer PSA screenings at State, District, and major International Level events (Conclaves, and Leadership Conferences), which allows more brothers to be screened during these events.

During the event 38 Omega Men participated in the PSA Screenings, and 19 Omega Men also participated in the free Cholesterol screenings as well. Since so many participated in the cholesterol screenings the chapter received $475 from the Care Access Company.

As a survivor myself, I urge all Omega Men to get screened.

DeKAAtur Ques

Project Uplift Anti-Bullying Campaign 2024

Omega KAA Chapter, along with the Seed Life Foundation, and the South Candler Neighborhood Advocates hosted a recent event to discuss ways to combat bullying at Stone Mountain High School in Decatur, Georgia. Bro. Bodae Vogt, the Chapter social action committee chair lead a panel of keynote speakers which conducted an energetic dialogue with students, teachers, and faculty staff to collectively acquire knowledge and confidence to combat bullying while on and off school yards. The true intent on this day was for everyone to truly make a difference by taking a next step from this moment forward to better oneself against bullying.

The keynote speakers were Mr. Diijon DaCosta, the Sr. District 6 representative and the chair of DeKalb County Board of Education; Ms. Tayshun Jackson, DeKalb County Senior Assistant District Attorney; Mr. Jared C. Fields, chair of the Mirror 100 Mentoring Program of the 100 Black Men of South Metro Atlanta; and Dr. Quentin Fairwell, Dekalb School District’s “Bullying Stops Here!” Awareness Campaign facilitator.

Dr. Fairwell said his Awareness Campaign, which was created in 2010, has made great strides in reducing the number of bullying, harassment, and hazing numbers in Dekalb County schools. However, he does understand that “one person who is hurt by being bullied, harassed, or hazed is too many.” Several other organizations and vendors shared their invaluable experiences, including mental health awareness, anti-bully information, training against domestic violence and teen dating violence, and how one can be peaceful within oneself.

Bro. Vogt speaking before the students with the keynote speakers seated in the background.

Bro. Dr. John Williams | B.S. 2007 & MASS 2009


Student Affairs & DEI

Columbia University in the City of New York

A proud LIFE MEMBER of the FAMU National Alumni Association, he is a highly accomplished scholar and higher education leader. During his time at FAMU, he excelled as a Presidential Scholar, Presidential Ambassador, Leader in Student Government Association, and member of the FAMU Gospel Choir. Originally from Baconton, Georgia, he currently serves as Director of Student Affairs & DEI for Graduate Programs in Sustainability and Advisor for the HBCU Fellowship Program at Columbia University. Dr. Williams also teaches Geographies of Environmental Justice & Sustainability and leads as a Columbia Alumni Fellow in the M.S. in Journalism at Columbia Journalism School, State of Georgia Public Relations Director for Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., and HBCU Executive Leadership Institute Fellow. He remains deeply committed to scholarship and fostering success for HBCU graduates. Dr. Williams' forthcoming book, Transcending Barriers: Race, Mobility, and Transportation Planning in Atlanta, reflects his ongoing impact as a scholar and leader. [ETA OMICRON]

Bro. Omari Crawford, Esq. | B.S. 2008 & MASS 2009

Attorney and State Representative, Georgia House District 84

An accomplished attorney and State Representative for Georgia’s 84th House District, Crawford hails from Decatur, Georgia. During his time at FAMU, he excelled as a student-athlete, earning all-conference academic honors as a member of the track and field team and winning a conference gold medal. He was also a Student Government Association (SGA) Supreme Court Justice and elected Mr. FAMU. A proud member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Upsilon Psi Chapter, he went on to earn his J.D. and MBA from North Carolina Central University. Crawford remains dedicated to public service and serving his community. [KAPPA ALPHA ALPHA]

Kappa Alpha Alpha Brother Robert Scott, III Receives 2024

Kappa Alpha Alpha Chapter

This esteemed Award was presented to KAA Chapter Brother Scott by the 42nd Grand Basileus Ricky Lewis. It recognized Brother Scott for his commitment to the technical and visual production of the 84th Grand Conclave in Tampa, Florida, which was the largest assembly attended in the history of Omega.

Brother Scott applied his professional skills which enhanced the positive image of the Omega brand for the Conclave. He has provided significant contributions for major Omega productions throughout most of the last 15 years, including but not limited to the Grand Conclaves, Undergraduate Summits,

Grand Basileus Award

Moses C. Norman Leadership Conferences, and OPPF Zoom meetings. “I used VMix, the leading video production software for media groups. This was not something new, as I've used this software since learning it in 2020,” said Brother Scott, who is a director of IT and Information Security for DG Solutions. “However, at the 84th Conclave, I implemented some new designs and ways in which the data was presented. Also, we did a great job of rolling out and using technology such as LED walls. And we created new lower 3rds or display content that was placed in various locations to grab the attention of the audience.”

Simultaneously, Brother Scott encourages the brotherhood to present their innovative ideas, no matter how eccentric or crazy sounding an idea may seem. He enjoys taking a thought, idea, or dream and bringing it into life.

“This year, I would say my biggest accomplishment or the one I'm most proud of … is the most recent Clave … because it was the largest in the history of Omega! To make things even better, I did so in Tampa, the city that I was made, and the place of my home Chapter - Pi Iota,” said Brother Scott, who is a 2009 graduate of Bethune-Cookman University with a Bachelor of Science Degree.

Brother Scott points out that his International Headquarters (IHQ) colleagues are mostly open-minded and seek his advice. And, with many of his recommendations, he is given approval to move forward and develop an idea until it comes to fruition. Brother Scott constantly plugs into the latest technological advancements via self-study and attends informational and training conferences. He is totally immersed into his vocation which continues to roll out state-of-the-art products.

Earlier in March and April of this year, Brother Scott virtually produced the Eighty-Fourth 7th District Meeting and the Seventy-Sixth 6th District Meeting. During both productions, Brother Scott routed both the same audio and video to two separate rooms for delegates and non-delegates, which enabled autonomous meetings and a true division of the house. Also, he currently serves as the 7D IT Chair and has served in the role for the past 11 years under the last four 7D Representatives. And Brother Scott is the 3rd longest tenured member of the 7D Council with only the 7D Representative - Reginald Harris, and the Time and Place Chair - Chico Arenas having served longer. Furthermore, Brother Scott performs his 7D duties by collaborating with the Chapter IT chairs to conduct workshops, budget planning, software and hardware procurement in the states of Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi.

Alongside with serving at 7D, he is active with his KAA Chapter and a member of Project Uplift, a 501(c)(3) organization based out of Decatur, GA. Brother Scott regularly attends meetings and provides valuable information relating to how the organization can continue to give back to the community. During the pandemic year, Brother Scott created a Live Virtual Memorial Service Set-Up for brothers who have transitioned to Omega Chapter. With this mode, Brother Scott performed seven Services for KAA Chapter, three Services for Eta Omega Chapter, and Services for other metro Atlanta Chapters.

A Few Firsts

With the creation of the Virtual mode, in September 2020, Brother Scott spearheaded Project Uplift's annual golf tournament. The event served as the organization’s 1st ever Virtual Event. This marked the 1st year in the tournaments’10-year history to be held virtually. Brother Scott’s Omega productions that year included the 1st Power Forum and the 1st Virtual Health Forum of which both were streamed live on Facebook.

Also, in the summer of that year, he was the production lead for the 1st ever virtual Grand Conclave in Omega Psi Phi's history. And in the autumn, Brother Scott produced the 1st ever Virtual Founders' Day program which was originally aired live on YouTube and viewed by more than 4800 people worldwide in real time. While producing the 6th District Meeting, Brother Scott created and implemented a method that would allow the two separate virtual meeting rooms to communicate with each other bi-directionally, a 1st for Greek organizations.

Not only has Brother Scott’s work impacted Omega, but it has also served as a model for the Divine 9 and other organizations as well, including Alpha Kappa Alpha, Phi Beta Sigma, Sigma Gamma Rho and 100 Black Men of Atlanta. His production with Delta Sigma Theta's Eastern Regional Virtual DJ Battle helped raise more than $27,000 during the 3-hour fundraising event. Simultaneously, Brother Scott was publicly recognized by DeKalb County Schools for the support he provided teachers at the start of the virtual school year. He taught several teachers how to perform actions they were unaccustomed to as it related to working with computers to teach students. And Brother Scott led Omega to produce more than 15 (fifteen) Virtual Trainings and Productions in 2021, including a Live Membership Training and Virtual Graduation.

Bro. Scott and Elisa Scott have been happily married for seventeen years, raising 16-yearold Nathan, nearly 15-year-old Brandon, and 9-year-old Olivia. Bro Scott is under the KAA Chapter leadership of Basileus Tim Roberson and Vice Basileus Clint Raines. As a result of Brother Scott's contributions to his local chapter and community, he was awarded Omega Man of the Year for the Kappa Alpha Alpha Chapter in 2020.

Brother Scott also has been a member of the International IT Committee since its inception in 2020. And his accomplishments have resulted in awards such as a Coin of Excellence from then Grand Keeper of Finance - Brother Daniel Jones and a Superior Service Coin from the active Executive Director – Brother John Howard. Also, Brother Scott received a Plaque of Appreciation from the former Grand Basileus - Bro. Dr. David Marion and a plaque with his name is to be placed permanently at IHQ along with all other Omega contributors to the success of the 2020 Grand Conclave.

Brother Scott continues to edit, cue, and prepare display graphics along with audio and video content. He invests countless hours with testing changes and updates that have been implemented at the state, district, and international levels. Brother Scott uses his KAA Chapter as the point of origin for dry runs with intentions of ensuring his productions are flawless and perfected. He continues to field and accept requests, especially Omega requests, to perform his craft for the future as well as work on hybrid in-person / virtual events for brothers from around the world to participant in meetings regardless of their location. Undoubtedly, Bro Scott’s award-winning attitude is significant with moving our Fraternity forward.

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