William D. McLaughlin
Business Manager
Michael J. Bowes
David F. Shea, Jr.
Vice President
Christopher T. Fogarty
Recording-Corresponding Secretary
Paul C. DiMinico
Financial Secretary
David F. Fantini
Business Representatives
Michael J. Bowes, Robert A. Burr, Paul C. DiMinico, David D. Dobson, Jr., David F. Fantini, Christopher T. Fogarty, David F. Shea, Jr.
Organizer/Legislative Representative
Christopher L. Carey
Executive Board
Christopher L. Carey, David D. Dobson, Jr., Patrick J. Hunt, Jr., Ryan P. Mancini, James M. Marenghi, William T. McGuinness, Jr.,
Michael A. Simoncini
Guard Kevin W. Murray
Tayla M. Rose
Training Coordinator
Michael J. Carey
Office Manager
Amanda R. Johnson
Funds Administrator
Gregory A. Geiman, Esq.
With Labor Day now behind us, I hope all is well with you and your families, and you all enjoyed the hot summer. As we enter into the last quarter of 2022, I am pleased to inform you that our current job forecast and future projections will continue to be plentiful for our membership. These are very good times for our local Union and our members.
At our September 21 Union meeting, we had the distinct pleasure of having a special guest with us, our IUOE General President, James T. Callahan. Our national leader took time out of his very busy schedule to be in attendance for our Installation of Officers and swearing-in ceremony. It was an honor and privilege to have Brother Callahan with us conducting this monumental event. His commanding address to our membership was very meaningful and inspirational. I am fortunate to have your trust and also our General President’s support as we embark on another 3-year term. Special thanks to Brothers Peter Ventresco and John Rossi for their many years of service and dedication to our Executive Board.
On September 11, we held our 5th Annual Operating Engineers Local 4 Charitable Foundation, Inc. Golf Outing. This was a fabulous day at Stow Acres Country Club, where this benefit raised over $100,000 to support the important fight against Alzheimer’s Disease. This disease affects nearly every family in America. Recent studies indicate that one out of three seniors dies with Alzheimer’s Disease or other forms of dementia. Thanks to all your generosity and participation in fighting this horrible disease. Your gift will go a long way. Special thanks to our Golf Committee, Amanda Johnson, Dave Shea, Dave Fantini, and Brianna Raymond. Well done.
Workers across the Commonwealth recently won a major victory in our Supreme Judicial Court. This court ruled out a proposed ballot measure question concerning the job status of employees, which violated state law. It was ruled unconstitutional and will not be put to voters this fall. Big business was defeated by labor in their quest to exploit their workforce by misclassifying them in order to avoid prevailing wage and workers' rights laws. Local 4 stood in solidarity with our friends in organized labor and the working class by supporting this initiative with a donation in excess of $25,000.
As always, thank you for your generosity.
On November 8, there will be a referendum question on the ballot here in Massachusetts, which will be titled the Fair Share Amendment. This amendment will create a 4% tax on the portion of a person’s annual income above $1 million. These funds will be dedicated to improving our transportation and public education here in the Bay State. Only the people who earn more than $1 million will pay this additional income tax; 99% of us won’t pay a penny more. For years, the highest-income households in Massachusetts — those in the top 1% — have paid a smaller share of their income in state and local taxes than any other income group. This is just NOT FAIR. Please vote YES on ballot question number 1.
Also on Election Day, we have the power to exercise our right to vote and to protect our economic interests. Please remember to vote for candidates that will support the things that truly matter — your job, your family’s welfare, and your Union. Too often, candidates will try and divide us with smaller picture issues, because they know that when we are united on the big picture issues — like work opportunities and providing better lives for ourselves and
our loved ones — we are unstoppable. United we stand, divided we fall. Without our strong unions, and the men and women in the office that support core labor issues, our quality of life will suffer. And make no mistake, elections have consequences. We defeated “right to work” in New Hampshire, but only by 24 votes in the legislature. If it had gone the other way, it would have been disastrous for the livelihoods of our Brothers and Sisters that work on New Hampshire projects.
We need to stay focused on construction projects and job opportunities, and to support the candidates that will support us. Please consider voting for our endorsed candidates on Election Day and check out our Local 4 website ( and more details in this issue.
I thank you for your continued support.
In solidarity, William D. McLaughlin
Business Manager
As we move into the fall season, work in the Boston area is still moving along. If you are looking for work, please stay in touch, we will try to get you out.
Here is a look at just a few of the jobs that are going on in the area. At the Kilmarnock Street housing job, AJ Welch is doing the site work, and Julian Crane has two tower cranes set up doing the wood framing. Suffolk’s Landmark 2 project is just about done, but we still have three hoist operators on site. The Landmark 3 project has started; JDC Demo is just about done, Phoenix Foundation is in doing the mini piles, and AJ Welch has the site work. Trevi-Icos will be mobilizing soon. Bond Brothers is still on A Street in South Boston doing steam lines, and they are also on Western Avenue in Allston doing the same for Harvard. ACK Marine is working for Walsh at the Coast Guard base in the North End doing a new pier. Over on
Necco Street, JMA has Boss Steel with a tower crane erecting steel, JDC has the site work, and Marr has two hoists on site. Suffolk is doing apartments on East Dedham Street, G&C has the tower crane, JDC has the site work, and Fuse has the hoists. Winthrop Square has just started to dismantle the tower crane, Alley Cat Crane has been in and out working for the glass company with his mini cranes, and AA Will still has more site work to do. We still have three shifts of hoist operators also on site. Fenway MGM Music Hall is now complete and has opened. This job employed a lot of operators out of the hall. Suffolk has the 109 Brookline Avenue job. Select Demo is doing the abatement as we speak, and East Coast is going to be doing the slurry walls. This is going to be 11 stories of retail and lab space. The Allston Yards job is still moving along, WL French has the site work, S&F has the concrete, and Maxim Crane has their crawler crane on site. Just down the street at 60 Guest Street, Consigli has a lab job, Keller is in there doing sheets, and AJ Welch has the site work. This is just the start of the job. The Amazon 2 project on Congress Street is moving along, AA Will is still on site, Boss Steel has one tower crane up, and the second one is going up now. S&F is doing the concrete. This is Turner’s job and hopefully will bring
opportunities for the operators out of the hall. These are just a few jobs going on in my area.
I had the opportunity to attend the New York State Conference with Business Manager William McLaughlin and the rest of the staff. This was a great time to get with locals from the Northeast and share some ideas that could be helpful to us.
I would like to thank Executive Board members Peter Ventresco and John Rossi for all their time and dedication to serving Local 4 on our Executive Board. They both have done a great job representing the members of this great Local. I would also like to welcome Conductor Tayla Rose and Guard Kevin Murray to the start of their new positions. Look forward to working with you both.
Statewide elections are coming up in November, so if you get a call to help, please try to do so. The Local always supports candidates that support the views of our Local. Please dedicate the time to help us out in this endeavor.
In closing, I would like to thank everyone for their ongoing support, and looking forward to working with all of you in the future. ENJOY THE FALL SEASON.
Vice President
BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE: CAMBRIDGE/NORTH OF BOSTON AREAAutumn has arrived and the kids are back in school as we head into the final stretch of this year’s construction season. I hope you took the time to get outside and enjoy the great weather we had this summer. Work in the Cambridge/North of Boston area has been busy all season and it looks to remain steady for the rest of the year.
I would like to thank brothers John Rossi and Peter Ventresco for their service on the Executive Board. They both did a great job representing the men and women of Local 4, and I wish them all the best in their future endeavors. Congratulations to all the newly-elected officers who were sworn in at the September body meeting. I would also like to congratulate Tayla Rose on being the first woman in Local 4 to hold an elected office.
As we go into election season for state and local offices, please give strong consideration to Local 4’s endorsed candidates. In these politically divisive times, our candidates are chosen based solely on their positions relative to labor unions – issues like prevailing wage, project labor agreements and rights to organize, bread and butter issues that help to provide the jobs that put food on all of our tables. Let’s try to focus our energy on the issues that
unite us and not on the ones that divide us. We will be holding signs and doing labor walks up through Election Day, so if you can come out and help, please give me a call to get the details.
On the work front, in Somerville at Assembly Row, JMA has Derenzo doing site work, S&F doing the concrete with Maxim Crane and Prime getting started on the steel erection. At Consigli’s job, AA Will is doing the site work and Boss is erecting the steel. At Union Square’s Gilbane project, Hallamore’s tower is ready to come down, United Civil is doing the site, Marr has an operator on a mini crane and we have two hoist operators. Cranshaw’s job has Marr with the hoists and North American Crane is doing work for the wood-framers. At Boynton Yards building 2, WL French is doing the site work and Structures Derek is scheduled to put up two tower cranes this fall. At the building 3 site, JDC has done the demo, but the rest of the job has not been awarded yet.
In Cambridge, the courthouse renovation project is going along with Maxim’s tower crane setting the glass, Derenzo doing the site, and Julian with the hoists. At 600 Main Street, DMS is erecting the steel, S&F is doing the concrete, and Dow has the site. On
Vassar Street, JF White is finished driving the piles, and Derenzo is doing the site. At the Galleria Mall, JMA’s project has Stearns erecting the steel, and Safeway with the hoists. Gilbane has GO Services operating the hoist. Dow, HUB Foundation, Select Demo, and Bay Crane have also been on the projects. At 60 Wadsworth Street, Northstar is winding down the demo of the old MIT dormitory with Benny’s Brokks. Bond Brothers had previously done utility relocation for a new building scheduled for early next year. The Volpe building is winding down with Derenzo doing the site, Xquisite doing the landscaping, and Safeway with the hoists. The competition for this job will open up future development of this 16-acre site in Kendall Square.
I wish you and your families a great fall season and I thank you for all your support throughout the year.
Fall is upon us with hopefully some respite from the unprecedented heat we have experienced this summer. The winter push to wrap some projects up as the season comes to an end will keep the work going at full tilt. The equipment industry has been pushed to the limit with sales and rental utilization at all-time record highs, the equipment always reflects the state of the work and the economy at hand in our industry. The amount of new mechanics, drivers, and yard workers is continuing to create opportunities for new experienced people and entry-level people who are looking for an opening to a great Union career.
United Rentals is one of our largest employers in the rental industry with over twenty-five locations in our jurisdiction. They are very diversified within the rental industry with small equipment rental, repair, aerial, heavy equipment, generators division, trench division, climate control, and boom trucks to name a few. The last of
Recording-Corresponding Secretary
BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE: SHOPS / 4E / CONCRETE PUMPSthese divisions is their pump division that we are currently working on organizing, this is a work in progress, and hopefully, we will be successful. Sunbelt, Herc, ATS, and Ahern are equally as busy as United with all of their equipment at or above 80% utilization and just as diverse. Mechanics are becoming a premium these days as the demand has increased and the younger generation not being as apt to seeking a career in this vocation. What has happened though, with the value being high as it is, is that we have been able to raise the bar for these hardworking people.
Dealerships are also having what I can describe as a banner year (Monroe Tractor, CN Wood/Woodco) on the heavy equipment side of things, and crane sales (Shawmut, CRW) have increased tenfold with the tree removal industry seeing a move to larger and larger cranes. Also, a new trend is happening on the service end for large industries such as Bath Iron Works and the new Sub Base in Newport, we are getting Local 4 service techs permanently stationed at these facilities. Instead of the traditional in-house repair and service, the companies see the value in renting newer equipment and having people there to service their needs.
The Concrete Pump industry has also expanded quite a bit with flat work companies increasing their amount of pumps along with buying cranes to service themselves, and as always, pump operators are increasingly hard to find. Surveyors have been at full employment. With the demand
increasing for more people, it too has also been a challenge to fill spots, especially those with concrete experience. On the political front, the Operating Engineers are at the forefront of the “Right to Repair” movement, which is pushing legislation at all levels of government. It is based on the narrative that would require equipment manufacturers to make available any parts, tools, software, and documentation owners would need to repair, diagnose and maintain their own equipment. We will keep you informed as this develops. Also, locally we are facing Ballot Question 1 in Massachusetts with a 4% increase on income above 1 million dollars that will use the money for education and transportation purposes. This translates into more work for the IUOE with a “YES” vote. Please get out and help us support this initiative and don’t let the false, confusing narrative of the opposition take away from the money that could help all of us.
It has been a good season for work this year with a new 5-year contract, apprenticeship dinner in June for all of the fine new Journeypeople, the first ever Local 4 5K race, the WooSox event, and the charitable golf tournament. This would not at all be possible without Business Manager Bill McLaughlin’s countless hours of dedicated leadership to the organization. I am happy to be a part of the team and will continue to serve the members as best I can. If there is anything that I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Financial Secretary BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE: MERRIMACK VALLEY / ESSEX COUNTY, MA & ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, NHAs the fall season is upon us, work in the area remains steady. It was a great night at the Body Meeting for installation of all officers. I would like to again congratulate Business Manager William D. McLaughlin, the Staff, and Executive Board on their elections to the Executive Board and Delegates. This is also another great accomplishment under the leadership of William D. McLaughlin. I am honored and proud to continue working for William and the members of Local 4. I would like to thank all of you for your continued support!
Bond Bros. has begun a 16” gas line from Tewksbury to Lowell. They have been adding to their workforce. There are also a few other gas line jobs coming out for bid in the area. JDC Demolition had just about completed demoing five buildings at Textron in Wilmington to make room for a new warehouse. JR Vinagro has just begun the site work. JR Vinagro is also working a site job in Saugus off Route 1. In Tewksbury, Marois Bros. is still working on the site of the new Ryan School, and Newport is doing roadway reconstruction on Main Street in Tewksbury. Seabrook Station has a few new projects that are ongoing they have been calling for operators.
In Andover at the Amazon site, DW White still has a handful of operators on site. There have been many of our signatory contractors in and out. Revoli
has been working on the water and sewer on Osgood Street leading to Amazon. Northern Contracting has been doing the roadway reconstruction leading into the Amazon warehouse. Northern Contracting is also working in Salem, New Hampshire at the Tuscan Village. Also, DeFelice Corp. has been doing the pipe work leading into the job from Route 28. Tuscan Village is the site that was once the Rockingham Racetrack in Salem, New Hampshire.
ET&L has been working Thorndike Street in Lowell. They are close to completion doing curbing. S&R Corp. has been very busy working on the VFW Highway bridge and Lowell Connector Industrial Ave bridge. They have begun a parking garage near the new Lowell Courthouse and are also doing a lot of roadwork in Lowell.
In Salem, Massachusetts, adjacent to the Salem Power Plant, there is a parcel of land that was going to be developed as condos, retail shops, and a restaurant. It has now been put on hold. It is now going to be the second largest port for offshore wind turbines. It also includes adding a major dock for the ships. This will be a great job for Local 4 in the near future.
SPS continues a bridge job on Route 107 driving sheets. Keller has completed the drilling on the Saugus side and have begun drilling on the Lynn side. W.T. Rich has the Pentucket Regional School in West Newbury, United Civil is moving
quickly with the site work. Barletta is moving right along on Middlesex Turnpike expansion. They have a project completion date of spring of 2023 provided they have a mild winter.
Lowell High School has almost completed the new gymnasium and are moving forward on the next phase. WL French has been doing the site work for the gym portion and will also be doing the site for new school. WL French is moving forward at New England Biolabs in Ipswich working on an expansion of their campus. French is also progressing on a job at Governor’s Academy in Byfield.
JF White has just about finished Annisquam Bridge in Gloucester. The drawbridge is back at work with trains once again traveling over it. They are now putting on the finishing touches and landscaping has begun. Also, there is plenty of water, sewer, and paving in the area.
If you have water, sewer, or paving experience and are looking for work, please give me a call. I would like to wish you all a great fall season!
As we enter the fall season, I hope everyone and their families are doing well and had a great summer.
I was very proud to be part of the Installation of Officers at the September meeting. Congratulations again to Business Manager McLaughlin and the rest of our elected officers. Representing the men and women of Local 4 is something I take very seriously, and I am honored to get a chance to do it for another three years.
Thank you to Peter Ventresco and John Rossi both for your years of service on the Executive Board. It was a pleasure to serve with you and wish you both nothing but the best in the future.
Work in the South Shore is still very good. In New Bedford, DW White/Coastal Marine has been working on the extension of an existing pier. Newly signed JF Brennan will be starting work shortly
on another job in the harbor extending another pier. All of this is in anticipation of the dock space that is going to be needed for Vineyard Wind. Sevenson, after writing at the end of last year that they were all done, has been awarded another piece of work by the Army Corps that will give them another year or two worth of work with some more HAZMAT cleanup.
The Gillette Stadium expansion is underway, and steel is starting to go up. Bay Crane has a large crawler on site working for Stearns along with a tower crane. It’s a very tight work schedule working around the many events that take place at the stadium, but work should be completed by this time next year.
In Carver, Norwalk Marine last season installed 5,000 wood piles in cranberry bogs for a solar field. This season, they are extracting the 5,000 wood piles after the DEP told them they could not have pressure-treated piles in the cranberry bogs. Once the extraction of the wood piles is complete, they will then drive 5,000 concrete piles.
Decommissioning at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station continues. Aulson Co., who is not a signatory to our local agreement, has signed on to the International Decommissioning Agreement and is performing the work with our operators. We hope to build a relationship with them so that they would continue to use us outside of the plant.
The first class of 4G gas mechanics has finished its training. They are completely OQ trained and have been dispatched to
work already. They are not mechanics in the sense of pulling wrenches, but working with gas pipes. They will be fusing plastic pipes and tapping into live cast-iron gas pipes. We have long been the outsiders in the gas industry, and this will be the first step in us reclaiming this work. We will be holding more classes in the near future, so if you know anybody that is interested in this type of work, please have them call me.
As the new school year gets underway, it was great to visit the Training Center with Business Manager McLaughlin and the rest of the agents. I hope all of the apprentices have a productive and safe school year. The four years will be over before you know it. Get everything you can out of it!
The application process for next year’s apprenticeship class will be starting in November. If you know of anybody that is interested in applying and has any questions, please feel free to have them reach out to the Training Center for information. Work is still very abundant, and we will certainly need a good class of apprentices next year.
Lastly, political season is upon us and we will be reaching out for rallies, sign holdings, and doorknocking. The political climate in our country has never been more divisive, but as a Local, we need to concentrate on candidates that support our UNION values. Having said that, if you are looking to volunteer, please get in touch with me.
As always if I can be of any assistance at all, please do not hesitate to call and I hope to see you at a meeting.
BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE: WORCESTER-FRAMINGHAM AREAAs we continue with the fall construction season, I hope that you and your families have all had a healthy, safe, and prosperous start to your year and that you have also had time to spend enjoying some of the summer with each other.
Some of my family and I went to the 1st Annual 5K run and walk at the Medway High School, which was a fun event for all. Special thanks to Cory Burns, RN, BSN, from the Funds Office for coordinating that awesome event. We certainly all had a fun time and some exercise too.
We had a great time at the 5th Annual OE Local 4 Charitable Foundation, Inc. Golf Outing on September 11 at Stow Acres Country Club. As usual, the outing was extremely well attended, and it was awesome to see so many of you outside the work environment actually just enjoying each other’s company on the course. Great job Business Manager Bill McLaughlin, Dave Shea, Dave Fantini, Amanda Johnson, and the rest of the office staff who helped. The proceeds from this charitable event will be going to the fight against Alzheimer’s Disease, a charity near and dear to my heart. Thank you all!!
It was an honor to once again be sworn into office for this great local Union at the September Union meeting by General President James Callahan, quite an honor thanks to all of you for your continued support.
The work outlook continues to be good in the area with some infrastructure work coming out like the revamp of the I-90/I-495 interchange, a fourto-five-year project worth nearly $500,000,000 price tag won by Barletta as well as many smaller road projects due out soon. There are also a couple more schools in the area due to be out soon as well. There is also more work building these giant warehouses due to come out, also Norwood Hospital with WL French.
Here’s a look at some of the work currently going on in the area.
• Worcester: UMass Medical with Julian, WL French, Bay Crane, Stearns, and S&F
• Worcester: WuXi Biologics with Hallamore, Zichelle, Guigli, and Manafort Precision
• Worcester: Doherty High School with T&M and Marguerite
• Worcester: Union Station with Judlau, F&D Truck, and EG Fisher
• Worcester: Table Talk Pies with F&D Truck demoing their former main facility
• Charlton: Amazon with JR Vinagro, S&F, Central Mass Crane, Union Tank, and ERS working on the walls
• Sutton: Kraft with Walsh Contracting
• Millbury: Shaw School with Virgilio, Allied Paving, and American Environmental
• Uxbridge: Arco with JR Vinagro
• Douglas: JR Vinagro starting land clearing
• Boylston: Arco with Borggaard
• Boylston: Kraft with Borggaard, Central Mass Crane, and Chelmsford Crane
• Gardner: Gardner Elementary with Marois
• Groton: Groton Elementary with Guigli
• Devens: Bond with Marois and Manafort Precision
• Fitchburg: Route 13 With Amorello
• Hopkinton: Fruit Street Bridge with Rocchio, National Shoring, and Bay Crane
• Hopkinton: Laborers’ Training Center with Camputaro, NE Installers, and A1 Crane
• Hopkinton: Main Street with Amorello doing road work
• Medway: Power plant with JJ White
• Medway: Water plant with JR Vinagro and Marguerite
• Milford: Staging area for Charps pipeline doing work all over our area
• Walpole: MDR on Route 1A
• Norwood: Norwood Hospital with Costello and WL French
• Ashland: Mindness School with Marois, Chelmsford Crane, Marguerite, and Aggregate
• Ashland: Pond Street with Northern
• Framingham: Community College with AJ Welch
• Framingham: Baltazar on Edgell Road
• Natick: Baltazar on Route 27
• Marlborough: Ludlow Construction on Route 20
• Wellesley: Elementary school with Guigli
• Newton: Gioioso on Needham Street
• Newton: The Northland project on Needham Street with Costello, JDC and WL French
• Newton: McCourt at Boston College
Fall and winter are great times to get your licenses and certs up to date or add on to them with more. It definitely helps us to keep you busy if you can do more and have the credentials. In closing, I hope you and your families have a great fall and I thank you all for your continued
As always, let me begin by offering my sincere wishes of safety and health for you and your families. I hope you enjoyed the summer months! As we move into fall, let me bring to your attention some election items and what’s going on in the area.
The Maine 2022 electoral landscape is defined by real threats and a very challenging electoral environment. Over the past four years, organized labor has passed more than sixty pro-union, pro-worker pieces of legislation requiring PLAs on projects, attaching labor standards to renewable energy projects, improving workers’ pensions, fully funding education and revenue sharing, and lots more. While it all doesn’t affect the Operating Engineers, the needle is being moved in the right direction and is all relative to turning around an anti-union environment. This cycle, we are working to protect pro-labor legislative champions in the State Legislature including Senate President and union brother, Troy Jackson. In the Governor’s race, incumbent Janet Mills is facing off against former Governor Paul LePage. We are working very hard to ensure that the rabid
anti-union candidate, Paul LePage, does not win. Brothers and Sisters, LePage will undo everything we have put in place, unfortunately. We will also be working to defend Maine’s two incumbents in Congress – Chellie Pingree (CD1) and Jared Golden (CD2).
Labor 2022 Core Goals ME:
1. Maintain Pro-Labor Legislative Majorities in the State Senate and State House: We have benefitted from very strong pro-labor legislative majorities led by union member and Senate President, Troy Jackson. We are defending a number of seats in both chambers and will work to hold majorities.
2. Defeat Paul LePage/Win the Governor’s Race: We have endorsed Janet Mills for reelection. We will be doing everything in our power to defeat Paul LePage, who attacked unions at every turn during his eight years as Governor.
3. Win CD2: Jared Golden is running in a rematch against Republican Bruce Poliquin. We have endorsed Jared Golden and will be working to hold this seat.
In the New Hampshire Election:
• Tom Sherman, Candidate, Governor of New Hampshire
• Maggie Hassan for United States Senate
• Chris Pappas NH 1st Congressional District
• Ann Kuster NH 2nd Congressional District
Maine and New Hampshire Federal DOL Prevailing Wage Surveys:
I have been assigned by Business Manager McLaughlin to be part of the Prevailing Wage Surveys being conducted in our jurisdictions of New Hampshire and Maine. Currently, Local 4 wage and fringe benefit rates do not prevail on the equipment in the survey area and open shop survey rates are posted. In order to establish
our rates as prevailing, it is imperative that we provide substantial wage payment evidence to the DOL. Once survey rates are published, they remain in effect for a lengthy period of time. It is usually several years, and sometimes even longer, before an area is surveyed again. This survey will be our only opportunity for the foreseeable future to establish our rates as prevailing. The good news is that we have some data from contractors in our area paying union wages and fringes. Local 4 was successful in changing statewide bridge rates on the state of Maine prevailing wages. We should be able to move the needle with our wages on the federal side with participation in these surveys of Maine and New Hampshire. New and Ongoing Work:
• Maxim Crane at Maine Medical Center in Portland, Maine
• Badger Daylighting is busy in southern Maine and Bangor Area
• Ferreira Gas Distribution/Services working in Central Maine
• MCR on Federal Street with a tower crane
• LMC Industrial – Enbridge in North Berwick working under the Pipeline Agreement
• Hallamore working on Commercial Street for Landry French
If you’re ever working in the area, please let me know! Please keep up to date on all of your licenses and certifications and take advantage of the training center to advance your skills. All the best and if there is anything I can do for you, please call.
Stay safe and thank you for your support. In solidarity, Bobby Burr
I hope you all had a wonderful summer. I am enjoying this cooler weather and football season. We enjoyed several gatherings that brought us closer as a local such as the 5K, September Body Meeting, annual apprenticeship meet and greet, and the golf outing. It is always nice spending time with our members at these events. I would like to thank the golf committee for all their hard work putting this great event together. It was an honor to be sworn in at the September Body Meeting to serve as an officer for a 4th term. It gives me great pleasure to take that oath in front of all of you. I appreciate all your support. We have a great team under the strong leadership of Business Manager Bill McLaughlin. It is great to have two new faces as Guard and Conductor. Congratulations Kevin Murray and Tayla Rose! As the first female officer of the Local, I warmly welcome you, Tayla. I would also like to wish Peter Ventresco and John Rossi the very best. You have both served the local well and it was a pleasure working alongside both of you.
We are approaching a very important election on November 8. We will have several changes to statewide officers who will have great bearing on the legislative process for the labor movement in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. We put in a great deal of consideration when making our endorsements and we will need your help holding signs, knocking on doors, and making phone calls. Local 4 has a great reputation for supporting candidates and being involved in local politics, and we want that reputation to continue.
Formal sessions have come to a close at the Massachusetts State House. Two legislative branches and the governor have passed an $11.3 billion transportation bond bill. We will start to see this money being spent soon, which will translate to jobs for us. One project that will receive money from this bill will be the East-West Rail project. The East-West Rail would connect Springfield and Boston which would cover our jurisdiction and Local 98. We saw this bill and the sports wagering bill take up a lot of the legislation time, but
we will continue to push on to protect and advance our agenda.
Organizing has been going well over the summer, and we are looking forward to a productive fall season. Employers are still feeling like there is a labor shortage which puts us in a better position to organize non-union companies. We have also seen an increase in membership, which makes Local 4 stronger.
Please stay safe and enjoy the fall with your families.
I hope this article finds you and your family well and enjoying autumn in New England. As we head into the colder weather and spend more of our time indoors, it is important that you take the time to get your flu shot and to make sure you are up to date on any COVID vaccines and boosters for which you may be eligible. Please also continue to comply with any federal, state, or local guidance about masking in indoor spaces. Long COVID remains a challenge for many who get sick. Further, our immunocompromised family, friends, and neighbors rely on us to help keep them safe.
I wanted to let you know about two great new benefits being offered to the families (and future families) of Local 4.
Effective January 1, 2023, the IUOE Local 4 Health & Welfare Plan will remove all exclusions related to any medically necessary expenses for treatment or diagnosis of infertility, artificial insemination, in-vitro
FUNDS ADMINISTRATORfertilization, embryo transfer procedure, or any other artificial method of conception, as well as fertility medications. The Plan has partnered with Progyny to offer two (2) Smart Cycles, a comprehensive family building benefit with access to a premier network of fertility specialists, and an integrated pharmacy solution. A Smart Cycle is Progyny’s easy-to-understand benefit currency, which bundles individual services, tests and treatments together. Participants who utilize Progyny’s services will be responsible for 10% coinsurance, as well as any applicable copays. Beginning October 17, you can call Local 4's dedicated phone line at (866) 606-9789 to learn more about this great new Plan benefit.
The Trustees of the IUOE Local 4 Health & Welfare Plan recently announced a new behavioral health benefit for families covered under the Health Plan – at no out-of-pocket cost –through Brightline.
Brightline provides virtual behavioral health care for kids and teens, and support for parents and caregivers. By joining Brightline, members will have support for everyday challenges such as anxiety, stress, school pressure, navigating the
IEP process, self-esteem issues, etc., for kids 18 months up to 18 years old. You can find out more about this benefit in the fall edition of The Gauge.
Please also keep in mind, for those kids and teens that would do better with in-person therapy, the Funds Office continues to work with Modern Assistance Programs, and the many therapists on their network, to expedite appointments for Local 4’s families. If you are interested in receiving help to schedule care for your adolescent with a local therapist, please contact the Funds’ Registered Nurse, Cory Burns, at 508-533-1400 or
Training Corner
Greetings Brothers and Sisters, I hope you and your families are doing well and enjoying the fall. The Training Center has been very busy with the apprentices returning to classes on September 13. We welcomed in a new class of 35 probationary apprentices, many of whom you may have met on job sites and at Union Meetings. This has been a good group to this point, and we were excited to get them started at the Training Center. It has been a good start to the school year, and this has been the most “normal” start in some time. We were pleased to welcome Business Manager William McLaughlin and his staff to greet the apprentices and speak to them about the importance of their role in the local and give them some thoughts on what it means to be a good union member.
It was great to see so many members at the events that have taken place so far this fall such as the Golf Tournament and the September Body Meeting for the swearing-in of Officers. Congratulations to Business Manager William McLaughlin and all sworn into their well-deserved offices. Special congratulations to newly-elected Tayla Rose and Kevin Murray. I would also
like to thank Peter Ventresco and John Rossi for their service to the local as Executive Board members.
The Apprenticeship Program will once again be opening for applications. The time to apply and begin the process will be in November. Applicants will be required to contact the office in order to schedule an appointment to come in and fill out the application onsite. Any member who knows someone that would make a good candidate for Local 4’s apprenticeship program, please have that person contact the Training Center Office. The office email is, or if they have any questions, they are welcome to call at 781-821-0306. You will find our official announcement in this publication.
Lastly, I’d like to update you on the new Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration rules as it is related to Entry Level driver training. Anyone wishing to apply for a CDL test must now complete documented theory training and testing in addition to “Range” and on-road documented training. This must be done prior to being eligible for a CDL test. This will mean additional time needed in
(781) 821-0306
order to train with us for a CDL test. Please be aware of these changes and the extended timetable. We will accept anyone wishing to go on the CDL waitlist prior to getting their permit to avoid lapses in the permit because of these extended timelines.
I hope everyone is staying busy and safe this fall, please reach out if there is anything the Training Center can do to help.
Brothers and Sisters,
To start, I would like to congratulate Business Manager William D. McLaughlin, as well as all of the Line Officers and Executive Board, on yet another unopposed election. It was great to see them all installed once again. You can’t argue with success, and we are all benefiting from it. Keep up the good work!! As our summer season closes and we gear up for fall, I would like to focus this Safety Corner on our hoisting regulations here in Massachusetts. There has been an unprecedented boom in the construction industry the last several years. Unfortunately, with that means some heavy equipment accidents. In response to this, the Office of Public Safety and Inspections (formerly the Department of Public Safety) has been out inspecting job sites. Here is some information on what they will be looking for.
Massachusetts is one of sixteen states that has a hoisting or crane license as part of their state law. This is a great tool for the Commonwealth and Local 4. It ensures a minimum standard for all hoisting equipment. It helps keep outof-state contractors from bringing their unqualified operators to our cities and towns, which in turn helps us put our members to work. The regulations can be found online by searching 520 CMR 6.00. You can call the Training Center and we can mail a printed copy. These regulations apply to both public and private property.
The criteria for equipments covered are pretty broad. Any mechanically powered equipment (not including steam) that can lift a load of five hundred pounds, hoist a load over ten feet, and/or has a bucket that exceeds a quarter yard of material requires a hoisting license. Most sub-compact tractors and stand-on skid steers require hoisting licenses. Massachusetts General Law 146 Section 54A spells out a penalty of no less than five hundred dollars, and no more than three thousand dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than three months. Or both fine and imprisonment!! Not something to mess around with.
If an Office of Public Safety Inspector shows up on site, you must allow him on the premises. Anyone who prevents or attempts to prevent any inspector from entering the premises in the discharge of his duties is subject to a fine of not less than two hundred and fifty dollars, and not more than three thousand dollars, or by imprisonment of up to three months, or both. The regulation sets a baseline for how the equipment must be operated. It states all hoisting machinery shall be operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and in a safe manner at all times. Maintenance, repair, and refueling shall be done when the machine is inoperable and secure. A visual inspection and daily log sheet must be maintained in accordance with OSHA standards. The operator shall not engage in any practice that will divert their attention while engaged in operating
the hoisting machinery. Leave the cell phones in the car!! If the safety lever is engaged, you are operating!! At no time shall the operator operate the machine beyond its rated capacity without the manufacturer’s approval. Other than assembly/disassembly, the use of a load moment indicator override key or the entering of false crane set-up criteria to increase rated capacity is strictly forbidden. The operator is responsible for all operations under their control. When there is doubt as to the safety of those operations, the operator has the authority to stop handling loads until safety is ensured! You have that authority under state law, don’t be afraid to use it.
If you are involved in an incident that results in serious injury, property damage, or death, you must notify OPSI within one hour. If the incident makes the news, call it in!! You should also notify your Business Agent and a Safety Officer. As always, if you have any questions or are interested in upgrading your licenses, please reach out. Enjoy a safe fall season!!
Be safe out there, Co-Safety Officer, Thomas McEvoy
6:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M.
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 Wednesday, November 2, 2022 Wednesday, December 7, 2022
6:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M.
Monday, October 3, 2022 Monday, November 14, 2022 Monday, December 5, 2022
6:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M.
Wednesday, October 5, 2022 Monday, November 21, 2022 Monday, December 12, 2022
Funds Administrator Gregory A. Geiman, Esq. speaking with Local 4 apprentices about the many resources available to them through Local 4 Funds’ Plans.
Local 4 apprentice classes at the first night of school.
6:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M.
Monday, October 24, 2022
Monday, November 28, 2022
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
6:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M.
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Monday, December 19, 2022
7:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Saturday, November 19, 2022 Saturday, December 3, 2022
Local 4 apprentice classes at the first night of school.
How to schedule an appointment: Email to be scheduled. You must provide your driver's license to verify you live in our jurisdiction (check your jurisdiction on our website Once your request is received you will receive a confirmation email with your date and time. You will not be allowed in the building without an appointment and driver's license. No exceptions.
Requirements to apply:
1. Be 18 years of age or older;
2. Capable of performing the work of the trade;
3. Have a high school diploma or equivalent;
4. Reside within the jurisdiction of Local 4; (eastern Massachusetts, 5 easterly counties of New Hampshire, state of Maine) (refer to the list). Please refer to our website
5. Be a citizen or otherwise meet the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986;
6. Have a valid motor vehicle driver's license in your possession;
7. Have a Social Security card in your possession;
8. Have an appointment scheduled through our office;
9. Have proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
Applications will only be given to the person applying to the Program that has an appointment, shows a valid driver’s license, social security card, and vaccination card.
Applications will not be mailed. The applicant must have an appointment. Once you are scheduled, you will apply in person with the proper identification or will be sent home. Allow enough time to stay for a presentation prior to the application being given to you. Applications will not leave the building.
Hoisting & Portable Engineers, Local 4, Apprenticeship & Training Fund will not discriminate against apprenticeship applicants or apprentices based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), sexual orientation, genetic information, or because they are an individual with a disability or a person 40 years old or older. Hoisting & Portable Engineers, Local 4, Apprenticeship & Training Fund will take affirmative action to provide equal opportunity in apprenticeship and will operate the apprenticeship program as required under Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 30.
App-based drivers and Massachusetts workers recently won a monumental victory with the Supreme Judicial Court's June ruling to strike a proposed ballot question that would have misclassified workers. This question would have violated Massachusetts labor laws by allowing Big Tech corporations like Uber and Lyft to deny their workers a living wage, decent benefits, protections on the job, and the right to form a union. It would also have allowed huge corporations to dodge their taxpaying obligations to our Commonwealth, and to put people who use app-based services at risk by taking no accountability for their safety.
Local 4 was proud to support the coalition of app-based drivers, labor groups, consumers, and civil rights advocates that came together to defeat Big Tech's quest to exploit workers, their passengers, and Massachusetts communities. We know that a threat to the rights of some workers is a threat to the rights of all workers, and that huge corporations cannot be allowed to use their millions to buy themselves loopholes to the strong worker rights and protections that our members and their families rely on. With your support, we donated over $25,000 to the victorious worker coalition to help them fight back against Big Tech. Thank you for your generosity.
This November, during the general election, members will have the opportunity to vote YES on Question 1. It's called the Fair Share Amendment, and it will secure crucial funding for education and transportation in Massachusetts by creating a 4% tax on the portion of a person’s annual income above $1 million. This means that only people who earn over $1 million will pay this tax, and 99% of Massachusetts residents won't pay a penny more. Currently, the highest 1% of earners in Massachusetts actually pay a smaller share of their income in local and state taxes than the rest of us do. The Fair Share Amendment will correct this inequity by ensuring that the highest earners in Massachusetts are giving back to our Commonwealth.
With our public transit in sore need of repairs and renovation, and our schools facing a challenging year after the setbacks of the pandemic, there has never been a more important time to invest in transportation and education in Massachusetts than now. We encourage all Local 4 members to vote YES on Question 1 on your general election ballot this November, so that our state's public services can receive the funding they need to succeed.
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
p.m. at Florian Hall
recognize those who
years of continued
take place at the October Notified Body Meeting on Wednesday, October 19, 2022. We
to this great Local Union. This celebration
make every effort
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
IUOE Local 4 is pleased to share the results of 2022 elections. Please join us in congratulating the following Officers and Delegates to the 2023 General Convention.
For more details, please read the special notice on our website.
William D. McLaughlin Business Manager
Michael J. Bowes President
David F. Shea, Jr. Vice President
Christopher T. Fogarty
Recording-Corresponding Secretary
Paul C. DiMinico
Financial Secretary
David F. Fantini Treasurer
Christopher L. Carey Executive Board
David D. Dobson, Jr. Executive Board
Patrick J. Hunt, Jr. Executive Board
Ryan P. Mancini Executive Board
James M. Marenghi Executive Board
William T. McGuinness, Jr. Executive Board
Michael A. Simoncini Executive Board
Kevin W. Murray Guard
Tayla M. Rose Conductor
Michael J. Bowes Auditor
Christopher T. Fogarty Auditor
David F. Fantini Auditor
David F. Shea, Jr.
Paul C. DiMinico
David D. Dobson, Jr. Trustee
Christopher L. Carey Delegate to General Convention
Paul C. DiMinico Delegate to General Convention
David D. Dobson, Jr. Delegate to General Convention
David F. Fantini
Delegate to General Convention
Christopher T. Fogarty Delegate to General Convention
Patrick J. Hunt, Jr. Delegate to General Convention
Ryan P. Mancini Delegate to General Convention
James M. Marenghi Delegate to General Convention
William T. McGuinness, Jr. Delegate to General Convention
David F. Shea, Jr. Delegate to General Convention
Tayla M. Rose grew up in a union family, and now, as the first-ever female elected officer of Local 4, she’s hoping to bring that family spirit to her union.
“My Brothers and Sisters of Local 4 drive me to work the hardest,” she says. “As an operator in Local 4, you are representing your Brothers and Sisters in every move that you make. It's important to me that I am showing respect to everyone I come into contact with, and doing the absolute best that I can to accomplish a task safely and up to expectation. On and off the clock, always.”
Tayla’s father is a union tradesman and she is the first in her family to become an Operating Engineer. She made Local 4 history recently when she became Conductor, making her the first female member to be elected as an officer.
“Growing up with family in the trades, you realize that you will always have more than one family. I loved the idea of working as a team, and always having support to give and to get when needed,” she explains. “Another reason I was so motivated to become an Operating Engineer is that it is a very well respected trade, and it will always challenge you to become better. Some days it can be a very high-stress job, and some days it can be extremely rewarding. It will always be something I’m proud to be a part of.”
As Conductor, she hopes to engage her fellow members as much as possible, lead by example, and do her part to build and grow Local 4. She initially sought office as Conductor after being nominated by Rick Allard, who was the first operator she worked with on the job. She also hopes to encourage more women to get involved in union leadership.
“To anyone who wants to run for union office, man or woman, there is no discrimination. If this is something you are passionate about accomplishing, believe in yourself and what you represent and get your name out there,” she says. “Get as involved as you can, go to events, talk to Brother and Sister members outside of work. You can make it happen.”
On the job, she’s up climbing the tower most days, starting as early as 6:30 a.m. She and her team do safety checks as they climb, a crucial part of the job and one that she wants all members to focus upon every day.
“Once we get to the top, we do a walk-around inspection of the hoist, luff, sheaves and pins. We make sure everything that we have on the crane is still secured and then I will make my way to the cab, where I will turn on the crane and test out the limit switches,” she says. “Once we fill out the daily log, I turn on the radio and set the hook for a 7:00 start time. First thing in the morning, we will have steel trucks to unload. This can range anywhere from two to five trucks a day, and sometimes even more depending on the job. After unloading, we will begin to sort out the steel ‘shake out,’ then Iron Workers will make their way up the building and we will set steel until the end of the day.”
She loves working with fellow tradespeople from Local 4 and other unions and says one of the most memorable moments of her career was on her first job site on Route 128, where she met and worked alongside many veteran and skilled engineers.
“I met so many great operators, and I wouldn’t be the person that I am today if that isn’t where I started my career,” she says. “I was absolutely intimidated, but everyone there was so willing to teach me. That is a job I will never forget, with operators I will always hold close to me.”
As Local 4’s new Conductor, she says she wants to build relationships within the local and “represent the Operating Engineers proudly.”
“This is my greatest accomplishment so far,” she says. “I just want to do a good job and see where this next adventure leads to.”
The challenge of discovering cures for some of the most complex diseases that human beings face, like Alzheimer's and other degenerative diseases, calls for a research space that inspires innovation. That's exactly what Local 4's Operating Engineers have helped create in the New Education and Research Building (NERB) at UMass Chan Medical School in Worcester.
With nine floors and 350,000 square feet, building the NERB included as many as 30 Operating Engineers during the height of construction at the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022. The building contains space for 77 researchers, a manufacturing
facility for clinical trial therapeutics, classrooms, conference rooms, and research spaces containing wet labs, exhaust hood alcoves, and linear equipment rooms.
Congratulations to our hardworking Local 4 members for their work on this important project! Local 4 is proud to have our Operating Engineers supporting groundbreaking biomedical innovations in Massachusetts to help the fight against diseases that impact so many.
ABOVE: Left to right — Alexandra Simonovitch, Chery Victoria, Business Agent Dave Dobson, Nicole Shepard, Rick Leach, Mark LaPlante, and Ricky Allard. Bobby Howard is pictured in the seat of the Liebherr crane.
Howard and
4 members have been busy this season.
a look at some of the projects
been involved with
past few
2: Business Representative Dave Dobson, State Representative David LeBoeuf, and members Ryan Mancini, Mike Simoncini, Shawn Philbrick, Mark Balfe, Marco Trotto, Nick Lauria, Nick Pepper, Bobby Howard, Steve Jacobson, Brett Mancini, and Rich DeLeo holding signs at the polls at Stearns Tavern in Worcester.
Peter Hudon dismantling a wind
Chris Denis and Apprentice Noah Nasuti on the crawler crane and Operator Dan Mahar and Apprentice Joe Bermingham on the tower crane working at Gillette Stadium.
14: Operator Dennis Reichert and Apprentice Owen McNamara running the tower at Amazon 2 for Boss Steel.
15: Operator Zach DiTocco and Apprentice Candace Waldie running Maxim’s Liebherr luffer dismantling L Street Power Plant for NorthStar.
16: Marois Bros with Billy Wilkes and Troy Wilkes and Manafort Precision with Mike Coffey and Colin Wright on 888 and Mark Prunier and Josh Marr on 90t R/T’s and Javier Molina Lopez on the lull.
The OE Local 4 Charitable Foundation, Inc. hosted its 5th Annual Golf Outing on September 11, 2022. We were pleased to welcome our members, community, and generous sponsors to Stow Acres Country Club to fundraise for an important cause. This year's Golf Outing raised more than $100,000 to support the fight against Alzheimer's disease. We are grateful for each and every contribution!
With the general election in November quickly approaching, we encourage our members to cast their ballots in support of candidates who will be strong allies for labor. The candidates we've endorsed for federal, state, and local offices will fight for family-sustaining wages, great benefits, strong worker protections, and job security for Local 4 members and workers in our jurisdiction.
You can find the full list of Local 4's endorsed candidates here: Please visit for information on how and where to vote this November, and please reach out to our office with any questions you may have.
U.S. House
MA-1 Richard Neal
MA-2 Jim McGovern
MA-3 Lori Trahan
MA-5 Katherine Clark
MA-6 Seth Moulton
MA-7 Ayanna Pressley
MA-8 Stephen Lynch
MA-9 Bill Keating
Governor – Maura Healey
Lt. Governor – Kim Driscoll
Auditor – Diana DiZoglio
Bristol & Norfolk – Paul Feeney
3rd Bristol & Plymouth – Marc Pacheco
Norfolk, Plymouth & Bristol –Walter Timilty
Norfolk, Worcester & Middlesex –Rebecca Rausch
5th Middlesex – Jason Lewis
2nd Essex & Middlesex – Barry Finegold
1st Plymouth & Norfolk –Patrick O’Connor
2nd Plymouth & Norfolk – Mike Brady
Worcester & Hampshire – Anne Gobi
18th Essex – Tram Nguyen
3rd Bristol – Carol Doherty
14th Bristol – Adam Scanlon
2nd Norfolk – Tackey Chan
2nd Bristol – James Hawkins
6th Middlesex – Priscila Sousa
8th Middlesex – James Arena-DeRosa
9th Middlesex – Tom Stanley
27th Middlesex – Erika Uyterhoeven
28th Middlesex – Joe McGonagle
35th Middlesex – Paul Donato
1st Norfolk – Bruce Ayers
6th Norfolk – William C. Galvin
8th Norfolk – Ted Philips
15th Norfolk – Tommy Vitolo
5th Plymouth – Emmanuel Dockter
6th Plymouth – Josh Cutler
12th Plymouth – Kathy LaNatra
3rd Worcester – Mike Kushmerek
4th Worcester – Natalie Higgins
12th Worcester – Meg Kilcoyne
17th Worcester – David LeBoeuf
District Attorney
Suffolk County – Kevin Hayden
*Vote Yes on Question 1: Fair Share Amendment*
U.S. House
District 1 – Chellie Pingree
District 2 – Jared Golden
Governor – Janet Mills
U.S. Senate
Maggie Hassan
U.S. House
District 1 – Chris Pappas
District 2 – Annie Kuster
Governor – Tom Sherman
The Officers and Members of the Local offer their sincere condolences to the families and friends of the following:
Leo Bartolini, Jr.
Raymond Cardoza
Herman N. Dean, Jr.
John A. Engle
Frank Evans
Bruce A. Green
James J. Halstead
Michael L. Hastings
Joseph M. MacMillan
John E. Macomber
Leo G. McDougal, Jr.
Stephen P. Morandi
Ralph G. Newcomb
Lawrence J. O’Keefe, Jr.
Michael Pacella, Jr.
Anthony Pallotta, Jr.
George W. Rugman, Jr.
Laurice W. Sinclair
Walter M. Thomas
Joao F. Victorino
Keith Welty
Local 4 would like to extend their congratulations to the following members who have announced their retirement. Congratulations on starting this next chapter of your life!
Michael Alexandrovich
William E. Baldwin, Jr.
Carlos A. Barbosa
Peter J. Bartczak
Timothy Bowles
Philip L. Brackett, Jr.
Daniel C. Capotosto
Casimiro L. Costa
Gary F. Costa
William E. Jones
William R. Keller
Joseph Al Lavigne
Christopher B. Lovely
Mark D. Lucia
John L. Maga
Robert L. McGowan, Jr.
James M. McNamara
John J. Monteiro, Jr.
John W. Niemaszyk
Keith E. Oberg
Jason Oliveira
Octavio M. Pavao
Douglas A. Prentiss
Joel K. Phelps
Edward Rogers, Jr.
Paul D. Sena
Hugh E. Snow, Jr.
Stephen P. St. Germain
Hugh G. Vandemark, Jr.
Scott C. Wallace
Jeffrey C. White, Sr.