Post mgt307 complete course

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POST MGT307 Complete Course

POST MGT307 Complete Course

11 In this course, you are expected to assume the “perspective” of management Explain the difference between a “management perspective” and an “employee perspective,” and discuss your level of comfort with taking on the role of a management perspective NOTE: Your “Discussion Board” participation is valued at 30% of your final course grade To receive the best score possible you need to a) share with us thorough your clear and relevant examples, your perspectives and opinions formed from your readings and life experiences, b) participate “early” in the week, initial reply is due by end of day on Wednesday, and c) participate “often” during the week; all responses to others are due by end of day on Sunday Agreement is not required – just a prompt, engaging and thoughtful response to your instructor and your classmates Please follow the rubric found on the Course Information page 12Compensation refers to all forms of financial returns and tangible services and benefits employees receive as part of an employment relationship Employees often perceive their compensation in different ways — as a return in exchange for their labors, as an entitlement, as a reward, etc In what way do you perceive compensation and how did your perspective on compensation develop? 21 Some organizations are disciplined in performing job analysis and maintaining up-to-date job descriptions while many are not Why might this be true? If employed, is there a difference between what you and your employer think about the value of job analysis and job descriptions, and why? If not employed, explain the pros and cons of job analysis and job descriptions 22Please read the article in the “Reading and Resources” section above on how to avoid being laid-off and share your views on the business appropriateness and fairness of the skills and behaviors recommended What do theses skills and behaviors have to do with compensation? 31

Please read the article in the “Reading and Resources” section above on common compensation complaints If you are employed, what are some the most disturbing compensation issues in your organization? If not employed, based on what you’ve read and experienced which of these complaints would likely upset you the most and why? 41 The effectiveness of any compensation system to attract, retain and align employee behavior and performance with the objectives of the enterprise is dependent upon management credibility If you were advising a CEO on steps he or she could take to ensure confidence and trust in the compensation and benefit program what would you say? Provide specific examples from course and external resources for your suggestions to the CEO 42 Please read the article in the “Reading and Resources” section above on pay negotiations and share any experiences you may have had in seeking employment or asking for a raise If you have had no such experiences, using the article please describe how you would prepare yourself to ask an employer for a pay raise 51If you were the CEO of a company, what would you do to your compensation and benefits plan to make it effective in aligning employee behavior and performance with the needs of the enterprise? Additionally, please read the article in the “Readings and Resources” section above on performance evaluation and share your views – pro and con – on eliminating such reviews 61Do you agree that employees tend to undervalue or take their employee benefits for granted and why or why not? From your readings and your experience, how might an employer effectively increase the perceived value employees place on their employee benefits package? 71Please read the articles in the “Reading and Resources” section above on executive compensation and take a position on whether US senior executives are overpaid or not, and briefly present your case Provide examples from the course or external sources to support your position 81Please watch the video in the “Readings and Resources” section above on equal pay and share your views on whether we have an equal pay problem in the US and why or why not? Have you or anyone close to you ever experienced gender pay inequality on the job? If yes, please explain 82How a company pays its employees speaks volumes about what’s important to the company and how it values its human resources Using resources from this class and your own experiences, explain what compensation can communicate and why “pay messages” matter? UNIT 1 Please attempt to keep your answers to a paragraph or twodoc#_msocom_1″>

1. Explain with examples the “total returns” people receive from work 2. Compensation for many people is an inherently personal and emotional issue Express your opinion and give an example of how “taking compensation personally,” can play-out on the job 3. Explain the key elements of The Pay Model and how it can be used to develop an organization’s pay strategy 4. Can pay systems be effectively tailored to support differing business strategies? Explain your answer and give an example 5.

UNIT 2 Briefly answer the following questions on or before Sunday 11:59 pm 1. Explain what Internal Alignment is and how it can support business strategy, work flow and motivate employee behavior toward organizational objectives 2. In your current (or a former) organization how equitable do you believe the job levels and pay differences are, and why? 3. Explain what Job Analysis is and why it is important in establishing an aligned job structure? 4. Briefly describe and express your opinion on the Tournament Theory 5. What are the six questions that Job Analysis answers?

UNIT 3 Briefly answer the following homework questions on or before Sunday 11:59pm 1. What is job evaluation, how does it differ from job analysis and how is it used in establishing an equitable internal job structure? 2. What method(s) does your current (or former) employer use to value jobs? 3. Who are typically involved in job evaluation? Who is involved at your company? 4. How knowledgeable are employees at your company’s in the job evaluation process and job structure? Explain how and why 5. Express your opinion about the pros and cons of job-based and person-based pay structures 6.


Briefly answer the following questions on or before Sunday 11:59 pm: 1. With whom does your organization compete in terms of compensation and benefits? 2. What is your company’s competitive pay strategy? Do they attempt to pay more, the same or less than the competitive average in your area and why? 3. What is your company’s policy regarding communications of salary grades and ranges? Why do they do what they do? 4. Explain the difference between salary ranges and salary bands Which does your employer use and why? 5. What is a competitive pay line (or market line) and how is it used?

UNIT 5 Briefly answer the following questions on or before Sunday 11:59 pm 1. What is Performance Management and how can Performance Appraisal and Pay for Performance support it? 2. Click-on Error! Hyperlink reference not validperformanceappraisalcom/introhtm”>http://wwwperformance-appraisalcom/introhtm and select the “Appraisal Methods” button to the left Read about the three most common appraisal methods and describe which one better supports pay-for-performance and why 3. Differentiating pay and recognition based on performance can be difficult for a manager Why? 4. What are the advantages to employees and to the enterprise of employing variable incentive pay plans? 5. What’s your opinion about compensation as a motivator of behavior? 6.

UNIT 6 Briefly answer the following questions on or before Sunday 11:59 pm: 1. Most employee benefits we receive from our employers are provided “tax free” Why? 2. What percent of Total Compensation does the average employer pay for benefit plans? What percent of payroll does your employer pays for your benefits?

3. Explain the difference between a defined retirement plan and a contributory plan Do you participate in either or both of these plans with your employer? Explain 4. What kind of health care plan do you participate in? How much is your monthly premium? How much does your employer pay monthly? 5. Has your employer taken any action to help employees have a greater appreciation for their Employee Benefits? If yes, what specifically has been done? 6. Has your employer taken any action to help and encourage you to be a better health care consumer? If yes, what specifically have they done? 7. UNIT 7

Briefly answer the following questions on or before Sunday 11:59 pm 1. Why must some employees be paid overtime and others are exempt? 2. Explain what job sharing is and how it typically works in terms of compensation and benefits 3. How much did your CEO receive last year? If you don’t know go to the AFL-CIO website 4. Express your opinions about Executive Compensation? 5. Express you opinions about Unions and their impact on US global competitiveness? 6. UNIT 8

Briefly answer the following questions on or before Saturday 11:59 pm: 1. What is our governments’ role with regard to Compensation in the US? 2. Explain how and why “prevailing wage” rates for government construction projects apply 3. Explain when and how overtime is paid in your company 4. Express your opinion about the Minimum Wage debate? 5. How are Labor Costs managed in your company? 6. How are annual Compensation budgets developed in your company?


Please select from the list below a topic for your paper #1 due at the end of week three: 1. How might a company’s business strategy affect the internal alignment policies and techniques of its Total Compensation system? 2. How might a company’s business strategy affect the external competitive policies and techniques of its Total Compensation system? 3. How might a company’s business strategy affect the contribution (pay-for-performance) policies and techniques of its Total Compensation system?

Note: Your first research paper is due on Sunday in Unit 3 Per your course syllabus, each of your 3 papers must be a minimum of 3 full double-spaced pages and a maximum of 5 pages You may use your textbook as a source, but you must have a minimum of 3 non-text sources as well Please document your sources professionally and include a bibliography A word to the wise — quality is paramount, but in most cases a 3 page paper will not be valued as highly as a 4 or 5 page paper Please see attached file for specific details and grading criteria for this assignment RESEARCH PAPER #2 Please select from the list below a topic for paper #2 due at the end of week 5 1. The Effectiveness of Pay for Performance Plans 2. The Effectiveness of Pay for Knowledge Plans 3. The Effectiveness of Employee Stock Ownership Plans 4. The Effectiveness of Profit Sharing Plans 5. Or, offer a relevant topic of greater interest to you for my approval

Note: Your second research paper is due on Sunday in Unit 5 Per your course syllabus, each of your 3 papers must be a minimum of 3 full double-spaced pages and a maximum of 5 pages You may use your textbook as a source, but you must have a minimum of 3 non-text sources as well Please document your sources professionally and include a bibliography A word to the wise — quality is paramount, but in most cases a 3 page paper will not be valued as highly as a 4 or 5 page paper See attached file for specific details and grading criteria for this assignment RESEARCH PAPER #3

Please select from the list below a topic for your paper #3 due at the end of week seven 1. Executive Compensation in the US Today 2. The Emergence of Team Incentive Plans

3. The Quest to Make Labor Costs More Variable 4. The Status of Employee Stock Ownership Plans in the US Today 5. How Valuable Are Employee Benefit Plans? 6. The Power of Unions in the US Today 7. Or, submit a compensation or benefit topic of your own choosing

Note: Your third research paper is due on Sunday in Unit 7 Per your course syllabus, each of your 3 papers must be a minimum of 3 full double-spaced pages and a maximum of 5 pages You may use your textbook as a source, but you must have a minimum of 3 non-text sources as well Please document your sources professionally and include a bibliography A word to the wise — quality is paramount, but in most cases a 3 page paper will not be valued as highly as a 4 or 5 page paper See attached file for specific details and grading criteria for this assignment

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