One Nucleus February eNews

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ON eNews

February 2021

Leadership, Adventures and Connecting in Uncertainty Welcome to this month’s One Nucleus eNews and we hope everyone is staying safe and productive as plans for the year ahead start playing out, albeit with still a high degree of uncertainty. Uncertainty remains order of the day of course as the pandemic continues its disruption both close to home and around the globe. There remain huge challenges although encouragement can be taken from the positive news that keeps emerging also. The effectiveness of the rapidly developed vaccines, the deployment of sequencing to identify variants for effective surveillance of the evolution and the lessons learned around measures to work and live more safely are all contributing to current successes in the sector. It was excellent to see the Mike Ward analysis of investment in the sector in both the DRG Report and within the BIA’s UK review showing how record levels of investment have flowed into our industry. Investment is an exciting headline, but the growth and successes in the drug development pipelines, R&D Services, R&D collaborations, Digital Health and Med Tech across numerous therapy and technology areas has been amazing all round and should be celebrated. Much of the news from our members will be posted on our news feed or on the LinkedIn and Twitter timelines of One Nucleus or our staff. One Nucleus plans for 2021 are coming together at speed as we aim to continue the effective support of our members, create the right forums for peer-to-peer learning and network building. All the plans having flexibility built in to accommodate the changing landscape. In this welcome, I will touch upon some of those plans by way of a heads up for our readers with more details on some of them later in this edition. We were delighted with the enthusiasm and engagement in the launch event of our Virtual Innovation Centre. A great turnout and engaging panel discussion framing the introduction to the initiative. We have also launched our ‘Building Life Science Adventures’ conference. This is taking place over 30th-31st March 2021, consisting of a series of online panel discussions focussing on what is good practice on attracting, developing and retaining great staff. Equally, those building their careers will hear what employers need from them and how they can acquire the skills to take the opportunities our sector holds. I am delighted so many organisations have already signed up to sponsor or support the event, illustrating their commitment to their brand and desire to be an employer of choice both individually and as a sector if we want to attract the best people. This week will also see registration open for our annual ON Helix conference. Whilst like many of our network we are keen to return to physical events as soon as it is feasible, but the safety of our attendees and value in their attending must come first. For these reasons, we feel it is best at this stage to plan for ON Helix to be a fully digital event. The experience of last year tells us this can be highly effective and valuable to all, so I am confident that will again be the case. By way of thanking our members for their support through the pandemic, each One Nucleus


member company will receive a free digital delegate pass for ON Helix to continue their knowledge-sharing, partnering and profile raising in 2021. Speaking of partnering and profile raising, I am very pleased that working with our partners at EBD Group, One Nucleus members can benefit from the best discounted rates available for the Digital BioEurope Spring. One Nucleus will be participating too, showcasing our members and region in the partnering area, bringing attention to those seeking deals, investment opportunities and services in the region. Heading into the Spring we are also planning the Annual Review & Directory. The publication is an ideal opportunity to increase profile and engage with our network of course, alongside editorial we will be compiling to profile the London-Cambridge-East of England strengths and growing success story. I was very pleased to pen an article last week for the Business Weekly BioMedTech focus edition alongside others considering the present success and future potential of the cluster. There will be an A-Z member listing and members can also choose to advertise further to gain visibility. All enquiries regarding submitting articles, advertising rates and deadlines for submissions can be addressed to in the first instance. The sector has responded to the acute challenges of late and indeed the challenges of addressing unmet medical needs to find solutions that enable better patient outcomes with aplomb. Research and Development by its very nature is an arena of uncertainty. I have been in awe of some of the great leadership shown and that has given many of the rest of us a sense of confidence I am sure. The insatiable appetite to learn and the leadership qualities it evokes remind me of two quotes I have read recently which I will close with here since they feel apt. “Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty.” (Jacob Bronowski) and “Uncertainty is not an indication of poor leadership; it underscores the need for leadership.” (Andy Stanley) I look forward to our paths crossing again soon as we continue making our business work through a zoom lens. Tony Jones CEO One Nucleus

5-6 July 2021 | Digital

Registration Open

The Virtual Innovation Centre is Open One Nucleus remains focussed on supporting our members and the wider network in maximising their success wherever possible. We are fortunate in that there is an immense depth of expertise and experience within our network and the Virtual Innovation Centre programme aims to harness the full extent of that value to enable growing companies achieve the trajectory to attract larger deals, international connectivity and maybe the much sought cross-over investors for true scaling whilst remaining independent. Being virtual, the Virtual Innovation Centre can welcome participants from anywhere in the world. This means we can make the most of the local strength but equally attract innovation to our ecosystem as it develops into the future. The initiative itself will comprise a structured programme of support. Whether with each cohort or one-to-one, working with an array of global One Nucleus Corporate Sponsors and Partners it will help those business leaders create great companies as they become increasingly operational and active dealmakers. Our Partners in the Virtual Innovation Centre already include global players such as Thermo Fisher, Fish & Richardson, Taylor Wessing, Lonza, EBD Group, Penningtons Manches Cooper, Catalent and George James Ltd. Accepting there is no magic one-size fits all solution to address the growth challenges for all companies, the support will be tailored for each company’s need. At the launch event, after outlining the rationale and aspirations the initiative, the programme led into a fascinating panel discussion around the challenges and bear traps companies can face at this stage. To set the context for the Virtual Innovation Centre an international panel of those leading and dealing with such matters were asked by the moderator Rowan Gardner (Precision Life) to discuss the barriers to scaling-up enterprises from a technology, investment and people perspective. There were some great points made by the international guest panel comprising Bjorn Arvidson (STUNS Life Sciences), Benjamina Bollag (Higher Steaks), Jason Mellad (Start Codon) and Ryan Bethencourt (Wild Earth). In the words of Rowan Gardner: we all need a ‘kick ass team and be able to lead that team with grace’ The One Nucleus Virtual Innovation Centre is now open for applications from life sciences companies active in research and development who were incorporated at least a year ago. Selection for the programme, first cycle to commence in April 2021, opening the opportunity to receive precision support from our wealth of experts and the wider ecosystem. Further information and how to apply is available at

Our panel at the launch event on 27 January 2021

Building Life Science Adventures Careers Conference 2021

30-31 March 2021

Join us at One Nucleus for our first ever Careers Conference. Not your average job fair, this will be an opportunity to fill knowledge gaps, debate best practice and connect to enable success by bringing together panels of students, early careers seekers, employers and universities to engage in lively Click here discussions. Don’t miss out!

to secure your FREE place

Topics • Why mentoring is good for recruitment, retention and fostering innovation? • Race for the top – progressing inside or outside the lab • Invest in some personal R&D • Life Sciences isn’t just for Life Scientists • What is ‘ESG’ and why is it important to attracting the best people? • Opportunities in clinical research

Meet us at... BIO-Europe Spring 2021 22 March to 25 March The fifteenth annual BIO-Europe Spring® premier springtime partnering conference will be held March 22-25 in a fully digital format. It will include on-demand early access to the company pitches, program sessions, and sponsor and showcase company content up to five weeks prior to the live event for the best possible networking and meeting decisions once partnering begins. BIO-Europe Spring Digital 2021 is expected to bring together over 2,500 executives from biotechnology, pharmaceutical and finance companies from around the world, who will engage in more than 15,000 partnering meetings. One Nucleus members get 10% off registration! Find out more here.

DIT Update UK Tech Week, Turkey 16-18 February 2021 The Department for International Trade (DIT) is delighted to invite you to join the Virtual UK Tech Week organised in collaboration with the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology. This has been designed to showcase how the UK’s expertise in the technology sphere can support Turkey’s post-Covid plans and it’s new ‘New Economy Programme 2020-22’. It will also explore what the UK has to offer Turkish tech companies looking to grow their global presence by setting up in the UK. Find out more here.

Fast Futureproof Formulations Competition is rife in biotech and pharma so getting to milestones quickly is critical to success. Our fast futureproof formulations approach enables our clients to reach their milestones rapidly and accelerate their products. We develop formulations quickly but always with an eye on the end game, whether that is a clinical trial or commercial launch. Our formulations specialisms include oral, ocular, intravenous, topical and subcutaneous products. We develop and manufacture formulations to meet the needs of our clients including: • Preclinical safety and efficacy studies, including GLP tox studies • Clinical and commercial prototypes • Reverse engineering of existing products Contact us to find out how we can help accelerate your milestones and futureproof your products. +44 (0) 7885 591 187

Upcoming Webinars & Digital Events One Nucleus Events 10 Feb | Grants: How to Get the Most Out of Your Claim - register 15 Feb | Life Science Marketing Group: Clarity From Complexity - Essential Tips to Sharpen Your Message - register 18 Feb | Working with Parkinson’s Disease and Embracing Neurodiversity - register 25 Feb | Critical Regulatory Paths to Value Inflection - register 02 Mar | Collaborating to Supporting Biotech and Med Tech Businesses Across Our Neighbouring Regions - register 03 Mar | BioWednesday Webinar: The Bioavailability Toolbox - register 18 Mar | Life Science Marketing Group: The Five Main Reasons That Life Science Lead Generation Campaigns Fail (And What You Can Do To Fix Them) - register 30-31 Mar | Building Life Science Adventures - register

One Nucleus Training Courses 15 April | Online Presentation Skills for Scientists - register

Industry Events 10 Feb | 2021 Medical and Regulatory Affairs Outlook - find out more 11 Feb | Innovative Solutions to Meet the Complex Pharmaceutical Supply Challenges - find out more 11 Feb | Intellectual Property Strategy for Life Sciences companies webinar - find out more 17 Feb | Repurposing Drugs for New Indications: Benefits and Challenges - find out more 18 Feb | Strategies for Integrating Business, Regulatory and Scientific Needs of CMC Clients - find out more 23 Feb | Mapping the Pathway to Designing Successful Treatments​- find out more 23 Feb | Early Phase Biologic Development: Upstream and Downstream Processes Considerations find out more 02-05 Mar | Member Discount Available: Oncology Virtual Partnering - find out more 22-25 Mar | Member Discount Available: BIO-Europe Spring 2021 - find out more

Corporate Patron

Corporate Sponsors


Member Webinar Highlight How To Prevent a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day for Your Life Sciences Start-up In this webinar, Fish Principals Chad Shear and Teresa Lavoie as they discuss some of the “horrible, no good, very bad day” scenarios they have witnessed in start-up formation and evolution, and as they provide practical advice to help minimize those horrible days. A few topics Chad and Teresa discuss include: • • • • •

Early-stage deals and the importance of confidentiality Soliciting funding from third parties Dealing with egos Partnering with academics Determining what to disclose and to whom

Deal of the Month Upfront payment of $1.1 billion for Kymab’s acquisition by Sanofi After 10 years of amazing developments, the first Wellcome Sanger Institute spin-out companies, Kymab get acquired by the French pharma Sanofi. It is a great endorsement of the transgenic mouse platform technology originally developed by Prof. Allan Bradley that led to numerous immunoregulators candidates. The acquisition focuses on the lead programme KYY 1005, a fully human monoclonal antibody with a novel mechanism of action for immune and inflammatory diseases. Reaching a large pharma powerhouse will surely accelerate its development with the potential to provide novel therapeutics to patients quicker, however raising the returning question of why this couldn’t be achieved with endemic growth. But let’s keep that question to the whole UK biotech ecosystem and congratulate the Kymab team on the great achievement. Full press release can be seen here.

Funding & Support Innovate UK Smart Grants January 2021 Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, is investing up to £25 million in the best gamechanging and commercially viable innovative or disruptive ideas. All proposals must be business focused. Applications can come from any area of technology and be applied to any part of the economy, including science and engineering and even if all projects would be considered, projects overlapping with the grand challenge areas will be welcome. Detailed information can be found here. The deadline for application is 26 May 2021.

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