ONBOARD Magazine Spring 2018

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FESTIVE TIMES New events and old favourites are on the agenda at this year’s best European festivals


HANKERING FOR THE OPEN SEAS Tom Hanks knows that the only way to travel is on a big,beautiful yacht


MIND THE GENDER GAP Is yachting still seen as being a little old school in its approach towards gender equality?


QUAY AGENTS The yacht agents who will be assisting captains in the coming season


SNAP CHAT A look at the mesmerising underwater photography of Laurent Ballesta


BERTH RIGHT Spend some time in one of our favourite Mediterranean marinas


GOLDEN SHOT Sue Pelling previews the Golden Globe 50th Anniversary Race


THE PERFECT RECRUIT The employment market remains tense with discrepancies between job offers and crew expectations


OAR & PEACE The Four Oarsmen have set a new world record for the fastest ever Atlantic crossing


WINE WHISPERS A look at the best wine stories of last season and the ones to look out for this year




132 FAIRWAY TO HEAVEN Europe’s championship golf courses and first class hotels 138 MANAGING PERFECTLY WELL Online management systems lighten the administration burden and increase efficiency

54 76


COMMENT Flag states and the hugely expensive publications that they produce


UPFRONTS Tips, people, advice and myths


MY OPINION The Tara Expedition shares a passion for the eco system on our planet






NEW LAUNCH Va Va Voom, the 49m aluminium beauty from the Rossi Navi shipyard


WEAR IT Make a cool, stylish transformation into the coming spring months


CREW PROFILE Bianca Blohm tells us why she is hunting for the perfect chef’s position


DESIRE The latest eye catching desirable innovations and design trends for you


FOOD AND DRINK What’s new in food and drink for the season ahead, and a look at the top tables of Trieste


103 BODY The latest facts, fads and tips to try including a look at obtaining firmer looking skin 114 YACHT ESSENTIALS Editor Chris Clifford recommends his favourite products and services for the coming season 130 NAVIGATOR Formentera is attracting the cool celebs, we look at the best places to hang out 146 A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A typical day with Vasco De Cet, Marina Manager at Marina Di Portisco 149 ASK THE EXPERTS Advice and knowledge from the leading experts in their fields


153 RECRUITMENT Laurence Lewis looks at the challenge of building a diverse cultural crew

Editor Chris Clifford Editorial Assistant Carol Kenyon Advertising Manager Tim Morris Sales Executive Terry Hurley Art Direction Katie Prentice Accounts Julie Hewitt Contributors Frances and Michael Howorth, Tom Harrow, Claire Griffiths, Laurence Lewis, Sue Pelling, Adam Fiander, Sarah Forge, Erica Lay Front cover Stuart Pearce


Distributed by Superyacht Distribution info@superyacht-distribution.com www.superyacht-distribution.com ONBOARD is published quarterly by Plum Titles Ltd 8 Rue D’Opio, 06560, Valbonne, Alpes Maritime, France tel: +33 (0)4 93 06 09 12 email: info@onboardmagazine.fr web: www.onboardmagazine.fr The editor and publishers do not necessarily agree with the views expressed by contributors nor do they accept responsibility for any errors in the transmission of the subject matter in this publication. In all matters the editors decision is final.








WHAT A WASTE Michael Howorth asks, “Why are we forced to waste money on publications we never even look at?”


K listen up, I want you to nip down to your local bookstore and buy yourself the complete set of Harry Potter books by JK Rowling. I am sorry to say it will set you back a bit cash-wise. Next I want you to put them on a bookshelf, there will be no need for you to read them because you know the story anyway and for those of you who don’t, you can watch the movies and get the general idea. Now after you have kept those books for a year I want you to burn them! Do that just before you go down to the same bookstore and buy yourself another, almost identical, but very slightly updated version of the same thing. Sounds bonkers doesn’t it? But that is exactly what the flag states are doing when they insist that superyachts carry hugely expensive publications that no one looks at, no one really needs, and only contain information that is, if we care to look for it, freely available elsewhere. The cost to the yachts is astronomical and the wastage absolutely shocking! The Cayman Islands Shipping Registry for example, mandates that CI Flagged vessels carry costly and rarely looked at publications on board. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a specialised agency of the United Nations (UN) that promotes international cooperation to improve telecommunication infrastructure in the developing world, publishes three of them. The agency makes a huge amount of money selling vastly overpriced reference documents and lobbying flag states to make their carriage on seagoing vessels mandatory. Among these publications is List V, a list prepared and issued, every April, by the ITU, to be carried by all ship stations for which a Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) installation is required. Do you know where your own on board copy is? And if you do, when was the last time you looked for it? I am guessing the only time you did that was at the last audit! Somewhat shockingly despite its huge cost, List V was when first published, useless because due to an ITU administrative error, a large number of vessels from one particular flag ship state were not included. Another example of waste is called List IV, a list of coast stations and special service

radio stations, while a third specifies the carriage of a maritime manual listings. In the case of large yachts, each tome is as useless as the other. Yacht Captains I have spoken to, never look at these publications and some of the honest ones even confessed to me that they don’t even know what they are for! What makes matters more frustrating is that the Cayman Islands last updated their notice on what should be carried by yachts 14 years ago. The notice makes no reference at all to the use of equivalent electronic versions, which can be used in lieu of old fashioned paper publications that cost the earth to ship to yachts scattered around the globe. Many yachts do not realise that by using CD versions of the books huge shipping costs can be avoided. And while we are on this point, may I point out that my computer and the one I owned before that, does not even have a CD slot so I view the CD as being as dead as yesterday’s porridge.

The cost to the yachts is astronomical and the wastage absolutely shocking!

Together these three publications cost the yacht a staggering £870, and for what? Steve Monk, Managing Director of DaGama Maritime, a company that focuses on more professional navigation management and on board crew training, frequently finds that the cellophane has not even been broken off the CD case when he goes to see clients. When he then informs them they must pay for a new edition, they are to say the very least he tells me, ‘A little miffed’. So what is the way round this? I have an answer and because I am no longer serving as a Captain, I will tell you what I used to do. I created an on board order for the publications but kept it on my computer but never sent it off for fulfilment. Whenever the Cayman Islands Surveyor challenged me, I pointed out that it was on-order and that seemed to be the end of that! But if they ever try to cut up hard about it, may I suggest you point out that their own shipping notice differs from the form ‘Y’ carried by their inspectors when it comes to what should and should not be carried. You then borrow a copy from the yacht the next door berth assuming of course that they know where their copy is!


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OPINIONS, FACTS, STORIES AND WHAT’S NEW IN THE FASCINATING WORLD OF YACHTING B1B2 VISAS With continuing issues surrounding B1B2 visas for yacht crew, this winter we saw a number of yachts head East instead of West as the Caribbean recovered.

YACHTIE TYPES ETO You know the sort. He looks like he was bullied at school. He is socially awkward. His jokes sail over most people’s heads. He’s full geek. Total nerd. But if you want to know how to fix your laptop after you downloaded another virus, you better be nice to him and you better laugh at those jokes. But more importantly, he’s the only one that can get that ball game back on the TV for the Boss or manage to make all 12 guest ipads on board run independently and at a decent speed. Just interested

EASTERN PROMISE SE Asia is becoming more popular with the superyacht industry, as we can see from the success of the 8th Singapore Yacht Show – more parties, more great superyacht products and gadgets, more high end sports gear and basically glamour all in one hit. We did say YACHT Show didn’t we?

when he starts telling you exactly how he fixed everything in his special techy lingo. Which nobody gets by the way…. Coding? What?

NAUTILUS If you’re not a member then you are madder than a bag of mad things. Just because an owner might be able to ‘apparently’ afford a €20m yacht does not mean he’ll always be able to pay your wages. These things do happen…just ask the crew on Indian Empress…..Nautilus recovered over $1m for the crew.


NAUTICAL ETYMOLOGY... HARD-UP To put the helm hard over is to put it as far as it will go in that direction. Hard and fast describes a vessel firmly aground and unable to make progress and has come ashore to mean rigid. The term ‘Hard up in a clinch and no knife to cut the seizing’ was a sailor’s way of saying he had been overtaken by misfortune and saw no way out.

PLASTICS Getting rid or cutting down on plastic use onboard is an ever increasing subject. Yachts are introducing water machines to reduce plastic waste and giving crew reusable bottles to avoid single use plastics. Want sparkling? Get a soda stream!

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover Mark Twain

MAGNIFICIENT MARINER VASCO DA GAMA Dom Vasco da Gama, perhaps among the most iconic names in maritime exploration, picked up where Bartolomeu Dias had left off, in an expedition that began in 1497 and took over two years. Da Gama became the first person to sail around the Cape of Good Hope to India, having been tasked by King Manuel I with finding a profitable trade route through the Indian Ocean. In doing so, the Portuguese explorer kick-started his country’s colonial expansion in Asia. The Portuguese Crown was thus plugged into the lucrative Indian spice trade while bypassing potential hostilities. Da Gama’s voyage to India, exploring a sea passage that is still used today – has been cited as sparking global multiculturalism, and it inspired a sustained period of Portuguese empire building. The fearless and belligerent explorer died in India in 1524 after a bout of malaria.

UK CERTIFICATION Answers regarding UK certifications, will they be recognised under EU law? Will UK nationals still be able to move through Europe freely? Will visas be required? When will we have any answers? When is all this happening? What on earth is going on?

SNOWY TIMES Winter on the Med hit us pretty hard – I mean, come on, SNOW in the South of France? How rude. Even Palma froze its bits off this Feb with the Arctic Blast hitting harder than usual. Lots of crew who swore they wanted to be Palma based all year have now realised how appealing the Caribbean season actually is…!

DIETARY REQUIREMENTS Becoming more and more prevalent onboard, not for owners or guests, they have the luxury of being able to choose to eat whatever they please, but for crew? Chefs are getting a bit fed up with catering for intolerances when they turn out to be ‘preferences’. Some have even asked for crew to provide medical certificates as proof of their allergies.


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DO THE MATHS: PASSIONATE COUPLES Asked which passionate charter guest couple annoys you most


AMBER GAVAGHAN, STEWARDESS I took 2 months leave, treated myself to 4 days of sleep with bottomless cups of tea from my mum, that stretched to 6 months because yoga was a lot more appealing than uniform inventory.



of crew said warring couple




JAMES CORY Y3 CHIEF ENGINEER I added to my Makita power tool collection with a circular saw, an angle grinder, a reciprocating saw, and a new whipper snipper for the garden. Happy days.

of crew said amorous couple



“Three red M&Ms upon the counter. One for me, one for my girlfriend and one to share if we get hungry in the night.”

EYE GET AROUND The Gear 360 has evolved to let you record in 4K or broadcast live. Now smaller with a redesigned, easy-to-grip body, memories aren’t the only thing you’ll want to hold onto. www.samsung.com

LEONIE MCDONALD FREELANCE CHIEF STEW I’m very dedicated to my hand bag collection… a new Louis Vuitton was first on the list, a nice addition to the collection, but I need to start thinking now of the next addition…

HEIDI HASENFUS, RELIEF CAPTAIN My husband and I go fly our little planes into the desert mountains for a hiking and camping expedition every October-November. No phones, internet, shops, people...... Complete yin-yang experience.


With an average length of over 8m and weighing up to 4,000kg, basking sharks are the second largest fish in the ocean and are relatively common in the Mediterranean. The name derives from its habit of feeding at the surface, appearing to be basking in the warmer water there. It has anatomical adaptations for filter feeding, such as a greatly enlarged mouth and highly developed gill rakers. It is considered a relatively social shark, with schools generally divided by sex. Sometimes, they can form schools of up to 100 individuals. The exact lifespan of the basking shark is unknown, but experts estimate it to be about 50 years.

JOHN ADAMS, CAPTAIN My last boat had 4 owners. I was on board for 3 years. We did many long duration trips to remote locations. When I left I treated myself to a new surfboard and 2 years off, surfing in SE Asia.

Being on a boat that’s moving through the water, it’s so clear. Everything falls into place in terms of what’s important and what’s not James Taylor

LEE WETHERALL, ENGINEER I commissioned a BMX build, like the one I had as a lad. And obviously the obligatory Asia /exotic holiday but that’s standard these days, yawn, oh and an Audi A5 cabriolet because I’m worth it!




When things start to feel a little claustrophobic and the cabin fever starts to set in you do not want any of these as fellow crew



THE EXHIBITIONIST There’s always one, the exhibitionist who thinks they look fabulous naked and takes every opportunity to strut their stuff. Whatever you do, don’t join in and certainly don’t encourage them!


THE SNORER Invest in the best noise-cancelling head phones you can find and plug yourself in. Always try to get to sleep first otherwise you’ll be suffering from some severe sleep deprivation!


THE HOMESICK ONE It’s their first time at sea and they’re homesick and possibly sea sick as well. They spend all their time crying. Absolute misery. Best thing to do is try to get them sent home, cruel we know but they (and you) will be much happier.


THE PACK RAT Ever noticed a dubious smell coming from one of the crew lockers? It means there’s a pack rat on board, someone who keeps every last item crammed into their locker including a few late night snacks… try to avoid getting too close!


WHAT’S MINE IS YOURS Whether on land or at sea, there’s always someone who feels they can share your stuff. Annoying isn’t it? Take a marker and write passive aggressive notes on all of their belongings, works every time.


STINKING SAM Living in close quarters can be a little more intimate than ideal especially if someone doesn’t take care of their personal hygiene. Buy them a large can of deodorant and write passive aggressive notes (see previous comment) to get them to use it.

TRAVEL MATES Fill up your phone with these handy travel apps to ease your next trip

ROMINA RASTELLI Charter Manager, Hill Robinson Yacht Management One of my favourite destinations would definitely be the Cinque Terre, mostly for the spectacular nature, architecture and the stunning views they offer over the Italian Riviera. A century ago, the Cinque Terre were just five fishing villages but with the arrival of the railway they have become a very popular place and in order to preserve their beauty, they have been named as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This is a perfect place for a romantic

DRONING ON There’s a new underwater drone under development designed for video and still photo shooting.The FIFISH P3 underwater drone, sports the capability to take 4K UHD Footage and 20-Megapixel photos. Capable of operating at 100m. www.qysea.com

Rome2Rio Find the best way to get anywhere, without squinting at a train schedule. Rome2rio considers all modes of transportation when advising on the best routes from where you are, to where you want to go. A single search may include plane, train, bus, ferryand fares.

escape but also ideal for a family trip. From Monterosso al Mare to Riomaggiore and her famous ‘Via dell’Amore’, I am able to enjoy my favourite activities: exploring the historical and picturesque villages overlooking the sea, hiking between the villages and marvelling at the spectacular panorama or relaxing on beautiful beaches. But not forgetting about the delights for the palate with some typical Italian cuisine local wines and home-made ice creams.

43°47’N 15°20’E KORNATI The largest archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea with 140 islands belonging to Croatia. A large percentage of the islands were declared a national park in the 1980s. Once home to the now near extinct Monk Seal, there are no permanent residents, just the seagulls…

GTFO Want to get out of town in a hurry? Just fly somewhere, anywhere, as soon as possible? GTFO scans the newest and lowest airfares from online booking engine Hopper to reveal the best available roundtrip flights leaving from your location today and tomorrow.

LoungeBuddy This app opens the golden doors to those secretive, indulgent spaces typically reserved only for the highest paying, or most frequently flying of travellers: the airline lounge. Create your trip and LoungeBuddy will let you know which lounges you can access.

ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 11




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ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 13

14 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD


DISCOVERING OUR OCEANS Over the years Tara has become home to a succession of sailors, scientists, journalists and even a few artists, all of whom share a passion for the greatest ecosystem on our planet


he Tara Expedition Foundation was founded by Étienne Bourgois, director of the clothes brand agnès b., and fashion designer agnès b. Designed as a platform for high-level scientific research. Tara has been travelling across the world to study the Ocean, a watery universe almost entirely unknown to Man. The Tara Foundation’s main goals are: trying to understand how climate change and ecological crises are impacting the world’s oceans. The project arose from a passion for the sea and a humanist vision. Expeditions are driven by sailor Romain Troublé and conducted in collaboration with prestigious scientific laboratories and institutions. Tara Expeditions works to raise awareness of the general public about the environment, with special attention to young people through the Tara Junior program. Tara Expeditions is also developing a long-term advocacy plan to encourage politicians to act for more sustainable development. Investing in this expedition will support educational actions and general programmes dedicated to young people from 8 to 14 years old. On our watery planet, the ocean is the primary regulator of global climate. The ocean contains 50 times more carbon than the atmosphere and is exchanging large amounts of CO2 with the atmosphere every year. In the past decades, the ocean has slowed down the rate of climate change by absorbing about 30% of human emissions. Moreover, 95% of the heat we have created over the last 200 years has been absorbed by the ocean. Today, climate disturbance has a direct role in the loss of biological diversity, that will effect the planet for generations to come. To understand the ecological threats confronting the ocean and the impacts of climate change, the Tara Foundation has accomplished several major expeditions with the schooner Tara: Tara Arctic (2006-2008), Tara Oceans (2009-2013), and Tara Mediterranean (2014). And today, Tara Pacific (2016-2018) is completing the voyage throughout the Pacific Ocean to study coral reefs. From 2009 to 2013, Tara had been the focal point for an ambitious project, which culminated in much lauded

discoveries. This time, the schooner furrowed the world’s seas in search of plankton, those microscopic organisms which drift across the ocean. More than 35,000 samples were collected and analysed. The Tara Oceans expedition was the largest sequencer of genetic material ever undertaken on marine organisms, and highlighted the fact that the majority of microbial genes were hitherto unknown. This colossal and fascinating enterprise gained unprecedented recognition when in May 2015 five articles were published in the prestigious journal ‘Science’. A giant step forward in our knowledge of the invisible oceanic world. Tara does justice to the spirit of great explorers from the past, herself becoming a source of inspiration. Sampling has allowed us to characterise more than 100,000 species of unicellular plankton! It was an unprecedented discovery in the microscopic world of the ocean. One that has considerably enriched our understanding of marine ecosystems. Sequencing close to a billion genetic barcodes has shown us that unicellular plankton is far more diverse than bacteria and animals, and that most of it belongs to little-known groups of parasites, symbionts and predators of every kind. These results have radically changed our views on the biological and functional diversity of the world’s plankton, an ecosystem that is essential to the health of our biosphere.

The Tara Oceans expedition was the largest sequencer of genetic material ever undertaken on marine organisms, and highlighted the fact that the majority of microbial genes were hitherto unknown

Supporting Tara is a step to raise knowledge of the key role of oceans in our planetary balance. Supporting the Tara Expeditions Foundation allows us to develop a long-term advocacy plan to mobilise the general public and encourage politicians to act with conviction on the solutions we all need for the planet. For more details and support, visit www.taraexpeditions.org

ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 15



ENJOY LIFE 27th April – 1st May 2018 · Moll Vell, Palma de Mallorca r

i e rg epa a L R t & rea fi e a






SHOW TIME Returning to Barcelona for the second time, the organisers of the MYBA Charter Show speak about the benefits of attending the event now its 30th year


he MYBA Charter Show, one of the most important B2B events on the annual yachting calendar, is celebrating 30 years of existence in 2018. With its long history and proven dedication to quality, the Show provides the world’s leading charter professionals with the ideal opportunity to inspect charter yachts of the finest quality, to network and to learn about the latest industry developments. First and foremost, the MYBA Charter Show is about generating the maximum exposure possible for participating yachts and allowing them to showcase their unique characteristics. There is nothing quite like firsthand experience, something that Massima Piras, Charter Manager for Fraser Yachts, has pointed out by saying “I know that now we have a lot of virtual tools like 360° videos but I think that when you step on board you acquire a personal and informed opinion. I think it’s really important to attend the Show, and a boat, especially when it’s new to the charter market, will get more bookings if it does a good Show”. Barbara Mϋeller, Retail Charter Broker for Ocean Independence expressed her agreement by stating: “This is exactly what a client wants to hear. That we have inspected a boat and know it from first hand and not second or third.”

The Show is also the perfect occasion for charter brokers, charter managers and other industry professionals, to meet the crew and observe how they interact. According to Diane Fraser, Retail Charter Broker for Fraser Yachts USA, meeting the crew is absolutely vital as “it takes a two-dimensional photograph and creates a three-dimensional atmosphere. It brings the yacht to life.” Lunches and dinners hosted on the yachts allow the chefs to take over the stage and offer a valuable insight into the culinary talent that clients will be able to enjoy. As the crew are one of the most important factors that determine the success of a charter, getting to know them during the MYBA Charter Show is one of the many benefits of attending. In its pursuit of excellence, the MYBA Charter Show is always examining ways to enhance the experience it offers attendees and its anniversary year will be no exception. 2018 will see a series of innovations and the first one is the Quay Party Night which aims to provide exhibitors with an opportunity for closer interaction with the crews and brokers. It will be held on the opening night which is Monday 23rd April and we would like to encourage everyone to attend.

Yachts that attend the MYBA Charter Show gain a significant amount of exposure and this translates into more bookings. The second one that can be revealed at the time of writing, When Ben Harwood, Charter Manager for Burgess Yachts, concerns the introduction of the “Best Welcome Onboard” was asked to speak about the importance of attending the competition which will be held concurrently with the MYBA Show, he said “in terms of return, we get several direct Superyacht Chefs’ Competition. The prize will be awarded enquiries from the Show. I probably have 4 or 5 bookings to the crew that provide the best throughout the year from people saying reception to the judges, meeting that they were on board during the and greeting them as if they were Show, were really impressed and Lunches and dinners hosted first time charter guests. First that their client wants to book. But impressions are extremely important I think that you have to look at the on the yachts allow the and MYBA is happy to contribute to wider picture and the word of mouth.” chefs to take over the stage the recognition of this particular skill. Sacha Williams, Charter Manager and offer a valuable insight for Camper & Nicholsons, was even For all the latest news, including more specific by commenting that into the culinary talent that the list of yachts that have been “generally we see an increase in clients will be able to enjoy accepted and the programme, please bookings of about 30% after a yacht visit mybashow.com has attended”.

ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 17

festive times EUROPE’S 2018 FESTIVAL CALENDAR MEANS NEW EVENTS, OLD FAVOURITES, FRENZIED MASSES AND BOUTIQUE CHARM BESTIVAL LULWORTH, UK Popular for its hugely diverse line-ups and warm embrace of creativity, which includes comedy, theatre, circus and art. Bestival brings its sparkle to transform the castle grounds into a haven of eccentricity and surrealism under a yearly theme. 2018’s theme is the sea, so get planning those fancy dress ideas! And when it comes to the music,

Bestival has it all. Spanning across rock, indie, house, techno, hip-hop, D&B, reggae, garage and more, Bestival’s lineup quite literally has something for everyone. The last edition played host to A Tribe Called Quest, Pet Shop Boys and Andy C. 2 – 5 August www.bestival.net


©Georgina Harrison

SONAR FESTIVAL BARCELONA, SPAIN Sónar is a three-day electronic and advanced music festival. It was founded in Barcelona in 1994. The festival has been divided into two parts since its inception: Sónar by Day and Sónar by Night, with Sónar+D, a three day congress dedicated to Creativity, Technology and Business running concurrently since 2013. The 2017 Barcelona edition attracted 123,000 attendees. It is a nonstop party lasting for three days and is now one of the most famous festivals. Every June, Barcelona has a massive influx of music lovers from all over the world who attend this epic festival. You can recognise them by their trendy sunglasses and fancy flip flops, basking in the sun of Barcelona while they listen to the variety of artists Sónar offers. 14 - 16 June www.sonar.es 18 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

IOW FESTIVAL ISLE OF WIGHT, UK Isle of Wight Festival, one of the UK’s most famous rock and pop music festivals, has an esteemed history. Having held its first edition way back in 1968, the festival was subsequently banned due to the sheer amount of people who turned up in 1970 to see Jimi Hendrix’s last ever gig. In 2018 the festival celebrates it’s 50th birthday. It returned in 2002 as Rock Island, and has since gone onto to achieve a worldwide reputation thanks to its rock-tastic, pop filled, dance-packed lineups. Its hall of fame includes David Bowie, Jay Z, Fleetwood Mac and Queen. Isle of Wight has also been named Family Festival of the Year on two occasions, thanks to its relaxed, inclusive atmosphere and variety of activities for all ages. Last year over 58,000 people flocked to Seaclose Park to feast on

©Callum Baker

music, theatre film, comedy, fun and games, celebrating what makes the Isle of Wight Festival as relevant as it ever has been. 21 – 24 June www.isleofwightfestival.com

©Dylan Roberts


NOT A LOVE SONG NIMES, FRANCE An eclectic music festival in Nîmes, France. Now in its sixth year, the organisers have a remarkable track record when it comes to securing lineups from a diverse range of genres; with past appearances from indie favourites, hip hop stars and electronic music royalty. With three days over five stages and more than 40 bands from the indie scene, the festival also offers participative

workshops creating an audacious and singular experience. Held in the Paloma performing arts complex in the northeast of the city, the festival uses the indoor and outdoor spaces perfectly to create a truly intimate atmosphere that often betrays the calibre of the acts on the bill. 1– 3 June www.thisisnotalovesong.fr


Barcelona’s Primavera Sound is one the most revered and respected music festivals in Europe. Each year, the festival boasts a hugely enviable lineup that is unafraid to explore all musical avenues, with exciting new acts sitting comfortably alongside bona fide music legends from all manner of styles and genres. Predominantly taking place in the coastal Parc del Fòrum, the festival inhabits Barcelona with its extensive programme of workshops, lectures and film screenings as well as day-time shows and after-hours parties. Acts appearing this year include; Arctic Monkeys, Bjork, Car Seat Headrest, Cigarettes After Sex, Here Lies Man, Sparks and the Unknown Mortal Orchestra. During this time, in parallel to the main event, Primavera Pro has also taken off. An international meeting aimed at professionals from the music industry that since its first edition in 2010 has become an international reference for independent music. Its programme comprises talks, conferences, workshops and showcases that take place during the day. 30 May – 3 June www.primaverasound.es

ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 19




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READING LEEDS FESTIVAL READING, UK Although it started out as a rock festival, Reading and Leeds now showcase a lineup that spans the genres, including rock, indie, house, techno, drum and bass and grime. Its hall of fame includes bands such as Nirvana, Arctic Monkeys, Radiohead, Eminem and Red Hot Chili Peppers, to name just a few. But it isn’t just about music at Reading, with the festival also

laying on a lineup of some of the world’s best comedians as well as screenings of both classic and modern films for those after a bit of respite between the music stages. Line up includes; Annie Mac, Lil Pump, Kings of Leon, AJ Tracey, Milk Teeth and Fickle Friends. 24 – 26 August www.readingfestival.com

©Jennifer McCord

©Jen O’Neill

ULTRA EUROPE SPLIT, CROATIA Ultra Europe is Europe’s famous electronic music festival, attracting the biggest names in EDM, house and techno music to Split each summer. Held inside the city’s historical Stadion Poljud, Ultra has become famed for its incredible, high-energy shows, filled with overwhelming production. As well as that, the festival also includes a number of beach and boat parties across the town, the surrounding islands, and on the lush Adriatic sea. This year’s edition will see sets from the likes of David Guetta, Carl Cox and Axwell Ingrosso, who will touch down alongside a music pilgrimage of dance fans from around the world. 5 – 11 July www.ultraeurope.com





VA VA VOOM The 49m aluminium RossiNavi built yacht delivers abundant outside space together with expansive windows offering panoramic views Words: Frances and Michael Howorth


he very nature of custom-yacht construction means superyacht owners are seldom content with what is widely and readily available for delivery. However, when owners opt for classic, traditional styling, they risk having something that blends in. The young 20+ year old owner of Aurora definitely did not want that. This 49 metre all aluminium yacht, intelligently juxtaposes the owner’s passion for sport and adventure with a modern interior living space. Car racing cues and sporty elements are exaggerated and expanded to superyacht proportions. This yacht has multiple expansive windows offering panoramic views, the result of two cut-like vents in the body of a sports car, along the bow of the boat. Fulvio De Simoni styled her exterior, whilst the interior

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design came from the boards of Achille Salvagni. Aurora is able to provide accommodation for 12 guests in 6 staterooms, including a panoramic owner’s suite and VIP set, located on the main deck. The owner had originally admired the 48 metre, Polaris, from Rossinavi built in 2014 to an Enrico Gobbi design. “He came to us looking for unique conceptual characteristics in a yacht that was no larger than 500gt,” said Federico Rossi, the COO at RossiNavi. “He was asking for a big beach club with bathing platform and it was clear to us that to achieve such a request we had to elevate the level of the main deck, but this would have meant building a boat above 500gt. The only solution


we could adopt to remain below that tonnage was to create an offset bridge design.” Aurora’s two owners’ cabins, offer unobstructed views of the water, are equipped with large balconies (55 sqm), ideal for al fresco dining. Her garage is capable of accommodating all the trappings of a true sportsman at sea, including two tenders, a number of jet skis and scuba diving equipment. Unusually for this size of yacht Aurora has three saloons. The main saloon is open to the dining area, above and upper deck zones, is what her Captain suggests guests might call a ‘beach saloon’. “It’s a blend of a beach club and a true saloon, for watching movies and live video footage fed from a camera in the bow,” he says.


49 m


8.90 m


1.85 m

Main engines

2x MTU 12V4000 M93L


2 x 2,580 kW

Max speed

21 knots

Cruising speed

17 knots

Range at 12 kn

3,800 nm

Gross tonnage

< 500 GT

Naval architecture

Arrabito Naval Architects

Exterior design

Fulvio De Simoni

Interior design

Achille Salvagni

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n screen, Tom Hanks’ travel log is nothing short of disastrous. During an illustrious and varied career, he has been shipwrecked (Cast Away), had a boat he was captaining hijacked by pirates (Captain Phillips), forced to land a plane in the Hudson River following the loss of two engines (Sully), blown to smithereens in a plane crash (Cloud Atlas) and, most torturous of all, been stranded for nine months at New York’s JKF Airport (Terminal). In real life, however, the ever-affable 61-year-old is known to holiday in serious style with a reputation for renting fabulous vessels, cruising with fellow super-celebs and former Presidents, and relaxing at exclusive resorts. But despite his notoriously humble and private nature, Hanks can’t help but hit headlines occasionally as his A-list status requires (and allows) for some super-luxe vacation privileges. Like last April when tongues were set wagging at the rumours that he and wife Rita Wilson were

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enjoying an island-hopping tour of French Polynesia with Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Springsteen and Barack and Michelle Obama. On board The Rising Sun, a 137 metre beast of the ocean (and the 11th largest yacht in the world), the unfathomably famous gang dined on elegant culinary delights at Vanilla Island, had a whistle-stop tour of Le Taha’a Island, and paid a visit to Bora Bora before ending up at The Brando, a luxury resort on the breathtakingly beautiful private island of Tetiaroa. Unsurprisingly, the press were desperate to garner gossip about the trip, but when People magazine quizzed Oprah she replied, “I can’t talk about it, I can’t talk about it!” adding finally, “What happens on the boat, stays on the boat.” As you would expect, Hanks has been less withdrawn, saying, “Time away is always special to me, and never more special than on the waves. I’d rather

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stay on the boat than actually get wet, but it’s a very gentle way of winding down and I love that.” Hanks is of a very grounded outlook and has never been one to let anything, not even the privacy of former world leaders, get in the way of a good story. Indeed, while chatting to Stephen Colbert on The Late Show, the actor and typewriter collector couldn’t help but spill the beans on one particularly amusing day trip the group enjoyed. “I’ll tell you what happened to little Tommy Hanks on that trip. They call a guy who says he can rent bikes for everybody, so we go on shore and yes, there’s an array of bicycles that have been procured for us. Rented from all corners of Polynesia, they’ve all come,” he said. “Then, everyone gets on their bikes. There were some great bikes there, there were some fine and dandy bikes and then there was one piece of junk, hunk of junk bike.”


“Who do you think got the hunk of junk bike? The secret service guys hopped on these perfect bikes, they’re all gone, Oprah’s gone, and I have a bike that you couldn’t deliver newspapers with,” he continued. “It was an undersized girls’ bike. It was rusted, like all over... and it only had one gear - it was miserable, miserable. I’d rather go back and get Legionnaires’ disease on that boat,” he added, causing an eruption of applause. Yet despite his biking woes, Hanks revealed that the rest of the trip really wasn’t all that bad, admitting: “Imagine what it could’ve been like, then triple it. It was off the scale fantastic.” When not hanging out with famous Democrats, the Forrest Gump star and his wife of 30 years are well-known for pushing the boat out (if you’ll excuse the pun) in a bid to have a little quality time together. Back in 2004, the pair, who are extremely fond of sailing, rented what was at the time, the biggest yacht in the world to traverse the Mediterranean. Built in 1976, the 75m sailing yacht Phocea had recently undergone a $17million refit and accommodated up to 12 guests along with a high-tech gym and the kind of wood panelled, white linen luxury throughout that could rival your finest on land five star establishment. Costing around $200,000 per week to rent, the Phocea is arguably the finest way to holiday on

THE EVER-AFFABLE 61-YEAR-OLD IS KNOWN TO HOLIDAY IN SERIOUS STYLE WITH A REPUTATION FOR RENTING FABULOUS VESSELS, CRUISING WITH FELLOW SUPER-CELEBS AND FORMER PRESIDENTS the Mediterranean sea and cruise along the Turkish coast and visit many of the unspoilt Aeolian Islands, undisturbed from the prying eyes of the paparazzi. “I’ve always loved the way some of the vessels are just like floating architectural wonders. Every square inch has been thought about and considered, and that’s something you can never say about a building.” Hanks’ penchant for sailing over say, private jetting, is entirely in keeping with his overall persona. He is the kind of genuine, Old school gentleman Hollywood could do with having a lot more of. And whilst on the topic of his latest film, The Post, a thrilling retelling about the Pentagon Papers and their subsequent printing in The Washington Post, he explains why he believes integrity with the press is so vital, revealing that his top tip for not getting lost in the online whirlwind of ‘fake news’

and dubious echo chambers, is to return to physical copy. “Well I had every app, every news update bombarding my phone and my computer, and they are constant. And because of the volume coming at me, I never read more than headlines, never more than a quick scan. And therefore, miss the point… miss so much,” says Hanks. “So I now read The New York Times, cover to cover, every morning. It used to be my morning ritual, technology interfered and now, I have thankfully gone back. It works for me. I would prefer to be more informed about particular news events, fully informed, rather than knowing about everything but having a shallow understanding.” And, of course, reading articles properly also keeps Hanks properly clued up on the latest yacht science!

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DO DENIM The denim jacket has a long and rich history. Since its conception in the early twentieth century, it has outfitted the US military through two world wars and dressed countless famous faces, from James Dean and Marilyn Monroe to Elvis Presley. It became the jacket of choice for rebel teens in the ‘50s, for drop-out hippies in the ‘60s and was ripped at the seams by punks in the ‘70s. The story of this infamous jacket began with the creation of denim in Nimes in France, but fast forward to 1850 and Californian Gold Rush - and a man named Levi Strauss began importing the denim fabric from France to create his famous sturdy, solid trousers, which later became known as jeans. AMI ALEXANDRE MATTIUSSI €240 www.farfetch.com

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28 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

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ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 29


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BIG AND BOLD What’s more glamorous than a pair of oversized sunglasses

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ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 31

MIND THE GENDER GAP Yachting has long been known as being a little ‘old school’ in its approach towards gender equality, with a woman’s role being traditionally viewed as being interior based, and where women on deck or in the engine room are still viewed as an exception to the norm Words: Erica Lay

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etaining women in the yachting industry is a problem which cannot be denied; stewardesses are perceived to have a shelf life, this job is not a long term career choice for the majority as progress is limited, and many women feel the interior crew are not taken as seriously in their roles compared to, say, deck officers.

5 men and 5 women - all qualified and experienced equally, and asked them to captain a vessel, what would happen?”

When it comes to onboard training, the priority will still often lean towards the deck and engine departments, as pointed out by Chief Stew Chloe, “I’ve asked a captain if he could assist with any interior courses - time wise or contribute pay wise. We had very high profile clients coming back on charter year after year and after a trip to the Chèvre d’Or it made no sense as to why the interior didn’t have more training.

They would each perform the task in their own unique way using their own unique skill set and strengths regardless of their gender. Every person has their own interpretation, reactions, past experiences etc. Gender is as much about a performance indicator as hair colour in my eyes.” And she has a point! Why should gender matter, if the job is done well? And why do men feel threatened by a woman who can do the same job? Perhaps that’s an indication of his insecurity in his own ability. She added, “Our gender has nothing to do with our jobs or our ability to do it, and if we truly believe it and want others to believe it too, we must be the change that we want to see.”

You expect it in a Michelin restaurant so why not a yacht? He said to me, “Well it’s not health and it’s not safety, so no I didn’t feel valued as an interior member after that and it helped make my decision to move on and undertake my courses.” Without

Captain Heidi said, “Over the past 22 years, never did the term female mate or female captain get used or played,” confirming Jenny’s feelings that it’s about being able to do the job, and do it well. Something else Heidi picked up on was learning about

OUR GENDER HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH OUR JOBS OR OUR ABILITY TO DO IT, AND IF WE TRULY BELIEVE IT AND WANT OTHERS TO BELIEVE IT TOO, WE MUST BE THE CHANGE THAT WE WANT TO SEE the girls on the interior to provide high end service and make the guests feel at home and looked after, that yacht’s operation would quite simply fail. It’s sad that such an integral part of the yacht’s operation is still being overlooked. So outside of the interior, for those who decide to pursue a long term career in yachting, it makes sense to go down the deck or engineering route where a person can continue their professional development via courses and qualifications, and onboard mentorship or training, and their age will not stand against them. Although a woman doing ‘a man’s job’ will always present challenges and difficulties from those who believe in stereotypes, there are plenty of strong women out there in the yachting industry who refused to tow the line and do what they wanted, and there have been lots of great men who have supported them in achieving their goals (in case you thought this was going to be a man bashing piece, it’s not). Chief officer Jenny said, “If you lined up

ourselves, and making sure we develop our own individual skills. “I did have my moments in the early days of being a mate directing deckhands, when I thought some negative reactions received were due to gender (or nationality) issues but later realised I was lacking leadership skills. Once that A-ha moment came, my life and colleague relationships aboard got easier and easier. I’ve also noticed that to maintain good relationships with all, I have to be sure to participate in the occasional spa or pamper days (painful to me!) as well as the go-cart and paintball days (way more fun) when extra curricular activities take a perceived gender bias.” Karolina, a Polish OOW joined yachting after working in the commercial industry on tankers and bulk carriers where women were very much in the minority, and she felt she wasn’t taken seriously. Moving to yachting has been a great move for her, she said, “It’s the first time in my life I have received respect and

ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 33

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people have faith in my abilities.” A female colleague told her that she’s proud to see a woman in an officer’s role and it’s given her the faith to keep working hard. “It’s worth it to be patient and work on making your dreams come true. Never doubt yourself.” Leah, a sailing mate, said “While I have indeed faced a lot of denial and criticism for working on deck, I never could help myself. I love what I do and have always held fast that if someone doesn’t think I can do it or doesn’t want to give me the same opportunity as my male counterparts, then I wouldn’t enjoy working for them anyway.” At the start of her career she had a temp opportunity on a beautiful classic vessel, and found her mentor; the current Captain. He helped her learn about the ups and downs of the industry and after keeping in touch for a time, she was hired to be his first mate. Leah found his input invaluable. “I always try to work smarter not harder. I wake up every morning excited for the new challenges of working on a boat, and the paycheck at the end of the month is a happy bonus. My focus was always fueled by the naysayers. I have worked hard to get to where I

As a result she is currently skippering a beautiful 60ft yacht and says, “Here I am today, over a year after accepting this position, as happy in my job as I was the day I accepted the job! I now have a year’s solid experience as a skipper, a very good owner’s reference and genuine happiness in my job!” When asked if she had some advice for new crew, Abby said, “It’s not been an entirely smooth ride, and anyone that tells you that this industry is easy is definitely lying. But every lump, bump and hurdle has made me a better, stronger and more knowledgeable person. My advice to anyone, no matter whether you are a guy or a girl, want to be a steward or an engineer, is to persevere. Be your absolute best at all times, learn from everyone you follow, your mistakes and theirs, ask questions rather than guessing, on my boat, there is no such thing as a stupid question. It may not come to you when you wanted it to (I wanted to be a captain at 25, and have crossed the Atlantic 10 times, turns out I was captain at 26 and have crossed the Atlantic 8 times), but it will happen if you really want it!”

MY ADVICE TO ANYONE, NO MATTER WHETHER YOU ARE A GUY OR A GIRL, WANT TO BE A STEWARD OR AN ENGINEER, IS TO PERSEVERE. BE YOUR ABSOLUTE BEST AT ALL TIMES, LEARN FROM EVERYONE YOU FOLLOW am, but I guess I’ve also been luckier than some in that I had people who noticed potential in me and nudged me forward.” It’s important to find people around you who will support you and help you achieve your goals. Abby, a skipper at the tender age of 26, overcame serious injury (from a yachting accident) which could have ended her career. Despite being left high and dry by the yacht, she undertook a year of surgeries and physio to ensure she kept her dreams alive. Finding her abilities to be doubted by sailing captains, she took a job on a motoryacht for a season whilst reassessing. This turned out to be a brilliant move – that captain was great to work with, and gave her a glowing reference which set her up to head back into sailing as mate on an oyster 885. Her new captain was an excellent mentor and helped Abby learn more about engineering and boat handling, and pushed her in the right direction. She’s a strong believer in never burning your bridges, and has enjoyed having some great mentors in her career.

Captain/Engineer Zehra said it quite simply, “Girls just need to focus on success at their job other than negativity or sexism. You just need to show how smart, intelligent and strong you are besides your beauty... then everyone will listen to you, look at you in the room... and respect you more. It is simple.” So to sum up, as Jenny puts it, “Being a woman in this industry is an amazing experience that has forced me to grow as a person, realise my own power and build amazing relationships with men and women equally. As women we have so many beautiful men out there who support and love us and they far outweigh the ones that don’t. I love being part of this journey and just hope that when the time comes to hang up my uniform I can be happy that I was part of a movement and did some good things with some good people.” In conclusion, let’s all support each other, male and female, and help one another to achieve our dreams and goals whatever they might be!

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Cooking up a storm Bianca Blohm talks to Frances and Michael Howorth and explains why she is hunting for that perfect chef’s position Why did you join the superyacht industry? My step brother has been in the industry since I was about 16, so the seed was planted years ago. When I decided to make hospitality my industry of focus, it made sense to do it on a 7-star floating hotel. What was your first superyacht and when did you join her? Tsumat, I joined her in October 2016. Who is helping you find your next dream job and why did you choose them to help you? I like those agencies that focus on chefs or have a dedicated agent working with chefs such as Helen at YPI Crew. It’s important to have a focused approach as job hunting can be pretty overwhelming and it’s also important to find connections with the agents you work with – at the end of the day you are both helping each other achieve your goals. Can you describe your perfect dream job? Sous chef on a 60+ m, world-travelling yacht, focusing on crew food and assisting the head chef with guest food. Where would you like your next yacht to be based and why? Ideally it’s a true travelling vessel that goes off the beaten track and is never based anywhere for too long. As a chef the more opportunity for me to learn about food from different cultures, the better I will like it. What would be your must have luxury item in a galley and why? Blast chiller. You can do everything else without equipment if needed, although not ideal, but blast chillers save lots of time. What is your favourite restaurant or bar in the Mediterranean and why is it special? That would have to be ‘Jan’ in Nice. Chef Jan is the first South African chef to get a Michelin Star and tasting his fusion of South African and French cuisine was incredibly inspiring not to mention delicious. Which is your favourite Mediterranean shop and why do you like it? I love all of the fresh produce markets in the Mediterranean, but my favourite so far is La Boqueria in Barcelona because of its 36 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

size and variety of produce available. The wonderful cafes spread around the outside where you can snack on delicious seafood are the added bonus. If you could recommend a Mediterranean catering supply service to another Chef what would it be? I have enjoyed working with a company called Just Provisions who provide a great online platform that simplifies the process. Chefs are able to preload lists for crew, guests, dry stores and even cleaning products, and then easily adjust and order with the click of a button. What is your favourite comfort food? Blohm family scrambled eggs – crispy bacon lardons folded through light fluffy eggs. What was the last meal you cooked for yourself because you really wanted to? Smoked paprika and sweet basil sourdough French toast. What makes you stand out as a potential superyacht chef? My diverse background. I don’t come from formal culinary training or restaurant kitchens, I started in the industry as a stewardess with 10 years’ of strong frontof-house experience. I took an opportunity to cover a chef on a temporary job and the crew encouraged me to consider becoming a chef because they really enjoyed my food. I’m incredibly grateful to still receive messages from crew on both my previous boats about how much they miss my food. That includes the South African men missing a good steak or the vegans who miss my mushroom and cashew cream pasta. I find great joy in cooking and seeing people enjoy their meal. As a chef it doesn’t make a difference if they are crew or owners. If you could wave a magic wand and could transport yourself to anywhere in the world right now where would that be and why? Hawaii – Sunshine, Surf and a bowl of Poke What’s the most curious request you have been asked as a chef? To produce a sugar, dairy and alcohol free tiramisu! That’s just not right.

What is your most memorable food moment? My father definitely inspired my love for food which includes baking bread and perfecting our family style scrambled eggs. I remember him letting lobsters run loose on the kitchen floor when I was about 4 years old. As an adult, the first time I ate truffle, is truly memorable. I tasted a delicious truffle and mushroom ravioli and my mouth still waters when I think about that meal.

QUICK FIRE QUESTIONS Are you a morning or night time person? Night time What was the last film you saw? The Greatest Showman Where in the world, would you like to live? Somewhere tropical What is your favourite style of cuisine? Mediterranean fusion What would your last supper be? A truffle omelette 3 dream dinner party guests? Heston Blumenthal, Judy Dench and Emma Watson What are your favourite clothes? Does my swimming costume count? Where would you most like visit? Japan or Noma in Copenhagen What sport do you like to watch? Swimming and Waterpolo What is your Nickname? B or Bbop What is your best childhood memory? Swimming training at 6am in a tidal pool What superpower would you like? To breath underwater Do you have any pet peeves? The sound of chewing What’s your most treasured possession? My passport What have you done spontaneously lately? A week exploring Budapest, booked two days before I arrived What is your biggest regret to date? Not studying food science at university What’s your guilty pleasure? Butter and cream in scrambled eggs

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FORE WHEEL DRIVE Style and performance are combined in the Garia Roadster. A sporty version of the standard golf car, the Garia Roadster is ideal for use on the golf course, and in gated communities or for whizzing around the marina. There are a host of extras to choose from including 10” alloy wheels, automatic turn signals in case you can’t lift your arm and halogen headlights. €80,0000 www.garia.com

THAT’S WHAT I WANT The latest eye catching innovations and design trends



Sporting a colourful and playful exterior, the Leica LimoLand by Jean Pigozzi special edition is a distinct instant film camera with a bright personality. Compared to the standard editions of the Sofort, this special edition employs Jean Pigozzi’s recognisable design from his clothing line. A 60mm lens, for some manual focus fun. €349 www.leica-camera.com

A surprisingly chic spin on the timeless game of foosball. The attractively slender yet incredibly sturdy Canaletto wood legs and structure evoke the world of sailing while the luxurious, transparent crystal playing field redefines contemporary furnishings. Play the game in style until the very last minute. €11250 www.teckell.com

38 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD


YOUR MOVE Another masterpiece by Teckell, dedicated to crafting stylish, classic board games. The extra-clear crystal top sits on top of a solid marble base. There are two options: Carrara white or Marquina black. The chess pieces are made of lathed, extra-clear crystal cylinders decorated with 24k gold / chrome plated brass. The boards come with interchangeable metal game surfaces for multiple usage. €POA www.teckell.com

HORN OF PLENTY Passive Amplifier for iphones made of ceramic. The form is designed to amplify and give you the best sound output. The amplifier is based on a thin wooden frame that allows the object to float off the table in order to decrease the vibration of the object and to optimise the emission of sound. €399 www.enandis.com

PEDAL POWER The Cruz is the second electric bike created by Vintage Electric. It has Shimano disc brakes, regenerative braking, a Brooks saddle and many of the other features of the company’s popular eTracker. It combines all of these features with a Chromoly Steel frame complete with an Alder Wood tank inlay giving the bike a different aesthetic similar to the board track motor bikes of the 1900s. €4500 www.vintageelectricbikes.com

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MYS YACHTING The MYS team started in 2008 with a couple of industry insiders and enthusiasts and an idea to provide a professional, boutique service to mega yachts in Croatia. After a decade of growth the company went from being a yacht agency, to becoming a VAT and fiscal representative and management service company for yachts. MYS are now a diverse team of individuals with backgrounds in yachting, tourism, finance and technology. But, they still provide a boutique service to all their clients. For more details Tel: +385 99 502 3127 or visit www.mysyachting.com

40 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD



acht agents are those neat little stitches that hold together the fabric of the cruising superyacht community together. Administrator, tour guide, party planner, technician, counsellor, the work of an agent is a dozen jobs rolled into one and even the most seasoned captains couldn’t bear to be without one. But what qualities must a yacht agent display in order to be truly great? “Working with yachts is a challenging job,” says Paola Musumeci of Elite Yacht Service in Sicily. “You have just a few days to ensure clients get what they need and the smallest details make the difference between an awful and a terrific vacation. On top of that, you often have very little time for preparation and planning. I believe the most important qualities are timeliness and 24/7 availability - both skills make us great problem solvers.” Captain Raki Dragovic was in the merchant navy followed by ten years on megayachts before founding Montenegro based DRM Maritime Services. He succinctly says,

“Professionalism, integrity, honesty and timely performed service are paramount.” Katerina Papageorgopoulou from 1998 established Kronos Yacht Agency on the Greek island of Rhodes comments, “We keep our clients, and you know how demanding they are, because we are efficient and always find solutions to problems. The captain doesn’t need to know how I did it, or the problems that were solved, just that his job is done and the guests on board are satisfied.” “A yacht agent needs to be multilingual, extremely well organised and have a positive attitude – impossible does not exist,” says Christiane Thomsen, MD of Lunautica with offices in France, Spain and Germany. “Previous experience in the yachting, high end cruise ships or the hospitality industry is a bonus.” Maja Ban from MYS Yachting in Croatia agrees, “A great yacht agent must be honest, dependable and be a brilliant multitasker. They must be a true people

Yachtways has established an efficient network of top professionals throughout Greece and offers a range of personalised and exclusive high quality services. The team has the ability to arrange every single detail from the very first moment of the yacht’s arrival until the very last. They can prepare custom made itineraries and provide locations of all the top destinations, hidden beaches and anchorages in Greece. For more details Tel: +30 210 9802690 or visit www.yachtways.com pleaser and be willing to work 24/7. Captains and crew depend a lot on us and the quality of their work can be directly affected by the work and info provided by the agent. Crew must have full trust in their agent and feel comfortable to contact them, regardless of the time or subject.” “The highest quality of service and the highest level of support and services to be delivered onboard at any time - 24/7, and great communication with the local authorities,” asserts Elisavet Tsopanoglou from Naftilos Marine in Piraeus. Bea Alonso from Evolution Yacht Agents, with offices in mainland Spain and the Balearics, adds, “In the superyacht industry,

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IT IS IMPORTANT NOT TO LIMIT YOURSELF TO ONLY PROVIDING SERVICES. FOR US, THE CREW ARE LIKE FRIENDS AND THE OWNERS ARE SPECIAL GUESTS changes happen frequently at short notice. Yacht agents need to accurately assess the level of urgency and provide solutions accordingly, whilst being empathetic with the needs of crew and guests. We must be competent knowledgeable connoisseurs of the best local products and resources and respond to requests swiftly enabling captain and crew to do their job and hit their targets efficiently.” “Efficiency, effectiveness, speed, punctuality and 24/7 availability,” says Elena Giourtzidou from Yachtways in Athens. “The team in the office have a deep knowledge of the local legal framework, paperwork requirements and formalities, and the natural beauty that your country has to offer. Oh, and a warm welcoming smile, patience and passion for a challenge.” Meanwhile, Paz Rodrigo from Dockside Services based in Palma, believes, “It is important not to limit yourself to only providing services. For us, the crew are like friends and the owners are special guests.

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Like when you have guests at home, you take care of all the details and do things with love and passion. Spain is our home, so we try to get everything perfect when they come to visit us. And, of course, it’s very important to be formal and polite.” Whilst the ‘softer’ side of yacht agencies is undoubtedly valuable, steering yachts through tricky local bureaucracy is where yacht agents really become worth their weight in gold. Varied, complicated and ever-changing according to territory, it’s really only an agent who can accurately present and explain the local rules and regulations to clients. As Katerina from Kronos Yacht Agency says, “Anybody who supports the theory that the entry and exit formalities are easy, is mistaken. An agent must know the laws very well and must advise and protect the boat by issuing the right papers in order to cruise in the waters legally. And, we have our way with the authorities so that makes our job more efficient.”

Elite make captains’ lives easier when they sail in Sicily or to the Aeolian Islands. This is their mission and this is what they do 24/7, leaving owners and guests completely satisfied. Elite’s job is to provide for any sort of services and requests, and they love doing it! The company can provide all the standard services such as yacht formalities, limousine services, private tours, provisioning and flowers; and are turned on by challenges, being ready to provide even for the most unusual requests. What makes Elite different is their professional, precise and friendly approach, supplemented by a big, free-ofcharge smile which will make your stay in Sicily memorable for this upcoming season. For more details Tel: +39 3404832237 or visit www.eliteyachtservice.it

Paola concurs, “We work mainly with superyachts, which tends to make our job a little trickier in terms of paperwork. Furthermore, changes in regulations every year doesn’t help either. Let’s say there are key differences between private and commercial yachts, EU and non-EU yachts, but also private and commercial ports. Each port has its own document requests, with commercial ones being stricter and more bureaucratic.” Maja adds, “And, never assume that rules, products and services are the same in all countries just because they are part of the EU.” Some paperwork is of a rather obvious nature – the yacht’s registration certificate, insurance certificate, the captain’s licence, an accurate crew and passenger list – while some is slightly more obscure. Spain, for example, hasn’t always rolled out the red


LUNAUTICA Lunautica with its offices in Spain, France and Germany, founded over 20 years ago, offers mega yachts, their captains and guests not only the usual agency services such as dockage, limousines, fuel and provisioning but also VAT consultancy, accounts with major national and international manufacturers of spare parts/equipment and strong affiliations with the Northern German shipyards. Christiane Thomsen and her team provide cruising consultancy and services not only for the German harbours and shipyards but for the Scandinavian and Baltic states all the way into St.Petersburg too. For more details Tel: +49 421 69008444 or visit www.lunautica.com

carpet for visiting charter yachts and has made entrance rather tricky – although the welcome is undoubtedly getting warmer. Bea from Evolution takes the issue of crew clearance in and out of Spain as an example, “There are different protocols depending on whether the previous or next port of call is within or outside of the EU. And, even though all EU customs zones have much the same rulebook, there are different interpretations - there are even some variations from local immigration offices depending on the port.” Krisjanis Lamberts from Iberian Yacht Solutions adds a warning not to anchor on the protected poseidonia seagrass, “Instructions have been given to local authorities to strictly control this and the fines might be severe.”

Christiane, who worked for shipbuilders Lürssen for seven years before setting up Lunautica in 1996, says, “Germany probably asks for the most comprehensive documentation, including a full inventory of all high taxable goods on board as well as weapon and art declarations and cash declarations for any amount equal or above 10,000 euros.” One suspects that Germany isn’t alone.

while restaurants and nightlife are at the high end. Montenegro occupies a convenient geographical position between Greece, Italy and Croatia making it a superb embarkation point for charters. Porto Montenegro is one of the best marinas in the Mediterranean and we have very friendly laws for yachts, including duty-free fuel.”

Another facet that unites all these hand holding agents is that they are fiercely proud and protective of the territories they oversee – as you’ll gather from these ‘elevator pitches’. Championing Montenegro is Raki, “It may be a small country but we have a very nice coast with lovely beaches

Mouratti Marine was established in 1989 on hte island of Kos. They offer specialist VIP services for Mega Yachts throughout Greece and the Turkish coast. The company provide all the basic travel, yacht and marina services mainly at Kos Island and throughout Greece. Mouratti offer the highest quality of agency services to yachts and guests whatever their needs during their stay in Greece. Mouratti are one of the best providers of yacht support services with experience and a deep knowledge for the region. For more details Tel: +30 22420 22369 or visit www.mourattitours.com


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EVOLUTION YACHT AGENTS The Evolution team offer a comprehensive and bespoke service to superyachts in all major Spanish ports. They provide an in-depth knowledge of the local superyacht market as well as the Spanish navigational and customs regulations. The team offers you the optimum experience in the fields of concierge, provisioning, customs, deck & engineering, spares, interior, logistics and fuel. Their extensive network of contacts, expertise and wide range of in-house resources make them the number one yacht agent to choose when entering Spanish waters this season. For more details Tel: +34 971 400 200 or visit www.evolutionagents.com Spain allows guests to travel through time and space from Malaga inland to Seville and as far north as Tarragona, Barcelona and the Costa Brava - all accessible by yacht. Due to its appealing climate, Spain is also an ideal winter destination to enjoy downtime in sophisticated superyacht marinas or execute work and maintenance periods in the excellent shipyards.” Maja fights next-door neighbour Croatia’s corner. “Captains will be able to offer an itinerary encapsulating natural beauty, clean water, numerous islands and islets, rich history, a growing gastro and wine scene as well as music festivals and events, something for everyone. However, Croatia isn’t to see and to be seen. We don’t have resort-style marinas or the shopping that one can find in the Western Mediterranean, but that’s what makes Croatia different and interesting. From an operational perspective, we have a few quality shipyards and almost everyone speaks English.”

Yachtways’ Elena votes Greece, “Greece has approximately 6,000 islands and islets which makes it one of the top yachting destinations of the world. It has some amazing beaches, waters, archaeological sites, culture, cuisine, endless sun, nightlife, music, dance and most importantly warm, smiling, outgoing hospitable people.” Bea flies the flag for Spain, “Spain boasts a full spectrum of experience for yachts and their guests. As a summer destination, the Balearic Islands offer pristine natural land and seascapes. Each island has its own tradition, culture and character. Mainland

Speaking for Sicily is Paola, “Sicily is a safe Mediterranean destination which is geo politically secure. It also offers untouched landscapes, centuries of history and a unique culture.”

DOCKSIDE SERVICES Established in 2006, Dockside Services S.L. assists yachtsmen in The Balearics. Followed by a strong collaboration with a wide range of successful suppliers, the company has become one of the most prestigious yacht agents with service area from Balearics to all coasts of Spain (Canary Islands included), Gibraltar, Portugal, France and Italy. With its multilingual employees onsite, Dockside Services S.L. delivers fast and high quality bunkering, mooring, logistic, provisioning, visas, APA, customs, charter & brokerage and winterising services all around the Mediterranean coasts as well as the Atlantic Spanish coast and Portugal. Dockside Services S.L . is also the main dealer of the Spanish ecological cleaning products EcoPiñera in Balearics. For more details Tel: +34 971756781 or visit www.docksideservices.es

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Another Spain exponent is Paz Rodrigo, “Our weather, clear waters, it’s not dangerous, you can take a walk at any time, friendly people and good restaurants with fresh fish, fruit, olive oil, and many other ingredients that make our cuisine one of the best.” As is Krisjanis, “One of the must see places is the Costa Brava, the area which stretches from the French border until the Spanish town of Blanes. Translated, Costa Brava means the Wild Coast and it’s an endless sequence of rocky shores and picturesque bays with white beaches and crystal blue water.”



Christiane from Lunautica has a slightly trickier task, covering everywhere from the Mediterranean to Northern Europe. “Any larger yacht can easily cover both worlds within one European summer season. The Northern countries offer the amazing long ‘white nights’ during May and June, making for almost ‘around the clock’ activities and excitement. Yacht visits into Hamburg, Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm offer guests a whole new cruising experience.” Needless to say, it’s not just the scenery and sunshine that adds up to a magical cruising experience. It is those extra special touches that can send yacht agents into a frenzied whirl.

for their dry-cleaning to be sent to Paris by Learjet – just ask the yacht agents, they have the grey hairs to prove it. Bea from Evolution says, “We have had so many, we rarely raise an eyebrow anymore. We were once asked to organise a Mercedes S Class to take the owner’s dogs for a drive, and to source one square metre of natural grass for another owner’s canines. Staying on the pet theme, one owner wanted to gift his friend a talking parrot in an ornate cage, the yacht was in Palma but the parrot had to be able to speak Russian or, as a next best option, French. More logistically challenging was the time an owner wanted

DRM Maritime Services provides a total yacht service from docking to departure. Experience has taught them that no two yacht’s requirements are ever the same, and special care needs to be given to each client in order to meet their specific requests. DRM are always available for any urgent needs even at short notice, and their network of trusted professionals and suppliers ensures a smooth and efficient service at all times. The qualified multilingual personnel know all the Montenegrin coast and ports thoroughly and are in permanent contact with all the local Authorities. The Agency is on call 24/7, all year round. For more details Tel: +382 32 304 200 +382 32 322 500 or visit www.drmaritime.com

The music industry has grown accustomed to diva-like riders from its artists, but let’s just say that superyacht patrons give these A-listers more than a run for their money. The tales you read in the tabloids are not invented, guests do indeed ask for bagels to be flown in from New York and

IBERIAN YACHT SOLUTIONS Iberian Yacht Solutions is a yacht agency founded by experienced yacht Captain Krisjanis Lamberts. Represented in all of the main yacht destinations in Spain and Gibraltar, Iberian Yacht Solutions can assist in every field a visiting superyacht may require: berth reservations, land-based activities, port formalities, immigration and customs formalities, bunkering, repairs, spare parts and provisioning. However, the company’s core expertise is bespoke concierge services. The team speaks English, Spanish, Italian and Russian and is available 24/7. For more details Tel: +34 674 474 974 or visit www.iberianyachtsolutions.com

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y t i l a i c e p s r u o s i e c i v r e s e g r


NAFTILOS MARINE AND YACHTING SERVICES Naftilos Marine and Yachting Services is based at Piraeus, Athens where Elisavet and her team run the show. She has excellent relationships with local authorities to help smooth the brows of anxious captains, and the running of Naftilos operations. She says, “This year we look forward to offering our clients our dedicated professional hands-on service, ensuring they feel most at home during their stay within Greek waters as well as arranging various cultural day trips, suggesting different locations around Greece to really immerse themselves within the culture. Plus enjoying the fine and full kaleidoscope of cuisine that Greece has to offer. Naftilos is really good at Agency handling and communication.” For more details Tel: +30 2104 292411 or visit www.naftilosmarine.com

to change the colour of his vessel whilst berthed in Ibiza one night - we sourced and set up industrial lighting from the dock with yellow light bulbs.” Maja from MYS Yachting has been tasked with finding small dog diapers for the owner’s pooch and a professional croupier for a midnight poker party near a small Croatian island, but insists that the most ‘standard’ requests are often the hardest to deal with, such as technical issues and getting hold of not-so-easily-available food and drink. “We had to source the sheet music of a Jimmy Hendrix song ready for a Saturday jam session between famous musicians onboard a client’s yacht in the South of France,” says Christiane. “And a last-minute

WE HAD TO SOURCE THE SHEET MUSIC OF A JIMMY HENDRIX SONG READY FOR A SATURDAY JAM SESSION BETWEEN FAMOUS MUSICIANS ONBOARD A CLIENT’S YACHT IN THE SOUTH OF FRANCE trip to a small village in the French Alps to mark the arrival of the Tour de France, including heli transfers.” Paola from Elite Yacht Service recounts, “Each and every year we are ready for the strange requests that come our way. One client asked for beds, mattresses, pillows, bed linen and a baby seat to be delivered within two hours. Our team was completely unprepared so we drove frantically around the city before delivering everything on time at port. Others asked for two professional KTM off-road bike instructors. We were also asked to plan a cycling itinerary across Mount Etna from Taormina to Portorosa, sounds ok, except when you’re asked to pinpoint stop-offs in trendy bars in what is essentially a rural area.” “I was asked to organise a surprise onboard birthday party, but the guests hardly ever left the yacht,” says Dockside’s Paz Rodrigo. “We managed to tempt them into a guided tour of the area and as soon as they departed we came with two van-loads of balloons, deco, and a giant cake with candles. When the birthday ‘boy’ came to breakfast the next morning he was greeted with a pianist playing his favourite songs

and his family waiting to see his reaction. Truly memorable.” Katerina is a real-life miracle worker having planned a same-day wedding in just a few hours, flown in Harley Davidsons and Jeeps from Athens, and arranged a 3am helitransfer for a crew member suffering with decompression sickness from diving – her quick reactions helped save his life. Elena tops the tables with this bizarre trio, “A captain once asked for eye surgery while he was waiting for the owners to arrive, while an owner took advantage of his time in Greece to have liposuction. The weirdest was from a bride-to-be who wanted to dress the wild geese of the island with big red bows for her wedding. Needless to say this didn’t go ahead.” Krisjanis comments, whilst the outlandish requests create the biggest adrenaline rushes, little details can make the most lasting impression. “When trying to reach for the stars, don’t forget that the simple things can be even more important. One of our best clients will always fondly remember us for parking a cycle rickshaw next to his yacht after he admired one from his

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The yachting partner you rely on Your choice in Croatia and Montenegro Yacht Agent Services VAT and Fiscal Representation Yacht Management and Registry

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NAUTICA YACHTING GROUP Nautica is the leading registered superyacht support agent located along the Turkish coast, providing professional boutique services to superyachts. The Nautica team has a wealth of local knowledge and enthusiasm, and their experience and contacts enable them to handle any request in a timely and professional manner with complete confidentiality. They assist Captains and Yacht Managers, with a team stretched throughout the Turkish Coast. The experienced team will take care of all government protocols with authorities and are on call 24/7. They have access to the freshest and highest quality provisions, the most experienced and qualified local subcontractors, the best priced tax free fuel supply and they are trusted by hundreds of customers to deliver best-in-class service and support, building a strong reputation of reliability, quality service and honesty amongst superyachts. For more details Tel: +90 256 813 14 16 or visit www.nautica.com.tr

flybridge in Barcelona. It doesn’t sound like a big deal, but it meant the world to him.” So what does the 2018 season have in store for superyachts? For some territories it’s business as usual, while others will see some changes – good and bad. Greece is perhaps the most interesting. Elena explains, “Greece is in the process of making some important legislation changes including the requirement to obtain a charter licence for Greek waters. If all goes well, and we have no more ‘political surprises’

I believe that this season will be the first of many successful yachting seasons ahead of us for Greece.” Katerina believes, “It will be a little harder for Greece this summer. The law changes continuously and we must be very careful to avoid the penalties. Nonetheless I try to be optimistic and believe it will still be a good season.” Elisavet from Naftilos Marine is more positive, “Greek territory will always be the greatest choice for summer vacations.” Maja says, “In the yachting business, we only know one thing for sure and that’s that nothing is sure. That said, the rules are very simple to follow for both commercial and private yachts and Croatia’s authorities are very cooperative when it comes to making it all a simple and fast process for charter yachts. The only news to pass on is the new rate of Sojourn, or tourist

KRONOS YACHT AGENCY Offering solutions for all yachting requirements during your stay in Greece, regardless of your port of entry or itinerary. Kronos are legally authorised to clear yachts in and out of Greek water. They have corresponding agents throughout the Greek Islands who will happily assist you for the duration of your visit. Should you prefer it, all billing can be taken care of through their central office, thereby offering the advantage of a trouble free trip with settlement of accounts taking place only once. For more details Tel: +30 22410 78407 or 6972032034 or visit www.kronosagency.com

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Wherever you go in Greece, in every port or island you may be visiting, Naftilos is there to assist

Full management & agency support | Arrival & Departure Customs Provisioning & Concierge Services | ISPS, ISM & mini ISM support Long term & short term berthing | Technical support & advice Bunkering services | Cash to Master and Office facilities

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Naftilos Marine & Yachting Services Tel + 302 104 292 411, + 306 936 836 530/1/2 Email agency@naftilosmarine.com www.naftilosmarine.com



tax, and captains should inform themselves accordingly. In recent years, Croatia has invested a lot in promotion, so we believe the season will be busy again.” Raki from DRM Maritime Services is looking forward to the summer opening of both 176-berth Lustica Bay for yachts up to 35 metres and 238-berth Portonovi which is able to accommodate yachts up to 120 metres. They will join well-known award winning Porto Montenegro. Paola enthuses, “In recent years we have seen Sicily become a preferred yachting destination, and we are proud to have been working with some of the most luxurious yachts berthed here - many returning twice in a row. We expect a busy season and warm weather right from May until October.”

Bea from Evolution has similarly high hopes, “We are already expecting many returning clients, and are ready for another busy summer. Additionally, with Barcelona hosting the MYBA and LYBRA shows this spring, we are receiving enquiries from newcomers wishing to make the most of their visit to Spain and start their season right here.” Christiane from Lunautica concludes, “We are definitely seeing increased interest in Northern European destinations, which widen the opportunities for charter yachts and their clients. If you are arriving after an Atlantic crossing, a trip into Seville could be something special for guests but, beware, air draught is limited to around 40

With forty years of joined experience in the marine industry and 28 consecutive years of working in Turkey, Bodrum Yacht Services continues to supply hands-on, professional expertise for foreign-flagged yachts in the Eastern Mediterranean. From complete refits, engine rebuilds, hull painting and electrical work, no job is too big or too small. The staff speak fluent English and will guide you through each step of your project. The founders in-depth knowledge of local tradesman and boatyards ensures that the right people complete your job on time, at the most competitive price. For more details Tel: +90 532 434 6816 or visit www.bodrumyachtservices.com metres due to the various bridges along the Guadalquivir River.” Whichever waters you decide to navigate, do yourself a favour and pop a yacht agent on speed dial.

Paz believes Spain’s season is starting earlier, despite the questionable European weather, and predicts a busy season.

STAR SARDINIA Star Sardinia is one of the leading shipping agencies on the Island, now celebrating its 25th Anniversary with the inauguration of a new office on Cagliariís main street, Via Roma, at number 101. This location (in the middle of an elegant promenade facing the old port) is both scenographic and convenient, as the waterfront will be devoted exclusively to yachts. Star Sardinia provides customs assistance, visa / berthing / bunker arrangements (national or tax-free), crew assistance, ship repairs, luxury car or van transfers, hotel accommodation, excursions, as well as fresh flowers and top-quality wines For more details Tel: + or visit www.yachting.starsardinia.it

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Yacht and Ship Port Agents MONTENEGRO

Your Reliable Maritime Partner

DRM Maritime Services Ltd. Registered office Ĺ uranj 248, 85330 Kotor, Montenegro Operating office Dumidran bb, Floor 2nd, Apt 3, 85320 Tivat, Montenegro Tel +382 32 304 200 | +382 32 322 500 Fax +382 32 304 201 Mob +382 69 050 315 Email info@drmaritime.com office@drmaritime.com

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READY FOR THE SEASON Marcelo Penna discusses the importance of a pre-season maintenance plan from the engine room to the interior and fixtures and fitting on deck


hereas the services we provide are focused on interior and exterior design, engineering, refit and supply, while chatting with a superyacht Captain regarding pre-season maintenance he brought to the table how important it is, first of all, to build a good, solid crew on which you can rely for the shipyard or off season period. The work list has been prepared during the season and lots of boxes need to be ticked, specially focusing on engines, electrical and hydraulic systems, painting and interior touch ups. Nevertheless, the Captain insists on the preparation of the coming season which is not related to the shipyard and that is all the season logistics: Fueling dates, locations and pricing, routes based on guest’s preferences including ports to be visited and finally all the equipment required by the in-house team to be functioning at its highest level (galley equipment, guests needs, etc.). On the other hand we discussed the same issue with a management company which enhanced the importance of all the paperwork and certificates to be up to date: The season can not only be long but stressful and very problematic from a logistical point of view. To avoid any surprise all must be done before hand and that includes all the authorities paperwork related to developing an economic activity on their waters, Crew and Yacht certificates which might require renewal in the middle of the season, safety equipment reviews and finally arranging all the berthing and concierge services which might be required. That is a quick sum up from the two biggest pillars concerning the functioning of a superyacht during the season: Crew and Management.

On our side, we will assign a level of importance to each part of the yacht obviously depending on its functionality: We will start by the main and secondary engines, electric and hydraulic systems and then check the aesthetic side of the yacht. As naval architects and designers we can run several checks at once while improving the boat efficiency and comfort for the coming season. We are currently finishing the installation of a new hybrid system for a 42m sailing yacht which will reduce consumption, noise levels and simplify the whole installation and maintenance works for the coming seasons. At the same time we have refreshed the interiors developing a totally new Owner’s cabin, guest-friendly galley and Owner’s office together with a full carbon light Bimini top for the aft cockpit covered with solar panels. This a bigger step than just a pre-season maintenance but will combine all the past requirements to improve the guest’s comfort onboard as well as the yacht efficiency in terms of cost for the Owner. To top that we focus on the smaller but equally important details on the interior and exterior which go through periods of intensive use: Exterior loose furniture, cushions, tableware, dinnerware and bed linens. We recommend some of them to be renewed every two years, forgetting four seasons in one day. Even if those seem to be the smaller part from an operational point of view, let’s not forget that what we are looking for is that first impression, which will, with the correct crew combination, make the guests feel at home for some days. For more details Tel: +34 932 210404 or visit www.mpyachts.com

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©Laurent Ballesta

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09/12/2016 7:16:47

around seven metres long and I was lucky to find them that day and to spend half a day swimming with them; it was amazing.

©Laurent Ballesta


aurent Ballesta is many things. He is an award winning underwater photographer, a record breaker and discoverer of multiple new marine species, and a committed biologist to boot. Such a successful career spent underwater, documenting the treasures the deep sea has to offer, must surely have been kick started by something inspiring. And for Ballesta, the ambition to push the limits of what one man and his camera can do beneath the sea began in the most incredible of circumstances. “I have this very strong memory from when I was out 16 or 17, just here where I live in the South of France in Montpellier,” the 43-year-old explains.“One day, we were so lucky to find a school of basking sharks, huge, huge sharks which are very rare in the Mediterranean Sea. They can be

“I went back home with such an incredible story to tell and it seemed that people didn’t believe me anymore. That was the time when I realised I would have to take photographs to prove that these adventures I was going on were indeed true. I wanted to make sure I was able to take proof of what I had seen with my own eyes.” Ballesta admits this isn’t uncommon for divers or, indeed, anyone who takes risks in visiting inhospitable, far reaches of the world, be that a polar expedition, a trip into deep rainforest or, in his case, a subterranean world of wonder. “Photography becomes essential, for me it is more important than bringing back physical evidence, not that I ever would. “It has happened many times over the years where people doubt what you see, but with a camera I can quickly show them these incredible sights, and we can all share and learn more about this mystical world.” Ballesta’s desire for photographic proof of his incredible dives has since morphed into a career as one of the world’s most renowned marine researchers. But while his work has been recognised by everyone from National Geographic to the French government, this close encounter with basking sharks just off his home coast in the south of France has underpinned much of the explorer’s need to document

the exotic life that can be found so close to our own world. “Sometimes if you start with a difficult proposition in a very faraway place, people can become confused – it’s too great a leap,” he says. “So I have often restricted myself to the familiar, yet difficult, challenges of the Mediterranean Sea… the French Riviera, the Cote D’Azur. “Everybody dives here, so people can relate to it. But in my case, I was going to dive deeper and longer, to show another world, things people will never have seen before, because no-one has ever recorded proof of it! “I remember the great pleasure I took when I did this same dive over several summers between 2006 and 2008, during which time I made it to a depth of 200m. This was very deep photography, and the first exhibition of this work was shown in la Promenade des Anglais, in Nice. All my photographs were put along the promenade and I remember watching people, who were looking at my work… I remember the pleasure I took when I saw those people admiring those photographs, then turning their heads and looking into the very same sea from where these works of art were created, albeit so hidden and so far down. “I imagined what they were thinking about when they realised that. They were hopefully thinking that the strange creature on the photograph must be very close to them, living in the water below, and they would have been right!”

©Laurent Ballesta

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©Laurent Ballesta

Ballesta’s admiration for the Med does him a disservice though in raising the suggestion that this isn’t some intrepid explorer determined to venture far for his craft. There are very few, perhaps there are none, who can lay claim to have visited such a bewildering away of underwater destinations, from the Antarctic depths to the Amazon basin. This is the man, after all, who took the deepest underwater photo in human history, who has recorded multiple dives in which he has uncovered new marine species, and who was the first man to take a photo of the unendingly impressive ‘living fossil fish’, the coelacanth – in its natural habitat. “What I am looking for is ‘virgin places’ and animals which have never been seen before,” he nods. “So, the best – and maybe only – way to do this is to embark on really difficult dives. I have never stopped trying to learn new techniques – I want to always give myself new opportunities to go deeper, to stay underwater longer, to be more discreet, and to stay quiet and go unnoticed by the marine life for as long as possible, so that I can observe them in their natural habitat; that is a very important one.” Of course, mechanical engineering has allowed us to see glimpses of what lies in even deeper parts of the world’s oceans. But few believe a non-sentient dive could ever conjure the breath-taking imagery Ballesta has built his career and life on, and this is an opinion shared when it comes to sharing his thoughts on what constitutes the perfect photo.

“Anywhere a crew diver can go will produce better results than the same dive with a robot or a submarine. This for me is not just some romantic idea, it is the fact the human eye and brain will make a better job of it than a machine.” “At one point the photo starts in your imagination,” he explains. “So you imagine the perfect shot in your mind, the perfect landscape. I make the picture in my head, but sometimes what materialises can be luck, and that’s the beauty of pure exploration. “You have to be patient in finding the right place, the right creature; you have to find the right light. So I think the perfect photo happens when you are able to link these sources of inspiration together. My own inspiration comes, on one side, from my imagination; then on the other from exploration, and really, it’s not always easy to marry them up. “However, when you do marry them up, you have what everybody wants – the perfect photo.” Laurent’s new book ‘700 Sharks in the Dark’ is a stunning body of work, one half is an art photography collection, and the other half recounts the time the author and his adventurous Gombessa team spent studying the habits of sharks at Fakarava, in French Polynesia.

©Laurent Ballesta

©Laurent Ballesta

ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 59



Experts in anti-foul solutions, Absolute Boat Care offer their clients a fantastic choice in anti-fouling applications from an experienced and knowledgeable team Words: Duncan Sykes, Founder of Absolute Boat Care


ur team are experts with anti-foul application, both spray and roll on, and knowing the best solution to apply for your requirements. We can decipher the right product for you dependent on your program, whether it be for racing, or to help with lower fuel consumption over a long charter season.

clients opt for an airless spray application to ensure an even coverage and better performance due to more paint being applied during the process. The ability to use a spray application means we can achieve a smoother finish giving the added benefit of saving fuel as it allows the boat to travel easier through the water.

Recently more and more of the racing superyachts are wanting to apply the biocide free foul control slime release coatings as they significantly reduce drag, improve fuel efficiency and therefore reduce CO2 emissions, meaning the yacht is more eco-friendly, and will move faster through the water… therefore improving their competitive edge for racing.

Over the years, we have built a fantastic relationship with our Akzo Nobel technical representative to ensure the perfect result, and out of the 350 applications, approximately 35 projects were sandblasted back to bare metal, or primers, and a full new anti foul system applied. We are also authorised Propspeed and Propgold applicators and use one or the other to approximately 80% of jobs.

We have the ability to give our clients choice for the method of their anti-foul system application due to the fact that we have such an experienced team. 70% of our

We are proud of our dedicated team for all their hard work, and achieving this milestone of 350 anti-foul applications.

It just goes to show that for the best and most experienced team, our clients keep coming back to Absolute. We look forward to the next 350. Absolute Boat Care have a number of long standing clients that return for their anti-foul and other finishing services year on year. The First Officer of M/Y Vava comments on the service they have received over the years,

‘’We have been using ABC for our anti-fouling for the last three years and during that time we have always found their service to be of the highest quality as well as being very competitively priced. I have no hesitation in recommending them.’’ For more details Tel: +34 649 989909 or visit www.absoluteboatcare.net

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Marina di Portisco SARDINIA

41°01.9’N / 09°31.4’E

Max draft 12m

No. of berths 30m+ 18

VHF 69

Max length 100m



et in beautiful surroundings on the island of Sardinia, Costa Smeralda, Marina di Portisco is 20 minutes by car from Olbia airport. There are 589 moorings in total, accommodating everything from 4m to 90m maximum yacht length. It’s well known that Sardinia has some of the best beaches in the world. Cruising the myriad of bays, coves and islands of La Maddelena archipelago, for example, is a treat and for those looking to cruise further still, across the narrow Strait of Bonifacio you’ll reach the Island of Corsica and eventually the French Riviera and beyond. Close by car parking in the marina, courtesy car service available, friendly mooring assistance, fuel bunkering, waste collection, equipment hire, diving services, 24/7 security and CCTV surveillance, full wifi throughout, a weather station and English speaking staff.

62 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

Port Calanova MALLORCA

39°32’59.8’N / 2°35’55.8’E

Max draft 7m

No. of berths 172


Max length 25m



ort Calanova, located in the bay of Palma, was inaugurated in 1976 by the Kings of Spain. At only just 5 km from the heart of the city, the marina prides itself on delivering a personalised service with a professional and attentive team that are on hand to help 24/7. It’s

the perfect sheltered port all year-round: 172 berths for up to 25m are available for all type of boats. In winter, its dry dock area as well as an esplanade of 3000 m2 can keep your boat out of the water whilst they furnish any service necessary, from cleaning, provisioning to repairs and maintenance. It is also an intimate and elegant marina offering a warm welcome to visitors who can take the opportunity to stay at the Calanova Sport Residence, try a wide range of water sports, and make the most of its two restaurants, gym, shops, terraces and indoor spaces and can play host to large celebrations or intimate dinners. Port Calanova have a clear goal, to adapt to the demands of users, who are looking for a modern marina, without losing the essence and prestige of a long history with a view to the future.

Zea Marina ATHENS

37°56’2 N/23°38’9 E

Max draft 9m

No. of berths 64

VHF 09

Max length 80m



ea Marina is located in Piraeus in Athens and it is one of the finest superyacht marinas in the Mediterranean. A port with great ancient history as it was a Naval base where the fleet of triremes was built. Ruins of the ancient walls of the base can still be found in the marina. The marina offers modern facilities and services, was totally renovated for the 2004 Olympic Games. The total capacity is 670 berths, on both permanent and floating pontoons. Moorings are available for boats up to 150 metres long. Zea is one of the favourite marinas to crews as it is totally embraced by the city of Piraeus and there is an endless list of things you can do within walking distance from the marina. Shopping centres, cinemas restaurants, bars and all services related to yachts are in the immediate vicinity of the marina. Within the port, customers can find restaurants, bars, a swimming pool, a chandlery shop and the Port Police office. The marina operates all year round on a 24-hour basis. ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 63



New 500m superyacht berth

Airport with daily links to the UK

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Excellent facilities

Gibraltar offers a wide range of services including:

Superb restaurants, bars and entertainment available locally

Some of the best golf courses in Spain only a 30 minute drive from Gibraltar as well as horse riding and other leisure activities.

• • • • • •

Highly competitive - VAT free - fuel prices Waste oil disposal Spare parts and logistics Maintenance and repairs Agency works, Customs clearance, crew visa arrangements Surveyors



North Mole, Gibraltar Tel: +350 20046254 - Fax: +350 20051513 #VISITGIBRALTAR

YOUR BOAT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MED 24h assistance - free wi-fi - free courtesy car videosurveillance - parking - waste collection frogmen - Privilege Club

NEW OFFERS COMING SOON: 2+10 DRY & WET - summer on land and the rest on the water 4+8 DRY & WET - spring summer on land and the rest on the water 3X2 - dedicated to maxi yachts with LOA >30 MT offers three days of mooring at the price of two if combined with refuelling in the Marina in the same days, for a minimum refuelling that will be offered from time to time by the management SOFT SPRING - June and July LIGHT AUTUMN - August and September

marinadiportisco.it 64 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD


Marina di Olbia SARDINIA


Max draft 5m

No. of berths 270

VHF 09

Max length 80m


If you are going to spend some time in Sardinia this season visit Marina di Olbia and its dream team. There are many shipyards in the area ready to serve your yacht for any needs you may have, a town

full of life with a sports centre, entertainment and a quite and friendly way of life. The Marina is close to a shopping centre, the airport and ferries terminal, where 12 months a year people work to offer a complete variety of services for the citizens and the very welcome guests. Marina di Olbia is particularly safe thanks to its position inside the Golfo di Olbia, a big natural bay is a most beautiful area, just a few kilometres away from the famous Costa Smeralda. The high standard of services inside the marina is provided by dedicated MOYS personnel for owners, families or crew who stay just a night or a longer period as semi-permanent guests. Shipyards and companies in the area guarantee the technical services 12 months per year.

Sovren Marina IBIZA

38°54.6’N / 01°26.5’E

Max draft 7m

No. of berths 16 from 60 – 185m

VHF 09

Max length 185m


Sovren Marina opened in June 2017 and experienced a very busy first season with an array of very impressive boats lined up along the front of the UNESCO world heritage site, Dalt Vila. 2018 is expected to be even busier. Sovren acknowledged the shortage of superyacht berths in Ibiza and took hold of the unique opportunity. The only marina in Ibiza that can berth 16 yachts from 60-185m, plus their location right in front of Ibiza’s old town is stunning. Ibiza is acknowledged as the epicentre of the summer social scene. The island has matured from the hippy chic party island into a sophisticated destination that combines natural beauty with an eclectically vibrant lifestyle. Private jets can land at the airport less than 15 minutes away. Apart from the well documented allure of Ibiza, all four main Balearic islands are within easy reach.

ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 65

This is where you set sail to discover the history of Ancient Greece:

ZEA MARINA You can start exploring one of the most important civilisations of human history, Ancient Greece from Zea Marina. Located in Athens near the main port of Piraeus where it was first found as a war harbour with shipyards, dry docks and other facilities at the beginning of the 5th century B.C., Zea Marina offers outstanding service to its guests. Within the marina, total capacity is 670 berths, on both permanent and floating pontoons, for boats up to 150 meters long. A: Freatida 18536 Piraeus - Greece E: zea@medmarinas.com - k.g@medmarinas.com | W: d-marin.com - medmarinas.com

D-Marin_zea_onboard_adv.indd 1 66 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

28/03/2018 11:15

Karpaz Gate Marina NORTH CYPRUS

35°33.5’N / 34°13.6’E

Max draft 5.5m

No. of berths 300

VHF 10 or 16

Max length 60m



ward-winning Karpaz Gate Marina in North Cyprus is highlighting its special status as a real yacht haven for boat owners. The 5 Gold Anchor-rated marina offers a sanctuary for sailors in the Mediterranean who are seeking to escape from bureaucracy and taxation issues. Idyllically located in an untouched corner of the

Eastern Mediterranean, this North Cyprus haven provides a safe, peaceful, tax-free and hassle-free home at excellent berthing rates. Benefiting from the freedom of being outside the EU, yet geographically within its borders, Karpaz Gate Marina can streamline the official procedures of customs and immigration, while simplifying any necessary paperwork around visa issues and permit renewal. The marina is the first private Port of Entry in North Cyprus and can allow entry at any time of day or night with advanced notice and is flexible on duration of stay. The full-service 2017 TYHA International Marina of the Year features exceptional leisure facilities including a Beach Club with infinity pool, water sports centre, Hemingway’s resto-bar and private Gallery Club on the beautiful promenade area. It has one of the highest standard boatyard facilities in the region on site.

Gibraltar Mid Harbour GIBRALTAR

36°8’5’N 5°22’5’W

Max draft 7m

No. of berths 6 x 30m+

VHF 12

Max length 300m



he Mid Harbour Marina offers more than 500 metres of deep-water berthing for superyachts in the relatively sheltered inner harbour. With enhanced infrastructure, easy access for support services and vehicles, and reduced berthing fees for longer stays, Gibraltar is a ‘must stop’ port between the Atlantic and Mediterranean. Gibraltar also offers a wide range of other services, including very competitive fuel prices, waste oil disposal, spare parts and logistics, maintenance, repairs and surveyors and with the support of excellent yachting agents, customs clearance and crew visas, arrangements can also be easily dealt with. Daily links to the UK from the local airport; excellent medical and dental facilities; superb restaurants, bars and entertainment locally also available.

ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 67

©Bill Rowntree/PPL/GGR

Mark Sinclair, Lello 34, COCONUT

Uku Randmaa, Rustler 36, ONE AND ALL

GOLDEN A SHOT Sailing 30,000 miles non stop and solo, with no outside assistance including weather forecasting is madness to most but to some it is what dreams are made of. Sue Pelling previews the Golden Globe 50th Anniversary Race

68 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

nyone who has ever been fortunate enough to witness the excitement in Les Sables-d’Olonne, France at the start of the Vendée Globe, solo, nonstop round the world yacht race, will know what’s in store on 1 July. This otherwise peaceful town is expected to attract thousands of well-wishers to the start of the 50th Anniversary of the first Sunday Times Golden Globe Race. Set up to celebrate Sir Robin KnoxJohnston’s historic world first solo nonstop circumnavigation in the 1968/9Sunday Times Golden Globe Yacht Race, this event will see up to 19 sailors embark on a nonstop 30,000 mile global challenge that will take nine months to complete. It is however, in total contrast to the professional elite ocean racing world that we have become more accustomed to because, unlike the competitors in events like the Vendée Globe, the sailors in this race have limited communications via Single Side Band (SSB) and Ham radio, and receive public broadcast forecasts. They are not allowed

Jean-Luc van den Heede (71) France

to use private weather routing services. Competitors also rely on celestial navigation using sextants. Although each competitor will be equipped with two hand-held satellite phones they are for the sole use of weekly safety check-in with Race Headquarters and emergencies only. Each yacht will be fitted with satellite tracker, but the skippers will not be able to access positions. A nod to the Golden Age of sailing by travelling back in time and keeping it ‘simple’ is unquestionably the race’s unique selling point. This combined with the support of Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Don McIntyre (Golden Globe Race Founder/Chairman of the 2018 Golden Globe Race) and a passionate team behind the organisation, there is no doubt the 2018 Golden Globe Race will become legendary. Interest in this edition of the race has been overwhelming and, with 19 entries confirmed. With representatives from 13 countries and the age of competitors

Susie Goodall, the sole female entrant

ranging from 28 to 72 years old, this is a true representation of the spirit of the event that aims to ‘give sailors of all ages an opportunity to race solo around the world safely, in a fleet of similar and affordable yachts’. British competitor Susie Goodall (28) is not only the youngest competitor but also the sole female. Sailing her totally restored trusted Rustler 36 DHL Starlight, Goddall says the chance to compete in this race was her ultimate dream, “I knew from a very early age I wanted to sail around the world by myself, but didn’t know how to do it.” “I heard about the re-creation of the Golden Globe Race 2018 just before they opened the entries. For me it was kind of a no brainer because I had always been obsessed with the idea of the 1968 Golden Globe Race.” She also confesses to being happy with her own company, which is a key quality for anyone contemplating this race: “I guess I have always been a bit of a loner. I think my strength is the fact I know I enjoy my own company. I love being with others but

I am also completely happy alone, although I do realise that nine months on my own is a bit more extreme.” To maintain the Corinthian spirit of the event, the rules stipulate that only race approved production yachts designed prior to 1988 are permitted to race and replicas of Knox-Johnston’s ERC design Suhaili. The overall length of the yachts should be between 32-36ft, have a displacement of 6,200kg, and all should be constructed of Fibre Reinforced Plastic. Of the 10 different designs taking part with the exception of the Suhaili wooden replicas, the Holman & Pye-designed Rustler 36 is the most popular with a total of seven in the line up. Commenting on her choice of yacht for the race, Goodall said: “The Rustler is such a solid boat, so seaworthy and comfortable at sea and they are at the bigger end of the spectrum of what was approved for the race. Given the amount of time I will be out there, and the amount of stuff and supplies I have to take with me, I figured the bigger the boat the better.”

To celebrate his record breaking achievement in the 1968/9 race, and to mark the countdown to the start of the 2018 race, Sir Robin Knox- Johnston will participate in the Suhaili Parade of Sail in Falmouth, Cornwall on Thursday 14 June – the day he set out to win the original Golden Globe Race 50 years before. Bernhard Moitessier’s yacht Joshua, will be at the start in Les Sables d’Olonne and will mark the leeward end of the start line, with Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, sailing aboard his famous yacht ‘Suhaili’acting as starting boat at the other, leading Sir Francis Chichester’s Gipsy Moth IV and Sir Alec Rose’s Lively Lady around Falmouth Harbour saluted by the Golden Globe Race skippers and the crews of many other vessels on the day. In the French start port of Les Sablesd’Olonne competitors and visitors can enjoy the carnival atmosphere and all the razzmatazz that surrounds the Race Village. All 19 yachts will be moored in the Basin while competitors make final preparations. ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 69


he yachting industry is in feisty and fine fettle according to data recently released by YPI Crew: The industry is expanding, the yachts are getting bigger (39% share of total crew positions), with more and more jobs on yachts over 71m and the lion’s share of crew work to be found on private yachts (67.7%). Director of YPI Crew, Laurence Lewis, is feeling positive about the year ahead. She says, “2017 was a busy year with record numbers of jobs and crew registrations, which is the sign of a healthy industry.”

The yachting industry is buoyant, but the industry’s employment market remains tense with a large discrepancy between job offers and crew expectations and between required skills and skills available on the market Words: Claire Griffiths

We understand their are the gaps on crew expectations and the skills they bring so how can this be overcome? ONBOARD Magazine asks the experts for their best advice for those looking to fill the gaps. First up, what do interviewers look for in their winning candidates and how can the jobseekers improve their pitch for that perfect position on board? Liam Dobbin is Managing Director of Wilson Halligan Yacht Recruitment. His advice to crew is be polite, friendly and reliable. Make sure your CV is well drafted and not overly stylised or coloured; content is more important that what it looks like. Lucy Simmonds deals with yacht crew recruitment of Greycoat Lumleys. She recommends adding more strings to bows with extra skills such as personal training, masseuse or beauty therapy or hairdressing training. Laurence Lewis agrees, “People need to be able to offer added value and invest in themselves: Read books about their profession, bring something to the table that is tangible. Stews could study wines or table decoration ideas, even just a trawl of the internet can throw up valuable knowledge, and Bosuns can offer an edge

by practicing watersports, sailing or kite surfing, or diving instructor certification, for example. “Be curious,” says Lewis, “and show a real genuine interest in the industry.” For junior crew, presentation at interviews is important. Dress for the job advises Lewis because first impressions count. She adds, “So far this year I haven’t seen much effort. I have a feeling people don’t take the industry seriously enough. Ok, it’s not a corporate job but it needs to be taken seriously and junior crew need to look to the long term.” Lewis recommends that Captains need to position themselves as problem solvers with convictions and opinions. The days when ‘the owner is always right’ are over. Now, owners want people with opinions and who can put a case forward clearly and convincingly, who

have attitude and are prepared to argue their case and be really solution driven. Crew Pacific is a superyacht crew training and recruitment agency based in Cairns, Australia, owned and run by Joy Weston. Like Dobbin, she recommends a precise and clearly laid out CV. Check how recruitment agents want the resume presented and follow their guidelines. She says, “Listen and follow the crewing agents’ registration requirements as we have these for a reason and that reason is the captains, owners, yacht managers, pursers and chief stews ask us for this information.” She recommends providing current written references and referee names on the resume. “Just sending a resume to an agent is not sufficient enough and will not secure you into a good job!”, she warns. “Provide current certificates, photo portfolios of table settings; napkin folds if appropriate. A food portfolio and menu plan is great to present to the agent by Chefs looking for work.” As well as a well presented CV, Esther Delamare Senior Crew Manager from HRcrew explains that, “Of course the experience is important, but extra skills

70 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD


a crew member can bring are important especially for juniors. But for all, it’s vital for them to realise how important it is to present themselves in the best possible light from the initial point of contact.” Debbie Blazy’s, Director of Crew Placement at Camper & Nicholsons first piece of advice is that if crew want to stand out from the crowd then a good tip is don’t visit recruitment agencies in a crowd; “How many times do we see new crew coming to the office in groups of five or six. We wonder if they dock-walk in the same pack and how they expect to make their mark.” “Each crew member needs to shine with that same enthusiasm when they introduce themselves, whether it is to a crew agent or a captain. A smile, a positive attitude, the ability to know when to stand their ground when it comes to standards and values and compromise when the success of the team or the charter is at stake is a fine line.”

So serious crew with good, clear CVs are in the crew recruitment agency door, alone, without their mates and waiting for the interview. What will the agents be hoping to see? Esther from HRcrew mentions personality. “We need to make the right match for the position and the particular yacht. We are the ‘Tinder’ of yachting… each yacht has its unique personality and we aim to match the right crew to this dynamic.” Simmonds at Greycoat Lumleys is looking for good skill sets, longevity, team players, people able to get along with anyone and professionalism. Crew should be clean shaven and presentably dressed, she advises. Weston at Crew Pacific advises that crew who get interviews with Captains or departmental heads must properly prepare themselves for the interview: Find out about the yacht, prepare questions to ask during the interview; “If you can hold a 40-60 minute interview with a captain or chief stew you can say you have pretty

Camper & Nicholsons Crew Placement Division provides professional crew for its renowned fleet of managed yachts, but it doesn’t stop there. We work with captains and owners of luxury yachts, both private and charter, motor or sail, all over the world to professionally develop crew in order to ensure performance excellence and the highest possible quality in service. We have a strong and solid reputation and our results are proven. Simply put, Camper & Nicholsons provides the highest standards in crew placement in today’s market. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 92 912 890 www.camperandnicholsons.com much nailed the interview and a good chance you will get offered the job on the spot or a day latter!”, she says enthusiastically. In the door (or rather on the yacht) and looking to move up the ranks and secure a promotion, longevity is often cited as the key asset for career development. But Blazy at Camper and Nicholsons says that longevity in itself is not a valid reason for promotion; “Each individual should prove that they have gained the

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WHERE WILL YOUR NEXT JOB TAKE YOU? Register at www.hrcrew.com or visit one of our offices, open for interviews without appointment Monday - Friday from 09.30 - 12.00 Résidences du Port Vauban, 17, Avenue du 11 Novembre, 06600 Antibes, France +33 492 90 65 16 1845 Cordova Road, Suite 211, Fort Lauderdale, FL33316, USA +1 954 792 6112 Palma, Mallorca, Spain +34 656 255 728


CREW PACIFIC Crew Pacific have been established for 18 years, and is one of the world’s leading Training & Recruitment agencies based in Cairns Australia, (Right on the Great Barrier Reef ). Crew Pacific, is an MLC certified Recruitment agency, which provides highly trained, qualified & experienced crew onto super yachts throughout the world, on both motor & sail yachts ranging from 20m up to 173m. Crew Pacific is also renowned for training basic superyacht steward/ ess & deckhand courses; after course completion all crew are fully qualified and job ready. Crew Pacific provides a full professional service with the utmost confidentiality, sourcing crew who will meet your needs and requirements. For more details Tel: +61 (0)7 4041 7243 or visit www.crewpacific.com.au

necessary skills, maturity, and in certain cases certificates, to earn the right to step upwards in terms of responsibility and salary.” Don’t rush through the ranks advises Dobbin, experience in a previous role often pays dividends when taking the next step upwards. This advice is echoed by Lewis at YPI who sees crew looking to move too quickly upwards without the necessary real experience and graft. Delamare added, “This depends on the position, however, we believe key elements include dedicated, motivated crew who are loyal and fully invested in their work. A team player who will go the extra mile not just for him/herself but the rest of the crew. Crew who will continuously keep learning, invest in training, show initiative and most importantly are ready to move up in rank.” “It is getting hard to find good senior crew with longevity and good solid qualifications and I am not sure why,” notes Weston and Lewis agrees that there is always room

for improvement in the general calibre of candidates. “Plenty of crew are registered at recruitment agencies and there are plenty of yachts looking for crew, but the challenge is putting them together.” Says Lewis, “there is always a shortage of talent. If we send a client a CV it is because we feel that person really deserves an interview. And yachts shouldn’t hang around waiting for a unicorn, unicorns don’t exist.” Dobbin notes a shortage of Chief Stewardesses for large yachts. ‘“We often see large yachts of 90m+ struggling to find housekeepers with the right experience.” He has reason to note that crew tend to prefer to work on yachts under 80m where work is more multi-skilled and varied and yachts can get into ports. Delamare explains what HRcrew

have found so far this year, “It varies across departments and also yacht size ranges, however, for the larger yachts we have seen a shortage of experienced senior and chief stewardesses.” But continues to explain, “We are experiencing an increase of entry level candidates with many courses completed as well as many very well qualified and experienced commercial/Passenger/ Cruise ship candidates looking to make a transition to private yachting for the larger 100m+ yacht division.” Dobbin and Blazy both point to a shortage of positions for yacht Captains, which Dobbin suggests might be the result of more people obtaining certificates or moving from commercial shipping. “Commonly,” he says, “Captains look to increase yacht size and the pyramid of yachts gets smaller towards the top so those looking to move from a 50m to 70m is difficult as there are less 70m yachts than 50m.” Says Blazy, “It has been a tough winter for many of the captains out there.” She sees several

GREYCOAT LUMLEYS Greycoat Lumleys specialises in the recruitment of interior crew for yachts worldwide. The company work hard to deliver an unrivalled service to their clients and candidates all over the world. Chefs, Stewards and Stewardesses at all levels are a speciality and they also cover all other on board catering, hospitality and housekeeping roles, as well as childcare positions. Greycoat Lumleys knowledgeable consultants have worked in similar professional capacities, either on yachts, in ski resorts, or in households, so they understand the demands of high level private recruitment. For more details Tel: +44 (0) 20 7233 9950 or visit www.greycoatlumleys.co.uk

ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 73

SUPERYACHT TRAINING & RECRUITMENT Successfully Training and Placing Crew for 18 years Stewardess & Deckhand Training • 5/8 Day Superyacht Stewardess • 5 Day Superyacht Deckhand • 8 Day Superyacht Steward/ess/Deckhand • 2 Day Superyacht Induction

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Greycoat Lumleys International Staffing Agency Greycoat Lumleys’ specialist yacht sector provides a personal recruitment experience, with the expertise and knowledge to find the ideal Interior Crew for discerning yacht clients. A no obligation, discreet service, with full consultation as standard.

Pursers | Stewards | Stewardesses | Chefs Housekeepers | Couples | Nannies Contact Lucy to discuss your needs Email: LucyS@greycoatlumleys.co.uk +44 (0)20 7233 9950 www.greycoatlumleys.co.uk

74 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

YPI CREW YPI CREW has been the go-to yacht crew recruitment agency since 2002 and the recruitment partner of the most discerning yacht captains, yacht owners and candidates. From their Antibes office in the South of France, they source and recruit the best yacht crew worldwide, from deckhands to captains, engineers, chefs and interior crew. YPI’s specialist recruiters have built a strong reputation as leading experts in their respective departments. As such, they have built large networks of talented professionals and are able to efficiently and successfully identify the best crew for the demanding luxury yachts of today. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 92 90 46 10 or visit www.ypicrew.com reasons for the surplus of captains: firstly the winter season has been a quieter one than in previous years. The hurricanes knocked the wind out of the cruising plans for many of the habitual Caribbean cruises and charters last winter so we saw a large number of yachts staying in the Med or going to the yard instead. This created an atmosphere of uncertainty which had captains and crew staying put instead of putting feelers out for new positions. She explains, “The normal domino effect just hasn’t happened this year. The yachting industry is also growing up with a lot of younger guys moving up through the ranks and ready to take on their first captain’s role,or move up to a bigger yacht. The older guys are not quite ready to hang up the stripes so we have a bottle-neck situation with not enough work out there for all of them. Perhaps when we can convince more owners to accept rotations for the captains this will free up more positions and create a better balance.” Captains aside, the pool of qualified crew for deck or interior could be fuller, a fact

that Blazy hopes will be remedied once the Caribbean season closes and crew start to look for new prospects in the Mediterranean. But for now, there is an imbalance in supply and demand. Who is to say if this lack of qualified crew is in any way related to the introduction of the new French Social Charges regulations which have been the subject of discussion for the last year. Is this what is driving qualified crew away? Dobbin is sceptical that this is the reason since he says the government haven’t yet to decide how the regulations will be enforced. However, he believes that some candidates may be less inclined to apply for or be put forward for positions where the yacht will be based in France during a significant part of the year. Weston at Crew Pacific anticipates (and possibly hopes) the new regulations will

bring more yachts to the Pacific and Australia which will only increase Crew Pacific’s recruitment sector. Blazy says, “As a recruitment agency, we have not dealt with that first hand so far, however the rumour appears to be verified by more and more examples. As in any period of change there is a lot of uncertainty and rumour and fear, mixed in with some sadness that the result may be that the yachts and crew leave France for more welcoming countries.” The superyacht industry has weathered a variety of storms over the years such as the Sardinian luxury yacht tax and the more recent Spanish matriculation tax. There will always be something to rock the superyacht industry but it is too buoyant to sink. Lewis at YPI assures us all that the industry is doing well and it needs new talent and new people to avoid a shortage of crew in years to come: ‘Already, 2018 has started at a fast pace, so here’s to a great season for all,” she says.

HRCREW Hill Robinson’ Crew Department is a team of specialists, well versed in identifying talents and personalities in order to best place crew on yachts. HR Crew works very closely with owners and captains to fully understand their needs and to respect the yacht’s safe manning, to then proceed with a thorough and personal pre-screening process. This includes references and licence checking and personal an exhaustive interview of each candidate. Furthermore, HR Crew’s recruiting strategy emphasizes video interviewing as well as personal profile and leadership assessments that give future employers a better insight into the candidates. With offices in key yachting hotspots worldwide, HR Crew is fully equipped with assisting the search for quality crew. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 92 90 65 16 or visit www.hrcrew.com

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cean rowing is widely hailed as one of the toughest sports known to man. The capriciousness of our planet’s vast seas is well known, and there have been many who have lost their lives in attempting to conquer the waves. For four British seafarers, however, even the perils of the Atlantic Ocean weren’t enough to match their almost inhuman determination. And with an eventual crossing time of just 29 days, The Four Oarsmen – George Biggar, Dicky Taylor, Stuart Watts and Peter Robinson – not only beat the longstanding record for the ocean’s crossing by a remarkable 11 days, but also managed to raise a quarter of a million pounds for charity along the way. And the foursome’s feat proves only the more incredible when you consider they only set out with the ambition of making the crossing in a “respectable” time of 40 days. Add to that the fact that the group’s first-time outing on their vessel, Aegir, saw them get in a mix-up around Exmouth harbour which ended in a visit from the coastguard, before the group misplaced their rudder-cuff, and it’s clear these are the most unlikely of record-breakers. By the time the competitors finally set off, however, it quickly became evident to them that no amount of preparation would truly match the unpredictable Atlantic. “The first evening, the weather really set upon us – but we’d expected that to a degree,” says Biggar. “In some ways, it was a good experience to have to face rough seas so early on, because we knew that the Atlantic wasn’t about to get any easier. Pete and Dicky both got pretty sea-sick, but carried on regardless which was good to see, and I think that steely determination really filtered through all of us. “I think it was during those first two days that we really started to realise the magnitude of the task. The massive importance of things like regular sleep and maintaining our correct course began to hit home too.” ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 77








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THERE WAS ALSO A BIRD, WHICH WE DULY NAMED BOB, THAT FOLLOWED US NEARLY THE ENTIRE 3,000 MILE COURSE FROM THE CANARY ISLANDS TO THE CARIBBEAN The competition in which the Four Oarsmen were participating – the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge – had drawn some of the world’s most intrepid competitors. “You get communication of how others are coping with the elements, but really all you care about is your own welfare,” explains Robinson. “Sea-sickness was the big one for us, and we were carrying every kind of remedy on board. “Perhaps the most embarrassing moment, however, wasn’t us being sick over the side of the boat, but when George spotted another ship heading our way – or so he thought. A panicked call over our radio led to one very bemused, and far more experienced, member of the other ship’s crew politely informing us that the closest they were going to come to our little vessel was about two miles away. Still, better safe than sorry I suppose!” As with any trip into the powerful throes of the ocean, these moments of struggle were healthily balanced by a chance to see some of nature’s wonders up close and personal. For the four Brits, this meant revelling in everything the sea had to offer, from the seemingly banal to the sublimely exotic. “It was a real privilege to see some of the Atlantic’s wilder residents at such close

quarters,” agrees Biggar. “At one point we were joined for about half an hour by a minky whale and her calf, which was just stunning. Later on, as we neared the end, we saw flying fish for the first time – and a few even tried to hitch a ride with us to Antigua!” “There was also a bird, which we duly named Bob, that followed us nearly the entire 3,000 mile course from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean,” says Robinson. “At one point he even used to flap down and rest in our seats when we’d got up to check the equipment. It took us a while to work out if he was a hallucination or not.” Such moments of mental delirium were yet another challenge that the group had to contend with. Although serious in theory, these sleep-deprivation induced hallucinations were often comical in practice, as Robinson soon found out. “Robbo came up to deck in a proper huff, which was quite out of character,” remembers Biggar. “He was kind of muttering under his breath; not happy at all. After a while I asked him if everything was okay, and he said ‘not really, I’m still annoyed about the shorts’. We had no idea what he was talking about.”

“It transpired that Pete thought he had been talking to former British rugby player, Will Greenwood, who had apparently made him come out and row in cotton rugby shorts rather than his specialised rowing pair. It was about two hours before Pete realised he’d been hallucinating, which was very entertaining for the rest of us, except maybe Stu, who Pete thought was Will Greenwood, and thus was taking the brunt of the abuse for the shorts situation.” As well as etching their names in the water-borne history books, the group raised £250,000 for charitable causes, and were duly rewarded upon their return to shore with the feast that they had been dreaming of for the past month. “Together we lost over 38kg during the challenge,” laughs Biggar. “We were all craving food constantly, from bacon sandwiches to custard. When we finished we just ate and ate and ate. We devoured anything we could get our hands on, and we were still hungry! “But really, from the moment we left the Canary Islands, all I wanted was a cup of tea!” ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 79

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food & drink

What's new in food and drink. The latest trends for you to try over the coming spring months

THE INGREDIENT... EDIBLE FLOWERS Edible flowers make a beautiful addition to summer cooking. Herb flowers, nasturtiums and garden flowers are obvious candidates but if you grow vegetables, don’t overlook their blooms. Just make sure that they’re grown without pesticides. COURGETTE, SQUASH AND PUMPKIN FLOWERS

Beautiful, bell like golden flowers. Stuff with cream cheese mixed with lemon zest, garlic and herbs, then coat in a light batter and fry. GARDEN PEA

These have white flowers with a delicate pea like flavour. Add them to salads or use them for decoration. RUNNER BEAN FLOWERS

Scatter the red and white blooms over salads or use to adorn vegetable dishes. ROCKET FLOWERS

These peppery white or yellow flowers are great used in tomato salads or scattered over other savoury dishes.

Goat meat... Goat or cabrito, has been

hitting hip menus in the past few years. Here’ why it’s time to consider buying it. Why eat it? The flesh is tender with a delicate flavour. It has less cholesterol than chicken and more iron than beef and nearly half the fat. And it’s ethical too. Our test for goats cheese and milk means about 40,000 male kids goats are born each year to keep the milk coming. Most are killed at birth so using them for meat is more sustainable.

AVOCADO SALSA VERDE Blend one tin of tomatillos, one bunch of coriander, one avocado, one chopped onion, two garlic cloves and the juice of four lemons

How do you use it? Slow-cook the shoulder, neck and shank on the bone or use it cubed for braises and curries. Although goat can be used like lamb as a straight substitute.

BITTER SWEET Preparing cocktails this spring? It's time to brush up on your bitters

PARMESAN RIND It may look inedible and be impossible to grate, but leftover rind is an umami bomb with it comes to flavour. Store old bits of rind in the freezer and use to make a parmesan broth as the starting point for soups and risottos. Boil whole in water for two hours until the rinds have given up their salty savouriness. Pour the liquid through a sieve and discard the old parmesan rind. Or throw them straight in the soup pot to add an extra layer of flavour, removing the remnants of the rind before serving…





A few drops of old fashioned aromatic bitters adds a savory zest to a variety of drinks and foods. This highly aromatic product is blended from the finest ingredients from around the world.

Made to provide an authentic Gin and Tonic experience. Perfect for cocktails and long drinks based on clear spirits. Exotic notes of citrus and spice, balanced by a grassy-fresh Japanese green tea bouquet.

A best seller in the USA, the exact recipe is a closely guarded secret that only a few know! Peychaud’s is a key ingredient in the Sazerac Cocktail. Taste is sweet with slight hints of cherry, clove, and nutmeg flavours.

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French International Register Choosing the right course for your commercial yacht is much easier than you think.

Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire Ministère de l’Action et des Comptes publics

QUALITY AND STYLE The keywords to our NEW yacht wear brand available for the 2018 season. We have created a collection of well designed crew wear that has been manufactured using quality materials to give you a uniform that’s second to none. If you’re searching for a new quality brand of crew wear, contact your nearest crew uniform supplier or visit our website. www.kittsandnevis.net

82 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD


under the grill BRENNAN DATES MY MOGAMBO Over the past 24 years Brennan has developed a deep love for all facets of the culinary world. Besides cooking, he has ridden his motorcycle from Miami to the tip of South America and back for charity

QUICK & EASY SPINACH & HALLOUMI SALAD Serves 2 Slice the halloumi and griddle for 3-4 minutes each side until charred, then set aside. Tip the spinach and half the mint onto a large platter. Segment the oranges and pour any juice from the chopping board into the bowl and squeeze the pith to get juices from there too. Scatter the orange pieces over the spinach. Chop the remaining mint and mix with the orange juice, 2 tbsp olive oil and some seasoning. Place the halloumi slices on top of the salad and pour the dressing over. Serve with warm flatbreads.

What is your favourite dish to cook? Tough question, it changes and evolves all the time. As of right now, I’d say anything with raw seafood which ironically doesn’t answer the question. Where is your favourite restaurant? Again, this changes all the time. I think my longest running favourite was ‘Tickets’ in Barcelona. What is your favourite kitchen gadget? My Rational ovens because of their extreme versatility and accuracy. Once I was able to wrap my head around having complete control of the moisture in the cabinet, it really allowed me to push my food in different directions. What is your favourite type of food? I just spent 3 months riding around Thailand. They literally use every part of the animal. You’ll see locals pass up a slice of pizza and grab a fistful of crickets or half a dozen chicken feet because that is what their culture has conditioned them to enjoy rather than junk food. Which main factors do you look for in food? Freshness, flavour, texture, temperature and colour. Which is the best city in the world for food? Barcelona. The coolest most vibrant food city I’ve ever seen. Bangkok is right up there too. What is the one ingredient everyone needs in their galley? It has to be salt. What was the last meal you cooked for yourself because you really wanted to eat it? An omelette with caramelised onions and camembert.

250g halloumi cheese

200g spinach

1 bunch of mint

2 large oranges

HOW TO...DESEED A POMEGRANATE Cut the fruit in half and hold the cut side down over a bowl. Use a rolling pin and hit all over the back of the fruit to dislodge the seeds, catching them in the bowl. Take care as the juice splashes. These little red bursts of sweet and tart are delicious and pack a punch of health benefits. There could be over 600 in each fruit and they’re loaded with fibre, vitamin C, K and potassium.

What is your most memorable food moment? Boiling pasta underneath torres del Paine in Perú. I was so cold but happy. A little fox came close and licked up my discarded pasta water. Where is your favourite local market for fresh produce? Pikes place market in Seattle. Who is your favourite provisioner and why? Ocean Pantry because of the value, food knowledge and their incredible service. Most outrageous guest request? Salted caramel extract from scratch an hour before guest departure after a 3 week charter.

The woody or fleshy stems on greens such as kale, shard and spinach take longer to cook than the leaves. To separate them, hold the base of the stem with one hand and fold the leaf in half lengthways with the other. Pull the stem down and cut or tear it away. Boil the stems first, only adding the leaves when the stems are turning tender.


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COFFEE TIME The di-cast metal machine has two independent boilers. Espresso boiler, delivers constant temperature for optimal brewing of Italian-style espresso. For a rich creamy cappuccino the crema and steam boiler delivers abundant dry steam with a constant temperature. €765 www.kitchenaid.com

You may not need them but you could certainly get used to them



The design was a Red Dot winner back in 2013. Minimalistic featuring masculine, sharp edges fused with bright and lively colour combinations. This is the essence of the Geo Vacuum Flask. Geo holds warm and cold drinks in a stylish way. €67 www.normann-copenhagen.com

Versatile, powerful and beautiful – CRUX’s Bake & Blend Stand Mixer ticks all the form-meets-function boxes. In addition to the stainless steel mixing bowl, it also comes with a glass blending jug that lets you whip up everything from batters to smoothies, making this a multifunctional marvel. €228 www.lakeland.co.uk

84 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD


GETTING CRAFTY An attachment to the brand PicoBrew. The quality design elevates craft brewing for home brewers. Distil pilot batches of spirits safely and more precisely, or use PicoStill to capture the essence of hops and other oils and imbue food and beverages with unique flavours and aromas. Hops and citrus oils level up your brews, while the still in a professional’s hands takes craft distilling to the next level. €285 www.picobrew.com

EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE Adding 10 times more oxygen to wine in under two minutes, it’s little wonder that the Wine Breather Deluxe is an award-winning Menu bestseller. Simply press the decanter onto the top of an opened bottle of wine and flip it over so the wine pours into the decanter. You can serve the wine directly from the elegant carafe, or tip it upside down again to serve from the original wine bottle. €80 www.menudesignshop.com

TURN OF THE SCREW Titanium coated stainless steel and silicone. The basic series consists of four items; a foil cutter, a wine stopper, a corkscrew and a wine pourer that helps oxidize the wine. The designer’s brief was to cut out all unnecessary details and gimmicks in order to focus on the raw form and basic function. €33.50 www.normann-copenhagen.com

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Great Providers

Offering a wide range of specialist products these are the go to provisioners for an efficient and reliable service every time

Superyacht Supplies


uperyacht Supplies have over 15 years’ experience provisioning prestigious yachts and villas worldwide. They are accustomed to meeting the demands of leading chefs and stewards providing the very best available. Superyacht Supplies passion and experience for sourcing and delivering the finest quality fresh foods, wonderful ingredients and a full range of interior essentials, is matched by their commercial and logistic expertise giving their clients confidence that they will deliver timely and smoothly. Working closely with exclusive export-approved suppliers who consistently produce, and prepare provisions to the highest standards enables the company to meet delivery times and exceed guests’ expectations. For more details Tel:+44 (0)1964 536668 or visit www.superyachtsupplies.co.uk

86 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

NeKo Yacht Supply


eKo Yacht Supply is a worldwide yacht supplier providing the finest food, professional technical equipment and tailor-made services. NeKo supply all the yachts who appreciate a supplier who will arrange everything after placing the order. The products and services NeKo supply are all individually adjusted to the clients needs. Any product on your wish can be sourced from partners they have worked with for many years, including fishermen and butchers. It is the company mission to offer meat and fish of a constant high quality to chefs who believe and share their philosophy. All provisioning products guarantee a thoroughly tested and quality professional preparation and delivery according to strictly controlled, hygienic conditions that are required by law. NeKo Yacht Supply can also provide all technical types of products for all the various departments and activities on board to keep a yacht in top operating order. For more details Tel: +31 (0)10 800 55 40 or visit www.nekoyachts.nl

We Supply Yachts


eadquartered in the Netherlands, from where they serve clients throughout the world, wesupplyyachts.com understands the unique requirements involved in meeting the needs of superyachts. Because they know the best places to buy the best products, you are assured of both continuity and they know how important it is to deliver consistency of supply. As they explain, “Let our Dutch heritage and passion for quality be your insurance as you place your order.” At wesupplyachts.com, they partner with captains, chefs, chief stews, engineers, ETOs and yacht management companies to make sure their expectations are met and exceeded… no matter where you or your yacht is locates. For more details Tel: +31 6 25208990 or visit www.wesupplyyachts.com

Just Provisions


ust Provisions is a leading online provisioner offering over 5,000 products to chefs and stewardesses throughout the Mediterranean. With a fantastic supply chain, delivering the freshest seasonal products sourced as locally as possible, along with all of the products and services you would expect from a world class yacht provisioner. Samy and his team provide a personal touch, using technology to ensure that your order is delivered exactly as requested. With plenty of trucks and end to end temperature control environment, Just Provisions is building a business based on quality and service. For more details Tel: +33 (0)6 25 74 31 72 or visit www.just-provisions.com

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NeKo Yacht Supply BV is a worldwide yacht supplier providing the finest food, professional equipment, technical supplies and tailor-made services. When you appreciate a supplier able to arrange everything between receiving your order, on time delivery and long-term relationships, NeKo Yacht Supply is the one to turn to. We save time and prevent stress. All this makes us undoubtedly the best choice in the world for mega yacht owners, captains, chefs, crew and management companies. We are very proud of running a business based on our passions: food, yachts and luxury.





Essentials Yacht Provisioning


SF Palma have been in the Yacht Provisioning business for 15 years and know from their own yachting experience that quality and timing are paramount, so their standards are high. Luckily they have a huge amount of superb produce available in Mallorca, including some fantastic local wines and olive oils. Fresh meat and fish are prepared, packed and labelled to order. Galley stores and interior supplies are delivered in easy to unpack crates and crucially, on time! They have an excellent, eclectic wine selection in stock for immediate delivery, as well as a wide range of spirits, soft drinks beers and bottled water. Â For more details Tel: +34 630 355 974 / +34 971 870 640 Â or visit www.eypmallorca.com

Gourmet Deliveries Gourmet Deliveries is one of the leading yacht suppliers and villa provisioning companies in the Mediterranean who count amongst their clientele many of the largest and most prestigious private and charter vessels in the world. Gourmet Deliveries provide a full provisioning service for galley & interior service departments, with worldwide delivery, and are renowned for the exceptional quality of their fresh fruit and vegetables which they source directly from the RUNGIS markets in Paris and the MIN in Nice where they also have warehouses and staff. All the fresh produce is transported in their own fleet of refrigerated trucks so that the produce arrives with you at its best. Gourmet Deliveries sister company, Gourmet Drinks & Tobacco has a 2000m bonded warehouse with an extensive and varied selection of wines, spirits, soft drinks and tobaccos. For more details Tel: + 33 (0)618 738 020 or visit www.gourmet-deliveries.com

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Cruising in the Adriatic?

Will you need wine and spirits? Would you like them tax free and risk free? Berba is the Adriatic’s tax free and risk free wine provisioner. Based in Porto Montenegro, our 120,000 bottle collection has been sourced directly from producers and is stored in climate-controlled cellars. That’s right: our wines are already here, so delivery is simple, quick and easy. With Berba there is no tax, no shipping, no risk, no added costs and no worry. To view the complete collection, download our catalogue at www.berba.me or contact Mike directly at mike@berba.me or +382 67 423 722.

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info@corkersfinewines.com 92 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD


w w w. c o r k e r s f i n e w i n e s . c o m



essica Evans of Onshore Cellars and her husband Ed, started out as yachties and that is where she first took an interest in wines, that later became a passion and now a thriving business. She explains, “I was very lucky to be in a position where I could open, serve and sometimes taste the world’s best wines. While on yachts with my husband we started to invest in wine and soon built ourselves a cellar ashore. (Another service we offer crew now with Onshore) The excitement and interest grew and so we decided to make it our life!” Onshore Cellars saw high sales in Champagne, Provence rosé, first growth Bordeaux and top Super Tuscans, so not much new there, but the big difference in 2017 was the sale of more Super Tuscans such as Ornellaia, Sassicaia and Tignanello over the first growth Bordeaux wines. A fact most likely due to the Italian wines drinking better at the moment, believes Jessica. Andrew Azzopardi, General Manager of No 12 Fine Wines and Provisions, comes from a background of food and wine lovers. He agrees with Jessica about the Super Tuscans from the Bolgheri region of Italy.

Lafite, Latour, Mouton and top burgundies from Romanee Conti to name just a few. Trying these wines opened the door to the world of wine for me. It also led to my favourite drink of all time: On one of his charters he ordered 6 bottles of Romanee Conti Grands Echezeaux 1991 (for lunch times) – a wine that I will probably never taste again in my life – it blew me away! It was magnificent and now when people ask me ‘can you really tell the difference between a €100 bottle and a €2000 bottle?’ the answer is a resounding ‘Yes!’ ’’ Kim agrees with Louise about the rosé wines of d’Esclans Garrus and adds Chateau Minuty 281 to the list: Esclan and Minuty have provided the answer to a gap in the market with expensive rosés which are complex and elegant and can be paired with food.

Mike Shore of Berba based in Monte Negro grew up in Canada. His life-long love affair with wine began at University when he and his European friends drank Antinoir Chianti Classico during study sessions. This affair is one of the reasons he moved to Europe in 2007. The hot summer in the Adriatic last year had the rosé flying off the cellar and totalling 6,000 bottles over the course of the season. Champagne and Prosecco were of course also key players and Mike adds, “Burgundy is always a favourite of the superyacht market and 2017 was no exception, with Premier and Grand Cru whites proving to be as popular as ever.”

Tuscan Sassicaia 2015 as incredibly complex with a beautiful structure and likens it to the to 1985 which was until now seen as the best vintage of Sass (100 Parker points). Azzopardi of No. 12 recommends the 2009 Super Tuscans and the ‘underrated’ 2007 Bordeaux. He adds, “I am also promoting Californian wines this year to support the industry after the wildfires raged across California in 2017. Now is the right time to open the Californian Cabernet you’ve been storing for the past few years.”

In 2014 Louise Sydbeck, General Manager of Riviera Wine, became the 100th woman in the world to be awarded the Master of Wine title. She can pinpoint her interest in wine dating back to her childhood where she chose Dom Perignon as the subject for a school project; “I have no Idea why as we have never had any real Champagne at home (Swedish countryside in the 70s…), or maybe that’s why, maybe my life lacked some glamour! Anyhow that’s when it all started and since then all I have done professionally has had to do with wine.” The superyacht industry is a conservative bunch when it comes to wine choices believes Louise and not much changes from year to year. “In my opinion, the only newcomer that has taken the yachting industry with storm is Chateau d´Esclans with its range of rosé wines, from Whispering Angel to the most expensive rosé in the world; Garuss. However, we have noticed an increase in popularity for top-end Napa Valley Cabernet such as Harlan Estate, Screaming Eagle and Hundred Acres.” Kim Sheffield of Corkers Fine Wines first took an interest in wine when he worked as a charter Captain.“One charter guest in particular was a wine fanatic and he invited me to join him for a glass of wine on many occasions – he was drinking Chateau

This year, Evans at Onshore Cellars is excited about the launch of the 2015 vintage of the Super Tuscans, which their wine experts Rosie Clarkson and Master of Wine Rod Smith have enjoyed sampling at trade fairs in London. Clarkson describes the Super

I think the underrated Bordeaux 2007 is drinking especially well at the moment, however they are becoming rather difficult to find. On the other hand, it may be time to open your Super Tuscan 2009 vintage since I think they are drinking superbly now. Mike Shore picks the Germans as his top tip for excellent value especially among the top producers like Joh. Jos. Prüm (Mosel) and Dönnhoff (Nahe). Says Shore, “German Rieslings were the most expensive wines you could buy, costing more than even the top Bordeaux estates. A rather unfortunate 20th century and the diminution of the ‘Riesling’ brand made them unpopular except among top connoisseurs … but quality has a way of winning in the end and good Riesling is being rediscovered, and loved, by more and more people all the time.” Sheffield at Corkers picks the vintages of high level appellations; 2006, 1999, 1996 and 1995 and suggest steering clear of most 2004s but do drink most 2003s now while the fruit lasts. Different strokes for different folks and different regions tickle the taste buds of our experts: Sydbeck is impressed by the dynamism and quality of the wine industry in Argentina. There, she explains, the industry has used different sites and soils at different latitudes and altitudes and more modern wine making

ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 93




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Discover the FIRST wine book for the yachting industry






philosophies to come up with a new brighter and more fragrant, elegant style of Malbec which in many cases are delicious. She is especially impressed with wine from the northern province in Salta where the area of Cafayate is producing stunning Malbec, Tannat and a refreshing aromatic white wine made of the indigenous variety Torrontes. Says Sydbeck, “Some of the world’s highest vineyards lies here at over 3000 metre above sea level, resulting in an incredible purity of fruit and perfume.” Evans stays closer to home and zooms in on the Languedoc region for elegant and characterful wines by favourite producers from Pic Saint Loup such as Chemin des Reves and Chateau Lancyre. Azzopardi is having a bit of a ‘thing’ for the Spanish that dates back to 2014.He is partial to producers Alvaro Palacios who make excellent wines for as little as €25 per bottle. He says, “I have recently discovered some beautiful barrel-aged ‘Viura’ wines (white) such as ‘Placet Valtomelloso’, and the results are a lovely mix of cream, butter, melon and floral flavours, superbly wonderful and complex. I’m curious to see how these whites can age, so I’m storing a few cases in my cellar and I cannot wait to open them in a few years’ time.”

and spirit education such as tastings with producers, gin or mixology evenings. No 12 provide WSET wine courses in Mallorca and Malta; find more details on their Facebook page. Corkers is now offering a free worldwide delivery for all wine orders over 3,000 euros (T&C apply). Azzopardi at No 12 notes a new trend in food for nose to tail cooking, where chefs use as much of an animal as possible. He’s a big fan of the ‘waste not want not’ art of food preparation, but it’s not easy to pair with a wine. He says, “Generally speaking, these parts of the animal are often fatty and served with fruit, pickled sauces or have complex tastes. I usually opt for an easy drinking new world Pinot Noir when paired with these foods.” But if the dish has more umami flavours, he would swap the New world for a classic Burgundy Pinot Noir. “One can also play on the serving temperature of the Pinot Noir, whereby cooling it slightly would make the wines lighter and more refreshing. Such a beautiful and versatile grape!” he adds. With this new found, knowledge we can soak it up in little sips and save it for the season ahead. But will our experts be drinking at the end of their working days? Evans at Onshore Cellars admits

Sheffield’s hot spot is Yarra Valley, Australia where producers are making a refined pinot noir which thrives in a climate that’s only slightly warmer than its original home, Burgundy. He recommends Oakridge 864 Pinot Noir, Yarra Valley 2012 with fruit from the Hickory Downs Vineyard, which has been producing quality wine since 1978. At an altitude of 180 metres, the vineyard sits on an old alluvial bed which naturally produces small crops. The wine is made by gently de-stemming and fermenting 100% whole berries without the aid of added yeast, pumping, plunging or cooling. The fermentation lasts for 15 days before pressing, settling and racking to 500 litre French oak barrels: “It is a structured, layered wine with a fine tannin backbone and tremendous length and depth,” he says.

being a sweet wine girl through and through! She loves a good Sauternes or another favourite, Klein Constantia Vin De Constance from South Africa. Wines from Montrachet are current favourites for Andrew Azzopardi at No 12; “I have a special bond with the elegant Joseph Drouhin style.” Meanwhile, we know Mike Shore at Berba likes his German Rieslings but he is also partial do a spot of sherry, which he says a lot of people are rediscovering thanks to the recent popularity of tapas bars. “A beautiful Oloroso or Palo Cortado from a top producer like Lustau is amazing, and also great value. These can also be easily paired with a wide array of foods…an Oloroso or cream sherry with dessert is fabulous … but even fish and other light meats pair very well with lighter sherries such as a Fino or Amontillado,” says Mike.

Particularly interior yacht crew looking to have an edge this season would do well to wise up on their wines. And those looking for a professional leg up the ladder and investment in their career have a variety of options: Both Riviera Wine and Offshore Cellars offer Level 2 and Level WSET (Wine & Spirit Education Trustwine courses) that offer an internationally recognised qualification. Riviera Wine has trained around 400 crew members since it started in 2007 this year it has launched the first wine book for yachting, The Yacht Cru Wine Guide. The Ebook is available free of charge from the website, www.rivierawine.wine

Louise Sydbeck MW at Riviera Wine can’t put her finger on a favourite wine of all time; it depends on her mood, the occasion and much more. “But,” she says, “All the top wines I have tasted that move my heart and soul come from classical regions from the old world. Sometimes a wine can be such a glorious expression of art that I even get tears in my eyes, it’s like it all goes quiet inside and it becomes a somewhat spiritual experience. It’s like the wine speaks to you, or whispers to you in a soft and loving secretive voice! But it’s quite rare, last time it was with Cristal rosé 1996 and Pichon Comtesse 1982. And I have a soft spot for bold Zinfandels from a more hedonistic point of view!”

Master of Wine Rod Smith at Offshore Cellars has trained over 500 crew. The company also offers bespoke wine training specific to each yacht. These courses can be held in the Antibes shop or on board the yacht. The Antibes shop also does events for wine

So, the whispering wines are waiting to tell their stories again this year and all we have to do is take the expert advice from our oenologists, find a place to sit, and then just listen….

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o12 Fine Wines and Provisions have fast become one of the leading provisioners in the Balearic Islands and Malta. Specialising in the supply of fine wines & spirits to yachts across the Mediterranean, No12 Fine wines boasts a temperature-controlled wine cellar and tasting room, in both Palma and Malta. Both cellars showcase a vast selection of international fine wines, Champagnes and liquor including big names such as Domaine de la Romanée-Conti and Château Pétrus, to best seller rosés including Domaines Ott and Chateau d’Esclans as well as a selection of hard to find vintage sweet wines. Due to the success of the company, No12 Wines has recently expanded to Barcelona, minutes away from Port Vell. For more details Tel: +356 792 880 36 / +34 629 608 482 or visit www.no12wines.com

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ith offices in The UK and in France on the Côte d’Azur, Corkers Fine Wines are specialist suppliers of fine wines and luxury provisions to yachts throughout the Mediterranean and World Wide from the UK office. With a wealth of wine knowledge and years of experience in the wine and service industry, the team at Corkers is perfectly placed to meet all your wine and provisioning needs and fully understands just how important it is to get it right. With many members of the staff having themselves worked on some of the busiest charter vessels in the yachting industry, the Corkers team understand the exacting standards and the exceptional quality of service required by yacht owners and charter guests. For more details email info@corkersfinewines.com or visit www.corkersfinewines.com



erba is the Adriatic’s premier tax free wine provisioning company. Based in Porto Montenegro, its 120,000 bottle collection includes the most sought-after wines from around the world. Whether it’s Grand Cru Burgundy, a crisp and lovely rosé or a fascinating local wine, Berba not only has it but can deliver it without any additional costs. Shipping to Montenegro can be risky, but since Berba’s wines are already there, delivery is simple, quick and easy. For the complete collection and prices, download Berba’s catalogue from the website or call to speak to Mike directly. For more details Tel: +382 67 423 722. or visit www.berba.me



iviera Wine is a dedicated and passionate wine company who offers you the complete solution to all your wine needs on board. Be it wine supply, bespoke expert advice, WSET® crew training and much more. They are offering some of the best prices in the industry and are the only wine supplier in yachting headed by a Master of Wine. Their team is driven by an urge to truly be of service to you, always do the right thing and spread their passion and knowledge for wine through all they do. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 93 34 49 66 or visit www.rivierawine.wine

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Wine Isles

The islands in the Mediterranean have distinctive microclimates and terroirs and many still cultivate the indigenous grapes that have been found on the island since antiquity. With some of the warmest, most southerly vineyards in Europe, achieving ripe grapes is not a problem, but finding wines with corresponding balance of complexity and sophistication can require greater discernment. Whilst a number of the wines can be authentic and characterfully rustic rather than actively palatable, there are many which give pleasure beyond the terrace of the sun-kissed winery. Below are some of the more interesting wines to look out for when coming ashore Words:Tom Harrow SARDINIA A previous piece extolled the virtues of Vermentino di Gallura, Sardinia’s most famous white and one of Italy’s best, but although less well touted, equally as interesting can be the reds made from Carignano, often when blended with the indigenous Cannonau grape, a close relative of Grenache. However the best expression of this plum-scented, spicy, herbal variety, replete with tarry, leathery notes, is an almost pure version from Santadi - Terre Brune (and younger brother Rocca Rubia) which makes for a delicious midbodied wine, perfect with chargrilled and barbecued meats. 98 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

MALLORCA Whilst Ibiza is undergoing a gastronomic surge, as middle age, former ravers prefer prawns from the plancha to pills, neighbouring Mallorca is forging an admiral reputation for its viticulture. Winemaker Francesc Grimalt has been credited with rediscovering the island’s signature grape Callet, and its best expression ‘An’ is still produced at the Anima Negra winery from vineyards in Son Negre. Rich tannins but fine boned acidity encase a mocha, kirsch and liquorice scented wine with an abundance of dark berry fruits at its core. A grown up wine for grown up people.

MALTA Meridiana is a winery with a great story: With vines planted on a former airstrip beneath Malta’s walled city of Mdina, and the project encouraged by renowned Bordeaux oenologist Denis Dubordieu and backed by none less than Marchese Piero Antinori, its first wines were released in the mid-90s to great acclaim. Such is local demand, they rarely make it off the island but are well worth seeking out as they represent Malta’s finest. Their flagship, Celsius Cabernet Sauvignon, is very ripe and rich, packed with chocolately blackcurrant and cassis and with long, smooth cedary tannins.

SALINA From 0.8 hectare vineyard in the midst of luxury resort, Capofaro, on the Aeolian island of Salina (its sunsets made famous in Oscar-winning romance “Il Postino”), comes a superb sweet wine courtesy of Sicily’s most prominent wine family, Tasca d’Almarita. Made from Malvasia, harvested mid-September and dried to achieve the perfect level of sweetness through dehydration. Capofaro is richly exotic, with fermented apple, preserved lemon, mandarin, potpourri and white petal aromas moving through a ripe apricot palate to a fresh light sherbet lemon finish with a touch of salinity.


CORFU Although it had enjoyed a good reputation for over 150 years, Corfu’s’ Theotoky winery, gained overnight fame in the early 1980s after Roger Moore’s 007 commented favourably on a glass of their white in “For Your Eyes Only”. Their Cuvée Spéciale, a blend of 90% Robola and 10% local grape Kakotrigis, shows good structure and body, and plenty of white stones on the nose to balance out the floral, jasmine perfume. An impressive, complex and rare wine, well worth seeking out – it will leave you more stirred than shaken.

Ànima Negra Winery Mallorca, Spain www.annegra.com

Theotoky Estate Corfu, Greece www.theotoky.com

Meridiana Wine Estate Malta meridiana.com.mt

Cantina di Santadi Winery Sardinia, Italy www.cantinadisantadi.it

Capofaro Malvasia & Resort Salina, Italy www.capofaro.it

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DA GIOVANNI This rustic eatery has been serving genuine local dishes since 1961 and it has only got better with age. The rich and rustic menu includes goulash, fried fish (every Friday), cured meats, dumplings and hearty soups. Simple fare, well prepared, excellent value and all washed down by the odd glass of regional vino. The perfect spot for a decent lunch or a quick snack. Via S. Lazzaro, 14, 34122 Tel: +39 040 639396 | €€€

NERODISEPPIA A family-run trattoria (aren’t they all?) where you’ll enjoy a relaxed but attentive service. The menu concentrates on fish, but there is the odd meat or vegetable dish thrown in there for good measure. The fish is of course all locally caught, start with octopus, a calamari salad with vinegar potatoes. Or, try the mojito flavoured shrimps accompanied by the steamed spider crab tartare. Delightfully presented and accompanied by a superb and locally sourced wine menu. Definitely book a table in advance to avoid disappointment. Via Luigi Cadorna, 23, 34123 Tel: +39 040 301377 | €€€€

AL BAGATTO Another eatery handed down through the generations from the early '60s has found its way to being one of the top fish restaurants in Trieste. The chef has won accolades from visiting foodies and the reviews are nothing but complimentary. Locally sourced ingredients are fundamental to the offering, all commanded exquisitely by table staff and management. Yes, the prices are steeper than the norm, but totally worth it. Via Luigi Cadorna, 7, 34124 Tel: +39 040 301771 | €€€

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HARRY’S GRILL Yes, you’re correct, it's the same place as in Venice. Opened in 1972 by Arrigo Cipriani. It's a must for at least a cocktail, but the lunch and dinner menus are worth the price ticket too. The setting is sublime, menus follow the seasons and if the weather is on your side a table on the terrace overlooking Piazza Unita d’Italia is breathtaking. Piazza Unità d'Italia, 2, 34121 Tel: +39 040 660606 | €€€

RISTORANTE SCABAR Many of the city's best restaurants are a little hidden and you have to work that little bit harder to find these gems. But fear not, once you arrive you’re under the professional control of Ami & Giorgio. A highly recommended restaurant by locals and tourists alike, the modern fare is accompanied by some glorious bio wines and the terrace views are quite spectacular. Via Erta di S. Anna 63 - 34149 Tel: +39 040810368 | €€€€€

PEPENERO PEPEBIANCO Starve yourself all day and head for the amazing seven course gourmet menu, you will not be disappointed although the three course menu for €30 is possibly the more polite option. The chef strives to cross local ingredients with innovative combinations all served to provide a sophisticated evening. You’ll also be pleased to know that the vast cellar has a decent international selection of wines to round off this perfect dining experience. Via Cecilia de Rittmeyer, 14/a, 34134 Tel: +39 040 760 0716 | €€€€€ STRUCOLO DE POMI

The Triestine version of apfelstrudel. A baked light pastry filled with apples, grapes and pine kernels



500g clean cuttlefish 5 medium purple potatoes 5 white asparagus Aromatic herbs and various buds * Quanto Basta

Vegetable broth q.b.* Extra Virgin Olive Oil Piran salt Fine salt White pepper

- As required


• Peel the purple potatoes, steam and crush. Add them to the vegetable broth with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, salt and pepper, whisk and allow to rest • Peel the white asparagus, keep the asparagus tips and create balls • Cook everything in salted water, leave to cool, add oil, salt, white pepper and allow to rest • Bake the slices of Sauris lard in the oven until they are crispy • Clean and cut the julienne cuttlefish, blanch them quickly in the vegetable broth, drain and season with oil, salt and white pepper GARNISH

• Lay the cuttlefish on the potato mousse, along with the asparagus and crispy bacon • Decorate with herbs, buds, Piran salt and Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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102 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD



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THE COVER STORY Boris Quiotek from EIS discusses the complexities of superyacht insurance and the importance of dealing with an innovative and flexible agent


onsidering the complexity of a modern day superyacht, from the equipment and technology installed on board, through to the tenders and toys, the personal effects of the guests, the liability of the crew, not to mention any unforeseens such as loss of revenue through charter cancellation or a longer than expected refit and repair stay, its easy to see why Insurance has become big business within the yachting industry. With an ever changing landscape it is important to keep innovating and providing a broad range of products and services. One such company at the forefront of this innovation is EIS. With an international and bilingual team the business provides cover for more than 25,000 yacht owners specialising in World wide TPL, P&I, Hull & Machinery plus, Accident & Health Care Insurance for the Crew. EIS represents various insurers as a ‘tied insurance agent’, the work done by EIS is comparable to an underwriting agent and is given extensive powers of attorney by the insurers. This allows EIS to have more control and produce a tailor made policy for the yacht in question. This authority also extends to claims handling by the experienced in house team. Having a claims department that will diligently work on behalf of the client is a vital part of the overall service.

With our BASIC-cover adapted to jet skis clients will enjoy comprehensive insurance cover up to a distance of 12 nautical miles from the coast or the mothership

Owners and their representatives must declare specific items that exceed that limit and for very high valued items it is common practice to insure these items separate under a specific Fine Art policy. EIS as a specialist regarding yacht insurance creating their own insurance concepts and forwarding the benefits directly to the client by offering the following products: Yacht & Super Yachts Insurance, P&I Insurance, Professional Skipper Insurance, Crew Health-Care Insurance & Charter Risk Co-Insurance. EIS also provide specialist category insurance, and one such area would be Jet Skis. Quiotek explains “As a business, we recognise that this segment is growing and have therefore developed one of the first waters sports packages specifically for these water craft. With our BASIC-cover adapted to jet skis clients will enjoy an insurance cover up to a distance of 12 nautical miles from the coast or the mothership. The insurance cover for theft can be included according to technical preconditions and, if required, be excluded from any deductibles.” For more details: Tel: +49 (0)30 214 082 – 0 or visit www.eis-insurance.com

The team treat each client individually and Boris Quiotek, CEO of EIS says, “Superyachts and the industry are fast moving and dynamic – in recent years new legislation and laws have impacted on insurance cover, particularly if the yachts operate commercially, but we pride ourselves by staying on top of any changes in legislation or flag state rules, to provide our many clients with up to date advice and policy updates.” Above all, it is important to have an open dialogue with the client, and for the owner and representatives to inform the insurance company of any changes in normal operation or any time planned in a refit yard. For example, if the normal Mediterranean cruising pattern changes and the Owners wants a season in the Caribbean, the policy must be adapted and the insurer must decide if the policy needs a change in terms or premium. Other areas of interest might be sub limits for items such as Artwork/ Object d’Art, which would be included in a standard policy. However,

ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 103


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T5 has a new, streamlined look along with an unrivalled set of functionality. These new userfriendly screens are based on user feedback and complement the proven, robust data architecture that has been deployed on so many of the world’s largest yachts.

Contact GCS to schedule a demo and explore the new features of T5 and T5 Mobile sales@greatcirclesys.com +1 954 903 0065 www.greatcirclesys.com

104 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

body beautiful The latest facts, fads and tips to help keep you in ship shape condition this spring

SPA OF THE SEASON Hotel Les Ottomans Istanbul

The Hammam here is the real Turkish deal. Leave your dignity and undies at the door, fear not paper pants are supplied, then flop onto the warm marble plinth in the centre of the steamy, circular room. Scream loudly while buckets of water are sloshed over your body, your hair is washed and every inch of your skin scoured with a loofah; then you can semi doze whilst being massaged with honey and soapy bubbles. A final rub-down with handfuls of ice finishes an unforgettable experience. www.lesottomans.com





AB & CORE WORKOUTS Over 25 million people use Sworkit because it’s the smartest workout app ever. Sworkit routines guide you through video exercises demonstrated by professional personal trainers.


ULTIMATE AB & CORE WORKOUTS Think you need a pricey gym membership or expensive equipment to get the toned physique that you want? Well, you don’t. All you need is this app and you can begin shaping your abs and strengthening your core.

How much does it cost? Inexpensive. You use a kettlebell, so you’ll need one of those. Start off with a lighter weight and slowly build up to a heavier weight.

If you love ramen noodles so much why don’t you take a bath in it!? Sitting in a giant bowl full of broth may seem odd, but it is said to have incredible health benefits. Supposedly the soup stimulates increased metabolism and beautifies your skin. The collagen in the pork-based broth bath is what will give your skin a healthier glow and will aid in moisture retention. We don’t know about you but when we eat ramen, it can be pretty greasy. If ‘messy eater’ equals beautiful then OK, each to his own.

BEAUTY MYTH HAIR LOSS IS DETERMINED BY YOUR MATERNAL GRANDFATHER FALSE It has more to do with your parents. However, if your mother’s hair has thinned, it’s not a foregone conclusion that yours will, too. The risk is higher if you have a mother with female-pattern hair loss. But many factors can affect your chances of hair loss, including the genes inherited from Dad, hormonal abnormalities, nutritional deficiencies or anaemia.

SEE THE LIGHT A portable energy light that uses the natural power of daylight to improve your energy levels. 100% UV free light and safe for skin and eyes. The effects are similar to that of a sunny day.

What is it? A highly effective, highly functional exercise that uses your entire body. It is called the Turkish get-up, by the way, because Turkish wrestlers apparently used it as a way of demonstrating their immense strength to each other.

What does it promise? Improved shoulder stability, core strength, mobility and leg drive. Plus it has an actual point: do enough of these and you’ll be stronger, as opposed to just looking stronger. What’s it actually like? You lie flat on your back, holding a kettlebell above your head. Then, keeping that arm perfectly outstretched, you stand up. Then, once you’re there, you return to the starting position and do it again. By the time you’ve done about 20 of them, you’ll hate kettlebells, Turkey and the entire concept of exercise. If you master this, try it with a kettlebell in each hand. Best and worst bits This is a hard exercise that will leave you wobbly-legged and out of breath. But it’s also brilliant, and much more effective than a bicep curl or normal sit up will ever be.

ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 105

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106 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

Energy Boost


In order to boost our energy during the day we tend to rely on things which provide a temporary kick like coffee, energy drinks or sugary foods, leaving us just as exhausted. Is this the best way to go?


he problem with quick energy boosts is that they always come with the inevitable crash, leaving us just as exhausted as before. In order to durably increase your energy levels try meditation! Meditation for increased energy might seem like a paradox as it is used mainly to calm

Reorganise your daily schedule so you can reserve 5 to 10 minutes preferably early in the morning. Choose a quiet and peaceful environment. Sit with your back straight and your feet flat on the ground or cross-legged in a lotus-style pose. Use a timer. Close your eyes or focus on a flame or an object. Be aware that meditation is not just a breathing exercise. It’s a learning process. STEP 1 For the first minute or two, settle into your breathing rhythm and observe your state of mind. Notice your energy level today and how it affects your posture and your mood. Try not to think about any daily issues, problems or tasks that may lay ahead in your busy working day. Clear your head completely and focus only on your respiration.

the mind. Many people become surprised to learn that meditation is a highly effective solution to boost your energy. Studies have shown that a meditation session of only 5 minutes each day will reduce stress and anxiety by 50% and will double your energy levels.

STEP 2 Then for the next several minutes, as you’re focussing on the breathing, imagine you’re taking in energy when inhaling. Visualise your breath as pure energy coming in and oxygenating the cells. See it as the fuel that creates energy in your body. Then, on each exhale, visualise letting go of fatigue, dullness, or anything that weighs you down. Remember, rather than trying to actually deepen or control the breath, you’re just noticing its natural pace. STEP 3 For the last few minutes, drop back to noticing and observing the experience of your breath in your body. When you reach the end of the meditation, take a moment, just to notice the change in your energy levels.

Blue Tree offer bespoke massages using traditional techniques and are available in your home or on your yacht throughout the Cote d’Azur. For more details Tel: +33 (0)6 51 36 93 65 or visit www.bluetree-massage.com ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 107

Firm up


How to get firm skin and look younger

Everyday factors that damage collagen and elastin

LIFESTYLE AND ENVIRONMENTAL Pollution and free radicals can diminish collagen production and reduce skin elasticity

HIGH SUGAR CONSUMPTION Increases the rate of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that damage nearby proteins, weakening collagen and making it dry and brittle.

COLLAGEN As a popular ingredient in many skin creams and even as a supplement on the shelves in supermarkets, collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It’s found in muscles, bones, skin, blood vessels, digestive system and tendons. Its what helps give our strength and elasticity, along with replacing dead skin cells. For the muscles and tendons, simply put, it’s the glue that holds us together so, needless to say its pretty important stuff. The body’s collagen product starts to slow with age, and we can thank this reduction for the wrinkles, sagging skin, aching joints and weaker cartilage. Other lifestyle factors can also speed up this collagen loss, such as a diet high in sugar-rich foods, smoking and high amounts of sun exposure.

FOODS TO HELP COLLAGEN PRODUCTION BLUEBERRIES Packed with antioxidants, they can help collagen fibres link together helping the body produce more collagen. DARK LEAFY GREENS Spinach, kale and Swiss Chard are all rich in vitamin C and A that encourages collagen production. GARLIC Containing abundant amounts of sulphur, taurin and lipid acid, garlic helps repair damaged collagen. EGGS Naturally rich in amino acids which are an essential for forming collagen. SWEET POTATOES Orange veggies like carrots and sweat potatoes are rich in vitamin A which restores and regenerates damaged collagen.

SUN UV rays damage collagen found in the dermis, causing it to break down, and creates abnormal elastin fibres to rebuild incorrectly forming wrinkles.

TOBACCO The combination of chemicals in tobacco smoke damage collagen and elastin. Nicotine also restricts the blood vessels compromising the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the skin.


ELASTIN Elastin is also a protein found in connective tissues, but a different type of protein to collagen. Naturally, as the name suggests it had elastic properties and is responsible for allowing tissues in the body to ‘snap back’ into their original shape. Elastin is not as plentiful in the skin as collagen, but remains an essential element to having healthy skin. Just as collagen affects the skin’s ability to repair and remain strong and firm, a reduction of elastin results in sagging around the eyes, jaw line and neck. WAYS TO BOOST ELASTIN Exfoliation is an important part of the skin care routine. It removes dead skin cells and stimulates the production of new elastin.

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Vitamin C will stimulate elastin production, dissolve dead skin cells and rejuvenate tired or ageing skin. Protecting your skin from UVA and UVB sun rays is vital for healthy skin. Slap it on and re-apply every two hours 12 months of the year, especially if you’re out on the water. A diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids keeps the skin supple and younger looking. This nutrient helps develop an ideal environment for elastin production. It helps to plump up the skin and reduce wrinkles. Nuts like cashews, pecans and almonds are a great snack and are packed in omega-3 together with salmon, tuna and sardines.

Certain chemicals in cleaning products and laundry detergent can cause allergies. Always wear gloves when cleaning.

AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS Some can cause antibodies to target collagen. Collagen levels decrease and deplete naturally throughout our lifespan.

LACK OF VITAMINS A & C They encourage collagen and elastin production and help fight off those free radicals.






Turn back the clock

Firm skin and reverse the signs of skin ageing with these top recommended products 5







Blur Icy Magic instant skin perfector €32.95 www.sephora.fr 2 DR SEBAGH

Rose de Vie Serum €145 www.drsebagh.com 3 PAULA’S CHOICE

Resist Omega+ Complex €38 www.paulaschoice.com 4 MURAD

Anti-Aging Moisturiser Broad Spectrum SPF 30 €49 www.murad.com 5 DIOR

Capture Youth Plum Filler €76 www.dior.com 6 (MALIN+GOETZ)

Recovery Treatment Oil €90 www.malinandgoetz.eu 7 DR JACKSON’S

Night Cream €90 www.drjackson.co.uk 8 LA ROCHE-POSAY

Toleriane Ultra Nuit €14.50 www.laroche-posay.com 9 BULLDOG

Age Defence Eye Roll €12 www.bulldogskincare.com 10 SISLEY

At Night Anti-Aging €434 www.sisley-paris.com

ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 109


STABILITY MATTERS With many superyacht new builds exceeding 80m in length, stabilisation control is even more critical. GyroMarine looks at large capacity controller moment gyroscopes


yroMarine designs and produces gyroscopic stabilisers made for the marine industry, specialising in the megayachting, military and offshore sectors for vessels with a length exceeding 50 meters. Headquartered in Tuscany, Rosignano (Livorno), the company is part of an industrial group with decades of experience in mechanical design, engineering and production.

The operator interface is intuitive and allows direct, continuous monitoring of all the variables of interest A passion for research and innovation drives the multi-disciplinary, international GyroMarine team, overseeing every production phase in-house, from design to final testing and installation. All activities are conducted with the support of the company’s global industrial subsidiaries. The organisation benefits from a vast pool of expertise and experience, from marine

product design to production and support activities for large offshore engineering and undersea projects, and from the chemical industry to the commercial aerospace and energy sectors. The multi disciplinary approach and capability is reflected in every activity, from design to production up to and including after-installation support services. The company’s solid financial stability ensures the implementation and support of ongoing projects through to completion and installation. Experience has shown that active drive is essential to effectively meet the stabilisation demands of large vessels. The solution is the innovative Active Drive new technology developed by GyroMarine. This ensures a level of comfort and safety unequalled by other available technologies. A gyroscope, which is subjected to roll motion, will develop a natural precession torque that will tend to naturally drive the gyroscope to move in its gimbals. Movement of the gyroscope rotor assembly within

its frame is referred to as Precession. The natural driving torque depends on the gyroscope’s angular momentum (how big and fast the rotor is spinning), the ship’s roll rate and the instantaneous orientation of the rotor assembly. The natural precession driving torque is immediate; but it must overcome the friction and inertia of the rotor assembly; inclusive of its drive and brake mechanism, before movement will commence. GyroMarine gyroscopes can be located anywhere on the ship with equal effect. This includes offset from centreline or offset about centre of gravity; vertically or longitudinally. GyroMarine manufactures a range of gyroscopes with stabilising capacities from 150,000 Nms to 1,500,000 Nms of angular momentum. The GyroMarine Active Drive Gyroscope is designed and installed to guarantee optimal usability. The operator interface is intuitive and allows direct, continuous monitoring of all the variables of interest (energy consumed, temperature, roll and pitch). It’s simplicity is also reflected in the sophisticated, minimalist elegance of the device itself, that can be integrated seamlessly into the most prestigious of naval architecture design projects. All these features make GyroMarine’s Active Drive Gyroscope the effective solution to the stabilisation demands of large vessels available in the marketplace. For more details Tel +39 0586 791174 or visit www.gyromarine.com ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 111

Our aim is to make a Captains day easier, safer & less stressful whilst making an Owners day better & less expensive

I've just had my first charter season ever without a single complaint from our guests about their internet and TV experience anywhere we have cruised all thanks to Excelerate. I would recommend their Satellite Broadband and TV Services to anyone whether you are a busy charter yacht or if you just want to keep your guests, crew and boss happy, they have packages to suite all. Their real time remote and onboard technical support is also the best I've ever experienced. It’s like having my own IT department onboard and we plan to use them in other areas for next season so that they can take the pressure off and give everyone onboard a better experience at a more economical price. Captain Julian Sincock, M/Y Sunseeker Princess AVK

+33 493 000 086

112 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD





Rokoat’s unique protective coatings are making waves in an industry where overused surfaces like glass and marble need to sparkle 24/7


hen a megayacht owner recently approached Rokoat it was with a mixture of pride, alarm and desperation. He had always dreamed of owning a luxurious 40 metre ship with breathtaking ocean views from each stateroom and was thrilled with his new asset. He hadn’t, however, considered quite how complicated and expensive it would be to keep those spectacular windows perfectly clean and gleaming. His charter clients were, naturally, expecting perfection on board, but his captain and crew were receiving complaints about window and glass smears and impaired visibility. Despite the crew working around the clock, an ineffective harness system meant that cleaning the windows was highly time consuming and sometimes perilous. It isn’t a secret in the yachting industry that crewing can be taxing and treacherous. But what isn’t so well known, yet, is that Rokoat offers unique tried and tested coatings that substantially reduce costs as well as safety risks on board. This particular owner came to Rokoat when he was considering retrofitting a trackway harness, a huge expense that would improve safety, but substantially degrade the aesthetic beauty of the ship. One of Rokoat’s existing customers had recommended he try their SecuraKoat Glass Protect product. “The SecuraKoat Glass Protect has become one of our best sellers,” says Wayne Berry, a specialist yacht painter with 25 years’ experience and co-owner of Rokoat with Rebecca Capel Berry, a former yacht crew member. “These days yachts have huge windows with incredible views, but the crew can’t get down to them unless they use a harness, which can be dangerous and time consuming,” he says. “After applying the glass protection the windows just need to be rinsed off, rather than scrubbing and washing, which can simply be done with a hose.” Using the most up to date hydrophobic technology, the non-stick, clear coating creates a protective barrier for any glass surface. “From watermarks, to saltwater, dirt, algae and bird droppings,

virtually nothing can adhere to a surface coated in SecuraKoat Glass Protect,” he says. The benefits are considerable and immediate. “During the charter season it makes turnovers far easier as the crew don’t have to spend hours putting the harness on and scrubbing the windows in any dangerous situations,” he explains, adding that one professionally applied coating can last up to four years reducing overall costs significantly. Rokoat’s Glass Protect product can also be used inside. A favourite application is on glass shower cubicles, which can drastically reduce the cleaning time between charters. In fact, the company has products for interior and exterior use. From paintwork to windows, glass elevators, varnish, marble, exhaust towers and stainless steel, Rokoat’s environmentally-friendly products are original and uniquely formulated to protect and revive even the most troublesome surfaces so that they stay clean and shiny. “Using our products means no more wasted time trying to remove watermarks, toothpaste and lemon juice stains on marble, often to no avail,” says Wayne. He explains that Rokoat’s products can easily halve the time deck hands spend polishing stainless steel on board. What makes Rokoat’s products stand out is that each is an original formulation that was born to provide a specific solution. “That’s why they work,” says Wayne. “We’ve partnered with a lab to generate our own formulas and carry out intensive testing for each. If, say, we want a solution that is quicker drying or more resistant, we can do that, and ultimately it will be the best product to solve the client’s problem.” Rokoat is the only solutions-based coatings company in the yachting industry. The company can provide fast and effective solutions with their range of existing products or invent something new if the problem requires a tailor made solution. For more details Tel: +33 (0)970 449 228 or visit www.rokoat.com ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 113

YACHT ESSENTIALS Chris Clifford recommends his essential products and services for the coming season EIS European Insurance & Services EIS European Insurance & Services offer special insurance for special customers, P&I, hull and machinery coverage, healthcare insurance and more. EIS’s main principles are an individual approach and a high standard of service. The company propose the best possible option of insurance coverage and undertake all necessary actions in the claims process. Customer service is based on an individual approach. EIS

European Insurance & Services provide a unified high standard of customer service worldwide, from Cuba to Thailand. Flexible approach to each individual ensures qualitative insurance coverage and continuous cooperation. This is proven by the satisfaction of more than 25,000 yacht owners. For more details Tel: +49 (0)30 214082-18 or visit www.eis-insurance.com

SES Ships Electronic Services (SES) has been a supplier and installer of the world’s most advanced marine electronics for over 40 years. Engineers are factory trained and have the experience of a wide range of leisure and commercial vessels which enables SES to develop and install, navigation, entertainment, communication and security systems that continuously perform to the highest standards meeting and exceeding customer expectations. With 24/7 telephone support to its customers, SES is capable of handling supply, service and installation throughout Europe. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1634 295500 or visit www.ses-marine.com 114 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

Sanguineti Chiavari Sanguineti Chiavari are celebrating 60 years of the brand. Sanguineti Chiavari always make high quality products with a special eye to design and innovation. The brand is well known for its recognisable style of gangways and creative products that have become iconic in nautical history. Specifically, the recessing capstan drum in light alloy, the first one introduced more that 20 years ago. Now available also in stainless steel and in different powers. Sanguineti Chiavari also offer customised products and the best solutions for their customers. For more details Tel: +39 0185 363324 or visit www.sanguineti.com

Rokoat Rokoat are market leaders in all round surface protection for the marine industry. The company provides innovative and effective solutions to revive and protect your marble, glass, stainless steel, wood, gelcoat and painted surfaces, exterior and interior, saving you time and money in the management and maintenance of your yacht. Rokoat’s worldwide teams of professionals work

alongside your crew to guide you to the perfect solution with a large range of both professionally applied and crew use products. Rokoat Protective Coatings strive to provide the marine industry with tested solutions on key surfaces, with optimum performance. For more details Tel: +33 (0)970 449 228 or visit www.rokoat.com

French International Register YACHTNEEDS YACHTNEEDS provide yacht crew, wherever they are, to confidently source carefully selected, specifically catalogued, high quality onshore professionals, products and services. Crew can chat live, apply for the industry’s latest jobs and listen live to Superyacht Radio, all in one app. Download it for free from the App Store or Google Play. YACHTNEEDS, the only superyacht app you will ever need! For more details email info@yachtneeds.net or visit www.yachtneeds.net

The RIF offers attractive registration for professional yachts. Commercial vessels flying the French flag are ranked in the white list of the Paris MOU confirming the quality of French vessels in terms of compliance with international standards. RIF offers quick and easy administrative procedures with no fees offering a renowned level of safety and security compliant with European Union rules for international crew. With full exemption from income tax for salaried seamen resident in France (on board more than 183 days over twelve months rolling). For more details Tel: +33(0)4 96 11 55 10 or visit www.rif.mer.developpement-durable.gouv.fr ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 115

Sapphire Seas Experience life with an ultimate luxury vacation. When it comes to choosing a destination, the options are limitless. Relax and unwind in a destination of your choice. Sapphire Seas exclusive fleet of world-class yachts known as the Sapphire Collection are ready to offer the Life Experience. A yacht vacation allows

one to experience life from a new perspective, to explore new destinations, discover cultures and, above all, connect deeply with those you love. It is an experience of a lifetime. For more details Tel: +1 954 760 4442 or visit www.sapphireseas.com

ACO Marine Since 2005, ACO Marine, part of the US$1 billion ACO Group, has become one of the leading suppliers of advanced wastewater treatment systems in all LYC, LY3 and PYC yacht categories. Some of the largest megayachts launched over the past six years are equipped with ACO Marine’s Maripur NF or Clarimar MF advanced wastewater treatment systems, while smaller craft are specifying the new Clarimar LY3 system. Launched in 2017, the Clarimar LY3 is the ideal solution for yachts where compliance with Section 4.2 of the revised IMO MEPC 227 (64) is not required. For more details Tel: +420 724 011 775 or visit www.acomarine.com

116 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

General Consulate of Panama, Marseille Through its privilege geographic location, Panama offers incentives on the financial, banking and maritime services. The General Consulate of Panama located in the Vieux-Port of Marseille, France, proposes the registry of pleasure yachts and vessels of all types. The Consulate provides an efficienct and rapid service for Seaman Books for officials and crew. Clients can pay their taxes and other services directly in the consulate, having the official prices of the Panama Maritime Authority, without any intermediaries or brokers. The only Consulate of Marine Marchant in France offers a wide range of services, including authentication of signature and legalisation of documents needed for sales and mortgages. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 91 90 05 84 or visit www.consulatgeneraldepanamamarseille.com


Baker Tilly Isle of Man Baker Tilly Isle of Man provides a dedicated, experienced team for a complete yacht service. Their aim is to provide impartial advice based on the clients’ overall requirements. The team are able to co-ordinate the various aspects of yacht ownership and operation allowing clients to enjoy their vessel with the flexibility to choose from the services Baker Tilly offer. They offer a comprehensive and bespoke service providing yacht

ownership and registration services to a worldwide client base ensuring they meet their requirements with flexibility, confidentiality and transparency. The services range from ownership and corporate structuring, registration, VAT, payroll, import, leasing and operational management. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1624 693900 or visit: www.bakertillyiom.com

Heli Riviera Coming in 2018, Heli Riviera introduces its brand new e-training course for helideck operations. Helideck operations are challenging and dangerous. A strong team is essential with safety being the number-one priority at all times. Our e-training programme, based on Heli Riviera’s MCA accredited training course, provides you with the vital training for helideck operations. Trainees follow a comprehensive theory-based syllabus culminating in an online examination and the award of a certificate of course completion for your training records. The course is open to individuals as well as in-company groups. Be Ready, Be Prepared, Be Safe. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 93 90 53 00 or visit www.heliriviera.com

Anchors & Dove Entering the market in 2016/2017, Anchors & Dove offers crew a ‘fresh take’ on uniforms, successfully fusing fashion with comfort, fit and function. The use of technical fabrics throughout has led to lightweight, crease-free, sweat wicking uniforms, ensuring the crew wearing them look and feel as polished as the yachts they work aboard! A&D’s unique range, designed by former Chief Stewardess Prudence Ellis-Bundren, includes contemporary daywear and stylish evening uniforms such as the peplum dress with a hidden radio pocket and unique epaulette ties and scarves. Recently adding off charter options, shoes and belts, A&D is now perfectly positioned to offer superyachts a full range of uniforms. All items are available for worldwide delivery. For more details Tel: +61420600544 or visit www.anchorsanddove.com ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 117

Steamship Mutual Steamship Mutual provides a dedicated Yacht Liability Cover which answers the specific needs of yacht owners. As well as protecting the yacht owner against liabilities towards third parties, the cover allows the owner to fulfil his obligation to provide financial security for repatriation expenses and unpaid wages in accordance with

the MLC. The cover can be extended to include Legal Expenses, Accident and Illness cover for crew, Hull War Risk and Kidnap & Ransom covers and Cyber risk cover. For more details contact Tel +44 (0)20 7650 6646 or visit www.steamshipmutual.com/underwriting/yacht-facility.htm

PreBit The possibility of dimming is still very import for customers buying a luminaire. When conventional incandescent lamps are dimmed, the colour-temperature drops and the light appears warmer. Until now it was just possible to reduce the intensity of LED-light by dimming but it seems to become ‘colder’. With the brand new ‘dim2warm’ technology prebit® has developed several luminaires with warm-tone dimming. These new models create a special soft-dimmed LED light and provide a nice, feel good atmosphere, like an incandescent lamp. It soothes the senses. Thereby dim2warm by prebit® conjures up the highly requested comfortable atmosphere in the room, like the shine of candlelight. For more details Tel: +49 2226 89228 0 or visit www.prebit.de

Fiona’s Atelier Fiona’s Atelier is a specialist in yacht supplies such as rattan, leather goods, welcome mats, hurricane lamps, crockery, cutlery, glassware, decor items, bath amenities, towels, personalised gifts and much more. Fiona’s Atelier collaborate with more than 300 wholesalers and brands, carefully selected, in order to ensure the highest quality offering, along with years of expertise and priceless advice. As a single point of contact and billing for all your purchases you can avoid extra bureaucracy, payments, banking fees, and multiple transport costs by eliminating the need to use multiple suppliers. If you have a storage problem, or you are unsure of your next port of call, they can also arrange storage and ship whenever it is convenient for you. For more details Tel: +34 933 157941 or visit www.fionasatelier.com

118 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD


Kitts and Nevis Kitts and Nevis aim to supply uniform retailers with a range of high quality yachtwear for yacht crew. The range has been developed by a team with 25 years experience in yachting and garment manufacturing. This new collection of nine models is available now within several crew uniform retailers on the French Riviera. With modern designs and quality fabrics, it is an exciting alternative to the existing main stream of current yacht wear. The range begins with micro pique 100% pima cotton polos, available in 6 colours for both men and women giving the polos a luxury finish available in 3 colours with a silky finish for women. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 92 97 85 78 or visit www.kittsandnevis.net

Absolute Boat Care Experts in Anti-Foul Solutions, Absolute Boat Care offer their clients a fantastic choice in anti-fouling applications from an experienced and knowledgeable team. They can decipher the right product for you dependent on your program, whether it be for racing, or to help with lower fuel consumption over a long charter season. Over the years, we have built a fantastic relationship with our Akzo Nobel technical representative to ensure the perfect result, and out of the 350 applications, approximately 35 projects were sandblasted back to bare metal, or primers, and a full new anti foul system applied. We are also authorised Propspeed and Propgold applicators and use one or the other to approximately 80% of jobs. For more details Tel: +34 649 989909 or visit www.absoluteboatcare.net



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Vessel Watch The DAME-nominated software is designed to expand the possibilities of on board communications. Developed by NetLogic Marine, using the understanding gained from over 18 years serving the luxury marine industry. Conceived to improve the safety and experience of all on board; integrating easily with your existing systems and utilising the two-way radio system. The benefits of Vesselwatch include advanced alarm management, intelligent tender and toy tracking, with geofenced perimeters and safe zone alerts. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1482 772536 or visit www.netlogic-marine.com

ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 119

CeraShield Ceramic Coatings For Yachts offer first class application and removal of premium Ceramic Coatings that have the ability to prolong the life of superyacht paint from either new build delivery painted surfaces or freshly painted refit work and offer a 5 year guarantee on gloss levels from new paint with their new 5 year protection plan. CeraShield also offer yachts which have no time or budget to paint a very real solution to restore the gloss of the exterior faded paintwork and seal it with a choice of one of three ceramic coatings, a 10 micron coating a 7 micron coating and a 5 micron coating which offer on going long lasting performance, protection and durability of gloss levels which reduces the amount of labour it takes to keep the exterior surface looking good for owners and guests and frees up the deck crew to attend to their charter duties. For more details Tel: +34 635 395 345 or visit www.cerashield.net

Clear Blue Sky Clear Blue Sky are the leaders in providing crew and guest safety videos. A well-trained crew and informed guests make your yacht safer. Video is the best way of getting the safety message across to all. It adds a valuable resource to your onboard safety regime, and most of all, it works. The videos give a bridge to bilge training resource for new and existing crew to ISM, ISPS and Solas guidelines, with the added benefit of Interactive SOPs manuals. For more details +44 (0)7512998351 or visit www.clearblueskyvideo.com

120 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

Suitform Since 1961 Suitform have manufactured a ready to wear collection for both women’s and menswear that complement each other to the full. Each garment coordinates sophisticatedly on account of the choice of tailored details such as double collars on polo shirts and martingale belts. The overall effect achieved is one of a unique and corporate image for the entire crew. Garments include skorts, shorts, polo shirts, special t-shirts, trousers, Capri pants, skirts and dresses as well as sweatshirts, shoes and essential accessories such as belts and leather radio cases. Shapes are inspired by an everlasting elegance combined with a modern touch. Only high quality textiles are used, with added features of comfort and a natural feel. 70% of the material used is Italian and is produced exclusively for Suitform® this translates into apparel that maintains both style and quality. Particularly attention is paid to colour, Suitform®’s colour palette is unique and is the result of detailed research, development and creativity. Suitform® clothing is custom-made to each client’s specification. Personalized embroidery and printing techniques are used which are embellished by the brand’s design and manufacturing. For more details Tel: +30 210 411 3671 or visit www.suitform.com


Modesty Group Modesty Group has developed into one of the most important yacht carpentry and design company in the industry and has now opened a new workshop in Barcelona situated in MB92 so as to offer their complete services further afield. Having invested heavily in the most sophisticated equipment, Modesty is perfectly suited to service the refit industry where much needs to be fabricated

off site relying on precise measurements and professionalism. The company is specialised in exterior teak decking, interior refits, exterior furniture, upholstery, capping rails, gratings, providing a full service to all their clients. For more details Tel: +34 971 91 02 11 or visit www.modesty.es

HOLA Heli Riviera has partnered with Mallorca based helicopter operator, Balearic Helicopters to deliver its MCA accredited Helideck Flight Training Course. Nigel Watson, the founder of Heli Riviera joined Jonny Greenall the owner of Balearic Helicopters to launch the partnership. Heli Riviera’s senior trainer Jonathan Mutch will lead the initial training programmes to the point where Jonny and his team will deliver the course on Heli Riviera’s behalf. HOLA Helideck Services will not only provide local helideck training in the region and Spain but also provide the yachting industry with an FBO, hangarage possibilities and improved access to opening times at Balearic Helicopters, Son Bonnet Airport Base. For more details email: enquiries@holahs.com or visit www.holaheliservice.com

GyroMarine Gyro Marine is a company formed by a group of businessmen who have been together designing and building large and complex engineering projects, including large scale gyroscopes, for many years. The organisation brings together specific experiences in marine product design, the production and support of large engineering projects for offshore, industrial chemical, aerospace and power generation, with the financial strength and skills to manage the implementation and support of such projects. Their capability extends from internal software design, through mechanical design and project management, to large scale precision manufacturing including dynamic balancing of large gyroscopes without reliance on third parties. For more details Tel:+39 0586 791174 or visit www.gyromarine.com ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 121

Navantia With a long tradition of nearly 300 years, Navantia Ship Repairs Cartagena is one of the leading centres for the repair of yachts and mega-yachts. Strategically located on the Mediterranean-Caribbean route, it boasts some of the most modern facilities, such as a 150m. x 20.5m Syncrolift; a 214m. x 20.5m Dry-dock; a 3.000 m2 multi-purpose workshop; a crew services building with dining area, galley, offices, wi-fi, training rooms, etc. On top of that, a bilingual crew assistance service and a complementary yacht club to cater for the needs of crew members For more details Tel: +34 968 128 340 or visit www.navantia.es/yacht

Nautilus Yacht Equipment Nautilus, Greece’s premier yacht chandlery. Since 1993, they have offered a full spectrum of yacht equipment to satisfy the passionate yachtsman. Through their dealerships, Nautilus offer the complete line of some of the world’s leading manufacturers in the nautical sector. Nautilus is the exclusive representative and importer of more than 50 brand names including Lewmar, Rutgerson, Spinlock, Liros, Seajet, Whisper Power, Sterling, Solara, Crewsaver, Henri Lloyd, Oceanled etc. The most detailed yacht equipment stores in Greece for yachts up to 150 ft. Your specialist megayacht chandler in Greece. For more details Tel: +30 210 9854238 or visit www.nautilus.gr

122 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

FLIR FLIR, the world leader in thermal imaging technology, supplies thermal imaging solutions to superyacht security specialists and builders to enhance situational awareness when navigating and improve onboard security and safety. FLIR has recently developed and extended its range of thermal cameras in response to a demand for easier to use products and the growing security protection required for such high worth assets. FLIR’s marine range (M-Series) cameras integrate with most superyacht radar and navigation systems enabling them to automatically track and keep a radar target in view on the thermal display. This level of integration offers captains video quality imagery that is very easy to interpret. Last year, FLIR introduced a new advanced cooled thermal camera core technology to its M-Series range taking image quality and range capabilities to a completely new level with optimum detection capabilities while enabling captains to focus on other navigational tasks. For more details Tel: +31 (0)6 122 71 848 or visit www.flir.com/maritime


© Shirley O’Hara Falcone

BMComposites BMComposites are now entering a new phase in their mission to offer the refit industry unlimited possibilities in composite design and realisation. Recent investment has allowed them to open a brand new, state of the art production facility with over 1500 sqm of floor space in Palma, thus widening their abilities to produce much larger and more complex structures including new builds. Their distribution partnership with Gurit enables BMC to be at the forefront of the ever evolving composite materials

market and provides a direct line to their world class structural engineering department. An enhanced management team has been created to assist in running larger projects enabling BMC to offer a complete refit package from haul out to launch. For more details contact: Mark Branagh - Managing Director +34 627287863 Luke Hendy - Commercial Director +34 610455757 or visit www.bmcomposites.com

Isle of Man Ship Registry The Isle of Man Ship Registry is one of the world’s leading registers of ships and superyachts. A British register providing the very best in service to its valued clients; it is the flag of choice for owners looking for quality and partnership from a flag administration. With surveyors around the world, the register is run by a team of professionals dedicated to providing the very best in service. With 24/7 service and in-house technical expertise, the register provides advice and regulatory oversight for the ships and yachts on the register, in a pragmatic and commercially sensitive manner. This partnership working and service-culture is what attracts clients to register more of their ships in the Isle of Man. For more details Tel: +44 1624 688500 or visit www.iomshipregistry.com

C.A.B.B.S CABS Carpentry and Boat Building Services was established in 2007 and is widely known as a company that Luptaturecus nulparcipsum volore parumque provides quality workmanship above all else. With an inctaquisqui qui ad mo cum quis et am antor emphasis on quality and customer service C.A.B.B.S mos exerupt atatumquam qui aut quo maximpor is the logical choice. The highly skilled team is willing antemperrum quis non pelecta ersperi oratem fugit and able to complete whatever job is required, be it et landis asimus, omnihictiis et que re nonem que sim a full interior refit or alteration, a new teak deck or as millecum abore num consedi sitatus aliate quis repairs, wooden yacht construction, restorations, or praturit omni auta nihitam dit, eaquis soluptumqui perhaps Perspex or Corian work. All completed with volorpo repreiusam elessi aut qui oditati oreium aut an end result that you will be proud of. C.A.B.B.S is expe volut maio volorumquo berum volum exernatem the honest and reliable service based in Palma, the exceaquatur sam quias aliquam comnimin nisit officil hub of Mediterranean yachting call. lenduciis vidusae. Ut et volorero quas dipsantius. For more details Tel: +34 971 074 965 Met quam est landipsam autem aborissum eum et or visit www.cabbs.es explanditia soluptae peliciment voluptatur

ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 123


Victoria Yachting


Victoria Yachting is a French company that has been working with yachts for the past 30 years. Of a very high quality and made to measure the company supply mattresses, over mattresses, slats, linens and duvets adapted to the shape of all your berths. Mattresses are available in memory, spring, latex and foam, over mattresses in memory, latex, feathers, and linen in Egyptian cotton, 200, 300, 600, 1000 threads and linen while quilts are available in fibres, feathers, silk, bamboo. All products are made in France, in their own workshops and all items can be embroidered with the name and logo of your yacht. For more details Tel:+33 (0)3 28 33 90 60 or visit www.victoria-yachting.com

Whether you are looking to completely restore the gloss of a really dull paint, or just a have small refresh, look no further than Diamonding. For the past 15 years, Nobelclean have achieved a high-gloss finish on hundreds of thousands of square meters of paint. Created with high-tech German quality, Diamonding is applicable to all kinds of coatings. The system is designed to save a minimum of one painting period, and minimise the downtime. The company provide a maintenance program, which extends the gloss warranty up to 12 years. The treatment is environmentally friendly and guarantees over 90 GU afterwards. For more details Tel: +49 (0)151 649 54 369 or visit www.nobelclean.com

Naval Dome Cyber-attacks pose one of the major threats to the maritime shipping industry. Over the past decade, vessels have become more automated, computerised and connected. However, along with these advances, critical PC-based onboard systems, which control the ship’s radar, navigation and machinery, have become vulnerable to malicious cyber-attacks. The Naval Dome Multi-layered Cyber Defence Solution is the maritime industry’s only system 124 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

designed specifically to protect the mission critical systems onboard ship. It detects and blocks internal and external attacks, integrates with existing systems and software and requires zero human intervention to create a safe working environment for all crew and guests on board the yacht. For more details Tel:+1 213 4230795 or visit www.navaldome.com

ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 125

Ships Electronic Ser vices

Upgrading your Marine Electronics or Entertainment Systems? Talk to the experts...

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Distributors with factory trained engineers for:


The only multi-layered cyber defence solution for maritime use Proven to protect all ship critical PC-based systems Proven to block all internal and external cyber attacks Zero human intervention required Integrates with all existing ship systems and software

For more information, visit: www.navaldome.com 126 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD


Network Marine Consultants

Rogers Advanced Composites Rogers Advanced Composites Ltd is a UK-based company manufacturing world class, bespoke, engineered carbon products for the Superyacht industry. With their lifting products, RAC offers superb weight savings of up to 75% over traditional metal solutions and can offer Naval Architects, Stylists and Builders greater flexibility on new builds and refits. The elegant carbon lifting solutions include: 10t Twin Lift Davit, 3.5t 12m Crane, 3.5t 12m extending to 1t 20m Telescopic Crane and 1.5t 8m Knuckle Boom Crane. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1590 678000/ 672000 or visit www.rogersadvancedcomposites.com

Network Marine Consultants has over 30 years’ experience in the Spanish Yachting sector and is the market leader in all administration relating to Charter legislation procedures in Spain. Our multilingual staff maintain direct contact with the major governing authorities, not only Nationally and Regionally, but also within the EU, and as such have front row tickets to changes or developments in legislation and administrative procedures. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries relating to the charter license process, or any other yachting administration queries. For more details Tel: +34 971 403 903 or visit www.networkmarineconsultants.com

Marcelo Penna Group Marcelo Penna Group is the combination of three departments: Marcelo Penna Yacht Design, Marcelo Penna Engineering and Marcelo Penna Yacht Services. Marcelo Penna Yacht Design has been designing, building, refitting and surveying yachts since 1984. This long expertise has brought the company important recognition, collaborating on winning the International Superyacht Society Award for best refit with MB’92 on MY Talitha. The MP625 is their first project meant to deliver the best results both on the yachting market as a yacht shadow or the offshore industry as a fast crew transfer and supply vessel. For more details Tel: +34 93 221 04 04 or visit www.mpyachts.com

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Voyonic Crewing Voyonic (formerly CESG Limited) have been providing global employment solutions to the marine industry for over 10 years. Services provided by Voyonic range from basic managed payroll bureau services through to the full crew HR management and employment solutions for both international shipping companies and superyacht owners. As part of a global payroll alliance, with associated businesses in the UK and Malta, specialising in legal, tax and social security, they genuinely believe that they have the solution for most employment situations in the industry. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1481 711828 or visit www.voyonic.com

Channel 28 Working with a major management company Channel 28 release the first generation of service call buttons for yacht use. Morse is a low power wifi device which can simply be integrated with AV/IT systems and Channel 28 cState radio systems. The waterproof buttons are available in a range of bespoke finishes with a configurable led ring and haptic drive for feedback and acknowledgement to the user. They are complemented by a matching iPhone app for client use. Channel 28 supply and integrate complete bespoke and secure crew radio and call solutions for superyachts. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1306 257250 or visit www.channel28.co.uk 128 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

Mr. Smith LAVIE Systems is a Dutch company with years of experience delivering easy to use full service entertainment systems for superyachts. They offer the most advanced solution in the industry at an affordable price. It is an integrated system that is guaranteed to deliver your favourite media content anywhere and anytime. User friendliness is at the core of everything that LAVIE Systems has developed. Everything is controlled by an app that enables guests to not only play their preferred entertainment but also controlling the entire on board environment. For more details Tel: +31 6 34 19 1273 or visit www.lavie-systems.com


FLYING THE FLAG The Panama Ship Registry has a long tradition of more than 100 years and is open to any type of vessel including superyachts both private and commercial


anama is the ‘A’ category member of IMO since 2002, the selected member, who holds the important vote in the Assembly. Moreover; Panama has held the quality management certification ISO 9001 by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance since 2008. It is inscribed in the White List of Tokyo MOU since 2002 and the White List of Paris MOU since 2010. A unique position within the shipping and yachting industry. In comparison to some other registries, the Panama Ship Registry is within the public domain, owned and administrated by The Republic of Panama, and not run by a lawyer’s office or private family office. The Registry is recognised the world over due to the ability to quickly access information on vessels already registered e.g. owner, tonnage, value, etc. This allows Owners and brokers to be more transparent when buying or selling a yacht. The procedures for the registration of a Preliminary Registration of Mortgage and Title Deeds are straightforward so that the whole process can be expeditiously completed. Panama has an extensive network of worldwide maritime consular offices, located in major ports. There are no restrictions on nationality or place of origin, for those wishing to register the yacht under the Panamanian flag and no minimum tonnage is required. Owners of a foreign nationality, that exclusively use the vessel for private and pleasure purposes pay the amount of taxes 1,500USD every two years. If the yacht is held by an owner

of Panamanian nationality, a company or a Panamanian foundation, the fee is 1,000USD. For yachts designated for commercial use or charter, the corresponding taxes will be paid each year. In the same way as commercial yachts, they have a right to benefit, during a period of three years, from reductions of 50% in the case of a new construction. The reduction is applied on: Registration Fees, Annual Taxes, Annual Consular Fees, Survey of Annual Accident Costs, Annual Inspection Fees, Taxes of 0.03% per ton net. One of the applied reductions on the design and construction of commercial yachts is related to the energy efficiency of the vessel, called Eco-Ship Discount. This is part of the Registry’s social responsibility programme focused on reducing pollution of the air or the sea. In both cases these taxes exclude the payment of any other tax and owners of yachts registered in Panama are not liable to VAT. In the General Consulate of Panama in Marseille, France, the procedure for Provisional Registry takes a few hours if all required documents are presented and the only taxes paid are indicated by The Panama Maritime Authority (AMP), without any surcharges or additional fees. For more details contact General Consulate of Panama in Marseille, France Tel. +33 (0)4 91 90 05 84 or visit www.consulatgeneraldepanamamarseille.com

Required documents for yacht registration with the Panama Ship Registry PLEASURE YACHTS •

Sworn declaration of yacht owner stating the yacht won’t be used for lucrative purposes

Copy of passport or copy of Commercial Registry for the nominated person

Power of Attorney to a resident agent to represent him in front of AMP

Ownership certificate

Copy of previous registry cancellation, not in case of new construction

Fill in the application form to affiliate the Panama flag

Specify the coordinates of navigation of the yacht


Declaration of owner stating the maximum of passengers on board

Safety Management Certificate (SMC) for yachts with more than 12 passengers and 500 gross tonnage.

Power of Attorney to a resident agent to represent him in front of AMP

Builder Certificate, in case of new construction issued by the builder

Safety Management Certificate (SMC) for yachts of older construction

Copy of previous registry cancellation, not in case of new construction

Ownership certificate

Fill in the application form to affiliate the Panama flag

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ISLAND FUN With its own brand of laid back glamour Formentera is attracting some cool celebs, where the order of the day is swim, eat, drink….repeat

STAY ES RAM ECO-RESORT A collection of five white villas with modern interiors that are hidden in a beautifully secluded pine forest. If you need complete tranquility and want to escape for a few days, you’ve found your spot. The mini resort has a groovy rooftop lounge where you can enjoy cocktails and watch the idyllic sunsets. If you are looking for exercise the winding path from your villa takes you direct to a secluded fisherman’s cove called Calo des Morts. Tel: +34 971 94 84 27 | €€€€€ www.esramresort.com CAP DE BARBÀRIA If you’re sick of looking at the sea, head inland to this vineyard and revel in the rustic surroundings and sample the odd bottle of vino tinto. Three beautiful luxury chalets hidden away in the vineyard that is closed to the public but there is a wonderful French restaurant on site and if you get that desperate the coast is only about 500m away… Tel: +34 647 70 75 72 | €€€€ www.capdebarbaria.com 130 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD

GECKO HOTEL & BEACH CLUB With a slight bohemian feel and a generous helping of luxury, you can start your day with a yoga class followed by a healthy breakfast on one of the terraces overlooking the sea, before thinking about diving into the plunge pools after you’re bored from spending the rest of the day on the sumptuous day beds…… Tel: +34 971 328 024 | €€€€€ www.geckobeachclub.com PARADISO DE LOS PINOS With its whitewashed walls and sea-blue shutters, child friendly Paraíso de los Pinos fits right in on the tiny, laid back island of Formentera. If you need a bit of privacy there are also some private apartments, but you can still indulge in the beautiful

pool area, bars and excellent restaurant all within a stone’s throw of a typical island white beach. Tel: +34 971 322 613 | €€€€ www.paraisodelospinos.com

EAT JUAN Y ANDREA RESTAURANT Idyllic, Halcyon - these words don’t do justice to this incredible bar and restaurant. Situated on a gorgeous beach looking out onto stunningly clear blue waters. Quietly doing its stuff since the ‘70s, this eatery serves typical Mediterranean dishes with a nod towards seafood. Tel: +34 630 25 81 44 FLIPPER & CHILLER On the famous Migjorn strip nestled amongst the dozens of other bars and restaurants, this one stands out from the crowd thanks to its funky decor and expansive roof terrace. Book a table, enjoy the classic seafood, and move up to the roof top terrace for the incredible sunsets. Tel: +34 971 187 596 CA NA PEPA A classic spot for a late breakfast or relaxing lunch. The owner has turned his house into a restaurant and the decor reflects this with a relaxed feel. You can sit in the courtyard or on the front terrace, sip on some excellent freshly brewed coffee and dive into a well deserved brunch. Tel: +34 971 321 091


KIOSKO 62 Another gem situated on the 6km stretch of Playa Migjorn, teetering on the sea’s edge this classic bar is little more than a rustic wooden shack. But as they say, it’s complete barefoot bliss. First class cocktails and a classic spot for people watching and sunsets. Tel: +34 697 84 07 95

DRINK 10.7 Milan meets the Balearics. This fashionable bar is situated on Playa Migjorn offering great tapas, salads, international wines and great vibes with the sound of gently crashing waves beneath your feet. THE BLUE BAR This couldn’t be further away from a typical commercial beach bar. Simply decorated, nestled on a glorious beach in San Ferran, atop a dune giving just the most incredible views. It’s simple and ticks all the boxes no matter what time of day you visit. PIRATABUS Started by a couple of German hippies 40 years ago, this is one of the island’s oldest bars. It retains its 70’s vibe after reining converted from a bus into a wooden beach hut. Located on the dunes of Migjorn. CAFE MIRANDA In an area called Es Pujols, Formentera’s Italian quarter. Put it in the diary for either a macchiato in the morning or that perfect sundowner of your choice in the evening.

BEACHES PLAYA DE MIGJORN One of the most diverse beaches in Formentera and by far the longest at 6kms. However, for some reason it never seems overcrowded like the other Balearic island beaches. Along the beach you’ll always find a clean stretch of sand, some nice rocky outcrops or a hidden den in the dunes. The beach also has a superb collection of bars and restaurants to suit different palates and pockets, is family friendly with crystal clear waters, and is just far enough away from the heavy tourist areas. PLAYA DE SES ILLETES On the northern most tip of the island, Playa de ses Illetes has long been regarded as Formentera’s ‘fashion beach’. You’ll not see everyone in their designer labels and in fact it is the island’s official nudist beach! A truly spectacular cove, with some classy restaurants entertaining the owners of the yachts moored off the beach and definitely one of the best locations to watch the sun go down. PLAYA LLEVANT If you prefer a little more privacy wander up to Playa Llevant on the opposite side to Ses Illetes. Quieter than some of the more famous beaches, Llevant is a much wider, longer and a much more dramatic beach than Ses Illetes. Magical blue water gets deeper slightly quicker which also means you can have a decent swim rather than paddling around for ages in the shallows like an octogenarian.


PORT OF FORMENTERA 38º 44,1’N – 1º 24,9’E VHF 9 T +34 971 322 346 E reservas@marinadeformentera.com W www.marinadeformentera.com Max length 42m Max beam 9m Max draught 3.5m

BUCKET LIST RENT A MEHARI AND TOUR THE ISLAND By far the best and coolest way to discover this island gem. The perfect compliment to any vacation on this beautiful island. A SUNDOWNER AT CAFE MIRANDA Grab your favourite cocktail and a table overlooking the beach. Watch the sun go down and the sea take on a romantic orange tint. BIKE TRAILS At just 19kms from one end to the other, you can pretty much discover the whole island without breaking a sweat and all within a day. CAP DE BARBARIA - WINE A beautiful vineyard famed for it’s red wine and nestled in the southern most point of the island with Africa’s Barbary cost only 100km away. SUNSET AT FARO DE BARBARIA This is one place where no amount of pictures on Instagram will do the real experience any justice. Take your loved one and enjoy… SNORKELLING AT CALA DE SANT AUGUSTI On the northeastern part of the island is a cute fishing village with a small cove ideal for snorkelling. The village also has a nice selection of bars and restaurants once you have dried off and need to warm up.

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Fairway to heaven


Peloponnese, Greece Costa Navarino


s one of golf’s emerging destinations, Greece is home to some beautiful courses, none more than Costa Navarino. Set in Peloponnese, an under developed yet mesmerising region and home to the ancient Olympic Games. The two courses are distinctly different but equally as impressive. The Dunes Course was designed by former Masters champion and Ryder Cup captain Bernhard Langer, while the Bay Course is a picturesque delight which graces the coastline and offers views out to the idyllic Mediterranean Sea. 5 nights, bed and breakfast, 3 rounds of golf €635

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Andalucía, Spain Westin La Quinta


ocated in east Andalucía, a region littered with spectacular golf courses and resorts, Westin La Quinta proudly sits in the upper echelon. The fantastic 5* resort boasts three loops of 9-holes, testing golfers with every facet of their game as you overlook the inspiring Sierra Blanca mountain range. Away from the fairways, the resort’s accommodation is amongst the finest in southern Spain, with lavish guest rooms and impressive facilities, all within just 45 minutes from Malaga Airport. 7 nights, bed and breakfast, 4 rounds of golf €999

Belek, Turkey Cornelia Diamond


amed for the magnificent 5* all-inclusive resorts, Belek is without doubt Turkey’s golfing capital. Cornelia Diamond is one of many resorts which combine exceptional hospitality and championship golf, located in the heart of the action, surrounded by many of Belek’s superb courses. The accommodation exudes class and luxury in abundance and is matched by the affiliated golf course designed by Sir Nick Faldo, an exciting test for golfers of all abilities. 7 nights, all inclusive, 3 rounds of golf €569 ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 133

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Vilamoura, Portugal

Tivoli Marina Vilamoura Beach Resort


he Algarve is one of Europe’s leading golfing regions, offering something for every discerning golf traveller. Tivoli Marina Vilamoura Beach Resort is set in the Vilamoura resort, a popular destination for golfers looking for championship golf during the day and awesome nightlife when the sun goes down. The 5* Tivoli Beach Resort is perfectly located, affording views of the beautiful marina and granting golfers easy access to all five of Vilamoura’s exceptional golf courses. 3 nights, bed and breakfast, 2 rounds of golf €560

Valbonne, France Chateau de la Begude


outhern France is a brilliant golfing region, boasting bundles of character both on and off the course. Chateau de la Begude provides excellent 4* accommodation situated in the heart of the Côte d’Azur in the Opio Valbonne Golf Domain. Golfers will have easy access to the two magnificent courses at Golf de la Grande Bastide and Opio Valbonne. 3 nights, bed & breakfast, 2 rounds of golf €265

Prices are correct as of April 2018, please contact YourGolfTravel for further details on accommodation and flights. Tel: +44(0)207 3365340 www.yourgolftravel.com ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 135

5 Years - Guaranteed Gloss – We Have The Answer!

New 5 Year Protection Plan CeraShield - Ceramic Coatings for Yachts. CeraShield now offer a full 5 Year guarantee on gloss levels from new paint - With our new 5 year Protection Plan we can guarantee all exterior painted surfaces will remain high gloss for the 5 year period (other packages are available) contact us for more information. tel. +34 635 395 345 / 620 393 033

email. andy@cerashield.net or claire@cerashield.net


Ensuring Cruising Safety with Hytera Professional and covert communication, remote management, dispatching and deployment systems for yacht users TETRA DWS DISPATCHER Professional dispatching application Efficient management of your radio subscribers Serves as a control unit for monitoring alarm functions

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Discover Hytera technologies at www.hytera.co.uk or call +44 (0)1753 826120

136 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD


FLAG OF CHOICE Life is no longer as simple as picking a jurisdiction which provides everything an owner needs for a yacht on both sides of the equation: Flag and Ownership


he Flag State is responsible for the registration and regulation of the yacht to exacting international standards; whilst ownership is a complex world of finance and tax planning, providing bespoke solutions to owners for the intended use of the yacht. What is clear now is that the two are not inextricably linked. They should be considered as separate decisions. It is perfectly possible to avail oneself of the fiscal advantages offered by one jurisdiction, whilst benefiting from the advantages that another can bring to the table as a reputable flag state. So where we hear talk of special purpose vehicles, ownership structures, yacht leasing schemes, VAT paid, temporary importation, Yachts engaged in trade (YETs), charter licences and so on – this is the financial world of yachting and there are many professionals out there to advise the best solution. To support this market, there are many financial centres where the most advantageous solution may reside, including the Isle of Man. But that does not have to be the same jurisdiction which gives the vessel its nationality and whose flag it flies – the ‘Flag State’. In an increasingly competitive and globalised world, it is unlikely that any single jurisdiction will represent the best solution for each piece of the puzzle. For instance, the optimal solution may be an ownership vehicle and VAT registration

in country ‘X’ with the yacht registered in country ‘Y’. Such arrangements are widely accepted and, generally speaking, represent nothing more than prudent financial planning. This allows owners, and their operators, to choose the flag state which fits with their requirements. They will need to look for a jurisdiction which provides political and financial stability in which to register their asset. Equally they need to look at the performance of the flag state in terms of quality of its fleet and its experience and expertise with large yachts. Service is key and they should look for a 24/7 service delivered in a pragmatic and helpful manner with an appropriate emergency response should things go wrong. These represent head vs. heart choices and we all know yachts are emotional purchases where owners may have national and emotional ties to a certain flag, which will almost certainly win out over other choices. As one of the world’s leading flag states and a British Red Ensign register, the Isle of Man has been at the forefront of maintaining the large yacht codes in line with current industry practice from the start. It is this expertise and pragmatism in the regulatory environment which governs the construction and operation of large yachts which sets the Red Ensign Registers apart from other jurisdictions offering Flag State services for yachts. But it is the delivery

of large yacht services and the relationship which the Isle of Man builds with owners, operators, captains and crew of its yachts which makes the real difference. Add in the advice and support during the build of unique and individual superyachts and you have a very attractive package, available to owners or ownership structures domiciled in 65 different countries. Flags like the Isle of Man keep it very simple. We look solely at our regulatory piece in the puzzle. We have regulations which apply to private yachts, and more stringent regulations and Codes which apply to large commercial yachts. We also offer an optional survey regime to private yachts in the form of our ‘Pleasure Yacht Plus’ scheme, which offers voluntary compliance with the strictest code requirements. So let’s be clear. The choice of state for financial structures and the yacht’s flag state are both major decisions, but they do not need to be the same jurisdiction. Our advice is to keep them separate and choose wisely to seek a solution which works for the owner and allows him or her to enjoy their yacht. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1624 688500 or visit www.iomshipregistry.com ONBOARD | SPRING 2018 | 137



ontrolling, harnessing and organising aspects of our everyday lives through an internet connection is becoming more and more widespread as each day passes.

Whether it’s remote shopping and banking, or something as simple as adjusting the settings of your domestic heating while you’re still away. These are the kind of daily routines we are now very familiar with. The overriding objective being to make our lives that much easier and more efficient! Systems need to be written and coded in an intuitive way that anyone with basic scrolling and menu option experience should be able to use. Thankfully, that rule of thumb certainly applies to all seven of the yacht management software products that

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were carefully and diligently explained to me by their developers, during research for this short, but, hopefully, informative report. While software products offering a broad range of yacht management tasks are as popular as ever, the good news for captains, crew and shore-based managers is they now have even more options available to be able to ‘pick and choose’ software that can handle more specific tasks in a more in-depth way. Pinpoint Works, for example, is a specialized location-based work list product. It was born out of yacht crew’s frustration from having project managed an 80m new build and the impossible scenario of making sense from individual sub-contractor, shipyard and internal crew work lists with endless email chains to dozens

of different parties. They envisioned a software product that could centralise the information, record and update the various tasks and pull the whole thing together with one single, determined source of communication.” “Specification is the way forward - doing one thing and doing it well” says Leslie Gillotte, who started the company alongside her superyacht captain partner in 2016 and now have some 600 active users in charge of yachts from anywhere between 20m and 150m+ length. By using an interactive site-plan (typically General Arrangement drawings, or technical / surveyor’s drawings when referring to a yacht), users with appropriate access levels can then access the same up-to-date information online via the web and mobile apps and set about highlighting important work or jobs still to be done; giving as much information as possible, adding photos and short videos, then dropping a location pin on the site-plan and assigning a priority level. Reports can then be printed off or emailed to individuals or chosen contractors tasked with the responsibility of carrying out the remedies required. “It’s a simple but powerful concept,” says Leslie, “a cloud based, user-friendly platform based on web and mobile apps where users gain immediate access to updates and new features without a clunky onboard server.” Specifically for the interior of yachts, villas and other luxury assets, Interior Management Systems (IMS GmbH) have produced CRYSTAL software, designed to improve communication, workflow and control between owner/management and crew.

IMS - INTERIOR MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CRYSTAL is a revolutionary app for a +7* interior operation of yachts and residences. It is tailored to each client and interior with the intuitive and user-friendly navigation, everyone can get started easily, from owners to management, from junior to senior staff and crew. CRYSTAL has an in-app calendar for easy scheduling, inventory templates for faster set-up and many more features for better self-management. IMS supports you with set-up, outfitting and other services. They also offer solution orientated audits. A CRYSTAL Support hotline is available 24/7. IMS - Interior Management Systems, was founded by former Captain Lars van Dinther and Hospitality Professional Margarita Amam. IMS understand that every interior, residence or yacht, is unique which is why every client will get their own bespoke CRYSTAL version. For more details Tel: +49 421 36519151 or visit www.ims-crystal.com To put this within context, if you think about all the different precious fabrics and materials common to many superyacht interiors such as, for example, specialist leathers, furs, marble, silk, mahogany, walnut and precious and valuable artefacts, pieces of artwork, sculpture and other objet d’art, its easy to see why a software programme exists with detailed information on how to clean and maintain often highly valuable, extremely rare and unique personal items. The software does an awful lot more than just that, of course. It gives the owner/management power to control, plan and automate duties on the yacht. Engineers can log damages, the chief stew can keep an eye on inventory with the idea being to empower crew, rather than take responsibility away.

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VOLY The only multi-currency accounting software with a fully integrated prepaid card and payment platform designed specifically for the yachting industry. Voly’s approach is to deliver a modern accounting package tailored to all clients from management companies to captains and crew to family offices. Voly’s accessibility and tailored reporting is completely customised to all users whether they are onboard or ashore. Voly utilises the latest technologies in the form of a mobile crew app for expense reporting, coupled with an integrated prepaid MasterCard. The prepaid card ensures all transactions are recorded directly into Voly via an API link; no manual entry, no forgotten transactions. No more monthly reconciliation. The integrated payment solution allows administrators to pay suppliers directly through the accounting platform, one system for all your yacht accounting needs. Data security is at the heart of Voly; security and fraud prevention protocols are as standard. For more details email: hello@voly.co.uk or visit www.voly.co.uk In addition to their software product, IMS produce extensive written manuals and video tutorials designed to help crew/staff to use the right cleaning tools for the right objects, ensuring everything is treated correctly, stains prevented or removed etc with the best possible result. The manuals contain customised icons and colour-coordination and images corresponding with the correct cleaning equipment for instant implementation, so no matter if you’re entirely new to industry, or an experienced, senior crew.

“By using the Voly mobile enabled app, users can capture expense charges and purchase receipts at the time of the transaction, simply by photographing and uploading to the system. Depending upon access permission agreed, either the owner, or owner’s representative, captain or senior members of the crew can see at any time the financial status of the yacht, or view the financial progress of an individual charter booking, or other specific event, such as a refit.” Based at Ballasalla, Isle of Man, marine personnel administration and payroll experts, iBos Ltd, have developed the Cello suite of products intended for Captains, Pursers and ‘Heads of Department’ involved with the management of yachts. iBos, Director, Toni Hackman, told us, “Cello Marine covers all personnel requirements including personal details, employment contracts, annual leave, rotation, qualification requirements and payroll. We also provide Access Financials, accounting and expenses package that links into Cello Marine, along with a Laserfiche document management solution for forms, bespoke development and purchase ordering. “Cello products are ‘future-proofed’ and designed for when technology advances and customer needs grow. For example, we’re currently developing the browser based system of Cello Marine which will make access easier and even more user friendly. We’re also integrating Digital Signatures, which will revolutionise the contract side of yachting. This will also be linked directly to Cello, so contracts can be directly uploaded with all the required signatures and no postal / courier costs incurred.

Offering real-time visibility for a yacht’s onboard financial position ensuring complete transparency is Voly, a cloud-based solution delivering accounting the modern way.

“Data security is an area we have particularly concentrated on in the last 2 years. All of our products and solutions have been PEN tested (Penetration Tested) by some of the industry’s most reputable companies and to their rigorous standards. We have recently made advances to enable clients to meet new GDPR standards and continue to work with our partners to ensure standards are always up to date in terms of security.”

Jonny Allbut, in charge of yachting at Voly, told us: “Voly is a multicurrency, fully integrated accounting solution with a dedicated app and integrated prepaid MasterCard that links purchases to the core system, thus reducing time and eliminating errors caused by manual inputting. The Voly integrated payment solution allows administrators to pay suppliers directly through the accounting platform - one system for all your yacht accounting needs.

Already adopted by 110 yachts between 30m and 120m length and several major yacht management companies, Deep Blue Soft V3.1 is one of the broader yacht management software products on the market with data that is server based, as opposed to cloud based. The Yacht can also host in addition a Local Server onboard, to be able to work Off Line when ever Internet connexion is not available.

Yacht accounts and expense reporting is another specialist aspect of yacht management that everyone from an owner to the most junior member of the crew should be thinking about.

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With 14 modules covering all daily operations, Company President, Benoit Faure, claims that Deep Blue has been designed to be used by all crew onboard, with each person having a personalised dashboard depending upon position. Also for managers and owners, Deep Blue becoming a reliable communication tool between the board, the management and the owner’s representatives. A quick glance at their website confirms this is certainly an allencompassing product offering everything from yacht accounting procedures (expenses, budgets, payments, reports), crew personal data certificates and HR management (work schedules, rest days etc), through to a series of other modules connected to the global yacht maintenance and general safety management system of the yacht. In this case, the Maintenance module is inter-linked with the Logbook, Spare Parts and Equipment List modules, so that


iBos specialise in superyacht solutions either on-board the yacht or with a shore based administration staff and/or Management companies. Their widely used Crew Management Solution called Cello Marine can manage your crew personal details, crew certification requirements, leave scheduler and payroll. To compliment Cello Marine, iBos specialises in developing a full range of multi-currency financials, including expenses with access financials and bespoke marine specific document management, using Laserfiche. All their solutions can either stand alone or interface together to complete all administration requirements. For more details Tel: +44 (0) 1624 612343 or visit www.ibosltd.com repair and service ‘kits’ can be defined and assigned to various maintenance tasks. An advocate of the long-term future of management software, Benoit told us: “I believe software like Deep Blue Soft will be integrated by Shipyards during construction. Not just large yachts, but small pleasure boats should be delivered to their owners and crew with full management software, capable of covering all aspects of yacht management.” “Yacht documentation/manuals given to crew under paper format should be organised as a digitalised database, with the possibility for shipyards to amend these documents

Triton Administrator 5 (T5™) is a comprehensive data management system for new builds, operations, and refits. T5 is not reliant on the internet, yet is an independent browser-based platform designed to meet the daily operational needs of vessels, and can be used on desktops and any mobile device. T5 manages all administrative functions including logging, maintenance, scheduling and reporting, accounting, crew management, inventory management, ordering, contacts, work lists, ISM / ISPS compliance, cruising logs, guest services, and more. GCS also offers training, data entry and synchronisation with onshore management systems. For more details Tel: +1 954-903-0065 or visit www.greatcirclesys.com

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+44 (0) 1624 612343 | Graeme@ibosltd.com | www.ibosltd.com


Pin it | Share it | Track it HOW ARE YOU TRACKING YOUR WORKS ONBOARD? Pinpoint Works is a dynamic communication platform which turns your general arrangement (GA) into a live, Interactive worklist.

Benefits • Communicate clearly • Access information easily • Collaborate efficiently • Manage works effectively • Create a vessel history • Reduce confusion • Save all participants time • User-friendly interface

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even after yacht construction has been completed.“The entire maintenance program on board should already be implemented in to the management software with recommended or compulsory maintenance defined by manufacturers. “All this makes us confident the full integration of yacht management software has a great future in the yachting Industry.” Having worked in the superyacht industry for over twenty years, Scott Strand is the founder and lead developer behind the Triton Administrator product from Great Circle Systems (GCS). A marine networking communications company, GCS provides custom networking solutions that meet each customer’s unique requirements. Their data management software product came about through decades of experience from captains, engineers, deck officers and senior interior staff and with GCS staff having themselves worked in the industry, they understand first-hand how data management software can be an effective tool to increase efficiency and accountability across all areas of a yacht. With nine main modules providing inter-connectivity where applicable, Version 4.0 handles operational, analytical, and forecasting functions, such as logging, maintenance scheduling and reporting, accounting, crew management, hours of work and rest, spares and inventory management, ordering, contacts, work lists, Safety Management System, drawings & document management, ISM/ISPS reporting, cruising logs, guest services and uniform management. Steve Kahlich from Great Circle Systems, told us, “the main difference with our product over others is the ability to add, edit, and delete data without an Internet or network connection and syncing the database when back in range. Triton Administrator is not reliant on a continuous Internet connection to maintain

functionality. Triton is unique in providing user-defined reports, drag & drop for images and attachments, and the entire system is modular and scalable. “From the beginning the data belongs to the client and can be imported to another system if you decide to switch. Some companies may charge a fee for exporting data for use in another product, or hold on to the data before agreeing to any switch, and we don’t.” Based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Douglas, IOM, Sealogical claim to have developed ‘the world’s first online yacht management platform in 2004’ and with eight software modules including Finance, Certificates, Crew, Technical, Calendar, Safety & Security, Charter and Vessel, theirs typifies the ‘pick and mix’ concept, which is proving to very popular amongst crews. Sealogical’s Peel Taggart, told us: “we know that while captains and other senior crew will want an overview of all the vessel activity, we were also getting asked by chief stewards and pursers for access to specific areas, like Crew or Inventory etc, so we split the software into modules that users with specific needs could subscribe to.” Sealogical yacht data is stored in the cloud and although I’ve not used the product myself, the clarity of the dashboard and icons used within each module suggest this design has been thoroughly well considered from the user’s perspective.

DEEP BLUE Deep Blue is one of the most complete and user-friendly Yacht Management Software systems on the market, made of 14 modules. The company have been collaborating for the last four years with yachting and shipping industry professionals (Captains, 1st Officers, Chief Engineers, DPAs, Managers, Financial Officers, Owner Representatives) to provide a professional software to crew members and managers, based on marine best practices and international regulation standards, with the objective to increase security, to drastically reduce administrative work load, to help crew following regulations and processes and to maximise the crew’s added value to the yacht and guarantee the owner’s interest. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 93 00 87 57 or visit www.deepbluesw.com

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144 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD


PINPOINT WORKS Pinpoint Works uses the latest technology to turn your GA into an interactive work list so crew, management, shipyards and contractors can communicate efficiently and effectively. Use for: on-going works, new builds, warranty periods, paint surveys, refits… What’s more you can try it free for 30 days. PIN IT. Customise your work list with location, details and media for each point. Add items on or offline using mobile devices. SHARE IT. Collaborate using four different user access levels. Everyone stays up-to-date with the latest information in one place. TRACK IT. Track worklists in real-time and use the dashboard for progress overview. Export and print to PDF or Excel. For more details contact info@pinpointworks.com or visit www.pinpointworks.com

“Sealogical was designed to be user-friendly and intuitive from the ground up” said Peel, “we didn’t want glorified spreadsheets, so used our background in web design and customer UX (User Experience) to create a platform that was simple to use.” Speaking from experience, independent superyacht consultant, Dean Smith, has used a number of third-party software applications in the past and said: “The need for technical management and planned maintenance to be monitored by software may seem obvious, but actually it’s vital. “Various yacht management software available has made the life of the captain and senior crew far easier in managing ISM, ISPS requirements, in-line with their specific SMS systems. “Particularly with larger yachts and rotational engineering departments, when it comes to handovers, for example, and tracking of visual inspections and relevant commentary, parts replacement, live technical issues, particularly important for critical equipment and repair period running lists.”

HYTERA DWS DISPATCH SOLUTION DWS (Dispatch WorkStation) is a dispatcher solution that was specially developed for the Hytera TETRA radio system and DMR Trunking DMR radio bundle system. The software’s versatile integration of voice, message and location services enables you to professionally operate networks of any size. The Dispatch WorkStation (DWS) application ensures efficient control of participants in the radio system. Dispatchers can be used as logistic and help centres to manage and control participants in a radio conference or they work as a centre for controlling alarm functions. The dispatcher controls the deployment of the groups and radio conference participants and makes it easier to manage participants’ communication. The DWS system is client-capable and can be adapted to any dispatcher’s work-station. You define which work station should have access to specific user organisation. And you can also assign safety-critical functions such as ‘local voice recording’ or ‘location tracking’ flexibly to any of your dispatchers. The system is all delivered in a very user friendly interface that can be adapted for specific customer requirements. The software is scalable, easy to navigate and is touch optimised. Text messaging is supported and can be sent to individuals or groups from a list together with ‘Flash Messages’ if required. You can also ‘Geofence’ areas with configurable access rules for particular radios and complete route tracking. For more details Tel: +49 (0) 5042 998 0 or visit www.hytera-mobilfunk.com

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A day in the life of... A MARINA MANAGER



asco’s life-long love of the sea started when he was a child and took a determined turn when, in his teenage years, he studied at the State Institute of Nautical Carloforte. After graduation, Vasco was recruited by the Italian Navy. After several years, Vasco left the Navy to become a professional skipper on large yachts and then as a yacht agent in the leisure marine industry. His experience in the Navy never left him, as he moved onto ‘dry land’ with a role in management consultancy, specialising in organisation and financial support for Italian and foreign companies. With that valuable skill set, therefore, it came as no surprise when, in 2005, he was asked to manage and develop the fortunes of Marina di Portisco which today can accommodats 589 berths for yachts up to 90m in length. Vasco has lived with his wife on the Costa Smeralda just a few miles from the Marina, ever since.

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DAY BEGINS My day begins with a fresh orange juice and some fruit, whilst enjoying the sunrise. I put on my marina uniform and drive to work. The view above the marina is inspirational, I never get tired of it. It looks like a famous oil painting and I feel I am part of the scene. The marina is nestled in the Gulf of Cugnana, sometimes calm and sometimes ruffled by the Mistral, but never what you would call rough, because it’s protected from all sides by white sandy beaches that enhance the beautiful turquoise colour of the sea. I’m therefore in a great mood…as usual! START WORK From November to March, work at the Marina is focused on the maintenance of the port and on any up-grades which have to be completed before the beginning of the undoubtedly long and demanding tourist season ahead. Much of my time is spent ensuring that my team is well briefed and comprehensively trained, to allow the smooth running of all operations all year round, including our very sophisticated IT system. Portisco is different from other marinas, as it does not have a price list, but implements a variable pricing scheme, similar to those applied by low cost airlines. Online bookings are encouraged, and customers can join a

LUNCH I can never go to lunch before 14.00. I almost always go to Aquamarina, a fantastic seafood restaurant on site, where the catch is superbly prepared by the chef and with whom I often enjoy a pleasant chat. AFTERNOON During the summer, yachts’ activity in and around the Marina starts around 16:00 and remains very busy until 21:00 or 22:00. At this time, we help with the mooring and safety of about 350 boats and their passengers. Everything must be secure. I attend both the Control Room, where the traffic in and out of the Marina is managed and monitored by VHF and Quay number 9, where we have the capability to accommodate up to 18 significant megayachts. We provide assistance to over 100 bareboat charter clients and to many private owners which is usually a very intense and demanding activity but we always deliver. In the afternoon there are new arrivals who are always very welcome; our team offers all essential information for their stay; anything from use of the courtesy-car to time-saving tips about the best time for refuelling and bunkering and so on.

END OF WORKING DAY In the summer around 22.00 (earlier in Winter), if there are no pressing issues, I plan for the next day and occasionally meet up with the team or with a professional Captain for an aperitif.

comprehensive Privilege Rewards Scheme that promotes a long lasting and reciprocally satisfying customer loyalty programme. TYPICAL MORNING In the morning, after a quick stop at Caffè del Porto or Doc 3 for a good Italian coffee, I have a briefing with my heads of department. Then we attend to guests leaving the Marina, dealing with requests ranging from small repairs to abnormal waste disposal loads. The responsible management of waste is very important for the protection of the sea and the environment that surrounds us, and is an issue about which the Marina and staff are very sensitive.

DINNER & DRINKS During spring and summer on my way home I often stop with clients and friends at Matt’s, in Portisco, for a nice pizza or a steak of superior quality, often with some marina clients, or in one of the many nice restaurants in San Pantaleo, a magnificent village nestled among granite mountains above Portisco. Or close to Arzachena at the Vecchia Costa and in Olbia at the Red Lion for special meat dishes. There’s always a real treat laid on for myself and my wife at Il Mattacchione in Olbia, which offers a traditional cuisine exquisitely revisited in a contemporary style, otherwise, if I don’t take her, she might forget what I look like!

From April to October work starts early, ends late, never stops and focuses on welcoming and attending to guests from all over the world. Every day I process my emails from clients and suppliers, get an update of after-hours events; I draw up a quick ‘to-do’ list and then off, onto the piers, for the rest of the day. We are in a peoples’ business with no day ever being the same. Sometimes it involves quickly coming to the aid of a small or large boat in distress, for example.

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148 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD


APPLY NOW As part of their safe manning requirements, some yachts (usually over 200 GT) require crew to have a minimum certification level of Yacht Rating Certificate (YRC). Even if you don’t need a Yacht Rating Certificate for your current yacht, it is worth your while getting one. Often yachts ask for it when recruiting, so if you don’t have one, you could miss out on a future job opportunity


or crew who are relatively new to the industry, the process of applying for the YRC can be complicated. This article provides all the information you need to apply for the certificate.

Requirements In order to qualify for the YRC, you must: 1 Be at least 16 years of age 2 Have completed the Yacht Rating Training Record Book (see our tips for completing this) 3 Hold valid certificates for the 4 elements of approved STCW Basic training, to include: STCW Personal Survival Techniques (OR RYA Basic Sea Survival) STCW Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting STCW Elementary First Aid STCW Personal Safety & Social Responsibility 4 Be able to demonstrate at least 6 months yacht service including 2 months sea service, all of which must be on vessels of 15 metres or above in load line length.

Exemptions If you have one of the following qualifications, you do NOT need to complete a Training Record Book for your Yacht Rating, and the required 6 months of yacht service may be reduced to 2 months of days at sea on vessels of 15 metres or above in load line length. • Watch Leader Certificate with an RYA Competent Crew Certificate • Day Skipper certificate with an RYA Competent Crew Certificate and/ or higher RYA certificate • Yacht Rating Course Completion Certificate • Yacht Master Offshore / Ocean

Sea Service Declaration You will need to show evidence of 6 months yacht service (time signed on the vessel), including 60 days at sea (any day that the boat leaves the port, is underway or at anchor). Note that all sea time must be from yachts and not from commercial vessels. You need to submit 2 forms of evidence: 1 PYA Service Record Book OR PYA Crew Work Book OR MCA approved log book OR Discharge Book OR Certificates of Discharge 2 Original sea service testimonials which are signed either by the Captain or the management company, showing clearly the sign on and sign off dates, and the actual days at sea. Your testimonials should include the contact details of the person signing them. Testimonial templates can be downloaded from the PYA website.

Guidelines for completing the Yacht Rating Application form (MSF4340 Rev 0118) DO complete the form in FULL, using BLACK ink and BLOCK CAPITALS DO send originals of your application form, certificates, sea service and Training Record Book, however…. DO NOT send your original passport. Instead, you should provide an attested copy, stamped, signed and cited as an original copy either by the PYA, the master of your vessel (with CoC number), an MCA approved Nautical college or a public notary. DO ensure that the name you write on the form is exactly the same as that on your passport DO write your date of birth in the format DD/MM/YYYY (not the American format) DO ensure that the person countersigning your application is either a British citizen, citizen of a Commonwealth country or an MCA approved signatory AND that the SAME person countersigns your passport DO ensure that the sea service declaration is filled out in full and that original copies of the supporting documents are provided.

Checklist or Yacht Rating Certificate Application ORIGINAL completed application form. You can download the MSF4340 Rev 0118 from the MCA or PYA website. Attested COPY of your passport (Do NOT send the original) 2 x passport photographs. Put your name and date of birth on the back of both, and on the back of one, get whomever is countersigning your application to write “I certify that this is a true likeness of Mr/Mrs/Miss/ etc…” and add their signature. ORIGINAL ENG 1 or MCA-approved equivalent medical certificate ORIGINAL STCW Basic Training Certificates ORIGINAL Yacht Rating Training Record Book (unless you hold one of the certificates listed in the ‘exemptions’ section above) Only if you qualify for an exemption, the ORIGINAL copy of the relevant certificate to prove you are exempt from the Training Record Book and the additional sea time.

Tips for completing

Did you know?

The Training Record Book includes a list of deck tasks and skills which you must demonstrate that you can successfully complete. Each element needs to be signed off by a senior in command. In order to avoid your TRB being rejected with your application, ensure that the tasks are signed off in real time and NOT all on the same date. Every box should have a signature. The TRB must be submitted in a presentable manner.

For new PYA members, the Yacht Rating Certificate can be provided free of charge as part of their first year’s membership fee. The usual fee for this service for non PYA members is €80.

For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 93 34 91 16 or visit www.pya.org

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ASK THE EXPERTS Advice and knowledge from the leading experts in their field

PAUL HICKINBOTHAM Product Manager Marine EMEA, Dometic

JOUNI HUUSKO Technical Sales Manager Axopar Boats

DAVE SIROCKIN Company Director Flow Marine Ltd

JAMES WARD Managing Director Electric String Ltd

















Although the hull lines of the new BRABUS Shadow 800 by Axopar are based upon the existing Axopar 37 Sun-Top, that’s where any direct comparison ends. Launched in January this year, the BRABUS version is supplied complete with a long list of quality, standard extras, that justify the additional cost. Firstly; the vessel is powered by dual Mercury Marine 400R supercharged racing engines. The front accommodation has BRABUS Fine Leather and Alcantara, with an infotainment centre and LG 42” flatscreen TV. The hull is painted BRABUS signature black using Alexseal and deck fittings have a cool looking ‘Black Ti’ real Titanium finish. Carbon-fibre has been used in the stern and for parts of the trim detail. The Sun-Top has an electric Webasto canvas roof and fingertip steering control via Mercury’s 360° Joystick Piloting. Plus, boat & engine information is handled via Mercury’s latest VesselView 903 management system.

Remote monitoring and cloud data are a hot topics in the Superyacht industry. There are numerous benefits including remote technical support - you don’t have to fly an engineer half way round the world to fix a problem, so you massively reduce your support costs, and vessel down time. The combination of realtime and historic data allows vessels to implement intelligent maintenance strategies. They can predict and prevent potential failures in machinery, reduce maintenance costs, and improve equipment manufacturer customer service. Historical data will show trends in equipment usage allowing vessels to make efficiency improvements such as generator downsizing, giving cost savings and environmental benefits. Captains and Engineers, equipment manufacturers, shipyards and yacht management companies, can see that cloud data improves operational efficiency and cost savings.

The countless hours spent by crew cleaning, washing and buffing their yacht are significantly increased when there are impurities in the washing water as streaks and spots are left behind. Dissolved solids can be destructive to marine paints, coatings, hardware and other yacht finishes and detrimental for interior surfaces such as sinks and shower screens. A simple solution is to get rid of the compounds responsible for spotting using a doublepass reverse-osmosis watermaker system. Using pure, softened water saves time as crew can simply spray the boat down with no damage from unknown chemicals or contaminants. Dometic’s XZ series combines an on-board Sea Xchange watermaker and a Spot Zero freshwater reverse-osmosis purification system, creating a double-pass process which removes 95-99% of dissolved solids for ultra-purified water sent straight to the vessel’s storage tank.

When embarking on an AV refit it is important to remember the boundaries within which you are working and the expectations of a client. Whereas a new build project is essentially a blank canvas, refits are generally restricted in one way or another which must be incorporated into the design of the system. The level to which a design must be adapted depends on the scope of project itself – for example the works may be AV only and must contend with an existing infrastructure, or alternatively the AV may be just one part of a major, whole vessel, refit and allow for more flexibility. The ideal scenario is to replace outdated technology for the latest available, but this may not be feasible in reality and limitations must be understood, addressed and communicated at the earliest stage. However deep the scope for change is, or not, the system designer must always bear this in mind and make changes as necessary.

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152 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD


WORKING TOGETHER With the global fleet of superyachts expanding at a rate of knots, Laurence Lewis looks at the challenge to build strong teams on board with crew from different cultural backgrounds


he yachting industry is in good health as seen by the number of sales recorded by the brokerage market in 2017 and by the number of vessels presently under construction and planned in the next few years. There are 773 yachts being built which will require up to 8,600 crew to man them and, together with the existing fleet, this could bring the total number of yacht crew in the world close to 85,000. As the demand for qualified crew is increasing and looks set to rise further over the next decade, a shortage of new talent is threatening the yachting industry. The need to embrace cultural diversity in yachting has never been greater. English is of course the ‘lingua franca’ of our industry but no longer can our industry be the preserve of the stereotypical ‘Jolly Jack Tar’. Candidates are required to disclose their nationality when they register on our database yet in order to comply with the need to prevent discrimination based on nationality, this is not a searchable criteria so we do not capture statistics as to who comes from where. We can however look at candidates who ‘check in’ and in any given period, over a third of the deckhands and stewardesses who check in are British, followed by South Africans and far behind Australians and New Zealanders and even further behind European citizens and the rest of the world. This gives us a snapshot of the industry and the makeup of the yachts (except for Filipino crew who mostly work with Filipino based agencies).

industry needs to open up to new talent, yachting clearly needs more intercultural cooperation. Yachts are of course highly self-contained, where crewmembers work and live together. More so then ashore, a sense of ‘belonging’ is necessary to build a successful team. Cultural diversity, when badly managed, can indeed be the source of further conflicts, misunderstandings, alienation and even a hazardous working environment. Multicultural teams are prone to ethnocentrism with minority crewmembers feeling ignored and disconnected which leads to low morale, frustration and a high crew turnover. There is therefore no doubt that increasingly, the challenge facing captains will be to establish a cohesive team with crew from various cultural backgrounds and in doing so, develop a cultural intelligence allowing him to understand the ‘fault lines’ within the crew and the potential for misconception and miscommunication which may arise. Making every crew member feel valued will create an environment of trust where people will know they can rely on each other to get the job done. There are no small jobs, everybody counts, everybody is essential in the success of a trip.

Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes is a good way to There are 28 countries in the EU, that’s 28 countries build personal bonds and will help in anticipating challenges. whose citizens can move with ease around the world, yet many of these countries are, for The captain must establish team various reasons ranging from lack of norms and a clear code of conduct seafaring traditions/maritime history that everyone sticks to — no matter from being land locked to lack of a Multicultural teams are what their personal default might be. long standing hospitality industry, to prone to ethnocentrism political isolation up to recent years, Yachting is not for everybody and never very much under-represented in the with minority crewmembers will be, but the industry needs the industry. Often, even at equal skill feeling ignored and cultural melting pot of crew to grow level when they come forth, crew from a teacup, where it is currently, coming from this pool of potential disconnected into a cauldron; we’ll all be better candidates struggle to break into for it in the end. the industry. This has to change, the

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©Claire Matches

©Maria Muiòa

©Nico Martinez

MAY 02



Barcelona, Spain






LONDON ON WATER St Katherine’s Dock, London





154 | SPRING 2018 | ONBOARD


HENLEY ROYAL REGATTA Henley, United Kingdom





Porto Cervo, Sardinia


Viareggio, Italy



Marseille, France

Piraeus, Greece




Athens, Greece

Palma, Mallorca, Spain


©Ibiza Regatta



VELA CLASSICA Barcelona, Spain

St Tropez, France





Bordeaux, France




Newport, Rhode Island, USA


THE SUPERYACHT CUP PALMA Palma de Mallorca, Spain




Images for illustrative purpose only.

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