May A Issue
Wild Mercy
Wisdom of the Women Mystics
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Wisdom of the Women Mystics We live in a world that has suffered the abuses of an unbalanced, masculine rule for thousands of years. Still, everything we’re hearing and reading right now suggests that the feminine is rising. According to Mirabai Starr, seeds of feminine wisdom that have been quietly germinating underground are now breaking through the surface. Women everywhere are rising to the collective call to step up and repair our broken earth. We are activating a paradigm shift, such as the world has never seen.
Mirabai Starr has received critical acclaim for her revolutionary new translations of the Mystics, John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, Julian of Norwich and is the awardwinning author of God of Love – A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and Caravan of No Despair – A Memoir of Loss and Transformation. A writer of non-fiction and contemporary translations of sacred literature, she taught philosophy and world religions for 20 years, and now teaches and speaks internationally on contemplative practice and inter-spiritual dialogue. OMTIMES |MAY A
“So many of the religious traditions and teachings that I’ve spent a lifetime immersed in are conspicuously missing the voice of the feminine, and I couldn’t ignore that anymore. ”
Sandie Sedgbeer: Mirabai, you’ve been described as a daughter of the counterculture, you were born in New York in the early ’60s to secular Jewish parents who challenged institutionalized religion and were active in the anti-war protest movement of the Vietnam era. When you were 11, your family moved to Taos, New Mexico, where they embraced an alternative, backto-the-land lifestyle in a communal effort to live simply and sustainably. Tell us about your early life and how that shaped you.
MAY 2020
Mirabai Starr: My parents were not only non-religious Jews from New York, but they were also actually antireligion. They felt that religion was not only irrelevant but dangerous and responsible for a lot of suffering in the world. So, I grew up with no sense of adherence to any particular faith tradition. They were nominally Jewish under their cultural identity but, I, on the other hand, from a very young age, was drawn to every single religious tradition that I encountered. When I started becoming interested in spirituality and religion, they were very suspicious of what was going on. Over the years, I think they realized that I wasn’t joining any particular institutionalized religious tradition; I simply was temperamentally oriented to respond to the presence of the mystery, of the sacred, of the ineffable in the form in all these different spaces. I was also temperamentally unsuited to pick one tradition to the exclusion of the others. I just would get deeply connected to a spiritual tradition, whether it was Sufism or Buddhism.
SANDIE SEDGBEER: As a young teenager, you lived at the Lama Foundation, an intentional spiritual community in New Mexico founded in 1968. What were the most important things you learned there? MIRABAI STARR: I believe that my interspiritual orientation was formed in many ways at the Lama Foundation because Lama is the place where Ram Dass wrote Be Here Now and created the Here Now Community there and where Murshid Samuel Lewis created the Dances of Universal Peace, and Father Thomas Keating, gave his first centering prayer retreat. Many Roshis, Lamas, Swamis, and Rabbis have done ground-breaking work in that little community up in the mountains of northern New Mexico where we lived. Lama is a place that has always been about what Murshid Samuel called the Meeting of the Ways. Even Ram Dass, who recently left this world and was my life-long beloved teacher, was very much an inter-spiritual teacher. However, he had a Hindu guru and was writing about the so-called Eastern traditions. He was one of those beings who just naturally drew on the wisdom wells of all spiritual paths. So I was raised in that counter-culture world of Taos and the Lama Foundation, where I was exposed as a young girl of 11, 12, 13 years old, to multiple spiritual traditions, all of which were presented as being equally valid and true. And I thought that was true for everybody in the world; that anyone with an open heart would recognize that all these religions were singing the same song of unity and love in deliciously different ways.
But as I grew up, I discovered that was far from true. Although I do think that interspiritual exposure prepared me for the world we’re entering now where a lot of the existing structures are collapsing, including and maybe especially the organized religious structures. We’re going to need the ability to stand in that fire of not knowing and not throw the baby of spirituality out with the bathwater of institutionalized religion.
There’s still such a deep hunger for spiritual connection and spiritual experience that draws on all the great world’s wisdom ways but is no longer separated into these little boxes that exclude the other the way that they have been historical. SANDIE SEDGBEER: I’m sure you appreciated it, but perhaps didn’t fully appreciate until much later how being at the Lama Foundation was so valuable to who you’ve become and what you do in the world. MIRABAI STARR: Yes, it’s so true. I really do recognize now what a blessed experience that was to come of age in that kind of milieu, and how much it informs everything I do every day of my life now. All those teachers who have been change-makers in the world, many of whom are dead now, and I got to just be with them at such a young age and didn’t realize how significant that would be. Except insofar as sitting with them and having many powerful experiences that I did recognize at the time. Wow! They shattered my foundation over and over again. They remade me every time I would have a new spiritual experience in the presence of these great beings. SANDIE SEDGBEER: How and when did you first develop a connection with the great Christian mystics? MIRABAI STARR: At Lama Foundation, where I encountered Sufism in various different forms - the Mevlevi Sufi Order of Jalaluddin Muhammad Balkhi Rumi, the great Persian Poet, and the contemporary western Sufi movement that’s now known as the Ruhaniat, and other Sufi traditions. Sufism is kind of rooted in the Lover/Beloved metaphor which really resonated with me and still does. So, when I was 20, I decided to do a semester abroad in Spain and Seville. I had a dual major in Anthropology and Spanish, and I thought living with a family and studying Spanish literature would be a great way to become fluent. And, indeed, it was. Studying Spanish literature, I encountered San Juan de La Cruz, Saint John of the Cross, who’s known, of course, for his mystical masterpiece Dark Night of the Soul into English, which opened the floodgates to the Christian mystics for me.I had studied them in graduate school, Teresa of Avila, Hildegard of Bingen, Julian of Norwich, and many others. But something about this intensity and intimacy of translating John of the Cross just melded any barriers I had in my heart to Christianity.
The wisdom of the Christian mystics just came pouring in, and not only did I fall in love with them, but through them developed this intimate relationship and love for Christ himself.You have to understand that growing up in an anti-religious, Jewish household and studying and practicing all of the Eastern traditions, having met Ram Dass very young, I became a devotee of the great Indian Saint, Neem Karoli Baba, who is still my guru, I developed a very disciplined Buddhist meditation practice at a young age, which I always do. There was Sufism. There are the Native American traditions of my beloved hometown of Taos, New Mexico. Many different traditions. Basically, all of them, except for Christianity, which I had this kind of cellular aversion to. I think it’s ancestral trauma. Whatever it is, it was a definite block in my heart to Christianity. Still, through the Christian mystics, who speak in such a universal language of love, I was able to connect to them. And suddenly, I was being asked to translate and write about various Christian mystics, and so found myself inhabiting this space of speaking to and about Christian mysticism as a Jewish, Sufi, Hindu, Buddhist pagan. SANDIE SEDGBEER: You’ve written so many critically acclaimed books about the medieval mystics. What elements moved in your personal inner scape to bring about the birth of your latest book Wild Mercy – Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics?
MIRABAI STARR: So many of the religious traditions and teachings that I’ve spent a lifetime immersed in are conspicuously missing the voice of the feminine, and I couldn’t ignore that anymore. Every time I was exploring and lifting up these mystical traditions, it was the voices of men I was sharing, even the beliefs and practices that I cherish the most. Most of my own teachers were masculine voices. Instead of looking for the voice of the feminine, the wisdom of women, outside of myself, and my own work, I realized that it was my turn to excavate and share those jewels myself because it wasn’t happening elsewhere. I mean, there were lots of women in their own spiritual traditions bringing out the voices of women. Still, there was no one doing that across the spiritual traditions, which is my kind of area of interest, interspirituality. So, I began to look for those wisdom teachings of women in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, indigenous traditions, and I quickly realized that it was difficult to find them because it was intentionally made that way.
The voice of the feminine was intentionally buried, marginalized, and side-lined by the patriarchy, basically because feminine wisdom is subversive. It threatens the status quo and the existing structure of institutionalized religion and always has. And now is the time to fearlessly shake it up with these feminine voices of wild wisdom. The reason I titled my new book Wild Mercy is because, for me, the feminine embodies that paradox – actually a whole range of paradoxes – from loving kindness and unconditional forgiveness to ferocity, “subversiveness”, resistance, and wild, spontaneous creativity. All qualities that can be quite threatening when you’re trying to keep people in line with particular belief systems and ritual containers that leave no room for the actual living voice of the holy spirit to direct what’s unfolding in the landscape of the soul. SANDIE SEDGBEER: Do you find great irony in the timing of that? I mean, you write in Wild Mercy that you were writing the proposal just before Trump was elected. Then you put it aside, telling yourself that the time of the feminine rising was clearly not now. What happened? MIRABAI STARR: I realized that the voice of the feminine is needed now more than ever. I know that I was right to rise up out of my own cynicism and allow myself to be, as so many people are all over the world, a conduit for this rising feminine energy, because look now how urgently the qualities and attributes of feminine wisdom and heart are directly relevant to the changes that are upon us.
The masculine structured, exclusive, perfection-oriented, pure oriented, kind of spiritual culture is not going to be relevant or useful in these times of creative chaos and the death of the structures that we have known. Still, the feminine will, and it is holding the space for the end and the birth that is happening in our midst. SANDIE SEDGBEER: What is your definition of a mystic, and how would you characterize the path of the feminine mystic? MIRABAI STARR: The classic academic definition of a mystic is one who has direct experience of the divine that is unmediated through established religious channels like religious authorities, clergy people, or prescribed prayers and rituals. A mystic has direct experience of God, or of the sacred, usually in the form of love, of boundless love, and a mystical experience bypasses the established, accepted forms and belief systems. Even that the mystic, herself, might have come from.For instance, Teresa of Avila, my beloved Teresa of Avila, whose masterworks I’ve had the excellent, good fortune of translating, was squarely rooted in Christianity. However, she was only a first-generation Christian because she came from a Converso family, a family of Jews who was forced to convert by the Inquisition. She lived in the early 16th century in Spain at the height of the Inquisition. So, she was Jewish and Christian, although she had to deny her Jewish roots.
When she had her experience of union with the one, she called “Beloved,” it was undifferentiated. It was an experience of intimate merging into the source of all love and the dissolution of any individual identity or subject/object experience or relationship.When she returned to her socalled ordinary state of consciousness, she translated that experience through the filter of her Christianity, and it became the experience of a Christian mystic. So a mystic is someone who has that direct experience. You wanted me to reflect on the feminine version of that, in some ways, I feel the mystical experience is itself feminine because it’s an experience that defies or transcends the existing dogma, order, ideas about what spiritual means, and it invites us in to fully inhabit the realm of the heart. This is the space of the feminine. So now is the perfect time to say that when I speak about feminine and masculine, I am speaking about an energetic reality. I’m speaking about attributes and qualities that exist and abide in all of us, in women, in men, in people of all genders.
People who do not identify with a particular gender at all, and yet all of us, I feel, right now, are yearning for the gift of feminine wisdom, the voice of female wisdom, and the heart space into which the feminine invites us because this is her domain.I know plenty of women in the spiritual arena who lead with masculine qualities, who are as patriarchal as any priest, or rabbi, or imam, or shaman, or yogi, or Roshi or lama. The male kind of hierarchical definitions of what it means to be spiritual is a trap that women also fall into. Then they end up leading with very masculine qualities or perpetuating the male paradigm that has historically oppressed us.I know many men who are voluntarily abdicating their privilege and power, even many clergy people across the spiritual traditions, who are stepping back, shutting up, and inviting women and people who sing the song of the feminine, who speak in the voice of the feminine, to take the stage, to have space to now bring this vitally needed elixir of feminine wisdom and heart into the human community. So, I’m talking about the feminine in all of us, and she’s alive and well in people of all genders just as the masculine is still doing its patriarchal thing in the form of certain women leaders.
SANDIE SEDGBEER: As we all are becoming aware of the feminine rising, how are the tapestries, the stories of lives and examples from the mystic women that you write about, across all the spiritual traditions and time frames, useful to us now?
Hildegard, as a young girl, was having all these prophetic kinds of experiences, often accompanied by blinding headaches, and then the voice of what she called “the living light” would speak to her. She kept trying to suppress it because the people around her seemed suspicious of her visionary experiences. So, it wasn’t safe for her to share them. So she did everything she could to repress them until “the voice of the living light” was so powerful that it almost killed her to try and keep a lid on it.
It was shattering her container. Finally, she just surrendered and said, ‘OK, I accept this prophetic calling. I will be a vessel for your wisdom and your love in this world.’ Then out of that surrender came pouring through the most extraordinary wisdom. She was indeed a Polymath. She was a musician; she was a composer. Hildegard’s music resounds through the centuries. She was an artist who created these illuminations. She was an architect. She was a social critic. She was a healer with herbs, tinctures, stones and minerals and crystals. There were so many ways that Hildegard’s mastery manifested and comes down to us through the thousand years since she lived that is relevant right now in this time of crisis, confusion, and separation, and the call to unity that is at the heart of the deconstruction that’s unfolding right now.
MIRABAI STARR: I’m so glad you asked that question because I feel like a story is vitally important in these times. Story and personal, specific experiences of the human condition are what are going to lift us all up and remind us about the web of inter-being to which we belong. So that my very particular human story becomes a reflection of everybody’s story, and when you hear details of my experience walking this world, it will awaken you and welcome you home to your own experience. So, when I tell the stories of all of these different women, mystics across the religious landscape, backward in time and currently, people resonate, and we see ourselves in these wisdom beings. Just the other day I was thinking of Hildegard of Bingen, the 12th century Rhineland visionary Christian mystic, which celebrated nature and the natural world as the very dwelling place of the divine feminine in the form of Sophia, and Mother Mary, and earth Herself, she blended it all together.
SANDIE SEDGBEER: Do you think that their experiences are available to all of us? These mystic women were beings of wisdom. Would you say that it was their abilities to see and think about the world from a different perspective that inspired them to the spiritual and mystical practices, or was it the other way around? That it was their devotional aspect that brought them to the path of self-realization. MIRABAI STARR: I think it’s both. For as long as we can remember, many of us have had this sense of the numinous and this deep attraction to the great mystery that has enabled us to cultivate a very broad perspective so that we can perceive the presence of the sacred in so many different spaces. Yes, it is something that many of us came into this life with. Still, I also think that the path of love, the path of mystical devotion, can enable us at any point in our lives to cultivate that deep seeing, that contemplative way of looking through the eyes of the heart. And that it is our birthright to all be mystics, that is to all be beings in love with love and able and totally worthy of having a numinous experience. SANDIE SEDGBEER: Tragedy and trauma are common themes in the lives of the mystics you write about. John of the Cross was imprisoned for his attempts to reform the church.
Saint Francis of Assisi was a prisoner of war. Saint Teresa of Avila suffered illness, hardship, and persecution by the Inquisition, and Julian of Norwich received her visions during significant illness, believing she was on her death bed. Tragedy and trauma are such powerful triggers for transformation – but why is that? Why do we have to plumb the depths before our eyes can truly open? MIRABAI STARR: I have no idea. I think the question underlying that is, what do we do with it? It has always been affirmed that a human condition is a place that involves great suffering and challenge and that how we respond is the test of our true humanity. For me, it was the loss of a child when my first book, the translation of Dark Night of the Soul by Saint John of the Cross, came out. I was 40, and the very day that book came into the world, my 14-year-old daughter Jenny was killed in a car accident. And I entered into the heart of that fire that I had been studying about and practicing and encountering through spiritual methodologies for decades. At that moment, in which Jenny’s death coincided with the release into the world of these teachings on the transformational power of great darkness and suffering, I had to fully surrender any ideas I had on what spirituality was. What mystical union was? What God was. What my life as a human being, as a woman, as a mother was supposed to be about, and that transfiguration of my soul was not
some sudden enlightenment experience where I used to be a shmuck. Now I was this great wisdom generator. It was a very messy flow, a gradual process of fully inhabiting my own humanity, and in doing so, taking my rightful place in the web of inter-being to which I suddenly realized I belong. In that surrender, that gradual, somewhat chaotic, up and down process of coming home to my human heart, the world of the soul became bigger and more accessible.
So they’re grateful, and they’re involved in this process, and they’re delighted to find out about all these women mystics; that they have other places to find their own feminine heart in this world besides the exclusive boy’s club that has characterized most of the religious institutions, including the ones that many of us consider being alternatives because they’re Eastern. Hinduism and Buddhism are supposed to be exempt from that kind of misogyny and patriarchy, but they’re not.
SANDIE SEDGBEER: Before we close, I want to quickly touch on the part of your book where you say, ‘So where do I find the divine masculine?’ And, of course, you found it in your husband. So often, we are looking beyond the men we know. We’re looking at all of their masculine differences and the things that mark them out as not us, and we don’t see the divine masculine within them. Was that a surprise to you when you came back to that and saw the divine masculine in your husband?
SANDIE SEDGBEER: There is such a big conversation here; I would really love to continue it at some point. But I’m going to have to close with this thought: You write that Julian of Norwich has a message for today’s readers in that ‘she reveals the feminine face of the divine and reminds us to see God there. That all our failings are an opportunity to learn and grow. That they should be honored, but not dwelled upon. That God’s love has nothing to do with love and retribution and everything to do with love and compassion and, most of all, despite all appearances, all is well.’ As you look upon the world as it is right now, in the middle of this incredible situation that we’ve never experienced before, is all well?
MIRABAI STARR: No, not all. I’ve seen the divine masculine in him from the day I met him. And there are so many men in my life, and other gendered people as well, who are just luminaries for me of the antidote to the toxic masculinity that I am resisting in my work right now. That I’m calling out. So, it’s not that I am condemning all men as being the source of the problem, far from it. I feel that I have so many allies in men and other gendered people right now who are just as interested in unlocking the door to the feminine heart that has also imprisoned men.
MIRABAI STARR: All is well, and that includes that which is not well, and we need to be in our courageous feminine hearts and make space for all of it. To not check out of it and bypass it for spiritual method, but to allow our hearts to break open in response to the pain of the world.
Health & Wellness Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth
he real food dilemma for our
This saves you time and money – bulk
generation is how to become
is always a better bargain. If possible,
a real food wizard. We need to
order them online and organic.
get to the bottom of our food
industry and be more conscious of our
food choices so that we're making smarter choices for our bodies, minds, and the
Remember that we send messages
with every euro, dollar or pound we spend. When we buy real natural
foods, we are voting for more of that. When we buy processed products
Shop at local farmers' markets where
with toxic effects on our body and the
there is less or no food seduction. Support
planet, we are sending out a message
your local farmers and ask them how they
that we don't care. Vote and be heard
protect their crops from insects. Farmers
with what you choose to spend your
are great to speak to, and supporting them
energy and money on.
is fun and better for the planet.
Kitchen Organization Organize your fridge and pantry in a
I avoid supermarkets altogether. Order
friendly manner so that it suits your
your staples like grains, beans, nuts, oils,
new dietary choices. For example:
toilet paper, and detergents monthly and have them delivered to your home. It saves
1. Create a grains cupboard with all
you time, money, and energy! If you go
your grains stored in airtight glass
to the supermarket, avoid the aisles you
containers, so it's easy for you to
now know are 100 percent pure seduction
recognize them!
– with all that colorful packaging lighting up your brain chemistry. Head straight for
2. Create a snack drawer with trail
the real food – the fresh vegetables and
mixes, almond butter, coconut oil,
fruits. Fill your basket and then head to
maple syrup, and wheat-free crackers.
the grains. Now breathe and do not go near the bakery, confectionery, or cereal
3. Create a healthy snack section in the
aisles. Buy dry grains and beans in bulk.
fridge with hummus, pesto, carrots,
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
and other easy-to-grab snacks.
good food looks like.
4. Organize the fridge so that veggies are
prioritized and separated for salads and for cooking, so it's easy to make a meal. 5. Allow your healthier plant-based foods to be more natural to access in the fridge and in the kitchen in general. 6. Buy organic. Check out the organic produce guides "clean fifteen" and "dirty dozen" to prioritize when budgeting
Use the shopping list on the next three pages to discover a world of veggies, grains, beans, and legumes! Veggies and fruits are seasonal, so be sure to keep them local. Shopping at farmer's markets will keep your supply local and safe! Vegetables • Acorn squash • Artichokes
Get Food Smarter
• Asparagus
1. Take the super out of supermarket - go to the market.
• Beetroots/beets • Broccoli • Brussels sprouts
2. Order your shopping staples online or have them delivered – this saves time, money, and energy!
• Butternut squash cabbages • Carrots • Cauliflower • Celery chicory/endives
3. Spend that time at home making delicious, nutritious meals! Get groovy cooking more often.
• Collard greens • Coriander • Courgette/zucchini • Cucumber
4. When you buy packaged foods, like jarred chickpeas, coconut yogurt, or granola – read your labels and question where your food comes from. 5. Check out the meal plan ideas to get a vision of what a week of loving real
• Garlic • Lettuce • Leeks • Mushrooms (portobello, chestnut, shitake, etc.) • Okra/ladyfingers • Onions
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
• Parsley • Parsnips
The fruit has become less nutritious
• Peas (frozen)
and sweeter with advanced technology
• Peppers
and genetic engineering. They are also
• Radishes
harvested earlier and stored longer. I
• Rocket/arugula
save my tropical fruit feasts for when
• Romaine
I'm in Brazil or Hawaii! In Portugal and
• Spinach • Sprouts and baby greens (if available, such as sunflower, green and pea greens)
European countries, I choose local berries, apples, and pears. Choose seasonal and local fruits.
• Green beans (all varieties)
• Avocado
• Sweet potatoes
• Apples
• Swiss chard
• Bananas
• Kale
• Berries
• Kohlrabi
• Grapes
• Turnips
• Kiwi fruits
• Watercress
• Lemons OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
• Tomatoes
• Pumpkin Seeds
• Green
• Sesame Seeds • Sunflower seeds • Tahini (Sesame seed paste)
Fermented Foods (Choose raw, naturally fermented and unpasteurized options) sauerkraut organic miso
• Walnuts Flour I like to grind my own flour with a
• Kimchi
high-speed blender
Natural Sweeteners
Buckwheat flour
• Maple Syrup
• Millet Flour
• Dates (Medjool)
• Quinoa Flour
• Coconut Sugar
• Oat Flour
• Raisins
• Potato Flour
• Organic Raw Honey • Dried Cranberries
Beans and Legumes
• Stevia Leaf • Molasses
For sprouting and cooking. If you're just beginning all of this, feel free
Nuts and Seeds
to buy a few glass-jarred beans and
Buy raw and fresh and in bulk, and store in your fridge or freezer! • Almonds • Almond Butter • Chia Seeds • Flaxseeds • Hazelnuts • Hemp seeds • Pecans • Pine Nuts
chickpeas to facilitate the process at first. However, buy the dried versions too so you can get sprouting! • Mung Black • Adzuki Pinto • Lentils (all colors) • Lima • Chickpeas • Fenugreek seeds for white sprouting!
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
Fresh Herbs and Dried Seasonings • Basil • Black Pepper • Chives • Coriander Seeds • Dill • Himalayan Salt or Fleur de paprika • Lemongrass • Lime Leaves • Mint • Mustard Seeds • Parsley • Coriander • Ginger • Sel dried Thyme • Tarragon • Thyme • Turmeric • Rosemary Danah Mor is a certified Health Practitioner who discovered she was going blind at age 13. She trained in Ayurvedic Medicine at the Medical University of Manipal and is certified by Hippocrates Health Institute and The Institute for Integrative Nutrition. For more about Danah go to In this excerpt from her book, Shine Brighter Every Day: Nourish Your Body, Feed Your Spirit, Balance Your Life (Watkins May 2020), Danah Mor explains how to get food smarter, especially when it comes to shopping… OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.
Cats in the Buddhist Perspective & Zen Stories I have lived with several Zen masters — all of them cats. Eckhart Tolle
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
ats are important animals
Cats and Buddhism
in the Buddhist doctrine. For Buddhism, cats
It is important to clarify beforehand
represent spirituality.
that Buddhism is a very flexible
According to the Buddhist Order of
philosophy in its approaches, although
Fo Guang Shan, cats are enlightened
religious authority is based on sacred
beings that convey to us their sense
texts. Buddhism is not organized in
of calm and harmony. Since these
a vertical hierarchy like many other
animals are very much associated
faiths, and their religious authority
with positive feelings and high
rests on their sacred texts, but there is
consciousness, especially in Asia, it is
great flexibility in its own approaches
very common to see them in shrines,
and interpretations.
temples, and sacred places, even resting in statues dedicated to the
The cat’s lore we are going to show
you have their roots in a specific
Healing Power of Cats
school: in Theravada Buddhism, or in the ancestral lineage, the oldest Buddhist school from Tibet.
The deep and genuine connection we can make with cats had inspired many Buddhist monks to share knowledge
Cats as Unique Sentient Beings
about the healing power of this animal. It is difficult to obtain the friendship They are frequently associated with
of a cat. It is a philosophical animal...
wisdom and the pursuit of self-
one that does not place its affections
Knowledge. Hence, it is often said that
thoughtlessly. Theophile Gautier
those who do not relate well to their unconscious will never fully connect
Cats are said to be like little
with a cat, nor will they understand its
meditative monks who can bring
harmony to a home. The Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order, for example,
The truth is that no one is surprised to
they are like people who have already
learn that the figure of these animals is
attained enlightenment. Cats are
closely linked to Buddhism.
free beings. They drink when they
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
are thirsty, eat when they are hungry,
to feel man from far away in time;
sleep when they feel drowsy, and do
however, people have not yet learned
what must be done at every moment,
to feel the cat at present. They are loyal,
without the need to please anyone.
faithful and affectionate. But their displays of affection are intimate and
Cats do not get carried away by the
subtle yet tremendously deep. Only
ego. And something special about
those who know how to deepen their
these animals, according to this branch
interior with respect and dedication will
of Buddhism, is that they have learned
enjoy their unbreakable love. People
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
who are uneven or who often raise their
the teacher died, the cat continued
voices to scream will never be pleased.
to be tied up during the meditation session. And when the cat eventually
In Thailand, there is a beautiful legend
died, another cat was brought to the
that transcended the sands of time
monastery and tied up. Centuries later,
and that converted cats into beings
the learned descendants of the spiritual
of peace and intimate unity in many
teacher wrote scholarly treatises about
temples of Asian countries.
the religious significance of tying up a cat for meditation practice. (*)
That's why it's so common to see cats dozing in shrines, curled up in the
What is Buddha? The cat is
lap of the multiple Buddha figures
climbing up the post.
surrounding the gardens, and temples’
~ Zen Master Pa-Chaio Hui-Ch’ing
sacred grounds.
A Ritual Cat in Zen Monastery
In the book "Poems of the Cat" or "Tamra Maew," In his old papyri, a charming story could be read telling us that when a person who had reached
When they are among us, cats are
the highest levels of spirituality died,
angels. George Sand
their soul would join the body of a cat. In this way, people's souls knew that
In one of the many Buddhist stories
in the end, they would enter a more
about cats, there is this one about a
enlightened plane of existence. The
Zen cat, and how its presence was vital
Tamra Maew was preserved today in
to the meditational practice on the
the National Library of Bangkok as a
When the spiritual teacher and
Motivated by this belief, the Thai people
his disciples began their evening
of that time had another tradition,
meditation, the cat who lived in the
burying their deceased relatives in a
monastery made such noise that
crypt next to a living cat. The tomb had
it distracted them. So, the teacher
a kind of "hole" through which the cat
ordered that the cat be tied up during
could exit. When the cat finally did,
the evening practice. Years later, when
people believed that their loved one's
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
soul was already connected to the
themselves to deepen with respect
animal and was being prepared for a
and dedication can enjoy their
spiritual ascent.
unconditional display of love.
They believed that because these
We don't need many reasons to love
animals are completely free, do what
our cats, this feeling builds naturally,
they want when they feel like it and
they become great friends and mates.
don't bother to please anyone but
They often refer us to great kings, as
themselves. They are not dominated
the Buddhist legends show us, and we
by feelings of ego either; They are very
rejoice in being able to live with such
loyal or companions.
evolved and wise animals.
As much as they don't show their
Cats and Spirituality
feelings in such open ways as the dogs do, cats’ feelings are incredibly
Like those great sphinxes lounging
profound. Only people who allow
through eternity in noble attitudes
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
upon the desert sand, they gaze
Ancient Egypt, it is something we
incuriously at nothing, calm and wise.
proudly allow them to do.
Charles Baudelaire “Time spent with cats is never a waste To conclude, we know that there is
of time.” -Sigmund Freud-
no need to resort to Buddhist texts to understand how cats are extraordinary
Moments with our cats are
beings. Their presence transports us to
unforgettable and will always be
introspective universes, their strange
present in our hearts, regardless of the
postures invite us to practice yoga,
path’s life leads us.
they are an example of elegance and balance…
Adapted from the original article written at La Mente es Maravillosa
We love and even worship them, and
The Zen Ritual cat story was originally
although they create authentic gods,
perhaps remembering their days in
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
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OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle
What If Cinderella had swollen feet? By Lisa Berry
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
e all know that the
exact life that you’d been dreaming of
glass slipper fit. We all
and were trying to create.
know that Cinderella lived happily ever
Imagine if your life was swollen with
after. BUT what if on the extraordinary
doubts, lack of clarity and direction,
day when the ministers came by the
and support and didn’t fit into your
house for the girls to try on the glass
life’s magical glass slipper, your vision?
slipper Cinderella’s feet were swollen? What if she stuffed her emotions down
I remember when the word “success”
with food and hid from all her feelings
was defined to me. When I heard it,
of low self-worth, not fitting in, feeling
everything just clicked?
depressed with her living conditions, never getting ahead in life? What if
“Success is when preparation meets
bags of potatoes chips, muffins, pasta,
and cookies were her answers. What if chocolate-covered avoidance was her
What does a successful life look like to
go-to response?
you? What is your personal vision?
I’ll share with you what would have
What is your fairy tale life?
happened. The glass slipper would never have fit, and Cinderella would
Are you prepared to slide into it like a
have been left sitting there in the
glass slipper when it shows up?
beautiful embroidered Victorian chair with her big old swollen water retention
When the opportunity presents itself
foot and no prince and no happily ever
to you?
after. Do you have the mindset that will Imagine just for a moment that your
motivate you into taking actions that
lifelong dream, a once in a lifetime
propel you into your success?
opportunity, literally came to YOU, right to your door, and you weren’t prepared?
Are you aware of the power and
What if the decisions you were making,
control you have in your very own
the actions you were taking were
life that puts you in the driver seat
ruining your chance for success?
to choose what foods you eat, what
Holding you back from fitting in the
activities you participate in, what
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
attitude you possess, which people
That’s why they say… “Be careful of
you surround yourself with, and what
what you wish for.” It’s the same as
language, chosen words, you speak?
when I say to myself,
Do you realize that it is you who
”Lisa, be careful of what you choose,
chooses the people in your life? Are
cause that’s what you’ll get.”
you allowing wicked step-sisters and mothers to dictate your daily activities,
So how does one make choices that
negative and hurtful emotions?
will get them to their fairy tale life?
The choice is like a fairy godmother.
How does one prepare so that when
The choices you make are like granted
they meet opportunity, they will have
success and create that vision? OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
I'm sure the night that Cinderella
congruent...that are in alignment with
ran home with only one glass slipper
what you're trying to create and what
and no prince that she opened a few
your heart sees.
kitchen cupboards looking for comfort food. I'm sure she had the phone in
her hand, wanting to order a pizza.
I bet she even had a secret stash of gummies hiding beside her bed for
1. What menu are you choosing
some sugary satisfaction. BUT in the
from? Who are you listening to?
end, I believe that Cinderella had carefully thought about her decisions
The people you look up to, are inspired
beforehand. She had questioned
by, who delight you, who are saying
which actions would give her the
things that open up your imagination
results she desired, and I’m pretty sure
and inspire creativity and instill a feeling
she hung onto her dream for a better
of love for yourself and others are the
life, a free life, and a confident life.
ones you want to be listening to.
She was aware that having the power to make her own choices, her own
2. Who are you preparing a delicious
wishes, that she would create the life
dish for? Who is listening to you?
she wanted. The people who offer support, the So instead of eating any of those
people who are interested in what
harmful and smothering foods and
you are sharing, those who see that
waking up with swollen feet that
what you are saying has value and are
night, she closed her eyes and laid her
open to the possibility of co-creating.
head on the pillow and held on tight
The people who see the connection
to her dream of living happily ever
between your words and your heart
and smile at your success. Those who want to sooth and help you through
It is all about being prepared for the
your moments of resistance. These
day when your golden opportunity
are the ones you want to be talking to
comes up...being the perfect fit
and with.
when your life's dreams materialize‌ It's all about having the mindset
3. Have straight and clear rows in
and making the decisions that are
your fields to grow your food. To
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
RECEIVE the sunlight, your plants
Whether you have soup and salad
need to have space.
or a full entrée, if you've got the first 4 tips down, you’re going to have a
Things that grow need space, and
fulfilling experience. Know that you
they need to be in alignment so
have an appetite ( your vision), trust
the energy can flow. They can’t be
that you’ll nourish yourself and soul
cramped or overcrowded. Overwhelm,
in a respectful exciting way, and trust
doubt, fear, and mind chatter are all
that the restaurant you choose (i.e.,
weeds. To receive what you need to
your world) has everything in it to
support you having your happily ever
grant your wishes.
after, you have to be aligned with your recipe for receiving. Give yourself
This is YOUR fairy tale come true.
space, clear the weeds and create an environment that is ready to receive all the energy it needs.
About Lisa: As a successful and experienced International
4. Recognize the ingredients. Your
Show Host and International
heart loves natural foods.
Best-Selling Author herself, Lisa Berry holds space for conscious
Your Lifestyle Love Story will be
conversations that are globally
written in a language that has a high
broadcasted, creating holistic
vibration and includes the most
happiness and connection
high-end quality of ingredients. Your
worldwide while also coaching
language is your grocery list. Have
other show hosts how to deliver
your soul salivating as it reads words
exceptional experiences to their
like Understanding, Joy, Acceptance,
audiences. She now offers private
Forgiveness, Compassion, Love,
coaching for the development and
Courage, Willingness, and go to the
production of new shows under
markets that offer these to fill your
her Podcast Prosperity Mentorship
grocery bag.
Program and has made CoHosting opportunities available to
5. Can’t decide on what to have?
strengthen the podcaster’s skills
Alternate Lifestyle Story Endings are
and comfort level.
always fun! OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
Is Cleanliness Next to Godliness? by Kartar Diamond from the Tao of Organizing Series OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
his old phrase, “Cleanliness
it affects me on a very visceral level.
is next to Godliness,” was
I work with a family member who
spoken by theologian John
doesn’t bathe regularly, and it shocks
Wesley in the 1700s. The
me regularly.
notion is that after worshipping the Creator, keeping yourself clean is one of
And yet I know that there is a very
the most important manifestations of
primal region of the brain where
showing love or respect for the Creator.
this activity is just not seen as really necessary. Perhaps we are even over-
Each of us can take something from
washing ourselves these days, as
this saying or interpret it in our own
studies have shown that by removing
way. For me, it just acknowledges
all the body oils from our skin with
that the body is a temple. It houses
daily bathing, we can’t even absorb
our soul. And in gratitude for having
vitamin D from the Sun as effectively.
this human experience with a body,
Maybe all the dry skin and hair
that the least we can do is honor it by
problems can be partially traced to
keeping it clean. And as an extension
washing too much!
of that, we can feel godly keeping our homes and workspaces clean as well.
I think there is another saying that “Your rights end where my nose
By showing respect for our
begins.” Perhaps the only real litmus
worldly possessions and personal
test is whether or not we have
environment, we are honoring how
offended another person by our
each thing we own was made, the
appearance or smell.
toil, the creativity, and the prosperity which allowed us to have things
The subject of cleanliness comes up
around us and to serve us.
in the course of an Organizing session because dusty, dirty environments are
Now, does that mean that a messy
often cluttered as well. These are all
person is somehow less evolved? Is
just signs of neglect and not making
the person who decides to bathe only
cleaning a priority.
once a week somehow less godly or conscious? I would never want to be
I like to think of house cleaning as the
the judge and jury on this issue, but
“unintended work-out.” I sometimes
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
embarrass myself to find how sore
One thing we don’t want to waste vital
my muscles are the next day after just
life force energy on is being uptight
cleaning my house! How badly out of
and stressed out that our personal
shape am I? As a Feng Shui consultant,
environment may not be absolutely
clients often apologize for their home
clean all the time. From an organizing
is messy, but there is often a really
standpoint and from a Feng Shui
good reason why. Creative people, busy
standpoint, we don’t want to strike fear
people, and sometimes un-organized
in the heart of the average person, that
people will just not make cleaning a
they cannot enjoy health, happiness and
priority. For some, it is just drudgery
prosperity unless their personal space
and they would be happier having
is clean and orderly beyond practicality.
someone else do the cleaning for them.
Studies have also revealed that children
Wouldn’t we all? I would also like to
who grow up around more germs, pets
have a private chef create perfectly,
and dirt end up having stronger immune
nutritionally balanced meals for me.
systems! Standards of cleanliness can
But I digress.
also vary from culture to culture. OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
Anger: The Enemy on Earth by Barbara Briggs OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
"Arjuna said:
The only way to free oneself
What is it that compels a man to
completely from anger is to gain
Commit sin, even involuntarily,
permanent union with the Self,
As if driven by force, O Varshneya?”
the source of perfect balance and infinite bliss, then nothing in the
The Blessed Lord said:
outer environment, either pleasant or
It is desire; it is anger, born of
adverse, can throw us off balance, and
Rajo-guna, all-consuming, and most evil.
cause us to act in a manner which we
Know this to be the enemy here on earth."
regret later.
Bhagavad Gita, Ch.3, v. 36,37 (transl. by Anger over-excites the mind. When
one succumbs to anger, one is nger is an enemy because
thwarting the very purpose of creation
it disturbs, confuses, and
which is the expansion of happiness.
destroys one’s mental
Anger obscures the true nature of the
equilibrium and causes
Self. There is an expression: “blind with
one to commit sin, involuntarily,
rage.” This shows that anger is a state
against one’s will. It veils the true
of mind in which the dense darkness
nature of the Self, which is eternal
of ignorance prevails. One can no
bliss consciousness and makes one
longer see what ought to be done or
lose one’s proper sense of values
said and what ought not to be done
and act against one’s normal code of
or said. In the darkness, one inevitably
behavior. Anger is like a wildfire that
stumbles and falls into still deeper
burns everything in its path, or like a
darkness. When in darkness, the only
whirlpool which drags the mind down
solution is to bring in the light, the
toward a lower state of awareness.
light of pure knowledge. Knowledge
In Chap 16 of the Gita, Lord Krishna
is a great purifier. One should first
describes to Arjuna the nature of
understand the nature of the enemy,
the asuras, the demon-like negative
its origin and effects on one’s life, and
forces which oppose righteousness.
how to overcome it. Furthermore, one
“Ostentation, arrogance and self-
should enliven the direct experience
conceit, anger as also harshness and
of its opposite, the bliss of pure
ignorance, belong to one who is born,
consciousness, the light of the Self-
O Partha, for an Asurika state.”
shining in one’s own heart.
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
Anger flares up when the means to
successful action and spontaneous
fulfill one’s desire is blocked. When
achievement and fulfillment.
the flow of desire is obstructed, anger erupts at the point of collision.
How do we conquer the desires which
So rather than blame desire, it is
lead to anger? The doctrine of Karma
the inability to fulfill the desire that
Yoga teaches that the only way to
stands accused. Anger is the result
subdue the desires is to turn the
and display of weakness, the inability
mind to Being. To modify the nature
to live in harmony with those natural
of the intellect, mind and senses,
laws which lead to the support of one’s
one must go to the level which lies
evolutionary desires in life. When the
beyond them. The subtlest level of
mind is strong, then nature upholds
subjective life is the Atman, the level
the upward march of life towards
of pure Being, the Self. Maharishi
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
Mahesh Yogi says: “The science of
of others. The results of one’s actions
action advocates transcending desire
inevitably lead to an increase of sorrow
as a technique of subduing desires
in one’s own life. Uncontrolled anger is
and also bringing fulfillment to them;
a major risk factor for coronary artery
useless desires will be subdued while
disease. After losing one’s temper,
useful ones will find fulfillment.”
one may apologize for one’s mistake, but even an apology may not be able
Anger damages the internal organs
to entirely remove the wound in the
of one’s body and the harmonious
heart of the other person. We may
flow of life in one’s environment.
even risk losing a precious friendship.
When one gets angry, one loses one’s power of discrimination. One says and
There is a story that a person lost his
does things that injure the feelings
temper in the ashram of a saint. After
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
he had left, the saint said that in five
the truth. Give whatever you can.
minutes of anger, that person wasted
Never be angry. These three steps
many years of his austerities.
will lead you into the presence of the gods. The wise harm no one.
In the Dhammapada, Lord Buddha
They are masters of their bodies.
says: “Let go of anger. Let go of pride.
And they go to the boundless
When you are bound by nothing,
country. They go beyond sorrow.
you go beyond sorrow. Anger is like
Beware of the anger of the body.
a chariot careering wildly. He who
Master the body. Let it serve truth.
curbs his anger is the true charioteer.
Beware of the anger of the mouth.
Others merely hold the reins. With
Master your words. Let them serve
gentleness, overcome anger. Speak
the truth. Beware of the anger of
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
the mind. Master your thoughts. Let
dual state of pure Being, the ship
them serve the truth. The wise have
of life can sail safely on the ocean
mastered body, word and mind. They
of samsara, neither agitating nor
are the true masters.�
becoming agitated by the waves.
The only way to conquer anger
From my own experience, I can
completely is for the mind to become
say that I used to be quite short-
established in the Self, the source of
tempered, but after many years of
eternal bliss. When the heart is full of
meditating, the anger, if it comes, is
love and bliss, there will be no chance
very short-lived.
for any emotional disturbance. In the case of an enlightened person, the
When one is permanently
permanent state of restful alertness of
established in the Self, everything
the body which corresponds to pure
in life is experienced, but the
awareness of the Self, prevents the
experiencer is not overshadowed
stir of desire and anger in the nervous
by the experience. A full heart and
a peaceful mind can only overflow and radiate bliss and peace into
The inner silence of pure
the environment. This is the quality
consciousness acts as a shock
of a saint. The internal enemies
absorber on the mental level and
have been vanquished completely.
the restful alertness of the nervous
The enlightened live in the eternal
system acts as a shock absorber on
freedom of divine consciousness. If
the physical level. An unshakable
anger flares up, now is the time to
state of inner bliss consciousness
resolve to conquer it and begin the
exists when the mind is established in
journey to Self-realization.
the wholeness of the Self. Maharishi explains that “absolute bliss is always there, the experience of happiness depends upon the degree of steadiness of the mind. If the mind is more collected, more peaceful, it experiences more happiness.� When the mind is established in the non-
Barbara Briggs is a teacher of Transcendental Meditation and the author of Pilgrimage on the Path of Love, a novel of visionary fiction available on Amazon. Her website is:
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
Astrology & Numerology
Can Astrology have an Influence over A Child Personality? By OMTimes Astrology
strology believes that the
of great help when we apply these
stars touch the human
concepts to the understanding of our
personality according to
their birth chart, and that
belief always arouses general interest.
Providing the correct stimuli to a child
However, not many are aware that
following their birth chart can shape a
the way the stars influence us can be
much more fertile environment for her
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
natural talents, as well as working very
activities but may tend to behave a
well to correct possible vulnerabilities.
little selfishly and impatiently towards his peers, being somewhat aggressive
at times. That is why it is important to orient this child very well in these aspects, without taking away its
With the help of an astrological
incentives for independence and self-
chart or astral map, it is possible
to understand much better the functioning of the child's vision
concerning their world and his parents, especially if we consider that
The child of Taurus needs to be
during their childhood the lunar sign
involved in activities that encourage
has a much more present influence
their artistic gifts, manual abilities,
than their solar sign; however, this is
and creative skills. The Child should
not usually very common or known by
be monitored for excesses in food
parents and tutors.
and should learn how to take care of her own body. Another vulnerability
We should learn a little more about
would be her psychological tendencies
the needs of the children of each
regarding attachment to material
sign, taking into account both the
goods and jealousy.
solar and lunar signs. We must also add that these requirements are only
for general guidance and that the most advisable is to ask a responsible
These children tend to be more
astrology professional to make the
scattered and anxious about their
personal astrological chart of your little
own decisions than any other in the
one, to provide a more complete vision
Zodiac, and their parents should
and guidance.
be responsible for the proper guidance in this regard, stimulating
mental capacities, encouraging communication, inspiring reading,
The Child of Aries is full of initiative and
and offering the child access and
usually leads the games and physical
contact with different environments.
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
Maintaining a proper dialogue is as
important as respecting the child's rhythm of development.
The inner longing to be at service to others and feel useful to society
should be encouraged in early childhood. The child must feel proud
Ruled by the sign of the crab, these
of her achievements but should be
children would present a natural
learning from the beginning to deal
innate sensitivity, so the Parents
with feelings such as perfectionism,
must be careful and avoid very
a sense of guilt, or inferiority.
overprotective attitudes. These
Developing respect and self-care for
children need the freedom to
their own bodies would be important
experience their own emotions, and
steps for them in helping their self-
they must learn how to deal with
affectivity, emotional sensitivity, and family harmony. They tend
to have potential artistic gifts and high imaginative capacity, and it
The Libra child should be encouraged
is important to encourage such
to socialize, to grow in their
characteristics to develop their self-
relationships, and to improve their
esteem and self-reliance.
sense of justice. They may show problems in making the decision
and to be impartial when necessary. They must also be introduced in
They are children prone to leadership.
environments that promote their
They are very enthusiastic, full of
artistic gifts and learn to value people
brightness, and much charisma.
and the world for values ​​beyond their
Stimulating these characteristics
immediate appearance.
should provide great growth for the little ones, also improving their
spontaneity and creative spirit. Parents should only be wary of their vulnerable
They are children that tend to have
traits, such as authoritarianism, self-
more intense emotional reactions
regard, pride, selfishness, and vanity.
and passionate responses. They may
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
show traits of possessiveness and
to deprive the child of moments of
even vindictive feelings; they can hold
leisure and play and compromising
resentments about disagreements.
their childhood.
Stimulating your natural interest in Life’s mysteries, Universe, energy and
healing, along with some Meditation techniques, can provide a more
Aquarium children usually have a lot
peaceful heart. It is also necessary
of affinity with everything that has an
to educate and promote a good
innovative and creative character, as
understanding of issues such as
well as new technologies; stimulating
sexuality and death.
creative ability and your original personality will bring many benefits
to the future adult. They are also children who like to have the freedom
Interdisciplinary Studies, reading,
to have ideas of a ​​ world free from
travel, sports, and everything that
prejudice. They are friendly children,
is a mental stimulus and allows to
as they tend to make friends with
expand the horizons of knowledge
some ease. The parents of these
should be encouraged in this child.
children should be aware of these
Small Sagittarian may require a little
characteristics; it is necessary to work
space, but it should not be offered
on learning about individuality and
deliberately, and parents should step
cooperation, as well as the concept of
up surveillance more closely and
children's rebellion.
convey a clear understanding of limits, especially in regard to food.
PISCES The Piscean child needs to be reassured with the feeling of safety
They tend to have a greater desire
and security, an environment that is
to participate actively in adulthood
conducive to her emotional capacity,
and to interact with adults, and they
her finely tuned sensitivity, and her
accept stimuli for more significant
spiritual gifts. Situations that may
responsibilities as well as discipline.
cause guilt, emotional insecurity, and
Care must be taken not to reach
victimization should be avoided. They
levels of an exaggeration, so as not
tend to be highly sensitive persons.
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
Are Birthmarks Signs of a Past Life? By Humanity Healing
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
Some people believe that we go on
Dr. Jim Tucker, a scholar at the
living in another body after death,
University of Virginia, went on to
that we lived before. They call it
investigate the case and provided
reincarnation. That we all lived
some evidence about the fact
before on the earth thousands of
involving the boy. Another researcher
years ago or on some other planet.
who also investigated such marks
They say we have forgotten it. Some
was the late Dr. Ian Stevenson,
say they remember their past lives.
who studied more than 210 cases
James Joyce
worldwide, of people born with these birthmarks or defects that could be
A new study shows a probable link between the birthmarks on our body and violent events in past lives, which may have caused our "death."
related to memories and events in their past lives. Between 1966 and 1971, Dr. Stevenson traveled to several countries, interviewing children between two and four years old.
he birthmarks are usually
His studies were conducted with
small skin occurrences,
young children to offer better results,
and indicators spread
as they are less likely to lie about the
throughout our body and
subject matter since they hardly know
maybe spots and moles [1] that have been present on our skin since our birth. However, there is a belief that these
about the topic.
Some cases show the link between birthmarks and past lives
signs can tell accidents suffered in our past lives and even how the death
In some instances, the accuracy of
of the person in question occurred.
past-life memories can be objectively verified, sometimes with remarkable
Surely, you have heard the story
detail. Stanislav Grof
of the boy Sam, who would have offered convincing evidence that
A curious case about reincarnation
he really was his grandfather's
was revealed during one of the
researches done by Dr. Tucker. In OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
After a few years, the child started to claim everything that belonged to his great grandmother, as if everything would have belonged to her in the past. This is just one of the cases investigated by the scholar, revealing that birthmarks can have a secure connection with the marks of another life. Another case analyzed by the scholar was that of an indigenous child who did not have his fingers on his right hand. During the study, the child reported remembering that, in his one of his studies, he researched the
other life, he was a boy who had his
case of an elderly woman who died in
fingers amputated after having an
Thailand, but in life, she would have
accident with a meat grinder.
revealed her desire to reincarnate as a child.
Her granddaughter, willing to fulfill
In some cultures, it is very common
her grandmother's last wish, made
to mark the body of dead with
a mark on the back of her neck with
soot, to recognize it if they are
a “white paste.” After some time the
reincarnated in another body.
elderly woman passed away, and her granddaughter gave birth to a child,
During his studies, Dr. Tucker says
but the most impressive thing is that
it is difficult to understand why
her son was born with a white mark
these marks appear in some places
on the back of his neck, similar to the
on the skin, but the truth is that
“white paste” that his grandmother also
approximately 35% of children who
carried in the same part of the body.
carry this on their skin say they
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
remember their past lives. Therefore, it
The nature of the Samskaras is
was clear that some past traumas can
fascinating as some believe that
affect the present, presenting some
they are part of a Karmic equation,
deformations, phobias, birthmarks,
as a holographic impression that can
among other manifestations.
present itself as a mark, like memory or even as recurrent events.
Some experts continue to dedicate themselves to the subject and believe
Sometimes it is just a physical mark
devotedly in this connection; others
of the current incarnation, or it may
already consider the birthmarks to be
indicate a wound from the past life,
normal, stating that all the statements
for example.
made above are without a solid Assigning a physical blemish or
mark to past lives could be just an Some people believe that our current
assumption. It may be a simple
incarnations are loaded with physical,
birthmark or a scar from a childhood
psychological, and intellectual traits
injury. In the case of being a mark of
from past lives. It is even believed that
previous lives, you will only discover
some souls have connections and
this through reputable Past life
are destined to find themselves in all
regression therapy, in which you will
take an out-of-body journey into
Birthmarks as Samskaras
your past. In this experience, it is possible
In this regard, the frequent question
to understand what brought the
persists: do birthmarks come from past
brand to today's life. It can be both
lives? We can say that this is likely, but
a wound and a pain, including a
it is not a rule. A birthmark may or may
mark on the soul, so deep that it
not be linked to previous existences;
can continue to be expressed in the
it may be what the ancient called a
present body.
samskara, an impression left on the astral body like a blemish, that can present itself in the course of many existences.
[1] Moles occur when cells in the skin grow in a cluster instead of being spread throughout the skin
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
Esoteric Knowledge
Memory is the Key to Death and Life by Arthur Telling
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
irth and death are mere
sustains our world. We continually
doors we walk through,
gain new memories and lose
shedding memory of a
memory no longer useful to us. It
past life and gaining new
happens throughout this life and
memories of a life to be. We shed and
later on a grander scale when we
gain memories quite automatically
leave this world as our memory is
while alive in this world now. This
replaced with new memories of
moment and death are much alike
whatever next world we embrace.
in this respect, only the degree of
Memory defines our world, past,
which shows a notable difference. In
and present, and projection of such
understanding this, there is little reason
memory is our expected future.
for fearing death.
In this respect, past, present, and future operating contiguously as
Birth and Death a Continuing Process
memory, we construct and maintain
Birth and death are intertwined. Birth
The Origin of Memories
in a new world comes simultaneously
a living area.
with death in the former world, birth
The mind, retaining memories of
and death each supporting the
our present experiences, is also
other elements of the same process.
the source of those memories,
This involves and includes moving
the sole source. All that we see
between our “physical” world and
and hear and feel comes from the
the less “physical” spirit and formless
mind, communally and individually.
worlds, and then returning in the
We are the grand creators of our
cyclic incarnational wheel, but the
experiences, within a framework of
elementary process is the same as we
a greater mind giving us a platform,
pass through each separate door. And
the actors’ stage, for creating that
the key to this process is memory. Loss
which instantly becomes a memory
of memory gives an appearance of
for all who are in observance.
death. But it is not death, it is a change.
This greater mind of which our understanding is limited, we call
Memory, the obtaining of it and loss
God. And God is thus everything,
of it, is the element that creates and
and without God, there is nothing,
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
memories. Without cognizance, there
as we’ve so defined.
Memory the Required Tool for Cognizance The present moment alone, without
is chaos, having no structural stability.
Making Practical Use of Memory
retention of memory, can be only
The life and death experience will
an incoherent progression of the
not seem so overwhelming when we
jumble. No logic can develop but for
come to see that we essentially daily
retention of the symbols and forms
experience birth and death as we
and feelings entering our minds
live our lives normally and typically
through the physical senses. The mind
in this world now, as we take in new
thus builds upon what is a natural
memories while past ones fade and
progression of experiences, the grand
disappear from our experiences. You
play among all peoples and beings in
may remember what you had for
our reality developing outwardly from
lunch yesterday, but what you ate for
inward processing of experiences and
lunch a month ago or even last week
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
will have faded from memory except
continual living experience that will
if there were some significant events
last through all eternity.
associated with it. An important birthday celebration lunch may be remembered for life. In this way, the mind makes use of memory, keeping what is useful and discarding what is not or is no longer so, and bringing in fresh new memories as we change and grow.
Arthur Telling has written numerous stories and articles on religion, philosophy, and metaphysics. His article, “A Different Jesus Message,” appeared in the Nov. 2011 AMORC Rosicrucian Digest. Telling is author of eight books, including
If we think of physical death in such way, that we are gaining and losing memory as we progress through life, we can take comfort in this eternal scheme placing birth in our past and death in our future, framing a
his newest release: “And the Cock Crows: How Rome Buried the Jesus Message,” a historical novel uncovering the lost Jesus message in the Pauline letters.
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
Personal Growth & Development We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.
Responsibility Oh Not That! Well Then, A New Perspective by Darity Wesley
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
know, responsibility, right? Who
we pay our taxes, we take care of our
needs it? Or do we? On the road to
pets, we take care of our children. This is
spiritual and emotional maturity, it
what responsibility is all about, right?
is an important practice. Well, sure.
Responsibility is really a part of living in the New Reality. It is part and parcel
Yet, it is only partially right. It is right in
of being the change you want to see
the Duality sense. In the old world, the
in the world and being responsible is
old reality, a responsible person was
being emotionally mature.
someone who minded their manners, respected their elders, controlled any
Well, what does that mean?
kind of emotional outburst, and pretty must put on a mask of pretension. That
It means that we have the ability
was a responsible person.
to understand and manage our emotions. Being emotionally mature
Now that certainly is still true, but
means, we think before we act on
I think those of us on the path of
our emotions or before we choose to
exploring who we are, looking ever
subdue them. Our choice!
deeper within ourselves, are learning that being responsible is way more than
When I talk about responsibility,
I’m really talking about taking responsibility for ourselves.
In the new world, the New Reality, I would ask that we contemplate that
Oh, say it isn’t so! Yep, that’s what I’m
responsibility is really about the ability
talking about.
to respond.
I think we all have a concept of what
Think about this, the ability to respond
responsibility is, right? However, it
is separate from the wisdom that needs
may mean different things to different
to be attached to that response. They
are two different things – yet both are important. Responding is a thoughtful,
Most of us think we are responsible
conscious activity. If we are not
people. We go to work, we pay our bills,
responding, we are reacting.
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
Most reactions come from our
consideration of what is playing out in
monkey mind, from fear, anxiety,
front of us.
panic, conditioning, habit or from our concern about what someone will
So, as we contemplate our level of
understanding of how or even if we are responsible people, that ability to
Generally, reactions come from
respond practice becomes part of our
something other than thoughtful
process. It is about staying conscious
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
about our level of responsibility as we
action has a real effect throughout
walk our path.
the Universe.
Are we being it? Are we practicing
I know that may sound crazy, yet it’s
responding rather than reacting?
like the pebble thrown in the pond. The ripples move and merge with one
There is drama, drama, drama
another and create new ones along
everywhere. That gives us our best
the way. Everything is inextricably
opportunity to practice, practice,
practice being responsible by being a force for change with all the drama
With this comes the realization
going on in the world.
that we are, in fact, responsible for everything we say, everything we do,
Part of being responsible is knowing, at
everything we think.
the deepest level of our being, that we are responsible for everything in our
Be emotionally mature. Step into
being responsible all along the way! Darity Wesley is an award-
winning, best-selling author,
Yep! There is real learning, growth, and practice when we step into that understanding.
a lawyer, a speaker, a Death Diva and a Modern Day Oracle. She has travelled the spiritual, metaphysical and personal
I know that sounds off the charts but, if we think about it, Eastern traditions have taught for millennia that true spirituality is being aware and conscious that we are interconnected with everything and everyone else.
development paths for many decades. An extraordinary and powerful resource for those awakening to their evolving consciousness! Her Love f rom the Lotus World messages go out monthly to her international community, for f ree.
We are One Being.
Sign up on her website
Even our smallest thought, word and
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
When you look at the view of Earth from space, you are immediately in awe of what you do see: the incredible beauty of Creation. It is not until you look closer that you realize what you do not see. You do not see lines partitioning countries. You do not see separation between races. You do not see division between religions. You do not see the walls people build to isolate themselves from each other. There is only One Planet. There is only One Humanity. This section is dedicated to introducing thoughts and ideas to foster a greater understanding of Humanity’s interdependence.
World Vision
The Age of SelfPromotion - Connecting through Collaboration by Jennifer Ott OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
We live in an age of selfpromotion. While everyone is trying to be seen and increase followers, caught in the algorithm game, we run the risk of losing connection
ocial media can make
to others. Building genuine connections of collaboration and support not only helps us but encourage others. It is being mindful we all have gifts to share and all are worthy.
The Algorithm Game
anyone and everyone a star. We see it all the
Imagine a world where genuine
time. Someone hits with a
human connection is replaced
YouTube video and becomes famous,
with computerized sorting. Wow.
or at least has their fifteen minutes of
It sounds like something dreamed
fame. Social media has become more
up in 1950’s science fiction movie,
than a means of social connection but
but then here we are. We live in a
world where the people who win this computerized sorting are seen
It’s hard to fault people, all of whom
and heard. This speaks nothing of
just want to share their gifts and their
the heart, the mind, and the spirit,
passions with the world. What could be
but of pragmatic computer logistics.
the downside of people sharing with
What could this do to the evolution
the world? Why is this a bad thing?
of humanity?
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
In the realm of social media, this is seen
When we play this game, it is a
as following people to gain followers
subtle shout out to the universe;
and then unfollow people once we have
we are better than others, in which
them hooked. Using an algorithm is
we disregard others simply for our
a good means of selling and gaining
own personal and profitable gain.
visibility for a product or a service,
While that may not be our intention
and yet it is an extremely poor way to
or even our thoughts, this is the
connect with others, especially in the
energy we are putting out there.
spiritual community, where human
Yes, our goal is to connect with
connection is key.
potential contacts and customers, OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
What this world needs now more than anything is unity and especially unity through human connections. A competition that was once a factor in the 20th Century has now been displaced with cooperation and collaboration. It is great to show off our products and passions, but in a way to encourage others to do likewise and that is in the way of support.
Support Others Everyone living today has a gift to share, and everyone has a passion. Everyone. There are no exceptions. True human connection is supporting all with a passion. It doesn’t cost us anything to support others. It doesn’t take away from our own ambitions and goals. To achieve a more unified culture, we may create a network of care for ourselves and it starts by supporting our humanity is lost in such tactics.
others – encouraging those just starting out, giving praise to those who have gained success and most
Connect with Others
of all supporting those rising with
Social media’s main intent is to connect with others, not sell to them. If we become so committed to selling ourselves, we run the risk of
us, realizing they are not a threat but people to share the experience.
We are all Worthy
disconnecting with others and ultimately
Encouraging others, following others,
limit our own growth in the process.
supporting others doesn’t take away
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
from our own skills and success. It
against it when exchange can be
isn’t a detriment to our own rise. In
our most valued gifts. This is the
fact, it suggests the opposite. Those
lesson we can learn from our ancient
who easily share, and support others
ancestors – Relish in each other’s
know their value, while those most
insecure live in a world of “me.” It is as we have something to prove to
Imagine a world of artists and
the world.
tradesmen, artists collaborating with
Collaborate, Connect, Create
writers, musicians with poets and the sharing of spiritual wisdom. Imagine how we can empower not just the success of the individual, but the
There is no shortage of talent on
success of the world if we can soften
social media. We all come across it
the self-promotion and engage in
daily. How great and how unifying
community promotion.
would it be that instead of finding people to sell to, we find people to
In today’s world, the human
create with. We share our talents
connection seems to be missing. We
and passions with others.
regard support as also caring.
This does not only help to promote passions in a unifying way, but we
Jennifer Ott is the author of several fiction and nonfiction
expand beyond our own horizons
titles. Her latest WIP, Arise, My
and even our limitation while
Tribe, tells the story of a past life
learning and working with others.
Celtic Healer weaver her tale
Unifying through our own Passions.
through the life of a modern-day woman in an existential crisis.
Those of ancient tribes succeeded
Throughout the past twenty years,
through the hard work of others.
Jennifer studied various types
The ironsmith traded with the
of meditations and shamanism,
weaver of cloths, who traded with
f rom nada yoga, mindfulness
the cheesemaker and the farmers.
meditation and pagan religious
With all the talents in the world,
it doesn’t have to feel we are one OM TIMES | May A Edition 2020
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