Iron Shirt Chi Kung i (Mantak Chia)

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Chapter III

Taoist Practitioners are very concerned with rootedness. The more he or she can root to Mother Earth, the more balanced the energy will be. Such a balance of energy increases healing energy. In advanced practice, rooting is required to perform the practice of the Thrusting Channels and Belt Channels. Tai Chi, the Healing Hand and the higher spiritual practices draw upon the earth energy, as well as heavenly energy, to transform life-force energy into spiritual energy in order to give birth to the soul and spirit. It is the earth energy which helps the soul and spirit grow. Astral traveling requires rooting, and this earthly rootedness serves the soul and spirit the way a control tower serves a space rocket. Those who try to bring Chi up to the head, or receive heavenly energy without grounding in the earth, become “spacey” instead of “in tune” with their experience. Always balance out by using both sides of the body during practice. Developing the Rooting Practice requires two people: one to push and the other to stand. This exercise will greatly improve your stance. Many people will find that one side is weaker than the other or the upper part, such as the neck, is weaker than the lower part. Practice on the strong side first and then the weak side so that you will have a reference for improving the weak side. Gradually you will grow stronger and it will require less effort to maintain your structured position because you will have built extra muscles and strengthened the tendons, tendon attachment sites and fasciae as one structure. When you “root” properly, it feels as if you are sucking the ground, or have grown a deep root into the earth. This is because the whole structure, as a unit, is pressing into the ground. You can feel the entire bone structure sink down to the ground. With practice you will be able to bring energy along the prescribed course more quickly and easily To test your rootedness, find a partner who can push you while you hold the structure.

1. Stance The purpose of the Iron Shirt Rooting Principle is to line up the bone structure with the joints to feel the whole body become one piece. Once you become proficient in the practice, you will position yourself in the proper structure quite easily. Stand in the Iron Shirt Horse Stance. Sometimes you can stand with the feet at a slightly

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