Influencer Marketing Dissertation - If You Know You Know.

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Diffusion of Innovation


This theory was developed by Everett Rogers in 1962 and is based on the idea of the rate that new ideas and technology spread from one consumer to the next . This theory explains how people adopt trends at different times and speeds and have different consumer behaviour and aspirations.


Gen Z abbreviation for In real life. Used in the title consuming irl to state how consumer especially gen Z are starting to return to bricks and mortar stores to consume or try before they buy online.


Search Engine Optimization: A marketing discipline which aims to enhance the visibility of organic search engine results so the consumer can find the site more efficiently. Bloggers often teach themselves this tool to increase their traffic and ranking on search engines.

Economic resources or rewards

Return on Investment: A term for the measuring of a success or failure/ gain or loss of an investment where capital was invested. Often expressed as a percentage and analysed to determine future investments. The ROI across the board for Blogger strategy’s has declined in recent years.

Gifts, freebies, gifted clothing, merchandise or paid ad placements.

Instant gratification

Cultural capital The theory of cultural capital was developed by French sociologist Bourdieu in the 1960s. This theory refers to the assets a person has whether it be education, style, taste etc. This was originally thought to be linked with position in society however was later considered as something a person can develop and acquire.

Affiliate Marketing

The desire to instantly receive the emotional feeling of pleasure or fulfilment. A phrase often used to describe the ‘I want it now’ mentality consumers have developed. This feeling is achieved from receiving likes online, a text, buying something and at this point dopamine is released creating that feel good feeling.

Hot moments

Affiliate marketing is performance based in which businesses reward their affiliates for every time a visitor or sale is made. This b2b relationship is built on bringing more exposure and buzz to a business. ASOS have a whole affiliate marketing team who work with a range of businesses.

An emotion consumers feel when our bodies release dopamine and endorphins. This is released when we reward ourselves. This often occurs when a consumer purchases a product and can be monetized on by brands by creating pressure on the consumer i.e limited availability products, count downs or timely promotions.

Image culture

Influencers, bloggers and everyday people all have the power to influence peer consumers tastes and lead with this power. This is the power micro-influencers currently have to influence peoples taste.

Hyperreality Hyperreality is when the lines between reality and fiction are seamlessly blended together so there is no clear distinction between which is which. This is often a simulation of reality and is often experienced in the online, virtual world.

Our culture has become an ‘attention economy’ as our attention now has a high worth to businesses and advertisers. It is increasingly difficult to engage and capture the consumers attention and it has become a precious commodity.


A term for Gen Z users of Snapchat. The characteristics of this generation are visually stimulated and enjoy short bursts of visually communication. They communicate with emojis and are constantly digitally connected.

Taste leadership

We are living in an image culture in which every moment of our lives has become saturated with images and visual content which has the capacity to evoke a range of emotions. When created by brands and advertisers the emotions are often desire and envy.

Attention economy

‘Snapchat generation’

‘Digital footprint’ The term ‘digital footprint’ describes the trail of footprints users leave behind them on the internet. This footprint can be tracked by cookies and search engine requests.

@handle A handle is a person’s online name, which is sometimes shortened or branded. A influencer/ blogger often uses their handle as a way to differentiate themselves and get noticed online and appear highly in search engine requests. I.e Blogger @gallucks

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.