Olivet the Magazine Spring 2017 The Ideas Issue

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REASON FOR RESEARCH “When you’re taking coursework, you learn what’s supposed to happen with your research, and you go straight through it. With actual research, you don’t go straight through it. If you knew what the result would be, there would be no point for research.” — Dr. Douglas Armstrong, chemistry professor



ON THE COVER Students Joshua Skinner, Kaydee Allenbaugh, Esther Paek, Tommy Lambrecht, Christina Mullin and David Gardner stepped into the lights to help us capture this issueʼs cover shot – and had quite a good time doing so! OLIVET THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing and Engagement under the direction of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

VOLUME 85 ISSUE 2 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright © 2016 Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345

EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. Remington J. Anksorus ’05 Dr. Brian W. Parker ’93/’11 Ed.D. for 989 Group George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group

PRESIDENT Dr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./’06 D.Div., Ed.D., D.Min.

ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group DESIGN Matt Moore ’96 for 989 Group DESIGN SUPPORT Donnie Johnson Monique Perry ’03 PHOTOGRAPHY (PHOTOS AS CREDITED) Jones Foto Image Group Mark Ballogg Jordan T. Hansen ’13/’15 MBA for Jordan T. Hansen Productions Joe Mantarian ’16 EDITORIAL SUPPORT Brad Arthur ’10 Sheryl Feminis Renee Gerstenberger ’85 Luke Olney ’10/’12 M.O.L. Laura Wasson Warfel Heather (Quimby) Day ’02/’12 EMBA

VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE Dr. Douglas E. Perry ’68/’95 Litt.D., MBA VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb ’86/’89 M.A.R./’08 D.Div. VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Dr. Carol Maxson ’88/’90 M.A.E., Ed.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STRATEGIC EXPANSION Dr. Ryan Spittal ’99/’04 MBA, D.B.A. Reproduction of material without written permission is prohibited.

Periodicals postage paid at the Bourbonnais, Illinois Post Office and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster, send address changes to: Editor, Olivet The Magazine Olivet Nazarene University One University Ave. Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 Olivet The Magazine is printed in Burlington, Vermont, by Lane Press. At every step in the production process, Lane Press emphasizes reuse and conservation of resources by reducing waste, recycling manufacturing material and adhering to strict environmental standards. Lane Press meets or exceeds State of Vermont and federal requirements for clean air operations, and complies with state laws that require detailed plans for reducing the generation and/or use of hazardous waste and toxic materials. Detailed environmental policy and practices information is available from Lane Press.



in this issue


6 FIRST PERSON A studentʼs story of giving

There is no shortage of ideas in the

world today — and certainly none on university campuses. Everyone seems to have strong thoughts, opinions, theories, questions and points of view they are more than willing to post or share at a momentʼs notice.

A CULTURAL 28 SUCCESS STORY Students find a home at ONU


This flood of information in the academy is, of course, nothing new. Albert Einstein remarked after teaching for over 20 years at Princeton, “It’s a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.” And this from a man who described his quiet life on campus as “indescribably enjoyable,” and wrote to his friend, the physicist Max Born, that he had “settled down splendidly” at Princeton.

Dr. Michael Pyle shares his experience

The real trick is not only knowing what to think, but how to think. Einstein observed, “The value of a college education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think. Genius is making complex ideas simple, not making simple ideas complex.” Assisting students as they separate good ideas from bad, consequential ideas from trivial, is part of the daily, formative work of university faculty and staff. And organizing all of the knowledge in between is the stuff of a great education. This is our aim for this issue — to wade into the ideological ocean and bring a few key ideas to the surface for our collective attention. Weʼll explore certain tenets of the Olivet ethos such as God, calling, vocation, service, inspiration and influence. As you engage with the articles and authors, we hope you will be inspired to think new thoughts and dream big dreams. And may we all experience the power and presence of the Holy Spirit guiding our thoughts, as we return once again to the single greatest enduring idea of all of human history. That is, “Jesus Christ — in us — the hope of glory.”

WHAT DO YOU THINK? oliveteditors@olivet.edu


Blessings to you and Happy Spring! The Editorial Board olivet.edu



FROM THE PRESIDENT God-Shaped and God-Sized Ideas This issue of Olivet The Magazine notes the relationship of ideas and culture, and the important role a university plays in that interchange. A university is both an incubator and communicator of ideas which, in turn, reflect and shape culture. Culture is the expression of a people’s shared beliefs, values, practices and customs. Most will agree that American culture is in crisis. It is no longer clear what Americans believe and value. As a result, we are experiencing a growing polarization and the distress and distrust that comes with it. American culture is fraying because we have lost our center, our core set of unifying ideas and beliefs. In the past, those ideas and beliefs allowed people from all walks of life to live with respect and harmony, despite our many differences. As a Christ-centered university, Olivet has a very specific culture and ethos. The Christian faith is the lens through which we view the world and the foundation on which we build our understanding of life. We are a Christian university — on purpose, with purpose. Our university motto says it well: We seek and foster “education with a Christian purpose.” This mission and commitment, however, does not result in a call to monasticism. We do not seek to withdraw from the wider world and the predominant culture(s). Rather, our goal is to prepare individuals for active engagement with the world of ideas, beliefs and values. Olivet graduates embrace the call of the Gospel to be “in the world, but not of the world” — to be “salt and light” as they seek His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.



At its best, a university education is engaging, inspiring, demanding and equipping, with a focus on preparing students for more than pursuing a profession. A Christian education should prepare students for the demands of cultural engagement with others who hold different values and beliefs. This is a high calling, for to have a positive influence, one must have a grasp of the major ideas that continue to inform the wider world. This requirement underscores the need for a rigorous liberal arts curriculum that underpins all other courses of study. There is a phrase — tucked away in the ninth verse of Psalm 36 — that says “in Your light we see light.” By itself, light is invisible. Yet everything is invisible until light strikes it. So it is with God: we can’t see God, and yet, it is only “in His light” that we come to truly see and understand ourselves and the world around us. Olivet is a place of learning. We therefore seek the light. We want to know and to understand the arts and natural sciences. We look for light to help us grasp the truth of history and the social sciences. We hope to illuminate the disciplines of psychology, business, nursing, computer science, theology and engineering and so on. At ONU, we seek the light so that we might reflect that light into the increasing darkness of the broader culture. Our call is to be ambassadors of Christ on a daily basis in all aspects of the wider world: education, business, science, public service, ministry and the arts. That is a big idea — a God-shaped and God-sized idea.


DR. JOHN C. BOWLING is in his 26th year as president of Olivet Nazarene University. He is the University’s 12th president. An Olivet alumnus and Harvard University Fellow with two master’s degrees and two earned doctorates, Dr. Bowling is a best-selling author and a prominent national speaker. He is internationally recognized as an outstanding leader in higher education and the Church. His most recent book is ‟ReVision: 13 Strategies to Renew Your Work, Your Organization, and Your Life.”




FIRST PERSON Ashley O’Connell – One Student’s Story Freshman Ashley O’Connell appreciates opportunity more than most 19-year-olds. Before she reached her teens, she survived cancer and a parent’s death. Today, she’s grateful to be healthy and attending a university that fosters the spiritual and intellectual growth that’s so important to her. “For a while, I was really confused and didn’t know what I wanted for my future,” Ashley recalls. “In 2006, when I was nine, my dad died in a motorcycle accident. Three years later, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a cancer that attacks the lymphatic system.” “I had surgery to remove a lymph node, then I had chemotherapy,” Ashley explains in a simplified summary of her harrowing journey. She now considers those eight months of chemotherapy a blessing. “Even if it wasn’t what I wanted, I learned a lot from it. You come to recognize faces after so long. You get to learn about the people next to you – the other patients. It was a special experience.” So special that Ashley came to Olivet to begin studying medicine, aiming to learn how to help others with serious health challenges. “I thought I wanted to major in business, mostly because my mom was hoping I would,” Ashley says. “But I had no career aspirations in business, and I really felt led into nursing. One reason I wanted to be at Olivet was because the nursing program is so prestigious. I just feel that’s where I need to be.”    On campus, Ashley lives on the second floor of Parrott Hall, among a number of nursing majors who inspire her. She now has this vision for her future: “After I



graduate, I’m hoping to work as a nurse for a while, find a specialty I enjoy and then go further in that field — maybe oncology, because my experience could help me treat others. Eventually, I want to be a nurse practitioner or a doctor.” Ashley recalls that she didn’t even consider Olivet until she visited campus as a high school senior. She says: “It was like I was meant to be here. It was awesome. What drew me in initially was the beautiful campus. But it was the Christian culture and the community and Olivet’s reputation that really made me want to pursue an education here.” She continues, “But I definitely would not be able to attend Olivet without the scholarships and need-based grants I receive.” “Olivet sets the standard for an environment that fosters education, spirituality and well-being,” says Ashley. “It’s a place where you work your hardest, and you dedicate yourself more. Honestly, it is amazing. I couldn’t ask for a better college experience. “I think all of the students are equally appreciative. Our education is too important to be settling for something less.”




A PART OF HISTORY One of only 40 bands chosen from a record number of applicants. That’s a distinction Olivet’s Marching Band has recorded in the archives now that they've performed in the Inauguration Parade. On January 20, 2017, Dr. Matthew Stratton, director, and Professor Matt Jacklin, director of percussion studies, presented the Olivet School of Music in grand fashion. Junior Tori Kober expressed well what this honor meant to her: “This was an amazing opportunity to bring the love of God to Washington, D.C.”





GET AHEAD ON OLIVET'S LEADERSHIP PATH Olivet students have the advantage of a leadership path that could begin even before high school ends. Summer Leadership Institute. A week of intensive study after junior year in high school. Earn credit toward Olivet’s Leadership Studies minor. Leadership Studies Minor. Elect this minor with any major. Gain highly developed leadership skills along with solid training and character-building. Master of Organizational Leadership (M.O.L.). Earn this advanced degree in only one additional year after receiving an Olivet bachelor’s degree. Learn to effectively plan, communicate and solve problems in a professional setting. Doctor of Education in Ethical Leadership (Ed.D.). Learn to become an exemplary leader in your chosen career field. Current research combines with real-world experience to provide relevant and rigorous learning in a cohort setting. The dissertation is part of this three-year program.









Senior Kaleb Miller is Olivet’s 2016 recipient of the Lincoln Academy’s Abraham Lincoln Civic Engagement Award, presented for excellence in curricular and extracurricular activities. He accepted the award in a ceremony at Illinois’ Old State Capitol. This year marks the academy’s 42nd annual recognition of Student Laureates, a group made up of one senior from each college or university in Illinois.

Olivet hosted a one-day conference in February, focusing on long-term health of the Kankakee River Basin. “Kankakee: The River That Connects Us” featured 15 expert speakers from a wide variety of agencies and disciplines addressing the attendees. Topics included river history, sand and sediment issues, quality of water and aquatic life, recreation, watershed initiatives, agriculture, erosion, flooding potential and the economic importance of the river.

Olivet’s Tigerball women’s basketball team led the entire collegiate nation with an average of 111.3 points per game and a total of 449 three-pointers made this season. In addition, the team broke the Olivet program record of 155 points scored in one game, setting a new program best and just 4 points shy of an NAIA record. This season’s scoring leaders, each averaging 17 points per game, are junior Maggie Schmidt and sophomore Jess Learned.

Dr. Randal Johnson, conference co-chair and professor in Olivet’s Department of Biological Sciences, devoted his recent sabbatical to planning and organizing this conference. He has been with ONU for 31 years and teaches courses in botany, ecology, anatomy, physiology and environmental sciences, as well as leading field study trips for students to the Arctic, Ecuador and Costa Rica.

“This year’s Tigerball team has a relationship that is rare,” says Gary Newsome ’74, director of athletics. “They care for each other, support each other and are completely unselfish. That attribute can be directly linked to their coach, Lauren Stamatis ’09 M.OL. She is not only knowledgeable about basketball, but is genuinely concerned about each of her athletes.”

Kaleb is from Canton, Illinois, and serves as Olivet’s student body president. A business major, he is active in Enactus, an international community of student, academic and business leaders committed to the power of entrepreneurial action. He is completing an internship and has accepted a full-time position, following graduation, at Riverside Healthcare in Kankakee, Illinois.






WHERE OLIVET HAS NEVER GONE BEFORE “We’re taking scientific research to a new level for Olivet students,” says Dr. Dan Sharda, professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Olivet Nazarene University. Two Nikon inverted research microscopes, now owned by the department, are opening new worlds of observation and analysis for students and faculty. The department has recently reconfigured its curriculum to incorporate required research for all majors. The undergraduate experience students gain provides them with a wealth of professional assets when they are applying for graduate school, medical school, jobs or anything they want to pursue. ONU alumni leave with a valuable research story to tell; valuable training in thinking and problem solving; and an additional way to demonstrate their competence. Rachel Stidham, a senior biology major heading for medical school, is one of the first to benefit from the capabilities of this equipment. Working closely with Dr. Sharda in her research, she is observing the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cardiomyocytes (heart cells). These species are almost impossible to observe without this type of microscope. Using the Nikon Eclipse Ti microscope, and with the help of a fluorescent probe that “lights up” when ROS are present, Rachel is able to capture this data with great precision using the Ti’s high-end camera. She can also study the images using a computer and monitor connected to the microscope. And all this at the cellular level!

With the new equipment, he is able to identify the presence or absence of certain proteins. A fluorescing protein in the gene becomes the reporter. When the cells glow under the microscope, the gene is reporting that it is present in the cells. “Students are contacting me all the time about this research,” he says. “It’s a hot topic in medical research news right now.” Felicia Baer — a junior biology major and an Honors Program student — and Dr. Dwight Ginn, biology professor, are currently using the microscopes to conduct research on Drosophila (fruit fly) larvae hearts. “Both of these microscopes are significant tools for Olivet’s research toolbox,” Dr. Sharda says. Dr. Long adds, “We can now do research that we couldn’t do before.”

For information about Olivet’s Department of Biological Sciences, contact the Office of Admissions at admissions@olivet.edu or 800-648-1463.

Dr. Greg Long, professor in the department, will soon be using this microscope to deepen his CRISPR-Cas9 research. This is a revolutionary genome editing tool which enables geneticists and medical researchers to remove, add or alter sections of the DNA sequence.





ONU GRADS ARE PLENTIFUL IN KANKAKEE COUNTY'S 40 UNDER FORTY Kankakee County Chamber of Commerce recently honored 40 residents for their outstanding achievements before reaching age 40. In this 2016 group, there were 17 with Olivet connections. Jesse Arseneau, owner/CEO, Arseneau Media Productions, Inc. Kristina Back ’14/’15 M.O.L., owner/operator, Biggby Coffee and Little Caesars Pizza Pete Bretzlaff ’01, teacher, Kankakee High School Matt Brooks ’11, accounting manager, Gardent Management Solutions Nick Bufford ’05, financial advisor, Peoples Bank of Kankakee County Tiffany DeRocco ’12, executive director, United Way of Kankakee Jacob Emerson ’10, business manager/principal, Manteno School District Jesse Erickson ’14/’16 M.E.M., director of external affairs, Walker School of Engineering John Fetterer, graphic designer, LinkPoint Media Paul Johnson ’00, pastor, GatheringPoint Church Matt McAllister ’12 M.B.A., grant administrator, Riverside Healthcare Erika Schultz ’03, marketing coordinator, Riverside Healthcare Josh Stauffenberg ’12, insurance account executive, HomeStar Bank Shannon Swilley ’00/’06/’11, assistant principal, Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center Christina Thompson ’04, 911 dispatcher, KANCOMM Kent Wade (junior), Teen Program coordinator, Kankakee Public Library Linh Williams ’15, coordinator of student life, Kankakee Community College 14








Olivet Nazarene University men’s tennis team picked up their first win of the spring season, downing Prairie State College 7-2 on their home courts.

The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) has reaffirmed the accreditation of Olivet’s social work program through 2024.

Thanks to a gift from Robert Norman Farley in memory of his late wife, Irene Clerico Farley ’47, Olivet’s Benner Library and Resource Center has opened a new learning area. The Irene Clerico Learning Zone (ICLZ), on the second floor, is a dedicated space intended primarily for education classes and small groups.

The Tigers will return to action in March when they kick off their spring break trip in Lawrence, Georgia where they will square-off against No. 1 Georgia Gwinnett College. Follow Tiger tennis and all the athletic teams at olivet.edu.

In Olivet’s program, social work students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed. They benefit from mentoring by experienced professionals and invest 540 hours in practical social work experience. Program focus includes professionalism, career advancement and team-building. “My supervisor evaluated me as a valuable team member who works well in all situations,” says Katelyn Dircks ’15. “That definitely reflects my training at Olivet. The professors really invested in me, sharing their knowledge and passion for social work as a profession.”

The ICLZ features 24 Steelcase Node chairs, a large screen TV and movable whiteboards. The gift also provided a book binder, a 3D printer and a poster/ plotter printer. Both printers are very popular with students and are helping to increase their creativity. “Everyone is amazed that the 3D printer produces actual items,” says Ann Johnston ’91/’14 M.O.L., informatics and curriculum librarian. olivet.edu


A Farewell to D. George Dunbar Orpheus Choir’s third director has left the earthly stage. But the impact of Dr. D. George Dunbar ’58 on Olivet students will continue for years to come. And his legacy continues to live on in Olivet’s School of Music. Dr. Dunbar, beloved Olivet music professor for 30 years, passed away on Dec. 24, 2016. “He went to be with the Lord who was coming for him,” says his wife of 56 years, Linda (Luttrell) ’59. Dr. Dunbar’s full ‛in memoriam’ can be found on page 50. Early on, when Dunbar was an Olivet student, Dr. Harlow Hopkins ’53 observed Dunbar’s innate musicianship plus his heart for choral conducting and training young vocalists. “He was born to be conductor of Orpheus Choir,” Hopkins says.

The Lord bless you and keep you. 16 OLIVET.EDU

Many remember Dr. Dunbar as a wonderful man of God, loved by many, and an inspiring director and teacher. “Dr. Dunbar was definitely a godly influence in my life when I was a member of Orpheus Choir all four years at ONU,” says Steve Krampitz ’89. “He lived out a lifestyle of worship in front of us, always stressing that we needed to sing out of knowing Christ personally, not just knowing about the Lord.” Dr. Dunbar shepherded Orpheus Choir through one of the darkest times in Olivet history. In late 1990, as the entire Olivet community mourned the loss of three beloved students in a tragic accident, he shared God’s message of hope from Isaiah 43: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. Upon Dr. Dunbar’s retirement from Olivet in 1999, the D. George Dunbar Orpheus Award was established. It is given to an outstanding member of the Orpheus Choir who “embodies the spirit of excellence and ministry.” “Dr. Dunbar was a great influence on my life when I was a music student at Olivet,” says Dr. Jeffery Bell ’81, current director of Orpheus Choir. “When I returned to Olivet as a faculty member, he was always encouraging. He was the definition of a Christian gentleman.”

Orpheus Memorial Scholarship Fund You can honor Dr. D. George Dunbar by assisting today’s students. Please support the Orpheus Memorial Scholarship Fund. Send your gift to ONU with ‘Orpheus Fund’ as the designation, or make your gift securely online at olivet.edu/your-gift-now, and designate ‘Orpheus Fund’.



Thank you for your support!









Thomas Edison had a great idea and as a result each of us live more illuminated lives. But what if Edison had never acted on his idea? What if the invisible boundary between imagination and actualization was never crossed? What if big dreams never became daily reality? At Olivet we not only encourage our students to imagine a preferred future, but also to do the hard work of seeing great ideas through to things that actually exist. Our thoughts and wills are propelled by the great animating Spirit of Christ, to the Glory of God and in “service of God and humanity.� PHOTOGRAPHY BY IMAGE GROUP






Joshua Skinner ’19, Religion & Philosophy

WILLIAM GREINER, an accomplished and celebrated artist in his own right, serves as chair of Olivet’s Department of Art and Digital Media and as the director of Olivet’s Brandenburg Gallery. His paintings are on display in several galleries across the Midwest, including two corporate galleries. His work is in five national Art Institute collections, including the Art Institute of Chicago, and has appeared in more than 300 private collections throughout the United States, Europe and Africa. He is an entrepreneur, avid collector of art and an in-demand art consultant for estates, collections and businesses. Prof. Greiner holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Illinois State University and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of South Dakota.



Can art can be dismissed as unnecessary, a waste of time and money, when compared with a lot of other priorities in our world today? If that were to happen, we would miss the point of art altogether. Art both exposes us to and helps us rise above daily life and cultural issues. It is a tool that utilizes the emotions and fears of those who do not have a place to voice their concerns. Art depicts life, and life imitates art. Artists create images that seem to be on an extreme edge of humanized experiences. Remember, art is for humans to share their life experiences. There is nothing magical about it. But it can affect us deeply with a sense of right and wrong, when we identify with our own life’s experiences. Artists are social reporters describing the world around them. Following are some illustrations of this and art’s power to influence the culture and an Olivet education. In the movie, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” there is a scene in front of a painting from The Art Institute of Chicago. This scene changed culture over the last 30 years simply because the movie chose a painting to reveal how art can help us resolve our fears in life. In the movie, Ferris says, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” The film also captures art’s ability to influence the perception of ourselves, especially when we are least expecting it. Cameron, Ferris’ best friend, wrestles with inner demons — as we all do from time to time. He finds himself in front of George Seurat’s painting, “A Sunday’s Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.” He is struggling to find his place in life. When he finishes looking at and playing with the painting, he is not the same. The audience sees the first clue that Cameron is

deeper than anyone else in the film. In fact, the painting gives him courage to understand that he can stand up for himself. Many of us have the same experience when we visit an art museum. There very well may be a moment when we are dumbstruck in front of a work of art and changed forever. The movie is an iconic expression of how, in a few moments of time, art influences culture in a positive manner. To this day, many know the painting simply as the Ferris Bueller’s Day Off painting. Art speaks to the time-honored values and breaks all language barriers. In developing countries, art is taught and expressed throughout one’s life. But in our Western world, we have to teach about art, about its place. The fine arts education offered at Olivet is a good example. Students want to understand the visual arts and music, or at least try to figure them out. One of our main objectives is to get the students to a point where they can travel to a museum or cathedral in their lifetime and find cultural understanding. Once the students understand the stories behind the works of art and discover the use of the elements, they begin to see the arts from a different perspective. It is as if someone pulled back the curtain to reveal a new appreciation. In today’s world, people travel from one place to another and visit the local museums. We pride ourselves on traveling to Rome or Paris to see the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling or the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. Why? Art has power to influence us and to advance great ideas. Art is truly universal and transcends time through the generations. It’s a calling to higher insights and deepest feelings. It need not be uplifting or even positive, but it should challenge us to rise above the mediocre.




With an eager look, a grandchild asked me, “Gram, where are we going?” A pause. “Gram, will there be a lot of people there?” Then, “Gram, how long until we get there?” When the destination is a long way off, maybe two days, I may hear: “Gram, how many more sleeps until that day?” and “Gram, are we almost there?” These are a few of the many questions I am often asked by Carter and Casey, my twin grandchildren, as they anticipate something we are going to do together. I know each stepping stone, each milestone and the hardship of waiting. But it seems no matter what reassurance I give, they seek more affirmation. I often wonder why they cannot just trust me. As we anticipate something God is doing with us, are we all that different than the little ones in our lives? Here are three pieces of advice about discerning God’s will for your life that I have learned from a lifetime of mistakes and redemption. First, be yourself. You are, after all, the person God created you to be. We are predicting the potential career paths for Casey and Carter, who will soon be five years old, based on their emerging personalities and gifts. Experience has taught me that God equips each of us for the purposes and calling He has ordained for our lives. That does not rule out how He may stretch us or transform us, for sometimes God is glorified through our weaknesses. Generally speaking, though, your skill set and God’s calling will be in sync. Second, God is not trying to hide His calling from you. God is not sending most of us to Nineveh. Probably, God has already placed you where He wants to use you. Do not be like Jonah and get fussy if God’s plan does not seem exciting or edgy enough for you. God’s ways are higher than our ways. Just be faithful. Years ago, I heard Gloria Gaither say, “God’s will for my life is God’s will for me today.” That statement gave



me so much clarity at a time when all I could see was chaos and doubt. I do not have to be the one with the roadmap. I just have to be faithful and obedient in the messiness of my life. I do not need to know the next step; I just need to focus on Him and what is right in front of me. Looking back, I see how God was transforming me through my trusting obedience. Third, there are certainly times in life when the roads divide and we have options. What to do then? How can we know God’s will? In those moments, it is God’s responsibility to make His will clear rather than ours to figure it out. Living close to Chicago, I have often prayed, “God, you have the Willis Tower view while I am driving down here on Lakeshore Drive in rush hour traffic. Please show me the way and give me Your perspective.” A fourth, bonus insight. Like my grandchildren, I have not had to make decisions as much as I have had to just walk through open doors. Sometimes that open door was preceded by a strong vision of the coming change. Other times, I felt an emotional tweak that prepared me for the transition. And sometimes I had an extreme sense of peace that the opportunity was the right next step for me. We are God’s children, and I believe He wants us to rest in Him.

DR. CAROL MAXSON, vice president for academic affairs, began her career as assistant to the registrar and an instructor for the Departments of Education and Psychology at Olivet in 1988. Over a 19-year period, while continuing her own education, she advanced to the position of dean for graduate and continuing studies. She was named Faculty Member of the Year in 2004. With a bachelor’s and a master’s degree from Olivet, and a doctorate from Nova Southeastern University, she has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in education and business. Her areas of expertise include leadership, program development, curriculum development and systemic change. Dr. Maxson is the mother of three adult sons who also graduated from Olivet.




Esther Paek ’17, Computer Science and Religious Studies



“You’re wrong!” thundered the professor. Dr. Johnson, a Harvard University product, punctuated his statement by leaning across the table and pointing his finger at my face. The other committee members nodded their heads in solemn agreement. Those two words – you’re wrong – not only ended the hour-long oral exam required to complete my doctoral degree, but also created several dilemmas. The first dilemma was whether this marked the end of my graduate school experience at the University of Oregon. I had invested five grueling years there. Would I now walk away with nothing to show for my efforts? The second dilemma related to Olivet Nazarene University, over 2,000 miles away. Four months earlier, I had visited Olivet’s campus, interviewed and subsequently signed a contract to join its faculty. Should I now call the academic dean and ask that the contract be voided? A final dilemma occurred after I arrived back home, an hour north of the university. My wife, Beth, had planned a surprise party to celebrate what she assumed would be my successful completion of another academic milestone. The congratulatory cake and colorful streamers only added salt to the wound of humiliation. Triumph gave way to tears on that spring day in 1995. I had failed. The party was canceled. Later that same day, still numbed by discouragement, I halfheartedly began sorting through our mail. Tossing aside the usual collection of unwanted flyers, I noticed a letter. It was from a widowed missionary in South America, Margaret Brabon, with whom I had spent a summer in Colombia 20 years earlier. We had not corresponded for well over a decade, so the letter surprised me — especially since it was handwritten and personal, rather than the standard missionary newsletter.



I paused momentarily, wondering if it might be best to read the note at another time when I was not so emotionally depleted. Curiosity got the best of me, and I opened the envelope. This is what I read: “How thrilled I am to hear how God is leading you. Be sure I … will pray for your ministry now and in the future. How special if God would lead you … to become a professor. How we need godly professors. These are awesome days to watch God work. Knock on the door and keep knocking! Sometimes it takes two or three times.” An overwhelming sense of God’s presence engulfed me. Within the span of six hours, I had received competing two-word messages. The professor said: “You’re wrong!” The missionary said: “Keep knocking!” Should I quit or press on? The rollercoaster of emotions made it a day I will never forget. I learned three important lessons then that continue to shape me today. One, failure need not be the final word. It is only final if we allow it to be. Margaret’s letter emboldened me to contact my committee and ask for another opportunity. A few weeks later, I found myself back at the university. In the same room, before the same seasoned professors, addressing the same question that had tripped me up the first time. This time, I passed the test. No one sets out to learn the lesson of failure because, well, it requires failure. Yet, I know few people who ever reach their full potential without overcoming disappointments and setbacks. Young people need to see that failure is not fatal; the real tragedy is giving in to it. Two, God’s sovereign care and timing can be trusted. Margaret and I had lost contact for more than a decade.

DR. KENT OLNEY has not only distinguished himself with three master's degrees and a Ph.D. from the University of Oregon, but also with a stellar career as an educator, sociologist, minister, speaker, writer, researcher, sign language interpreter and student of human behavior. Firmly established as a thought leader, both at Olivet and in the greater Christian community, he teaches courses in sociology, marriage, family and human sexuality. Dr. Olney often speaks at churches and conferences, sharing his passion for strengthening families and applying biblical principles to marriage and family life.

Furthermore, she was a continent away, serving the Lord and caring for the needs of others. God knew a dejected graduate student in distant Oregon would soon need an encouraging word. Margaret listened to God and sent her personal note. Witnessing the Lord’s precise timing has encouraged me to look for ways that I, too, may be an available and obedient instrument for Him. Three, a few words can make a big difference. “Keep knocking! Sometimes it takes two or three times.” Those words are why I am at Olivet today. Solomon was correct when he wrote, “How good is a timely word” (Proverbs 15:23). I will be forever thankful for the timely word that not only changed the trajectory of an otherwise dismal day, but also changed the entire trajectory of life for my family and me. I still have Margaret’s letter, 22 years later. Periodically I pull it out, read it and reflect once again on how often God’s message reaches us just when we most need it. These lessons have proven useful in my work with students. Painful and humiliating though my experience was at the time, God knew in advance that I would encounter those who feel like failures. Those who doubt His care because life has turned sour. Those who need a timely and encouraging word. Not a day goes by without my having to decide what my influence will be. What few words might someone need from me? A timely word or two can change someone’s life. So though I am now a professor, I do my best to speak like a missionary. Keep knocking!

David Gardner, Masters of Family Ministries Candidate


DOING WHAT YOU love When you’re doing what you love and are made to do, your audience captures that from your performance. Whether it's with the leadership of faculty and staff or just jamming on their own, students find many venues and opportunities for creative expression around campus. From the chapel stage to Kresge Auditorium to the Esplanade to a bench in the Quad, music may pop up anywhere at Olivet.

A CULTURAL SUCCESS SIBLINGS FROM MEXICO FIND NO BARRIERS AT OLIVET Growing up in Mexico, Christian Sanchez ’07 says his parents always encouraged him and his three siblings to pursue an education in the United States. His father was a successful businessman, and his mother was a doctor. They wanted their children to receive the best opportunities possible. “I knew my father would feel proud if someday we were able to study in the United States,” says Christian. But when it came to figuring out the details, he took a less-than-conventional approach to the college search. “I was playing around online and searched my name, ‘Christian,’ he recalls. “Olivet was the first thing that popped up on Google.” Diving deeper into the website, he checked out the tennis program. He noticed players from Peru, Argentina and India on the team roster. “This could be a good fit,” he thought. Within a few short months, Christian was playing his favorite sport on Olivet’s Bourbonnais campus while studying for a career in medicine. Today, Christian is a physician, finishing his fellowship in geriatrics at Loyola University in Chicago. LOST IN TRANSLATION For Hector Sanchez ’08, Christian’s younger brother, the path to Olivet was even less conventional. “I started applying to different colleges, because I kind of wanted to do my own thing.” “I went to a tennis tournament, and a coach from the United States was there,” he remembers. “I didn’t speak much English at the time, and he approached me to say, ‘Hey, I like the way you play. Why don’t you come play for us?’”



“He offered me a ‘full-ride,’ but I didn’t know what that meant,” Hector recalls with a laugh. “So I told him no, that I needed more.” By the time Hector realized the gravity of his misunderstanding, it was too late. The position was no longer open. “But you know,” he says with humor in his voice, “I think that’s just the way God wanted it. He was putting me where I needed to go, to shape me into who He wanted me to be. I decided to go to Olivet, and I don’t regret it for a second. It was the right thing. I love Olivet!” Like his older brother, Hector decided to study for a career in medicine. Today, he is the chief of residents for internal medicine at the University of North Carolina’s New Hanover Regional Medical Center. Next year, he will begin his fellowship in pulmonary and critical care medicine at East Carolina University. A SANCHEZ TRADITION With all the rave reviews they heard from Christian and Hector about their Olivet experiences, younger siblings Aline ’14 and Josue ’13 decided to follow suit. Initially, Aline studied nursing, figuring medicine ran strong in her family’s blood. But it didn’t take long for her to realize God had gifted her with a different set of skills and passions. So she switched gears to become a communication major. “Olivet prepares you well and gives you skills to enter the workforce,” says Aline, who is now a bilingual counselor for troubled youth at Indian Oaks Academy in Manteno, Illinois. “But most importantly, Olivet helps you strengthen your faith for a greater purpose.”

STORY Josue, who is in his second year at New York Medical College, says that Olivet successfully prepared him for all the rigors of medical school. “If you look at my transcripts, I wasn’t the best student at Olivet. I struggled at first,” he explains. “Olivet not only taught me the sciences, but also how to study.” “All of my professors were so supportive,” he adds. “They don’t want to see you fail. They just want to help you in any way they can, and they did. They really did.” YOU CARRY IT WITH YOU Ask any of the Sanchez siblings, and they will tell you how grateful they are for the results of Christian’s random online college search. “Olivet helped me to achieve my goals and dreams and has truly inspired me,” says Hector. “So many people there who were a good influence in my life. They were willing to fight for me. They see how special every student is. They help find that special thing about you that makes you great, and they’re going to make that come out in you.” “Olivet is a place where you can grow as a human being, where you can achieve your goals,” adds Josue. “It’s a place where everyone will help you and where you can make friends for life. “Olivet is a place you might leave but will never forget. You carry it with you in your heart.”

Look how the Sanchez family has grown! Pictured here are: (Left Photo) Karen and Christian Sanchez; (Center Photo, clockwise) Christian Sanchez, holding Samuel; Josue Sanchez; Hector Sanchez, holding Carol; Aline Sanchez (center); (Right Photo, L-R) Zeferino Sanchez, Carol, Christian, Aline, Josue, Hector, Samuel, Bianca Sanchez

LOVE MATCH During their time at Olivet, Christian, Hector, Aline and Josue Sanchez all played Tiger tennis. Each recalls how his/her teammates and coaches became like family. “Probably the toughest part about being at Olivet was leaving my family and being so far away from home,” says Christian. “But I was never alone. We bonded as a tennis team, going to lunch and dinner every day, walking to class together. At some point, Olivet was my home. My coach was like a second father.” “I remember losing a major match once,” adds Josue, “and it was the deciding match for beating a rival. I was so upset! And, of course, you could tell my coach wasn’t happy either. But what he really wanted most was to cheer me up. “Coach said, ‘This match is really just the cherry on top of the ice cream. Your schooling, your plans for the future — this is nothing compared to all of that. Just get out there and keep going.’” “That is something I’ll never forget,” Josue reflects. “You could see how much he loved us.”




Ideas in Action Dr. Michael Pyle is a board certified general surgeon who, in 2008, accepted an invitation to teach in biology and currently serves as chair of the department. He continues to do surgery on a part-time basis and enjoys involving students on those occasions. In early March, Dr. Pyle spoke to a group of Olivet alumni and friends at an event in Phoenix, Arizona. Here is an excerpt from that address.



Phoenix, Arizona March 3, 2017, 8:26 p.m. MST My kids beat me to Olivet! All three of them are Olivet alumni: Matthew ’05, Katie (Pyle) Smith ’06 and Nathan ’06. Before I joined the Department of Biological Sciences, I loved what I saw of the school through my children’s eyes. My pre-med son, Nathan, was my introduction to Olivet’s biology department. I soon realized that pre-medical students had no formal opportunity to shadow physicians, so I began a conversation with the department to find a solution. As the Lord would have it, in the midst of that somewhat prolonged conversation, my predecessor unexpectedly retired. In April 2008, I received a most unexpected phone call asking me to teach at Olivet that fall. I don’t know about you, but I’ve not had a great many moments when God clearly spoke a ‘Divine Yes’ in my heart. But He did that night. In my opinion, the department was not all that convinced that I’d accept and probably even more skeptical that I’d last more than a year. It has been almost nine now! The goal of our department is to train first-rate biologists and zoologists who have the skills to succeed in an array of professions. We also strongly believe, in the words of Dr. Bowling, “what we do, we must do with excellence.”

So, when I arrived, at the top of my to-do list was establishing a shadowing program. To my surprise, Riverside Healthcare already had an excellent program. Partnering with Riverside made both of our programs better. Just a few years ago, the Silhouette program won a national excellence award from the American Hospital Association. Olivet has a long, strong history of preparing students incredibly well for medical and healthcare careers. In the last 10 years, with the leadership of Dr. Leo Finkenbinder (now retired), we’ve developed one of the top zoology programs in the Midwest. When he joined us 10 years ago, we had eight students majoring in zoology. Today, there are 65. We see more growth potential under our new leadership as we continue to refine the program and expand course offerings. We recently adjusted our curriculum to require every biology major to do a significant research project. Not that we expect all our students to be researchers, but much like field research projects for zoology majors, a research project requires original thought and the integration of all the knowledge and laboratory practices they have acquired. We are committed to equipping our students with cutting edge knowledge and skills. We recently made an exciting purchase: a

$30,000 inverted, fluorescent capable microscope that will allow us to leverage some amazing capabilities, like the Crispr-Cas9 gene editing technique. This capability brings what was once a laborious, costly process — done only in a few laboratories in the world — within the reach of Olivet students and faculty. Why do our students need this? Because this technology almost certainly will, in their lifetimes, lead to cures for diseases like hemophilia, cystic fibrosis and sickle cell disease. Perhaps some of the young scientists researching and studying in our Olivet laboratories right now will have a hand in curing diseases that have long plagued the human race. I’ve found that one of Olivet’s greatest strengths is embodied across all departments: deep connections with our students. I treasure the relationships I’ve built with students, and I count former students among my best friends. Over spring breaks, my wife and I have a tradition of taking a road trip and stopping along the way to visit former students. A few years ago, I contacted Audrey (Mikhail) Harris ’13 to see if we could visit her in Joplin, Missouri. In the Lord’s timing, that same day Audrey was presenting to local pastors her vision for Project Restoration, an effort to bring emotional and spiritual healing to her ravaged community. We were



Alumni in Action

continued from page 31

Olivet has over 35,000 alumni and many of them have gone on to terrific accomplishments. Mark Phillips is chief of the Office of Policy & Strategy for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Bradley Garvin is a professional opera singer who performs with the Metropolitan Opera and other companies around the United States and the world. Teresa K. Woodruff is the director of the Womens’ Health Research Institute at Northwestern University. Cal Samuelson is studying Medieval History at the University of Cambridge in the U.K. Joel Lynn, who studied Pastoral Ministry at Olivet, is currently attending Princeton Theological Seminary. Ryan Dykhouse, a Political Science graduate, is attending Harvard Law School. Lucas Sanor, a biology graduate from Olivet is currently working toward his Ph.D. in Developmental Biology at Yale University.

My wife and I continue to lead medical mission teams of Olivet students in the summers: five times to Kudjip Nazarene Hospital in Papua New Guinea and to Uganda in 2016. We go to serve the mission by taking on various projects, but each day I invite two or three students to come with me to the clinic or operating room. This is in invaluable and sometimes life-altering (and Lord-directing) experience. About once a month, we travel to the west side of Indianapolis, our “other home,” where I work a three-day emergency on-call shift. Often on those weekends, a couple of Olivet students will go along to shadow me on hospital rounds and observe in surgery.


All of these touches build enduring relationships with students and strengthen our pre-medical program. In fact, I believe there are few programs that prepare healthcare students better than Olivet does. Olivet offers students truly excellent programs; personal relationships with professors who are passionate about investing in their lives, in and out of the classroom; unique opportunities to do hands-on, transformative learning.

Reed Hall of Science 32

able to attend her presentation and she made us so proud. She and her husband, Marshall ’14, are now in medical school at Liberty University. These are the kinds of students the Lord brings across our path at Olivet.


This is what professional readiness means at Olivet: students prepared and equipped to pursue careers of excellence and lives of significance.


“It’s so good to final ly learn about what I’ve wanted to learn about for so long! And holy cow, Oliv et prepared me well. Perhaps even better than my grad school classmat es, who were all medical laboratory science majors. My instructors (some are intimidatingly sm art pathologists) are continually surprised by the amount of kn owledge and lab ex perience I came into program with. I alw the ays brag on Olivet’s bi o de pa rtment to them. It’s made me realize how different my co lle ge experience was from that of so man y others. There is de fin itely something to be said for having labs for every course, TA opportunities, smal class sizes — and th ler e most wonderful, in te lli ge nt profs who actually like to teac h, not just research , an d w hom you have the pleasure of getting to know personally . “Pass on my thanks to everyone!”



From Leah Roth ’16, now enrolled in an in tensive master’s prog in laboratory science ram and preparing for a full-time job there beginning in June 20 17.




















Each Spring, the campus comes alive again with bicycles, frisbees, hammocks and impromptu picnics or study groups on the lawn. With plenty of space to roam, students take advantage of the outdoor athletic fields and community spaces.




big idea Discover more at Olivet Nazarene University. To receive more information about the Walker School of Engineering or School of Business, or to receive the new YOU GUIDE, call Nancy at 815-928-5603.











Each year, 25 percent of our graduating seniors are students who transferred to Olivet Nazarene University. We believe no matter where you come from, what matters most is where you’re going. In this ever-changing economy, there is no cookie-cutter path to getting your education. We ensure your transfer process is smooth, and you’re prepared for life after Olivet. Our 100+ areas of study allow the classes you’ve already taken to easily transfer. Our generous scholarships allow you to attain an affordable, high-caliber education.

Still have questions? Call the Office of Transfer Admissions at 815-928-5603.






WHEN A GUY MEETS A DOLL “I absolutely love bringing a person to life on stage and learning more about myself through that process! Beating Nathan up with my purse is pretty cool, too.” — Helen Berdebes, junior majoring in public relations and strategic communications, on her role as Miss Adelaide in Olivet’s spring 2017 production of “Guys and Dolls.” The cast had the unique experience of performing onstage with Dr. Bowling, who joined the cast as Arvide



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on the campus of Olivet Nazarene University

COMMENCEMENT · Saturday, May 6




1958: Student D. George Dunbar (back row, plaid shirt) rehearses with a string ensemble and music faculty member Jewell Flaugher ’48 (right). See page 50 for Dr. Dunbar’s obituary


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B David ’65 and Ruth (Hirst) ’64 Kohl celebrated their

50th wedding anniversary on November 25, 2016. They were married in the Bushnell (Illinois) Church of the Nazarene. David, a career school social worker, is a paraprofessional for the Black Hawk Special Education District, East Moline, Illinois. Ruth was a general music teacher and Title 1 reading teacher. After retiring, she served as an educational therapist at Temple Christian Elementary School in Moline. The Kohls are members of Rock Island Church of the Nazarene. They have three children and eight grandchildren.


C Shelba Ann Oberto ’67 published her second book

in October 2016. “Stinky Feet” is a children’s book that focuses on how bullying affects victims. The story also aims to help children understand what motivates bullies.    Oberto’s first book, “Roadtrip: Discovering Weird and Wonderful Places,” is a travelogue for children with fun facts and more than 400 photos highlight interesting locations in each U.S. state. Shelba and her husband, Steve ’67, are retired from careers in teaching and school administration.


Dr. James D. Forshee ’79 was recently appointed senior vice president of medical affairs and chief medical officer at Priority Health, one of Michigan’s largest health plans. Board-certified in family medicine, Forshee has more than 25 years of healthcare experience as a physician and industry executive. He came to his new role from Molina Healthcare of Michigan, where he served 11 years as vice president of medical affairs and chief medical officer.    The Michigan Association of Health Plans named Forshee the 2016 recipient of the Ellis J. Bonner Outstanding Achievement Award for exemplary service, leadership and contributions to the managed care industry and community.



D Mark Emerson ’79 and Carol Wickersham ’79 were married on September 3, 2016, in Bourbonnais, Illinois. They reside in Middletown, Ohio. Mark is a computer programmer for Anthem, Inc. Carol is retired after teaching elementary music for 36 years.


Renée J. (Michel) Herman ’80 received Care Coordination Transitional Management Certification, a credential for nurses whose work includes individualized patient-centered assessment and care planning. Herman was honored as the March of Dimes Home Care, Hospice and Palliative Care Nurse of the Year in 2016 for Greater Kansas City, Missouri.


Kelly (Gerber Gerboth) Teachout ’83 and her husband, David, moved in January 2017 to Phnom Penh, Cambodia. As affiliates of the Center for Global Impact out of Greenwood, Indiana, the Teachouts are co-directors of a culinary vocational school, working with girls age 14–19 who have been rescued from human trafficking. Their responsibilities include staff and student discipleship. Previously, Kelly worked in marketing for an Indianapolis-based law firm.


David Reinhart ’85, Ph.D., was appointed academic innovation coordinator for the University of Wisconsin — Whitewater. Reinhart is responsible for developing the university infrastructure that enables faculty and staff innovators to connect and communicate ideas. He also serves as a consultant to faculty and staff interested in innovation plans. Reinhart’s focus includes developing programs to support and facilitate academic innovation on campus, disseminating and recognizing innovation efforts, and training to implement academic innovation.





Laura (Lindemeyer) Miller ’86, BSN, RN, ONC, was awarded the International DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses for outstanding clinical skill in orthopedic assessment that led to saving a patient’s lower limb. The award is made possible by the DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune System) Foundation. Miller works at Hendricks Regional Health in Danville, Indiana. She and her husband, Tim Miller ’86, reside in Avon, Indiana.



E Jon Seals ’03 will curate his fourth group art exhibition at Yale Divinity School and Yale Institute of Sacred Music. The exhibition, “The Complexities of Unity,” will run from March 28 through June 13. It will showcase the complex ways artists create unity with disparate elements. Seals is the director of fine arts at Calvary Christian High School in Palm Harbor, Florida, where he resides with his wife, Kristin, and their son, Leo. His essays, reviews and works of art have been published in ArtPulse Magazine, Letters Literary Art Journal, Palimpsest Magazine, and Reflections Magazine.

Aaron and Amanda (Goodbred) ’03 Wilderman announced the newest additions to their family. The couple adopted Amos Aaron-LangWen, now three years old, in summer 2015. Their daughter, Miriam Noelle, was born in January 2016. The Wildermans’ other children are Silas and Levi, 8; Lydia, 6; and Simeon, 4. Aaron is a manufacturing engineer at Wright Medical, and Amanda is a stay-at-home mom. The family lives in Pierceton, Indiana.







F William and Nicole (Kokoszki) ’05 Kerstetter

announced the arrival of daughter Eleanor “Leni” Zara, born June 29, 2016. Nicole is a sales-service advisor for AVL Test Systems in Plymouth, Michigan, and William is a graphic designer at Phile Detroit. The Kerstetters live in Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan.


G Blake ’07 and Rachel (Helmker) ’07 Strope,



welcomed daughter Eleanor Quinn in March 2016. She joins big sisters Amelia and Zoe. The Stropes reside in Greencastle, Pennsylvania. Blake is a staff engineer of future projects at Manitowoc Cranes.


H Zachary ’11 and Ashley (Thompson) ’12 Armstrong announced the arrival of son Kyle on September 19, 2016. The Armstrongs live in Winamac, Indiana.

I Aaron ’11 and Janel (Filbeck) ’12 Westerfield

earned master’s degrees from Northern Arizona University in December 2016. Aaron’s degree is in educational leadership for community college and higher education. He works as an admission counselor for Northern Arizona University. Janel earned her degree in elementary education with a reading specialist endorsement. She is a second grade teacher at Fort Thomas Elementary School near Safford, Arizona, where the couple lives with daughters Florence and Matilda.


J Brian Ginn ’14 and Abigail Helmker ’13 were married June 25, 2016, at College Church of the Nazarene in Bourbonnais, Illinois. Brian and Abigail are medical school students — he in his third year at




Southern Illinois University, and she in her fourth year at Michigan State University. The couple lives in Springfield, Illinois.


Josh Reel ’16 graduated from the North East MultiRegional Training (NEMERT) Police Academy. Reel is a full-time officer in Momence, Illinois. NEMERT provides in-service training to law enforcement and corrections personnel throughout the metropolitan Chicago area.




Mary (Stevens) Little ’45 died June 6, 2016. Mrs. Little was born in Mansfield, Ohio. At Olivet Nazarene College, she met Harold Little ’44, who would become a Nazarene pastor and her husband of 50 years. Together they served the Nazarene denomination through pastoring in locations including Washington, North Dakota, Oregon and Arizona. Mrs. Little is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Linda and Jack Minion; granddaughter Kelli Boggs and her husband, Rich; granddaughter Nicki Anderson and her husband, Chris; and great-grandchildren Braden Boggs, Mia Boggs, Lindsey Anderson and Sunny Anderson. Gerald David Oliver Sr. ’52 died June 16, 2016 — just short of his 84th birthday — in Bourbonnais, Illinois. An Illinois native and graduate of Kankakee High School, he enrolled in Olivet Nazarene College, where he met Jewel Britton ’52. They married in 1951.    Mr. Oliver transferred to Illinois State University and graduated in 1955, when he started teaching industrial arts and coaching basketball. To supplement his income, he began selling life insurance, eventually becoming head of sales for Land of Lincoln Life Insurance Company of Springfield, Illinois. In 1966, he founded Roosevelt National Life Insurance Company.    Mr. Oliver maintained a lifelong love for Olivet, first serving on the Alumni Board and later on the Board of Trustees for 16 years. Olivet awarded him an honorary doctorate in 1984. The Olivers’ four children and their spouses all graduated from Olivet.    Throughout his life, Mr. Oliver served in a number of local and general church leadership positions. He also served four terms on the board of Nazarene Theological Seminary. He was elected Illinois District Church School Chairman and District Advisory Board member on the Illinois and Colorado districts.    In addition to his wife, Mr. Oliver is survived by their children, Cheryl (Mark) Pollock of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Gerald (Kathryn) Oliver Jr. of Plano, Texas; Jonathan Oliver Sr. of Plano, Texas; and Lori (Darrell) Lewis of St. Louis, Missouri; 11 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. Helen Bos Johnson ’55 died at her home in Charlotte, Michigan, on October 25, 2016. She was born September 8, 1932, and grew up in East Detroit. She earned her bachelor’s degree in education from Olivet Nazarene College and her master’s degree from Central Michigan University. She retired after a long career as a teacher and high school guidance counselor.    Helen’s first husband, Olivet classmate Floyd Kanipe ’56, was a Nazarene minister. The couple and their three children moved from town to town following pastoral assignments. After Helen retired, she relocated in Michigan and became active in her new community as a volunteer at the local hospital and hospice care. continued >




IN MEMORIAM    Her second husband, James R. Johnson ’50, was a boyfriend at Olivet. More than 50 years after college, when each of them was again single, they re-connected. They were married for 13 years.    In addition to her husband, Mrs. Johnson is survived by daughter Cindy Kanipe (George Illig); and sons Greg Kanipe and Kent Kanipe (Wendy Glatfelter); and grandchildren Jacob Kanipe-Illig, Max Kanipe-Illig, Mark Kanipe, Miles Kanipe, Nathan Kanipe and Jessica Kanipe. David George Dunbar ’58, beloved former choir director and music professor at Olivet, died in Kankakee, Illinois, on December 24, 2016. Dr. Dunbar is widely acknowledged for expanding the reach and musical ministry of the University’s acclaimed Orpheus Choir, which he directed for most of his 30-year tenure at Olivet. He also directed the University’s Concert Singers for 17 years and the choir of College Church of the Nazarene in Bourbonnais, Illinois, for 11 years.    In 1972, Dr. Harold W. Reed, then University president, selected Dr. Dunbar as the new Orpheus conductor. He succeeded Mrs. Naomi Larsen ’33, whose husband, Dr. Walter B. Larsen, had founded the choir in 1932.    Dr. Dunbar and the choir toured the Olivet region, California, Canada, Mexico and Israel. They performed twice at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C.; three times at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado; once at the Bruton Parish Chapel in Williamsburg, Virginia; 20 times at the Bill Gaither Praise Gathering for Believers; 10 times at the International General Assembly of the Church of the Nazarene; and several times in Indianapolis, Indiana, singing the national anthem before NBA games.    Dr. Dunbar began his teaching career at Cascade College in Portland, Oregon. At Olivet, his accolades included faculty member of the year in 1980, the alumni “O” award in 1982, and the Sears Roebuck Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence and Campus Leadership in 1989.    Dr. Dunbar was born October 30, 1934, in Calgary, Alberta. He attended Canadian Nazarene College in Red Deer, Alberta, before transferring to Olivet Nazarene College in 1957. At Olivet, he met noted soprano Linda Luttrell ’59. They married on June 11, 1960. He earned a degree from Canadian Nazarene College, Olivet bachelor’s degrees in church music and music education, a master’s degree in voice from the University of Illinois and a doctorate in musical arts from the University of Southern California.    In addition to his wife, Dr. Dunbar is survived by daughter Kathleen ’90 of Seattle, Washington; son David ’93 of Bourbonnais; sister Ruth Markus of Lethbridge, Alberta; and two grandchildren, Jordyn and Joshua. He was preceded in death by his parents and a sister, Jean Jensen.



Walter R. Cramer Jr., assistant pole vault coach for the Olivet men’s and women’s track teams, died January 9, 2017, in Kankakee, Illinois. Mr. Cramer was in his 14th year on the Olivet coaching staff. Since 1989, he also served as assistant coach for men’s and women’s pole vault at Reed-Custer High School in Braidwood, Illinois.    A U.S. Marine Corps veteran, Mr. Cramer retired as a master gunnery sergeant in 2000, after 30 years of service. He was a recipient of the Vietnam service medal with star, a meritorious service medal and two meritorious masts.    Mr. Cramer was named Illinois Track & Cross Country Association Assistant Track Coach of the Year in 2012. During his tenure at Olivet, Mark Hollis ’08 won the NAIA pole vault national championship in 2006 and 2007, and two Olivet pole vaulters reached Olympic time trials. At Reed-Custer, Mr. Cramer helped coach pole vaulters to five state championships, and seven athletes became state medalists.    Mr. Cramer was retired from Caterpillar Inc. He was born August 17, 1950, in Joliet, Illinois. He is survived by sons Derek, of Lockport, Illinois; Wes (Kristin McRaven) and Austin, of Custer Park; his father, Walter, of Lockport; and a sister, Charmaine Wright, of Crest Hill, Illinois. Mr. Cramer’s mother, Mabel, and a brother, Ron, preceded him in death. Elbert A. Pence Jr., the physicist who established the physics department at Olivet and is honored with an ONU scholarship in his name, died in Kenmore, Washington, on October 18, 2016.    In fall 1962, Mr. Pence accepted a church calling to create the ONU physics department. Until 1969, he taught physics as well as oceanography courses at Olivet, taking students to the Gulf of Mexico one summer and to the Florida Keys over winter break. After he left Olivet, alumni and friends of Olivet established a research scholarship to honor Mr. Pence and mathematics teacher Dr. Fanny Boyce. The Pence‑Boyce research program fellowship is available to ONU math and science students to fund 10 weeks of full-time research in theoretical, lab or field studies.    Mr. Pence retired as a commander from the U.S. Navy in 1964, after active and reserve service. During World War II, the Navy had moved moved Mr. Pence to Sand Point Naval Air Station near Seattle, Washington. There, he worked for the Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington as a physicist in the field of underwater acoustics. His work took him to local waters as well as the Caribbean, the Bahamas and the Arctic.    Born September 1, 1920, Mr. Pence grew up in Mound City, Missouri. He earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Nebraska and his master’s in physics from the University of Washington.    Preceding Mr. Pence in death were his wife, Louise; son Jann and daughter Annette; and grandchildren Joshua and Lori. He is survived by children Gary, Gerard, Shannon, Joan, Stephen and Jonathan; 25 grandchildren, 37 great-grandchildren and two great‑great-grandchildren.




STUDENTS More than 4,900 — 3,000 of them undergrads — from nearly every U.S. State, 17 countries and more than 40 religious denominations. ADMISSION Based on ACT score and high school records (college transcripts for transfer students). For incoming freshmen, average ACT score is 24. ALUMNI Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 40,000 alumni living around the world. ACADEMICS More than 140 areas of study offered through the School of Business, School of Engineering, School of Life and Health Sciences, School of Education, School of Music, School of Theology and Christian Ministry and the College of Arts and Sciences. Study- abroad opportunities have included Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles. ACCREDITATION Includes the Higher Learning Commission, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the American Dietetics Association, the Council on Social Work Education, the National Association of Schools of Music, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. CAMPUS Beautiful, park-like campus features 35 major buildings on 275 acres. Located in the Village of Bourbonnais, Ill., just 50 miles south of Chicago’s Loop, with additional School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations in Rolling Meadows and Oak Brook, Ill.; Indianapolis, Ind.; Grand Ledge and Grand Rapids, Mich.; and Hong Kong. CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS More than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine, ROTC, radio broadcasting (Shine.FM), numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including marching band and the University orchestra), drama and musical theatre performances, intramural athletics, as well as community volunteer and spiritual life organizations.



million dollars in financial aid awarded last year to ONU students

ATHLETICS At Olivet Nazarene University, student-athletes compete on 21 intercollegiate teams. Olivet provides competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis and track and field. Varsity teams for women include basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half of the student body participates in Olivet’s thriving intramural and club sports programs. SPIRITUAL LIFE Christian community committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do. Through chapel services, each segment of the University community has the opportunity to join with others in worship and receive instruction in the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world-renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel. GRADUATE STUDIES AND PROGRAMS Business: Bachelor of Applied Science in Management, Bachelor of Business Administration, Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration Criminal Justice: Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Education: Bilingual Endorsement, Driver’s Ed Endorsement, English as a Second Language Endorsement, Middle School Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Teacher Leader Endorsement, Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Arts in Education: Library Information Specialist, Master of Arts in Education: Reading Specialist, Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership Engineering: Master of Engineering Management Nursing: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing for Paramedics, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN), Master of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing (RN-MSN), Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Ministry: Master of Arts: Biblical Studies, Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts in Pastoral Leadership, Master of Arts: Urban Ministry, Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity, Bachelor of Practical Ministry, Master of Practical Ministry


percent of students receive financial aid


intercollegiate athletic teams compete in NAIA and NCCAA conferences


local ministry and global mission trip opportunities


Accounting Actuarial Science Art Art - Drawing/Illustration Art - Digital Graphics Art - Painting Art - Photography Art Education Athletic Coaching Athletic Training Biblical Languages Biology Biology Teaching Business Administration Business - Healthcare Management Business Human Resource Management Business - Management Business - Not-for-Profit/ Philanthropy Business - Operations Management Business - Public Administration Chemistry Chemistry - Biochemistry Chemistry - Forensics Chemistry Teaching Child Development Children’s Ministry Christian Education Communication Studies Communication Teaching Computer Science Corporate Communication Criminal Justice Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Dietetics Early Childhood Education Earth & Space Science Teaching Economics Economics & Finance Applied Economics

Economics & Finance Certified Financial Planning Economics & Finance Corporate Finance Elementary Education Engineering - Architectural Engineering - Chemical Engineering - Civil Engineering - Computer Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Industrial Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Software English English as a Second Language English as a Second Language Teaching English Education Environmental Science Exercise Science Family & Consumer Sciences Family & Consumer Sciences Family Studies Family & Consumer Sciences Hospitality Family & Consumer Sciences Education Fashion Merchandising Finance French General Studies Geography Geological Science Greek Health Education Hebrew History History Teaching Information Systems Information Technology Intercultural Studies Interior Design International Business Leadership Studies Legal Studies Literature

Management Information Systems Marketing Marketing - Commercial Graphics Marketing - International Marketing - Management Marketing - Public Relations Mass Communications Mathematics Mathematics Education Military Affairs Military Science Ministerial Missions Multimedia Communication Multimedia Communication Film Studies Multimedia Communication Journalism Multimedia Communication Live Event Media Management Multimedia Communication Ministry Media Multimedia Communication Radio/Record Industry Multimedia Communication TV/Video Production Music Music Composition Music Education Music Ministry Music Performance Musical Theatre Nursing Pastoral Ministry Philosophy Physical Education & Health Teaching Physical Sciences Political Science Pre-Art Therapy Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy

Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Psychology Psychology Teaching Public Policy - Domestic Public Policy - Foreign Public Relations & Strategic Communication Recreation Recreation, Sport & Fitness Religion Religion - Biblical Studies Religion - Philosophy Religion - Theology Religious Studies Social Science Social Science Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish Education Special Education Sport Management Administration Sport Management Marketing Theatre Writing Youth Ministry Zoology

Statistics compiled from 2014, 2015 and/or 2016.


advanced degrees offered through the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies


intramural sports and tournaments with more than 3,200 participants each year


study-abroad opportunities and numerous mission opportunities available


student-to-faculty ratio, with a total enrollment of more than 4,900

ALUMNi+FRIENDS BREAKFAST JUNE 24 路 8 AM 路 JW MARRIOTT Join more than 1,500 alumni and friends for a morning of inspiration in downtown Indianapolis, featuring a special message from Dr. John C. Bowling.

Tickets available at olivet.edu/indy


Your generosity provides students the most excellent way.

To view the 2016 Annual Report, go to olivet.edu/annual-report development@olivet.edu


THE benediction May the mind of Christ, my Savior, Live in me from day to day, By His love and powʼr controlling all I do and say. May the Word of God dwell richly In my heart from hour to hour, So that all may see my triumph Only throʼ His powʼr. May the peace of God my Father Rule my life in everything, That I may be calm to comfort Sick and sorrowing. May the love of Jesus fill me as the waters fill the sea; Him exalting, self abasing ­— This is victory. May I run the race before me Strong and brave to face the foe, Looking only unto Jesus As I onward go. May His beauty rest upon me As I seek the lost to win; And may they forget the channel, Seeing only Him.

Kate B. Wilkinson

KEEP GOING, KEEP GROWING “I’m grateful that there is always more for me to learn, and that God isn’t done with me. You should be, too. But growing up in the are all called to a deeper life of faith. To be more like Jesus today than we were yesterday. To believe, with the Spirit’s help, that is a possibility.” — Mark Holcomb ’81, University chaplain


Lord takes time, commitment and humility. It’s not always easy. We




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