Olivet the Magazine: Lessons in Leadership (February 2014)

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February 2014






HOW GREAT OUR JOY Celebrating the birth of our Savior in grand style, Sounds of the Season showcased the musical talents of more than 350 students, including the Mass Choral Ensemble, Harp Ensemble, Flute Choir, Bronze Handbell Choir, Testament Men’s Choir, Chrysalis Women’s Choir, Orpheus Choir, Proclamation Gospel Choir, Concert Singers and various faculty performers, including guitar instructor Freddie Franken (pictured right).




THE MAGAZINE Olivet aims to produce Spirit-filled, hope-inspired, learned followers of Christ — women and men who pray deep prayers, attempt great things for God, and boldly step into leadership roles across every segment of the Church, culture and society. As we lean into a new calendar year, we celebrate and explore the enormous potential for a new generation of leaders to transform the world for Christ. Emboldened by the Holy Spirit, may we fully surrender our hearts, gifts and talents to God, faithfully serving wherever He may call us to lead. - The Editorial Board It seems only fitting that this issue of Olivet: The Magazine be dedicated to the memory of long-time friend Rev. Gordon Wickersham. A pioneer in Olivet’s communication efforts, Rev. Wickersham oversaw more than 20 alumni publications during his time as editor, and was the visionary behind the restyling of the Olivet Collegian/Olivetian in 1975. He epitomized what it means to be a Spirit-filled, servant leader. For his depth of knowledge, mentorship and constant encouragement, we, the Editorial Board, will be forever grateful.

Gordon Wickersham (1926-2013)



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Olivet: The Magazine is the official publication of Olivet Nazarene University


CONTENTS ON THE COVER For their work on the 168,000 square foot Douglas E. Perry Student Life and Recreation Center, Buchar, Mitchell, Bajt Architects, Inc. recently received the Steel Joist Institute’s 2013 Design Award. COVER PHOTO: MARK BALLOG

2) Lessons in Leadership Drs. Lynda Allen, Stephen Lowe and Russ Bredholt, Jr. discuss challenging the status quo and changing the course of history.

OLIVET: THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing Communications under the direction of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. Reproduction of material without written permission is strictly prohibited. EDITORIAL BOARD Heather (Quimby) Day ’02/ ’12 E.M.B.A. Brian W. Parker ’93/ ’11 Ed.D. George Wolff ’93 ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 GRAPHIC DESIGN Matthew Moore ’96 Monique Perry ’03 Donnie Johnson PHOTOGRAPHY JonesFoto or as credited PHOTOGRAPHY SUPPORT Wes Taylor ’14






The latest headlines from the Olivet campus and around the globe

News and photos from the Olivet family reunion

STUDENTS TAKE THE LEAD Students ask, “Why wait until after graduation?”

EDITORIAL SUPPORT Luke Olney ’10/’12 M.O.L. Laura Wasson Warfel A.E. Sarver ’15 Caleb Benoit ’06 Casey Manes Renee Gerstenberger

VOLUME 81 ISSUE 3 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright © 2013 Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 PRESIDENT Dr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./’06 D.Div., Ed.D., D.Min. VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE Dr. Douglas E. Perry ’68/’95 Litt.D., M.B.A. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb ’86/’89 M.A.R./’08 D.Div. VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Dr. Dennis Crocker ’75, M.M., D.M.A. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STRATEGIC EXPANSION Dr. Ryan Spittal ’99/’04 M.B.A., D.B.A.

Periodicals postage paid at the Bourbonnais, Illinois Post Office and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster, send address changes to: Editor, Olivet: The Magazine Olivet Nazarene University One University Ave. Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345


A Letter to Young Leaders He calls them “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.” I suppose one could protest such a grand title. Nonetheless, John Maxwell’s book by that name became a New York Times best-seller. Of those 21 laws, the one that catches my attention, as I think about young leaders and our work here at Olivet, is his third law of leadership. He calls it “the law of process.” In short, it is this: leadership develops daily, not in a day. His point is that leadership is a process, and learning to lead is a process, as well. Are leaders born, or are they made? The answer is “Yes.” Some individuals have natural leadership gifts; others, seemingly, do not. However, both can be effective. Leaders come in all shapes and sizes, from Mother Teresa to Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela to Queen Elizabeth. Whoever you are, you can lead, but it’s not automatic. No one is an overnight success — athletically, academically, socially, spiritually or professionally. We grow, we develop, we learn, we mature, and we season over time. And so it is with leadership. Learning to lead is a lifelong process. It doesn’t happen by reading a book, listening to a speech, taking a course or wishing it was so. One learns to lead by leading. One of the strongest features of the Olivet student experience is the enhanced emphasis on leadership. This takes a variety of forms, both academically and in the University’s vibrant student development program. Leadership training and hands-on experiences are embedded throughout the network of Olivet opportunities and services. From “Jump Start” (our program of support and enrichment for incoming students), to the multi-discipline leadership minor — which is available to all undergraduates through our highly regarded Doctor of Education degree in ethical leadership. Olivet develops leaders! The world is waiting for a new generation of leaders – men and women whose mission is more than profit or self-promotion, whose morality is not contextual and very life is an expression of Christlikeness. We need leaders who will manage themselves, inspire others, and forge the future.



To join the ranks of tomorrow’s leaders is not for the faint of heart. Leadership is satisfying and frustrating at the same time. It is both challenging and rewarding. The pressure is constant, and the weight of responsibility is heavy. Jesus offered a revolutionary approach to leadership and set forth a pattern for “kingdom” leadership. This is seen in one of His discourses with the disciples. “Jesus called (His disciples) together and said, ‘You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all’” (Mark 10:42 44 NIV). Leaders who embrace this servant model of leadership — where the focus is on others — can and will leave a legacy of lasting accomplishment and influence. May Christ be the pattern for all of life, including how we lead!

Watch Dr. Bowling’s inspiring January 15 chapel address at www.olivetthemagazine.com

Dr. John C. Bowling serves as the 12th president of Olivet Nazarene University. An Olivet alumnus and Harvard University Fellow with two master’s and two earned doctorate degrees, he is a best-selling author, a prominent national speaker and is internationally recognized as an outstanding leader in higher education and the Church. In his book, Grace-Full Leadership, Dr. Bowling explores the leadership qualities and practices that are distinct within the community of Christian leadership. Dr. Bowling is married to alumna Dr. Jill (Cheeseman) Bowling, ’70 — an accomplished designer, creator, developer, strategist and leader in her own right — an integral part of the life and emergence of Olivet.


University President John C. Bowling





LEADERSHIP AWARDS Through the presentation of the 2013 Harold W. Reed Leadership Awards, Dr. John C. Bowling recently honored Mr. David Elwood (pictured, center) and Dr. Louie Bustle for their outstanding leadership. Following a successful career in clinical psychology, Mr. Elwood and son, Mark, founded Elwood Staffing, a leading provider of talent-based solutions. With more than 220 U.S. and Canadian locations, Elwood Staffing serves more than 6,000 clients, putting 27,000 temporary associates to work daily. David continues to serve as board chairman, sharing the company’s leadership with his three sons. Dr. Bustle has dedicated his life to missions, and has served as global mission director for the Church of the Nazarene, and as the first district superintendent for the Dominican Republic. Currently, he gives leadership to Holiness Legacy, and is a popular speaker for revivals and Faith Promise services.



GRAD SCHOOL PROGRAMMERS EXPANSION SUCCEED The footprint of Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies continues to expand far beyond the Chicagoland area, with new regional centers opening in Indianapolis and Fort Wayne, Ind., and Grand Ledge, Mich. ONU has also signed a deal with sister school MidAmerica Nazarene University, so that Olivet’s doctorate of education in ethical leadership courses will be made available on their campus in Olathe, Kan. Olivet offers courses in nearly 200 locations in the U.S. and Hong Kong, with 10 additional programs offered entirely online.




For the latest news, sports scores and events, go to www.olivet.edu

Computer science team Hannah Miller (Senior, Marseille, France), Joe Melsha (Freshman, Cedar Rapids, Iowa) and Will Meitzler (Junior, Elk Grove Village, Ill.) placed among the top 15 percent at the 2013 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) international programming contest. Sponsored by IBM and ACM, the competition involved five hours of programming and problem solving as a team. “There’s something about coding for five highpressure hours that is irreplaceable,” said Hannah. “By the end, you can’t help but trust and appreciate your teammates’ abilities.” Currently celebrating their 25th Anniversary, Olivet’s Department of Computer Science will be hosting a programming contest on campus February 22, 2014.

AWARDWINNING CARE Dr. Michael Pyle, practicing surgeon and Olivet biology professor, is the 2013 recipient of Hendricks Regional Health Foundation’s “Treat People Better Award,” recognizing exceptional service and care. Among his many professional accomplishments in his 30-year medical career, Dr. Pyle has provided outstanding care for patients — not only in Indiana, but also in Papua New Guinea, Haiti, Swaziland and Rwanda. He is respected and admired by the hundreds of students he has taught and mentored at both Hendricks and Olivet.



NATIONAL RECORD–SETTER Senior placekicker Andrew Muzljakovich (Vicksburg, Mich.) was a finalist for the 2013 Fred Mitchell Award, a national award honoring college kickers. Invited to play in the 2013 National Bowl Game in Miami, December 8, he was named Overall Special Teams MVP after scoring eight points and making a 56-yard field goal, setting a new National Bowl Record. Muzljakovich also volunteers with Habitat for Humanity and Orphan Outreach, through which he took a mission trip to Guatemala.


Siblings Mackenzie (junior) and Jake Anderson (sophomore, Clifton, Ill.) grew up hoping to swim together in college. But when Mackenzie finished high school, Olivet did not yet have a swim program. Impressed by the team camaraderie and competitive success she saw during Jake’s freshman year on ONU’s inaugural swim team, she decided to make the transfer from Eastern Illinois University. She immediately made waves for the Tigers, shattering three school records. Now, not only are the brother and sister duo leading the team in fast times and top finishes, but they are also helping to bring the team together as a family.




ZOOLOGY EXPANSION One of only three zoology programs in the 119-member Christian Coalition of Colleges and Universities, Olivet’s zoology program continues to experience rapid growth with 37 current student majors. Plans for the 20,500 square-foot Reed Hall of Science expansion include a 5,500-gallon replica of the Kankakee River Valley ecosystem, designed by the same architect used by the Florida Aquarium in Tampa, featuring wildlife, vegetation and minerals to be studied by zoology and other science majors.

A THOUSAND POINTS Tuesday, Nov. 26, senior Miranda Geever reached the 1,000 point milestone when she posted 21 points to lead Olivet’s women’s basketball team to a 97-89 win over Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference rival University of Saint Francis (Ill.). She is well on her way to rewriting the record books. As of Dec. 12, her 1,067 career points puts her 19th all-time in program history, while her 275 assists is 12th, and her 282 steals puts her sixth.


Featuring videos, photo galleries, expanded articles, “The Classes” submission information and so much more!







Eric Ferren ’95 was appointed CFO for HSBC Bank U.S.A. in Nov., and is the deputy CFO for HSBC North America Holdings. Headquartered in London, HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organizations, serving customers in more than 80 countries and territories. Eric and his family will be headquartered in New York City.

David Mohr ’09, as a member of the Christian music group Remedy Drive, was nominated for a 2013 Dove Award. The band was nominated for Rock Song of the Year with the song “Resuscitate Me,” which spent five weeks at No. 1 on Christian rock radio.

Under the leadership of Dr. Neal Woodruff, Olivet had a strong showing at the 2013 National Association of Teachers Singing (NATS) competition Nov. 15–16, competing against colleges from Illinois, Iowa and Missouri. Cassandra Petrie and Seth Lowery were regional semifinalists in the classical division, and Christine Caven (pictured above) was a regional semi-finalist in the musical theatre division. Seth also placed third in the musical theatre division and qualified for the national competition, to be held in Boston this spring.



LINCOLN LAUREATE The Lincoln Academy of Illinois honored senior Breanne Bambrick as a Student Laureate in a ceremony at the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Ill., Nov. 2. The Student Laureate distinction recognizes outstanding seniors for overall excellence in curricular and extracurricular activities. Bre, a social work major, currently serves as student body president, and is a member of the National Collegiate Honors Council, University Honors Program, Olivet’s social work club, Diakonia, and Compassionate Ministries. Bre and parents, Mike and Alecia, have helped plant Connect Church in Washington, Ill.




Emphasizing the importance of friends and family in Olivet’s most treasured tradition, this year’s Homecoming festivities were redubbed “Homecoming and Family Weekend.”

Beyond the name change, every event was carefully orchestrated to celebrate and enhance the bonds we share within the Olivet family. Students, parents, alumni and friends from all over the globe reunited on the Bourbonnais campus November 6–10, for a special weekend of fun, reminiscing, athletic competition, artistry and building new memories.


Katharyn Schrader ’14 (Monmouth , Ill.) was crowned Olivet’s 59th Homecoming Queen. An English major, Katharyn is an RA in Williams Hall, and has been involved with Evangels, Social Justice Club, Aurora and Sigma Tau Delta. She plans to devote her life to missions, teaching English as a second language.



Ryan ’06 and Emily (Schmidt) ’06 Walker were honored with 2013 Young Alumni Awards. Together, they joined the ministry of SEND International in 2007, she as a teacher, and he as a pilot and teacher, helping reach Native Americans in rural Alaska. Today, the Walkers reside in Colorado with their two children. Ryan works for his family's business, Walker Manufacturing. AMY SMITH


Two-time NAIA National Pole Vault Champion Mark Hollis ’07 was inducted into Olivet’s Athletic Hall of Fame. Hollis has been ranked as high as third in the USA and 10th in the world. His personal best is 18 feet, 10¼ inches. He has competed in two USA Olympic Trials, placing ninth in 2008 and fifth in 2012.




Toby the Tiger, grad year unknown, joined in the party with “Purple and Gold” alumni who graduated from Olivet prior to 1963.





Students, alumni friends and families had a wide variety of activities to keep them busy throughout the weekend, including Homecoming classics like the Wendy Parsons 5K, O.N.You! for Kids, and, of course, rooting on the Tigers. Several alumni were honored throughout the weekend, including 2013 O Award winners, Robert Sloan ’68 and Dr. Mark Hostetler ’72/’04 MCM/’04 DDIV. Those looking for outstanding family entertainment were not disappointed, enjoying the theatrical presentation “Almost Maine” and being wowed by the musical mastery of Gather Band Vocalist David Phelps. 14






Dr. David Graves ’75, general superintendent for the Churc h of the Nazare ne, encour aged and challenged alumni, students, faculty and staff with his Homecoming Chapel address. Watch the address at olivetthemagazine.com.



ENGINEERING TRIBUTE "It's during the formation of thoughts and ideas where an Olivet graduate's character comes roaring into play." - Dr. Ken Johnson (1970–2013) Long before the unexpected passing of Engineering Department Chair Ken Johnson, a special gathering was planned on Friday afternoon of Homecoming for engineering students and alumni, including a “sneak peak” of the new engineering technology center. Held shortly after the conclusion of Dr. Johnson’s funeral, the timing of the event felt nothing less than divinely orchestrated, offering those in attendance the opportunity to celebrate the life and vision of a man passionate about empowering a generation of “missioneers.” “I think we can all share in the joy Ken would have had at this moment,” said Dr. Joe Schroeder, engineering professor, addressing the crowd of 300-plus. “The work that Ken began, that God placed on his heart, is now ours to carry out.”

Dr. Ken Johnson's article, "Engineering the Future" was featured in the inaugural issue of Olivet: The Magazine. To read the inspiring archive article, go to olivetthemagazine.com.

Several engineering students networked with alumni during Homecoming and Family Weekend, including Steve Angus’93, leading engineer for Ford Motor Company and 2013 recipient of Olivet’s Engineering Alumni Excellence Award.






To assist freshman students called to full-time vocational ministry, Olivet recently created the Ministerial Leadership Award. This highly-selective scholarship will be awarded each year, with the possibility of $9,000 in financial assistance for each student, spread over four years of full-time enrollment. For more information or to obtain an application, contact the Office of Admissions at 815-939-5203 or admissions@olivet.edu. To learn how you can support this and other critical student scholarships through your financial giving, contact the Office of Development at 815-939-5171.

“If you knew you could not fail as a leader, what would you attempt to do for Jesus ?” Established by Dr. Harold W. Reed, Olivet’s longest-tenured president (1949 to 1975), the Reed Institute for the Advanced Study of Leadership supports numerous leadership initiatives for the ONU community, including honoring notable men and women with annual leadership awards and sponsoring an essay contest for sophomores. This year’s essay prompt — provided by Dr. Louie Bustle, one of the 2013 Reed Leadership Award honorees — asked students, “If you knew you could not fail as a leader, what would you attempt to do for Jesus?” Sophomore Class President Chelsea Risinger (pictured right) inspired the judges and peers with her response.


Essay Winner

Unfailing Leadership “Dobre, dobre!” commented one of the young Slovak girls, as she and her friend snickered at something on their phones. I listened to them laugh and talk while sitting on the train that hot, June day in Slovakia. I had just finished lunch and was excited to have some relaxing time to myself for the first time in what seemed like ages, but that wasn’t what the Holy Spirit had in mind. I was putting in my ear buds when I heard, “Talk to those girls” spoken in my mind. I knew in that moment what He wanted me to do. If I was certain that I could not fail as a leader, I would work to bring revival to Central and Eastern Europe. Former areas of high religious influence, these exSoviet countries have been altogether stripped of their beliefs in Jesus Christ. As part of the regime of communism, the positive mindset of religion was replaced with poisoning thoughts, such as Jesus was a fictional character, the Church can’t be trusted, and there is no God. Those who were Christians in Slovakia, previously Czechoslovakia, during the time of communism were looked down upon or punished for going to church. Christians had great difficulty getting into universities simply because of their beliefs. Today, many people are still trapped in this treacherous mindset and are leading their children down the same path. According to Josiah Venture, a mission organization serving in Central and Eastern Europe, only about 1 percent of youth in this area have an active, personal relationship with Christ. This fact is frightening, considering that the conversion of the youth is the greatest hope in reaching the calloused hearts of the older generations. I discovered this firsthand while returning to Slovakia for a second time this past summer as an intern for Josiah Venture. Although my course of study is nursing, I felt called to return to Slovakia for two-and-a-half months to further the work in spreading the Gospel among the youth of the nation. After living in Slovakia

By Chelsea Risinger ’16

for only a short time, the need for revival is so evident to me; and that is where I would want my unfailing leadership to start. Josiah Venture seeks to equip leaders to shamelessly share the Gospel through local churches. Similar to this mission, I would use my leadership to disciple a generation of Christian youth who would transform their society and world through the Gospel by building them up as leaders. The need for discipleship and encouragement for student leaders is great because there are not enough youth workers to reach every student. While interning, I learned that 97 percent of the world’s youth are outside of the U.S., but only 3 percent of the world’s youth workers are with them. Considering this, I would definitely use my unfailing leadership to train up student leaders because they can go and reach other students in places that are extremely difficult for adults to go. Leadership multiplication is the focus, making disciples to go, share the good news, and train up more leaders. I hesitated to respond to the Spirit. I decided to compromise and began talking to the girls when I had twenty minutes left on the train. The time finally came, and I began conversation by first asking if they knew English. Their countenance changed slightly as they actually had to put into practice the language lessons they were learning in school. Nervous, but seemingly excited to talk to a native speaker, the girls and I talked about what they were doing that day. As my time on the train grew shorter, I said, “I’m a Christian, and I believe in Jesus Christ. Do you go to church?” One girl replied that her family went to church rarely, but the other had no belief at all. Fortunately, the Gospel was presented that day before I jumped off the train. With unfailing leadership, my attempt for Christ would include a revival of the Gospel across a broken land, starting with discipleship of the youth.




LEADERSHIP One individual fully surrendered to God can challenge the status quo and change the course of history. At Olivet, we are committed to shaping the hearts and minds of a new generation of graduates who will confidently go into our world to serve God faithfully in "out of the way" places and to the far corners of the globe. Armed with the power of an Olivet education and enlivened by the Holy Spirit, Olivetians will lead in the areas of innovation, industry, technology and progress, shaping the great ideas, movements and organizations of the next century.



"The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant." MAX DE PREE



SIGNIFICANT THINGS my observations of great leaders DR. RUSS BREDHOLT JR



Russ Bredholt Jr. ’71/’97 D.Litt., is president of Bredholt & Co., Winter Springs, Fla. Since 1980, Russ has worked on a variety of consulting engagements with Fortune 500 companies, privately held businesses, educational institutions, and nonprofits. Service areas include strategy, leadership development, and succession management. He has served Olivet on both the Alumni Association Board of Directors and the Foundation Board, and as a leading voice in the exciting new Hire Olivetians initiative. Email rbredholt@strategist.com for more information.

If you were to Google “leadership,” it would return 131 million results. It’s a subject of great interest. Why? The right kind of leadership makes a significant difference in organizations large and small. It may be easier to find leadership on the Internet than on the job. Being a leader is hard work. More grit than glamour. Often a thankless assignment. There may be something more important than leadership anyway. It was author and Carnegie Foundation President John W. Gardner who suggested that leadership is really a subtopic of “group purpose.” If true, this should cause us to look closer at why an organization exists before placing anyone in charge.

Along with the basic requirements for running an organization, here’s a short list of attributes we’ve observed in leaders who have functioned well inside a purpose greater than their own: Depth of character and personal integrity Good character derives from our very being. It’s worth more than can be said. Trust is born of solid character. Relationships are built on trust. Those we’ve come to admire withstand the test of time through these traits. They strive for consistent, not perfect, behavior (i.e., keeping their word and telling the truth), which is a building block of success.

Effective leaders own their success They make decisions. It’s not enough to be decisive. A leader has to know what to be decisive about. A seasoned CEO knows how to move past the noise in order to make tough decisions that are in the best interests of the business. Even with input from others, the final call usually rests with those at the top. It’s a reminder that if we don’t learn to make decisions, time will make them for us.

Self-aware and self-controlled Great leaders are first leaders in their own lives. Those who sustain success do so out of a practiced personal and professional self-discipline. The key word is “practiced.”

Able to manage as well as lead In business, one has to lead and manage. While leadership is about inspiration, managing has to do with getting things done: delegating responsibility and authority, working with and through others.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle said that. Scripture teaches the importance of managing oneself. It’s a “fruit” of the Spirit. Paul, writing to Timothy, says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7) Being self-aware reduces the chances of self-deception, which is the greatest deception of all. Lifelong learners Achievers are curious individuals. They pursue knowledge and have an interest in ideas other than their own. Learning, growing, and changing are requisites of leadership. Adapting along the way is essential for personal and professional development.

The better corporate leadership programs wait to see how individuals manage people, budgets and communications before inviting them to participate in some form of executive education. Timing is everything For me, each visit to Olivet is a reminder of time spent with Dr. Harold W. Reed, president of our alma mater from 1949 to 1975. During his last years in office, Dr. Reed knew it was time for him to go. So add one more attribute to our list: Great and gracious leaders such as Dr. Reed, called to positions of service, know when to enter — and when to exit.




a laboratory for leaders DR. LYNDA ALLEN

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." RALPH WALDO EMERSON

Each year, hundreds of the best and brightest students from around the country converge on Olivet’s campus. They come with dreams and passions to do big things — transformational things. As members of the faculty, our desire is not simply to impart knowledge, but to further ignite these students’ passions.

Dr. Lynda Allen ’82/’88 MBA is Olivet’s 2013 recipient of the Richard M. Jones Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence. She holds an M.B.A. and a doctorate in organizational leadership, and was named a Sam Walton Fellow in 2009. Since 2003, she has led Olivet’s Enactus (formerly known as SIFE) team to regional championships in Chicago and the national competition each spring. Through Enactus, ONU students gain valuable leadership experience through such diverse projects as teaching budgeting skills to fourth graders and helping Haitian entrepreneurs obtain microloans.

One of the many opportunities students have to engage their passions is through Enactus (formerly known as SIFE). This incredible, global organization is the second largest collegiate organization behind the NCAA. It exists in 37 countries on more than 1,600 university campuses around the world. The goal of Enactus is to provide students the opportunity to take what they have learned in the classroom and apply it in real world settings, to empower others and improve lives.

Beyond success at competition, our students are finding that, through Enactus, they are landing jobs because of the practical experience they are able to describe in their interviews. Amazingly, this past spring, three students landed their post-graduation jobs at the career fair at national competition. Becca Phipps ’13 reflects, “Without my involvement in Enactus, I literally wouldn’t have a job with Hershey today. I can’t imagine my college experience without it.”

This year, one of our key projects is taking us to Swaziland. In May 2014, I will be traveling with a team of students from Olivet to Africa. Our team is working to implement a business plan to provide sustainable sources of income for a group of women who serve as an HIV/ AIDS task force there.

The motto of Enactus is “a head for business, a heart for the world,” and this perfectly describes what we are attempting to provide for students in Olivet’s business department. We are preparing leaders who are capable and confident as they head into their careers. These students have learned more than accounting or marketing. They also know how to use their skills and abilities to have an impact on the world.

Each year, our team partners with entrepreneurs, both local and abroad, to provide assistance and to offer students valuable industry experience. Lauren Blunier ’12, a four-year member of Enactus, says it was “the perfect outlet to combine my passions for business and service. Through Enactus, I got my feet wet in project management and developed leadership skills I still find benefitting my career today.” Olivet has distinguished itself as a perennial winner. For more than a decade, our team has won its regional competition in Chicago and qualified for nationals. These competitions allow teams to showcase the impact of the work they have completed throughout the year to business leaders from some of the country’s most successful corporations. Our team has had great success, and has had the opportunity to compete head-to-head — and win — against teams from Big Ten schools and other major universities.

Enactus is providing the ideal laboratory for our students to apply their classroom knowledge and passions in addressing real world problems. In the process, they’re gaining experiences that will both empower and differentiate them in the competitive global economy. They are, in fact, leaving a trail where there is no path. It is their passion for learning and for leaving the world a better place that is lighting the way. I can’t think of a better way to invest my life than in the lives of these students.



THE HIGHEST OFFICE lessons from america's presidents DR. STEPHEN LOWE



President Harry Truman became famous for keeping a little sign on his desk in the Oval Office that announced: “The Buck Stops Here!” Every leader, whether in business, athletics, education or church, eventually learns to appreciate Truman’s favorite slogan. Actually, there is a lot to learn about leadership from U.S. presidents.

Dr. Stephen Lowe ’88, professor of history, is a highly esteemed author, historian and ideologue, specializing in American history. In addition to his expert lectures on some of America’s most crucial wars and political movements, Dr. Lowe has maintained an active role in research and writing, with an emphasis in sports history. His first book, The Kid on the Sandlot: Congress and Professional Sports (1995), was followed by Sir Walter and Mr. Jones: Walter Hagen, Bobby Jones, and the Rise of American Golf, which won the 2000 USGA International Book Award.

In his acclaimed text Liberalism and its Challengers: From F.D.R. to Bush, historian Alonzo Hamby identifies three characteristics that distinguish successful modern U.S. presidents: 1) psychological security, 2) mastery of mass communication and 3) the ability to identify and align with the needs of the people. A president’s psychological security was usually the result of his family’s socio-economic status or his relationship with his parents. Some presidents, such as Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy, were born to wealth and status, which provided them with personal security and self-confidence. Dwight Eisenhower overcame more modest beginnings to forge a career in the military that produced self-esteem and confidence for his White House years. Unfortunately, recent history also contains examples of presidents who did not develop a healthy sense of psychological security; some of them failed to lead effectively or left the office disgraced. Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton are on that list. Although he avoided a major scandal, Harry Truman had an insecure childhood and struggled with feelings of inadequacy that undermined his presidential leadership. Ronald Reagan was something of an exception. Born to a restless, alcoholic father who moved his family from town to town, young Reagan withdrew from the world. His mother, however, was a devout Christian, and she compensated by providing unconditional love to Reagan during his teenage years. This enabled him to overcome an otherwise unstable childhood and enjoy a successful political career. The ability to master mass communication has also determined the success or failure of modern presidents. In the midst of the Great Depression, Roosevelt assured the nation via radio in his “fireside chats.” Kennedy was an especially eloquent, inspirational orator. Reagan, and, to a lesser extent, Clinton also excelled at mass communication, as does Barack Obama. On the other hand, neither Johnson nor Nixon was very good at public speaking.

but unlike Roosevelt or Reagan, Carter did not possess the willful optimism, charisma or communication skill to inspire a nervous public. One of the most symbolic moments in his presidency was the infamous “malaise speech,” in which Carter seemed to shift blame for the nation’s problems from himself to the dispirited American people. The sermonizing speech badly wounded Carter’s credibility, demonstrating how mass communication had become a double-edged sword to the presidency. Finally, successful modern presidents were those able to identify the needs of an era and align themselves with those needs. Again, Roosevelt and Reagan were highly effective in this way. Both took office at moments of severe national crisis. Each man — one liberal, the other conservative — sensed the mood of the country and recognized that it desired bold leadership. In less traumatic times, Eisenhower and Clinton also deftly aligned themselves with the needs of their eras, even when such action contradicted their party’s political base. Eisenhower, a fiscal hawk and the first Republican president since before the New Deal, left Social Security and other popular liberal spending programs alone in the 1950s, while Clinton, a Democrat, embraced popular conservative efforts in his second term to balance the federal budget and reform welfare. By contrast, George H.W. Bush was one who failed in this area of leadership. He displayed a tin ear, underestimating the public’s concern about a sluggish economy, which contributed to his re-election defeat in 1992. Psychological security, the ability to communicate, and identifying and aligning with the needs of a constituency — these traits have made the difference between success and failure in the U.S. presidency, the most powerful office in the world. Yet, these same characteristics are important for leaders in all walks of life. Business CEOs, school principals, athletic coaches and even church administrators might learn some valuable lessons from U.S. presidential history.

Then, there was Jimmy Carter. During the late 1970s, his administration faced a series of crises at home and abroad; WWW.OLIVET.EDU


LEADERSHIP STUDIES AT OLIVET “It takes more than just being good at what you do to become a leader in your field,” says Dr. Jay Martinson, chair of Olivet’s department of communication, and leadership program director. “Good leadership requires training, plus development of core skills and character.” More than at any other time in history, our world is suffering from a lack of good leadership — in our schools, homes, churches, businesses and government. With a focus on transformational, servant leadership, Olivet’s leadership studies minor provides students the confidence and skills they need to step up and meet our world’s greatest needs. This interdisciplinary academic minor is the perfect complement to any major a student chooses to pursue. Students study leadership with a Christ-centered approach, learn by experience through leadership activities, gain tremendous insights from exceptional guest speakers and special events, and complete a capstone project that focuses on their area of interest. Their resulting achievements will be ideal additions to their transcripts and résumés. The knowledge, skills and experience students gain in completing this minor will benefit them in any career track they ultimately choose.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

"We want a society where people are free to make choices, to make mistakes, to be generous and compassionate. This is what we mean by a moral society; not a society where the state is responsible for everything, and no one is responsible for the state...Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides." MARGARET THATCHER

"We should not let our fears hold us back from pursuing our hopes. Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men." JOHN F. KENNEDY

"Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person. Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love." MOTHER TERESA

"Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at Earth and you will get neither." "One of the fundamental aspects of leadership is the ability to instill confidence in others when you yourself are feeling insecure." HOWARD SCHULTZ

"The Olivet people in general have always had a vision for what could be, even in the toughest times."


"Never give in – never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."

"The world is waiting for a new generation of leaders — men and women whose mission is more than profit, whose morality is not contextual, and whose very life is an expression of grace; leaders who will manage themselves, inspire others, and forge the future." JOHN C. BOWLING



For more information about Leadership Studies, go to www.olivet.edu



BIG MEN ON CAMPUS Taking the court in front of a packed house in Olivet’s 2,500-seat McHie Arena, the Tigers gave the crowd plenty to cheer about during their winning Homecoming performance. The men’s basketball team thrives under the guidance of Head Coach Ralph Hodge, who is on pace for a 700th win, sometime in early February.




Whether they are organizing a wood-splitting event for an impoverished community, scrubbing in for surgery in Papua New Guinea, or leading their peers through ROTC cadet training, Olivet students step up whenever and wherever there is opportunity to lead.




Students Take The Lead

College is often thought of as the place where future leaders are developed. But these Olivet students have no intention of waiting until graduation to step up and address the world’s greatest needs. Focusing their talents and passions on the greater good, they choose to lead ­— right here, right now.






FEATURE FOCUS Wall Street Journal. People Magazine. Oprah Winfrey. Chicago Tribune. One of the nation’s most impoverished communities, Pembroke, Ill., has captured the media’s attention more than once. Even so, after the reporters leave, the cameras stop rolling, and the handouts slow down, little if anything seems to change. More than awareness, the people of Pembroke need hope and meaningful change —and two Olivet sisters are committed to helping them find both. Becca and Katie Reed co-lead Compassionate Ministries, a campus organization that is part of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries’ international relief efforts. Together, they are leading volunteers and spreading their desire to help those in Pembroke Township, which lies only 20 minutes from the Olivet campus. “The shared vision to see Christ-like disciples in Pembroke is permeating the hearts of more and more people,” says Katie. “To doubt the potential of this amazing community would be to doubt the capability of our omnipotent God.” Both of these women are making use of their unique experience, talents and training to strengthen the ONU community’s partnership with Pembroke residents. Sophomore Katie is a social work major with minors in not-for-profit management and intercultural studies. Becca, a senior, is majoring in corporate communications with a business minor. During the fall semester, Becca and Katie partnered with CSL Behring for a major gift that would benefit the Pembroke community. The company committed $5,200 toward the completion of a library and child development program. Two months later, with a long line of residents gathering outside in anticipation, the new Pembroke District Library opened. For a township with no high school, police department or post office, the new library is a beacon of hope — a place where residents can gather to read, learn and enjoy a sense of community. The library will offer computers, free Wi-fi and child development programs staffed by Olivet volunteers.

“The library’s open house was tangible evidence of how able our great God is,” reflects Katie. Becca and Katie also played a key role in organizing a wood-splitting event in November, which will help provide warmth to more than 50 Pembroke families who could not afford gas for heating during the winter. Because of their unique background, the two sisters place great emphasis on partnering with those they seek to serve. Growing up as missionary children in Nairobi, Kenya, they saw how often people think of short-term mission trips or sending money as solutions. Both are valuable, they say, but long-term change often happens through education and infrastructure. With this in mind, they drafted a funding proposal, garnering $5,000 from Nazarene Compassionate Ministries to benefit community programs for Pembroke. “We are doing this so we can eventually step away from Pembroke,” explains Becca. “We want to build up the people who live there so they can do this themselves.” Dr. Houston Thompson, dean of Olivet’s School of Professional studies, has been a great ally for the Reeds and the other students involved. “The Pembroke community is full of possibilities and opportunities,” he says. As for the Reed sisters, they are ready to serve Pembroke as long as God continues to open doors for them to do so. “We are all impoverished and broken people,” says Katie. “We need to equip, love and disciple the Pembroke community.”




By the time he was a senior in high school, Brian Ginn ’14 knew he wanted to study medicine. He also knew Olivet Nazarene University was the right place to do it. Through a series of unique experiences in Olivet’s premed program, he has discovered his life calling. From the beginning, Brian found a challenging academic program, as well as a supportive community to learn with and from over the course of earning his four-year degree. “I got to know my classmates and professors very well, especially during lab,” Brian says. “It’s a rigorous program.” Among the classmates he bonded with was his now girlfriend Abigail Helmker ’13, who began as a freshman at Olivet in 2009 and who recently completed her second semester at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine. Like Brian, she was confident the biology department was where she belonged.


“Dr. Pyle walks us through the dissection and gives us a taste of what performing surgery is like,” explains Brian. “Even during class, he applies the material we are learning to medical practice.” The classroom isn’t the only place where students apply their learning. Olivet has recently partnered with Riverside Hospital’s nationally acclaimed Silhouette program, a job shadowing program for students looking to pursue careers in healthcare. Here, students receive firsthand application of their studies in a well-respected hospital. Many of Olivet’s pre-med students, including Brian and Abigail, also gain considerable experience overseas. For Abigail, it was an eight-week trip to Zambia, where she led revival services and taught natives about HIV/ AIDS.

“As a child, whenever I was asked the question, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ my answer was always the same. I wanted to be a doctor.”

“My experiences in Zambia reaffirmed my decision to pursue medicine and missions,” Abigail says. “That summer, God taught me to have compassion on His children who were sick and hurting.”

Olivet’s pre-med track boasts two cadavers, one male and one female, a distinct advantage over most undergraduate programs. Students also gain from the experienced perspective and mentorship of Dr. Michael Pyle, practicing surgeon and ONU biology professor.

In summer 2012, Dr. Pyle and his wife led a team of 14 students (mostly those in the pre-med and nursing programs) to Papua New Guinea for two weeks. Brian was among this group, which worked alongside a surgeon at the Nazarene hospital there.


Following med school, Abigail intends to pursue her calling as a medical missionary.

One year later, Brian went back, but this time on his own and for seven weeks.

“I am grateful not only for Dr. Pyle, but for all of my professors in the biology department,” she says. “These professors taught me to love biology, and they invested in my life, challenging me to be the best that I could be.”

“When I got there, I did everything from scrubbing in on a surgery and working with the surgical team, to patient interaction,” Brian recalls. “I also sutured patients under the supervision of the local physician. I got more experience in a third world country than I ever would have in the States.” Dr. Pyle is confident in the power of an Olivet degree. “We train biologists very well for whatever their next step is — whether that be grad school, medical school, dental school or anything else. Our program prepares them well.”


During this trip, Brian remembers saying to himself, “You could do this long-term!”

Brian is finishing up his undergraduate degree and has begun applying to medical schools. He has already been accepted to one, and is waiting to hear back from several others. “I don’t know that anyone ever feels completely ready to send out med school applications. But I can say with confidence that Olivet has given me a high-quality, wellrounded education. I am fully prepared for my next step.”

Abigail, who graduated in 2013 and was immediately accepted into her first choice medical school, emphatically agrees. “I can say with complete honesty and confidence that the classes and laboratories I participated in as a biology student at Olivet have more than adequately prepared me for the rigors of medical school,” she says. “Having already dissected cadavers during my undergraduate career, I excelled in my intensive medical school anatomy course.”





It pained sophomore Cortney Allenbaugh that she couldn’t return home to central Illinois, where tornado victims in Washington were picking up the pieces after a mid-November storm left at least 120 injured, one dead and the town of 15,000 cleaning up debris from a 175mph twister. So she and teammate Liz Bart (senior, Cary, Ill.) did the best they could from ONU’s campus. The pair teamed up to raise money for victims, spontaneously taking up a collection at halftime of the basketball team’s next home game. Friends, family and even Olivet’s out-of-state opponents made donations. “It was the coolest thing to see everyone get out their wallets,” said Cortney, whose hometown of Morton is less than 10 miles from Washington. “We just went around with a basket. And people gave.” Weeks after the game, donations kept coming, and Cortney was able to return home over Christmas break with hundreds of dollars for victims. What a gift.



No one has more experience on the hardwood than Tony Banks, the lone senior on the Olivet men’s basketball team. But the Peoria, Ill., native knows his leadership off the court is just as important. In the midst of the Tigers’ busy season, Tony and his teammates invest in children through an annual two-day program that includes both fellowship and basketball, done in partnership with the Chicago Heights Church of the Nazarene. This year’s event in February is the eighth annual. “The kids see us on the court,” Tony said, “but it’s important to show them who we are off the court, as well. We carry something with us, and that something is Christ.” As many as 500 kids come each year to see the Tigers in action at a Saturday home game at McHie Arena. The following day, players and coaches go to the Chicago south suburban church to participate in Sunday worship, take part in an after-church luncheon and conduct a two-hour basketball clinic.


The clinic is part of the church’s sports ministry program, which Jeff Hale, a 1991 ONU graduate, started with an eight-player basketball camp in 2000. Today, the program has expanded to include other sports like football, baseball and soccer, and it hosts 1,200 kids. “In everything we do, we try to show Christ,” Jeff said. “It’s important for our younger kids to see college kids living lives for Christ.” That’s why each year an Olivet player gives his testimony during the Sunday worship service. And that’s why Tony, who will be participating in the event for the fourth time, sees the importance of taking time to teach kids not only basketball skills, but also how to live lives of faith. And, of course, to sign autographs for kids who one day hope to be playing on a college basketball court, too. “It’s only a one-day thing,” Tony said, “but these are lessons that can stay with the kids for the rest of their lives.”

TONY BANKS by Caleb Benoit



SAM PIMPO by Laura Wasson Warfel

Running through the woods with the sting of January’s wind. Crawling across a snow-covered field in February. Falling in for early morning exercises while the sky is still dark. Leading a squad of nine to 15 cadets in these activities taught ROTC cadet Sam Pimpo (senior, engineering major, Antioch, Ill.) what kind of leader he is. “I’m a lead by action individual, not a big talker,” Sam says. “This semester, I was the guy in charge. I had to motivate our battalion with words, which was a challenge for me. I had to find the right words to relate with each individual.” Students like Sam gain unparalleled leadership experience through Olivet’s Roaring Tigers Battalion. “You don’t have to be Gen. George Patton to be a leader,” says Maj. Karen Crocker, Olivet’s new chair of the Department of Military Science. “Quiet leaders can be very successful, too.” Before joining Olivet’s faculty and ROTC program, Maj. Crocker served as a company commander, training



soldiers for serving in the Middle East, and as a battalion executive officer, managing staff offices. “As a leader, I must be who I say I am, set an example, follow through and be present,” she says. “Taking care of people is hugely important.” “Ultimately, the success of any mission is based on the team,” she adds. “A leader has to take care of his or her team and allow them to be successful.” Developing leaders is the top priority for Maj. Crocker and the other officers as they work with ROTC cadets in Olivet’s Roaring Tiger Battalion. “Our job is to push them out of their comfort zones,” she says. “Together, we break down each assignment into manageable parts and set them up for success. Along the way, we give them just enough guidance without doing the work for them.” “Mentorship is a huge part of developing leaders in ROTC,” Maj. Crocker says. “When our cadets leave here, they are ready for what they will be asked to do as second lieutenants in the U.S. Army.” With the rank of second lieutenant, a soldier is likely to lead a platoon of 40 to 60 soldiers, responsible for each

FEATURE FOCUS one’s morale, health, welfare and safety. “Sometimes a leader has to have the confidence to admit when he or she is wrong,” Maj. Crocker says. “The confidence to listen and follow the advice of others.” One of Sam’s greatest challenges has been developing his confidence as a leader. “No one wants to follow a leader who isn’t confident, especially in difficult situations,” he says. The risks presented to him in the ROTC program have stretched him and helped him develop the confidence he needs. During summer 2012, his experiences in air assault school at Fort Benning, Ga., provided him with many opportunities to stretch and learn. Immersed in ten days of training focused on helicopters, he had his first real Army experience outside of ROTC. “My final test was to rappel out of a Black Hawk helicopter,” he says. “When the time came, I was prepared to do it. I went straight down to the ground.” Going forward, Sam knows he will be prepared for a lifetime of leadership tests.

Hire a Leader Looking for dependable interns or new staff? Featuring job postings, networking opportunities, industry articles and résumé building tools, Olivet’s newest career resource — HireOlivetians.com — connects talented ONU students and alumni with the organizations where they will thrive.

To learn more, go to www.hireolivetians.com WWW.OLIVET.EDU


Brock and Nancy Luginbill

JESUS+ SKATE BOARDS LaRoca Skate Church // Quito, Ecuador by Casey Manes




//At first glance, it might look like Brock Luginbill ’91 is having trouble growing up. On any given work day, he’s more likely to be clad in comfy digs and atop his skateboard, than in a business office. And he’s not exactly surrounded by friends whose influence would make your mama happy, either. “I know a kid who has come out of heroin addiction, others out of drug and alcohol abuse. One used to roll joints with pages of the Bible,” shares Brock. “One came out of selling drugs and one young man walked through the aftermath of an aborted son.” This business administration major is still amazed at how the first skateboard he earned cutting grass at age nine foreshadowed his life calling.

// Following the plan

After earning a degree in business administration at Olivet, Brock had a keen focus on his “life plan.” It was a far cry from his current calling. He fully intended to spend his days in a business office. He set his sights on teaching at the college level after garnering experience at the corporate and entrepreneurial levels. The check marks were quick to tally up on his todo list: master’s from Notre Dame, corporate bank experience, owning his own businesses, finding success. Amidst all this education and professionalism, he felt an uneasy tug toward a new “life plan.” Gradually, Brock and wife Nancy (Greene) ’94 came to the clear conclusion they were supposed to become missionaries to Ecuador. They moved there so Brock could oversee the business aspects of a Christian retreat center.

// A change in calling

Brock has been skateboarding off and on since purchasing that first board as a boy. He and college buddies at ONU were some of “those kids” hanging out anywhere they could to catch some air and conjure up an adrenaline rush. His claim to fame was skating with MTV’s star of Rob and Big during some of his college summers working at a skate shop.

So when the Luginbills arrived in Quito as missionaries and people mentioned some of the street kids wanted to learn to skate, Brock was quick to oblige. It was right up his alley, after all. “I started to spend time at a couple of decrepit old skate parks that exist in Quito,” explains Brock. “God started scooping in all of these kids who came from difficult backgrounds, many of whom dealt with addictions. It provided me with a voice into their lives.” “One morning,” he says, “during my devotional time, the Lord told me outright, ‘You’re going to build a skate park.’”

// La Roca Skate Church was born

“After a year of praying and seeking, God opened the door to make that a reality. And as is always the case, His timing was perfect.” With his team of fellow youth skaters, Brock built a skate park and began organized small groups, church gatherings at the park and very intentional prayer and relational ministry to the kids hungry for a place to belong. “The mainstream church is simply irrelevant to these guys,” explains Brock on the need for an unorthodox church model. “Skateboarding gives me a common interest, a way to hang out, and a reason to be involved in these kids’ lives. The fact that La Roca gives them a safe place to skate adds to that credibility.” “They have been invited into a relationship with Jesus,” says Brock. “I have seen God heal and grow kids in a way I never thought possible.” Check out a video featuring Brock and LaRoca at www.olivetthemagazine.com

Today, Tomorrow,

Your financial support enables the next generation of Olivetians to make an impact in their workplaces, homes, churches and communities. Together, our reach spans the globe. Learn more about how you can further your family’s financial planning while supporting Olivet’s mission. Contact our stewardship experts in the Office of Development. 815-939-5171 · development@olivet.edu

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OLIVET, THE MAGAZINE chats with Caitlin (Gidcumb) Colling ’10 Wardrobe Stylist Nashville, Tenn.



As a stylist, what exactly do you do?

I help celebrities, musicians and everyday people look their best by selecting clothes for them to wear on red carpets, magazines, album covers and for everyday life.

Coolest moments so far? I worked with Kelly Clarkson (pictured right) on a major magazine cover shoot, and Saks Fifth Avenue hired me to style the launch of their e-commerce campaign. I was also on the styling team for Project Runway Season 11 finalist Amanda Valentine’s fashion show in Nashville. My work has been published in magazines like Vogue Italia, Nashville Lifestyles, Native Magazine, Parade Magazine, Gladys and YW, and on various major blogs.

How did Olivet prepare you? Business courses prepared me to manage the logistics of being a self-employed business owner. I took an entrepreneurship class that taught me how to write a business plan, thinking both critically and creatively. Godly business mentors gave me great examples to model my business after. My fashion merchandising classes gave me the fundamentals of fashion to build on after I graduated. Marketing courses helped me market my business and myself in a competitive field. While the courses I took at Olivet gave me the knowledge of how to launch a business, ultimately it was the spiritual climate at Olivet that allowed me to be open to the Lord’s leading. What has been your biggest challenge? For me, it was avoiding discouragement early in my career. I knew what I wanted to do, and I knew I had the talent and determination. When things weren't happening on my timing, though, I questioned myself. My vision and passion are what pulled me through, helping me see past the adversities. What risks have you taken in your career? My first big risk was moving to Colorado right out of college, interning with an image consultant in Denver and getting valuable hands-on experience. After I got married, I moved from the comfort of Bourbonnais and being near my family in Illinois to pursue styling in Nashville. I also turned down many higher paying jobs directly after college so that I could focus on my business. It wasn’t easy, but I knew that things worth having don’t come easy, that I would have to work hard and sacrifice to get them.

What’s it like being a Christian in the fashion industry? The fashion industry is similar to many other industries in that it is culturally, ethnically and ideologically diverse. So there always will be people who believe differently. I strive to show Christ's love to everyone I meet because it is important for people to notice the person I am before they hear everything I believe. My experience in the fashion industry has given me a platform to point people to the transforming power and love of God at work in my life. Tell us a little about your family. I am married to Phil Colling ’10, whom I met at Olivet, and he currently teaches high school biology and anatomy in Hendersonville, Tenn. We had our first child, McCovey James Colling, in May 2013. My parents are wonderful, selfless people who taught me to love the Lord, value my family and pursue my dreams. I am the middle child in a family of five children. My older sister (Lauren Gidcumb Mingus ’03) went to Olivet and was an All-American softball player. My younger brother (Coleman Gidcumb, senior) currently goes to Olivet and was awarded all-conference in football. What advice do you have for our students? Let your passion, not money, be your guide. Follow your passion and the money will follow — and more importantly, you will be rewarded with doing what you love to do.

Learn more about Olivet's Fashion Merchandising program at www.olivet.edu


Favorite part of the job? I love working with people, seeing the “aha” moments when they realize they can wear something or do something they did not think they could before. My clients are usually at a point in their lives and careers where they want to make a change. It is incredibly rewarding for me to be a small part in their upward trajectory.







B Raymond A. Dieter Jr., M.D. ’54 has written his fourth medical textbook. A thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon and one of the first physicians to practice minimal invasive surgery in the chest area, he has practiced medicine in Glen Ellyn, Ill., for many years. He continues working at Tri City Health Partnership Free Medical Clinic in St. Charles, Ill., and serves as chairman of the Center for Surgery in Naperville, Ill. Giving medical lectures and teaching his techniques, he has traveled the U.S. and the world. His two sons, Raymond Jr. and Robert, are also physicians in the thoracic and cardiovascular fields.


Cheryl (Turbett) Wadsworth ’77 was recently

appointed as the director of fiscal services for Barrington (Ill.) School District 220. She and her husband, Mike, reside in Elgin, Ill.

1981 C

Linda (Sievert) Egnatz ’81 has received two significant national awards: 2014 National Language Teacher of the Year from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (Orlando, Fla., November 2013) and the Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching (Awards Gala at WTTW-11, October 2013). She is a Spanish language teacher at Lincoln-Way North High School, Frankfort, Ill. A National Board Certified Teacher, she is currently serving as president of the Illinois Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages and is an advisory board member of the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

Professional Accomplishments, Weddings, Births and Adoptions


Lois Perrigo ’81 completed two years of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) training, including a residency at the University of Kansas Hospital, and is now serving as a hospital chaplain at Shawnee Mission Medical Center, Shawnee, Kan.

1982 E

George “Andy” Kirkpatrick ’82 was promoted to colonel in the United States Air Force September 30, 2013. After graduating from Olivet, he received a J.D. degree from Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis. His Air Force career spans 24 years of service as a judge advocate with assignments in Oklahoma, New Mexico, North Dakota, Colorado and Georgia. With this promotion, he assumes the duty of deputy staff judge advocate with the Air Force Reserve Command at Robins Air Force Base, Ga. He is married to the former Lil Maurer ’82. They have five children, including Olivetians Matthew ’12 (now a student in ONU’s M.Div. program) and Michael ’14.


William H. Slattery III, M.D. ’84 has authored The Facial Nerve, a concise yet comprehensive guide to the pathology, diagnosis and treatment of facial nerve disorders. Addressing important facial nerve problems, such as congenital disorders and Bell’s palsy, this text provides physicians with the most up-to-date medical and surgical treatment recommendations. It succinctly covers the essential aspects of facial nerve management and is a musthave reference for otolaryngologists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, facial plastic surgeons, ophthalmologists and physical therapists caring for patients with facial nerve disorders.


F Keith and Kristeena (Jackson) ’96 Billiot

were married August 17, 2013, in Plano, Ill. Both are employed by the Department of Justice and are currently on foreign assignments. They will live in the United States at a later time.


Christopher ’98 and Kristan Buckman: A girl,

Lydian Veronica, born August 5, 2013. Chris is a senior geophysicist at AMEC Environment and Infrastructure. Kristan is an eighth grade science teacher in Geneva, Ill. They reside in North Aurora, Ill.


G Ryan and Marcy (Miller) ’01 Secor: A boy, Dylan Ryan, born February 12, 2013. Dylan joins big brother, Evan Kristopher (3). Marcy is a fourth grade teacher in Tinley Park, Ill. Ryan is a commercial airline pilot. They reside in Mokena, Ill.


H BJ ’03 and Chelsie (Rountree) ‘06 Geasa: A girl, Brynn Elizabeth, born September 21, 2013. Chelsie works in financial solutions with Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies. BJ is head athletic trainer at Olivet. They reside in Bradley, Ill.


I Jonathan ’04 and Tiffany (DeMint) ’04 DeZwaan: A boy, William Wesley,

born October 19, 2013. Tiffany is a lead copywriter for W.W. Grainger and a freelance copyeditor, and Jonathan is a Clinical Experience Manager at RSA Medical. They reside in DeKalb, Ill.


J David and Sara (Hart) ’05 Risi: Twin

girls, Eleanor Louise and Madeline Joy, born May 24, 2013. Sara is a licensed clinical social worker at Good Samaritan Counseling Center. David is a team lead at FedEx. They reside in Anchorage, Alaska.

1) Tim and Nicole (Classen) ’05 Baum were

married July 13, 2013, in St. Louis, Mo. Nicole works for the Belleville Area Special Services Cooperative as a school psychologist. Tim is a teacher in the Belleville #118 School District. They reside in St. Louis, Mo.


1! Nathan ’07 and Georgia (English) ’09

Merki: A boy, Asher Timothy. He joins brother, Benjamin, 2. Nathan is manager of development information systems at Olivet, and Georgia designs DIY furniture and craft projects for MoreLikeHome.net. They reside in Bradley, Ill.


1@ Matt and Donna (Hollandsworth) ’08 MAPC McAllister: A girl, Zoey Paige, born May

13, 2013. Zoey joins big brother, Cooper. They reside in Bourbonnais, Ill.


1# Kevin ’09 and Nina (Mengarelli) ’09

Wakefield: A girl, Layla Belle, born July 5, 2013. Nina is a staff accountant with the Duchossois Group. Kevin is a mechanical engineer at IMI Cornelius. They reside in Oakbrook Terrace, Ill.

1$ Andrew and Brittany (Anderson) ’09 Orians were married in October 2013.

They met through Christianmingle. com in December 2011 and began dating in January 2012. Andrew is a software engineer with TechSmith in Okemos, Mich. Brittany is a mental health case manager for the specialized residential program at Training and Treatment Innovation, Inc., in Oxford, Mich. They reside in Bloomfield Hills, Mich.


1% Isaac ’10 and Rachel (Hoffman) ’09 Escobar: A girl, Naomi Evelina, born

November 2013. Rachel was a nursing major. They reside in Wilmore, Ky.


Joshua ’10 and Emely (Ibanez) ’10 Tijerina

were married on August 10, 2013. Joshua is in his last year of graduate school at Loyola University of Maryland, and Emely is working full-time as a market sales support representative at Tessco Technologies. They reside in Baltimore, Md.


1( Dale ’12 and Kayla (Guy) ’12 Stoops: A girl, Ella, born November 17, 2013. Dale is the pastor at South Side Church of the Nazarene, Terre Haute, Ind., and Kayla is a stay-at-home mom. They reside in Terre Haute, Ind. 2) Edward Gilbreath ’12 MHIS will release his new book, Birmingham Revolution: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Epic Challenge to the Church (InterVarsity Press), on Martin Luther King Day, January 24, 2014. This book is his master’s thesis, and he is the first in his degree program to have his or her thesis published. An award-winning journalist and author, he is an editor at large for Christianity Today and former editor of Today’s Christian magazines. He is also the founding editor of Urban Ministries Inc.’s online magazine, UrbanFaith.com.


1& Matt and Angela (Williams) Crane ’11 were

married September 28, 2013. Rev. Charles Williams ’81, father of the bride, officiated at the wedding. The Cranes both work full-time in retail. They reside in Rapid City, Mich.

1* Jordan ’11 and Kati (Downs) ’11 Gerstenberger were married October, 12, 2013, in Vicksburg, Mich. Jordan is an admissions counselor and Kati is the resident director in Parrott Hall at Olivet.












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1* 1(

Jordan and Kati’s Wedding Party were all Olivet alumni and students:

(from left to right) Joy (Dierickx) Guffey ‘10, Caitlin McNeil ‘11, Sarah Thoeming ‘11, Audrey (Penrod) VanDerra ‘12, Chelsea Speas ‘13, Chelsey (Downs) Sanchez ‘10, Ashley (Downs) Robbins ‘08, Jeff Gerstenberger ‘17, Jeff Lamping ‘10, Kreigh Cook ‘11, Hector Sanchez ‘08, Brian Robbins ‘08, Tyler Sauer ‘12





815-939-5258 | www.olivet.edu

LADIES DAY 2014 Event held in Centennial Chapel

Featuring Lisa Harper of the Women of Faith tour and the music of Olivet

APR 26

PRIMETIME TRIP Visit Colonial Williamsburg's historic area and see hundreds of restored, reconstructed, and historically furnished buildings. Costumed interpreters tell the stories of the men and women of the 18th-century city.

MAY 19-23

HOMECOMING AND FAMILY WEEKEND 2014 With Homecoming concert featuring Sandi Patty



CLASSES Mildred R. Thompson ’46 passed away July 20, 2013. She was born November 22, 1922. She was a resident of Glendale, Ariz. Rev. Gordon C. Wickersham ’47 of Bourbonnais, Ill., passed away December 27, 2013 at home. Rev. Gordon C. Wickersham was the 2010 recipient of Olivet’s ministerial “O” Award, honoring a lifetime of ministry and 50-plus years of service through higher education. Gordon was born May 23, 1926, in Binghamton, N.Y., the son of Ross and Olive (Clement) Wickersham. He received his bachelor's degree in philosophy and English from Olivet Nazarene University. He also held two master's degrees in philosophy, one from Boston University and the other from Nazarene Theological Seminary. He married the former Marva Davis on March 31, 1950, at First Church of the Nazarene (Kansas City, Mo.). Together, they went on to have three children, four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Rev. Wickersham spent eight years pastoring churches in Texas, Illinois and Indiana. He worked at Bethany Nazarene College for 11 years as publicity director as well as alumni director. He then worked at Olivet Nazarene University for 20 years, fulfilling a variety of roles in student recruitment, communications and alumni relations. He was behind the restyling of The Olivet Collegian/Olivetian in 1975, and oversaw 20 alumni publications during his time as editor. After retirement, Rev. Wickersham was a religion writer, photographer and associate editor for The Daily Journal (Kankakee, Ill.). In 2011, he was honored by that publication with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Gordon also continued to actively volunteer for Olivet even in his final days, serving as University historian for the Alumni Board, editorial consultant and photographer. Ray J. Hawkins ’49 peacefully went to be with his best friend, Jesus Christ, September 9, 2013, at home in Duluth, Minn. He was born November 15, 1923, in Chicago Heights, Ill., to Herbert and Hattie Hawkins. His loving wife of 68 years, Priscilla Hawkins, preceded Ray’s home going by only 10 months. Ray served in WWII and, when the war ended, he and Priscilla started a church in Wichita, Kan. They later pastored in Denver, Grand Junction and Pueblo (Belmont), Colo.; Clovis, N.M.; and Hooker, Okla. After a semi-retirement, they served as chaplains at the Pueblo Villa for 13 years. Pastor Ray traveled to six countries for children’s ministry, portraying biblical characters, performing gospel magic and playing his trombone. Children loved being in Grandpa Ray’s reading circle. For several years, science camp children benefited from his talents and imagination when they explored his constructed Space Shuttle, underground tunnels and a full-size whale in Guymon. He was an active member of Pueblo’s Astronomy and Rock Clubs. He loved Jesus Christ, his family and all things to do with God’s perfect creation. He will truly be missed by many.



Rev. Daniel Chitwood ’90 , age 45, passed away on December 17, 2013, at home. Born in Flint, Mich., Daniel was a pastor with Cross Bridge Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.) for 11 years, together with his wife of 23 years Kimberly (Gillespie) ’90 and children, Taylor, Jordan, Payton and Danni. He served on staff with Youth for Christ for 12 years; was a graduate of Olivet where he played football and was the team captain. He was a board member of Indiana Ministries and coached PAL football.

Dr. Ken Johnson ’93, age 43, of Kankakee, formerly of Brighton, Mich., passed away Nov. 2, 2013 at Munson Medical Center in Traverse City, Mich. He was the chair of Olivet’s Department of Engineering. Ken was born July 8, 1970, in Athens, Ga., the son of David and Jeri Johnson. He earned a bachelor's degree at Olivet Nazarene University, a master's degree from the University of Michigan in 1997, and his doctorate from Loughborough University in England in 2008. Ken served his country in the U.S. Marine Corps. On May 15, 1993, in Decatur, Ind., Ken married Jennifer Alberts. Together, they had four children, Sydney, Erick, Luke and Bethany. Dr. Johnson came to Olivet at the peak of his career in engineering, as the senior researcher and president of Solidica, Inc. He held two patents, was the recipient of numerous industry awards, regularly presented at international conferences and expositions, and published articles in multiple scholarly and industry journals. Since joining the Olivet faculty in 2012, Dr. Johnson quickly established himself as valuable leader, mentor, teacher and friend. Under Dr. Johnson’s leadership, Olivet’s engineering department experienced an unparalleled spike in student enrollment. He also successfully led the department through an intensive scheduled review for accreditation with the Engineering Commission for ABET. He was a member of the Nazarene Church for 20 years, served several missions in Africa through the church and taught Sunday school and was involved in the Praise Band. He loved the outdoors. He enjoyed biking, running, soccer, golfing, and most of all, any and all of his family's activities, and when time would allow, he enjoyed working on his vintage Ford Mustang.




Includes majors, minors and concentrations



Accounting Actuarial Science Art Art Education Athletic Coaching Athletic Training Biblical Languages Biblical Studies Biochemistry Biology Business Administration Business Administration — Not-for-profit Mgmnt Business Information Systems Chemistry Child Development Children’s Ministry Christian Education Commercial Graphics/ Marketing Communication Studies Computer Science Corporate Communication Criminal Justice Dietetics Digital Media: Graphics Digital Media: Photography Drawing & Illustration Early Childhood Education Earth & Space Science Teaching Economics & Finance Elementary Education Engineering - Computer Concentration Engineering - Electrical Concentration Engineering - Geological Concentration Engineering - Mechanical Concentration English English as a Second Language English Education

Environmental Science Exercise Science Family & Consumer Sciences Family & Consumer Sciences Education Family Studies Fashion Merchandising Film Studies Finance Forensic Chemistry French General Studies Geography Geological Sciences Greek Health Education Hebrew History History Teaching Hospitality Information Systems Information Technology Intercultural Studies Interior Design International Business International Marketing Journalism Leadership Studies Legal Studies Literature Management Marketing Marketing Management Mass Communication Mathematics Mathematics Education Media Production Military Affairs Military Science Ministerial Missions Missions & Intercultural Studies Multimedia Studies Music Music Composition

Music Education Music Ministry Music Performance Musical Theatre Nursing Painting Pastoral Ministry Philosophy & Religion Physical Education & Health Teaching Physical Science Political Science Pre-Art Therapy Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Print & Online Journalism Psychology Public Policy Public Relations Radio Broadcasting Recreation, Sports & Fitness Religion Religious Studies Science Education Secondary Education Social Science Social Science Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish Education Sport Management Television & Video Production Theatre Writing Youth Ministry Zoology

More than 100 areas of study organized into four schools and one college. Bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees are offered. Students have the opportunity to study in locations such as Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles.


As a Christian community, we are committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith then in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do. Through chapel services, each segment of the college community has the opportunity to join with others in worship, receive instruction in the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world-renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel.


More than 4,600 (2,700 undergraduate) students from more than 45 states and several world areas, representing more than 40 religious denominations.


More than 120 faculty members, most with terminal degrees or the highest degrees available in their respective fields. Student-teacher ratio of 17:1.


At Olivet Nazarene University, champions are born each season within 21 intercollegiate teams, with a commitment to provide competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis, and track and field. Varsity women compete in basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half of the student body participates in Olivet’s thriving intramural and club sports programs.


Students participate in more than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine, ROTC, Radio Broadcasting (Shine.FM), numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including marching band and the University orchestra), drama and musical theatre performances, intramural athletics, as well as community volunteer and spiritual life organizations.


Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 37,000 alumni living around the world.


Olivet believes in affordable excellence and the cost to attend the University is competitively priced for private colleges nationwide. More than 99 percent of Olivet students receive financial aid, totaling more than $90 million in federal and state grants and institutional scholarships.


Olivet admits qualified students based on high school record (or college transcripts for transfer students) and ACT score. The average ACT score for incoming freshmen is 23.


The beautiful, park-like campus includes 31 major buildings on 250 acres. We are located in the Village of Bourbonnais, just 50 miles south of Chicago’s Loop, with additional School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations in Rolling Meadows and Oak Brook, Ill., Indianapolis, and in Hong Kong.


Includes the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (www.ncahlc.org), the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the American Dietetics Association, the Council on Social Work Education, the National Association of Schools of Music, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.


Business: Bachelor of Business Administration,+ Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration Counseling: Master of Arts in Professional Counseling, Master of Arts in School Counseling Education: Safety and Driver Education Endorsement, English as a Second Language Endorsement, Middle School Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Teacher Leader Endorsement,* Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction,+ Master of Arts in Education: Library Information Specialist, Master of Arts in Education: Reading Specialist,+ Master of Arts in Teaching, Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership – Interdisciplinary History: Master of Arts: Philosophy of History or Political Theory Nursing: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing,* Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN), Master of Science in Nursing,* Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Ministry: Master of Arts: Biblical Literature, Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts: Pastoral Leadership,* Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity, Master of Arts: Youth Ministry, Bachelor of Practical Ministry, Master of Practical Ministry * online + classroom and online



BENEDICTION Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace; Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much seek To be consoled as to console; To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Amen. 60




www.olivet.edu 800-648-1463





for high school seniors

Every weekday, Olivet offers unique visit days for high school students and their families.

Feb. 12, 2014 March 27, 2014 April 10, 2014

Feb. 28 – Mar. 1, 2014 March 21 – 22, 2014 April 4 – 5, 2014

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