KKLA Magazine Issue 14

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KKLA Magazine

Issue 14



Be a “Foreign” Missionary... in Southern California! I had the privilege of growing up here in southern California. My elementary school years were spent in Downey, and my high school years in San Clemente (south Orange County.) When it was time for college I left southern California and headed “north,” all the way to Santa Barbara! But in God’s providence I returned to Los Angeles and have been serving in a variety of capacities at KKLA for 28 years. Just in our lifetime we have seen massive demographic changes here—a literal flood of immigrants. Did you know that 224 different languages are spoken in homes right here in southern California? According to U.C.L.A. Professor Vyacheslav Ivanov 92 different languages are spoken by students in the Los Angeles Unified School District alone. God has literally brought nearly “every tribe and tongue” to live here. So how can you be a foreign missionary in southern California? Direct your foreign language friends to Find foreign language www.kkla.com/languages. Our ministry partners bible teaching at (Charles Stanley, Thru the Bible, Chuck Swindoll, etc.) kkla.com/languages have foreign language websites that you can link to from KKLA’s website. There you will find Bible teaching in over 100 different languages—from Albanian to Arabic to Cambodian to Chinese to Farsi to Japanese to Korean to Russian to Spanish to Vietnamese to Zulu and scores of other languages in between! We can bring the gospel to the ends of the earth without leaving town! Thank you for listening to KKLA and for sharing KKLA with your friends.

Terry Fahy Vice-President / General Manager KKLA

Any Thoughts on KKLA Programming? Email Terry at tfahy@kkla.com


KKLA Magazine

Issue 13

In this issue... KKLAMAGAZINE.COM


Issue 14







ADMINISTRATION Terry Fahy Vice President/General Manager, Salem Los Angeles Katherine Worthington General Sales Manager, 99.5 FM KKLA Chuck Tyler Program Director, Salem Los Angeles ADVERTISING INQUIRIES Katherine Worthington General Sales Manager, 99.5 FM KKLA (818) 662-3743 Contributors: Jim Tinker, Salem Los Angeles Art Direction & Design: Olive Group Design OliveGroup.biz

04 | Be a “Foreign” Missionary in SoCal! by Terry Fahy

08 | Rewards and Regrets in Heaven by Robert Jeffress

14 | Why I Love the Church by John MacArthur

26 |

The Seven Minute Marriage Solution by Steve Arterburn

30 | Five Barriers to Real Fellowship by Mike Fabarez

34 | The Power of “I Need You” by Dennis Rainey

39 | True Identity by June Hunt

KKLA Magazine

Issue 14





KKLA Magazine

Issue 14

Robert Jeffress



ave you ever wondered, , “Should I be concerned about God’s evaluation of my life? Do my words, my thoughts, my actions, my motivations count at all after I become a Christian? Does how I obey God in this life have any impact on the kind of eternal future I enjoy?” The answer to all of those questions is Yes. One of the greatest myths about eternity is that all Christians will experience the same Heaven, and all non-Christians will experience the same Hell. That myth is neither logical, nor more importantly is it biblical. It is true that every genuine believer in Christ will be welcomed into Heaven, but the biblical truth is some Christians are going to be surprised when Jesus Christ disqualifies their works, and they end up forfeiting their rewards in Heaven. The result of that forfeiture of rewards is going to be real loss, and eternal regret. The Bible says that one day we’re going to stand before God, and we’re going to be evaluated, and yet many Christians have a difficult KKLA Magazine

Issue 14


time accepting that truth. They say: “Doesn’t becoming a Christian mean that God has forgiven me of all of the bad things in my life? And when God forgives, doesn’t he forget?” The reason Christians reject this certainty is because they have been erroneously taught that once we become a Christian, our sins and our good works make no difference to God. When God forgives our sins, He takes our sin and wraps it around Jesus Christ, and He takes the righteousness of Jesus Christ and he wraps it around us. By doing this, God no longer sees our sin, but the righteousness of Jesus Christ. While this is absolutely true, it does not negate the truth of God’s evaluation of our life. We are not saved by good works, but we have been saved for good works. If I make it into Heaven isn’t that enough? Won’t I be totally satisfied if I just make it into Heaven? The apostle Paul doesn’t hesitate to answer these questions. He says there are going to be real, lasting,

felt consequences depending upon how we do at the judgment seat of Christ. 1st Corinthians 3:14-15 tell us, “If any man’s work which he has built on it remains, he shall receive a reward. If any man’s work is burned up, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as through fire.”

Rewards in Heaven

Let’s talk about the rewards. Verse 14 says the one who does well, he shall receive a reward. What are these rewards? The Bible talks about crowns in Heaven that

Paul says there are two possible outcomes that await us at the judgment seat of Christ. One possible outcome is rewards and the other outcome is regrets. await the faithful. There is the crown of glory, for those who serve in church leadership. (1 Peter 5:4) There is the crown of joy which is associated with evangelism. (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20) There’s the crown of life which is reserved for those who endure the trials of life. (James 1:12) There’s the crown of righteousness that is bestowed on those who lived their lives in anticipation of the Lord’s returns. (2 Timothy 2:4) Now, some people believe that these are actual crowns that we’re going to wear in Heaven. Other people say they are actual crowns that according to Revelation 4:10 we’re going to cast down at the feet of Christ. But I prefer to believe that these crowns, and


KKLA Magazine

Issue 14

...there’s going to be special praise from the Lord for those who are faithful. Think back to a time when your mom or dad said to you, “I am so proud of you.” I think there’s reason to do so, are symbolic of very real and tangible rewards that await the faithful. First of all, there are going to be special privileges in Heaven for the faithful — for those who do well at the judgment seat of Christ. 2 Peter 1:11 says there is going to be a special entrance into the kingdom of God. Revelation 2:7 says there’s going to special access to the tree of life. Even Luke 12:37

says there’s going to be special treatment by Christ to those who are faithful. I don’t pretend to understand what all these perks mean, but the Bible says they are real, and they’re really worth working and sacrificing for in this life. Secondly, there’s going to be special praise from the Lord for those who are faithful. Think back to a time when your mom or dad said to you, “I am so proud of you. It’s KKLA Magazine

Issue 14


an honor to be your mom, your dad.” Maybe your employer brought you into his office and said, “I want you to know how much I appreciate what you’re doing for our organization. We couldn’t make it if it weren’t for you.” That kind of praise can keep you going on for years. Matthew 25:21 says those who serve faithfully in this life will hear that kind of praise from the Lord. Thirdly, there are going to be positions of authority for those who do well at the judgment seat of Christ. Matthew 25:21, “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’” And those who do well at the judgment seat of Christ one day will rule over planets, over the angels, over other believers. I know what you’re thinking: “You’ve got to be kidding. More work in Heaven? That sounds like Hell to me. The last thing I want to do is have responsibility.” Well, think again. Genesis tells us that we were created in God’s image. God is a worker. He created us to be workers. He wanted us to find satisfaction in our work. He wanted us to be exhilarated, not debilitated by our work. The only reason work became painful is because of sin that entered into the world, but one day, that sin is going to be gone. We’ll no longer have bodies that get tired or have sour relationships that characterize many workplaces. We’ll be able to work as God intended us to work and it will be satisfying. Those who do well at the judgment seat of Christ are going to have these extra positions of authority.

Regrets in Heaven?

You might be thinking, “The idea that there would be real and lasting regret in Heaven sounds horrible. How does that square with the fact that Heaven is going to be a place inexplicable joy, and yet you’re saying it’s also going to be a place of regret?” The fact is, joy and regret can coexist with one another. One doesn’t necessarily extinguish the other. The Bible says we will find that same mixture of joy and loss at the judgment seat of Christ: eternal joy that we have escaped the flames of Hell because of what Christ has done


KKLA Magazine

Issue 14

for us, but for some there’ll be a sadness, a regret, a loss as we realize what could have been ours had we been more faithful to Christ. Now I realize we need to be balanced here. As someone once said: To overdo the sorrow aspect of Heaven is to turn Heaven into Hell. But to ignore the reality of regret in Heaven is to make obedience to Christ in this life inconsequential. The Bible says what we do now does make an eternal difference.

Grains of Gold

My friend Erwin Lutzer tells a story of a beggar in India who stood along the side of the road with a little bowl begging for rice. One day a wealthy Raja pulled up in a chariot. He stepped down from the chariot and he went to that beggar and said: Give me some of your rice. The beggar couldn’t believe it, but he held out the bowl and the raja picked up one grain of rice. He said: Give me another. And so he held out the bowl and the raja took another grain of rice. He said: Give me one more. He held out the bowl and he took another one. By this time the beggar was seething with anger. He couldn’t believe somebody so wealthy with so much would ask that of somebody who had so little. The Raja got up in the chariot and he sped away. Once he had regained his composure, the beggar looked down in that bowl and he noticed something glittering. On further inspection he realized it was a grain of gold. And then he looked closer and there was a second grain of gold; and a third grain of gold. For every grain of rice he had given the Raja, the Raja had returned it with a grain of gold. Erwin Lutzer makes this application: If we clutch our bowl of rice, we shall lose our reward. If we are faithful and give God each grain, he gives us gold in return. And the gold God gives will survive the fire. Ladies and gentlemen, there are real, measurable rewards awaiting those who are obedient to Christ!

Any thoughts? Visit Robert Jeffress’s website at ptv.org

John MacArthur


Why I Love the Church 14

KKLA Magazine

Issue 14



am an inveterate and incurable lover of the church. It thrills me beyond expression to serve the church, and to have served in the same pulpit now for forty-five years. In fact, my whole life has been lived in the church. My father was a pastor, as were my grandfathers for three generations before him. A deep love for the church practically runs in my blood. But it’s not just my personal experience that drives this love. There are some important biblical reasons that I love the church and have dedicated my life in service to it.

The Church Is Being Built by the Lord Himself The church is the New Testament counterpart of the Old Testament Temple. I’m not referring to a church building but to the body of all true believers. It is a spiritual building (1 Peter 2:5), the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16–17; 2 Corinthians 6:16), the place where God’s glory is most clearly manifest on earth, and the focal point of spiritual life and worship for the community of the redeemed. In Ephesians 2:19–22, Paul writes that God Himself is the architect and KKLA Magazine

Issue 14


In other words, in eternity past, before anything was created—before time began—God determined to begin and to finish His redemptive plan. builder of this temple. Notice also that the church is a work in progress, still being joined together (v. 21), still under construction (v. 22). God is not finished yet.

The Church is the Outworking of an Eternal Plan As Paul describes his ministry in Titus 1:1–2, he outlines God’s redemptive purpose, from election (“those chosen of God,” v. 1), to salvation (“the knowledge of the truth,” v. 1), to sanctification (“which is according to godliness,” v. 1), to final glory (“in the hope of eternal life,” v. 2). All of this is God’s work (cf. Romans 8:29–30), something He “promised before time began” (Titus 1:2, NKJV). In other words, in eternity past, before anything was created—before time began—God determined to begin and to finish His redemptive plan. People were chosen.


KKLA Magazine

Issue 14

Their names were written down that they might be brought to faith, to godliness, and to glory. God “promised” this before time began. To whom did God make the promise? In 2 Timothy, Paul wrote that God “saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began” (2 Timothy 1:9, NKJV). Paul says God’s eternal purpose—this same promise that was made before the beginning of time—“was given to us in Christ Jesus.” The eternal pledge of our salvation, the divine covenant of redemption, involved a promise made by the Father to the Son before time began. With that in mind, consider Jesus’ words in John 6:37: “All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out.” That affirms the utter invincibility of the church. Every individual ever redeemed is a love gift from the Father to the Son. And

not one of them will fail or be cast out.

The Church Is the Most Precious Reality on Earth The church demanded the highest price ever paid for anything. “You have been bought with a price” (1 Corinthians 6:20). What price? “You were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ” (1 Peter 1:18–19). Acts 20:28 refers to “the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.” The church is so precious that the Son was willing to suffer the agonies of the cross and die in obedience to the Father. As the apostle Paul reminded the Corinthians, “You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9). Moreover, His dying made us heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17). In other words, in giving up His heavenly riches, Christ made it possible for the church to share in those riches. That makes the church the most precious thing on earth.

In the church, we see a foretaste of the worship that perpetually happens in heaven (cf. Isaiah 6:1–3; Revelation 4:8–11). We exalt Christ as He is exalted in eternity (Acts 5:31; Hebrews 7:26; Philippians 2:9; Revelation 5:11–14). We preserve purity and holiness (cf. Matthew 18:15–20) according to the same holy standard of heaven (Revelation 21:8). And we enjoy fellowship, which will be perfected in heaven—where our communion with Christ will also be perfect (cf. 1 Corinthians 13:12). The church, then, is the closest we can get to heaven on earth. Paul wrote of “the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). More than any other institution on earth, the church is where the truth of God is upheld. The church is called to lift up the truth and hold it high. Employing the truth as a weapon, we are to smash the ideologi-

In other words, in giving up His heavenly riches, Christ made it possible for the church to share in those riches. That makes the church the most precious thing on earth.

The Church Is an Earthly Expression of Heaven The church is like heaven on earth. I don’t mean that the church is perfect or offers some kind of utopian escape from a sinful world. Rather, the church is the one place where things that occur in heaven also occur on earth.

cal fortresses of Satan’s lies (2 Corinthians 10:3–5). It is in the pursuit of that goal that the church will ultimately realize her greatest triumph. All of that is why I love the church. And as long as the Lord gives me breath, I hope to invest my life and energies in the ministry and advancement of the church’s mission.

Any thoughts? Visit John MacArthur’s website at gty.org

KKLA Magazine

Issue 14




degree can mean taking an important step forward, from getting a promotion, to gaining more responsibilities, to becoming an agent of change. At Azusa Pacific University, dedicated faculty and staff help students develop into disciples and scholars who impact the world for Christ. Azusa Pacific’s diverse academic programs rank among the best colleges and universities in the nation. Whatever their passion, students can choose from 61 bachelor’s degrees, 40 master’s degrees, 17 certificates, 11 credentials, 8 doctoral programs, and 2 associate’s degrees. Programs are available on campus, online, and at six regional centers across Southern California. From accounting to business, cinematic arts, nursing, social work, teaching, and more, students learn from expert faculty who provide academic and practical experience to prepare them for their future careers. “At APU, I quickly found that the faculty are not only well educated in their

disciplines, but they also bring years of teaching experience to the classroom,” said Derek Rouch ’09, M.A.Ed. ’12. “I appreciated being known as more than a single face in a crowded lecture hall, and I cherish the relationships I made, both with my classmates and professors.” For adult learners seeking to complete a degree, APU’s bachelor’s degree completion programs fit conveniently into a working professional’s schedule. With accelerated bachelor’s degree programs in liberal studies, nursing, information security, and leadership—in both online and on-campus formats—working adults can finish their degree when and how they want. View the degree completion program options at apu. edu/programs/bachelorscompletion/. At the graduate level, Azusa Pacific partners with working professionals to enhance their skills and advance their careers. Whether it’s a combination master’s and credential program in education; innovative programs in nursing, psychology, or physical therapy; MBA or management degrees; or art, music, social work, and more, APU offers a robust selection of master’s degree and doctoral opportunities for graduates desiring to join a community dedicated to professional excellence. In addition, more than 15 master’s degree programs are available in a dynamic online format that gives students an added measure of flexibility. Since 1899, Azusa Pacific has educated men and women to be effective difference makers in their organizations and fields. A member of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, and recognized among the nation’s best colleges by U.S.News & World Report, The Princeton Review, and Forbes, APU remains committed to God First and providing quality academic programs. To learn more, visit apu.edu.

KKLA Magazine

Issue 14


99.5 FM KKLA Jim Governale 5:00 am - 10:30 am

5:00 am 5:30 am 5:55 am 6:30 am 7:00 am 7:30 am 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am

| | | | | | | | | | |

Truth that Changes Lives crosslinechurch.com

A New Beginning Thru the Bible Grace to You Insight for Living Focus on the Family Truth for Life Family Life Today Jay Sekulow Live! In Touch Pathway to Victory

harvest.org ttb.org gty.org insight.org family.org truthforlife.org familylife.com aclj.org intouch.org ptv.org

JP Jones Greg Laurie J. Vernon McGee John MacArthur Charles Swindoll Jim Daly, John Fuller Alistair Begg D. Rainey & B. Lepine Jay Sekulow Charles Stanley Robert Jeffress

David James 10:30 am - 4:00 pm

10:30 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 1:50 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm

| | | | | | | | | | |

Know the Truth Turning Point Focus on the Family Renewing Your Mind A New Beginning Somebody Loves You Discover the Word Simple Truths New Life Live Local Ministry Focal Point

ktt.org davidjeremiah.org family.org ligonier.org harvest.org somebodylovesyouradio.com

Philip De Courcy David Jeremiah Jim Daly, John Fuller R.C. Sproul Greg Laurie Raul Ries


M DeHaan, E Morgan B Crowder



Xavier Ries Steve Arterburn


Mike Fabarez

For more program information please call 818.662.3720 20

KKLA Magazine

Issue 14

Weekday Program Guide Frank Sontag 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

4:00 pm 6:00 pm

| The Frank Sontag Show | Jay Sekulow Live!

kkla.com aclj.org

Frank Sontag Jay Sekulow

Katy Evans 6:30 pm - 11:00 pm

6:30pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30pm

| | | | | | | | |

Calvary Comm. Church

Light of the Word Grace to You Thru the Bible Insight for Living Real Radio Stories from Skidrow Focus on the Family Local Programs

calvarycc.org ccsouthbay.org gty.org ttb.org insight.org

Shawn Thornton Steve Mays John MacArthur J. Vernon McGee Charles Swindoll Jack Hibbs Andy Bales Jim Daly


urm.org family.org kkla.com

Sean Tyler

Chandler Haynie 11:00 pm - 2:00 am

12:00 am 2:00 am 3:00 am 3:30 am 4:00 am 4:30 am

| | | | | |

Hope in the Night Local Programs Ministry Programs Somebody Loves You Living Truth Focus on the Family

2:00 am - 5:00 am

June Hunt


kkla.com somebodylovesyouradio.com



Raul Ries Michael Lantz Jim Daly

KKLA Magazine

Issue 14


How My Battle With

Dust Mites

Helped Helped My My Son Son Overcome Overcome His His

Breathing Problems

And And Changed Changed My My Lifestyle Lifestyle

Written WrittenBy BySusan SusanFries Fries There There isis no no better better feeling feeling inin life life than than when when you you become become aaparent. parent. And Andthere thereisisno nogreater greatersense senseof ofhelplessness, helplessness,than than when whenyour yourchild childfaces facesaaserious seriousmedical medicalchallenge. challenge. When Whenmy myson sonturned turned22years yearsold oldhe hestarted startedtotohave haveaaseries series of ofasthma asthmaattacks. attacks. Eliminating Eliminatingaamedical medicalcondition conditionor ordisease disease responsible responsiblefor forthe theattacks, attacks,IIbegan begantotowonder wonderififenvironmental environmental factors factorswere werecontributing contributingtotohis hisbreathing breathingproblems. problems. With Withmy my maternal maternalinstincts instinctsengaged, engaged,IImade madeititmy mymission missiontotodiscover discover what whatwas wasaffecting affectinghim himso soadversely. adversely. IIstarted startedby byprocess processof of elimination, elimination,changing changingshampoos shampoosand andsoaps, soaps,different differenttypes typesof of material materialand andclothing, clothing,foods foodsand andthe thelike likebut butthe theresults resultswere were inconclusive. inconclusive. We Wedecided decidedtotohave havehim himtested testedand anddiscovered discovered that thathe hewas wasallergic allergictotodust dustmites. mites. DUST! DUST!So, So,IItore toreout outthe thecarpet carpetininhis hisbedroom bedroomput putvinyl vinyl coverings coverings on on his his mattress mattress and and dusted dusted and and vacuumed vacuumed daily. daily. II started started toto use use more more organic organic items items and and slowly slowly but but surely surely II created createdour ourown own“green” “green”environment. environment. As AsIIbegan begantotomodify modify our our home home environment environment with with green green and and organic organic solutions, solutions, II


KKLA Magazine

Issue 14

discovered discoveredthat thathis hisasthma asthmaattacks attacksbecame becameless lessfrequent frequentuntil until ultimately ultimatelythey theywent wentaway. away. Through Throughthis thisprocess, process,the theconcept concept of of the the importance importance of of alternative alternative solutions solutions and and the the “green” “green” lifestyle lifestyletook tookaafoothold footholdininmy mypersonal personallife. life. From Fromthat thatday day forward forwardIIdevoted devotedmyself myselftotomaking makingthe theenvironment environmentaabetter better place, place, knowing knowing that that my my son son isn’t isn’t the the only only person person toto ever ever have breathing breathing have problems. And And problems. justmaybe maybeIIcould could just make aa difference difference make the lives lives of of inin the others. others. incorporated II incorporated the alternative the alternative solution lifestyle lifestyle solution into my my business, business, into ECOLA Termite Termite ECOLA and Pest Pest Control. Control. and And itit isis this this And environmentally environmentally friendly approach approach friendly that the that isis the foundation of foundation of ECOLA today. today. ECOLA ECOLA helps ECOLA helps protect your protect your family, the family, the environment and and environment yourmost mostexpensive expensiveinvestment, investment,your yourhome. home. There Thereare aremany many your companies doing doing similar similar things, things, but but personally, personally, offering offering companies environmentallyfriendly friendlyalternative alternativetermite termiteand andpest pestcontrol control environmentally treatmentsisisaapassion passionof ofmine, mine,as asititmay mayhave havebeen beenthe thesaving saving treatments gracefor formy myson sonand andhis hislife. life. grace By personally personally using using fewer fewer chemicals chemicals through through modern modern By technology,IIhope hopetotominimize minimizechemical chemicaluse useworldwide worldwideand and technology, truly help help with with informing informing people people of of environmental environmental factors factors truly suchas astheir theirindoor indoorair airquality qualityand andhow howititaffects affectstheir theirhealth. health. such Andwith withrecent recentadvancements advancementsand andnew newtechnologies technologiesoffered offered And by ECOLA, ECOLA, consumers consumers can can choose choose from from aa variety variety of of nonnonby fumigant solutions solutions including including ECOLA ECOLA Heat™, Heat™, Microwave Microwave fumigant andElectro-Gun Electro-Gunand andaaborate boratecompound compoundcalled calledTim-Bor Tim-Borand and and Bora-carethat thatprotects protectswood woodagainst againsttermite termiteinfestations. infestations. Bora-care So ifif you’re you’re like like me me and and want want more more control control over over what what So chemicalsyou youintroduce introduceinto intoyour yourhome homeenvironment, environment,IIinvite invite chemicals you toto contact contact ECOLA ECOLA for for your your termite termite and and pest pest control control you needs. We We have have seven seven offi offices ces toto serve serve you you from from San San Luis Luis needs. Obispo toto San San Diego. Diego. Call Call ECOLA ECOLAtoll toll free free atat (877) (877) 332332Obispo BUGSor oron onthe theweb webatatEcolaTermite.com. EcolaTermite.com. BUGS SusanFries, Fries,also alsoknown known Susan asthe theTermite TermiteLady, Lady,isis as thePresident Presidentand andCEO CEOofof the ECOLATermite Termiteand andPest Pest ECOLA Control. You Youcan canhear hear Control. ECOLAand andthe theTermite Termite ECOLA Ladyon on99.5 99.5KKLA-FM KKLA-FM Lady andininSan SanDiego Diegoon on1210 1210 and KPRZ-AM,talking talkingon onthe the KPRZ-AM, pursuitofofpassion, passion,purpose purpose pursuit andconnection. connection. and





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KKLA Magazine

Issue 14



99.5 FM KKLA Weekend Highlights Saturdays 12:00 am | Apologetics.com


6:00 am

| Jay Sekulow


Jay Sekulow

7:30 am

| Natren


Natasha Trenev

9:00 am

| Healthline


Dr. Bob Marshall

10:00 am | The Gold Show

startwithgold.com Jonathan Rose

12:00 pm | The Money Manager


D. McNaughton


Dr. Marc Darrow

1:00 pm | Living Pain Free 2:30 pm | Local Program 4:00 pm | Healthline

Dr. Bob Marshall

5:30 pm | Amazing Stories from Skidrow


Andy Bales

6:00 pm | The Sue Fries Show


Sue Fries

7:00 pm | City Lights - Cloud & Fire


Melody Rossi

7:30 pm | Real Life with Gina Pastore

facebook.com/ Ginapastoreradio

Gina Pastore

8:00 pm | Core Truth


Steve Wilburn

9:00 pm | A Passion for Christ


Richard Kennedy

9:30 pm | University Christian Church


Scott Julian

10:00 pm | KKLA Presents


KKLA Magazine

Issue 13

Frank Sontag Now on Sundays from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Sundays 12:00 am


God’s Gypsy Christian Church


Sam Nicholas

7:00 am


The Lutheran Hour


Greg Seltz

7:30 am


Let My People Think


Ravi Zacharias

8:00 am


Thru the Bible Sun. Sermon


J. Vernon McGee

8:45 am


Fresh Bread


Philip George

9:00 am


Lift Up Jesus


Dudley C. Rutherford

9:30 am


Core Truth


Steve Wilburn

10:00 am


Soli Deo Gloria


Paul Viggiano

10:30 am


Truth that Changes Lives


JP Jones

11:00 am


Local Ministry

11:30 am


Faith that Works


Scott Daniels

12:00 pm


Adoption Answer Show


M. Dettman/L. Scott

12:30 pm


Faith Comes by Hearing


Dave Johnston

1:00 pm


Road to Reality


K.P. Yohannan

1:30 pm


Thru the Bible Q&A


J. Vernon McGee

2:00 pm


Good Fight Radio


3:00 pm


Made for Fellowship


Albert Tate

3:30 pm


Good News Today


Albert Tate

4:00 pm


Frank Sontag Show


Frank Sontag

6:00 pm


Building Champions


Kenneth Ulmer

7:00 pm


Revive LA


David Diaz

7:30 pm


God Loves LA


Rick Wright

8:00 pm


Urban City Youth


Tommy Jones

8:30 pm


End Times Faith Radio


John Atkinson

9:00 pm


Life Study of the Bible


Matt Miller

10:00 pm


Living by the Word


LBTW Radio Team KKLA Magazine

Issue 14


The Seven Minute Marriage Solution Steve Arterburn IS HEARD WEEKDAYS AT 2PM ON 99.5FM KKLA



here was a time when marriage in an agrarian society was not a lot more than an arrangement to “grow up some children” while growing enough crops to feed the family and survive. In industrial times it was often a division of labor with one person taking care of the homes and kids and the other going off to work, typically at a factory. The sixties brought us intense focus on selfcentered-fulfillment as the most central expectation of marriage. But from the

or control. Rather than the third cord building a bond that is not easily broken, it often weakens it and eventually destroys it. If that is the reality of your marriage there is something you can do and it takes 7 minutes to do it. The Center For Biblical Engagement did an extensive research project on the impact of scripture. They made a startling discovery. Engaging with scripture one day a week has no impact on a person’s life. So going to church and reading the Bible one day a week is not going to produce change or grow character. Nor will two or three days a week. For the Bible to change a person’s character, alter what they value and impact the decisions they make they need to be in the Word at least 4 days a week. When two people in a marriage do this it greatly lowers the potential for divorce or violence or the use of pornography in marriage. So getting back into the Word is a major first step in getting back into each other. So for a minimum of seven minutes a day if a couple will come together, eyeball-to-eyeball and read scripture, pray and reconnect they can reboot their marriage everyday, focus on each other and move beyond the mistakes and slights of yesterday. The impact is quite remarkable and The Seven Minute Marriage Solution Devotional Bible helps facilitate a daily ritual that transforms lives and marriages. If you add to that immediately start doing the things that matter the most and stopping the things that are

So for a minimum of seven minutes a day if a couple will come together, eyeball-to-eyeball and read scripture, pray and reconnect they can reboot their marriage everyday... beginning God intended for marriage to be much more than any of these. The foundational model for marriage is found way back in the Old Testament in Ecclesiastes 4:12: A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Obviously this triple-braided concept does not call for three people to be married. It calls for a man and a woman to each be a braid in a triple braided cord with the third cord being God. Sadly, in many marriages the third cord is pornography or alcohol or work

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So both must stop the unrealistic desire for the idealized mate and start accepting the reality of both the positive and negative in the other person. most damaging in a marriage, even the most hopeless of marriages can be restored. Based on a survey of over one thousand individuals there are seven things to start doing immediately and seven things to stop doing that will produce the greatest change in the shortest amount of time possible. These are simple but profound things such as expecting your spouse to


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meet your unrealistic expectations. Most everyone has hopes and expectations that a marriage is going to provide all the things that are missing; all the things that a parent never provided. But he will never be all that “daddy” never was and she will never do all of the things “mommy” did in the way that only “mommy” could do them. He will never be the prince and she will never

be the perfect wife, mother, lover, servant, beauty that he always wanted. The farther the distance between expectation and reality the greater the misery and disconnection. So both must stop the unrealistic desire for the idealized mate and start accepting the reality of both the positive and negative in the other person. In some marriages what is called for immediately is to stop enabling or allowing destructive behaviors, habits and addictions. Proverbs 10:10 says, “When you wink at

steps is when a loved one stops ignoring the problem, just hoping it will go away. As difficult as these choices are, until they are made in an act of surrender, all of the blessings and miracles God will do with you and for you are missed. We call that kind of life the “new life,” and all that is required to live it is humble willingness. There is one other element that is needed to overhaul or transform a hopeless marriage into a relationship with promise, meaning and fulfillment. If both people have this one element literally any relationship can be transformed. What is the mystery ingredient? Willingness. Which begs the question of anyone in a troubled relationship: “What are you willing to do to change your marriage?” If you are not willing to do whatever it takes then you may have more misery ahead. But when you finally reach that point of being willing to follow God’s path no matter how difficult or painful, the whole world of a previously unknown joy in marriage awaits you.

God does not honor peacekeepers, but peace makers and sometimes you have to disturb the peace before you can make peace. wrong you cause trouble, but an open rebuke produces lasting peace.” In other words, enabling evil by just letting it go and keeping the peace must be replaced with an open and honest discussion of the truth of what is going on. After all, God does not honor peacekeepers, but peace makers and sometimes you have to disturb the peace before you can make peace. When you neglect to intervene in evil behavior and allow evil to exist in the home, you are essentially training your spouse that whatever they are doing is actually okay to do. You are teaching them that it does not matter enough to you to do something about it so they will not be inclined to do anything about it. Sadly after “training” someone for 20 years that abuse or drugs or pornography is really “okay” the enabler just up and leaves and divorces the person for doing what they have been endorsing for years. Much better than bailing is doing something that has not yet been tried. A giant step toward healing and transformation occurs when an addict or struggling person seeks help. It is no less profound when an enabler or co-dependent stops trying to fix the person or the problem on their own. One of the most courageous

Adapted from The Seven Minute Marriage Solution and The Seven Minute Marriage Solution Devotional Bible. All rights reserved. Stephen Arterburn is the host of NewLife Live, heard weekdays at 2pm on 99.5 FM. He is founder of New Life Ministries and Women of Faith, best selling author of such books as Every Man’s Battle and the Editor of The Life Recovery Bible. There are over 8,000,000 Arterburn books in print. Stephen currently serves as a teaching pastor at Heartland Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is married and lives in Fishers, Indiana with his six children.

Any thoughts? Visit Steve Arterburn’s website at newlife.com

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Five Barriers to




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Mike Fabarez



he Bible makes it clear— Christians need each other. That’s the way God designed the Christian life. We are instructed by his word to be active participants in a church, fed and directed by undershepherds, meeting together frequently to mutually encourage, admonish, and support one another, spurring one another on to love and good deeds, and that all the more as we see the Day drawing near (Hebrews 10:24-25). Unfortunately, there is an alltoo-frequent tendency among Christians to avoid and resist the consistent, honest, and transparent interaction with their brothers and sisters in Christ. At the heart of the problem lie a variety of unspoken concerns, which may not keep us from church attendance, but might be the reasons we are not as involved in our church as we know we ought to be. Let’s take a few minutes to be honest with ourselves and consider five common barriers that creep into our minds and keep us from participating in real biblical fellowship. Barrier #1 - Hypocrisy This is a real concern for many, and frankly, it is a very real problem. If we had to give it a name, we’d call it hypocrisy. Jesus spoke of it often. This was not just a problem among the corrupt band of Pharisees; Jesus said it is also a common problem among the “brothers.” The realization that there is a “log in your eye,” as Jesus put it, may keep you from joining with other Christians to talk about the problem of “specks” (see Luke 6:4142). What will they say if they find out my marriage is a mess or that my spiritual life is on life support?

While the Bible has nothing good to say about hypocrisy, it does tell us that real fellowship is a big part of its cure. James exhorts us to get together with enough honesty to “confess our sins to one another” (James 5:16). This, of course, is not just to “get it off our chest” or to make everyone feel better about their own sin. The verse goes on to say that we are to provide mutual support by “praying for one another.” We certainly need each other in the Christian life, and the fear of being exposed as a stumbling saint should never keep us apart. Barrier #2 - Reputation “I’m concerned that my reputation may suffer if people really get to know me.” This I like to call, “the reputation gap.” We all have one. It is the distance between the kind of Christians people think we are, and the kind of Christians we actually are. This gap will inevitably close as we really get to know others, and are in turn truly known by them. It is precisely because we don’t personally know someone that his or her reputation begins to swell to unrealistic levels. That’s why the most “godly” people we “know” have likely been dead for 100 years, or live at least 100 miles away. Real fellowship closes the reputation gap and exposes the varieties of warts and wrinkles that every Christian is bound to have. So let’s stop worrying about “really being known” by our brothers and sisters. A prideful concern for our reputation should not stand in the way of true fellowship. With that said, the goal isn’t to grovel in our failures or feel good that we have a long way to go in the Christian life. The purpose of Christian fellowship is to exhort, encourage, and support one KKLA Magazine

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The purpose of Christian fellowship is to exhort, encourage, and support one another to be more and more like Christ. Transparency of the “real you” in the process is a price worth paying. another to be more and more like Christ. Transparency of the “real you” in the process is a price worth paying.

Barrier #3 - Hassle “I don’t want the hassle of being involved in other people’s lives.” Well, there’s no getting around this one. Caring costs! It always has and it always will. Watching TV or surfing the internet will always be less costly than gathering with other Christians and helping each other pursue Christ. Even so, we have to remember that love and selfless sacrifice are the nexus of the Christian faith. It is the living example of the life of Christ. So when we think about the price tag associated with anything in the Christian life let’s remember, “Though he was rich, yet for our sake he became poor, so that we by his poverty might become rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9). A daily reminder of this central truth may be just the thing we need to be able to say to our brothers and sisters


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in Christ what the Apostle Paul said about the Corinthians: “I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls” (2 Corinthians 12:15).

Barrier #4 - Time “I just don’t have time to get involved in the lives of other Christians.” Whenever Christians claim they cannot do what the Bible requires because they “don’t have time” I always want them to reframe their objection in terms of “priority”—or better yet, in terms of “love.” Obviously, there are things like work and sleep that take up a big part of the 168 hour gift we receive from God each week, but when it comes to the dozens of expendable hours the average Christian invests weekly, it is critical to realize that we all prioritize those activities based on what we choose to “love.” That may be a strong word for it, but when we say, “We don’t have time,” we are really saying that we love something else more than we love

the God who has asked us to love his people. The biblical word for that is idolatry. As harsh as it may sound, when we spend all of our weeknight and weekend hours investing in the things we “love” to the exclusion of any real engagement with God’s people, then we are practicing a subtle form of idolatry. I pray that each of us, out of love for God, will step up and into the lives of those Christ died for.

Barrier #5 - Love

“I just don’t love those people.” If this is your honest admission, I might commend you for your honesty, but then I would have to quickly point you to the New Testament book of 1 John and have you explore what a disastrous admission that actually is. In a variety of ways John the Apostle tells us, “We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brothers” (3:14) and “The one who does not love does not know God” (4:8). The love spoken of throughout this little book is not the common love people have for their spouse, or their children, instead it

is always described as the uncommon love that God generates in Christians’ hearts for their spiritual brothers and sisters (2:9-11; 3:10-17; 4:20-21; etc.). If we cannot locate this kind of love in our hearts, the good news is that we can have it. Genuine repentance from sin and sincere faith in the finished work of Christ will rewire our hearts not only with a love for God, but also with a love for his people. As imperfect and as difficult as they can sometimes be, they must become a priority in our lives. We may need to contend with hypocrisy, pride, selfishness, or idolatry, but with God’s help we can overcome these barriers. And for God’s sake we must.

Any thoughts? Visit Mike Fabarez’s website at focalpointministries.org

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The Power of “I Need You”


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Issue 14

Dennis Rainey



used to think the most difficult words to utter were, “I love you.” As a typically ungrateful, unexpressive teenager, I remember the first time I told my mom and dad “I love you.” The difficulty of looking my parents in the eyes and saying those three words was excruciating. And then there was the first time I told Barbara I loved her—my heart jumped wildly and my adrenaline was the only thing flowing faster than the beads of sweat on my forehead. Whew!! I remember wondering how young couples in love could survive the experience! Telling another person “I love you” represents risk and vulnerability. Yet, however difficult those words of love may be, there are three other words that are even more arduous to express: “I need you.” Consider the number of people you have expressed your love to--your spouse, children, parents, extended family, and possibly a few select friends. Now think of whom you have

told “I need you”—a much smaller number, most likely. But why? Admitting our need Most of us have difficulty admitting need. It means we are dependent upon another. It means we are less than complete by ourselves. We may even feel that our spouse is burdened enough already; we reason inwardly, Why should I weigh down my spouse further with

True partnerships are cemented by couples who frequently and specifically verbalize their need of one another. my needs? It’s interesting that in Genesis 2:18 Adam had to be told he had a need. God told him, “It is not good for man to be alone.” And even after that authoritative statement, Adam had to name a few million creatures to finally get the point—He needed something ... someone! Today is no different; it still takes God to show us how we need our spouses. True partnerships are cemented KKLA Magazine

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Most importantly you need to feel valued and important. For here was another person who authentically admitted he or she needed to spend the rest of his or her life with you. by couples who frequently and specifically verbalize their need of one another. And for those of us who are married, somewhere between the wedding aisle and the fifth anniversary, a thief often makes off with our mutual admission that we need each other. In fact it’s ironic that marriage, the ultimate admission of one person’s need for another, would end up being an accomplice to the thief. Think back to those early days of romance and intrigue. She made you laugh. He made you feel secure and stable. She brought warmth into a room. Her touch transformed a drab apartment instantly and mystically into a home. His sensitivity made you realize how others feel and think. Perhaps you needed your spouse because he or she stopped to smell the roses that you didn’t even notice were growing. Or listened when you really needed someone to listen


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to you. But perhaps most importantly, you needed to feel valued and important. You “needed to be needed.” For here was another person who authentically admitted he or she needed to spend the rest of his or her life with you. Jogging your memory Maybe today your spouse acts like he doesn’t need you. Worse yet, he has lost sight of how he needs you. He’s heading down an alley that ends in the dark despair of loneliness of a life shared with no one. But be patient, there’s hope. Let me jog your memory ... You need each other:

For a balanced and truthful viewpoint of yourself. Who else knows you as well and can give you an honest perspective when you

need it most (and continue to offer you acceptance)? For a full-color view of life. For me, life without Barbara would be at best a foggy black and white experience—colorless. She adds intense splashes of rich colors, lively and contrasting tints to life. Your spouse undoubtedly looks at life through a different set of lenses than you do. You are a broader person because of those differences—why try to change them, when you need them? To believe in you when others don’t and you can’t. To multiply your joys, divide your sorrows, and help you subtract your haunting past from your life. To put the brakes on when you are trying to accelerate too fast. Or to encourage you to risk it when you’d rather not release the emergency brake.

To raise healthy and balanced children. Two people temper one another’s weaknesses, complement their blind spots, and help reinforce their strong points as they raise children together. To help when times are rugged. God meant burdens to be shared— carried together, not singlehandedly.

Beware of living independently of one another. Sure, you’re both busy. Yet, sometimes busy people build their lives around activities only to find years later that they are alone. Imprisoned by selfishness and a failure to take risks, they are living independently of the person God has sovereignly given them to share life with. You really do need your spouse.

Any thoughts? Visit Dennis Rainey’s website at familylife.com


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True Identity

June Hunt


Issue 14



athrine Neubauer experienced something that few people could imagine. Her doctor informed her that she was “dead”—not gravely ill or dying but actually dead . . . at least according to her insurance company. It seems the wrong box had been checked upon discharge from the hospital, and Kathrine was now legally deceased. In fact, around 1 out of every 200 deaths reported by the Social Security Administration turn out to be false. This might seem like an entertaining story to tell the grandkids someday . . . if not for the fact that Kathrine and others like her are unable to access or open bank accounts, be eligible for insurance, or transact any other business that requires the social security number of a “living” person. Through no fault of their own, these victims are the “walking dead”—unable to demonstrate any “value” in the marketplace because the financial system, due to clerical error, has embraced a lie. Now consider this: Have you ever believed a death-dealing lie about yourself . . . not because of a clerical error, but because you have been trained to check off boxes in your minds that read, “You are incompetent” . . . “hopeless”. . . “weak” . . . “ugly” . . . “just not good enough.” Do you critically compare yourself to others or listen to a harsh voice from your childhood that weigh you down?

If so, here’s help combatting the lies that loop through your mind on auto-play: If you say:

“I just can’t do anything right.” The Lord says: “I’ll give you My strength to do what is right.” (Philippians 4:13) If you say:

“I feel that I’m too weak.” The Lord says: “My power is perfect when you are weak.” (2 Corinthians 12:9). If you say:

“I feel I’m not able to measure up.” The Lord says: “Rely on Me. I am able.” (2 Corinthians 9:8). If you say:

“I don’t feel that anyone loves me.” The Lord says: “I love you.” (Jeremiah 31:3). If you say:

“I can’t forgive myself.” The Lord says: “I can forgive you.” (Isaiah 43:25). If you say:

“I wish I’d never been born.” The Lord says: “Since before you were born, I’ve had plans for you.” (Jeremiah 1:5). If you say:

“I feel my future is hopeless.” The Lord says: “I know the future I have for you.” (Jeremiah 29:11).


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As a child of God, you are valuable because the One who has called you by name says so. Your true identity is safe and secure with Him . . . forever. Those who have been wrongfully declared dead can—with persistence and paperwork— re-establish their identity and financial worth over time. Likewise, if you are suffering from a case of mistaken spiritual identity— based on listening to a lifetime of lies about yourself—it could take years of persistent effort to internalize God’s truth concerning your own value. Along the way, you will be tempted to embrace the old “tapes” of inadequacy, fear and insecurity. Consider Moses as you resist. When God first speaks to him, Moses is filled with insecurity and fear. In a burning bush, the Lord supernaturally appears to Moses instructing him to confront Pharaoh. However, Moses argues with God. He feels he is a “nobody” with no authority, no credentials, no skills, and no confidence. In short, he feels totally inadequate for the job and terrified of failing. Time and again he pleads with God to send someone (anyone!) else. But God won’t accept his excuses. The Lord can see Moses’ true identity as the one destined to boldly lead the children of Israel to freedom . . . even as Moses can focus only on his own inadequacies. God challenges Moses’ pitiful self-evaluation, by asking . . .

“Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” Take comfort in this: God knows your limitations better than you do, and those limitations cannot impede the work He has laid out for you. Just as God used Moses to lead an entire nation to freedom, God will work in and through you to accomplish His purposes for you. “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will….” As a child of God, you are valuable because the One who has called you by name says so. Your true identity is safe and secure with Him . . . forever.

Any thoughts? Visit June Hunt’s website at hopefortheheart.org

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The writer of Hebrews tells us that faith is assurance of things hoped for, the certainty of things unseen. We all hoped for things we do not see, whether it’s a better job, marriage, healing of an illness or injury, or countless other aspirations. Where does our assurance come from? SATURDAYS, 6-7PM ONON 99.5 KKLA SATURDAYS, 6-7PM 99.5 KKLA The answer is Jesus Christ. Thehealth, writer ofperfect Hebrews tells us that faith is assurance Does this assurance imply of things hoped for, assurance the certainty of monetary success or marriage? No. Our isthings that unseen. We all hoped for things we do not see, whether it’s a better job, Christ rose from the deadmarriage, and wehealing do notofneed to suffer for an illness or injury, or countless other our wrongs in separation aspirations. from God.Where does our assurance come from? 6-7PM ON 99.5 KKLA Thetoanswer Christ.of those That God causes all things work is forJesus theSATURDAYS, good Does this assurance imply who love him and are called according His purpose. The writer ofto Hebrews tellshealth, us thatperfect faith is assurance monetary success or marriage? No. Our assurance of things hoped for, the certainty of things unseen. Weisallthat That He promises to takeChrist care rose of our needs if we seek His from thewe dead and wewhether do not it’s need to suffer hoped for things do not see, a better job, for righteousness and His kingdom and not our righteousness our wrongs inhealing separation from marriage, of an illnessGod. or injury, or countless other aspirations. Where ourto assurance from?of those That God causes alldoes things work forcome the good or our prideful pursuits. The answer is Jesus Christ. who love him and are called according to His purpose. This hope gives us confidence, which develops faith,perfect Does this assurance That He promises to takeimply carehealth, of our needs if we seek His monetary success or marriage? No. Our which gives us endurancerighteousness and perseverance, knowing thatassurance is that and His kingdom and not our righteousness Christ rose from the dead and we do not need to suffer for any trial we may be goingorthrough cannot be compared our ourprideful wrongs pursuits. in separation from God. This hope gives us confidence, which to the glory we will have with Him when he calls usto home. That God causes all things work for develops the good offaith, those which gives us endurance and perseverance, knowing that who love him and are called according to His purpose. He wants to showcase us as His personal ambassadors That we He may promises to takethrough care of our needsbeif we seek His any trial be going cannot compared to show the world who Hetois, and this is seen most inwhen our righteousness His with kingdom not he ourcalls righteousness the glory we willand have Himand us home. or our prideful pursuits. hope, joy, confidence, andHeassurance of our hope in and wants to showcase us as His personal ambassadors This gives us He confidence, which faith, to show thehope world who is, and this is develops seen most in our through these types of trials. which gives us endurance and perseverance, knowing that hope, joy, confidence, and assurance of our hope in We will receive the crown of we finish strong this be comparedand anylife trialifwe may be going throughin cannot through these types of trials. to drive the glory we will have with Him when he calls us home. race. Our minds and attitudes our behavior. Going WeHewill receive the crown of His life personal if we finish strong in this wants to showcase us as ambassadors from, “I’m broken,” to “I’mrace. healing everyday,” is minds and who attitudes drive ourisof behavior. toOur show the world He a is,matter and this seen most Going in our hope, joy, confidence, assurance of our hope and of from, “I’m God broken,” “I’mand healing everyday,” is a in matter perspective through God’s eyes. hasto complete control through these types of trials. perspective through God’s eyes. God has complete control of our lives and the timeframe We of events. willand receive the crown ofoflife if we finish strong in this of our lives the timeframe events. These are just a few things I am to not drivepursuing race. Ourpursuing minds and attitudes our behavior. Going These are just a few things I am to not from, “I’m broken,” to “I’meach healing everyday,” is a matter of only know, but to live in the reality of. Join me only perspective know, but to live in the reality of. Join me each through God’s eyes. God has complete control from 6-7pm on KKLA to learn and explore all Saturday from 6-7pm onSaturday KKLA to learn and explore all of our lives and the timeframe of events. that God has for us to walk in. These are just a few things I am pursuing to not that God has for us to walk in.

The TheSue SueFries FriesShow Show

The Sue Fries Show

Pursuit of Passion, Pursuit ofPurpose Passion, &ofConnection Pursuit Passion, Purpose & Connection Purpose & Connection 99.5 KKLA-FM only know, but to live in the reality of. Join me each Saturday from 6-7pm on KKLA to learn and explore all that God has for us to walk in.

99.5 KKLA-FM Listeners99.5 are encouraged to call the show 99.5in during KKLA-FM KKLA-FM

Listeners are encouraged Saturdays to call are in during show fromencouraged 6-7pm with insights or the questions. Listeners tothe call in during show Listeners are encouraged to call in during the show Saturdays from 6 - 7pm withSaturdays insights or questions. 995-KKLA (5522) from 6-7pmCall: with(888) insights or questions. Call (888) 995-KKLA (5552) Call: (888) 995-KKLA (5522) Saturdays from 6-7pm with insights or questions.

Susan Fries, known as “The Termite Lady”

Call: (888) 995-KKLA (5522)

is the PresidentSusan of ECOLA Termite and as Pest Management Fries, known “The Termite Services. Lady” She a wife,ofmom and a woman withManagement a heart to help others. is is thealso President ECOLA Termite and Pest Services.


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She is also aFollow wife, momSusan and a woman with a heart to help others. at www.SueFries.com

Follow Susan atLady” www.SueFries.com Susan Fries, known as “The Termite

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is the President of ECOLA Termite and Pest Management Services.

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