KKLA Magazine Issue 12

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For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God 1John 5:4-5 One of my favorite movies is Brave Heart. We all like to see the underdog win, especially when they deal the decisive blow of defeat to a bigger, evil enemy. As Christians we can relate to the underdog. We feel at times like we are the minority fighting against a culture that is hell-bent on rebelling against God and His commandments. Yet John the apostle says that through Christ we have “overcome the world.” At the time of the writing of 1John, the apostle’s physical circumstances hardly looked like the church was enjoying victory over the world. Jerusalem had recently been completely destroyed by the Romans and the church was dealing with schisms and heresies. In our day we see that there is still much ground to take in our fallen culture before we can declare “victory.”


the World?

So what victory is John talking about here? While the church is called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, nowhere does Jesus promise that He will bring ultimate redemption to culture prior to the new heaven and new earth. But Jesus did identify three great adversaries that we can overcome: the world, the flesh and the devil.

The “world” is the system of thought promulgated by people opposed to God’s rule. But with minds renewed by God’s word, we can be freed from the grasp of worldly thinking. The “flesh” refers to our inner struggles—unrestrained appetites, coveting what we don’t have, and thinking too much of ourselves. Through Christ we can keep the flesh in check. As Paul says “Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.” The “devil” is the enemy of our souls, who comes to steal, kill and destroy us. But through faith in Christ’s sacrificial death for our sins, we have victory over satan. “Christ came to defeat the works of the devil.” How then do we overcome the world? • By faith receive God’s forgiveness for our sins; • Renew our minds by meditating on God’s word • Walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, who lives in us. Finally, let’s share Christ everywhere we go and make disciples. And the witness of Christ followers will shine like the sun in our dark world and be a preservative in our culture…until all whom He has chosen come into His kingdom. Onward to victory! Any Thoughts on KKLA Programming? Email Terry at tfahy@kkla.com


KKLA Magazine

Issue 12

Vice-President / General Manager KKLA


In this issue... KKLAMAGAZINE.COM


Issue 12







04 | Overcoming the World? ADMINISTRATION Terry Fahy Vice President/General Manager, Salem Los Angeles Katherine Worthington General Sales Manager, 99.5 FM KKLA Chuck Tyler Program Director, Salem Los Angeles ADVERTISING INQUIRIES Katherine Worthington General Sales Manager, 99.5 FM KKLA (818) 662-3743 Design: Olive Group Design olivegroup.biz

by Terry Fahy

08 | The Hope Within by Charles Stanley

12 | Keep Filling the Tank! by K.P. Yohannan

16 | Losing to Win

by David Jeremiah

26 | Our Spiritual Weapons by J. Vernon McGee

33 | Facing Suffering by Steve Mays

36 | The Only Solution for a Broken World by Alistair Begg

40 | Joseph the Overcomer by Dudley Rutherford KKLA Magazine

Issue 12


KKLA Magazine

Issue 12



The Hope Within Charles Stanley IS HEARD WEEKDAYS AT 9:30AM ON 99.5FM KKLA

Stop looking outside of yourself for the strength to carry on. Turn to the indwelling presence of Christ.


or many years, my Christian life resembled a roller coaster—up one minute and down the next. Instead of making progress, I went through life experiencing more failure than success. I was locked into a relationship with Christ that I didn’t even enjoy. Each struggle to follow Him made me feel as if I never quite measured up to His expectations. But all that changed when I began to comprehend one simple truth: Christ lives in me. 08

KKLA Magazine

Issue 12

Many believers think the Christian life is something they merely do—like going to church, reading the Bible, praying, and serving. They picture God far away in heaven, hearing their prayers and sending down the strength they need in times of trouble. This may sound good, but it’s not what the Bible teaches. The power we need to live the Christian life isn’t dispensed from “above”—but is released from within the life of every believer through Christ’s indwelling presence. Just before He was crucified, Jesus Christ gave His disciples an illustration of their

relationship with Him. He described Himself as the vine and His followers as the branches who abide in Him (John 15:4). According to the metaphor, they would bear fruit as a result of the Lord’s life flowing in and through them, not by means of human effort. You’ll never see a branch on a grape vine sweating and grunting as it pumps out the fruit. It simply lets the sap flow through it and displays the grapes that the vine produces. And so it is with those who follow Jesus: He is the source of our nourishment and growth. This amazing experience begins at the moment we accept the Lord’s offer of a saving relationship with Him.

lowship with all three. So when the Holy Spirit comes to live within us, Christ also enters in.

Is it really possible?

Jesus lives in us for another purpose as well: to glorify Himself and carry out His kingdom work. Since He is no longer here in physical form, His indwelling presence

Perhaps you’re wondering how Jesus can be inside you and in heaven at the same time.

The Lord knows that our human frailties and limited strength make us inadequate to live the Christian life. His purpose is to accomplish through us what He knows we cannot do with self-effort or natural abilities. Although Jesus’ disciples walked with Him for three years, they needed more than a side-by-side relationship in order to carry out His will—and so do we. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live Christ’s life as we die to ourselves and learn to truly live.

The reason so many believers feel weak and inadequate in their walk with Christ is because they rely on their feelings instead of the truth of God’s Word. The explanation is found in John 14:16-20 —before returning to His Father, Jesus explained to His disciples that He was leaving them but would send the Holy Spirit as a Helper who would abide in them forever. Now, we need to be aware that there’s a great mystery in this and our ability to understand as human beings is limited. Yet Scripture is clear that, while Jesus is presently seated at the Father’s right hand, He also dwells within us through the Holy Spirit. In a way we cannot comprehend, the persons of the Trinity are distinct from one another. But we need to remember that they’re also perfectly one God. This communion shared by Father, Son, and Holy Spirit can’t be broken, and if one Person of the Godhead lives within us, we have fel-

enables and empowers us to do what He once did on earth—proclaim the gospel, make disciples, teach His Word, and care for people. You may not feel qualified for the job, but that should never be the deciding factor. The Lord promises to make you adequate for whatever He’s called you to do (1 Thess. 5:24). Our union with Him goes both ways. We abide in Christ, and He abides in us. This relationship is His way to qualify you for life in heaven and also His means of preparing you to live a fruitful and obedient life on earth. How does Jesus’ indwelling presence affect us? Christ’s union with us is one of the Bible’s most profound truths—that the sovereign, transcendent Creator, who spoke the universe into existence, would condescend to KKLA Magazine

Issue 12


live within the spirit of mortal humans. It’s beyond our comprehension, and the implications are far-reaching. Transformation: Jesus’ indwelling presence enables each believer to become the person that God intends for him or her to be. Even though you may feel as if you’re far from this goal, as long as you keep learning and applying the truths of Scripture, you will increasingly become more like Jesus. Spiritual transformation and growth are achieved not by trying harder but by submitting to Christ and allowing Him to express Himself through you. Christ in you is your hope of glory (Col. 1:27). Although we receive glimpses in Scripture of what awaits us in heaven, we’ll be amazed when we step across the threshold and see our Savior face to face. As children of God, we are fellow heirs with Him (Rom. 8:16-17) and will enjoy the honor and rewards He will give us for obedience and faithful service. Sufficiency: Because Jesus lives in us, we also have the assurance that He will make us sufficient in every circumstance. His riches are available for all areas of our lives, regardless of the need. If you require understanding and guidance, the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ (Col. 2:3). If you’re struggling financially, all the wealth of the world is His (Ps. 24:1). When a task is beyond your ability or a trial seems unbearable, He is your strength (2 Cor. 12:9-10). The Lord knows exactly what you should do and is willing to guide you in every situation. Intimacy: Perhaps the greatest benefit of our union with Christ is the privilege of living moment by moment in an intimate relationship with Him. Anytime day or night we can enter into a private conversation with Him. Jesus is an ever-present friend who knows us more intimately than any human being ever could. Nothing can separate us from Him, because He has taken up permanent residence within us. 10

KKLA Magazine

Issue 12

A “Christ in you” lifestyle It’s not enough just to acknowledge that Jesus is in us. This glorious truth is not meant to be an academic concept. It’s intended to transform the way we live. Instead of trying so hard to improve ourselves and act like Jesus, we simply need to let Him flow through us like a stream. We can never pump out godliness, because nothing good dwells in us apart from Him. Only as we yield our lives to the One who resides within will we experience the fullness of His life in us. A commitment is required if we want to turn this truth into a lifestyle. We must acknowledge that Jesus Christ is our life and then act upon this confession. We can’t keep it as simply a doctrinal truth; we need to experience it daily. Begin each morning by reminding yourself that Christ is your life. Then throughout the day, whenever you encounter temptation or a difficult situation, reaffirm it: “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me” (Gal. 2:20). The reason so many believers feel weak and inadequate in their walk with Christ is because they rely on their feelings instead of the truth of God’s Word. Feelings fluctuate, but faith anchors our soul and reminds us that Christ is our life no matter what challenge we’re facing or how we have failed. The key to fruitful Christianity is living out what you believe. Then Christ’s character and power will surface and become a part of your life. If you are caught on a roller coaster of selfeffort, it’s time to get off and start enjoying your relationship with Christ. You don’t have to try to live up to His expectations; you just have to believe He is your life, submit to His leadership, rely on His strength, and watch His life flow through you. Your thoughts? Search keyword “Stanley” on kkla.com


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Keep filling the tank! The truth is that even great spiritual giants like Moses, Elijah and the Apostle Paul often came to a place of despair and doubted if they could make it any further.

K.P. Yohannan IS HEARD



he other day I drove to the airport to meet a friend. On the way, I stopped at a gas station to fill the empty tank of my car. After watching the indicator pass $15, $18, $20 and $24, I said to myself, “Something is wrong.” So I stopped pumping and looked under the car to see if gas was leaking out, but it wasn’t. The pump finally shut off at $38. When I got home, I complained about the high gas prices to my wife, Gisela. She laughed and said, “Well, you haven’t filled the tank in a long while.” Of course, this was true. It would be great if we needed to fill up our tank only once and then could drive our car forever. But it doesn’t work that way. We have to keep filling the tank in order to keep going. This is equally true as we follow Christ. We cannot just hear one message or read God’s Word once in a while and then hope that’s enough to stay encouraged and run our race successfully. Jesus Himself said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). In order to be able to follow Jesus and cross the finish line victoriously, we need to fill our hearts daily with the encouragement, instruction, correction and hope that are found only in God’s Word. Discouragement is a real thing, even for the most dedicated Christians. As leaders, full-time Christian workers and sincere followers of Christ, we often dare not say we are discouraged, because we are afraid that people will think we are less spiritual. I have been serving the Lord for more than 40 years. But in spite of all my understanding, knowledge and leadership experience, I have many times felt discouraged. Sometimes I have even privately wished to resign and do something less strenuous. The truth is that even great spiritual giants like Moses, Elijah and the Apostle Paul often came to a place of despair and doubted if they could make it any further. KKLA Magazine

Issue 12


What are some of the reasons we face discouragement? We forget the reality of what we are dealing with. By living for Christ, we go against the current, and the Enemy is not happy with us. Forgetting this reality can become the reason for failure, discouragement and giving up. We are fighting in a real war. If we go further and commit our lives to rescue others, we become a headache for the devil. And that’s the reason why Paul said, “I have fought with beasts at Ephesus” (1 Corinthians 15:32). He was not talking about lions and bears, but about powers of darkness. The reality is that there is a real battle going on in the unseen world, and we are caught in the middle of it. We face the largeness of the task God assigned to us. As our responsibility in building God’s kingdom increases, our burdens increase and so does the spiritual warfare. All these things are real and as long as we are on this earth, they don’t end. The more we know God, the less spiritual we feel. We get discouraged because we never seem to measure up to the spiritual light we have received and the things we know. We read books by Andrew Murray, A.W. Tozer and Watchman Nee, and within one hour, we are given information that took 40 years for these men to learn. Then, we look at ourselves and we don’t measure up; we look at others and they don’t measure up either, even those we regard as leaders. We forget that all of us are on a journey and that each one is learning and growing toward godliness at a different pace and level. However, we will never come to a place this side of heaven where we feel spiritual. Paul didn’t. Even after 20 years of preaching, he said, “I am the chief of sinners” (see 1 Timothy 1:15). How then, can we overcome discouragement and keep on going? Just like the gas tank in our car, we need to keep filling our hearts with God’s Word in order to stay encouraged and move forward. We need constant reminders of the truth we 14

KKLA Magazine

Issue 12

are called to live by. And the Bible faithfully repeats, over and over, what we should do. As a matter of fact, if we were to put the whole Bible through a computer program and edit all the repeated subjects and teachings out, we may end up with perhaps 50 pages. Why did God give us so much repetition? Because He knows we so easily forget and we need to read the same thing again and again as we travel on our journey. If God went to such an extent to repeat so many times the truth we need for our encouragement and survival, let us be thankful and diligent to fill our hearts daily with His Word. In our journey as Christians, it is vital that we fill our hearts daily with the encouragement of God’s Word. And though God has given us, in His Word, everything we need to overcome all discouragements, weaknesses, sin, obstacles and Satan’s attacks along the way, we ourselves must take the responsibility to apply them. Like the car we drive, we must keep filling our tank by following each instruction; otherwise, we will not be able to survive emotionally and spiritually in the long run. Let’s look at two of these important instructions. Give thanks in all circumstances. First Thessalonians 5:18 contains one of the most powerful instructions for staying alive in our spiritual journey amidst adverse circumstances: “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” A Christian counselor helped his clients apply this Scripture to their difficult situations. And in each case, the positive changes were amazing. It’s worth following his application: Take a 3 x 5 card and write down 10 things you are grateful for in your difficulties—perhaps in your workplace where your boss treats you unfairly; your service in a ministry or church where you are not given the important position you wanted; your marriage partner who has deeply hurt or disappointed you; the son or daughter who gives you so much trouble.

Even if you find it difficult, try hard. For example: I am grateful that I have a job; I am grateful that I have the privilege to serve the Lord in at least a small fashion and help win souls for His kingdom; I am grateful that my spouse didn’t walk away from our marriage; I am grateful that my son is not on drugs. Put this card somewhere visible—in your Bible or your shirt pocket, on the dashboard of your car or near your computer screen. Thank God twice daily for each of these 10 things, as you begin your day and before you go to bed. Say out loud: “Lord, I thank you for . . .” Every time you think of something critical, replace it with a thanksgiving item from the list. Make sure that you don’t mention any of the negative things you are struggling with. Our mind automatically dwells on negative things, blows small problems out of proportion and finds something critical in even the good that is happening. That’s why we need to have our list ready, so we can immediately replace each discouraging thought with a thankful one. Continue to practice your giving of thanks for 21 days until it becomes a habit. You will find that incredible changes will take place in your heart and your life as a result. Run the race with endurance. The writer of Hebrews said, “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1). He was very much aware that we are enlisted in a marathon race that can only be won if we have sufficient stamina to last the entire long distance. As Westerners, we suffer from lack of endurance. Our society is very fluid—people move frequently and surveys show that 50 percent of engaged couples think at least once that if their marriage doesn’t work out, they will have a chance on a second one. It is much easier for us to change, walk away, close our hearts, become bitter or give up instead of enduring for the long haul. It is an uncommon thing to find—in our society and in

the Church—the “stickability,” permanency, endurance and commitment in the face of difficulty that the Bible talks about when it comes to following Jesus. Especially if you are a young person, I encourage you to embrace the word “endurance.” Paul wrote to his young disciple Timothy, “You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 2:3). In other words, “Although enduring hardship is difficult, hold onto it, because through this you will grow and improve on the inside.” The best years of my life in terms of developing as a leader, and the most valuable lessons I learned, happened when I worked with a mission organization in northern India. One of my leaders was next to impossible to deal with. No matter what I did, he found fault with it. It was not easy at all to endure. I felt like I died a thousand deaths. But somehow my upbringing and my instruction about discipleship called for staying on and not giving up. Imagine the moment when you will cross the finish line. I encourage you to think often about how it’s all going to end in 15, 20 or 50 years from now, when your race is over. You should be able to say, “I ran the race well.” Is it possible? Yes, it is! We have plenty of examples of those who endured until the end. Whatever discouragements and difficulties we face right now are not the end of the world. They are just temporary afflictions. And God already has given us His grace to win the victory. Don’t stop; keep running the race!

K.P. Yohannan serves as President of Gospel for Asia at GFA.org. You can listen to K.P.’s radio program Road to Reality Sundays at 1pm on 99.5 KKLA. Your thoughts? Search keyword “Yohannan” on kkla.com

KKLA Magazine

Issue 12



Losing to Win

David Jeremiah IS HEARD



ne of the most memorable and heartfelt lines in movie history was uttered by Marlon Brando in the 1954 American classic, “On the Waterfront.” Brando’s character, Terry Malloy, was a dockworker who had been a promising young prize-fighter until a mob-connected union boss instructed him to deliberately lose a fight he could have won. After a horrendous period of further corruption, Terry anguished to his brother Charley about having thrown the fight. “You don’t understand,” he said. “I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum,


KKLA Magazine

Issue 12

which is what I am. Let’s face it.” In throwing the fight, Terry had thrown away his career, his potential, his future, and, most of all, his self-respect. I coulda been somebody…. We are introduced to the biblical character of Demas in the New Testament. In Colossians 4:14 and Philemon 1:24, we find Demas working alongside Paul in Rome. But years later Paul was in low spirits about his friend. He wrote in 2 Timothy 4:10: “Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world.” Demas “coulda been somebody,” but he wasn’t willing to let loose of the world.

Remember Lot’s Wife The Bible is littered with stories of men and women who “coulda been somebody.” Instead they became sore losers, half-hearted followers, halfcommitted disciples, people who started down the road but looked back. One of the shortest verses in the Bible is Luke 17:32: “Remember Lot’s wife.” Jesus was referring to the story in Genesis 19, when Lot and his family settled down in the sordid city of Sodom. There’s nothing wrong with settling down somewhere, of course, and we can’t all live in gated Christian communities, nor should we, but Sodom clearly was an unwise choice for Lot and his family. But Mrs. Lot craved the things that Sodom offered—allowing the world’s values to seep into her. Even when angelic

our hearts on them. Better use what we have with gratitude, holding it lightly, “content to let the world go by, to know no gain or loss,” as the old hymn says. This was also the rich young ruler’s problem in Matthew 19. A wealthy young man came to Jesus, asking questions about eternal life. Jesus advised him to sell his possessions and give his money to the poor. “You will have treasure in heaven,” said Jesus, “and come, follow Me.” But when the young man heard those words, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. It is important to remember that sometimes we have more by having less. If space permitted, I could make the same point with the story of Achan who was unwilling to lose his plunder (Joshua 7), Saul who was unwilling to rid himself of

Sometimes our greatest blessings are seen in the God-sent losses. Though unwelcome at the time, they afterward yield a harvest of righteousness. Our Lord loves us enough to take from us. messengers warned her to flee with her family for their lives, she left grudgingly. When cautioned not to look back, she looked once more at the things she did not want to leave—causing her own destruction. The apostle Paul helps us understand what our attitude should be about accumulating possessions in a society facing judgment. “Time is short…,” he said. “Those who buy something [should use it] as if it were not theirs to keep; those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For the world in its present form is passing away” (1 Corinthians 7:29-31, NIV). All our possessions are going up in smoke one day, every one of them. Better not set

envy (1 Samuel 19), King Solomon who was unwilling to separate from his foreign lovers (1 Kings 11), Judas who wouldn’t uncurl his tightened fingers from the moneybag (John 13:21-30), or Simon the sorcerer who thought he could buy the gift of God with money (Acts 8:20). God-Sent Losses That’s why the Lord, in His mercy, sometimes takes from our lives things that might hinder our spiritual progress or His will in our lives. Sometimes our greatest blessings are seen in the Godsent losses. Though unwelcome at the time, they afterward yield a harvest of righteousness. Our Lord loves us enough to take from us things that might, in His divine foresight, prove to be harmful for KKLA Magazine

Issue 12


our souls or for the work of His Kingdom. Many Christians can testify that a jobloss, for example, though it seemed disastrous at the time, later worked for good. Many can testify that the loss of a girlfriend or boyfriend, though painful to endure, was for the best. Perhaps you know the experience of losing a cherished goal, only to later realize that God had a bigger and better reality for you. Paul wrote, “But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I might gain Christ” (Philippians 3:7-8). Remember Lot’s wife who wouldn’t let go of Sodom. Remember the rich young ruler who wouldn’t let go of his riches. Remember Achan who wouldn’t let go of Barb Stowell half pageRemember ad Spring 2013.ai King 1 3/15/2013 his spoils of war. Saul

who wouldn’t let go of his bitterness. Remember Judas who wouldn’t let go of the moneybag. Remember King Solomon who couldn’t let go of his foreign women. Remember Demas, who couldn’t let go of the world. Remember Terry Molloy: I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody. And then remember what missionary Jim Elliot wrote in his diary on October 28, 1949: He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose. There are some things we should be happy to lose. Jesus said, “He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matthew 10:39). Don’t be afraid to let go of things, and when the Lord takes things from your life, don’t be a sore loser. Any Thoughts? Search keyword “Jeremiah” on kkla.com 11:43:18 AM

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Issue 12

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KKLA Magazine

Issue 12


How My Battle With Dust Mites Helped My Son Overcome His Breathing Problems And Changed My Lifestyle Written By Susan Fries There is no better feeling in life than when you become a parent. And there is no greater sense of helplessness, than when your child faces a serious medical challenge. When my son turned 2 years old he started to have a series of asthma attacks. Eliminating a medical condition or disease responsible for the attacks, I began to wonder if environmental factors were contributing to his breathing problems. With my maternal instincts engaged, I made it my mission to discover what was affecting him so adversely. I started by process of elimination, changing shampoos and soaps, different types of material and clothing, foods and the like but the results were inconclusive. We decided to have him tested and discovered that he was allergic to dust mites. DUST! So, I tore out the carpet in his bedroom put vinyl coverings on his mattress and dusted and vacuumed daily. I started to use more organic items and slowly but surely I created our own “green” environment. As I began to modify our home environment with green and organic solutions, I discovered that his asthma attacks became less frequent until ultimately they went away. Through this process, the concept of the importance of alternative solutions and the “green” lifestyle took a foothold in my personal life. From that day forward I devoted myself to making the environment a better place, knowing that my son isn’t the only person to ever have breathing problems. And just maybe I could make a difference in the lives of others. I incorporated the alternative solution lifestyle into my business, ECOLA Termite and Pest Control. And it is this environmentally friendly approach that is the foundation of ECOLA today. ECOLA helps protect your family, the environment and your most expensive investment, your home. There are many companies doing similar things, but personally, offering environmentally friendly alternative termite and pest control treatments is a passion of mine, as it may have been the saving grace for my son and his life. By personally using fewer chemicals through modern technology, I hope to minimize chemical use worldwide and truly help with informing people of environmental factors such as their indoor air quality and how it affects their health. And with recent advancements and new technologies offered by ECOLA, consumers can choose from a variety of non-fumigant solutions including ECOLA Heat™, Microwave and Electro-Gun and a borate compound called Tim-Bor and Bora-care that protects wood against termite infestations. So if you’re like me and want more control over what chemicals you introduce into your home environment, I invite [QW VQ EQPVCEV '%1.# HQT [QWT VGTOKVG CPF RGUV EQPVTQN PGGFU 9G JCXG UGXGP QHſEGU VQ UGTXG [QW HTQO 5CP .WKU Obispo to San Diego. Call ECOLA toll free at (877) 332-BUGS or on the web at EcolaTermite.com.

Susan Fries, also known as the Termite Lady, is the President and CEO of ECOLA Termite and Pest Control. You can hear ECOLA and the Termite Lady on 99.5 KKLA-FM and in San Diego on 1210 KPRZ-AM, talking on the pursuit of passion, purpose and connection.



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Weekend Highlights Saturdays 9:00 am

| Healthline


Dr. Bob Marshall

10:00 am | Your Body for God


Tony Ganem

5:30 pm

| Amazing Stories from Skidrow


Andy Bales

6:00 pm

| The Sue Fries Show


Sue Fries

7:00 pm

| KKLA Presents


7:30 pm

| A Passion for Christ


Richard Kennedy

8:00 pm

| Core Truth


Steve Wilburn

9:00 pm

| Local Programs


12:00am | Apologetics


Sundays 7:00 am

| The Lutheran Hour


Greg Seltz

7:30 am

| Let My People Think


Ravi Zacharias

8:00 am

| Thru the Bible Sunday Sermon


J. Vernon McGee

8:45 am

| Fresh Bread


Philip George

9:00 am

| Lift Up Jesus


Dudley C. Rutherford

9:30 am

| Core Truth


Steve Wilburn

10:00 am | Soli Deo Gloria


Paul Viggiano

10:30 am | Truth that Changes Lives


J.P. Jones

11:00 am | Food for the Soul


Ronald C. Hill, Sr.

11:30 am | Faith that Works


Scott Daniels

12:00 pm | Local Programs


1:00 pm

| Road to Reality


K.P. Yohannan

1:30 pm

| Thru the Bible Q&A


J. Vernon McGee

5:30 pm

| Sound Doctrine


Jeff Johnson

7:00 pm

| The Good Fight Radio Show


Joe Schimmel

10:00 pm | Living By The Word


L.B.T.W. Radio Team

12:00 am | God’s Gypsy Christian Church


Sam Nicholas


KKLA Magazine

Issue 12

Earn your degree from a university known for excellence to fit into a working professional’s schedule. With accelerated bachelor’s degree programs in liberal studies, nursing, computer science, and leadership, offered online and on campus, working adults can finish their degree when and how they want. A master’s degree in leadership and organizational studies is also offered in both online and face-to-face formats. The most recent addition within the School of Adult and Professional Studies is an online bachelor’s degree in information security, which trains students to meet the soaring demand for data security specialists. A degree can mean taking an important step forward from getting a promotion, to gaining more responsibilities, to becoming an agent of change. At Azusa Pacific University, faculty and staff are dedicated to developing disciples and scholars who impact the world for Christ.

At the graduate level, Azusa Pacific partners with working professionals to enhance their skills and advance their careers. Whether it’s a combination master’s and credential program in education; innovative programs in nursing, psychology, or physical therapy; MBA or management Since 1899, APU has degrees; or art, music, APU offers a wide social work, and more, educated men and variety of academic APU offers a robust programs, comparable women to be effective selection of master’s and to the best colleges opportunities for difference makers in their doctoral and universities in graduates desiring to join the nation. Whatever organizations and fields. a community dedicated to their passion, students professional excellence. In can choose from 51 undergraduate majors, addition, 12 master’s programs are available 30 master’s degrees, 14 certificates, 13 in a dynamic online format that gives students credentials, and 8 doctoral programs on the flexibility of taking courses when and campus, online, and at seven regional centers where it works best for them. across Southern California. From accounting to business, cinematic arts, nursing, social Since 1899, Azusa Pacific has educated work, teaching, and more, students learn men and women to be effective difference from dedicated faculty who provide academic makers in their organizations and fields. A and practical experience to prepare them for member of the Council for Christian Colleges their future careers. & Universities, and recognized among the nation’s top schools by U.S. News & World For adult learners seeking to complete Report, The Princeton Review, and Forbes, a degree, APU’s School of Adult and APU remains committed to God First and Professional Studies offers degree completion offering quality academic programs. To learn and accelerated degree programs designed more, visit apu.com


J. Vernon McGee

IS HEARD WEEKDAYS AT 6:00AM & 8:00PM and Sundays at 8am & 1:30pm ON 99.5FM KKLA

our spiritual Our spiritual weapons




erhaps the most familiar Bible story to every boy and girl who has attended Sunday school is that of David and Goliath. It is a thrilling action story. But the greater thrill is the splendid spiritual truths that are applicable to our present-day lives as believers. We often miss the spiritual overtones of this story because of the spectacular exploits of David. But the road to the spiritual is through the action recorded in Scripture. I’ve heard it argued that it really was an accident when David’s rock smashed Goliath in just the right place. May I say to you that David knew exactly where he was going to put that stone! He was an expert at using a slingshot. There was no question about it in his mind, and he had no qualms whatsoever.

I think the thing we should understand is this: David had absolute confidence that God would deliver him. Moreover David said, “The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” And Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you!” (1 Samuel 17:37) David knew that he could not use the weapons of this world to fight the battle. He had to use his own weapons, his own methods—those in which God had schooled him. The believer today needs to recognize that the world can be overcome only by faith and confidence in God. 28

KKLA Magazine

Issue 12

Let’s move ahead to the fortieth verse, as David went forth: Then he took his staff in his hand; and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook, and put them in a shepherd’s bag, in a pouch which he had, and his sling was in his hand. And he drew near to the Philistine. Some people believe that David chose five stones so that if he missed his first shot, he could use one or all of the others. But David did not intend to miss, friend. Then why did he select five stones? The answer is found in 2 Samuel 21:22: “These four were born to the giant in Gath, and fell by the hand of David and by the hand of his servants.” When the giant Goliath paraded up and down each day, he had four sons as big as he was over yonder in the Philistine camp. And they watched their papa go up and down every day. So David took five stones,

one for each boy. But the boys didn’t come out that day, although they did later, and David and his men got rid of them then. But David had only one stone for Goliath. What a tremendous thing! David’s faith and confidence were absolutely in God. I don’t need to finish the story—I’m sure you know how it ends. God gave David the victory. The battle was the Lord’s, and the giant was delivered into David’s hands. May I say that I am now eager to draw spiritual lessons from this event. In the Scriptures, David is a picture of Christ, he is a small adumbration of Christ. If you follow the words of our Lord very

carefully, you will notice, when Jesus was rebuked by His critics, how often He said, “Have you ever read what David did under similar circumstances?” He was constantly referring to David. Remember, also, that He was in David’s ancestral line and was considered the son of David. Someday He shall occupy the throne of David. So David is just a small picture of Christ. Likewise,

between David and Samson! Samson treated the Philistines as friends—he even married one of them. This distinguishes literally thousands of believers today— some are Samsons and some are Davids. David said, “The Philistine is my enemy, and I must have a victory over him.” Samson said, in effect, “The way to do it is to start a United Nations, and we’ll all

David also represents the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Further—and here is a place where some might disagree with me—I believe the giant represents the world, and I think King Saul represents Satan.

get together and get along just fine.” My beloved, that thinking was the downfall and destruction of Samson. But David had the victory.

The final conflict will eventually be between God and Satan—David and Saul. But for now it’s between believers and the world—David and Goliath. When you and I first come to Christ, the world is our enemy. I’m not talking about the world of people. It is the world system, the cosmos— which includes governments, educational systems, and entertainments—that is the enemy of the believer today. Our Lord made it very clear. Notice what He said in John 15:18–19: If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

David’s words are tremendously important: “You are coming to me with the weapons of the world, but I am not fighting you with the weapons of the world.” We do not fight the world today with the type of weapons it uses. We must have a spiritual weapon, and that weapon is faith in God: For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. (1 John 5:4) You and I cannot use the weapons of the world. But by faith today we can overcome! Excerpted from David: A Man After God’s Own Heart by Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishers. © 2000 by Thru the Bible Radio Network

J. Vernon McGee can be heard weekdays at 6am and 8pm and Sundays at 8am David treated Goliath as an enemy—an and 1:30pm enemy of himself, an enemy of his people, Your Thoughts? Search keyword and an enemy of God. What a difference “McGee” on kkla.com We are to be in the world but not of it.

KKLA Magazine

Issue 12


Listen Saturday from 6-7pm on KKLA 99.5 FM

The writer of Hebrews tells us that faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the certainty of things unseen. We all hope for things we do not see, whether it’s a better job, marriage, healing of an illness or injury, or countless other aspirations. Where does our assurance come from? The answer is Jesus Christ. Does this assurance imply health, perfect monetary success or marriage? No. Our assurance is that Christ rose from the dead and we do not God. That God causes all things to work for the good of those who love him and are called according to His purposes. That He promises to take care of our needs if we seek His righteousness and His kingdom and not our righteousness or our prideful pursuits.

faith, which gives us endurance and perseverance, knowing that any trial we may be going through cannot be compared to the glory we will have with Him when he calls us home. That He wants to showcase us as His personal ambassadors to show the world who He is, and this is seen of our hope in and through these types of trials. in this race. Our minds and attitudes drive our behavior. Going from, “I’m broken,” to “I’m healing everyday”, is a matter of perspective through God’s eyes. Only God has complete control of our lives and the timeframe of events. These are just a few of the things I am pursuing to not only know, but to live in the reality of. Join me each Saturday from 6-7pm on KKLA to learn and explore all that God has for us to walk in.

“The Sue Fries Show” 99.5 KKLA-FM.

Listeners are encouraged to call in during the show Saturday from 6 - 7pm with insights or questions.

Call: (888) 995-KKLA (5552) Susan Fries, known as “The Termite Lady “ is the President of ECOLA Termite and Pest Management Services. She is also a wife, mom, and a woman with a heart to help others

follow Susan at: www.SueFries.com


Steve Mays


Facing Suffering:

Are You Looking in a Mirror or Window?


hy talk about suffering? Can we talk about something else, like buying another car, building a bigger house or maybe having a little bit more money? Why ruin a great day with the word “suffering?” What happens when God calls us to experience suffering firsthand? How can we bear it? We all suffer in one way or another. There are some who suffer physically, emotionally,

mentally, and even spiritually for those who are constantly fighting God’s calling in their lives. Why? We suffer because we refuse to surrender and yield everything to God’s lordship. Without God in our lives, it’s impossible to understand or see any good in suffering. But with God’s help and His Spirit’s empowerment, it can be the sweetest thing a believer ever experiences. KKLA Magazine

Issue 12


God’s Spirit chooses certain people that will accept the pain and sorrow of suffering. He knows they will trust Him fully and learn to love Him deeply. He will take these vessels and will pour His glorious grace upon them with a touch of love and kindness directly from His own hands. He will make them an instrument so powerful, so special and so sweet that no one will be able to resist them. All He asks is that we simply put our trust completely in Him.

I have gone through so many surgeries and am constantly plagued with physical afflictions. Honestly, I don’t think any of us can answer these questions. If we didn’t know God, we could likely brush it off as the way of human existence. But because we know the goodness of God, that He is filled with grace, mercy and compassion, we know that no experience, painful or otherwise, can touch us unless it goes through His hands.

But because we know the goodness of God, that He is filled with grace, mercy and compassion, we know that no experience, painful or otherwise, can touch us unless it goes through His hands. God has declared in His Word that His ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). His wisdom and insight into who we are and what we need in our lives is perfect. However, He does not always reveal to us what He is doing in our lives! When we get into the arena of suffering, often our faith begins to waver in disbelief, our hearts begin to question everything about God’s love, and our minds begin to challenge God’s authority. We take our eyes off of His love and begin to question God Himself. Satan then throws us into the pit of despair. We begin to spiral out of control. We fall until we finally end up in a horrible and sinful place, crying out, “It doesn’t seem fair!” So we ask questions like, “Why do the wicked prosper and the righteous have to suffer? Why does a young Christian woman, who is living her life for the Lord and with great virtuousness, get raped? Why are some evangelical Christian missionaries murdered when they are trying to reach out with the love of the gospel?” Even in my own life I have questioned why 34

KKLA Magazine

Issue 12

When we are struck with pain and suffering, we automatically think that we have done something wrong and that God is trying to teach us a lesson. This is not always the case. In fact, some of the most horrific suffering can take place when we are doing exactly what we should be doing! One thing is certain: Suffering produces character. When we encounter trials, tribulations, and sufferings, it’s then that our Christian walk really meets the road. It is often during these times that the Scriptures truly become alive to us and the Holy Spirit does His greatest work in our lives. Ultimately, there are two ways to look at suffering. One is like looking in a mirror. When trials come and difficulty hits, we immediately look in the mirror and all we see is ourselves—our hurts, our problems, our pain and what others have done to us, but we are oblivious both to God and to what is going on in others’ lives. The more we look in the mirror, the further we slide into despair and will never overcome it. We will never enjoy and experience the fruit

God wants to bring into our lives through our suffering. God wants to take the mirror away and replace it with a window—a view on the rest of the world! If we look out the window, we will see other people who are also hurting. Although we may not see the purpose of our suffering at the time, we will see that God is moving, and He is placing people and circumstances in our life for a reason. Maybe you have been looking in the mirror for a long time. Maybe your attitude is that no one understands, no one has experienced what you are going through, and nobody cares. But the day you choose to throw out the mirror and look through a window, then you can look through the pain, the suffering and the agony of your own life and see another human being. This will produce in you an understanding that there are people around you who are putting up with you. They have been affected by your attitude and your life, and they are in need of your care and your

ministry. The Lord will lift us out of the sorrow, out of the situation, and use us as an instrument of righteousness within His Kingdom. He will give us His compassion to reach out to others who are suffering, to comfort them with the same comfort that we have received. Suffering is common to all men and women. Jesus, who did nothing wrong, suffered more than any other man or woman in history. Yet, He was able to say from the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). Throughout His life and His suffering, Jesus looked through a window instead of a mirror and was able to see others, not Himself. Are you looking in a mirror right now, or are you looking through a window? Steve Mays is Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel South Bay in Gardena. His radio program “Light of the Word” can be heard weeknights at 7pm on 99.5 FM KKLA.

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Issue 12



Alistair Begg


n i l o u t Y S o O N L The W l o o r d n k r o e a f r B


n the February 23, 2013 Wall Street Journal, Evgeny Morozov wrote that “Silicon Valley sees ‘smart’ objects not just as products, but as a way to ‘fix’ individuals’ behavior in a broken world.” Google Chief Financial Officer Patrick Pichette was quoted as saying, “the world is a ‘broken’ place whose problems, from traffic jams to inconvenient shopping experiences to excessive energy use, can be solved by technology.” 36

KKLA Magazine

Issue 12

Pichette is correct: The world is broken. People with broken homes, lives and hearts are desperately seeking an answer. Their quest leads them to a myriad of solutions, from technology to tofu. The clamoring of those selling the latest fix is deafening. And where in the midst of this milieu is the believer? Are we speaking up and proffering the only solution with relevance, clarity and conviction? We must lead our broken friends, neighbors and colleagues to the only place where the solution may be found. For they will never find it in Silicon Valley; it is on a hill at the foot of a cross.

Promise of Restoration From Genesis to Revelation the Bible proclaims the promise of redemption and restoration in Christ. In John’s Gospel, he tells the story of God physically entering our world in the Lord Jesus Christ and allowing His body to be broken and His blood to be shed so that we may be made whole. John’s mission in writing is “…that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31). John ultimately is not a biographer; he is an evangelist. Purposeful Documentation John could have expounded on every miraculous sign and event, supposing that “even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written” (John 21:25). Instead, as guided by the Holy Spirit, John is selective to

objective foundation. John leaves us in no doubt that true belief cannot be equated with an awareness that God exists. Such a devalued notion would suggest that the devil has faith because he’s not agnostic. Even the devil is agonizingly aware of the reality of God and of His redemption in Christ, but he is not committed to God. True belief must be founded on the intimate knowledge of personal fellowship, which brings us into contact with God. From the beginning of John’s Gospel, it is clear that this kind of knowledge comes at a great cost. It involves the giving over of our lives to Christ. Jesus described it in terms of carrying our cross, denying self and following Him. True biblical faith requires accepting that we cannot rely upon our own merits and achievements, but we must trust in Christ alone.

If Jesus is not who He claims to be, then His death for our sins is of no value and in no way alters our standing before God. the express purpose of seeing unbelieving people come to trust unreservedly in who Christ is and what He has accomplished on the cross. Throughout his writing, John intentionally confronts readers with the identity of Jesus, the necessity of faith, and the reality of eternal life. The nature of true belief is seen in stark relief against the dark background of confusion and theological vagueness. An Objective Foundation John understands that true faith must rest upon the objective reality of Christ. Soggy sentimentalism quickly wanes in the light of intellectual scrutiny. For subjective feelings to be trusted, they must have an

Undeniable Incarnation John was concerned that his readers not rely on some sort of baseless conviction, but that their faith would be firmly grounded in the Lord Jesus Christ. For this reason John worked hard to provide empirical evidence that Jesus is the Messiah. There is no denying the exclusive nature of this fact. It fuels the flames of world mission and stands confidently in the face of syncretism, pantheism and new-age nonsense. John tells us that this Jesus of Nazareth is none other than very God. The religious leaders were in no doubt about Jesus’ claim to deity, renouncing it as blasphemous.

KKLA Magazine

Issue 12


Practical Implications Living as we do in an age of philosophical pluralism, it is imperative that we read and reread and bow beneath the timeless authority of the Word of God. As we immerse ourselves in the truths conveyed by John’s Gospel, a couple of practical implications emerge. First, those who claim to know and honor God but deny the truth of the deity of Christ are deluded and dangerously misdirected. Second, the finality of Christian revelation and the validity of Christian redemption rest wholly on the deity of Christ. If we deny Christ’s deity, then we are destined to grope forever in the darkness of our unenlightened reason. If Jesus is not who He claims to be, then His death for our sins is of no value and in no way alters our standing before God. Consequently, whatever sense of peace and forgiveness we may experience is simply a feeling and nothing more.


KKLA Magazine

Issue 12

The Time for Proclamation It is vital that we take to the streets afresh with the bold apostolic declaration that there is salvation in no one other than the Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel is the only reasonable and sufficient solution to our brokenness. The time is ripe for us to declare a realistic world view in light of what the Bible teaches: Man is made in the image of God. He is marred by the inroads of sin. He is in need of a moral and spiritual transformation. And here in John’s Gospel, we are provided not with a possible solution, but with the only solution. This is a day of good news, and we dare not be silent. Alistair Begg is Senior Pastor of Parkside Church in suburban Cleveland and host of Truth for Life radio, heard daily at 8am on 99.5 FM KKLA. Your thoughts? Search keyword “Begg” on kkla.com



Courage to Overcome

Dudley Rutherford



ave you ever been hurt by someone you love? Have you ever been falsely accused or unjustly punished? Have you ever done your very best only to feel as though it got you nowhere? Have you ever been promised a reward and been forgotten? Have you ever felt that you kept doing the right thing, but somehow you found yourself being treated poorly by those around you? Have you ever felt alone, forsaken, or tempted? Have you ever considered seeking revenge? If any of these questions resonate with you, you’re not alone. Joseph was a man who endured abuse, betrayal, false accusations, 40

KKLA Magazine

Issue 12

and imprisonment, but God turned his tragedies into a story of grace. Joseph’s story is both riveting and inspiring. It has a handsome leading man, history, drama, lust, jealousy, despair, bitterness, and revenge. And at the very end, good triumphs over evil. Joseph’s trials began in Genesis 37, when his own brothers sold him into slavery. Not only were they jealous because their father, Jacob, favored Joseph and gave him an ornate robe, but they also were infuriated because Joseph shared with them two different dreams he had that suggested he would rule over his family in the future. So his brothers seized the opportunity to sell him to Midianite

merchants and led their father to believe that a wild animal had killed Joseph in the forest. Joseph was then sold to Potiphar, the captain of the palace guard. The Bible says that the blessing of the Lord was upon Potiphar’s house because of Joseph, so Potiphar appointed Joseph as overseer of nearly all he owned. But when Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce Joseph and he refused her advances, she falsely accused Joseph of trying to sleep with her. Potiphar became furious and threw Joseph into prison. Today, you may be feeling that if you do what is right you will get in trouble. Perhaps it appears that everyone else around you is doing what is wrong and getting away with it. Do the right thing anyway, and keep doing the right thing. There is a short-term and long-term consequence to doing what is wrong and doing what is right. You see, while Joseph was in prison, the Bible says that God was with him. If you’re living right and doing what is right, it doesn’t matter where you might end up because God is with you. You must do what is right in the sight of God despite the consequences you might face in the hands of man. While Joseph was in prison, “the Lord was with him; He showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden. So the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there” (Genesis 40:2122). Eventually, Joseph’s gift for interpreting dreams led to his introduction to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, who ultimately made Joseph second in command. Furthermore, thanks to Joseph’s correct interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams, Egypt stored food during seven years of abundance, which spared them from starvation during the subsequent seven years of famine.

after another because of their betrayal—he instead extended them grace. Joseph offered his brothers life-saving food at no cost and restored their broken family. In so many ways, the life of Joseph is a foreshadowing of the life of Jesus the Messiah. Even after we may have rejected Jesus as Joseph’s brothers initially rejected him, Christ continues to extend His invitation of grace. Just as we may wonder why Joseph would forgive his brothers for the wrong they did, we also ask why Jesus would forgive us for the wrongs we have done. Take note of what Joseph said to his brothers, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Genesis 50:19). Similarly, what some intended for harm in Jesus’ physical death, God used to save our lives eternally through Christ’s resurrection. The story of Joseph is a tremendous encouragement to you and me today. No matter what we might be going through—no matter how bad things may appear—God is with us. Despite the tough challenges you may be facing, as long as you put our trust in the Lord, you will overcome. On a deep and emotional level, Joseph’s story teaches us about the redeeming power of grace, hope, and forgiveness that is available to us from God at any moment. It teaches us the value of perseverance and having the faith and courage to be an overcomer. Dudley Rutherford is the author of God Has an App for That Godhasanapp.com and the senior pastor of the 10,000-member Shepherd of the Hills Church in Porter Ranch (Los Angeles), California. You can hear his radio program Lift Up Jesus Sundays at 9am on 99.5 FM KKLA. You can download the audio message of Joseph’s journey by visiting dudleyrutherford. com/store. Look for the image with the colorful stripes and the word “Joseph” under the Message Series tab. You can find Dudley online at DudleyRutherford.com or on Twitter @pastordudley.

Next, an unexpected family reunion occurred when Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt to seek grain during the famine. Although Joseph had every reason to exact revenge against his brothers—suffering one harrowing ordeal Your thoughts? Search keyword “Rutherford” on kkla.com

KKLA Magazine

Issue 12


WOW JAM Outreach Celebrates More than

by Phil Liberatore


Standing in the most needy areas of our city, surrounded by desperate, hopeless people and seeing it transformed into a place of peace and joy, filled with people of hope and destiny! This is how the power of God works through Stephen and Linda Tavani Phil Liberatore, founder of IRS Problem 6ROYHUV ÀLSV EXUJHUV DW D :2: -$0 in their incredible outreaches called 2XWUHDFK RQ 6NLG 5RZ WOW JAMS! The strategy is simple; mobilize volunteers, churches, businesses and organizations to help throw a party complete with a free barbecue, music, drama, games and prizes. Love people in practical ways like giving away groceries, haircuts, bike repair, family photos and much more. Then share with them that God loves them personally and has a purpose for their life! In the past 21 years, over 1,250,000 people have attended, 123,180 volunteers have been mobilized, 2,150 interns have been trained and 438,970 have received Christ! Stephen and Linda Tavani are not only dear friends of our family; they are my missionary heroes of this generation!


han 20 Years of Reaching the Lost for Christ We share the same passion in bringing the dynamic and life changing word of Jesus Christ to those who are hopelessly stuck in an existence of gangs, drugs and broken lives. My family and I are truly blessed to be a part of this outpouring of love to +XQGUHGV DFFHSW &KULVW DW D :2: -$0 2XWUHDFK HYHQW so many people in need. We know how personally rewarding it is to work along side hundreds of volunteers in ministering to those in need. I urge you to join us in being involved in the 2013 WOW JAM, June 2329. I’m confident you will find the experience, life changing. There are many different ways that you can participate and contribute. For more information, contact WOW International at 626.296.8800 or visit their website at wowjam.com.

Phil Liberatore, CPA | IRS Problem Solvers 877.6.SOLVER | StopIRSPain.com

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