The Cantuarian March 1907 - March 1909

Page 283



bladders. At last we managed to, blow two up, but in the night the do~s ~ot hald 0 f t I1e at IleT t wo, t n'ed to dI gest tl,eln , but we have reasons forf behevtmg 1 r 'I d One of the survivors we played foo tball with, and it un ortuna e y they laI e . f VV hauled the nauseous thing up 2000 burst ; the last \~e took g~e~t f~'~~~ ~o' catc~ a fi;h to bait it with, so we kicked 1 . h t . ts passed along the feet to a mountam tarn, u it down again. It alway~ seemed my \urn carry l~ w S~l~d~~~~ tried to send it road . The end of thIS o~le wa~ t lat oggs ~n. the lake and we saw it across the lake, bU,t the '~lllld ~~~dt;r~;s l~v~~w;uite inconsolable for its ;::, I d' d appetite' but we no more I wasn t at a so rr) , loss j he 'said it had a healthy s~ell <l:nd gave. him a sp en. 1 he' was ah~a s (L to never noticed any diminution 111 ,Ius appetite afterw~Tds ~everal 'times s~oilt by


~rr~~,~s~t i~I~I~~~~~I:J'db~ot~O ;r~~~~ I;~r ~~~r~~~z:e;\!>~:Jd 0;~1?d ~~: ;~~~e:r~:ln~II~~

a~~~:. t\~er~~::d'e tl!l1tb~~~ ~f ::r u~~l~ fine day by c1.imbing ov~r(Yt~ ~l~ldteIl~~~d fJle prettiest of the smaller lakes j It was abou\ 1 l:ll1les, ~utLI! °s~~ee ' we ha\'~ a short cut over a moun~ain and h~d an aw ,u h~~~~ ~~ts ove r m o~ ntains. at digcovered that there aren t s ~ch thm gs as s hand ) but they aren't short. least the cuts are there ~I stIll 1have ~ne ft~r m~actl y a fortnight and walked B10ggs an.d I had to br~a ,up t le~ ~tr ~o:rs of ~he mo rnin g. I 'hear that ~n the 14 mIles to th e stati on III th ~ ea y Ll ss they held up the mountain tram Monday when the othh.elr tlhvo redt~lrdne th~~rerclo~~lel~a at' the engine fire. So ended the for half an hour w 1 e t e:y ne wettest, jolliest and freest holiday we have eve r spent.



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