The Cantuarian March 1907 - March 1909

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(Prizes givtlt by f . Emery, Esq.)

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H . Spence. I. S. Worters.

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T. P. Wright, ii. M. D. James. H. Wright, i.



R. Reeve.

G. A. Townend.

Anniversary Preacher. " ht' Rv.v . F. HARRISON , M.A, (O.K.S.• 1842-1847), Rector of North Wraxhall, Wilts; late Fellow and Dean of Oriel College, Ox ford, and Senior Mathematical Scholar of the University.

Exhibitioners elected July, 1907. G. H. S. PINSENT (Rose) i\'Iajor Mathematical Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. C. J. N. ADAMS (Stanhope). W. N. KEMPE (Parker ), C. C. C., Cambridge.

The Gilbert Gift. C. N. SMITH, S1. John's College, Oxford .

The O.K.S. Gift. H. H . E. GOSSET, R. M.A., Woolwich.

The Waddington Gift. G. M. WIWSTER, Exhibitioner of Exeter College, Oxford.

Exhibitioners now at the Universities. F. C. BOVE NSC HEN (Rose) Scholar of <;orpus College, Oxford.

D. J. PRESTON (Rose) Scholar of Pe mbroke College, Cambridge.


TWJo:LLS (Stanhope) Scholar of J esus College, Cambridge. A. GILLIIJRAND (Parker) Corpus Christ i College, Cambridge. E. A. Rop&& (Rose) Scholar of Q ueen's College. Oxford. R. H. BRINSLEy·RICHARDS (Rose) Scholar of Queen's College, Oxford . H. P. V. TOWN&ND (Bunce) Scholar of St. John 's College, Oxford. L . T. WATKINS (Parker) C. C. C., Cambridge.

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