The Cantuarian December 1955 - August 1956

Page 197


THE J UNIOR SCHOOL Many past members of tI,e School wi ll be intcrested to know that the Chaplain goes to Milner Court next term as its Headmaster. He has been here for ninc years and, in that time, has endeared himself to great numbers Hncl, apart from the zea l and devotion

wit h which he has fulfilled Ius function as Chaplain, he has given unstinting service to all the major Games in which he himself is so eminenl and able an exponent. On all gro unds we deeply regret his departure but congrat ulate thc Junior School on having such a fine man, and it is quite certain that he with Mrs. Ed:no nds will conti nue the sO llnd and worthy traditions which have characteri zed the J un ior School tl u'o ughout its long llistory. We wish him every success ill his new appointment, but arc glad that he is not, of course, rca ll y leaving LI S. He will be living only two 111il es away and the Junior School is an integral part of the Senior School. We understa nd tha t Mr. Edmonds will still give us so me help in Games and wm, each week, appear among us in Chapel. In congratulat ing the Chaplain and Milner Court both on this appoint ment, we take this opportun ity of saying farewc U to the Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Oldaker. They took over the School at a difficult momcnt in 1945 when it was returning from Cornwall. The difficulties which they had to face were tremendous, but they did so with courage and confidence and cheerfu lness. Mr. Oldaker has done a great deal to improve the buildings and the amenities generall y in the Junior School, and he has raised the standard of work very co nsiderably and, indeed. to a very great extent Milner Court boys have been very prominent in our own Entrance Scholarship Exa minations. Both Mr. and Mrs. Oldaker have given themselves without reservc to the wclfare and the development of the School and, in short, have made it an attractive sphere for any successor with most of the problems solved and the diffic ult ies erased . Wc wish them every good fo rt une in the dcligh tful village of C ulmstock in Devonshire, to which M r. Oldaker is goi ng as Rector, and we are sure that the parishioners there will have as wa rm regard for them as the people belonging to the School here have, for we know what very fine wo rk they have achieved among us. On Saturday, Jul y 28th, the Annual Prize-Giving Ceremony was held at tile Junior School when at the invitation of Mr. Oldaker the incoming Headmaster gave the prizes, and the Headmaster of the Senior School made presenta tions to Mr. and Mrs. Oldaker, one from the parents and staff and boys, and a second from the Governors of the King's School.


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