The Relic's of the Prophet-

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‫اثارالنبوية‬ Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah

Blessed Relics Associated with

Saiyyidinaa Rasoolul- Laah

Meeting with the Custodian of the Blessed Relics of the Beloved Holy Prophet


Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi's meeting with honorable Dr. Shaiekh Ahmad Bin Al Imaam Muhammad Al Khazraji…

This meeting with Shaiekh Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Khazraji took place

on August 31,

2014, in his house in Al-Bateen Abu Dhabi. UAE

(I, Shaiekh Ateeq ur Rahmaan wrote this according to a recording which was made during the meeting, so please excuse me if there is any mistake in spelling or any word is misunderstood.)

Some of the Key Arabic Words used in this conversation are given as below: -

Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah ‫اثارالنبوية‬ Blessed Relics associated with Saiyyidinaa Rasoolul- Laah ‫صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬

Ziyaarah (Visitation) Sanad (Certificate) Zafeerah (Long Hair) Khusla (Long hair ) Jubbah (long gown) Burdah (Mantle) Al-Ghaaliyah (perfumed used by Rasoolul Laah ‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬ Bakhoor (dry perfume powder) Aadilah (benefits of Blessed relics) Barakah (Blessing)

Nisbah (Associated Link) Ishaarah(Indication) Zikr (remembrance) Sulah Hudaiebiyah Hajjat-ul-Wada'a

Shaiekh Ahmed bin Muhammad Al Khazraji, is a descendant from ‫ خزرج‬Khazraj tribe of Ansaar of Madinah KSA and have a healthy collection of many ‫' اثار النبوية‬Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah (Sacred Hairs and other Blessed Relics of Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬with authentic certificates.

His father Muhammad Al Khazraji had served as Minister of Endowments and Islaamic Affairs, Minister of Justice and the Head of The Committee of Heritage and culture in the U.A.E. He was the First Judge in Abu Dhabi since 1958 descending his father Sheikh Ahmed Which was the judge for 48 years in Dubai descending his father which was the judge for 50 years. Fitting to their unparalleled privilege, Government of U.A.E has published stamps as a respect to his family. Currently, Shaiekh Al Khazraji has been appointed as Chief of Al-Ansaar fraternity worldwide by appointed solely by Al Ansaar Tribe.


n August 31, 2014 evening, a three-member delegation (me, Shaiekh Ateeq ur Rahmaan

and Mr. Haaroon) led by ‫ الدكتور عالمه كوكب نورانى اوكاروى‬Dr.Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi from Pakistan met with ‫ الشيخ احمد بن محمد الخزرجى‬Shaiekh Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Khazraji in his house at ‫البطين‬Al-Bateen, Abu Dhabi. Shaiekh Al Khazraji welcomed the guests warmly. During the meeting, Dr. Okarvi had a detailed conversation with Shaiekh Al-Khazraji about the treasury of 'Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah he possesses, how it reached to his family and its genuineness.

Earlier one day, the eldest son of Shaiekh Al-Khazraji, Muhammad arranged a visitation of the 'Aasaar-ulNabaviyyah' for the delegation. Dr. Okarvi vehemently thanked Shaiekh Al-Khazraji for giving them an opportunity to visit the 'Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah' and prayed to Allaah Kareem for better rewards to Al Khazraj family .

Shaiekh Al-Khazraji informed him that visitations of the 'Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah' are arranged in Abu Dhabi every year during the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal. Thousands of people avail the opportunity of visitation to get Barakah from the 'Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah'.

Dr. Kaukab Noorani Okarvi then presented him few of his popular books translated in English, especially ‘Islaam's First Eid’ ( ‫ عيد ميالد النبى‬Prophet Muhammad's Birthday celebrated as Eid), ‘Azaan and Durood Shareef’ ‫( أذان اور درود شريف‬Reading Durood wa Salaam before and after the Azaan) and ‫ثواب العبادات الى أرواح‬ ‫‘ األموات‬Sawaab-ul-Ibaadaat’ (cascading the rewards to deceased persons). There are total 28 books written by Dr. Kaukab Noorani Okarvi on various important Islaamic teachings and practices. There are almost equal numbers of books written by his respected father ‫الخطيب األعظم موالنا محمد شفيع‬ ‫ اوكاروى‬Khateeb e A’zam Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi (Rahmatul Laahi 'Alaiehi) (1929-1984) on Islaamic belief and practices, some among his masterpieces are Zikr e Jameel, Shaam e Karbalaa, Raah e Aqeedat, Imaam e Paak aur Yazeed Paleed, Az Zikr ul Haseen…. These have been published in millions of copies since last 60 years, including some with English translation. Shaiekh Al Khazraji took deep interest in the books, accredited its topics as ‘well-chosen’ and desired to have more copies for distribution amongst his friends and followers worldwide.

Dr. Okarvi also briefly explained his Vision & Mission to Shaiekh Al Khazraji. His life mission is to manifest the true values of deen-e-Islaam with utmost love and respect of the beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). He is known to have ‘zero-tolerance’ vision against any disrespect towards the Holy Prophet Muhammad ( ‫) صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬.

Shaiekh Al-Khazraji deeply admired the philosophy and approach of Dr. Okarvi and requested to join him during his foreign tours organized for visitation of 'Aasaar-ulNabaviyyah' in various parts of the world. (Dr. Okarvi accepted the invitation offer and said that whatever services he can provide, it will be an honor.) Dr. Okarvi told Shaiekh Al Khazraji that purpose of his visit was primarily to pay a visitation of these 'Aasaar-ulNabaviyyah' and secondly to hear from him in-person about the authenticity of these 'Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah'.

Dr. Okarvi said Prophet Ibraaheem ('Alaiehis Salaam) who once asked to his Creator- Allaah Says in Qur’aan: ‫ؤمن قَا َل بَلَى َولَ ِكن ِليَط َمئِ َّن قَل ِبي‬ ِ ُ ‫َيف تُح ِيي ال َموتَى قَا َل أ َ َولَم ت‬ َ ‫ب أ َ ِرنِي ك‬ ِ ‫برا ِهي ُم َر‬ َ ‫َو ِإذ قَا َل ِإ‬ Wa 'Iz Qaala 'Ibraaheemu Rabbi 'Arinee Kaiefa Tuĥyil Mautaa Qaala 'Awalam Tu'min Qaala Balaá Wa LaakilLiyaţma'inna Qalbee [Baqarah 2:260] And when Ibraaheem said, "My Lord! Show me how You will give life to the dead"; He said, "Are you not certain (of it)?" Ibraaheem said, "Surely yes, why not? But because I wish to put my heart at ease";

So by following prophet’s example, he wanted to ask few questions for his satisfaction, According to a saying,

Al Lazee Ikraamu Maa Nusiba bihi ‫الذى إكرام ما نسب به‬ Whatever is associated, attached or belongs to the holy Prophet (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬, we should respect it wholeheartedly. We should respect the connection in consideration of the references attached to these relics unless it is proved otherwise.


e knew that the visitation of these 'Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah' is an unmatched blessing. According to ‫ امام ابن سيرين‬Imaam Ibn-

e-Seereen, it is better than the world and anything in this world (Khairun-min-ud-dunya-wa-maa-feehaa

‫خير من‬

‫ ) الدنيا وما فيها‬therefore, having confidence on the authenticity of these 'Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah' will certainly increase the level of our respect during visitation. Dr. Okarvi added that before I reached you, I purposely went to Madinat-ur-Rasool (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬three days ago and requested the Prophet Muhammad ‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬that I have planned to make ‫ زيارة‬visitation of the 'Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah with Shaiekh Al Khazraji. Please make it easy for me if these are genuinely associated to you ( ‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬.

Below is the summary of the ‘Questions and Answers’ session of Dr. Okarvi with Shaiekh Al Khazraji.

Dr. Okarvi: In view of the importance and sacredness of these relics, have you recorded all the detail in the form of a book? How and when it reached to your family? Shaiekh Al Khazraji: Yes, we do understand the importance of this information and accordingly a comprehensive book is being composed along with full detail of references and asnaad. In the book each and every 'Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah has been discussed separately along with complete chain of command ( ‫سند‬sanad). It describes the hierarchy up to 5 –degree evidence reaching to ‫سيدنا شيخ عبد القادر الجيالنى‬ ‫ الغوث األعظم‬Saiyyid Abdul Qaadir Jeelaani (May Allaah be pleased with him). The book describes in detail how to preserve these 'Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah'? And what kind of modus operandi we adopt to maintain its originality?

Dr. Okarvi: I would appreciate if you can explain it to me from 1st degree (1st person) how it cascaded and reached down to your family. Was it Hazrat Anas (May Allaah be pleased with him) ?

Shaiekh Al Khazraji: No. These 'Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah wasn’t owned this house. It was with Al-Ansaar and Ahl-e-Baiet family. In 2006, my father Mohamed Al Khazraji passed away and during 2007 & 2008, so many people of Al-Ansaar and so many from Ahl-e-Baiet family dreamed Prophet Muhammad( ‫صلى هللا عليه‬ ‫ )و سلم‬and got instruction from him to transfer all 'Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah they have in possession and gave it to me (Shaiekh Al-Khazraji) in-person. So we received more than 40 items of 'Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah during 2007-08, in 2009 we received nothing in whole year, and then in 2010 we got more ishaarah that more 'Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah we will receive in the coming years. So in 2010, we actually received more relics than in phase 1 during 2007-08.

I tell you that during 2010, a VIP personality hailing from a very rich & famous family from GCC country sent delegations to talk about Aasaar; where we keep? How we keep? And all other questions related to it. After their satisfaction, they disclosed that this person (who sent them to meet me) has more than 300 Aasaar with him, all sealed by ‫ خالفت عثمانيه‬Caliphate Usmaaniyah. These Aasaar had been concealed secretly under the earth in a sophisticated and safe manner. Even the brother of that personality was not aware of these sacred items. So he negotiated with us to start moving all these Aasaar to us. They are still under negotiations to hand over the Aasaar to us In order to maintain them and show them out to the public for the benefit of all Muslims.

This was beginning of 2010, then after 2 or 3 months, more people came to us. This year in 2010 we got more Aasaar directly from 4th or 5th family from Al Ansaar chain from Ansaar and these were in big numbers.

Dr. Okarvi: Can I ask these people who got Ishaarah or by order of Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessing of Allaah be upon him) to handover the Aasaar to you along with all authenticity or it was just as gifts? Shaiekh Al Khazraji: Yes, we received these Aasaar along with full authenticity and track record some reaching to Saiyyidinaa Abdul Qaadir Jeelaani. There is no 100% chain of command available reaching to Prophet Muhammad ( ‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬in some cases but it is verified up to ‫تابعين‬ Taabi’een and ‫ صحابه‬Sahaabah. Some we have even direct from Prophet Muhammad( ‫صلى هللا عليه و‬ ‫ )سلم‬like Zafeerah (long hair). This is from ‫حجة الوداع‬Hajjatul–Wada'a i.e. according to ‫الصحيح البخارى‬ Saheeh Bukhaari Hazrat Talhah ‫( طلحه‬May Allaah be pleased with him) took the right side of hair and handed over to ‫ ام سليم‬Umm-e-Sulaiem. It remained with her family till it is transferred to Saiyyidinaa Hazrat Abdul Qaadir Jeelaani and similarly it had been remained in the custody of their family and cascaded to their grandchildren till they got ‫ إشارة‬Ishaarah to handover it to my son Ahmad Al Khazraji.

Dr. Okarvi: It means that these Aasaar were not with your parents / grandparents since long? Shaiekh Al Khazraji: Yes, these were not in my family. You can say that it is from Ansaar tribe which is our connected family. It is mentioned in the book I referred you earlier. It is now in the final stage of printing. Then Shaiekh Al-Khazraji showed the contents of the ‫‘االثار النبوية‬Al-Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah’ book to Dr. Okarvi in detail. It is being published initially in Arabic and later on shall be translated in various languages including, French, English and Urdu.

Dr. Okarvi: There are number of books printed and available in the market on the subject of Aasaar. We can use these references but the authenticity of all these Aasaar you possesses is more important than other aspects. He explained that why he emphasized on this element is because if anybody says even a lighter word against it, we cannot tolerate it and our blood starts violent. Personally, every time I shall visit these Aasaar I will see it with my wet eyes but to reply to others on television/ social media, I need to have evidence of authenticity. To be honest with you before coming to you I went to Madinat ur -Rasool and prayed to Prophet Muhammad (May peace and Allaah blessing be upon him) requesting that if it is belonging to you (Prophet Muhammad) then please help me to pay the visitation and to meet Al-Khazraji.

Shaiekh Khazraji: This is the book titled as ‘

‫االثار النبوية فى الخزانة الخزرجية‬Al-Aasaar-ulNabaviyyah’ fil khazaana tul Khazrajiyyah '. This book shall be printed on A3 size paper. The proof reading of this book is done personally by me. The preamble of the book is comprises of ‫مقدمات‬ Muqaddamaat written by various dignified personalities worldwide. Some of the names included are; Mufti Maulana Al-Fateh Al Kataani Al Hassani Al Hashimi Mufti Al Maalikiyyah in Syria- The son of Maulana Makki AL Kataani the head of the Muslim League during his period – and the grandson of Imaam Al Muhaddis -Ja'far Al-Kataani who was a Mufti of Al-Maaliki in the Syria, Al Saiyyid Ali Bin Abdur Rahmaan Al Haashimi – Advisor of president of UAE, ‫سماحة‬ ‫ الشيخ‬Samaahat Al Shaiekh Scholar Ali Jumaa Previous Mufti of Egypt, Samaahat Al Shaiekh Ahmad AL Khalili Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman and several renowned Scholars from Other countries.

Dr. Okarvi: Why not to add the names of those Scholars or distinguished delegates from across the world, who have paid a visitation of these Aasaar? It will also help to validate the authenticity of these Aasaar. Shaiekh Khazraji: Yes, though the list of these personalities is very lengthy. However, we can add the some of them. The next Chapter-2 of the book is about the 40 Hadith – sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬. The Chapter -3 of the book talks about the Aadilah – regarding the benefits of keeping the ‫اثار الشريفة‬ Aasaar-ush-shareefah. Full references have been given from Qur’aan, Hadees, Saying of the companions of Prophet Muhammad - Sahaabah ( ‫)رضي هللا عنهم‬, Ijmaa ul Muslimeen ‫إجماع المسلمين‬. Then there is detail about the benefits of Aasaar.

The Chapter -4 of the book has two sub sections. Section-1 describes the various blessed relics associated with the Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬. We have categorized them into five groups (I did this division according to my own perception and not referenced from any book); Cat-1:- The Aasaar associated with physical and bodily parts of the Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬ like Hair, Teeth, nails , araq (blessed body sweat) , areeq, etc. Cat-2:- The Aasaar associated with physical connection of the Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬body like ‫ عمامة‬Amaamah, ‫ برده‬Burdah, ‫ قميص‬Shirt, ‫ خاتم‬ring, ‫ إزار‬izaar, etc. Cat-3:- The Aasaar occasionally carried by Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬but not on daily basis like ‫ عصا‬stick, ‫ خاتم‬ring, ‫ سيوف‬suyoof, Mekhsara. Cat-4:- The Aasaar which has physical touch, connection with Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬like ‫ المنبر‬minmbar (dias used for sermon) and letter written to various kings of the time etc. Cat-5:- The Aasaar associated with places (his companion houses) where Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬visited or prayed or stayed.

The Section 2 of Chapter 4 describes the ‫ خصص االثار‬Khasas-ul–Aasaar – how we know the Aasaar? Which mean how we can establish the authenticity of Aasaar if having no certificate? Many guidelines have been given in this section to prove the authenticity of the sacred items belonging to Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬. For example, it is unique and miraculous fact that only Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬hair can grow. Black hair will grow black; white will grow white and black hair grows faster than white. No one else hair, even Hazrat Abuu Bakr Siddeeque (‫ )رضي هللا عنه‬or any other companion of Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬hair will not grow. So based on this we can differentiate between the true blessed hairs attributed to Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬. Similarly Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬hair shall have no shadow and it will never burn on Fire. However, one has to be experienced and competent to apply these tests when required. One thing is very sure that anything belonging to Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬shall not go waste.

I tell you an incident related to this. A Shaiekh from Ahle-Baiet family of Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬, now living in Madinah visited me eight months ago. I gave him 'itr with very little Araq Shareefah. He kept with him. 10 days after that, one Shaami Ulama also visited me. He had some Aasaar with him. That guy whom I gave 'itr mixed with Araq Shareefah told this Aalim but he was suspicious about the authenticity of Araq Shareefah. On the same night he saw Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬in his dream and he asked him about the ‫ العرق الشريفه‬Araq Shareefah. Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬replied that yes, this is my Araq, and only my araq will remain over time.

This is beyond doubt fact that Holy hair belonging to Prophet Muhammad ( ‫صلى هللا عليه‬ ‫ )و سلم‬miraculously grows by itself and that the fragrance / Araq embedded in it is still remaining even after more than 1400 years’ time lapse. Interestingly enough he has noticed new hairs being added up in his collection whenever he is in service of Al Aasaar. . Curious to know, he has shown only the new hairs to fire to test. No, it has surpassed the test ensuring that it was derived from the original hair of Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬. He also noticed some hairs moving by itself upon kept in Majlis uz Zikr (‫ )مجلس الذكر‬and some glowing in dark as well.

Adding to my point on ‫ خصائص االثار‬Khasaais-ul-Aasaar; I share with you another personal experience. A very small piece of holy hair, I gave it to one of the Shaiekh from Bahrain on April 15, 2009 and in June 11, 2009 within a span of 2 months, it miraculously grown to double of its original size. I asked the Shaiekh to gather ‫ الشهادة‬Shahaadah from Ulamaa of Bahrain to sign. (and he showed me this shahaadah) Dr. Okarvi: Who is writing the ‘ ‫ االثار النبوية‬Al-Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah’ book? Shaiekh Khazraji: That is me.

Dr. Okarvi: Do you have other references on similar books on blessed relics published in India and Pakistan? Shaiekh Khazraji: Not really all but one which I mentioned in this ‘Al-Aasaar-ulNabaviyyah’ and that is by Shaah Abdur Raheem Muhaddis Dehlvi – the father of ‫الشاه ولي‬ ‫ هللا‬Shaah Waliyul laah. Dr. Okarvi: I have also wrote a book on title, ‫“ مزارات و تبركات اور ان كى فيوضات‬Mazaaraat o Taburrkaat aur un kay Fuyuuzaat” I can provide some names of the relevant books on blessed relics if you wish. Shaiekh Khazraji: That will be appreciated. Dr. Okarvi: Many people also have Far'a ‫( فرع‬more hair growth from the original hair)

Shaiekh Khazraji: Yes, This is true and we saw it with our own eyes and it has happened many times.. Dr. Okarvi: Those people who told you that Holy Prophet ordered them to bring the Aasaar to you. How did you confirm that they have really seen the Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬in dream? Is there any kind of shahaadah you witnessed with them? Shaiekh Khazraji: Firstly, the Aasaar were given to me by more than one person, they were from different countries and not known to each other as well. Secondly, they gave me these Aasaar without any exchange of worldly things. In-fact, they all were in search of me since long. Dr. Okarvi: So it is not yourself who got indication? Shaiekh Khazraji: No, we do received the indications as well that we will receive the Aasaar but not in the manner from whom will get these Aasaar. Dr. Okarvi: Shaiekh! Since last 5-6 years, there would have been thousands of visitors. Have you come across any visitor who tried to confirm this?

Shaiekh Khazraji: Yes, it always happened. When I went to Sudan along with these Aasaar-ulNabaviyyah, it was peak summer with 48 deg C temperature and the entire Capital Palace fall under dense cloud all three days as long as these Aasaar were there. Another incident, in Sheeshaan ‫( شيشان‬Chechnya) visit when President of Chechnya requested us to wash Zafeerah shareef in his palace for ‫ بركة‬barakah. The palace roofs were all glass made. The sunlight was as bright as you are outside in the sun. While we were fully involved in setting the washing apparatus and concentrating on the process, we had paid no attention to the environment. It took us 1½ hours to complete the process from opening the box of Zafeerah shareef till we returned it back in the designated box. The Security guard outside the palace came to us with a video showing that how they saw a thick and big cloud came and covered the palace. This video is also available on youtube media.

During my Russia Visit, last year on 4th & 5th September 2013; their Minister of Interior said on TV that normally we have criminal / killed cases on daily basis in the country but since Shaiekh Ahmad Al-Khazraji is here with blessed relics; even we don’t have reported any small dispute case in the country. Dr. Okarvi: Some people in open exhibition may come for visitation without due respect. Have you come across any visitor who came with bad intention in a bid to confirm this? I mean to say that something wrong must be happened to him and there must be somebody witness of the incident?

Shaiekh Khazraji: We don’t know the intentions of the people coming in, but we didn’t see anyone in harm of the relics because the prophet is merciful. The person will not gain Baraka because he didn’t come with that intention. About the non believers of Aasaar I don’t bother my self with them, I use my time instead in service and maintenance of the Aasaar as well as with the visitors. I don’t waste my time convincing others. I tell you Shaiekh, there are always such sick minded people around us. If today Hazrat Abuu Bakr Siddeeque ( ‫ )رضي هللا عنه‬give shahaadah to them that these blessed hair belongs to Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬, such sick minded people would not believe in it due to the ignorance of such people. So far I have never allowed the non-believers to make visitation of blessed relics but I am sure the non-believer with unbiased approach shall embrace the Islaam the sooner he will visit it.

Dr. Okarvi: You are absolutely right. So please move to the next Chapters of the book. Shaiekh Khazraji: Before we finish this section, there are certain other miraculous aspects associated with blessed hair of Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬in respect of colour and shades. It is amazing that the black colored hair of Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬will grow pure black , white in pure white and hinnaa colour in ‫ الحناء‬hinnaa . Also, it is learnt that black hair grows faster than white. Black hair usually takes 20-30 years while white hair takes 70-80 years to grow double.

Black hair is termed as ‫ جمال‬Jamaal and white hair as ‫ جالل‬Jalaal. After this, the new Chapter is about the ‫ذكر‬Zikr, when hair move and glow light when someone Zikr ‫ال اله اال هللا‬Laa Ilaaha Illal Laahu. Someone from Lebanon has the picture depicting that when he turned out the light and make Zikr in front of blessed hair; it light up and glow. These are ‫خصائص االثار‬khasaa’is ul Aasaar.

In the next Chapter of the book, there are miraculous stories happened to us in connection with the blessed hair. The first one is about a renowned Scholar and Chief of Head Quarter (Abu Dhabi). He was admitted in a Hospital & bleeding continuously. All medical efforts to stop his bleeding failed. The local government has arranged an aero-plane to shift him to Europe. I was also with him and para-medical staff failed to understand why he is bleeding? After a while, when I entered his room, I hear him to make wasiyyah to his children. I become sad as he was close friend of my father and I cannot bear losing him his life. So I immediately came home and returned back to him with Aasaar Shareef (blessed hair) from Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬. When he saw me, he said, “My Son you came, it is good. Please make du'aa for me.”

I said, No, I have brought ‫‘ الشفا‬Shifaa’ for you and handed over the blessed hair to him. Shaiekh! In the next moments I saw him talking to Aasaar Shareef (blessed hair) as he is like a friend of Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬. He continued talking to Aasaar Shareef for 20 minutes until his bleeding stopped. I regret that I could not have recorder to record his conversation. The medical staff failed to understand what the reason of bleeding was and how it is stopped? He stayed one month going here and there.

Another miraculous incident took place with a guy from Lebanon. He was working with me taking pictures of the blessed Relics for printing the book ‫‘ االثار النبوية فى الخزانة الخزرجية‬Al-Aasaar-ulNabaviyyah’ fil khazaana tul Khazrajiyyah '. One day, he received a phone call from back home that his mother went in coma and is in a critical condition. He asked me to give him the blessed water (washed on blessed hair) for his aging mother. He went back to his country and saw his mother in coma. He wanted to give blessed water to his mother to drink but the Doctor did not allowed him to do so in a fear that it can be detrimental to her health if it goes to her lungs instead of stomach. The guy told me that he soaked a fabric with blessed water and wiped her mother face and chest. The moment fabric soaked with blessed water touched her heart, the heart monitor which is designed to display heart beat waves, suddenly changed to display Arabic word (‫ )هللا هللا‬Allaah Allaah. It was astonishing as the monitor was not designed to display like it. It was beyond belief. So the nursing staff and all the medical staff of Christian Hospital gather around the monitor which was continuously displaying (‫ )هللا هللا‬ALLAAH ALLAAH in ‫ الخط العربى‬Arabic language.

The hospital staff in disbelief put the monitor off and switched it ‘On’ again but after one minute of normal operation it start displaying again (‫ )هللا هللا‬ALLAAH ALLAAH. So they called the technician company who said they will come tomorrow to fix the malfunction in the monitor. Next morning, the technician company staff re-starts the monitor again but same behavior was appeared in the display. The Technician replaced the monitor but miraculously, they witnessed the same miracle again with all the machines. This miracle last for three days till she passed away. During these days, it was witnessed by all the hospital doctors, paramedical staff, all sick persons in the hospital and visitors outside the hospital. (Subhaanal Laah ‫) سبحان هللا‬. We also have the monitor pictures.

So the point is that non-believer may recognize the blessings of Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬like the Christian staff of that hospital in Lebanon but those so called sick-minded believers will never.

According to the ‫ االمام الجوينى‬Al-Imaam Al-Juwaieni he is one of the ‫ األزهر‬Al-Azhar and wrote in one of his book ‫ الفتاوى‬Al-Fataawaa in four (4) volumes where he called these people as ‫اعدا ء‬ ‫ هللا ورسوله والمسلمين‬Aa'daa Allaahi wa Rasoolihi wal Muslimeen. As they place limitation to Allaah, his Rasool and Muslimeen. Further in the contents of the book, it is described in detail • How to keep the Aasaar Shareef like what are the pre-requisite? • What are the manners? • What apparatus we need etc? • How to deal with hairs while fixing it? • How we can know the direction? How to fix it? • Where to put it? • How to put it by direction? • How to make the wax for hairs?

It gives stage by stage guidance to all the steps including the minute detail where deemed it necessary. For example, while handling black hair, we use white fabric and vice versa for white hair. Similarly to check the direction of hair is very important as the hair grows only when it is put in the right direction. It is learnt that the hair will not grow if fixed upside down. To check the direction of hair, we hold the hair, hands in olive oil, and see gently how the smoothness goes? If the smoothness is upside, it is right direction to fix and grow. The hair is required to fix it in a specially prepared wax.

The objective of all this detail is to transfer the knowledge to other Muslims. It is very important as we know and we believe that there are so many people who have the barakah (blessed relics). During his life Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬on different occasion like ‫ الحديبية‬Hudaiebiyah, ‫ الحجة الوداع‬Hajjat-Ul-Wada'a, etc distributed to more than 28,000 sahaabah. Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬ distributed his hair to large majority of Sahaabah. So point is that how these hairs can disappear when it is growing and does not burn as well.

Dr. Okarvi: Some people have put these barakah in their graves. In Pakistan, people who have the blessed hair, they put it in ‫ العبير‬Abeer with ‫صندل‬Sandle wood powder. Why the blessed hair placed in Istanbul's Topkapi Palace have not grown over the time?

Shaiekh Khazraji: People who bury the Aasaar with them have secured them selves to the Jannah like sahaabah and taabi'een but they have prohibited most people from seeing it for Baraka. According to my research, these hairs are placed in the artificial (synthetic) wax, and most of them are upside down. The Management of Topkapi Palace has approached me and we are now-a-days in negotiation. ‫ ان شاء هللا‬In Shaa Allaah I will travel there and do the needful. I plan to stay there for 2 weeks and shall impart necessary training to their custodians.

Dr. Okarvi: Are you giving training to your children as well? Shaiekh Khazraji: Yes, off course. I do. It is very important.

Dr. Okarvi: How we can test the genuineness of blessed hair to verify the claim? Some people qualify it by No-shadow test by putting it in water and flashing a torch light to it. What you say to it? Shaiekh Khazraji: I would say; it is not a correct method. There is chance that one can see the shadow of water or shadow of ‫ بخور‬Bakhoor (perfume) if blessed hair is not properly washed. May be our hand is not cleaned enough. May be it has some salts on it. According to my research and experiences, it should be three stage tests to qualify the genuineness of blessed hair of Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬.

Stage -1: No-Shadow Test. For this test the hair has to be washed first with ‫ زمزم‬zamzam water from down to up, then wash again with normal water as ‫ زمزم‬zamzam water has additional ingredient like sodium, potassium which may remain over the hair if not washed with normal water. Then dry the hair gently and smoothly with soft cotton. If claimed hair does not qualify this test, go for stage 2 test. There is very likely that our hands are not free of contamination or wax and the shadow may be because of it. Stage -2: Moving on Zikr Test.

Make Zikr in front of hair, it will move if it is real. Now if the hair does not show movement in Zikr. Go to stage-3 test. Stage -3: Burn-fail Test. If Stage 1 & 2 tests are not qualified, burn fail test is sure test to qualify its genuineness or otherwise.

Dr. Okarvi: No doubt, it is great work. But how can one dare to do such a test, I mean wouldn't the soul shiver with fear before doing this test? Shaiekh Khazraji: To substantiate the burn-fail test, I tell you that Turkiyah Khalifah Usmaaniyah Zarkali has embedded the blessed hair in molten state crystal. This is especially designed crystal where blessed hair has been encapsulated in it to ensure safety. We know to liquidate the crystal we need to heat it up to 800 deg C but the blessed hairs did not burn in this elevated temperature. Dr. Okarvi: ‫ ما شاء هللا‬Maa shaa Allaah, you are like a living encyclopedia, Shaiekh! From the time, you got these Aasaar; did you dream Prophet Muhammad (‫?)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬

Shaiekh Khazraji: Yes, ‫ الحمد هلل‬Al Hamdu Lil Laah, I saw him more than five times. One time Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬was standing up in front of the treasury where we kept the Aasaar Shareef. He was looking towards ‫ القبلة‬Qiblah and behind him there was large sized table covered with white fabric. The table could be approx. 3 meter wide and has infinite length. I can’t see the end. The table begins with Al Aasaar we have. These Aasaar were placed open i.e. without cover. Besides these Aasaar there were hundreds of thousands books on the table. Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬raised his blessed hands and said, ‫هذه‬ ‫" اثارى‬Haazihee Aasaaree" and the moment he indicates towards these Aasaar, a light came out from each of these Aasaar like glittering stars.

Dr. Okarvi: What changes have come in your life after you got the Aasaar associated with Prophet Muhammad (‫?)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬ Shaiekh Khazraji: There are many. First change, I was appointed as Prince of ‘Ansaar’ fraternity worldwide. There were eight (8) candidates for the slot. All were more educated than me, some even more rich from the same tribe, ‫ األنصار‬AL ANSAAR . We are taking care of ‘Ansaar’ community since my father time. Besides this, I have been selected as Chief of ‘Ansaar’ fraternity by the tribe. Dr. Okarvi: What changes have you come across inside within you? I mean spiritual feeling? What habits you lost? As I believe this is not an ordinary thing. You are the richest person in the world by having these Aasaar? Shaiekh Khazraji: Yes, ‫ الحمد هلل‬Al Hamdu Lil Laah, spiritually I have felt very blessed changes. I don’t want to say on it.

Coming back to our core subject, we have Al Hamdu Lil Laah, large numbers of Aasaar including two Zafeerah Shareef. So we take extra ordinary care in keeping and preserving these Aasaar from any kind of damage or threat. We don’t keep the Aasaar open to touch or accessible in normal condition.

I tell you an incident of my friend from Geneva. He had one blessed hair. On ‫ ليلة القدر‬Laielat-ul-Qadr, his friends insisted him to bring the blessed hair for barakah to the peoples gathered there. He brought it and placed it for general visitation. It was without cover, so as people can see it and feel fragrance oozing out from blessed hair. The visitation starts with people one after one till last person came and he saw it and swallowed it. Therefore, by the lesson learnt from this incident, we have two types of encapsulation for the blessed hair. Some hairs just for seeing it through magnifying glass; others placed in a specially designed jar with a hole to give vent to the blessed fragrance coming out of it. It is portable and placed in a heavy metal box prepared with 2 kg silver metal. It will not damage if accidently fell down. All hair are fixed and placed in such a fashion that it can move on Zikr and grow with time.

Moving forward in the next section of the book ‫‘ االثار النبوية فى الخزانة الخزرجية‬Al-Aasaar-ulNabaviyyah’ fil khazaana tul Khazrajiyyah ', we have described how to prepare the wax suitable for growing of hair. This is not an ordinary wax, purchased from super market; rather it is naturally derived from honey cone occurred in the natural deserts. The wax is collected/ separated from honey cone carefully, and then put it in warm water, put in it Blue Anmbar ‫( عنبر‬3-times costly than gold metal), add in it Kastoori ( ‫مسك‬Musk), and then stage-by-stage change it to be a misk, add then very old and rarely available pink colour Indian Kaafoor ‫( كافور‬Camphor); or yellow one at least but not the white one. After then it is cut in slices and added with kaafoor powder, free of stone and mix it with misk. Then add Anmbar again. This wax can last for 11 to 14 years.

There is no need to put any perfume on blessed hairs as the original fragrance impregnated in the blessed hair is still present in it since 1400 years. As we knew the Angels visit the hair, so we make the blessed hair’s environment clean & friendly to the angels visit. ( ‫ ما شاء هللا‬Maa Shaa Allaah! Nice idea – Dr. Kaukab Okarvi said).

Dr. Okarvi: Did your family belong to this land (UAE) or migrated from somewhere else? Shaiekh Khazraji: No, we descended from Madinah (Saudi Arabia) during the regime of First Caliph Saiyyidinaa Abuu Bakr (‫ )رضي هللا عنه‬and settled in Fujairah (one of the UAE emirates) from the time of Huroob AL Rida. The towns called Dibba Al-Bay’ah were War places at that time as Saiyyidinaa Abuu Bakr (‫ )رضي هللا عنه‬who sent troops under command of Hazrat Ikramah bin Abuu Sufyaan (‫ )رضي هللا عنه‬to fight with Non-Believers. To fight those peoples, 14 of our family members were amongst the Muslim army. (Al Rida War) One of my grandfather’s went to Al-Ain, and they stayed here to check everything is proper and everybody is Muslim. We then migrated to Madinah KSA. After then on request of Caliph Haaroon Rasheed, they migrated to Iraq and remained settled therein till the regime of Caliph Maamoon Rasheed. Then after, they came back again to this land (UAE).

Dr. Okarvi: Are you attached with spiritual name with any Shaiekh? I mean

‫ شاذلى‬، ‫قادرى‬

‫رفاعى‬، Qaadiri Shaazli, Rifaa'ee ‫ صوفى‬Suufi chain? Shaiekh Khazraji: Yes, we are connected to Qaadiri Shaazli Suufi chain. Besides this we have our own ‫ سلسله‬Silsilah. I tell you an incident. One after Fajr prayer in Dubai Masjid, I was reading my ‫ أوراد‬Auraad which is very lengthy and masjid full of 200 peoples gradually became empty. Suddenly one old guy from Dubai see my son, he stand up beside me and said. Are you relative of Shaiekh Ahmad Al-Khazraji (my grandfather), I recognized you because you are reading the same word of Auraad.

So moving forward in the next section of the book ‫‘ االثار النبوية فى الخزانة الخزرجية‬Al-Aasaar-ulNabaviyyah’ fil khazaana tul Khazrajiyyah ', it is mentioned about the details of the Aasaar Shareef, presently we have with us. It is notable that we don’t keep Aasaar with ownership of other people. We keep only what we have or what we have been given as a ‘gift’. Some of the listed Aasaar associated with Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬we have,

. Zafeerah Shareef - 2 Nos. (one is 103-


cm measured; one from ‫الصلح الحديبية‬ Hudaiebiyah & other from ‫الحجة الوداع‬ Hajjat-ul-Wada'a which was 15 cm long then) 2. Khusla Shareef – 2 Nos. 3. Al-Majama (blessed hair from different parts of the body, other than head – with our experience we can differentiate the hairs which one is from head and which one from beard, if mixed) 4. Nausiyah (the hair Hazrat Khaalid Bin Waleed (‫)رضي هللا عنه‬, used to keep in his cap / turban. 5. Golden shade Hairs – 2 Nos.


This is very unique. Though there is no riwaayat of golden hair, but it is our considered opinion that

since black hair when changes to white hair, it transform to various color in six stages e.g. black – dark brown – light brown – golden – dark grey – light grey and finally white) so the gold hair was cut at time when it was transforming to golden color. Miraculously, it remain as gold and grow as gold. ( ‫سبحان هللا‬ Subhaanal Laah). 6. Five small hairs from Mastaj- this is also with Sanad; one from right hand and other four from beard. 7. Jubbah ‫جبه‬

8. Burdah – 2 Nos. with different sanad; about the burdah, some of the Nasul-Mubarakeen asked Rasoolul Laah ‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬Is that ‫برده‬Burdah you wore? Rasoolul Laah( ‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬said “ ‫نعم‬ Na’am”. This is of ‫ اسود‬Aswad (black) color.

9. Al-Kubraa Shareef 10. Soak – part of Qamees, made of cotton (unfortunately, it is not kept well). 11. Blessed hair from Saiyyidinaa Abuu Bakr (‫)رضي هللا عنه‬,

12. Blessed hair from Saiyyidinaa 'Umar Faarooq (‫)رضي هللا عنه‬, 13. Blessed hair from Saiyyidinaa 'Usmaan ( ‫)رضي هللا عنه‬ 14. Blessed hair from Saiyyidinaa Ali ibne Taalib ( ‫)رضي هللا عنه‬


( o a question of Dr. Okarvi that all the four caliphate had not distributed their hair, Shaiekh Al-Khazraji replied that so many people have their hair. It may be true that the caliphates have not distributed it, but for example a person who shaved this, may had preserved these.) 15. Blessed hair from Saiyyidinaa Imaam Hasan Ibne Ali131 )‫ ( رضي هللا عنهما‬Nos. 16. Blessed hair from Saiyyidinaa Imam Hussain Ibne Ali 64 )‫ ( رضي هللا عنهما‬Nos. 17. Another Blessed hair from Saiyyidinaa Imaam Husaien Ibne Ali 01 )‫ ( رضي هللا عنه‬Nos. with different sanad. 18. Blessed hair from Saiyyidinaa Imaam Zaien-ul 'Aabideen ( ‫)رضي هللا عنه‬


The Ring of Saiyyidinaa 'Usmaan ( ‫)رضي هللا عنه‬. In-fact the Ring of Prophet Muhammad

(‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬was used by Saiyyidinaa Abuu Bakr (‫)رضي هللا عنه‬, & Saiyyidinaa 'Umar Faarooq ( ‫رضي‬ ‫)هللا عنه‬, but since Saiyyidinaa 'Usmaan (‫)رضي هللا عنه‬, have very thin finger, so initially he used the same Khatam in Zilla (small finger) and then after four months he made another ring according to his finger size. Here, I tell you how we make sure the authenticity of the some of the Aasaar which have no direct sanad. Since this ring was not associated from ‫ رسول هللا‬Rasoolul Laah (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬. We sent the ring of Saiyyidinaa 'Usmaan (‫ )رضي هللا عنه‬to one of the metal testing Laboratory in London to verify how old this metal is? it is notable that this ring was made in 7 hijri. After metallographic analysis of the Ring (detail analysis by definition of all the metals), the Laboratory report also revealed that this metal does not exist since 900 years back. So we got the confirmation.

20. Mak hal ‫( مكحل‬kohl containers) covered in kook ‫( كوك‬wood) case– for eyes use – the blessed relic of Saiyyidah Faatimah Zahrah (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhaa) 21. Blessed Relic (small part of ‫ نعال‬Ni'aal/ shoes from Saiyyidah Faatimah – (we got it from Ahl-e-Baiet family) it has remaining some leather on it. 22. Hair from Saiyyidinaa Ali Ibne Taalib (‫)رضي هللا عنه‬ 23. A soak from Saiyyidinaa Ali Ibne Taalib (‫( )رضي هللا عنه‬with different sanad) 24. War Hat from Saiyyidinaa Ali Ibne Taalib (‫()رضي هللا عنه‬He put this and then Amaamah) 25. Burdah of Saiyyidinaa Ja'far As Saadiq (‫)رضي هللا عنه‬ 26. Burdah of Saiyyidinaa Abdul Qaadir Jeelaani (‫)رضي هللا عنه‬

Dr. Okarvi: According to my knowledge all the four caliphs have never distributed their hair to anybody. At least I have not read this. Shaiekh Khazraji: No, we have these blessed hairs with sanad ‫( سند‬Certificates). May be they have given or somebody very close to them have taken it. Dr. Okarvi: How you make the ‫ غسل‬ghusl shareef (wash for barakah) of blessed hair? Shaiekh Khazraji: Now this is detail of first ceremony when we washed the hair (Zafeerah) to get barakah (blessed water) from the hair. We wash it on 23rd Ramadaan every year. We don’t wash the hair directly. Instead a cloth is wrapped over the hair. We open the water slowly while fully covering the Zafeerah Shareef and collect the used water. After the gusl we bring it hair politely and as I told you wash it with normal water and if there is bakhoor shadow we wash it with olive soap. Then after one by one of hair we make it mish’al carefully. This usually takes 1 week to complete. (Dr. Okarvi recorded that since Shaiekh Al-Khazraji has been entrusted with honor to keep the Aasaar-ul-Nabaviyyah Allaah has given him the sense also to deal with the Aasaar with necessary care.)

Following this, there is detail in the book how to change the wax; new / old. It is mixed with AlGhaaliyah; the mix of four perfumes used by Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬he call it AlGhaaliyah. The washing of small zafeerah event is not fixed, we wash (if I am here in Emirates) on 27th ‫ رجب‬Rajab this we do privately with 100 to 200 people only. But the washing of big Zafeerah is fixed on 23rd night of Ramadaan every year. Then there is detail how to make the water after gusl when it finished for the people, how to make the perfume ‫ الغالية‬Al-Ghaaliyah. This perfume Al-Ghaaliyah is made from four perfumes which Rasoolul Laah (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬used. when I sent it very little to some people in Madinah, they confirmed that this is 100% similar smell coming from Rasoolul Laah ‫')صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬s room. So they enquired that do you have it in ‫ رؤيا‬Ru'yaa (dream)? How to do it? I said no, I do it myself. It is not fair if I said, it is from Ru’yaa. Though This is ‫ وفق امر العظيم‬Wafaq Amar ul 'Azeem that mean coming with…even though I wrote the ingredients in the book.

Now this is a picture of a very famous business man Abdul Samad Qureshi. Once I was travelling with him from Dubai to Jeddah. Before landing, I put some perfume Al-Ghaaliyah on his hand. He was so excited that he asked me from where and how I get it. Then he asked me, you made it yourself? I said yes. Let’s make a business deal to prepare it. He asked me and I declined. Though I have the permission from Rasoolul Laah ‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬to sell, even to sell the washed water but we distribute it free with niyyah (Sadaqah tur Rasoolul Laah ‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬. If I sell it I have been guided where to spend this money. The Rasoolul Laah ‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬give me three definition how to spend but we give it free.

The ingredients of ‫ الغاليه‬Al-Ghaaliyah perfume are very expensive. Each kilogram will cost us 200,000 Dirham. The ingredient like Oud and Ward are very expensive. So instead of distributing the Al-Ghaaliyah, I usually advised the people like the mothers of Ruling Kings to bring their own perfume during annual visitation event and we put holy hair ( ‫ العرق الشريف‬Araq Shareef) inside the perfume for barakah.

Dr. Okarvi: When this book will be published? Shaiekh Khazraji: In shaa Allaah very soon. Actually, we are expecting more Aasaar. Last week, we received two more and one after Eid. So we will add the same in the book. Dr. Okarvi: In how many languages you intend to publish this book? I would say that you have to translate it in English & Urdu besides Arabic. Shaiekh Khazraji: ‫ ان شاء هللا‬In Shaa Allaah, we will do it in so many languages including English, French, Spanish, Russian etc, Dr. Okarvi: I think, you should give preference to languages which is spoken more among the Muslims around the world. Shaiekh Khazraji: ‫ ان شاء هللا‬In Shaa Allaah, we will do it.

Now I tell you story how we got Aasaar “ ‫ الكبرى الشريفة‬Al-Kubraa Shareef” I went to attend Annual Conference in Calicut (Kerala – India) with Shaiekh Abuu Bakr and after that I need to go to another conference on Hadees scheduled some days later in Banaaras (Varanasi-India). So I went to see my Shaiekh Muhammad Hafeth in Hyderabad. There were few scholars from Al-Azhar accompanying me. A visitor staying there went to see Shaiekh and found him sleeping. At 7 ‘O clock, he came to my room. I was just wake up Al hamdu Lil Laah. He said, he has just dreamed Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬and he said, “Give the Al-Kubraa to Ahmad Al-Khazraji”. I was delighted but curious about what is Al-Kubraa Shareef. Since there is time lag of 1:30 hour between UAE & India, I waited up to 7 a.m. to make a phone call and asked him what Al-Kubraa is? I enquired the same from other scholars in Egypt to search in the books of Seerah and Hadees.

I received a call back from Egypt from Shaiekh that though they could not find any reference about the Al-Kubraa Shareef, however I should not make worries on it as Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬ ordered that “ ‫ بالكبرى امرة األحمد‬Amartul Ahmad Bil Kubraa” that it will come to you. So be relaxed. I came back to the hotel in India . I was told by my secretary that after few days I am scheduled to fly to another country to see my friend. Same night, I felt something missing in my India tour. Was it I didn’t visit to Mumbai because it never happens to come back from India unless you visit the Mumbai ? I asked Secretary to cancel my previous schedule and book me for Mumbai as soon as possible. He managed it hard as he was not getting the direct flight to it. Anyway, by 5 'o clock in the evening we were in the Hotel of Mumbai , India. We called certain friends and planned to have a dinner tonight. Meanwhile, I recalled a Shaiekh and decided to visit him. Once someone used me as ‘ ‫ واسطه‬Waastah’ to get something and he got it what he needed whereas earlier he failed to get the same even after many times visit. I thought let’s go to him to offer ‫ سالم‬salaam. It took us a while to locate him he was in the Hospital and just left. So we cancelled the dinner and decided to visit him tonight.

The moment, I entered his room in his house, he exclaimed , “Khazraji! Khazraji! As Salaamu Alaiekum, then (in his own language) he said, “ ‫ كيف حالك‬Kaiefa Haaluka”? “ Kaisaa Hai”? Shaiekh! “Theek Hai”? Then he tried to stand up. I said, Shaiekh! Please be seated, and don’t bother yourself but he said, No “come with me”. He brings me to a small room and fall the curtain down. he opened door of the room of size 2m x 1½ m size only. He said, “Come! Come!” and there were two chairs inside; one big one and other small plastic chair. He asked me to sit on big comfortable chair. I was reluctant but he insisted me to sit on big chair and he sat on other in front of me. We sat for 2 minutes and then he stands up again and went to a big Box which was locked. He opened the lock and there was another box in it – locked. He opened it and found another box inside. So keep on opening boxes, lock after lock, and then gave “Zulf shareef” of Prophet Muhammad ( ‫صلى هللا عليه و‬ ‫)سلم‬. He then said to me that he was searching me since last 4 months. He then told me that this zulf shareef was with us for more than 8 hundred years since the time of Saiyyidinaa Hazrat Abdul Qaadir Jeelaani (‫ )رضي هللا عنه‬along with authentic proof and sanad.

He told me that he got direct order from Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬ to hand over the ‫ زلف‬zulf to Ahmad Al-Khazraji and that is why I was in search of you. I was worried how to reach you. After this, when he gave the Aasaar shareef to me he seems to be very relaxed.

Then he asked me, Shaiekh! Don’t you need Al-Kubraa Shareef?; the ‫الجبة الشريفه‬ Jubbah Shareef which the Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬wore during ‫ االسرا والمعراج‬Israa-wal-Mi'raaj?

The story of Al-Kubraa Shareef originates from Turkey. Al-Kubraa Shareef was possessed by ‫ سلطان حيدر على تيبو‬Sultaan Haiedar Ali of Mysore (Hyderabad) and then came to his eldest son ‫ فتح على تيبو سلطان‬Fateh Ali Tipu Sultaan who was a ruler of kingdom of ‫ ميسور‬Mysore. Tipu Sultaan fought against the English bravely to stop them for invasion of Mysore.

In 1799, when English finally took over his country by killing the Tipu Sultaan, this Al-Kubraa Shareef was taken by some of his closed relative from the Masjid. This remained with their family and they continued to arrange visitation of this Al-Kubraa Shareef for about 150 years, every year during ‫ربيع‬ ‫ االول‬Rabi-ul-Aawwal. During this period, the family grew bigger & bigger, then generation by generation they guide, until their grandson become poor and they stopped visitation or because the Indian population grew bigger and they were not able to handle the arrangements. So during the last 80 years, nobody has touched this Al-Kubraa Shareef, it is closed and locked. Lately, only two week ago they decided (This was the same time when we reached Kerala and was informed about Al-Kubraa) that they will hand over this Al-Kubraa shareef who will build an Islaamic Complex; a masjid and Qur’aan School in exchange of it we give him that ‫ أمانة‬amaanah.

Dr. Okarvi: Maa Shaa Allaah, so this was automatically arranged for you. Shaiekh Khazraji: In Shaa Allaah, very soon. We are waiting for some more Aasaar to come and include in the book. Last week we got two more. In Shaa Allaah we are expecting more in near future. Dr. Okarvi: What is your future plan to keep these Aasaar in secured form? Shaiekh Khazraji: We are working on it and lot of design work has already been completed. Actually, we plan to build a huge monument to be constructed on the specification of Central Bank. The heavily concrete structure building shall be purpose built and the Aasaar shall be placed third floor down the earth. The Aasaar shall be placed in the highly guarded metal boxes of size 30 x 80 m x 5 m fixed condition. Because of heavy weight (metal boxes and reinforced concrete rebars) we have to decide it to build the hall down the earth. Dr. Okarvi gave some suggestions, and advised which the honorable Shaiekh listened and appreciated.

Dr. Okarvi: Shaiekh – I am very thankful to you for this thoughtful discussion and your patience to listen us. Since you are printing a book along with all the detail and asnaad, it will help us to build confidence on it. I personally appreciate your efforts, and the details that you shared with me. Because this is my first meeting with you, I have asked only the basic questions, and I have asked less and listened more. And I enjoyed. Al Hamdu lil Laah I have true love for the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam) and his belongings. For me anything associated or attached with him is of great value. It is my wish that there should be no element of doubt with any of the Aasaar Shareefah you possess. So just to remove any cloud of doubt a few more questions can be asked, which may be rigid. I expect you will not get hurt and give us the opportunity to ask.

Shaiekh Khazraji: In Shaa Allaah, for the person to learn, we are always available to reply.

After the specific conversation was over, Shaiekh requested Dr. Okarvi and his delegates to have dinner with him. Shaiekh’s humbleness and respectful behavior deserves true appreciation. He was genuinely very courteous to give complete information and knowledge about the ‘Aasaar-ulNabaviyyah’. He also gifted Dr. Okarvi the ‫ غسالة‬ghusl water of the blessed Hair of the beloved holy Prophet (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬,and the piece of the blessed cloth with which the Blessed Hair were washed. The Shaiekh also gifted few of his books to Dr. Okarvi. Dr. Okarvi was very pleased to know that Shaiekh Khazraji printed numerous valuable books. He really praised his friendship with knowledge.

Honorable Shaiekh arranges gathering of ‫ نعت النبى و ذكر هللا‬Na'at shareef, Zikr and speeches by various ‫علماء‬Ulamaa. Shaiekh wanted to invite Dr. Okarvi to give lecture, but because Dr. Okarvi had to leave that’s why he promised next time In shaa Allaah he will attend the gathering. At the end, he gave a warm send off to his guests. He came all the way to the exit gate of his house and stood there till our car left the area.

Presented by Maulana Okarvi Academy [Al-Aalami]-2015

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