El Ojo del Lago - June2014

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n August 21, 2009, Mexico decriminalized personal possession of less than five grams of marijuana. #PPNFSoBO FYQBU MJWJOH PO UIF #BKB 1FOJOTVMBoEFcided to try some pot right away. )F TBZT IJT ĂśSTU FYQFSJFODF XBT sharing a joint, and most of his friends JO OPSUIFSO #BKB XFSF TUVOOFE UP MFBSO that he had never tried marijuana back JO UIF 64" CFDBVTF IF GFBSFE CFJOH BSrested. They coached him on what to do, and tried to help him avoid coughing. “Not too much,â€? he says they told him. “Hold it in. Now, let it out slooowly.â€? He says the high began in a few minutes and lasted about two hours. #PPNFS T OFYU IJUT XFSF GSPN B QJQF people passed around at a neighborhood party. He says the pipe wouldn’t stay lit, and he burned his thumbnail with the lighter flame. He managed to inhale enough to make him seem funnier than usual, and told people at the QBSUZ IF NJHIU XSJUF BCPVU UIF FYQFSJence. “They laughed and told me everybody else already knew what it was like,â€? he says. *O OPSUIFSO #BKB QBSU PG UIF NBSJKVBOB DVMUVSF JOWPMWFT UIF QSJDF EJòFSFODF CFUXFFO QPU TPME JO UIF 64" BOE UIF TUVò .FYJDBOT TFMM PO UIF TUSFFU "DDPSEJOH UP #PPNFS TPNF VTFST JO #BKB TBZ IJHI RVBMJUZ IPNFHSPXO NBSJKVBOB JO UIF 64" SFUBJMT GPS BSPVOE


El Ojo del Lago / June 2014

QFS PVODF JO $BMJGPSOJB 5IF TBNF VTFST TBZ UIF BTLJOH QSJDF GPS .FYJDBO QPU JT KVTU XJUI QMFOUZ BWBJMBCMF BU per ounce. #PPNFS DPVMEO U UFMM JG UIF 64" TUVò JO UIF QJQF BU UIF QBSUZ XBT BOZ CFUUFS UIBO UIF .FYJDBO KPJOU 'SJFOET told him that the high from eating pot lasts longer than smoking it, so he gave UP B VTFS GSJFOE UP NBLF B CBUDI of brownies and arrange a little focus group of neighbors to test the premise. "MM UIF UFTUFST TBJE UIFZ IBE FYQFSJences with marijuana in other places. 0OF QFSTPO XBT BU 8PPETUPDL " TFDond said he smoked pot once in an "NTUFSEBN DBOOBCJT DBGF BOE IBE trouble finding his hotel for a couple PG IPVST BGUFSXBSE " UIJSE TBJE TIF smoked her first joint in high school, and smoked a lot more in her twenties while riding bare-breasted on the back PG IFS CPZGSJFOE T NPUPSDZDMF " GPVSUI bragged that she did a full Lady Godiva at a small hometown parade back in Oregon, after borrowing a horse from B GSJFOE JO UIF TIFSJò T NPVOUFE QPTTF 5IF Y HMBTT CBLJOH QBO QSPEVDFE brownies almost an inch thick, and UIF CBLFS DVU UIFN JOUP TJYUFFO Y TRVBSFT‰FBDI XJUI TMJHIUMZ MFTT NBSJjuana than two medium-size joints. The group started watching a DVD movie and nibbling the brownies. i"GUFS FBUJOH B XIPMF CSPXOJF * GFMU UIF FòFDUT JO BCPVU BO IPVS w TBZT #PPNFS iBOE * XBT TUJMM XJEF BXBLF BU B N w .PTU PG UIF PUIFST UPME IJN a few days later that they had similar FYQFSJFODFT "QQBSFOUMZ CBTFE PO #PPNFS T GPDVT HSPVQ .FYJDBO QPU JT good enough. I’m not suggesting people should try marijuana, or that people should never try it. Those are individual choices. Most people I know are aware that some studies show it contains carcinogens, just like tobacco products. In addition, some U.S. authorities still insist that marijuana use can lead to other ESVH VTF #PPNFS TBZT IJT GSJFOET JO OPSUIFSO #BKB MBVHI BU UIBU “The only drug it leads to is ViagraÂŽ to help you follow up on those mellow feelings,â€? one friend told him. It’s a significant law enforcement

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