Ohio Porkline: Fall 2023 Edition

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Porkline P U B L I C AT I O N







The Ohio Pork Council would like to thank the following sponsors for their support of 2023 programming and events.





Ohio Pork Council 9798 Karmar Ct. Suite A New Albany, OH 43054 P: 614-882-5887 www.OhioPork.org pork@ohiopork.org STAFF Executive Vice President Cheryl Day cday@ohiopork.org Senior Director of Communications and Public Relations Mike King mking@ohiopork.org Education Director Kayli Mitchell kmitchell@ohiopork.org Manager of Showpig Program Kelly Morgan kmorgan@ohiopork.org

In this issue

Director, Special Events and Promotion Saydee Baughman sbaughman@ohiopork.org

OPC Farmer-Focused, Leading Boldly........... p. 4-5

Advertising Send inquiries to: Mike King P:317-432-1491 mking@ohiopork.org

5 Ways OPC Made an Impact at State Fair.... p. 8-9

Printing Post Printing Company Minster, OH 45865 Lucy Homan P:937-286-3349 lucy.homan@postprinting.com

Chops & Hops.............................................. p. 11

Prep Now to Avoid Manure Issues............... p. 6-7

OH-PIGS Wrap-up......................................... p. 10

Annual Meeting Highlights........................... p. 12-14 OPC Connects in Toledo............................... p. 16 Call for 2024 OPC Internships....................... p. 22

Ohio Pork Council...

FARMER-FOCUSED, LEADING BOLDLY The Ohio Pork Council (OPC) is an organization funded by pork producers and governed by pork producers. Through the Pork Checkoff, every pig farmer makes an investment in the programs and day-to-day work done at the state and national organizations. In addition, most producers elect to participate in the Strategic Investment Program (SIP). They recognize the necessity of protecting producers’ freedom to operate, which requires leveraging this funding to invest in policy work in Columbus, Washington, D.C., and beyond. It’s because of the ongoing commitment of time, talent, and funding that so many of you demonstrate every day that I, on behalf of the Ohio Pork team, including our board of directors, staff, and producers, say, “Thank You!” For all of you who have stepped up to invest in both Checkoff and SIP, the gratitude is ten-fold. We simply could not represent and deliver world-class work on your behalf without this approach.

How does OPC help you? How does Ohio Pork work to protect your freedom to operate? How are we making a difference with your investment in Checkoff and the Strategic Investment Program? At the OPC Annual meeting in August, team members from the OPC, NPPC, and NPB described the actions taken on your behalf. OPC is always farmer-focused. As your state association, we remain focused on serving the needs of all Ohio pig farmers. We strive to be a catalyst for inspiring change and are not afraid to influence the work of NPPC, and NPB, to do what is right for you and your pork business. Although our industry faces many challenges, at the end of the day it still comes down to selling more pork in a highly competitive marketplace. As always, multiple factors affect how and why today’s consumers buy pork – from price, to taste, to social and cultural values. In the aftermath of the pandemic, it was essential to have a comprehensive understanding of consumer perspective. The latter was critical because we know that pork doesn’t need to just taste good, but people need to feel good about buying it. This is essential to build trust and add value.

Cheryl Day Ohio Pork Council Executive Vice President

It’s because of the ongoing commitment of time, talent, and funding that so many of you demonstrate every day that I, on behalf of the Ohio Pork team, including our board of directors, staff, and producers, say, “Thank You!”








Strategic pillars guide our work. Ohio is leading in many ways from program work to our leaders devoting their time. You should be proud of the leadership that our state continues to provide for the betterment of the entire industry as we all work to keep pork the world’s favorite animal protein. This work is all guided by the strategic pillars established by the board of directors – all of which focus on the overarching goal of selling more pork in a responsible and sustainable way.

Some highlights of OPC’s fundamental work in the past fiscal year: • Strengthening political influence starts with robust relationships at a grassroots level. Fifteen Ohio pork producers were asked to serve on Ag Advisory Committees of federal lawmakers. OPC had 286 scheduled producer and elected official conversations. • Actively participated in FAD response plan from farm to national level. • Across our combined student outreach program, we reached over 23,000 students in a year with investment of only $0.44 per student participating in the Virtual Field Trips and $2.88 per student in the “Pork in the Classroom” program. • Through our various Trust and Image campaigns, we grew Ohio pig farmers’ visibility and virtual footprint. YouTube viewing alone increased over 500% and watch time jumped 200% year-over-year. Ohio Pork’s famous loaded loin sandwich debuted nationwide on A&E Network’s Best in Chow. OPC’s pork promotion with OSU Athletics reached 837,000 fans in the stadium in the 2022 football season, racked up 1.2 million impressions on the digital campaign and 3.5 hours of yearly commercials, investing a mere $0.14/fan.

Additional Checkoff funds allowed Ohio to: • Gather Ohioans’ perspective on the Ohio pork industry and their views on eating pork. • Develop a Community Narrative Playbook to engage in communities proactively, address challenges, and formulate more impactful policy outreach. • Create a tool kit for Ohio pig farmers to tell the farm’s sustainability story more effectively. • Quantify the Ohio pork industry’s impact on the state’s economy with an Economic Impact Report. The report helps us redefine messages around the economic value of Ohio’s pork business to the public and elected officials. • Complete 600 Secure Pork Supply plans for commercial farms and 35 for show pig operations. • Establish an OSU Veterinary Medicine Swine Biosecurity Fund. • Develop the nation’s first user-friendly FAD Dashboard for the pork industry: www.FADready.org Moving forward, OPC is not afraid to ask tough questions, bust through barriers and take bold action. Our members are the most valuable asset of the Ohio Pork Council – and we appreciate your investment of time, passion, and dollars. Thank you for standing tall!

Leveraging the National Pork Board grant program, Ohio Pork obtained over $500,000 in additional checkoff funds. This allowed OPC to embark on a fact-finding mission to promote pork, improve the industry image, and influence decision-makers impacting the way you farm. Ohio also received additional funding for FAD preparedness. Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


Following Basics of

MANURE SPILL MANAGEMENT CAN PREVENT BIG PROBLEMS At the recent Ohio Manure Management and Field Spill Demonstration hosted by The Ohio State University, a group of livestock producers, professional manure haulers, government officials, and allied industry professionals gathered to get some real-world advice on what to do should the unexpected happen and you had to implement a manure containment action plan immediately. When it comes to manure, it’s all about keeping it out of the state’s waterways. According to Jason Tyrell, Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) Division of Soil and Water Conservation, two things can happen if there is a spill. 1. A warning letter is sent with recommendations on how to prevent reoccurrence. (This low-level action means that any environmental impact was minimal or no impact and did not show negligence by the farmer.) Or, 2. A notice of hearing is sent and a fine of up to $10,000 is levied. (This is a much rarer occurrence, but one that is very real.)

Mike King Senior Director of Communications and Public Relations

Although it’s hardly a common occurrence on Ohio’s pig farms, being ready for a manure spill is no different than being prepared for any type of emergency whether it’s fire, flood, or storm.

It pays to have the tools, knowledge, and the quick-action steps ready to prevent manurerelated spills was the message delivered by Glen Arnold and expert speakers and other subject matter experts.

Be honest, informed, collaborative Francis Springer, a nutrient management specialist with ODA’s Division of Soil and Water Conservation, offered several good ways to keep everyone open-minded, calm, and focused on problem-solving should a manure spill or overflow happen. Whether talking to an upset neighbor or anyone else with a key stake in the issue, she advises producers to acknowledge the problem and focus on clean-up and any mitigation steps that may be needed. “I always recommend that farmers or manure haulers have the contact numbers of their county emergency coordinators ready to go if needed,” Springer said. “It’s about being prepared way before a problem happens.” Springer says that she has often found local fire departments in Ohio are very helpful to livestock farmers who may have been part of a spill on a roadway. They can assist in proper removal of manure from the pavement. Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


Francis Springer Nutrient Management Specialist, Ohio Deparment of Agriculture, Division of Soil and Water Conservation

Part of being well-informed means knowing the exact drainage of your farm where a manure-related event occurs. These can be easily provided at your county’s soil and water conservation office. Likewise, it’s critical that you know where every field tile is to avoid unwanted manure getting into a waterway. Springer says that it can be done easily by using dye tablets or sometimes smoke sticks. Regardless, applying manure to a field with new tile is usually not recommended and can extend up to two years depending on the tillage type used.

Modified bucket saves the day Sometimes simply knowing the right low-tech technique can make all the difference as Dr. Kevin Erb, Director, Conservation Professional Training Program, Division of Extension at the University of Wisconsin, told producers who attended the educational event in Delphos. Here, Erb explained how a bottomless five-gallon bucket can fully contain liquid manure from getting into a field tile system as shown in the photo. The bulk of the spill was further contained by some quick field tillage and hand shoveling.

Tips to prevent problems Springer discussed multiple do’s and don’ts of manure handling and what can be done to mitigate risks related to an event. Tiles. If monitoring your field’s tile plugs aren’t on your routine chore checklist, it should be. Springer says she has seen these tiles split open and fail over time, allowing manure to seep out unexpectedly. Sandbags. Keeping a supply of sandbags nearby can help to shore up a temporary or permanent earthen dam. Water Test Kits. Be sure to test any waterway you suspect of manure incursion even if aquatic life is affected. There can be multiple reasons at play. Bones in compost. When using compost as part of manure application, be sure that no bones get into the equipment as it could lead to damage. Liability Insurance. Know what kind of coverage that you have and update if necessary for your operation. Although it’s hardly a common occurrence on Ohio’s pig farms, being ready for a manure spill is no different than being prepared for any type of emergency, whether it’s fire, flood, or storm. Being ready for the moment can pay big dividends by protecting your fields from excessive nutrient loads, keeping waterways and wildlife safe, and even safeguarding yourself from potential fines or legal action.

MORE QUESTIONS? Contact Glen Arnold, OSU Field Specialist Manure Management, at 419-235-4724 or arnold.2@osu.edu.

BE SAFE WHEN HANDLING MANURE Safety begins with knowledge, so be sure to start your search by visiting the many resources from Ohio State University’s Manure Management site found at ocamm.osu.edu/manure-management. Other manure-related resources found online include these outside of Ohio: Manure Gas Safety • Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health

Manure Spill Prevention and Management • University of Minnesota Extension

Reducing Risks of Manure Storage Agitation Gases • University of Wisconsin-Extension

Safety Considerations for Manure Handling • University of Wisconsin Extension

Rules and Regulations for Land Application of Manure • Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Technical Guidance for Selection and Use of Monitors to Assess Air Hazards • Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


5 Ways Ohio Pork

MADE AN IMPACT AT THE OHIO STATE FAIR Each year, the Ohio State Fair gives the Ohio Pork Council the opportunity to build influence and make meaningful connections with consumers. To that end, OPC would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who helped make it happen – from those who volunteered in the food stand to those who stopped by for a famous state fair sandwich. We couldn’t have made it happen without you! Here’s how we made an impact:

Kayli Mitchell Education Director

1. A State Fair Famous Pork-Eating Experience Who doesn’t go all year craving the perfectly cooked pork from the Taste of Ohio Café? Fresh pork that is cooked to perfection at 145° F is not something that many urban residents get to experience every day. Our team of grill masters went the extra mile to prepare delicious, wholesome, protein-packed pork each day for thousands of fairgoers.

2. Bold Messaging The Ohio Pork Booth at Taste of Ohio? Yeah, you couldn’t miss it. From vibrant OPC signage to farmer spotlights, and the famous 145-degree messaging greeting customers inside and outside of the café, Ohio Pork was bold in its messaging. OPC also worked hard to connect consumers with the Ohio pig farming families that raise the pork that they feed their families, including using a big screen TV featuring videos of many of Ohio’s real pig farmers.

Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


It’s this kind of engagement that creates long-term trusted relationships between all involved as we look to keep OPC programming and events moving our industry forward.

3. Educational Opportunities Every conversation held with fairgoers is a chance to educate about the pork industry. Anticipation, excitement, and teachable moments are exactly what the Land & Living farrowing display was all about. In addition, Ohio Pork also had a meat case display in the swine barn and an exhibit included in the “Little Farmers” interactive display. A sincere thank you goes out to Hord Family Farms, Doug Dawson, and Tom Blankenship for their help in making the farrowing display possible.

4. Connections Built with Youth & Legislators The youth of the Ohio State Fair swine barn and OH-PIGS Program showed up BIG this year with a record number. With the addition of the new Breaking Boundaries Pig Show for special needs youth and the new Legislative Pig Show for our legislators, everyone got involved in these fun pig-centric events. It’s this kind of engagement that creates long-term trusted relationships between all involved as we look to keep OPC programming and events moving our industry forward.

5. The Pork Loin Hits National & Local TV Last, but certainly not least, OPC took the pork loin to national television! With the long-awaited airing of A&E’s Best in Chow, the Double-Decker Loaded Loin Sandwich finally got its much-deserved spotlight. The fun-filled episode featured key messaging geared toward the proper cooking of loin. This publicity also meant many fairgoers asked for and bought this special sandwich from the OPC pork booth. Likewise, it got the attention of the Columbus NBC affiliate that made the sandwich a spotlight as part of their annual fair coverage with on-air rave reviews.

Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org



Season Wrap-Up With Program Manager Kelly Morgan, the OH-PIGS committee, and the generous sponsors, OH-PIGS continues to be a bright spot for getting youth involved in Ohio’s pork industry. Thanks to the combined work by everyone involved in the OH-PIGS Program, the 2023 circuit had a successful run on nine weekends, hosting 24 shows, two livestock judging contests, and two meat-judging contests from April 22 through June 25. Throughout the show season, a group of over 175 exhibitors competed for points in the breeding and market classes. Meanwhile, participants also gained points in showmanship in the following divisions: pee-wee, novice, junior, intermediate, and senior.

Dedication, effort, and passion are the hallmarks of everyone involved in the OH-PIGS Program.

To conclude the successful 2023 season, all those involved were invited to the OH-PIGS Banquet, which was kindly hosted by the McCarley family in Circleville, Ohio. The well-attended event was filled with food, fun, and recognition of top individuals for the year. Among those recognized were the winners for each breeding class, market class, and showmanship division. In addition, Morgan and the OH-PIGS Committee also recognized the Top 5 overall highpoint individuals for the show circuit. 2023 OH-PIGS Overall High Points Top 5: • Overall High Point Exhibitor: Taylor Ellsworth • Reserve Overall High Point Exhibitor: Riley Wendt • 3rd: Brodie Wheeler • 4th: Jenna Schobelock • 5th: Baine Clark

Steve Mitchem

STOCKMAN AWARD In 2022, the OH-PIGS program lost a mentor and cheerleader of the program, Steve Mitchem. He was a firm believer in the OHPIGS Program and its ability to shape the youth involved in honing their skills related to exhibiting and caring for their animals, which helps in them in their overall personal and professional development. To honor Steve’s unwavering support of the program, the Steve Mitchem Stockman Award was established to recognize an OH-PIGS Program participant for their positive attitude and upholding the characteristics of a true stockman. The recipient of the 2023 Steve Mitchem Stockman Award is Cole Baker (see photo). Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


The OH-PIGS Program congratulates all the exhibitors and their families for another great year on the OH-PIGS Circuit. Kelly Morgan, OH-PIGS program manager said, “We are grateful to make this opportunity possible for so many youth and are very blessed to have an industry that believes so much in their youth and the future of agriculture.”

ARE YOU GETTING THE MOST FROM YOUR FEED? One of the biggest challenges the industry is facing is the rising cost of feed and feed ingredients, which can account for up to 70% of total production expenses. With Alltech’s Enzyme Management program, you can reduce your feed cost, maximize feed efficiency and improve herd performance, saving producers like you money while providing sustainable benefits for the animal and the planet.

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Like you, we know every cent matters. Get more – and save more – with Alltech’s Enzyme Management program. To learn more, visit Alltech.com/enzyme-management.

OCTOBER 26, 2023 | 6-9 PM Dalton Union Winery & Brewry Marysville, Ohio

A special event celebrating October as National Pork Month. Grab your tickets online now at ohiopork.org and get ready to enjoy the ultimate National Pork Month event! Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


Annual Meeting Highlights

OPC MAKES STRIDES OVER PAST YEAR As your state pork association, we are the catalyst that builds on the fundamental work of our national partners to serve and benefit every pork producer in the state. Ohio Pork Council is governed by pork producers, setting the strategic direction of the association. Then, it’s up to us as staff to ensure that our vision is executed – and this past year we did achieve a lot together for the betterment of the Ohio pork industry. On both the Checkoff and non-Checkoff side of the ledger, we strive to always be farmerfocused. We are not afraid to influence the work of the National Pork Producers Council and National Pork Board, doing what is right for you and your pork business. That means protecting your freedom to operate, helping you prepare for foreign animal disease threats, focusing on youth education and swine careers, and helping to ensure that Ohio consumers are turning more to pork as their protein of choice.

State Policy Wins As always, OPC remains committed and engaged to fully representing producers’ best interests in Columbus, Washington, and beyond to ensure your freedom to operate while seeking other beneficial outcomes to help your business.

Cheryl Day Ohio Pork Council Executive Vice President

Secured funding for:

• New ADDL Facility • People and IT technology for ADDL • Meat Processing Grants • Animal Protein for Food Banks

Advocated for:

• Practical Policy in H2Ohio Implementation • Increased Funding for H2Ohio • Science, not Emotion on Issues in W. Lake Erie Basin • Clearing up Misconceptions about Pork Production and Misguided Complaints

FAD Preparedness Wins OPC really shined in this area to help make the state’s industry more prepared for a worst-case scenario such as African swine fever. • Established an OSU Vet Med Swine Biosecurity Fund • Collaborated with ODA and APHIS on the Ohio Swine FAD Response Plan • Began Development of the Nation’s First FAD Interactive Dashboard Tool • Started the Certified Swine Sample Collector Program • Actively Enrolled Farms in AgView • Actively Participated in National FAD Preparedness Strategy • Participated in NPB European Union FAD Fact-finding Mission • Increased Biosecurity Requirements for OH-PIGS Circuit

Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


Consumer-Oriented Wins

Youth-Oriented Wins

Through multiple public-facing media channels and by collaborating with key influencers, OPC helped tell your story to help make what you do as producers real and more relatable to our state’s consumers. This was further augmented by our ongoing Real Pork Real Farmer Videos and our partnership with OSU Athletics. We achieved the following metrics to help build both trust and image of Ohio pig farmers.

To help develop the next generation of pork industry workforce in Ohio, OPC deploys several initiatives (aside from OH-PIGS program). These include virtual field trips, the Pork in the Classroom program, and Youth PQA Plus training.

• Real Pork Real Farmers Videos Scored Big with 13K Impressions, 184 Hours of Watch Time • Partnering with OSU Netted Nearly 70 Hours of Logo Exposure, 3.5 Hours of Yearly Commercial Exposure, and 1.2 MM in Annual Impressions on Digital Campaign • OSU Fan Base for OPC Jumped to 837K Fans and 3MM Followers for a Cost of $0.14/Fan

• 1,316 Presentations in 6,700 Classrooms • 125K Students at $2.88/Student • 98 Virtual Field Trips viewed in 25 States • 54K Students Reached for 44 Cents Each

Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


Ohio Pork Council


INCOME 2022-2023





Other Contributions








Consumer Information & Promotion


$298, 588

Production Technology & Information


$186, 828

Fixed Expenses






Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets



Net Assets at the Beginning of Year


$528. 401

Net Assets at the End of Year




*Fiscal Year End April 31, 2023

Labor, 11%

Promotion, 17%

Trust & Image, 24%

Education, 48%


INCOME 2022-2023


Strategic Investment Program



Other Contributions









Operating & Fixed Expenses



Total Expenses



Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets



Net Assets at the Beginning of Year



Net Assets at the End of Year



*Fiscal Year End April 31, 2023

Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


Event, 11%

Members Relations, 3%

Other, 4%

Industry Image, 3%

OSF Food Stands, 9%

Fixed Exp, 57%

Policy, 13%

Save the Date


FEBRUARY 6-7, 2024 Where you come to network, learn, and support our industry. Veterans Memorial Civic & Convention Center | Lima, Ohio For more information visit www.ohioporkcongress.org.

Ohio State University

ATHLETICS & PORK FOR THE WIN If it’s fall, it’s time for Ohio State Football and that means there’s no better time to fire up the tailgate grills and get the OPC Bacon Vending Machine fully stocked for another great season of celebrating all things pork. “We continue to put the Ohio Pork brand in front of the thousands of fans who head to Ohio Stadium for each OSU home game to ensure that consumers in our state keep pork associated with having a good time,” said Nick Seger, OPC President. “It’s a great way to show our support of OSU athletics in a way that reinforces the other consumer outreach that we continue to do in other places.”

Winning Stats Whether it’s the digital ads on the big screen in the stadium, radio spots that reach all corners of the state, the bacon vending machine, and more, OPC is connecting with pork with fans. Some key stats from last season. • Digital Ads = 408,321 Impressions • Big Screen at Home Games = 2.5 Hours Average Exposure • Radio = 171 Spots Statewide Coverage • Social Media = 435,574 Impressions/12,062 Engagements • Giveaway at Iowa Game = 369,409 Impressions/8,331 Engagements

Buckeye fans can head to B-Deck South at Ohio Stadium to visit Ohio Pork’s Bacon Vending Machine again this fall. It is fully stocked with everyone’s favorite bacon treats to enjoy during the game. Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


Ohio Pork Council

CONNECTS IN TOLEDO As part of OPC’s first Ohio Pig Farmer Night at the Toledo Night Market on Aug. 26, more than 3,000 people from northwest Ohio got the opportunity to learn about how to properly cook pork loin, sample perfectly cooked samples, and visit with real Ohio producers. This type of grassroots outreach goes beyond mere numbers — it creates and builds long-lasting relationships between farmers who produce food and those who consume it. “It’s always great to visit with Ohio consumers directly, and this event was a great way to do that,” said Nick Seger, OPC president. “We were able to have real conversations about how we produce healthy, nutritious pork while we do the right things for our animals, people, and the environment. It could not have been a better evening and reception for Ohio’s pig farmers and Ohio pork than we received at the Toledo Night Market.” To help bring top-notch pork samples to the marketgoers, OPC brought in food influencer Chris Simpkins, who also hails from the Toledo area, to grill fresh loin and answer consumer questions. The focus was on the versatility and ease of cooking with the loin when you know the right steps. To make loin preparation more fool-proof for consumers, OPC created a special “Pork-Loin Trained” handout, complete with 145-degree final cooking temperature messaging. “By reaching and audience of several thousand attendees, we feel good about our firsttime experience with this event in Toledo and the connections we continue to make in northwest Ohio,” said Cheryl Day, OPC executive vice president. “It was a unique way that we were able to bring producers, pork samples, and key messaging directly to a diverse consumer audience and one that we plan on continuing to build upon.”

From left: Nick Seger, OPC President; Rich Deaton, OPC Board Member; and Chris Simpkins, Ohio food influencer/ chef; work to get freshly grilled pork samples to eager attendees at the Toledo Night Market. Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


Announcing Ohio Pork Councils

FAD INTERACTIVE DASHBOARD As a pork producer, swine veterinarian, or related state official in Ohio, you now have access to the nation’s first comprehensive, interactive online tool to help reduce the risks from foreign animal disease (FAD), such as African swine fever. It’s called FADready.org. Learn key facts and get step-by-step instructions all in one place instead of having to know dozens of websites separately.

Get started today at www.FADready.org. This no-fee tool was funded by the Pork Checkoff and created by the Ohio Pork Council.

Ohio Pork Council

SCHOLARSHIP TIME IS HERE! The Ohio Pork Council is pleased to announce that the application process for the 2024 OPC scholarship program is now open for those wishing to be considered for awards associated with the 2024-25 school year. Again this year, the Ohio Pork Council will offer three scholarships: the Ohio Pork Council Scholarship, the OPC Women’s Scholarship, and the Dick Isler Scholarship.

To be eligible for scholarship consideration, all applicants or his/her parents must be actively involved in the pork industry. Children of pork industry employees, managers, and contract growers are eligible. Applicants, or their parents, must be a member of the Ohio Pork Council and residents of Ohio. Applicants entering their freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior year of college are encouraged to apply.

For more information and to view the scholarship application, please visit www.ohiopork.org/scholarships. Applications are due no later than January 5, 2024. Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org



YOUR PORK COLLEAGUES TODAY outstanding job promoting pork and/or the pork industry on a local, regional, or state level. Candidates need not be actual pork producers.

Celebrate a deserving colleague, friend, or family member by nominating them for one of OPC’s annual awards. Nominations are easy. Look carefully at the categories below before you make your submission.

Friends of Pork Award The OPC Friends of Pork Award is presented to a pork industry leader whose principal occupation is not pork production, for their willing and outstanding contribution to the swine industry. Consideration will be given for contributions at the local, state, and national levels.

Pork Industry Excellence This award is given to a pork producer or pork producing family for their willingness to give their time, money, and talents, and as a result, have made an outstanding contribution to the swine industry. Consideration will be given for contributions at the local, state, and national levels.

OPC Service Award This award is presented to an individual who exemplifies outstanding service to the swine industry. Someone who exceeds volunteer expectations and is willing to support the pork industry in various ways.

Swine Manager of the Year The award for Swine Manager of the Year recognizes an owner or non-owner who excels in the management of a swine production operation.

Have a nominee in mind? Simply submit a name for the award committee’s consideration by Tuesday, October 31. Access the nomination form here: www.ohiopork.org/awards.

Pork Promoter of the Year The award for Pork Promoter of the year recognizes an individual/ family, organization, company, or county group that has done an



















250.00 $225.00 298.49 $268.64 354.62 $319.16




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Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org



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Pork Tenderloin








This is a great recipe to make this fall for a satisfying evening meal, a get-together, or even a tailgate party! With new or leftover pork tenderloin, combine the sliced meat with all your other favorite pizza toppings, such as sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms, bell peppers, ham, etc. Serve with a crunchy green salad on the side with your favorite dressing for an easy and fun meal.

INGREDIENTS 12 oz. pork tenderloin (about 3/4 of one tenderloin) 7 oz. sweet Italian sausage (2 links) 1 1/2 tsp. olive oil salt pepper 16 oz. pizza dough (prepared) 1/2 cup pizza sauce 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese (shaved) 1/4 cup red onion (thinly sliced) 12 pitted kalamata olives (halved) 2 Tbsp. fresh basil (chopped)


Preheat oven to 425° F. Meanwhile, arrange pork tenderloin on a rimmed baking sheet, rub it with oil, and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Roast pork until the internal temperature reaches between 145° F. (medium rare) and 160° F. (medium) on a meat thermometer, about 25-30 minutes. Set aside to rest for 10 minutes.

While pork is roasting, warm a medium skillet over medium heat. Add sausage (removed from the casing) and cook, stirring and breaking the sausage up into bite-size pieces until no longer pink, 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.

Increase oven temperature to 500° F. Cut pork into thin slices and set aside.

Sprinkle a work surface and a large, rimmed baking sheet with flour or cornmeal. Place dough on the work surface and roll or stretch it out to a 10x15-inch rectangle. Transfer to baking sheet, pressing the dough to fit the pan. Top with pizza sauce, cheese, sliced pork, sausage, onions, and olives. Bake until pizza is golden and crisp, 12-14 minutes.

Sprinkle pizza with the basil, cut into pieces, and serve.

Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


Apply for

OHIO PORK COUNCIL INTERNSHIPS The Ohio Pork Council (OPC) is looking for highly motivated applicants for the 2024 summer internship program. OH-PIGS Program Intern The OPC’s OH-PIGS Program Intern will be responsible for efficient and effective communication with the program manager on expectations on a week-to-week basis. The intern will work closely with the program manager to ensure that the OH-PIGS program has a successful line-up of shows. Applicants should be majoring in the field of agriculture or a related program area at the collegiate level. Applicants should have well working knowledge of show pig programs, as well as knowledge of modern agriculture and pork production. Those interested in the internship should have solid public speaking and writing skills, be very organized, be able to work independently, and travel to and from required events. Additionally, applicants should have a working knowledge of Microsoft Excel, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and other similar programs. Communications Intern The ideal candidate should be majoring in the field of agriculture, communications, marketing, or journalism; preferably going into their junior or senior year of college. Knowledge of swine and modern agriculture is a plus, but not required. The intern will be responsible for developing written and graphic communications for members, the media, and consumers; increasing member participation and awareness of producer

Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


education programs; promotion of education and food stands at the Ohio State Fair; in addition to special events planning and volunteer recruitment. The OPC Communications Internship is sure to provide a variety of learning opportunities and awesome experiences to further propel this individual in pursuit of an agricultural career. Pig Care & Education Intern The OPC Pig Care and Education Intern will serve as the key staff person at the 2023 Ohio State Fair Birthing Center. During the 12day event, the intern will play an integral role in providing quality animal care, monitoring the farrowing process, and maintaining a positive public perception for fairgoers in attendance. Applicants should be majoring in the field of agriculture, communications, or education, preferably going into their junior or senior year of college. Previous experience working with swine is required. Related experience conducting agriculture education programs or working with consumers is a plus. Applicants should have the ability to provide superior animal care, have solid public speaking skills and feel comfortable answering questions regarding Ohio’s pork industry. Applicants should be self-motivated, be able to work independently, and thrive in fast-paced environments. Interested applicants can view complete job descriptions at www. ohiopork.org/internship/. All applications are due no later than Dec. 1, 2023.

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P: 614.882.5887 | www.OhioPork.org | pork@ohiopork.org Text OHIOPORK to 833-340-1405 to receive OPC updates! Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


Strengthen your future. Invest in SIP today. www.nppc.org/invest

To be your voice, we need your voice. Ryan McClure Hillside Acres, LLC Grover Hill, OH

“Raising pigs is something that I’m very passionate about, and I always want what is best for the pork industry. By being an investor in the National Pork Producers Council’s (NPPC) Strategic Investment Program (SIP), I know for certain that I am contributing to what is best for our industry. I regularly see my return on investment through the victories that NPPC and the Ohio Pork Council (OPC) have notched both domestically and abroad. NPPC and OPC work tirelessly to make sure lawmakers are educated on our issues so that burdensome regulations don’t see the light of day and detrimental foreign animal diseases are kept out of the country. Because of my SIP investment, I’ve had firsthand involvement in many policy discussions over the years. This has directly helped the success of my family’s farm, which is why I’d ask you to join me to fight for a prosperous tomorrow and become a SIP investor today.”

© 2022 National Pork Producers Council

Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


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