Ohio Cooperative Living – October 2022 - Adams

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but we’re

in our communities.

Electric cooperatives were formed in the 1930s by neighbors helping neighbors to bring a better quality of life to rural areas.

and now ohioec.org/purpose

Co-ops then equipment may look different today, still neighbors helping neighbors to life


improve the quality of

Beautiful, bucolic Malabar Farm shows off its eerie side for Halloween.


Cover image on most editions: The major-party candidates for Ohio governor, Mike DeWine and Nan Whaley, explained the basics of their energy policies and more as they answered questions from Ohio Cooperative Living in advance of the Nov. 8 election. See page 4 to read their full answers.

Find a fun fall tradition by getting lost in some a-maize-ing creations.


The owner’s “dream town” brings a bit of the Old West to southern Ohio.



This page: Corn mazes proliferate around Ohio each autumn. Most are navigable in a short amount of time — depending on the traveler’s motivation (photo courtesy Lynd Fruit Farm).

Regardless of your political or social views, it’s important that you express them by exercising your right to vote. I’m confident that there is a strong consensus across Ohio and throughout our cooperative membership for sensible solutions to the problems of today.




ore so than ever, public policies — more specifically, government policies — are driving energy prices, choices, and availability. We have experienced a dramatic run-up in the price of every form of energy in less than a year’s time. We continue to witness both actual blackouts and near misses on a more regular basis. Electric cooperatives across the United States and here in Ohio represent less than 10% of the electric industry, but we continue to be among the strongest advocates for reliable, affordable, always-available electricity systems.


Your turn to be heard

This month, we provide your candidates for governor of Ohio the opportunity to share their views on a few of the issues we feel are important to you (see page 4). But elections at all levels — federal, state, and local — impact our communities, our lifestyles, and our local businesses.

Local control of each electric cooperative and collaboration among cooperatives to develop large-scale projects, like the power generation plants owned and controlled by Ohio’s electric cooperatives, help us deliver on our mission of providing electricity service you can count on and you can afford. Government mandates and political ambitions are some of the most powerful forces in our industry these days, which makes it more important than ever that you as cooperative members participate in electing people who understand and respect the benefits of local control and common sense.

Crystal Pomeroy Graphic Designer


6677 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH www.ohiocoopliving.com614-846-575743229


Hayride! Autumn means time to jump in the wagon for a trip to the pumpkin patch.

OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING (USPS 134-760; ISSN 2572-049X) is published monthly by Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. It is the official communication link between the electric cooperatives in Ohio and West Virginia and their members. Subscription cost for members ranges from $5.52 to $6.96 per year, paid from equity accruing to the member.

National/regional advertising inquiries, contact Cheryl Solomon American MainStreet Publications 847 749 4875 | cheryl@amp.coop


Caryn Whitney Director of Communications

cannot process address changes. Alliance for Audited Media Member


Contributors: Margo Bartlett, Jodi Borger, Colleen Romick Clark, Victoria Ellwood, Getty Images, W.H. “Chip” Gross, Catherine Murray, James Proffitt, and Margie Wuebker.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to editorial and advertising offices at: 6677 Busch Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43229-1101. Periodicals postage paid at Pontiac, IL 61764, and at additional mailing offices. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. All rights reserved. The fact that a product is advertised in Ohio Cooperative Living should not be taken as an endorsement. If you find an advertisement misleading or a product unsatisfactory, please notify us or the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, Consumer Protection Section, 30 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, OH, and at additional mailing offices.

What’s happening: October/ November events and other things to do around Ohio.

News and information from your electric cooperative.

Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives



What the heck’s a hellbender? Measuring as much as 30 inches long and weighing more than 5 pounds, it’s the largest amphibian in North America — and it’s disappearing from Ohio.


Rebecca Seum Assistant Managing Editor

Jeff McCallister Managing Editor

Visit Ohio Cooperative Living magazine online at www.ohiocoopliving.com! Read past issues and watch videos about our articles or our recipes. Our site features an expanded Member Interactive area where you can share your stories, recipes, and photos and find content submitted by other co-op members across the state. 4 1012 OCTOBER 2022 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  3

Patrick O’Loughlin President & CEO



Cooperative members: Please report changes of address to your electric cooperative. Ohio Cooperative Living staff

Pack a lunch: Tired of eating the same old things for lunch at work or school? These packable meals will be a bright spot in your day.

Pink Ribbon Girls: The group provides strength and support when they’re needed most.

Making their case: Mike DeWine and Nan Whaley offer their thoughts on improving Ohio’s small towns and rural areas in a conversation with Ohio Cooperative Living

October 2022 • Volume 65, No. 1 374015



Election Day is Nov. 8. Find your polling location at voteohio.gov.

Making their case

hioans head to the voting booth Nov. 8 for one of the most consequential midterm elections in recent memory. Among the many significant decisions voters must make is who will lead the state’s executive branch as governor for the next four years.

Mike DeWine


Knowing the importance of electric cooperative voters in the campaign, the candidates took some time recently to answer questions that are crucial to Ohio Cooperative Living readers.

Incumbent Mike DeWine, a former two-term U.S. senator, four-term congressman, and Ohio attorney general, is the Republican candidate, with Jon Husted, the current lieutenant governor and former Ohio secretary of state and speaker of the Ohio House, again serving as his running mate.

Challenger Nan Whaley is former mayor of Dayton, Ohio’s sixth-largest city, which she led from 2014 until 2022. Her running mate is Cheryl Stephens, a Cuyahoga County councilmember and former mayor of Cleveland Heights.

This is how we make Ohio a place where one good job is enough, where every community is safe and healthy, and where your kids and grandkids have real opportunities.


Nan Whaley

so much potential — for people, for families, for our state — will be lost if we do not take action.

My message is pretty simple: I want your pay to go up, your bills to go down, and your government to work for you. That includes raising wages by investing in the jobs of the future, tackling inflation by temporarily suspending the gas tax and cracking down on price gouging, and finally, cleaning up corruption at the Statehouse.

Nan Whaley: I’m running for governor because I believe Ohio deserves better. For essentially 30 years, we’ve had one-party rule in our state and, during that time, we’ve watched as Ohio has fallen further and further behind. Our only path forward is a total overhaul — and that’s what I am proposing.

If elected in November, what will be the issues of highest priority for your administration?

Mike DeWine: We must bring economic prosperity and hope to every part of Ohio. We must improve our economic development efforts in Ohio and focus on every part of the state. To succeed in a tech-focused economy, we are investing substantially in career education, job training, and workforce development. We are closing the digital divide so that all Ohioans have access to high-speed internet services, which will create opportunity for generations.

We must continue to improve early childhood education to reach all Ohio children. We need more kids who are kindergarten-ready and must greatly increase the number of high-performing schools in Ohio. We need to ensure that every kid who graduates is job or college ready. To fail to do that is to fail our children.

We must end the devastating opioid epidemic that is killing 15 Ohioans each day, flooding our foster care system with the children of addicts, and costing Ohio $8 billion each year. I have a 12-point plan of action that includes K-12 drug prevention education in all schools, more resources for law enforcement to fight the Mexican drug cartels, and increased treatment for individuals. This also means investing in mental health. The bottom line is this: Ohioans with untreated addiction and mental illness will remain underemployed and unemployed, and


obtaining resources to rebuild, repair, and modernize transportation infrastructure to improve supply chain logistics. An important initiative of my administration will be to conduct an accurate statewide assessment of broadband connectivity to demonstrate the deep need in rural Ohio to help outline a plan for action. This assessment will help operationalize my commitment to providing universal broadband across Appalachian Ohio by 2028

Nan Whaley: As a former mayor, I understand that shops, restaurants, and other small businesses are what make our communities vibrant. These face-toface businesses have also suffered the most from the pandemic. I will convene local small business councils to maximize the use of federal and state resources to make sure that these businesses prosper in the postpandemic economy. I will direct the Development Services Agency to redouble its efforts in making targeted commercial corridor investments in cities, towns, and villages across the state.

What will you do to help improve the vitality of small towns and rural communities while improving economic opportunities for Ohioans in rural areas?

There should be ample opportunity for your kids and grandkids to build their lives anywhere in Ohio. Whether you live in a small town or a big city, in a suburb or on a farm, you deserve to have access to economic opportunity in Ohio. Ohio’s strength is in just how big and diverse our state is — we can’t afford to leave anyone behind. We need to invest in Ohio talent all across the state.

One good job should be enough. Every Ohioan deserves the dignity of work — a job that provides opportunity for your family and kids, regardless of your ZIP code. You should be free to collectively bargain; have a safe workplace; receive adequate health care; paid sick and family leave; and earn a wage that pays you fairly for the important value you provide.

I know that broadband development is crucial to the economic viability of Ohio communities. I support initiatives that bring infrastructure and affordable broadband and high-speed internet access to unserved and underserved parts of the state. This also includes

Democratic nominee Nan Whaley, the former mayor of Dayton, says she is committed to Ohio’s working- and middle-class families.

With an investment of $232 million in grants, Broadband Ohio estimates that around 230,000

To remove barriers to success, we are focusing efforts in areas of the state, such as Appalachia, where we are investing in downtown redevelopment. We are also closing the digital divide in Ohio, with the goal that everyone in Ohio will have access to high-speed internet, which will create opportunity for generations of Ohioans in our modern, tech-focused economy.

residents will gain access to high-speed internet. Giving our rural and underserved areas access will be a boon for small towns and rural economies.


We have what it takes to rebuild our economy. Our state is full of gritty entrepreneurs and resilient workers who have the skills and resources to make our state a place where everyone can thrive. But to do so, we need a governor and a government that is looking out for Ohio families, not special interests.

Lt. Gov. Husted and I are also working with the legislature to invest substantially in career education, job training, and workforce development to help give every Ohioan an opportunity to get a satisfying and well-paying job.

Mike DeWine: During my time as governor, we have created a record number of jobs, cut taxes, and won historic investments, all while balancing the budget. I want to continue to implement policies that give communities and workers the tools they need to succeed and then get out of their way.

Incumbent Gov. Mike DeWine, former congressman and U.S. senator, touts his record of working for Ohio’s small towns.

My goal is for Ohio to lead the world in behavioral health research and care. We can do this by investing significantly more in research and innovation, offering better crisis response services and treatment, increasing prevention efforts, and expanding residential and community-based services.

Further, my administration is committed to improving access to mental health and addiction services. We have created a landmark program to address the mental and physical health needs of children at school. Additionally, we have more than doubled medication-assisted drug treatment capacity across Ohio and have dramatically increased crisis stabilization services.

I support home rule policies that serve as the foundation for local governments to take bold action to cut carbon emissions, reduce waste, and invest in bold renewable energy plans. Unfortunately, the autonomy and authority of local governments have been eroded in recent years by Republicans at the Statehouse, undermining cities’ ability to promote sustainable practices.


Both Nan Whaley and Mike DeWine won their primary elections on May 3 — each by at least 20 percentage points over their nearest challenger.

Mike DeWine: As governor, I’ve dedicated hundreds of millions of dollars to ensure all Ohioans, but especially those living in rural communities, have access to basic needs and the building blocks of economic development, such as clean drinking water, functioning sewer systems, and broadband internet. Electric cooperatives play an important role in this too — delivering power to thousands of Ohioans, farms, and businesses.

Nan Whaley: One of my first and top priorities as governor will be to fully repeal HB 6 . In addition to the corruption behind it that continues to undermine public trust in our government, the law is an awful policy that was a huge step backward for our state. It is imperative that we put Ohio back on a positive trajectory when it comes to our energy policy by

Ohio’s electric cooperatives strive to provide affordable and reliable electric service to members through an all-of-the-above approach to electric generation sources. As governor, how will your policies toward electricity generation ensure that cooperatives can continue to best serve their members?

restoring renewable energy standards and stopping the subsidization of failing coal plants.

I firmly believe that how our state faces the impact of climate change is critical to our future prosperity. The climate change crisis is also an opportunity to create new industries and jobs for Ohioans thanks to their skills in engineering, logistics, supply chain, and manufacturing. Our Jobs Plan described at nanwhaley.com/jobs clearly lays out our strategy for building a resilient, sustainable Ohio economy with practical, comprehensive policies to advance Ohio’s clean energy sector.

I will work to secure Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funding for communities facing fossil fuel plant closures or reductions to fund transition plans and adjustment assistance for workers. I will also work to improve rules regarding Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) so this financing tool can accelerate the deployment of energy efficiency projects and electric vehicle charging stations and extend the program to residential solar projects that balance rapid deployment of clean energy and consumer protection.

Throughout the ages, there have been many important advances in mobility. Canes, walkers, rollators, and scooters were created to help people with mobility issues get around and retain their independence. Lately, however, there haven’t been any new improvements to these existing products or developments in this field. Until now. Recently, an innovative design engineer who’s developed one of the world’s most popular products created a completely new breakthrough . . . a personal electric vehicle. It’s called the Zinger, and there is nothing out there quite like it.

The first thing you’ll notice about the Zinger is its unique look. It doesn’t look like a scooter. Its sleek, lightweight yet durable frame is made with aircraft grade aluminum so it weighs only 47.2 lbs. It features one-touch folding and unfolding – when folded it can be wheeled around like a suitcase and fits easily into a backseat or trunk. Then, there are the steering levers. They enable the Zinger to move forward, backward,

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turn on a dime and even pull right up to a table or desk. With its compact yet powerful motor it can go up to 6 miles an hour and its rechargeable battery can go up to 8 miles on a single charge. With its low center of gravity and inflatable tires it can handle rugged terrain and is virtually tip-proof. Think about it, you can take your Zinger almost anywhere, so you don’t have to let mobility issues rule your life.

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erpetologist Greg Lipps, standing knee-deep in the Kokosing River in Knox County, lifts the side of a large, flat rock and tilts it up on edge. As the swirling mud below slowly clears, he stares intently into the water. If the critter he’s searching for is lurking there, it won’t be hard to see.


Measuring up to 30 inches long and weighing more than 5 pounds, the giant aquatic salamander he seeks is also the largest amphibian in North America: the Eastern hellbender.



No one seems to know for sure how or where the name “hellbender” came from. One theory claims that this docile, harmless salamander was named by early American settlers who thought it so ugly, “it was a creature from hell where it’s bent on returning.” Other common names for Cryptobranchus alleganiensis include devil dog, mud dog, water dog, and grampus. My personal favorite — for the disgusted reaction it triggers — is “snot otter,” describing the heavy coating of mucus that covers the creature’s wrinkled, mottled-brown skin.

What the heck’s Whathellbender?atheheck’sahellbender?

Donate to the state tax checkoff program

• U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Or simply mail in a donation

• ODNR, divisions of Wildlife and Natural Areas and Preserves (Scenic Rivers Program)


How to help hellbender management

• Natural ConservationResourcesService

Purchase a conservationwildlifelicense plate

Ohio partnershiphellbendermembers

• Ohio University

at whchipgross@ gmail.com. Be sure to include “Ask Chip” in the subject of the email. Your question may be answered on www.ohiocoopliving.com! Ask CHIP!

Purchase an Ohio Wildlife Legacy Stamp

Today, these creatures are listed as state-endangered. Does that mean the eventual extirpation of hellbenders from Ohio? Wildlife biologists aren’t sure — possibly it’s too late already — but they’re not waiting to find out. Many wildlife conservation organizations in the state have banded together to form the Ohio Hellbender Partnership. Two of those partners, the Toledo and Columbus zoos, are helping by collecting hellbender eggs in the wild and rearing the young in biosecure facilities, where survivability can be much higher than in the wild. Some of the young hellbenders, measuring about a foot long, are later released in the same streams in which the eggs were collected, while others are used to repopulate streams that have supported hellbenders in the past. Since 2012, more than 1,600 young hellbenders have been released at 26 sites in 10 watersheds.


• Columbus Zoo and The Wilds

• Penta Career Center

• Soil and Water Conservation districts in Jefferson, Belmont, and Columbiana counties

• Captina Conservancy

If you’d like to support Ohio’s continuing

• Ohio State University

Email Chip Gross with your questions

On this occasion, however, no hellbender emerges. “Unfortunately, hellbenders are not doing well in Ohio,” Lipps says, sighing disappointedly as he carefully lowers the rock back into place. Lipps, a member of Malintabased Tricounty Rural Electric Cooperative, is the amphibian and reptile conservation coordinator at Ohio State University, and he studies the creatures as part of his “Hellbendersresearch.

have lost about 80% of their habitat since the mid-1980s, when the first statewide survey was conducted,” he says. “The loss is mainly due to excessive siltation in many of Ohio’s streams because of human activity, which affects reproduction. As a result, the hellbender population is now made up mainly of adults. There are precious few young coming along to replenish that aging population.”

• Toledo Zoo

At the northern fringe of their North American range in Ohio, hellbenders inhabit a very specific aquatic habitat niche. Preferring clear, relatively fast-moving rivers in the unglaciated portion of the Buckeye State, they are only found in streams that drain into the Ohio River — not Lake Erie. Most are found along the bends of streams at the base of steep, heavily wooded hillsides and, as previously mentioned, under large, flat slab rocks.

• Park districts in Columbiana, Knox, and Franklin counties

• Ohio EPA

and research projects, participating in any of the following four options provided by the Division of Wildlife will help:

So why should we care if a big, unattractive, slimy salamander that most of us will never see in the wild disappears from Ohio? As I’ve emphasized here before when discussing endangered species: If our natural environment ever becomes so uninhabitable that wildlife can’t survive, guess who’s next?

On April 12, 2022, Hohenstein was given the news no one ever wants to receive: She had cancer.


“While research is incredibly important, Pink Ribbon


As another source for support, Hohenstein’s surgeon’s office introduced her to Pink Ribbon Girls, a nonprofit organization that provides healthy meals, rides to treatment, housecleaning services, cancer education, and peer support to breast cancer and gynecological cancer patients and their families — independent of age, stage, or socioeconomic status — and is free of charge.

As Hohenstein can attest, breast cancer affects more than the individual — it affects the entire family.

Hohenstein, who lives in Troy and is married with three children, considers herself fortunate in that she had a strong support system to lean on.

Pink Ribbon G irls

Among other factors, food and ride insecurity continue to drive increased need for those battling breast and gynecological cancers. Across all regions, Pink Ribbon Girls has experienced significant increases in clients signing up for services and the use of those services.

Pink Ribbon Girls serves five regions: Dayton, Cincinnati, and Columbus in Ohio; St. Louis, Missouri; and the Bay Area in California. The organization’s sights are set on expanding their reach to other regions throughout the country, to ensure that no one has to battle breast or gynecological cancers alone.

“My husband is retired, so I didn’t need help with transportation, but I did sign up for the meals and housecleaning kits,” says Hohenstein. “The meals were huge for us. They weren’t only for me, but for my family too — and that’s wonderful.”


ne in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime. Even in the abstract, it’s a staggering statistic, but for Julie Hohenstein, a Pioneer Electric Cooperative member, and her family, it’s a harsh reality.

“I was lucky they found it early, and I have a great support system,” she says. “Not everyone is that fortunate.”

Group provides a network of strength and support when it’s needed most.

Continued on page 14 OCTOBER 2022 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  13

More than breast cancer

housecleaning kits, and over 1,000 instances of peer support and educational opportunities.

“I am beyond grateful that they reached out to me and for the support they provided,” says Hohenstein.

“Before all of this started for me, I thought Pink Ribbon Girls was solely a breast cancer organization,” says Amy Wiford, a Pioneer Electric member. “It was a pleasant surprise to find that there was a local organization that supported those of us with gynecological cancers as well.”

Wiford, who first began experiencing symptoms in September 2021, was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer following a radical hysterectomy in October 2021 When symptoms began, Wiford, a former nurse, knew something was very wrong.

In 2021, the nonprofit provided more than 150,000 meals, 16,000 rides to treatment, and 1,000 housecleaning kits to clients and their families throughout all regions. In addition, more than 2,000 individuals participated in peer support and educational opportunities provided by Pink Ribbon Girls.

“The scariest part for me was not knowing,” says Wiford. “When I started having symptoms, I was very aggressive in getting treatment right away.”

In the Ohio regions, Pink Ribbon Girls provided nearly 80,000 meals, 9,000 rides to treatment, more than 600

Girls works to provide the tangible support those battling cancer need right now so that they can conserve their energy and simply focus on fighting for their lives,” says Heather Salazar, CEO of Pink Ribbon Girls. “In the beginning, we served just four families. Today we’re serving families in 243 ZIP codes in Ohio alone. And the numbers are on the rise; we saw a 33% increase in clients in the first six months of this year compared to the same time frame last year.”

Worse yet, Wiford had to wait a month before she could have surgery due to the overwhelming demand for beds during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I didn’t have any family history of ovarian cancer,” says Wiford. “I actually had very few risk factors.”

“At the time I was diagnosed, my son was 15 months old,” says Wiford. “I chose to be a single mom, and they were my biggest supporters with taking care of my son and myself.”

During her fight, Wiford relied most heavily on her family to care for her son and provide meals, cleaning, and transportation — which led her to Pink Ribbon Girls.

Left, Amy Wiford was only 38 years old, with a 15-month-old son, when she was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer.

Wiford says her sister encouraged her to reach out to Pink Ribbon Girls. Although she had seen their vehicles dropping patients off at the cancer center frequently, she was reluctant to reach out to Pink Ribbon Girls, but was so glad when she finally did.

Julie Hohenstein (far right) relied on the support of her family during treatment for breast cancer, but was grateful to Pink Ribbon Girls for filling in the gaps.

“My sister really pushed me to reach out to Pink Ribbon Girls, but I remember thinking, I’m 38, I’m young, I’m independent, I’m successful, I don’t need to reach out and rely on other people,” says Wiford. “That was a big area of learning and growth for me.”

Continued from page 13

One of the main services Wiford utilized during her treatment was Pink Ribbon Girls’ meal service.

“Their tagline is, ‘No one travels this road alone,’   ” says Wiford, “They absolutely live that out. They are a golden nugget — we are fortunate to have them local to us.”

Following numerous rounds of chemotherapy treatments from November through February 2022, she is now also considered cancer-free. She will see an oncologist every three months for the next two to three years.


“Experiencing both a cancer diagnosis and having my son during the pandemic was very isolating for us,” says Wiford. “It made me appreciate simple things like getting out in the community and being around people again.”

“I didn’t realize that my nutritional intake was so poor, prior to receiving their services,” says Wiford. “Knowing I had something healthy and convenient to eat, specifically when I wasn’t feeling well after treatment, was a huge relief for me.”

Jan Middleton, director of education and peer support (left), consults with a cancer survivor.

If you or someone you know is battling breast or gynecological cancer and would like to request services, or if you are interested in getting involved, attending a fundraising event, or making a donation, you can find out more about Pink Ribbon Girls at www.pinkribbongirls.org.

She also received a cleaning supply kit from the nonprofit, which she says was extremely beneficial, as her family helped her keep her home clean, especially during the pandemic.








Preheat oven to 400 F. Bake 30 to 35 minutes, switching rack positions halfway through. Pastry should be puffed and golden brown. Let cool. They’ll keep for about a week in the fridge or 2 months in the freezer. Eat warmed or at room temperature.


This recipe is inspired by spanakopita, a popular Greek dish traditionally made with flaky phyllo pastry. The twists can be frozen after they’ve completely cooled. Pull a few out of the freezer in the morning and they’ll thaw just in time for lunch. Eat alongside a light salad or a fruit cup for a balanced meal.


Pack a lunch

Tired of eating the same old things for lunch at work or school? These packable meals will be a bright spot in your day.


Lay one sheet of puff pastry flat onto parchment paper on top of a baking sheet. Evenly spread spinach/cheese mixture with a ½-inch edge left bare. Lay second puff pastry flat on top of spinach/cheese filling, lining up the edges. Stretch the top edge down to the bottom edge and seal on all 4 sides. Using a sharp knife, cut pastry in half one direction and into 6 slices the opposite direction, ending up with 12 strips.

Prep: 20 minutes | Cook: 35 minutes | Servings: 6 ounces ricotta cheese eggs, divided teaspoon dried dill teaspoon salt teaspoon dried oregano teaspoon dried mint teaspoon ground nutmeg teaspoon ground pepper large shallot, minced cloves garlic, minced ounces cooked chopped spinach, squeezed dry ounces crumbled feta cheese ounces pu pastry dough (brought to fridge temperature) tablespoons sesame seeds (optional)


NOTE: If the ricotta cheese seems to have excess liquid, wrap it in cheesecloth and squeeze.

In a medium bowl, whisk together 2 of the eggs, ricotta cheese, and all the spices until smooth. Mix in shallot, garlic, spinach, and feta.


Per serving: 585 calories, 40 grams fat (13 grams saturated fat), 82 milligrams cholesterol, 3 grams fiber, 779 milligrams sodium, 43 grams total carbohydrates, 3 grams fiber, 15 grams protein.





With each strip, press one end with your fingers while carefully twisting the other end. When finished with all of the twists, beat remaining egg in a small bowl and brush across top of each pastry and sprinkle on some sesame seeds. Chill in fridge for 15 minutes before baking.


1 tablespoon salt

While you’re there, check out a video of a few of our recipes being prepared.


9 ounces soba noodles

2 tablespoons honey juice of 1 lime

1 teaspoon ground ginger

½ cup canned light coconut milk, mixed well

2 cloves garlic, minced coarse mustard for dipping

Have you tried one of our recipes? Do you have a recipe to share with other Ohio co-op members? Visit the Member Interactive page on www.ohiocoopliving.com to find recipes submitted by our readers and to upload yours.

Prep: 15 minutes | Cook: 7 minutes | Servings: 4



½ cup peanut butter

3 green onions, diced

2 cups snow peas

¼ cup low-sodium soy sauce

Per serving: 521 calories, 18.5 grams fat (5 grams saturated fat), 0 milligrams cholesterol, 725 milligrams sodium, 78 grams total carbohydrates, 6 grams fiber, 21 grams protein.

If you’re the kind of person who likes to prepare one lunch recipe Sunday evening to eat all week long, this recipe is for you. It’s quick to prepare and there’s no refrigeration required at your workplace — it’s just as good eaten at room temperature.

1 cup grated carrots

Place cucumber strips in a mesh strainer and heavily sprinkle with salt. Let sit for 20 minutes for the salt to pull some of the excess moisture from the cucumbers. Rinse off salt, shake off water, and place slices on paper towels in an even layer, patting them dry. Place a large pot of water on high heat. Once it comes to a boil, cook noodles according to package’s al dente directions. Add snow peas during the last minute of cooking, then drain and rinse both with cold water and transfer to a large mixing bowl. Toss cucumber, carrots, and green onions on top. In a medium bowl, whisk together remaining ingredients to make the sauce. Pour sauce in with noodles and veggies, tossing to coat. Eat cold or at room temperature. Store in the fridge for up to a week.

1 medium cucumber, cut into thin, 1-inch strips

3 teaspoons Sriracha sauce

Prep: 5 minutes | Servings: 10 4-ounce jar diced

Drain pimento. Consider the spice level you’d like for your pimento cheese. The age of your red pepper flakes will make a big difference in how spicy they are — they become milder over time. If you’re sure you want yours to be on the mild side, start with ½ teaspoon. If you’re sure you want it spicy, start with 1 teaspoon and adjust to taste. Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend until incorporated, about 15 to 30 seconds. Taste and adjust spices, then pulse a few more times. (Without a food processor, chop the pimentos and shredded cheddar a bit more and mix by hand with a scraper spatula or large spoon.) Store in refrigerator for a week or longer. Eat cold or at room temperature.

½ pound chopped broccoli

Prepare tortellini according to package directions. Throw the broccoli in with the tortellini a few minutes before the tortellini is done. Quickly drain and rinse with cold water in a colander. Shake excess water off and transfer to a large bowl. Coat tortellini and broccoli with pesto, then mix in remaining ingredients. Eat hot or cold. Store in fridge for up to a week.

1 teaspoon onion powder 4 ounces softenedcheese,cream


If you prefer eating a different lunch every day, this recipe can be made in small batches. Simply keep the tortellini, grilled chicken, artichoke hearts, and even the broccoli in the freezer until you’re ready for another batch. The open jars of pesto and sun-dried tomatoes will last for quite some time in the fridge.

NOTE: Canned or jarred pimento can often be found in the olive section of the grocery store. If not available, roasted red peppers can be substituted and are usually in the Italian aisle.


7 ounces sun-dried tomatoes in oil, drained and sliced


¼ cup mayonnaise 2 cups cheesesharpshreddedcheddar

Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 5 minutes | Servings: 5

Pimento cheese is the hero spread of many quick lunch meals, making it easy for each person in the household to put their own spin on it or to mix it up throughout the week. Use as a dip for raw vegetables, wrap some up with some sliced turkey, or spread on celery, crackers, and bagels.


14 ounces artichokequarteredhearts

Per serving: 675 calories, 27 grams fat (6 grams saturated fat), 104 milligrams cholesterol, 848 milligrams sodium, 69 grams total carbohydrates, 12 grams fiber, 44 grams protein.

4 ounces basil pesto

1 pound cooked chicken breast, diced

1 pound frozen tortellini

Per serving: 171 calories, 14 grams fat (7.5 grams saturated fat), 38 milligrams cholesterol, 217 milligrams sodium, 6 grams total carbohydrates, 1 gram fiber, 7 grams protein.

1 teaspoon garlic powder




Above all, as a co-op, we put our members’ priorities first. As your trusted energy partner, we know that saving energy and money is important to you. That’s why we have numerous programs in place to help, including options for managing your bill.

Similar to how our wires run through our service territory, our concern for community flows through all of our decisions — because being a co-op means being a responsible partner and good neighbor.

Focused on YOU.

Adams Rural Electric works to help our community thrive through initiatives led by our employees and our board, which is made of neighbors who live right here in our community and are elected to their positions. Because we’re local, we understand our community’s unique needs and strive to help meet them.

community. That’s the essence of the cooperative spirit. Our employees and member-elected board members are invested in the community in which they live and serve.

Our core business purpose is to serve as your electricity provider, but the larger mission of the co-op is to help make our corner of the world a better place. Concern for Community is one of seven guiding principles that all co-ops share.

Celebrating membership

If you haven’t already, I encourage you take a moment and download our app, SmartHub. Through the app, you can conveniently monitor and manage your energy use. We’re here to help, so give us a call if you have questions about your energy bills.

all is a busy time, and October is a particularly eventful month with school, community, and sports activities in full swing. It’s also when all cooperatives celebrate National Co-op Month.

Adams Rural Electric is continuously examining ways to operate more efficiently while continuing to provide the highest level of friendly, reliable service you expect and deserve. After all, we’re your local co-op. We were built by the members we serve.


The word “cooperative” is close to “cooperation,” meaning people working together toward a common goal — mutually benefiting one another and the larger

When I say Adams Rural Electric celebrates Co-op Month, it really means we are celebrating you! After all, our co-op wouldn’t exist without you, our members.


Electric cooperatives were created to serve their members. Because we’re a co-op, we’re able to adapt to our community’s unique needs. That’s the power of co-op membership.

82nd annual meeting




President Donald McCarty recognized board of trustees member John Wickerham for his service on the board. John has served on the board for nine years and chose not to run for reelection.

General Manager William Swango gave the manager’s report. He spoke about supply chain issues and the increased price for materials. He discussed the number

he 82 nd annual meeting of Adams Rural Electric Cooperative was held at the cooperative on Saturday, Aug. 20 , 2022 . The meeting was recorded and is available to view on our Facebook page.

Erika Ackley, manager of finance and administration, gave the financial report. She spoke of revenue, writeoffs of bad debt, taxes, and capital credits retirements. She stressed that the management and board of trustees strive to keep costs as low as possible while still maintaining a high quality of service.

During the business meeting, Board President Donald McCarty spoke on the 82 years the cooperative has been in business. He spoke about how the use of electricity has changed from the beginning when homes first got electricity and what it is used for now. He expressed appreciation for the employees and their work. He stressed the importance of the cooperative and its members, whom the board represents. The board appreciates working for them. 220001709

of outages and storms this year and provided an update on the new substation to be built on land the cooperative purchased on Rocky Fork Road.

Jeff Newman, CPA, announced the results of the mail-in ballot board of trustees election. The following were elected to serve on the board of trustees:

Eight members won a $50 credit on their electric bill. Congratulations to the following members: Beverly Arrasmith, Rita Bigelow, Katrina Brown, Amanda Johnson, Dalton Lewis, Deborah Middleton, Phillip Reed, and Judith Shipley.

District 4 – William Seaman

A drive-through event was held after the meeting. Members attending received a folding chair, coupons to Frisch’s, hats, pens, and notepads. Children received a bag of school supplies. Total attendance of members and guests was 452

District 7 – David Abbott

We would like to thank the members who attended and made the 2022 annual meeting a success.

District 3 – M. Dale Grooms



Most window leaks can be sealed with caulk or weatherstripping, which come in a variety of compounds and materials. Visit www.energy. gov/energysaver to learn how and where to seal air leaks.


Erika Ackley Jacob

If a member has passed away, please contact the cooperative office at 937-544-2305 or 800-283-1846 to inquire about payment of their capital credits.

Energy Efficiency Tip of the Month

Capital credits retired to the estates of Adams Rural Electric Cooperative members through July 2022 totaled $177,162.

With winter weather on the way, now is the time to seal drafty windows. If you can see daylight around a window frame or if you can rattle a window (movement means possible leaks), the window likely needs to be sealed.

Remember to encourage your loved ones to keep up to date on all recommended preventive healthcare and screenings! October is Breast AwarenessCancerMonth.

Source: energy.gov

SteveDavidJohnJoyceBrettHannahKaceeNathanJaimieJenniferAlexanderBaugheyBaylessColvinCoxEllenbergerFawnsGroomsHayslipHenryHoop Randy JordanMikeDewayneZacharyCodyDavidDaveRodneyDaveSamuelJohnsonKimmerlyKirkerLittleMcChesneyRalstonRigdonRoweSextonWhitleyWilliamsCONTACT 937 544 2305 | 800 283 1846 www.adamsrec.com OFFICE 4800 St. Rte. 125 P.O. Box 247 West Union, OH 45693 OFFICE HOURS Mon.–Fri., 7 :30 a.m.–4 p.m. OUTAGES Report outages by calling the office or through your registered account on SmartHub. Do NOT report on Facebook as it is not monitored and could be missed. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Donald C. McCarty Sr. CharlesPresident L. Newman Vice DavidWilliamM.WilliamBlanchardStephenSecretaryKennethPresidentMcCannHuffCampbellWylieDaleGroomsSeamanAbbott Bill GeneralSwangoManager HIDDEN NUMBER BILL CREDIT Each month, an account number is hidden in the local pages of the magazine. If you find your account number, please call the office by the end of the month for which it appeared. You will receive a $20 credit on your electric bill. Your call affirms permission to publish your name as a winner in an upcoming issue of Ohio Cooperative Living magazine. ADAMS RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. PAYING YOUR BILL Pay your bill using any of these methods: • Online at www.adamsrec.com • SmartHub app • Office walk-up windows • Mail • National Bank of Adams County–West Union • First State Bank–Georgetown, Hillsboro, Manchester, Peebles, Ripley, Seaman, West Union, and Winchester • Telephone payment line: 1 844 937 1666 • Automatic payment • 24-hour drop box at the office 22  OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING • OCTOBER 2022

Capital credits retirements

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result is autumn entertainment that many embrace as an annual tradition.

Corn mazes

Add other activities — hayrides, pumpkin picking, campfires, and farm-themed playgrounds — and the


Find a fun fall tradition by getting lost in some a-maize-ing creations.


With cornfields covering over 13% (3.5 million acres) of Ohio land area, it’s only natural that corn mazes proliferate around the state; a quick online search found more than 100, so there’s sure to be one near you. We visited a few for a behind-the-scenes look.

s viewed from above, some corn mazes are complicated labyrinths of intricate, themed designs. Whether they’re looking for a challenge or just an autumn atmosphere, enthusiasts of all ages are attracted to corn mazes.

McPeek’s Mighty Maze and Fall Festival

Located at the Coshocton KOA Holiday in Coshocton, the Mighty Maze is a part of the fall festival held by Ryan and Camille McPeek. Employee Amy Hamilton says they plant the corn like normal, and the maze is cut with a tractor and a GPS device.

McPeek’s Mighty Maze is part of the annual fall festival at the Colonial Campground in Coshocton. Here, Lane, Rowdi and Sylvie Mullett reach the exit of the maze (photo by Marissa Mullett — @keenecreekfarmandmakery on Instagram).


Do mazers ever get lost?

“We leave no man behind,” Hamilton jokes. She says the maze can be navigated in 10 minutes or two hours, depending on one’s sense of direction and desire to stay lost.

“Some do need help,” she says, noting that guides are always available. Before closing each evening, employees sweep through the maze, looking for stragglers.

On designated nights, adults can sample beer and wine from Ohio breweries and wineries at stations inside the maze. Flashlight nights are for intrepid souls who enjoy navigating a maze in the dark.

Other activities at McPeek’s include live music, food trucks, pumpkin painting, wagon rides, and trick-or-treat on October Saturdays — but the Mighty Maze is mighty popular. Hamilton says on their busiest day last year, over 1,000 people ventured through the corn.

McPeek’s Mighty Maze at Coshocton KOA, 24688 County Road 10, Coshocton, OH 43812. Open noon–9 p.m. daily through Oct. 30. 740 502 9245, www.coshoctonkoafallfestival.com

Each maze includes a childfriendly “mini-maze” in one corner — this year’s corner is Gnomesville. Pausch’s past designs include patriotic themes, Jurassic Park, Journey to Oz, and Middleearth. Visitors can participate in a scavenger hunt while they explore.

The maze at Lynd Fruit Farm is planted using a GPS device, rather than cut into the field after it grows (photo courtesy Lynd Fruit Farm).

During Extraordinary Days, people with autism and other disabilities can navigate the mini-maze, accompanied by trained employees, and enjoy the other activities, which are adapted as necessary.

Lynd Fruit Farm

Pausch’s 2022 design, The Toga Maze, observed from a lookout tower in late July, was knee-highish. Mazes are planted much later than farmers plant corn crops, Pausch says, because a corn maze should be green, not harvest-ready.

“We just want to keep it unique, so people have a reason to come back,” Pausch says.

Amy Pausch, the “director of laughs and smiles” at Lynd Fruit Farm in Pataskala, designs each year’s corn maze in the spring, a project that takes about two weeks. Her finished design is programmed into a GPS device, and the maze is planted, not cut, into the field.

Other activities include wagon and barrel train rides, a farmthemed playground, and individual campfires. Employees provide the wood, light the fire, and ensure no sparks remain at the end of the evening.


Lynd Fruit Farm, 9851 Morse Road SW, Pataskala, OH 43062. Open 10 a.m.–10 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Sundays through Oct. 30. 740 927 8559, www.lyndfruitfarm.com

Guests who prefer to explore the corn-walled bowers at leisure may follow the “cheat line” and stroll smoothly from entrance to exit. As many as 1,000 people go through the maze each day. Pausch said the 2021 season’s total visitor count was 22,000.

“We do get a little spooky at night,” Pausch says. “Doing the maze in the dark is very different from daytime.”

The maze, Susan McDonald says, was a natural progression, given their business of growing chrysanthemums and pumpkins. In other words, the McDonalds already had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

McDonald’s Greenhouse



McDonald’s Greenhouse, 3220 Adamsville Road, Zanesville, OH 43701. Open 9:30 a.m.–7 p.m. weekdays; 10 a.m.–7 p.m. Saturdays; and noon–6 p.m. Sundays through Oct. 31. 740 819 5814, https://mcdonaldsgreenhouse.com

This year’s maze design is the Three Billy Goats Gruff, because one of the McDonalds’ two sons raises goats. “Baby goats are the cutest things ever,” Susan says. She stressed that her family’s fall festival isn’t scary. “Nothing haunted,” she says. Activities include a basketball grain wagon, backyard Twister, a bounce pad, child-size tractors, and doughnuts.

Susan and James McDonald of McDonald’s Greenhouse in Zanesville created their first corn maze 17 years ago.

Using pencil and graph paper, Susan designed their first maze, a jack-o-lantern. “We had no idea what we were doing, and we were broke,” she says. The next year, the maze was a John Deere tractor, chosen, Susan says, because the corn was green. The third year, they created Noah’s Ark. That season kicked them into another level, corn maze-wise, Susan says. Now they welcome 10,000 to 12,000 visitors each year.

This year’s maze theme at McDonald’s Greenhouse was inspired by the owner’s son, who raises

Each maze takes about 20 minutes to navigate, though many will intentionally extend that a bit. “You don’t really get lost,” Susan says. Road traffic and the barn help orient guests, and roving helpers rescue any anxious mazers.

What’s more, James McDonald’s father called himself “Old McDonald,” and after he died, his son assumed the title.

“We get into some supernatural legends and myths from Native Americans and early settlers,” she says, “including tales of Bigfoot and Windigo, and folklore of giants and rolling heads and little beings that live in the woods. On top of that, there are the local tragedies — like the Rose

Just over a rise in scenic Richland County, Malabar Farm appears in the distance — a stately, historic (and sprawling) main house, rolling hills and fields, and an inviting white barn with horses grazing nearby. The bucolic setting has an intriguing history as the one-time home of Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Louis Bromfield and the swanky-yetisolated setting for Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall’s 1945 wedding.

been called one of the 10 most haunted places in America. That’s why park naturalists are resurrecting the popular Haunted Hikes this month: creepy, outdoor explorations of ghostly tales and whispered legends shared on three autumn Sundays.


But the impressive compound has a darker side, too. It was the site of a Lizzie Borden-like murder scandal in 1896, when teenager Ceely Rose murdered her family in a misguided effort to capture the love of a neighbor boy. The rural setting conjures up plenty of other eerie lore, cemented in long-dead legends and myths. As a matter of fact, Malabar Farm — now an Ohio state park — has

Things that go bump in nightthe

Beautiful, bucolic Malabar Farm shows off its eerie side for Halloween.

The free, two-hour walks at dusk take visitors along the lanes by the park’s restaurant, the Big House, the cemetery, and the Ceely Rose House — and reveal tales scary enough that naturalist Lori Morey says they’re geared to adults and older teens.


Haunted Hikes will take place Oct. 16, 23, and 30 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. They are free but require registration. Call 419-892-2784 for details and to register.

Morey has also heard tales of visitors seeing other-worldly beings. “While I was leading a tour upstairs in the house, a lady says she saw the spirit of a tall man standing in the corner and nodding along. I suppose it was Bromfield approving of my story.”

He says professional “ghost hunters” have canvassed the house and barn and spent the night in the farm’s cemetery. People on tours have pulled him aside and told him the rooms give them sudden feelings of sadness. One woman kept fidgeting during a tour and later said that spirits of the Bromfield dogs (he had 70 boxers over the years) were bothering her.

murders. It can all be pretty scary, especially as you’re walking along the dark woods.”

At the park’s restaurant, staff members and servers have been rattled by glasses suddenly breaking or doors locking unexpectedly behind them.

Indoor spots around the farm also offer oddities yearround that might send a chill up your spine. Daily tours explore the 13,000-square-foot main house, the barn, the restaurant, and the tiny cemetery — all of which have been known to elicit odd occurrences, according to tour guide Mark Sommer, who’s been showing folks around the farm for 13 years.

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Owner’s ‘dream town’ brings a bit of the Old West to southern Ohio.

Owners Mike and Sharlene Montgomery stay in character while manning the saloon.




osey down a dirt street, browse through old-time shops, watch a Wild West shootout, or belly up to the saloon bar for a cold sarsaparilla. You can do it all at Dogwood Pass near Beaver in rural Pike County.

Owner Mike Montgomery says he didn’t set out to build an attraction — he initially opened his dream town as a fundraiser to benefit a youngster with health problems. Similar events followed, and they drew large enough crowds that he and his volunteer helpers decided to open the gate to the public. “I’m a history buff,” he says. “My passion led me to build an Old West mining town right here on my farm — it is literally right here in my own back yard.”

Continued on page 34


Volunteer Karen Taylor does a load of laundry, Old West style. Mike Montgomery prepares for the day’s show.

The saloon came first in 2010, and today more than 30 buildings occupy a 2-acre tract at the Montgomery farm. There’s a general store, a jail, a bank, a photography studio complete with vintage costumes, an undertaker, a

The 1800s-era village stems from Montgomery’s longtime interest in the Old West and has gradually evolved with the support of his wife, Sharlene (who portrays heroine Calamity Jane), family members, and a legion of volunteers.

More than 30 buildings sit on 2 acres at Dogwood Pass, offering a full day of activities for visitors.

shooting gallery, a blacksmith shop, a combination church/school, Boot Hill cemetery, and the Montgomery Mining Company, where young and old alike can mine for gems on certain days.

The Prospector’s Kitchen, located near the show area, offers hamburgers, hot dogs, and snacks instead of standard cowboy fare like beans and hard tack. Over yonder, a bakery and candy emporium tempts visitors wanting something sweet.

The Montgomerys were approached by organizers of the Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Collectors Association after the previous museum in Portsmouth was damaged in a storm. Dodie Rogers Patterson, youngest daughter of the television stars, presided at the Dogwoodribbon-cutting.Passoffers

Haunted events are on the schedule on Fridays and Saturdays in October, while holiday characters including the Grinch, Santa Claus, and Frosty the Snowman join cowboys in a less shoot-’em-up storyline to close out the season after Thanksgiving.

Continued from page 33

It’s not uncommon for tensions to run high and spill out into a shootout in front of the saloon.

The bath house, located a stone’s throw from the saloon, features a coffin-style traveling bathtub as well as a copper model that once belonged to the family of Frank and Jesse James. Although a handwritten sign boasts haircuts for 35 cents, shaves for 15 cents, and baths for 50 cents, there are no takers, according to volunteer reenactor Judy “Lady Maxine” Taylor.

A special feature at Dogwood Pass, of which Montgomery is justifiably proud, is the Roy Rogers Memory Museum. It salutes the life and times of the legendary cowboy actor and singer, who grew up in nearby Scioto County, and his wife, Dale Evans.

Old West shows through the season that runs from late May through December.

Dogwood Pass, 722 Adams Road, Beaver, Ohio 45613. 740-835-1130. $15 (cash only, ATM on-site), under 6 free. For full schedule, search for Dogwood Pass on Facebook.

“Of course, there’s a livery stable for the horses,” says Montgomery, who spent much of his career reining horses. “Many folks — and especially the kids — consider them the stars of the show.”


36  OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING • OCTOBER 2022 BARNS WANTED FOR RECLAIM We pay up front. Completely insured A+ rating with the BBB. Call/Text www.allohiobarn.com567-232-2500 Experience HIDDEN GEMS OF AMERICAN HISTORY Learn more at GreaterParkersburg.com West Virginia DRleafvac.com dumping!1-handEASY NEW!Walk-Behind • The ONLY powered vac that directly fills bags for curbside pickup • Collects & mulches up to 50 lbs of leaves DR® Leaf & Lawn Vac Still #1 in Vacuum Power… Now #1 in Capacity! * Tow-Behind • NEW PRO MAX model holds up to 450 gallons— * the largest capacity in a residential leaf vac • All models newly redesigned with up to 20% more capacity SOME APPLYLIMITATIONS FREE SHIPPING SALE! FREE Catalog! Call 877-201-9103Toll-Free JUNE 2021OHIO COOPERATIVE Life’s a beach! (and you don’t even have to leave the state) ALSO INSIDE EV road trip Up, up, and away Adams Rural Electric Cooperative Reach 300,000 of your customersbest Ohio Cooperative Living has been a valued presence in rural Ohio homes and businesses for the past 60 years. 83.4% of our readers have taken action from something they have seen in Ohio Cooperative Living MARKETPLACE

OCT. 8 9 – Oak Harbor Apple Festival, downtown Oak Harbor. Grand parade, contests, cornhole tournament, car show, beer garden, 5K Apple Run, kids’ 1-mile fun run, rides, and more. 419 898 0479 or www.oakharborapplefestival.com.

OCT. 14 16 – AKC Fast CAT, The Gated Dock-Canine Enrichment Center, 7251 OH-98, Shelby. Watch the dogs compete in Fast Coursing Ability Tests (CAT). 419 961 4711 or www.thegateddock.com.


OCT. 8 – Lakeside-Marblehead Lighthouse Festival, Lakeside Chautauqua, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Free. More than 100 vendors. www.themarbleheadpeninsula.com/ events.html.

THROUGH OCT. 15 – Great Sidney Farmers Market, 109 S. Ohio Ave., Sat. 8 a.m.–noon. 937 658 6945 or www.sidneyalive.org.



OCT. 21 23, 28 30 – Dracula, Encore Theatre, 991 N. Shore Dr., Lima, Fri./Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m. $10–$17 419 223 8866 or www.amiltellers.org.

WESTNORTHWESTVIRGINIA OCT. 29 30 – 49th Annual Fall Coin Show, Comfort Suites, 167 Elizabeth Pike, Mineral Wells, Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $1. Hourly door prizes. 304 483 0825 (Bill Beam) or http://parkersburgcoinclub.org.

OCT. 13 16 – Mountain State Apple Harvest Festival, Martinsburg. Apple pie baking contest, pop-up shops and art fair, contests, music, car show, grand parade, pancake breakfast, and more. info.msahf@gmail.com or www.msahf.com.

THROUGH OCT. 29 – “The Ohio Presidents: Surprising Legacies,” Allen County Museum, 620 W. Market St., Lima, Tues.–Fri. 1 5 p.m., Sat. 1 4 p.m. Free exhibition highlighting many interesting aspects of the eight Ohio presidents and their lives. 419 222 9426 or www.allencountymuseum.org.

THROUGH OCT. 30 – ScreamAcres Haunted Cornfield, Leaders Farms, 0064 Co. Rd. 16, Napoleon, weekends only. Corn maze, hayrides, pumpkins, fall festival, and more! 419 599 1570 or www.leadersfarms.com.

OCT. 14 15 – Buckeye Farm Antiques Annual Swap Meet, Shelby Co. Fgds., 655 S. Highland Ave., Sidney. Tractor parts and related items, crafts, and antiques. 937 726 2485 or www.buckeyefarmantiques.com.

NOV. 9 12 – Holiday Shop Hop, downtown Sidney. Visit at least 10 of the shops on the tour to be entered for a prize basket worth $500! 937 658 6945 or www.sidneyalive.org.


OCT. 28 29 – Woodcarver’s Show and Sale, Founder’s Hall, Sauder Village, 22611 St. Rte. 2, Archbold, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $9. The Midwest’s premier showcase for wood artisans and crafters. Vendors, demos, workshops, and live music. 800 590 9755 or www.saudervillage.org.

NOV. 12 – Demonstration Day: “Give Thanks,” Wood County Museum Grounds, 13660 County Home Rd., Bowling Green, noon–4 p.m. Free. Meet with historical reenactors at the Cox Cabin and see what a traditional Thanksgiving meal looked like in early America. 419 352 0967 or www.woodcountyhistory.org.

OCT. 22, 29 – Halloween Express: Trick-or-Treat Train, Northwest Ohio Railroad Preservation Inc., 12505 Co. Rd. 99, Findlay, 6:30 9 p.m. (22nd and 29th), 1 4 p.m. (29th). Adults $3; children 12 and under, $2. Take a ride around our tracks and enjoy the Halloween displays as our train makes trick-or-treat stops. No scary sights — just fun and treats for all! 419 423 2995, www.nworrp.org, or www.facebook.com/nworrp.

OCT. 15 16 – Bewitched Harvest Art and Craft Show, Premier Banquet Hall, 4480 Heatherdowns Blvd., Toledo, Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Free. New location! Jump-start your holiday shopping with handmade crafts and gifts. 419 842 1925 or www.toledocraftsmansguild.org.

THROUGH OCT. 29 – Halloween Express, Northwest Ohio Railroad Preservation Inc., 12505 Co. Rd. 99, Findlay, 6:30 9 p.m. $3; 12 and under, $2. Take a non-scary nighttime ride around our tracks to see jack-olanterns, skeletons, ghosts, ghouls, and graveyards after dark. Fun for the whole family! 419 423 2995, www. nworrp.org, or www.facebook.com/nworrp.

NOV. 6 – Hairspray: The Musical, Veterans Memorial Civic & Convention Center, #7 Town Square, Lima, 7:30 p.m. www.limaciviccenter.com.

Make sure you’re included in our calendar! Submit listings AT LEAST 90 DAYS prior to the event to Ohio Cooperative Living, 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229 or send an email to events@ohioec.org. Ohio Cooperative Living will not publish listings that don’t include a complete address or a number/website for more information.

THROUGH OCT. 23 – Pumpkin Train, Northwest Ohio Railroad Preservation Inc., 12505 Co. Rd. 99, Findlay, Sat./Sun. 1 5 p.m. $3; ages 12 and under, $2. Ride a quarter-scale train to the pumpkin patch to find that special pumpkin, then take another ride back to the station. Additional charge for pumpkins. 419 423 2995 or www.nworrp.org/pumpkin-train.html.

OCT. 29 – Murder Mystery Dinner Theater, Historic Sidney Theatre, 120 W. Poplar St., Sidney, 6 10 p.m. A classic whodunnit dinner! You can choose to be a starring character or just a bystander. 937 498 1921 or www.sidneyalive.org.

NOV. 5 – Miller’s Automotive Swap Meet and CruiseIn, Ross Co. Fgds., 344 Fairgrounds Rd., Chillicothe, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $8, under 14 free. For vendor info, call Nate at 740 701 3447 or Brian at 740 701 2511

THROUGH DECEMBER – Athens Farmers Market, 1000 E. State St., Athens, Sat. 9 a.m.–noon; Wed. 9 a.m.–1 p.m., April–November. 740 593 6763 or www.athensfarmersmarket.org.

OCT. 15 – “Falling in Love with Color,” Highlands Nature Sanctuary, 7660 Cave Rd., Bainbridge. Registration required. 937 365 1935 or http://arcofappalachia.org.


OCT. 23 – NMRA Buckeye Division Train Show, Pritchart Laughlin Center, 7033 Glenn Hwy, Cambridge, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $5, free for 12 and under. Free parking, wheelchair accessible. 740 607 3223 (Greg), trainshow@div6-mcr-nmra.org, or https://div6-mcr-nmra.org/trainshow.html.

OCT. 14 16 – Carroll County Antique Collectors Club Power Show, Carroll Co. Fgds., St. Rte. 9, Carrollton. Free. Tractor pulls, antique tractor and equipment demonstrations, flea market, car show

OCT. 28 29 – Old Uniontown Quilt Guild’s Annual Quilt Show, Ashland Co. Fgds., Mozelle Hall, 2042

NOV. 5 – “Welcome to the Holidays” Craft Show, Sardis Community Center, 37184 Mound St., Sardis, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Many crafts and concessions, including homemade pies. 740 213 5843 or find us on Facebook.

NOV. 5 – Buckeye Book Fair, Greystone Event Center, 50 Riffel Rd., Wooster, 9:30 a.m.–4 p.m. $2. Ohio authors and illustrators will be on hand to meet readers and sign copies of their newest books. Workshops, presentations, and activities for the whole family. 330 249 1455 or www.buckeyebookfair.org.

NOV. 5 – North East Train Society Model Train Show, Highland Heights Community Center, 5827 Highland Rd., Highland Heights, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. $5, under 12 free. All scale. Operating layouts on display. 440 357 8890 (Jim Wendorf), wendorf@cvelimited.com, or www.northeasttrainsociety.com.

Four different light and music shows each evening. 800 933 5480 or www.dickensvictorianvillage.com.

NOV. 5 – Timothy Anderson: “German Immigrants and Migrants in Ohio,” Historic Zoar Village School House, Zoar, 11 a.m.–noon. Free. 800 262 6195 or www.historiczoarvillage.com.

NOV. 9 – An Evening of Wine, Music, and Celebration, Jilbert Winery, 1496 Columbia Rd., Valley City, 6 p.m. $40 Join Ohio Regional Music Arts and Cultural Outreach (ORMACO) for our annual dinner as we enter our 13th year. Seating limited to 60, so book early to avoid disappointment. 419 853 6016 or www.ormaco.org.

(Sunday). Featuring Case tractors and equipment and Wisconsin engines. www.ccacc.webs.com.

OCT. 15 – Kerry Metzger: Part 2 of “The Life of General Daniel Morgan,” Fort Laurens Museum, 11067 Fort Laurens Rd., Bolivar, 11 a.m.–noon. Free. 330 874 2059 or www.fortlaurensmuseum.org.

NOV. 1–JAN. 2 – Guernsey County Courthouse Holiday Light Show, Cambridge, 5:30 9 p.m. nightly.

NOV. 1–JAN. 2 – Dickens Victorian Village, Wheeling Avenue, Cambridge. Stroll downtown to view scenes depicting life in 1850s England, featuring life-sized, handmade mannequins wearing real vintage clothing. 800 933 5480 or www.dickensvictorianvillage.com.

OCT. 28 – Larry Stephenson Band / Just Plain Grass, Pennyroyal Opera House, off I-70 at exit 198, Fairview, 7 p.m. $15, under 13 free. Doors and kitchen open at 5 p.m. 740 492 0375 or www.pennyroyalbluegrass.com.

OCT. 8 9, 15 16, 22 23 – Fall Foliage Tours, Lorain and West Virginia Railway, 46485 St. Rte. 18, Wellington, departure time 1:30 p.m. $15–$20. The perfect way to spend an hour or two on an October weekend. Tickets available at the station on days of operation. 440 647 6660 or www.lwvry.org.

OCT. 29 – Rural Ohio Appalachia Revisited (ROAR) Day, Lake Hope State Park, McArthur. A celebration of Appalachian culture through food, crafts, music, and traditional skills. 740 596 4938 https://vintoncountytravel.com/roar-day.or

THROUGH DECEMBER – Athens Art Market, 1000 E. State St., Athens, Sat. 9 a.m.–noon. Handcrafted local artisan-made works. Variety of artists changes weekly. www.facebook.com/athensartguild or https://athensartguild.org.


OCT. 15 – Kidron Beet Festival, Sonnenberg Village, 13515 Hackett Rd., Kidron. 330 857 9111 or www. kidronhistoricalsociety.org.

OCT. 16 – Victor Samalot: “Latin Jazz and World Fusion,” Wadsworth Public Library, 132 Broad St., Wadsworth, 2 3 p.m. Free. Guitar instrumentalist will perform original music and cover tunes with an original spin. 419 853 6016 or www.ormaco.org.

OCT. 14 16 – Fall Festival of Leaves, downtown Bainbridge, Fri./Sat. 10 a.m.–10 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Free. Arts and crafts, street rod and truck show, antique farm equipment, car show, parades, and much more. Take the four self-guided Paint Valley Skyline Drive tours to see the fall foliage. www.fallfestivalofleaves.com.

NOV. 11 – Cambridge City Band Veterans Day Parade, downtown Cambridge, 10 a.m.–noon. 740 439 9180


NOV. 4–DEC. 17 – National Museum of Cambridge Glass Holiday Hours, 136 S. 9th St., Cambridge, Fri./Sat. 12 4 p.m. $6, Srs. $5, under 12 free. 740 432 4245 or www.cambridgeglass.org.

OCT. 15–16 – Colonial Trade Fair, Schoenbrunn Village, 1984 E. High Ave., New Philadelphia. Experience what life was like on the Ohio frontier in the 18th century. Located on the actual site of the Delaware Moravian Village. 419 709 2213 or www.schoenbrunnvillagefair.org.

NOV. 11 – Fast Track / Them Roten Boys, Pennyroyal Opera House, off I-70 at exit 198, Fairview, 7 p.m. $15, under 13 free. Doors and kitchen open at 5 p.m. 740 492 0375 or www.pennyroyalbluegrass.com.

OCT. 21 22, 28 29 – Ghost Tours of Zoar, 198 Main St., Zoar, 6:30 8:30 p.m. $15. Tour the buildings of the historic village by lantern light as the ghosts of Zoar tell you their haunted tales. Reservations required; no refunds. 800 262 6195 or www.historiczoarvillage.com.

OCT. 29 – Downtown Chillicothe Trick or Treat, downtown Chillicothe, 4 6 p.m. Visit your favorite downtown shops for an extra-spooky treat. Chillicothe Jaycees annual parade begins at 7 p.m. www.visitchillicotheohio.com.

NOV. 4 – David Davis & Warrior River / Chestnut Hill Bluegrass, Pennyroyal Opera House, off I-70 at exit 198, Fairview, 7 p.m. $15, under 13 free. Doors and kitchen open at 5 p.m. 740 492 0375 or www. pennyroyalbluegrass.com.

OCT. 21 23 – Muskingum Valley Trade Days, 6602 St. Rte. 78, Reinersville. Large flea market. 740 558 2740 (Shirley).

OCT. 21 22 – Quilt Show by Valley Quilt Guild, First UM Church of Dover, 1725 N. Wooster Ave. (off exit 85 on I-77), Dover, Fri. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–3 p.m. $5; free for 12 and under. Free parking; handicapped accessible. Raffle quilt, baskets, quilt display, quilters café and boutique, demos, bed turning vendors. www.valleyquiltguild.org.

NOV. 13 – Miki Saito: “Traditional Music of Japan,” Homerville UM Church, 9097 Spencer Rd., Homerville, 2 p.m. Free. Miki will introduce and play a 13-string instrument called koto and a bamboo flute called shinobue and will sing traditional Japanese songs. 419 853 6016 or www.ormaco.org.

Claremont Ave., Ashland, Fri. 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $5; 12 and under free. Handicapped accessible. Quilt exhibits, raffles, vendors, and free demonstrations. armstrong0731@msn.com (Deb Armstrong), donmarcrafts@frontier.com (Marcia Puster), or www.olduniontownquiltguild.com.

THROUGH OCT. 30 – Corn Maze, Beriswill Farms, 2200 Station Rd., Valley City, Tues.– Sun. 11 a.m.–6 p.m. $6–$8; free for seniors and ages 2 and under. 330 350 2486 or http://beriswillfarms.com.

THROUGH OCT. 16 – “Riverboats on the Ohio,” Historic Fort Steuben, 120 S. 3rd St., Steubenville, Mon.–Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Free exhibit and programs on the history and folklore of the steamboats that traveled the Ohio River. 740 283 1787 or www.oldfortsteuben.com.



OCT. 29 – Hometown Halloween, downtown Troy, 9 a.m.–noon. Costume contest followed by trick-or-treating with downtown merchants. https:// troymainstreet.org.

OCT. 21 22 – Canal Winchester Haunted Tour, Canal Winchester Area Historical Society, 10 W. Oak St., Canal Winchester, starting at 7 p.m. $10 adult, $5 students (ages 6 18), under 5 free. Tours last 90 minutes. 614 833 1846 or www.cwhistory.org.

OCT. 15 16 – Harvest Festival, Caesar Creek Pioneer Village, 3999 Pioneer Village Rd., Waynesville, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $6. See what life was like for Ohio pioneers in the early 1800s www.ccpv.us/harvest-festival.

THROUGH OCT. 29 – Delaware Farmers Market, 20 Winter St., Delaware, Sat. 9 12 p.m. 740 362 6050 www.mainstreetdelaware.com/event/farmers-market.or

NOV. 12 – United Way 5K/2 Mile Fun Walk, Fairfield Co. Fgds. Grandstand, 157 E. Faiir Ave., Lancaster. Race begins at 8:30 a.m. Register online by Nov. 1 for early-bird pricing. www.uwayfairfieldco.org.

OCT. 29 – Apple Butter and Horseradish Day, Lawrence Orchards, 2634 Smeltzer Rd., Marion, 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Free. Apple butter will be cooked in a copper kettle over a wood fire, while the horseradish crop will be ground fresh. Schmidt’s Food Truck available 9 a.m.–5 p.m. 740 389 3019 or www.lawrenceorchards.com.

NOV. 10 12 – Industrial Strength Bluegrass Festival, Roberts Convention Centre, 123 Gano St., Wilmington, noon–11 p.m., doors open at 10 a.m. Featuring the Del McCoury Band, the Dan Tyminski Band, Chris Jones & the Night Drivers, and many more. 937 374 3636 or www.industrialstrengthbluegrass.com.

and 37), Sunbury, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $5. Quilts made by guild members on display, vendors, fabric rummage sale, and demonstrations. Lunch available. sunburypiececorps@aol.com.

OCT. 15 16 – Education of Yesterday Annual Farm Show, Country Crossroads, 3685 Cass Irish Ridge Rd. (intersection of St. Rtes. 16 and 60), Dresden, Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. 740 754 6248 or www.facebook.com/EducationofYesterday.

NOV. 12 – Holiday Horse Parade, downtown Piqua, noon–7 p.m. Free. Imagine horse-drawn carriages, hitches, and riders, all outfitted with holiday lights, making their way down Main Street. Christmas banners and decorated street trees will create a dazzling backdrop for this fun family event. 937 773 9355 or www.mainstreetpiqua.com.

OCT. 29 – Ohio Hospice of Miami County 5K Remembrance Walk, 3230 N. Co. Rd. 25A, Troy, 8:30 a.m.–1 p.m. Honor the memory of a loved one and raise funds to support patient care and services. For information, email Ryan Gathard at rgathard@ ohioshospice.org or call 937 269 5245

NOV. 12 – Springfield Swap Meet and Car Show, Clark Co. Fgds., 4401 S. Charleston Pike, Springfield, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Winter event is one day only! 937 376 0111 or www.ohioswapmeet.com.

OCT. 11, NOV. 8 – Inventors Network Meeting, virtual, 7 p.m. Educational presentations and discussion about the invention process. 614 470 0144 or www. inventorscolumbus.com.

THROUGH OCT. 29 – Coshocton Farmers Market, 300 block of Main Street, Coshocton, Sat. 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. Fresh local-grown produce; artisans with handmade crafts. www.facebook.com/coshoctonfarmersmarket.

OCT. 23 – Southeastern Ohio Symphony Orchestra Opening Concert, Brown Chapel, Muskingum University, 10 College Dr., New Concord, 7 10 p.m. 740 826 8197 or www.seoso.org.


NOV. 12 – Veterans March and Ceremony, Canal Winchester, 10 a.m. March begins at the Community Center, 45 E. Waterloo St., and ends at Stradley Place, 36 S. High St., for the ceremony. Free pancake breakfast for veterans and their families 8:30 10 a.m. at the Community Center. 614 834 9915 or www. canalwinchesterohio.gov.

NOV. 5 – Dinner with the Presidents, Dayspring Wesleyan Church, 2431 Marion-Mt. Gilead Rd., Marion, 5:30 8:30 p.m. $35–$40. Tickets must be purchased by Oct. 20. Buffet dinner of favorite foods of the featured presidents taken from the White House Cookbook, followed by presentations from those presidents. 740 387 4255 or with-the-presidents.www.marionhistory.com/event/dinner-

OCT. 7 9 – Disney’s Moana, Jr., Marion Palace Theatre, 276 W. Center St., Marion, Fri./Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m. $22 740 383 2101 or www.marionpalace.org.

OCT. 23 – ABBAMANIA and Night Fever, Marion Palace Theatre, 276 W. Center St., Marion, 3 p.m. $22–$32. Be transported back to the ’70s for an ABBA and Bee Gees concert like no other. 740 383 2101 or www.marionpalace.org.

OCT. 29 – Halloween with Hearsay, Marion Palace Theatre, 276 W. Center St., Marion, 7:30 p.m. $25. For ages 21+. Enjoy a night of fun, games, food, and drinks, with music by Marion native Bob Cooke’s classic rock cover band. 740 383 2101 or www.marionpalace.org.


NOV. 4 – Cincinnati Opera Presents!, First UM Church, 120 S. Broad St., Middletown, noon–1 p.m. Free parking, handicapped accessible. Bring your lunch if you like. Members of the opera perform top opera hits featuring arias, duets, and trios from composers such as Verdi, Puccini, and Mozart. 513 423 4629 or www.myfumc.net.

OCT. 19 22 – Circleville Pumpkin Show, downtown Circleville, 10 a.m.–10 p.m. Free. Opening ceremony Wed. 9 a.m., with Giant Pumpkin Weigh-In at 9:15. Live entertainment, rides, arts and crafts, concessions, and more. Parades twice a day, Wed.–Fri. 3:30 and 8 p.m.; queens parade Sat. 8 p.m. 740 474 7000 or www.pumpkinshow.com.

OCT. 15 – Sunbury Piece Corps Quilt Show, Sunbury UM Church, 100 W Cherry St. (NE corner of Rtes. 3

NOV. 4 6 – Enchanted Wonderland Weekend, Public Square, downtown Troy, Fri. 5:30 8 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sun. noon–4 p.m. Shopping, open houses, delicious food, and more! https://troymainstreet.org

NOV. 11 13 – Yuletide Winter’s Gathering, downtown Tipp City, Fri. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sun. noon–4 p.m. The perfect start to the season, with holiday shopping, visits by Santa, strolling carolers, musicians, carriage rides, and more. 937 667 0883 or www.downtowntippcity.org.


OCT. 15 – Shovel City Improv, Marion Palace Theatre, 276 W. Center St., Marion, 7:30 p.m. $18. Recommended audience age 16 and older. 740 383 2101 or www. marionpalace.org.

OCT. 8 – Talking Tombstones: Historic Sugar Grove Cemetery Walk, 297 W. Truesdell St., Wilmington, 10 a.m.–2 p.m., with 15-minute entry times. $10–$25. (Rain date Oct. 15.) 937 382 4684 or www. clintoncountyhistory.org.

OCT. 21 23 – Apple Butter Stirrin’ Festival, Historic Roscoe Village, 600 N. Whitewoman St., Coshocton. $5 online; $8 at gate. Homemade apple butter, crafts, food vendors, live music, canal boat rides, and more. 740 622 7664 ext. 20 or www.roscoevillage.com.

OCT. 29 – Downtown Merchants Trick-or-Treat, downtown Tipp City, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. Free. www.downtowntippcity.org.

OCT. 25 – Music Live at Lunch, Christ Church Cathedral, 318 E. 4th St., Cincinnati, 12:10 12:50 p.m. Free. Enjoy lively bluegrass by Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass. Bring your own lunch or purchase a box lunch onsite for $5 513 842 2066, sroby@cccath. org, or https://cincinnaticathedral.com/music-live.

OCT. 28 – Bluegrass Night, Fibonacci Brewing Company, 1445 Compton Rd., Cincinnati, 7 9 p.m. Free. Enjoy lively bluegrass music by Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, wide variety of craft beers, and food truck eats. 513 832 1422 or http://fibbrew.com.

OCT. 15 – Harvest Days, 326 N. Main St., Piqua. Old-fashioned fall fun in downtown Piqua. www. homegrowngreat.com.

THROUGH OCT. 26 – Bluegrass Wednesdays, Vinoklet Winery, 11069 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, Wed. 6:30 8:30 p.m. Dinner, wine, and free entertainment by Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass. Reservations recommended. 5133 385 9309, vinokletwinery@fuse. net, or www.vinokletwines.com.

THROUGH OCT. 29 – Zanesville Farmers Market, Adornetto’s, 2224 Maple Ave., Zanesville, Sat. 9 a.m.–noon. www.zanesvillefarmersmarket.org.

OCT. 22 – Pickerington PetFest, Victory Park, 101 Lockville Rd., Pickerington, 1 4 p.m. Free. Food and pet-related vendors. 614 382 2452 or www. pickeringtonvillage.com.

NOV. 6 – Butler Philharmonic Chorus: Open Door Pantry Concert, Hamilton Presbyterian Church, 23 S. Front St., Hamilton, 3 p.m. Donations for the Open Door Pantry appreciated. www.butlerphil.org.



My granddaughters Clara and Adeline and me on a hayride through Steyer Nature Preserve. Theresa Scherger, North Central Electric Cooperative member

Poseidon is an adventure cat who loves exploring Ohio. Ragene Pinson, South Central Power Company member

Send us your picture! For January, send “Stuffed besties” by Oct. 15; for February, send “Beautiful barns” by Nov. 15. Upload your photos at www.ohiocoopliving.com/memberinteractive. Your photo may be featured in our magazine or on our website.

The annual family hayride. My sister and brother-in-law host an annual wiener roast and hayride every year. Katie Grubba, South Central Power Company member

My children, Abbie, Logan, and Madison, last October at Leeds Farm. Jenny Moeller, Union Rural Electric Cooperative member

Our son, Cross, and his friend, Garrett Turnbull, on a hayride that isn’t as much fun as the wagon ride most envision. Angela Zeedyk, North Western Electric Cooperative member

Our grandchildren, Lincoln and Reagan, enjoying a Harry Potterthemed hayride. Jan Pastol, South Central Power Company member

Have questions about: • Energy-efficiency advice? • Renewable energy? • Energy resources needed to expand or start your business? We’re here to support all your energy-related projects. Cooperatives were built by consumer-members like you and still exist today to serve our communities.to serve Contact your electric cooperative. We can help! ohioec.org/energy Need energy advice?

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