Ohio Cooperative Living - October - Adams

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Adams Rural Electric Cooperative

Creepy crawlies From black widows to haunted hotels

ALSO INSIDE More power from the sun Who was “Grandma” Gatewood? Paul Brown’s legacy


October is National Cooperative Month.

In truth, a month isn’t nearly enough time to show our appreciation; we celebrate our members all year long. Thank you for all you do.




25 HAUNTED MARIETTA Ghosthunters flock to southeastern Ohio for a good, historical scare.

30 CREEPY CRAWLIES Black widow spiders are sources of terror — for good reason.

34 GRIDIRON GREAT Remembering Paul Brown, the Ohio man who revolutionized professional football. Cover image on most editions: It’s that scary time of the year, when your mind’s eye sees shadows around every corner and ghosts in every window (photo by egal/Getty Images; illustration by Anita Cook). This page: The third floor of Marietta’s Lafayette Hotel, built in 1918, gives off an eerie air — it’s said to be haunted, perhaps by one of its original owners (photo by Wendy Pramik).



Sunny sid e u p


s summer has ended and autumn is upon us, your electric cooperatives are making plans for next year.

Ohio’s 24 electric cooperatives use a diverse mix of fuel sources — coal, gas, solar, hydro, and biomass — to produce what has proven to be a resilient, reliable, and affordable supply of electricity in an environmentally responsible manner. We also recognize the increasing role that renewable resources play in the nation’s power grid. Solar-generated energy, particularly in this part of the country, is a hot topic. In 2017, Ohio’s electric cooperative network launched the OurSolar statewide initiative that developed 23 community solar projects across the state. In total, the arrays can provide up to 2 megawatts of renewable energy, under ideal conditions. Consumer-member response to the new community-based solar farms and solar power subscription opportunities was clearly supportive. Panels available for subscription at many participating co-ops sold out almost immediately. We’ve learned a lot from the OurSolar project operations over the past couple of years and are making changes to improve the cost and the output of our next project. Check out our “Harnessing the sun” article on page 4 for an update. As anyone who’s lived through an Ohio winter or spring knows, we can’t depend strictly on solar-generated power — it simply isn’t reliable enough to meet our needs. However, our approach of providing community solar is a less expensive and more convenient method for our consumer-members to choose a lower-emitting, more renewablebased energy supply. We’ll continue to learn more from the project and adapt our supply mix to meet your needs. Hope you enjoy a happy Halloween — fewer tricks, more treats.



We’ve learned a lot from the OurSolar project operations over the past couple of years and are making changes to improve the cost and the output of our next project.

OCTOBER 2021 • Volume 64, No. 1

Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives


6677 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229 614-846-5757 www.ohiocoopliving.com


Patrick O’Loughlin President & CEO Patrick Higgins Director of Communications Jeff McCallister Managing Editor Rebecca Seum Associate Editor Anita Cook Graphic Designer Contributors: Alicia Adams, Colleen Romick Clark, Getty Images, W.H. “Chip” Gross, Catherine Murray, Wendy Pramik, Craig Springer, and Damaine Vonada.

Harnessing the sun: Co-ops respond to member demand with an expansion of their community solar program.



Spinning yarns: Butler Rural Electric Cooperative members have built a solid business out of fleecing their customers.

OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING (USPS 134-760; ISSN 2572-049X) is published monthly by Ohio Rural Elec­tric Co­op­eratives, Inc. It is the official com­munication link be­tween the elec­­­­tric co­operatives in Ohio and West Virginia and their mem­bers. Subscription cost for members ranges from $5.52 to $6.96 per year, paid from equity accruing to the member. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to editorial and advertising offices at: 6677 Busch Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43229-1101. Periodicals postage paid at Pontiac, IL 61764, and at additional mailing offices. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. All rights reserved. The fact that a product is advertised in Ohio Cooperative Living should not be taken as an en­dorse­ment. If you find an advertisement mis­leading or a product unsatisfactory, please not­ify us or the Ohio Attorney General’s Of­fi ce, Consumer Protection Sec­tion, 30 E. Broad St., Col­um­bus, OH 43215. Periodicals postage paid at Colum­bus, OH, and at additional mailing offices.



Who was Grandma Gatewood? Ohio’s Emma Gatewood used a minimalist strategy to become the first woman to finish a solo thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail.


Seeds of happiness: Packed with flavor, seeds are also great sources of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.


19 LOCAL PAGES News and information from your electric cooperative.

For all advertising inquiries, contact

37 CALENDAR What’s happening: October/ November events and other things to do around Ohio.

Cheryl Solomon American MainStreet Publications 847-749-4875 | cheryl@amp.coop



Cooperative members: Please report changes of address to your electric cooperative. Ohio Cooperative Living staff cannot process address changes.

Bountiful harvest: Readers share a cornucopia of images captured while bringing in the crops.

Alliance for Audited Media Member Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


Visit Ohio Cooperative Living magazine online at www.ohiocoopliving.com! Read past issues and watch videos about our articles or our recipes. Our site features an expanded Member Interactive area where you can share your stories, recipes, and photos and find content submitted by other co-op members across the state. OCTOBER 2021 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  3




Co-ops respond to member demand with an expansion of their community solar program. BY JEFF MCCALLISTER


uckeye Power, the generation and transmission cooperative that provides electricity to Ohio’s 24 electric cooperatives, produces safe, affordable, and reliable power using an all-of-the-above generation strategy.

Since electricity can be generated in many ways, it makes sense to make use of any or all of them to produce the power that turns the lights on for the 400,000 Ohio co-op consumermember households, farms, and businesses. Each potential generating resource — coal plants, solar panels, hydropower facilities, etc. — produces power at a different level of reliability, environmental impact, and cost, so the trick is to balance each factor in the generation mix to produce electricity in the safest, cleanest, most economical, and most reliable way possible. That’s already a complicated task, because some of those factors tend to be at odds with one another. In recent times, another factor has added another twist to those generation decisions: consumer attitudes. “I think it’s important to know that I’m doing as much as I can to support green energy,” says Tom Kagy, a member of North Baltimore-based Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative. Kagy, a retired insurance agent who also serves on Hancock-Wood’s board of trustees, was one of the first members to put in his subscription application for the cooperative’s community solar program, OurSolar.


Greening the grid Buckeye Power introduced OurSolar in 2017, recognizing the interest that cooperative consumer-members around the state had in cleaner options for their energy consumption. That initial program was popular enough — Hancock-Wood, for example, sold all its available subscriptions in the first 10 days they were available — that the company now plans to expand the program over the next year. In the first phase, Buckeye Power built 23 smaller arrays located in communities served by electric cooperatives around the state. Those panels produce a total of about 2 megawatts (MW) of electricity when at full output in sunny conditions. The second phase, currently in the planning stages, will add another 2 MW of production capacity — this time from a single 15-acre solar field near North Baltimore. In comparison, the coal-fired units 2 and 3 at the Cardinal Plant, the aces of Buckeye Power’s deck of generation sources, together produce about 1,200 MW and are designed to generate electricity 24 hours a day.

Incremental change “We still rely on coal to handle the majority of our generation needs, but we are excited to make incremental additions of other resources,” says Ben Wilson, Buckeye Power’s manager of power delivery engineering. “Solar, today, doesn’t save money for us or our members. If it were cheaper than producing power at Cardinal and we had an economical way to store the energy for those times when the sun isn’t shining, we might have to rethink our long-term generation strategy, but it’s not there yet.” So even while it doesn’t make economic sense to build hundreds of megawatts worth of solar panels now, other factors mean that increasing solar production incrementally, at smaller levels, does.


“Right now, what we’re doing is a voluntary effort to introduce more renewable energy to our portfolio in a way that doesn’t increase overall costs, but still satisfies the demand we have from some members who want to have more renewable energy in their supply,” says Craig Grooms, Buckeye Power’s vice president of engineering and operations.

‘Energy accounting’ When energy enters the electric grid, there’s no way to distinguish solar energy from that generated by coal. Electric providers can’t send solar-generated electrons to one member’s house and those generated by coal to another. “It’s essentially a matter of energy accounting,” Grooms says. “We put energy on the grid, measure it, and get paid for it. Consumers use electricity from the grid, have a meter that measures it, and they’re charged for that amount. In that equation, you can’t tell where it comes from.” What providers like Buckeye Power can do, however, is to adjust the percentage of energy from different sources that’s put out onto the grid — when the sun is shining, for example, more can come from solar panels; when it’s dark or cloudy, more must come from coal. As opposed to individually purchased rooftop panels, which require a substantial up-front investment from a consumer — an investment that usually is financed at payments much larger than most electric bills — the OurSolar program lets consumer-members pay a small

premium on their electric bill to assure that a larger percentage of energy on the grid comes from solar panels. “OurSolar opens the benefits of solar generation to anyone who receives an electric bill, including lowerincome residents, businesses, municipalities, schools, and nonprofits,” says Pat O’Loughlin, president and CEO of Buckeye Power. “It gives members a lower-cost, more convenient option, compared to on-site solar.”

The subscription question Individual cooperatives offer the opportunity for their members to participate in the OurSolar program in different ways. Some offer subscriptions that can be purchased by individual members, others provide it as a resource to all members. There’s no clear-cut “best” way to increase solar energy production; those decisions — ­ like all co-op decisions — are made by local boards and management on behalf of and in the best interests of the membership. Ultimately, the program reflects the cooperatives’ dedication to their most important objective. “Ohio’s electric cooperatives will not waiver from our mission to supply affordable, reliable, and environmentally responsible power to our members,” O’Loughlin says. “Our decisions regarding the generation sources and the integration of renewable energy now and into the future can’t consider only one or two of those objectives; they have to meet all three.”

Percentage of Buckeye Power’s renewable generation from various sources Ohio’s co-ops take a balanced approach to renewable energy. While continuing to support and utilize affordable coal-fired generation for the bulk of their power, Buckeye Power and its member cooperatives have made significant investments in renewable energy on behalf of Ohio co-op families.

75.2%  Hydropower 55 MW   13.1% 6.1%

Landfill gas  9.6 MW   Anaerobic digesters/biogas  4.45 MW

5.6%  Solar 4.1 MW*   *Upon completion of OurSolar Phase 2 next summer



Robbie and Carrie Davis have built a solid business out of fleecing their customers.

Spinning yarns



hen a young woman approached Robbie and Carrie Davis about making the yarn for her wedding shawl, they readily obliged. The brideto-be wanted the yarn to contain fleece from a specific alpaca, so they created an alpaca-silk blend especially for her. “She’ll use our yarn to weave the shawl herself and eventually will pass it on as a family heirloom,” says Carrie. “That just gives me chills.” Robbie and Carrie are Butler Rural Electric Cooperative members who operate a fiber mill — America’s Natural Fiberworks (ANF) — at Blessed Criations, the 11-acre farm near Oxford where they also make their home. A cria is a baby alpaca, and the farm’s name was inspired by the couple’s years of alpaca industry experience.


They acquired their first alpacas in 2006 and soon began breeding and showing the animals at fairs with help from their son, Jessie, who is now 20 and an aviation technology student at Sinclair Community College. Alpacas don’t shed, so Robbie and Carrie became adept at shearing. Soon, breeders began to hire them to shear, and the couple noticed that shaved fleece was usually discarded. They opened the mill in 2012 to convert raw alpaca fiber into yarn or felt. Carrie learned to card and spin by hand, and Robbie, who had been an ironworker for 20 years, quit his job to tend their fledgling cottage industry. As word about the mill spread and orders increased, they wanted to expand, but banks balked at lending money to a mill. That’s when Kim and Brad DeLaney, of Ohio’s KB

Left, Carrie and Robbie Davis in their fiber mill at Blessed Criations Farm near Oxford; right, a close-up look at some of their alpaca-shorn yarns.

Alpacas, invested in ANF and helped the Davises purchase equipment. “We originally thought we could get harvested fiber from within a 50-mile radius,” says Robbie. “Now we have customers in 42 states, including Alaska and Hawaii.” Because of ANF’s success, Robbie and Carrie reduced the size of Blessed Criations’ herd. “We decided that if we couldn’t give 100% to our alpacas, we shouldn’t be breeding and selling them,” says Carrie. The couple still owns or co-owns animals being raised at KB Alpacas and other breeding farms. The Davises outfitted ANF with equipment manufactured by Belfast Mini Mills, a Canadian company specializing in machinery for processing small batches of fiber. Because of difficulties finding and keeping employees, Robbie and Carrie run the mill themselves and have upped their productivity by doubling its equipment. “We have two of everything except for the washer and the picker,” says Robbie. He and Carrie process about 7,500 pounds of fiber annually. “That’s a lot for two people,” notes Robbie. “We’ve been told that the next-highestproducing mini-mill is in Tennessee and does 4,000 pounds a year with full-time help.” Robbie estimates that the United States has about 125 mini-mills. “Around 50% of them are full-service mills like ANF,” he says, “and the rest are limited to making things like rug yarn.” Besides two- and three-ply yarns, Robbie and Carrie turn out roving, batting, rug yarn, felt, and lopi, a very long, single-strand yarn made from Icelandic sheep wool. They also do small weaving projects, create rugs, and dye yarns for customers. “We just made scarlet and gray yarn for someone who wanted Ohio State’s colors,” says Carrie. Though they focus on alpaca fleece, the Davises will give any natural fiber a whirl and have processed hair from bison, yak, goats, rabbits, cats, and dogs. “What differentiates us,” says Carrie, “is that we’ll do fiber from individual animals. Sometimes people even ask us to put a card with an animal’s picture on a finished skein of yarn.” Robbie and Carrie work with 250 to 300 customers every year. “The majority are repeats,” says Robbie. “Most are small alpaca farms or individuals, like the lady who buys fleece and pays us to turn it into yarn that she sells online.” Taking great pride in the mill, the Davises love it when people send them photos of items made with ANF yarn, and for them, that strong fabric of relationships is a source of satisfaction that more than compensates for the constantly clattering machinery, long hours on their feet, and late nights spent washing fleece. The quality of their work got a big pat on the back when a well-known breeding farm in Colorado recently chose ANF to make yarn from its prize alpaca’s fleece. “We were super excited to get fleece from the top animal of a top breeder,” says Carrie, “and the fact that they trusted us with it is something that feels really good.”

America’s Natural Fiberworks: email blessedcriations@yahoo.com or visit www.americasnaturalfiberworks.com.


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who was

Grandma Gatewood? BY W.H. “CHIP” GROSS

Do you like to hike? Emma Rowena Gatewood sure did. In 1955, at the age of 67, Gatewood told her 11 grown children that she was going for a “walk.” She didn’t stop walking until she had hiked the entire Appalachian Trail (2,200 miles) — solo — in a single year, the first woman to ever accomplish that feat. She did it again in 1960 and then yet again in 1963 at the age of 75, making her the first person to ever thru-hike the trail three times (though the third time she did it in sections). Known for her minimalist, no-nonsense approach to hiking, Gatewood used a homemade sassafras walking stick to help steady her on the trail and carried a cloth sack slung over her shoulder, filled with only 18 pounds of food and equipment. Today’s hikers often carry twice that much weight if not more, and they do it with high-tech backpacks. Instead, she had the following advice for would-be AT hikers: “Make a rain cape out of a shower curtain and an over-the-shoulder sling bag and buy a sturdy pair of Keds tennis shoes. Stop at local groceries and pick up Vienna sausages; most everything else to eat you can find along the trail.”

Above, Emma Gatewood (courtesy Wikimedia Commons); right, a modern-day hiker pauses along the Appalachian Trail on a foggy morning (photo by W.H. “Chip” Gross).


Gatewood was born in Ohio’s Gallia County in 1887, and her father was a Union soldier who had fought and was wounded in the Civil War. She had 14 brothers and sisters who slept four to a bed in the family log cabin. Emma married young, at age 19, to a man who was both mentally and physically abusive; the couple divorced in 1940 after 33 years of marriage.



Email Chip Gross with your outdoors questions at whchipgross@ gmail.com. Be sure to include “Ask Chip” in the subject of the email. Your question may be answered on www.ohiocoopliving.com!

www.ohiocoopliving.com Emma Gatewood first learned about the Appalachian Trail in the August 1949 issue of National Geographic magazine. “The story made hiking the trail sound easy,” she said. “It wasn’t.” Her first attempt at the AT, in 1954, didn’t go well. Starting in Maine, she was determined to hike the trail north to south, finishing in Georgia. Within only a few days, she lost the trail — never admitting to being lost herself, of course — and was found by two rangers. Undaunted, Gatewood tried again the next year, 1955, starting in Georgia and planning to walk the trail south to north, which is what most thru-hikers do today. Emma completed her trek to the summit of Maine’s Mount Katahdin in about five months, hiking through 14 states, eight national forests, and six national parks. Upon returning home from her adventure, Gatewood surprisingly found herself a national celebrity. She was interviewed by numerous newspapers and even Sports Illustrated magazine, and she appeared on the television programs NBC Today Show, Art Linkletter’s House Party, and Groucho Marx’s You Bet Your Life. Years before all that recognition, as Emma Gatewood was raising her large family, she often took the kids to Ohio’s most-visited state park, Hocking Hills, for a day’s outing. “She said Hocking was her favorite place to bring her family to go hiking,” says Pat Quackenbush, recently retired naturalist supervisor at the park. “In 1966, she became one of the leaders of the park’s annual Winter Hike.” In fact, she led that hike every year until she died in Gallipolis in 1973, at age 85. Quackenbush said he remembers meeting Gatewood briefly at the park when he was a young boy. “I wasn’t aware then of how well-known she was,” he says. Today, the main trail from Old Man’s Cave to Ash Cave is known as the Grandma Gatewood Trail. If you would like to participate in this year’s annual autumn Grandma Gatewood Hike, it’s scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 16, starting at 9 a.m. at the Hocking Hills Old Man’s Cave visitor center. Family-friendly, the hike covers 6 miles, from the visitor center to Cedar Falls and back. In addition to having an Ohio state park trail named after her, Emma “Grandma” Gatewood was also director emeritus and a lifetime member of Ohio’s Buckeye Trail Association. A PBS documentary of her life, Trail Magic: The Grandma Gatewood Story, was released in 2015 and it’s a great watch — especially if you’re starting to think you are too old to try something new. OCTOBER 2021 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  13

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Seeds of happiness Packed with flavor, seeds are also great sources of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. RECIPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY CATHERINE MURRAY

FALL POPPY AND SUNFLOWER SALAD Prep: 15 minutes | Servings: 6 to 8 3 cups chopped broccoli 1 large, tart apple, diced and tossed with lemon juice 1 cup sugar snap peas ½ cup dried cranberries

1/3 cup + 1 tablespoon salted roasted sunflower seeds 1/3 cup sunflower oil ¼ cup lemon juice ½ tablespoon poppy seeds

In a large bowl, toss together broccoli, diced apple, snap peas, dried cranberries, and sunflower seeds (holding back 1 tablespoon). In a food processor or with an immersion blender, blend the remaining

1 tablespoon dried parsley 1 tablespoon maple syrup or honey 1 teaspoon onion powder ¼ teaspoon celery seed

ingredients until smooth and creamy. Pour dressing over salad, toss, and serve immediately. Per serving: 179 calories, 14 grams fat (1.5 grams saturated fat), 0 milligrams cholesterol, 37 milligrams sodium, 13 grams total carbohydrates, 3 grams fiber, 2.5 grams protein.


PAD THAI Prep: 15 minutes | Cook: 15 minutes | Servings: 6 1/3 cup rice wine vinegar 1 cup shredded carrots 3 tablespoons fish sauce 6 garlic cloves, finely chopped 2 tablespoons low-sodium 3 eggs, beaten soy sauce 2 cups shredded green cabbage 2 teaspoons sesame oil 8 ounces rice noodles, cooked by 3 tablespoons sugar package directions ½ teaspoon chili flakes 1 pound tofu or sautéed chicken, diced 3 green onions juice of 1 lime 2 tablespoons vegetable oil ¼ cup unsalted peanuts 1 large shallot, finely diced ¼ cup toasted sesame seeds 1 tablespoon ginger, finely chopped In a small bowl, mix rice vinegar, fish sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar, and chili flakes. Set aside. Chop green onions, separating the whites from the greens. In a large skillet or wok, heat vegetable oil over medium heat. Toss in the whites of the green onion, shallot, ginger, and carrots. Stir, cooking about 5 minutes until golden and fragrant. Add garlic and stir another minute or so. Make a well in the center of the skillet/wok and add the eggs with a tablespoon of water. Let them begin to set a bit, then scramble. Add cabbage and rice vinegar mixture. Stir and cook another few minutes, until fish scent mellows. Toss in the noodles, tofu (or chicken), lime juice, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Add a little water if the noodles seem dry, and cook until heated through. Top with onion greens and serve. Per serving: 324 calories, 18 grams fat (3 grams saturated fat), 82 milligrams cholesterol, 970 milligrams sodium, 30 grams total carbohydrates, 4 grams fiber, 14 grams protein.

THREE-SEED GRANOLA Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 45 minutes | Servings: 12 3 cups old-fashioned oats ½ teaspoon cinnamon 2 cups chopped nuts (see note) ½ teaspoon salt 1 cup shredded coconut 1 large egg, beaten ¼ cup sesame seeds ½ cup honey or maple syrup ¼ cup ground flax seed ¼ cup olive oil or warmed coconut oil ¼ cup chia seeds 2 tablespoons brown sugar Note: Try a mix of your favorite chopped nuts, such as almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts, and peanuts. Preheat oven to 300 F. In a large bowl, stir together all ingredients to combine. Spread out in a thin layer on a greased, rimmed baking sheet (may require 2 baking sheets). Bake granola, stirring every 15 minutes until golden brown and dry, about 45 to 55 minutes, depending on how toasty you like your granola. Let cool on baking sheet for 10 minutes or so before storing in an airtight container at room temperature for up to two weeks. Per serving: 282 calories, 19 grams fat (4 grams saturated fat), 16 milligrams cholesterol, 108 milligrams sodium, 26 grams total carbohydrates, 5 grams fiber, 6.5 grams protein.


ROASTED PUMPKIN SOUP Prep: 15 minutes | Cook: 1 hour, 15 minutes | Servings: 6 6-pound roasting pumpkin 2 cups vegetable broth 2 tablespoons olive oil 4 to 5 cups water ½ teaspoon salt (approximate) ½ teaspoon nutmeg 1 small red onion, sliced ½ teaspoon ground ginger Note: There is 1 cup of cooked and mashed pumpkin in a pound of pumpkin. Best pumpkin varieties for soup: pie, Cinderella, Fairytale, Kabocha, Rouge Vif d’Etampes, Autumn Gold, and Buttercup. Preheat oven to 350 F. Cut pumpkin(s) in half. Scoop out the middle strands and seeds; discard the strands. Place the seeds in a small bowl, rinse with water, drain, and let dry out for a few minutes on paper towels. Pile seeds onto a cookie sheet. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt, and toss to coat. Spread out in an even layer and bake 12 to 15 minutes, tossing halfway through, until they turn a golden-to-medium brown. Remove from oven and pour seeds into a small bowl. On the same cookie sheet, toss onion slices in olive oil. Spread in an even layer and roast in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes or until caramelized. Meanwhile, brush interior of the pumpkin with olive oil and place flesh side down in a roasting pan. Bake 45 to 60 minutes

½ teaspoon paprika ¼ teaspoon cayenne swirl of heavy cream (optional)

on the bottom rack of the oven, or until the skin has started to brown and wrinkle and a fork easily pierces through the flesh. If you’re unsure it’s soft enough, keep cooking. Overcooking pumpkin for soup is better than undercooking it. If the skin starts to burn, loosely cover with foil. Let pumpkin cool, then peel off the skin and remove the stem. Place remaining flesh in a food processor and blend until very smooth. Add the roasted red onion, vegetable broth, cayenne, nutmeg, ginger, and paprika and blend again. Pour soup into a saucepan and heat to desired temperature (or store soup in fridge until ready to eat.) Once hot, taste to adjust spices to your liking. Garnish with a swirl of heavy cream and the roasted pumpkin seeds. Per serving: 150 calories, 3 grams fat (0.5 grams saturated fat), 0 milligrams cholesterol, 580 milligrams sodium, 29 grams total carbohydrates, 10 grams fiber, 3 grams protein.


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Annual meeting 2021


dams Rural Electric Cooperative held its annual meeting on Saturday, Aug. 21. For the second year in a row, we did not have members present at the business meeting because of COVID-19 concerns. The business meeting was recorded on Facebook Live. The video of the meeting is posted on the co-op website where you can go to view it. Again this year, as last, a drive-thru was held for our members where they received food coupons from a local restaurant and other gifts. The turnout for the drive-thru was a huge success, with a continuous stream of members flowing through from about 9:15 to 11 am. Nearly 400 members and guests drove through. It was a beautiful day for a drive-thru, with plenty of sunshine. Steve Huff, Blanchard Campbell, and Kenneth McCann were all reelected to three year terms for the board of trustees. The election process is one of the drivers behind the second of the Seven Cooperative Principles,

Democratic Member Control. Cooperatives are democratic organizations controlled by their members, who actively participate in setting policies and making decisions. Elected representatives (trustees) are elected from among Bill Swango the membership and are GENERAL MANAGER accountable to the membership. Voting for who will help lead our cooperative is an important part of being a member. The total number of votes cast for the election of trustees has more than doubled since going from in-person voting at the annual meeting to mail-in ballots. However, this number is still low with just 7% of our members actually casting a ballot. When you receive your ballot next year for the annual meeting election, participate in your cooperative’s democratic process by casting your vote.

Kenneth McCann, Blanchard (Buck) Campbell, and Stephen Hugg



81st annual meeting BY ALICE L. BAIRD

The 81st Adams Rural Electric Cooperative Inc. annual meeting of the members was held at the cooperative. Due to COVID-19, it was decided that it would be best to once again hold the business meeting as a virtual event.

filled pencil pouch. Cooperative equipment was set out for them to view as they made their way around and out the State Route 136 side gate. We did have several nice comments and lots of smiles! 1813450047

A drive-thru event was set up for our members, like the one from last year. There were tents set up along the path as each member entered the cooperative from the State Route 125 side. They were then directed by employees to the next tent station where employees handed them a bag with a tool kit. At the next station, they received food coupons for Frisch’s restaurant. Traveling on, they received a cooperative hat, and each child received a

Eight members each won a $50 bill credit. The bill credit winners were Lorene Little, Doug R. Mack, Angel Moore, Brian Tomlin, Erica Jordan, Garnett Conn, John Cooper, and Ty Haitz. Each one seemed very pleased when they were notified of the credit. The business meeting was broadcast live on Facebook and to our web page. Board President Donald McCarty called the meeting to order, and after the invocation and pledge to the flag, he welcomed those who were watching online. He expressed appreciation to the staff and employees for their hard work in continuing to keep the lights on for our members. Bill Swango, general manager, recounted the events of 2020 and the effect of COVID-19 on the operations of the cooperative. He also looked ahead toward the construction of a new substation that will serve our service territory in Scioto County, as well as eastern Adams County. Bill also expressed appreciation to the staff and employees of Adams REC for their hard work and effort to keep the power on in the midst of the pandemic. Erika Ackley, manager of finance and administration, gave the financial report.



She spoke of revenue, write-offs of bad debt, taxes, and capital credit retirements. She stressed that the management and board of Adams REC strive to keep costs as low as possible while still maintaining a high quality of service. Toward the end of the meeting, Donald McCarty introduced Jeff Newman, CPA, to announce the results of the mail-ballot voting for trustees. Reelected for another three-year term are: Kenneth McCann, District 5; Blanchard (Buck) Campbell, District 1; and Stephen Huff, District 8. We would like to thank everyone who made the 2021 annual meeting and drive-thru a success!

October 2–3, 2021 Old Fashion Draft Horse, Mule, & Pony Field Days and Antique Tractor Show Glen-Dale Park 2915 Fawcett Road, 6 miles south of Peebles. Contact Roush Insurance Agency 937-544-3123 (day) or Dale Grooms at 937-587-3293 or 937-515-2506 (evening). Antique Tractor Show, contact Heath Drummond at 937-901-5510.


ADAMS RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE LOCAL PAGES Capital credits retirements Capital credits refunded to the estates of Adams Rural Electric Co-op members for August 2021 totaled $12,133.68. Estates paid in 2021 to date total $144,299.86. In case of the death of a member of Adams Rural Electric, contact the cooperative office at 937-544-2305 or 800-283-1846.


937-544-2305 | 800-283-1846 www.adamsrec.com

PLEASE CALL IN YOUR OUTAGES Do not use email or Facebook! If you experience an outage, please call the office at 937544-2305 or 800-283-1846. If you post on Facebook or email your outage information, it could delay the restoration time. Emails and Facebook are not continuously monitored, especially in the evenings or on weekends.


Donald C. McCarty Sr. President

Charles L. Newman Vice President

Kenneth McCann Secretary


4800 St. Rte. 125 P.O. Box 247 West Union, OH 45693 OFFICE HOURS

Mon.–Fri., 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m.

Stephen Huff Blanchard Campbell William Wylie M. Dale Grooms William Seaman John Wickerham

Erika Ackley Jacob Alexander Alice Baird Jennifer Baughey Nathan Colvin Kacee Cox Brett Fawns Joyce Grooms John Hayslip David Henry Steve Hoop Randy Johnson

Samuel Kimmerly Dave Kirker Rodney Little Dave McChesney Kristina Orr David Ralston Cody Rigdon Zachary Rowe Dewayne Sexton Mike Whitley Jordan Williams

Bill Swango General Manager

PAY YOUR BILL AT 800-809-6352 HIDDEN NUMBER BILL CREDIT We provide three convenient ways to pay: online, by phone, or directly from your bank account. Failure to receive your bill in no way relieves you from paying it. If you don’t receive your bill, contact the office before the due date and we’ll issue another one.


Pay at these collection stations: First State Bank — Georgetown, Hillsboro, Manchester, Peebles, Ripley, Seaman, West Union, and Winchester. National Bank of Adams County — 218 N. Market St., West Union.

Find your account number in the Adams REC local pages (the four center pages of this magazine), then call our office, and you will receive a $20 credit on your electric bill. You must call by the end of the month in which your account number appears. Your call affirms permission to publish your name as a winner in an upcoming issue of Ohio Cooperative Living.

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Ghosthunters flock to southeastern Ohio for a good, historical scare.



id you hear that?” my daughter, Rosie, asks as we climb a wooden staircase in the Anchorage, a former mansion on the outskirts of Marietta, in southeastern Ohio. “It sounded like a low grumble.” My thoughts suddenly shift from capturing pictures of the 22-room house, which sits atop a hill overlooking Marietta, to a black-and-white photo I saw in a previous room. Could the low grumble be coming from the ghost of the man wearing the white suit? “Douglas Putnam,” I find myself saying aloud. “What? Who?” says Rosie, tightly grasping the worn handrail. “He’s the original owner,” I say. “But don’t worry. I think he’s a friendly ghost.” Continued on page 26


Continued from page 25

History and hauntings A healthy respect for the “other side” is well advised during a visit to Marietta, which dates to 1788 as the first permanent settlement in the Northwest Territory. History and hauntings go hand in hand here, as the city’s storied, well-preserved past provides ghosthunters a spooky yearround playground. Hidden Marietta, a ghost-tour company that offers nine unique experiences around the city, documents the eerie locations where the past meets the present. There are ghost trek tours, a special flashlight tour of the Anchorage, a ghostly tour of the Lafayette Hotel, vintage photo-taking, sites for tarot card readings, even opportunities to use your own paranormal search equipment during overnight stays at the Anchorage, the Lafayette, and nearby Blennerhassett Island. For some, it’s a scream vacation. “I think there are a lot of people who are into ghosts and spooky stuff and just like to go out and hear the weird and unusual history, and that’s kind of where our passion is,” says Megan Keller, who co-owns Hidden Marietta with four other women.


Nowhere in the city is the relationship more prevalent than at the Anchorage, where we may or may not have run into Putnam — the great-grandson of Gen. Israel Putnam, who fought in the Battle of Bunker Hill during the Revolutionary War. Douglas Putnam built the Anchorage in 1859 for his wife, Eliza. It’s now the home of the Washington County Historical Society and Hidden Marietta, and a portion of ghost-tour sales goes toward preservation of the old property. Ghost sightings are common at the Anchorage, Keller says. Some report seeing children. Others see Putnam, once the wealthiest man in Marietta, wearing a top hat. Douglas and his brother, David Putnam Jr., were well-known abolitionists in Marietta. “Douglas Putnam fought for the freedom of slaves and for equal rights for women,” Keller says. “Even in his 80s, he went around and petitioned for women to be able to attend Marietta College.” The house served as a private residence until 1962, then operated as a nursing home for 23 years before it was acquired by the historical society. Most who do see and hear a spirit there believe it’s Eliza, the original lady of the house, who died in the home three years after it was built. Her funeral was held there. Ghost

hunters report seeing her wander about her beloved home, speaking in a soft voice or singing quietly.

Behind the scenes There’s a lot to do in this pretty city. Earlier in the day, Rosie and I took a sightseeing tour aboard a mahogany trolley. We rolled along brick streets and passed impressive Victorian homes. We learned about the Start Westward Monument, commemorating the Northwest Territory’s creation in 1787; the Ohio River Museum; and the Mound Cemetery. The cemetery has an ancient burial mound, called Conus, at the center

Opposite and previous page: The Anchorage, built in 1859, is the home of the Washington County Historical Society — and maybe a few ghosts of previous residents. This page: True believers say the ghost of a previous owner still watches over the Lafayette Hotel (below), while many a paranormal experience has been reported at the Mound Cemetery, which was developed around an ancient burial mound.

that’s surrounded by a graveyard brimming with the graves of more Revolutionary War officers than in any other cemetery in the country. Harley Noland, operator of Historic Trolley Tours and a longtime Marietta resident, is a bit skeptical of all the supernatural hype. “I don’t believe in ghosts,” he says. “I give history tours in Marietta.” Yet the area’s rich history makes it ripe for spooky tales. Hidden Marietta offers three ghost treks downtown, from June through October. The original Front Street Ghost Trek includes a stop at the 77-room Lafayette Hotel, which was built in 1918. The ghost tour ventures into areas that are normally off-limits, such as the servants’ staircase and the Continued on page 28


Chef Tommy Hickey hints of ghostly activity at the Levee House that may relate to the building’s allegedly lurid past; left, ordinary objects can take on a spooky air in the right setting (above), while the Lafayette’s paranormal activity is centered on the third floor. Opposite page: Hidden Marietta’s Harmar Ghost Trek begins at the old Harmar Bridge.

Continued from page 27

basement. “I’ve never heard anything scary,” says Sheila Rhodes, general manager of the Lafayette. “It’s usually something funny or the ghost is trying to mess with you. If we have a ghost, it’s friendly.” But the Lafayette’s third floor is one mysterious place. Former owner Durward Hoag and his family lived in the hotel’s penthouse, and rumor has it that he’s still watching over his domain. If you’re in Room 312, you might hear rumblings from Hoag’s son, who spent a lot of time there sobering up. Or so it’s said. The Lafayette’s ballroom is the site of the annual Paranormal Expo in January,


Do you believe in ghosts?

when enthusiasts of the supernatural gather to share experiences and tour the area’s haunted offerings.

Tales abound Everywhere you go in Marietta, it seems someone has a ghost story to share. We met Tommy Hickey, chef at the Levee House. “From what I understand, at one time this was a brothel, and I guess this pretty wealthy oil tycoon used to come here and frequent the bar and then head up to the brothel. His teenage son didn’t like his father’s infidelity, so he cut his father’s head off with an ax. “One night I was bent over the kitchen sink, and I saw something pass by the door. I thought it was customers, so I came running out, but there was nobody here. It’s happened to me four times.”

Hidden Marietta, 424 George St., Marietta (at the dead end of George Street), is open 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The Curiosity Shop is open 6–10 p.m. Fridays and 10 a.m.–8 p.m. Saturdays and offers monsterand paranormal-themed books, paintings, ghost-hunting equipment, spooky jewelry, and more. The group offers a variety of regularly scheduled spooky tours on most weekends through summer and fall, including both daylight and flashlight tours of the Anchorage, behind-the-scenes tours of the Lafayette Hotel, and ghost treks through various areas of the city. Call 740-538-8996 or mail info@ hiddenmarietta.com for information or to book a private tour.

Once would have been enough for Rosie and me, but, fortunately, we made it out of the Anchorage unscathed.





Black widow spiders are sources of terror — for good reason. BY CRAIG SPRINGER

Glacial ice and black widow spiders in Ohio — there’s a relationship. Glaciers that retreated northward 10,000 years ago literally shaped Ohio’s land surface, leaving the southern and southwestern one-third of the state hilly, rocky,


and well-drained — a characteristic preferred by black widow spiders. Ohio’s Appalachian Piedmont is home to probably the most feared spider in the U.S. While the spider is not common, it is most prevalent in Ohio, from Oxford to East Liverpool and the bow-shaped hilly piedmont along the Ohio River.

Several species of widow spiders exist in North America, and Ohio has two of them: the Northern Black Widow and the Southern Black Widow — and the fear that we hold in our hearts for both of them is rational and deserved. Black widow spiders produce a potent neurotoxin that has the potential to kill small children or the infirm. Before you break out the insecticide, however, do know that black widow bites are uncommon and fatalities from them are exquisitely rare. The effects from a bite are terribly uncomfortable, though. The pain comes on fast, and in healthy adults, subsides in a day or two. My daughter, then 3 years old, was bitten by a black widow spider and within a few minutes, suffered severe abdominal muscle cramps and spasms. Her legs went limp. In minutes, a general weakness and listlessness ensued, and it all culminated in a two-day hospital stay. While never in a grave condition, she was certainly in much pain. That pain was relieved with an antivenin derived from horse blood, reversing the effects of the toxin. It was remarkable to witness the near instantaneous reversal of visible symptoms when the medicine was administered. Black widow spiders find habitat in nature in the crevices of sloped rocky soils. They are drawn to the dark voids beneath downed trees, rock piles, or natural rock shelves and overhangs. It’s there that they set up housekeeping in a distinctive web that is easy to identify. A black widow spider lurks in the shelter of shade in a web, waiting on bugs and other spiders to fall into the tangled mess. A “tangle” is perhaps the most apt description of the web — it’s shapeless, just a twisted confused mass of heavy silken fibers up to a foot wide, most often near the ground. There’s no elegance in the design like you find in other spider webs. Black widows possess a bulbous, engorged shiny jetblack abdomen, ornamented with a red hourglass marking, sometimes appearing as two red dots. PICK-UPPATH/GETTY IMAGES

Prevention is the better medicine than an antivenin. Keeping a clean home and outbuildings free of debris and piles of rotting wood makes your abode less amenable to black widows, as well as unwelcoming to their favored fare. The toxic spider is drawn to undisturbed and cluttered areas in basements and barns. Black widows certainly have their place in nature; they are best kept there.


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leveland native and Hollywood actress Patricia Heaton of Everybody Loves Raymond and The Middle once told a joke about pro football coach Paul Brown: “A football player died and went to heaven. He saw a football game in progress and on the sidelines, a man in a tie, coat, and fedora hat watching intently. The football player asked St. Peter, ‘Is that Paul Brown?’ St. Peter responded, ‘No, that’s just God pretending to be Paul Brown.’” The joke slyly illustrates the enormous impact and legacy Paul Brown had on the game of football. Pre-Brown, it was characterized mostly by brute force, with little intellectual finesse. Brown’s genius for innovation transformed it into the mental and analytical game that it is today.


gridiron great Remembering the man who revolutionized the game of pro football. BY ALICIA ADAMS; PHOTOS COURTESY OF PRO FOOTBALL HALL OF FAME

This year marks the 30th anniversary of Paul Brown’s death, and his innovations continue to touch almost every aspect of the modern-day sport. “Paul Brown was the pioneer of coaching the game of football as a science,” says former Ohio State University head coach Jim Tressell, now president of Youngstown State University. “Data analytics, meticulous practice planning, playbooks, use of film to study performance — Paul Brown made all of those a part of every coach’s repertoire. It was our study of Paul Brown’s 1942 national champions that gave us the blueprint to become the 2002 national champions.” John Collins, a member of the Professional Football Researchers Association, takes that a step further: “In my opinion, Paul Brown is one of the greatest football coaches that ever lived, if not the greatest.” Brown was born in Norwalk in 1908, but grew up in Massillon, where high school football is inextricably woven into the fabric of the history and culture. As the quarterback for Washington High for two years, he led the Tigers to a 15-3 record. He enrolled at Ohio State, but


Left, Paul Brown roaming the sidelines while coaching the team that bore his name; right, Browns players Otto Graham, Dante Lavelli, and Mac Speedie celebrate a win with Brown. All four men are members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

when he didn’t make the team there, he transferred to Miami University in Oxford and went 14-3 in his two seasons as starting quarterback. Brown became head coach at Washington High in 1932 at the age of just 24 and compiled an astonishing 80-8-2 record (not even including a preseason win in 1940 against Kent State University!). After the Tigers’ third consecutive undefeated season in 1940, Brown was hired at Ohio State in 1941 and led the Buckeyes to their first national championship in 1942. Then the military called. Brown served and coached in the Navy during World War II, and while enlisted, was hired to coach Cleveland’s new professional team that, as a testament to his popularity (but against his wishes), bore his name: the Cleveland Browns. When he was eventually fired by owner Art Modell, Brown went on to co-found the Cincinnati Bengals in 1967. Brown began revolutionizing the game while still coaching at Massillon. He invented a radical technique that now is commonplace: the playbook. Players learned formations and set plays and were tested on that knowledge. Brown also developed a method of calling plays from the sidelines using hand signals. A strict disciplinarian with the heart of a teacher, Brown made punctuality and attending classes as important as playing the game. He also emphasized nutrition and made sure his teams ate adequate amounts of wholesome foods by arranging meals through the local YMCA.

Paul Brown Museum: 121 Lincoln Way East, Massillon, Ohio 44646 (less than 10 miles from the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton). www. paulbrownmuseum.org; 330-833-4061. Tues.– Sat. 9:30 a.m.– 5 p.m., Sun. 2–5 p.m.

In a 2015 interview for the documentary Paul Brown: A Football Life, Bill Belichick, head coach of the New England Patriots, told the NFL Network, “There is no one in the game that I have more respect for than Paul Brown. Everything that he did as a coach, 50 years later, everybody is still basically doing the same thing.” It’s the most apt tribute that can be given to a man whose vision and genius were far ahead of their time.

Brown’s innovations Paul Brown deployed almost all of his groundbreaking ideas once he reached the professional level. His accomplishments include: • First to use game film to analyze opponents’ weaknesses and scout for new talent • Helped invent the face guard and the radio headset for the football helmet • First to hire a full-time coaching staff • Instituted a college scouting system that is still in use today • First to implement the sideline telephone system to connect to the coaching staff who had a bird’s-eye view of the game • Developed the 40-yard dash to evaluate the speed and acceleration of players • Originated the taxi squad and the draw play • Created the West Coast Defense (also known as the Ohio River Offense) • Broke the color barrier in professional sports in 1946 by signing on Marion Motley and Bill Willis, a year before Jackie Robinson played for the Brooklyn Dodgers


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PS Form 3526, July 2014 (Page 3 of 4)


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THROUGH OCT. 24 – Pumpkin Train, Northwest Ohio Railroad Preservation Inc., 12505 Co. Rd. 99, Findlay, Sat./Sun. 1–5 p.m. $3; ages 12 and under, $2. Ride a quarter-scale train to the pumpkin patch to find that special pumpkin, then take one more trip around the track to return to the station. Pumpkins $5 each, but no purchase required. 419-423-2995, www.nworrp.org, or www.facebook.com/nworrp. THROUGH OCT. 30 – Bluffton Farmers Market, Citizens National Bank parking lot, 102 S. Main St., downtown Bluffton, Sat. 8:30 a.m.–noon. with the Bluffton Public Library and live music on select Saturdays. www.explorebluffton.com/farmers-market. THROUGH OCT. 30 – Halloween Express, Northwest Ohio Railroad Preservation Inc., 12505 Co. Rd. 99, Findlay, Fri./Sat. 6:30–9 p.m. $3; age 12 and under, $2. A non-scary Halloween train ride for the whole family around our tracks to see the Halloween decorations after dark. 419-423-2995, www.nworrp.org, or www. facebook.com/nworrp. OCT. 9–10 – Oak Harbor Apple Festival, downtown Oak Harbor. Parade, contests, classic car show, 5K Apple Run, 1-mile kids’ fun run, local performers, beer garden, and more. 419-898-0479 or www. oakharborohio.net. OCT. 15–17 – Lauer Farms 1944, Historic Lauer Farm Park, 800 Roush Rd., Lima, Fri. 4–6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Free. World War II living history weekend set during the Lorraine Campaign, Battle of Metz, October 1944. Watch reenactments of



battles between the Allied Forces and Axis Powers. www.facebook.com/LauerFarms1944. OCT. 16 – Lima Symphony Concert: “Circumstance and Fate,” Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Ctr., #7 Town Square, Lima, 7:30 p.m. Join us to celebrate our much-anticipated return to the concert hall. The program features Vivian Fung’s “Prayer,” Poulenc’s Concerto for Two Pianos, and Beethoven’s monumental Fifth Symphony. 419-224-1552 or www.limaciviccenter.com. OCT. 16 – Makerfest, Apollo Career Ctr., 3325 Shawnee Rd., Lima, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. A career expo to celebrate our “maker community” as a catalyst for building our workforce in advanced manufacturing, design, engineering, and the skilled trades. Open to all professionals, local employers, interns, students, and job seekers of all ages. http://linklima.com. OCT. 21 – Black Violin, Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Ctr., #7 Town Square, Lima, 7:30 p.m. From $24. Classically trained string players Wil B. and Kev Marcus use a unique blend of classical and hip-hop music to overcome stereotypes and break down cultural barriers. 419-224-1552 or www.limaciviccenter.com. OCT. 22 – Buddy Guy, Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Ctr., #7 Town Square, Lima, 7:30 p.m. From $45. A Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee and winner of seven Grammy Awards, Guy is considered one of the greatest guitarists of all time. 419-224-1552 or www. limaciviccenter.com. OCT. 23, 30 – Trick or Treat Halloween Train, Northwest Ohio Railroad Preservation Inc., 12505 Co. Rd. 99, Findlay, 6:30–9 p.m. both days; also 1–4 p.m. on Oct. 30. $3; age 12 and under, $2. Two nights of special Halloween Express train rides. Enjoy the Halloween displays as our train makes trick-or-treat stops. No scary sites — just fun and treats for all! 419-423-2995, www. nworrp.org, or www.facebook.com/nworrp. OCT. 24 – Oak Ridge Boys, Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Ctr., #7 Town Square, Lima, 7:30 p.m. From $35. Enjoy the four-part harmonies and upbeat songs of this chart-topping country and gospel quartet. 419-224-1552 or www.limaciviccenter.com.

OCT. 15–17 – Mountain State Apple Harvest Festival, Martinsburg. Apple pie–baking contest, pop-up shops and art fair, live music, car show, quilt raffle. Grand parade on Saturday. Schedule subject to change; check website for updates. www.msahf.com. NOV. 4–JAN. 9 – Winter Festival of Lights, Oglebay Resort, 464 Lodge Dr., Wheeling, nightly at dusk. Featuring 300 acres of twinkling lights over a 6-mile drive. Per-car donation requested; valid for the entire festival season. 877-436-1797, https:// wheelingcvb.com/events/winter-festival-of-lights-2, or https://oglebay.com.

OCT. 29–30 – Woodcarver’s Show and Sale, Sauder Village, 22611 St. Rte. 2, Archbold, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Skilled woodcarvers showcase handcrafted wildlife, fish, birds, bowls, ornaments, pens, and much more. Vendors, demos, workshops, and live music. 800-590-9755 or www.saudervillage.org. OCT. 30 – Bath Arts and Craft Show, Bath High School, 2850 Bible Rd., Lima, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $1. Featuring nearly 100 vendors. All proceeds help send the young men of Boy Scout Troop 82 to summer camp. www.visitgreaterlima.com. OCT. 30 – Murder Mystery Dinner, Sidney. A classic whodunnit dinner. Whether you choose to be a starring character or just a bystander, you’ll have a blast! Tickets are required for this downtown fundraiser. 937-6586945 or www.sidneyalive.org. NOV. 6 – Lima Symphony Concert: “From Madrid to Mexico,” Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Ctr., #7 Town Square, Lima, 7:30 p.m. An evening of Latininspired music, with works showcasing Spanish guitar technique. 419-224-1552 or www.limaciviccenter.com. NOV. 6–7 – Homespun Holiday Art and Craft Show, Stranahan Great Hall, 4645 Heatherdowns Blvd., Toledo, Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Jump-start your holiday shopping with handmade crafts and gifts. Bring household/food items to benefit Cherry Street Mission Ministries. 419-8421925 or www.toledocraftsmansguild.org. NOV. 6–7 – Tri-State Gun Show, Allen Co. Fgds., 2750 Harding Hwy., Lima, Sat. 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. $6. www.tristategunshow.org. NOV. 10–13 – Holiday Shop Hop, downtown Sidney. We partner with the Chamber of Commerce and the Sidney Visitors Bureau to feature holiday craft shows and our local retailers for all your shopping needs and a chance to win a valuable prize! www.sidneyalive.org. NOV. 13 – Charity League’s Holiday Market, 2400 St. Mary’s Ave., Sidney, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $2. Handcrafted items and vendors of all kinds. Proceeds from admissions and food sales benefit the children of Shelby County. www.charityleagueofshelbycounty.com.

Submit listings AT LEAST 90 DAYS prior to the event to Ohio Cooperative Living, 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229 or events@ohioec.org. Ohio Cooperative Living will not publish listings that don’t include a complete address or a number/ website for more information.





THROUGH OCT. 17 – “Riverboats on the Ohio,” Historic Fort Steuben, 120 S. 3rd St., Steubenville, Mon.–Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Exhibit and programs on the history and folklore of the steamboats that traveled up and down the Ohio River. 740-283-1787 or www. oldfortsteuben.com. THROUGH OCT. 30 – “Live Birds of Prey,” Mohican State Park Lodge and Conference Cr., 4700 Goon Rd., Perrysville, every Saturday at 7 p.m. Enjoy an up-close experience with a variety of Ohio’s bird species. Presented by the Ohio Bird Sanctuary. Free and open to the public. 419-938-5411 or www.discovermohican.com/event. OCT. 10–11, NOV. 14–15 – Olde Stark Antique Faire, Stark Co. Fgds., Exhibition Bldg., 305 Wertz Ave. NW, Canton, Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–2 p.m. $5, under 13 free. Early bird Sat. 7 a.m., $7. Antiques and collectibles from over 100 dealers and collectors. Free appraisals. 330794-9100 or find us on Facebook.


THROUGH OCT. 31 – Children’s Toy and Doll Museum Season opening, 206 Gilman Ave., Marietta, Sat./Sun. 1–4 p.m. Adult $4, child $2. www.mariettaohio.org/event. THROUGH OCTOBER – Rise and Shine Farmers Market, 2245 Southgate Pkwy., Cambridge, every Friday, 8 a.m.–noon. 740-680-1866 or find us on Facebook. THROUGH DECEMBER – Athens Farmers Market, 1000 E. State St., Athens, every Wednesday, 9 a.m.–1 p.m.; every Saturday, 9 a.m.–noon. Buy local and support your local economy. 740-593-6763 or www. athensfarmersmarket.org. OCT. 7–10, 14–17 – Clue, Chillicothe Civic Theatre, S. Walnut St., Chillicothe. http://cctchillicothe.com. OCT. 8–10 – Chillicothe Halloween Festival, Yoctangee Park, downtown Chillicothe, 10 a.m.–10 p.m. Free. Vendors, food, entertainment, inflatables, games, exhibits, costume contest, and the annual Coffin Races. www.chillicothehalloweenfestival.com. OCT. 8–10 – Chillicothe Trade Days, Ross Co. Fgds., 344 Fairgrounds Rd., Chillicothe, 10 a.m.–7 p.m. $5. An oldworld-style flea market. www.chillicothetradedays.com.

OCT. 14–29 – Murder in the Mansion: “The Curse of the Keys,” Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens, 714 N. Portage Path, Akron, Thur./Fri. 6:45–9 p.m. (gates close promptly at 7 p.m.). $38 members, $48 non-members. A murder takes place in the Manor House. Who is the murderer, and what is the motive? Interrogate the suspects and help figure out this whodunit. 330-836-5533 or www.stanhywet.org. OCT. 15–17 – Antique Power Show, Carroll Co. Fgds., St. Rte. 9, Carrollton. Presented by the Carroll County Antique Collectors Club. Threshing demos, corn husking/shredding, corn shelling, straw baling, and tractor pulls daily. Tractor parade Friday and Saturday, car show Sunday. 330-8662048 or www.ccacc.webs.com. OCT. 16 – Kidron Beet Festival, Sonnenberg Village, 13497 Hackett Rd., Apple Creek, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Celebrate the beet at this unique festival with music and food, including beet ice cream! Beet entries must arrive for judging by 11 a.m. See website for festival schedule. 330857-9111 or www.kidronhistoricalsociety.org. OCT. 16–17 – Colonial Trade Fair, Schoenbrunn Village, 1984 E. High Ave., New Philadelphia. Experience what life was like on the Ohio frontier in the 18th century, on the actual site of the Delaware Moravian Village in use from 1772 through 1777. 419-709-2213 or www. schoenbrunnvillagefair.org. OCT. 22–23, 29–30 – Ghost Tours of Zoar, 198 Main St., Zoar. Tour the buildings of the historic village by lantern light as the ghosts of Zoar tell you their haunted tales. Reservations required. 330-874-3011, 800-262-6195, or https://historiczoarvillage.com.

OCT. 15–17 – Muskingum Valley Trade Days, 6602 St. Rte. 78, Reinersville. Large flea market. 740-558-2740. OCT. 15–17 – Fall Festival of Leaves, downtown Bainbridge, Fri./Sat. 10 a.m.–11 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Free. Arts and crafts, entertainment, flea market, midways, parades, antique tractor show, log-sawing contest, antique/classic car show, 5-K run. Drive the four self-guided “Skyline Drive” tours to see the fall foliage. www.fallfestivalofleaves.com. OCT. 16 – Paul Francis Quartet, Majestic Theatre, 45 E. Second St., Chillicothe, 7:30 p.m. $5–$12. Grammy Award-winning drummer, educator, and Chillicothe native Paul Francis returns to perform at the historic theater. www.majesticchillicothe.net. OCT. 16–NOV. 27 – Historical Quilts and Needlework Exhibit, Ross County Heritage Center, 45 West Fifth Street, Chillicothe, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Noted quilt expert Amy Korn will give a presentation on preserving your family quilts and will be available by appointment for prepaid quilt consultations. To schedule an appointment, call 740772-1936 or visit www.rosscountyhistorical.org. OCT. 22–24 – Hallowed Halls and Haunts Weekend, downtown Cambridge. 740-432-2022 or www. visitguernseycounty.com. OCT. 30 – Trick or Treat on Main, downtown Cambridge, 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Little ghosts and goblins can visit the merchants and shops in downtown Cambridge and collect goodies. Ticketed event. https:// downtowncambridge.com/home/things-to-do/events.


OCT. 30 – Great Lakes TCA 2021 Train Meet, UAW Hall (Parma), 5615 Chevrolet Blvd., Cleveland, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. $6 per person, $8 per family; kids in costume admitted free. More than 175 tables. All scales, new and old trains, parts, repair manuals, model kits, and much more. 216233-6135 (Charlie Easton), ceastonoh@gmail.com, or www. greatlakesTCA.org. NOV. 5–6 – Buckeye Book Fair, Greystone Event Ctr., Wooster. Nearly 100 Ohio writers, illustrators, and photographers will be on hand to meet readers and sign copies of their newest books. Workshops, presentations, and activities for the whole family. 330-249-1455, buckeyebookfair@gmail.com, www.buckeyebookfair.org. NOV. 5–6 – Earlier Times Antiques and Folk Art Show, Harvest Ridge at the Holmes Co. Fgds., 8880 OH-39, Millersburg, Fri. 4–7 p.m., Sat. 10:30 a.m.–3 p.m. For information, contact Cheryl Williams at 614-989-5811. NOV. 6–7 – Ohio Gun, Knife, and Military Show, Wayne Co. Fgds., 199 Vanover St., Wooster, Sat. 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. 330-262-8001 or http:// ohiogunshows.com. NOV. 13 – North East Train Society Model Train Show, Highland Heights Community Ctr., 5827 Highland Rd., Highland Heights, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. $5, under 12 free. All-scale model train show. New and old trains to buy, sell, or trade; parts, repair manuals, kits, and more for purchase. Food available for purchase. 440-357-8890 (Jim Wendorf), wendorf@cvelimited.com, or www. northeasttrainsociety.com.

OCT. 30–31 – Brigade of the American Revolution, Adena Mansion and Gardens, 847 Adena Rd., Chillicothe. Free admission; $10 parking fee. Unit drills, rifle demonstrations, mock battles, 18th-century cooking, and much more. Begin the process of finding your Revolutionary War ancestor. www.adenamansion.com. NOV. 1–JAN. 1 – Dickens Victorian Village, downtown Cambridge. Stroll the streets to view scenes depicting life in 1850s England, featuring life-sized, handmade mannequins wearing real vintage clothing. 800-933-5480 or www.dickensvictorianvillage.com. NOV. 1–JAN. 1 – Guernsey County Courthouse Holiday Light Show, Cambridge, 5:30–9 p.m. nightly. See animated light displays and thousands of pulsating lights synchronized to holiday music. 800-933-5480 or www. dickensvictorianvillage.com. NOV. 5–6 – ”Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Claustrophobic Conundrum,” Pritchard Laughlin Civic Center, 7033 Glenn Hwy., Cambridge. Join Holmes and Watson on this murder mystery weekend and help them crack the case! www.pritchardlaughlin.com. NOV. 6 – Miller’s Automotive Swap Meet and CruiseIn, Ross Co. Fgds., 344 Fairgrounds Rd., Chillicothe, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $7; free for women and for children under 14. Cars, trucks, tools, parts, signs, race parts, and more. Call Nate at 740-701-3447 or Brian at 740-701-2511. www. millersswapmeet.com. NOV. 6 – Comedy Night at the Majestic Theatre, 45 E. Second St., Chillicothe, 5 p.m. $20–$25. Comedian Lori Graves stepped out onto the Majestic stage to perform comedy for the first time. Now she returns to the same stage to record her first comedy album live. www. majesticchillicothe.net.


1824 gristmill, walk on the iconic Rock Mill Covered Bridge, and enjoy Hocking River Falls. 740-681-7249 or www.fairfieldcountyparks.org. THROUGH NOV. 1 – Corn Maze and Fall Farm Fun, McDonald’s Greenhouse and Corn Maze, 3220 Adamsville Rd., Zanesville, Mon.–Fri. 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–7 p.m., Sun. 12–6 p.m. $7. Corn maze, hayride, petting zoo, and more. 740-819-5814 or https:// mcdonaldsgreenhouse.com/corn_maze_ohio. OCT. 15–17 – Apple Butter Stirrin’ Festival, Historic Roscoe Village, 600 N. Whitewoman St., Coshocton, Fri./ Sat. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $5, under 12 free. Sample fresh apple butter cooked over an open THROUGH OCT. 16 – Lorena Sternwheeler Public fire. Handmade crafts, exhibits and demonstrations, Cruises, Zanesville, Wednesdays, Fridays, and outdoor stage entertainment, canal boat rides, and other Saturdays. See website for times. $12, Srs. $10, C. (2–12) activities. 740-622-7664 or www.roscoevillage.com. $8. Enjoy a relaxing cruise down the Muskingum River. 740-455-8282, www.facebook.com/LorenaSternwheeler, OCT. 15–17 – Education of Yesterday Farm Show, 3685 Cass Irish Ridge Rd. (intersection of St. Rtes. 16 and or www.visitzanesville.com/Lorena. 60), Dresden. Featuring Allis Chalmers. 740-754-6248, THROUGH OCT. 17 – Monticello III Canal Boat Rides, educationofyesterday@gmail.com, or www.facebook. Sat./Sun. 1–4 p.m. $8, Srs. $7, Stys. (6–18) $6, under 6 com/EducationofYesterday. free. Huge draft horse teams pull the canal boat along an original section of the Ohio and Erie Canal as the boat OCT. 16 – “History Comes Alive — The Roaring 20s,” captain entertains you with tall tales and history of 1800s Heritage Hall Museum, 169 E. Church St., Marion, 6–9 life on the canal. You might even get to assist in steering p.m. $50. Ages 21 and over only. Costumed reenactors the canal boat. www.visitcoshocton.com/events-list.php. from the 1920s interact with guests visiting Heritage Hall and the Wyandot Popcorn Museum. Featuring period THROUGH OCT. 30 – Delaware Farmers Market, 20 cocktails and finger foods. 740-387-4255 or www. E. Winter St., Delaware, Sat. 9–12 p.m. 740-362-6050 or marionhistory.com. www.mainstreetdelaware.com/event/farmers-market. OCT. 16 – Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, THROUGH OCT. 30 – Zanesville Farmers Market, Sterling Bluegrass Jamboree, 26 E. Main St., Mt. Sterling, Adornetto’s, 2224 Maple Ave., Zanesville, every Saturday, 5:30 p.m. $10. Enjoy an evening of lively bluegrass music 9 a.m.–noon. www.zanesvillefarmersmarket.org. with lightning-fast instrumentals, close harmonies, and THROUGH OCT. 31 – Hot Shop Studio Class: entertaining novelty songs. Music kicks off at 5 p.m. with Pumpkins, Franklin Park Conservatory, 1777 E. Broad the house band, Sterling Bluegrass Band. Food available. St., Columbus, Wed.–Fri. 6–9 p.m. (also Sun., Oct. 31). 614-323-6938, sterlingbluegrassjamboree@gmail.com, or $70. Get hands-on experience blowing glass and create www.sterlingbluegrassjamboree.com/upcoming-events. a colorful glass pumpkin. All experience levels welcome. OCT. 17 – Columbus Toy Soldier Show, The Point at 614-715-81566 or www.fpconservatory.org. Otterbein University, 60 Collegeview Rd., Westerville, THROUGH OCT. 31 – Rock Mill Days, Stebelton Park 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Dealers and collectors from the Midwest at Rock Mill, 1429 Rockmill Place NW, Lancaster, Wed./ will gather to buy and sell toy soldiers from all eras and Sat. 11 a.m.–2 p.m., Sun. 1–4 p.m. Free. Tour the restored manufacturers, old and new, for our 24th annual show.


Sun. 1–5 p.m. Enjoy French market bean soup and cornbread, cider, apple dumplings, and live music. Grain grinding demos with the miller at noon, 2 p.m., and 4 p.m. 937-548-5112 or www.bearsmill.org. OCT. 10 – Country Day’s Market, Lostcreek Memory Barn, 3360 N. St. Rte. 589, Casstown, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Free. Enjoy a day in the country and support local artisans. 937-418-0392 (Susan King) or countrydaysmarket@gmail.com (Victoria King). OCT. 29 – Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, Fibonacci Brewing Company, 1445 Compton Rd., Cincinnati, 7 p.m. Free. Enjoy an evening of lively THROUGH OCT. 24 – Art at the Mill, 6450 Arcanumbluegrass. Craft beers and food truck eats available onBear’s Mill Rd., Greenville. Monthly art program curated site. 513-832-1422 or http://fibbrew.com. to promote local art/artists and create a gathering place OCT. 29–NOV. 21 – Art at the Mill, 6450 Arcanumfor the public. This month we showcase Tim Freeman Bear’s Mill Rd., Greenville. Monthly art program curated and his photography on rice paper. Reception for the to promote local art/artists and create a gathering artist on Sep. 24, 6–8 p.m. 937-548-5112 or www. place for the public. This month we showcase Vincent bearsmill.org. Saulnier, oil on canvas, and Scott Thayer, pit-fired THROUGH NOV. 21 – Bluegrass Wednesdays, pottery/sculpture. Reception for the artists will be held Vinoklet Winery, 11069 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, Wed. Oct. 29, 6–8 p.m. 937-548-5112 or www.bearsmill.org 6:30–8:30 p.m. Enjoy dinner, wine, and an evening of for more information. lively bluegrass entertainment by Vernon McIntyre’s NOV. 5 – First Friday Concert: Edde Osborne, First Appalachian Grass. Reservations strongly recommended. United Methodist Church, 120 S. Broad St., Middletown, 513-385-9309 or vinokletwinery@fuse.net. noon–1 p.m. Free. Edde brings his unique style of R&B OCT. 9–10 – Fall Open House at Bear’s Mill, 6450 jazz and pop standards to flute and saxophone. 513-423Arcanum-Bear’s Mill Rd., Greenville, Sat. 11 a.m.–5 p.m., 4629 or www.myfumc.net.

sconnell51@comcast.net or www.mwtoysoldier.com. OCT. 20–23 – Circleville Pumpkin Show, downtown Circleville. Free. Ohio’s oldest and largest pumpkin celebration. Seven different parades. 740-474-7000 or www.pumpkinshow.com. OCT. 22 – Roots and Boots Tour: Sammy Kershaw, Aaron Tippin, and Collin Raye, Marion Palace Theatre, 276 W. Center St., Marion, 7:30 p.m. $32–$50. Three of the voices that defined ’90s country music join forces for a one-night only concert. 740-383-2101 or www. marionpalace.org. OCT. 30 – Applebutter and Horseradish Day, Lawrence Orchards, 2634 Smeltzer Rd., Marion, 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Free. Apple butter is cooked in a copper kettle over a wood fire, while the horseradish crop is ground fresh. Schmidt’s food truck will be on-site. 740-389-3019 or www.lawrenceorchards.com. NOV. 5 – Amy Grant, Marion Palace Theatre, 276 W. Center St., Marion, 7:30 p.m. $32–$54. The six-time Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter will perform her timeless hits, such as “Baby, Baby,” “El Shaddai,” “Every Heartbeat,” and more. 740-383-2101 or www.marionpalace.org. NOV. 6 – Dinner with the Presidents, Dayspring Wesleyan Church, 2431 Marion–Mt. Gilead Rd., Marion, 5:30–8:30 p.m. $35–$40. Buffet dinner of the featured presidents’ favorite foods, from recipes taken from the White House Cookbook. Dinner is followed by presentations from those presidents. 740387-4255 or www.marionhistory.com/event/dinnerwith-the-presidents. NOV. 6 – Veterans March and Ceremony, Canal Winchester, 10 a.m. March begins at Frances Steube Community Ctr., 22 S. Trine St., and ends at Stradley Place, 36 S. High St., for the ceremony. Free pancake breakfast for veterans and their families at 8 a.m. at the Community Center. 614-834-9915 or www. canalwinchesterohio.gov. NOV. 13 – United Way 5K and Fun Walk, Fairfield Co. Fgds., 157 E. Fair Ave., Lancaster. For details, visit our website at www.uwayfairfieldco.org. NOV. 11–13 – Industrial Strength Bluegrass Festival, Roberts Convention Centre, 123 Gano St., Wilmington. Formerly known as the Southern Ohio Indoor Music Festival. One of the Midwest’s premier bluegrass events. 937-372-5804 or www.somusicfest.com. NOV. 13 – Christmas Preview Open House at Bear’s Mill, 6450 Arcanum-Bear’s Mill Rd., Greenville, 11 a.m.–5 p.m. 937-548-5112 or www.bearsmill. NOV. 13 – Holiday Horse Parade, downtown Piqua, 7 p.m. See horse-drawn carriages, hitches, and riders, all outfitted with holiday lights, making their way down Main Street. Christmas banners and decorated street trees create an amazing backdrop for this dazzlingly fun family-friendly event. 937-773-9355 or www. mainstreetpiqua.com. NOV. 13 – Springfield Swap Meet and Car Show, Clark Co. Fgds., 4401 S. Charleston Pike, Springfield. 937-376-0111, info@ohioswapmeet.com, or www. ohioswapmeet.com. NOV. 13–14 – Winter’s Yuletide Gathering, downtown Tipp City. The perfect start to the holiday season awaits you in the historic downtown, where the shopkeepers warmly invite you to their open house. Don’t miss the visit by Santa! 937-667-0883 or www.downtowntippcity.org.




Bountiful harvest 2

1.  Grandchildren Genica, Cody, Annsley, Jaycee, and Autumn anticipating a “bountiful harvest!” Robert Holland South Central Power Company member 2.  Sterling, Atley, and Emery Ruebush with daddy’s hay harvest. Julie Ruebush Darke Rural Electric Cooperative member 3.  A surprise carrot crop I had pretty much given up on. Jodi Bird South Central Power Company member 4.  My two grandsons, Cody and Dakota Kiefer, harvesting. Karen Rupp Butler Rural Electric Cooperative member



5.  A basket of healthy goodness. Karen Pugh Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative member


6.  Our harvest-time birthday girls, Emma (October 31) and Ava (November 1). Nicki and Jeremy Lawrence North Central Electric Cooperative member Below: My son-in-law, Brent Iden, harvesting at Iden Farms. Maggie Kendrick Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative member


Send us your picture! For January, send “Sledding” by Oct. 15; for February, send “Kiss and tell” by Nov. 15. Upload your photos at www.ohiocoopliving.com/memberinteractive. Your photo may be featured in our magazine or on our website.


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Installed •2-9x8 Garage Doors •1-3’ Entry Door •Sof�it Optional

30’x48’x16’ • Drive Thru RV Storage

Installed •2-12x14 Garage Doors •1-3’ Entry Door •Sof�it/Wainscot Optional

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