Ohio Cooperative LIving - March 2021 - Adams

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MARCH 2021

COOPERATIVE Adams Rural Electric Cooperative

Having a ball Interesting opportunities to pay it forward ALSO INSIDE A little help Rodeo generations Taking refuge

WOMEN in Utilities Electric co-ops are dedicated to hiring a diverse workforce. The best service is cultivated by a diversity of backgrounds, opinions, education, and experiences.




24 TAKING REFUGE Animal sanctuaries around the state let visitors get nose to snout with onceneglected pets and other wildlife.

29 GOOD FOR THE SOUL Looking for opportunities to give back? We’ve found a few interesting ways to volunteer in Ohio.

32 ALL IN THE FAMILY No longer confined to the Wild West, rodeo is a sport for everyone. Cover image on most editions: At the Ohio Village in Columbus, volunteers share their love of history by playing in old-time exhibition baseball games. Huzzah! This page: Russ Spreckelmeier rode in his first rodeo when he was 11, stayed at it through his six years in the Marines, and now serves as the announcer at Fox Hollow Rodeo in Waynesville.



Cooperative community partners W

e state it frequently, but it bears repeating: Electric cooperatives are member-owned community resources, primarily tasked with delivering power that is affordable and reliable and is produced in an environmentally responsible manner. Co-ops have a true concern for community because we are part of the community. One of the key takeaways from that is the term “community resource.” Co-ops aren’t only locally governed and managed; they’re economic powerhouses in their communities, fueling homes, businesses, schools, health care facilities — you name it — while also serving as local strategic partners. They provide both much-needed financial incentives and human capital to maintain, expand, and preserve local community resources. Co-ops do much more than keep the lights on. We don’t often think about what it takes for our community to remain independent, safe, and responsive to changing needs. Flip ahead to page 4 and you might be surprised at the level to which electric co-ops are ingrained into the fabric of your neighborhood. Cooperatives can be relied upon by our members to keep power flowing reliably and keep rates affordable but also to help their communities grow in good times and stay strong during tough times. We honor our traditions, respect the service of others, and value being good neighbors. We look ahead to springtime and the change in the elements. Like the weather, your co-op is changing with the times, but we advance with our members’ interests always as part of our plans.



Cooperatives can be relied upon by our members to help their communities grow in good times and stay strong during tough times.

MARCH 2021 • Volume 63, No. 6

Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives 6677 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229 614-846-5757 www.ohiocoopliving.com




Patrick O’Loughlin President & CEO Patrick Higgins Director of Communications Jeff McCallister Managing Editor Rebecca Seum Associate Editor Anita Cook Graphic Designer Contributors: Margaret Buranen, Colleen Romick Clark, Randy Edwards, W.H. “Chip” Gross, Demi Martin, Catherine Murray, Wendy Pramik, and Patty Yoder. OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING (USPS 134-760; ISSN 2572-049X) is published monthly by Ohio Rural Elec­tric Co­op­eratives, Inc. It is the official com­munication link be­tween the elec­­­­tric co­operatives in Ohio and West Virginia and their mem­bers. Subscription cost for members ranges from $5.52 to $6.96 per year, paid from equity accruing to the member. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to editorial and advertising offices at: 6677 Busch Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43229-1101. Periodicals postage paid at Pontiac, IL 61764, and at additional mailing offices. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. All rights reserved. The fact that a product is advertised in Ohio Cooperative Living should not be taken as an en­dorse­ment. If you find an advertisement mis­leading or a product unsatisfactory, please not­ify us or the Ohio Attorney General’s Of­fi ce, Consumer Protection Sec­tion, 30 E. Broad St., Col­um­bus, OH 43215. Periodicals postage paid at Colum­bus, OH, and at additional mailing offices.


A little help: Electric co-ops work hard to keep their service reliable and affordable, while also helping out in their communities.



Darke Rural Electric Cooperative: The Greenville-based co-op values its community connections, many of which are highlighted at local fairs.


Trufflemaker: A retired psychologist finds sweet success in her next career, as a chocolatier.

Cheryl Solomon



Boom to bust and back: Wood ducks survive tough times to thrive in the Buckeye State.



Cure-all: Curing not only preserves meat, it produces rich, deep flavor and a distinctive texture. Our recipes make delicious use of both of those traits.

19 LOCAL PAGES News and information from your

For all advertising inquiries, contact



electric cooperative.

American MainStreet Publications 847-749-4875 | cheryl@amp.coop


Cooperative members: Please report changes of address to your electric cooperative. Ohio Cooperative Living staff cannot process address changes. Alliance for Audited Media Member Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

What’s happening: March/April events and other things to do around the state.


In like a lion: Members share their


interpretations of March’s motto.

Visit Ohio Cooperative Living magazine online at www.ohiocoopliving.com! Read past issues and watch videos about our articles or our recipes. Our new site features an expanded Member Interactive area where you can share your stories, recipes, and photos and find content submitted by other co-op members across the state.

www.ohiocoopliving.com MARCH 2021 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  3


A little


Electric co-ops work to keep their service reliable and affordable, but they also exist to help out when schools, businesses, or individuals in their communities need a hand. BY JEFF MCCALLISTER



chool districts across the country struggled with how to continue their operations through the COVID-19 pandemic. How could they keep kids and teachers safe during in-building instruction? If schools went online, how could they assure that everyone had access to the same level of instruction? Even more complicated, what if they needed to do both?

community meetings that also included Ed VanHoose, general manager of Wellington-based Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative (LMRE), which serves Black River Schools. VanHoose immediately began thinking about ways the coop could help. Black River and LMRE have a long history of partnerships. This time, VanHoose and his staff were able to take advantage of a program through LMRE’s financial institution, CoBank, that turned $5,000 in LMRE money into $10,000 that Black River Schools used to offset a good chunk of those COVIDrelated expenses. need and

That was the issue faced at Black River Schools in Medina County. Superintendent Chris Clark and the school board looked at the data and determined their best option was to keep in-person instruction “We saw a as much as possible. As a small, we acted. Doing what rural district — serving 1,200 is right and necessary students from Medina, Ashland, and Lorain counties — its schools for our members is at already had relatively small classes, the very core of what a most of which could be spread out to maintain 6 feet between cooperative does.” students during in-class learning.

“We saw a need and we acted,” VanHoose says. “Doing what is right and necessary for our members and community is at the very core of what a cooperative does.”

Electric cooperatives have that same attitude; Concern for Community is one of the defining principles at the heart — Ed VanHoose of what it means to be a cooperative, But the coronavirus did force after all, and co-ops show that concern changes. The district needed in lots of different ways. In the past few to find a way to teach the 230 months alone, Ohio cooperatives have supported the students who chose online instruction, while keeping Marion Palace Theatre, Marysville Uptown Theatre, Mercy those in the buildings safe with increased personal Unlimited in Wapakoneta, and New Washington Little protective gear and gallons upon gallons of sanitizer League — just to name a few. for hands and high-touch surfaces, as well as other incidentals that came up every day. Sometimes co-ops are able to secure matching funds through initiatives like CoBank’s Sharing Success program. “Contrary to what anyone may think, these expenses But many also make use of a donation program that allows have not been just a drop in the bucket, and there has their consumer-members to round up their electric bills, not been much help forthcoming from the state or federal and the co-ops in turn use that money for small grants to government,” Clark says. “All of our COVID-related organizations and individuals in need of help. Ohio co-ops expenses have really added up.” distributed more than $1.2 million in member donations As entities everywhere were figuring out how to deal through those programs last year. with those and other issues, Clark spent time in several Continued on page 6 Ed VanHoose (left) and Kathryn Grasz (right) from LorainMedina Rural Electric Cooperative present a check to Black River Local Schools to help offset COVID-related expenses.


Co-ops’ community involvement goes beyond monetary donations. Ohio co-ops, for example, have organized Honor Trips to Washington, D.C., for area veterans (above and right) and the planning and installation of new signs that welcome visitors to town. Continued from page 5

That money went to groups like the Homeward Bound Dog Shelter of Ashland County, through Firelands Electric Cooperative in New London; the Ohio Dyslexia Center in Fresno, through Coshocton-based Frontier Power Company; and Hope’s Closet in West Chester Township, through Butler Rural Electric Cooperative in Oxford. Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative helped a Wills Township family stay off the streets by paying an unexpected medical bill. The Marion Fire Department purchased three new water rescue suits with a grant from Mid-Ohio Energy Cooperative in Kenton. Co-ops’ concern for their communities, however, goes beyond monetary donations. Nearly every co-op offers scholarships to children of members as those students prepare for life after high school. Many cooperatives conduct food drives throughout the 6   OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  •  MARCH 2021

year and only added to their pace in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic increased the need at food banks across the state. Millersburg-based Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative has sponsored four Honor Trips to Washington, D.C. Helped by donations from community sponsors, the co-op has made it possible for nearly 100 veterans and their escorts to take what’s described as the trip of a lifetime. Co-ops also encourage employees to show local community pride through service projects. With support from Paulding-based Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative (PPEC), employee Peter Niagu put together and implemented a plan to install welcome signs to greet visitors entering the town. “Part of being a cooperative is being a vital part of our community,” says PPEC President and CEO George Carter. “Cooperatives help build a better America, and that starts with making a better, more empowered local community.”




arke Rural Electric Cooperative in Greenville serves about 5,000 members in Darke, Preble, and Mercer counties in west-central Ohio, along the Indiana border. Darke REC prides itself on being an engaged part of its community and offering exceptional service, along with affordable, reliable electricity that its members expect.

Community involvement Darke Rural Electric’s Operation Round Up program allows consumer-members to round up their electric bills and donate the change to local charities and organizations. More than $414,000 has been donated since 2004. Darke REC awards $6,000 in scholarships each year to graduating seniors who are children of members and sponsors high school sophomores’ and juniors’ participation in the annual Youth Tour to Washington, D.C. Across Ohio, county fairs are the highlight of the summer, not only for youth involved in 4-H projects, but for many members of the community. One of Darke REC’s most important events is The Great Darke County Fair in August, one of the longest running and most robust county fairs in Ohio. Members who visit the cooperative booth at the fair can learn about new programs, receive a gift, and register to win bill credits. Darke REC also partners with Butler Rural Electric Cooperative to host the Preble County Junior Fair Exhibitor Picnic on move-in day of the county fair, providing a meal for the young exhibitors and their families. National Trail High School is a cooperative member, and each year, Darke REC sponsors Cooperative Night at a football game to connect with the community and support the school’s athletic program.

Things to do Darke County’s proximity to the metropolitan area of Dayton makes it a popular destination for weekend or day trips and offers visitors a variety of options for dining, activities, and entertainment. A few don’t-miss highlights: • Bear’s Mill is a water-powered mill outside of Greenville that still grinds grain using traditional methods. The Mill Gallery features rotating art exhibits and events throughout the year, including tours, a candlelight Christmas walk, and a fall open house, which make it a popular tourist destination. • Operated by the Darke County Historical Society, the Garst Museum offers over 300,000 American and Ohio historical artifacts. • Shawnee Prairie Preserve and Nature Center is the largest park in the area and hosts the Prairie Days Festival, where visitors can observe and participate in pioneer-era activities, such as blacksmithing, candle making, and apple butter stirring.

Co-op Spotlight appears regularly in Ohio Cooperative Living to give a glimpse into the land and the people of Ohio’s 24 electric cooperatives.



Trufflemaker Retired psychologist finds sweet success with her next career, as a chocolatier. BY MARGARET BURANEN


or years, Janet Bowers would make truffles as gifts for friends and colleagues, but, she says, “Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could do it professionally.” After all, she already had a full-time job as a practicing psychologist. How things can change: Now her typical workday results in 1,200 dipped, dressed, and luscious chocolates, boxed and out the door. Bowers, a member of South Central Power Company, grew up in Chillicothe and went on to work for the National Park Service and as a schoolteacher before deciding to earn her doctorate in clinical and forensic psychology. She enjoyed her professional practice in Evergreen, Colorado, where the mountain town’s proximity to trout streams for fly fishing was a bonus. When she inherited her grandmother’s Wren Valley Farm, however, she knew it was time to return to Ohio. Back in the Buckeye State, she kept at her psychology practice for a few more years until she retired. Her retirement lasted about a week — exactly the time it took her to realize that “this retirement thing is not going to work for me.” As she tried to decide what to do with her newfound free time, Bowers considered things she liked, and she hit upon chocolate. Wren Valley Truffles was born. She spent a year learning about chocolate, took some formal classes, and shadowed professional candymakers. She spent a lot of time


trying out recipes and flavor combinations. “Good chocolate is a combination of chemistry and artistry,” Bowers says. “It’s fun, and there’s always something to learn.” The most challenging aspect of being a “Chocolate needs chocolatier in the beginning, she says, was respect, but it should simply working with the always be fun.” chocolate, learning how — Janet Bowers to heat it to the precise temperature at which it develops a high gloss and a crisp snap when it is bitten into — which took about a year for her to perfect. Bowers says that her psychology background helps her as a chocolatier “in marketing and reaching out to people and in naming the truffles. I enjoy people, and I loved my psychology career. A lot of my skill sets just rolled over.” Bowers likes to try new filling flavors for the Wren Valley truffles, but, she says, “I don’t make it again if I don’t like it.” The truffles get a lot of repeat sales, but molded chocolates — bunnies, mice, fish, bears, hedgehogs — sell well, too. So do Wren Valley’s candy bars, including one with the design of a nautilus fossil, an allusion to Bowers’ undergraduate major in geology.

“I source ingredients from local suppliers as much as possible,” Bowers says. Her suppliers include Snowville Creamery, Dirty Girl Coffee, Spring Hollow Farm for maple syrup, Hartzler Family Dairy for butter, and Wildflower Lane Honey. Bowers enjoys working with brides and event planners to create truffles and other artisan chocolates for weddings and special events. She decided not to open her own shop or offer mail-order service, but to remain a wholesale operation supplying her goods to area businesses. She does take local special orders and delivers them to Hocking Hills Winery for the customer to pick up. The newest chocolate creations are frequently market-tested at the winery and later announced on the Wren Valley Truffles Facebook page. Bowers says that her goal was always to create “Old World-style European truffles for people who understand what good chocolate is.” She adds, “Chocolate needs respect, but it should always be fun.” Besides Hocking Hills Winery, Wren Valley’s truffles and other artisan chocolates are available at Glen Laurel Scottish Inn, Keller Market House, Hocking Hills Moonshine, and other area restaurants, lodges, and retreats. Wren Valley Truffles, www.wrenvalleytruffles.com or 740-332-0773.

Janet Bowers had been retired for about a week before she realized she was going to need something else to fill her time. She turned to a favorite hobby: making chocolate. Her Wren Valley Truffles are available at select locations, mostly in the Hocking Hills region.



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From boom to bust and back again Wood ducks survive tough times to thrive in the Buckeye State. STORY AND PHOTOS BY W.H. “CHIP” GROSS


oung wood ducks have a tough start in life. Hatched in a tree cavity 50 feet or more from the ground, they have less than a day to rest and dry their downy feathers after fighting their way out of the eggshell before their mother decides it’s time to leave the nest. Flying down to the base of the tree, the female woody begins calling to her brood of possibly a dozen or more ducklings. Hearing her voice, they react instinctively: One at a time, they climb to the edge of the nest hole and launch themselves into the air. Weighing only a few ounces and still two months from being able to fly, a duckling tumbles end over end, hits the ground — hard — but bounces up like a little ping-pong ball and scurries to its mother. When the hen is sure that all her offspring have gathered, she leads them quickly to the nearest stream, pond, swamp, or marsh. Though the ducklings are now safer than they were on land, they’re not yet totally out of danger. From below, a snapping turtle or largemouth bass would like nothing better than to make a meal of an


unsuspecting duckling. From above, a great blue heron or other avian predator could easily take one as well. But if a young wood duck survives those many dangers — and is a male — it will mature into one of the most strikingly beautiful waterfowl in all of North America. If female, its plumage will be grayish-brown, providing camouflage for next spring when it raises its own brood of young ducklings, usually in the same area it was reared. Wood ducks — native to the Buckeye State — are doing quite well, with a strong population in Ohio, but that has not always been the case. During the 1800s, as Ohio’s virgin forests were cleared to make way for cities, towns, and farm fields, the natural nesting cavities in those giant trees disappeared, and the number of wood ducks plummeted. Some wildlife biologists even predicted the extinction of the wood duck by 1930. Thanks to an aggressive nest-box program during the latter half of the 20th century, the wood duck was rescued from oblivion and its numbers restored.



Email Chip Gross with your outdoors questions at whchipgross@ gmail.com. Be sure to include “Ask Chip” in the subject of the email. Your question may be answered on www.ohiocoopliving.com!

www.ohiocoopliving.com Of course, that effort was spearheaded by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife. “Our staff installed and monitored wood duck nesting boxes — thousands statewide — near wetlands and ponds on both public and private lands in every county of Ohio during the 1980s,” says Mike Reynolds, executive administrator for wildlife management and research with the division. “Then we continued to distribute nesting boxes and plans to private landowners, which helped turn the tide and make this beautiful bird a common species once again in the Buckeye State. Today, both birding enthusiasts and waterfowl hunters are reaping the rewards of that remarkable recovery.” Wood ducks also had a surprise ally in their fight to survive. As beavers — those large, extirpated rodents — gradually returned to the state after their own period of diminishing numbers, their constant dam-building created additional wood-duck-friendly wetlands. Today the most numerous species of breeding duck in Ohio, wood ducks — as well as other migratory waterfowl — will be returning to the Buckeye State this month. Now, then, is the time to grab a pair of binoculars and get outside to enjoy them. Just appreciate while doing so that you will be seeing the tangible results of a successful wildlife recovery program accomplished many decades ago by a combination of wildlife professionals and private citizens working together.

Want to help?

If a wood duck survives the many dangers it faces as a duckling (and it’s a male), it grows up to become one of the most strikingly beautiful waterfowl in North America.

If you’re a landowner with a pond, swamp, or other water area and would like to benefit wood ducks and other wildlife, you can erect a few nest boxes. Plans can be obtained by calling 1-800-WILDLIFE and requesting Nest Box Plans (Publication 419) or by visiting www.ohiodnr. gov, clicking on “Go & Do,” and finding “View Wildlife” for a list of Ohio wildlife field guides.


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Before refrigeration, curing — generally, covering a cut in salt — was the only way to preserve meat. It has the added benefit of producing rich, deep flavor as well as distinctive texture, and these dishes make delicious use of both. RECIPES AND PHOTOS BY CATHERINE MURRAY

BOLOGNA BREAKFAST CUPS Prep: 5 minutes | Cook: 15 minutes | Servings: 3 6 slices bologna ½ cup shredded cheddar 6 small eggs 1/8 teaspoon black pepper 1 tablespoon bacon bits 1 tablespoon diced scallions Preheat oven to 375 F. Grease a muffin tin or 6 ramekins. Shape a slice of bologna into each cup and sprinkle cheddar on top. Crack one egg into each cup. Lightly season with black pepper. Bake 15 to 20 minutes, checking regularly until eggs are lightly set. Remove from oven and sprinkle with bacon bits and diced scallions. Carefully remove bologna cups and serve immediately. Per serving: 291 calories, 22 grams fat (8 grams saturated fat), 307 milligrams cholesterol, 3 grams total carbohydrates, 0 grams fiber, 20 grams protein.


PEPPERONI SPINACH SALAD Prep: 10 minutes | Servings: 6 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1/3 cup balsamic vinegar 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning 1 clove garlic, minced 10 ounces cherry or grape tomatoes, halved 2 tablespoons minced red onion

8 ounces fresh mozzarella pearls (or shredded mozzarella) 15.5-ounce can garbanzo beans, drained 6 ounces tri-color rotini pasta, cooked ¼ pound chopped pepperoni 10 ounces fresh spinach

Note: Red or white wine vinegar can be used in place of balsamic vinegar. In a small bowl, mix together dressing ingredients — olive oil, vinegar, Italian seasoning, and garlic. In a large bowl, toss together tomatoes, red onion, mozzarella pearls, garbanzo beans, pasta, and pepperoni. Add dressing, stirring to coat. Pasta mixture can marinate overnight or be served immediately. Dress plates with spinach and top with pasta mixture. Per serving: 671 calories, 32 grams fat (9 grams saturated fat), 61 milligrams cholesterol, 605 milligrams sodium, 66 grams total carbohydrates, 14 grams fiber, 34 grams protein.

PASTRAMI QUICK KNISHES Prep: 20 minutes | Cook: 25 minutes | Servings: 8 2 tablespoons salted butter 2 tablespoons spicy or Dijon mustard 1 small onion, diced ½ pound sliced and diced pastrami 2 cups shredded green cabbage 17.3-ounce package frozen puff 1¼ cups water pastry sheets 1 cup instant mashed potato flakes 1 egg, whisked 2 tablespoons mayonnaise 3 tablespoons sesame seeds Preheat oven to 350 F. Melt butter in a medium skillet over medium heat. Sauté onion and cabbage until soft, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and strain off any excess liquid. Boil water and mix in mashed potato flakes, mayonnaise, and mustard. In a large bowl, mix pastrami, cabbage, and mashed potato mixtures. Roll out pastry dough to 10 x 10 inches and cut into eight 5 x 5-inch squares. Liberally fill each square of dough with potatopastrami filling. Fold corners diagonally two at a time, stretching pastry to close comfortably, then pinch at the top. Fold open corners clockwise and push together to seal. Place on a lightly greased baking sheet. Brush each knish with egg wash and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until golden. Per serving: 508 calories, 32 grams fat (9 grams saturated fat), 50 milligrams cholesterol, 637 milligrams sodium, 42 grams total carbohydrates, 2 grams fiber, 14 grams protein.


While you’re there, see a video of some of our tasty dishes being prepared.

Have you tried one of our recipes? Do you have a recipe to share with other Ohio co-op members? Visit the Member Interactive page on www.ohiocoopliving. com to find recipes submitted by our readers and to upload yours.


ST. PATTY’S CORNED BEEF HASH Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 25 minutes | Servings: 4 2 pounds russet potatoes, diced 4 cloves garlic, minced 3 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 teaspoon paprika 1 tablespoon olive oil 1½ tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 1 small onion, diced salt and pepper to taste 1 pound diced corned beef In a large pot, boil potatoes in salted water until just barely tender, 5 to 7 minutes. In a large cast-iron skillet (or nonstick electric skillet), heat butter and olive oil. Add onion and cook on medium 3 to 4 minutes or until soft. Turn up heat to medium high and add potatoes and corned beef. Depending on the size of your skillet, this may need to be done in batches. To produce crispy and browned edges, stir only occasionally for about 10 minutes. Add garlic, paprika, and Worcestershire sauce, season with salt and pepper to taste, and cook another minute or two. Serve with poached or fried eggs, cooked cabbage, sauerkraut, or a side salad. Per serving: 474 calories, 27 grams fat (12 grams saturated fat), 94 milligrams cholesterol, 1,141 milligrams sodium, 40 grams total carbohydrates, 6 grams fiber, 20 grams protein.





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The little blue logo that changed efficiency standards


he little blue logo with the star inside that you see on all sorts of appliances and electronics has changed the way we view savings through more efficient products.

The ENERGY STAR program claims credit for reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions and for saving Americans $30 billion in energy costs. Analysts credit ENERGY STAR with innovating the energy industry, as manufacturers set goals of making more energy efficient products than their competitors. ENERGY STAR makes it easy to know whether a product you’re thinking about buying is more energy efficient than another. The program looks at the average energy use of each type of product and awards the ENERGY STAR rating to top performers based on different criteria — for example, a refrigerator needs to be 9% more energy efficient than the minimum efficiency standard, and a computer needs to use 25% less electricity than conventional models and include a power-saving mode option when it’s not being used.

• Energy efficiency can be achieved through broadly available, nonproprietary technologies offered by more than one manufacturer. • Product energy consumption and performance can be measured and verified with testing. • Labeling effectively differentiates products and must be visible to consumers.


More than 500 certified labs in 25 countries around the world test more than 1,500 products a year, along with surprise inspections, to manage a list of 60,000 product models. ENERGY STAR runs seminars on how to meet its standards. Those standards require that TVs must use 3 watts or less when switched off, lightbulbs must use two-thirds less energy than standard incandescent bulbs, and ENERGY STAR home furnaces must be between 4 and 15% more efficient than standard furnaces. In 2018, ENERGY STAR tested 1,792 models, disqualifying 59 of them.

The program, run by the federal Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, is effective because of a complex process of making sure the ENERGY STAR logo is accurate and trusted. According to energystar.gov, the EPA uses the following specifications to determine if products meet the ENERGY STAR standard: • Product categories must contribute significant energy savings nationwide. • Certified products must deliver the features and performance demanded by consumers, in addition to increased energy efficiency. • If the certified product costs more than a conventional, less-efficient counterpart, purchasers will recover their investment in increased energy efficiency through utility bill savings, within a reasonable period of time.

ENERGY STAR has something for everybody — ways for consumers to save money, ways for businesses to promote their efficient products, online calculators for those wanting deep dives into finding the ideal energy use, and for the rest of us, a simple little logo that tells us we’re buying one of the most energy-efficient products available. MARCH 2021  •  OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING 19


Three electrifying kitchen appliances to save time and energy Whether your oven and stovetop are powered by gas or electricity, it’s no secret that they consume more energy than smaller countertop appliances, like slow cookers and toaster ovens. In addition to efficiency, smaller kitchen appliances can provide faster cooking times and less hassle with cleanup. If you’re looking for convenient cooking methods with the added bonus of energy efficiency, here are three electrifying appliances for your kitchen: 1. Air fryers are becoming increasingly popular, and consumers have a lot of good things to say about these handy little appliances. Air fryers use convection to circulate hot air and cook the food — ­ this means little to no oil is required, resulting in healthier meals than those from traditional fryers. Air fryers are fairly small, so they won’t take up much of your counter space, and with everything cooked in the fryer, cleanup will be a breeze. Air fryers are available in a variety of sizes, and prices range from $40 to over $200. 2. Electric griddles have certainly been around for a while, and they offer several benefits for any

home chef (beyond bacon and eggs!). Griddles are convenient because you can cook everything at once ­— like a “one-pan” meal, and the possibilities are endless. From fajitas to sandwiches to French toast, griddles can help satisfy any taste buds. They consume small amounts of energy and provide quick cooking times, so your energy bill will thank you. Prices and sizes for griddles vary, but you can typically find one for about $30. 3. Pizza brings people together, so why not consider a pizza maker for your kitchen? These compact, countertop machines are an inexpensive alternative to a costly brick oven, and they use less energy than your traditional oven. Choose your own fresh ingredients to whip up a faster, healthier pizza at home. Plus, most pizza makers are multifunctional and can be used to cook flatbreads, frittatas, quesadillas, and more. You can purchase a pizza maker for about $30 to $150 online or at your local retailer. These are just a few electrifying appliance options for your kitchen. Remember, when you’re cooking a smaller meal, countertop appliances can save time and energy. To learn about additional ways to save energy at home, visit our website.

Air fryers circulate hot air (convection) to cook the food. This means little to no oil is required, resulting in healthier meals than those from traditional fryers. Electric griddles consume small amounts of energy and provide quick cooking times, so your energy bill will thank you.


Pizza makers are compact and inexpensive, and they use less energy than your traditional oven.



Did you know? Generation of electricity is broken down in five different categories in the U.S. The five categories are natural gas, coal, nuclear, petroleum, and renewables. In 2019, natural gas had the highest total of generation at 38.1%, followed by coal at 23.3%, nuclear at 20.1%, renewables at 17.5%, and petroleum at 1%. The renewables category has five different types of generation included: 7.3% wind, 6.6% hydro, 1.8% solar, 1.4% biomass, and .4% geothermal.

petroleum 1%

renewables 17.5% natural gas 38.1% nuclear 20.1%

Fossil fuels generate the most energy for electricity, generating more than 62% of all generation in the U.S. in 2019. Fossil fuels include natural gas, coal, and petroleum. 3500464100

coal 23.3%

Now you know more about electricity generation!

Energy Efficiency | Tip of the Month Don’t keep your refrigerator too cold. The Department of Energy recommends a temperature setting of 35 to 38 degrees for the fresh food compartment and zero degrees for the freezer. Make sure the refrigerator doors are sealed airtight to maximize efficiency. Source: www.energy.gov

Capital credits retirements


Capital credits refunded to the estates of Adams Rural Electric Cooperative members for January 2021 totaled $30,425.14.

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Our office will be closed on Friday, April 2, to recognize Good Friday. Adams Rural Electric wishes all of our members a happy Easter.


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Donald C. McCarty Sr. President

Charles L. Newman Vice President

Kenneth McCann Secretary


4800 St. Rte. 125 P.O. Box 247 West Union, OH 45693 OFFICE HOURS

Mon.–Fri., 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m.

Stephen Huff Blanchard Campbell William Wylie M. Dale Grooms William Seaman John Wickerham

Erika Ackley Jacob Alexander Alice Baird Jennifer Baughey Nathan Colvin Kacee Cox Joan Drummond Brett Fawns Joyce Grooms John Hayslip David Henry Steve Hoop

Randy Johnson Samuel Kimmerly Dave Kirker Rodney Little Dave McChesney Kristina Orr David Ralston Cody Rigdon Zachary Rowe Dewayne Sexton Mike Whitley Jordan Williams

Bill Swango General Manager

PAY YOUR BILL AT 800-809-6352 HIDDEN NUMBER BILL CREDIT We provide three convenient ways to pay: online, by phone, or directly from your bank account. Failure to receive your bill in no way relieves you from paying it. If you don’t receive your bill, contact the office before the due date and we’ll issue another one.


Pay at these collection stations: First State Bank — Georgetown, Hillsboro, Manchester, Peebles, Ripley, Seaman, West Union, and Winchester. National Bank of Adams County — 218 N. Market St., West Union.

Find your account number in the Adams REC local pages (the four center pages of this magazine), then call our office, and you will receive a $20 credit on your electric bill. You must call by the end of the month in which your account number appears. Your call affirms permission to publish your name as a winner in an upcoming issue of Ohio Cooperative Living.


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taking refuge Animal sanctuaries around Ohio let visitors get nose to snout with once-neglected pets and other wildlife. STORY AND PHOTOS BY WENDY PRAMIK


full-figured pig named Baby lounges, unruffled, in a puddle of mud at Sunrise Sanctuary in Marysville. A lone duck waddles past, oblivious to the prodigious porker to its left. As the afternoon sun breaks overhead, more and more animals emerge from the grounds’ timeworn structures — a red barn, a small house, a rickety flatbed truck. Here, such nonchalance is not only widespread among the denizens, it’s a welcome sign of contentment. Sunrise Sanctuary is a permanent refuge for more than 170 discarded farm and companion animals, a collection that includes rats, bunnies, cats, dogs, pigs, goats, sheep, llamas, cows, horses, donkeys, chickens, ducks, peacocks, and turkeys. “Our babies are all unique and special souls that are loving, thoughtful, and funny individuals,” says Sandy Horvath,


the animals’ primary caretaker. “They’re not just numbers. They are special beings deserving of our love and respect.” All around Ohio, animal sanctuaries provide respite and relief for misfit animals, whether they’ve been abused or neglected or simply moved on to greener pastures after their working days ended.

All kinds of styles Ohioans can pay many of these fine friends a visit — sometimes by appointment, as visitation and admission policies vary. Some sanctuaries and rescues allow animals to remain for life. Others rehabilitate wild animals and release them back into nature. Others socialize animals and prepare them for adoption. Mindy Mallett founded Sunrise, a nonprofit charity, in 2001 to provide a dash of dignity for animals that had been forgotten. Here, they freely roam the spacious

Animals of all kinds shelter safely — either for rehabilitation or to live out their lives in comfort — at a number of animal sanctuaries in Ohio.

grounds, where they meet up with picture-snapping visitors on select Saturdays during “Open Barn Days.” Volunteers such as Horvath operate the farm, which depends on donations from the public. “We hope that once they get to know these animals, they see them in a different light,” Horvath says.

Offering hope, offering homes Most sanctuaries offer a place where animals can be loved and respected. It took one pot-bellied pig named Janice to convince Annette Bragg to establish Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary, in Ravenna, in 2001. Bragg caught wind of the pig and decided to rescue her. She later adopted Janice’s buddy, George, and built a log cabin to house them. Happy Trails now is home to about 130 animals that roam an 11-acre track. Out of the 190 animals the sanctuary rescued last year, 170 were adopted. They include Amish horses, which stewardship coordinator Lissy Kuhn says often are rescued from the Continued on page 26

Meet some of these sheltered animals — watch the video at ohiocoopliving.com/sanctuary.


Ducks and chickens (below) are among the discarded farm or companion animals that live at Sunrise Sanctuary in Marysville.

Animal sanctuaries around Ohio Ohio Wildlife Center, Powell: Visit the state’s largest wildlife hospital just north of Columbus. You’ll encounter about 50 animal ambassadors that represent a small percentage of the more than 6,000 patients the center treats yearly. 614-734-9453, www.ohiowildlifecenter.org. Ohio Bird Sanctuary, Mansfield: A 90-acre, wooded retreat where you can encounter birds being cared for after suffering mishaps or illnesses, including several eagles and various species of hawks. 419-884-4295, www.ohiobirdsanctuary.com. Continued from page 25

auction block, which can spell an uncertain future. “They’re really sweet horses,” she says. “The farmers feel a lot better when they can retire their horse versus taking them to auction.”

Finding some-bunny to love The Ohio House Rabbit Rescue in Columbus specializes in bunnies, helping them to socialize with the ultimate goal of going to a new home. That’s important, because there are hundreds of unwanted pet rabbits that emerge each year in the Buckeye State. Rabbit Rescue is all about giving them a new life, one that includes regular meals and lots of love. The shelter has been around since 2013 and houses about 40 rabbits in private pens that contain all they need. Staff are happy to match visitors with the perfect bunny companion to welcome into their home.

Butternut Farm Wildcat Sanctuary, Johnstown: Homeless wildcats and related species find a home in a rustic abode 25 miles northeast of Columbus, which runs solely on donations. 937-336-6276, www.facebook.com/ButternutFarmsWildcatSanctuary. Southern Ohio Wolf Sanctuary, Chesapeake: A haven for about two dozen wolfdogs — crosses between a dog and any of a variety of wolf breeds. 740-451-9653, www.southernohiowolfsanctuary.com. Forever Safe Farm Animal Education Center, Salem: The rolling hills of eastern Ohio are a forever home to more than 100 rescued and retired animals. You’ll see a range of animals including camels, horses, alpacas, raccoons, and wallabies. 330-7278909, www.foreversafefarm.org. Island Safe Harbor Animal Sanctuary, Port Clinton: An appointment-only rescue center near Lake Erie that provides a healthy environment for animals that are old, sick, or even terminally ill. 419-960-7487, https:// islandshas.wixsite.com/ishas. Ohio Pet Sanctuary, Cincinnati: A combination pet supply store and rescue center that focuses on small animals including birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, cats, ferrets, small rodents, and reptiles. 513-388-9998, www.ohiopetsanctuary.com. Glen Helen Raptor Center, Yellow Springs: Learn all about raptors, including hawks, kestrels, and owls, at the center, part of Glen Helen Nature Preserve, which helps broken birds and provides education about their role in our lives. 937-769-1902, www.glenhelen.org. Lasa Sanctuary, Wooster: There are more than 130 farm animals living peaceably in a bucolic Wayne County spread that promotes kindness to animals and a vegan lifestyle. www.lasasanctuary.org.


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Technical Scholarships Available For adult and high school consumer-members

Rules and applications are available at www.ohioec.org/TechnicalScholarship APPLICATION DEADLINE: April 30 28   OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  •  MARCH 2021


Volunteer-minded folks in Cleveland might work as mentors with refugee students, a perfect way to learn about other cultures while helping people who need it.


Good for the Looking for ways to give back? We’ve found a few interesting ways to volunteer in Ohio. BY PATTY YODER

Volunteering is not only good for the community — it’s good for you, too. In fact, studies show the act of volunteering boosts physical and mental health and may even help you live longer. Ohio has an abundance of good causes to donate your time to. Here are five unique volunteer opportunities that could be a great fit for someone in your family.


Get golfers back onto the links Golfers living with the effects of a stroke, Parkinson’s disease, or other neurological conditions can get back into the game, thanks to OhioHealth Fore Hope. The golf therapy program provides physical, cognitive, and social benefits, but it requires a helping hand, since balance is often an issue. Volunteers tee up golf balls, position putters, and perform other simple tasks that make a big difference. Mindy Derr started Fore Hope in 1989 to help her father, an avid golfer, reconnect with his clubs after an illness.

Today, 20 volunteers assist 70 central Ohioans with year-round programming. “When we’re on the golf course, we need as many people as we can get,” Derr says. “Our volunteers act as cheerleaders, help with stretching, and talk golf. They love golf, and they understand that people need hope.” OHIOHEALTH FORE HOPE www.ohiohealth.com/services/ neuroscience/our-programs/forehope 614-566-4242; ForeHope@ohiohealth.com

Train for a race with a visually impaired runner Dee Char believed her running days were behind her when a retinal degenerative disease affected her vision. Several years later, she was inspired to try again after a legally blind woman won Cincinnati’s Flying Pig marathon. Today, Char uses United in Stride to connect with sighted runners near her Dayton home and while traveling so she can run safely outdoors. Volunteers share their pace, running goals, and interests online, then meet local visually impaired runners to go for a one-time run, train for a marathon, or anything in between. Although the organization offers tutorials, runners have to find their own style, Char says. “There’s no one way to guide someone, so it’s something you figure out together,” she says. “Some runners want constant communication. Some use a tether or a cane. Some pairs get so good at it that they don’t need to use words anymore.” UNITED IN STRIDE www.unitedinstride.com info@unitedinstride.com 30   OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  •  MARCH 2021

Experience another culture without leaving town Cleveland-area volunteers can help refugee students from Burma, Afghanistan, Syria, and other faraway places establish American roots through Refugee Response. Twice a week, mentors visit students’ homes to help them strengthen literacy and math skills, build good study habits, and learn to navigate school technology. In return, mentors gain insights into another culture and form lasting relationships with resilient families who are part of their community. “The program is not about test prep or achieving a certain score,” says Naila Paul, Refugee Response director of education. “It’s about building confidence and a positive attitude toward education.” REFUGEE RESPONSE www.refugeeresponse.org 216-236-3877; info@refugeeresponse.org

Play vintage baseball Travel back in time by joining a baseball team that plays by 1860s rules (underhand pitching, no gloves, no helmets, no balls and strikes). The Ohio Village Muffins and Diamonds share their love of history through exhibition games. Volunteers act as players, umpires, scorekeepers, and historic interpreters who explain the game to audiences in Ohio and beyond, along with the appropriate way to cheer (“Huzzah!”). Longtime player and advisory board chair Aaron Seddon said both men and women played baseball in the 19th century, and today’s games make history accessible to people of all ages. “Vintage baseball is a way to step back into history, but the outcome of the game has yet to be determined, which makes it exciting,” he says. OHIO VILLAGE MUFFINS (men’s team) www.facebook.com/OhioVillageMuffins OHIO VILLAGE DIAMONDS (women’s team) www.facebook.com/theohiovillagediamonds

Ride through a national park on a heritage railroad More than 1,200 volunteers donate their time to the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad, a nonprofit historic railroad that offers educational trips through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and the Ohio and Erie Canalway. They do everything from refurbishing train cars to helping out in the gift shop. “Some of our volunteers are carrying on the legacy of their fathers or grandfathers who worked on the railroad. Others rode the train as kids. Some are looking to give back and meet new people,” says Sherri Lemley, manager of volunteer relations. “Our volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization.” CUYAHOGA VALLEY SCENIC RAILROAD www.cvsr.org; 800-468-4070 MARCH 2021 • OHIO 2021  •  OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING   LIVING  31 31

No longer confined to the Wild West, rodeo is a sport for everyone. BY RANDY EDWARDS; PHOTOS BY DEMI MARTIN/NEW VIEW PHOTOGRAPHY

family All in the R

uss Spreckelmeier won his first rodeo prize money at age 11, riding a steer. It was $8, which was both not very much and just enough. “Man, I knew it, then. I knew, this is what I’m gonna do. In all honesty, it felt like a natural talent.” Spreckelmeier, 57, of Springboro, Ohio, has been riding bulls and broncs ever since, even throughout his six years of service in the Marines. At 5 feet, 5 inches and 155 pounds, Spreckelmeier says, “I wasn’t made for football. Couldn’t play basketball. But the chicks all liked it ’cause I rodeoed. Wore Wranglers and boots to school every day.” By strapping on spurs and mounting the bucking broncs, he was following in the bootprints of his father, Richard Spreckelmeier, who learned to ride horses bareback in California, during his stint in the Marines. “Rodeo was really popular in California at the time. They had some real stock out there,” the senior Spreckelmeier says. “When I came back to Ohio, they were just playing around with Wild West shows and such.” That was in 1959, but in the past half century, rodeo in the East has spread from county fairs to Madison Square Garden. Throughout the U.S. and Canada, it’s become a big-ticket sport, and like the county fairs that spawned it, rodeo is often


a family activity centered around a love for horses. Think of it as a variation on dressage or show jumping, with more adrenaline and broken bones. Horses are the unifying thread that connects the Spreckelmeier family. Russ Spreckelmeier’s greatgrandfather, a Dutch immigrant, opened a blacksmith shop in Cincinnati’s Over-The-Rhine neighborhood, and his grandfather was a blacksmith and horse trainer. Russ also trains horses on his Diamond S Ranch in Springboro, but like many in his family, rodeo always

Modern rodeo has origins that go back at least to Latin American vaqueros, who competed at fiestas to demonstrate their dexterity at the vocational skills of their trade: riding, roping, and otherwise wrangling large livestock. From those roots, it has developed into a sport that attracts more than 43 million fans, according to the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, the oldest sanctioning body for the sport. The sport continues to grow in popularity at countless independent events

Rodeo is a family-oriented activity in which those of all ages can participate. Russ Spreckelmeier (opposite page and above right) rode his first steer at age 11, following in his father’s footsteps. Though he no longer rides, he serves as announcer at Fox Hollow Rodeo in Waynesville, where he helps promote the next generation of riders.

has been his first love. Richard, Russ’ father, eventually gave up riding himself, starting his own rodeo and bucking bull breeding operation, and later moving it to New Bern, North Carolina, where he still hosts rodeo events at age 84. Russ’ brother, Casey, rode bulls as a younger man and served as announcer at the family’s North Carolina rodeo. Russ’ daughter, Laura, competes in barrel racing, in which riders and their horses engage in a high-speed and exhilarating demonstration of horsemanship around a cloverleaf track.

and those associated with newer organizations, like the Southern Extreme Bull Riding Association. Based in North Carolina, it sanctions more than 450 events across the U.S. each year, including the bull riding at Fox Hollow Rodeo in Waynesville, Ohio. Fox Hollow is one of the few rodeos in the region that hosts events year-round, and on one September Saturday night, about 800 fans gathered at Fox Hollow to watch the action and cheer on the bull riders as they fought to stay on their mounts for the 8 seconds required to post a score.


Fox Hollow Rodeo, 1909 E. State Route 73, Waynesville, OH 45068. Open every Saturday year-round, with outdoor events from April through October. www.foxhollowrodeo.com.

Now out of the riding game, Russ Spreckelmeier still trains horses when he’s not announcing at the weekly rodeo in Waynesville. (photo by Randy Edwards)

Fox Hollow’s summer venue is an outdoor dirt arena surrounded by a pipe rail fence. At the center of the ring that night was none other than Russ Spreckelmeier. He doesn’t yet use the word “retired” — he won his last saddle bronc title in 2017 at the National Professional Armed Forces Rodeo Association — but these days you’re most likely to find Spreckelmeier astride his Appaloosa as the announcer at Fox Hollow. In a western shirt, knotted neckerchief, and black cowboy hat, he serves as emcee and cheerleader, leading the invocation, coaxing the youngest contestants through the “mutton bustin’” event, offering encouragement to the riders, and rousing the crowd. After four decades of rodeo, Spreckelmeier has seen his share of “wrecks” — rodeo slang for any number of things that can go wrong when riding large animals. He’s broken numerous bones and has several steel bars permanently implanted in his body. His worst wreck, in 2001, led to his being airlifted to the hospital after a bull stepped on his head. Both his eye sockets were rebuilt, leaving one eyebrow permanently cocked, giving him a look of someone who can’t believe you just asked him why he kept riding after that. “I did think about quitting then,” he says. “In fact, I told everyone I was going to quit. But I missed the crowd, the sounds. I missed the lights. I don’t know. They say rodeo is a bad drug. I guess it is.” As the sun faded at Fox Hollow and the large overhead lights lit up the dirt arena, Spreckelmeier called on the crowd to make some noise. “We don’t have a professional cheering section, folks. It’s up to you!” The crowd roared its approval. All was well.


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the production team, and Maestro Crust must enlist the help of the world’s greatest detective to solve the case. Fun for the whole family! Livestreamed at www. limaciviccenter.com. MAR. 20–21 – Spring Crafters’ Showcase, Tam-OShanter Exhibition Ctr., 7060 Sylvania Ave. (1/2 mile west of McCord Rd.), Toledo, Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Free admission and parking. Enter drawings to win gift certificates, and look for Balloon Bonanza show specials. 419-842-1925 or www. toledocraftsmansguild.org/shows.html. MAR. 12–14 – Lima Noon Optimist Club’s Home and MAR. 26–27 – Home Sweet Home Vintage Business Expo, Allen Co. Fgds., 2750 Harding Hwy., Inspired Market and Home Show, Allen Co. Fgds., Lima, Fri. 6–9 p.m., Sat. 12–9 p.m., Sun. 12–5 p.m. $2. 2750 Harding Hwy., Lima, Fri. 5–9 p.m., Sat. 9 Home improvement products and services, ranging a.m.–6 p.m. $10 for Fri. and Sat. admission; $5 for from windows and doors to new painting and concrete Sat. only; under 13 free. Vintage, rustic, farmhouse, techniques, and from landscaping ideas to hot tubs shabby chic, antiques, and repurposed items, from and spas. Over 160 booths featuring more than 100 clothing and home décor to jewelry and handmade vendors. Proceeds from the show support numerous treasures. Food trucks on site. 419-230-1756, Lima-area youth activities. 567-242-3513 or http:// homesweethomevintagemarket@gmail.com, or https:// limaoptimist.com. homesweethomevintagemarket.com. MAR. 20 – “Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the MAR. 27 – Bid for Our Kids, online auction, 12 p.m. Missing Maestro,” virtual concert. Free. The Maestro Primary fundraising event of the year for St. Charles is missing and there is an imposter on the podium! and Lima Central Catholic schools, featuring auction Who is this imposter, and who tried to kidnap the items, raffles, mystery boxes, and more. 419-222Maestro from his dressing room right before the 4276 (Emily Miller), emiller@apps.lcchs.edu, http:// concert? Everyone is a suspect, from the orchestra to lima.simpleviewinc.com, or www.facebook.com/ events/363855931553372.


talented young string musicians present their final concert of the season. 419-522-2726 or www. rentickets.org/events. MAR. 26 – MY Theatre: Godspell, Renaissance Theatre, 138 Park Ave. W., Mansfield, 7 p.m. $15. A sensory-friendly version will be presented Mar. 25 at 6:30 p.m. 419-522-2726 or www.rentickets.org/events. APR. 3 – “How to Trace Your Ancestors in Scotland,” Western Reserve Historical Society online event, 1–2 p.m. Free. Presented by Amanda Epperson, this program will help you uncover your Scottish heritage, from identifying your immigrant ancestor to tracking down records in the old country. You’ll learn about church records, civil registrations, censuses, MAR. 7 – Cleveland Comic Book and Nostalgia and more, plus how to find them in online databases Convention, Doubletree by Hilton Clevelandand in archives. Registration is required to receive the Westlake, 1100 Crocker Rd., Westlake (I-90 exit 156), event access link and corresponding information. 21610 a.m.–4 p.m. $5, under 7 free. 41st year of great 721-5722 ext. 1108 or www.wrhs.org/events. collector shows! 330-353-0439, jeff@harpercomics. com, or www.harpercomics.com. APR. 7–20 – Cleveland International Film Festival, 2510 Market Ave., Cleveland. 216-623-3456 or www. MAR. 13–14 – Antlers and Anglers Sportsman’s clevelandfilm.org. Showcase, virtual event. Annual event celebrating the great outdoors, from hunting and fishing to hiking APR. 9 – Brian Culbertson: The XX Tour, Akron Civic and water sports. Check out our Facebook page for Theatre, 182 S. Main St., Akron, 8 p.m. $37–$57+. VIP details. www.armstrongonewire.com. tickets available. New date; tickets purchased for the previous date will be honored. www.akroncivic.com. MAR. 20 – Mansfield Symphony Orchestra: West Side Story, Renaissance Theatre, 138 Park Ave. W., APR. 10 – Chocolate Fest Cleveland, Lago Custom Mansfield, 8 p.m. $15–$40. Leonard Bernstein’s Events, 950 Main Ave. #120, Cleveland, 5–9 p.m. masterpiece musical will be presented in concert form $25–$50. An event for everyone, featuring samples by the Mansfield orchestra and featured vocalists. from chocolate vendors, wine and chocolate pairing 419-522-2726 or www.rentickets.org/events. classes, truffle making classes, a chocolate martini bar, craft beer, wine, and food. www.eventbrite.com. MAR. 21 – Mansfield Symphony Youth Strings: Spring Concert, Renaissance Theatre, 138 Park APR. 10–11 – Strongsville Spring Avant-Garde Art Ave. W., Mansfield, 3 p.m. $10. The region’s most and Craft Show, Strongsville Ehrnfelt Recreation Ctr.,



MAR. 27 – Maple Syrup Festival, 619 E. Main St., Montpelier, 8 a.m.–noon. Contact the Williams SWCD at 419-636-9395 ext. 3, email amichaels@ williamsswcd.org, or visit https://wcofair.com/eventscalendar. APR. 3 – Hayes Easter Egg Roll, Spiegel Grove, Hayes Presidential Library and Museums, Fremont, 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Free, but tickets are required to limit crowd size; choose from three one-hour sessions. Admission is three hard-boiled colored eggs. Children ages 3–10 are invited to participate in a variety of egg games that replicate the famous White House Easter Egg Roll started by President Hayes. Prizes, games, crafts, and visits with the Easter Bunny. 419-332-2081 or www.rbhayes.org. APR. 9–10 – Southern Gospel Expo, Trinity Friends Church, 605 N. Franklin St., Van Wert, Fri. 5 p.m., Sat. 4 p.m. Free. Gospel groups from around the country. Food court available each night. 419-238-2788 or www.trinityvw.com. APR. 10 – Lima Symphony Concert: “Toward the Unknown Region,” Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Ctr., 7 Town Square, Lima, 7:30 p.m. $25–$35. The voices of the Lima Symphony Chorus will inspire with some of the most reflective choral music ever written: Brahm’s Nänie, Vaughn Williams’ Toward the Unknown Region, and Dvořák’s Concerto for Cello and Orchestra. www.limaciviccenter.com. 18100 Royalton Rd., Strongsville, Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. $3, under 12 free. Features artists and crafters selling their original handmade items. Full concession stand on site. 440-227-8794 or www. avantgardeshows.com. APR. 11 – Bob Patetta: The Real “Roots” Music, online concert, 2 p.m. Free. A singer-songwriter specializing in blues, rock, and folk, Patetta has been performing and recording on guitar, harmonica, and vocals for over 50 years. Livestream at www. facebook.com/ormaco.inc. APR. 11 – Canton Comic Book, Toy, and Nostalgia Convention, St. George Event Ctr., 4667 Applegrove St. NW, North Canton, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $4, under 7 free. New big comic and toy show! 330-353-0439, jeff@ harpercomics.com, or www.harpercomics.com. APR. 11 – Chris Perondi’s Stunt Dog Experience, Akron Civic Theatre, 182 S. Main St., Akron, 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. $15–$25. New date; tickets purchased for the previous date will be honored. www.akroncivic.com. APR. 11 – Singin’ in the Rain, Renaissance Theatre, 138 Park Ave. W., Mansfield, 3 p.m. $5. See one of the best musicals of all time as it’s meant to be seen, on the big screen! 419-522-2726 or www.rentickets. org/events. APR. 13 – Whose Live Anyway? at Akron Civic Theatre, 182 S. Main St., Akron, 8 p.m. $32.50– $49.50. New date; tickets purchased for the previous date will be honored. The current cast members of the Emmy-nominated TV show Whose Line Is It Anyway? present their new improv show — 90 minutes of improvised comedy and song all based on audience suggestions. www.akroncivic.com.

PLEASE NOTE: Because of the developing coronavirus situation, many of these planned events may have been postponed or canceled. Please seek updated information before traveling. and join us on Zoom as art educator Sarah Robison conducts the class. Open to all painting experience levels. A painting supplies list will be provided in advance, or you can pick up a supply box at the Conservatory for $10. Register online at www. fpconservatory.org/events. MAR. 19–20 – Outdoor Life/Field & Stream Expo, Ohio Expo Ctr., Bricker Bldg., 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, Fri. 2–9 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–7 p.m. Hundreds of exhibitors, demos and displays, trophy contests, free seminars, gear and equipment, shooting ranges, and more. https://10times.com/ohio-deer-turkey. MAR. 21 – Columbus Toy and Game Show, Ohio MAR. 9, APR. 13 – Inventors Network Meeting, Expo Ctr., Lausche Bldg., 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, virtual event, 7 p.m. Meetings held the second 8 a.m.–4 p.m. $10; early buyer, 8–9 a.m., $14; under Tuesday of each month. Educational presentations and 11 free. Buy, sell, and trade new and used toys, video discussion about the invention process. For information, games, and collectibles at Ohio’s largest gathering call 614-470-0144 or visit www.inventorscolumbus.com. of vintage collectors and dealers. Play free arcade MAR. 13 – St. Patrick’s Day Reverse Parade, Darree games, see iconic showcars, and play in video game Fields, 6259 Cosgray Rd., Dublin, 11 a.m.–1 p.m. tournaments! www.ctspromotions.com. Free. See bagpipers, giant inflatables, Irish dancers, MAR. 21 – New Albany Symphony Orchestra: performances, and other attractions from the comfort “Musical Giants,” livestreamed from McCoy of your car. 614-410-4545 or https://dublinohiousa.gov/ Community Ctr. for the Arts in New Albany, 3 p.m. visiting-dublin/st-patricks-day-parade. $20. World premiere performance of Adam Roberts’ MAR. 14 – Buckeye Comic Con, Courtyard Marriott Concerto for Percussion and Orchestra, performed Columbus West, 2350 Westbelt Dr., Columbus (I-270 by the uber-talented Cameron Leach. Also on the at Roberts Rd. exit 10), 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $5, under 7 program, Beethoven’s masterpiece The Eroica free. Featuring local guest creators. 330-353-0439, Symphony and Hovhaness’ And God Created Whales, jeff@harpercomics.com, or www.harpercomics.com. featuring projected humpback whale imagery and real-life captured whale sounds. Buy the livestream MAR. 19 – “Virtual Paint and Sip: Floral Cascade,” link at www.newalbanysymphony.net. virtual class, 6–8 p.m. $18–$20. Grab a beverage


MAR. 21 – “The Times of Our Lives and the Glassware We Were Using,” Ohio Glass Museum’s Gallery, 124 W. Main St., Lancaster. $6, Srs. $5, C. (6–18) $3, under 6 free. Opening day of this exhibition featuring Depression glass and much more. 740-6870101 or www.ohioglassmuseum.org. MAR. 23 – “Herb Gardening,” virtual class presented on Zoom, 6–7:30 p.m. $20–$25. Learn how easy herbs are to grow. Master gardener Nancy Lahmers discusses the basics of garden design We will also cover some historical uses of these plants. Register online at www.fpconservatory.org/events. APR. 8 – “Incorporating Native Perennials in Your Garden,” virtual class presented on Zoom, 6–7:30 p.m. $20–$25. Dianne Kadonaga of Sunny Glen Wellness teaches a step-by-step process to transform urban lawns into native perennial, plant-pollinator beds. Register online at www.fpconservatory.org/ events. APR. 8–11 – Equine Affaire, virtual event. The nation’s premier equine exposition will take place online this year, complete with education, shopping, competition, and more! Visit the website and social media for exhibitor information and other virtual content, plus exciting updates about upcoming events and special features. www.equineaffaire.com. APR. 10 – Amy Grant, Marion Palace Theatre, 276 W. Center St., Marion, 7:30 p.m. $32–$54. Rescheduled from 2020. “The Queen of Christian Pop” will take the Palace stage for the first time. 740-383-2101 or www. marionpalace.org.





MAR. 20 – An Insider’s Tour, Campus Martius Museum, 601 Second St., Marietta, 1:30–3:30 p.m. Museum admission plus $10. Take a deeper look at the early settlers who are the focus of David McCullough’s latest book, The Pioneers. Learn about their lives, their possessions, and the home of General Rufus Putnam. Stories narrated by William Reynolds, the museum’s historian and a research contributor to McCullough while writing his book. Registration required. 740-373-3750 or www. campusmartiusmuseum.org.


MAR. 1–31 – Madness in March, EnterTRAINment Junction, 7379 Squire Ct., West Chester. Visit our A-Maze-N FunHouse, which includes our wacky tilt room, endless mirror maze, vortex tunnel, and more, for the low price of only $4.97. Plus, you can buy hot dogs for only 50¢ each (not for take-out orders). https://entertrainmentjunction.com/calendar. APR. 1 – Celtic Woman Celebration: The 15th Anniversary Tour, Aronoff Ctr., Proctor and Gamble Hall, 650 Walnut St., Cincinnati, 7 p.m. Starting at $42.75. 513-621-2787 or www. cincinnatiarts.org/events. APR. 1–MAY 21 – Spring Celebration, EnterTRAINment Junction, 7379 Squire Ct., West

PLEASE NOTE: Because of the developing coronavirus situation, many of these planned events may have been postponed or canceled. Please seek updated information before traveling.

MAR. 20 – Paul Francis Quarter, Majestic Theatre, 45 E. Second St., Chillicothe, 7:30 p.m. $5–$12. Enjoy the music of the Grammy Awardwinning drummer, educator, and Chillicothe native, who has worked extensively with some of the world’s greatest musicians. 740-772-2041 or www.majesticchillicothe.net. MAR. 23 – National Cambridge Glass Collectors All-Cambridge Benefit Auction, Pritchard Laughlin Ctr., 7033 Glenn Hwy., Cambridge. $2. Over 400 items listed; pictures available at https://auctions. mvsg.org/thumbnails.php?album=587. 740-432-4245 or www.cambridgeglass.org. MAR. 26–27 – Ordinary Days, Stuart’s Opera House, 52 Public Square, Nelsonville, 7:30 p.m. $12, Stds. $8. The lives of four young New Yorkers intersect as they search for fulfillment, happiness, love, and cabs in COVID times. Through a score of vibrant and memorable songs, their experiences ring startlingly true to life. See the show in person or via livestreamed video. 740-753-1924 or www. stuartsoperahouse.org. APR. 2 – “Major Pauline Cushman, Spy of the Cumberland,” Campus Martius Museum, 601

Second St., Marietta, noon–1 p.m. Free. Reservations required. Guest speaker Valerie Hamill presents the interesting history of Pauline Cushman, the only female officer of the Civil War. 740-373-3750 or www.campusmartiusmuseum.org. APR. 8 – Clint Black, Peoples Bank Theatre, 222 Putnam St., Marietta, 8 p.m. $68+. New date; tickets purchased for the previous date will be honored. One of the most successful singer/songwriters of the modern era, Clint surged to superstardom as part of the fabled Class of ’89, reaching #1 with five consecutive singles from his triple-platinum debut, Killin’ Time. He followed that with a string of platinum and gold albums throughout the ’90s. He wrote or co-wrote every one of his more than three dozen chart hits, part of a catalog that produced 22 #1 singles. www.peoplesbanktheatre.com.

Chester. Purchase a Do-It-All ticket to visit the world’s largest train exhibit and our famous A-Maze-N FunHouse, plus get another ticket to visit us again for more fun on another day. https:// entertrainmentjunction.com/calendar. APR. 2–3 – Crooked Smile Music Fest, 4035 OH-502, Greenville. $50/weekend pass. For ages 16 and up. Featuring some of the best independent roots, country, blues, and folk bands in the country. crookedsmilemusic@yahoo.com or find us on Facebook. APR. 2–3 – Mid-Century Songbook: Ella, Nat, and More, Cincinnati Music Hall, 1241 Elm St., Cincinnati, 7:30 p.m. Join conductor John Morris Russell and the Cincinnati Pops for a program filled with favorites from the Great American Songbook. The Apr. 2 performance will be livestreamed simultaneously; link and details available at www.cincinnatiarts.org/ events/detail/mid-century-songbook-ella-nat-more. APR. 8–18 – Family Series: Snow White, Aronoff Ctr., Proctor and Gamble Hall, 650 Walnut St., Cincinnati. See website for times and prices. Who’s the “fairest of them all”? Find out in the regional premiere of this fully staged ballet featuring the Cincinnati Ballet Second Company. 513-621-2787 or www.cincinnatiarts.org/events.


Make sure you’re included in our calendar! Submit listings AT LEAST 90 DAYS prior to the event to Ohio Cooperative Living, 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229 or send an email to events@ohioec.org. Ohio Cooperative Living will not publish listings that don’t include a complete address or a number/website for more information. 38   OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  •  MARCH 2021

APR. 9 – Phil Dirt and the Dozers, Majestic Theatre, 45 E. Second St., Chillicothe, 8 p.m. Be transported to another time and place, the classic rock ’n’ roll of America’s golden years, as the Dozers perform the intricate vocal harmonies of the Beach Boys, Four Seasons, Eagles, and many more to perfection. 740772-2041 or www.majesticchillicothe.net.

MAR. 27–28 – Historical Arts Workshop: Horn Engraving, Prickett’s Fort, 88 State Park Rd., Fairmont, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. $75–$85. Master horn builder Willy Frankfort. Designed for the beginner as well as the more advanced horn builder. If you have a powder horn that you would like to engrave, bring it! 304-363-3030, info@prickettsfort.org, or www. prickettsfort.org/register. APR. 8–11 – School of the Longhunter, Prickett’s Fort, 88 State Park Rd., Fairmont. $40–$45. An intense weekend of instruction, exploring the role of early frontiersmen on the American frontier. Space is limited and registration is required. 304-363-3030, info@prickettsfort.org, or www. prickettsfort.org.



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In like a lion





1.  Looking across the pasture to my father-in-law’s barn on a March day. Cynthia Carsey Union Rural Electric Cooperative member 2.  One of my favorites at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Jerry Bodner Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative member

3.  Our golden retriever, Kodiak, enjoying a seat in the snow. Valeria Manemann Pioneer Electric Cooperative member 4.  My grandsons, Jayden and Tyler, having fun playing in the March snow and building a snowman. Sally Trivanovich South Central Power Company member

Send us your picture! For June, send “Ohio countryside” by March 15; for July, send “A day at the beach” by April 15. Upload your photos at www.ohiocoopliving.com/memberinteractive. Your photo may be featured in our magazine or on our website.




Advice? Contact your electric cooperative Have questions about: • Energy efficiency? • Renewable energy? • Energy resources needed to expand or start your business? We’re here to support all of your energy-related projects. After all, co-ops were built by consumers like you and still exist today for the sole purpose of serving our communities.


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