Ohio Cooperative Living - June 2024 - Guernsey-Muskingum

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highlights page 20B

ALSO INSIDE Truth and consequences Pilgrimage for recovery Serene boardwalks Annual meeting
Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative
FEATURES 24 REVIVING THE LAKE LIFE Two of Ohio’s top recreational lakes come back from the brink. 28 PILGRIMAGE FOR RECOVERY From around the world, those overcoming addiction flock to Akron for a sense of “home.” 31 SERENE BOARDWALKS
pathways are a helpful way to discover some of Ohio’s ecological wonders. INSIDE OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING • JUNE 2024 Cover image on most editions: Although it is a bit unusual to see a lighthouse on an inland lake, there are three on Grand Lake St. Marys — including the Celina Lighthouse, built in 1986 as a project of the local Rotary Club (photograph courtesy of the Greater Grand Lake Regional Visitors Center). This page: Cedar Bog’s 1.5-mile boardwalk arches through a fen, with varying landscapes from swamp to prairie (photograph by Wendy

Truth and consequences

The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s new rule on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants will, if implemented, have severe negative consequences not only for Ohio but for our entire nation.

The rule (see our story on page 4) requires existing coal-fired power plants to nearly eliminate the carbon dioxide they emit by first capturing the carbon that’s produced when coal burns and then pumping it deep underground. The rule requires compliance by Jan. 1, 2032

What the rule requires, however, has never been done; it relies on technology that does not exist and is unlikely to exist, at least anytime soon. No process has come close to capturing carbon at the level the rule requires, nor is there any available method to geologically store the volume of carbon in question.

Industry leaders (including myself) testified before Congress, and we told the EPA directly, in no uncertain terms, that the proposed rule would force the closure of nearly all coal-fired power plants operating in the United States, which currently supply approximately 20% of U.S. electricity. What’s worse, it allows no good option to replace that always-available power.

The effect of the rule will be a sharp increase in cost to consumers and a severe reduction in reliability, all at a time when electrification of our economy is accelerating, industrial production is on the rise, and AI is gobbling up more and more electricity with every passing day.

Nearly every knowledgeable industry participant with an interest in maintaining a reliable electric system, along with members of Congress from both political parties, raised concerns with the EPA, pointing out the obvious problems with this rule. The EPA chose to ignore those concerns.

The last ill-conceived, unrealistic, and unachievable attempt the EPA made at regulating carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, the so-called Clean Power Plan, took nearly eight years before it was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. Now Buckeye Power, along with many other electric suppliers and utilities, will once again be forced to spend precious time and resources in court to stop the EPA from overstepping its authority and causing those severe negative consequences for what would be a relatively negligible reduction in overall global CO2 emissions.

In the meantime, we will, of course, continue to do everything in our power to meet your need for reliable and affordable electricity.

The effect of the rule will be a sharp increase in cost to consumers and a severe reduction in reliability, all when the electrification of our economy is accelerating.


Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives

6677 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229 614-846-5757 www.ohiocoopliving.com

Patrick O’Loughlin President & CEO

Caryn Whitney Director of Communications

Jeff McCallister Senior Managing Editor

Amy Howat Assistant managing Editor

Neal Kindig Graphic Designer

Contributors: Tim Baldwin, Jodi Borger, Colleen Romick Clark, Eric Dentler, Getty Images, W.H. “Chip” Gross, Jill Moorhead, Catherine Murray, Wendy Pramik, and Margie Wuebker

OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING (USPS 134-760; ISSN 2572-049X) is published monthly by Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. It is the official communication link between the electric cooperatives in Ohio and West Virginia and their members. Subscription cost for members ranges from $5.52 to $6.96 per year, paid from equity accruing to the member.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to editorial and advertising offices at: 6677 Busch Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43229-1101. Periodicals postage paid at Berne, IN 46711, and at additional mailing offices. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. All rights reserved. The fact that a product is advertised in Ohio Cooperative Living should not be taken as an endorsement. If you find an advertisement misleading or a product unsatisfactory, please notify us or the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, Consumer Protection Section, 30 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, OH, and at additional mailing offices.

National/regional advertising inquiries, contact Cheryl Solomon American MainStreet Publications 847-749-4875 | cheryl@amp.coop



Reliability risk: The U.S. EPA’s new power plant rule threatens co-ops’ ability to keep the lights on. Here’s what you should know.


Leaves of three, let it be: ...or you’re gonna need an ocean of calamine lotion.



Yard to table: Member’s labor of love gives facility’s residents a bounty of fresh, hyper-local fare. 13


Reader recipe contest: Co-op member’s savory appetizer is this year’s big cheese. 17


News and other important information from your electric cooperative.


What’s happening: June/July events and other things to do around Ohio this month.


Cooperative members: Please report changes of address to your electric cooperative. Ohio Cooperative Living staff cannot process address changes. 4 Alliance for Audited Media Member


Inland shores: Members share their affinity for hanging out down by their nearby lakes — such as in the photo at right, sent in by Consolidated Cooperative member Rachel Blevins of her son exploring the shores of Kokosing Lake in Knox County.

8 12

Visit Ohio Cooperative Living magazine online at www.ohiocoopliving.com!

Read past issues and watch videos about our articles or our recipes. Our site features an expanded Member Interactive area, where you can share your stories, recipes, and photos and find content submitted by other co-op members across the state.

JUNE 2024 • Volume 66, No. 9 15


U.S. EPA’s new power plant rule threatens co-ops’ ability to keep the lights on. Here’s what you should know.

Electric-industry leaders nationwide are pushing back against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s recently announced regulations that those leaders say are a threat to the reliability and affordability of electricity in the U.S.

The new EPA rules are meant to drastically reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the baseload generation sources that provide economical 24/ 7 power across the country — including the Cardinal Power Plant in Brilliant, the Ohio electric cooperative memberowned facility that supplies electricity to more than 1 million people in 77 of Ohio’s 88 counties and employs more than 300 people.

One of the new rules would require Cardinal and other coal-fired plants to be 90% carbon-emission free by 2032 and points to carbon capture and sequestration — technology that does not and is not likely to exist at a scale that would be necessary — as a means to achieve it. Generating facilities unable to meet the demands would be forced to close.

“The rule mandates the use of unproven technologies and sets unattainable compliance limits on power

plants,” says Pat O’Loughlin, president and CEO of Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives, which owns and operates the Cardinal Plant. “The regulations are unrealistic and unachievable.”

Raising the alarm

Co-ops, as well as attorneys general from 27 states (including Ohio), also contend that the rule is unlawful, and have filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to block it. They contend the EPA is using its rules to transform the economy, which not only violates the Clean Air Act, but also ignores the U.S. Supreme Court decision that struck down a similar EPA overreach in 2022

O’Loughlin and electric utility leaders from around the nation have been raising the alarm since the rule was first proposed. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), the PJM Interconnection (PJM), the Mid-Continent Independent System Operator (MISO), the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), and the National


Reliability at risk

Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) — all of which have an interest in or responsibility for maintaining a reliable electric grid — provided input to the EPA during the public comment phase, all pointing out problems with the rule.

Even investor-owned utilities, which stayed mostly silent in previous EPA attempts to hamstring coal-fired power, have pushed back on the rule. Duke Energy, which serves about 8 .4 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky, issued a statement saying the new rule presents “significant challenges to customer reliability and affordability — as well as limits the potential of our ability to be a global leader in chips, artificial intelligence, and advanced manufacturing.”

Supplying the demand

The Energy Information Administration projects that power demand will reach record highs in 2024 and 2025, increasing by 2 5% and 3 2% respectively. Grid planners forecast electricity demand, thanks in large part to new

AI data centers, increasing use of electric vehicles, and new manufacturing facilities, to grow by 38 gigawatts through 2028 — the equivalent of adding another California to the grid.

“This trend is a welcome indicator of innovation and a growing economy that will strengthen America’s position in the world,” says Michelle Bloodworth, president of America’s Power, a partnership of industries involved in producing electricity from coal. “At the same time, it means that we need more sources of dependable and affordable electricity, not fewer.” Bloodworth says utilities have already announced plans to shut down more than 60,000 megawatts of coal-fired generation over the next five years — enough to power 600 data centers or more than 60 million homes.

“The rule undermines electric reliability and poses grave consequences for an already-stressed electric grid,” says Jim Matheson, CEO of the NRECA. “The American economy can’t succeed without reliable electricity. Smart energy policy recognizes that fundamental truth and works to help keep the lights on. I don’t think anyone at the EPA thought about reliability.”

Continued on page 6


Continued from page 5

A better way

Matheson stresses that the industry in general, and electric co-ops in particular, are not against progress, including environmental progress. Ohio’s electric cooperatives, for example, spent more than $1 billion on emission controls at Cardinal Plant since 2012, and as a result, the plant has been recognized as one of the cleanest-operating coal plants in the world.

Co-ops are also sponsoring partners of the National Carbon Capture Center and the Wyoming Integrated Test Center, and members have been actively engaged in the research and deployment of CCS in no less than five of the largest such projects anywhere.

Matheson also pointed to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s new $9.7 billion Empowering Rural America (New ERA) program, designed specifically to help co-ops build and invest in clean energy resources. The voluntary program drew more than double the expected participants and $26 billion in project applications that would launch $93 billion in investments across rural America.

“Electric co-ops are answering the call for innovation,” Matheson says. “We are going to continue to be the voice advocating for rational policy in terms of making sure when our members at the end of the line flip the switch, the light comes on, and when the bill comes at the end of the month, they can afford to pay it.”

What you can do

As a member of an electric cooperative, you can stand up for energy reliability.

Join other cooperative members from around the country to advocate for responsible energy policy through Voices for Cooperative Power.

Visit https://voicesforcooperativepower. com to learn more about this grassroots effort. If you’d like to amplify your voice through political support for reliable energy advocates, join America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC, which financially backs candidates who support the interests of electric cooperative members.

Call your cooperative to join.


Leaves of three, let it be!

… or you’re gonna need an ocean of calamine lotion.

If you consider yourself an outdoors person, you do know what poison ivy looks like, right?

Are you sure?

This ubiquitous, highly toxic plant grows throughout Ohio, and I’m convinced it’s determined to take over the Buckeye State — starting with my backyard. As I write this, I’m scratching a red, blistered patch of skin on my right ankle that’s been itching for weeks.

Poison ivy wears many disguises. It can appear as a single plant, a group of plants, a shrub, a ground vine, or even a climbing vine. And its infamous “leaves of three” can be as small as a 50-cent piece or as large as your hand. In addition, different-shaped leaves (actually leaflets) — their margins smooth, lobed, or toothed — can appear on the same plant.

Fail to make the proper identification, and you’ll soon be “scratchin’ like a hound, the minute you start to mess around” as The Coasters put it in their 1959 song “Poison Ivy” — which became so popular that it rose to No. 7 on the Billboard Top 100 chart that year, and No. 1 on the Billboard Rhythm & Blues chart. Oh, how times have changed; when artists today sing about a plant, it usually has to do with something you smoke.

What makes poison ivy so toxic is urushiol, a clear liquid compound found in the plant’s leaves. Simply brushing against a leaf or two transfers the urushiol to your skin, and within a few days (or possibly even a few hours), an itchy, irritating, and sometimes painful rash occurs. Continued exposures over a lifetime can cause those reactions to become even more severe in some people, and I’m one of them.

In addition to direct contact with a plant, urushiol can also be transferred to us by our pets. If dogs, cats, horses, etc., walk through a poison ivy patch and then brush up


against us or we stroke their contaminated fur — bingo, we’ll be itching before long. If you think you’ve been exposed, the best first aid is to wash any exposed skin areas vigorously with soap and water as soon as possible.

Likely the most dangerous health threat from poison ivy — potentially life-threatening — is when someone unwittingly inhales urushiol droplets suspended in woodsmoke. In Ohio, this usually happens when people clear brush from fencerows, where poison ivy loves to grow, and then burn the brush and poison ivy vines in a fire. In the worst cases, this can cause anaphylaxis, a rapid onset of allergic symptoms that can cause the throat and lungs to swell, obstructing or completely blocking breathing.

Most cases of poison ivy aren’t nearly so severe, with the unsuspecting newbie hiker or camper being the most frequent victim. Bestselling author Stephen King, the socalled King of Horror, recounted the following incident, which induced a little horror of his own.

As a kid, King was on a hike with his older brother, Dave, when nature called.

“Take me home,” King demanded, “I need to go to the bathroom.”

“Do it in the woods,” Dave said.

“I can’t! I won’t be able to wipe!”

“Sure you will,” Dave said. “Wipe yourself with some leaves. That’s how the cowboys and Indians did it.”

Two days later, King was bright red from the backs of his knees to his shoulder blades. Worst of all, the hand he had wiped with had swollen to nearly double in size and was covered with giant blisters.

“For six weeks I sat in lukewarm starch baths,” King remembers, “feeling miserable, humiliated, and stupid, while hearing through the open door of the bathroom my brother and mother laughing and listening to the radio while playing a card game called Crazy Eights.”

Despite all that, poison ivy has a positive role to play in nature. The leaves and berries are commonly eaten by many species of wildlife with no apparent harmful effects to the critters ingesting them. Poison ivy can even produce beautiful autumn leaves of red and gold.

Just not in my backyard.


CALL FOR ENTRIES 2025 cooperative calendar

Ohio Cooperative Living magazine is seeking photography submissions from our electric cooperative members. Send us beautiful landscapes, wildlife, and floral photos from your cooperative hometown. Winning submissions will receive a cash prize and be published in the 2025 edition of the cooperative calendar.


• One photo entry per household.

• High-resolution, color, digital images only.

• Only JPEG or TIF file formats will be accepted.

• Please send submissions by email attachment only to photo@ohioec.org.

• Photo format must be horizontal and capable of filling an 8x11-inch image area.

• Provide an explanation of the photo-the where, what, when-as well as who took the photo.

• Include your name, address, phone number, and the name of your co-op

For more information, visit OhioCoopLiving.com/calendar


Family Time

From exploring history to the science of tomorrow, your family can discover the world right here in the Greater Parkersburg area.

At Discovery World on Market, learning is anything but a spectator sport. Get hands-on with three floors of fun, kid-friendly activities and experiments that spark the senses and ignite the imagination.

Kids and adults will love a visit to Blennerhassett Island State Park . The whole family will enjoy the scenic sternwheel riverboat trip, the horse-drawn covered-wagon ride, and a tour of the beautifully reconstructed mansion.

An afternoon bike ride on the North Bend Rail Trail is a great way to get some exercise and take in the scenic beauty of the area.


Yard to

Member’s labor of love gives facility’s residents a bounty of fresh hyper-local fare.

Jerry Banks has a green thumb — something to which his family could always attest. Now, so can the residents and staff at Woodland Country Manor in Somerville.

Gardening has been a part of Banks’ life as far back as he can remember, but ever since he retired from AK Steel in Middletown, he’s had lots more time to spend on the enjoyable activity. The result has been a cornucopia of vegetables and fruit for the dinner table, and Woodland’s residents have been the beneficiaries.

Banks and his wife, Kathy, residents of Somerville and members of Oxford-based Butler Rural Electric Cooperative, always had a home garden but expanded their gardening activities when her parents (Homer and Phoebe Polser) moved to the retirement community not far from the “homeplace.”

“They used to tend a 1½- to 2-acre garden,” Banks says. “He was not one to sit around without getting some dirt on his hands, so Kathy and I thought a garden would help with the transition.”

Banks eyed the inner courtyard at Woodland as an ideal garden site for residents, and the management agreed.

He initially procured fill dirt from an area pig farm, ensuring a fertile place for plants and seeds to take root. At first, residents watched from their windows as he carefully worked the soil and then started planting. They soon came outside for a closer look. Many shared their



memories of days gone by when they had their own backyard gardens.

The circular garden is bordered by wide concrete sidewalks and umbrella tables with comfortable lawn chairs. Vegetables like peas, lettuce, kale, and radishes go in early in the season since they tolerate cool temperatures, and other fare, such as green beans, cucumbers, spinach, squash, pumpkins, peppers, tomatoes, and potatoes, fill out the space as temperatures get progressively warmer through the spring and summer. Brightly colored zinnias and statuesque sunflowers border the neat rows.

“People often ask me about secret ingredients to promote healthy growth,” he says, with a mischievous air. “There is nothing like cow manure to enrich the soil. Also, I am a real fanatic about weeds — get them out before they have a chance to take over. Hot, dry summer days bring a need for frequent watering and periodic doses of Miracle-Gro.”

Banks does not keep track of the time he donates for Woodland’s garden, because he considers the response of residents more than enough compensation. Although he purchases all the seeds, plants, and other supplies, the bountiful harvest stays on-site with head cook Karen White planning menus around whatever happens to

“The garden gives our residents so much joy. They enjoy watching everything grow — especially the tomatoes, because they will tell you there is nothing like a homegrown tomato.”

be in season. Impromptu “snapping parties” take place when the garden yields buckets of green beans. Residents enjoy the activity, knowing their handiwork will make a tasty addition to their dinner plates.

“The garden gives our residents so much joy,” Woodland owner/administrator Lori Auer says. “They enjoy watching everything grow — especially the tomatoes, because they will tell you there is nothing like a homegrown tomato.”

Banks chuckles when he recalls how residents come out with wheelchairs, canes, and walkers to supervise his work and offer words of advice. Gatherings quickly turn into parties with cold lemonade and snacks. One resident even brings his harmonica to provide music.

“I have been blessed in my life,” Banks says. “This is something I can do to give back and so I’ll continue doing it as long as I’m able.”

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2024 Reader Recipe

Member’s savory dish is this year’s big cheese.

Aimee Walton of the Fairfield County village of Carroll didn’t know quite what to do with the lovely cake stand she got as a gift a few years ago. It was tall, maybe 16 inches, but had only a small platform with a lip to hold the cake.

“It wasn’t big enough to be functional as a typical cake stand, but it was so pretty, I had to come up with a dish to showcase it,” says Walton, a member of Lancaster-based South Central Power Company. “At the same time, I had a lot of tomatoes from the garden, which I had roasted, and I was trying to figure out what to do with them.”

That’s when the idea of savory cheesecakes came to her, and after testing out a few different iterations on her husband, David, and their seven children, she came up with Tuscany Cheesecake — winner of Ohio Cooperative Living’s 2024 “Alluring Appetizers” Reader Recipe Contest. Walton earned a new Ohio-made KitchenAid stand mixer, while Butler Rural Electric Cooperative member Beth Polk and Midwest Electric member Cora McCalla each earned $50 gift cards as runners-up.

Walton taught herself to cook when her kids were young, and eventually even taught cooking classes — first at the old Lazarus in Columbus and later at Easton. She has since moved on to create for the BeFeathered catering company, where she says her friend and company owner Feather Johnson encourages her to stretch her talents even further. “My husband will tell you that when we were first married, he would never have thought I would ever be paid to cook,” Walton says with a laugh. “But after all this time and practice, I guess I’m pretty good at it.”

Polk took inspiration for her Fish and Bubbles appetizer from Chex Mix, by way of her sister-in-law, Becky Steele. “I had been making this recipe for years, a spin-off of ‘Nuts and Bolts’ Chex Mix that Becky had adapted ages ago using pretzel sticks,” Polk says. “I wanted to change it up some for one of my son’s birthday parties.” So she used Goldfish pretzels and added some Cheerios cereal, and voila! “It’s a perfect party appetizer,” Polk says, “and it also makes a great snack for movie night.”

McCalla says she’s been making her Frisky Whiskey Dogs for so long, she can only guess where the original recipe came from. “It might have been in one of the magazines I would read at the barber shop while my boys got their hair cut.” The recipe, her take on classic cocktail wieners, starts off a bit boozy — but don’t worry, the alcohol cooks off during the long simmer.





Prep: 10 minutes | Bake: 40 minutes | Cool: 4+ hours | Servings: 8

12 ounces cream cheese, softened

1 cup shredded Italianblend cheese

1 cup sour cream, divided 2 tablespoons basil pesto

2 eggs

1 cup chopped sun-dried tomatoes, packed in oil, drained

Note: This recipe can be doubled and baked in a 9-inch springform pan to serve a larger crowd.

sprig of fresh oregano

Preheat oven to 350 F. In a mixing bowl, beat together cream cheese and shredded cheese until light and fluffy. Beat in ½ cup of sour cream and the pesto, then beat in eggs, one at a time. Pour into lightly greased 5- or 6-inch springform pan. Place on baking sheet and bake for 30 to 40 minutes or until the center is set. Spoon remaining sour cream over top of cake. Return to oven and bake for 5 minutes more. Cool on wire rack for about an hour, then refrigerate in pan at least 3 hours or up to 24 hours. To serve, run a knife around the edge and remove side of pan. Place cake on round platter. Garnish with chopped sun-dried tomatoes and oregano. Serve with crostini.



Prep: 5 minutes | Cook: 45 minutes | Servings: 14

1 cup salted peanuts

2 cups Wheat Chex

2 cups Corn Chex

1 cup Cheerios

1 cup Pretzel Goldfish

¼ cup canola oil

2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

2 teaspoons garlic powder

2 teaspoons seasoned salt

Preheat oven to 225 F. Mix all ingredients together in a new/clean (unscented) tall kitchen trash bag. Shake the bag to get everything coated. Pour mixture onto a large cookie sheet. Bake for 45 minutes to an hour, stirring several times. Let cool before eating and then store in an airtight container.


Prep: 5 minutes | Cook: 1 hour | Servings: 16

2 packages small cocktail hot dogs

¾ cup bourbon

½ cup ketchup

½ cup packed brown sugar

1 tablespoon finely chopped onion

Put hot dogs in frying pan with all other ingredients. Simmer 1 hour, adding more bourbon if needed. Serve hot with toothpicks.


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Standing up for reliable, affordable energy

I know our members look to Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative to provide electricity that is both reliable and affordable. For decades, we’ve been doing just that.

For about a year, though, electricity industry leaders have been talking about threats posed by proposed new regulations from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In April, those rules were released, and the theoretical danger to energy availability in this country became all too real.

These regulations demand that coal-fired power plants essentially eliminate carbon dioxide emissions by 2032 or be shut down. The problem is that the required reductions aren’t actually feasible because the technology needed for carbon capture and storage is still being developed and not yet commercially available.

What this means to our co-op

In the short term, Guernsey-Muskingum Electric will continue providing you the affordable, reliable electricity you expect from us. But I think all members should understand these new regulations threaten our ability to provide the same level of this vital service in the future.

Nearly 70% of generation capacity for Ohio’s electric cooperatives comes from the Cardinal Power Plant, which delivers baseload power to more than a million people in 77 of Ohio’s 88 counties. Member-owned Buckeye Power has spent more than $1 billion on emissions controls at Cardinal, which has been recognized as one of the cleanest-operating coal-fired plants in the world.

Electricity from Cardinal Plant has helped Ohio’s cooperatives avoid much of the recent volatility in energy prices and keep rate increases as low as possible. Without this always-available electricity supply, cooperative members would face significantly higher costs and an ever-growing likelihood of insufficient power availability and increasing risk of rolling blackouts.

What your co-op is doing

Please understand that we support environmentally responsible energy goals, including a well-planned and strategically executed transition to carbon-free electricity sources. Our all-of-the-above approach includes growth in renewable energy resources and ongoing reductions in

fossil-fuel dependence. Realistically, this transition requires more time than the EPA rules allow.

With that in mind, leaders from Ohio cooperatives joined others from around the country in Washington, D.C., in April both to educate legislators about reliability threats in the new rules and to encourage congressional action to stop their implementation.

I, along with other co-op leaders, will continue to advocate for commonsense policies and realistic timelines for reducing carbon emissions while reinforcing the importance of reliable and affordable electricity. We expect the NRECA, our national trade group, and other reliable energy proponents to challenge the new regulations in court on behalf of all our members.

What you can do

As a member, you can stand up for energy reliability in several ways. First, you can educate yourself on the issues. Read details of the EPA rules and their implications starting on page 4 of this magazine. Follow Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative online and on Facebook to stay on top of new developments. Research the energy policies supported by candidates for elected office, and support candidates who value reliable electricity.

Additionally, you can join other cooperative members from around the country to advocate for responsible energy policy through Voices for Cooperative Power. Visit https:// voicesforcooperativepower.com to learn more about this grassroots effort. If you’d like to amplify your voice through political support for reliable energy advocates, join America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC, which financially backs candidates who support the interests of electric cooperative members. Call me at 1-800-521-9879 to join.

Your cooperative, along with our statewide and national organizations, will always advocate for reliable, affordable energy for our members. I hope you will join us in these efforts.


Introducing newly elected GMEC board Director Mark Gotschall

Mark Gotschall of Cambridge has been elected to represent District 4 for a three-year term on GMEC’s board of directors. Mark was elected to the vacant seat left by District 4 Director John Enos, who passed away in December 2023.

Mark’s family came to Cambridge in 1961. He is a graduate of Cambridge High School.

Mark and his wife, Jodi (Warne), settled in Adams Township. Jodi’s family operates a successful cow/calf operation close by in Cambridge and Adams Townships. Their son, Greg, is a machinist tool and die maker.

Mark’s entire career has been in the electrical industry, starting out as an electrician doing primarily commercial and industrial work. In 1984, he became a lineman for American Electric Power. Mark retired in 2016 after enjoying 31 years with AEP, with his last 16 years in supervisory capacities.

members of Cambridge Presbyterian Church, with both being ruling elders and Mark currently serving on Session.

Mark and his family share a hobby of collecting antique stationary engines. They spend a great deal of time volunteering at the Coolspring Power Museum in Northwest Pennsylvania.

Being somewhat of a history buff, Mark appreciates the backstory of how Ohio’s electric cooperatives came to be and how critically important they remain today.

Mark and Jodi stay connected to rural life, running a few head of cattle on their 40-acre property. In their leisure time, they enjoy traveling and camping. They are active


Scammers will pressure you, creating a sense of urgency. Claims that your power will be disconnected without immediate payment are common with utility scams.

Sketchy payment methods

Scammers may ask for unusual payment methods like gift cards or cryptocurrency. In these cases, it’s likely a scam.

Whether an email, text message, or letter, utility scams typically include poor grammar, spelling errors, or unusual email addresses. These are common warning signs of a scam. Dodgy communication

“This is a great time in my life for me to become involved,” Mark says. “I see many challenges facing the electrical power industry and especially Ohio’s cooperatives. GuernseyMuskingum Electric has a proud history of great service and value to its members and community. I hope to serve in such a way that will help to maintain the critical balance between the members, the employees, and a sustainable business model.”

We welcome Mark to the Cooperative family!

Mark Gotschall
High-pressure tactics

Set your home to vacay mode

Just like you, the equipment in your home is usually hard at work getting through the daily grind. When you go on vacation, give your home’s equipment a break, too. Doing so can reduce energy waste and wear and tear on your heating and cooling system, appliances, and more. Here are some ways you can set your home to vacay mode.

Your heating and cooling system keeps you comfortable. If you aren’t there, it doesn’t need to be quite so comfortable in your home. Setting the thermostat closer to the outdoor temperature can save you energy and money. It’s not recommended to completely turn off the heating or cooling system, because in extreme weather, your heating and cooling system also helps protect your home from freezing pipes or damage from excessive heat.

As a rule, you can typically set your thermostat five to 10 degrees closer to the outdoor temperature when you aren’t home. Each home is different, and the weather varies depending on where you live. Consider the right temperature balance for your home.

Installing a smart thermostat lets you control your settings remotely from your smart phone, so you can adjust the temperature after you leave home and right before you return.

Most water heaters include a vacation mode setting, which drops the temperature to reduce wasted energy when you’re away. A storage water heater is like an insulated tea kettle, standing by and ready for you to have hot water whenever you need it. Changing

the setting to vacation mode keeps it on at a lower setting, saving energy. Leave yourself a note with a reminder to turn it back on when you get home, so you don’t wind up with a disappointing shower before the first day back at work.

Closing the curtains before you leave can provide two benefits. First, it keeps heat from the sun at bay. This reduces the load on your heating and cooling system, which saves energy. It also has the benefit of blocking visibility into your home when you’re away.

For security, some people use timers or leave on exterior lights. Make sure any lights left on are LEDs, instead of incandescent or compact fluorescent bulbs. LEDs use less energy and have less impact on your electric use when left on all night. You can also consider adding smart LEDs to your home. Smart LEDs can be controlled remotely through an app on your phone.

Did you know there are devices in your home that continue to draw power from your electrical outlets even when turned off or on standby? Before you leave, walk through your home and unplug devices and small appliances. Make sure gaming consoles and computers are fully powered down. Unplugging any devices that have lights or clocks, or use standby mode can also reduce wasted energy.

Having peace of mind that your home is powered down and secure can help you enjoy your vacation. After all, we all need an occasional break.

Ray Crock

Annual meeting

We had a wonderful annual meeting on April 13 at the Larry Miller Intermediate School in New Concord. This year, we started the day with registration at 8 :30 a.m. and breakfast was served until 10 :30 a.m. The day was a typical annual meeting, with various displays located throughout the building and tent. A few of the displays included a Ford F-150 Lightning electric vehicle provided by Dutro Ford in Zanesville and a whole-house generator provided by Ables Electric.

The line crews were busy grilling hot dogs, doing safety demonstrations, and manning games and displays out in the tent. If you would like to see the business meeting in its entirety, check it out on our YouTube channel; a link can be found on our Facebook page and our website.

Chairman Matt Carpenter and Secretary-Treasurer Maureen Riley presented reports, stating that GMEC had another successful year and returned record capital credits to you, our members, of $1 ,341 ,569 . The chairman’s report talked about our right-of-way (ROW) maintenance program in the past year and announced we will be cutting in the Antrim and Salt Fork substation areas this year. Last year, we spent $2 7 million to maintain ROW with much of this in the Tuscarawas County area of our system. Our goal is to get around to every area of our system every four to five years.

Elections of directors were held. Maureen Riley was reelected to serve District 1 and Mark Gotschall was elected to serve District 4 , to replace John Enos, who passed away in December. John Enos had served as a board member for more than 30 years and his leadership and member service was second to none.

General Manager/CEO Brian Hill spoke about the automated metering infrastructure (AMI) deployment and the benefits to our members and to the operations at the cooperative. We hope to have all meters installed by Labor Day and all systems functioning properly resulting in members not needing to read meters by January 2025 We will keep our fingers crossed, as supply chain issues have kept us from completing this project, which started

Members enjoyed breakfast at the annual meeting. GMEC employees and directors conversed with members.
GMEC employees
directors conversed with


more than three years ago. We will notify members when you can stop reading the meters.

Everyone’s least favorite subject to talk about is rates. We have seen rates increase over the past 12 months, 3 mil increase in February of 2023 , plus a $1 service availability increase. In February of 2024 , we had a 7 mil increase and a $4 service availability increase. The average Guernsey-Muskingum Electric member’s March bill will be $172 72 for 1 ,000 kWh of use. Just as you see in your daily life, costs are going up on most goods and services as the inflation factor is driving many cost increases very rapidly. We are striving to provide a safe, reliable electric service to you, our members, at a reasonable cost. Reasonable, we know, is in the eye of the beholder and our hope is you feel we are still a good value.

Children learned some lineworker skills. Lineworkers oversaw games in the tent.
GMEC lineworkers gave a high-voltage safety demonstration. The games were a big hit. Up to No Good provided musical entertainment. Members enjoyed learning about community organizations. Displays provided information about electricity and safety. This small member made a really big friend! Members connected with GMEC staff and employees.
Kids participated in Willie Wiredhand’s cornhole challenge. Lineworkers kept the hot dogs coming!



We have a $300 energy credit to help pay for the most efficient underground heating, cooling, and hot water system available today. To be eligible, the geothermal unit must be ENERGY STAR-rated and have a radio-controlled switch installed on the unit and on your electric water heater of at least 40-gallon capacity. More than 300 of our members are using geothermal.

Dual fuel

If you install a new add-on electric heat pump with a fossilfuel back-up and have an electric water heater with at least 40-gallon capacity, you are eligible for a $300 energy credit. Radio-controlled switches are required to be installed on both the heat pump and water heater. Please call your cooperative for details. More than 900 members are using dual fuel.

Electric vehicle chargers

Level 2 electric vehicle chargers may be eligible to receive a $250 energy credit. Call us for more information.

Radio-controlled switch

“What a deal!” If you don’t already have a radio-controlled switch for your electric water heater of at least 40-gallon capacity, please call us and we will install one, for FREE. More than 5,700 GMEC members have an RCS on their water heaters. This entitles you to a discount and free maintenance (except cleaning), including parts and labor, on your electric water heater. Some exclusions apply; call us for details.

Meter reading

You can enter your meter readings on SmartHub, or, as always, you can mail your readings or call us 24 hours a day with meter readings.

Bill pay

GMEC offers a variety of ways to pay your bill. Use Auto Pay, pay through the SmartHub app, use Pay Now through our website, www.gmenergy.com, mail in your payment or drop it off at our office.

Cool Returns

Are you getting a new electric heat pump with electric resistance heat back-up? Allow your cooperative to install a radio-controlled switch and receive a $100 energy credit. More than 200 members are using Cool Returns.


Did you buy a new ENERGY STAR-rated refrigerator, freezer, or central air conditioner? We may have a $100 energy credit for you. Call member services for details.




Did you know ceiling fans can help you save energy? Ceiling fans create a windchill effect on your skin to make you feel a few degrees cooler. Raise the thermostat a few degrees and turn on fans to reduce air conditioning costs.

Set fan blades to rotate counterclockwise during summer months and clockwise during winter months. Remember, ceiling fans cool people but don’t actually lower the indoor temperature. Turn them off when you leave the room.

Source: energy.gov

Are your name and account number here?

If so, call the cooperative’s office and receive a FREE home change-out to LED lightbulbs (limit six bulbs). Thanks for reading the local pages of Ohio Cooperative Living magazine.





Seasonal Residential Service rate schedule S-1*

Service Availability Charge — $456/yr. First 800 kWh/yr. — 22.069¢/kWh 800 to 6,000 kWh/yr. — 12.945¢/kWh Over 6,000 kWh/yr. — 12 945¢/kWh (Minimum annual charge — $456/yr. for service between March 1, 2024, and Feb. 28, 2025)

Commercial Service rate schedule C-1*

Service Availability Charge — $32/mo. First 1,500 kWh/mo. — 14.869¢/kWh Over 1,500 kWh/mo. — 13 145¢/kWh *Rider T — Kilowatt-Hour Tax applies to all rate schedules and must be added to the rates shown. First 2,000 kWh/ mo. — 0.465¢/kWh Next 13,000 kWh/ mo. — 0.419¢/kWh Over 15,000 kWh/ mo. — 0.363¢/kWh

Christian Satterfield
Allen Mason
Loren C Biggs
Bradley K Carroll
Alan Warne
#36-0015-15-02 W
Colin A Beckett
from Guernsey-
Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative BOARD OF DIRECTORS Matt Carpenter Chairman Ed Bay Vice Chairman Maureen Riley Secy.-Treasurer Brian Hill General Manager/CEO Joseph P. Boeckman Counsel Mark
Liberty St. New Concord, OH 43762 OFFICE HOURS Monday–Friday, 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. ELECTRIC RATES Farm and Home Service rate schedule R-1* Service Availability Charge — $30/mo. First 500 kWh/month — 14 469¢/kWh Over 500 kWh/month — 13 145¢/kWh Net Billing Residential R-1 NB* and Net Metering Residential R-1 NM* Service Availability Charge — $48/mo. First 2,000 kWh/mo.
Happy Father’s Day!
Harper Duane Parks Directors
| www.gmenergy.com
17 S.
— 12.945¢/kWh Over 2,000 kWh/mo. — 13.145¢/kWh
Reach 300,000 of your best customers Ohio Cooperative Living has been a valued presence in rural Ohio homes and businesses for the past 65 years. For information and rates, email advertising@ohioec.org Take a ride on the Mighty Muskingum and enjoy a piece of Zanesville history! BOOK YOUR RIDE TODAY: (740) 455-8282 Ext 108 www.visitzanesville.com JUNE 2024 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  23
Two of Ohio’s top recreational lakes come back from the brink.

Nestled in the heart of Ohio, Buckeye Lake and Grand Lake St. Marys each faced near-devastating challenges over the last decade or two that brought their once-thriving “lake life” — and all the recreational and economic benefits that come with it — to a standstill.

The pictures, and the outlook, were bleak. But now, thanks to the dedication and collaborative efforts of their local communities, both are witnessing a resurgence, bustling with new growth and opportunity for Ohioans and out-ofstaters alike.

Engineering disaster

Buckeye Lake, a 3,100-acre lake located 30 miles east of Columbus, was formed from swampland left by a retreating glacier more than 11,000 years ago — though its current form is human-made: A dike constructed to block the Licking River in the 1820s filled the reservoir, which served as a feeder for the Ohio and Erie Canal.

Throughout the first half of the 1900s, Buckeye Lake reigned as the premier destination for leisurely outdoor activities in central Ohio. Its amusement park, complete with Ferris wheel and roller coasters, enticed younger visitors, while others boated, sunbathed, or just lounged around the lake. By the 1940s, as many as 50,000 people per day came calling, and show business superstars like Glenn Miller, Louis Armstrong, and Frank Sinatra played shows in its huge dance halls. Buckeye Lake became the first of Ohio’s canal lakes to be named a state park in 1949.

“Buckeye Lake has always been Ohio’s playground,” says Jonett Haberfield, executive director of Visit Fairfield County. “It’s centrally located, a really good place to escape from the city.”

The amusement park closed in 1970, but the lake region remained a popular destination for those in search of that lake life. In 2015, however, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a report that warned of an “imminent catastrophic failure” of the 1820s earthen dam that held back its waters.

“They drained the lake while they repaired that dam, and that was a dark time when people were worried about their property value and selling their homes. Businesses closed. No one really knew what the future would bring,” says Haberfield.


Why visit?

Visitors to Buckeye Lake can enjoy all kinds of water-based activities: fishing, kayaking, swimming, boating, and the like. Additionally, Buckeye Lake offers plenty of activities beyond the water. Weldon’s Ice Cream Factory is a local tradition, drawing visitors for its delicious homemade treats.

Buckeye Lake Winery, established over a decade ago, is a popular venue for weddings and events. New restaurants have recently opened that have added to the already diverse culinary scene, attracting patrons seeking an upscale atmosphere. Residents from neighboring communities now frequent the area during the week because of the unique dining experiences. Live music can be heard at numerous venues nearly every night throughout the summer, and an increasing number of businesses now remain open during once-dormant winter months. Winterfest, held at the end of January and organized by the Buckeye Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce, has become a highlight of the winter season.

The project to rebuild the dam was supposed to last until 2020 and cost $150 million, but finished nearly two years early and $43 million under budget. Now, after several ensuing years of economic development, Buckeye Lake has regained its life as an enjoyable escape, drawing visitors from across the region, and it is thriving.

Central to the revitalization efforts is the collaboration among Fairfield, Perry, and Licking counties, which surround the lake. Much of the land area nearby is served by electric cooperatives — Lancaster-based South Central Power Company to the west and south, The Energy Cooperative of Newark to the east and northeast, and Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative a little farther to the east.

The Buckeye Lake Regional Corporation has facilitated discussions and initiatives aimed at promoting the area as a premier destination. That concerted effort has fostered a sense of community pride and unity among those who live there.

“It’s been an amazing change,” Haberfield says. “There are a lot of new property owners, new business owners, and new enthusiasm about the lake as a tourist destination. You don’t even have to be on the water to enjoy the experience of Buckeye Lake. I enjoy sitting along the shoreline at the winery and watching people enjoying all the activities the lake has to offer. Everyone is in vacation mode.”

Environmental nightmare

Grand Lake St. Marys, located in Mercer and Auglaize counties, was constructed in the mid-1800s as a feeder lake for the Miami-Erie Canal. Even at more than 13,000 acres, Ohio’s largest inland lake wasn’t designed with any recreation in mind. In fact, the only commercial activities on the reservoir for its first several decades included ice harvesting (a necessity in an era before electricity and refrigeration) and commercial fishing. For a brief period, the lake even hosted oil derricks, marking a pioneering moment as Grand Lake St. Marys became the site of the world’s first offshore oil drilling rigs. With the addition of railroads in the early 1900s, the necessity for canals diminished, prompting a shift in how Grand Lake St. Marys was utilized. A sizable amusement park sprouted up on the lake’s eastern shore. A vibrant concert and dance hall appeared at the northwest corner. Cabin resorts and campsites surrounded the lake’s expansive 52-mile shoreline. Grand Lake St. Marys was officially designated as an Ohio State Park in 1949.

However, Grand Lake has had its ups and downs throughout the years, and as early as the 1960s, reports showed that the lake was eutrophic, meaning excessive nutrients — mostly fertilizer runoff from nearby farmland — could lead to algal growth. By the 1990s, the Ohio EPA declared the lake’s watershed as Ohio’s most degraded.

A watershed project for Grand Lake St. Marys formed in the late 1990s to start local planning for improvements, and the efforts, though voluntary, made a significant impact on the well-being of the lake.

Continued on page 26


Continued from page 25

However, in 2010, Grand Lake St. Marys suffered a large bloom of blue-green algae — which is actually a type of bacteria that produces toxins dangerous to people, animals, and fish. People were advised not to swim or even wade in the water, not to take boats out onto the lake, and not to allow pets near the shore.

“This spurred a lot of interest from state officials and local groups and got national attention,” says Theresa Dirksen, Mercer County agriculture and natural resources director. The lake’s reputation as a carefree summer playground was nearly destroyed.

The algal bloom of 2010 also spawned numerous groups tasked with improving the quality of the lake’s water.

• The Lake Restoration Commission (LRC) consists of representatives from Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Mercer Soil and Water Conservation District, Wright State University, and surrounding communities including the cities of Celina and St. Marys and Mercer and Auglaize counties, among others. It works on plans to improve the lake directly with things like increased dredging, treatment trains, and new technologies.

• Ag Solutions group, a grassroots effort by local farmers, focuses specifically on technologies and methods to improve manure management.

• The Lake Facilities Authority (LFA) is a public entity consisting of the Mercer and Auglaize county commissioners that can accept grants, bid projects, own land, etc. The LFA has taken the lead on land acquisition to install treatment wetlands and natural spaces in the Grand Lake St. Marys watershed.

In late 2011, the Grand Lake St. Marys watershed was officially declared “distressed” by the Ohio Department of Agriculture, which set into motion a set of rules for certain livestock producers to follow, which are still in place.

“The methods that we have employed here to improve water quality are being looked at by so many others,” Dirksen says. “From my perspective, Grand Lake St. Marys has become a model watershed for all of Ohio, possibly even the U.S., to follow.”

And of course, with the improved quality has come a rebuilt reputation — and a revitalized economy. “Lake home prices are up and so is the number of visitors,” says Donna Grube, executive director of the Grand Lake Region Visitors Center. “The state park campgrounds reported a record number of guest nights in 2023, and we have set a new record for lodging tax collection. There is still work to be done, but the positivity of the situation, compared to a decade ago, is almost unbelievable.”

Why visit?

13,500-acre Grand Lake St. Marys and its numerous boat launches offer an expansive surface for activities like waterskiing, kayaking, tubing, and year-round fishing for bass, crappie, perch, bluegill, catfish, and walleye. But Grand Lake St. Marys also is surrounded by nearly 600 acres of lakeside parkland, where visitors can enjoy 10 miles of hiking, biking, and snowmobile trails, as well as swimming beaches and picnic areas. Birdwatching enthusiasts will find a diverse range of waterfowl and migratory birds. Lakeside festivals, concerts, races, and other events provide entertainment for visitors of all ages throughout the year. Local restaurants offer enticing cuisine and lakeside dining experiences, adding to the overall charm of the area. Lodging opportunities cater to all preferences and budgets, from rustic camping to luxury hotels with expansive lake views. Boardwalk Village opened in 2022, offering the feel of resort lodging.

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Pilgrimage for recovery

From around the world, those overcoming addiction flock to Akron for a sense of ‘home.’

[Editor’s note: Ohio Cooperative Living honors the tradition in Alcoholics Anonymous in which members are granted a level of anonymity in the press.]

When Pat B and her husband, both from Columbus, visited an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) event during a vacation in Auckland, New Zealand, the couple found themselves engulfed by attendees from South Asia and Oceania, all interested in their Ohio heritage. The intrigue was not connected to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame or Cedar Point, but because it’s home to Akron, the birthplace of AA, an organization that author Kurt Vonnegut once called “America’s most nurturing contribution to the culture of this planet.”

The Akron home of proctologist and AA co-founder Robert Smith, known as Dr. Bob’s Home, is a National Historic Landmark and on the National Register of Historic Places. It’s the epicenter of the global AA movement, which spans 180 countries with more than 2 million members.

A visit to Dr. Bob’s Home is a pilgrimage for those in recovery from alcohol and substance abuse.

Launched in Akron in 1935, AA is a fellowship dedicated to overcoming alcohol addiction, extensively

documented in its publications such as Alcoholics Anonymous (known as “The Big Book”), Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers, and AA Grapevine.

The publications document the encounter between Smith and New York stockbroker Bill Wilson in Akron in 1935. Recently sober, Wilson was on a business trip to Akron, where he stayed at the Mayflower Hotel (now Mayflower Manor Apartments). Seeking another alcoholic to talk to, Wilson made a random call to a church from a phone booth, which led him to meet Smith. They talked for five hours that night, igniting the inception of AA.

Wilson subsequently lived with Smith for months, and over the next 15 years, that small Arts and Crafts home at 855 Ardmore Ave. became a gathering place for individuals struggling with alcoholism. Smith and his wife, Anne, welcomed visitors, initially attempting to sober them up with a mixture of sauerkraut, tomatoes, and Karo syrup, while also hosting meetings with abundant coffee. The discussions that took place there between Smith and Wilson laid the foundation for the organization and its renowned 12 -step program, now applied to various forms of addiction, from food addiction to workaholism.


Aptly, there are 12 steps leading from the sidewalk to “Dr. Bob’s House” (opposite page) on Ardmore Avenue in Akron. This page, from top: The seating area in Dr. Bob’s House where Bob Smith and Bill Wilson had their first conversation that led to the formation of Alcoholics Anonymous, complete with several books that inspired Smith. The original concoction created to sober up houseguests — sauerkraut, tomatoes, and Karo syrup — is displayed in one of the bedrooms. After becoming sober, Smith kept a bottle of liquor in his kitchen to remind him that alcohol can’t be avoided in society, but he could choose not to partake.

“It was much more than just a surgeon’s home where they met and wrote books and talked,” says Eric Dentler, a marketer for Golden Gate Recovery in the San Francisco Bay Area, who has twice visited the site. “Dr. Bob’s Home was the first detox center and the first soberliving home.”

Operated by volunteers, Dr. Bob’s Home evokes a typical day in 1935 and poignantly has 12 steps leading to the entrance. Open 354 days annually, the home attracts around 6,000 to 7,000 visitors each year, including those in recovery, their families, and medical professionals from institutions like the Cleveland Clinic, according to Paul G, PR chairperson for Dr. Bob’s Home.

“[Dr. Bob’s Home] is home to all who are members of AA. It’s where the rest of our lives began.”

Those visitors hail from all 50 states as well as Canada, Mexico, European nations, and even distant locations such as Mongolia and Indonesia. Visits surge to 4,000 during Founder’s Day weekend, an annual celebration at the University of Akron marking the anniversary of Smith’s last drink.

A living museum, the home features original artifacts such as books and furniture, photos of the Smith family, voice recordings, and the places that Smith hid alcohol from his wife. Of special interest are copies of the New Yorker and Saturday Evening Post whose articles about AA made the organization thrive in its infancy. A gift shop and Dr. Bob’s library are located in the house next door.

The organization also provides online tours for its global audience. A recent one led by Paul and archivist Gail L included 129 rapt participants from the United Kingdom, many leaning in, some recording, and more than a few sharing the emotional impact of and gratitude for the tour. “This brought me to tears,” said one participant. “I’ve been living this for 34 years, and this hit me in the heart.”

Continued on page 30


Paul G remembers a February blizzard when Dr. Bob’s Home had no visitors. Amidst the peaceful atmosphere, he heard the sound of air brakes and saw a Greyhound bus carrying 75 women heading to a conference in Toledo. Their arrival instantly transformed the atmosphere with laughter and warmth, reflecting the welcoming nature of the home.

“That is exactly what we want to happen,” says Paul, “[Dr. Bob’s Home] is home. It’s home to all that are members of AA. It’s where the rest of our lives began. It’s because of the things that happened in that living room that many of us are alive today.”

The idea of “home” is central to a visit to Dr. Bob’s. When someone walks in the front door, they are greeted by a volunteer with a “Welcome home” greeting, which frequently incites a strong emotional response for visitors, says Paul, who once witnessed a Romanian priest fall to his knees in deference to the sacred space.

Dentler says that greeting evoked his own tears on his first visit in 2019, which he describes as a spiritual journey to celebrate 10 years of sobriety. “I will never forget the feeling when a young docent shouted out, ‘Welcome home,’” says Dentler. Although the room was full, his tears went unnoticed.

“What happened in Akron, that story is in every Big Book in every country,” says Gail, referring to the chapter entitled, “A Vision for You.” “You say you’re from Akron, Ohio, and someone’s connected to this program, you become like a rock star.”

It was that chapter that hit a nerve for Bill S from Melbourne, Australia, who plans to visit Dr. Bob’s Home as part of his fourth trip to the United States this summer.

“When I read ‘A Vision for You,’ it really struck home. Could I really live a sober life without a dependence on alcohol and be happy? I was desperate for some home and direction in my life, and there was something about the way the chapter was written. It’s in a language that is so old-fashioned, but so relevant to my life.”

Continued from page 29
Eric Dentler poses at a table with the typewriter used to write “The Big Book.” In the background, an original copy is encased in glass. Below, the gift shop next door to Dr. Bob’s House contains a collection of AA coins left by visitors to Dr. Bob’s grave during Founder’s Day.

Cedar Bog Nature Preserve in Urbana presents an altogether different aspect of Ohio’s natural heritage. A National Natural Landmark managed by the Ohio Historical Society, the preserve features a 1.5-mile boardwalk that arcs through a fen — a wetland that drains water left behind by retreating glaciers. My husband, Mike, and I took a springtime walk here, surrounded by the sounds of life as hidden birds sang from bushes and frogs peeped from a pond.

Visiting Cedar Bog not only offers a glimpse into glacial history but also provides an intimate look at some of Ohio’s most rare and beautiful plant and animal species. Carnivorous plants and rarities such as the showy lady’s slipper thrive at Cedar Bog alongside towering red maples and black ash trees. The fen’s varied landscape transitions from swamp to prairie, each area blossoming with an explosion of wildflowers.

Spring at Cedar Bog Nature Preserve

Fall at Fowler Woods State Nature Preserve

Farther northeast near Greenwich, Fowler Woods State Nature Preserve offers a distinctly different seasonal spectacle. An autumn visit with my sister, Amy, and niece, Jenna, was punctuated by a palette of changing leaves, from vivid yellow to deep brown, which created a crunchy carpet underfoot. The preserve’s 1.24-mile wheelchair-accessible trail circles through mature beech and maple forests and across buttonbush swamps. The secluded boardwalk is a sanctuary for both flora and fauna. Tall trees and vibrant undergrowth provide food and shelter to a variety of birds. The trilling calls of the veery echo through the trees, adding an auditory layer to the visual splendor of the preserve.


U.S. zip codes turn up silver for residents

Sealed Vault Bags full of State Silver Bars are actually being handed over to the first U.S. residents who find their zip code listed in today’s publication and call before the 21 day order deadline ends to claim the bags full of pure silver

NATIONWIDE - Operators at the National Silver Hotline are struggling to keep up with all the calls.

That’s because Silver Vault Bags loaded with pure .999 State Silver Bars are now being handed over to everyone who beats the order deadline.

“That’s why U.S. residents will be hoarding all the silver bars they can get their hands on before the deadline ends. This comes as no surprise after the standard State Minimum set by the Lincoln Treasury was dropped for everyone who gets the Silver Vault Bags making them a real steal,” said Mary Ellen Withrow, the emeritus 40th Treasurer of the United States of America.

“As executive advisor to the private Lincoln Treasury, I get paid to deliver breaking news. And here’s the best part. This is great news for U.S. residents because the reduced State Minimum set by the Lincoln Treasury is a real steal,” said Withrow.

The only thing residents need to do is find the first 2 digits of their zip code on the Distribution List printed in today’s publication. If their zip code is on the list, they just need to call the National Silver Hotline before the deadline ends.

And here’s the good news. Residents who do are getting the reduced State Minimum set by the Lincoln Treasury of just $390 for each State Silver Vault Bag which is just $39 for each pristine Silver half ounce bar as long as they call the National Silver Hotline at 1-888-706-6536 before the deadline ends.

Phone lines open at precisely 8:30 A.M. this morning and are expected to be flooded by U.S. residents looking to cash in on the reduced State Minimum set by (Continued on next page)

■ U.S. RESIDENTS CASH IN: Calls are pouring in from state residents who are trying to get their hands on the Jumbo Silver Ballistic Bags pictured above before the deadline ends. That’s because residents who find the first two digits of their zip code printed in today’s publication are cashing in on the reduced State Minimum price set for the next 21 days by the Lincoln Treasury.

Who gets the Silver Vault Bags: Listed below are the zip codes that get to claim the Silver Vault Bags. If you find the first two digits of your zip code below immediately call: 1-888-706-6536 DEPT. SMB193

A labama 35, 36

Alaska 99

Arizona 85, 86

Arkansas 71, 72

California 91

Colorado 80, 81

Connecticut 06

Delaware 19

Florida 32, 33, 34

Georgia 30, 31, 39

Hawaii 96

Idaho 83

Illinois 60, 61 62

Indiana 46, 47

Iowa 50, 51, 52

Kansas 66, 67

Kentucky 40, 41, 42

Louisiana 70, 71

Maine 03, 04

Maryland 20, 21

Massachusetts 01, 02, 05

Michigan 48, 49

Minnesota 55, 56

Mississippi 38, 39

Missouri 63, 64, 65

Montana 59

Nebraska 68, 69

Nevada 88, 89

New Hampshire 03

New Jersey 07, 08

New Mexico 87, 88

New York 00, 10, 11, 12 13, 14

North Carolina 27, 28

North Dakota 58

Ohio 41, 43 44, 45

Oklahoma 73, 74

Oregon 97

Pennsylvania 15, 16, 17 18, 19

Rhode Island 02

South Carolina 29

South Dakota 57

Tennessee 37, 38

Texas 75, 76, 77

78, 79, 88

Utah 84

Vermont 05

Virginia 20, 22, 23, 24

Washington 98, 99

West Virginia 24, 25, 26

Wyoming 82, 83


the Lincoln Treasury to date. That’s why U.S. residents who find their zip code on the distribution list today are being urged to call.

Since this special advertising announcement can’t stop anyone from buying up all the new 2024 Edition U.S. State Silver Bars they can get their hands on, the Lincoln Treasury has not set a limit of how many Jumbo Silver Ballistic Bags residents can get – these are the bags pictured that contain 10 individual Silver Vault Bags each. Everyone who gets these will be glad they did

“Residents who want to cash in on the reduced State Minimum set by the private Lincoln Treasury better hurry. That’s because after the deadline ends, the State Minimum for these pristine half ounce U.S. State Silver Bars set by the Lincoln Treasury will go up to $68 per bar no matter how many bars people get,” Withrow said.

“We’re bracing for all the calls and doing the best we can, but with just hours left before the deadline ends, residents who find the first 2 digits of their zip code listed in today’s publication need to call the National Silver Hotline,” Withrow said.

■ SILVER HITS ROCK BOTTOM: It’s good news for state residents who get the Silver Vault Bags each loaded with 10 solid .999 pure State Silver Bars. That’s because residents are getting the reduced State Minimum set by the private Lincoln Treasury as long as they call before the deadline ends.

publication read below then immediately call: 1-888-706-6536

I keep calling and can’t get through: Keep trying. Right now everyone’s looking to cash in on the reduced State Minimum set by the Lincoln Treasury. In fact, we won’t be surprised if thousands of residents order up as many Silver Vault Bags as they can get their hands on before the deadline ends. That’s because the State Minimum set by the Lincoln Treasury has been reduced to just $39 for each silver half ounce bar for everyone who gets the vault bags. And since each Silver Vault Bag contains 10 pristine State Silver Bars for just $390 we’re guessing state residents will be claiming two or more bags while they’re up for grabs. But all those who really want to cash in are taking the Jumbo Silver Ballistic Bags containing 100 State Silver Bars before the deadline ends and the State Minimum set by the Lincoln Treasury goes up to $680 per Vault Bag. In fact the State Minimum set by the Lincoln Treasury is reduced even further for those getting the Jumbo Bags so just be sure to ask the National Silver Hotline operator for your discount. So if lines are busy keep trying.

How much are the Silver Vault Bags worth: It’s hard to tell how much these Silver Vault Bags could be worth since they are in pristine condition, but those who get in on this now will be glad they did. That’s because the State Minimum set by the Lincoln Treasury goes up to $680 per bag after the deadline ends. So you better believe that at just $390 the Silver Vault bags are a real steal for everyone who beats the deadline.

Can I buy one State Silver Bar: Yes. But, the reduced State Minimum set by the Lincoln Treasury of just $39 per bar applies only to residents who purchase a Silver Vault Bag(s). That means only those residents who order a Silver Vault Bag(s) or a Jumbo Silver Ballistic Bag get the reduced State Minimum set by the Lincoln Treasury. All single bar purchases, orders placed after the deadline and all non-state residents must pay the normal state minimum of $68 per silver half ounce bar.

Why is the State Minimum set by the Lincoln Treasury so low now: Thousands of U.S. residents stand to miss the deadline to get the silver at the reduced State Minimum set by the private Lincoln Treasury. Now all residents who find their zip code on the Distribution List to the left are getting the Silver Vault Bags for themselves and all the solid .999 pure State Silver Bars found inside. The price for each Silver Vault Bag after the deadline ends is set to the normal state minimum of $680 which is $68 per bar. But residents who beat the 21-day deadline only cover the reduced State Minimum set by the Lincoln Treasury of just $390 for each State Silver Bar Bag which is just $39 per bar as long as they call the National Silver Hotline before the deadline ends at: 1-888-706-6536 DEPT. SMB193. Hotlines open at 8:30 A.M.

*** All 49 States listed are available - States not listed are already sold out ***




SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE (Continued from previous page)
P7433 OF23435R-1
on the distribution list printed in today’s
If you find your zip code
OLD WASHINGTON MUSIC FEST July 18-20th, 2024 Guernsey County Fairgrounds Old Washington, OH FEATURING: Tickets: 615-946-4697 Old Washington Music Fest Guernsey County Fairgrounds Tickets: 615-946-4697 The Marshall Tucker Band Travis Tritt Hunter Hayes Craig Morgan LANCO and more! MARKETPLACE Timeshare victim? We will get your timeshare legally canceled! TimeShareBeGone 100% Money Back Guarantee! Low flat fee payment plans G 15 years in business! 800-214-4460 timesharebegone.com Trust Is Our Reputation BARNS WANTED FOR RECLAIM We pay up front. Completely insured A+ rating with the BBB. Call/Text 567-232-2500 www.allohiobarn.com 36  OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING • JUNE 2024


JUN. 27 – Fourth Thursdays Cookie Walk, Lakeview. Stroll the downtown streets collecting stamps on your shopping passport from each participating business. Be sure to make enough stops to collect the Baker’s Dozen! While there, grab a cookie and enjoy dessert first, then have dinner at a new food truck while enjoying live music in town. www.facebook.com/downtownlakeviewohio.

JUN. 29 – Art on the Beach, Old Field Beach State Park, St. Rte. 235, Lakeview, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Free. Art show and sale in a beach setting at Indian Lake. Includes many fine arts and crafts. Food available. Art vendors can apply through Jun. 15. earicka@gmail.com (Andrea Earick) or www.logancountyartleague.org.

Home. Civil War reenactors will fire cannons in sync with Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture.” 419-332-2081 or www. rbhayes.org.

JUL. 4–6 – Old Fashioned Farmers Day, Van Wert Co. Fgds., 1055 S. Washington St., Van Wert. NTPA tractor pulls, car show, kiddie and adult pedal pulls, machinery demos, live music, food, and more. www. oldfashionedfarmersdays.com or find us on Facebook.

JUL. 5–7 – First Fridays Sidewalk Sales, downtown Bellefontaine. Many stores will have massive sales. Pick up a passport at any participating location and collect stamps to win an amazing prize basket! www. firstfridaysbellefontaine.com.

THROUGH SEP. 15 – NWORRP Museum Summer Hours, Northwest Ohio Railroad Preservation Inc., 12505 Co. Rd. 99, Findlay, Sat./Sun. 1–4 p.m. $3; 12 and under, $2 (includes 1 train ride ticket per admission). Museum tours, quarter-scale train rides, model train displays, games, play area, and more. 419-423-2995, www. nworrp.org, or www.facebook.com/nworrp.

JUN. 5, JUL. 3 – Down on the Farm Story Time, Proving Ground Farm, 5670 E. Twp. Rd. 138, Tiffin, 10 a.m. Stories and activities are geared for preschoolage children and focus on farming and nature in a picturesque outdoor setting. Families welcome! 419447-7073, www.conservesenecacounty.com, or follow Seneca Conservation District on Facebook.

JUN. 22–23 – Family Fun Weekend: Summer Kick Off, Northwest Ohio Railroad Preservation Inc., 12505 Co. Rd. 99, Findlay, 1–4 p.m. $5. Games, quarter-scale train rides, bounce house, and other family-friendly activities and events. 419-423-2995, www.nworrp.org, or www. facebook.com/nworrp.

JUN. 22–23 – Findlay Flea Market, Hancock Co. Fgds., 1017 E. Sandusky St., Findlay, Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Free admission. Variety of merchandise: new, used, vintage items, crafts, and more. Vendors welcome! Contact Christine at 419-619-0041 or findlayfleamarket@gmail.com for more information.


JUN. 29 – Lake Seneca Annual Yard Sales and Chicken Bar-B-Que Dinners, Arrowhead Lodge, 233 Seneca Dr., Montpelier. $12 per half with two sides. Available from 10 a.m. until sold out. Carryout available. Pavilion, park, and beach nearby overlooking beautiful Lake Seneca. Homemade baked goods for free-will donation. 419-485-0810

JUN. 29 – West Liberty Summer Street Market and Car Show, 129 N. Detroit St., West Liberty. Enjoy live music, street vendors, classic cars, and plenty of shopping, then cap off the day with the grand finale, the spectacular firework show. www.mywestliberty.com.

JUN. 30 – 19th-Century-Style Independence Day Celebration, Piatt Castle Mac-A-Cheek, 10051 Township Rd. 47, West Liberty, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Free. Bring a picnic, buy a slice of Independence Day cake, learn how to play cricket and roll hoops, enjoy historical tunes and storytelling about July 4 customs, make “safe” firecrackers and watch them fly, listen to the Declaration of Independence, watch musket firing, and help make the cannon boom. www.piattcastle.org.

JUL. 4 – Independence Day Concert, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library and Museum, Spiegel Grove, Fremont, 2–3:30 p.m. Free. Bring your own chair or blanket for this patriotic concert performed by the Toledo Concert Band on the verandah of the historic Hayes

JUN. 22–23 – Weekend of Workshops, Fort New Salem, 81 Settlers Lane, Salem. See live demonstrations as well as numerous artisans in various cabins. Some classes require preregistration. For more information: 304-695-2220, director@fortnewsalemfoundation.org, or www.fortnewsalemfoundation.org.

JUL. 7 – Motorama, Auglaize Village, 12296 Krouse Rd., Defiance, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Open to self-propelled, motorized, or powered “anything”: antique cars, custom rods, fire trucks, and cycles. No registration or fee. Flea market vendors welcome. 419-990-0107, villageauglaize@gmail.com, or www.auglaizevillage.com.

JUL. 12–14 – Huron River Fest, Huron Boat Basin, 330 N. Main St., Huron. Free. Competitions, parade, live entertainment, midway, games and rides, 5K and Fun Run, and more. Fireworks Friday at 10:15 p.m. over the river. www.huronriverfest.com.

JUL. 13 – Malinta Days Festival, Monroe Twp. Fire House, 8931 Co. Rd. K-2, Malinta, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Free admission/parking. Flea market, music, chicken BBQ and other food; bounce houses, wagon rides, tour of historical caboose and train station, car show, Bingo, auction. All kids’ activities free. 419-966-9909 or www. facebook.com/Malintafest.

JUL. 6 – Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, Ottawa Metro Park Amphitheater, 2632 Ada Rd., Lima, 7 p.m. Free. Enjoy an evening of lively bluegrass music with lightning-fast instrumentals, close harmonies, and entertaining novelty songs. Stadium-style seating in the amphitheater or bring a lawn chair. 419-221-1232, 419-223-1025, or www.jampd.com/parks-facilities/ ottawa-metro-park.

JUL. 13, 27 – Myths of the Mountains, Fort New Salem, 81 Settlers Lane, Salem. Lamplight guided tour (approx. 1 hour) led by period-dressed guides, with each cabin housing a storyteller who spins tales of Appalachia. Gates open at 8 p.m.; groups begin tours every 10 minutes. 304-695-2220, director@fortnewsalemfoundation.org, or www. fortnewsalemfoundation.org.

Make sure you’re included in our calendar! Submit listings AT LEAST 90 DAYS prior to the event to: Ohio Cooperative Living 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229 or send an email to events@ohioec.org. Ohio Cooperative Living will not publish listings that don’t include a complete address or a number/website for more information.



THROUGH SEP. 28 – Sunbury Farmers Market, 36 Cherry St., on the Square of Sunbury, 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Offering local products — handmade, homemade, or homegrown. Vendors welcome. 740-513-9192 or sunburyohiofarmersmarket@gmail.com.

THROUGH OCT. 26 – Coshocton Farmers Market, 22442 Co. Rd. 1A, Coshocton, Sat. 8:30 a.m.–noon. Fresh, locally grown, in-season produce; baked goods; and handmade artisan crafts. For the most up-to-date information about vendors who will be attending the market, visit www.facebook.com/ coshoctonfarmersmarket or email market.manager@ coshfarmmarket.org.

THROUGH OCT. 27 – Rock Mill Days, Stebelton Park at Rock Mill, 1429 Rockmill Place NW, Lancaster, Wed./ Sat. 11 a.m.–2 p.m., Sun. 1–4 p.m. Tour the restored 1824 gristmill, walk the Rock Mill Covered Bridge, and view the waterfall near the headwaters of the Hocking River. On the last Sunday of each month, see how corn was ground 200 years ago. 614 321-4833 ext. 103 or www. fairfieldcountyparks.org/events.

JUN. 7, JUL. 5 – First Friday Art Walk, downtown Zanesville, 5–8 p.m. Come downtown on the first Friday


THROUGH JUL. 31 – Bluegrass Wednesdays, Vinoklet Winery, 11069 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, Wed. 6:30–8:30 p.m. Enjoy dinner, wine, and an evening of free entertainment by Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass. Reservations recommended. 513-385-9309, vinokletwinery@fuse.net, or www.vinokletwines.com.

JUN. 20–23 – Friends of Serpent Mound’s Summer Solstice Celebration and Festival, Soaring Eagle Retreat, 375 Horner Chapel Rd., Peebles, next door to the Great Serpent Mound Park, Thur. 3–7 p.m., Fri.–Sun. 10 a.m.–7 p.m. Free. Presenters, workshops, vendors, music, Serpent Mound memorabilia display, artifact collections, hikes, kayaking, atlatl throwing, raptor show, and more! www.serpentmound.org/sscfestival.

of each month, when all our participating galleries, studios, and small businesses are open at the same time! Visit the Artist Colony of Zanesville’s website for a map of current participants: https://artcoz.org/arts-district-map.

JUN. 13, JUL. 11 – Inventors Network Meetings, Rusty Bucket, 3901 Britton Parkway, Hilliard, 43026 (614-7775868, MyRustyBucket.com), 7 p.m. Informal meetings for networking and invention-related discussion. 614-4700144 or www.inventorscolumbus.com.

JUN. 14–16 – Zane’s Trace Commemoration, 375 Muskingum Ave., Zanesville. Free. Live bands, parade, 5K/10K races, arts and crafts, History Tent, History Village with demonstrators, “Anything That Floats but a Boat” races, kids’ fishing tournament, kids’ games and projects, dunk tank, food, and much more. 740-487-6776 or https://zanestracecommemoration.com.

JUN. 22 – Boogie on the Blacktop: Featuring Gypsy Kyngs Concert, Circleville Eagles, 135 E. Main St., Circleville, 7–11 p.m. $5. Outdoor concert with food vendors and drinks. www.pickaway.com.

JUN. 28–29 – Cottage and Garden Tour, Historic Lancaster Camp Ground, Lancaster, Fri. 5–8:30 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Beautiful gardens on display, plant sales, presentations from Master Gardeners on plant care and cultivation, bees, butterflies, birds, and more. Enjoy food, live music, and networking with fellow garden enthusiasts. www.lancastercampground.org.

JUN. 29 – Ohio Authors Book Fair, Destination Outlets, Jeffersonville, 10:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Come visit with local Ohio authors and get your next best read. Collect stickers from authors for prizes from shops at the mall. Children can participate in a stamp scavenger hunt to earn treats! https://writenowcolumbus.com/event/ohio-author-bookfair or www.facebook.com/events/s/ohio-authors-bookfair/1458060298396224.

JUN. 21, JUL. 19 – Bluegrass Night, Fibonacci Brewing Company, 1445 Compton Rd., Cincinnati, 7–9 p.m. Free. Enjoy lively bluegrass music by Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, a wide variety of craft beers at the Beer Garden, and food truck eats. 513-832-1422 or http://fibbrew.com.

JUN. 22 – Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, Inwood Park, 104 Wellington Place, Cincinnati, 10 a.m.–noon. Free bluegrass concert. Bring a lunch and enjoy the on-site picnic area. Take your leashed dog on a walk around the lake. Or enjoy the ADA-designated Grow Up Great Playground. www.cincinnati-oh.gov/cincyparks/ visit-a-park/find-a-parkfacility/inwood-park.

JUN. 29 – Biergarten Band Nights, Liberty Home German Society, 2361 Hamilton Cleves Rd., Hamilton, 5–10 p.m. Jay Fox and the Jammin’ Germans, 6–10 p.m. 513-571-6198, www.libertyhome.net, or follow Liberty Home Association on Facebook.

JUN. 29 – Bluegrass Concert: Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, Garber Nature Center, 9691 OH-503 N., Lewisburg, 7–9 p.m. Free, but registration required. 937-962-5561, pcpdevents@gmail.com, or www.preblecountyparks.org.

JUN. 29 – Oxford in Bloom Garden Tour, various locations, 9 a.m.–4 p.m., rain or shine. $15 advance, $20 day of tour. Visit several lovely outdoor garden spaces around charming Oxford. Tickets can be purchased on our website, at Kroger, or at Shademakers. www.

JUL. 1–6 – Marion County Fair, 220 E. Fairground St., Marion. Livestock shows, tractor and truck pulls, rodeos, rides, live music, and much more. Enjoy spectacular fireworks at 10 p.m. on the 4th. 740-382-2558 or www. marioncountyfairgrounds.com.

JUL. 3 – Red, White & BOOM!, downtown riverfront and the Arena District, Columbus, noon–midnight. Kids’ activities, live music, parade, and much more, ending with Ohio’s largest fireworks display. www. redwhiteandboom.org.

JUL. 7, 21 – Sunday Sampling at Darby Creek Fields and Flowers, 11500 Darby Creek Rd., Orient. $10; 10 and under free. Families welcome. Stroll through 14 fields of flowers while enjoying some of our favorite locally made foods and beverages. Weather permitting. 614-809-8538 or www.darbyflowerfields.com.

JUL. 11–13 – Picktown Palooza, 89 N. Center St., Pickerington. Fun and family-oriented event featuring live entertainment; food vendors; car, truck, and bike show; and more. www.picktownpalooza.org.

JUL. 12–13 – Columbus Food Truck Festival, Bicentennial Park /Scioto Mile, Columbus, 11 a.m.–10 p.m. Free admission. Features 50 of the best food trucks in Ohio, along with live music on two stages, handcrafted items from local artisans/crafters, and shopping at the Columbus Vintage Exchange. www. columbusfoodtruckfest.com.

JUL. 14 – Buckeye Comic Con, Courtyard by Marriott Columbus West, 2350 Westbelt Dr., Columbus, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $5; 6 and under free. Free parking. Comic and toy vendors, guest comic creators, hourly prizes. 330-4623985, jeff@harpercomics.com, or www.harpercomics.com.

desfleurs.org or follow Des Fleurs Garden Club on Facebook.

JUL. 5 – Hueston Woods State Park Firework Extravaganza, Hueston Woods State Park, 6301 Park Office Rd., College Corner, 5–9 p.m. Free. Join us at the beach to experience fireworks on the lake. Food trucks and vendors will be available. Festivities and viewing are also available at the lodge. 513-523-6347 or www. ohiodnr.gov/go-and-do/plan-a-visit/find-a-property/ hueston-woods-state-park.

JUL. 6–7 – Ohio Valley Karting Association Memorial Championship Race, G&J Kartway, 1619 Barnetts Mill Rd., Camden. $10 entry fee. Annual Pro-Am go-kart race with over 120 entries from across the region, ages 5 to 75, competing in 2-stroke and 4-stroke divisions. Saturday qualifying; heat and feature races on Sunday. www.ovka.com.

JUL. 12 – Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, Hamilton’s Urban Backyard, 501 Main St., Hamilton, 7–10 p.m. Free bluegrass concert. Craft brews and food truck choices available on-site. Consider bringing a lawn chair. 513-893-9482, info@hubhamilton.com, or www. hubhamilton.com.

JUL. 13 – Biergarten Band Nights, Liberty Home German Society, 2361 Hamilton Cleves Rd., Hamilton, 5–10 p.m. Band TBA. 513-571-6198, www.libertyhome. net, or follow Liberty Home Association on Facebook.



THROUGH AUG. 1 – Fort Steuben Summer Concert Series, Fort Steuben Park, 120 S. 3rd St., Steubenville, Thur. 7–9 p.m. Free. Bring a blanket and picnic basket and enjoy a free concert at this site overlooking the Ohio River. 740-283-1787 or www.oldfortsteuben.com.

THROUGH AUG. 3 – Woodcarver’s Exhibit, McCook House Museum, 15 S. Lisbon St., Carrollton, Fri./Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Exhibit included in museum admission: $3; ages 5–12, $2. Co-organizers of the event are master carvers Ken Grigsby and Keith Shumaker. For further information, call 330-437-9715 or 330-627-3345

JUN. 15 – Historic Poker Run, 11067 Fort Laurens Rd. NW, Bolivar, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. $20 per bike, $5 per rider. Motorcycling fundraiser for Fort Laurens Museum that takes riders to several historic sites around the area. Fees include admission for the run, Rockin’ the Revolution concert, and the museum. 330-874-2059 or www.fortlaurensmuseum.org.

JUN. 15 – Opera under the Stars: Cleveland Opera Theater, Uptown Park, 79–89 Public Square, Medina, 7 p.m. Free. Enjoy some of your favorite opera tunes and beloved melodies from operettas and musicals, as well as lesser-known works. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and picnics. In the event of rain, the concert will be held at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 317 E. Liberty St. For more information, call 419-853-6016

JUN. 15 – Rockin’ the Revolution, 11067 Fort Laurens Rd. NW, Bolivar, 1–7 p.m. $7. Rock concert-based event featuring food, beer, and live music. Between bands, guests can enjoy a variety of family activities, attractions,


THROUGH NOV. 2 – Athens Farmers Market, Athens Community Center, 701 E. State St., Athens, Wed. 9 a.m.–noon. Open year-round Sat. 9 a.m.–noon. Voted Ohio’s #1 favorite farmers market! 740-593-6763 or www. athensfarmersmarket.org.

JUN. 13–SEP. 1 – Tecumseh! Outdoor Drama, Sugarloaf Mountain Amphitheatre, 5968 Marietta Rd., Chillicothe, 8 p.m. $30–$50. Witness the epic life story of the legendary Shawnee leader as he defends his sacred homelands in the Ohio country during the late 1700s. www.tecumsehdrama.com.

JUN. 14–15 – Art Festival, Historic Village Square, 419 West St., Caldwell. Free. Arts and crafts for sale Fri.

and tours of the Fort Laurens Museum. 330-874-2059 or www.fortlaurensmuseum.org.

JUN. 21 – Erin Nicole Neal and The Chill Factors, Secrest Arboretum Amphitheater, 2122 Williams Rd., Wooster, 6:30 p.m. Free, but reservations recommended. This eclectic band performs blues, rock, pop, soul, jazz, and funk. In the event of rain, the concert will be held at Fisher Auditorium, 1680 Madison Ave. For more information, call 419-853-6016

JUN. 21–22 – Ohio Scottish Games, Cuyahoga Co. Fgds., 19201 E. Bagley Rd., Berea. $10–$22; 12 and under free. Competitions, Highland athletics, animal shows, and much more. www.ohioscottishgames.com.

JUN. 23 – Akron-Summit Comic Con, Summit Co. Fgds., Indoor A/C Building, 229 E. Howe Rd., Tallmadge, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $5; 6 and under free. Free parking. Comic and toy vendors, guest comic creators, hourly prizes. 330-462-3985, jeff@harpercomics.com, or www. harpercomics.com.

JUN. 28–30 – Cy Young Days Festival, Newcomerstown. Food, entertainment, contests and competitions, car show, old-fashioned baseball games, and parade featuring a former Cy Young Award winner. This year’s honoree is Len Barker. www. cyyoungdaysfestival.com.

JUN. 29 – Steve Free Band: An Evening of Appalachian Folk Music, Buffalo Creek Retreat, 8708 Hubbard Valley Rd., Seville, 7 p.m. Free draws his music from his Native American (Shawnee/Cherokee) and Appalachian roots. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and picnics to enjoy this free concert. For more information, call 419-853-6016

JUL. 1–SEP. 1 – Steubenville Catfish Crawl, downtown Steubenville. Ten 5-foot-long, intricately painted fiberglass catfish will be on display around downtown. Grab a map and find them all! Maps available at Leonardo’s Coffeehouse, 159 N. 4th St. www. steubenvillenutcrackervillage.com/catfish.html.

JUL. 5 – First Fridays on Fourth, 155 N. 4th St., Steubenville, 6–10 p.m. Free. Patriotic themed celebration featuring art, crafts, games, food trucks, live entertainment, and activities to stimulate the imagination. www.theharmoniumproject.org/first-Fridays.

JUL. 6 – Free Speaker Series: “Wilderness War in the Ohio Country,” 11067 Fort Laurens Rd. NW, Bolivar, 11 a.m.–12 p.m. Author Alan Fitzpatrick will discuss the untold story of the battle between the British and the Indians for control of the Ohio country during the American Revolution. 330-874-2059 or www. fortlaurensmuseum.org.

JUL. 6 – Jazz under the Stars: Carol Leslie, Uptown Park, 79–89 Public Square, Medina, 7 p.m. Bring lawn chairs, blankets, and picnics to enjoy this free concert by northeast Ohio’s own Scottish jazz vocalist. In case of rain, the concert will be at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 317 E. Liberty St. For more information, call 419-853-6016

JUL. 6–7 – Ashland County Yesteryear Machinery Club’s Annual Show, Ashland Co. Fgds., 2042 Claremont Ave., Ashland. Featuring Silver King and all Ohio Built tractors, engines, and other equipment; all other makes and military equipment welcome. Food vendors, flea market, Buckeye Museum, and the Buckeye Engine. Farm toy show, train show, and kids’ rides both days; car and truck show, kids’ pedal pull, and antique tractor pull on Sunday. 330-465-3387 (Kevin Willard), 419651-4109 (Tom Adams), or www.yesteryearmachinery.org.

JUL. 7 – Tina Bergmann and Bryan Thomas: “American Old Time, Celtic, and South American Music,” Wadsworth Public Library, 132 Broad St., Wadsworth, 2–3 p.m. Free, but reservations recommended. The husband-and-wife duo will present an afternoon of music on hammered dulcimer and bass. Register at www.ormaco.org or by calling 419-853-6016 Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.

JUL. 9–14 – Trumbull County Fair, 899 Everett Hull Rd., Cortland. Grandstand entertainment, daily shows, local bands, exhibits, and rides. 330-637-6010 or www. trumbullcountyfair.com.

JUL. 13–14 – Revolution on the Tuscarawas, 11067 Fort Laurens Rd. NW, Bolivar, Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $10; 12 and under free. Watch a mock skirmish for American Independence performed by volunteer reenactors from the Brigade of the American Revolution. Learn about 18th-century life from a variety of demonstrations, such as artillery, weapons, cooking, medicine, and music. Children’s games include musket drills and cartridge rolling. 330-874-2059 or www.fortlaurensmuseum.org.

6–8 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Cruise-in and Marquis 66 band (60s music) Fri. 6–8 p.m., Laura Cramblett (dulcimer) on Saturday. 740-732-5288 or director@ visitnoblecountyohio.com.

JUN. 15 – Kenworth Truck Parade, Water and Second Streets, Chillicothe, 8:30 p.m. Free. The third annual parade celebrates 50 years of building the World’s Best Trucks right here. Features over 50 new, classic, and customized Kenworth semi-trucks, most originally built at the Chillicothe plant. www.visitchillicotheohio.com.

JUN. 22 – The Flower Market at Bellavenue Manor, 207 S. 10th St., McConnelsville, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Join your favorite flower farmers and local vendors for a fun day of shopping. There will also be live music in the courtyard with Will Gorrell (acoustic). 614-445-8449, bellavenuemanor@outlook.com, or on Facebook: https:// fb.me/e/6oOBLunsu.

JUN. 28–29 – National Cambridge Glass Collectors Show and Sale, Pritchard Laughlin Civic Ctr., 7033 Glenn Hwy., Cambridge, Fri. 1–5 p.m., Sat. 10:30 a.m.–4 p.m. $5 admission good for both days. 740-432-4245 or www. cambridgeglass.org.

JUN. 29 – Glass Dash, St. Benedict’s Gymnasium, 701 Steubenville Ave., Cambridge, 7–8:30 a.m. early bird admission, $10; 8:30–11 a.m., $5. www.cambridgeglass.org.

JUL. 5–6 – Ohio Jeep Fest, Ross Co. Fgds., 344 Fairgrounds Rd., Chillicothe. Whether you’re a seasoned Jeep enthusiast or just curious about the Jeep culture, this event is perfect for you! www.ohiojeepfest.com.

JUL. 7 – 19th-Century Independence Day Celebration, Adena Mansion and Gardens, 847 Adena Rd., Chillicothe, 2 p.m. Free. Celebrate Independence Day as they did in the 1800s. Witness a reading of the Declaration of Independence, a reading of patriotic poems, a presentation of the flag, and a toast to George Washington. www.adenamansion.com.

JUL. 10–13 – Ohio Hills Folk Festival, Fair and South Streets, Quaker City. Parades, car show, country store, entertainment, rides, and activities for kids. 740-630-6587 or www.facebook.com/p/Ohio-Hills-FolkFestival-100057149452651

JUL. 13 – Annual Car, Truck, and Bike Show, Fair Street, Quaker City, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. No entry fee. Door prizes, 50/50 raffle, dash plaques to top 40 entries. 740-6793137 (Brent).

JUL. 14 – Ladies of the House: Mary Anne Brown, Adena Mansion and Gardens, 847 Adena Rd., Chillicothe, 2 p.m. Free. Join local Worthington family historian Mary Anne Brown for a discussion about the ladies of Adena. www.adenamansion.com.


nland shores I

1: Our grandsons, Greyson and Nash Haynes, on the northern shore of Lake Michigan during their annual “guys’ trip” with their dad and grandpas ~ Traci Zeimer, South Central Power Company member. 2: Sunset on Lake Erie ~ Sandra Troester, Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative member. 3: My son, Riggs Klaus, enjoying the view of Lake Ontario in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada ~ Katherine Klaus, Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative member. 4: Lake Logan is one of my daughter Katy’s favorite places to spend the day ~ Tiffany Heidell, South Central Power Company member. 5: Autumn at Kiser Lake State Park in Champaign County ~ Brent Grieves, Pioneer Electric Cooperative member 6: My great-grandson, Mason, fishing at the Micheals’ pond near Lewisburg ~ Joan Rench, Darke Rural Electric Cooperative member.

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Upload your photos at www.ohiocoopliving.com/memberinteractive. Your photo may be featured in our magazine or on our website.

For September, send “Four (or five) generations” by June 15; for October, send “Oh my gourd!” by July 15. 1 4 2 6 5 3



Downed Power Lines & Distracted Drivers

1. Stay in car if no fire

2. Call 911 and wait for emergency crews

3. If fire, open door, jump out, keep both feet together on the ground

Drivers distracted in their cars crash into utility poles too often. It can lead to outages but, even worse, it can be deadly if you don’t know what to do. Downed lines energize the ground up to 35 feet away.

4. Shu e feet away from car 35 feet; keep both feet on the ground at all times

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