Ohio Cooperative Living - April 2021 - Adams

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APRIL 2021

Adams Rural Electric Cooperative

Dangerous work

Do your part to keep them safe ALSO INSIDE Life in the S-L-O-W lane Setting her own course Cleveland for kids

Who POWERS you, Ohio? Inspired by a fellow cooperative member making a difference in your community? Tell their story and they could win $1,000!* Ohio’s electric cooperatives value those who elevate and energize our communities. That’s why we’re excited to announce the 2021 #WhoPowersYouOhio contest, to honor electric cooperative members who display the qualities of a servant leader in your community. Share their story with us. Together, we will celebrate the power of human connections. Nominate someone special today! Visit ohioec.org/wpyo between May 3, 2021, and June 4, 2021. Submit a photo of your nominee. Tell us why that person inspires you and how they make a difference in your cooperative community. Deadline for entries: 11:59 p.m., June 4, 2021 Prizes: Six nominees will be chosen (based on their positive impact to their electric cooperative community) to receive $1,000. *Rules: Visit ohioec.org/wpyo for full contest rules.


INSIDE FEATURES 24 SAY WHAT? Cleveland twang? Piketon drawl? The way you say certain words can tell others where you’re from.

28 SETTING HER OWN COURSE Ever since her father built a world-

renowned golf course, Renee Powell has spent a lifetime opening doors to the game.

32 CLEVELAND FOR KIDS Who knew that one of Ohio’s biggest cities is a big-time destination for family fun? Cover image on most editions: Evan Clemons, a journeyman lineman at Firelands Electric Cooperative in New London, works high above the ground — a dangerous spot for more reasons than just the high-voltage electricity running through the lines (photo by Zach Collins). This page: During a visit to Cleveland’s Great Lakes Science Center, guests can sit in a replica of a space capsule used in the early days of the U.S. space program.



Lines of appreciation


pril 12 is Lineworker Appreciation Day, when we take time to honor the bravery and dedication of the people who do the dangerous work of keeping our lights on every day. This year, we’re particularly mindful of that commitment as we hear the stories of workers from 17 Ohio co-ops who came together to restore power to remote areas of southern Ohio after a pair of powerful ice storms pounded the region in late February. We are grateful to these cooperative employees and to their families, who spared them from home for more than a week for this mission of helping others. We’re especially thankful that there were no injuries during the restoration, despite the hazardous conditions.

It’s easy to take the luxury and convenience of electricity for granted. It’s invisible and so reliably available that we seldom give it a second thought. Even after the devastation of those southern Ohio ice storms, we took comfort in knowing that once our workers got the lines restored, those lights would go right back on, thanks to a reliable source of electricity. People in Texas recently learned that we can’t view the availability (or affordability) of our electric supply as a “given.” A polar vortex precipitated a massive failure of the Texas electric grid, spurring countless questions and few answers. Let’s start with the facts: The nation’s second-largest state has weathered cold stretches in the past, but in February, a record-setting chill settled over Texas and the surrounding region and spurred an unparalleled level of demand for electricity. The Texas electric grid is largely isolated from the rest of the U.S. power grid, which made it impossible to import the enormous quantities of power needed to balance supply with that demand. About half of Texas’ electric generation was inoperable for nearly a week, because ice and freezing temperatures affected natural gas-fired generators, wind and solar production, some coal plants, and one nuclear power facility. The natural gas supplies that were available quickly became very expensive — more than 100 times the traditional cost. The design of the Texas electricity market allowed prices to rise to roughly 300 times the “normal” price. The result? • Hours of “rolling blackouts” (planned service interruptions) to balance supply with demand and to prevent a complete crash of the system. • Outrageous residential consumer bills. • Several power providers declaring bankruptcy, including Texas’ largest co-op. • Human suffering and financial devastation. Poorly designed wholesale electricity markets produce undesirable outcomes. The Texas electric market may be designed worse than others, but newer marketbased approaches are employed in many parts of the country, including Ohio, and all have significant, obvious weaknesses. The rules governing our electric grid have become politicized. The rarity of significant weather events, like the one in Texas, provides time to dither, as well as excuses for those unwilling to acknowledge obvious shortcomings. We’re all accountable for allowing grid failure to happen. It’s crucial that we demand common-sense solutions. How can you help? Support your co-op’s public policy efforts to assure reliable and affordable electricity. Let your elected officials know that you expect better for Ohioans than Texans got from their policymakers and insist that legislators apply common sense to proposed modifications of our electric system. Finally, give a “thank you” to the lineworkers who keep the power on and make repairs on the rare days when the lights go out.


APRIL 2021 • Volume 63, No. 7

Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives 6677 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229 614-846-5757 www.ohiocoopliving.com




Patrick O’Loughlin President & CEO Patrick Higgins Director of Communications Jeff McCallister Managing Editor Rebecca Seum Associate Editor Anita Cook Graphic Designer Contributors: Jodi Borger, Colleen Romick Clark, Victoria Ellwood, W.H. “Chip” Gross, Janet Murphy, Catherine Murray, Damaine Vonada, and Patty Yoder. OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING (USPS 134-760; ISSN 2572-049X) is published monthly by Ohio Rural Elec­tric Co­op­eratives, Inc. It is the official com­munication link be­tween the elec­­­­tric co­operatives in Ohio and West Virginia and their mem­bers. Subscription cost for members ranges from $5.52 to $6.96 per year, paid from equity accruing to the member. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to editorial and advertising offices at: 6677 Busch Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43229-1101. Periodicals postage paid at Pontiac, IL 61764, and at additional mailing offices. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. All rights reserved. The fact that a product is advertised in Ohio Cooperative Living should not be taken as an en­dorse­ment. If you find an advertisement mis­leading or a product unsatisfactory, please not­ify us or the Ohio Attorney General’s Of­fi ce, Consumer Protection Sec­tion, 30 E. Broad St., Col­um­bus, OH 43215. Periodicals postage paid at Colum­bus, OH, and at additional mailing offices.

Distracted Driving 4 POWER LINES

Danger zones: Roadside crews have a difficult-enough job even before distracted drivers threaten their safety.


In the blink of a fly: Motivated by tragedy, a co-op member has made it her mission to get drivers to pay attention. Costly diversion: The price paid for distracted driving can’t be counted by money alone.



Life in the S-L-O-W lane: Box turtles are fascinating creatures that live fascinating lives, one step at a time.



My life with pigeons: A Consolidated Cooperative member has made a lifelong pursuit of the iconic homers.


Grab your grub: Looking for the ultimate on-the-go comfort food? Sandwiches always fit the bill.

For all advertising inquiries, contact

Cheryl Solomon


19 LOCAL PAGES News and information from your

American MainStreet Publications 847-749-4875 | cheryl@amp.coop

electric cooperative.

Cooperative members: Please report changes of address to your electric cooperative. Ohio Cooperative Living staff cannot process address changes. Alliance for Audited Media Member Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


What’s happening: April/May events and other things to do around Ohio.


Travel abroad: Members share their best shots from exotic destinations.


Visit Ohio Cooperative Living magazine online at www.ohiocoopliving.com! Read past issues and watch videos about our articles or our recipes. Our site features an expanded Member Interactive area where you can share your stories, recipes, and photos and find content submitted by other co-op members across the state. APRIL 2021 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  3

sp ecial rep or t : d ist r ac t e d d r iv in g



Distracted driving Lineworkers have one of the more dangerous jobs on the planet, so safety is always foremost on their minds when they’re out there keeping the lights on. Unfortunately, they can’t control every work area — they rely on the community to keep them safe when they’re working by the roadside. In honor of Lineworker Appreciation Day, we examine the dangers of distracted driving and implore members to keep their eyes on the road.


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Danger zones

The constant presence of road crews, traffic cones, and orange barrels on Ohio highways, byways, and township roads is a way of life for Ohio drivers. With the rise in distracted driving in recent years, those roadside crews have never been more vulnerable to serious injuries. BY JANET MURPHY


n the wee morning hours of Aug. 28, 2019, a line crew from Lancaster-based South Central Power Company was called to address a power hazard along State Route 73 near Hillsboro. An Ohio State Highway Patrol trooper guarded the zone while the crew established a new traffic path for drivers, setting cones and putting caution lights in place. As the linemen were about to begin work, the trooper confirmed that the work site met construction zone safety standards and headed out. An instant later, an alcohol-impaired driver careened through the work zone, crashing into the crew’s massive digger truck. Under the impact, the truck slid, striking lineman Al Sears and sending him airborne. Sears, a 26-year veteran of South Central Power’s line crew, landed nearly 40 feet away on the gravel berm. He lay quiet and still. Stunned, the crew rushed to his side, performing first aid as they waited for the 911 team to arrive. It was a horrifying situation, the kind of thing that line crews and their families worry about most. Earlier that year, a crew from another company was working along

a Hillsboro road when a driver plowed through their work zone, killing one lineman and injuring two others. “To have two line crews struck by drivers within one year was just incomprehensible for us,” says Buzz Detty, South Central Power’s safety and compliance manager. “It was a real eye-opener for us.” For electric co-ops in Ohio and everywhere, distracted drivers are a leading cause of downed power lines, broken poles, and electric outages. Worse yet, they place lineworkers in danger. Sears was fortunate. He was transported to the hospital, where X-rays showed only minor injuries, and he returned home later that evening. “I learned a big lesson,” he says. “Never take your eyes off the traffic when working in the road right-of-way. Complacency can be a killer.”

For a series of videos highlighting the problem of distracted driving, check out www. ohiocoopliving.com.


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In the blink of a fly How one co-op member’s tragedy has led her to fight to get drivers to keep their eyes on the road. BY JODI BORGER


t was a sunny, clear-blue-sky day on June 16, 2018. It also was a day that would forever change the lives of Leah Fullenkamp and her family.

Leah, a Pioneer Electric Cooperative member, was on her couch recovering from foot surgery she had undergone just 24 hours earlier, while her husband, John, a full-time engineer and part-time farmer (to the extent there is such a thing), was busy in the fields trying to get things ready before an upcoming work trip. The couple’s four children were with John’s mother, with plans to meet John in the field with dinner. John never received that visit or that dinner. While he was driving his tractor on the roadway, a distracted driver — shopping on her phone and, based on crash reconstruction analysis, distracted for a full 16 seconds — plowed into the tractor and took John’s life. From that moment, everything changed. John’s death left Leah to raise their children, ranging in age from 8 months old to 9 years, by herself. “I lost my husband, my partner, and the father of my children,” Leah says. “Life got hard — really hard — and it happened instantly.”

“I started asking myself, ‘How can I prevent this from happening to someone else?’ I didn’t want my story to be anyone else’s story.” — Leah Fullenkamp That autumn, Leah returned to her job teaching school, but it didn’t go well. She worked with special needs students during the day, then came home to four kids who needed her full attention all night. John’s loss weighed heavily on Leah and their children. The following summer, she decided to resign from her teaching position and stay home with her children. Leah Fullenkamp and her family had their lives changed in the short span it took for a distracted driver to claim the life of her husband, John. She eventually gave up her full-time job to raise their kids and devote time to her campaign to eliminate distracted driving.

One evening, Leah was driving down a main highway and passed a tractor going the opposite direction. In the very next car, a driver was on her phone and not paying attention. When Leah got home, she sat in her driveway and listened for sirens. She felt helpless. “I started asking myself, ‘How can I prevent this from happening to someone else?’” Leah says. “I didn’t want my story to be anyone else’s story.” Not long after that, Leah posted a picture of John and their son on a tractor on her Facebook page, marking the occasion of the first planting season without John. The post was shared over 500 times. “That was when I started to realize the power in our story,” she says. Leah created a Facebook page, In the Blink of a Fly — named for a housefly that began visiting the Fullenkamps within days after John’s death and quickly became a symbol of strength and encouragement for their family.


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When Leah Fullenkamp posted a photo on Facebook to mark the first planting season without her husband, it was shared more than 500 times, and she used the power of her story to create a public awareness campaign with her kids.

“A fly always seemed to show up during conversations when I knew John would have an opinion — during tough decisions and special events,” says Leah. “It wouldn’t visit every day, not even every week, but enough to notice.” Leah combined her new household visitor with the way her life changed in the blink of an eye to come up with the name of her mission. On her blog at www.intheblinkofafly.com, she tells her story and shares her family’s journey and things she’s learned along the way. Leah expanded her outreach to include local high schools and community groups, where she raises awareness about distracted driving. “It’s not only teenagers who drive distracted, but people of all ages,” says Leah. The woman who hit John was in her mid-50s.

The pandemic has slowed Leah’s presentation opportunities, but she’s finding other ways to promote her message. In 2020, she teamed with Shelby County Farm Bureau’s “Share the Road” campaign to help spread awareness of farm equipment traveling on roadways. The campaign raised money through local business donations for a portable billboard that sits near where John’s accident occurred, as well as yard signs that serve as a reminder: “Eyes Up. Phone Down. It Can Wait.” “If you’re driving, it’s important to stay focused. Don’t let something small impact your life, your family’s life, or someone else’s life,” says Leah. “This is my story, but I’m not special. This could happen to anyone.”


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Safety on the roadway


More and more people get behind the wheels of cars these days with a phone or a sandwich in hand — or in any number of other attention-hogging situations — and give less and less of their concentration to driving safely.


Car crashes in Ohio in 2019 that were related to distracted driving, according to the state highway patrol. Nearly 400 of those resulted in a serious injury or fatality. Authorities believe the actual number is probably much higher, as it is often impossible to prove and so is underreported.

“Distracted driving is a costly problem for society in general,” says Ron Salyer, president and CEO of Pioneer Electric Cooperative in Piqua, who has been outspoken in his effort to bring awareness to the issue. From mere property damage to ruining — or ending — lives, some of those costs are easier to figure out than others. According to a survey of electric cooperatives in Ohio, for example, it costs $2,576, on average, to replace a pole that has been damaged in a car crash. Generally, that’s paid by the driver’s insurance, but not always. There are other costs, too. Salyer says that depending on the location of such an accident and the type of lines a particular pole carries, those accidents also cause power outages that can affect from a few to a few hundred consumer-members, and those outages can last for hours.


Seconds the average person takes to look at a text message. At 55 mph, that’s like driving the length of a football field with a blindfold on.

$300 Fine for a driver’s first violation of Ohio’s Move Over law, which requires all drivers to move over one lane when passing by any vehicle with flashing or rotating lights parked on the roadside — or to slow down if moving over isn’t possible.

“Those secondary effects on both our members and our line crews actually take a higher toll than just the money that those crashes cost,” he says. Nearly every lineworker has a horror story about a near-miss on the job, when a distracted driver has made a dangerous job even more precarious. Coops have even instituted additional safety measures recently specifically designed to focus drivers’ attention on roadside worksites because of the rise in such incidents.



Snow plows hit by drivers in Ohio this past winter alone, many the result of lack of attention in already dangerous conditions.

Increase in the likelihood of a driver becoming involved in a crash if the driver is text messaging or looking at their phone while on the road.

Sometimes, however, those crashes can have longterm effects on linemen, even when the crews are not directly involved. In rural areas served by co-ops, the line crews can often be the first people to arrive on an accident scene. “These guys are trained to do the dangerous job of providing reliable electricity, but they don’t have training to cope with some of the awful things they’ve seen at crash scenes,” Salyer says. “I’ve talked with plenty of linemen who have experienced that, and to a one, they all say it’s something that will affect them for the rest of their lives.”



Increased severity of crashes that are caused by distracted driving compared to nondistracted driving crashes.

18% Percentage of Ohio car crash fatalities caused by distracted drivers (and 16% of all serious crash-related injuries).








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Life in the

S-L-O-W lane

Box turtles are fascinating creatures that live fascinating lives, one step at a time. STORY AND PHOTOS BY W.H. “CHIP” GROSS


ooking like a miniature army helmet with legs, box turtles are unique in that they are the most terrestrial of Ohio’s nearly one dozen turtle species. They get their name from the fact that they can literally “box themselves in” from predators, doing so by closing a hinged flap on their bottom shell tightly against their top shell. Consequently, a raccoon, possum, fox, skunk, or coyote may roll a box turtle around for a few minutes trying to figure out the puzzle, but the turtles are used to that. Once the predator gives up in frustration and moves on, life resumes its typical leisurely pace for the docile box turtle. Alan Walter of Carrollton has extensively studied the box turtles living on his property in eastern Ohio. Walter owns a 150-acre tree farm in Harrison County that he manages for timber and wildlife, so he has spent countless hours in the woods over the past 30 years.




Email Chip Gross with your outdoors questions at whchipgross@ gmail.com. Be sure to include “Ask Chip” in the subject of the email. Your question may be answered on www.ohiocoopliving.com!

www.ohiocoopliving.com “During that time, I have found and photographed a total of 63 box turtles, seven of which were young ones,” Walter says. “Five of the adults I have found a second time — one 19 years later. From the place where I first discovered it, that particular turtle had moved about 1,000 feet. By contrast, another turtle I found 16 years later was only 50 feet from where it was first spotted.” Walter knows whether or not it’s the same turtle by the natural markings on the turtle’s shell. Whereas some people mark box turtles with dabs of paint to recognize them again, Walter takes their picture. “Each box turtle’s top shell — known as a carapace — is uniquely marked,” Walter says. “So all I have to do is compare a turtle I find with my previous photos to know if I’ve located the same one or a new one,” he says. Greg Lipps, a member of Tricounty Rural Electric Cooperative, is amphibian and reptile conservation coordinator at Ohio State University. He says that box

turtles typically have a home range of about 70 acres and are relatively long-lived, compared to other wildlife. “We know they can live a century or more,” says Lipps, “but 40 to 50 years is more the typical life span.” Historically, box turtles were found statewide, except for two areas. They were not in the extensive region of the Great Black Swamp in northwest Ohio because box turtles are mainly a terrestrial species, and they also were not found in northeast Ohio. At least one well-respected turtle researcher believes that’s because there were large Native American settlements in that region for centuries. Lipps says that Indians not only ate box turtles but that some tribes even buried them with their dead — up to a dozen or more turtles per grave. Was the act simply ceremonial, or were the turtles intended to be food for the deceased during their journey to the afterlife? “No one knows for sure, but the entire theory is a really fascinating concept,” Lipps says. “The good news today is that the so-called ‘hole’ in the population in northeast Ohio is gradually filling in. Overall, the population in Ohio seems to be holding its own, doing as well as can be expected given the amount of available habitat.” Next to habitat loss, likely the biggest threat to box turtles is from motor vehicles. If you happen to see a box turtle on a roadway — and you can safely pull your vehicle off the road — you can move the turtle to the side of the road in which it’s headed. If you put it back on the side of the road where it came from, the turtle will only try crossing again. W.H. “Chip” Gross is Ohio Cooperative Living’s outdoors editor and a member of Consolidated Cooperative.

Eastern box turtles carry their homes on their backs their entire lives, and the markings on each shell are unique.



Life with Co-op member has made a lifelong pursuit of the iconic homers. STORY AND PHOTOS BY W.H. “CHIP” GROSS


ost men, believing ourselves invincible at one time or another in our lives, can think back to boyhood and remember doing at least one thing so incredibly dangerous that we were lucky to survive. Consolidated Cooperative member Guy Denny is no exception. Raised in a rural area just south of Toledo, Denny would often fish the nearby Maumee River as a boy. It’s there he noticed pigeons coming to roost each evening under the Interstate-80 Ohio Turnpike bridge that crosses the river. Wanting to capture some of those pigeons to raise, Denny decided on a plan. After dark one night, he and a young buddy climbed out on the massive, metal I-beams that support the bridge. There, beneath the bridge, with cars whizzing past just a few feet overheard, his buddy shined a flashlight beam into the eyes of the mesmerized pigeons while Denny grabbed them one by one and shoved the birds into a burlap bag. The boys’ poke



was nearly full when Denny reached for one last bird — a beautiful, nearly purewhite pigeon — and promptly lost his footing on the bridge. “I fell about the height of a six-story building, hitting the water in a sitting position with the bag of birds under me,” Denny recalls. “It’s those pigeons that likely saved my life, as they helped break my fall. I was so stunned that it was all I could do to slowly swim the short distance to shore on my back. I dumped the dozen birds out of the sack and they were all dead, drowned. I’ve regretted causing the death of those pigeons ever since, even though it nearly cost me my life.” Deciding on a supposedly safer strategy, Denny and his buddy next rode a bus into downtown Toledo, where they roamed the back alleys in search of young pigeons that had fallen out of nests. “Looking back on it now,” he says, “those were terrible places where we could have been mugged or worse. But at the time we had no idea of the dangers — we just wanted pigeons.” Denny eventually obtained a few of the birds he so craved, but that only created other issues. “Our neighbor hated pigeons, especially when one of my birds got into her house by flying down the chimney,” he says. “When my parents finally had had enough, my father suggested that we take the birds along on a visit to my grandparents’ house in Canton, about a three-hour drive away. We’d release the pigeons there and see if they would return home. I’m sure my dad was hoping we’d never see the pigeons again. All six birds arrived home before we did.” What ultimately separated Denny from his first pigeons were his teenage years. “By then, I was becoming more interested in chasing girls than pigeons,” he chuckles. But sometime around middle age, Denny’s fascination with the birds returned, and he has had a coopful ever since. He doesn’t race them, as many folks do; he simply enjoys watching them fly, marveling at the iridescent colors that are produced by breeding various types of birds. According to Denny, the ancient Egyptians were the first to learn that pigeons would return to where they are kept — in other words, “home” — thus the term “homing pigeon.” Through the centuries, armies took advantage of this behavior by having pigeons carry written messages attached to their legs. The U.S. military maintained a pigeon corps during both world wars.

Homing pigeons have a fleshy ring around their eyes, making them easy to distinguish from more common birds, known as rock doves.

Have an interest in pigeons? As he grows older, Denny has become increasingly concerned about who would take care of his pigeons should he become ill or otherwise unable to care for the birds himself. As a result, he’s considering giving his remaining pigeons away to a young person who might be interested in getting started in the pastime. If you know a responsible boy or girl who might be interested, send an email to whchipgross@gmail. com and put “Pigeons” in the subject line. Your email will be forwarded to Guy Denny for reply. “It would be a whole lot safer than attempting to capture pigeons from under a highway bridge,” Denny laughs.

Denny says pigeon breeding and racing remains popular today worldwide, and a breeder can win a considerable amount of money for a very fast bird. “Several years ago, one particular racing pigeon sold for around a million dollars,” he says. Denny says that racing homers have a fleshy ring around their eye, known as a cere. “Other pigeons don’t have the cere, so that’s one way of telling a racing homer from a common wild pigeon, known as a rock dove, should you ever come across one.”




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your grub

Looking for the ultimate on-the-go comfort food? Sandwiches always fit the bill. RECIPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY CATHERINE MURRAY

ORANGE CREAMSICLE PB&J Prep: 5 minutes | Servings: 1 2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter 2 tablespoons orange marmalade 3 tablespoons marshmallow creme 2 slices thick brioche bread (or favorite white bread) This recipe makes one sandwich. Spread peanut butter on inside of one slice of bread and orange marmalade on the other. Using a piping bag with a wide tip, pipe a generous amount of marshmallow creme in the middle and close sandwich. Per serving: 746 calories, 20 grams fat (3.5 grams saturated fat), 0 milligrams cholesterol, 849 milligrams sodium, 121 grams total carbohydrates, 6 grams fiber, 20 grams protein.


SLOW COOKER FRENCH DIP Prep: 15 minutes | Cook: 10 to 12 hours | Servings: 8 3-pound boneless beef chuck roast 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 medium onion, sliced ½ cup low-sodium soy sauce 1 bay leaf 1 beef bouillon cube 3 whole peppercorns 8 slices Swiss cheese (12 ounces) 1½ teaspoons crushed rosemary 2 large French baguettes 1½ teaspoons dried thyme Place roast in a slow cooker. Top with onion, spices, soy sauce, and bouillon. Add enough water to fully cover roast. Place lid on slow cooker and turn on low for 10 to 12 hours, until meat pulls apart easily. Keep slow cooker on the warm setting to keep broth hot. Using tongs, take roast out of the slow cooker and shred with a fork, removing fat pieces as you go. Cut baguettes diagonally into 4 pieces, then cut in half lengthwise. Lay pieces face down on a baking sheet and broil in oven for 2 to 3 minutes, until lightly toasted. Flip baguettes over and top with roast and slices of cheese. Broil for another 2 to 3 minutes or until cheese is melted. Ladle broth from slow cooker into bowls to serve with sandwiches for dipping. Per serving: 625 calories, 22 grams fat (12 grams saturated fat), 191 milligrams cholesterol, 1,142 milligrams sodium, 34 grams total carbohydrates, 1.5 grams fiber, 68 grams protein.

BLEU CHEESESTEAK SUB Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 15 minutes | Servings: 4 1 pound flank steak, fat removed 8 ounces mushrooms, sliced and sliced thin 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 teaspoons oregano 4 hoagie rolls ½ teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons mayonnaise ¼ teaspoon pepper 3 ounces bleu cheese 3 tablespoons olive oil, divided 4 slices provolone cheese, cut in half 2 shallots, sliced ¼ cup banana peppers (optional) 1 red pepper, sliced Note: To make the flank steak easier to slice, cover and freeze for 30 minutes and slice steak across the grain. Sprinkle steak slices with oregano, salt, and pepper. Heat an electric skillet (or a large nonstick skillet) to medium-high. Add 1 tablespoon olive oil. Sauté steak about 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove steak from skillet and set aside. Add remaining oil, sliced shallots, and red pepper. Let shallots caramelize and red pepper slices begin to brown, about 5 minutes, stirring every minute or so. Add mushrooms, sautéing another few minutes. Return steak to skillet, add garlic, and sauté until thoroughly heated. Push sautéed meat and veggies to one side of the electric skillet. (If using a nonstick skillet on the stove, remove meat and veggies and set aside, then follow the next steps in batches.) Slice hoagie rolls ¾ of the way through. Place hoagie rolls in the electric skillet cut-side up, spreading mayonnaise on the inside of each. Top with meat and veggies, crumbled bleu cheese, and sliced provolone. Place lid on the skillet and heat until cheese is melted, 3 to 5 minutes. Remove cheesesteaks from skillet and top with banana peppers (optional). Per serving: 741 calories, 39 grams fat (14.5 grams saturated fat), 96 milligrams cholesterol, 1,268 milligrams sodium, 50 grams total carbohydrates, 3 grams fiber, 52 grams protein.


CALIFORNIA VEGGIE Prep: 15 minutes | Servings: 4 ½ cup sour cream 6 mushrooms 1 tablespoon dill 1 avocado 1 small cucumber ¼ cup sliced red onion 1 medium carrot 8 slices multigrain bread 4 radishes Note: Hummus can be used as a substitute for sour cream. In a small bowl, mix together sour cream and dill. Thinly slice the cucumber, carrot, radishes, mushrooms, avocado, and red onion. Lay out 8 slices of bread. Spread sour cream mixture on insides of bread. Evenly stack veggies on bottom piece of bread and close sandwiches. Per serving: 330 calories, 18 grams fat (6 grams saturated fat), 13 milligrams cholesterol, 256 milligrams sodium, 34 grams total carbohydrates, 8.5 grams fiber, 10.5 grams protein.

Have you tried one of our recipes? Do you have a recipe to share with other Ohio co-op members? Visit the Member Interactive page on www.ohiocoopliving.com to find recipes submitted by our readers and to upload yours.

While you’re there, see a video of some of our tasty dishes being prepared.





The importance of


s most of you know, Adams Rural Electric was very fortunate in February to escape the ice storms that pummeled parts of Kentucky and eastern Ohio. Thousands upon thousands of people were without electricity for days and some for weeks. Texas was also hit with weather that caused power outages, frozen pipes, water shortages, and rolling blackouts. Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative, which is in the southeastern part of our state, had over 7,000 members without power at one point. In my tenure as general manager here at the cooperative, we have had two ice storms that took 10 days or more to get every member’s power restored and multiple wind storms that have taken two to three days for restoration to be completed. Being prepared for these storms is becoming more and more important. If you have a health condition, freezers full of food, or any other condition that you are unable to be without electricity for a long period of time, you need be prepared and make plans for such an event. We take electricity for granted — going to the wall switch, light, etc. to turn something on and expecting it to be there. When the light doesn’t come on or the heat or air conditioning doesn’t work, are we prepared?

being ready

Purchasing a generator can prevent loss of essential needs, and if large enough, can power the whole house.

I know not everyone can afford to go out and purchase a generator, and in those cases, you should have plans on what you would do if a major power outage occurred Bill Swango that could last for days. Plans GENERAL MANAGER could include relatives or friends that have power that you could stay with or a list of agencies that you can contact for information about shelters. The cooperative has taken many steps in the past to increase reliability with the construction of substations and tie lines that allow us to switch loads from one substation or delivery point to another in order to pick up load that is out of power. All this work still leaves the electrical system vulnerable to major storms such as high winds, ice, or heavy snow. We strive to keep the power on 24/7, but we know there are times when that is not possible, and that’s why you, as consumers, also need to be prepared.



Adams REC awards scholarships to five area students E ach year, Adams Rural Electric awards scholarships to hardworking students whose parents are members of the cooperative. While we had some very talented applicants, the number of those who applied this year was down from previous years. And of course, We are pleased to announce that Alyssa Mays of North Adams High School was chosen as the recipient of the firstplace scholarship award of $1,200. By placing first at Adams, Alyssa is also eligible to compete for a scholarship of up to $3,600 from Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives, Adams REC’s statewide services organization in Columbus. Alyssa is the daughter of Jamie Mays and Starr Mays. She has chosen a career in biomedical science. The second-place scholarship award of $1,000 will go to Brooklynn Tolle, also of North Adams High School. Brooklynn is the daughter of Tabby DeMint and has chosen to major in nursing.

The third-place award for an $800 scholarship will go to Molly Fuller of West Union High School. Molly is the daughter of Rob and Carrie Fuller. She plans on majoring in physical and occupational therapy.

with the pandemic, we had to do things a little differently this year than in the past. Rather than an in-person interview, each applicant had to submit an essay of at least 300 words on electric cooperatives in Ohio.

The fourth-place scholarship award of $700 will go to Brett Ferguson of Peebles High School. Brett will be majoring in physics engineering and is the son of Daniel and Amber Ferguson.

Braxlynn McClanahan will be the recipient of the fifth-place scholarship of $600. Braxlynn attended Manchester High School and will be majoring in pharmaceutical sciences. She is the daughter of David and Cheri McClanahan.

We want to congratulate not only these five winners but all those who took the time and effort to apply for the scholarships. All of them were outstanding, and they are to be commended for their hard work and for the achievements that each of them have accomplished. Adams Rural Electric wishes all of them the very best and brightest future!



Ensuring reliability as power supply tightens Y

ou expect reliable and affordable electricity from your electric cooperative, so how does your co-op deliver on that promise?

A complex network of electricity generators and tens of thousands of miles of electrical lines work together to ensure that enough electricity is available on the coldest winter morning and during the dog days of summer. What happens when the demand for power overwhelms the ability to provide it? That’s a particularly vexing question given the transition taking place in how electricity is produced and shared across this network. The key to meeting the energy needs so essential to your quality of life is balancing electricity supply with demand. While that may sound simple, there is a complex web of facilities and organizations that work together to make it happen each day. Regional transmission organizations coordinate, control, and monitor the electric grid across several states in a region. Think of them as energy traffic managers on an interstate highway system, regulating the number of cars — in this case, electricity — and their destination. Even so, on some days there is an imbalance in that system that leads to rolling power interruptions or blackouts — so-called “maxgen” events. In those cases, supply simply can’t keep up. Fortunately for electric cooperative members in Ohio, PJM, the 13-state regional transmission organization that extends from Ohio to New Jersey, has only experienced one of those events since 2016. To our west is MISO, comprising 15 states. Since 2016, there have been 15 max-gen events in MISO, including three last July and August alone. Simply, that’s because power plants that generate electricity are being closed faster than new producers come online. In most cases, traditional large-scale power suppliers such as coal and nuclear plants are being closed and replaced by alternatives on a much smaller scale. And this gap is closing more quickly despite the development of new natural gas-fueled power plants.

Traditional large-scale power suppliers such as coal and nuclear plants are being closed and replaced by alternatives on a much smaller scale. Electric cooperatives and others in the energy sector are continuing to develop renewable options and pursue new technologies.

As more electric utilities pursue zero- or low-carbon initiatives by 2035 and beyond, this challenge will grow more complex. So, what’s the answer? 220300013 Electric cooperatives and others in the energy sector will continue to develop renewable options and pursue new technologies. But absent new large-scale alternatives and advances in energy storage, the stalwarts of today’s energy fleet — coal and nuclear energy facilities — must continue to operate in many regions. In some, they remain the most cost-effective options for producing electricity.



Energy Efficiency

Our office will be closed on Friday, April 2, to recognize Good Friday. Adams Rural Electric Cooperative wishes all of our members a happy Easter.

Tip of the Month Some manufacturers set water heater thermostats at 140 degrees, but most households usually only require them to be set at 120 degrees. Consider lowering your water heater’s temperature to save energy and slow mineral buildup in the heater and pipes.


Source: www.energy.gov

Do not use email or Facebook! If you experience an outage, please call the office at 937-544-2305 or 800283-1846. If you post on Facebook or email your outage information, it could delay the restoration time. Emails and Facebook are not continuously monitored, especially in the evenings or on weekends.


937-544-2305 | 800-283-1846 www.adamsrec.com

Capital credits retirements Capital credits refunded to the estates of Adams Rural Electric Cooperative members for February 2021 totaled $15,111.03. The total retired for 2021 YTD is $45,495.36. In case of the death of a member of Adams Rural Electric, contact the cooperative at 937-544-2305 or 800-283-1846.


Donald C. McCarty Sr. President

Charles L. Newman Vice President

Kenneth McCann Secretary


4800 St. Rte. 125 P.O. Box 247 West Union, OH 45693 OFFICE HOURS

Mon.–Fri., 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m.

Stephen Huff Blanchard Campbell William Wylie M. Dale Grooms William Seaman John Wickerham

Erika Ackley Jacob Alexander Alice Baird Jennifer Baughey Nathan Colvin Kacee Cox Joan Drummond Brett Fawns Joyce Grooms John Hayslip David Henry Steve Hoop

Randy Johnson Samuel Kimmerly Dave Kirker Rodney Little Dave McChesney Kristina Orr David Ralston Cody Rigdon Zachary Rowe Dewayne Sexton Mike Whitley Jordan Williams

Bill Swango General Manager

PAY YOUR BILL AT 800-809-6352 HIDDEN NUMBER BILL CREDIT We provide three convenient ways to pay: online, by phone, or directly from your bank account. Failure to receive your bill in no way relieves you from paying it. If you don’t receive your bill, contact the office before the due date and we’ll issue another one.


Pay at these collection stations: First State Bank — Georgetown, Hillsboro, Manchester, Peebles, Ripley, Seaman, West Union, and Winchester. National Bank of Adams County — 218 N. Market St., West Union.

Find your account number in the Adams REC local pages (the four center pages of this magazine), then call our office, and you will receive a $20 credit on your electric bill. You must call by the end of the month in which your account number appears. Your call affirms permission to publish your name as a winner in an upcoming issue of Ohio Cooperative Living.


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Say what ???? Cleveland twang? Piketon drawl? The way you say certain words can tell others where you’re from. BY PATTY YODER


o you say “crick” or “creek”? “Mom” or “mahm”? How about “wash” or “warsh”? Your answers can pinpoint which part of the state you’re from.

In broad terms, Ohio has three distinct accents — Midland, Inland North, and Southern — but experts allow plenty of room for variations that are unique even down to your town, according to Kathryn Campbell-Kibler, an Ohio State University linguistics professor who specializes in Ohio accents. “Individual cities and areas develop their own ways of speaking,” Campbell-Kibler says. “Some small changes start

inlandnorthern midland

locally and then spread, but other changes begin in, say, Toledo and do not happen anywhere else.” Let’s take a closer look at how Ohioans speak.

Ohio’s Midland accent Read this sentence out loud: It will be a merry day when Mary agrees to marry John. If you have a Midland accent, “merry,” “Mary,” and “marry” sound the same. It’s the most common accent in the state, spoken from Van Wert, Mansfield, and Wooster to Xenia, Lancaster, and St. Clairsville. Midlanders also pronounce words like “cot” and “caught” and “don” and “dawn” interchangeably. (The Marion-raised author of this article had to contort her mouth and pretend she was from New York to form the W in “dawn” successfully.) Midlanders also tend to drop the G’s at the end of words and combine two words for efficiency, so “going” becomes “goin’” and “could have” becomes “coulda.”

Ohio’s Inland North accent Now try this one: It was too hot for hockey, so we drank pop with my dad. If you have an Inland North accent, others hear you say this: It was too haht for hahkey, so we drank pahp with my dee-yad.



The long O and the raised A sounds are tipoffs to the Inland North accent, which is spoken throughout the Great Lakes region, including Toledo, Cleveland, and Painesville. Linguists believe the accent originated with the workers who built the Erie Canal.

Inland Northerners have bragging rights for their Northern Cities Vowel Shift (where “cat” becomes “kee-yat”), considered the most important pronunciation change in centuries, according to Campbell-Kibler. They’re also unique for saying “caught” and “cot” differently.

Ohio’s Southern accent Our Southern accent doesn’t go all the way to “Howdy, y’all,” but try this sentence on for size: At the time, my friend was carrying 10 pens and 10 pins. If you’re from Cincinnati, Portsmouth, Marietta, or nearby, others hear you say: At the tahm, mah friend was carrying tin pins and tin pins. For these speakers, the E’s in “pen” and “ten” become I’s, so they sound like “pin” and “tin.” They also soften the I sounds in “time” and “my.” The Southern accent originated in the United Kingdom, which established some of America’s oldest settlements. Today, it covers a wide swath of the country, from Dallas to New Orleans to Memphis to Mobile, before crossing into Ohio’s southern border.

So which accent is the “right” way to speak? There is no official American accent, so the answer is up to you. Obviously, there’s more to Ohio’s story than the three accents listed above. Our Amish communities speak using a Pennsylvania German or Pennsylvania Dutch dialect, and many Ohioans speak African American Vernacular English, a dialect that began in the South and spread across the country. Although there’s no national standard, our accent can help us or hold us back, Campbell-Kibler says. In her research, she studies how people perceive others based on their accents. If it hits our ears wrong, we may assume someone is less educated, less successful, or even less goodlooking than we’d think if they spoke more like us. Knowing this, many people change their accent, which can have emotional side effects. “The speech of our parents is the language of belonging,” CampbellKibler says. “What gets tricky is the language we use out in the world. For some, it may be the difference between being taken seriously or speaking like their family.” Her advice is to keep an open mind when meeting someone new. “Do we really want everybody to sound the same all the time?” she asks. “Personally, I think it’s fun when you can listen to people and they sound different.”

Warsh creek Wash crick

e h t e k a T g a T t n e c c #A e g n e l l a h c

Twenty years ago, a Harvard linguistics professor learned his students’ dialects by asking them to read a list of words and answer 10 questions. When he posted the quiz online, it quickly went viral, and today millions of people have added their voices to the #AccentTag challenge on social media. Here’s how to share your accent with the world: Post a video of yourself reading the words and answering the questions below. Be sure to add #accenttag, #accentchallenge, and #ohioec so other Ohio co-op members can find you. Remember, there are no wrong answers!

#AccentTag words Aunt, roof, route, wash, oil, theater, iron, salmon, caramel, fire, water, sure, data, ruin, crayon, New Orleans, pecan, both, again, probably, spitting image, Alabama, lawyer, coupon, mayonnaise, syrup, pajamas, caught, naturally, aluminum, envelope #AccentTag Questions 1. What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house? 2. What is the bug that when you touch it, it curls into a ball? 3. What is the bubbly carbonated drink called? 4. What do you call gym shoes? 5. What do you say to address a group of people? 6. What do you call the kind of spider (or spiderlike creature) that has an oval-shaped body and extremely long legs? 7. What do you call your grandparents? 8. What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket? 9. What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining? 10. What is the thing you change the TV channel with? APRIL 2021 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  25

Technical Scholarships Available For adult and high school consumer-members

Rules and applications are available at www.ohioec.org/TechnicalScholarship APPLICATION DEADLINE: April 30 26   OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  •  APRIL 2021

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“ Setting her own Ever since her father built a world-renowned golf course in Canton, Renee Powell has spent a lifetime opening doors to the game. BY VICTORIA ELLWOOD


Renee Powell, on the left with her parents, Marcella and Bill Powell, and brother, Larry, has been breaking barriers ever since Bill taught her to play golf when she was 3.


ork hard. Be twice as good. Don’t let anyone else define you. Find your way around obstacles.”

The life lessons that Bill Powell instilled in his daughter, Renee Powell, were sharpened with his boots on the ground … and his golf shoes on the course. Bill Powell served in the Army Air Forces in World War II, and as the war ended, he enjoyed playing a little golf on the renowned courses in Scotland. Upon returning stateside, however, he found he was barred from many golf courses because of his race. Undeterred, the young Army veteran found a solution. He built his own golf course. By himself. By hand.

Tenacity to get the job done Working nights as a security guard, Bill would return home at dawn and get to work. Using hand tools and pulling a mower with an old Army Jeep, he transformed a former dairy farm near Canton into a nine-hole public course that he opened to all. It later expanded to 18 holes. Named a National Historic Site by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Clearview is still the only golf course in the country designed, built, owned, and operated by an African American. “Here he was, a World War II veteran, and he was treated better in other countries than he was in America,” Renee says. “What drove him to build a golf course was being denied access. He found a way to create an opportunity for everybody.” Powell passed that tenacity to his children. “My parents taught me to never give up,” Renee says. “They believed we all stand on the shoulders of those who came before us. You see what others went through to pave the way for you, and I saw what my parents did to pave the way for me.”

Carrying on the tradition Today, Renee and her brother, Larry, carry on their dad’s legacy at Clearview, where she’s the head golf professional and he’s the superintendent. The two are looking forward to celebrating the club’s 75th anniversary with a host of special events planned throughout the year.

Renee and Larry grew up at Clearview and started playing golf early on. “I learned to walk and talk — and play golf,” she says. “I still have the original golf club my dad put in my hands when I was 3.” Like her father, Renee helped open doors in the world of golf. By her early teens — with her parents fighting for her right to compete — she had won more than 30 tournaments and was the first Black girl to play in the U.S. Junior Girls Championship. In 1967, she became the second Black woman to compete on the LPGA Tour, going on to play in more than 250 professional tournaments and winning the 1973 Kelly Springfield Open in Australia. After leaving the LPGA, she worked as a golf pro in the United Kingdom, becoming the first female golfer ever to be given an honorary doctorate from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. She was and is an enthusiastic international ambassador for the game, having traveled to Asia, Africa, Australia, and Europe.

Time to pay forward It was a 1970 trip to Vietnam with the USO, however, that helped inspire Renee’s latest endeavor. Moved by that experience and fortified by her father’s military background, she launched a golf program specifically for female veterans in 2011. The project, dubbed H.O.P.E. (Helping Our Patriots Everywhere), is a year-round, cost-free program that “brings women veterans together in a ‘safe space’ where they can have fun and connect with one another,” Continued on page 30


Continued from page 29

she says. “We use golf from a therapeutic and recreational standpoint. Most of these women have never even considered playing golf.” But then they get hooked. “It’s very uplifting and empowering when that little ball goes airborne,” Renee says. The roster of about 50 women — up to age 81 — includes Vietnam-era veterans, as well as those who served in Desert Storm and Iraq. “Once we kick off the season, they play on Friday evenings — that’s their time, and there’s usually food involved,” Renee says. “They not only have fun with the game but find a sense of camaraderie. They understand each other. They’ve told me this program has saved their life.” Renee’s love of golf, cultivated early in life, has continued to inspire others. She thinks back to a day during her touring career when she ran into another Black athletic pioneer, none other than Jesse Owens, in an Ohio airport. The two sat together in the plane and talked the entire trip, and she still remembers his words, which guide her to this day.

When he was denied the opportunity to play golf after returning from World War II, Bill Powell built his own course, by himself and by hand.

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“You don’t have a choice to play or not to play,” she says Owens told her. “When God gives you a talent,” he said, “you have a responsibility to use that talent.”




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Who knew that one of Ohio’s biggest cities is a big-time destination for family fun? Cleveland’s wide variety of kid-friendly attractions, plus its affordability and easy access, equals an outstanding package of experiences for all ages. BY DAMAINE VONADA


A Christmas Story House and Museum Stroke the leg lamp like Ralphie did or crawl under the kitchen sink like Randy — or mimic any number of scenes from the iconic movie at the house where it was made. “There’s even Lifebuoy soap in the bathroom,” says owner Brian Jones. “People are welcome to put the soap in their mouths, but it tastes awful.” Although a nearby museum displays Randy’s snowsuit and other authentic costumes and props from the beloved film, fans can give themselves a Major Award with an overnight stay — tuck the kids into Ralphie’s and Randy’s beds, or sleep next door in the Bumpus House’s Hound Dog Haven and Stolen Turkey suites.

216-298-4919; www.achristmasstoryhouse.com

Children’s Museum of Cleveland The museum is a learning center for little ones where infants to 8-year-olds can make believe or make a splash. It’s currently closed to the public, but has plenty of online programs until its Wonder Lab, Adventure City, or Arts and Parts spaces can open once again.

216-791-7114; www.cmcleveland.org

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo While their eyes go wide when tigers walk above their heads, nothing wows youngsters more than hand-feeding lettuce to 16-foot-tall giraffes. Tip: Unlock educational animal information with KeyBank ZooKeys at more than two dozen information boxes around the zoo.

216-661-6500; www.futureforwildlife.org


Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland’s Learning Center and Money Museum Get a crash course in cash at the Money Museum, located inside the Cleveland Fed’s venerable building. The visit is free, but shells out priceless activities — including Barter Island and a Money Tree — that teach the value of a dollar.

216-579-3188; www.clevelandfed.org

Great Lakes Science Center Great Lakes Science Center excels in developing interactive exhibits that boost kids’ confidence in their abilities and even engage the entire family. “The entire center is designed with multi-generation experiences in mind,” says Kirsten Ellenbogen, president and CEO. Signature attractions include the Derby Dash, where you can build and race cars; the Rocket Pod, which tests your skills at making and launching paper projectiles; and NASA Glenn Visitor Center, where your whole crew will have a blast peering inside an Apollo Command Module or getting their photos taken inside a space suit. Tip: The Center sits along Lake Erie and has picnic areas perfect for lunches with waterfront views.

216-694-2000; www.greatscience.com

Greater Cleveland Aquarium A repurposed powerhouse sets a unique stage to provide small fry with eye-level views and awesome perspectives on fish from around the world. Walk underwater and watch sharks swim in the seatube. Pet stingrays in the touchpool. Marvel at plankton-eating eels popping out of their burrows. Then meet Toby, a giant-lipped gourami with a reputation for puckering up to visitors. “Toby definitely seems to like to engage with people, and guests just love him,” says the aquarium’s marketing director, Samantha Fryberger.

216-862-8803; www. greaterclevelandaquarium.com


Hershey Children’s Garden at Cleveland Botanical Garden Nurture a love of nature at Hershey Children’s Garden, a cool, kid-sized place with butterfly-shaped gates and a lofty treehouse. Look for living fossils like the ginkgo tree; listen to croaking frogs; touch silky lamb’s ear leaves; and explore the wonders of sunflowers, earthworms, and seeds.

216-721-1600; www.cbgarden.org/visit/the-gardens/ hershey-childrens-garden

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame The Rock Hall is more than a world-class collection of artifacts and a highenergy homage to rock music. It’s also a place for you and your future rock stars to make your own music in The Garage, an interactive exhibit that recalls the humble origin of many famous bands. Just select a guitar, keyboard, or other instrument to get a lesson or play with family and friends. Tip: Try singing backup for The Mechanics, the Rock Hall’s jam band.

216-781-7625; www.rockhall.com

Sweet Moses Soda Fountain and Treat Shop The nostalgia of an authentic 1940s soda fountain combined with homemade ice creams, toppings, and even root beer are the recipe for pure enjoyment at Sweet Moses, an oldschool shop named for Cleveland founder Moses Cleaveland (spelled with an extra “a”). “It’s really great when it becomes a multi-generational experience and grandparents get to show their grandchildren a treat from their own childhood, such as a chocolate soda,” says owner Jeffrey Moreau. Also on the menu are hand-carbonated floats, malts, phosphates, and the Terminal Tower, a 10-scoop-tall sundae featuring house flavors such as Belgian Chocolate and Bananas Foster.

216-651-2202; www.sweetmosestreats.com

Be COVID cautious before you go Since the pandemic is unpredictable, always call ahead or check attractions’ websites for updates on hours, reserving arrival times, pre-purchasing tickets, wearing masks, and health and safety guidelines.


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PLEASE NOTE: Because of the developing coronavirus situation, many of these planned events may have been postponed or canceled. Please seek updated information before traveling. COMPILED BY COLLEEN ROMICK CLARK

APR. 7–20 – Cleveland International Film Festival, 2510 Market Ave., Cleveland. 216-623-3456 or www. clevelandfilm.org. APR. 17 – Avon Spring Avant-Garde Art and Craft Show, Emerald Event Ctr., 33040 Just Imagine Dr., Avon, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $3, under 12 free. Original handmade items. Full concession stand on site. 440227-8794 or www.avantgardeshows.com. APR. 22–25 – Geauga County Maple Festival, Historic Chardon Square, Chardon. A festival celebrating “everything maple”! Arts and crafts, lumberjack competition and other contests, pageants, and other fun activities. Enjoy all-you-can-eat Pancakes in the Park every day, 8 a.m.–2 p.m. 440-332-7055, info@ maplefestival.com, or www.maplefestival.com. APR. 23–24 – Earlier Times Antiques and Folk Art Show, Harvest Ridge, Holmes Co. Fgds., 8880 OH-39, Millersburg, Fri. 4–7 p.m., Sat. 10:30 a.m.–3 p.m. For more information, contact Cheryl Williams at 614-9895811 or Stacee Droit at 618-932-6633. APR. 30–MAY 1 – Dandelion May Fest, Roadhouse Amphitheater, 1/2 mile east of Breitenbach Wine Cellars, 5934 Old Rte. 39 NW, Dover, Fri. noon–7 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–7 p.m. Dandelion food and wine tastings, dandelion sangria, cellar tours, arts and crafts, and live entertainment. Kids’ dandelion picking contest and jelly making on Saturday. 330-343-3603 or www. breitenbachwine.com/events/dandelion-festival.

MAY 1 – Opening Day of Fort Steuben Tours, Historic Fort Steuben, 120 S. Third St., Steubenville, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $9, Srs. $8, C. (6–12) $5, under 6 free. 740-2831787 or www.oldfortsteuben.com. MAY 1–2 – Ohio Civil War Show and Artillery Show, Richland Co. Fgds., 750 N. Home Rd., Mansfield, Sat. 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $7, under 12 free. Authentic military memorabilia and related items (1775–1945 only) to buy, sell, or trade. Cannon firing and small arms demonstrations, Civil War and WWII battleground encampments, Civil War hospital scenario, and much more. www.ohiocivilwarshow.com. MAY 2 – The Baker’s Basement: Swingin’ Folk-Funk, HeARTland, 8187 Camp Rd., Homerville, 2 p.m. Bring lawn chairs and blankets to enjoy this free outdoors concert. In the event of rain, and if COVID regulations permit, the concert will take place at the Homerville Community Center Auditorium, 8964 Spencer Rd., Homerville. If not, you can livestream the event at www. facebook.com/Ormaco.Inc. For more information, call 419-853-6016. MAY 8 – Model Train Flea Market, Painesville Railroad Museum, 475 Railroad St., Painesville, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Household items also for sale. Food and drinks available for small donation. Call Tom at 216-470-5780 for more information or visit www.painesvillerailroadmuseum.org.

beginners and experienced naturalists alike. Three additional sites will be open but without programs. All reservations must be made online and in advance for each program site. Current health department guidelines will be followed at the sites. 800-642-8282 or www.mohicanwildlifeweekend.com. APR. 23–25 – Ohioana Book Festival, virtual event. Free. This festival celebrating Ohio’s authors will bring more than 100 authors together with readers of all ages for virtual readings, discussions, and more. All content from the 2020 Ohioana Book Festival is now available online as well. 614-466-3831 or www.ohioana.org/ programs/ohioana-book-festival. APR. 23–25 – Vintage Market Days, Franklin Co. APR. 13, MAY 11 – Inventors Network Meeting, virtual Fgds., 4951 Northwest Pkwy., Hilliard, Fri./Sat. 10 a.m.– event, 7 p.m. Educational presentations and discussion 5 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $10 for early buyers, $5 about the invention process. For more information, call for Sat./Sun. only, under 12 free. An upscale vintage614-470-0144 or visit www.inventorscolumbus.com. inspired indoor/outdoor market featuring original art, antiques, clothing, jewelry, handmade treasures, APR. 15 – “Vegetable Gardening,” virtual class via home décor, outdoor furnishings, and more. https:// Zoom, 6–7:30 p.m. $20–$25. A master gardener vintagemarketdays.com/market/west-columbus. teaches you how to plan, plant, and maintain a successful vegetable garden. Register online at www. APR. 30–MAY 1 – Spring at the Round Barn, Fairfield fpconservatory.org/events. Co. Fgds., 157 E. Fair Ave., Lancaster, Fri. 4–8 p.m., APR. 16–18 – Columbus Home Improvement Show, Sat. 9 a.m.–5 p.m. $5; free for 12 and under. VIP and early bird tickets available online. More than 125 of Ohio Expo Ctr., Kasich Hall, 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus. the best vendors from across the Midwest, featuring $6, under 18 free. The most knowledgeable and experienced remodeling and building experts from the rustic, repurposed, salvaged, and modern farmhouse Columbus area will share their knowledge to help bring décor, boutique clothing, hand-poured candles, your home improvement ideas to life or inspire you with artisan jewelry, and handcrafted items. Live music new ones. See the latest innovations and design trends, and food trucks. 614-296-1621 or www.facebook.com/ RoundBarnVintageandMadeMarket. and find unique objects and artwork for your home. www.homeshowcenter.com/overview/columbushome2. MAY 1 – “Create a Paper Succulent Garden,” Franklin Park Conservatory, 1777 E. Broad St., Columbus, APR. 23–25 – Mohican Wildlife Weekend: Survivor noon–3 p.m. $100. Learn to create realistic-looking Mohican, locations in Ashland and Richland counties. succulents from local artist Lea Gray, whose work is on Free. A celebration of wildlife habitat, heritage, and display in the Cardinal Health Gallery. Lea will guide natural history. Choose from 10 program sites that will you through the easy process of creating a collection offer workshops and demonstrations to interest of succulents that you get to “plant” in your very own wall garden! This class is in-person only. Face coverings

and social distancing required. 614-715-8156 or www. fpconservatory.org. MAY 6 – “Violence in the Ohio House,” virtual event via Zoom, 7 p.m. $15; free for OHS members. Politicians viciously insulted and even physically attacked their opponents in the years leading up to the Civil War. In January 1857, Cincinnati Democrat John P. Slough assaulted Republican Darius Cadwell on the floor of the Ohio House of Representatives, which resulted in Slough’s expulsion from the legislature. Richard L. Miller uses the story of the Slough-Cadwell altercation to examine the political tensions that eventually tore the country apart in 1860. Register and purchase tickets at www.ohiohistory.org. MAY 8 – “Create a Pink Paper Magnolia,” Franklin Park Conservatory, 1777 E. Broad St., Columbus, noon–3 p.m. $100. Learn the easy and fun techniques to create a beautifully realistic paper magnolia with artist Lea Gray. Students will learn the art of curling and folding Italian crepe papers, as well as hombre color effects, to create realistic-looking flowers and buds. This class is in-person only. Face coverings and social distancing required. 614-715-8156 or www.fpconservatory.org. MAY 14–16 – All American Columbus Pet Expo, Ohio Expo Ctr., 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus. Includes the Pet Expo, All About Cats Expo, Mega Pet Adoption, and much more! Check website for updated schedules. www.columbuspetexpo.com. MAY 15 – “Art on the Canal” Art Stroll, High Street, Canal Winchester, noon–6 p.m. Free. The downtown will come alive with music, dancing, and performances, along with a variety of arts and crafts from central Ohio artists. Enjoy local food, drinks, and shopping, and be sure to visit Canal Winchester’s Historical Complex on North High Street, which includes the one-room Prentiss School Building and the Hocking Valley “Queen of the Line” railroad depot, as well as Robert Warren’s art studio. 614-270-5053 or www.destinationcw.org.

THROUGH APR. 10 – Spring Quilt Show: “The Joy of Quilts,” Historic Fort Steuben Visitor Ctr., 120 S. 3rd St., Steubenville, Mon.–Fri. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. From handstitched family heirlooms to machinecrafted modern designs. 740-283-1787 or www. oldfortsteuben.com. APR. 2–MAY 2 – The Great Steubenville Eggsibition, Steubenville Visitor Center, 120 S. 3rd St., Steubenville, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Three-foot-tall Easter eggs are strategically placed in downtown businesses for an allcity, all-ages Easter Egg Hunt! Twenty-eight giant eggs were designed and meticulously painted by more than 20 different local artists. Maps available at the Visitor Center and local shops. Call 740-283-2935 or email info@visitsteubenville.com.





PLEASE NOTE: Because of the developing coronavirus situation, many of these planned events may have been postponed or canceled. Please seek updated information before traveling.


9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–3 p.m., rain or shine. Handicap accessible. 250 to 400 dealers per show. Wide variety of merchandise for sale, including antiques, collectibles, furniture, crafts, produce, and more. 419-447-9613, tiffinfleamarket@gmail.com, or www.tiffinfleamarket.com. APR. 24–25 – Ghost Town Spring Crafts and Antiques Festival, 10630 Co. Rd. 40, Findlay. A family event featuring crafts and antiques, live music and performances, food and beverages, and kids’ activities. See Facebook page for updated schedules. 419-673-7783 or www.facebook.com/Ghost-TownTHROUGH OCT. 30 – Bluffton Farmers Market, Findlay-Ohio-1525098627787387. Citizens National Bank parking lot, 102 S. Main St., downtown Bluffton (2 mins. from I-75 exits 140 and APR. 25 – Glass City Marathon, 2801 W. Bancroft 142), every Saturday, rain or shine, 8:30 a.m.–noon. St., Toledo. One of the fastest marathon courses in the Outdoor market offering local produce, plants, and Midwest, regularly in the top list of Boston Marathon cottage foods. Storytime with the Bluffton Public qualifying events. 26.2-mile marathon, half marathon, Library and live music on select Saturdays. www. 5K, and five-person relay. www.glasscitymarathon.org. explorebluffton.com/farmers-market. MAY 1 – Kentucky Derby Affair on the Square, APR. 10 – Bucyrus Model Railroad Association Courthouse Square lawn, downtown Sidney. Get your Train Show and Swap Meet, Crawford Co. Fgds., hats and bow ties ready for a fantastic event! Tickets 610 Whetstone St., Bucyrus, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $5, required. Follow “Sidney Alive” on Facebook or call us free for 12 and under. Club room will be open with at 937-658-6945. operating layouts for all to enjoy. Exhibit tables MAY 1–2 – “Springtime in Ohio” Art and Craft available for selling, trading, and swapping. 419-564- Show, Hancock Co. Fgds., 1017 E. Sandusky St., 7850 or find us on Facebook. Findlay, Sat. 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $6– APR. 17 – Open Hearts Classical Music Series, St. $8. Outstanding crafts and art displays, food, musical Charles Catholic Church, 2200 W. Elm, Lima, 7:30 p.m. entertainment, kids’ activities, and demonstrations. Free. Featuring Russian pianist Vitaly Serebriakov. 419-436-1457 or http://cloudshows.biz/event-calendar. All COVID-safe regulations apply (wear a mask, don’t MAY 1–2 – Tri-State Gun Show, Allen Co. Fgds., come if you have a fever or have been in contact with 2750 Harding Hwy., Lima (2 miles east of Lima on St. someone who is COVID positive, etc.). http://lima. Rte. 309), Sat. 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 8:30 a.m.–3 simpleviewinc.com. p.m. $6, members and under 18 free. Over 400 APR. 24 – Chocolate and Wine Walk, 5495 tables of modern and antique guns, edged weapons, Liberty Ave., Vermilion, noon–4 p.m. $20. Take a and sportsmen equipment. 419-647-0067 or www. stroll through downtown Vermilion while sampling tristategunshow.org. chocolate treats and/or wine as you visit the quaint MAY 6–10 – Biggest Week in American shops. Limited tickets, so register early! 440-967-4477 Birding, virtual event. Free to Black Swamp Bird or http://vermilionchamber.net. Observatory members. Because of continuing APR. 24–25 – The Fantastic Tiffin Flea Market, concerns about COVID, the event is going virtual Seneca Co. Fgds., 100 Hopewell Ave., Tiffin, Sat. this year. Not only will we bring you the kind of


THROUGH DECEMBER – Athens Farmers Market, 1000 E. State St., Athens, Wed. 9 a.m.–1 p.m., Sat., 9 a.m.–noon. Buy local and support your local economy. The market showcases farmers, orchardists, specialty food producers, bakers, horticulturalists, cheese makers, and many other food-based entrepreneurs. 740-593-6763 or www. athensfarmersmarket.org. APR. 15 – “Spoken & Heard,” virtual event via Zoom, 7 p.m. Part of a series of literary events hosted by Kari Gunter-Seymour, poet laureate of Ohio, 38   OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  •  APRIL 2021

featuring award-winning authors, poets, and singer/ songwriters from across the country. April’s event will feature Gunter-Seymour as well as authors Robert Gipe and Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle. Register online at www.stuartsoperahouse.org/events. APR. 17 – An Insider’s Tour, Campus Martius Museum, 601 Second St., Marietta, 1:30–3:30 p.m. Museum admission plus $10. Take a deeper look at the early settlers who are the focus of David McCullough’s latest book, The Pioneers. Learn about their lives, their possessions, and the home of General Rufus Putnam. Stories narrated by William Reynolds, the museum’s historian and a research contributor to McCullough while writing his book. Registration required. 740-373-3750 or www. campusmartiusmuseum.org. APR. 24 – Earth Gathering Festival, Pump House Ctr. for the Arts, 1 Enderlin Circle, Chillicothe, 11 a.m.–6 p.m. Free. Earth-friendly art, music, food, products, and ideas. Quality, affordable handmade art and great music from local and regional artists. 740-772-5783 or http://visitchillicotheohio.com. APR. 24–25 – Lucasville Trade Days, Scioto Co. Fgds., 1193 Fairground Rd., Lucasville, Sat. 7 a.m.–7

outstanding workshops and keynotes you’ve come to expect during Biggest Week, we’re also going to bring you virtual experiences at some of your favorite birding hotspots in northwest Ohio! Watch for updates on our Facebook page and our website: www.biggestweekinamericanbirding.com. MAY 8 – CMP Monthly Air Rifle and Air Pistol Match, Camp Perry, 1000 Lawrence Dr., Port Clinton. Free admission and parking. Competitions feature a Junior Air Rifle 3x20 and 3x10, and a 60 Shots Air Rifle and Air Pistol match. Rental equipment is available for a small fee. 419-635-2141 ext. 707 (Lue Sherman), lsherman@ thecmp.org, or https://thecmp.org/ranges/cmpcompetition-centers/monthly-air-rifle-and-airpistol-matches. MAY 8 – Half-Mile Motorcycle Races, Allen Co. Fgds., 2750 Harding Hwy., Lima, 11 a.m.–7 p.m. $10–$20, under 6 free. Amateur and Power Elite half-mile flat track racing. www.facebook.com/ events/868069833981084 or www.allencofair.com. MAY 8 – Lilac Festival and Street Fair, downtown Defiance. Celebrate the official flower of Defiance with the community’s largest arts and crafts fair. Free lilacs to the first 750 attendees. 5K race, live music, arts and craft vendors, unique food vendors, and kids’ activities. 419-782-0739 or http:// visitdefianceohio.com/annual-events. MAY 8 – Toledo Doll and Bear Show and Sale, Stranahan Theater and Great Hall, 4645 Heatherdowns Blvd., Toledo, 10 a.m.–3:30 p.m., early bird admission 8:30 a.m. $7 ($6 with online coupon); early bird, $20; 12 and under free. Handicap accessible. Wide variety of antique, vintage, artist, and modern dolls and bears/critters, as well as accessories, vintage/antique toys, and much more. Door prizes, raffles, appraisals, and on-site doll restringing. 520-270-0179, Toledo@dollshows.net, or www.toledodollshow.com.

p.m., Sun. 7 a.m.–4 p.m. $5/day; free for 12 and under. Early bird shopping on Apr. 23 at 3 p.m., $5. Free parking on fairground lots. 937-728-6643 or www.lucasvilletradedays.com. APR. 28 – Lecture: “Rufus Putnam’s Role in the Revolutionary War,” Campus Martius Museum, 601 Second St., Marietta, 2–3 p.m. $5. Attend in-person or via Zoom. RSVP required; book online. 740-3733750 or www.campusmartiusmuseum.org. MAY 8 – “Ross County in the Nation’s Wars,” walking tour, Chillicothe, 1–5 p.m. Sponsored by the Chillicothe Restoration Foundation and area veterans organizations. Learn about each of the names memorialized on the town’s monuments for WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, as well as the four servicemen who gave their lives in the global War on Terror. http://visitchillicotheohio.com/event/rosscounty-in-the-nations-wars-2. MAY 12 – Lecture: “Life on a Shanty Boat,” Campus Martius Museum, 601 Second St., Marietta, 2–3 p.m. $5. Attend in-person or via Zoom. RSVP required; book online. 740-373-3750 or www. campusmartiusmuseum.org.

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THROUGH MAY 26 – Bluegrass Wednesdays, Vinoklet Winery, 11069 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, every Wednesday, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Enjoy dinner, wine, and an evening of lively bluegrass entertainment by Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass. Because of restricted seating due to COVID precautions, reservations are strongly recommended and should be made early. Call to confirm before driving. 513-385-9309 or vinokletwinery@fuse.net. APR. 11 – Annual Farm Toy Show, Champaign Co. Fgds., 384 Park Ave., Urbana, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $2, under 12 free. Look, buy, sell, or trade. Over 120 tables. Door prizes. Parts dealer will be present. Contact Lowell Morningstar at 937-826-4201. APR. 16–17 – Midwest Ceramic Association Show, Butler Co. Exhibition Bldg., Butler Co. Fgds., 1715 Fairgrove Ave., Hamilton, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Ohio’s original ceramic show. www.midwestceramics.org. APR. 16–18 – Vintage Market Days, Greene Co. Fgds., 120 Fairground Rd., Xenia, Fri./Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–3 p.m. $10 for early buyer, $5 for Sat./Sun. only, under 13 free. An upscale vintageinspired indoor/outdoor market featuring original art, antiques, clothing, jewelry, handmade treasures, home décor, outdoor furnishings, and more. www. vintagemarketdays.com. APR. 18 – Cincinnati’s Premier Wedding Show and Bridal Expo, The Manor House, 7440 Mason-


Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Free admission if you pre-register; $10 at the door. Tickets limited due to COVID restrictions. Find everything you need to create your dream wedding from 80 to 100 of Cincinnati’s best wedding professionals and businesses. See the latest trends in reception tables, décor, cakes, photography, and fashion, and take advantage of special discounts, deals, prizes, and giveaways. http://ohioweddingshows.com. APR. 24 – Queen City Beautiful Doll Club: Fashion Doll Show and Sale, EnterTRAINment Junction Expo Room, 7379 Squire Ct., West Chester, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Free. Fashion dolls, clothes, and accessories from all eras. Door prizes, display/ exhibit, ID/valuation. 513-207-8409, askmargie@ aol.com, or find us on Facebook. APR. 24–25 – Dayton Fancy Feathers Club Poultry Show, Darke Co. Fgds., 800 Sweitzer St., Greenville. 937-459-8447 (Ken Greer) or www. darkecountyfair.com. APR. 28–MAY 9 – Now and Then, virtual event. The Human Race Theatre Company presents the premiere of this heartfelt romantic comedy about the costs of the choices we make, and the people who make them with us. Written by Sean Grennan. Due to COVID precautions, the play will be filmed at a special location for your home viewing pleasure on the streaming platform BroadwayOnDemand.com. For details and showtimes, visit www.daytonlive.org/ events/now-and-then. APR. 30 – Bluegrass Night, Fibonacci Brewing Company, 1445 Compton Rd., Cincinnati, 7–9 p.m. Free. Enjoy an evening of craft beers and lively bluegrass music by Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass. Food truck available on site. Schedule may change due to COVID restrictions; please verify before traveling. 513-832-1422 or http://fibbrew.com. MAY 8 – Spring Food Truck Rally, Darke Co. Fgds., 800 Sweitzer St., Greenville, 10 a.m.–7 p.m. 937-6212166 (Jason Blackburn) or www.darkecountyfair.com.

MAY 1 – Blue Ridge Arts and Crafts Festival, Sam Michaels Park, 235 Sam Michaels Lane, Harpers Ferry, 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Free. Over 60 Blue Ridge artisans will be displaying and selling their handcrafted items. Door prizes, demonstrations, kids’ games, live music, food trucks, and much more! www.facebook.com/BlueRidgeArtsandCraftsFestival. MAY 15 – Rock and Roll Doo Wop, Capitol Theatre, 1015 Main St., Wheeling, 7 p.m. Featuring Bobby Rydell, The Duprees, Shirley Alston Reeves (of the Shirelles), and The Vogues. 304-243-4470 or www. capitoltheatrewheeling.com.

Make sure you’re included in our calendar! Submit listings AT LEAST 90 DAYS prior to the event to Ohio Cooperative Living, 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229 or send an email to events@ohioec.org. Ohio Cooperative Living will not publish listings that don’t include a complete address or a number/ website for more information.

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1.  Showing my University of Findlay pride on the Great Wall of China in 2017. Allison Burmeister Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative member 2.  My daughter, Jenna, and me outside the gates of the Palace of Versailles in Versailles, France. Darla Cabe Pioneer Electric Cooperative member



3.  Jane Kunkler and Sarah, Evelyn, and Daniel Jerabek on the stairs in Brno, in the center of Moravia in the Czech Republic. David Kunkler South Central Power Company member 4.  Getting close up to the Parthenon in Athens, Greece. Doug and Lorie Wilber Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative members 5.  Kissing under the Eiffel Tower. Roy and Christy McMillan Frontier Power Company members 6.  I returned to Korea for the 50th anniversary of when I was wounded during combat on Heartbreak Ridge on Oct. 10, 1951. Robert Burr Consolidated Cooperative member



(Below) Me with a mountain goat in Bergen, Norway. Ivy Hammond South Central Power Company member

Send us your picture! For July, send “A day at the beach” by April 15; for August, send “Dog days” by May 15. Upload your photos at www.ohiocoopliving.com/memberinteractive. Your photo may be featured in our magazine or on our website.



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