Late Fall Issue 2020

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The form of minerals matter The University of Florida conducted a comprehensive, multi-year study on trace mineral sources with large commercial cow herds, and the results were favorable to organic trace minerals.

The research is black and white



increase in pregnacy rates That’s a 2.8:1 ROI

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For more information on BIOPLEX® and SEL-PLEX®, contact: Ryan Sorensen Territory Sales Manager (440) 759-8938 2 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

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Late Fall 2020

Official Publication of the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association



26 30

Features 10 BEST Updates for 2020-2021

19 Ohio Fall Feeder Cattle Sales

14 Beef-on-dairy Part of Congress Lake Farms’ Operation

26 Freezer Beef - A Modern Take on a Well-known Industry


News & Notes



Harsh Realities



Allied Industry Council


OCA News & Views


Calendar of Events


Forage Corner

20 Your Checkoff Dollars at Work


Parting Shots


Advertisers’ Index

12 On the Edge of Common Sense 18

The Ruff Review

OCA News


Beef Briefs


Breed News



On the Cover Photo taken by Hanna Fosbrink, OCA staff, at Atterholt Farms in Ashland County. Late Fall Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 3

Harsh Realities

Ohio Cattleman 10600 U.S. Highway 42 Marysville, Ohio 43040 Phone 614-873-6736 • Fax 614-873-6835 Editor Elizabeth Harsh

By Elizabeth Harsh, Ohio Cattleman Editor

THIS WAY OF LIFE While listening to a Yellowstone playlist I recently stumbled upon a song by an up and coming songwriter and singer Garrett Bradford called This Way of Life. I’m probably just late to the party to hear the song and identify with it. Most of you probably caught it when it first debuted on the popular cable series Yellowstone. The songwriter’s bio says the song is about the difficulties of farmers and ranchers and fits great with a show about a modern ranching family struggling to maintain their way of life against the winds of change. The lyrics go like this.

Managing Editor Hanna Fosbrink Sales Representative Alex Ryan

The rain

Never seems to fall on us The price of hay is up Ohio Cattleman magazine (USPA: 020-968, ISSN: 1543-0588) is published six times per year: Winter issue, mailed in January; Expo preview issue, mailed in February; Spring issue, mailed in April; Summer issue, mailed in July; Early Fall issue, mailed in September; and Late Fall issue, mailed in October; for $15 a year to OCA members only. It is dedicated to reporting facts about Ohio’s cattle including marketing, production and legislative news. All editorial and advertising material is screened to meet rigid standards, but publisher assumes no responsibility for accuracy or validity of claims. All rights reserved. Circulation for the Late Fall 2020 issue is 2,882. Published at Minster, Ohio 45865 by the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association, 10600 US Highway 42, Marysville, Ohio 43040. Periodical postage paid at Marysville, Ohio and at additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Ohio Cattleman, 10600 US Highway 42, Marysville, Ohio 43040. CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS: Please send old as well as new address to Ohio Cattleman, 10600 US Highway 42, Marysville, Ohio 43040.

To schedule advertising write to: Ohio Cattleman, 10600 US Highway 42, Marysville, Ohio 43040, or call 614873-6736. All advertising material for the Winter Issue must be received by November 20, 2020.

Ohio Cattleman Advertising Rates

$345 $175 $105 $50

Ohio Cattlemen’s Association members will receive a 10% discount when advertising their farm products, such as cattle, hay, corn, etc. ...

Call today to place your ad: 614-873-6736

4 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

Them old men

At the feed store spittin’ snuff Say it’s never been this tough

If they were me they’d move to town They say there ain’t no use in tryin’ They think our way of life is dyin’

Go ahead and carve the headstone, boys And write your eulogy

And plan yourselves a funeral, but don’t be expecting me

‘Cause as long as I’m still breathing and my blood is flowing red Our way of life ain’t dead


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And the future’s goin down

Most of us can relate to a time when each of these thoughts have crossed our minds in one form or another. The COVID related events of 2020 have likely even contributed to the “never been this tough” thought at least once or twice. The song continues, but I especially identify with this passage: A hundred years of roots run deep Times will change but so will we

A recent visit with an OCA member drove this home when he discussed the changes they had made in their cattle operation over the years and how they make the most of their unique situation to innovate and continue growing while always on the lookout for opportunities to enhance their profitability. We discussed the self-motivation it takes to raise cows and the ability to problem solve because there is not a how-to-raise-cows playbook that fits each situation. While this song focuses on the challenges that are always a part of our way of life, I identify with the hopefulness and optimism it also conveys. The toughness of cattle men and women and their commitment to their roots and their way of life goes without question.

Late Fall Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 5

OCA Officers

President • Aaron Arnett Vice President • Kyle Walls Treasurer • Linde Sutherly Past President • Sasha Rittenhouse

OCA Directors

Tom Karr Director At-Large Pomeroy • Term expires 2021 Bill Tom Director At-Large Washington C.H. • Term expires 2020 J.L. Draganic Director At-Large Wakeman • Term expires 2022 Open District 1 • Term expires 2020 Kelvin Egner District 2 Shelby • Term expires 2021 John Ferguson District 3 Chardon • Term expires 2022 Troy Jones District 4 Harrod • Term expires 2020 Frank Phelps District 5 Belle Center • Term expires 2021 Pam Haley District 6 West Salem • Term expires 2022 Brad Thornburg District 7 Barnesville • Term expires 2020 Linde Sutherly District 8 New Carlisle • Term expires 2021 Jim Jepsen District 9 Amanda • Term expires 2022 Sarah Ison District 10 Moscow • Term expires 2020 Lindsey Hall District 11 Hillsboro • Term expires 2021 Luke Vollborn • District 12 Bidwell • Term expires 2022

Elections are held each year in November. If interested in serving on the OCA Board, please call the OCA office.

OCA Staff

Elizabeth Harsh Executive Director Ron Windnagel Director of Accounting & Operations Hanna Fosbrink Manager of Communications & Managing Editor Ashley Dentinger Manager of Consumer Programs & Digital Marketing Alex Ryan Manager of Member Services Tracie Stanley Administrative Assistant Karigan Blue BEST Program Coordinator 6 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

OCA News & Views By Aaron Arnett, OCA President

MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES EDUCATION Happy Fall everyone! This season is always enjoyable as we reap the benefits of hard work and hopefully some help from mother nature in the weaning of spring-born calves, the harvest of crops and maybe a late cutting of hay. I write this letter following a conference call this morning that included OCA staff and our colleagues from The Ohio State University Extension Beef Team discussing a new year of Cattlemen’s Academy programs for OCA members. We considered feedback received from the OCA member survey this summer and from the 2019-2020 Cattlemen’s Academy in deciding to incorporate continued educational programing and outreach into our strategic plan for the next several years. Starting later this fall, a new Cattlemen’s Academy series will feature educational programs focused on forage management with an emphasis on cow/calf operations in Ohio. We are working to refine several ideas around this topic into specific presentations and sessions, but we are delighted to bring this great resource to our OCA members for a second year. In addition to a forage-based Cattlemen’s Academy, we hope to offer a few more calving clinics around the state as we continue to receive requests for more of this program from last season. We are working though the details of in-person versus internet-based meetings due to current restrictions as well as finalizing the meeting dates, times and locations for this year’s Cattlemen’s Academy programs. Cattlemen’s Academy will continue to be free-ofcharge for OCA members and $75 for non-members. All cattle producers are welcome to participate. Regardless of the format determined necessary for this year, we plan to offer a tremendous educational experience that can boost profitability and sustainability for a high measure of OCA members. Watch for forthcoming enrollment details in our e-newsletters, social media, the Ohio Cattleman Magazine and on our website at Earlier this month, the OCA staff and board of directors completed its first County Call Night where we updated county leaders on association activities, fielded questions from county associations and learned what activities, programs and events have been happening in the county cattlemen’s associations around the state. We hope this avenue of two-way communication between OCA and the county associations will grow into a regular dialogue that provides mutual benefit. If you are reading this article you are most likely already a member of the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association, but I want to emphasize the importance of membership renewal and recruitment of new members. In a year that has brought many challenges to the beef industry, membership in organizations like the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association has never been more important. There are many external factors that influence cattle prices, market instability, and input costs associated with cattle and beef production in the state, but OCA works hard to protect your interests as a producer. This year I witnessed first-hand, a bolstered effort from our association staff and board of directors to protect the livelihoods and viability of Ohio’s cattle families during the COVID crisis. I am proud of our team and hope that everyone who raises cattle in the state of Ohio, OCA member or otherwise, has an elevated sense of awareness and a renewed appreciation around the value of the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association. Please make certain to renew your membership for 2021 and encourage any cattle producers near you to become members. There are several ways to join, including electronically at If you have suggestions for the betterment or questions about OCA, I welcome your communication. With appreciation for your membership and dedication to Ohio’s beef industry, I wish each of you a safe and prosperous harvest season.

Late Fall Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 7

Forage Corner Stan Smith, OSU Extension PA, Fairfield County

YOU CAN’T STARVE PROFIT INTO A COW... OR A HAY FIELD! Have you fertilized your hay fields yet this year? In the spring issue of the Ohio Cattleman we suggested once first cutting is harvested it’s a good time for an annual fertilizer application. If that opportunity was missed, fall is another opportune time to replace soil nutrients removed during hay harvest. Considering we may have experienced lower than hoped for yields throughout parts of Ohio, it adds insult to injury that in some cases Mother Nature forced us to harvest mature, rained on, or otherwise poor quality first cutting hay this spring. Regardless, that hay still took with it lots of soil nutrients. Fact is, each ton of hay that’s removed from a field during the harvest process takes with it roughly 12 pounds of P2O5 (phosphorus) and 49 pounds of K2O (potash). That’s regardless the calendar date and with little regard for quality of the forage that’s harvested. In fact, many are surprised to learn since corn grain only removes about 0.20 pound of K2O per bushel, it would take a yield of over 600 bushels of corn to remove the same amount of potash that an average Ohio hay yield removes annually! To maintain productivity and plant health, fertility that’s removed needs to be replaced. Since P and K move slowly through the soil profile – perhaps only an inch or two a year – it’s probably best that what’s removed is replaced annually. And fall is an excellent time to replace those nutrients removed this year in the form of harvested hay. Because nearly all the phosphorus sources presently available include some nitrogen, when fertilizing in the fall we also enjoy the benefit to grass based hay fields from the nitrogen that comes along with phosphorus based fertilizers. Nitrogen, when applied in mid to late fall after the top growth of cool season grasses begins to stop, helps store energy in the roots preparing the plant for winter. Enhanced fall root growth aids in the uptake of water and nutrients and carbohydrate 8 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

buildup in the stem bases, promoting winter survival and spring regrowth. The basics of fertilizing permanent hay fields are simple: a) Soil Test, always soil test! Fertilizer is too expensive to apply if it’s not a yield limiting factor. If we don’t know what we presently have, we can’t possibly know what we might need! Contact your local OSU Extension office or fertilizer dealer for help finding a soil testing lab. b) Read the soil test report carefully or get help reading it. I’d discourage anyone from blindly accepting the fertilizer recommendations that sometimes are returned along with a soil test report. I’m not even certain I believe the little graphs sometimes found on the soil test results which indicate a sample might be high, medium or low in a certain nutrient. What I was told by one of Ohio’s labs when I asked how their recommendations are generated is that after they establish the nutrient levels in the soil through their laboratory procedures, the recommendations are typically generated based on the opinions of the company who might have submitted the sample for the land owner. This means, unless you send in the sample yourself, you may get back a recommendation based on data other than what Ohio State and other Midwest university research might suggest is appropriate as published in the new OSU Extension Bulletin E-2567, Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations. Ask your local Agriculture Educator for help in developing a recommendation if

you have questions. c) If one insists on fertilizing without the benefit of knowing the present fertility levels of a hay field, or if you know your present fertility levels meet or slightly exceed critical minimum levels, then it’s prudent to base fertilizer application rates on actual or expected crop removal. As was mentioned earlier, each ton of hay removed takes with it 12 pounds of P2O5 and 49 pounds of K2O. No matter how you slice it, that’s a ratio of roughly 1 to 4, phosphorus to potash. Without benefit of a soil test to tell us otherwise, fertility needs to be replaced in that ratio to fields where hay has been harvested. To put it into a little different perspective, consider the average hay yield in Ohio is, and has been for decades something less than 3 tons per acre per year. At roughly a 1 to 4 ratio, 12 and 49 pounds respectively, multiplied times perhaps 3 tons of crop removal, it equals 36 pounds of P2O5 and 147 pounds of K2O removed annually per acre. To recap . . . you can’t starve a profit into any animal or crop, sometime before winter dormancy is an excellent time to apply fertilizer to a hay field, and one ton of hay removes P and K in a ratio of roughly 1 to 4, or 12 pounds P2O5 and 49 pounds of K2O. To maintain fertility, health and the productivity of your forages, P and K must be replaced with either fertilizer or manure nutrients . . . in a ratio of 1 to 4 or, 12 pounds of P2O5 and 49 pounds of K2O, per ton of hay removed!

Late Fall Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 9

WHAT’S NEW IN 2020-2021

Introducing the: T h e B e s t o f t h e B u c k e y e p ro g r a m c o m m it t e e re c e n t ly a n n o u n c e d t h e c re a t io n o f t h e B u c k e y e B re e d e r s S e r ie s (B B S ) p o in t s d iv is io n o f t h e O C A B E S T p ro g r a m . B B S re p la c e s t h e fo r m e r B e s t o f t h e B u c k e y e p ro g r a m a n d w ill o p e r a t e in a s im ila r m a n n e r, b u t w it h in c re a s e d re c o g n it io n o p p o r t u n it ie s fo r B B S b re e d e r s a n d e x h ib it o r s . B B S h a s b e e n in c o r p o r a t e d in t o t h e B E S T p ro g r a m in it s o w n s e p a r a t e p o in t s d iv is io n a n d w ill r u n t h ro u g h o u t t h e B E S T s h o w s e a s o n . O n ly re g is t e re d c a t t le t h a t w e re b re d b y a n O h io b re e d e r a re e lig ib le . C ro s s b re d s a re n o t e lig ib le t o p a r t ic ip a t e in t h e B B S . B e g in n in g w it h t h e S c a r le t & G r a y M id w e s t S h o w d o w n h e ld J a n u a r y 2 -3 , 2 0 2 1 a t t h e C la r k C o u n t y F a ir g ro u n d s in S p r in g fi e ld a n d c o n t in u in g a t e v e r y B E S T s h o w t h ro u g h o u t t h e s e a s o n , c a t t le e n t e re d in t h e B B S p ro g r a m w ill h a v e t h e ir o w n s e p a r a t e s e t o f p o in t s t h a t w ill r u n p a r a lle l t o t h e B E S T p ro g r a m , lik e t h e N o v ic e a n d B re d & O w n e d D iv is io n s w h o s e p o in t s a re a s u b s e t o f t h e ir re g u la r c la s s p o in t s . T h e p ro g r a m w ill e n d a t t h e O h io B e e f E x p o a n d w ill re c o g n iz e b o t h b re e d e r s a n d e x h ib it o r s o f t h e t o p p la c in g B B S c a t t le a t t h e O C A B E S T A w a rd s B a n q u e t o n M a y 1 , 2 0 2 1 . T h e B B S p ro g r a m w ill n o t b e a p a r t o f t h e O h io S t a t e F a ir.

B E S T p a r t ic ip a n t s w ill e n t e r c a t t le e lig ib le fo r t h e B B S t h ro u g h t h e B E S T p ro g r a m ’s o n lin e n o m in a t io n a n d s h o w e n t r y w e b s it e a t n o a d d it io n a l c o s t b e y o n d t h e $ 6 0 p e r a n im a l B E S T n o m in a t io n fe e . E n t r ie s fo r t h e B B S m a y b e m a d e fo r e lig ib le c a t t le a t a n y p o in t t h ro u g h o u t t h e s e a s o n a n d B B S p o in t s w ill a c c r u e w it h t h e ir fi r s t s h o w . T h e re w ill n o lo n g e r b e a B B S b re e d e r n o m in a t io n fe e . B B S c a t t le w ill b e e n t e re d b y t h e e x h ib it o r b y n o m in a t in g t h e m fo r t h e B E S T p ro g r a m a t $60 p er head. F o r c a t t le t o b e e lig ib le fo r B B S p o in t s , t h e y m u s t b e re g is t e re d a n d b re d b y a n O h io c a t t le m a n . E T c a lv e s a n d c a lv e s o u t o f p u rc h a s e d b re d c o w s a re e lig ib le if t h e y lis t a n O h io c a t t le m a n a s t h e b re e d e r. P le a s e n o t e t h a t if B B S e lig ib le c a t t le a re re g is t e re d in m u lt ip le o w n e r s ’ n a m e s , a s -lo n g -a s o n e o f t h e o w n e r s lis t e d o n t h e re g is t r a t io n p a p e r is fro m O h io , t h e a n im a l is e lig ib le fo r n o m in a t io n . T h e O h io B e e f E x p o B E S T S h o w w ill fe a t u re a n a d d it io n a l B B S c h a m p io n d r iv e fo llo w in g e a c h b re e d d iv is io n c h a m p io n d r iv e . T h e t o p 2 a n im a ls fro m e a c h c la s s w ill c o m e b a c k im m e d ia t e ly fo llo w in g t h e b re e d ’s fi n a l d r iv e t o s h o w fo r t h e B B S fi n a l d r iv e . T h e ju d g e

w ill p ic k t h e t o p 2 h e ife r s a n d s t e e r s in e a c h b re e d d iv is io n w it h a d d it io n a l p re m iu m s p a id t o t h e C h a m p io n a n d R e s e r v e C h a m p io n B B S c a t t le in e a c h d iv is io n . B re e d a s s o c ia t io n s m a y m a k e a d d it io n a l p re m iu m d o n a t io n s t o t h e ir b re e d ’s B B S c a t t le . A ll b re e d a s s o c ia t io n p re m iu m d o n a t io n s w ill b e re c o g n iz e d . B B S p la c in g s a n d p o in t s w ill c o in c id e w it h t h e s h o w ’s o r ig in a l c la s s p la c in g s . B B S c a t t le a n d t h e ir b re e d e r s w ill b e re c o g n iz e d a t e v e r y B E S T s h o w t h ro u g h o u t t h e s e a s o n . B B S c a t t le c a n s t ill b e e n t e re d fo r t h e la s t s h o w o f t h e s e a s o n , t h e O h io B e e f E x p o B E S T S h o w , t h ro u g h t h e B E S T p ro g r a m ’s o n lin e n o m in a t io n a n d s h o w e n t r y w e b s it e . A s a re s u lt , t h e B E S T p ro g r a m h a s c h a n g e d t h e ir r u le t o a o n e s h o w m in im u m fo r p a r t ic ip a n t s t o b e e lig ib le t o re c e iv e a w a rd s , in c lu d in g t h e t r a ile r d r a w in g , a n d b e lis t e d in t h e fi n a l p o in t s s t a n d in g s . A s in t h e p a s t , B B S e lig ib le c a t t le s o ld in t h e 2 0 2 1 O h io B e e f E x p o b re e d s a le s c a n b e e n t e re d in t o t h e B B S p o in t s d iv is io n b y m a k in g a B E S T p ro g r a m n o m in a t io n a n d e n t e r in g t h e O h io B e e f E x p o B E S T S h o w im m e d ia t e ly fo llo w in g t h e s a le , p ro v id in g t h e n e w o w n e r is e lig ib le t o p a r t ic ip a t e in t h e B E S T p ro g r a m . O h io b re e d e r s a re e n c o u r a g e d t o u s e t h e B u c k e y e B re e d e r s S e r ie s lo g o in t h e ir s a le a d v e r t is e m e n t s a n d p ro m o t io n s . V is it t h e O C A w e b s it e a t o h io c a t t le .o rg t o d o w n lo a d t h e n e w lo g o .

2020-2021 OCA BEST Stockmanship Division T h e O C A B E S T p ro g r a m ’s S t o c k m a n s h ip D iv is io n p ro v id e s a p a t h w a y fo r y o u t h t o p a r t ic ip a t e in t h e B E S T p ro g r a m w it h o u t s h o w in g a n a n im a l. It e x p a n d s B E S T p a r t ic ip a n t s ’ k n o w le d g e o f c a t t le a n d p ro v id e s y o u t h w it h a n o p p o r t u n it y t o s h o w c a s e t h e ir a b ilit ie s a n d t a le n t s o u t s id e o f t h e s h o w r in g . T h e S t o c k m a n s h ip d iv is io n is c o m p r is e d o f b e e f in d u s t r y -fo c u s e d e v e n t s a n d c o m p e t it io n s t h a t a re in c o n ju n c t io n w it h B E S T s h o w s . T h is d iv is io n o f t h e B E S T p ro g r a m is o p e n t o a ll O h io y o u t h re g a rd le s s o f w h e t h e r t h e y s h o w c a t t le d u r in g t h e B E S T s h o w se aso n .

C o n t e s t s f o r 2 0 2 0 -2 0 2 1 in c lu d e : • • • • •

P r e p a r e d S p e a k i n g - h e ld a t t h e S c a r le t & G r a y M id w e s t S h o w d o w n , S p r in g fi e ld - S a t u rd a y , Jan u ary 2, 2021 S a l e s m a n s h i p - h e ld a t t h e W e e k e n d S p e c t a c u la r, M a r io n - S a t u rd a y , J a n u a r y 1 6 , 2 0 2 1 C a t t l e m e n ’s C h a l l e n g e C o m p e t i t i o n (O C A ’s v e r s io n o f a s k ill-a -t h o n ) - h e ld a t t h e C la r k C o u n t y C a t t le B a t t le , S p r in g fi e ld - S a t u rd a y , J a n u a r y 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 F i t t i n g C o n t e s t - h e ld a t t h e D T S C u p id C la s s ic , S p r in g fi e ld - S u n d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 4 , 2 0 2 1 J u d g i n g C o n t e s t - h e ld a t t h e O h io B e e f E x p o , C o lu m b u s - F r id a y , M a rc h 1 9 , 2 0 2 1

F o r a d d it io n a l in f o r m a t io n o n t h e B E S T p r o g r a m , in c lu d in g o t h e r u p d a t e s t o t h e r u le s , v is it t h e O C A w e b s it e a t o h io c a t t le .o r g .

10 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

Protecting Your Cattle!

Stone Gate Farms Annual Fall Sale

Monday, October 26, 2020 12:30 p.m. At the Farm: 1669 Mill Creek Rd. Flemingsburg, KY


Stone Gate Escort 3867 CED BW WW YW Milk +3 +2.6 +56 +101 +17


25 Registered yearling bulls 35 Commercial fall calving cows most with calves at side 5 Commercial spring calving cows 60 Commercial spring calving bred heifers Bred to our calving ease bulls Due to start calving 3-01-2021 There are several Black Baldy cows and heifers Check our new website for our video 2 weeks before our sale. Please contact us for addi�onal informa�on. 606-748-6306

Want to place an ad in the

Ohio Cattleman?

Follow ADM Cattle Nutrition 866-666-7626

Contact Alex Ryan 614-873-6736 Late Fall Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 11

On the Edge of Common Sense By Baxter Black, DVM

THE FEEDLOT WOMAN I have known and worked with many women in the feedlot business. Some as cowboys, some as vets, some as lay doctors, as cattle processors, feed truck drivers, foremen (or forepersons) and managers (or should that be womanagers?). Lest you think I’m going to waste your time with a commentary on cute political correctness witticisms, relax, I’m not. Nor do the feedlot women I know waste their time with political correctness. I think I’d be safe in saying affirmative action doesn’t have much impact in the typical feedlot. The women working there earn their place. And it is a chauvinist world. But the big equalizer is animals. The crew can tell in a hurry if a new person knows how to handle stock. Should some macho bluffer start pickin’ on a new woman and she turns out to be a good hand, he’ll back off (or the crew will straighten him out.) A good hand, regardless of gender is recognized and welcome. It’s been said, and I tend to agree, that women seem to have more empathy with animals, even feedlot animals. It’s noticeable in the sick pens, in the processing area, loading fats and raising orphan calves. There are exceptions in both genders, of course. There are plenty of men who don’t feel the need to jab a new steer two times with a hot shot before the tailgate opens ahead of them. There are men who exercise patience when pulling a calf from some fat pregnant feedlot heifer. And there are men who have some compassion for a beast in trouble. On the other hand, there are women who treat cattle like inanimate objects or judge a good day by the number of head processed rather than how much unneeded stress was created. If women are easier on cattle maybe it’s the mother instinct. Workin’ feedlot cattle requires more stamina than strength. We have hydraulic squeeze chutes, front end loaders, nose tongs, horses, pulleys, push gates and hot shots which allow humans to handle critters considerably bigger and stronger than them. But it takes stamina to process or doctor eight hours a day for three weeks straight. Women are long on stamina. One of the biggest deterrents for women has always been that ground work in a feedlot is a dirty job, fraught with smashed fingers, stepped-on toes and pucky in your hair. But plenty of women can handle it. And to our industry’s credit they are receiving equal opportunity for advancement. For a bunch of chauvinistic cowboys that has been a big step. If she’s the best cowboy in the feedyard and everybody knows it, she deserves the pay and the promotion. ‘Cause in the end, as every manager knows, it’s just good business.

Dates to Remember: OCA BOD Nomination, Internship Application & Replacement Female Sale Entry Deadline

October 1

12 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

Ohio Cattlemen’s Foundation Scholarship Deadline

October 31

OCA Replacement Female Sale

November 27


Herd Builder Sale

Noon • October 17 • 2020

The Union Stock Yards Co. • Hillsboro, Ohio






All Bred Females sell vet checked and up to date on vaccinations.


HEAD SELL All Bred A.I. and exposed to calving ease bulls




JUSTIN SPENGLER 740-213-0879 THE UNION STOCK YARDS CO. 937-393-1958 CONSIGNOR: SAR SHERMAN ANGUS RANCH Late Fall Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 13


Part of Congress Lake Farms’ Operation Story & Photos by Amy Beth Graves The invitation was too good for Mike Rufener to pass up -- an all expenses paid trip for three days to Las Vegas to learn more about ABS Global’s beef-on-dairy initiative. The year was 2012 and Mike, a dairy farmer in northeastern Ohio, had already been dabbling in adding beef genetics into his dairy cows via artificial insemination to create calves that could be sold for more money than male Holsteins. That’s because the carcass quality of the dairy-beef animals typically grade much higher than that of the dairy steers. A big believer in sustainability, Mike was considering at the time expanding his beef-on-dairy herd to help the farm’s bottom line. After three days of what he described as productive meetings, he was convinced

14 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

that beef-on-dairy was the way to go. “(ABS) showed us the money they had spent on making this program and building it up. I had already started doing this a bit and now it’s really taking off,” said Mike, who manages the 700-head dairy cows and 700 beef-dairy animals at the family farm, Congress Lake Farms in Portage County. The family farm dates back to 1884 in Suffield Township with three generations currently involved in it. The farm, which also raises corn, soybeans, wheat, triticale, alfalfa and hay, is spread across four counties and has almost two dozen employees. Mike’s father, Kenny, helps manage all aspects of the farm, his brother, Kenny Jr., manages the crops, employees and maintenance and his son, Cole, works full-time on the farm. Mike’s moth-

er, Linda, and his wife, Carol, are in charge of bookkeeping. “The Rufeners are quite progressive. They were way out ahead on beef-ondairy before everyone else was. Mike was ready to stick his toe in it and it’s really turned out wonderful for them. They are top-notch in this field,” said Zachary Berry, ABS Global’s district account manager for eastern Ohio. For the last few years, Mike has been participating in ABS’s Beef InFocus program, which offers top beef sires to dairies based on their research of fertility, calving ease, gestation length and stillbirth results. Beefon-dairy has been a focus of ABS for about 10 years since dairies stopped keeping as many of their heifers as replacements, opening up the market for more to be bred with beef bulls. At first dairy producers were leery of beef-on-dairy because as Mike says, they “are afraid to change what they’re doing.” But with many in the dairy industry struggling the last few years to be profitable, they’re looking for ways to boost their bottom line and have started looking into beef-on-dairy. That’s where companies like ABS and others come into play. They’re working at developing genetics that provide calving ease, fertility on the bull side and ultimately result in an animal that grows quickly, is feed efficient and financially worth more. “Our beef-on-dairy sales grow every quarter. There’s tremendous

“When you can go from selling a dairy bull calf for $50-$75 to selling a beef-dairy one for up to $250, it makes sense.” growth,” Zachary said. “Beef genetic fertility on Holsteins is not the same (as on beef ), and we’re doing genetic testing to figure it out,” Zachary said. “It’s definitely a challenge because of 10 bulls tested, only one or two can get that cow pregnant and grow the desired carcass.” Mike said his beef-on-dairy feeders typically sell for about $200 more than the dairy ones and at birth are worth at least $100 more. He does artificial insemination on 95% of his cows and uses cleanup bulls for the rest. “A lot of people think we’re going to flood the beef market if all dairymen do this and I try to explain that no we’re not adding more animals -we’re just trying to improve the quality of the carcass,” he said. As Mike walked through the finishing barn, he pointed out the difference between the Holsteins and beef-on-dairy animals. The Holsteins were much taller and lankier than the beef-on-dairy animals, which were heavier and rounder in the areas that produce desired cuts of meat. “The frame size is dramatically different, and they feed out three months earlier than Holsteins on average and provide bigger ribeyes,” he said. “A major advantage is that the cow can be producing milk 10 months out of the year and we give her two months off before she calves, so we’re still profiting most of the time by selling milk. That can really help your bottom line.” When it comes to carcass quality, Mike said 80% of beef-dairy animals typically grade choice or better and at least 20% grade prime. They also tend to be more uniform and predictable in what the end product will look like. “I think in the future we’re going to see a lot more black calves than black and white calves,” Zachary said. “When you can go from selling a dairy bull calf for $50-$75 to selling a beefdairy one for up to $250, it makes sense.”

Over the years, Mike has used different types of cleanup bulls on his heifers, starting with Angus and shifting to an Angus-Simmental cross as he ramped up beef-on-dairy production. He tried LimFlex for a few years but found calving ease more difficult than the Angus cross breeds. “Beef genetics have improved a lot and now there’s a good selection of genetics that are proven on these dairy cows and they can pinpoint the right genetics to use to make the right cross,” he said. “I really like the Simm-Angus cross, which has higher fertility than pure Angus and gives us a quality product and also allows us to capture the certified Angus market. The calving ease is tremendous -- these dairy cows spit calves out and take off right away. There are no problems at all with calving and it really helps the cow.” Mike said feeding can be challenging at times and he has to be careful not to overgrain the heifers and make them too fat. He feeds them high corn silage, TMR ration of soymeal with a bit of fruit waste that’s dropped off at the farm by restaurants as well as free choice hay. The average finishing weight of the beef-dairy animals is 1,300-1,400 pounds with a goal of being finished before 14 months. Almost all are sent an hour away to the livestock auction in Bloomfield where they will eventually end up at large processing plants like Tyson or JBS. Sustainability has long been a goal of the farm with the Rufeners putting in cover crops and waterways over the years to better take care of the soil

and cut down on erosion. Focusing on beef-on-dairy is helping them be sustainable and efficient on the animal side of the operation. “We’re big on diversification,” he said. “We raise finished beef and feeders and have dairy for milk. We have our hands in a little bit of everything and not all in one.” As the quality of beef-on-dairy continues to improve, Mike anticipates that some day he may want to add embryo transfer. “Our future plans are to keep doing what we’re doing -- to keep striving for efficiency and make a quality product,” he said. “As long as there’s a market for this, we’ll stay where we’re at. But as more dairies start doing this, we may want to step up our game and go to embryos. We’re always striving to stay one step ahead.” For somebody who grew up in the dairy industry, learning about beef production has been both challenging and rewarding for Mike. “I’m really into the dairy and am now learning all about the beef. I enjoy the genetic side of it,” he said. “I’ve farmed my whole life and always liked cows. At the end of the day, I guess you could say I was born to do this.”

Late Fall Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 15

OCA News OCA TO CELEBRATE OHIO’S CATTLEMEN AT ANNUAL MEETING & AWARDS BANQUET The Ohio Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) will celebrate Ohio’s cattlemen, hear from industry leaders and set new policy for 2021 at the OCA Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet on January 9, 2021 at the Hilton Columbus/Polaris. Interactive industry education sessions will be offered throughout the morning prior to the Annual Meeting. The Ohio Cattlemen’s Foundation will also hold their annual meeting, which will feature the Foundation scholarship winners. At the banquet, seven distinguished

awards will be presented in the following categories: Environmental Stewardship, Commercial Producer, Young Cattleman, Seedstock Producer, Industry Service, Industry Excellence and Outstanding County. There will also be a PAC auction and social held following the banquet.

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Late Fall Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 17

The Ruff Review By Garth Ruff, OSU Extension Beef Cattle Field Specialist

FLEXIBILITY IS KEY Hello! Being the first time writing this column for the Ohio Cattleman, I would like to introduce myself. I’m Garth Ruff, the new Beef Cattle Field Specialist for OSU Extension. Like my predecessor, John Grimes, my role is to serve the education and outreach needs of Ohio’s beef industry. Prior to starting in this role on September 1, I was the Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator (County Agent) in Henry County for 3+ years. I am a two-time graduate from the department of Animal Sciences at Ohio State and am a native of Morgan County. Now that we are six months into this coronavirus pandemic, I think the one take away is that in general I have become more flexible, not knowing what change may be around the corner. I never imag-

18 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

ined I would go through a major career change during a global pandemic, but here we are. From an educator standpoint, we have had to adapt and become more creative in how we interact with our clientele. From navigating Zoom to hosting a fully virtual Farm Science Review, we have come a long way in terms of using technology to teach this year. When it comes to being able to adapt in times of uncertainty, our youth across the state have done a tremendous job being flexible in dealing with the unknowns around state and county fairs, sports and the return to school. In today’s beef business, I think having the ability to be flexible is key. In the past two years we have had two “Black Swan” events that have caused major disruption to the markets, especially the fed cattle market. During the early stages of COVID-19 I had more than one conversation with producers in northwest corner of the state on how to best manage fed cattle whose harvest date had been delayed. Here in eastern Ohio we saw many of the fed cattle marketed through local processors as demand for local beef skyrocketed. Being flexible and progressive in decision making can be used to help manage risk.

How many of you have had success getting a timely first cutting of hay in the past few years? On our farm we have had to learn how to better use some of the tools available to us. When we started wrapping hay several years ago, it was just a few bales here or there, based on need. More recently, due to recent climate trends, we have made the decision to wrap all of our first cutting hay, as a means to maintain forage quality. Going forward in this position there will be times I am going to ask you, Ohio’s beef producers, to not only be flexible, but at times be critical of your operations and the status quo on your farms. My goal is to emphasize production economics, efficiency and farm gate profitability. I hope to be able to do this through traditional education programs and on-farm “research”. In this case I would not necessarily be looking for cooperators for replicated on farm research, but beef producers who would be open to an on-farm assessment and evaluation of current practices. After an evaluation and discussion of animal facilities, forage use and herd management, myself and the local Extension educator would then develop a plan to increase profitability of the beef enterprise. Potential recommendation could include using estrous synchronization to shorten the breeding season, in order sell more consistent, larger groups of calves just for example. As I work to develop education programs and resources that will be best suited for the beef producers across the state, I am always open to input from producers and those involved in the beef industry. Don’t hesitate to reach out, my email address is Once some of the COVID restrictions are lifted, and we get back to whatever the new normal looks like, I will be looking forward to venturing across the state and interacting with many of you. Until then, remember to be flexible and have a safe harvest season and fall.

2020 OHIO FALL FEEDER CATTLE SALES DAY Mon. Mon. Mon. Wed. Thurs. Sat. Sat. Mon. Mon. Mon. Tues. Wed. Sat. Mon. Mon. Wed. Wed. Fri. Sat. Sat. Mon. Mon. Mon. Wed. Thurs. Mon. Mon. Wed. Wed. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Sat. Mon. Mon. Wed. Wed. Fri. Sat. Mon. Mon. Tues. Wed. Mon. Sat. Sat. Mon. Mon. Tues. Wed. Wed. Thurs. Mon. Mon. Tues. Wed. Wed. Sat. Mon. Mon. Wed. Wed.

DATE 9/28/2020 9/28/2020 9/28/2020 9/30/2020 10/1/2020 10/3/2020 10/3/2020 10/5/2020 10/5/2020 10/5/2020 10/6/2020 10/7/2020 10/10/2020 10/12/2020 10/12/2020 10/14/2020 10/14/2020 10/16/2020 10/17/2020 10/17/2020 10/19/2020 10/19/2020 10/19/2020 10/21/2020 10/22/2020 10/26/2020 10/26/2020 10/28/2020 10/28/2020 11/2/2020 11/3/2020 11/4/2020 11/5/2020 11/7/2020 11/9/2020 11/9/2020 11/11/2020 11/11/2020 11/13/2020 11/14/2020 11/16/2020 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 11/18/2020 11/23/2020 11/28/2020 11/28/2020 11/30/2020 11/30/2020 12/1/2020 12/2/2020 12/2/2020 12/3/2020 12/7/2020 12/7/2020 12/8/2020 12/9/2020 12/9/2020 12/12/2020 12/14/2020 12/14/2020 12/16/2020 12/30/2020

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LOCATION Mt. Hope Auction Union Stock Yards United Producers - Hillsboro Muskingum Livestock Auction Co. United Producers - Bucyrus Athens Livestock Sales Barnesville Livestock, LLC Carrollton Livestock Auction Union Stock Yards United Producers - Hillsboro United Producers - Eaton Muskingum Livestock Auction Co. United Producers - Caldwell Union Stock Yards United Producers - Hillsboro Muskingum Livestock Auction Co. United Producers - Gallipolis Carrollton Livestock Auction Athens Livestock Sales United Producers - Creston Mt. Hope Auction Union Stock Yards United Producers - Hillsboro Muskingum Livestock Auction Co. United Producers - Caldwell Union Stock Yards United Producers - Hillsboro Muskingum Livestock Auction Co. United Producers - Gallipolis Union Stock Yards United Producers - Eaton Muskingum Livestock Auction Co. United Producers - Bucyrus United Producers - Caldwell Union Stock Yards United Producers - Hillsboro Muskingum Livestock Auction Co. United Producers - Gallipolis Carrollton Livestock Auction Athens Livestock Sales Union Stock Yards United Producers - Hillsboro United Producers - Caldwell Muskingum Livestock Auction Co. Union Stock Yards Athens Livestock Sales United Producers - Gallipolis Union Stock Yards United Producers - Hillsboro United Producers - Eaton Muskingum Livestock Auction Co. United Producers - Gallipolis United Producers - Bucyrus Union Stock Yards United Producers - Hillsboro United Producers - Caldwell Muskingum Livestock Auction Co. United Producers - Gallipolis Athens Livestock Sales Union Stock Yards United Producers - Hillsboro Muskingum Livestock Auction Co. Muskingum Livestock Auction Co.

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Late Fall Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 19

Your Beef Checkoff Dollars at Work Investing in Beef Safety, Nutrition and Promotion they announced they will no longer create recipes that include beef.


The Ohio Beef Council recently sponsored Ohio Burger Week in five cities across the state – Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, Toledo and Dayton. Participating restaurants in each city offered a featured $6 burger for participants to enjoy. While the results of burgers purchased are still being tallied, Ohio Beef Council saw quite a bit of engagement on their own social media channels. Through one post, OBC saw more than 500 link clicks to Burger Week information.


Prevention Magazine shared an article entitled “Why cutting back on beef is good for you and the planet,” in which

The article mentioned environmental and health concerns, citing a 2006 study which stated that industrialized beef production is responsible for up to 80% of deforestation in the Amazon and stating that red meat has been “definitively linked to higher risks of health hazards like heart disease and cancer.” Though they will no longer include beef recipes, the article does note that Prevention is not encouraging readers to eliminate beef from their diets, but rather to be mindful about what they eat and where it comes from. The Issues Management team from NCBA, a contractor to the beef checkoff, responded to the article’s author, citing research and correcting misinformation. Beef checkoff staff worked with regional influencers to submit op-eds and share accurate information about beef ’s role in a healthy, balanced diet and are continuing to monitor the situation, including traditional and social media. Some important facts to know regarding beef ’s sustainability: • According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, greenhouse gas from beef cattle only represents 2 percent of emissions in U.S. •

If all livestock in the U.S. were eliminated and every American followed a vegan diet, greenhouse gas emissions would only be

reduced by 2.6 percent, or 3.6 globally. Reducing beef consumption in the U.S. is not a realistic or impactful solution for climate change.


As you look at recipes you will notice a new feature on the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner (BIWFD) website. BIWFD has partnered with the tech firm Chicory to utilize their digital tools that power a “Get Ingredients” button on the recipe page. The “Get Ingredients” button will bring up your local stores and allow you to shop at home for all the ingredients you need for the recipe. This is a great new tool that will make it even easier to enjoy beef. Since the launch a few weeks ago, BIWFD has seen more than 300 orders per week sent to online grocery baskets. That will only increase as promotions for this function also are increasing. The “Get Ingredients” button supports retail partners and overall beef sales. Interestingly enough, the top recipe viewed and shopped for on the BIWFD website is Classic Beef Meatloaf. To see this new feature visit www.

The Ohio Beef Council and the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board are responsible for developing programs that increase the demand for beef. For more information, contact the Ohio Beef Council at 614-873-6736, or visit Ohio Beef Council Operating Committee: Jamie Graham, Patriot, Chairman • Erin Stickel, Bowling Green, Vice Chairman • Stan Smith, Canal Winchester, Treasurer • Henry Bergfeld, Summitville • Mike Carper, Delaware • Dave Felumlee, Newark • Lou Ellen Harr, Jeromesville • Becky Reed, Springfield • Sam Roberts, South Charleston • Allan Robison, Cable • Bev Roe, Hamilton • Garth Ruff, Napoleon Bill Sexten, Washington C.H. • Kurt Steiner, Creston • Barb Watts, Alexandria • Elizabeth Harsh, Executive Director 20 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

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to the Allied Industry Council

Late Fall Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 21


Tim Derickson has recently accepted a new position as Director of Food and Agribusiness for JobsOhio. Before accepting this new position, Derickson worked as the Assistant Director at the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) since 2017. He formerly served as ODA’s interim Director. In his new role, Derickson will oversee a sector that includes hundreds of companies that cultivate, process, package, distribute and market foods and beverages enjoyed around the world. Food and agribusiness annually contributes $124 billion to Ohio’s economy, and food manufacturing contributes nearly $16.4 billion in GSP to Ohio’s economy. Derickson will replace Joe Needham who has served as Director since 2017. “JobsOhio has proven its ability to retain Ohio business as well as attract new investment to Ohio,” said Derickson. “I look forward to developing strategic partnerships to develop more opportunities in the food and agribusiness sector for Ohioans.”

NCBA MOVES FORWARD WITH CATTLE INDUSTRY CONVENTION & NCBA TRADE SHOW The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) will be moving forward with the planning of the Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show taking place in Nashville, 22 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

TN on February 3-5, 2021 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center. Necessary preparation is taking place to create a safe event for producers to come together. The event will host over 9,000 cattlemen and women and will focus on education, fellowship, networking and business. The trade show will feature the latest products and technology for the cattle industry as well as live cattle handling demonstrations, classroom style educational sessions and daily entertainment. Attendee housing and registration will open November 9. Visit for more information.


NCBA is searching for college students interested in attending the 2021 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show in Nashville, TN, Feb. 1-5, 2021. A team of up to 18 interns – vital to the success of the largest annual meeting in the U.S. beef cattle industry – will gain first-hand experience and be able to interact with leaders of every segment of the cattle and beef industry. The interns will be assigned to help many different staff members and attendees with meetings and events and should be prepared to handle a wide range of responsibilities, from setting up the indoor arena, assisting at committee meetings and Cattlemen’s College to posting on social media and contributing in the NCBA booth. Students must be able to work January 31 – February 5, 2021 in Nashville. They must be at least a junior-level college student at an accredited university at the time of application. Preferably they will have a background in, or working knowledge of, the cattle and/or beef industry, and must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Students should be well-versed in all areas of social media.

Interested students must complete the student internship application at and send college transcripts, two letters of recommendation and a resume. Deadline for applying is Oct. 23, 2020.


The Western Stock Show Association (WSSA) Board of Directors together with the National Western Stock Show (NWSS) management, has made the decision to postpone the 115th National Western Stock Show by one year and to resume the event in January 2022. “Over the past several months, we reviewed and exhausted every option possible to host our event including a modified show with reduced capacity,” said Paul Andrews, President and CEO of the NWSS. “Ultimately, the health and safety of our guests, exhibitors, volunteers and staff is of top priority and the NWSS and the City of Denver could not find a path forward to have Stock Show and comply with the rules that govern gatherings of our size and rules of social distancing,” said Andrews. Stock Show management made the early decision due to the intense planning and expenses that go into the NWSS. “We needed to make sure we announced early enough so all the livestock producers, contestants, competitors and exhibitors do not incur time and cost they can’t recover,” stated Andrews, “and as an indoor event in the heart of winter, we had to consider the virus could be spread more easily indoors, potentially compromising the safety and health of thousands of people. The responsible decision was to postpone the show.”


Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine on September 14 signed into law HB 606 legislation to provide broad civil immunity to individuals, schools, health care providers, businesses, including the agricultural sector, and other entities from lawsuits arising from exposure, transmission or contraction of COVID-19, or any mutation of the virus, as long as they were not showing reckless or intentional misconduct. He called the measure from Rep. Diane Grendell (R-Chesterland) a key step in striking a balance between reopening the economy and keeping Ohioans safe. “This bill…is very, very consistent with these two goals,” Gov. DeWine said during the virtual bill signing. “Some of the people that are really the front line to both the battle to keep us safe and the battle to bring our businesses back and jobs back are represented by the groups that really have lobbied for this.” It will be 90 days before the bill takes effect after an emergency clause was removed during negotiations between the House and the Senate. A conference committee to resolve the chamber’s differences also extended the law’s end date from Dec. 31. to Sept. 30, 2021. Lt. Gov. Jon Husted said the law will grant certainty to businesses as they continue to adapt and comply with changing health and safety requirements in the midst of an evolving pandemic. “They were looking for some security, some predictability in the law, so they could keep their work places safe…and House Bill 606 provides that predictability and security,” Lt. Gov. Husted said. “If businesses act responsibility they will be protected under Ohio law.” House Speaker Bob Cupp (R-Lima) cited it as an example of teamwork between the General Assembly and the administration. Rep. Grendell stated: “This bill is so critical for our frontline workers

so that moving forward they will not have to worry about lawsuits while helping Ohioans amid the pandemic. This is much-needed relief for our healthcare workers, businesses, and even our schools as the academic year recently just begun.” Senate President Larry Obhof (R-Medina) agreed, saying it will give businesses, school and non-profit institutions the certainty “to know they can go back to work and do so safely

and not have to worry about years and years of frivolous litigation.” Stakeholder groups praised the governor for his support of the bill and lawmakers for pushing the legislation across the finish line. Business groups had made the legislation a priority, saying it will provide businesses with confidence to remain open amidst the pandemic. (Compiled from the September 14 Gongwer Ohio Report)

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Late Fall Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 23

Breed News AMERICAN ANGUS ASSOCIATION 2020 Angus Convention Simplified to 137th Annual Meeting

The American Angus Association made the decision to reformat the 2020 Angus Convention originally scheduled for Nov. 7-9 in Kansas City, MO. The event will now be a two-day meeting on Nov. 8-9 and will continue with the tradition of holding an annual meeting of delegates that has occurred since the inception of the Association in 1883. The National Angus Tour and trade show portion of the event have been canceled and the number of educational sessions will be reduced, but virtual options for members and attendees will be offered. The American Angus Association Board of Directors candidate forum and state caucuses will proceed as scheduled and will be webcast for those not in attendance. The 137th Convention of Delegates will be held at 10 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 9. If members are unable to attend in person, they can attend virtually, and voting delegates will have a virtual participation option. For more information regarding the 137th Annual Meeting, please visit, where there is an updated schedule and information about registering or modifying a registration.

AMERICAN HEREFORD ASSOCIATION 2020 AHA Annual Membership Meeting and Conference Schedule

The American Hereford Association (AHA) has released the schedule for the 2020 Annual Membership Meeting and Conference being held 24 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

in Kansas City, MO. Many sessions will be held virtually this year. Monday, Oct. 19 at 6 p.m. Hereford Homecoming Virtual Kick Off & Utilizing the Tools for Victory Educational Session Speaker: Shane Bidwell, AHA COO and Director of Breed Improvement & Neogen Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 6 p.m. Scouting Consumer & Political Climate Change Virtual Educational Session Speakers: Danette Amstein, Midan Marketing & NCBA representative Wednesday, Oct. 21 at 6 p.m. Setting up for Success Virtual Educational Session Speakers: Nolan Stone, S= Cattle Company & Lowell Midla, VMD, MS, Merck Animal Health Thursday, Oct. 22 at 6 p.m. Hereford Homecoming Virtual Awards Friday, Oct. 23 at 5 p.m. AHA Board of Director’s Homecoming Social Saturday, Oct. 24 Hereford Homecoming

Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. Hereford Honorees Awards: Hall of Fame & Merit: 9 a.m. AHA Annual Meeting: 10 a.m. Ladies of the Royal Sale: 2 p.m. American Royal Junior Show: 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct.25 at 8 a.m. American Royal National Hereford Show Monday, Oct. 26 at 6 p.m. Virtual Homecoming Highlights *schedule subject to change

BUCKEYE HEREFORD ASSOCIATION THe Buckeye Hereford Association (BHA) will be holding their Annual Meeting and Member Banquet on Saturday, January 30, 2021 from 5-9 p.m. at the Der Dutchman in Bellville, OH. Educational Seminars will be offered from 3-5 p.m., social hour will be at 5 p.m. and the banquet will begin at 6 p.m. All BHA members are welcome to attend and bring a friend.

Catch the extra bid with AngusLink enrolled cattle at the

Ohio Angus Feeder Calf Sale Join us Dec 9, 2020 at United Producers, Inc. in Gallipolis, Ohio


CALL 740-739-3576

WEan Calves & Shots By Oct. 25

Tag Calves & 2ND ROUND OF SHOTS Second round of shots by Nov. 8

RSVP Cattle By November 23, 2020

Sell & Deliver Cattle

United Producers, Inc. Contact Jamie Graham | 740-739-3576

Ohio Angus Association Coordinator Dave Felumlee | 740-404-3594

2 3 4 5

AAA Regional Manager Alex Tolbert 706-338-8733 Late Fall| Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 25

FREEZER BEEF - A MODERN TAKE ON A WELL-KNOWN INDUSTRY Story by Lexi Maurer, OCA Summer Intern Modernizing is essential to any growing business or industry looking for a future they can rely on, especially in times as unpredictable as now. Change is often a tough pill to swallow when your business is on the line, but being bold can reap unexpected benefits. The goal with all beef is to raise a wholesome, quality and nutritious product that consumers can enjoy with their family. While freezer beef is a common concept, the question arises how can you sell it efficiently? Dennis Corcoran of Ross County, co-owner of the family operation that is Corcoran Farms, has been selling Certified Angus® freezer beef from their Certified Angus Beef® feedlot for 25 years. Throughout this time, he has seen many changes and has helped in establishing the way for a new change in the beef industry by starting an online freezer beef ordering website five years ago. Dennis’ wife was the mastermind behind the development of their website where she used to build it. The website has helped simplify their way of ‘catching’ new customers. Replies come in at all hours of the day that can easily be answered, thus, putting the ‘send button’ in the hands of the potential customer. Doing this has allowed more flexibility in reaching the people who are inquiring about their business, or the industry as a whole. For many years before the website, word of mouth was the primary way of selling their beef. Their next step toward modernizing was creating their Facebook page. Dennis believes this was a very helpful tool for keeping their customers updated. In addition, they use Facebook to place paid ads that promote the product and drive people to their website. About a year ago, they made the investment into a Google boost. This promotion focuses on embedding keywords into their website which in return brings their company, website and information 26 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

to the top of a Google search when the keywords are included in the search bar. They viewed this as something that would benefit them in the long run, but little did they know they would receive up to six calls per day. This investment has been educational and has helped Corcoran Farms to understand the value in keywords and online presence, and it immediately became a rewarding one. Over time, they have adapted their website to increase cohesion between the website and advertisements by using similar words - this allows their business to be found easier online. Throughout their time selling beef, the Corcorans noticed sales were becoming stagnant due to aging customers and lack of new customers. Dennis said, “[We were] worried about peoples’ interest in beef.” The website has allowed these potential new customers to learn and make an educated choice about what is best for them. With these new customers comes the responsibility of helping the customer ‘grow into it’ as Dennis explains. Some may be unaware of the quantity of beef they will realistically consume in a year and helping to guide consumers will build the rapport that is necessary to have a repeat customer.

Dennis explains that he sees it as critically necessary to have a web presence in today’s environment. The first thing most people do is look for a website when researching a company, so the benefits of going online have far outweighed any cons, which were minimal to begin with. When marketing a business, Dennis likes to see what others are doing while also striving to educate his customers, be different and try new ideas. He mentions being upfront with people, answering the questions they have for beef producers and trying to make their experience with the beef industry as positive as possible. Providing a consistent, high-quality product and well-finished animal with carcasses that have consistently graded well, will aid in keeping customers happy and coming back year after year. The current pandemic has had a real effect on all businesses across the country, but the freezer beef industry has seen significantly increased interest from consumers who, as Dennis states, “Are becoming more acquainted with their food.” And even though consumers may be going back to the farm to purchase their beef, they will certainly not be straying from the modern ways of the internet any time soon.

A snapshot of the home landing page on the Corcoran Farms website that was created on

Nicely done, beef. You teach students that beef is more than just what’s for dinner.

Ohio’s beef farmers are proud to invite students of all ages on virtual farm tours to learn about raising beef cattle, meat science, sustainabilty and much more. To learn about how you can join in on the virtual farm tours this fall, go to

Late Fall Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 27


NCBA is nothing without grassroots engagement and leadership. A simple statement, but one that is not always appreciated by members and detractors alike. However, the grassroots process was on full display during the Cattle Industry Summer Business Meeting in Denver. It started with the commitment by NCBA’s officer team to have the meeting in-person, and to also allow virtual engagement to ensure that everyone who wanted to participate in debate had that option. While some may have questioned the decision to meet, we proved we could do it safely. We also proved once again that we can adapt, overcome, and persevere in the face of disruptions. Our team worked tirelessly to set up the technology and process to hold the hybrid virtual and in-person meetings, and while it may have taken much longer to vote than it usually does, every vote was counted and the process was conducted with integrity. The outcomes may not have pleased everyone, but nobody can question the respectful forum we provided for discussion and voting. Our grassroots process was put to the test with the marathon six-hour 28 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

Live Cattle Marketing Committee meeting. It’s been a while since we’ve had a spirited debate like that. That spirited debate demonstrated that our process works because it was producer members debating in a committee led by producers that resulted in actions voted on by producers. It’s also very important to note that the big packers did not attend or vote. This was a producer discussion. Cattle production takes place in all 50 states, but the issues and concerns of cattle producers vary greatly. What concerns producers in Michigan may not be the same concerns impacting cattle production in Hawaii. That is the challenge we have as a national association, and it is all the more reason to have robust debate. We can’t allow that debate to tear us apart, because we are stronger when we speak as one industry. Our voice on Capitol Hill has the sway it does because we are the oldest and largest national association representing cattle producers. The fact we advocate on behalf of member-directed policy reinforces that we are the voice of cattlemen and cattlewomen in Washington. Being heard transcends the policy process. The producer members of our Executive Committee also determined that there is no need to fight the process currently underway to gather signatures on a petition calling for a referendum on the future of the Beef Checkoff. It was our association that helped get the Beef Promotion and Research Act passed as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. It includes a provision that allows for producers to take action to determine if the checkoff needs to continue. We helped include that provision, and we fully respect and

support producers who want to sign the petition. Our only request is that the process be transparent and above board. To date, we have seen at least one attempt to get producers to sign the petition by offering to enter their names into a drawing for $100. We’re proud of the Beef Checkoff and the work we do as a contractor, and we see this current scenario as a way to showcase that work. While the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. tagline typically gets a lot of attention, there is much more to the work we do as contractors. Our checkoff-funded nutrition research and outreach has been a powerful tool in our efforts to keep beef at the center of the plate during review of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. If we were to lose our place on the guidelines, it would impact our ability to have beef served in schools, military bases, and other Federal programs. The nutrition research conducted would be much harder to complete without the checkoff investment. We hope producers keep this fact in mind as they decide whether to sign the petition. Regardless of the venue or issue, your voice deserves to be heard, and NCBA will continue to provide that opportunity. Those who question that or tell you that the packers make the decisions were not at our Summer Business Meeting and flat out don’t know what they are talking about. I’ll close the way I started by saying that we are nothing without your engagement and leadership.



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800-858-5974 Late Fall Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 29

Please patronize these companies that support Ohio’s cattle industry The Ohio Cattlemen’s Association Allied Industry Council is a business partnership that supports educational efforts and leadership opportunities for cattlemen to advance Ohio’s beef cattle industry.

ADM Animal Nutrition Dan Meyer 330-466-3281, Kevin Steele 330-465-0962 Ag Credit David White 419-435-7758 | Ag Nation Products Bob and Marie Clapper 1-800-247-3276 | Ag-Pro Ben Butcher & Jenna Phelps 740-653-6951 | Allflex USA, Inc. Dave McElhaney 724-494-6199 | Alliantgroup Alltech Ryan Sorensen 440-759-8938 | Armstrong Ag & Supply Dean Armstrong 740-988-5681 Bayer Crop Science Adam Frantz 937-538-6892, Christina Howell 419-295-9247, Dan Hutchins 614-546-9603 BioZyme, Inc. Lori Lawrence 614-395-9513 Ty McGuire 937-533-3251 Boehringer-Ingelheim Brent Tolle 502-905-7831 Burkmann Nutrition Brent Williams 859-236-0400 Cargill Animal Nutrition/Sunglo Chris Heslinger 937-751-9841 Tim Osborn 973-655-0644 | COBA/Select Sires Kevin Hinds, Bruce Smith, Julie Ziegler 614-878-5333 CompManagement, Inc. Tony Sharrock 614-376-5450 CPC Animal Health Devon Trammel 615-688-6455 Paul Alan Kinslow 615-604-1852 DHI Cooperative, Inc. Brian Winters 1-800-DHI-OHIO, Tim Pye 912-682-9798 M.H. Eby Inc./Eby Trailers Kirk Swensen & Steve Rittenhouse 614-879-6901 | Elanco Animal Health Jon Sweeney 515-249-2926, Jim Stefanak 330-298-8113 | Farm Credit Mid-America Wendy Osborn 937-444-0905, David Sanders 740-335-3306, Tara Durbin 740-892-3338 30 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

Fennig Equipment Gary Fennig 419-953-8500 | Four Star Veterinary Service Taylor Engle 419-305-7494, Bryant Chapman 419-953-4523, Trey Gellert 419-953-4523 Franklin Equipment Troy Gabriel 614-389-2161, Corey Muncy Heartland Bank Matt Bucklew 614-475-7024, Brian Fracker 740-349-7888, Joel M. Oney 614-475-7024, Chuck Woodson 614-506-0482, Seth Middleton 614-798-8818 | Heritage Cooperative Dale Stryffler 330-556-8465, Derek Fauber, David Monnin, Stef Lewis & Allan Robison 914-873-6736 Highland Enterprises Curt & Allison Hively 330-457-2033 | ImmuCell Corporation Bobbi Brockmann 515-450-2035, Kathy Becher 800-466-2035, Becky Vincent 330-7058755 | Johnson Concrete Livestock Waterers Brad McCormick 402-463-1359 Kalmbach Feeds Jeff Neal 419-356-0128, Kyle Nickles & Cheryl Miller 419-294-3838 Kent Feeds Patrick Barker 513-315-3833, Joseph Wright 937-213-1168 Legends Lane Rob Stout 740-924-2691, McArthur Lumber & Post Stan Nichols 740-596-2551| Mercer Landmark Randy Seeger 419-230-9832, Joe Siegrist 419-305-2451, Travis Spicer 419-733-9915, Chad Knapke 419-733-6434 | Merck Animal Health Jake Osborn 937-725-5687 Seth Clark 330-465-2728 Multimin USA, Inc. Thomas Carper 540-336-2737 Murphy Tractor Eric Bischoff 614-876-1141, Brent Chauvin 937-898-4198 Nationwide Insurance New York Life Insurance Erin Stickel 419-344-2716

Ohio CAT Linda Meier, Brian Speelman, Courtney Bush 614-851-3629 | Ohio Cow Hunters Michael Hendren 740-404-3134, Chris Goodwin 740-823-2502, Carlie Milam 304-890-6788 Ohio Soybean Council Jennifer Coleman & Barry McGraw 614-476-3100 | PBS Animal Health Bridget Gillogly 1-800-321-0235 | Priefert Ranch Equipment Kayla Gray & Steve Campbell 903-434-8973; Corey Hinterer 304-625-1302 Purina Animal Nutrition Patrick Gunn 317-967-4345, Cy Prettyman 470-360-5538, Kira Morgan 812-480-2715 | Quality Liquid Feeds Joe Foster 614-560-5228 | Reed & Baur Insurance Agency Jim & Paula Rogers 866-593-6688 | Rod’s Western Palace Eric Seaman Saunders Insurance Agency John Saunders, Scott Saunders, Brett Steinback 740-446-0404 ST Genetics Aaron Arnett 614-947-9931 | Straight A’s Nikki McCarty 330-868-1182 | Summit Livestock Facilities Richard Hines 765-421-9966, Mike Schluttenhofer 765-427-2818, Angie Dotson & Mike Sheetz 800-213-0567 Sunrise Co-op, Inc. Phil Alstaetter 937-575-6780 | Umbarger Show Feeds Jackson Umbarger 317-422-5195, Eric King 419-889-7443 | United Producers, Inc. Sam Roberts, Bill Tom, Hayley Beck 1-800-456-3276 | Vytelle, LLC Ridge View Farms 740-641-3217, Michael Bishop 608-345-1822, Jarod Knock 605-8812375, Taylor Grussing 605-680-9504 Weaver Leather Livestock Angela Kain & Lisa Shearer 330-674-1782 Karli Mast 330-674-1782 The Wendt Group Kevin Wendt 614-626-7653, Dale Evans 260894-0458, Nick Cummings 740-572-0756, For information about joining OCA’s Allied Tyler Wilt 740-572-1249, Wesley Industry Council, call the OCABlack Office740572-1670 | 614.873.6736 or visit

For information about joining OCA’s Allied Industry Council, call the OCA Office 614.873.6736 or visit


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Late Fall Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 31






Spring Internship Application Deadline

OCA Board of Director Nominations Due


Buckeye’s Finest Sale - Zanesville, Ohio

Consignments due to the OCA Replacement Female Sale

Makayla Feldner Congratulations to Makayla Feldner, winner of this year’s Young Cattlemen membership drawing for a new pair of boots! Makayla is from Caldwell, Ohio and is currently a sophomore at The Ohio State University studying animal sciences. She grew up raising beef cattle with her family and her love for the industry pushed her to start her own herd of cattle to fund her college education. Makayla will be pursing veterinary school with hopes of becoming a food animal veterinarian to help keep the industry strong for the next generation of producers.

WHAT IS YOUNG CATTLEMEN’S? A membership designed for high school graduates through age 22. The Young Cattlemen’s membership will allow young cattlemen to join OCA at an introductory rate and then graduate into the OCA Producer or Associate Membership.

4 17 24 26 31

Share the Vision Sale - Millersburg, Ohio

Ohio Herd Builder Sale - Hillsboro, Ohio

Johnny Regula Invitational - Ostrander, Ohio

Stone Gate Farms Annual Sale - Flemingsburg, Ky

Ohio Cattlemen’s Foundation Scholarship Deadline Mohican Farms and Guests Sale - Glenmont, Ohio

NOVEMBER 3-19 23 27

North American International Livestock Exposition - Louisville, Ky RSVP & Schedule Delivery for Ohio Angus Feeder Calf Sale OCA Replacement Female Sale - Zanesville, Ohio



Ohio Angus Feeder Calf Sale - Gallipolis, Ohio

AGR Holiday Classic - BEST - Location TBD


Scarlet & Gray Midwest Showdown - BEST - Springfield, Ohio Annual Meeting & Awards Banquet - Columbus, Ohio

16-17 The Weekend Spectacular - BEST - Marion, Ohio

30-31 Clark County Cattle Battle - BEST - Springfield, Ohio

HOW CAN I JOIN? Go to and find “Ohio Young Cattlemen’s Membership” under the “Membership” tab to fill out the form and pay the $20 annual membership dues! 32 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

Visit for a complete list of events

Mohican Farms and Guests Saturday - October 31, 2020 - Noon Ž ‘ ’“ ‹ � € … ‘ …€Ž ” BW WW YW MM M&G

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She Sells! These All Sell!

Late Fall Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 33

Parting Shots

OCA officers had the opportunity to attend a roundtable discussion with Congressman Troy Balderson to discuss issues important to Ohio’s cattlemen. From left to right: Frank Phelps, Member at Large, Elizabeth Harsh, Executive Director, Troy Balderson, Aaron Arnett, President, and Kyle Walls, Vice President.

Egner Farms of Shelby, Ohio hosted a video shoot at their farm with John Deere for an upcoming feature on NCBA’s Cattlemen to Cattlemen television show.

34 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

Congratulations to one of our own, Dr. Sarah Ison, and her husband, Dr. Josh Ison, for receiving Ohio Farm Bureau Federation’s 2020 Excellence in Agriculture Award. Sarah serves District 10 on the OCA Board of Directors.

Advertisers’ Index ADM................................................................11 Alltech...............................................................2 American Angus Association.............................31 Armstrong Ag & Supply......................................12 Bobcat.............................................................31 Buckeye Hereford Association...........................21 COBA / Select Sires............................................5 Four Star Vet Service.........................................18 Heritage Cooperative........................................29 Highland Livestock Supply.................................31 Johnny Regula Invitational.................................17 Kalmbach Feeds.................................. Back Cover Karr Farms.......................................................23 Mohican Farms & Guests Sale...........................33 Multimin USA.....................................................7 No Bull Enterprises...........................................29 Novak Town Line Farm.......................................21 Ohio Angus Feeder Calf Sale..............................25 Ohio Beef Council.............................................27 Ohio Herd Builder Sale......................................13 PBS Animal Health............................................17 Reed & Baur Insurance Agency..........................21 Saltwell Western Store......................................17 Share the Vision Sale..........................................9 Stone Gait Farms Sale.......................................11 Trennepohl Farms.............................................21 United Producers, Inc.......................................35

Late Fall Feeder Cattle Sales Select from a larger volume of feeder cattle than traditionally available at standard weekly sales.

Bucyrus, Ohio Weekly sales on Thursday at 11 a.m. Facility Manager: Keith Hinds - (419) 350-1540 Thursday, November 5, at 11 a.m. Thursday, December 3, at 11 a.m.

Caldwell, Ohio Weekly sales on Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. Facility Manager: Brad Haury - (740) 584-4821 Saturday, November 7, at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, November 17, at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 8, at 12:30 p.m.

Creston, Ohio Weekly sales on Monday at 12 p.m. Facility Manager: Keith Hinds - (419) 350-1540 Saturday, October 17, at 10 a.m.

Internet Feeder Cattle Sale Third Wednesday, at 12:30 p.m. EST October 21 . November 18 Hosted at: Visit our website or contact your local UPI representative for registration details or to consign!

For detailed sale information contact the market or visit us online at

Eaton, Ohio Weekly sales on Tuesday at 1 p.m. Facility Manager: Scott Rittenhouse - (937) 408-4402 Tuesday, November 3, at 1 p.m. Tuesday, December 1, at 1 p.m.

Gallipolis, Ohio Weekly sales on Wednesday at 10 a.m. Facility Manager: Jamie Graham - (740) 739-3576 Graded Feeder Cattle Sales: Wednesday, October 28, at 10 a.m. Wednesday, November 11, at 10 a.m. Wednesday, December 9 at 10 a.m.

*consignments must arrive by 6 p.m., the day prior.

Thanksgiving Cow Sale: Saturday, November 28, at 6 p.m.

Hillsboro, Ohio Weekly sales on Monday at 10:30 a.m. Facility Manager: Ben Wheeler - (614) 896-0310 Monday, October 12, at 10:30 a.m. Monday, October 19, at 10:30 a.m. Monday, October 26, at 10:30 a.m. Monday, November 16, at 10:30 a.m. Monday, November 30, at 10:30 a.m. Feeder Cattle Show and Sale: Monday, November 9, at 10 a.m.

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Late Fall Issue 2020 | Ohio Cattleman | 35

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36 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020

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