Carillon magazine - Spring/Summer 2014

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CHANGING VIEWS An Oglethorpe Perspective




Carillon is published twice a year for alumni, friends, and family of Oglethorpe University. Oglethorpe, founded in 1835, is a private, liberal arts college.

A Conversation Arthur Blank, Atlanta Falcons owner and co-founder of The Home Depot, joined President Schall and the university community in April to discuss philanthropy, family, and football. The event, part of the Mack A. Rikard Lecture Series, that introduces student to current issues in business, was sponsored by Atlanta Laboratory for Learning (

Speak Out We’d love your feedback on this issue as well as what you might like to see in upcoming Carillons. E-mail: or call 404-364-8868.











President Schall, together with members of the Oglethorpe community, dedicated the Turner Lynch Campus Center and Bowden, Hansen, and Jobe Residence Halls in October 2013.


By Lawrence M. Schall

Great universities are not born, they are made. And they are not made at a particular moment in time, but at many moments across their history. Collectively, those defining events shape an institution; they serve to define its ethos—its spirit, if you will. July 2, 1964 was one of those defining moments for Oglethorpe. While July 4 is the day on which we celebrate our independence from Great Britain, it was the second of July when the Second Continental Congress voted to approve the resolution separating the 13 colonies from our mother country. One hundred and eighty-eight years after that day, July 2, 1964, Oglethorpe alumnus Congressman Charles Longstreet Weltner ’48 astonished the U.S. House of Representatives by being the lone congressman from the Deep South to vote in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And two short years later, he chose not to stand for re-election rather than commit himself to his party’s segregationist platform. Among the principles in which he deeply believed were the very words of our country’s Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”


President Schall (center) with Charlie Weltner and Philip Weltner during a tribute to their father, Charles Weltner ’48, by The Honorable Roy Barnes, former governor of Georgia. The event marked the anniversary of the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. See page 12 to read more.

Charles Weltner absorbed the spirit of Oglethorpe as a child, as his father Philip Weltner served this institution as President. This year we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Core Curriculum under the leadership of President Weltner. Clearly his son’s commitment to doing the right thing, his principled perspective, was further shaped by the four years he spent here as an undergraduate. After all, Charles was following in the footsteps of our namesake James Edward Oglethorpe who fought bravely as a young man to rid Britain’s jails of debtors and soon after declared the Colony of Georgia to be slave-free. Through Weltner’s courageous and very public acts, the ethos of Oglethorpe was on display for all. While this all occurred 50 years ago, its relevance in 2014 and to the education we provide our students today is clear. I know you will enjoy reading more about Charles Weltner in the pages that follow. At Oglethorpe, we continue to honor AT OGLETHORPE, our past, while building a stronger WE CONTINUE TO future. OUR TIME, the Campaign HONOR OUR PAST, for Oglethorpe, has been an amazing success, with more than $40 million WHILE BUILDING A raised to date, with the Turner Lynch STRONGER FUTURE. Campus Center one of the hallmarks of that success. Another physical manifestation of our future is a new residential project in the planning stages, to be located on Hermance Drive. And wait until you read all about our new campus in Rome (that’s Rome, Italy, not Georgia), which opens this summer. Enjoy!

A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON PEACHTREE GABLES AT OGLETHORPE In 2015, Oglethorpe University will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its Peachtree Road campus. From the perspective of the front gates, the historic campus is seemingly unchanged, regardless of the development within. However, through a new partnership, Oglethorpe will soon expand its physical presence and public face to Atlanta’s most famous street with the addition of a new residential complex. Over recent years, Oglethorpe has been experiencing significant growth and, as part of its current strategic plan, intends to further increase its current student population of 1100 to 1500 by 2020. To accommodate that expansion, Oglethorpe has partnered with Atlanta-based real estate development company Gables Residential to build a high-end, mixed-use residential complex that will combine apartment living with state-of-the-art classrooms, secure parking, and desirable recreational amenities. The Gables complex will provide Oglethorpe with the room to grow its residential population without necessitating a significant financial investment. “Oglethorpe is near capacity in its residence halls and needs additional space to accommodate our growth,” said President Larry Schall. “Our partnership with Gables Residential will allow us to fulfill that need for student housing while shifting the financial risk away from the university.” Through a long-term land lease agreement reached in early 2014, Gables Residential will lease approximately seven acres of land from Oglethorpe, and will construct, operate, and maintain the new complex. The Gables will be located on the corner of Peachtree Road and Hermance Drive, on property that will continue to be owned by Oglethorpe. Designed by Atlanta-based architects Rule Joy Trammell + Rubio, the Gables will complement the signature Gothic Revival architecture of Oglethorpe’s historic campus. (Continued)

A rendering of the future residential complex at the corner of Peachtree Road and Hermance Drive SPRING/SUMMER SPRING 2014 | CARILLON 5







(Continued) As Oglethorpe’s enrollment continues to grow, the goal is to ensure that the university is able to still offer a rich residential experience to all students. Evidence suggests that students who live on campus perform better academically and are more likely to persist to graduation. “NATIONAL SURVEYS HAVE SHOWN THAT STUDENTS RANK RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES AS THE MOST IMPORTANT DESTINATION TO SEE ON A CAMPUS VISIT AND HAVE THE SECOND HIGHEST IMPACT, BEHIND FACILITIES IN THEIR ACADEMIC MAJOR, ON DECISIONS TO ENROLL.”

“Studies have found that residential facilities have a profound, positive relationship to the recruitment and retention of students,” said Dean of Students and Vice President for Campus Life Michelle Hall. “National surveys have shown that students rank residential facilities as the most important destination to see on a campus visit and have the second highest impact, behind facilities in their academic major, on decisions to enroll.” 6 CARILLON | SPRING/SUMMER 2014

It stands to reason that Oglethorpe’s ongoing growth will necessitate additional classroom space as well. As part of the lease agreement, the residential complex also will include 6,000 square feet of state-of-the-art classroom space, to be used exclusively by Oglethorpe. While the primary purpose of the new complex is to provide additional housing for Oglethorpe’s growing student population, its surplus rental units will be available to the general public. The Gables will be comprised of two 4-story residential buildings with approximately 370 rental units, consisting of primarily 1 and 2-bedroom units (90%), plus studios (6%) and 3-bedroom units (4%). Two 3.5-level parking structures, with a total of 520 parking spaces, will be located behind and adjacent to the residential buildings. Neither will be visible from Peachtree Road or Hermance Drive. As part of the lease agreement, the Oglethorpe community will have access to 100 parking spaces, Monday through Friday, during business hours. In addition to classroom space and parking, the Gables and the university will share other

The Gables complex from Hermance Drive, with a view toward campus.

amenities, including Gables’ fitness facility and access to OU’s track and field facilities in off hours, plus discounted and/or priority access to the Oglethorpe’s museum, theatre, and music events. A community park and green space at the corner of Peachtree Road and Hermance Drive will provide a serene setting for the complex. New pedestrian pathways will offer secured, gated access between the Gables development and Oglethorpe’s main campus. Groundbreaking is estimated for summer 2014. One of the two buildings and adjacent parking structure are projected to open in August 2015. The remaining building and parking structure are estimated to open shortly thereafter. For more information and updates, visit


A Closer Look PRACTICING MEDICINE AND UNDERSTANDING CANCER PATIENTS By Nidha Jivan ’15 I began my journey as a volunteer at Emory Winship Cancer Institute through my service-learning course, Cancer Biology. At Winship, I was assigned to the BMT/Hematology Department, but I volunteered occasionally as a floater. During those occasions, I served as a front desk greeter and a hospitality cart volunteer. Volunteering at a cancer treatment center while learning the basic fundamentals of cancer not only enhanced my understanding of the disease, but also gave me a new perspective on cancer patients. This opportunity fostered a unique connection between the biology of cancer and the emotions and trials of the patients.

“This opportunity fostered a unique connection between the biology of cancer and the emotions and trials of the patients.”

Cancer consists of uncontrolled cell growth and the ability of those cells to metastasize through the body. Not only do different molecular pathways cause different cancers, but there can also be multiple causes of a single cancer as well. These factors make treating and curing cancer a difficult feat. Each type of cancer has its own set of treatments. Despite the scientific success in discovering treatments, most drugs and surgeries cause pain and suffering to patients. This is why having scientific and medical knowledge of cancer is not enough when treating patients. It is equally important to consider the patient’s state of mind and quality of life while battling cancer. When I first stepped into Winship for my volunteering shift, my eyes were instantly drawn to the frail and bald patients. Many wore masks around their mouths. Initially these sights were unfamiliar and haunting, but I familiarized myself with them. This adjustment occurred more quickly than I expected perhaps due to my growing knowledge of the procedures following a cancer diagnosis and its treatments. Chemotherapy’s damage to healthy cells leads to patient fragility. The patients also change their diets because of the drugs’ side effects. Cancer is commonly treated with radiation and/or chemotherapy with side effects, such as nausea and changes in taste, that alter the patient’s lifestyle. Not only are the patients tolerating extra pain and weakness, but they are also unable to properly nourish themselves because of those side effects.



I had many opportunities to volunteer in different parts of the clinic. While working as a hospitality cart volunteer, I gained the opportunity to reach out to many patients. I experienced mixed interactions: some were quite friendly and held short conversations with me, some were also welcoming but limited their conversations and smiles, others were indifferent, perhaps wanting to be left alone. However, one patient, whom I had seen with a knitted hat in each of our short meetings, stood out. Her eyes remained lit up, she held a bit more energy than the rest, and she wore a heartwarming smile each time we met. Cancer treatments are capable of undermining patients physically and mentally, so it is quite rare to see a patient who displays that level of energy and warmth. Cancer patients have to deal with a double-edged sword. Their treatments fight the cancer, but also cause many adverse side effects. They are thus compelled to fight a larger battle for life, to fight against the very drugs used for their survival. This fight may either make them stronger or cause a mental or physical downfall. For example, I also met an elderly woman who was very different than the woman I described above; she displayed an attitude that is common among cancer patients. Right before her chemotherapy treatment, she expressed exhaustion and sadness while remarking that she had been coming to the clinic for too long—about ten years. Another patient that stood out was from East Asia. He was blind, hard of hearing, and unable to speak English. It was his second day at the clinic and he was unaware of his whereabouts, so I was appointed to guide him to his destinations. Since I met him by the labs after his radiation treatment, I took him into the office to get his blood drawn. His interpreter translated the procedure and informed him that drawing blood may “sting a little bit.” Unfortunately,


that “little bit” turned out to be more than he expected, judging from the expression on his face. While his blood was drawn, he cringed, shut his eyes, and tilted his head back as if he was exhausted and in pain. The final stop was in the Infusion Center for his chemotherapy treatment. When questioned if he was in pain, he mentioned that his right cheek and brow line were hurting. Unfortunately, this was the beginning of the side effects from his treatment. Before beginning the procedure, the patient was informed about his chemotherapy dosage and the side effects that may impact him. This situation opened my eyes to the difficulty for patients who never had to understand cancer until they were diagnosed with it. For patients like this man, cancer may have already been difficult to grasp. In addition, there was a large communication barrier for him. So not only did this man have to struggle with his disease, but he also had to tolerate the equally difficult treatments and their side effects. In addition to interacting with patients, my major task was to organize paperwork for patients scheduled the following day. When surrounded by patients, I was able to focus on their feelings and comfort levels, whereas, when surrounded by stacks of paper, I focused on the science and medicine. This experience allowed me to understand the reason some physicians may not interact warmly with their patients. These physicians view their patients as people on file instead of viewing them as human beings who need to be treated and cared for. Similarly, researchers who help advance cancer treatments have only a practical perspective due to their lack of

What is service learning? Service learning is distinguished as a type of experiential learning that integrates academic learning with community involvement. Service learning is a way to accomplish a rigorous academic curriculum in combination with serving real community needs. These courses directly integrate volunteer work as part of the curriculum. Thus, the service is closely related to the content of the course. Service learning fosters a reciprocal relationship of respect and communication in which both students and community partners work together to advance their common and individual goals. interaction with patients. Their goal is to eradicate cancer. So, as long as that occurs, they are content. The standard paperwork patients receive during each appointment helps physicians keep track of their patients’ progression and the reactions of their bodies. Each patient receives a patient assessment form, a list

“My volunteer opportunity continues to prepare me to become a caring and openminded physician, as I will be able to understand these diseases through a patient’s point of view.” of patient encounter forms, and a patient prescription and list of allergies form. For new patients, another packet regarding the privacy policies, including permission to allow their cell/tissue samples to be used for further research, is attached to the paperwork. The patient encounter forms contain information on the lab tests that take place during that specific visit and a list of symptoms the patient experiences during that appointment. This information allows the physicians to keep track of the progression of the cancer and the treatment’s effects. Physicians also consider the patient’s medical history, which informs them of any possible genetic or hereditary significance present in the patient; for example, it may inform them of the chronic presence of certain diseases, like breast cancer. That type of information may alert other family members to their own health concerns and possibly lead them to a genetic test to see if they carry any genes that may put them at risk for certain diseases. Another part of the paperwork contains the patient’s drug prescriptions. This set of papers shows that treating cancer is not as simple as taking an antibiotic for a few days. It requires the whole body to cleanse itself of cancer cells and even healthy cells. This is a difficult procedure because it involves the whole body, which is the reason patients require multiple treatments and extra precautions. Even if other alternatives are used, such as a targeted therapy that requires “fixing” cancer cells, more than one treatment will still be required because of the complexity of cancer. However, the side effects may not be as painful and thus, easier for the patients to handle.

Volunteering at Winship allowed me to develop a balanced perspective for the practical and the human aspects of cancer. These diseases require an extensive amount of research to understand and treat. Until today, the approach taken to cure cancer patients was to eliminate the cancer cells. Now, scientists are looking to conform the cancer cells to normal, functioning cells and to prevent the disease by detecting cancer cells as soon as possible. I understand the importance of scientific success in eliminating the rising pandemic we know as cancer, but I believe that it is equally important to consider the patients’ physical and mental states when reacting to treatment. Although I have interacted with many patients, I am nervous each time I begin talking to a new one because of the sensitivity of the situation. As I interact with more patients, my understanding and empathy for them increases. In addition, I have gained confidence and a better understanding of how to handle different patients. My volunteer opportunity continues to prepare me to become a caring and open-minded physician, as I will be able to understand these diseases through a patient’s point of view. I would love to thank Dr. Karen Schmeichel for all the support, encouragement, and guidance she has shown me (even beyond the classroom boundaries), which has allowed me to expand my career pursuits and shape new interests. Without her encouragement, this would not have been possible. Biology major Nidha Jivan volunteered at the Emory Winship Cancer Institute in Atlanta as part of Cancer Cell Biology, a service learning class taught by Dr. Karen Schmeichel, professor of biology. Nidha’s service learning research paper was originally published in the Penn State Berks’ Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning & Community-Based Research, Volume 2, Fall 2013, and is republished with permission.

“BRINGING THEORY TO PRACTICE” AT OGLETHORPE By Leslie Peters ’15 In 2013, Oglethorpe University was awarded a grant by the Association of American Colleges and Universities to support the university’s Service Learning Program. The grant, part of AAC&U’s Bringing Theory to Practice Project, supports campus-based initiatives that demonstrate how engaged forms of learning actively involving students both in and out of the classroom directly contribute to their cognitive, emotional, and civic development. The Service Learning Program at Oglethorpe was launched in 2006 and is currently led by Dr. Karen Schmeichel, professor of biology. Service learning courses integrate classroom theories and curriculum with hands-on service learning opportunities in the real world, helping to meet real community needs. The grant was used by Oglethorpe to host a service learning symposium, held in March 2014. In this first assembly of Service Learning Program stakeholders, Oglethorpe students, faculty and community partners collectively discussed the successes and challenges of bringing service learning into practice at Oglethorpe. Community partners in attendance included the Atlanta Community Food Bank, Blue Heron Nature Preserve, PATH Academy, and Wesley Woods, a senior living community. The dialogue inspired new ideas, including expanding existing partnerships, inviting new community partners into the program, and finding ways to create lasting change beneficial for the entire Oglethorpe community.

Students, faculty and community partners gathered in March 2014 to discuss the opportunities, challenges, and successes of Oglethorpe’s Service Learning Program.



The optic chiasm is an x-shaped part of the brain where optic nerves cross, allowing information from the left eye to reach the right side of the brain, and vice-versa. “Optic Chiasm: The Crossing Over of Art and Science,” Oglethorpe University Museum of Art’s spring exhibition, created a similar link, bringing together various artists and mediums to showcase the artistic beauty of science and the connection between art and science. The exhibition was an official part of the inaugural Atlanta Science Festival, a city-wide celebration of local science and technology that allowed participants of all ages to discover how science is connected to all parts of our lives.

THE CROSSING OVER OF By Marisa Manuel ’13

(this page) Irene K. Miller, Blink Again, 2013, monotype/collage, framed 36” x 22” (opposite, top) Photo by Billy Howard. Annie, profiled in the exhibition “BLIND/SIGHT: Conversations with the Visually Inspired,” has been blind from birth, with no known cause. (opposite, right) As portrayed in this estimation of what she might see, Annie’s vision is categorized as light perception and contrast vision. Her vision is not measurable in a doctor’s office and she can’t count fingers on a hand, but if there is light and contrast she can make out shapes and see colors. On a bright day she can determine where the sidewalk ends and the grass begins. On a cloudy day, if there isn’t much contrast, everything looks gray. When approaching an object she can’t see, like a pole, she can feel it before she gets to it, because the sound around her changes. 10 CARILLON | SPRING/SUMMER SPRING 2014 2014


The Optic Chiasm exhibition

“Go back just a couple hundred years and look at the

offered visitors from across

great Leonardo da Vinci; he was a scientist, he was an

the Atlanta metro area the

artist. It wasn’t surprising to people of that day that you’d

opportunity to view art

be proficient in both disciplines and (utilize) both sides of

from different perspectives,

your brain.”

to see how art relates to science, and to explore

Before Optic Chiasm’s conception, Elizabeth had already

the beauty behind different

arranged with The Center for the Visually Impaired (CVI)

ways of seeing. “The

to borrow their show “Blind/Sight: Conversations with

exhibition was conceived

the Visually Inspired.” The exhibition celebrated the 50th

to be a celebration of

anniversary of the Atlanta-based center that “empowers

vision,” says Elizabeth Peterson, director of OUMA and

people impacted by vision loss to live with independence

co-curator. “Optic Chiasm was about art, vision, optics

and dignity,” and became the perfect complement

and featured artists who are inspired by the notion of

and inspiration for Optic Chiasm. Blind/Sight was the

blindness, who have vision loss themselves, or who are

brainchild of photographer Billy Howard and illustrator

fascinated by color theory, Braille, or color blindness.

Laurie Shock. The two collaborated to interview and

SCIENCE Also included were artists who are working in the field of medical illustration and photography of the work of scientists in the field of vision.” In addition to a wide range of artwork, including everything from paintings of the inner workings of the eye to photographs of prosthetic lenses, Optic Chiasm showcased results of research in vision and optics by scientists affiliated with area institutions. These included the Atlanta Veterans Administration Medical Center, Emory University, Georgia Health Sciences University, Georgia Regents University and Medical Center, and the Medical College of Georgia.

photograph people with visual impairments, while also creating interpretative illustrations of what those people

Optic Chiasm evolved from a discussion between Marc

saw. Blind/Sight, which ran concurrently with Optic

Merlin of the Atlanta Science Tavern, an established “meet

Chiasm, encouraged kinship between CVI clients,

up group” of science professionals and enthusiasts, and

who could hear and relate to the stories of others with

Oglethorpe faculty emeritus and OUMA board member

visual impairments.

Dr. William Shropshire. Their shared enthusiasm for connecting art and science led Elizabeth Peterson to reach out to collaborate with co-curators Dr. Nicole Gerardo,

“The shows were an opportunity to make connections with the disability community, to reach out and partner

assistant professor of biology at Emory University, and

with other area institutions, and to create a chance for

Nancy Lowe, director of Symbiosis Art+Science Alliance.

dialogue and new experiences for our visitors,” shares

The idea for Optic Chiasm was born.

Elizabeth. “That ultimately supports Oglethorpe’s liberal arts mission to create well-educated, flexible thinkers who

“As a liberal arts and sciences university museum, we

consider different perspectives.”

are certainly proponents of bringing the two disciplines of art and science together and dispelling the myth that they don’t relate to one another,” Elizabeth says. SPRING/SUMMER SPRING 2014 | CARILLON 11


THE WELTNER PRINCIPLE By John Cleveland “Cleve” Hill ’01

The 1960s in America was a decade of challenge and change. Wars—political and social—were seemingly the order of the day. The country stood at a pivotal point with many unsure which way the world would turn next or whether it would survive at all. Bold, tireless, and visionary leadership was necessary to guide the country through those days. In May of 1963, Oglethorpe University’s commencement speaker quoted a verse from Longfellow’s “The Ladder of St. Augustine” to the young graduates seated before him: “Heights that great men reached and kept, Were not attained by sudden flight, But they, while their companions slept, Were toiling upward in the night.” Little did that young man know the heights to which he was about to soar, nor the toiling he himself would in endure while standing for what was right.



A year later, on July 2, 1964, an astonished U.S. House of Representatives watched as that thirty-six-year-old man, then a member of Congress, rose to his feet and voted in favor of what is unquestionably one of the monumental pieces of legislation in American history—the Civil Rights Act of 1964. While the measure would have passed without him, his vote is remarkable because he was the only Congressman from the Deep South to vote for its passage. He understood that bold leadership was necessary to guide the South and the nation out of its divisive past. Speaking from the well of the House, he said, “We must not remain forever bound to another lost cause.” Facing reelection in 1966 and forced by his state’s political party to sign a loyalty oath to the party’s segregationist nominee for Governor, the young Congressman again stood on his convictions and resigned his reelection bid, stating “I love the Congress. But I will give up my office before I give up my principles.” Ending his national political career, Georgia Congressman Charles Longstreet Weltner returned home to practice law and later serve as Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court. For his acts of political courage, in 1992 he was awarded the second John F. Kennedy Profiles in Courage Award.

“...the demand for justice rests not alone on legal precept or theological tenet...

His story is an important reminder to us that this university helps shape young men and women to take principled stands in the face of adversity. We should observe and emulate the character of this proud son of Oglethorpe as we face decisions large and small and in our treatment of our fellow man. Writing about his experiences after he left Congress, Weltner wrote, “Our fundamental charter declares all men created equal. Our basic religion declares us our brother’s keeper. But the demand for justice rests not alone on legal precept or theological tenet. It is a demand that spans creed and clan, age and continent. It speaks now as it has to prophet, saint, and patriot— and to unnumbered millions of men and women throughout all time. It wells up from the heart as plain truth and clear duty. Let right be done.” Cleve Hill ’01 is managing partner at Bettis, Hill, and Vann, LLC in Alpharetta, Ga. While at Oglethorpe, Cleve was active in campus life and served two terms as student body president. At graduation, he received the James Edward Oglethorpe Cup, along with the Pattillo Leadership Prize, the Charles Longstreet Weltner Award, and was an inaugural recipient of the President’s Community Service Award. Cleve attended the Mercer University Walter F. George School of Law in Macon, Ga. where he obtained his J.D.,cum laude, in 2004. Cleve has served as president of the Oglethorpe Alumni Board and currently serves on the Board of Trustees.

It wells up from the heart as plain truth and clear duty. Let right be done.” Why should this story be so important to us here at Oglethorpe? In May of 1948, Charlie Weltner received his undergraduate degree from Oglethorpe University. He studied inside the hallowed halls of Hearst. Many of Weltner’s formative years were spent on our campus as his father, Philip Weltner, led this institution as its sixth president.


Visit Oglethorpe’s YouTube channel at com/oglethorpeuniversity or scan this QR code to watch the presentation.

(left) Congressman Charles Weltner hard at work in our nation’s capital. (right) The Honorable Roy Barnes, former Georgia Governor, visited campus to pay tribute to Charles Weltner ’48, a fellow winner of the Profile in Courage Award presented by the John F. Kennedy Library. Weltner’s three children (and grandchildren of OU President Philip Weltner) attended the tribute. Pictured (l-r): Charlie Weltner, the Honorable Roy Barnes, Susan Weltner, and Philip Weltner.




On January 20, 2014, the national holiday that celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 134 volunteers from Oglethorpe University chose to spend “a day on, not a day off.” They all gave their time for the university’s annual MLK Day of Service and, in return, enjoyed time with their peers, learned more about Atlanta, represented their university, and followed in the footsteps of great leaders. “I signed up…because I was new to Oglethorpe,” said first year student Albert Moreno Ortiz. “I knew service was a big part of being here, so I wanted to be a part of it.”


Oglethorpe’s MLK Day of Service, held annually since 2007, began with an opening ceremony, of sorts, planned by Civic Engagement Scholars Belen Rodriguez ’15 and Edmund Smith ’15, with help from sociology professor Dr. Amy Palder. The event, held in Dorough Fieldhouse before the volunteers headed to their service projects, made a profound impact. Upon arrival, participants were designated a social status and were only allowed to sit and talk with people of the same status, which included literacy level, wealth, and access to resources. They discussed how the status affected them, and how to apply Dr. King’s beliefs and teachings in our present communities to promote social tolerance, not only for people of different races, but also gender, age, sexual orientation, and economic situations. These discussions continued beyond the campus gates and became a part of the day’s service projects, located at nonprofits serving populations facing discrimination every day. Although classes weren’t in session the that third Monday in January, students still learned a great deal— about their city, their privilege, area nonprofits helping underserved populations, and their place in the world as an active community participant. “I learned a lot about the community,” said Carrie Bushman ’16. “It was a joy to work alongside neighbors, families, sports teams, and concerned citizens who were volunteering to help their community.” Oglethorpe students pictured at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta.

Heather Staniszewski ’02 served for seven years as the associate director of the Center for Civic Engagement, planning and leading innumerable service projects. She recently transitioned into a new job as volunteer services manager at the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library.




By Margaret Daniel

It was a snowy night when Charles Lee, star basketball player for the University of Rhode Island, fouled out in the last minutes of the game against Oglethorpe University. As Lee left the court, the 2,100 spectators in the Oglethorpe stands cheered and gave him a standing ovation. Such good sportsmanship is always gratifying, but on that night, December 29, 1961, it was especially memorable. Charles Lee was African-American, and this was the first integrated basketball game in Georgia history, one arranged by Oglethorpe’s Coach Garland Pinholster. When asked how he prepared his players and himself for this game, Coach Pinholster replied, “I didn’t have to. Oglethorpe was an oasis of tolerance when Jim Crow still existed. My team and I were not interested in the other players’ race; we just wanted to win, especially against a large university. I particularly remember the spectators. Although Lee’s team lost, both sides cheered him as an athlete and a gentleman, which made me proud.” With fewer than 500 students at the time, OU beat this large university in a stunning 64-47 upset. Lee, an All-Yankee Conference selection who average 23 points a game, scored only seven points that night because of OU’s unyielding zone defense. Top: The first integrated college basketball game in Georgia was played at Oglethorpe University in 1961. Bottom: Coach Garland Pinholster (center) led the 1962–63 Petrels team to first place in regionals.

“MY TEAM AND I WERE NOT INTERESTED IN THE OTHER PLAYERS’ RACE; WE JUST WANTED TO WIN, ESPECIALLY AGAINST A LARGE UNIVERSITY. I PARTICULARLY REMEMBER THE SPECTATORS. ALTHOUGH LEE’S TEAM LOST, BOTH SIDES CHEERED HIM AS AN ATHLETE AND A GENTLEMAN, WHICH MADE ME PROUD.” Bob Nance ’63, now an Oglethorpe trustee, guarded Lee that night and was focused on keeping the Rhode Island star from scoring, not on his race. Yet Coach Pinholster says that one of his most generous boosters was a segregationist who threatened to withdraw support if Oglethorpe played integrated games. “But when we beat Rhode Island, he cheered as loud as anyone,” Coach Pinholster reflected with a broad smile. This coach later scheduled games with black colleges and invited Clark University and Morehouse College to



tournaments. He tried to recruit African-American players, but some didn’t meet OU’s academic standards and others went to Northern schools. During Coach Pinholster’s tenure (1956–1966), Oglethorpe’s basketball program grew from one that lacked a budget and gym to one of the country’s most successful small college programs. Under his leadership, Oglethorpe, with only 425 students, beat Southern Illinois, a university of 23,000. All of this coach’s players graduated, and four became OU trustees. Inventor of the famed Wheel offense (see sidebar), Coach Pinholster coached the U.S. team that won the 1963 Pan American Games gold medal. His five books on basketball have been translated into four languages. He even chaired Governor Carl Saunders’ State Physical Fitness Commission. It is no wonder Coach Pinholster is often called “legendary.” Prominent Atlanta fundraising executive Doug Alexander ’68, one of Pinholster’s players and a former Oglethorpe trustee, describes the coach as “very intense, structured and creative—and credited with being one of the first to do the jump shot. He expected and got the most out of every player.” But, basketball is only one of Coach Pinholster’s careers. In 1966, he left OU to earn a PhD in education at Louisiana State University and then returned to Oglethorpe for two more years. He worked as dean of administration, and in admission and development. Coach Pinholster became an Oglethorpe trustee and received an honorary doctorate in 2004. Although he only worked 12 years on campus, he says, “My heart is at Oglethorpe.” The coach went on to start a successful grocery store company. He also served in the Georgia Legislature, where he used his coaching skills to recruit candidates and train legislators. He was named Georgia Republican Legislator of the Year. Coach Pinholster’s civic contributions include serving as president of the Buckhead and Canton Rotary Clubs, a member of the Executive Board of Boy Scouts of America and a member of the Georgia State Board of Education. Yet, it’s the impression he has made on players and others that distinguishes him most. Coach Pinholster, who now lives in northern Georgia, still gets regular calls from two players from his Pan American team. Alumnus Bob Nance said the coach, whom he sees several times a year, has always been a mentor. “As I get older, I realize what a truly great coach he was. He gave 110% and expected that of us. He was a character molder.”

THE WHEEL OFFENSE – A GAME CHANGER The Wheel offense, invented by Coach Garland Pinholster, is used by basketball players worldwide. In the Wheel’s early days, Valdosta State Coach Gary Colson, who became one of college basketball’s most successful coaches, sent a friend into Oglethorpe’s gym with a concealed camera to film this offense in action. The Wheel requires constant movement and cutting by all five players. The movement offense style offers a second and third scoring option if the first is not open (as opposed to a designed play that designates one player as scorer). The Wheel encourages players to find the open layup or easy bucket, rather than taking a difficult shot. This offense became particularly popular because it is effective against both a zone and man-to-man defense and can help develop skills of all players. SPRING/SUMMER 2014 | CARILLON 15

OUR VIEW: PROBLEM-SOLVING “But, when am I ever going to use this in real life?” It’s a question heard around the world in math classes, from students of all ages. With the help of a grant from the National Science Foundation, two Oglethorpe mathematics professors hope to begin to change that. Dr. Lynn Gieger and Dr. John Nardo recently launched a three-year plan to redesign the curriculum for Great Ideas in Mathematics, the math component of Oglethorpe’s Core program. Their grant is part of NSF’s Engaging Mathematics initiative, which supports faculty members as they develop curricula that show how math is used to solve real-world local, national and global issues—and in the process, help students better understand and retain that information. At Oglethorpe, they’ll do this through a method Dr. Gieger likes to call “teaching backwards.” Traditionally in mathematics courses, students first learn the basics and then build on them until they reach a point when the material they’ve learned can be applied to solve a problem. That is when

new Atlanta Laboratory for Learning—to provide an education that combines classroom theory with opportunities to apply that learning in real situations. Similar research and curriculum development was previously conducted at Oglethorpe, also funded by NSF grants. These projects were part of the larger initiative Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities (SENCER) and spurred courses that examined such topics as the adverse affects of traffic in Atlanta, and the effectiveness of traditional versus online homework assignments (see sidebar). While the earlier SENCER projects focused natural and physical sciences, the Engaging Mathematics initiative applies the same principles of socially relevant curriculum to mathematics courses. While the professors’ research will mostly focus on how these changes affect student learning at Oglethorpe, their work also will be shared with other partner institutions, including Metropolitan State University in Minnesota, Roosevelt University in Chicago, and the United States Military Academy. As part of the initiative, all partner schools will share their research and curriculum units with each other, which may then be modified for their own use.


the lessons and assignments and homework usually begin to make sense—when they are given context and see how it can all be applied to a real problem. However, with this method, some students have trouble making it to that point. That’s where “teaching backwards” comes in. “We start with an issue like false positive results on a drug test, cancer screening or pregnancy test—things that can be explained using mathematics concepts such as probability and statistics,” Dr. Gieger explains. “Then we figure out what we need to know in order to understand why that happens.” It gives students an everyday application of the material that they are learning up front, and provides context for the lessons they receive throughout the course. Dr. Nardo adds, “Instead of saying, ‘stay with me, you’ll see the point sooner or later,’ this teaching method helps students keep the big picture in mind and understand how and why we are laying the foundation for future lessons.” Drs. Gieger and Nardo chose to apply their research to Great Ideas of Mathematics for several reasons, but most importantly because it’s a course that every student at Oglethorpe completes, and often with difficulty. “The biggest struggle that students and faculty face with this course is that different majors are together,” explains Dr. Nardo. “The math majors might not be focused on the practical applications, while non-majors, often anxious about math, might not see that it can be used to help solve problems in the real world.” This “teaching backwards” approach reflects a larger overall commitment by Oglethorpe—as evidenced by the 16 CARILLON | SPRING/SUMMER 2014

By Debbie Aiken ’12

The Engaging Mathematics project is still in its infancy—just a few months into a three-year plan. Dr. Gieger and Dr. Nardo will spend the spring and summer of 2014 conducting foundational research to develop the first units of the new curriculum. In the fall, Dr. Nardo will actively write and prepare additional units while on sabbatical. In spring 2015, the new curriculum will be implemented for the first time by Dr. Gieger, who will give feedback to Dr. Nardo as he continues developing the remaining units. The final year of the plan will include analysis of data collected in pre- and post-course surveys to “examine how student attitudes about the role of science and mathematics in addressing civic challenges might change as a result of taking the course,” according to Dr. Gieger. “Real world problems that we grapple with are messy, and complicated,” says Dr. Nardo, “and they require us to bring in not only science but mathematics and psychology and sociology and business. We are going to have to bring in so many different lenses and expertise to bear on the problem, that it doesn’t just belong in this nice little category that you call math. Students see math as solving problems in a book, not their real problems like poverty or fairness in voting—but math does have a voice there.” Debbie Aiken graduated from Oglethorpe’s Evening Degree Program in 2012 with a major in communication & rhetoric studies and a minor in English. During her last semester, she was an intern in the University Communications department at OU, where she now works as assistant director.


Engaging Mathematics is part of a larger initiative by the National Science Foundation called Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities (SENCER), which has previously funded science research at Oglethorpe. In 2009, faculty from three different disciplines coordinated to have the students in their classes conduct a water quality study that spanned three semesters. Students from physics, chemistry and statistics courses were grouped together and tasked with collecting water samples every day for a semester from the Blue Heron Nature Preserve in Atlanta, Silver Lake in Brookhaven, and the stream on campus in front of the former Emerson Student Center. Students in later semesters analyzed the data—all research that was funded by a SENCER grant. “SENCER’s tagline is ‘teaching through problems not to problems,’” says Gieger. “The goal is to drive interest to a capacious social or civic issue and then to utilize science instruction to deal with that issue.” In addition to Drs. Gieger and Nardo, other Oglethorpe faculty who have participated in SENCER-backed research include Dr. Keith Aufderheide, Dr. John Cramer, Dr. Mike Rulison, Dr. Karen Schmeichel, and Dr. Leah Zinner. Oglethorpe’s faculty is dedicated to continually evaluate and improve curricula through these research initiatives, as evidenced by the relatively high participation rate. On average, more than 40% of Oglethorpe’s faculty in mathematics and sciences participate in SENCER projects— that’s greater than most other institutions nationwide, both large and small.



Full Circle

Four years ago, Awet Woldegebriel ’14, a promising freshman, was introduced in the pages of the Carillon. This spring, Awet graduated from Oglethorpe. Through hard work and optimism, not to mention supportive mentors and an intense appreciation for life, Awet’s journey at Oglethorpe has come full circle. “OU has allowed me to make a transformation in my life,” he says. “Once you see the difference you can make, there’s no going back.”

Originally from the African country of Eritrea, Awet’s father had left a job as a farmer to pursue his dreams of opening a business in Ethiopia, where Awet was born. At the age of seven, Awet was thrust into the middle of the Eritrean-Ethiopian conf lict, forcing him out of Ethiopia and into Eritrea, where he was accepted with open arms. Since then, he has considered Eritrea his homeland, striving to improve the conditions of his fellow Eritreans. This love for both Eritrea and his father motivated Awet to found Knowledge Aid, a nonprofit that collects and ships books to Africa and Northern Argentina to encourage learning and self reliance.



By Marisa Manuel ’13

“My late father has always been one of my inspirations, my guide,” Awet shares. “He believed in self-reliance, a hand up system, not hand outs. As he said, all we have in the world is our pride. We leave behind our stories and what people think of us.” Knowledge Aid, which to date has sent nearly 5000 books abroad, recently launched a scholarship program, the Hand Up Scholarship for Higher Education, to assist refugees and children of refugees. “It’s important to me that I support people who were in the same situation as I once was,” explains Awet. “I was fortunate enough to have a family that encouraged going to college, and said it was a must. But, as a refugee, you’re thinking about ‘How can I be the breadwinner? How can I be the support system for my family?’” As a result of his work with Knowledge Aid, Awet was invited as a sophomore in 2012 to attend and speak at the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGIU), founded by President Clinton to bring together students, youth organizations, topic experts, and celebrities to discuss and develop innovative solutions to pressing global challenges. Awet considers it the best news he received while at Oglethorpe. “My life before and after CGIU are two different stories,” he says. “It gave me access to influencers—ambassadors, nonprofit organizations, stars,

project focuses on ways to improve the environmental efficiency of the Oglethorpe campus, from instituting bike-share programs to constructing solar canopies over the parking lots.

By Marisa Manuel ’13 Mack Paulson ’17 may be an underclassman at Oglethorpe, but his passion and ideas for the university are already making waves. Earlier this year he was accepted to attend the annual Clinton Global Initiative University (CGIU), held in March at Arizona State University. CGIU was founded by President Clinton to bring together students, youth organizations, topic experts, and celebrities to discuss and develop innovative solutions to pressing global challenges. Mack earned his ticket to CGIU with his proposal “The Outlook for Oglethorpe.” Born from an assignment for his Freshman Year Seminar with Dr. Jeffrey Collins, his


“I hope to change the culture of Oglethorpe and how the students address the environment,” says Mack. “I also hope to influence students to come up with ideas of their own to change what they want. Contributions can be as simple as spreading the word and talking about the idea.” Mack’s project is multi-faceted, and he plans to eventually expand his goals to include the city of Brookhaven, Oglethorpe’s immediate surrounding neighborhood. He will begin his project by installing LED light bulbs across campus, and he expects to embark upon the last stage of his project, which involves helping to modernize campus buildings, by spring 2015.

Rising sophomore Mack Paulson was accepted to the 2014 Clinton Global Initiative University, following in the footsteps of Awet Woldegebriel ‘14, the first Oglethorpe student to participate.

“I saw a problem that I feel needs to be addressed,” he continues. “(We) are entering an era where technology is dominating and that will only increase, so energy efficiency is a top priority. I care about where I live and will spend my four years in college, and I want it to be as good as possible.”


comedians—people who I never thought I’d be able to call friends or supporters of my dream. If (someone’s) dream is to contribute something great in the world, the Clinton Global Initiative will help them do that.” The following year, he served as a CGIU ambassador, recruiting students from the Atlanta area to apply to attend the conference. In 2013, Awet also founded “100 Cups, 100 Stories,” an initiative that documents and shares the stories of homeless people living in Atlanta. These very human stories are captured on video over cups of coffee. “My hope is to allow people to start building a community and for (people) to (acknowledge) that the homeless are a part of our community,” says Awet. “Many of us are just a paycheck away from being homeless ourselves.” The videos are available at Along with his work in the community, Awet has served in numerous leadership roles on campus. He was elected class president three times, founded the current Residence Hall Association, started the Orthodox Student Union, served on the Sullivan Award Committee, and assisted in the campus’ COEXIST movement that promotes interfaith dialogue and community service. These leadership roles gained him the attention of Ceree Eberly, senior vice president and chief people officer of The Coca-Cola Company and an Oglethorpe trustee, who offered Awet an internship with Coca-Cola. But, six months before that internship even began, he landed a job as a Coca-Cola merchandiser, arriving at 3 a.m. every morning and staying until 11 a.m.—at which point he went to his economics class. “Merchandising wasn’t a glamorous job, but I came in and always tried to do my best,” Awet says. “It was a great experience, and I surprised Ms. Eberly when I came in on the first day of my internship and told her that I had been an employee for the last six months.” During his senior year, Awet was the youngest of 700 people working in the human resources department of Coca-Cola. After graduation, he starts a permanent job there, as the coordinator for the University Talent Program in Talent Development. In the future, Awet plans to write a memoir about his experiences, in hopes of inspiring teens and young adults who are at pivotal points in their lives. Within the next year, he also plans to find ways to improve Knowledge Aid, such as new shipping options and electronic libraries, and he expects to finish documenting and archiving the interviews for 100 Cups, 100 Stories. Awet credits many of his opportunities, successes, and the personal connections to Oglethorpe, saying that he “came to Oglethorpe by fate.” “Make a living and you’re going to make a life,” he says, echoing Oglethorpe’s motto. “But are you going to make a difference? That’s your choice.”

“Make a living and you’re going to make a life. But are you going to make a difference? That’s your choice.”



G : ROME A New Oglethorpe Study Center By Marisa Manuel ’13

In July 2014, Oglethorpe launches its newest venture in global education, a study abroad center in Italy called GO: Rome. The GO program, as in “Global Oglethorpe,” is a partnership between Oglethorpe and Global LEAD, a leading study abroad provider of academic and adventure trips in Ecuador, Greece and South Africa. Since 2012, Oglethorpe has served as Global LEAD’s academic partner institution, approving faculty, syllabi, course pedagogy and academic credit for participating students from across the country. Now that partnership has expanded to include the six-week summer GO: Rome program, which will be led and taught by Oglethorpe faculty and welcomes students from universities across the U.S. All students will receive Oglethorpe credits that transfer to their home university.




Students will take courses at St. John’s University’s Rome campus, which is located in the heart of Rome, just steps from the Vatican. Classes will range in size from 10–30 students and will be held Monday through Thursday, allowing students to have long weekends to explore Italy and Europe.

“When the chance arose for Oglethorpe to expand its international footprint and open its first global study center, Rome was on the top of our list,” said President Schall. “One thing I can promise you is that a summer in Rome is likely to be the highlight of your life so far. You will experience an extraordinary group of Oglethorpe faculty, committed to teaching and committed to you.” GO: Rome students are required to take two courses for a total of six credit hours during their study abroad experience. All classes are taught in English by U.S.based, Oglethorpe University faculty. Students can research anthropology and Italian art history with Dr. Jeffrey Collins, assistant professor of art history, study principles of management and leadership and power in business with Dr. Lynn Guhde, associate professor of business administration, and learn about media studies and writing for business with Dr. Seema Shrikhande, associate professor of communication and rhetoric studies.

Oglethorpe faculty and students explored Rome, Italy during a summer 2012 short-term, for-credit study abroad trip, a precursor to the GO: Rome study abroad center.

Building upon Oglethorpe’s mission to “make a life, make a living and make a difference,” GO: Rome emphasizes purpose and place to combine the highest quality of classroom learning with real-world application in the city of Rome. GO: Rome faculty are encouraged to supplement classroom learning with field trips, excursions and activities in the city of Rome. Learning in the heart of Rome will allow students to connect theories and knowledge from the classroom with the surrounding culture, history, and community. The program’s inaugural summer semester, running from July 6-August 9, 2014, will include more than 44 students from 11 universities across the U.S., including Clemson University, University of Georgia, Louisiana State University, University of Arizona, and of course, Oglethorpe. OU will be well-represented with 10 students studying in Rome this summer. Visit to learn more and to read daily blogs sharing the students’ perspectives.



“Paul believed in Oglethorpe, in what it stood for, and in what it could become.”


A Living Legacy Created HONORING PAUL’S LOVE OF OGLETHORPE “What were Paul’s passions?” Barbara Dillingham reflected thoughtfully. “Well, he loved his church. He loved his family. He loved Oglethorpe. And he loved me.” She emphasized the word “me” with a twinkle in her eye and then quickly added, “Perhaps, I should have been at the beginning of that list.” Barbara and Paul Dillingham were married for 61 years and had three daughters. Their life together was sustained by a deep commitment to their faith, their family, and their community. In 1957, a serendipitous career move brought the Dillinghams to Atlanta. Shortly afterwards, Paul joined the Coca-Cola Company’s tax department. His career at

Coca-Cola would span nearly three decades. In 1984, he retired as Vice President and Executive Assistant to the President, International Operations. Paul was an exceptional civic leader with a vast resume of community involvement. He joined Oglethorpe’s President’s Council in the early 1970s, and later served on the Board of Trustees from 1980-1985. At the request of thenPresident Dr. Manning Pattillo, Paul joined Oglethorpe’s staff in 1984 as Vice President for Advancement, a position he held until June 2002. But, Paul’s connection to Oglethorpe continued beyond that second retirement. He returned to the President’s Advisory Council and served actively until his death in June 2012.


By Lesley Cole

“Paul believed in Oglethorpe, in what it stood for, and in what it could become,” Barbara says. “I remember him saying frequently in the early days: ‘Oglethorpe is growing the way it should.’ He was particularly pleased by the university’s progress in recent years.” In response to Paul’s love of Oglethorpe, the Dillingham family has chosen to honor his legacy with a named scholarship endowment. This is the second endowment established by the Dillingham family at Oglethorpe. In 1989, the family created a similar fund in memory of their daughter, Karen. “Paul was passionate about creating an endowment to remember Karen. He saw it as a living legacy to honor her life,” says Barbara. “His decision

set the precedent for what we are doing now.” The Paul L. Dillingham Memorial Scholarship Fund will provide scholarship support to one or more students in a Division V (business and accounting) discipline, with preference given to students majoring in accounting. Paul received a Bachelor of Science in Commerce (Accounting and Economics) from the University of Kentucky in 1950. “Our daughters and I agreed that this was what Paul would have wanted,” Barbara says. “He was always mindful of how very blessed we were as a family and firmly believed that we had a responsibility to pass on those blessings to others.”

REAL MOMENTUM. CLEAR VISION. RIGHT TIMING. The Campaign for Oglethorpe – An Update

Dear Friends,


> $15.2 million to construct

I am pleased to bring you this update on the progress of the OUR TIME campaign. Through the generosity of many, as of April 30, 2014, Oglethorpe has received more than $41.2 million in gifts and pledges—80% of our $50 million goal.

the campus center and have it operational in one year’s time > Nearly $3 million raised in endowments—for scholarships, the arts, athletics and more

As an alumna who cares deeply about Oglethorpe, one aspect of the campaign’s success particularly impresses me: how Oglethorpe is immediately putting these gifts to use for the benefit of students and faculty.

> $3.6 million in restricted gifts supporting academic

Thank you for continuing to believe in the power of this great university to transform lives and make a difference.

Following a nationwide search, Oglethorpe University selected Dr. Glenn Sharfman as its new Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Sharfman comes to Oglethorpe from Manchester University (North Manchester, Ind.), where he has been Vice President and Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of History since 2005. As the chief academic officer of Oglethorpe University, Dr. Sharfman will oversee all academic affairs, including the academic divisions, the Core curriculum, the Academic Success Center, Philip Weltner Library, the Office of the Registrar, and the Oglethorpe University Museum of Art. He will assume his new position at Oglethorpe on July 8, 2014. “I am excited to join the community at Oglethorpe and work with a talented and dedicated faculty and staff who help transform students so they are ready for their next step,” says Dr. Sharfman. “Oglethorpe has a rich tradition and distinguished record of producing graduates who make a difference and I am eager to play a role.”

and other program offerings > $7.2 million in unrestricted support through the Annual Fund

Over and above these gifts and their immediate impact, another vital area of giving is also seeing remarkable progress: planned giving. In response to the campaign, a growing number of alumni and friends have chosen to make very personal commitments to Oglethorpe by including the university in their estate plans. Planned gifts are the single largest source of funding for university endowments and, somewhat surprisingly, are among the easiest gifts to make. Plus, their lasting impact is immeasurable. In this issue, you’ll read two heartwarming stories about families who have made such commitments.

Dr. Glenn Sharfman Named Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

To learn more about the campaign, including the benefits of planned gifts, visit

The OUR TIME Campaign officially launched in October 2013 in the Turner Lynch Campus Center, named in honor of longtime supporter and campaign co-chair Belle Turner Lynch ’61, ’10H (pictured above).

Dr. Sharfman earned a Bachelor of Arts at Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) and a Master of Arts and Ph.D. in European History at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. While at Manchester University, he successfully led efforts to restructure the core curriculum, expand academic programs, launch a College of Pharmacy, and open a new Academic Center and satellite campus. Prior to Manchester, Dr. Sharfman worked at Hiram College (Hiram, Ohio) for 15 years, first as a faculty member in the history department, and then as Associate Dean and Director of Graduate Programs. “Dr. Sharfman is an accomplished scholar and an extraordinary addition to our leadership team,” said Oglethorpe University President Larry Schall. “His expertise, creativity and passion for the liberal arts and sciences will be integral to ensuring Oglethorpe continues building upon its long history of academic excellence.”


Belle Turner Lynch ‘61 (H) ‘10 Oglethorpe Trustee and OUR TIME Campaign Committee Co-Chair



Our professors care about their students and their ultimate success—a hallmark of Oglethorpe. And for many students, the influence and impact of their connections with faculty outlast their college years and develop into lifelong friendships. Mike ’88 and Stephanie Ervin Szalkowski ’89 draw inspiration from two such connections, with Dr. Vicky Weiss, professor of English, and Keith Baker, professor of accounting, both now retired. “I call Vicky my life mentor,” Stephanie says. “I learned so much from her—in and out of class. She helped reconnect us to Oglethorpe and I’m glad she did.” “We’d been away for too long,” Mike adds.

In 1999, Dr. Weiss reached out to the couple about a special opportunity—a plan to endow a scholarship in honor of Professor Baker on the occasion of his retirement. “Keith was an exceptional professor and advisor—he helped each of us make connections, even before graduation, which eventually led to our first jobs,” recalls Mike. “And Vicky helped us understand how our support could really change a student’s life.” Stephanie and Mike have translated their gratitude into a legacy of service and support for Oglethorpe, and both can be found on campus nearly every week. Mike serves on the Board of Trustees and the Investment Committee and chairs the Advancement Committee. Stephanie is co-chair of the Oglethorpe Women’s Network. Each has served on their respective 25th Reunion committees. For 12 years, they have been among Oglethorpe’s most generous donors, and as such are members of the Carillon Club and the James Edward Oglethorpe Circle. They were among the lead


donors in the early stages of the ongoing OUR TIME campaign. Most recently, they joined the Nescit Cedere Heritage Society by choosing to include Oglethorpe University in their estate plans. “In talking with others, we realized how easy it is to make estate gift arrangements with little or no impact on our life,” Mike explains. “Gifts like this are very personal,” Stephanie adds. “You start thinking about your own mortality and also realize how you can make a long-term difference.” Decades later, their faculty mentors continue to be a part of the Szalkowskis’ lives. “We speak to Keith several times each year,” says Stephanie, “Plus, I get the chance to let him know which student is awarded the annual Baker Scholarship.” Mike adds, “Vicky just proofed an admission essay to help me get into graduate school at the University of North Carolina. I sent her a six page essay and she sent me twelve pages back!” Stephanie smiles. “They’re still advising us.” Learn more about leaving a legacy through planned giving by contacting the Development Office at or visiting


The Journey of the Vase By Colleen D’Alessandro More than 1200 tons of granite were hauled to Oglethorpe to construct the new Turner Lynch Campus Center. Of that, seven and a half pounds became material for nine vases that reflect and symbolize our community.


“In talking with others, we realized how easy it is to make estate gift arrangements with little or no impact on our life.”

In June 2013, broken chunks of granite were collected from the construction site by OU alumnus Rick Agel ’72, who is a doctor and a potter and whose father, Fred Agel ’52, serves on the Oglethorpe Board of Trustees. At the Spruill Center for the Arts in Dunwoody, Ga., Rick made nine vases from Georgia clay, each imprinted with a specially made Oglethorpe quatrefoil stamp. The chunks of granite were fired in a kiln to a bisque heat of 1800 degrees where, once calcined, could be reformed. This extreme heat loosened the bonds in the granite, allowing the rocks to be hammered into a fine, heavy sand. The heavy granite sand traveled to Greenville, Ga. to the home of one of the state’s finest folk potters, D.X. Gordy, where it went through a ball milling process to form extremely fine sand. Next, one of the world experts in glazes, Steven Harrison, guided the process from Australia. An expert in creating glazes from rocks and vegetation or organic elements, Steven recommended adding a new ingredient, limestone. The basis for the glaze was set. The two components, our campus center granite and the limestone, were taken to Rick Berman at the Hambidge Center for the Arts in Rabun Gap, Ga. There, the two elements were mixed with water at just the right ratio and consistency for dipping the vases. After each vase was immersed in the glaze, it was given to firemaster Tom Egan. He placed each vase in a central position in an anagama kiln. It was fired to 2400 degrees and fed with wood logs every 10 minutes for two and a half days. This organic process of flame, heat, and ash was carefully monitored as the glaze and the vases were transformed. After the vases cooled for seven days inside the kiln, they were carefully unloaded for the return trip to Atlanta, to Oglethorpe, and to the lucky recipients. Vases were given to four generous donors and board members, who made the campus center possible: Mrs. Belle Turner Lynch ’61, Warren Jobe (H) ’09, Robert E. Bowden ’66, and Harald R. Hansen (H) ’08. One vase was presented back to the potter, another given to the Oglethorpe University Museum of Art, and another has a place in the President’s Office. The remaining two are tucked away for future gifts. The symbolism of their journey of creation and transformation was not lost on Rick Agel. “At the end, on the ride back, with the pots safely harvested from the kiln, I thought how grateful I was for all the nurturing attention and effort these pots had received,” said Rick. “They stood the test of time in many forms to become more beautiful and to have a stronger alchemy. That’s the story of OU.” SPRING/SUMMER SPRING 2014 | CARILLON 25


Dear Friends, Sometimes it can be easy to just wait for good things to happen. But, to be truly successful, it is important to be proactive. I am pleased that Oglethorpe has embraced this philosophy, and is actively reaching out to its alumni in some very exciting ways. With a campus as beautiful as Oglethorpe’s, it would be easy to want to stay close to home. But, one way Oglethorpe has connected with alumni is through good, old-fashioned travel. Our alumni and development staff, including Lesley Cole, John Carr, Katherine Anthony, and Barb Henry ’85, have been traveling far and wide to meet with alumni. University staff members have hosted social gatherings and development events for alumni all over the country, including events in Seattle, Wash., Portland, Oreg., Washington, D.C., New York City, South Florida, and Charleston, S.C. I was fortunate enough to travel to Washington, D.C. and New York City, as we reached out to tell Oglethorpe’s story and encouraged participation in the ongoing campaign. This is an effective—and fun!— way to connect with alumni. Please be on the lookout for upcoming events planned in your area.



Oglethorpe also has offered opportunities for its out-of-town alumni to host and attend events in their own communities. This year marked the second annual Oglethorpe Day Around the Globe parties, and, weather aside, they were quite a success. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed traveling to Denver, Colo. and celebrating with a lively group of alumni from the Rocky Mountain state. Other events were hosted by alumni volunteers in Boston, Indianapolis, New York City, Raleigh, Tampa, and Washington, D.C. We love it when alumni suggest new places for us to go. If you are interested in hosting an Oglethorpe event in your city, please contact our Alumni Relations office for details. If you have not had a chance to reconnect with Oglethorpe in a while, I hope you will. I think you will be pleased with what you see. With all my best,

Austin Gillis ’01 President, Oglethorpe University Alumni Association


In Step with Eileen Fannon ’01


By Cynthia Roberson

After obtaining a dual degree in sociology and women’s studies from Georgia State University in 1997, Eileen went on to obtain her third undergraduate degree in accounting from Oglethorpe in 2001. During this time, she began her running streak with the Peachtree Road Race in 1999 and completed the Disney Half Marathon in 2000. After a brief hiatus from running following graduation, Eileen started to feel the itch to get her legs moving again. In 2005, she began racing again all over the country, eventually touching down in all 50 states by 2008. Though Hawaii was a clear favorite for Eileen, she was pleasantly surprised at how much she enjoyed Alaska and South Dakota. Thinking “what’s next?”, Eileen caught wind of Marathon Tours & Travel, a company that plans international travel adventures for runners. Eileen was hooked. Her first trip landed her in Iceland to run the Reykjavik Half Marathon, followed by the Great Wall Half Marathon in China. Her journey continued as she quickly ran her way through Brazil, South Africa, Australia, Antarctica, and most recently, Japan.

“I truly feel racing is the best way to see any location because more likely than not, the course will take you through the highlights of the city, giving you the best glimpse of everything it has to offer,” said Eileen. Though she has traveled the world, completing 141 half marathons and a variety of other races, she claims her hometown of Atlanta boasts her favorite race to date, the Peachtree Road Race. Eileen is taking a breather from international races, but she continues to run, most recently in the 2014 Boston Marathon, and says she felt excited and humbled to participate. She is also a volunteer coach with the Atlanta Track Club, helping members prepare for their running and walking goals. When she is not logging miles, Eileen is a financial advisor for Resource Horizons Group, a small tax practice, and enjoys spending time with family and friends.

Eileen’s running adventures have led her to exotic locales, as well as some closer to home. Pictured, top to bottom: St. Petersburg, Fla., Antarctica, and the Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta. SPRING/SUMMER 2014 | CARILLON 27


The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation is a nonprofit organization that preserves and revitalizes Georgia’s diverse historic resources and advocates for their appreciation, protection and use. Each year, the trust awards The J. Neel Reid Prize of $4,000 to a student or a recently registered professional in the field of architecture or landscape architecture for study travel that honors the legacy of Neel Reid, prominent early 20th century Atlanta architect and designer. Last spring, the Georgia Trust awarded the prize to Stephanie Bryan ’04, which enabled her to visit and study numerous historic sites throughout Italy, including the Villa Lante in Bagnaia and the Palazzo Farnese in Caprarola. Now, she’s producing a series of drypoint prints that document scenes from the sites she visited. “The rich black ink against the bright white paper suggests the emergence in the Renaissance of light from medieval darkness in art and architecture, which is why I chose the medium for this project,” said Stephanie, who studied the drypoint technique in one of Professor Alan Loehle’s printmaking classes at Oglethorpe. Stephanie pursued a master’s degree from the University of Georgia’s College of Environment and Design and now works as a historic landscape architect for The Jaeger Company in Athens, Ga. The firm’s wideranging work includes landscape architecture, historic preservation, planning, and environmental assessment. “One of my favorite gardens in Georgia is the Founders Memorial Garden on the UGA campus,” said Stephanie. “Dean Hubert B. Owens, his staff, and students of the Landscape Architecture Department designed the garden during the 1940s around a Greek Revival-style house built in 1857.”

“The rich black ink against the bright white paper suggests the emergence in the Renaissance of light from medieval darkness in art and architecture, which is why I chose the medium for this project.”

While Stephanie appreciates classical architecture, she’s also drawn to vernacular design. “On weekends, I enjoy taking long drives to explore rural Georgia and have discovered some fascinating historic rural churches in counties such as Oglethorpe, Hancock and Taliaferro.”


Stephanie also is working on a Historic American Landscape Survey on behalf the National Park Service, studying the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial in St. Louis, Mo. “The aim of the survey has been to document the site through measured drawings, written histories and photography.” Stephanie also has helped to research and write Cultural Landscape Reports for several historic sites in Knoxville, Tenn. and has produced an ongoing documentary of failed residential developments in Georgia. Look for one of Stephanie’s essays to appear in the book The Good Gardener?: Nature, Humanity, and the Garden, scheduled for release in August 2014. Kelly Holland Vrtis ’97 lives outside of Indianapolis with her husband Matt and two children, Amelia and Franklin. She currently chairs the Alumni Communications Committee of the Alumni Board.

(left) Bryan’s recreation of the Palazzo Farnese in Caprarola, Italy.




As the associate chair of fashion for Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) Atlanta, Sarah Phillips Collins ’98 teaches a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses, including History of Fashion, and computer-aided design and senior thesis classes.




In the past year, she’s traveled to Hong Kong to help SCAD get its accreditation for the Fashion and Luxury programs. She also spent two months in Lacoste and Paris, France teaching at SCAD campuses there.


She likes to mix prints, colors, and seasons in ways that were never meant to be. She also loves sparkly things. Pretty much if it looks like a fairy exploded on it, she likes it.

I had to know more about Sarah’s professional proficiency when she described herself as a veritable expert in underwear, “mainly of the historical kind.” HOW DID YOU DECIDE TO GET INTO FASHION?

In 4th grade I wanted to be either Mary Lou Retton or a fashion designer. Come to find out, I was not all that talented at gymnastics. …AND SPECIFICALLY, UNDERWEAR?

I am interested in how humans across many cultures and time periods have tried to change or morph their bodies through silhouette. Undergarments create the under structures on which these varying silhouettes are built.





I majored in Art with minors in Theatre, American Studies, and English. As a professor myself, I don’t like to declare a favorite professor as they all had an impact on my life. Having said that, Alan Loehle and Lloyd Nick helped shape me as an artist, and Lee Knippenberg and Douglas McFarland as a professor.


In some cultures, after the fall of the Roman Empire, women didn’t have any kind of undergarments that were seamed at the crotch until as late as Edwardian times. DIANE VON FURSTENBERG, ZAC POSEN, MISS J, ANDRÉ LEON TALLEY…YOU’VE HAD




I did not get to meet Miuccia Prada when she came to SCAD. While I have long loved the brand Prada, I didn’t realize just how interesting Miuccia was until after the Met’s Schiaparelli exhibition. I totally wanted to be a part of that “Impossible Conversation.”* YOU’RE ALSO A DESIGNER! TELL ME MORE

(below) Collins’ daughter Lily is already following in her mother’s fashionable footsteps, but with a style all her own.


One of the great things about Spanx is that they really care about the product so the design process is very collaborative. I freelanced on a couple of new product categories for them and when it’s a new category, they take the time to make sure that it’s done right. As such, I worked on denim for them a couple of years ago and we are just now seeing some of that being offered. It is exciting to see something in the catalog and think, “I helped with that.” * According to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the 2012 exhibit Schiaparelli and Prada: Impossible Conversations, looked at “the striking affinities between Elsa Schiaparelli and Miuccia Prada, two Italian designers from different eras” and was “inspired by Miguel Covarrubias’s ‘Impossible Interviews’ for Vanity Fair in the 1930s.” SPRING 2014 | CARILLON 29


Class Notes 1

1980s 1–2 Sherry Rosen ’85 is proud to announce her new business, Sherry Rosen Photography, LLC. Sherry specializes in pet and lifestyle photography. Sherry started photographing shelter and rescue dogs in 2012 because she felt that the pictures of shelter animals were often sad and depressing, and not attractive to potential adopters. Since then, she has devoted countless hours to photographing dogs and cats in foster homes or that are being cared for by rescue organizations. Several dogs that she has photographed have been adopted solely because of images taken by her that were posted on pet adoption websites. In fact, one family drove from Texas to Atlanta to adopt a dog because they fell in love with her after seeing one of Sherry’s photographs. Sherry volunteers with and is the official







photographer for Fighting for Dawn, a rescue organization in Atlanta, Georgia, specializing in rescuing animals with special needs. Sherry also takes lifestyle pictures because she loves capturing special moments for her clients. Recently, two of Sherry’s images were selected by an impartial judge to represent the Georgia Nature Photographers Association at the Chattahoochee Nature Center in its Water in Nature exhibit. Sherry’s website is www.sherryrosenphotography. com. She would love to hear from and is offering a discount to Oglethorpe alumni. 3 Carol Larner ’87 has been promoted to Vice President of Investments at Cox Enterprises. She is responsible for the investment management and oversight of Cox’s pension fund assets, as well as the company’s 401(k) investment options. She also serves as treasurer of the Cox Employee Relief Fund,


which assists Cox employees impacted by natural disasters, catastrophic injury or illness, or loss of a family member. Established in 2005, the Fund has distributed more than $3 million dollars to assist more than 1,600 employees. She joined Cox in 1996 and most recently served as Assistant Vice President and Assistant Treasurer. Previously, she worked in corporate finance and trust finance at Southern Company.

Social Media 3.0. The book is published by MyHomePress and provides hands-on tips for companies on how to launch and maintain a social media program. Carol is a social media guru and partner of mRELEVANCE. She has spent more than 20 years perfecting her knowledge in public relations and marketing.

4–5 Leah Hughes ’88 published a book on how to take the SAT this past December. She has tutored for 10 years to prepare high school students for college (while teaching English and Humanities on the college level in metro-Atlanta for 23 years) and has seen excellent success with student scores. Leah offers workshops and tutoring.

7 Julie (Hunt) Yamamoto ’90 married Ted Keen on September 26, 2009 at Toccoa Falls in Georgia. The same year, they moved to Juliette, Ga. for Ted’s job as a church pastor. Their son, Soren River Keen, was born on March, 21, 2011. Julie still works for IBM, where she currently manages the social media channels for IBM’s alumni program. In her spare time, Julie enjoys painting and gardening.

6 Carol Morgan ’89 has

published her third book,



FULL COURT FRIENDSHIPS By Barbara Bessmer Henry ’85

1960s 1960 s

For former OU Men’s Basketball coach and alumnus Billy Carter ’59, the loss of two teammates and lifelong friends, plus his own cancer diagnosis in 2009, made him reflect on the important things in his life. He shared his desire to spend more time with his Oglethorpe friends with former teammate Wayne Dobbs ’61 at their monthly lunch meeting and the two hatched a plan to get the “ole gang” back together. Billy never expected the overwhelming response. In January 2010, the “Ole-timer Athletic Luncheon” convened for the first time at a restaurant near campus. Twenty-five athletes from the late ’50s and ’60s showed up, along with three former coaches, Garland Pinholster, Tommy Norwood ’64 and Doug Alexander ’68, to reminisce about their days on the court and fields at Oglethorpe. Since that time, the group has established a regular luncheon schedule, meeting three times a year on or near campus. Former players and fans of the 1960s Petrels travel from as far away as Ohio, Illinois, Mississippi and Florida to spend two hours with this special group of friends. Since the first gathering, Bill and Wayne have contacted members of the baseball team, cheerleading squad, pep band, fans and have included current OU coaches in the mini reunions. “Excellence has a way of inspiring and motivating people,” shared Hoyt Wagner ’64, a newly invited “fan of the game,” at the September 2012 gathering. “I truly believe that since my college days and partly because of what I observed on the basketball court, I have set the bar higher for every task I’ve approached in life. I also have a greater appreciation for the beauty and nobility of excellence. The late John Wooden said you ‘should

(above) Pictured with the 1960s game film: (front) Hoyt Wagner ’64, Larry Shattles ’67, Coach Phil Ponder, Coach Jon Akin and former Coach Billy Carter ’59, (middle) Sandra Wagner ’66, Jane Conner Sexton ’65, Darsa Pinholster, Brenda Tilson, Wayne Dobbs ’61, Carol Nance, former Coach Tommy Norwood ’64, Cyndie Whitford, Darrell Whitford ’63, Doug Cole ’69, (back) Bruce Richardson ’69, former Coach Garland Pinholster, Bobby Sexton ’64, Eric Scharff ’63, Jay Dye ’60, Pasco Tilson ’66, Bob Nance ’63, and Coach Jim Owen. make each day your masterpiece.’ As I see it, that’s your legacy at Oglethorpe—a masterpiece on the basketball court. Thanks for the great memories that played an important part of my college experience and for making me a better person.” “I am amazed at the great distance some will travel to recount the tales of their special time in the classroom and on the court,” admits Wayne Dobbs ’61, who looks back with fondness on the shared bonding experience of playing for a small program that was little known at the time. “We played hard, won a lot of games, and built lifelong friendships.” At the luncheon this past January, Coach Pinholster huddled up his former players. Together, they analyzed the 50-year-old game film running on the projector. One by one, they recalled each shot, the defensive plays the coach had called and the glorious victory celebrated. It was as if the game had been played yesterday. The ole-timers welcome all interested Petrels to join them at their tri-annual luncheons. To be added to the distribution list, please email the Alumni Office at



SLAM DUNK 1993–1994 SCAC CHAMPION BASKETBALL TEAM HONORED The 1993–1994 Men’s Basketball team returned to campus this year to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the university’s only Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference men’s basketball championship during the Division III era. Led by Oglethorpe Hall of Fame Coach Jack Berkshire, who was named SCAC Coach of the Year that season, the team rode an overall 20–6 record and a 12-2 SCAC record to clinch the championship and go on to the NCAC Tournament. The squad featured a cadre of eventual Oglethorpe Athletics Hall of Famers, including Third Team All-America, SCAC Player of the Year and All-SCAC First Team member Brian Davis ’94, All-SCAC Second Team honorees Ryan Vickers ’96 and Cornell Longino ’95, and All-SCAC Honorable Mention designee Andy Schutt ’95. The ’93-’94 squad clinched an automatic berth to the NCAA Tournament with a heart-stopping 72–71 home overtime victory over Trinity on February 13, 1994, as Brian Davis banked in a 3-pointer, the first and only of his career, as the buzzer sounded to give the Stormy Petrels the victory and at least a share of the SCAC title. They then clinched the title outright the next weekend at Millsaps, when they defeated the Majors 87–76 in Jackson, Miss. The Petrels went on to host Hampden-Sydney in the first round of the NCAA Tournament in front of a massive Dorough Field House crowd. The team fell to Hampden-Sydney, 91–79, but finished the season as one of the best teams in Oglethorpe basketball history. The ’93–94 squad enjoyed the only conference championship, the only 20-win season, and one of only two NCAA Tournament appearances in Oglethorpe’s Division III era.

1993–1994 (above) The anniversary celebration kicked off with a cocktail party for the team and their families, hosted by President Schall and the Alumni Office, followed by an alumni tailgate party in the Schmidt Center. During half-time of that night’s Oglethorpe Men’s Basketball game, President Schall presented gifts and honors to the following team members in attendance: Jim Bowling ’94, Nathan E. Briesemeister ’94, Brian A. Davis ’94 , Cornell Longino ’95, Andrew David Schutt ’95, John “Jack” Stephens ’95, Craig Dennis ’96, Ryan Vickers ’96, Jason Karnes ’97, Ryan Strong ’97, Bryon C. Letourneau ’98, Jeremy Erspamer, Tripp Pierson, and Coach Jim Owen.











11 2001

8 Kristy Beck Royer ’01 went on to receive her master’s degree in education from Georgia State University in 2006 in Professional School Counseling. She married Jeremy Royer in October 2008, and they welcomed their son, Aaron Calvin Royer, on May 28, 2011. Kristy says, “Aaron is most definitely the best thing that I have ever accomplished and being a mother is the best job in the world!” In addition to being Aaron’s mommy, she works as a School Counselor at her high school alma mater, McEachern High School, in Powder Springs, Ga. This is her ninth year at MHS. Jeremy, Aaron and Kristy currently live in Kennesaw, Ga.

2002 9 Jennifer Beaver ’02 married Joshua Cox on May 18, 2013 in



Roswell, Ga. Mandy (McDow) Flemming ’00 officiated. The wedding party included Kathryn (Winland) Hargrove ’02 as matron of honor and Jessica De Maria ’02 as maid of honor. Jennifer and Joshua currently reside in Decatur, Ga. with their two dogs, Sydney and Amber.

Bjorn Benedikt was born August 13, 2013. He delights them daily and is already growing quickly. They are settled in Hillsboro, Ore., where Valur works for Intel and Emily works part-time as a nurse-midwife. (Although, being a mommy is by far her favorite job!) 12 Teal Sherer ’03 has an

10 Emily (Gudat) Trimble

’02, Ian Trimble ’05 and daughter Claire are excited to announce the newest addition to their family. Natalie Vivian Trimble was born on July 23, 2013 weighing 7 lbs., 5 oz. and measuring 19.5 in. Ian is a Senior Manager with Windham Brannon accounting fi rm and Emily works in corporate communications for UPS.

2003 11 Emily Lawson ’03 and her husband Valur Gudmundsson are delighted to announce the birth of their first child, a son!

award-winning online comedy series My Gimpy Life and it is premiering its second season of episodes. You can watch them and catch up with season one on her YouTube Channel: YouTube. com/MyGimpyLife.

2004 Barton Hodges ’04 married Katrina (Carmichael) Hodges on August 31, 2013. He also has been doing IT consulting for several years, but just branded himself and opened the doors to his company Euclid Networks (www.euclidnet. com) as of January 2014.

2006 13 Emily “Rebecca” Davis

’06 and Florian Le Fourn (Exchange Program, ’05-’06) tied the knot in Saint Marys, Ga. on June 15, 2013 and then later went on to have a second celebration in Treouergat, France on August 3, 2013. Becca and Flo met in Dr. Straley’s Management Science class in 2005 and she’s been following him around since! They have both received master’s degrees from Ieseg: School of Management (Lille/Paris, France) and now live in London, England. In the photo above from their celebration in France, you’ll see other Petrels who attended (l-r): Mario Dunkel (Exchange Program, ’05-’06), Nicolas Outreban ’06, (Emily) Rebecca Davis ’06, Florian Le Fourn and Katie Jost ’07.




14 Courtney Roberts ’06 accepted a position as Marketing Analyst for State Farm Insurance in September 2013 and moved back to Atlanta. After graduating from Oglethorpe, Courtney received her Master of Arts from the University of Alabama in 2007 and moved to Birmingham, Ala., where she worked as an account executive at a local advertising agency for six years. Courtney is happy to be back in Atlanta!

15 14 Mary E. Seagrave ’06 is

a Principal Archaeologist and Scientist, as well as the SE Market Coordinator, with Sims & Associates. Sims & Associates is an environmental firm that works throughout the country. She works primarily with telecommunications companies, coordinating the archaeological and historic research, field work, and reports for proposed towers that are sent to various state and federal agencies. She is also the primary liaison between those companies and the Native American tribes.


17 2007

Emily Macheski-Preston ’07 was appointed to the board of the Georgia Legal Services Program where she will represent the Valdosta, Ga. region. The Georgia Legal Services Program (GLSP) is a statewide nonprofit law firm serving 154 counties in Georgia outside the five-county metro-Atlanta area. Emily is a member of Coleman Talley LLP’s litigation department and practices primarily in employment law, contract disputes, and local government law.

2009 Chelcie Rowell ’09 graduated from the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in August 2013 with a Master of Science in Information Science. Chelcie now serves as the Digital Initiatives Librarian at the Z. Smith Reynolds Library of Wake Forest University.

INTERACTION WITH EMMY In 2013, Alexandra “Alex” Edwards ’06 was awarded a Primetime Emmy® for her work on The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, an interactive, multiplatform adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences presented the Emmy® for Outstanding Creative

Achievement in Interactive Media— Original Interactive Program live onstage to Alex and the entire transmedia team that worked on the show. “Transmedia is a term that basically means cross-platform storytelling,” explains Alex, who was responsible for managing and executing the characters’ personas through a variety of media channels. She continues her work with Pemberley Digital, the production company behind The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, as transmedia producer for Emma Approved, an interactive adaptation

of Jane Austen’s Emma. She also will support the upcoming interactive web series, Hashtag Hamlet, a project that was invited to the 2013 Sundance Institute New Frontiers Story Lab, which fosters independent artists innovating in storytelling through the convergence of film, art, media, live performance, music and technology. These works have been well-received 13–18-year-olds, the series’ target audience. Alex also is teaching at the University of Georgia, while pursuing her PhD in English, with a focus on early 20th

(above) Alex (center) accepts the Emmy onstage with the entire transmedia team.

century female American writers. Ultimately, she says she’d love to find a teaching position at a school like Oglethorpe. “That would be a dream come true, to work in a liberal arts setting with small class sizes, which is what drew me to OU originally.”



2010 15 Stephanie Jefcoat ’10 married

Collin Moore on October 12, 2013 in Johnson City, Tenn. Stephanie and Collin currently live in Buford, Ga. Stephanie works in store management with SherwinWilliams, and Collin is completing his bachelor’s in psychology at Georgia Gwinnett College. 16 Lawrence Graves ’10

is teaching three classes on world history (two in class, one online) at Georgia Perimeter College. He hopes to one day teach history as an adjunct at Oglethorpe University.

17 Emelia Short ’10 is one of

five Hodgson Russ attorneys who were recently admitted to the New York State Bar. She currently works in the Estates & Trust Practice Group in the Buffalo, N.Y. office.

2012 Laura Baldwin ’12 is currently attending The University of Texas at Austin for her master’s in clinical social work. She is expected to graduate in May 2015.

MARY ELIZABETH WORKMAN MCDONALD ’35 November 26, 2013 RUTH LOWTHER MASSENGALE ’39 November 26, 2013 MARY INDIA UPCHURCH STEINBRUEGEE ’41 November 17, 2013 MARJORIE MCCLUNG HOLLIDAY ’49 October 13, 2013 EDMUND A. BATOR ’53 August 6, 2013 MARY REBECCA WILLIAMS CAZALAS ’54 September 20, 2013 RICHARD C. BENNET ’55 October 15, 2013 JANET THOMPSON ’55 November 13, 2013 HARRIS K. LENTINI ’59 September 19, 2013 SHIRLEY F. ROPER ’59 October 1, 2013 JAMES ANTHONY PAREDES ’61 August 24, 2013 SUSAN W. BROWN ’64 December 27, 2013 JACK A. MILLER JR. ’69 November 12, 2013

As a professor of first-year composition at UGA, she teaches students who never knew life (or literature) before the Internet. “The work has forced me to stay familiar with Internet culture, so I’m more fluent in my students’ culture.” How might some of her OU professors respond to her work with modern day interpretations of some of the great literary classics? “Some purists might be skeptical,” she says, “but a lot of scholars love what we’re doing.”

HELEN KIBLER BROWNING ’70 August 24, 2013 LAURENCE S. FRANKEL ’70 October 25, 2013 MARK ROWLAND ’71 January 9, 2014 CHARLES SULLIVAN ’71 February 4, 2014

Former Trustees and Faculty

JUDITH D. GLASSMAN ’72 September 19, 2013 RICHARD MERTZ ’72 October 29, 2013

BILLIE REED JOHNSON November 28, 2013 J. SMITH LANIER II December 19, 2013 J. MACK ROBINSON February 7, 2014

ROBERT J. LOEB ’73 August 11, 2013 VICKI FRANK BACHMAN ’84 January 8, 2014 STEPHANIE GILES HOWARD ’97 August 13, 2013 LAUREN M. ATKINS ’12 October 16, 2013



Coach Jim Owen Inducted into GCAA Hall of Fame OGLETHORPE HEAD MEN’S GOLF COACH JIM OWEN WAS INDUCTED INTO THE GOLF COACHES ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (GCAA) HALL OF FAME ON DECEMBER 9, 2013 AT A RECEPTION AND AWARDS BANQUET HOSTED AT THE PLANET HOLLYWOOD HOTEL IN LAS VEGAS, NEV. OWEN JOINED SIX OTHER HONOREES IN THE 2013 HALL OF FAME CLASS. HE IS ONE OF ONLY FIVE DIVISION III COACHES IN HISTORY TO BE INDUCTED INTO THE GCAA HALL OF FAME. “In my speech, I was honored to relate that it was the ‘we, not me’ over my 30 years at Oglethorpe that made this night a reality,” said Coach Owen. “I was able to thank everyone at Oglethorpe who had a part in building our program to the point where I was able to receive this great honor.” Owen has coached the Oglethorpe men’s golf team for 21 seasons, and has dedicated a total 32 years coaching at Oglethorpe, having also served as assistant and then head coach of the Stormy Petrel basketball program. (See page 32.) In 2009 and 2012, Oglethorpe claimed the NCAA Division III national championships. For 14 consecutive years the Stormy Petrel men have been ranked inside the Top 10 in the nation. Twenty Oglethorpe players have earned PING All-America honors and earned a total of 10 conference player of the year honors. They have also fi nished in the Top 10 at the NCAA Championships 11 years since 2000. Owen has coached 52 all-conference performers, including six in 2013, when the entire six-man travel squad was named All-SAA. Last season, Oglethorpe

(above) Owen’s supporters at the ceremony included (l–r): Oglethorpe booster Bill Wall, Coach Owen’s parents Jim Owen, Sr. and Charlotte Owen, former OU basketball player Noah Gershon ’85, Honoree Coach Jim Owen, OU Golf’s first All-American Tolliver Williams ’99, OU First Lady Betty Londergan, President Larry Schall, and John Williams, father of Tolliver Williams.


won their 11th conference championship in the past 16 years, including four in a row from 2001-04. He was named conference coach of the year in 13 of the last 16 seasons. Owen was honored with the Dave Williams Award presented by Eaton Golf Pride as NCA A Division III national coach of the year in 2012. Owen currently serves on the GCAA All-America Scholar Committee and previously served on numerous other GCAA committees.


Junior Anthony Maccaglia of the Oglethorpe men’s golf team was selected on April 17, 2014 to participate in this year’s Palmer Cup as part of the U.S. squad. He is the first Division III golfer ever selected to participate in the event, which is a Ryder Cup-like international competition pitting the best college players from the U.S and Europe. The team was announced live on the Golf Channel’s Morning Drive program. Maccaglia will join nine other golfers on the U.S. team, all from Division I schools. Of the 10 players, six automatically qualify as the top six golfers in the Division I ranks. This selection is based on a point system that runs throughout the season. After that, the coach (this year, Steve Desimone of UC Berkeley) gets a pick and a committee of coaches and administrators gets to pick three additional players, one of which is guaranteed to be a player from outside the Division I ranks. There had never been a Division III golfer selected in that spot before this year. Maccaglia enjoyed another standout spring campaign, earning SAA Men’s Golfer of the Week honors after three consecutive tournaments, finishing in the Top 10 in the Jekyll Island Collegiate Invitational, the Camp Lejeune Championship and the 2014 Emory Spring Invitational. He earned three individual medals over the course of the 2013-14 season, winning the Camp Lejeune Championship in March, the Golfweek D3 Fall Invitational in October and the Rhodes College Fall Classic in September. He’s now earned eight career individual medals, including the individual national championship in 2012. He’s also competed at a high level in individual events featuring many Division I golfers. He became the first Oglethorpe golfer to ever qualify for the U.S. Amateur last summer and came close to making the cut at the prestigious event.


The Palmer Cup, named after golfing legend Arnold Palmer, is an annual international team event pitting the best collegiate golfers from the U.S. against those from Europe. The competition is patterned after the Ryder Cup, which does the same with professional golfers. The two teams compete in various match play formats over three days, including four-ball, foursome and singles competition. Whichever team wins the most holes over the course of the event wins the cup. The Palmer Cup alternates annually between American and European venues. The 2014 Palmer Cup will be held at Walton Heath Golf Club in Surrey, England, June 26-28. The venue has hosted the Ryder Cup, the Senior British Open and the European Open, as well as numerous British amateur championships.


FACULTY 1 Dr. Philip Weltner, Oglethorpe’s sixth president, together with a group of faculty, conceived and founded the Core Curriculum at Oglethorpe.

70TH ANNIVERSARY OF OGLETHORPE’S CORE CURRICULUM In 2014, Oglethorpe celebrates 70 years since the founding of its Core program during the 1944–1945 academic year under the leadership of the newly appointed Oglethorpe president, Dr. Philip Weltner. In the spring of 1944, Dr. Weltner published “The Oglethorpe Book,” which expounded his vision, called the Oglethorpe Plan, for the university’s new curriculum.

This change in the academic approach was more than a routine modification in class offerings or curriculum structure—it was an attempt to provide the students with a cohesive, well-constructed program of study. Rather than having students “wander among departmental offerings, pass the total required credits, pay the fees, and go hence with a degree,” he wanted a program of studies that “makes sense from first to last, which hangs together, and promotes the desired result.” By completing the different combinations of required and elective courses within the divisions, an Oglethorpe student was prepared to enter into diverse fields of employment, such as business, medicine, law, education, and journalism. Dr. Weltner wanted a group of faculty members to bring the Oglethorpe Plan to life, and he sought professors whose first passion was teaching. As he stated in the first edition of the Oglethorpe Book, he felt that the quality of faculty ought not to be judged by the number of papers appearing in professional journals, but rather on how well the faculty “inspire students with love for truth.” Weltner desired that Oglethorpe would remain a “small college, superlatively good,” and that the teachers and Photo: Katelyn Roof students would genuinely know each other. 38 CARILLON | SPRING/SUMMER 2014

The Oglethorpe Plan was received with enthusiasm by many, and the new curriculum even gained national attention for its innovative and unique approach. In the spring of 1945, an article on the Oglethorpe Plan was featured on the first page of The New York Times education section. “The barrier that separates the liberal arts and vocational courses,” the article stated, “have been broken down at Oglethorpe.” This “new approach to the teaching of the liberal arts” provides the students with a “general education,” that would “enlarge the student’s power to live happily with himself, and become a useful, creative individual.” As every Oglethorpe student’s “second major,” the Core Curriculum honors the traditions set forth by Dr. Weltner. Dr. David N. Thomas, author of “Oglethorpe University: A Sesquicentennial History,” encapsulates the dedication to the Core, writing: “the successive generations of Oglethorpe leadership have agreed on the proposition that mathematics, science, social studies and the humanities are of continuing import regardless of a student’s primary professional interests.” Today, Oglethorpe University, with one of the longest standing Core programs in the country, has few rivals in its continuous commitment to the liberal arts education. Adapted from the 70th Anniversary of the Core exhibition on display during the 2014 Alumni Weekend, written by Laura M. Sinclair and designed by Aaron Sinclair. To view the full history, scan this QR code or visit

2 Dr. Weltner published “The Oglethorpe Book,” which described the Oglethorpe Plan, the vision for the university’s new groundbreaking curriculum. 3 The Core curriculum launched during the 1944–1945 academic year. 4 Oglethorpe’s Core program was recognized by The New York Times on April 29, 1945. 5 Through the years, the faculty’s passion for teaching and their commitment to students’ learning have remained at the heart of the Core program. Professor of English Linda Taylor, pictured here ca. 1988-89, joined the faculty in 1975 and has taught countless students in Core classes, including “Narratives of the Self.” 6 This brochure, ca. 2002, explains how the Core curriculum, an interdisciplinary and common learning experience, helps students to learn more about the self and the world in which we live. 7 In 2012, false rumors had the Core facing its demise and it was quickly clear that loyalty to the Core was steadfast. This pin of protest, a play on Oglethorpe’s motto Nescit Cedere (“ he does not know how to give up”), appeared on lapels across campus. 8 The Core Program is often reflected upon by students and alumni in the form of shared stories, or “Core moments,” when the purpose of the Core curriculum suddenly becomes clear or relevant. At the 2012 Liberal Arts & Sciences Symposium, students shared their thoughts about the Core on video, available to view at oglethorpeuniversity.





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Summer Exhibitions June 28–August 31, 2014

Salvador Dalí: Trilogy of Love Featuring 14 large format lithographs by Salvador Dalí, including those in his Trilogy of Love series, from OUMA’s permanent collection. Kimo Minton: Jazz Abstractions Presenting color woodcuts, mixed media work, and sculpture by contemporary artist Kimo Minton, courtesy

Blast from the Past

of TEW Galleries and the artist. Mid Century Modern: Works on Paper

Featuring The annual Masquerade Ball of 1950 was held in October, and students who mid 20th century artists Alexander Calder, attended were to dress in costume. The fall of 1950 saw several otherJoan student Miró, Jim Dine, Larry Rivers, and Helen Frankenthaler, celebrations, one of which was the Boar’s Head Fat-Man Thin-Man basketball selections from OUMA’s permanent collection and on loan game on November 16. All participants and attendees were charged a from the Robert W. Woodruff Library at Emory University. twenty-five cent admission fee and were encouraged to dress in burlesque fashion, as it was the theme for the game. See more of Oglethorpe from the 1950s on page 24.


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