Carillon magazine Vol.7 No. 1, Fall 2009

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VOL. 7 | NO. 1 | FALL 2009






“Given by Grace Josephine Lesh, that the hours at Oglethorpe might be filled with music and harmony.” — Inscription on the 2,000 pound bell held in Oglethorpe University’s carillon. Josephine Lesh of Newton Center, Mass., was the dear sister of Maude Lesh Jacobs, wife of Thornwell Jacobs (1915-1943), Oglethorpe’s fifth president. When Lupton Hall was built in 1913, Ms. Lesh, according to an Oglethorpe University Bulletin in 1917, felt that the architecture and aesthetics of Oglethorpe University called for a carillon to “govern the daily recitations and hourly life” of the campus. The original four bells, installed with the threefaced clock, were cast by a Troy, N.Y. foundry and were designed to strike — as they do now — quarter-hour chimes and an hourly toll.


The bells have been enjoyed over the years, and in 2005 a new tradition began as Oglethorpe graduates were finally permitted to make the climb up the spiral staircase from the third floor of Lupton to the bell tower. Seniors must be willing to ignore any claustrophobia or fear of heights for the opportunity to ring the 90-year-old bell — a privilege for those graduating from our prestigious university. The carillon now consists of 42 bells, which are clearly audible across Oglethorpe’s entire campus. There is even talk of training students to become carilloneurs (also known as bell ringers) for special occasions. Carillon, the bi-annual alumni magazine, was first launched in 2004 and is symbolically named after the bell tower, heralding good news about the institution and our family. BY


Lucy Leusch Katie Paden Hoyt Young




Jenifer Cooper and Susan Cooper CooperWorks, Inc.


Susan Soper ’69

George Kopec

Market Source, Inc.




Abi Berwager ’08 Barb Henry ’85 Dr. Stephen Herschler Elizabeth Katz


Mark DeLong ’03 Leland Holder Brit Prince ’11 David Tulis Julie Vaughan ’09 ASSISTANTS

Caio Lima ’10 Hannah Parker ’12

Carillon is published twice a year, fall and spring, for alumni, friends and family of Oglethorpe University. Oglethorpe, founded in 1835, is a private, liberal arts college. 4484 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, Ga. 30319 404-261-1441 or

Abi Berwager ’08

Speak Out: We’d love your feedback on this issue as well as what you might like to see in upcoming Carillons. Email: ON THE COVER

The photograph of the Class of 2013 was taken the day the students arrived for Orientation in the Reading Room of the Philip Weltner Library. The photographer was David Tulis. See related story, page 6.





The Class of 2013 is local, global, smart and accomplished.



Meet some of the nine sets of siblings on the OU campus.



From Aufderheide to Zinner, OU faculty get noticed.


GROUP: • Alumni Award Winners • Calendar of 2010 Events
















Dr. Lawrence M. Schall






Toward the end of that inaugural address, I spoke of Oglethorpe’s obligation in American higher education, derived from the intersection of three conditions: • the visionary ideals and call to action of our namesake, • our tradition of education in the liberal arts, • and our place in the city of Atlanta. I went on to say that liberal education in America has always been grounded in a public purpose and that, using John Dewey’s words, I believed that the measure of our worth as an institution is our effect in enlarging and improving upon the human experience. That is how, I committed, I would like Oglethorpe and my presidency to ultimately be measured. Yes, we have accomplished a lot, yet there is much more to be done. (The inaugural speech can be found at on the President’s page, and in case people have not seen me in a while, I have a whole lot more gray hair now.) One of the first tasks of my administration was to restore a sense of business and administrative discipline to ensure Oglethorpe’s future. While our work here is certainly not over, in large measure we have achieved this goal. I will provide one fact for your consideration. Since 2006, we have increased our net operating revenue by almost $4.5 million dollars. In lay terms: Oglethorpe is now living within its means. We have accomplished this turnaround by a combination of conservative fiscal policy on the expense side of the ledger and aggressive and successful recruitment and retention strategies on the revenue side. We opened this fall with almost 1,100 students. Our fulltime traditional enrollment is at a record high. While the fiscal turnaround has been a necessary part of our success, it is not the only essential ingredient. You will enjoy Provost Stephen Herschler’s letter on page 4 about our eight new Learning Communities which are transforming our first-year curriculum. Our Honors Program, which three years ago enrolled no first-year students, now has a third of the class enrolled. I am privileged to be teaching one of the first year Honors seminars addressing the causes of the Civil War, giving me an up-close look at just how outstanding students in this class are. (Our Vice President for Enrollment and Financial Aid, Lucy Leusch, writes more on this topic on page 6.) In other signs of growth and improvement: • Our theatre program, which began in 2004 with only a few majors, now boasts 30 majors, a number of minors, and is ranked among the top 20 programs in the country.

• Some of our science and mathematics faculty members have begun to re-invent a significant part of their curriculum through participation with a national organization called SENCER (Science Education for New Civic Engagement and Responsibilities). • Our Center for Civic Engagement just had its inaugural three-year grant renewed for another three years. Its work coordinating and encouraging the efforts of our students and faculty all across Atlanta has helped put Oglethorpe in the forefront of civic and opinion leaders in the region. Because of the work of the Center, I was recently honored as the only Georgia college president to speak at a panel on K-12 public education held at the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation. • We continue to expand the educational partnership with our own Oglethorpe University Museum of Art. Each semester, faculty build curriculum and offer lectures on subjects related to ongoing exhibitions. Last semester, our exhibition focused on Dachau, both before and during the Holocaust. This semester, contemporary art from Cuba is the impetus for creating a focus on Cuban culture. • Our unique partnership with AirTran Airways this year alone will fly more than a dozen classes (yes, entire classes) to cities like New York, Washington and Miami to enhance the learning that happens inside the classroom. • Our athletic teams continue to improve each year: The Women’s Basketball team made it to the 2009 NCAA Sweet Sixteen last spring, and our golf team brought home OU’s first NCAA championship: 2009 NCAA Men’s Golf Champions. The 2008-09 Men’s Tennis team finished the season ranked in the South region (#16). This is the third straight year the Petrel Netters have been ranked in this highly competitive region. Collectively, we are working very hard to honor our obligation to our students and to our community. The success we have achieved so far rests upon the shoulders of our faculty, our trustees, our students, our staff and our alumni. This past year, we set another record for annual fund dollars raised. That’s quite an accomplishment given the state of affairs in the world today. But still, fewer than one in five alumni made a gift to Oglethorpe and frankly, this continues to put us at a disadvantage. If you are someone who has lent a hand in the past, thank you and please continue to make your gift a habit. Great things are happening at Oglethorpe because of friends like you. If you have not yet developed this habit, I encourage you to come aboard. It’s a gratifying and exciting journey. CARILLON |



Dr. Stephen Herschler, Provost

EACH NEW SCHOOL YEAR ALWAYS BRINGS FRESH ENERGY AND EXCITEMENT TO THE OGLETHORPE QUAD. THIS YEAR, HOWEVER, FEELS PARTICULARLY DYNAMIC. One reason is the sheer size of the new class filling classrooms and the quad with more fresh faces. Another reason can be attributed to new academic initiatives strengthening students’ engagement with their courses and their new communities — Oglethorpe and Atlanta. The Learning Community initiative focuses on freshman students’ first year experience. Each Learning Community consists of two courses: a four-credit course paired with a one-credit seminar. The same students enrolled in the course are also enrolled in the seminar. Launched last year with four pilot communities, this year’s number has doubled to eight and now includes half of the freshman class. Two courses with the same students may not sound like much of a change, but by strengthening the exposure and connections between both students and faculty, it opens the door to very exciting initiatives. Sharing more than one class in common fosters a stronger sense of community amongst the students as they share more university experiences together. Upper-class student mentors in the first-year seminar serve as important sources of information and support for freshman. Moreover, the two faculty members participating in a particular Learning Community are in constant communication with one another about the courses and the students in them. This enables them to devote more thorough attention to individual students’ academic strengths and weaknesses at that critical moment when the students 4



are making the transition to universitylevel work. Learning Communities persist throughout the first year, which makes this support even stronger. Learning Communities provide exciting opportunities for students to integrate and extend their knowledge. The one-credit seminar often is on a topic closely related to four-credit companion course. For example, last year Linda Taylor, professor of English, taught a section of first year Core – Narratives of the Self – with Robert Steen, professor of Japanese, who taught a seminar about The Poet in Asia. They coordinated the contents of the two courses: students compared and contrasted the notion of journey in the haiku of 17th Century Japanese poet, Basho, with that contained in Homer’s Odyssey. The exploration of ideas across courses — and cultures and centuries — proves exciting for students and faculty alike. Last year, a number of Learning Communities integrated on-campus and off-campus resources. The Oglethorpe University Museum of Art’s Spring 2009 exhibitions, Dachau before Dachau and Dachau Concentration Camp prompted some Learning Communities to include The Diary of Anne Frank in their Core 101 syllabus. With the support of the Center for Civic Engagement, they attended a performance of the book, staged at the Renaissance Project by Oglethorpe alum, Vince Pisani ’00. Another Learning Community even traveled up to Washington, D.C. for a day to tour the Holocaust Museum. Jay Lutz, Professor of French, and Simon Sparks, Assistant Professor of Philosophy continue to recount the conversation about art and the holocaust spontaneously generated amongst the students as they rode MARTA home from the airport that night. Learning Communities are continuing to evolve. This year, in addition to having seminars connected with Narratives of the Self, we are experimenting with seminars connected to other courses freshmen are likely to enroll in, such as another Core class, Art and Culture, as well as Biology 101. We have also introduced our first residential Learning Community, in which student members all reside together on campus. This provides Dean of Students, Tim Doyle, the opportunity to teach his section of Narratives of the Self in a Traer Hall seminar room, bringing life and learning into even closer proximity to one another.


Dr. Linda Taylor, Professor of English

Last fall, we began the first of our Learning Communities for freshmen with four communities linking a one-credit First Year Seminar with a section of the required Core course for freshmen, Narratives of the Self. Faculty and staff provided regular off-campus co-curricular experiences to enhance these academic links. The faculty met monthly. Many of us found that the teaching of the Core course was greatly enhanced by the cooperating team of two teachers and the greater community and engagement that developed among the students. Building on this promising beginning, we doubled the number of Learing Communities for this fall to eight. Six of these had links between sections of Narratives of the Self and First Year Seminars with topics of “The Poet in Asia,” “Creative Problem Solving” (taught by a physicist, collaborating with a philosopher teaching the Narrative section), “The Written Word Endures,” “Road Stories,” “Our of the Inferno: Dante’s Divine Comedy” and “Leadership Through Service.” The other two Communities linked the First Year Seminars to courses in Art and Culture and General Biology I. This expansion into art and biology as among the four-credit courses in the links, adds exciting parts to the curriculum that support the Learning Communities. All Learning Communities will go on at least two relevant co-curricular trips each semester. Some of these destinations include: • • • • • •

The Atlanta History Center CNN The King Center The High Museum of Art Centers for Disease Control The Bodies Exhibit

• The Carter Center • The Robert C. Williams Paper Museum at Georgia Tech • Cochran Shoals Park at the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area • The late artist Howard Finster’s Paradise Gardens As we did last year, we will provide air travel to New York, Washington, D.C. and other places providing attractions that enhance the learning in these Communities.


This year, there is more ongoing collaboration between the instructors in each Community. At monthly dinner meetings, Learning Community faculty share their ideas and discuss readings on pedagogy for building, sustaining, and improving Learning Communities. We have increased the number of Learning Community links in which the instructors share common paper assignments. In at least one of the Learning Communities, students are doing semester-long service at the Path Academy, the charter school adjacent to the OU campus, helping with writing and establishing a poetry club. CARILLON |



CLASS OF 2013 BY Lucy Leusch,Vice President for Enrollment and Financial Aid

We are sure that OU will change these students, and we are eager to see how they will change OU. Indeed, they are already having an impact on every corner of this campus. The class, just six students shy of last year’s record-breaker, has a lot going for it. Get to know just a few of them on the following pages.




ORIENTATION WEEKEND WAS A JOYOUS ONE ON THE OGLETHORPE CAMPUS AS 259 NEW STUDENTS ARRIVED, UNPACKED, MET ROOMMATES AND SAID FOND FAREWELLS TO THEIR PARENTS AND SIBLINGS. NOT ONLY IS THE CLASS OF 2013 ONE OF THE LARGEST IN OUR HISTORY, IT IS ALSO POPULATED WITH SOME REAL STANDOUTS.A QUICK SNAPSHOT OF THIS CLASS INCLUDES: • A veteran from the war in Iraq who guarded General Petraeus, commander of the coalition forces in Iraq; • A young woman from Memphis who took a year between high school and OU to immerse herself in her Jewish heritage in Israel; • A student from Ft. Lauderdale also did a gap year and spent a semester with a Christian ministry in Colorado; • Five students from the prestigious Ransom Everglades School in Coconut Grove, Fla., all of whom were involved in a service project to clean up the Everglades; • A Civic Engagement Scholar, who with high school friends in Columbus, Ga.,

• • •

started a volunteer group they called Epic—Everyday People Implementing Change. Two friends from the Miami area who enjoyed their campus visit so much, they recruited a third friend, and all are on campus this fall; A young woman who was a founding member of Stronghold Atlanta, a nonprofit to assist abused women and children; OU’s largest group of soccer recruits; A student from Idaho, who is the U.S. student the furthest distance from home. Almost a dozen new players for our winning women’s basketball team;


THE STATS SAT scores are a full 50 points

higher than students who enrolled just five years ago. 23 percent of the freshman class are student athletes. Students come from 22 states, and we have 22 international students from Austria, Botswana, China, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Fiji, France, Germany, Haiti, Iceland, Japan, Nepal, Poland and Spain. 64 percent of the class is from Georgia. Nine of the incoming class have siblings already on campus, and one set of twins arrived together. Six Sarahs and four Tylers.



Not all siblings can follow in the footsteps of an older brother or sister, but the OU experience is often a bond that siblings enjoy sharing. This year, not only do we have nine in the Class of 2013 who are joining an older sibling already on campus, we also welcomed one set of twins this year. Is there rivalry? As you will read in the following profiles, it’s all relative!


Katie Paden


Brit Prince ‘11




TYLER AND RILEY CERONE ROSWELL, GA. For Riley ‘13 and Tyler ‘12 Cerone, selecting Oglethorpe was as natural as a well-practiced lay-up. Riley first committed to the Lady Petrels basketball program, and then her brother, Tyler, decided to transfer from an out-of-state school as a sophomore to join the men’s team. Now it’s easier for their entire family to watch them play basketball and to enjoy the occasional Sunday dinner together. Riley and Tyler interact on campus on a daily basis, sometimes crossing paths in the gym during practice or eating together in the cafeteria. The two agree that attending Oglethorpe together already has strengthened their relationship.








HAMPTON, GA. When Mindy Daugherty ’13 watched her older sister, Marcia ’12 select Oglethorpe, she never guessed she would one day attend as well. Now the two sisters consider their college years a valuable bonding experience in an already close relationship. “Our interactions are not by coincidence,” affirms Marcia. “We schedule times to study, shop and hang out.” Mindy enjoys the support of having her older sister on campus and the familiar familial encouragement. The sisters help each other reach their academic and personal potential, and both have recently become involved in Oglethorpe’s literary magazine, The Tower. Their father has embraced the university in his own way. A Pittsburgh Steelers fan who already loves to wear black and gold, he has developed unbridled enthusiasm for the Stormy Petrel mascot.

CAITLYN AND LINDSEY MITCHELL PEACHTREE CITY, GA. “Wait, there are two of you?” Identical twin sisters Caitlyn and Lindsey Mitchell, class of 2013, have grown accustomed to the double-take they get when meeting new people. The sisters had long since decided they wanted to attend college together, and when they arrived on the scene at Oglethorpe this fall, they were eager to make the most of Oglethorpe’s academics and its nurturing community. Caitlyn and Lindsey share interests and goals: both are pursuing an English major with concentration in creative writing. They also are involved in Oglethorpe’s art and literary magazines and are founding members of the OU Quidditch team and martial arts club. “There’s a fundamental difference in the relationship of twins,” says Lindsey. “We’re best friends.”







BARRY AND SETH LANGER DECATUR, GA. For the Langers, OU is a family affair. Seth ’13 joined Barry ’11 on campus this fall because he jives with “the academic philosophy of providing a universal foundation of knowledge” through the Core Curriculum. Seth is a recipient of the premier Georgia Shakespeare Scholarship and has already earned Equity credits as a freshman through involvement in the professional company’s production of Julius Caesar. Both brothers are members of the Jewish Student Union, and Barry serves as its president. He believes that the chance to become an integral part of campus life is a big part of what drew him to OU. Barry’s leadership on campus also includes elected offices in the Oglethorpe Student Association, and membership in the Chi Phi fraternity and the Honor Council. Their father, Stuart, completes the family’s involvement in OU life: he is an instructor in the evening program.

OTHER SIBLINGS ON CAMPUS… Zach ’13 and Ramika ’11 Gourdine, Atlanta April ’13 and Laura ’12 Baldwin, Snellville, Ga. Christo ’13 and Marinella ’10 Taoushiani, Powder Springs, Ga. Sascha ’13 and Alex ’11 Sher, Botswana CARILLON |




A faculty team taught an interdisciplinary honors class on Atlanta traffic in spring ’09.

For the past three years, science and mathematics faculty members Dr. Keith Aufderheide, Dr. John Cramer, Dr. Lynn Gieger, Dr. John Nardo and Dr. Mike Rulison have been involved with the national SENCER initiative. Oglethorpe hopes to see a real shift in how science and mathematics are perceived, wanting students to see living, breathing, relevant disciplines that are accessible to all. SENCER stands for Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities, and its main goal is to change how science and mathematics are taught in order to show their ability to address capacious societal problems. Last spring, this faculty team taught an interdisciplinary honors class on Atlanta traffic where students designed and carried out group research projects. Also last spring, students in introductory classes in chemistry, physics, and statistics carried out a semester-long collection of water data from two off-campus sites (Blue Heron Nature Preserve and Silver Lake) and one on-campus site (the stream near Emerson Student Center). Next semester, a class dedicated to the analysis of that data and expansion into other areas (lead and other pollutants in water) is planned.

Students in Spanish and French of Dr. Mario Chandler and Dr. Jay Lutz performed scenes from A Tempest by Aimé Césaire at the South Atlantic Modern Language Association in November. A public staged reading of the play in February in Lupton Auditorium was carried out by the students and produced by Atlanta’s Théâtre du Rêve with Carolyn Cook as director.




In August, Dr. Chandler, attended the 2009 ICALLAS (International Conference on Afro-Hispanic Luso-Brazilian and Latin American Studies) conference in Accra, the capital of the West African nation of Ghana. The focus of the conference was to make scholarly, literary, historical and cultural connections between Africa and the Americas. The paper he presented was called “Gold Coast to Fernando Po: Tetteh Quarshie, Cacao and the Hispanic Link to nascent African Transnationalism.”

SOUTHEASTERN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Jessica Graner ‘08, (second from right), the 2008 winner of the O.U. Cup, continues to work on research with Professor John Carton (far left) and presented a poster titled “The effects of victim and execution impact statements on jurors’ verdicts.” She presented research at last year’s Southeastern Psychological Association meeting in Charlotte, N.C. and at the Georgia Psychological Association annual meeting this summer. Also pictured are Ilana Olin ’09, second from left, the Sally Weltner Award recipient, and Dr. Leah Zinner.

Dr. Bruce Hetherington, Professor of Economics, and Dr. Peter Kower, Assistant

Professor of Economics, published an article in the June edition of The Journal of Economic History which deals with blockade running during the American Civil War. Dr. Bob Hornback, Associate Professor of English, has had a prolific year in publishing

including: his book, The English Clown Tradition from the Middle Ages to Shakespeare (Boydell &Brewer, September 2009), journal articles in Shakespeare Studies, The Shakespeare International Yearbook, and Research Opportunities in Medieval and Renaissance Drama, invited book articles in A Companion to Tudor Literature and Thunder at a Playhouse: Essaying Shakespeare and the Early Modern Stage, and a review (by invitation) in the prestigious Shakespeare Quarterly. Leanne Henry-Miller, Lloyd Nick and Annette Cone-Skelton, Director of MOCA-GA

(Museum of Contemporary Arts of Georgia) judged the first Zen and the Art of Arts this fall in Atlanta. The art exhibition was by Zen-inspired artists and was part of the First Annual Festival of the Arts. Nick was also the juror for the 2009 Georgia National Fair in Perry, Ga. Dr. Viviana Plotnik, Associate Professor of Spanish, travelled to Quito, Ecuador in

October to participate at a conference organized by FLACSO (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencial Sociales or Latin American School of Social Sciences) and AILCFH (Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispanica or International Association of Hispanic Women’s Literature and Culture) to read her paper: “Memory, Childhood and Political Activism: Argentine Novels about the ‘70s.” Dr. Beth Roberts, Vera A. Milner Associate Professor of Elementary Education in OU’s

Master of Arts in Teaching program, is serving as President of the Georgia Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, 2009–2010. Dr. Seema Shrikhande, Associate Professor of Communication and Rhetoric Stud-

ies, has three entries this year in The Encylopedia of Journalism (Sage Publication): “National Public Radio,” “Public Radio Journalism” and “The Impact of the Internet on the News Media.”

Alan Loehle, Associate Professor of Art

and Director of the Art Program, had a solo exhibition of new work at Marcia Wood Gallery in Atlanta in January of 2009. The exhibition, Metaphors and Symbols, focused on art created during his 2007 Guggenheim

Christina Shunnarah, a 2005 graduate of Oglethorpe’s Master of Arts in Teaching

(MAT) for Early Childhood Education program, was named Dekalb County Schools’ 2009 Teacher of the Year at International Community School (ICS).

Fellowship for Painting. The exhibition — including Liminal Dog, above — received numerous reviews, including the Atlanta

George G. Stewart, a former reader services librarian, recently published Yoknapa-

Journal Constitution and Art Voices. He was

tawpha, Images and Voices: A Photographic Study of Faulkner’s County (University of South Carolina Press, $24.95, soft cover; $49.95 hardcover).

also profiled in the January/February issue of The Atlantan magazine.

Ginger Williams, Lecturer in Education, Director of Field Experiences, in the OU’s Master of Arts in Teaching program, is president of the Georgia Field Directors’ Association during the 2009–2010 academic year.




OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM OF ART: MATISSE January 23-May 9, 2010 Henri Matisse, A Celebration of French Poets and Poetry. Opening Reception, 3 to 6 p.m. at the Oglethorpe University Museum of Art, Philip Weltner Library. This exhibition examines the poetic interest of one of the greatest French artists of the 20th Century. In 1930, when Matisse returned to France from an extended vacation in Tahiti, he was


invited by the famous French publisher, Albert Skira, to illustrate selected poems, Poésies, by the 19th Century poet, Stéphane Mallarmé. It was the first of several commissions involving poetry and the graphic arts of etching and later lithography. In 1948, the last major commission and collabora-




tion with Skira was Florilége des Amours de

A new recording of the Sonatas for Violin and Piano by English composer Herbert Howells performed by OU Adjunct Professor of Music Brent Runnels and violinist Beth Newdome of Florida State University has just been released by Mark Records. It includes the unpublished 2nd Sonata by Howells and the first commercial release to include the complete 3rd Sonata in E minor. Other than a recording on the Hyperion label, this is the only other commercial recording of these three works in print.

Ronsard, an illustrated work consisting of


126 lithographs celebrating the love poems of Pierre Ronsard. The show runs through May 9, 2010, Tuesdays through Sundays, noon to 5 p.m.; docent tours Sundays at 2 p.m. General admission is $5; Oglethorpe community and museum members free. For more information, call 404-364-8551.

ATHLETICS WOMEN’S BASKETBALL HOSTS NCAA TOURNAMENT GAMES FOR FIRST TIME IN SCHOOL HISTORY The Oglethorpe University women’s basketball team posted a Stormy Petrel all-time best 27-4 overall record in the 2008–2009 season and was rewarded by being named a host site for the NCAA Tournament for the first in school history. It marked Oglethorpe’s fourth consecutive trip to the NCAA Tournament and the Petrels advanced all the way to the Sweet Sixteen before losing to eventual tournament winner, George Fox University. Additionally, seniors Katie Kulavic and Anna Findley were selected as All-Americans for their outstanding play and head coach Ron Sattele was named Regional Coach of the Year as well as the Georgia Basketball Coach-of-the-Year.

PETER HOWELL ELECTED TO GEORGIA TENNIS HALL OF FAME Peter Howell, Oglethorpe University assistant athletics director and head men’s and women’s tennis coach, has been selected for induction into the Georgia Tennis Hall of Fame. Founded by the Georgia Tennis Association, the Georgia Tennis Hall of Fame honors those whose excellence both on and off the tennis courts have brought recognition and esteem to themselves and tennis in Georgia. Howell has over 35 years of both playing and teaching tennis experience that include holding the #5 national ranking by the United States Tennis Association (USTA) for six consecutive years and being named the Georgia Pro Tennis Player-of-the-Year four times. The men’s tennis team he guides at Oglethorpe University has been ranked regionally in the Atlantic South Division among NCAA Division III schools in each of the past three seasons.

MEN’S GOLF CLAIMS SCHOOL’S FIRST NATIONAL TITLE The Oglethorpe University men’s golf team won the 2009 NCAA Division III Men’s Golf Championship held last May at the PGA Village in Port St. Lucie, Fla. The Stormy Petrels erased a four stroke deficit on the final day of the tournament to claim the school’s first NCAA title in any sport. Congratulations are certainly in order for the starting line-up of Olafur Loftsson ’12 (tournament medalist), Scott Pugh ’10, Hap Kaufold ’09, Colin Chapman ’12 and Matt Bernstein ’12 as well as head coach Jim Owen who, in addition to guiding the Stormy Petrels to the championship, was named the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference Coach-of-the-Year for the 10th time in April.



EN ROUTE ABROAD Through a growing global network of partnerships, agreements and for-credit courses, Oglethorpe students have a smorgasbord of travel opportunities to choose from – whether it’s a short-term trip, a semester abroad or a full year of study. From archeology to museums, politics, business or cuisine, there is a world that awaits. Here are just a few examples.

From left, at left: Laura Coon, Olivia Rocamora and Marla Osti – all Class of 2010 – in front of the walls surrounding Avila, Spain – just outside of Madrid. Above, Callie Crabb ‘10 in Greece. Below, Prof. Jeffrey Collins, far left, Director of Oglethorpe University Students Abroad, on a recent trip with students to Greece.






Friday, January 1, 2010: Alumni Night at OU Basketball game. OU Alumni Family Night, 6–10 p.m.


Friday, January 22, 2010: Alumni Night at OU Basketball game. OU Alumni Pizza Night, 6 p.m.

MAKE A LIFE. MAKE A LIVING. MAKE A DIFFERENCE. These three simple sentences define an Oglethorpe University education. These three simple sentences also define what Oglethorpe University alumni are doing from the classroom to the courtroom, in the board room, the operating room and their own living rooms.

Oglethorpe alumni really do make a difference at Oglethorpe. A number of alumni helped the university with the James Edward Oglethorpe Scholarship Weekend in January, and their work really paid off. More than one-third of all the students who participated in the weekend enrolled.

Take a moment to think about the impact Oglethorpe University has had on your life. If you’re like me, many of your experiences since graduation have been influenced by the time you spent at OU. For many of us, the friendships we formed off of Peachtree Road have resulted in lifelong bonds. For others, our successful careers have been shaped in very profound ways by the time we spent at Oglethorpe.

In April, I enjoyed visiting with many of the more than 600 alumni who made a difference and attended this year’s Alumni Weekend. The weekend was a terrific success thanks to the staff and alumni volunteers who spent hours planning the festivities. Make your plans now to attend Alumni Weekend 2010 which takes place Friday, April 16 through Sunday, April 18.

As you read through this issue of Carillon, pay close attention to the ways our students, faculty, staff and alumni are making a life, making a living, and, most importantly, making a difference. Ask yourself how you can be part. • When was the last time you visited the campus? • Did you see the recent exhibition — What is Cuban Art? — at the Oglethorpe Museum of Art? • Have you cheered on one of our increasingly winning athletic teams lately? • Wouldn’t you like to take friends to Georgia Shakespeare this summer? • Would you like to serve on a committee of the Alumni Board? There are many ways to get involved and be engaged: call the Alumni Office at (404) 364-8893 or send an email to with your questions or your ideas for your involvement.

Finally, I hope you will join me in making a difference by financially supporting our alma mater. I believe very deeply in the good work done at Oglethorpe and in the importance of giving my support for current and future students. Our contributions help create and sustain an exceptional experience for Oglethorpe students. I cannot overemphasize the importance of your financial participation. A gift of any amount benefits students in many positive ways and speaks volumes of the value your Oglethorpe education has had for you.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010: Oglethorpe University Day Friday, February 12, 2010: Alumni Night at OU Basketball game. Chocolate Buffet Night, 6–10 p.m. Saturday, February 20, 2010: Alumni Night at OU Basketball game. Indoor Homecoming Tailgate, 6–10 p.m. Wednesday–Friday, February 23–25, 2010: Florida Alumni Receptions in Tampa, Ft. Lauderdale and Miami Thursday, March 4, 2010: Nashville Alumni Reception Friday–Sunday, April 16–18, 2010: Alumni Weekend 2010 celebrating the 175th Anniversary of the Founding of Oglethorpe University.

For more information on any event, please visit us at: Randy Roberson Development Officer University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business



GROUP ALUMNI AWARD WINNERS Each year, a handful of outstanding alumni is honored at a gala awards dinner during Alumni Weekend. Last spring, the following alums made us all proud.

community as demonstrated by his 22 years of service to Gwinnett County as a teacher, coach, mentor, athletic director and administrator.

Talmage Award to the alumni who contributes time, talent or financial resources to one or more programs of the university and/or is distinguished in the business or professional world.

Emery credits his collegiate experience playing basketball for coach Jack Berkshire as the impetus for his desire to teach and coach. Emery also serves the community as a mentor to a special needs young man he met in 1985. In 2008, he developed the Adapted Sports Program for Gwinnett County Public Schools, providing students with physical disabilities the opportunity to participate in athletics.

Young Alumnus of the Year to recognize a graduate of the last 10 years who has shown leadership and inspired other young alumni through participation in career, public service, volunteer, or continuing education activities. David N. Cooper ’71 Associate Deputy General Counsel to the Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense, Office of the General Counsel, The Pentagon, Washington, D.C. David Cooper is an active member of several professional organizations, including the American Bar Association, Federal Bar Association, Bar Association of the District of Columbia, the Reserve Officers Association, the Judge Advocates Association and American Inn of Court. He is active in community affairs including the Washington National Opera, The Washington Ballet and his church. For the past several years, Cooper has hosted the Washington, D.C. Alumni Reception; established a music fund at OU in memory of his parents, Nathan and Ernestine Pitman Cooper and helped Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) alumni organize the 30th reunion during Alumni Weekend. This fall, Cooper began his term on the OU Board of Trustees.

School Bell Award for alumni or

past or present faculty members who have made lasting contributions to the field of education.

Mike Emery ’82 Director of Athletics, Student Activities and Community Schools for Gwinnett County Public Schools, Norcross, Ga. Mike Emery was awarded the School Bell Award for his contributions to the education




Allen Whitehart ’06 Basketball coach and history teacher, Centennial High School, Atlanta Searching for new ways to be involved at OU while he was a student, Whitehart joined the Rich Foundation Urban Leadership Program where he eventually won the program’s Leadership Award to go along with the Charles Longstreet Weltner Award he had received the previous year. Whitehart also continued his passion for civic involvement by volunteering to further enrich the lives of children growing up in conditions similar to his own childhood at the Sheltering Arms Early Education & Family Centers.

Spirit of Oglethorpe Award for an alum who lives by the

Oglethorpe motto — Make a life. Make a living. Make a difference. — demonstrating the attributes of a liberal arts education by exhibiting creativity, purposefulness, and a commitment to improving the quality of their community. Janice McNeal ’98 Community Volunteer Sanibel Island, Fla. Upon graduation, Janice McNeal planned to blend two interests: OU

and Habitat for Humanity. For three years, she hosted OU students at her home on Sanibel Island where she and the students spent the week of Winter Break assisting in the construction of Habitat houses in Fort Myers. She served on the Alumni Board and travels occasionally with the Development Office for alumni functions. Last spring, to build awareness in Southwest Florida about the university, McNeal and OU alumnus Robert Bowden ’67 and his wife, Dixie sponsored the “Oglethorpe House” for an annual tour of homes on Sanibel Island.

Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees Basketball Shelly Anderson ’95 Geometry/algebra teacher and basketball/ softball coach at The Lovett School, Atlanta Shelly Anderson was on the first women’s basketball team at OU. She was a four-year starter and captain for two years. Anderson was a standout point guard with 400 career assists. She received All-Conference honors for two years while at OU. She ranked #1 in the SCAC as well as #3 in the NCAA Division III in total assists her senior year. Anderson is currently #2 in assist average in the SCAC and holds the record for total assists and season assist average. She is also ranked #3 in season steal average.

Basketball Daniel Brown ’99 Radiology resident at Memorial University Medical Center Savannah, Ga. While attending OU, Brown was given the opportunity to start during his freshman season. He went on to be selected to the SCAC All-Conference teams in each of the following three seasons, earning Second Team honors in his junior season and First Team honors in his senior season, where he scored 18 points per game and grabbed nearly nine rebounds per game. He also won academic award for highest GPA on the team during his junior and senior seasons. Brown was honored with an NCAA All-South team selection and broke OU records for three-pointers made in a single game (eight) and career three-pointers made. He graduated as the second all-time leading scorer in OU history.

Basketball Eddie Starnes ’58 Retired elementary school principal Cedartown, Ga. Eddie Starnes was one of the first players to come to OU in 1956 to play under Garland Pinholster’s “OU Basketball Renaissance.” Starnes was a member of Pinholster’s first winning team at OU and he was chosen to play on the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Small College All-State basketball team as center in 1958.

Soccer Tinnie Waterson Weber ’97 Fourth grade teacher at Edwin A. Anderson Elementary School Wilmington, N.C. Weber served as a team captain both her junior and senior years. She was a

four-time All-SCAC performer receiving Honorable Mention honors in 1994, Second-Team honors in 1993 and 1995 and culminating with a First Team selection her senior year in 1996. That year, as a defender, she had 11 goals and six assists for a team-high 28 points to finish seventh in the league in scoring. Weber was the third Petrel to earn First Team honors in the program’s first six years in the SCAC, and she was the only women’s soccer player from OU to be named to the SCAC 15th anniversary women’s soccer team.

Golf Tolliver Williams ’99 Morgan Stanley’s Investment Banking Division New York, N.Y. As a four-year letterman on OU’s golf team, Tolliver Williams led the Petrels to their first SCAC Championship and NCAA berth. As an individual, he won numerous tournaments and awards including All-American

honors, two-time SCAC player of the year and three-time SCAC All-Conference. Williams played in prestigious amateur events such as the 2000 U.S. Amateur Championship and 2001 British Amateur Championship where he competed against many of the top professionals in the world.

Baseball Josh Gazaway ’99 History teacher and softball and baseball coach at Marietta High School Marietta, Ga. During his time at OU, Josh Gazaway earned SCAC All-Conference honors in 1998 and 1999 and was named to the All-South Regional team as a senior. As a senior, Gazaway was selected as the Team MVP. Gazaway’s career totals rank him in the top 10 in hits, batting average, slugging percentage, at bats, doubles and home runs. He holds the record for RBIs with 119.

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FACULTY APPRECIATION AT THE FACULTY APPRECIATION RECEPTION IN APRIL, TWO ALUMNI SPOKE FROM THE HEART ABOUT THE VALUE OF THE OGLETHORPE FACULTY TO THEIR LEARNING AND LIFE EXPERIENCES. HERE ARE EXCERPTS FROM THOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Elizabeth Bridgers ’87 Elizabeth Bridgers earned a BA in English. Since graduation, she has worked in the public relations and marketing industry at two major firms in Atlanta, representing clients that included IBM, Hasbro Toys, Marriott, Philips Electronics, Federal Express, Turner Broadcasting System and AFLAC. She has also worked in the nonprofit arena, including Asheville School and as the National Communications Director for the American Cancer Society. Elizabeth is currently the communications executive at Genova Diagnostics, an international medical lab headquartered in Asheville, N.C. She has won several awards including a national Emmy Award, a CASE National Award and the Burson-Marstellar Star Award.

While I have changed so very much since 1987, the campus remains transfixed in time, grey stone unworn over time. The bells of Lupton continue to chime the hour in a digital age when most students use their cell phones to monitor the time. But the dependable clock bells are not truly the heartbeat of Oglethorpe. The faculty holds that sacred responsibility. … The essence of the faculty — what sets them apart from other educators — remains unchanged and as stalwart as when I was a student. Dr. Brightman still offers countless insights without claiming to have “the answer,” humbly suggesting that upon another reading, he’d likely find more subtle nuance in the text. (He’d pinpointed a lot!) Vicki Weiss’ palpable enthusiasm for medieval literature is inspiring. As I listened to her masterful Harkness-style discussion of Doctor Faustus, I mused that her enthusiasm would lead one to believe that she’d just discovered the work. When students got near the answer, she physically leapt with excitement as she led them toward an understanding the major themes of the work. It’s from Linda Taylor, my beloved advisor who taught me the tenets of writing, that I found my voice which I still use when writing professionally or for my own enjoyment. From a more pragmatic standpoint, she encouraged me to take an internship which was the launching point of my professional career. Barbara Clark taught a Women in Literature class in which I experienced several seismic shifts in the way in which I approached my own female experience and the complexity of balancing being a woman, a daughter and, later, a wife and a mother. She taught more than literature, she taught life. And that’s what I believe is most important about the faculty of Oglethorpe. They’re teaching life — often in philosophical or intellectual manners — but the lessons that we each needed were carried forth from their classrooms…

Matt Pazdernik ’01 While at Oglethorpe, Matt Pazdernik was active in the Chi Phi Fraternity, Cross Country team and student government. Matt Pazdernik graduated with a degree in Business Administration focusing on International Business. After several years working in Supply Chain Management for Kimberly-Clark, he attended New York University – Stern School of Business, where he earned an MBA in 2006 with a focus on Strategy, Operations and Global Business. He now lives in Brooklyn, N.Y., with his wife Kate Harrison ’03 and works for Merck & Co., Inc. as a manager in Business Research Integration. He continues to enjoy running (and has completed marathon runs in Dallas and Philadelphia) and finds a creative outlet in music production and DJ-ing (he is currently the DJ for The Electric Company, a Public Broadcasting Service series). 18



My personal experience after Oglethorpe — and I hear this echoed by so many of the OU alums that I keep in touch with — is that we felt so prepared for life after graduation, as we pursued new academic and professional challenges... Oglethorpe’s small class sizes enable an optimal student/teacher ratio. The core curriculum imparts a comprehensive and broad base of knowledge and most importantly the ability to integrate knowledge from different fields of study into an informed perspective. These things, however, only enable the possibility of the Oglethorpe education; they are necessary but not sufficient. They are a superior strategy put into practice by the folks we’re honoring today. What actually makes Oglethorpe work is its faculty. They not only provide subject matter expertise, but also personal attention to ensure that students are learning. They provide meaningful feedback, support and connection with the students. ..I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all of you, past and present, especially Dr. William Shropshire and Dr. Dean Tucker, who impacted my academic and personal life in ways I probably wasn’t able to adequately appreciate or express as an undergraduate.

WHATEVER HAPPENED TO…? Barb Henry ’85, Alumni Director BY

WHATEVER HAPPENED TO? IS SOMETHING WE ALL WONDER FROM TIME TO TIME, SO WE WANTED TO BRING YOU UP TO DATE ON A COUPLE OF ALUMNI AND EVEN A FORMER PRESIDENT WHO WAS RECENTLY SERENADED ON CAMPUS. PSYCHOLOGY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE ADD UP TO VOTE, RUN, LEAD FOR OU GRAD Stacey Chavis, a native of Maudlin, S.C., received a B.A. in Psychology with Political Science minor from Oglethorpe University in ’05. Chavis is the Southern Regional Director for the White House Project, a national, nonpartisan, not-forprofit organization that aims to advance women’s leadership opportunities in all communities. The White House Project supports women and the issues that allow women to lead in their own lives and in the world. Stacy directs the Vote, Run, Lead training program for the entire Southeast region which provides the nuts and bolts of running for political office by focusing on teaching effective communications, fundraising and campaigning. Stacey has traveled across the country providing leadership training to women and has developed expertise in developing skills in young women interested in politics, including campaign planning, political fundraising and running for higher office. Previously, Stacey was the Deputy Finance Director for the Democratic Party of Georgia. She raised money for the House and Senate Caucuses of the Georgia General Assembly. Stacey also directed the Georgia delegation selection process for the Democratic National Committee Convention in Denver, Colorado in August 2008.

Stacey Chavis ‘05 with Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin

Chavis, active in politics since her days at Oglethorpe, served as the Finance Director in 2006 for Congressman Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) during the primary and run-off elections. Stacey also worked for former Congresswoman Denise Majette (D-Ga.) gaining exposure to congressional politics and constituent services. To learn more about the White House Project

In July, Rev. Mandy Sloan Flemming ’00 was the keynote speaker for OU Passport (the Summer Orientation for new students). Mandy is the Minister of Christian Education and Spiritual Formation at St. Mark United Methodist Church in Midtown Atlanta where she preaches and attends to the pastoral needs of a diverse congregation. After graduating with honors with an Individually Planned Major in Psychology and Christian Thought — and minors in Music and Theatre and a Certificate in Urban Leadership — Mandy received her Masters of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary in May, 2003. In addition to her ministries, Mandy also serves as a preaching instructor at Candler School of Theology and has recently published articles on preaching in Circuit Rider magazine. A musician who plays guitar and piano, Mandy has trained vocally in sacred music at Westminster Choir College in Princeton, N.J. and was the winner of the David Allen Weadon Prize in Sacred Music while at Princeton. She is married to Matt Flemming, a professor of preaching at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Ga. They have two sons, Jackson, 4, and Cooper, 3. Mandy is an avid blogger and welcomes OU readers to her blog, To read her remarks during the orientation event, visit CARILLON |


MAGNA CUM LAUDE GRAD MAKES A MAGNIFICENT SANTA CLAUS Thom McCague ’93 wanted to finish a degree in history after many years working at IBM. Several coworkers spoke highly of Oglethorpe University so he enrolled with the goal of becoming a history professor. In 1984, while taking a course with political science Professor Leo Bilancio, McCague had the opportunity to travel with Professor Bilancio and some OU students to Europe. The trip had a profound impact on McCague whose new goal became living in Europe. Thankfully, IBM had an opportunity in Frankfurt, Germany in 1987 and McCague lived and worked in Europe for four years serving the technology needs of the United States military from Iceland to Turkey. McCague saw the Iron Curtain fall in Germany and was working in the area during the Gulf War. He returned to the U.S. in 1991 and once again returned to OU to finish that history degree; he graduated Magna Cum Laude in 1993. In 2004, IBM asked McCague to be Santa Claus for the corporate Christmas party, and a new career was born. Since that time Santa Thom has worked at malls, schools and corporate functions throughout the Southeast. Retired since 2008 after 33 years at IBM, he is also a graduate of the prestigious Charles W. Howard Santa Claus School, the International University of Santa Claus and holds several other designations that make him an expert in “all things Santa” like reading stories, dealing with small children and singing Christmas songs. He is even trained in reindeer flying lessons! Santa Thom and his wife Deborah live in Sharpsburg, Ga. and have three children and two grandchildren.

Alumni and their families enjoyed seeing Santa Thom ‘93 at the Evening of Holiday Enchantment Event on Dec. 4 in the Oglethorpe University Museum of Art.

Dr. Manning Patillo ’94H (Doctor of Laws), the 13th president of Oglethorpe University (1975–1988), was honored on his 90th birthday at the President’s Dinner where he gamely blew out all the candles and enjoyed cake with family and friends. The University Chorale serenaded him with a lovely rendition of “Happy Birthday.”




CLASS NOTES CLASSES OF THE 1950S Edmund A. Bator ’53 recently wrote South Carolina 1775 – A Crucible Year, published by American History Imprints. The book is a story of ambition and ego among conscience-stricken men in the province of S.C. on the eve of revolution. Bator is a retired foreign service officer with 25 years of service in Finland, Italy, Yugoslavia, Kuwait and Washington, D.C. He retired in Atlanta. Eugene Bales ’59 taught history and geography and directed a federal program related to integration. He was the coordinator of staff development and director of personnel for Atlanta Public Schools for 37 years. Bales participated in two Fulbright Grants (West Africa in 1974 and Brazil in 1978). He was one of 12 participants in the first scholars exchange program to China in 1980 (U.S. Department of Education). Bales was the recipient of the OU School Bell Award in 2000. He travels extensively (79 countries and counting) and he teaches ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) to Chinese scholars at the Georgia Institute of Technology through his church’s volunteer program. Billy Carter ’59 played basketball and

baseball at OU and received several awards. He was an OU coach and athletic director from 1962-1969. Carter made it into the Hall of Fame and was named Coach of the Year for two years as the basketball coach with an 84 percent winning record, two NCAA tournaments and one NCAA national tournament. He owned and later sold a property management company. He attended law school at the age of 58 and has practiced law since 2000.

Carolyn Frazier ’59 moved to Washing-

ton and Vancouver, Canada in 2008 to be near her children and grandchildren on the West Coast. She has three grandchildren living in Vancouver, BC. Floyd Hopkins ’59 lived in British Isles

and Europe for nearly 15 years.

Patricia Daniel Kapphahn ’59 became

a licensed psychotherapist after 15 years of working as a clinical medical technologist on the Emory University campus. Kapphahn, in private practice for 25 years, is a co-director with her husband Paul Kapphahn, of a counseling center in Dunwoody, Ga. She has served as family therapist at Ridgeview Institute and Peachford Psychiatric Hospital in Atlanta. She

developed holistic programs of mind/body therapy, helping people achieve wellness in emotional, metal, physical and spiritual areas. The Kapphahns have presented workshops and conferences throughout the Atlanta area, as well as appearing on local television shows as guest commentators. Kapphahn has been an active member and volunteer of many community and church groups, including the OU Alumni Board and the Board of Trustees of Atlanta Unity Church. She enjoys frequent travel and spending time with friends, her three children and three grandchildren. Janne Lane ’59 is a retired public school educator where she was a counselor and teacher. At the time of her retirement, she was lead elementary counselor for Orange County Public Schools, the 12th largest system in the nation. Lane enjoys book club, a women's discussion group, meeting with faculty wives and professors at Rollins College and serving on the church Deaconate. Lane and her husband Jack enjoy traveling to New Hampshire to visit their children. Lane has four grandchildren (two in Orlando and two in N.H.) and one great-grandchild. Sydney Moss ’59 took early retirement

after 17 years with SunTrust Bank. She was vice president in the individual investment services group. After retirement, she and husband Jack moved to Lake Burton where she served on the Civic Association Board and chaired two art shows. She moved to Flowery Branch in 2007. Moss enjoys traveling and has visited all of the continents except Antarctica.

Shirley Furman Roper ’59 was married

to “the best mortgage banker in the Southeast,” Lonsdale Joseph Roper III, and all their married years were happy ones.

1960S Lee ’63 and Gloria Early Daniel ’64 have been married 46 years as of October. After graduation from OU, Lee received a master’s degree in adult education from The University of Georgia, and Gloria received a master’s degree in clinical social work from The University of North Carolina. Gloria has been a clinical social worker for 48 years and has been in private practice with Lee. Lee retired after 45 years as training director. Both have retired. He spent five years with the Boy Scouts of America as a professional. Both remember OU with devotion, and they stay in touch with former classmates and enjoy meeting several times a year in a central location. Both spent more than 25 years as volunteer firemen: Lee as fire chief and Gloria as medical responder. Their children, Tony and Dawn, work in the medical field.

1970S Marty Lipson ’70 has remained friends with his AEPi fraternity brothers since graduation. Marty's daughter recently got married, and his AEPi brothers were part of the special time. He keeps in touch with his OU brothers George Gershman ’72, Michael Israelite ’72, Alan Judd ’74 and Alan Schlesinger ’71.

Robert Koff ’71 has been promoted to assistant professor of mathematics at Georgia Perimeter College at the Dunwoody campus.

1980S Ellen Heckler O’Herlihy ’82 passed the American Board Certification for Teacher Excellence program in the English language arts discipline, and her family recently moved back to Old Saybrook, Conn. Jay Azriel ’84 moved to York, Pa. where he was hired to launch the college’s entrepreneurship program at York College of Pennsylvania; he is assistant professor of entrepreneurship and strategic management. Other ’80s alumni might find it interesting that the president of York College is George Waldner, a former vice president at OU. Amy Glover-Giusto ’89 is married to Vic Giusto ’91. They have two sons and

live in Alpharetta, Ga. Vic works at ADP, and Amy stays at home “mommying” it. She has worked in portfolio management at ING.

1990S Juliane Franek Sorchy ’94 shared a

photo of her daughter Jocelyn at eight months.



CLASS NOTES Christine Hathaway Carter ’94 and

Jennifer Fowler Stafford ’96, her

husband Michael and big brother Cole welcomed Aiden Michael on July 23, 2009. He weighed 9 pounds, 4 ounces and measured 21 inches.

her husband Thomas welcomed Ansley Elizabeth on March 15, 2009, weighing 6 pounds, 4 ounces. Ansley joins big brother Aiden.

Barbara Miller Hall '94 had her proposal Citizen Soldiers and Their Communities accepted for a 90-minute workshop at the 2009 national conference for the National Organization for Human Services in Portland, Ore. Simon '96 and Amy Bacigalupi Hukin '95 welcomed Katherine Marie on Oct. 15,

2008: 9 pounds, 4 ounces and measured 21 inches. She joins siblings Matthew Simon, Josephine Marion, Sydney Elizabeth, Caroline Anne and Vivien Renee. Zack '94 and Chris Schram Butler '95 and big sister Madeline welcomed

Katherine Susan Butler on Aug. 21, 2008, weighing 8 pounds, 4 ounces, and measuring 19 inches.

Leia Inzerello Paul ’95 and her husband

Brian announce the birth of their son Nathan Ryan on March 27, 2009. The family, including big sister Ella, live in Wilmington, Del.

J. Alison Bess ’96, Ph.D., with husband

Curt Meyer, relocated to Bossier City, La., in March 2009 to work as a contract psychologist at Barksdale Air Force Base. Jen Sisco Pekosz ’96, husband Mark

and big brother Oren announce the birth of Harrison Beckett Pekosz, born July 6, 2009, weighing 6 pounds, 14 ounces and measuring 19.5 inches. Jean Kasperbauer Roberts ’96 and her

husband Mark welcomed their daughter Maret Craig Roberts on Feb. 27, 2009. Maret, who joined big brother Grant, 2, weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces and measured 20.75 inches.




Elizabeth Stockton ’96 and her husband

Tim Jecmen welcomed their son William Lowell Jecmen on March 6, 2009. Stacey Chapman Tobin ’96, her

in Boston in May 2001. She and her husband recently moved to Los Angeles. James ’98 and Christina Burnham Rissler ’98, along

with big brother Andrew, welcomed Peter Winfried Rissler on Nov. 14, 2008. Peter was 20 inches long and weighed 6.5 pounds.

Karen Head ’98 has begun the official launch of her new book, Sassing. Information is available at www. Monica Flores ’99 graduated with her MBA from the University of Connecticut. She relocated to the Dallas-Fort Worth area and is a capital budget manager for Pier 1 Imports.

husband James and their sons Liam and Colin welcomed Hannah Louise on Jan. 9, 2009.

Shannon Beehan Hall ’97 and her

husband Jason welcomed their first child Alexander Stone Hall on Sept. 29, 2008, weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces and measuring 21 inches. Tessa Daly Mackay ’97 and her husband

John welcomed daughter Elliott Marie Mackay on May 18, 2008. Tessa is taking a break from her medical skin care career to be at home with Elliott. The Mackays live in the East Cobb/Marietta area of Metro Atlanta. Katharina Mooney Alexander ’97 tied

for first place in the American Journal of Clinical Pathology (AJCP) Resident Research Symposium Competition at the 2008 ASCP Annual Meeting in Baltimore. She presented “Thrombotic Events in the Setting of Activated Clotting Factor VII Use.” Alexander lives with her husband David and her daughter Katya in Trussville, Ala., where she is a resident physician at the University of Alabama-Birmingham and will complete her training as the hematopathology fellow at UAB in 2010–2011.

Evelyn Boria-Rivera ’98 graduated in 2009 with a Ph.D. in English from the University of Notre Dame. Her specialty is ethnic U.S. American literature, particularly Latino/a literature. She has accepted a three-year post-doctoral fellowship in English at UCLA which began in September 2009. She finished her master’s degree in creative writing from Emerson College

Carla Hyman Birnbaum '99 and

her husband Scott celebrated the first birthday of their daughter Isabella Esther on May 12, 2009. Birnbaum is taking a break from the corporate world to stay at home with Bella, and she is writing her master’s thesis for her master’s degree in education. Amy Katz Bonn ’99

and her husband Dave welcomed their first child Henry John Robert Bonn on Oct. 3, 2008, in Omaha, Neb. Henry weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces and measured 20 inches.

Kristine V.G. Lawrie ’99 married Kristian R. Williams in St. Patrick Cathedral in Fort Worth, Texas, on Oct. 18, 2008. Ligia Coreas Florim ’99

was in attendance. The couple resides in Fort Worth with chocolate lab Charlie. Kristine is a licensed professional engineer in environmental engineering and works as a senior environmental specialist at Providence Engineering and Environmental, LLC. Kristian, a graduate of Cal Berkeley, serves as a first officer (pilot) for Southwest Airlines as well as a Navy Reserves pilot. He previously served as an active-duty pilot with the U.S. Marine Corps. The couple met near Tokyo, in December 2006 where Kristine was vacationing and Kristian was with the Navy.

Heather McNeill Ivkovich ’99 and

her husband Mike welcomed their first child Dylan Michael on May 1, 2008: eight pounds, 10 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. They live in Woodstock, Ga. Missy Roedersheimer ’99 married

Deke Waggoner on Aug. 30, 2008, in Sammamish, Wash. The wedding party included Dani Stellin Benner ’99, Heather McNeill Ivkovich ’99, Susie Polyak Findley ’99 and Kerry Kerr.

Other alumni in attendance were Jeanie

Flohr Treadaway ’99, Marie Heflin Shirley ’99, Scott Zannini ’99, Brian Findley ’99 and Katherine Lindley ’00. They live in Kirkland, Wash.,

with their golden retriever, Dixie.

CLASS OF 2000 Lindsay Burgoon Matthews '00

graduated from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine with a master’s degree in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in August 2008. She received advanced clinical and herbal training in fall 2008 at the Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nanjing, China. Matthews received her national and state certification and is opening a clinic in Portland, Ore. Her husband

for the Advancement of Science. As an executive branch fellow, she is working at the National Institutes of Health. Garbarini graduated from Vanderbilt University in 2008 with a Ph.D. in neuroscience. Kevin Hankins ’00 was

named chief operating officer for Cellular South, a leader in wireless solutions and innovation and the nation’s largest privately owned wireless communications carrier.

Chia Min McDonald '00

MBA and husband John welcomed their second son Ethan Li born on Sept. 2, 2007. Ethan, who joins brother Anthony, weighed 5 pounds and measured 18.75 inches. Kevin Woolf ’00 and his wife

Amy welcomed Leo Joseph on July 31, 2008. Leo joins sister Anna Beth.

Portland boutique honeymoon travel agency.

After eight years, Kipp Chambers ’00 has left Los Angeles. He recently landed in Denver, Col., where he writes and designs (and occasionally acts). Since taking up skydiving two years ago, he has logged more than 250 jumps and earned a USPA license. His four-way formation skydiving team is training to compete on the national level in 2009. Nicole Garbarini ’00 recently relocated

to the Washington, D.C. metro area after being selected as a science and technology policy fellow of the American Association

CLASS OF 2001 Kevin ’01 and Heather Ringer Martin ’01

welcomed their first child Caleb Thomas on Aug. 15, 2008: 8 pounds, 5 ounces and measured 20.5 inches. They reside in Tampa, Fla.


Kristen Kirkland ’00 and Bill Sherman were married March 20, 2009, on the set of “In the Heights,” of which the bridegroom is an arranger and orchestrator, at the Richard Rodgers Theater in New York. Judge Lawrence E. Kahn, of U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, officiated. Kirkland is an assistant vice president for employee training and development at Credit Suisse in New York. After graduation from OU, she received a master’s degree in psychology from the City University of New York Graduate Center where she is pursuing a Ph.D. She is in the process of completing her dissertation and will graduate in 2010. Her husband won a Tony Award in 2008 with Alex Lacamoire for orchestration for “In the Heights.”

Jay Matthews '99 is manager of a

Angie Baldwin Roda ’01 and her husband Tim

welcomed their third child Emilia Carisse Martin on Oct. 13, 2008. Emilia, who joined sister Ashlyn and brother Braeden, weighed 8 pounds and measured 20 inches.

Rebekah Ager ’02 completed her master’s degree in international business from the University of Colorado – Denver, and she works for Worldwide Partners as the partner services executive and meeting planner. Ager, who resides in Denver, has traveled to China, Trinidad, Tobago, Jamaica, Scotland, Italy and around the U.S. for work. Scott Hetherington ’02 was named 2008-2009 Teacher of the Year at Atlanta’s North Springs High School where he has taught math for five years. Cody Partin ’02 was named director of real estate for Cox Enterprises, Inc. Shahina Sameja Butler ’02 and husband Chris

announce the birth of their son, Yasir Christopher Butler, born June 3, 2009, in Atlanta. He weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and measured 22 inches. (Photo by Megan Breece Barge ’02).

CLASS OF 2003 Kelley Bowden ’03 and Jeremy Gray ’03 were

married May, 17, 2008, in Santa Rosa Beach, Fla. Jeremy's groomsmen included alumni Matt Dunn ’03 and Jimmy Ewing ’02. Kelley graduated from the University of Alabama School of Law with a J.D. in 2008 and is an associate attorney in the Land Use & Zoning group at Smith, Gambrell, & Russell, LLP. Jeremy completed a master’s degree in public administration from Georgia College & State University in 2008 and works for government consulting firm W. Frank Newton, Inc., where he manages community development programs for Cobb County. They live in Atlanta. Jennifer Entenmann Siegler ’03 is enrolled in Emory University's Ph.D. program in art history with a focus on art of the ancient Americas.



CLASS NOTES Emily Lawson ’03 is studying nurs-

ing and midwifery at Yale University and joined a team of volunteers in Beius, Romania, to work with Habitat for Humanity's Global Village program during summer 2009. She has also traveled to Chamwino, Tanzania, in 2002 where she built multi-room houses for people living in sub-standardized mud huts; and to Chinumbarum, India, in 2005 where she built brick houses with an open second floor for a village that lost all homes and much of its work force to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

Laura A. Rafter ’03, an associate of Newcomb & Boyd, is a licensed professional engineer. Chris Summers ’03 and Kim Vax Summers ’03, MAT ’07 welcomed

their son Daniel Stephen Summers on April 7, 2009, weighing 6 pounds, 9 ounces. Heather Van Kampen '03

competed at Ft. Stewart for the 2009 Georgia Army National NonCommissioned Officer (NCO) of the Year competition representing the 48th Infantry Combat Brigade Team. She competed at this level in 2007, winning for the 78th Troop Command with the Georgia Guard, where she was selected NCO of the Year. There has never been a two-time statelevel winner for the Georgia Guard. She was stationed at Camp Shelby, Miss., until she was deployed to Afghanistan.

2009. Sean is an IT engineer for Tech Systems, Inc. They live in Smyrna, Ga. with their miniature dachshund, Buffy. Jennifer Brown ’04 graduated from Georgia State University with a master’s degree in library media technology in May and is the media specialist at Magill Elementary in Loganville, Ga. Stephanie Singh Chapagain ’04 and her

husband Sunil welcomed daughter Ava Sophia Arya on March 25, 2008: six pounds, three ounces and measured 18 inches.

Christina Shunnarah ’05 MAT was named DeKalb County Schools’ Teacher of the Year. She was also named the 2009 Teacher of the Year at International Community School (ICS).

CLASS OF 2006 Brittany Bennett ’06 and Zack Parris ’08 were married on

October 11, 2008, at the groom's parents’ home in Spartanburg, S.C. The wedding party included alumna Taryn Cooksey ’08 as maid of honor. They live in the Atlanta area.

Abigail Kurland Whitlock ’06 and

Jason Whitlock were married at Cathedral of Christ the King in Atlanta on May 31, 2008. The wedding party included Jenee

Sara Bowers ’04

Rebecca Bowers Conners ’99, Mary Crowe ’02, Courtney Roberts ’06 and Jeannette

Ransom Remington. Other alumni in attendance were Ronny Remington ’06, Beth Barnes Dubose ’00 and Kerry Kerr. Sara graduated from Emory University with her doctor of physical therapy in 24



Dela Hayes Coward ’07 joined the U.S. Army at specialist rank (E-4) and hopes to use her training to serve as an advocate for veterans with Alzheimer's disease and post-traumatic stress disorder. She went to Fort Jackson, S.C. for basic training in August 2009. Check her progress on her blog at www.combatbootsforartemis. Laura Fitzgerald ’07 graduated with a

master’s degree in publishing from Pace University in N.Y.

After a postgraduate internship with the Pan American Health Organization in Washington, D.C., Katie Jost '07 is working in Madrid, Spain, as a junior consultant for Gabinete de Analisis Demoscopico, a social science research firm generating data for Spanish companies connected to the U.S. Katie also completed the Cambridge University certification course on Teaching English as a Second Language. Kira McCabe ’07

graduated with a master’s degree in psychology from Wake Forest University in 2009. She continues her education at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, spending four years abroad to earn a Ph.D. in socialorganizational psychology researching achievement motivation.

Emily Hein ’06

received a master’s degree in building construction from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2008.

CLASS OF 2004 and Sean Tintle were married on Dec. 20, 2008, in Greenville, S.C. The wedding party included


Amodeo Tonelli ’06 and Rachael Zellner

’07. Also in attendance were alumnae Meiyen Bell ’03, Mary Seagrave ‘06, Katie Cofield James ’04 and Kristy Evans ’06. The couple lives in

Lawrenceville, Ga., with yellow lab Sparta and golden retriever Elliot. Kirbie Smith ’06

received a master’s degree in public health in 2008 from the University of Louisville School of Public Health and Information Sciences.

CLASS OF 2008 Since 2008, Richard Anderson ’08 has worked as a research specialist in the chemistry lab at Emory University School of Medicine’s Department of Cell Biology. Mallory Davis ’08 attends medical school at Virginia Tech’s Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine. She is excited about VTech Hokie football games and spending time exploring the mountains of southwest Virginia. Tiffany Desrosiers ’08 works at Marist

School in Atlanta as the assistant to the dean of students and summer childcare director. She also works as a future director for Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Christina Renee MacRosty ’08 entered studies at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine in Lewisburg, W.Va., in 2008. Christina is married to Sean Malcolm Mark MacRosty ’03.

Jeffanne Millien ’08 attends George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C. Kiera Robbins ’08 is the Center for

Puppetry Arts’ Museum services coordinator and instructor in the Create-a-Puppet Workshop in Atlanta.

IN MEMORIAM Mildred Warlick Merritt ’26

on Feb. 21, 2009 Ralph King ’39

on March 21, 2009 Lillian Klein Webb ’40 John Gordon Brackett ’42

on March 28, 2009

Woodrow Tucker ’44

on Jan. 6, 2009

Myrtice Pinckney McCurdy ’48

John Gill Foster ’70

John Peter Knudsen ’49

Rhua Vernice "Bobby" Flock ’71

Helen Hogan Hill ’52

Patricia LaCour ’97

on March 11, 2009 on Jan. 18, 2009

One of OU’s oldest alums — at right with Dr. Schall in 2006 — died in Tampa Nov. 9 just four days after celebrating her 104th birthday.

on Sept. 16, 2008 on July 19, 2008 on Feb. 3, 2009

Betsy Brandon Gamble Hansen on

Feb. 15, 2009: Founder of the Oglethorpe University Women’s Network (OWN) and wife of Trustee Harald Hansen. Correction: We regret that John Day ’64 was listed as deceased in the Fall ’08

Carillon. Mr. Day is very much alive and attended his OU class reunion in April 2009.

Marjorie Browne Muth ’52

on March 18, 2009

Barbara Ramsden Oliver ’60

on Feb. 19, 2009

Orrin T. Potter ’69

on Sept. 25, 2008

Frances Carr Kirby ’45

on Oct. 18, 2008



In May, longtime faculty member Stanley Daugert and his wife Vivian were special guests at the annual Golden Petrel luncheon in the Oglethorpe University Museum of Art. Golden Petrels are alumni who graduated 50 or more years ago. LONDON

The OU Alumni Association hosted an afternoon tea, at right, on June 21, at the home of alumna Gonca Gursoy Artunkal '88 (Photo: Kat Kuricova, Gonca Gursoy Artunkal ’88, John Artunkal, Kim Kirner Lohoar ’93, Tani Gaan). ATLANTA

Alumnus Adi Allushi ’02 hosted alumni for after work cocktails and networking at Market in the W Hotel in June, bottom left. ATLANTA

Alumni and their guests joined the Alumni Office on July 22 for an evening at Georgia Shakespeare at OU’s Conant Performing Arts Center. Alumni enjoyed an indoor Southern picnic in the OU Museum of Art with a talk by Professor Bart Palmer who wrote a book about Tennessee Williams, followed by a performance of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, bottom right. NEW YORK

President Lawrence M. Schall, Alumni Director Barb Henry ’85, and Donald ’56 and Shelley Rubin hosted alumni living in or visiting New York at the Rubin Museum of Art in September.




John Carr, Director of Development, joined the staff of Oglethorpe in August. A 1983 graduate of the University of the South (Tenn.), John also holds a Master’s degree in History from Duke University. John taught at North Carolina State University for four years, then became Director of Development for Carolina Day School in Asheville, NC. He also served as Assistant Head for Advancement for All Saints’ Episcopal School in Fort Worth, Texas; Vice President of the John B. Cummings Co., Inc., a fund raising consultant firm in Dallas; Assistant Head for Advancement at Hutchison School in Memphis; and Director of Development for Savannah Country Day School in Savannah. John has been an active member of Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE, where he and Vice President of Development and Alumni Relations Peter Rooney first met) serving on several committee and CASE Iii. A passionate sports fan, John umpired Little League baseball for 17 seasons. John and his wife, Kelly, are relocating from Savannah and will live in Sandy Springs. They have one son, Robert, who is a 2008 graduate of Rhodes College.

Mike Horan, Vice President for Business and Finance, has been an accounting and business professor at OU since 1998 but joined the President’s Cabinet in May. He received his Bachelor of Business Administration from Fort Lewis College in Durango, Col. and his MBA from the University of Connecticut. He is also a Certified Public Accountant. Mike oversees the Business Office, Information Technology, Facilities, Human Resources and Campus Safety. An entrepreneur, Mike has also managed several businesses. He was born in Denver and now lives in Duluth. Mike has three children. Gail Meis, Registrar, came to Oglethorpe in August from The Juilliard School in New York City where she was a systems analyst in the IT department. A native of Knoxville, Tenn., Gail graduated from the University of Tennessee (BS, Business Education) and earned a BS, Computer Information Systems at High Point University in North Carolina where she was also assistant

registrar for reporting. The combination of her database skills and higher education experience have already made an impact at Oglethorpe as the Office of Registrar interfaces closely with IT and offices related to student records and academic activity. Gail and her husband John have three sons and now live in Dunwoody. Gail is enjoying the return to warmer temperatures and southern hospitality. Susan Soper ’69 recently resigned her position on the OU Board of Trustees to join the staff as Executive Director, Marketing & Communications in July. A native Atlantan, Susan is a longtime writer and editor who has worked for Newsday (Long Island, N.Y.), CNN, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Atlanta INtown. While at Newsday, she was part of a team that won a Pulitzer Prize for a series on heroin trafficking. She attended St. Mary’s Jr. College (Raleigh) before transferring to OU where she earned a BA, English. Susan lives with her husband, Bo Holland, in Buckhead. They love to travel, play tennis and take urban as well as international hikes.


Among the recent hires at Oglethorpe are a handful of graduates — and one soon-tobe graduate — who are as happy to be back on campus as the staff is to welcome their skills, energy and devotion to the school.

Chris Harvin ’08 National Management Resources, Work Control Coordinator

Elizabeth “Biz” Richmann ’09 Athletics, Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach

David Dixon ’10 Office of Admission, Admission Counselor

Brittany Gray Marmol ’09 Office of Business and Finance, Finance Staff Accountant

Andrew Tulowitsky ’07 Athletics, Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach and Assist. IM Coordinator

Ryan Fulgham ’09 IT Desktop Support, Multimedia Specialist

Ember Melcher ’09 Office of Admission Admission Counselor (See related story page 27.)

Julie Vaughan ’09 Marketing & Communications, Web Host/Graphic Designer

Jessica Graner ’08 Office of Admission, Admission Assistant

Michael Muller, ’09 Athletics, Assistant Men’s Soccer Coach

FAREWELL AND GOOD LUCK TO: Dr. Robert Blumenthal, now at Georgia State and College University, Milledgeville, Ga.




Mary Crosby, retired from the Office of Development & Alumni Relations

Dr. Douglas McFarland, now at Flagler College, St. Augustine, Fla.

Nancy Herring, accounting professor, retired from the Faculty

Adrina Richard, retired from Auxiliary Services after 30 years at OU



When staffers at the Carter Center, former President Jimmy Carter’s Atlanta-based policy center dedicated to peace and human rights, sifted through a mound of applications for 32 slots for its Fall 2008 internship program, two names jumped out: Ember Melcher and Ryan Nix, both seniors at Oglethorpe University. For a semester, the coeds worked in the prestigious internship program alongside students from some of the best known and respected colleges in the world, including the University of Virginia and the London School of Economics and Political Science. By all accounts, they stacked up. Why wouldn’t they? Melcher and Nix credit Oglethorpe with giving them the foundation, nurturing, experiences and confidence to compete against anyone in the world. Here are their stories.

Ember Melcher ‘09 Office of Admission Hometown: Raleigh, N.C. Major: Economics; Minor: French Where she is now: Melcher has returned to campus as an admissions counselor.

See related story, page 26

“All small liberal arts colleges are not created equal. To understand the caliber of Oglethorpe, you have to be familiar with the faculty and the core curriculum.” Ember Melcher calls her decision to attend Oglethorpe her first big gamble. Though she could have gone to bigger name schools, she said, “But I went to campus and visited and it kind of hit me. It was the first time in my life I met people I thought I could spend the next four years talking to.” For the next four years, Melcher seemingly jumped at every opportunity Oglethorpe offered, from a two-week field trip to New

BY Anne Hardie Sigrira Perret-Gentil

York City to study the philosophy of art to a one-of-a-kind course on microfinance and social investing. “She has made the most out of it here and I think I appreciate that as much as anything,” said Economics Professor Peter Kower, Melcher’s advisor who prodded her to apply for a Carter Center internship. He describes his advisee as someone whose mind leaps past most everyone else’s. Still, he thinks Oglethorpe was up to the challenge. “I think we allowed her to explore a lot of things in a relatively short amount of time and did it in a rigorous way that appealed to her,” he said. Melcher spent the first semester her junior year studying in Oglethorpe’s abroad program in Lille, France. Her command of French helped her land the internship with the Carter Center’s Democracy Program, which, as its name suggests, believes that democracy



is the most effective way to promote human rights and economic opportunity. Melcher hit the ground running, working 22 hours a week monitoring events in Algeria, Morocco and Guinea that could affect the outcome of elections in those countries. Such events might include anything from civil unrest to an epidemic. “The second week you are there you are producing things they use. They treated you more like a colleague than an intern. I helped meet many a deadline,” Melcher said.

point: She talks about the time President Carter patted her on the head — a gesture an 84-year-old former leader of the free world can get away with. “I told my mom that I was not going to wash my hair — ever,” she laughs.

When reviewing Melcher’s application, the Carter Center staff also was impressed with her commitment to helping others. Through Oglethorpe’s Center for Civic Engagement and the campus chapter of the Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity, Melcher clocked more than 350 hours mentoring sixth graders, beautifying nature preserves and sorting donations at the Atlanta Community Food Bank. She spent two spring breaks in New Orleans gutting homes destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.

Then there is art. She traces her passion for art to the summer before her freshman year when she traveled to Bosnia and Herzegovina with a faith-based organization called OM Artslink. The group uses art as a vehicle to promote its humanitarian efforts.

Melcher credits her passion for community service to her older brother Jacob who has cerebral palsy and epilepsy. “I can still remember how much people helped my family out. The only way to respond in kind is to give the same gifts to other people,” she said. The sum of all of Melcher’s parts made her stand out at a college of standouts, Professor Kower said. “All of our students have a passion for academics. But the fact that she has the passion for academics, the passion for culture and the passion for applying that to help other people, I think that is unusual,” he said. “It is more than that she took advantage of what we had to offer. She added back by dint of her personality and by the passion that she has.” Ryan Nix ‘09 Age: 22 Hometown: McDonough, Georgia Major: Communications and Rhetoric Studies; Minor: Art Studio Where she is now: Art liaison with Faulker+Locke, an international art consulting firm based in Atlanta that serves the hospitality industry.

“I know my professors — most of them give you their cell numbers. That led me to getting an internship and that led me to getting a real job.” Meeting Ryan Nix for the first time at a Midtown Atlanta Starbucks, you quickly find she is disarming, funny and charming. The youngest of five, Nix comes across as a go-with-the-flow kind of person. Case in




Don’t mistake Nix’s ebullience for a lack of depth. Her passions run deep. She’s passionate about Oglethorpe’s core curriculum but cringes when describing how tough it is.

While in Sarajevo, Nix painted murals on street corners, hospitals, playgrounds and other public places, drawing in locals who grabbed brushes and joined in. She has hundreds of pictures of the children she “emotionally adopted” there. “A lot of the kids were gypsies without homes and schools so they would come find us every day and play with us and help us paint. Sarajevo woke me up — it stirred my passion for art and allowed me to experience how powerful visual arts can be to a hurting mind,” she said. Oglethorpe fed that passion through course work steeped in printmaking, sculpting, drawing and art history. Nix’s Art Professor Alan Loehle, an accomplished painter who received a 2007 Guggenheim Foundation fellowship, helped her to get internships at Atlanta’s Tew Galleries and Marcia Wood Gallery. Loehle then pushed her to apply for the Carter Center’s semester-long Art Services internship where Nix spent 30 hours a week working with the private art collection of the Center and President Carter and his wife Rosalynn. Jackie Culliton, the Center’s manager of Volunteer and Art Services, was immediately impressed with Nix’s poise and background. “She had great transcripts and a good, broad mix of art history courses which suited our collection. And she had done some gallery work before,” Culliton said. She called Nix’s performance “amazing.”

“She was very dependable and detail oriented and professional. She was a great intern,” Culliton said. Ryan cataloged, installed and assisted with the appraisal of the 1,500-piece collection that includes such famous names as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Jacob Lawrence. In addition to the paintings, the collection is rich in sculpture, decorative arts and textiles. Many of the pieces were given to the Carters during their travels around the globe promoting peace and human rights. The collection is off limits to the public but Nix got to see it all. She also helped install 20 of President Carter’s own canvases that she describes as “very folk” and “fun.” Today, Nix talks wistfully about a pair of Warhol charcoals of President Carter that hung beside her desk. “That was probably my favorite part, sitting beside those Warhols,” she said. The internship, and by extension Oglethorpe, helped crystallize for Nix her future ambitions. “On a professional level, I was able to work with a private collection. That is honestly what I want to do,” she said.

Ember Melcher (left); Ryan Nix (above) Kendra Billings ‘11, an economics major from Austin, Texas, interned in the Carter Center’s development office over the summer. Callie Crabb ’10, an art history major (with minors in French and business administration) from Dublin, Ga., has been accepted for an Art Services Internship at the Carter Center for Spring 2010.


Washington, D.C. David is the Associate Deputy General Counsel, Department of Defense at The Pentagon. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Cooper was a Jag Corp. attorney with the title Lt. Col. USAFR, Executive Officer to the Chief Trial Judge, USAF Trial Judiciary. He received his JD from the University of Tennessee in 1974. In April, during Oglethorpe’s Alumni Weekend, he received the Talmage Award, the highest honor given to an alumnus. Mr. Brenton (Shane) Hornbuckle, Sr. '92


Shane is Vice President of Van Winkle & Company, an Atlanta-based general contractor. He is a former member of the Oglethorpe President’s Advisory Council. Shane and his wife Elizabeth ’93 have three children. Mr. Timothy (Randy) Roberson '97

(Alumni Board President) Silver Spring, Md. Randy is a Development Officer at the Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. He is also currently a member of the Alumni Association serving as advancement chair. See his letter, page 15.

Mr. Michael (Mike) Szalkowski '88


Mike has over 20 years of financial planning experience. He began his career in 1988 at Arthur Andersen in the tax department, where he was instrumental in establishing the firm’s Investment Advisory Practice. In 1996, he joined Ernst & Young to run their high net worth practice in the Atlanta office. Since 2000, Mike has run the Schejola Family Office. He has been involved with over 30 private investments in both equity and real estate. He and his wife, Stephanie ’89 have a daughter, Tessa. Mrs. Jeanie Flohr Treadaway '99

Austin, Texas

Jeanie is an Account Supervisor with see see eye, an Atlanta-based graphic design and communications firm. She formerly served as an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees as the Young Alumni representative. Mr. James (Jay) Williams '99


Jay is the Chief Financial Officer of Commodity Marketing Company in Alpharetta, Georgia. He is a former member of the Oglethorpe University Alumni Board, where he served on the Advancement and Events Committees.

2009–2010 Board of Trustees

These special people, below and on the following page, who serve on our boards and councils give generously of their time, talents and resources to benefit Oglethorpe University, particularly the students. BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2009–2010 CHAIR Mr. Jack Guynn ’05 (Honorary) TRUSTEES Mr. John Frederick Agel, Sr. ’52 Mr. G. Douglass Alexander ’68 Mrs. Yetty Levenson Arp ’68 Mr. Robert E. Bowden ’66 Mrs. Martha Laird Bowen ’61 Mr. David N. Cooper ’71 Mr. Norman P. Findley, III (Vice Chair) Mr. Kevin D. Fitzpatrick, Jr. ’78 Mr. David C. Garrett, III Mr. James J. Hagelow ’69 Mr. Harald R. Hansen ’08 (Honorary) (Treasurer) Mr. James V. Hartlage, Jr. ’65 Mr. B. Shane Hornbuckle ’92 Mr. Tad M. Hutcheson Dr. Warren Y. Jobe ’09 (Honorary) Mrs. Belle Turner Lynch ’61 Mr. Robert A. Milford ’99 Mr. Bob T. Nance ’63 Mr. Thomas P. O’Connor ’67 Mr. R. D. Odom, Jr. Mr. Cemal Ahmet Ozgorkey ’84 Ms. S. Tammy Pearson ’86 Mr. Robert E. Reiser, Jr. Mr. Timothy Randall Roberson ’97 Dr. Larry Schall Mrs. Laura Turner Seydel ’86 Mr. Joseph P. Shelton ’91 (Secretary) Dr. William O. Shropshire Mr. Arnold B. Sidman Mr. Michael K. Szalkowski ’88 Mr. Timothy P. Tassopoulos ’81 Mrs. Jeanie Flohr Treadaway ’99 Ms. Trishanda Treadwell, Esq. ’96 Dr. Pamela Tremayne Ms. Patricia Upshaw-Monteith Dr. G. Gilman Watson ’68 Mr. Terry White Mr. James J. Williams ’99 Mr. Ken Yarbrough TRUSTEE EMERITI Mr. Franklin L. Burke ’66 Mr. Kenneth S. Chestnut Mr. William A. Emerson Dr. Joel Goldberg ’00 (Honorary) Mr. William R. Goodell Mr. George E. Goodwin Mr. Charles E.B. Hansell Mr. Arthur Howell Mr. J. Smith Lanier, II Mr. John J. Scalley Mr. O. K. Sheffield, Jr. ’53 ADVISORY TRUSTEES Dr. Veronica M. Holmes ’02 Mr. Roger A. Littell ’68 Mr. Raymond S. Willoch ’80



BOARDS NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR Mr. Timothy Randall Roberson ’97 MEMBERS Mr. Bill Aitken ’64 Dani Stellin Benner ’99 Brooke Bourdelat-Parks ’95 Mr. John Breton ’97 Janice Haney Carr ’73 Mr. Harry Frazer ’89 Mr. Jeremy Greenup ’99 Gonca Gursoy-Artunkal ’88 Mr. Kurt Hansen ’89 Dr. Karen Head ’98 Mr. Cleve Hill ’01 Mrs. Ellen Heckler O’Herlihy ’82 Ms. Deborah Lange ’03 Mr. Chuck Palefsky ’75 Ms. Anita Stevenson Patterson ’97 Mr. Brandon Pelissero ’92 Ms. Deesi Thurston Phillips ’76 Mr. Eric M. Scharff ’63 Ms. Andrea Spencer Shelton ’91 Mr. Ashish Thakur ’99 Matthew S. Thompson ’93 Mrs. Vivian Gray Trabue ’65 Mr. Kelly Holland Vrtis ’97 EX OFFICIO Mr. Chris Benton Avery Livingston ’10 Ms. Heather Staniszewski ’02

CENTER FOR CIVIC ENGAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD Bill Bolling Executive Director Atlanta Community Food Bank Ann Cramer Director North America, Corporate Community Relations & Public Affairs IBM Corporation Elise Eplan Senior Advisor to the President The Arthur Blank Family Foundation Kweku Forstall Executive Director Year Up Atlanta Greg Giornelli Chief Operating Officer City of Atlanta, Office of the Mayor Cynthia Kulman Director of Educational Achievement CF Foundation, Inc. Atiba Mbiwan Associate Director The Zeist Foundation




Alicia Philipp President The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Inc.


Yolanda Watson Spiva Executive Director ProjectGRAD Atlanta

CHAIR Ms. S. Tammy Pearson ’86

OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM OF ART BOARD CHAIR Dr. Veronica Holmes ’02 MEMBERS Mr. A.D. Allushi ’02 Ms. Betsy Ayers Ms. Rickey Bevington Ms. Katherine Boone Ms. Sona Chambers Dr. D. Peter Drotman Mr. Justin Epstein Mrs. Carol Flammer ’89 Ms. Susan Nicole Gibbs Dr. Bonnie Sawyer Hayes Dr. Stephen Herschler Mr. Morris M. Herzberg Ms. Theresa Johnson Dr. David Jones Ms. Ingrid Kelly Ms. Andjela Kessler Mr. David M. Leonard Dr. Jay Lutz Dr. Isaac Melamed Mr. Zach Nichols ’10 Dr. Lloyd Nick, Director, OUMA Dr. Karen Schmeichel Dr. William Shropshire Dr. Robert Steen Ms. Amy Williamson Ms. Kimberly Youngblood

PARENTS LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Mr. and Mrs. William Barwick Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beall Mrs. Ann Kennon Breslauer ’82 Mr. Robert Cairns Mr. and Mrs. Beauchamp C. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cerone Ms. Cindy Couture Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Davenport Ms. Toby Director Ms. Kathy Fulton Dr. and Mrs. Bannester L. Harbin Mr. and Mrs. David Knope Mr. and Mrs. Phil Marsden Mr. and Mrs. William Myers Mr. and Mrs. John Rice Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ruzika Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spence Drs. Pedro and Corletta Trejo Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Weinstock Mr. and Mrs. James S. Weldon

MEMBERS Dr. William C. Aitken, Jr. ’64, Mr. Richard Arroll Ms. A. Diane Baker ’77 Mr. Robert Bowen Dr. William L. Brightman Mr. James H. Burk ’83 Ms. Kelly Caffarelli Ms. Marnite Calder Mr. Adam M. Corder ’95 Mr. Roger Couch ’61 Mr. John Cunningham Mrs. Cynthia Darland Mr. Brian A. Davis ’94 Mrs. Mona Tekin Diamond Mr. Paul L. Dillingham Ms. Heather Correa Duffy Mr. Harry S. Feldman ’75 Mrs. Donna Findling ’96 Mrs. Donna Gainer ’93 Mr. David Golden Mr. Kenneth P. Gould ’85 Mr. Louis Graner Mrs. Carrie Jacobs Henderson Mr. J. Cleve Hill ’01 Ms. Nancy C. Juneau Mr. Robert M. Kane ’81 Mr. Cary R. Kleinfield ’81 Mr. William E. Lukow ’95 Ms. Gail Lynn ’77 Mr. Harold Martin Mr. Jin Matsumoto ’74 Mr. J. Kevin Meaders ’93 Dr. John G. Moore Mr. Sam Moss Dr. Paul L. H. Olson Mr. David Reynolds Pass ’98 Dr. Thomas W. Phillips ’63, Mr. J. Bruce Richardson ’69 Mr. Clifford T. Robinson ’89 Mr. Brian C. Sass ’83 Mr. Larry C. Shattles ’67 Mr. Horace E. Shuman ’80 Mr. Scott M. Sloan ’76 Mrs. Dean Dubose Smith ’70 Ms. Linda Spock Mr. Bernard van der Lande ’76 Mr. Stephen J. Walden Mr. James K. Warren Ms. Elizabeth D. Watts ’93, Mrs. Dorothea Pickett Westin ’89, Mr. Allen D. Whitehart ’06 Mr. Mark A. Williams ’94 Mr. Melvyn Williams Mr. Raymond S. Willoch ’80 Mr. J. Blake Young, Jr. Mrs. Karen J. Young ’81

GENEROUS: THE HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Dear Friends, In May, I had the distinct privilege of participating in Oglethorpe University’s 2009 Commencement ceremonies. As I extended my hand to congratulate each of the 223 graduates, I was reminded of how our gifts to the university have played a role in every student’s success. It is very likely that we will never know the full impact of our philanthropy, but I for one am honored to know that we made a difference in how these young graduates will face or are facing their new worlds. My thanks to all of you for your support. Sincerely,

Jack Guynn Chair Oglethorpe Board of Trustees Board Chair Jack Guynn ‘05 (H) congratulates Ember Melcher ’09. THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING DONORS WHO GAVE TO OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY BETWEEN JULY 1, 2008 AND JUNE 30, 2009. GIFTS TO THE OGLETHORPE FUND, THE OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM OF ART, THE OGLETHORPE WOMEN’S NETWORK, THE OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC PROGRAM AND OTHER SPECIAL FUNDS ARE LISTED IN THE APPROPRIATE GIVING SOCIETIES. THE ENTIRE OGLETHORPE COMMUNITY IS GRATEFUL FOR THESE GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS. PHOEBE APPERSON HEARST SOCIETY GIFTS OF $10,000 AND ABOVE Anonymous AEL Family Foundation Mr. J. Frederick Agel, Sr. ’52 and Mrs. Catherine Agel Assistance League of Atlanta Ms. Judith M. Becker Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation Mr. Robert E. Bowden ’66 and Mrs. Dixie Bowden Mrs. Martha Laird Bowen ’61 and Mr. Robert Bowen Mr. Franklin L. Burke ’66, ’98 (H) and Mrs. Eleanor Burke Dr. and Mrs. S. Truett Cathy The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Mrs. Martha Carmichael Dew ’37* Fidelity Charitable Gift Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Findley, III Betty and Davis Fitzgerald Foundation Mr. Kevin D. Fitzpatrick, Jr. ’78 and Ms. Patti Pasch Charles A. Frueauff Foundation Georgia Foundation for Independent Colleges, Inc. Mr. William Howell Gower ’68 and Mrs. Gayle Burch Gower ’68 Mr. James J. Hagelow ’69 and Mrs. Sylvia Hagelow Mrs. Jesse S. Hall The Halle Foundation Dr. Harald R. Hansen ’08 (H) and Mrs. Betsy Hansen*

Mr. James V. Hartlage, Jr. ’65 and Mrs. Jacqueline Cook Hartlage ’65 Dr. Veronica M. Holmes ’02 Mr. Arthur Howell Dr. Warren Y. Jobe ’09 (H) and Mrs. Sally Jobe Mrs. Belle Turner Lynch ’61 and Mr. Barry D. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Odom, Jr. Mr. Cemal Ahmet Ozgorkey ’84 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Parker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Reiser, Jr. The Reznick Group Estate of M. A. Rikard ’37, ’92* (H) Mr. Donald H. Rubin ’56 and Mrs. Shelley Rubin Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation Mr. Timothy P. Tassopoulos ’81 and Mrs. Maria Tassopoulos The Tull Charitable Foundation Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Mr. Mark A. Williams ’94 and Mrs. Sharon Maria Williams ’93 * Deceased (H) Honorary Degree Recipient Bold text indicates five or more consecutive years of giving THORNWELL JACOBS SOCIETY GIFTS OF $5,000–$9,999 Anonymous Amont Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Yetty Levenson Arp ’68 and Dr. Charles R. Arp BCES Foundation

Chick-fil-A, Inc. Mr. David Nathan Cooper ’71 Mr. John Cunningham Mr. Joseph W. Dennis ’69 and Mrs. Patty Dennis Mrs. Martha Sibley George ’51 Georgia Power Foundation Mr. J. Lewis Glenn ’71 and Mrs. Nancy Glenn Dr. Jack Guynn ’05 (H) and Mrs. Joey Guynn Ms. Anne Hammond ’87 Harold Hirsch Scholarship Fund Dr. Kenneth K. Hutchinson ’78 and Mrs. Dawn Hutchinson Ray M. and Mary Elizabeth Lee Foundation Mr. Robert A. Milford ’99 and Mrs. Stephanie Milford Mr. Bob T. Nance ’63 and Mrs. Carol Nance Mr. Thomas P. O’Connor ’67 and Mrs. Georgina O’Connor Ms. S. Tammy Pearson ’86 and Mr. Fred Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Rogers John P. Salamone Memorial Foundation Mr. Joseph P. Shelton ’91 and Mrs. Andrea Spencer Shelton ’91 Drs. William O. Shropshire and Patricia P. Shropshire Mr. and Mrs. Arnold B. Sidman Ms. Susan M. Soper ’69 and Mr. William W. “Bo” Holland Sunbelt Structures, Inc. Ms. Trishanda Treadwell, Esq. ’96 and

Mr. Derrick Treadwell Dr. Pamela Tremayne and Mr. Ted Heintz Dr. James C. Vocalis ’43 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Yarbrough PHILIP WELTNER SOCIETY GIFTS OF $2,500–$4,999 Anonymous Accumetric, Inc. Dr. William C. Aitken, Jr. ’64 and Mrs. Carole Moore Aitken ’66 Mr. G. Douglass Alexander ’68 Mr. Christian Y. Benton Mr. and Mrs. Ira P. Bernstein Ms. Heather A. Clark ’96 Dr. James L. Cox ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Dillingham Dorian Software Creations Mr. and Mrs. David Golden Mr. Q. William Hammack, Jr. ’73 Mr. Donald R. Henry ’83 and Mrs. Barbara Bessmer Henry ’85 Mr. B. Shane Hornbuckle ’92 and Mrs. Elizabeth V. Hornbuckle ’93 IBM Corporation Mrs. Nancy C. Juneau and Mr. Les Juneau Mrs. Sydney Mobley Moss ’59 and Mr. Jack Moss Northwestern Mutual Foundation Mrs. Anita Patterson ’97 and Mr. Jim Patterson Rockdale Fund for Social Investments, Inc. Mary and E.P. Rogers Foundation CARILLON |


Dr. Lawrence M. Schall and Betty Londergan Mrs. Laura Turner Seydel ’86 and Mr. Rutherford Seydel Mrs. Dean Dubose Smith ’70 and Mr. H. Bronson Smith Turner Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Terry White Mr. James J. Williams ’99 Drs. Philip and Dorothy Zinsmeister JAMES EDWARD OGLETHORPE SOCIETY GIFTS OF $1,000–$2,499 Anonymous Dr. J. Frederick Agel, Jr. ’72 Mr. Assaf Hosain Al-Assaf ’83 Allstate Foundation Mr. Arthur M. Armstrong ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Arroll Atlanta Educational Telecommunications Collaborative, Inc. Mr. Robert B. Baker, Jr. ’79 and Mrs. Joselyn Butler Baker ’91 Mr. John S. Ball ’71 and Mrs. Mary Crockett Ball ’72 Bank of America Mr. Ted Dwight Bayley ’58 and Mrs. Ellen Kinsey Bayley ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Blair N. Belton Mr. John Breton, III ’97 MBA ’99 and Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Breton ’02 Mr. Nathan E. Briesemeister ’94 and Mrs. Jennifer Briesemeister Mr. and Mrs. Otis Burnham Mr. W. Q. "Pete" Butler ’69 and Mrs. Cindy Butler Mr. Robert Cairns Mrs. Susan Carlisle Mr. Herman L. Campbell ’39 Mr. and Mrs. Beauchamp C. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Milton C. Clipper The Coca-Cola Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cole Mr. and Mrs. Randall Constantine Mr. James M. Cook, Sr. ’79 and Mrs. Imogene Cook Ms. Cindy Couture Mr. Robert B. Currey ’66 and Mrs. Suzanne Straub Currey ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Davenport Mr. Brian A. Davis ’94 and Ms. Michelle Gill Mrs. Roberta H. Davis ’94 and Mr. Raymond P. Davis Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc. Mrs. Mona Tekin Diamond Ms. Toby Director Mr. Earl Dolive Mr. Timothy Doyle Frances and Beverly DuBose Foundation Dr. Daniel M. Duncanson ’85 Mr. Christopher P. B. Erckert ’86 Flohr Family Foundation Ms. Kathy Fulton Mrs. Donna Gainer ’93 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Garrett, III Mr. David C. Garrett, Jr. ’99 (H) Dr. R. Derril Gay ’62 Mr. W. Elmer George ’40 Georgia State P.E.O. GHG Perimeter, LLC Mr. Claude Spencer Godfrey, Jr ’98 Mrs. Gonca Gursoy-Artunkal ’88 and Mr. Ali Artunkal Mr. Scott T. Haight ’89 Mr. Robert L. Hall 32



Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Harrison Mr. Stuart Herman ’50 and Ms. Elsie L. Adler Dr. Nancy A. Herring Mr. Richard C. Johnson ’81 Mr. Robert M. Kane ’81 and Mrs. Jeanne Kane Mr. Cary R. Kleinfield ’81 Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Korotkin Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Kower Dr. Dale M. Kristle ’78 and Mrs. Theresa Kristle Landmark Landscapes Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith Lanier, II Ms. Cheryl D. Lea ’03 Leadership Atlanta Mr. Stuart C. Levenson ’67 Martha and Wilton Looney Foundation Mr. William E. Lukow ’95 and Mrs. Courtney Lukow Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lykens Ms. Gail Lynn ’77 Mr. Stephen E. Malone ’73 McDonald’’s Corporation Mr. Scott M. McKelvey ’91 and Mrs. Kelly McKelvey Mrs. Jeanette L. McLain Mr. J. Kevin Meaders ’93 and Mrs. Gui Meaders Merrill Lynch and Company Foundation Dr. and Mrs. John G. Moore Ms. Tamara S. Nash Dr. and Mrs. Ken Nishimura Dr. J. Anthony Paredes ’61 and Dr. Alleen Deutsch Dr. Manning M. Pattillo, Jr. Mr. Kenneth J. Phelps Mr. and Mrs. John Pilger Mrs. Catherine M. Pittman ’90 and Mr. Louis A. Pittman III The Reverend Neal P. Ponder, Jr. Reliance Financial Corporation Mr. Timothy Randall Roberson ’97 Mr. Clifford T. Robinson ’89 and Mrs. Stacy Leigh Robinson ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Rooney Mr. Brian C. Sass ’83 and Mrs. Rana Sass Mr. and Mrs. John J. Scalley Mrs. Linda Sanders Scarborough ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schall Mr. Christopher M. Sertich ’81 Mr. O. K. Sheffield, Jr. ’53 Sarah Spencer Godfrey Charitable Trust Ms. Linda Spock and Mr. Tom Spock Dr. and Mrs. Donald S. Stanton ’99 (H) Mr. and Mrs. Aurel E. Stuart, Jr. SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation Mr. Michael K. Szalkowski ’88 and Mrs. Stephanie E. Szalkowski ’89 Dr. Elizabeth R. Taghechian ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Terry Mr. Ashish N. Thakur ’99 and Mrs. Renuka K. Thakur Mr. Joseph E. Tomberlin ’93 and Mrs. Kristina Randall Tomberlin ’93 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Tomberlin Mrs. Jeanie Flohr Treadaway ’99 Drs. Pedro and Corletta Trejo Ms. Patricia Upshaw-Monteith and Mr. Frank Monteith Mr. and Mrs. William Wall Mr. James K. Warren Ms. Elizabeth D. Watts ’93 Mr. Charles K. Weathers ’68 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Weldon

Mr. Raymond S. Willoch ’80 and Mrs. Florrie Willoch Mr. and Mrs. J. Blake Young, Jr. Mr. John B. Zellars, Jr. ’85 SIDNEY LANIER SOCIETY GIFTS OF $500–$999 Anonymous Ms. Susan Harman Alou ’84 Mrs. Elizabeth Kidder Ambler ’76 Mrs. Rose Simmons Andrews ’51 Ms. Bambi Ellison Arnold ’83 AT&T Foundation Ms. A. Diane Baker ’77 Mr. J. Marc Ball ’76 and Mrs. Ann Sakers Ball ’78 Mr. and Mrs. William Barwick Mr. Christopher V. Benner ’01 and Mrs. Danielle Stellin Benner ’99

Dr. Marilyn Fowle Mr. Harry R. Frazer ’89 and Mrs. Dawn Frazer Mrs. Dianne McClinton Glennie ’83 Col. Sheldon I. Godkin ’52 Dr. John T. Goldthwait ’43 Mr. Kenneth P. Gould ’85 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Gussman Mr. Robert L. Hall Mr. D. Dwayne Hanberry ’88 and Mrs. Charis Andrews Hanberry ’88 Dr. and Mrs. Bannester L. Harbin Dr. Bonnie S. Hayes Dr. Karen Head ’98 Mr. Morris Herzberg, Jr. Mr. J. Cleve Hill ’01 Hilton Garden Inn Atlanta Mr. Glenn Holleman ’93 Ms. Misty N. Hood ’00

Julia Fukuda and Calla Porter, in the foreground, and Tes Beals at Freshman Orientation. Mrs. Jane Cowart Bloemer ’52 Mr. W. Robert Booker ’60 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bready Mr. and Mrs. David Bucey Mr. Harvey Buek ’72 Mrs. Lynne Bush Mr. Herman L. Campbell ’39 Mr. Ricardo C. Carvalho ’84 Mr. William M. Clifton ’88 CNA Foundation The Coca-Cola Company Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett Mrs. Reese E. Currie Mrs. Diane Williams Dalbo ’98 and Mr. David Dalbo Ms. Terry Tribbet Davis ’82 Mr. Irani DeAraujo ’81 Mrs. Joan Morris Dechovitz ’79 Mr. Charles G. DeNormandie, III ’96 Disney - ABC Television Group Dr. D. Peter Drotman and Ms. Carolyn N. Arakaki Mr. Talmage L. Dryman Ms. Jennifer DuBose ’90 Mr. Jim H. Faasse ’96 Dr. Beatrice Hasty Favre ’64 Mr. William M. Flammer ’90 and Mrs. Carol Morgan Flammer ’89 Flammer Relations Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Folger

Mr. Thomas G. Hood ’78 Dr. Philip Horton ’79 and Dr. Lynn Tyson Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta Mr. Bruce Perry Johnson ’83 Dr. and Mrs. Jim Kasperbauer Ms. Dar’shun Kendrick ’04 Mrs. Helen King Kessler ’68 Dr. J. Brien Key Dr. and Mrs. Ken Kress Mr. Andrew G. Kronitz Mrs. Shannon M. Lambert ’99 Mr. and Mrs. George H. Lane, III Mr. and Mrs. David Leonard Ms. Lucy Leusch Mr. Roger A. Littell ’68 and Mrs. Barbara Beggs Littell ’68 Dr. and Mrs. Paul Lofholm Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Maddox Marsh & McLennan Co’s., Inc. Dr. John M. Marshall ’83 Mrs. Margaret Woodward Mathewes ’55 Mr. Scott D. McAdoo ’75 Ms. Sheryl McCarthy ’81 MetLife Foundation MFS Investment Management Mr. Paul B. Miller ’85 Mr. Charles E. Newton ’42 Mr. Steven G. Oliphant ’84 Mr. Sanjay P. Padole ’04

Mrs. Lynne Bilzing Parriott ’77 Mr. David Reynolds Pass ’98 Mrs. Joan Fisher Percival ’64 Mr. John C. Perner Mrs. Deesi Thurston Phillips ’76 Mr. Vincent A. Pisani ’00 Mr. Thomas C. Port ’68 and Mrs. Kathy McLeod Port ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Morris Potter Mr. Kenneth W. Powell ’67 The Procter & Gamble Fund Dr. W. Irwin Ray, Jr. Dr. Beth Roberts Mr. David M. Ross ’93 Mr. R. Alan Royalty ’88 and Mrs. Mylinda Royalty Ms. Barbara A. Sanders ’80 Ms. Rebekah D. Schiller ’05 Ms. Mary K. Semmelmayer Dr. Albert P. Sheppard ’58 Mr. Eddie Starnes ’58 Dr. Linda J. Taylor Dr. John H. Thomas, III ’71 Mr. and Mrs. S. Scott Thompson Time Warner Mr. Bleecker Totten ’51 Transformational Development Counsel, LLC Mr. Mark L. Tubesing ’93 Mr. Morris L. Tubesing ’95 and Mrs. Pamela G. Tubesing Dr. Louise M. Valine Ms. Marjorie Elder Vaught ’83 Mr. Richard P. Williams ’75 The Winston-Salem Foundation Dr. James W. Ziegler ’80 JOHN THOMAS LUPTON SOCIETY GIFTS OF $300–$499 Anonymous Mrs. Annette Fry Adamiyatt ’79 Dr. Keith H. Aufderheide Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bernhardt Dr. Jacqueline Miles Boles ’56 Mrs. Muriel Lewis Bono ’52 Dr. Brooke N. Bourdelat-Parks ’95 Ms. Marla J. Bright ’95 Mr. William R. Brown, Jr. ’50 Mr. Bill W. Carter ’59 Dr. L. Casey Chosewood ’86 Mr. Joseph D. Damour ’07 Mr. Mark W. DeLong ’03 Mrs. Laura Zaban Dinerman ’68 Mrs. Catherine Dunham ’99 Dr. Mimi Milner Elrod ’66 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Emerson Mr. Brian E. Findley ’99 and Mrs. Susan C. Findley ’99 Mrs. Mary Bob Cooper Fox ’63 Mrs. Ellen Sills Greene ’77 Mr. Jeremy J. Greenup ’99 Mr. Kurt A. Hansen ’89 and Mrs. Amy Baggett Hansen ’91 Mrs. Lynda Papini Hines ’64 MAT ’92 Ms. Susanne W. Howe Ms. Loretta D. Hunt ’94 Mr. Wayne M. Kise ’69 Ms. Natalie Gwen Knowles ’92 Mrs. Carol Lanier Larner ’87 Mr. Wilfred J. LeBlanc ’61 Ms. Pamela Grossman Levin ’69 Mr. Martin I. Lipson ’71 Mr. Louis T. Lombardy ’69 Mr. Christopher J. McFadden ’80 Mr. John Meacham, Jr. ’42 MA ’43 Morgan Stanley Mr. Jorge Navarro ’98 and Mrs. Creche Kern Navarro ’98 Dr. Philip J. Neujahr and

Dr. Victoria Weiss Mrs. Carlene Rod Oakes ’80 Mr. Stephen A. Orton ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Peterson Mr. William E. Plowden, Jr. ’67 Dr. William E. Porter ’87 Mr. Roy C. Posey ’73 Mr. and Mrs. L. Donald Richard Mr. Edward G. Riemenschneider ’99 Dr. James D. Rissler ’98 and Mrs. Christina Burnham Rissler ’98 Royston Elementary School Ms. Deborah L. Ryan Dr. Daniel L. Schadler Ms. Karen Anthony Schnick ’02 Mr. Andrew David Schutt ’95 and Mrs. Kirsten Schutt ’95 Mr. Thomas J. Sheridan ’89 Mr. John R. Smith ’49 Dr. Joseph A. Soldati ’61 Mr. Matthew P. Stien ’89 Dr. Brad L. Stone Mrs. Karen Barrow Swenson ’89 Mr. T. Charles Truett, Jr. ’88 and Mrs. Kimberly Rouleau Truett ’88 Mr. Robert L. Unger Mr. Bernard van der Lande ’76 Verizon Foundation Wachovia Bank of Georgia Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Weismann ’94 Wellpoint Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Wingo Mr. John Wuichet ’90 SOCIETY OF 1835 GIFTS OF $120–$299 Anonymous Mrs. Catherine Castagna Abood ’86 Accenture Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arola AstraZenica Mr. Jon A. Axelberg ’67 Mrs. Stephanie Staples Babbitt ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Bailey Mr. Thomas M. Baird ’68 Mr. Brad A. Baldwin ’88 Mrs. Jamie Walker Ball ’95 Mr. Charles W. Bastedo Mr. Edmund A. Bator ’53 and Mrs. Martha Mayson Bator ’51 Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Baube Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beall Mrs. Juliet Wang Belko ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Bell Mr. Todd David Bembry ’98 Mr. Carl H. Bergman ’66 Mrs. Bennie Harris Black ’74 Mrs. Heidi M. Blackwell ’99 BNSF Railway Company Mrs. Kristin Reeder Boan ’91 Mrs. Emma Sewell Borders ’69 Mr. Christopher C. Brantley ’02 Ms. Andrea Hope Breen ’99 Mr. Henry J. Broitman ’91 Ms. Janet Brownstein ’75 Mrs. Sue Goddard Bryant ’84 Mr. James O. Bundy ’64 and Mrs. Jane Lincoln Bundy ’64 Ms. Barbara E. Burk Mr. James H. Burk ’83 Mr. Clancy S. Burrell ’83 CA, Inc. Don and Sammie Calder Mr. Robert F. Canavan ’92 and Dr. Amy Langham Canavan ’96 Mrs. Meredith Mabry Cantrell ’94 Dr. James Patrick Capes ’87 Dr. Mark A. Caprio ’94 Mr. Richard Joseph Carter ’65

Mrs. Mary Williams Cazalas ’54 Centricsit, LLC Mr. Philip C. Chamberlain ’76 Dr. Marlene Hockenberry Cianci ’59 Dr. Jeffrey Collins Dr. Ava Marie Salerno Conlin ’90 Ms. Vicki Jan Conway ’72 Ms. Leigh M. Cooper ’04 Ms. Jessie L. Copeland ’02 Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Corum Mr. Ernest A. Crain ’70 Mrs. Mary D. Crosby ’09 Mrs. Lynn Lasater Crowley ’74 D. A. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Loyd E Daniell Ms. Heather Cordeiro DeGrave ’00 Mr. James L. Delay ’64 Mr. Lewis B. DeRose ’57 Mrs. Suzanne E. Dorough ’04 Ms. Wendy E. Drake ’91 Mr. Rodney S. Drinkard ’92 Mr. Michael D. Dusang ’99 MA ’03 and Mrs. Jessica M. Dusang ’99 Mrs. Susan Burns Dyar, MD ’90 Mrs. Caroline Drawdy Ellis ’52 Ms. Rebecca Ellis ’97 Mr. Bruce R. Feuer ’70 Mr. John J. Fittipaldi ’71 and Mrs. Mimi Hobbs Fittipaldi ’72 The Reverend Mandy Sloan Flemming ’00 Mr. Matthew I.D. Flinn ’98 and Mrs. Amy Myers Flinn ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Friedman Mr. Josh W. Funderburke ’00 Dr. Nicole Garbarini ’00 Mr. Joseph P. Gardiner Mr. Arthur L. Glynn Ms. Jodie Sexton Goff ’01 Mr. Kevin M. Goff ’84 and Mrs. Patricia Bourne Goff ’84 Mrs. Jessica Bagley Gordon ’86 Ms. Amy Beth Grossman ’93 Mrs. Peggy Cullars Guillebeau ’57 Ms. Michele Anne Guy ’87 Ms. Marion C. Haines ’90 Mrs. Ashley Zimmerman Hamilton ’01 Mr. Benjamin J. Hanes ’98 Mr. Richard A. Hans ’87 Mr. Robert E. Harman, Jr. ’76 Dr. Jill Reiss Harper ’94 Mr. Donald G. Hartman ’67 Mr. John William Harvey ’71 and Mrs. Mary-Phyllis D. Harvey ’71 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Haviland Ms. Laura Williams Hawkins ’97 Mr. James E. Henderson ’52 and Mrs. Jean Horton Henderson ’52 Mr. Gordon Hiles ’57 Dr. J. Clark Hill ’93 and Mrs. Doreen Hart Hill ’91 Dr. James H. Hinson, Jr. ’49 and Mrs. Doris Pickens Hinson ’49 Mr. William J. Hogan, Jr. ’72 Mrs. Heather E. Hornor ’94 Mr. Robert P. Hoyt ’68 Ms. Ann Hsu ’00 Mrs. Catherine O. Ingersoll ’56 Mr. Michael A. Israelite ’72 Mrs. Elizabeth Christian Jackson ’55 Mr. J. Robert Jackson ’67 Mrs. Carol C. Johnson Mr. Jonathan W. Johnson ’89 Dr. Elizabeth L. Jones-Lukacs ’55 Mrs. Patricia Daniel Kapphahn ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Kee Mr. Michael D. Kelly ’97 Mr. Joseph M. Kidd ’96 Mr. Lucien M. Kimball

Dr. John D. King ’56 Mr. Joel H. Kleiner ’70 Mr. and Mrs. David Knope Mr. George J. Kopec Mr. Raymond J. Koschak ’91 Mr. Ronald L. Kraynick ’89 and Mrs. Kathleen McDermott Kraynick ’88 Mr. Keith P. Kronish ’77 Ms. Tracey Lathem ’78 Mr. David M. Leach ’97 Mrs. Rebecca White Leavell ’91 Mr. Antonio V. Lentini ’87 Mrs. Pauline Ferry Lester ’65 Ms. Tammy Marie Locklear ’88 Mr. Robin Lohfert ’03 Lt. Colonel Lee London, Jr. ’71 Dr. Robert W. Lovett ’56 Ms. Johnnie Lowry Ms. Jane C. Lu ’00 Dr. Raymond H. Lucas ’86 Mr. John H. Lummus ’58 Mrs. Tamara Chaffin Lynde ’86 Dr. James S. MacDonall ’70 Mrs. Mary Louise Watkins MacNeil ’51 Mr. Robert L. Manning ’64 Ms. Julie L. Marlowe ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Marshall Ms. Laura Masce Ms. Kay Esch Mason ’02 Ms. Dolores Mason-Gaddy ’88 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company Mr. Benjamin J. Mays ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mazzarino Mrs. Linda Triguero McCormick ’82 Ms. A. Joann McDowell ’90 Mr. Daniel P. McGuinn ’05 Ms. Janice McNeal ’98 Mr. Kevin L. Mende ’73 Mrs. Helen Maddox Menefee ’87 Mr. Joseph R. Menez ’70 Mr. David Menoni ’98 Mrs. Anne Cheek Meyer ’72 Mr. Gregory Quintard Meyer ’85 Ms. Katherine Schindler Michalek ’96 Dr. Martin L. Micklesen ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Nelson L. Milder Mr. James J. Millard ’62 Ms. Vicki Miller Mr. James P. Milton ’57 Mrs. B. Michon Hall Mitchell ’87 Mr. James W. Moore, Jr. ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Morrow Mr. Kenneth Morscheiser Mrs. Sybil Sanders Neel ’55 Mr. Charles D. Nicholas ’82 Mrs. Rosalie Brookshaw North ’58 Ms. Ellen Heckler O’Herlihy ’82 Col. H. David O’Malie ’56 Mr. Joseph T. Overton ’52 Mr. Doug Palfrey Ms. Harsinie W. Panditarante ’01 Mr. Albert N. Parker Dr. Mary Ellen Perkins Dr. Thomas N. Pirkle ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pound Mr. Dennis C. Pratt ’71 Prudential Foundation Dr. Robert H. Pullen, Jr. ’79 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pyron Mr. Jeff Pyron ’97 Ms. Deanne Raish Mr. Robert L. Rawson ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Waymond Ray Mrs. Wendy Pearson Robertson ’89 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rogers Mrs. Penelope McCulloch Rose ’65 Mrs. Robin Rose-Samuels ’85 CARILLON |


Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ross Dr. Louis E. Rossman ’69 Mrs. Cynthia Larbig Rowe ’84 Mr. Floyd D. Ruhl ’67 Mrs. Elizabeth G. Rulison ’84 and Dr. Michael K. Rulison Mr. and Mrs. William Sadler Mr. Michael B. Saffran ’76 Mr. Alan Schlesinger ’71 Scientific-Atlanta, Inc. Mr. William E. Scott ’58 Sealed Air Corporation Ms. Linda Robertson Secretan ’64 Mr. Matthew S. Shepherd ’94 Ms. Kate Shropshire ’02 Mr. James M. Sibley Mr. Ralph Dean Sims Dr. Bret K. Sleight ’87 Mr. Chuck Smith ’75 Mr. William Charles Smith ’57 Smith & Howard, P.C. Mrs. Cynthia May Spann ’54 Mr. Nathan Sparks ’98 Mrs. Susie Edwards Spear ’77 State Farm Insurance Company Mrs. Charolette Morris Steed ’62 Mrs. Barbara Klein Stewart ’64 Mr. R. Stephen Strachan ’70 Dr. William F. Straley Mrs. Christine R. Strong ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Suddes Mrs. Kimberly Vax Summers ’03 MAT ’07 and Mr. Christopher R. Summers ’03 Mrs. Mary Denton Suttle ’68 Mrs. Christine Graf Taggart ’88 Mr. Clyde A. Tallent ’72 Mr. David Terrell Ms. Babette J. Tipping Ms. June M. Tompkins ’92 Ms. Vivian Gray Trabue ’65 Trade International Mr. Michael Turgeon Mr. Daniel L. Uffner, Jr. ’51 UnumProvident Corporation The USAA Matching Gift Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation Dr. Martha Vardeman Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Von Gal, Sr. Mrs. Kelly Holland Vrtis ’97 Mrs. Diane Dubay Walker ’86 Mrs. Carolyn Constangy Wasser ’79 Ms. Caitlin Way ’91 Mr. Raymond Lee Webb ’59 Mr. Marc S. Weinberg ’61 Mr. Jonathan L. Weininger ’07 Mrs. Barbara Rose Westfall ’72 Mr. Joe E. White ’56 Mr. Matthew White ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams Mr. and Mrs. John T. Williams Ms. Kristine V. G. Williams ’99 Mrs. Lillian Cable Williams ’41 MA ’45 Mr. Tolliver Williams ’99 Mr. Lee A. Wilson ’53 Dr. Hines L. Wommack ’58 Mr. David K. Wood ’68 Mr. Edward E. Zarecor ’92 Mrs. Alice Hoke Zimmerman ’75 BLACK AND GOLD CLUB GIFTS OF $1–$119 Anonymous Mr. John Carl Abbott ’63 Ms. Wendy P. Aberwald Ms. Susan L. Abrams ’05 Mr. Joseph J. Accardi ’57 ACE INA Foundation Mrs. Barbara Martin Adair ’86 Mrs. Ann Gibson Adams ’72 34



Dr. Charles P. Adams Ms. Jane E. Adamson The Agape Sunday School Class of Peachtree Presbyterian Church Mr. Jon Akin Mr. A. Scott Allen ’88 Ms. Joan Allen Mr. Roy Allison Ms. Catherine M. Andersen ’02 Mrs. Beth Morrison Anderson ’90 Mrs. Fredrica Lee Anderson ’68 Mrs. Linda Wishon Anderson ’72 Mrs. Margaretha G. Anderson Ms. Penelope J. Anderson ’01 Mrs. Shelby Andrews ’79 Mr. John Robert Andrus ’72 Mr. Frank S. Anepohl, Jr. ’78 E. B. Arden Mr. Jack B. Arnold ’60 Mr. Chris Astley Atlanta History Center Ms. Sandra Lynch Aufderheide ’83 MAT ’98 Mrs. Ethyl Fadden Ault ’61 Mrs. Deborah Roach Avery ’75 AXA Foundation Ms. Sheela Awuah-Fosu ’01 Mr. Stephen J. Axelberg ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ayers Mr. and Mrs. Peter Azevedo Dr. Jay A. Azriel ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Charbel Baaklini Ms. Sandra Babb Mr. Albert Nathan Baer ’63 Mrs. Gladys Bahary Mr. Michael S. Bahary ’79 Mr. Adam H. Bailey ’09 Mr. Kent L. Bailey ’93 Ms. Sharon Bailey Ms. Linda Bain Mr. W. Edgar Baker ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Balch Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Baldwin Mr. Christopher A. Ballar ’93 and Mrs. Amy Tucker Ballar ’93 Ms. Anne M. Balter ’07 Mrs. Deda Walker Band ’88 Mrs. Lynn Hallford Banks ’56 Ms. Lin Barker ’81 Mrs. Virginia Barrett Barker ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Barnett Mr. Howard J. Barr ’83 Mrs. Valerie Holshouser Barske ’98 Mr. Bruce Bartnick Ms. Sandra Bates Mr. David L. Bauman ’64 Mr. John H. Beach, Jr. ’78 Mrs. Nancy T. Beane Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford Ms. Dorothea L. Beebe Ms. Michelle N. Beeken ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bein Ms. Martene Monet Bell ’05 Mrs. Paula Hofmann Bell ’62 Mrs. Nona Jones Bell ’55 Ms. Susan Carlee Bell ’65 Mrs. Gin Bradley Bell ’67 Ms. Jeanette M. Bellamy ’00 Mr. Asher I. Benator ’52 Mrs. Terri Benford-O’neil ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Benoit Ms. Laurie Berger ’05 Ms. Barbara Berryman Mrs. Verna Miller Berthelsen ’43 Ms. Holly Beyersmith Ms. Rita Bickerstaff Mr. James N. Bier ’70 Mrs. Elizabeth Gosnell Biggs ’76 Mr. Robert L. Bingham ’70

Mr. Brent Andrew Bishop ’88 Ms. Susan Bistline Mrs. Anna Zaibel Blau ’70 and Mr. Nathan Blau Ms. Dorothy Blau ’51 Mrs. Enrique E. Bledel Mr. Nathan W. Blong ’07 Mrs. Eleanor Coplan Bogart ’56 Mr. D. Marshall Boggess ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bohnenberger Mr. William W. Bolton ’94 and Mrs. Heather Keehn Bolton ’93 Dr. and Mrs. W. Devere Bond Mr. Manuel F. Bonilla Mrs. Amy Katz Bonn ’99 Mr. Jonathan Bookspun ’05 Mr. and Mrs. John Boolukos Ms. Mary K. Boone Ms. Wendy Smith Boul ’91 Ms. Helen E. Bourne ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bowen Ms. Linda P. Bowles Mrs. Carol Bowling The Reverend Harvey C. Boyd, Sr. ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Braddick Ms. Laura D. Braddick ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Bradford Ms. Rebecca Humble Bragg ’02 Ms. Janis H. Brennan Mrs. Ann Kennon Breslauer ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Breuer Mrs. Jane Rand Breunig ’51 Ms. Josephine Breyfogue Mrs. Elizabeth Bridgers ’87 Mr. Grayson K. Briggs ’08 Lt. Col. Richard A. Briggs ’88 Mrs. Kathleen Moran Brink ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Brisendine Mr. Matthew J. Brisendine ’08 Mr. Al G. Britt ’83 Mrs. Lisa DiNapoli Broderick ’91 Ms. Hannah E. Brooks ’09 Ms. Kathryn S. Brooks ’98 Mrs. Ann L. Brown ’77 Ms. Ann R. Brown ’89 Mr. Daniel S. Brown ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brown Mr. Myers E. Brown ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown Dr. Susan Crosby Brown ’83 Mrs. Helen Kibler Browning ’70 Mr. Thomas J. Browning ’67 Mr. Galen M. Brownley ’01 Mr. Michael S. Bryant ’69 Ms. Sara Bryant ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bryson Dr. Robert A. Buck ’83 Mrs. Denise Trosky Buckelew ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buckley, Sr. Mr. Matthew G. Bullard ’98 Ms. Frances B. Bunzl Ms. Patricia Burditt The Reverend James R. Burgess, III ’72 Dr. Karl Burgess ’78 Mr. Norman R. Burgin ’62 Ms. Jill Lesko Burnett ’82 Mrs. Catherine T. Burns ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Burt Ms. Barbara M. Busby Mrs. Maritta M. Bush ’86 Ms. Sara L. Bush Mrs. Joan Robb Butler ’49 Mrs. Shahina S. Butler ’02 Mrs. Amy E. Butler-Zapatka ’07 Mr. Gordon C. Bynum ’50 Ms. Laurette W. Cadres ’01 Mr. and Mrs. James Cady Mrs. Sylvia Smith Caley ’83 Mrs. Nancy Tarrant Calhoun ’60 MA ’75

Ms. Theresa M. Callahan Miss Laura A. Callender ’08 Ms. Paula E. Campbell Mr. Joseph G. Cannon ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cantwell, Jr. Mr. Gene Carasick Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cariello Mrs. Janice Haney Carr ’73 Mrs. Kathryn Beatty Carr ’73 Mr. Edward Carroll Ms. Irene Carter Miss Nancy T. Carter ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter Mr. and Mrs. J. Philip Carver Mrs. Anne A. Casey ’07 Mrs. Cherry Hodges Casey ’65 Mr. Brett Cave ’99 and Mrs. Ann Stiner Cave ’01 Mr. Michael Cecil Ms. Beverly L. Center Drs. Danko and Jadranka Cerenko Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ceto Dr. Paula Haver Chambers ’69 Ms. Susan Channer Mrs. Victoria Stevens Chapman ’89 Charles Schwab Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chelemer Mr. Charles D. Chetwynd ’69 Mrs. Donna Williams Chieves ’64 Mr. Jimmy Childre, Jr. Mr. Brian B. Chimiklis ’08 Mr. William B. Christian ’59 and Mrs. Barbara James Christian ’62 Mrs. Joyce Odom Christianson ’48 Ms. Joan Christopher-Quillen Dr. Soon Young Chung ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chunka Ms. Martha J. Church ’67 Mr. Norm Citron Mrs. Anja Smith Clark ’74 Mrs. Cathy Ayer Clark ’79 Dr. D. DeWayne Clark ’91 and Mrs. Leeanne Axley Clark ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Clauson Dr. Michael J. Claxton ’94 Mrs. Nikki McCoy Clemons ’68 Mr. Michael Clifford Mrs. Genevieve H. Clow ’57 Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cobbaert Mrs. Yuriko Cobia ’97 Mr. Harold L. Cochran ’54 Ms. Ann Cofer Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coffey Mrs. Hazel Wilson Cofield ’53 Mr. Cohen and Ms. Neustadt Ms. Bonnie E. Cohen ’92 Mr. Michael P. Cohen Ms. Margaret E. Cole ’86 MBA ’98 Dr. Pam B. Cole Dr. Claire Derdeyn Coles ’75 Ms. Emily Collette Mr. John R. Collins ’72 Ms. Katherine Collins Ms. Mary Collins Ms. Debra Combs Ms. Beth Eckard Concepcion ’90 Ms. E. Harriett Cone ’80 Mrs. June Hopkins Conley ’67 Ms. Melissa A. Conrad ’02 Ms. Ember Uziel Constantin ’91 Mr. Miles R. Cook ’75 Mrs. Oreta Cox Cook ’66 Mr. Peter Coon Mr. Robert D. Copelan ’74 Ms. Amelia M. Copp ’07 Mr. Adam M. Corder ’95 and Mrs. Rebecca Marasia Corder ’91 Ms. Kathy Countin Ms. Jillian D. Crawford ’06

Mrs. Kay Kilpatrick Crawford ’63 Ms. Linda B. Creecy ’08 Mrs. Alice Callaway Crenshaw ’50 Mr. William Crime ’03 Ms. Ann Marie Crochet ’92 and Mr. Tommy M. Crochet Mr. Andrew R. Crosby ’02 Mrs. Leah Bell Crosby ’93 Mr. and Mrs. George F. Cross Ms. Sara A. Cross ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Danny L. Cruff Dr. and Mrs. Hoyt W. Crump Ms. Tanya M. Crump Mrs. Hallie Beasley Cullen ’65 Mr. Edgar O. Daffin ’67 Mrs. Susan Hollinshead Dalton ’63 Dr. Cheryl Baker Dammann ’67 Mrs. Elizabeth Parra Dang ’98 and Mr. Jason H. Dang Ms. Jessica L. Daniel ’09 Ms. Rozaan J. Daniel ’09 Mr. James L. Dart ’75 Mr. Gregory L. Daspit ’97 and Mrs. Angela Bartlett Daspit ’98 Mr. David Stewart Davies ’65 Mr. Luis A. Davila ’07 Ms. Beverly Davis Ms. Cheryl Davis ’67 Ms. Kathy A. Davis Mr. Martin Clay Davis ’97 and Ms. Ann Mason ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Render S. Davis Mrs. Sarah Lee Davis ’76 Dr. and Mrs. S. Carter Davis Ms. Shirley Peterson Davis ’82 Mrs. Stacey A. Davis Ryerson ’00 Mr. Brad Day ’03 Mr. John C. Day, Jr. ’64 Mr. Tony de Give Mr. and Mrs. Frank De Maria Mr. Thomas E. Deacon ’60 and Mrs. Jeannette Seward Deacon ’64 Ms. Cristine Deaver ’96 Ms. Barbara A. Deberdt ’07 Mr. Dean Thomas DeCencio ’87 Mr. John P. DeFino ’71 Dr. Ann P. Delatte ’56 Mr. Neal G. Delmonico Mrs. Caroline Vinson Dennis ’96 Dr. Verline Dixon Dennis ’65 Ms. Patricia Baker DeRose ’58 Ms. Tiffany R. Desrosiers ’08

Mrs. Kimberley D. Diffey ’97 and Mr. Michael Diffey Mrs. Claire M. Dionne ’96 Ms. Carolyn Y. Dishman Ms. Fran Dixon Ms. Shirley Dobry Mr. David G. Doernberg ’70 Mr. Chad A. Donaghue ’00 Mr. Paul R. Donald, Jr. ’64 Mrs. Elaine Shiflett Dooley ’63 Ms. Leslie Adams Dove ’90 Mr. John J. Dowd, Jr. ’82 Mrs. Judith Hunt Drobinski ’84 Mr. Adrian D. Drost Mr. E. Jack Drummond ’85 Mr. Douglas Robert Dubay ’85 and Mrs. Cynthia Bjurmark Dubay ’87 Mrs. Murlene L. Dubay Mr. Donell Ducote Ms. Lisa Chkoreff Duncan ’90 Mr. Troy Duvall Mr. Jay D. Dye ’60 Ms. Iris L. Dyson Ms. Penny J. Dyson Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Eady Mr. C. Michael Eason ’80 Ms. Linnett Ebanks Mr. and Mrs. Lint Eberhardt The Reverend Samuel W. Edleman, Jr. ’57 and Mrs. Margaret Young Edleman ’59 Mr. James L. Egerton ’63 The Reverend Julie Ehlers-King ’98 Mr. Michael W. Eis ’01 and Ms. Melissa Kostelansky Eis ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eleazer Mrs. Elizabeth Katz Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Ellinger Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Ellington Mr. and Mrs. William Ellington Mrs. Mikala Warren Engel ’73 Ms. Pamela England Mrs. Nancy Thompson English ’62 Ms. Ellen M. Erenbaum ’79 Mr. Timothy J. Ernst ’07 Mrs. Amy Zickus Estes ’94 MBA ’01 Mr. William J. Evans Ms. Laurette Evora Mrs. Sharon Velinsky Fagin ’85 Mr. O. Navarro Faircloth ’65 and Dr. Kathleen Pitts Faircloth ’66 Mrs. Nancy L. Farrey Federated Department Stores, Inc.

Three of OU’s international students: from left, Ranjita Nair, Fiji; Jacek Kmiecik, Poland; Min Zhou, China.

Mr. Bob L. Fesperman ’83 Mr. Clinton L. Fincher ’58 Mr. John C. Findlan Ms. Anna E. Findley ’09 Mrs. Sara Steinberg Fine ’55 Mr. Marv Fineroff ’67 Mrs. Rhiannon N. Fink ’02 Dr. and Mrs. Roderick Finlayson Mr. James S. Fisher, II ’00 Ms. Jennifer S. Fisher ’08 Mr. John R. Fisher ’51 Mr. Eric C. Fladland ’09 Mrs. Barbara Howard Flanigan ’76 The Reverend John M. Flanigen, Jr. ’50 Mr. Sheldon H. Fleitman ’53 Mrs. Jean Callaway Fletcher ’60 Mrs. Ligia C. Florim Mrs. Nellie Jo Payne Folds ’64 Dr. Dianne Jones Ford ’77 Mr. Richard R. Ford ’88 Mr. Christopher Y. Fort ’01 Mr. Jose Fort Mr. and Mrs. Craig Fowler Mr. Gregory S. Fowler ’78 and Mrs. Tina Salzman Fowler ’78 Ms. Laura Fowler ’84 Mrs. Carolyn L. Frangiamore ’64 Mr. Laurence Stephen Frankel ’70 Mrs. Carolyn Morris Frazier ’59 Mr. Anthony N. Freeman ’99 and Mrs. Shannon Hutcheson Freeman ’98 Ms. Christina Rice Freeman ’58 Mrs. Lynn Andreasen Freeman ’70 Mrs. Lisa Alford Freschi ’90 Ms. Tracy L. Frey ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Friant Mrs. Elizabeth Mathieu Frias ’55 Ms. Kathy Fries Ms. Dori H. Fuller Future Stars Soccer Academy Mr. Christian G. Gackstatter ’85 Ms. Ellen Gray Gadberry ’85 Mrs. Lisa F. Gallagher ’91 Dr. John Gamwell Ms. Pauline J. Gardner ’02 Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Garrett Mr. Eric J. Garvey ’87 Ms. Sarah Allison Gatliff ’97 Ms. Anna A. George ’03 Mr. Joseph E. George ’73 Mr. David M. Gerhardt ’84 Mrs. Brenda Hamlin Gibbs ’70 Mr. Alan J. Gibson ’95 and Mrs. Teri Butler Gibson ’95 Ms. G. Merrill Griffis Gibson ’90 Mr. Grey S. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Gilbert Ms. Karen Gilbert Ms. Maria I. Gill Ms. Stephanie M. Gill ’08 Mr. Donald Austin Gillis ’01 Mr. William T. Girton ’95 Mrs. Judith Draisen Glassman ’72 Ms. Glenda Glenn Mrs. Nancye Rice Glenn ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Marion B. Glover, Jr. Mr. Robert Glover Mr. Stanley M. Goldberg ’03 Ms. Wendy D. Goldberg ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Ira F. Goldman Mr. Allen B. Goodwin ’73 Ms. Kathy Gordo Mr. James R. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gorman Mr. Gary L. Gorrel Miss Susan E. Goslin ’68 Mrs. Barbara Marsh Gotsch ’60 Mr. Stuart L. Gottler Mr. and Mrs. Owen Goudelocke

Ms. Kristina A. Grace ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grad Mr. and Mrs. R. Louis Graner Dr. Robert M. Grant ’90 Mr. C. Patrick Gray ’92 and Mrs. Alexandra Kay Gray ’93 Ms. Arlen Gray Mr. Jeremy D. Gray ’03 and Mrs. Kelley Bowden Gray ’03 Cdr. John F. Greear, III ’62 Ms. Chelsia C. Green ’09 Mr. John S. Green, Jr. ’50 Mr. Stephen B. Greenman ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenwell Mr. Robert M. Gregory ’77 ’80 Mrs. Francine Klein Greiner ’60 Mr. Beat Karl Greisler Ms. Jessica R. Griffin ’06 Mrs. Hildred L. Griggs ’73 Mrs. Rachel Williams Grimes ’91 Ms. Hannah B. Grisar ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Grisar Mrs. Telete Richards Grotefend ’51 Ms. Blanche D. Grubbs Mrs. Kathleen Glynn Grupp ’79 Mr. Lewis Gruskin Ms. Greta Guentcheva Mr. J. Cabot Gupton ’63 and Mrs. Barbara Dexter Gupton ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Gura Ms. Gillian Gussack Dr. AnnRita Levis Hader ’76 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Haight Mrs. Jennifer Ovdenk Haley ’97 Mr. Thad E. Hall ’90 and Mrs. Nicole Caucci Hall ’90 Mr. George M. Hall ’76 and Mrs. Roxie P. Hall ’86 Mrs. Louise Hall-Jones ’75 Mrs. Mary M. Hamacher ’87 Dr. Hugo S. Hammond ’59 Mr. Thair Patrick Hanaway ’95 Mrs. Kristine Suber Hanchar ’94 Mr. John Hancock Mrs. Marilyn Whiteside Handsel ’75 Mr. B. Shane Haney ’91 and Mrs. Michelle Rosen Haney ’90 Miss Etta Lou Hanken ’72 The Reverend Paul H. Hanna ’49 Mrs. Julie Wackerman Hanrahan ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Wendell L. Hans Mr. Karl A. Hansen ’91 and Mrs. Susan Poston Hansen ’95 Mr. Michael Hanson ’93 and Mrs. Stacie T. Hanson ’06 Mrs. S. Lynne Hanzelik ’65 Mrs. Vicki Grimes Hardin ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Hardy Col. (Ret.) John E. Harms ’58 Ms. Nancy L. Harper ’07 Mrs. Natalie Mintz Harris ’73 Mrs. Irene M. Harrod ’71 Mr. and Mrs. William Harter Dr. David N. Harvey ’61 Mrs. Melissa L. Hawthorne ’02 Mrs. Brenda Smith Hayden ’90 Ms. Marilyn L. Hays ’85 Mrs. Amanda Hayward-Giles ’02 Mr. James W. Hazelwood, Jr. ’62 Mrs. Elizabeth R. Healy ’96 Mrs. Mary Finn Heaney ’70 Mr. Thomas Hebert Mr. Howard L. Hecht Dr. Sandra L. Hedge ’68 Mrs. Carolyn Herzog Hellerung ’84 Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Helmbold Mr. and Mrs. David F. Helwig Ms. Georgia Russell Hembree ’86 Mrs. Jennifer Carroll Hemphill ’95 CARILLON |


President Schall welcomes the Class of 2013 to his home, Lanier House, during Orientation Weekend. Mr. Greg Henderson Mrs. Elizabeth A. Henry ’92 Ms. Carol E. Herson ’08 Ms. Tracey E. Herzer ’01 Mr. William A. Hewes ’67 Mr. William T. Hewes ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Higgins Mr. Harold N. Hill, Jr. Mr. James Hill ’06 Mr. Michal Hillman Mrs. Gladys B. Hirsch Mr. Kurt Hirshman ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hitchcock The Reverend Jessica Hitchcock ’01 Mr. William M. Hobbs ’76 Mrs. Linda Robuck Hoffman ’58 Dr. Robin Whyte Hoffman ’70 Mr. Stephen M. Hole ’70 Mrs. Marjorie McClung Holliday ’49 Mrs. E. Connie Brown Holliman ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Hollums Mrs. September Holstad ’04 Mrs. Penni Reid Holt ’87 Mr. Floyd G. Hopkins ’59 Mrs. Catherine Borck Horsefield ’99 Mr. Jeremy D. Horsefield ’99 Mrs. Elizabeth Locklin Hrisak ’79 Mrs. Betty Jean Hudson ’76 Ms. Carol Ohl Hudson ’82 Mr. F. Harvey Hudson ’61 Dr. Paul Stephen Hudson ’72 Ms. Jean Pryor Hughes ’64 Mrs. Jennifer Hedgepeth Hull ’98 Mr. Norman R. Hurd Jr. ’66 Mr. Ron Hutchins Mrs. Barbara B. Hutchinson ’96 Mr. Charles L. Hutto, Jr. ’72 Mr. Matt Hutz ’99 Ms. Sue Innes Ms. Annemarie Ippolito ’06 Mrs. Joan Ireland ’96 Mrs. Vickie Moore Irwin ’83 Ms. Clare Isanhour ’50 Ms. Anna Johnston Iulianelli ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Myron Jabs Mr. Christopher S. Jackson ’01 and Ms. Sara Haviland Jackson ’01 Ms. Laura F. Jacques Mrs. Jo Jagoda Ms. Mona Jain ’01 Mrs. Florence Richardson James ’48 36



Ms. Marian E. James ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. James Mrs. Ruth N. James Mrs. Ava Hart Jarboe ’54 Mr. and Mrs. George Jefcoat Ms. Peggy Jeffra Ms. Martha Ann Jenks ’74 Mrs. Stephanie John-Baptiste Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Johns Ms. Betsy D. Johnson ’80 Mr. Clayton B. Johnson ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Emmett D. Johnson Mr. G. S. Johnson Ms. Helen L. Johnson ’98 Mr. Herbert F. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Jean Lefevre Johnson ’58 Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson Mr. Alex Johnson ’07 Mr. and Mrs. C. Donald Johnson, Jr. Capt. Louis A. Johnson ’76 and Mrs. Laura Fantini Johnson ’76 Dr. Maria Elizabeth Johnson ’97 Mrs. Miki Williamson Johnson ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Johnson Ms. Susan Marie Johnson ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Willie R. Johnson Mrs. Leslie Berk Johnston ’72 Mr. Brent R. Jones ’04 Ms. Carol A. Jones ’94 Ms. Joyce C. Jones ’76 Mrs. Rebecca Harbor Jones ’62 Mr. Robert S. Jones, Sr. ’69 Ms. Taymah K. Jones Mrs. Yvonne Scales Jones ’71 Dr. Melissa E. Jordan ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Burt Jordan Mrs. Susan Goodchild Jordan ’66 MAT ’73 and Mr. Harold Jordan Mr. Marion D. Jorgensen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph Ms. Sandhya Joshi ’08 Drs. Karl Jost and Lori Schmied Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kadish Mrs. Debra Losner Kahn ’78 Mrs. Rhalda Rubin Kahn ’57 Mr. Siegfried Kammerer Mrs. Judith Chapman Kane ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Karnes Mr. Paul Kastin Mr. and Mrs. Judd A. Katz Mr. and Mrs. David Kayne

Mr. Thaddeus J. Keefe, III Mr. Hugh T. Keenan Ms. Karen Keiser-Jenkins ’83 Ms. Ingrid Kelly Ms. Juanita Kendricks ’04 Mr. Bryan B. Kenna ’01 and Mrs. Kirsten R. Kenna Ms. Elizabeth P. Kennedy ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Shane Kennedy Mr. Warner L. Kennon, IV ’76 Mrs. Christy Hall Keohane ’95 Ms. Kelly L. Kersh Ms. Anne P. Key Ms. Beatrice W. Kibera ’07 Mr. Dennis W. Kiernan ’96 Mrs. Frances Y. King Mr. and Mrs. James King Ms. Kalila King Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. King Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kingsley Ms. Kim Louise Laurel ’88 Mrs. Ellen Plutchok Klein ’70 Mrs. Kathryn Engler Klein ’95 Miss Peggy C. Kline Ms. Barbara E. Klineman Dr. Mark A. Knautz ’87 Mr. Ronald R. Knopf ’61 Mrs. Betty Cloys Knox ’59 Ms. Margie A. Koenig Mrs. Sally Rich Kolb ’75 Ms. Edna B. Kopetz Mr. Michael Alan Kopley ’72 Ms. Kelly D. Korell ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kramer Dr. Susan W. Kramer Mr. Wayne Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Scott Krueger Mr. John D. Kuiken ’62 and Mrs. Rosa M. Kuiken Mrs. Betty Powell Kujawski ’75 Ms. Katie E. Kulavic ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Stan Kure Ms. Kathleen Kurre Mrs. Mary Johnson-Smith Kylin ’92 Ms. M. B. Lacy Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lamas Mr. Keith J. Landberg ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Landry Dr. Jack C. Lane ’58 and Mrs. Janne Jolley Lane ’59 Ms. Deborah M. Lange ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Langer Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lanier Ms. Mary B. Lapwing Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. Large Ms. Stephanie C. Laubscher ’09 Mr. Philip F. Law ’84 Law Debenture Trust Company Ms. Ruth Laxson Mr. Jeffrey S. Layne ’74 Ms. Jean Leach ’04 Ms. Grace J. Ledfors ’04 Ms. Jeanee Marie Ledoux ’99 Ms. Cathy Lee Miss Vivian Chandler Lee ’64 The Reverend Fitzhugh M. Legerton Mr. Thomas P. Lenzer ’77 Mrs. Lu Green LeRoy ’95 Dr. Ralph Lev Mrs. Stacey Bronstein Levin ’86 Mr. Steven W. Levinsky ’74 Dr. Bertram J. Levy ’62 Mrs. Gwendolyn Moss Lewis ’53 Mr. Irwin A. Lewis ’51 Ms. Lisa Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lewis Ms. Molly S. Lewis ’00 Mr. Russell Lind ’98 Mr. R. Phillip Linderman ’80 and

Mrs. Patricia Goodwin Linderman ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Lindley Ms. Katherine L. Lindley ’00 Mr. Richard E. Lindsay ’82 Mrs. Diana Marcus Lipton ’79 Mr. Allan Little, III Mr. Jimmy Livaditis Mr. Donald Livingston Ms. Rita J. Llop ’81 Mrs. Kimberly A. Lohoar ’93 Mrs. Dixie Woolford Long ’39 Dr. Carlos E. Lopez Mr. Gene Lorenz Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lori Mrs. Gail Lynn Louton ’93 Ms. Deborah B. Love ’08 Mr. Gordon W. Love, Jr. ’71 Ms. Maureen C. Lovett Ms. Audrey Jean Lowe Mr. Richard H. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Fu-Tai Lu Ms. Robyn Lucas ’99 Dr. Jay Lutz Mr. Richard Lyon Mr. Michael J. Lyons ’05 Mr. Robert N. Lyons ’95 and Mrs. Stephanie Chaby Lyons ’97 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mahany Mr. Michael T. Mahoney ’98 Arthur & Susan Maier Foundation Ms. Lori Malazich Ms. Angel P. Mallard ’01 The Honorable Robert P. Mallis ’62 Ms. Lathonia D. Maloy ’99 Mrs. Suzette Harvey Mancini ’71 Ms. Nancy Mandl ’08 Ms. Georgia Manley Mr. Josie Mann Mrs. Jennifer Broadbent-Marine ’91 Mr. J. Terry Markham ’76 Marshall Engineering Mr. Charles R. Martin ’69 MA ’72 and Mrs. Linda Thomason Martin ’67 Mr. and Mrs. David Martin Mr. Gary W. Martin ’77 Ms. Jeanette B. Martin ’95 MBA ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marvin Ms. Jeanie Franco Marx ’64 Mr. Tim Marx ’67 The Honorable Sam Massell Mrs. Judith S. Massey ’63 Mr. Jeffrey B. Matthews ’71 Ms. Kelly Matysik ’04 Ms. Bernice Maw Ms. Margaret Maxwell ’03 Mr. Jeffrey May Mrs. Phyllis Rogers May ’82 Mrs. Kathy Bedell Mayo ’89 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mays Mr. and Mrs. Adam Mazhar Mr. Curtis E. Mc Leod ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Ernie McAlister Mr. and Mrs. Carl McAllister Mr. Neil Gray McBride Mr. and Mrs. John McCart Ms. Jennifer McCormick ’02 Mrs. Ila Ann Varelmann McCoy ’58 Ms. Dawn Brookman McCullar ’97 Mrs. Betty Elkins McDonald ’59 Dr. Jay McDuffie ’44 and Mrs. Dorothy Hooks McDuffie ’47 Mrs. Betty Stokes McGarity ’58 Ms. Margaret A. McGinness ’86 Mr. and Mrs. John E. McKee, Jr. Mr. John E. McKee, III ’76 Mr. Herbert S. McMullen ’63 Ms. Catherine L. McNeill Mr. Dennis M. McPeak ’81

Ms. Jacqueline E. McSparron ’02 Mr. Bisell H. McWilliams, III ’06 Mrs. Marion Pierce Meador ’47 Mrs. Brigitte Mebius-Moggre ’83 Ms. Laura Medley Ms. Meagan M. Meekin ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meivers Ms. Ember L. Melcher ’09 Ms. Karen Elizabeth Mellott ’02 Ms. Jaime J. Melton ’98 Mr. Charles Melville Merck Company Foundation Mr. Matthew R. Merker ’01 and Ms. Deborah Arrieta-Merker ’98 Mr. Marc Merlin Mr. Jesse M. Merrell, III ’71 Ms. Sheila Mihalovits Mr. James H. Milford, Jr. ’68 Mr. Fred A. Miller, Jr. ’55 Mr. George A. Miller Mr. Jeffrey Ross Miller ’73 Dr. Lewis M. Miller, III ’98 and Mrs. Rebecca Hester Miller ’97 Mrs. Lois Adams Miller ’66 Mrs. Michelle Ponte Miller ’94 Ms. Phyllis Miller Ms. Jeffanne E. Millien ’08 Ms. Kathleen R. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Milstead Mrs. Caroline Cook Minor ’75 Ms. M. Elaine Minor ’81 Ms. Ruth Mitchell Mrs. Dina Molaison ’99 Mrs. Susan Wilson Molloy ’78 Ms. Chantal Montagnet ’99 Mr. Robert K. Montague ’75 Ms. Sherion Moon ’05 Mr. Charles R. Moore ’92 Mr. Cliff C. Moore ’09 Ms. Cora Moore Ms. Harriet S. Moore Mr. J. Alan Moore ’58 and Mrs. Ina Foster Moore ’58 MA ’75 Mr. L. Silas Moore, Jr. ’61 Mrs. Ruth McLaughlin Morgan ’77 Mrs. Bonnie Hargrove Morrison ’69 Mr. Robert F. Moskowitz ’52 Mrs. Beverly Moss Miss Rosemary Mosteller ’72 MAT ’76 Miss Tommye Mueller ’45 Mr. William Thayer Mullally ’03 Ms. Cecilia Mary Mullings ’87 Mr. T. Michael Murphey ’54 Mr. Walter E. Music ’63 Mr. Francis R. Nadeau, Jr. ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Namen Mr. Thomas A. Namey ’02 and Ms. Sallie Kaltreider Namey ’02 Walid Nassif Mr. Jose E. Navarro, Jr. ’09 Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Neisius Ms. Twinkle Nelson Mrs. Eleanor Milner Newland ’63 Ms. Valerie Newman ’77 Ms. Amy Young Newson ’86 Mr. Zachary C. Nichols Ms. Mabel A. Nicholson Mr. Lloyd Nick Ms. Jane Nicol Ms. Martha A. Nodar ’08 The Reverend John W. Norton ’57 Mrs. R. Kathy Witte Norton ’70 Mr. Howard E. O’Connell ’85 Mr. John G. Odell Mrs. Harriet C. O’Dell ’66 Mr. Carroll E. Ogburn, Jr. ’64 Miss Jackie Ohlinger Ms. Toni Ohlinger Mr. and Mrs. Neal Old

Ms. Ilana W. Olin ’08 Mr. Louis D. Olin ’68 Mr. Piercen Oliver ’06 Dr. Robert Boyd Oliver ’57 Ms. Ann M. O’Neal ’86 Mr. James J. O’Rourke, Jr. ’68 Mr. Robert L. Owen ’82 Ms. Lori H. Owens Owens Corning Mr. and Mrs. Grigory Ozeryansky Mr. Lance W. Ozier ’01 Ms. Mayonn C. Paasewe ’08 Ms. Karen C. Page Mr. Malcolm E. Page ’80 Mr. Aron C. Palefsky ’75 Ms. Keiko Palmer The Paradies Shops Ms. Jan Parker Mr. William H. Parker ’65 and Mrs. Jayne Archer Parker ’64 Mr. Robert Isaacs and Ms. Raisa Parmen Mr. Zack R. Parris ’08 and Mrs. Brittany Bennett Parris ’06 Mrs. Rhonda Portnoy Passink ’73 Mr. William M. Pate, Jr. ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Tarulata V. Patel Mr. Raymond G. Pawlik, Sr. ’70 Mr. Jeffrey S. Pearlman ’96 Mrs. Barbara Torrey Peddicord ’55 Ms. Kathleen C. Pedro ’07 Mr. William S. Peebles, IV Mrs. Jennifer Pekosz ’96 and Mr. Mark Pekosz Ms. Myra Sack Perdue ’93 Ms. Robin Jo Perling ’81 Mr. Jon L. Perry ’91 Mr. Matthew W. Perry ’76 Mrs. May B. Perry Mr. Edward A. Petrucci, II ’73 Mrs. Joyce Gravel Pettus ’62 Ms. Cecilia Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Elton Phillips Dr. Jack J. Phillips ’69 Mr. Charles E. Pickett ’71 Mrs. Priscilla Miller-Pierson ’67 and Mr. J. L. Pierson Mr. Jorge O. Pinto ’08 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Pisani Ms. Elizabeth Pittman Mr. Roy Plaut, Jr. Ms. Lois Plotkin Mr. Adam L. Polakov ’98 Mrs. Teri Silvers Pollack ’74 and Mr. Ian Pollack Ms. Christine Polyak Mr. Jeffrey R. Poole ’02 and Mrs. Robin Elms ’02 Mrs. Mina Stoeva Porell ’02 Mr. C. Scott Port ’74 Mrs. Grace Suder Porter ’55 Ms. Jimmy Ann (Jan) Porter ’65 Mr. Jerry Portwood ’99 Mrs. Frances Creekmore Portwood ’57 Ms. Carol B. Powell Ms. Harriet Rogers Powell ’86 Mrs. Margaret Blank Preyer ’62 Mrs. Pamela Richbourg Pruitt ’78 Mr. Michael Puckett ’69 Mrs. Lucia Fairlie Pulgram Ms. Kayla B. Pulley ’09 Ms. Vivian K. Pyle Mr. Ryan P. Queen ’97 Mrs. Judith Vananzi Rabel ’81 Ms. Edna Clark Radford ’93 Mr. Roy V. Rafinski ’69 Mr. Thomas R. Ragland Mrs. Joan M. Raiford ’94 Dr. Glenn W. Rainey, Jr. ’65

Mr. David Ralston Mrs. Charlotte G. Ramage ’40 Ms. Marilyn Ramick-Palmer ’01 Mrs. Colleen Ramsey ’96 Mr. John H. Randle ’57 Mr. Kevin C. Rapier ’92 Mr. Edward A. Rapp ’81 Mr. Christopher Raths ’82 Miss Dorothy S. Rawlins ’54 Mr. William L. Ray ’92 Mr. Michael J. Reagan ’70 Mrs. Vera V. Redwine ’02 Mrs. Elsie H. Reece ’83 Mr. Daniel S. Reed ’72 and Mrs. Mary F. Ezzell Reed ’72 Mr. Matthew S. Reeves ’97 Regions Bank Dr. Amanda L. Regnier ’99 Mr. Douglas L. Reid ’69 Mr. Wilbur E. Reid Mr. Jonathan F. Reilly ’89 Mr. Thomas L. Reilly ’67 Mr. James G. Renfrow, Jr. ’62 Ms. Rachel L. Renz ’07 Mr. R. M. Reynolds, Jr. ’55 Mrs. Regina Reynolds-Cornell Ms. Ann Boon Rhea Mrs. Sandra Danneman Rich ’66 Ms. Susan C. Richards ’06 Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richey Ms. Elizabeth M. Richmann ’09 Mr. William A. Rickard ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rigdon Mr. James A. Riley ’66 Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Dr. Michael O’Neal Riley ’68 Ms. Sharon Lauretta Riley ’84 Ms. Ann G. Rinaldi Mr. Rex G. Roan ’70 Mr. Julian P. Robichaux ’94 Ms. Barbara A. Robinson ’81 Miss Maureen B. Robinson ’82 Ms. Lisa Ann Rock ’95 Mrs. Jackie Perdue Rodriguez ’71 Mr. Jeffrey R. Roesch ’69 Mrs. Jean Morehouse Roets ’74 Mrs. Brenda Jericevich Roger ’95 Mr. Lawrence H. Rollins ’87 and Mrs. Cynthia Crawford Rollins ’88 Dr. Wendy Kurant Rollins ’90 Mr. Glen C. Rose ’65 Cdr. and Mrs. M. H. Rose Mr. John Barry Rosenberger ’74 Mr. Leon Rosendahl Ms. Jennifer B. Ross ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rossman Mr. and Mrs. Jed Rothwell Mrs. Wilma Lipham Rowe ’80 Ms. Chelcie J. Rowell ’09 Ms. Kristi Rowell Ms. Diane R. Rowles ’71 Mr. Gary E. Ruckelshaus ’69 Mr. Conan Rudd ’64 and Mrs. Janet Yose Rudd ’64 Mr. Jerel F. Rush ’71 Ms. Katherine M. Russell ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ryba Mr. John A. Ryland Mr. Chris Rylands ’01 Mrs. Kelei Sabatino Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sabsowitz Ms. Donna L. Sadler Mr. Bud Salamone and Ms. Sharon DiMarco Mr. and Mrs. Michael Salpeter Salsambo Dance Studio Mr. Charles F. Sanders ’66 Ms. Leah L. Sanders ’06

Mr. Michael A. Sanders ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sarisky Ms. Kim Phillips Sasso ’98 Ms. Angela Satterfield ’97 Mr. Homer S. Saunders, Jr. Ms. Joyce Scanlon Ms. Lauren M. Schaffer ’08 Mr. Steven Schall Mr. Eric M. Scharff ’63 Mr. James Schell Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schewe Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schiff Mrs. Shirley Heisler Schiltz Dr. Karen L. Schmeichel Mr. Douglas S. Schmitt ’86 and Mrs. Julie Quickmire Schmitt ’87 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Schmutzler Mr. and Mrs. William Schneider Ms. Debra K. Schreiber ’82 Mrs. Darci Becker Schriber ’86 Mr. Harry L. Schroeder ’01 and Mrs. Sally P. Schroeder Ms. Diane Lee Schuettinger ’73 Mrs. Muriel Rotkewicz Schurke ’86 Mr. Brent Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schweitzer Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schwob Mr. Charles F. Scott ’57 Mrs. Joyce Wells Scott ’72 MA ’83 Mrs. Peggy Gregg Scott ’51 Ms. Stephanie Scott ’04 Mr. Allen Sears ’69 Ms. Caroline Brooks Seay ’85 Mrs. Darlene Baehr Seay ’75 Mrs. Ingeborg Seebohm Ms. Betty M. Seely Mr. Perry Seese Ms. Karen Segal Dr. Robert A. Sellards ’91 Ms. Theresa Fuerst Sellers ’83 Ms. Vivian P. Sellers Mr. Earle A. Semple ’04 Mrs. Marla Cohen Senter ’81 Mrs. Gail Robertson Serauskas ’93 Mrs. Kay Boggs Settle ’69 Mr. Robert T. Seymour ’54 Miss Mary Anne Sharp ’58 Mr. Larry C. Shattles ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sheffield Mr. Trevor M. Sheffield ’09 Ms. Sybil Shier Ms. Brenda Shonfield ’63 Dr. David Shreve Mr. James C.O. Shropshire ’02 Mr. Bryan D. Simmons ’04 Ms. Nancy Schaller Simmons ’60 Mr. Charles H. Simon, Jr. ’78 Mr. Donald J. Simon ’69 Ms. Devon M. Simons ’09 Mr. Christopher A. Simser ’03 Mrs. Kelly Siragusa ’05 Mr. Edward P. Siskin ’70 Mrs. Phyllis L. Sitek ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Slaton Mr. Jason M. Slaton ’94 Mrs. Cindy Sloan ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Arnold M. Smith Mr. Brian C. Smith ’79 Mr. D. Brandon Smith ’97 MBA ’06 Mr. and Mrs. David Earl Smith Mrs. Lucy Lindsey Smith ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Smith Mr. Donald E. Snyder Mr. W. Scott Soloway ’87 and Mrs. Stacy McDonald Soloway ’86 Mr. Steven F. Sorci ’08 Ms. Leonor Soriano ’97 Mr. Udara Y. Soysa ’09 Mr. Jonathan D. Spanier ’85 CARILLON |


Mrs. Mildred Jackson Speights ’58 Capt. Valorie Woods Spence ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Speyrer Ms. Elizabeth M. Spiegel and Mr. John W. Spiegel Mr. Blake Stabler ’00 Ms. Lynn Stallings Mrs. Margie Eaton Stanfield ’57 Mr. Duane D. Stanford, Sr. Mr. William Stanhope Ms. Heather Lynn Staniszewski ’02 Mr. Stuart Staton Mr. James W. Steinhouse ’79 and Mrs. Carolyn H. Steinhouse ’79 Mr. John P. Stephens ’95 Mr. Wayne G. Stephens ’67 Mrs. Jane Reynolds Sterne ’68 Mr. David J. Stevens ’94 Mrs. Ellen Randall Stephens ’48 Dr. Marie Sertich Stone ’80 Mr. Nicholas E. Stone ’72 Dr. Lisa J. Street ’84 Mr. Joseph J. Strenk, Jr. ’68 Mrs. Leann Payne Strom ’63 Mrs. Ruth Gunnin Stronigan ’55 Mr. Brad Strother Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stupple Mr. Matthew R. Suggett ’08 Dr. Cheryl Granade Sullivan Mrs. Nancy Denton Sullivan ’57 Ms. Suzanne H. Sullivan Ms. Margaret Summerour ’92 Sun Microsystems Foundation Mr. Guy S. Sunny ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Swafford Mrs. Timika Swain Emerson ’89 Mr. Robert J. Swanson, Jr. ’88 Mr. Carl E. Swearingen Mrs. Kim Sapecky Swix ’84 Ms. Hope Waldman Targoff ’86 Ms. Margarita Taskaeva Mr. Rodger G. Tatum ’70 and Mrs. Lynda S. Tatum ’92 Ms. Janet Taylor Mrs. Kate McNeil Taylor ’66 Dr. and Mrs. Francis Tedesco Mr. Claude Terry Ms. Nicole M. Thibadeau ’92 Mrs. Cynthia Hess Thomas ’70 Mr. Jennings J. Thompson, IV Mrs. Martha Adams Thompson ’58 Mr. Matthew S. Thompson ’93 and Mrs. Susan B. Thompson Ms. Geraldine R. Thrash Ms. Kathleen Tice Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Toburen Mrs. Sheryl C. Tomberlin ’84 Mrs. Tia Lipman Torch ’71 Mrs. Cathryn Torrisi ’90 Mrs. Jeanie Flohr Treadaway ’99 Ms. Jennifer B. Trevisan ’96 MA ’01 Ms. Laura Diane Trittin ’87 Mr. and Mrs. George Troficanto Mr. Steven E. Trumbo Ms. Sheila Tschinkel Mr. Selby A. Tuggle ’70 Mr. Douglas R. Turner Mr. John G. Turner ’70 Ms. Susan T. Turner ’79 Mrs. Allison Lourie Ullman ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Upton Mr. Taylor A. Urbanski ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Zia Usmani Mr. Anthony M. Vacca ’70 Mr. Carlos Valdes Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Lee Vaughan Ms. Julie M. Vaughan ’09 Mr. Wesley D. Wade ’03 Ms. Katherine Waite 38



Mrs. Margaret Blackman Walker ’58 Mr. Reid W. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker Ms. Kirsten M. Pull ’01 Ms. Casey K. Wallace ’05 Mr. and Mrs. James Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wallace Mr. and Mrs. James A. Walls Mr. Kevin D. Walmsley ’89 Ms. Deborah Walter ’86 Ms. Gail Walter Mrs. Jean Grant Walter ’51 Mr. Ralphton E. Warlick ’70 Mr. Ronald A. Warner ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Johnny I. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Shane Watkins Mr. Benjamin S. Watson ’03 Dr. G. Gilman Watson ’68 and Mrs. Carol Lawhorn Watson ’69 Mrs. Opal Perry Watson ’55 Ms. Diane Waybright Mrs. Janet Barnett Weaver ’83 Mrs. Ethel Law Webb ’62 Mr. Webb and Ms. Anderson Mrs. Gloria Holbert Webster ’50 Mr. William A. Wehunt ’56 Mrs. Betty U. Weiland Mr. Matthew Jason Weiner ’95 Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Weintraub Mr. Andrew R. Weiss ’71 Mrs. Rebecca Greene Weissinger ’94 Mrs. Tracey Weller Mrs. Nancy Charnley Welty ’67 Dr. Gerald Wempner Mr. Gary Wenger ’61 and Mrs. Ann Klein Wenger ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. West Mr. Piers J. Weyant Dr. and Mrs. Morgan N. Whaley Mr. Alan White ’75 Mr. Charles L. White ’63 Mr. Don G. White Mr. Larry C. White ’69 Dr. Stephen W. White ’66 Mr. Steven John White ’70 Mr. Jeffrey C. Whitehead ’92 Mrs. Eleanor Yedvob Whiteside ’65 Mrs. Abigail K. Whitlock ’06 Ms. Susan B. Whitlock Mrs. Michelle Payne Whitlow ’88 Ms. Carolyn Wicher Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilcox Mr. Robert Wildau Mr. William P. Williams ’90 and Mrs. Angela Watson Williams ’92 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Williams Mrs. Marlene R. Williamson ’56 Mr. McDonald Willis ’59 Mr. Michael D. Willis ’09 Mrs. Anita Gegan Willoughby ’85 Mr. Knox R. Wilmer ’77 Mr. Donald R. Wilson, Jr. ’71 Mrs. Elizabeth G. Wilson ’91 Ms. Jackie H. Wilson ’72 MA ’76 Mrs. Janie P. Wilson ’74 Mr. and Mrs. John Winecker Ms. Sarah M. Wingfield Mrs. Kathryn M. Winland ’02 and Mr. Joseph L. Winland Mr. John H. Winsness ’64 and Mrs. Charlotte Smith Winsness ’64 Mr. and Mrs. David Winston Mr. and Mrs. David Winters Mr. and Mrs. William Wise Mr. Brett R. Wise ’06 Mrs. Ann Lenzer Wodraska ’84 and Mr. Peter Wodraska Ms. Jaime Wojdowski ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wojdowski

Mr. Robert E. Wolfe ’80 Mr. Lee Alan Wolff ’73 Mrs. Mary Carol Wollenhaupt ’02 Mr. James A. Wood, Jr. ’03 Mr. Wesley F. Wood ’74 Ms. Edith Woodling Ms. Patricia Beth Wool ’77 The Wool Family Foundation Ms. Suzanne C. Wray Mr. Richard B. Wright ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wrigley Mrs. Joyce Arnold Wyckoff ’66 Mr. Gonzalo Yahuitl ’09 Dr. Michael W. Yarbrough ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Farris F. Yates Ms. Pang Cha Yim ’94 Mrs. Patricia S. Zaffuto ’89 Ms. Ann E. Zafiroulis ’87 Mr. Nate Zahn ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Angel Zayas Ms. Lori Zboran ’94 Ms. Elizabeth Anne Zelley ’94 Mr. Thomas Davis and Ms. Maureen Zent Mr. Jonathan A. Zerby ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Blaise Ziemian Mr. Donald E. Zurek ’54 Mr. Alan Zwicker ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Herb Zwicker Mrs. Lee Burke Zywiolek ’80

THE JAMES EDWARD OGLETHORPE CIRCLE The Oglethorpe Circle recognizes alumni, families and friends who contribute $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund or specific budgeted programs during the university’s fiscal year. The 2009 Oglethorpe Circle Honor Roll of Donors includes gifts received between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. We are deeply grateful to the members of the Oglethorpe Circle for their vision and generosity. PHOEBE APPERSON HEARST SOCIETY GIFTS OF $10,000 AND ABOVE Anonymous AEL Family Foundation Assistance League of Atlanta Mr. Robert E. Bowden ’66 and Mrs. Dixie Bowden Mrs. Martha Laird Bowen ’61 and Mr. Robert Bowen Mr. Franklin L. Burke ’66, ’98 (H) and Mrs. Eleanor Burke Mrs. Martha Carmichael Dew ’37* Fidelity Charitable Gift Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Findley, III Charles A. Frueauff Foundation Georgia Foundation for Independent Colleges, Inc. Mr. James J. Hagelow ’69 and Mrs. Sylvia Hagelow Mrs. Jesse S. Hall Dr. Harald R. Hansen ’08 (H) and Mrs. Betsy Hansen* Mr. James V. Hartlage, Jr. ’65 and Mrs. Jacqueline Cook Hartlage ’65 Dr. Veronica M. Holmes ’02 Dr. Warren Y. Jobe ’09 (H) and Mrs. Sally Jobe

Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Odom, Jr. Mr. Cemal Ahmet Ozgorkey ’84 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Parker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Reiser, Jr. Estate of M. A. Rikard ’37, ’92* (H) Mr. Donald H. Rubin ’56 and Mrs. Shelley Rubin Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation Mr. Timothy P. Tassopoulos ’81 and Mrs. Maria Tassopoulos The Tull Charitable Foundation Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Mr. Mark A. Williams ’94 and Mrs. Sharon Maria Williams ’93 THORNWELL JACOBS SOCIETY GIFTS OF $5,000–$9,999 Anonymous Mr. J. Frederick Agel, Sr. ’52 and Mrs. Catherine Agel Amont Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Yetty Levenson Arp ’68 and Dr. Charles R. Arp BCES Foundation Dr. and Mrs. S. Truett Cathy Chick-fil-A, Inc. Mr. David Nathan Cooper ’71 Mr. John Cunningham Mr. Joseph W. Dennis ’69 and Mrs. Patty Dennis Mr. Kevin D. Fitzpatrick, Jr. ’78 and Ms. Patti Pasch Mrs. Martha Sibley George ’51 Georgia Power Foundation Mr. J. Lewis Glenn ’71 and Mrs. Nancy Glenn Mr. William Howell Gower ’68 and Mrs. Gayle Burch Gower ’68 Dr. Jack Guynn ’05 (H) and Mrs. Joey Guynn Ms. Anne Hammond ’87 Harold Hirsch Scholarship Fund Dr. Kenneth K. Hutchinson ’78 and Mrs. Dawn Hutchinson Ray M. and Mary Elizabeth Lee Foundation Mrs. Belle Turner Lynch ’61 and Mr. Barry D. Lynch Mr. Bob T. Nance ’63 and Mrs. Carol Nance Mr. Thomas P. O’Connor ’67 and Mrs. Georgina O’Connor Ms. S. Tammy Pearson ’86 and Mr. Fred Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Rogers Mr. Joseph P. Shelton ’91 and Mrs. Andrea Spencer Shelton ’91 Drs. William O. Shropshire and Patricia P. Shropshire Mr. and Mrs. Arnold B. Sidman Ms. Susan M. Soper ’69 and Mr. William W. “Bo” Holland Sunbelt Structures, Inc. Ms. Trishanda Treadwell, Esq. ’96 and Mr. Derrick Treadwell Dr. Pamela Tremayne and Mr. Ted Heintz Dr. James C. Vocalis ’43 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Yarbrough PHILIP WELTNER SOCIETY GIFTS OF $2,500–$4,999 Anonymous Accumetric, Inc. Dr. William C. Aitken, Jr. ’64 and Mrs. Carole Moore Aitken ’66 Ms. Heather A. Clark ’96 Dorian Software Creations

Trustee David Cooper ’71, center, hosted the Washington, D.C. alumni event in the Russell Senate Office Buildiing in November. With him are Carmen and Brent Burke, parents of Kendall Burke ’13. Mr. and Mrs. David Golden Mr. Q. William Hammack, Jr. ’73 Mr. Donald R. Henry ’83 and Mrs. Barbara Bessmer Henry ’85 IBM Corporation Mrs. Nancy C. Juneau and Mr. Les Juneau Mr. Robert A. Milford ’99 and Mrs. Stephanie Milford Mrs. Sydney Mobley Moss ’59 and Mr. Jack Moss Northwestern Mutual Foundation Mrs. Anita Patterson ’97 and Mr. Jim Patterson Rockdale Fund for Social Investments, Inc. Mary and E.P. Rogers Foundation Dr. Lawrence M. Schall and Betty Londergan Mrs. Laura Turner Seydel ’86 and Mr. Rutherford Seydel Mrs. Dean Dubose Smith ’70 and Mr. H. Bronson Smith Turner Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Terry White Mr. James J. Williams ’99 Drs. Philip and Dorothy Zinsmeister JAMES EDWARD OGLETHORPE SOCIETY GIFTS OF $1,000–$2,499 Anonymous Dr. J. Frederick Agel, Jr. ’72 Allstate Foundation Mr. Arthur M. Armstrong ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Arroll Atlanta Educational Telecommunications Collaborative, Inc. Mr. Robert B. Baker, Jr. ’79 and Mrs. Joselyn Butler Baker ’91 Mr. John S. Ball ’71 and

Mrs. Mary Crockett Ball ’72 Bank of America Mr. Ted Dwight Bayley ’58 and Mrs. Ellen Kinsey Bayley ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Blair N. Belton Mr. John Breton, III ’97 MBA ’99 and Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Breton ’02 Mr. Nathan E. Briesemeister ’94 and Mrs. Jennifer Briesemeister Mr. W. Q. “Pete” Butler ’69 and Mrs. Cindy Butler Mr. Robert Cairns Mrs. Susan Carlisle Mr. Herman L. Campbell ’39 Mr. and Mrs. Beauchamp C. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Milton C. Clipper The Coca-Cola Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cole Mr. and Mrs. Randall Constantine Mr. James M. Cook, Sr. ’79 and Mrs. Imogene Cook Ms. Cindy Couture Mr. Robert B. Currey ’66 and Mrs. Suzanne Straub Currey ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Davenport Mr. Brian A. Davis ’94 and Ms. Michelle Gill Mrs. Roberta H. Davis ’94 and Mr. Raymond P. Davis Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc. Mrs. Mona Tekin Diamond Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Dillingham Ms. Toby Director Mr. Earl Dolive Mr. Timothy Doyle Frances and Beverly DuBose Foundation Dr. Daniel M. Duncanson ’85 Mr. Christopher P. B. Erckert ’86

Ms. Kathy Fulton Mrs. Donna Gainer ’93 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Garrett, III Mr. David C. Garrett, Jr. ’99 (H) Dr. R. Derril Gay ’62 Mr. W. Elmer George ’40 Georgia State P.E.O. Mr. Claude Spencer Godfrey, Jr ’98 Mrs. Gonca Gursoy-Artunkal ’88 and Mr. Ali Artunkal Mr. Scott T. Haight ’89 Mr. Robert L. Hall Mr. Stuart Herman ’50 and Ms. Elsie L. Adler Dr. Nancy A. Herring Mr. Richard C. Johnson ’81 Mr. Robert M. Kane ’81 and Mrs. Jeanne Kane Mr. Cary R. Kleinfield ’81 Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Korotkin Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Kower Dr. Dale M. Kristle ’78 and Mrs. Theresa Kristle Landmark Landscapes Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith Lanier, II Ms. Cheryl D. Lea ’03 Leadership Atlanta Mr. Stuart C. Levenson ’67 Martha and Wilton Looney Foundation Mr. William E. Lukow ’95 and Mrs. Courtney Lukow Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lykens Ms. Gail Lynn ’77 Mr. Stephen E. Malone ’73 Mr. Scott M. McKelvey ’91 and Mrs. Kelly McKelvey Mrs. Jeanette L. McLain Mr. J. Kevin Meaders ’93 and Mrs. Gui Meaders

Merrill Lynch and Company Foundation Dr. and Mrs. John G. Moore Ms. Tamara S. Nash Dr. and Mrs. Ken Nishimura Dr. J. Anthony Paredes ’61 and Dr. Alleen Deutsch Dr. Manning M. Pattillo, Jr. Mr. Kenneth J. Phelps Mrs. Catherine M. Pittman ’90 and Mr. Louis A. Pittman III The Reverend Neal P. Ponder, Jr. Reliance Financial Corporation Mr. Timothy Randall Roberson ’97 Mr. Clifford T. Robinson ’89 and Mrs. Stacy Leigh Robinson ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Rooney Mr. Brian C. Sass ’83 and Mrs. Rana Sass Mr. and Mrs. John J. Scalley Mrs. Linda Sanders Scarborough ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schall Mr. Christopher M. Sertich ’81 Mr. O. K. Sheffield, Jr. ’53 Sarah Spencer Godfrey Charitable Trust Ms. Linda Spock and Mr. Tom Spock Dr. and Mrs. Donald S. Stanton ’99 (H) SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation Mr. Michael K. Szalkowski ’88 and Mrs. Stephanie E. Szalkowski ’89 Dr. Elizabeth R. Taghechian ’94 Mr. Ashish N. Thakur ’99 and Mrs. Renuka K. Thakur Mr. Joseph E. Tomberlin ’93 and Mrs. Kristina Randall Tomberlin ’93 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Tomberlin Drs. Pedro and Corletta Trejo Ms. Patricia Upshaw-Monteith and Mr. Frank Monteith Mr. James K. Warren Ms. Elizabeth D. Watts ’93 Mr. Charles K. Weathers ’68 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Weldon Mr. Raymond S. Willoch ’80 and Mrs. Florrie Willoch Mr. and Mrs. J. Blake Young, Jr. Mr. John B. Zellars, Jr. ’85 Bold: These donors have given to the Oglethorpe Fund for five or more consecutive fiscal years. * Deceased ALUMNI DONORS BY CLASS YEAR Many thanks to all the Oglethorpe alumni who contributed to the university between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. Your continued support and generosity is making a difference!

Class of 1937 Mrs. Martha Carmichael Dew* Estate of M. A. Rikard*

Class of 1939

Participation: 17% Mr. Herman L. Campbell Mrs. Dixie Woolford Long

Class of 1940

Participation: 8% Mr. W. Elmer George Mrs. Charlotte G. Ramage

Class of 1941

Participation: 6% Mrs. Lillian Cable Williams

Class of 1942

Participation: 7% Mr. John Meacham, Jr. Mr. Charles E. Newton CARILLON |


Class of 1943

Class of 1954

Participation: 13% Mrs. Verna Miller Berthelsen Dr. John T. Goldthwait Dr. James C. Vocalis

Participation: 16% Mrs. Mary Williams Cazalas Mr. Harold L. Cochran Mrs. Ava Hart Jarboe Mr. T. Michael Murphey Miss Dorothy S. Rawlins Mr. Robert T. Seymour Mrs. Cynthia May Spann Mr. Donald E. Zurek

Class of 1944

Participation: 7% Dr. Jay McDuffie

Class of 1945

Participation: 8% Miss Tommye Mueller

Class of 1947

Participation: 13% Mrs. Dorothy Hooks McDuffie Mrs. Marion Pierce Meador

Class of 1948

Participation: 50% Mr. Joseph G. Cannon Mrs. Joyce Odom Christianson Mrs. Florence Richardson James Dr. Thomas N. Pirkle Mrs. Ellen Randall Stephens

Class of 1949

Participation: 17% Mrs. Joan Robb Butler The Reverend Paul H. Hanna Mrs. Doris Pickens Hinson Dr. James H. Hinson, Jr. Mrs. Marjorie McClung Holliday Mr. John R. Smith

Class of 1950

Participation: 19% Mr. William R. Brown, Jr. Mr. Gordon C. Bynum Mrs. Alice Callaway Crenshaw The Reverend John M. Flanigen, Jr. Mr. John S. Green, Jr. Mr. Stuart Herman Ms. Clare Isanhour Mrs. Gloria Holbert Webster

Class of 1951

Participation: 33% Mrs. Rose Simmons Andrews Mrs. Martha Mayson Bator Ms. Dorothy Blau The Reverend Harvey C. Boyd, Sr. Mrs. Jane Rand Breunig Mr. John R. Fisher Mrs. Martha Sibley George Mrs. Telete Richards Grotefend Mr. Irwin A. Lewis Mrs. Mary Louise Watkins MacNeil Mrs. Peggy Gregg Scott Mr. Bleecker Totten Mr. Daniel L. Uffner, Jr. Mrs. Jean Grant Walter

Class of 1952

Participation: 27% Mr. J. Frederick Agel, Sr. Mr. Asher I. Benator Mrs. Jane Cowart Bloemer Mrs. Muriel Lewis Bono Mrs. Caroline Drawdy Ellis Col. Sheldon I. Godkin Mr. James E. Henderson Mrs. Jean Horton Henderson Mr. Robert F. Moskowitz Mr. Joseph T. Overton

Class of 1953

Participation: 12% Mr. Edmund A. Bator Mrs. Hazel Wilson Cofield Dr. James L. Cox Mr. Sheldon H. Fleitman Mrs. Gwendolyn Moss Lewis Mr. O. K. Sheffield, Jr. Mr. Lee A. Wilson




Class of 1955

Participation: 31% Mrs. Nona Jones Bell Mrs. Sara Steinberg Fine Mrs. Elizabeth Mathieu Frias Mrs. Elizabeth Christian Jackson Dr. Elizabeth L. Jones-Lukacs Mrs. Margaret Woodward Mathewes Mr. Fred A. Miller, Jr. Mrs. Sybil Sanders Neel Mrs. Barbara Torrey Peddicord Mrs. Grace Suder Porter Mr. R. M. Reynolds, Jr. Mrs. Ruth Gunnin Stronigan Mrs. Opal Perry Watson

Class of 1956

Participation: 19% Mrs. Lynn Hallford Banks Mrs. Eleanor Coplan Bogart Dr. Jacqueline Miles Boles Dr. Ann P. Delatte Mrs. Catherine O. Ingersoll Dr. John D. King Dr. Robert W. Lovett Col. H. David O’Malie Mr. Donald H. Rubin Mr. William A. Wehunt Mr. Joe E. White Mrs. Marlene R. Williamson

Class of 1957

Participation: 19% Mr. Joseph J. Accardi Mrs. Ellen Kinsey Bayley Mrs. Genevieve H. Clow Mr. Lewis B. DeRose The Reverend Samuel W. Edleman, Jr . Mrs. Peggy Cullars Guillebeau Mr. Gordon Hiles Mrs. Rhalda Rubin Kahn Mr. James P. Milton The Reverend John W. Norton Dr. Robert Boyd Oliver Mrs. Frances Creekmore Portwood Mr. John H. Randle Mr. Charles F. Scott Mr. William Charles Smith Mrs. Margie Eaton Stanfield Mrs. Nancy Denton Sullivan

Class of 1958

Participation: 35% Mr. Ted Dwight Bayley Ms. Patricia Baker DeRose Mr. Clinton L. Fincher Ms. Christina Rice Freeman Col. (Ret.) John E. Harms Mrs. Linda Robuck Hoffman Mrs. Jean Lefevre Johnson Dr. Jack C. Lane Mr. John H. Lummus Mrs. Ila Ann Varelmann McCoy Mrs. Betty Stokes McGarity Mrs. Ina Foster Moore Mr. J. Alan Moore Mrs. Rosalie Brookshaw North Mr. William E. Scott Miss Mary Anne Sharp Dr. Albert P. Sheppard Mrs. Mildred Jackson Speights

TOP 10 CLASSES — MAKE THAT 11! — IN ANNUAL FUND PARTICIPATION: 1967............................................ 31% 1964* .......................................... 23% 1962............................................ 22% 1965............................................ 22% 1963............................................ 19% GOLDEN PETRELS .......................... 18% 1961............................................ 18% 1970............................................ 18% 1976............................................ 18% 1968............................................ 17% 1979* .......................................... 17% * These classes celebrated reunions in 2009. While national trends reported annual giving at colleges and universities down 5–10%, OU’s annual fund achieved record giving for the third straight year. The total for 2008–2009 reached an unparalleled $1,211,247.81.

Mr. Eddie Starnes Mrs. Martha Adams Thompson Mrs. Margaret Blackman Walker Mrs. Ann Klein Wenger Dr. Hines L. Wommack

Class of 1959

Participation: 26% Mrs. Virginia Barrett Barker Mr. Bill W. Carter Mr. William B. Christian Dr. Marlene Hockenberry Cianci Mrs. Margaret Young Edleman Mrs. Carolyn Morris Frazier Dr. Hugo S. Hammond Mr. Floyd G. Hopkins Mrs. Patricia Daniel Kapphahn Mrs. Betty Cloys Knox Mrs. Janne Jolley Lane Mrs. Betty Elkins McDonald Mrs. Sydney Mobley Moss Mrs. Lucy Lindsey Smith Mr. Raymond Lee Webb Mr. McDonald Willis

Class of 1960

Participation: 15% Mr. Jack B. Arnold Mr. W. Robert Booker Mrs. Nancy Tarrant Calhoun Mr. Thomas E. Deacon Mr. Jay D. Dye Mrs. Jean Callaway Fletcher Mrs. Barbara Marsh Gotsch Mrs. Francine Klein Greiner Ms. Nancy Schaller Simmons

Class of 1961 Participation: 18% Mrs. Ethyl Fadden Ault Mrs. Martha Laird Bowen Dr. David N. Harvey Mr. F. Harvey Hudson Mr. Ronald R. Knopf Mr. Wilfred J. LeBlanc Mrs. Belle Turner Lynch Mr. L. Silas Moore, Jr. Dr. J. Anthony Paredes Dr. Joseph A. Soldati Mr. Marc S. Weinberg Mr. Gary Wenger

Class of 1962

Participation: 22% Mrs. Paula Hofmann Bell Mr. Norman R. Burgin Mrs. Barbara James Christian Mrs. Nancy Thompson English Dr. R. Derril Gay Cdr. John F. Greear, III Mr. James W. Hazelwood, Jr. Mrs. Rebecca Harbor Jones Mr. John D. Kuiken Dr. Bertram J. Levy The Honorable Robert P. Mallis Mr. James J. Millard Mrs. Joyce Gravel Pettus Mrs. Margaret Blank Preyer Mr. James G. Renfrow, Jr. Mrs. Charolette Morris Steed Mrs. Ethel Law Webb

Class of 1963 Participation: 19% Mr. John Carl Abbott Mr. Albert Nathan Baer Mrs. Kay Kilpatrick Crawford Mrs. Susan Hollinshead Dalton Mrs. Elaine Shiflett Dooley Mr. James L. Egerton Mrs. Mary Bob Cooper Fox Mrs. Barbara Dexter Gupton Mr. J. Cabot Gupton Mrs. Judith S. Massey Mr. Herbert S. McMullen Mr. Walter E. Music Mr. Bob T. Nance Mrs. Eleanor Milner Newland Mr. Eric M. Scharff Ms. Brenda Shonfield Mrs. Leann Payne Strom Mr. Charles L. White

Class of 1964

Participation: 23% Dr. William C. Aitken, Jr. Mr. David L. Bauman Mr. James O. Bundy Mrs. Jane Lincoln Bundy Mrs. Donna Williams Chieves Mr. John C. Day, Jr. Mrs. Jeannette Seward Deacon Mr. James L. Delay Mr. Paul R. Donald, Jr. Dr. Beatrice Hasty Favre Mrs. Nellie Jo Payne Folds Mrs. Carolyn L. Frangiamore Mrs. Lynda Papini Hines Ms. Jean Pryor Hughes Miss Vivian Chandler Lee Mr. Robert L. Manning Ms. Jeanie Franco Marx Mr. Carroll E. Ogburn, Jr. Mrs. Jayne Archer Parker Mrs. Joan Fisher Percival Mr. Conan Rudd Mrs. Janet Yose Rudd Ms. Linda Robertson Secretan Mrs. Barbara Klein Stewart Mrs. Charlotte Smith Winsness Mr. John H. Winsness

Class of 1965

Participation: 22% Ms. Susan Carlee Bell Mr. Richard Joseph Carter Mrs. Cherry Hodges Casey Mrs. Hallie Beasley Cullen Mrs. Suzanne Straub Currey Mr. David Stewart Davies Dr. Verline Dixon Dennis Mr. O. Navarro Faircloth Mrs. S. Lynne Hanzelik Mrs. Jacqueline Cook Hartlage Mr. James V. Hartlage, Jr. Mrs. E. Connie Brown Holliman Mrs. Pauline Ferry Lester Mr. William H. Parker Ms. Jimmy Ann (Jan) Porter Dr. Glenn W. Rainey, Jr. Mr. Glen C. Rose Mrs. Penelope McCulloch Rose Mrs. Linda Sanders Scarborough Ms. Vivian Gray Trabue Mrs. Eleanor Yedvob Whiteside

Class of 1966

Participation: 15% Mrs. Carole Moore Aitken Mr. Carl H. Bergman Mr. Robert E. Bowden Mr. Franklin L. Burke Mrs. Oreta Cox Cook

Mr. Robert B. Currey Dr. Mimi Milner Elrod Dr. Kathleen Pitts Faircloth Mr. Norman R. Hurd Jr. Mrs. Susan Goodchild Jordan Mrs. Lois Adams Miller Mrs. Harriet C. O’Dell Mr. William M. Pate, Jr. Mrs. Sandra Danneman Rich Mr. James A. Riley Mr. Charles F. Sanders Mrs. Kate McNeil Taylor Dr. Stephen W. White Mrs. Joyce Arnold Wyckoff

Class of 1967

Participation: 31% Mr. Arthur M. Armstrong Mr. Jon A. Axelberg Mr. W. Edgar Baker Mrs. Gin Bradley Bell Mr. Thomas J. Browning Ms. Martha J. Church Mrs. June Hopkins Conley Mr. Edgar O. Daffin Dr. Cheryl Baker Dammann Ms. Cheryl Davis Mr. Marv Fineroff Mr. Donald G. Hartman Mr. William A. Hewes Mr. J. Robert Jackson Mr. Stuart C. Levenson Mrs. Linda Thomason Martin Mr. Tim Marx Dr. Martin L. Micklesen Mr. Thomas P. O’Connor Mrs. Priscilla Miller-Pierson Mr. William E. Plowden, Jr. Mr. Kenneth W. Powell Mr. Thomas L. Reilly Mr. Floyd D. Ruhl Mr. Larry C. Shattles Mr. Wayne G. Stephens Mrs. Nancy Charnley Welty

Class of 1968

Participation: 17% Mr. G. Douglass Alexander Mrs. Fredrica Lee Anderson Mrs. Yetty Levenson Arp Mr. Thomas M. Baird Mrs. Nikki McCoy Clemons Mrs. Laura Zaban Dinerman Miss Susan E. Goslin Mrs. Gayle Burch Gower Mr. William Howell Gower Dr. Sandra L. Hedge Mr. Robert P. Hoyt Mrs. Helen King Kessler Mrs. Barbara Beggs Littell Mr. Roger A. Littell Mr. James H. Milford, Jr. Mr. Louis D. Olin Mr. James J. O’Rourke, Jr. Mr. Thomas C. Port Dr. Michael O’Neal Riley Mrs. Jane Reynolds Sterne Mr. Joseph J. Strenk, Jr. Mrs. Mary Denton Suttle Dr. G. Gilman Watson Mr. Charles K. Weathers Mr. David K. Wood

Class of 1969

Participation: 15% Mrs. Emma Sewell Borders Mr. Michael S. Bryant Mr. W. Q. "Pete" Butler Dr. Paula Haver Chambers Mr. Charles D. Chetwynd Mr. Joseph W. Dennis Mr. James J. Hagelow

Mr. Robert S. Jones, Sr. Mr. Wayne M. Kise Ms. Pamela Grossman Levin Mr. Louis T. Lombardy Mr. Charles R. Martin Mrs. Bonnie Hargrove Morrison Mr. Stephen A. Orton Dr. Jack J. Phillips Mrs. Kathy McLeod Port Mr. Michael Puckett Mr. Roy V. Rafinski Mr. Douglas L. Reid Mr. Jeffrey R. Roesch Dr. Louis E. Rossman Mr. Gary E. Ruckelshaus Mr. Allen Sears Mrs. Kay Boggs Settle Mr. Donald J. Simon Ms. Susan M. Soper Mr. Guy S. Sunny Mrs. Carol Lawhorn Watson Mr. Larry C. White Mr. Nate Zahn

Class of 1970

Participation: 18% Mr. James N. Bier Mr. Robert L. Bingham Mrs. Anna Zaibel Blau Mrs. Helen Kibler Browning Dr. Soon Young Chung Mr. Ernest A. Crain Mr. David G. Doernberg Mr. Bruce R. Feuer Mr. Laurence Stephen Frankel Mrs. Lynn Andreasen Freeman Mrs. Brenda Hamlin Gibbs Mrs. Mary Finn Heaney Dr. Robin Whyte Hoffman Mr. Stephen M. Hole Mrs. Ellen Plutchok Klein Mr. Joel H. Kleiner Dr. James S. MacDonall Mr. Joseph R. Menez Mr. Francis R. Nadeau, Jr. Mrs. R. Kathy Witte Norton Mr. Raymond G. Pawlik, Sr. Mr. Michael J. Reagan Mr. Rex G. Roan Mr. Edward P. Siskin Mrs. Dean Dubose Smith Mr. R. Stephen Strachan Mr. Rodger G. Tatum Mrs. Cynthia Hess Thomas Mr. Selby A. Tuggle Mr. John G. Turner Mr. Anthony M. Vacca Mr. Ralphton E. Warlick Mr. Steven John White Mr. Jonathan A. Zerby

Class of 1971

Participation: 13% Mrs. Ann Gibson Adams Mr. John S. Ball Mr. David Nathan Cooper Mr. John P. DeFino Mr. John J. Fittipaldi Mr. J. Lewis Glenn Mrs. Irene M. Harrod Mr. John William Harvey Mrs. Mary-Phyllis D. Harvey Mrs. Yvonne Scales Jones Mr. Keith J. Landberg Mr. Martin I. Lipson Lt. Colonel Lee London, Jr. Mr. Gordon W. Love, Jr. Mrs. Suzette Harvey Mancini Mr. Jeffrey B. Matthews Mr. Jesse M. Merrell, III Mr. Charles E. Pickett

Mr. Dennis C. Pratt Mrs. Jackie Perdue Rodriguez Ms. Diane R. Rowles Mr. Jerel F. Rush Mr. Alan Schlesinger Dr. John H. Thomas, III Mrs. Tia Lipman Torch Mr. Andrew R. Weiss Mr. Donald R. Wilson, Jr.

Class of 1972

Participation: 16% Dr. J. Frederick Agel, Jr. Mrs. Linda Wishon Anderson Mr. John Robert Andrus Mr. Stephen J. Axelberg Mrs. Mary Crockett Ball Mr. Harvey Buek The Reverend James R. Burgess, III Mr. John R. Collins Ms. Vicki Jan Conway Mrs. Mimi Hobbs Fittipaldi Mrs. Judith Draisen Glassman Miss Etta Lou Hanken Mr. William J. Hogan, Jr. Dr. Paul Stephen Hudson Mr. Charles L. Hutto, Jr. Mr. Michael A. Israelite Mrs. Leslie Berk Johnston Mr. Michael Alan Kopley Mrs. Anne Cheek Meyer Miss Rosemary Mosteller Mr. Daniel S. Reed Mrs. Mary F. Ezzell Reed Mrs. Joyce Wells Scott Mr. Nicholas E. Stone Mr. Clyde A. Tallent Mrs. Barbara Rose Westfall Ms. Jackie H. Wilson Dr. Michael W. Yarbrough

Class of 1973

Participation: 11% Mrs. Janice Haney Carr Mrs. Kathryn Beatty Carr Miss Nancy T. Carter Mrs. Mikala Warren Engel Mr. Joseph E. George Mr. Allen B. Goodwin Mrs. Hildred L. Griggs Mr. Q. William Hammack, Jr. Mrs. Natalie Mintz Harris Mr. Stephen E. Malone Mr. Kevin L. Mende Mr. Jeffrey Ross Miller Mrs. Rhonda Portnoy Passink Mr. Edward A. Petrucci, II Mr. Roy C. Posey Ms. Diane Lee Schuettinger Mr. Lee Alan Wolff Mr. Richard B. Wright

Class of 1974

Participation: 9% Mrs. Bennie Harris Black Mrs. Anja Smith Clark Mr. Robert D. Copelan Mrs. Lynn Lasater Crowley Ms. Martha Ann Jenks Mr. Jeffrey S. Layne Mr. Steven W. Levinsky Mrs. Teri Silvers Pollack Mr. C. Scott Port Mrs. Jean Morehouse Roets Mr. John Barry Rosenberger Mr. Ronald A. Warner Mrs. Janie P. Wilson Mr. Wesley F. Wood

Class of 1975

Participation: 12% Mrs. Deborah Roach Avery CARILLON |


Ms. Janet Brownstein Dr. Claire Derdeyn Coles Mr. Miles R. Cook Mr. James L. Dart Mr. Stephen B. Greenman Mrs. Louise Hall-Jones Mrs. Marilyn Whiteside Handsel Mrs. Sally Rich Kolb Mrs. Betty Powell Kujawski Mr. Scott D. McAdoo Mrs. Caroline Cook Minor Mr. Robert K. Montague Mr. Aron C. Palefsky Mrs. Darlene Baehr Seay Mr. Chuck Smith Mr. Alan White Mr. Richard P. Williams Mrs. Alice Hoke Zimmerman

Class of 1976

Participation: 18% Mrs. Elizabeth Kidder Ambler Mr. J. Marc Ball Mrs. Elizabeth Gosnell Biggs Mr. Philip C. Chamberlain Mrs. Sarah Lee Davis Mrs. Barbara Howard Flanigan Dr. AnnRita Levis Hader Mr. Robert E. Harman, Jr. Mr. William M. Hobbs Mrs. Betty Jean Hudson Mrs. Laura Fantini Johnson Capt. Louis A. Johnson Ms. Joyce C. Jones Mr. Warner L. Kennon, IV Mr. J. Terry Markham Mr. John E. McKee, III Mr. Matthew W. Perry Mrs. Deesi Thurston Phillips Mr. William A. Rickard Mr. Michael B. Saffran Mr. Michael A. Sanders Mr. Bernard van der Lande

Class of 1977

Participation: 15% Ms. A. Diane Baker Mrs. Ann L. Brown Dr. Dianne Jones Ford Mrs. Ellen Sills Greene Mr. Robert M. Gregory Mrs. Vicki Grimes Hardin Mr. Keith P. Kronish Mr. Thomas P. Lenzer Ms. Gail Lynn Mr. Gary W. Martin Mrs. Ruth McLaughlin Morgan Ms. Valerie Newman Mrs. Lynne Bilzing Parriott Mrs. Susie Edwards Spear Mr. Knox R. Wilmer Ms. Patricia Beth Wool

Class of 1978

Participation: 12% Mr. Frank S. Anepohl, Jr. Mrs. Ann Sakers Ball Mr. John H. Beach, Jr. Dr. Karl Burgess Mr. Kevin D. Fitzpatrick, Jr. Mr. Gregory S. Fowler Mrs. Tina Salzman Fowler Mr. Thomas G. Hood Dr. Kenneth K. Hutchinson Mrs. Debra Losner Kahn Dr. Dale M. Kristle Ms. Tracey Lathem Mrs. Susan Wilson Molloy Mrs. Pamela Richbourg Pruitt Mr. Charles H. Simon, Jr.




Class of 1979 Participation: 17% Mrs. Annette Fry Adamiyatt Mrs. Shelby Andrews Mr. Michael S. Bahary Mr. Robert B. Baker, Jr. Mrs. Cathy Ayer Clark Mr. James M. Cook, Sr. Mrs. Joan Morris Dechovitz Ms. Ellen M. Erenbaum Mrs. Kathleen Glynn Grupp Dr. Philip Horton Mrs. Elizabeth Locklin Hrisak Mrs. Diana Marcus Lipton Dr. Robert H. Pullen, Jr. Mr. Brian C. Smith Mrs. Carolyn H. Steinhouse Mr. James W. Steinhouse Ms. Susan T. Turner Mrs. Allison Lourie Ullman Mrs. Carolyn Constangy Wasser

Class of 1980

Participation: 10% Ms. E. Harriett Cone Mr. C. Michael Eason Ms. Betsy D. Johnson Mr. R. Phillip Linderman Mr. Christopher J. McFadden Mrs. Carlene Rod Oakes Mr. Malcolm E. Page Mrs. Wilma Lipham Rowe Ms. Barbara A. Sanders Dr. Marie Sertich Stone Mr. Raymond S. Willoch Mr. Robert E. Wolfe Dr. James W. Ziegler Mrs. Lee Burke Zywiolek

Class of 1981

Participation: 11% Ms. Lin Barker Mr. Irani DeAraujo Mr. Richard C. Johnson Mr. Robert M. Kane Mr. Cary R. Kleinfield Mrs. Patricia Goodwin Linderman Ms. Rita J. Llop Ms. Sheryl McCarthy Mr. Dennis M. McPeak Ms. M. Elaine Minor Ms. Robin Jo Perling Mrs. Judith Vananzi Rabel Mr. Edward A. Rapp Ms. Barbara A. Robinson Mrs. Marla Cohen Senter Mr. Christopher M. Sertich Mr. Timothy P. Tassopoulos

Class of 1982

Participation: 10% Mrs. Ann Kennon Breslauer Ms. Jill Lesko Burnett Ms. Shirley Peterson Davis Ms. Terry Tribbet Davis Mr. John J. Dowd, Jr. Mrs. Nancye Rice Glenn Ms. Carol Ohl Hudson Mr. Richard E. Lindsay Mrs. Phyllis Rogers May Mrs. Linda Triguero McCormick Mr. Charles D. Nicholas Ms. Ellen Heckler O’Herlihy Mr. Robert L. Owen Mr. Christopher Raths Miss Maureen B. Robinson Ms. Debra K. Schreiber

Class of 1983

Participation: 15% Mr. Assaf Hosain Al-Assaf

Ms. Bambi Ellison Arnold Ms. Sandra Lynch Aufderheide Mr. Howard J. Barr Mr. Al G. Britt Dr. Susan Crosby Brown Dr. Robert A. Buck Mrs. Denise Trosky Buckelew Mr. James H. Burk Mr. Clancy S. Burrell Mrs. Sylvia Smith Caley Mr. Bob L. Fesperman Mrs. Dianne McClinton Glennie Mr. Donald R. Henry Mrs. Vickie Moore Irwin Mr. Bruce Perry Johnson Ms. Susan Marie Johnson Ms. Karen Keiser-Jenkins Dr. John M. Marshall Mrs. Brigitte Mebius-Moggre Mrs. Elsie H. Reece Mr. Brian C. Sass Ms. Theresa Fuerst Sellers Ms. Marjorie Elder Vaught Mrs. Janet Barnett Weaver

Class of 1984

Participation: 14% Ms. Susan Harman Alou Dr. Jay A. Azriel Mrs. Stephanie Staples Babbitt Mrs. Sue Goddard Bryant Mr. Ricardo C. Carvalho Mrs. Judith Hunt Drobinski Ms. Laura Fowler Mr. David M. Gerhardt Mr. Kevin M. Goff Mrs. Patricia Bourne Goff Mrs. Carolyn Herzog Hellerung Mr. Philip F. Law Mr. Steven G. Oliphant Mr. Cemal Ahmet Ozgorkey Ms. Sharon Lauretta Riley Mrs. Cynthia Larbig Rowe Mrs. Elizabeth G. Rulison Dr. Lisa J. Street Mrs. Kim Sapecky Swix Mrs. Sheryl C. Tomberlin Mrs. Ann Lenzer Wodraska

Class of 1985

Participation: 15% Mr. E. Jack Drummond Mr. Douglas Robert Dubay Dr. Daniel M. Duncanson Mrs. Sharon Velinsky Fagin Mr. Christian G. Gackstatter Ms. Ellen Gray Gadberry Mr. Kenneth P. Gould Ms. Marilyn L. Hays Mrs. Barbara Bessmer Henry Ms. Julie L. Marlowe Mr. Benjamin J. Mays Mr. Gregory Quintard Meyer Mr. Paul B. Miller Mr. James W. Moore, Jr. Mr. Howard E. O’Connell Mrs. Robin Rose-Samuels Ms. Caroline Brooks Seay Mr. Jonathan D. Spanier Mrs. Anita Gegan Willoughby Mr. John B. Zellars, Jr.

Class of 1986

Participation: 14% Mrs. Catherine Castagna Abood Mrs. Barbara Martin Adair Mrs. Maritta M. Bush Dr. L. Casey Chosewood Ms. Margaret E. Cole Mr. Christopher P. B. Erckert Mrs. Jessica Bagley Gordon

Mr. George M. Hall Mrs. Roxie P. Hall Ms. Georgia Russell Hembree Mrs. Stacey Bronstein Levin Dr. Raymond H. Lucas Mrs. Tamara Chaffin Lynde Ms. Margaret A. McGinness Ms. Amy Young Newson Ms. Ann M. O’Neal Ms. S. Tammy Pearson Ms. Harriet Rogers Powell Mr. Douglas S. Schmitt Mrs. Darci Becker Schriber Mrs. Muriel Rotkewicz Schurke Mrs. Laura Turner Seydel Mrs. Stacy McDonald Soloway Ms. Hope Waldman Targoff Mrs. Diane Dubay Walker Ms. Deborah Walter

Class of 1987

Participation: 13% Ms. Helen E. Bourne Mrs. Elizabeth Bridgers Dr. James Patrick Capes Mr. Dean Thomas DeCencio Mrs. Cynthia Bjurmark Dubay Mr. Eric J. Garvey Ms. Michele Anne Guy Mrs. Mary M. Hamacher Ms. Anne Hammond Mr. Richard A. Hans Mrs. Penni Reid Holt Dr. Mark A. Knautz Mrs. Carol Lanier Larner Mr. Antonio V. Lentini Mrs. Helen Maddox Menefee Mrs. B. Michon Hall Mitchell Ms. Cecilia Mary Mullings Dr. William E. Porter Mr. Lawrence H. Rollins Mrs. Julie Quickmire Schmitt Dr. Bret K. Sleight Mr. W. Scott Soloway Ms. Laura Diane Trittin Ms. Ann E. Zafiroulis

Class of 1988

Participation: 14% Mr. A. Scott Allen Mrs. Gonca Gursoy-Artunkal Mr. Brad A. Baldwin Mrs. Deda Walker Band Mrs. Juliet Wang Belko Mr. Brent Andrew Bishop Lt. Col. Richard A. Briggs Mr. William M. Clifton Mr. Richard R. Ford Mrs. Charis Andrews Hanberry Mr. D. Dwayne Hanberry Ms. Kim Louise Laurel Mrs. Kathleen McDermott Kraynick Ms. Tammy Marie Locklear Ms. Dolores Mason-Gaddy Mrs. Stacy Leigh Robinson Mrs. Cynthia Crawford Rollins Mr. R. Alan Royalty Mr. Robert J. Swanson, Jr. Mr. Michael K. Szalkowski Mrs. Christine Graf Taggart Mrs. Kimberly Rouleau Truett Mr. T. Charles Truett, Jr. Mrs. Michelle Payne Whitlow

Class of 1989

Participation: 11% Mrs. Kathleen Moran Brink Ms. Ann R. Brown Mrs. Victoria Stevens Chapman Mrs. Timika Swain Emerson Mrs. Carol Morgan Flammer

Mr. Harry R. Frazer Mr. Scott T. Haight Mr. Kurt A. Hansen Mr. Jonathan W. Johnson Mr. Ronald L. Kraynick Mrs. Kathy Bedell Mayo Mr. Jonathan F. Reilly Mrs. Wendy Pearson Robertson Mr. Clifford T. Robinson Mr. Thomas J. Sheridan Mr. Matthew P. Stien Mrs. Karen Barrow Swenson Mrs. Stephanie E. Szalkowski Mr. Kevin D. Walmsley Mrs. Patricia S. Zaffuto

Class of 1990

Participation: 13% Mrs. Beth Morrison Anderson Mrs. Leeanne Axley Clark Ms. Beth Eckard Concepcion Dr. Ava Marie Salerno Conlin Ms. Leslie Adams Dove Ms. Jennifer DuBose Ms. Lisa Chkoreff Duncan Mrs. Susan Burns Dyar, MD Mr. William M. Flammer Mrs. Lisa Alford Freschi Ms. G. Merrill Griffis Gibson Dr. Robert M. Grant Ms. Marion C. Haines Mrs. Nicole Caucci Hall Mr. Thad E. Hall Mrs. Michelle Rosen Haney Mrs. Julie Wackerman Hanrahan Mrs. Brenda Smith Hayden Mrs. Judith Chapman Kane Ms. A. Joann McDowell Mrs. Catherine M. Pittman Dr. Wendy Kurant Rollins Mrs. Cathryn Torrisi Mr. William P. Williams Mr. John Wuichet

Class of 1991

Participation: 13% Mrs. Joselyn Butler Baker Mrs. Terri Benford-O’neil Mrs. Kristin Reeder Boan Ms. Wendy Smith Boul Mrs. Lisa DiNapoli Broderick Mr. Henry J. Broitman Dr. D. DeWayne Clark Ms. Ember Uziel Constantin Mrs. Rebecca Marasia Corder Ms. Wendy E. Drake Mrs. Lisa F. Gallagher Mrs. Rachel Williams Grimes Mr. B. Shane Haney Mrs. Amy Baggett Hansen Mr. Karl A. Hansen Mrs. Doreen Hart Hill Mr. Raymond J. Koschak Mrs. Rebecca White Leavell Mrs. Jennifer Broadbent-Marine Mr. Scott M. McKelvey Mr. Jon L. Perry Dr. Robert A. Sellards Mrs. Andrea Spencer Shelton Mr. Joseph P. Shelton Ms. Caitlin Way Mrs. Elizabeth G. Wilson

Class of 1992

Participation: 10% Mr. Robert F. Canavan Ms. Bonnie E. Cohen Ms. Ann Marie Crochet Mr. Rodney S. Drinkard Ms. Wendy D. Goldberg Mr. C. Patrick Gray Mrs. Elizabeth A. Henry

Mr. B. Shane Hornbuckle Ms. Natalie Gwen Knowles Mrs. Mary Johnson-Smith Kylin Mr. Charles R. Moore Mr. Kevin C. Rapier Mr. William L. Ray Mrs. Phyllis L. Sitek Capt. Valorie Woods Spence Mrs. Christine R. Strong Ms. Margaret Summerour Mrs. Lynda S. Tatum Ms. Nicole M. Thibadeau Ms. June M. Tompkins Mr. Jeffrey C. Whitehead Mrs. Angela Watson Williams Mr. Edward E. Zarecor

Class of 1993

Participation: 13% Mr. Kent L. Bailey Mrs. Amy Tucker Ballar Mr. Christopher A. Ballar Ms. Myra Sack Perdue Mrs. Heather Keehn Bolton Mr. Myers E. Brown Mrs. Leah Bell Crosby Ms. Tracy L. Frey Mrs. Donna Gainer Mrs. Alexandra Kay Gray Ms. Amy Beth Grossman Mr. Michael Hanson Dr. J. Clark Hill Mr. Glenn Holleman Mrs. Elizabeth V. Hornbuckle Mrs. Kimberly A. Lohoar Mrs. Gail Lynn Louton Mr. J. Kevin Meaders Ms. Edna Clark Radford Mr. David M. Ross Mrs. Gail Robertson Serauskas Mr. Matthew S. Thompson Mr. Joseph E. Tomberlin Mrs. Kristina Randall Tomberlin Mr. Mark L. Tubesing Ms. Elizabeth D. Watts Mrs. Sharon Maria Williams

Mr. Adam M. Corder Ms. Ann Mason Mr. Alan J. Gibson Mrs. Teri Butler Gibson Mr. William T. Girton Mr. Thair Patrick Hanaway Mrs. Susan Poston Hansen Mr. William T. Hewes Mrs. Christy Hall Keohane Mrs. Kathryn Engler Klein Mrs. Lu Green LeRoy Mr. William E. Lukow Mr. Robert N. Lyons Ms. Jeanette B. Martin Ms. Lisa Ann Rock Mrs. Brenda Jericevich Roger Mr. Andrew David Schutt Mrs. Kirsten Schutt Mr. John P. Stephens Mr. Morris L. Tubesing Mr. Matthew Jason Weiner

Class of 1996

Participation: 8% Dr. Amy Langham Canavan Ms. Heather A. Clark Ms. Cristine Deaver Mrs. Caroline Vinson Dennis Mr. Charles G. DeNormandie, III Mrs. Claire M. Dionne Mr. Jim H. Faasse Mrs. Elizabeth R. Healy Mrs. Barbara B. Hutchinson Mrs. Joan Ireland Ms. Anna Johnston Iulianelli Mr. Joseph M. Kidd Mr. Dennis W. Kiernan Ms. Katherine Schindler Michalek Mr. Jeffrey S. Pearlman Mrs. Jennifer Pekosz Mrs. Colleen Ramsey Ms. Trishanda Treadwell, Esq. Ms. Jennifer B. Trevisan

Class of 1997 Participation: 10% Mr. John Breton, III Mrs. Yuriko Cobia Mr. Gregory L. Daspit Mr. Martin Clay Davis Mrs. Kimberley D. Diffey Ms. Rebecca Ellis Ms. Sarah Allison Gatliff Mrs. Jennifer Ovdenk Haley Ms. Laura Williams Hawkins Dr. Maria Elizabeth Johnson Mrs. Miki Williamson Johnson Mr. Michael D. Kelly Mr. David M. Leach Mrs. Stephanie Chaby Lyons Ms. Dawn Brookman McCullar Mrs. Rebecca Hester Miller Mrs. Anita Patterson Mr. Jeff Pyron Mr. Ryan P. Queen Mr. Matthew S. Reeves Mr. Timothy Randall Roberson Ms. Angela Satterfield Mr. D. Brandon Smith Ms. Leonor Soriano Mrs. Kelly Holland Vrtis

Class of 1998

Participation: 14% Ms. Deborah Arrieta-Merker Mrs. Valerie Holshouser Barske Mr. Todd David Bembry Ms. Kathryn S. Brooks Mr. Matthew G. Bullard Mrs. Diane Williams Dalbo Mrs. Elizabeth Parra Dang Mrs. Angela Bartlett Daspit The Reverend Julie Ehlers-King Mr. Matthew I.D. Flinn Mrs. Shannon Hutcheson Freeman Mr. Claude Spencer Godfrey, Jr . Mr. Benjamin J. Hanes

Class of 1994

Participation: 13% Mr. William W. Bolton Mr. Nathan E. Briesemeister Mrs. Meredith Mabry Cantrell Dr. Mark A. Caprio Dr. Michael J. Claxton Mr. Brian A. Davis Mrs. Roberta H. Davis Mrs. Amy Zickus Estes Ms. Pang Cha Yim Mrs. Kristine Suber Hanchar Dr. Jill Reiss Harper Mrs. Heather E. Hornor Ms. Loretta D. Hunt Ms. Carol A. Jones Mrs. Michelle Ponte Miller Mrs. Joan M. Raiford Mr. Julian P. Robichaux Mr. Matthew S. Shepherd Mr. Jason M. Slaton Mr. David J. Stevens Dr. Elizabeth R. Taghechian Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Weismann Mrs. Rebecca Greene Weissinger Mr. Mark A. Williams Ms. Lori Zboran Ms. Elizabeth Anne Zelley

Class of 1995

Participation: 10% Mrs. Jamie Walker Ball Dr. Brooke N. Bourdelat-Parks Ms. Marla J. Bright Mrs. Jennifer Carroll Hemphill

Mareva Bone makes a lay up for the Stormy Petrels. CARILLON |


Livia Balaban ’12 from Dacula, Ga. Dr. Karen Head Mrs. Jennifer Hedgepeth Hull Ms. Helen L. Johnson Mr. Russell Lind Mr. Michael T. Mahoney Ms. Janice McNeal Ms. Jaime J. Melton Mr. David Menoni Dr. Lewis M. Miller, III Mrs. Creche Kern Navarro Mr. Jorge Navarro Mr. David Reynolds Pass Mr. Adam L. Polakov Mr. Robert L. Rawson Mrs. Christina Burnham Rissler Dr. James D. Rissler Ms. Kim Phillips Sasso Mr. Nathan Sparks

Class of 1999

Participation: 11% Mrs. Danielle Stellin Benner Mrs. Heidi M. Blackwell Mrs. Amy Katz Bonn Ms. Andrea Hope Breen Mr. Brett Cave Mrs. Catherine Dunham Mrs. Jessica M. Dusang Mr. Michael D. Dusang Mr. Brian E. Findley Mrs. Susan C. Findley Mr. Anthony N. Freeman Mr. Jeremy J. Greenup Ms. Hannah B. Grisar Mr. Kurt Hirshman Mrs. Catherine Borck Horsefield Mr. Jeremy D. Horsefield Mr. Matt Hutz Mrs. Shannon M. Lambert Ms. Jeanee Marie Ledoux Ms. Robyn Lucas Ms. Lathonia D. Maloy Mr. Robert A. Milford Mrs. Dina Molaison Ms. Chantal Montagnet Mr. Jerry Portwood Dr. Amanda L. Regnier Mr. Edward G. Riemenschneider Mr. Ashish N. Thakur Mrs. Jeanie Flohr Treadaway Mr. Matthew White Mr. James J. Williams Ms. Kristine V. G. Williams Mr. Tolliver Williams




Class of 2000 Participation: 8% Ms. Jeanette M. Bellamy Mrs. Catherine T. Burns Mrs. Stacey A. Davis Ryerson Ms. Heather Cordeiro DeGrave Mr. Chad A. Donaghue Mr. James S. Fisher, II The Reverend Mandy Sloan Flemming Mrs. Amy Myers Flinn Mr. Josh W. Funderburke Dr. Nicole Garbarini Ms. Misty N. Hood Ms. Ann Hsu Mr. Clayton B. Johnson Ms. Molly S. Lewis Ms. Katherine L. Lindley Ms. Jane C. Lu Mr. Vincent A. Pisani Mr. Blake Stabler

Class of 2001

Participation: 8% Ms. Penelope J. Anderson Ms. Sheela Awuah-Fosu Mr. Christopher V. Benner Mr. Galen M. Brownley Ms. Laurette W. Cadres Mrs. Ann Stiner Cave Mr. Michael W. Eis Mr. Christopher Y. Fort Mr. Donald Austin Gillis Ms. Jodie Sexton Goff Mrs. Ashley Zimmerman Hamilton Ms. Tracey E. Herzer Mr. J. Cleve Hill The Reverend Jessica Hitchcock Mr. Christopher S. Jackson Ms. Sara Haviland Jackson Ms. Mona Jain Mr. Bryan B. Kenna Ms. Angel P. Mallard Mr. Matthew R. Merker Mr. Lance W. Ozier Ms. Harsinie W. Panditarante Ms. Marilyn Ramick-Palmer Ms. Kirsten M. Pull Mr. Chris Rylands Mr. Harry L. Schroeder

Class of 2002

Participation: 11% Ms. Catherine M. Andersen Ms. Rebecca Humble Bragg Mr. Christopher C. Brantley Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Breton

Mrs. Shahina S. Butler Ms. Melissa A. Conrad Ms. Jessie L. Copeland Mr. Andrew R. Crosby Ms. Melissa Kostelansky Eis Mrs. Robin Elms Mrs. Rhiannon N. Fink Ms. Pauline J. Gardner Mrs. Melissa L. Hawthorne Mrs. Amanda Hayward-Giles Dr. Veronica M. Holmes Ms. Elizabeth P. Kennedy Ms. Kay Esch Mason Ms. Jennifer McCormick Ms. Jacqueline E. McSparron Ms. Karen Elizabeth Mellott Ms. Sallie Kaltreider Namey Mr. Thomas A. Namey Mr. Jeffrey R. Poole Mrs. Mina Stoeva Porell Mrs. Vera V. Redwine Ms. Katherine M. Russell Ms. Karen Anthony Schnick Mr. James C.O. Shropshire Ms. Kate Shropshire Ms. Heather Lynn Staniszewski Mrs. Kathryn M. Winland Mrs. Mary Carol Wollenhaupt

Class of 2003

Participation: 8% Mr. William Crime Mr. Brad Day Mr. Mark W. DeLong Ms. Anna A. George Mr. Stanley M. Goldberg Mr. Jeremy D. Gray Mrs. Kelley Bowden Gray Dr. Melissa E. Jordan Ms. Deborah M. Lange Ms. Cheryl D. Lea Mr. Robin Lohfert Ms. Margaret Maxwell Mr. William Thayer Mullally Mr. Christopher A. Simser Mr. Christopher R. Summers Mrs. Kimberly Vax Summers Mr. Wesley D. Wade Mr. Benjamin S. Watson Ms. Jaime Wojdowski Mr. James A. Wood, Jr.

Class of 2004

Participation: 7% Mr. D. Marshall Boggess Ms. Sara Bryant Ms. Leigh M. Cooper Mrs. Suzanne E. Dorough Mrs. September Holstad Mr. Brent R. Jones Ms. Dar’shun Kendrick Ms. Juanita Kendricks Ms. Jean Leach Ms. Grace J. Ledfors Ms. Kelly Matysik Mr. Sanjay P. Padole Ms. Stephanie Scott Mr. Earle A. Semple Mr. Bryan D. Simmons

Class of 2005

Participation: 5% Ms. Susan L. Abrams Ms. Martene Monet Bell Ms. Laurie Berger Mr. Jonathan Bookspun Mr. Michael J. Lyons Mr. Daniel P. McGuinn Ms. Sherion Moon Ms. Rebekah D. Schiller Mrs. Kelly Siragusa

Ms. Casey K. Wallace Mr. Alan Zwicker

Class of 2006

Participation: 7% Ms. Michelle N. Beeken Ms. Jillian D. Crawford Ms. Jessica R. Griffin Mrs. Stacie T. Hanson Mr. James Hill Ms. Annemarie Ippolito Mr. Bisell H. McWilliams, III Mr. Piercen Oliver Mrs. Brittany Bennett Parris Ms. Susan C. Richards Ms. Leah L. Sanders Mrs. Abigail K. Whitlock Mr. Brett R. Wise

Class of 2007

Participation: 5% Ms. Anne M. Balter Mr. Nathan W. Blong Mrs. Amy E. Butler-Zapatka Mrs. Anne A. Casey Ms. Amelia M. Copp Mr. Luis A. Davila Mr. Joseph D. Damour Ms. Barbara A. Deberdt Mr. Timothy J. Ernst Ms. Nancy L. Harper Mr. Alex Johnson Ms. Beatrice W. Kibera Ms. Kathleen C. Pedro Ms. Rachel L. Renz Mr. Jonathan L. Weininger

Class of 2008

Participation: 11% Mr. Grayson K. Briggs Mr. Matthew J. Brisendine Miss Laura A. Callender Mr. Brian B. Chimiklis Ms. Linda B. Creecy Ms. Tiffany R. Desrosiers Ms. Jennifer S. Fisher Ms. Stephanie M. Gill Ms. Carol E. Herson Ms. Sandhya Joshi Ms. Kelly D. Korell Ms. Deborah B. Love Ms. Nancy Mandl Ms. Jeffanne E. Millien Ms. Martha A. Nodar Ms. Ilana W. Olin Ms. Mayonn C. Paasewe Mr. Zack R. Parris Mr. Jorge O. Pinto Ms. Jennifer B. Ross Ms. Lauren M. Schaffer Mrs. Cindy Sloan Mr. Steven F. Sorci Mr. Matthew R. Suggett Mr. Taylor A. Urbanski

Class of 2009

Participation: 15% Mr. Adam H. Bailey Ms. Laura D. Braddick Ms. Hannah E. Brooks Mr. Daniel S. Brown Mrs. Mary D. Crosby Ms. Sara A. Cross Ms. Jessica L. Daniel Ms. Rozaan J. Daniel Ms. Anna E. Findley Mr. Eric C. Fladland Ms. Kristina A. Grace Ms. Chelsia C. Green Ms. Marian E. James Ms. Katie E. Kulavic Ms. Stephanie C. Laubscher

Mr. Curtis E. Mc Leod Ms. Meagan M. Meekin Ms. Ember L. Melcher Mr. Cliff C. Moore Mr. Jose E. Navarro, Jr. Ms. Kayla B. Pulley Ms. Elizabeth M. Richmann Ms. Chelcie J. Rowell Mr. Trevor M. Sheffield Ms. Devon M. Simons Mr. Udara Y. Soysa Ms. Julie M. Vaughan Mr. Michael D. Willis Mr. Gonzalo Yahuitl * Deceased Bold text indicates five or more consecutive years of giving


Many thanks to the following parents of current students and alumni who contributed to Oglethorpe University between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. We recognize their gifts to the Oglethorpe Fund, Oglethorpe Museum of Art, Oglethorpe Athletic Department and other special funds. The entire OU community thanks these donors for their generosity and support. Anonymous Mr. J. Frederick Agel, Sr. ’52 and Mrs. Catherine Agel Ms. Joan Allen Mr. Roy Allison Mrs. Margaretha G. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arola Mrs. Yetty Levenson Arp ’68 and Dr. Charles R. Arp Mr. and Mrs. Peter Azevedo Mr. and Mrs. Charbel Baaklini Mrs. Gladys Bahary Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Balch Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. William Barwick Mr. Charles W. Bastedo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beall Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bein Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Blair N. Belton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Benoit Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bernhardt Mr. and Mrs. Ira P. Bernstein Dr. and Mrs. W. Devere Bond Mr. and Mrs. John Boolukos Ms. Mary K. Boone Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bowen Mrs. Carol Bowling Mr. and Mrs. Gary Braddick Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bready Ms. Janis H. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Breuer Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Brisendine Mr. Al G. Britt ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brown Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bryson Mr. and Mrs. David Bucey Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buckley, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Burt Mr. and Mrs. James Cady Mr. Robert Cairns Don and Sammie Calder Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cantwell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Beauchamp C. Carr

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter Drs. Danko and Jadranka Cerenko Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ceto Ms. Susan Channer Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chelemer Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chunka Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Clauson Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cobbaert Mr. Cohen and Ms. Neustadt Mr. Peter Coon Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Corum Ms. Cindy Couture Mr. and Mrs. George F. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Danny L. Cruff Mrs. Reese E. Currie Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Curtis Mrs. Diane Williams Dalbo ’98 and Mr. David Dalbo Mr. and Mrs. Loyd E Daniell Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Davenport Ms. Beverly Davis Ms. Kathy A. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Render S. Davis Mr. Tony de Give Mr. and Mrs. Frank De Maria Mr. Neal G. Delmonico Mrs. Mona Tekin Diamond Ms. Toby Director Mr. Earl Dolive Dr. D. Peter Drotman and Ms. Carolyn N. Arakaki Mr. Talmage L. Dryman Mrs. Murlene L. Dubay Ms. Linnett Ebanks Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Ellington Mr. and Mrs. William Ellington Mr. and Mrs. William A. Emerson Mr. William J. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Findley, III Dr. and Mrs. Roderick Finlayson Mrs. Ligia C. Florim Mr. and Mrs. Paul Folger Mr. and Mrs. Craig Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Friant Ms. Kathy Fulton Ms. Karen Gilbert Ms. Maria I. Gill Mr. and Mrs. Ira F. Goldman Ms. Kathy Gordo Mr. James R. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Owen Goudelocke Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grad Mr. and Mrs. R. Louis Graner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenwell Mr. and Mrs. Mark Grisar Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Gura Mr. and Mrs. William R. Gussman Mr. and Mrs. William L. Haight Mr. George M. Hall ’76 and Mrs. Roxie P. Hall ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Wendell L. Hans Dr. and Mrs. Bannester L. Harbin Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. William Harter Mr. James V. Hartlage, Jr. ’65 and Mrs. Jacqueline Cook Hartlage ’65 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Haviland Mr. Howard L. Hecht Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Helmbold Mr. and Mrs. David F. Helwig Mr. Greg Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Higgins Mrs. Gladys B. Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hitchcock Dr. Philip Horton ’79 and Dr. Lynn Tyson

Ms. Jean Pryor Hughes ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Myron Jabs Mr. and Mrs. George Jefcoat Ms. Peggy Jeffra Mrs. Stephanie John-Baptiste Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Johns Mrs. Carol C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Willie R. Johnson Mr. Robert S. Jones, Sr. ’69 Mrs. Susan Goodchild Jordan ’66 MAT ’73 and Mr. Harold Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph Drs. Karl Jost and Lori Schmied Mr. and Mrs. Jim Karnes Dr. and Mrs. Jim Kasperbauer Mr. and Mrs. Judd A. Katz Mr. and Mrs. David Kayne Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Kee Mr. and Mrs. Shane Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. James King Mr. and Mrs. David Knope Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Korotkin Mr. Wayne Kramer Dr. and Mrs. Ken Kress Mr. and Mrs. Scott Krueger Mr. and Mrs. George H. Lane, III Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Langer Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith Lanier, II Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lanier Ms. Cathy Lee Mr. and Mrs. David Leonard Ms. Lisa Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Lindley Mr. Donald Livingston Dr. and Mrs. Paul Lofholm Mr. Louis T. Lombardy ’69 Ms. Maureen C. Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Fu-Tai Lu Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lykens Mrs. Tamara Chaffin Lynde ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Maddox Mr. and Mrs. John P. Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mahany Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mazzarino Mr. and Mrs. Ernie McAlister Mr. and Mrs. Carl McAllister Mr. Neil Gray McBride Mr. and Mrs. John McCart Mr. and Mrs. John E. McKee, Jr. Ms. Kathleen R. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Milstead Ms. Cora Moore Dr. and Mrs. John G. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Morrow Mr. Kenneth Morscheiser Mr. Jorge Navarro ’98 and Mrs. Creche Kern Navarro ’98 Mr. John G. Odell Mr. and Mrs. Grigory Ozeryansky Ms. Karen C. Page Ms. Keiko Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Tarulata V. Patel Mrs. Joan Fisher Percival ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Elton Phillips Mr. and Mrs. John Pilger Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Pisani Ms. Christine Polyak Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pound Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pyron Mrs. Judith Vananzi Rabel ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Waymond Ray Mr. Wilbur E. Reid Mr. Thomas L. Reilly ’67 Mr. and Mrs. L. Donald Richard Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richey

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rigdon Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Ms. Barbara A. Robinson ’81 Mrs. Jackie Perdue Rodriguez ’71 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rogers Mr. Leon Rosendahl Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rossman Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ryba Mr. John A. Ryland Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sabsowitz Mr. and Mrs. William Sadler Mr. Bud Salamone and Ms. Sharon DiMarco Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sarisky Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schewe Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schiff Mrs. Shirley Heisler Schiltz Mr. and Mrs. William Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schweitzer Mr. Larry C. Shattles ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sheffield Dr. David Shreve Mr. Ralph Dean Sims Mr. and Mrs. David Earl Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Smith Mr. Duane D. Stanford, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Aurel E. Stuart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stupple Mr. and Mrs. Paul Suddes Mr. David Terrell Mr. and Mrs. Dan Terry Mr. and Mrs. S. Scott Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Tomberlin Drs. Pedro and Corletta Trejo Mr. and Mrs. George Troficanto Mr. Morris L. Tubesing ’95 and Mrs. Pamela G. Tubesing Mr. and Mrs. Zia Usmani Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Lee Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Von Gal, Sr. Ms. Katherine Waite Mr. Reid W. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker Mr. and Mrs. James Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wallace Mr. and Mrs. James A. Walls Mr. and Mrs. Johnny I. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Shane Watkins Mr. Webb and Ms. Anderson Mrs. Betty U. Weiland Mr. and Mrs. James S. Weldon Mrs. Tracey Weller Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. West Dr. and Mrs. Morgan N. Whaley Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams Mr. and Mrs. John T. Williams Mr. and Mrs. John Winecker Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Wingo Mr. and Mrs. William Wise Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wojdowski Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wrigley Dr. Michael W. Yarbrough ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Farris F. Yates Mrs. Patricia S. Zaffuto ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Angel Zayas Mr. and Mrs. Blaise Ziemian Mr. and Mrs. Herb Zwicker




The following contributions were given to honor and memorialize members of the Oglethorpe University community. GIFTS IN HONOR Names listed in italics represent the honorees. Dr. Martin Abbott Mrs. Nancy Tarrant Calhoun ’60 MA ’75 Mary and Marshall Asher Mr. John Meacham, Jr. ’42 MA ’43 Dr. Keith H. Aufderheide Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pyron Mr. Adam Baaklini Mr. and Mrs. Charbel Baaklini Professor Keith E. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Otis Burnham Mr. Jonathan W. Johnson ’89 Mr. Michael K. Szalkowski ’88 and Mrs. Stephanie E. Szalkowski ’89 Mr. Stephen Bastedo’s 31 years of service with The Coca-Cola Company Ms. Mary K. Semmelmayer Wendell Brown and Mrs. Agnew, former faculty Ms. Cheryl Davis ’67 Ms. Sarah M. Bucey ’09 Mr. and Mrs. David Bucey Chi Phi Fraternity Mr. Keith P. Kronish ’77 Class of 1959 Mr. Bill W. Carter ’59 Mrs. Carolyn Morris Frazier ’59 Class of 1974 Pollack, Teri Ellen Dr. Kathy Coevs Mrs. Mary Johnson-Smith Kylin ’92 Mrs. Mary Crosby Mrs. Kelei Sabatino Mr. John C. Day, Jr ’64 Mr. Charles L. White ’63 Development and Alumni Relations Mrs. Shahina S. Butler ’02 Chris Y. Fort ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Morrow Georgia Shakespeare Mr. Thomas Davis and Ms. Maureen Zent Rob and Beth Gibbs Mrs. Brenda Hamlin Gibbs ’70 Graduate Education Mrs. Susan Goodchild Jordan ’66 MAT ’73 and Mr. Harold Jordan




Mr. Scott T. Haight ’89 and Mr. Jim Hackney Mr. and Mrs. William L. Haight

Mrs. Mary Katherine Harrison Pazdernik ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Harrison

Mr. Robert H. Hamrick, Jr. ’67 on the 42nd Anniversary of his graduation Mr. Edward P. Siskin ’70

Dr. Theadore M. Pryor Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Bell Ms. Martene Monet Bell ’05

Dr. Monte Wolf Mr. Piercen Oliver ’06

Mr. Harald R. Hansen Mr. William S. Peebles, IV

Dr. Irwin Ray Ms. Jaime J. Melton ’98

Mr. Collins H. Yates ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Farris F. Yates

Mr. Ethan Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Hardy

Dr. Irwin Ray and the University Singers Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mazzarino

GIFTS IN MEMORY Names listed in italics represent the honorees.

Mr. Morris Herzberg Dr. D. Peter Drotman and Ms. Carolyn N. Arakaki

Mrs. Angie Baldwin Roda ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Baldwin

Dr. Bruce Hetherington Mr. Kenneth J. Phelps Mr. Charles F. Hines Mrs. Lynda Papini Hines ’64 MAT ’92 Mr. William K. Hobbs Mr. William M. Hobbs ’76 Ms. Reginita M. Howell Mr. Ronald W. Rogers Mr. Steve Kennedy Mr. Raymond S. Willoch ’80 and Mrs. Florrie Willoch Dr. J. Brien Key Dr. G. Gilman Watson ’68 and Mrs. Carol Lawhorn Watson ’69 Ms. Samantha Korotkin Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Korotkin Lucy Leusch, Tamara Nash, Peter Rooney and Barb Henry Mrs. Nancy T. Beane Mr. Matthew J. Lewis ’09 Ms. Lisa Lewis Ms. Katherine Lindley ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Lindley Mr. Alan Loehle Mr. Vincent A. Pisani ’00 Ms. Sarah C. Lykens ’07 Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lykens Mr. Elgin MacConnell Mr. Joseph J. Strenk, Jr. ’68 Ms. Jan Collins Maher ’69 Dr. Paula Haver Chambers ’69 Dr. Nicholas Maher Mr. Piercen Oliver ’06 Ms. Janice McNeal ’98 Mrs. Mary D. Crosby Mr. John Mitchell The Agape Sunday School Class of Peachtree Presbyterian Church Mr. Charles B. O’Neal Ms. Ann M. O’Neal ’86 Dr. Manning M. Pattillo Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mays

Mr. Peter A. Rooney Mrs. Mary D. Crosby Coach Sattele’s 100th Win Mr. Scott T. Haight ’89 Dr. Larry Schall Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Knapp Ms. Melissa Schiltz Mrs. Shirley Heisler Schiltz Dr. William O. Shropshire Ms. Kate Shropshire ’02 Dr. W. Bradford Smith Ms. Misty N. Hood ’00 Mr. Piercen Oliver ’06 OU Soccer Team Mr. Henry J. Broitman ’91 Ms. Susan M. Soper ’69 Mr. and Mrs. David Golden Ms. Heather Staniszewski ’02 Ms. Karen Elizabeth Mellott ’02 Stormy Petrel Club Mr. William B. Christian ’59 and Mrs. Barbara James Christian ’62 Mr. Michael K. Szalkowski ’88 and Mrs. Stephanie E. Szalkowski ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Otis Burnham Mr. Timothy P. Tassopoulos ’81 Dr. and Mrs. S. Truett Cathy Dr. David N. Thomas Mr. Gordon W. Love, Jr. ’71 Tibetan Art Dr. D. Peter Drotman and Ms. Carolyn N. Arakaki Mr. Joseph E. Tomberlin ’93 and Mrs. Kristina Randall Tomberlin ’93 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Tomberlin Mrs. Eva Belle Turner Mr. and Mrs. John J. Scalley Dr. Martha Vardeman Dr. J. Brien Key Dr. G. Gilman Watson ’68 and Mrs. Carol Lawhorn Watson ’69 Mary Elizabeth Walker Mrs. Jennifer Carroll Hemphill ’95

Professor George Wheeler Dr. Albert P. Sheppard ’58 James W. Wilson Mrs. Janie P. Wilson ’74

Dr. H. Baermer Dr. Martin L. Micklesen ’67 Mr. D. Clifton Banks ’56 Mrs. Lynn Hallford Banks ’56 Mr. Hoke S. Bell ’31 The Reverend John W. Norton ’57 Professor Leo Bilancio Mrs. Kathleen Moran Brink ’89 Mr. Joseph R. Menez ’70 Mr. Gregory Quintard Meyer ’85 Dr. Martin L. Micklesen ’67 Mr. Joseph J. Strenk, Jr. ’68 Dr. G. Gilman Watson ’68 and Mrs. Carol Lawhorn Watson ’69 Mrs. Nancy Charnley Welty ’67 Mr. Josh Blythe ’02 George, Anna Amelia Mr. James Brown ’65 Mrs. Linda Sanders Scarborough ’65 Betty Jean and Marvin Brownstein Brownstein, Janet B. Lauren Ashley Burk Dr. Charles P. Adams Mr. Assaf Hosain Al-Assaf ’83 Mr. Howard J. Barr ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Bradford Ms. Barbara E. Burk Ms. Laurette Evora Mr. John C. Findlan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Friedman Ms. Dori H. Fuller Mr. Arthur L. Glynn Mr. Gary L. Gorrel Mr. Stuart L. Gottler Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta Mr. and Mrs. Burt Jordan Mr. Marion D. Jorgensen Mr. Lucien M. Kimball Mr. Andrew G. Kronitz Ms. Laura Medley MFS Investment Management Mr. and Mrs. Nelson L. Milder Dr. and Mrs. John G. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert Namen Mr. Doug Palfrey Mr. Thomas R. Ragland Ms. Deanne Raish Miss Maureen B. Robinson ’82 Ms. Jennifer B. Ross ’08 Ms. Karen Segal Mrs. Marla Cohen Senter ’81 Ms. Jeneill Sewell Drs. William O. and Patricia P. Shropshire Mr. and Mrs. Tom Swafford Mr. Michael Turgeon Mr. and Mrs. Harry Upton

Dr. Philip J. Neujahr and Dr. Victoria Weiss Mr. Mark A. Williams ’94 and Mrs. Sharon Maria Williams ’93 Mr. Raymond S. Willoch ’80 and Mrs. Florrie Willoch Dr. Ronald L. Carlisle Mrs. Susan Carlisle Dr. Philip J. Neujahr and Dr. Victoria Weiss Dr. and Mrs. Ken Nishimura

Mr. Cyrus Leonard Jones Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Rooney

Mr. Frank K. Finnigan Mr. and Mrs. Aurel E. Stuart, Jr.

Ida and Jerry Kleinfield Mr. Cary R. Kleinfield ’81

Lyndra Givens ’94 Mrs. Amy Zickus Estes ’94 MBA ’01

Mary Jane Stuart Kohler ’90 Mrs. Beth Morrison Anderson ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Landry Ms. Lori Malazich Mr. and Mrs. Aurel E. Stuart, Jr.

Ms. Julia Y. Promnitz ’57 Ms. Linda Spock and Mr. Tom Spock

Marjorie M. MacConnell Mrs. Sydney Mobley Moss ’59 and Mr. Jack Moss Dr. G. Gilman Watson ’68 and Mrs. Carol Lawhorn Watson ’69

John P. Salamone ’86 Centricsit, LLC Mr. Dean Thomas DeCencio ’87 Mr. Richard A. Hans ’87 Mrs. Michelle Ponte Miller John P. Salamone Memorial Foundation Mr. Bud Salamone and Ms. Sharon DiMarco

Dr. Roy N. Goslin Dr. G. Gilman Watson ’68 and Mrs. Carol Lawhorn Watson ’69

Mr. Thomas W. Chandler, Jr. Mr. Robert L. Manning ’64

Mr. Edward S. Grenwald Ms. Judith M. Becker

Vernon and Ruth Cheek Mrs. Anne Cheek Meyer ’72

Ms. Carrie Lee "Cle" Hall Anonymous

Mr. Vernon J. Cheek Mrs. Anne Cheek Meyer ’72

Mr. Elbert C. Haney ’76 Mrs. Janice Haney Carr ’73

Mr. Albert H. Church Jr. Ms. Martha J. Church ’67

Pop Crow Mr. W. Robert Booker ’60

Mrs. Betsy Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schwob Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. Large Dr. Philip J. Neujahr and Dr. Victoria Weiss Mr. William S. Peebles, IV Drs. William O. Shropshire and Patricia P. Shropshire Ms. Susan M. Soper ’69 and Mr. William W. "Bo" Holland Mr. Carl E. Swearingen Ms. Babette J. Tipping

Mr. Timothy R. Crowley ’97 Mr. Christopher V. Benner ’01 and Mrs. Danielle Stellin Benner ’99

Dr. J. Kennedy Hodges Dr. Cheryl Baker Dammann ’67 Dr. David N. Harvey ’61

Mr. Bob Devaney Mr. John S. Green, Jr. ’50

Mr. Robert J. Hoffman Mrs. Linda Robuck Hoffman ’58

Mrs. Grace Woolford Draper ’34 Mrs. Dixie Woolford Long ’39

Colonel Wallace E. Jarboe Mrs. Ava Hart Jarboe ’54

Dr. Arthur Cohen Mr. Lewis B. DeRose ’57 Dr. David N. Harvey ’61 Nathan and Ernestine Cooper Mr. David Nathan Cooper ’71

Mr. Nick Pennington ’72 Mrs. Kay Kilpatrick Crawford ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Davis, Jr. Disney - ABC Television Group Mr. and Mrs. Emmett D. Johnson

Sheldon Fages’ beloved dog Riley Ms. Lisa Lewis

Mrs. Claire Findley "Tia" Magbee ’56 Mrs. Rosalie Brookshaw North ’58 Gerry McBrearity Mr. and Mrs. L. Donald Richard Mr. James P. McLain Mr. Donald R. Henry ’83 and Mrs. Barbara Bessmer Henry ’85 Mrs. Belle Turner Lynch ’61 and Mr. Barry D. Lynch Mr. David Milford Mr. James H. Milford, Jr. ’68 Mr. John S. Odess, Jr. ’80 Ms. Tracey Lathem ’78 Betty Brumbelow O’Quinn ’53 Mr. James E. Henderson ’52 and Mrs. Jean Horton Henderson ’52 Dr. Antonio M. Palma Dr. James L. Cox

The Reverend William C. Rhodes ’49 The Reverend Paul H. Hanna ’49

Dr. George C. Seward Mr. Thomas E. Deacon ’60 and Mrs. Jeannette Seward Deacon ’64 Mr. Trippe Slade Mrs. Belle Turner Lynch ’61 and Mr. Barry D. Lynch Mr. William Charles Smith II Mr. William Charles Smith ’57 Lorie Vivian Terry ’01 Ms. Penelope J. Anderson ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Barnett Ms. Sandra Bates Mr. Christopher V. Benner ’01 and Mrs. Danielle Stellin Benner ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bohnenberger Mr. Michael P. Cohen Dr. Pam B. Cole Dr. and Mrs. Hoyt W. Crump

President Schall and OU Trustee David Garrett III, far left, at graduation with honorary degree recipients United States Sen. Johnny Isakson (Doctor of Laws) and OU Trustee Warren Jobe (Doctor of Humane Letters). CARILLON |


Mr. Curtis E. Mc Leod ’09 Ms. Meagan M. Meekin ’09 Mike and Diane Meekin

Ms. Ember L. Melcher ’09 In honor of my family for their support these past four years. Mr. Cliff C. Moore ’09 The Great OU Faculty Mr. Jose E. Navarro, Jr. ’09 Jose Navarro Sr. and Crystal Powers Navarro Ms. Kayla B. Pulley ’09 Tena and Mark Pulley; wonderful parents

Dr. Schall with, at left, Trustee Tom O’Connor ’67, Donald Rubin ’56 and, far right, former Trustee Bill Goodell at the Alumni Event in New York City which was held at the Rubin Museum of Art. D. A. Dalton Ms. Iris L. Dyson Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Eady Mr. and Mrs. Lint Eberhardt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eleazer Ms. Glenda Glenn Ms. Blanche D. Grubbs Mr. Thomas Hebert Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. James Mr. and Mrs. C. Donald Johnson, Jr. Ms. Kelly L. Kersh Ms. Katherine L. Lindley ’00 Mr. and Mrs. David Martin Mr. and Mrs. Adam Mazhar Ms. Catherine L. McNeill Mr. and Mrs. Neal Old The Reznick Group Royston Elementary School Mr. and Mrs. Michael Salpeter Mr. and Mrs. Jack Slaton Ms. Lynn Stallings Dr. and Mrs. Francis Tedesco Mr. and Mrs. Dan Terry Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Toburen Mr. and Mrs. John C. Williams Mrs. Kathryn M. Winland ’02 and Mr. Joseph L. Winland Judge Woodrow Tucker Mr. Harold N. Hill, Jr. Mr. Andrew Webb III ’73 Mr. Jeffrey Ross Miller ’73 Dr. Philip Weltner Mr. Joseph G. Cannon ’48 Mr. James W. Wilson Mrs. Janie P. Wilson ’74

the ’09 for OU campaign. Graduates listed in bold were members of the Senior Campaign Committee. Mr. Adam H. Bailey ’09 Class of 2009 rocks!

Graduates of the Class of 2009 have continued an established tradition of senior class philanthropy at Ogelthorpe University. The ’09 for OU campaign has given graduating students the opportunity to honor or memorialize influential people in their lives with a gift to the 2008–2009 Oglethorpe Fund. We are pleased to recognize the following graduates for their contributions to 48



Ms. Chelcie J. Rowell ’09 Marsha Williams, Christa Miller, and Dr. Victoria Weiss Mr. Trevor M. Sheffield ’09

Ms. Laura D. Braddick ’09 In honor of my mother, Cheryl, and my father, Gary Mr. Matthew J. Brisendine ’08 Ms. Hannah E. Brooks ’09 OU Women’s Basketball Mr. Daniel S. Brown ’09 Ms. Sara A. Cross ’09

Ms. Jessica L. Daniel ’09 In appreciation for all the love and support I have received from my family. Many thanks to Mom, Dad & Mimi for believing in me enough to invest in me and to everyone who made the journey to be here. Ms. Rozaan J. Daniel ’09 In memory of Elizabeth Mary Josephine Rock

Ms. Devon M. Simons ’09 In the memory of my father, Dr. Lawrence Simons, whose wisdom has guided me towards this milestone, and my mother, Dr. Carol Simons, whose support has allowed me to persevere time and time again. Mr. Udara Y. Soysa ’09 This gift is dedicated to my lovely family in Sri Lanka, my host family, my uncle and aunt, Flesher family and all the friends of Oglethorpe (2005–2009). Thank you. We rocked the last 4 years! Ms. Julie M. Vaughan ’09 In memory of Lewis Lichtman and love and thanks to all of my family for all that they mean to me. Mr. Michael D. Willis ’09 Conant Performing Arts Center Mr. Gonzalo Yahuitl ’09

Ms. Anna E. Findley ’09 Mr. Eric C. Fladland ’09 Ms. Kristina A. Grace ’09 Mallori Jo Muhlfelder Ms. Chelsia C. Green ’09


Ms. Elizabeth M. Richmann ’09 Dad and Mom, Glen and Grant, you have all taught me to believe. I love you all and thanks for everything!!!

Ms. Marian E. James ’09 Ms. Taymah K. Jones ’09

Ms. Sandhya Joshi ’08 In honor of my family who have supported me in all of my endeavors. Ms. Katie E. Kulavic ’09 OU Basketball Ms. Stephanie C. Laubscher ’09 Dr. Douglas McFarland and Robert and Deborah Laubscher


Mr. Ted D. Bayley ’58 and Mrs. Ellen Kinsey Bayley ’57 Ms. Judith M. Becker Ms. Carlee Bell ’65 Mrs. Frances Norman Block ’38 Mr. Frederick Boswell ’24* Mr. and Mrs. Franklin L. Burke ’66 § Ms. Mary Williams Cazalas ’54 § Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Chandler Ms. Terry Tribbet Davis ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Dennis ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Dillingham § Dr. Harold C. Doster Mr. H. Lynn Drury ’63* Mr. and Mrs. William A. Emerson § Ms. Ruth G. Fox* Mr. Wilson P. Franklin ’39* § Mr. David C. Garrett, Jr. ’99 (H) § Mr. George E. Goodwin Mrs. Bobbie Dexter Gupton ’63 and Mr. J. Cabot Gupton Mr. Scott T. Haight ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Brodnax Hansell § Ms. Karen Head ’98 Mr. Donald R. Henry ’83 and Mrs. Barbara Bessmer Henry ’85 Mr. Thomas G. Hood ’78 § Mr. Thomas P. Hunter ’43 *§ Ms. Rebecca Harbor Jones ’62 § Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith Lanier Mr. Wilfred J. LeBlanc ’61 Mr. Louis T. Lombardy ’69 Dr. Jay Lutz Mrs. Belle Turner Lynch ’61 and Mr. Barry Lynch § Ms. Gail Lynn ’77 § Mrs. Margaret Woodward Mathewes ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. McGill § Mr. John Meacham ’42 Ms. Jeannette Bentley Moon ’38 Mrs. Sydney Mobley Moss ’59 and Mr. Jack Moss Ms. Elizabeth Ward Pearce ’66 Dr. Guerrant Perrow ’40* Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Phillips ’63 § Mr. William Plowden, Jr. ’67 Mr. Timothy Randall Roberson ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robey ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Roesch ’69 Ms. Rhett Pinson Sanders ’43 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Scharff ’63 § Mr. Stephen J. Schmidt ’40 * and Mrs. Jeanne Fuller Schmidt ’42 § Drs. Patricia and William Shropshire Ms. Anne Rivers Siddons ’91 (H) § Dr. Joseph A. Soldati ’61 Ms. Susan M. Soper ’69 Ms. Denney Wells Spencer ’48* Dr. and Mrs. Donald S. Stanton ’99 (H) Mr. and Mrs. Morris Tubesing ’95 § Mr. Daniel Uffner ’51 § Charter member ** New members in 2008–2009 * Deceased (H) Honorary degree recipient

Nescit Cedere, a Latin phrase pronounced "nes-keet keh-deh-reh," was taken from the Oglethorpe family crest as the university’s motto. It translates as, "He does not know how to give up" and perfectly captures the pride and tenacity of those who give loyally to Oglethorpe and sustain it through good times and bad.

Did we miss your name?

Anonymous (13) Mr. G. Douglass Alexander ’68 Ms. Susan Harman Alou ’84 Mrs. Yetty Levenson Arp ’68 and Dr. Charles R. Arp §

Please contact George Kopec at 404-364-8328 or

The Honor Roll of Donors recognizes all gifts made to Oglethorpe University from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. If you noted an error or omission, please let us know so that we can correct it for next year’s publication. Thank you.

CLASSES OF 2009 Maybe you can judge a book by its covers: The bookend pages of this Carillon are, on the front cover, the happy faces of the new arrivals in August — the Class of 2013, their four years ahead full of new friends and unknown opportunities — and on this page the also happy faces of departing Classes of 2009 on Commencement Day as they move forward, their education and experiences here just starting to shape their futures. At the top, the 154 traditional undergraduates; center, some of the 43 graduates of the Evening Degree Program and, at right, six of the 26 Masters of Arts in Teaching graduates.



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3. Tag – you’re it! Take the above documents to your local Georgia Motor Vehicle Department to exchange your current plate. 4. The GMVD will process your order request and issue a temporary tag to you. Your new OU plate will arrive in the mail. Please note: As with any Georgia specialty tag, there is an additional $25 annual fee.

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If you have questions or need assistance, please call Susan Soper at 404-364-8329 or email

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