Alumni Carillon, Spring 2018

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PETREL PROFILES Alumni who are making an impact as leaders

EDITOR: Mary Rinaldi Winn



ON CAMPUS Learn how leaders are being developed in class and on campus


CLASS NOTES News and notes from classmates

CONTRIBUTORS: John Carr, Mark DeLong ’03, Deborah Love ’08, Kristen Obaranec, Carson Raymond, Chelcie Juliet Rowell ’09, Provost Glenn Sharfman, Mary Rinaldi Winn PHOTOGRAPHY: Henry Bradley, Tom Cioffi, Cemal Özgörkey, Mary Rinaldi Winn, University of Southern California PROJECT MANAGER: Kristen Obaranec DESIGN: Niki Walker Design PRINTING: Standard Press Carillon Alumni News is published twice a year for alumni of Oglethorpe University. Founded in 1835, Oglethorpe is a private liberal arts college.

HIGHLIGHTS OF ALUMNI WEEKEND 2018 ON THE COVER: Dr. Michael Quick ’82, Provost and SVP for Academic Affairs at the University of Southern California, is interviewed by OU Provost Glenn Sharfman on page 4.


INGREDIENTS FOR LEADERSHIP AND INVOLVEMENT By Mark DeLong ’03 President, Oglethorpe University Alumni Board

Leadership—a concept to which many aspire—is often studied and rarely agreed upon. There’s no one formula for success, and I’m certainly not a master of it, but I’ll try to offer some ingredients for success. First, you must have a concept of self. What is your vision? What are your values, your ethics, your goals? Second, you must have the resources necessary to carry out your goals. People, materials, finances, skills, time. Third, you hope to make an impact. I’m not talking change-the-world impact, but it could be a dream. It’s as simple as changing one person. Inspiring others. Nudging them in the right direction. Helping along the way. These three ingredients align nicely with Oglethorpe’s motto: “Make a life. Make a living. Make a difference.” Coincidence? People often ask me how they can be more involved as an Oglethorpe alumni. Again, there’s no singular path, but there are many opportunities.

It’s as simple as changing one person. Inspiring others. Nudging them in the right direction. Helping along the way.”

1) Attend alumni events, from Alumni Weekend to Oglethorpe Day celebrations around the world to Young Alumni Club happy hours. Watch The Flying Petrel, this magazine, your mailbox, and the alumni website for future event announcements. 2) Attend campus events. That’s right, you’re welcome on campus any time. Check out a student theatre production, cheer on the Stormy Petrel athletic teams, attend a public lecture. 3) Share your Oglethorpe stories and your pride. As alumni, we are ambassadors for the university. We can help raise awareness of our alma mater among our friends, neighbors, coworkers, and families. 4) Give back financially. I’ve been a regular donor to the Oglethorpe Fund, but I’m in the minority. Our alumni giving is currently around 11%, which is above the national average for all U.S. colleges (around 8%), but below the average for small liberal arts colleges (closer to 20%).

Alumni participation is a sign to corporations and foundations that we believe in our alma mater. Increasing our alumni participation numbers can pay huge dividends when the university makes big asks for philanthropic support for buildings and campaigns. It takes about 80 alumni to gain a percentage point. Help make a difference! 5) Volunteer your time. Serve as an alumni interviewer during Scholarship Weekend, meeting the next generation of Petrels. Connect with current students by helping with mock job interviews or resume reviews. If you want to be more involved, choose the best path for you. Find something and make it your own. The same is true for those hoping to be leaders. Find your thing, gather your ingredients, and make it your own.

Have a story idea? Want to write an article? We want to hear from you! Contact Mary Rinaldi Winn,, 404-364-8412. OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY



QUICK INSIGHTS FROM ATLANTA TO LOS ANGELES Infusing a world view by thinking bigger By Provost Glenn Sharfman


f being a Provost is akin to herding cats, then Dr. Michael Quick ’82 is one of the largest cat herders in the country. Michael is the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at the University of Southern California (USC). USC enrolls 45,000 students, employs 6,500 faculty members, and operates with a $5 billion budget, which he helps to manage. Michael was appointed as Provost three years ago after a long and successful career at USC both as a faculty member in neuroscience and as an academic administrator. His goal as chief academic officer was for the school to confront what he terms “wicked problems.” These refer to complex issues that are, by nature, resistant to resolution and not traditionally tackled by college curriculum. Michael urges his faculty, and USC as a whole, to actively address issues like homelessness, aging, immigration, and security and sustainability. By engaging in these concerns through meaningful study and work both inside and outside of the classroom, students will see that the region’s—and the world’s—problems are interdisciplinary and thus can be best solved by combining the approaches of many different fields of study. Michael urges us to re-think the traditional college curriculum to combine theory and practice. He


wants his university to wrestle with what it really values and organize its curriculum accordingly. He finds his greatest challenge as provost is to communicate to all of its constituencies the mission and vision of the university. He believes his greatest successes include working collaboratively to approve a new strategic plan, to infuse diversity in both the students and faculty at USC, and to collaborate with Los Angeles to identify how the school and the metropolis can work on issues together. He also is proud of the access USC affords to students of many different backgrounds. He credits Oglethorpe for spurring his curiosity. He tells students all the time that the most profound impact he had in his career was the time spent in the offices of faculty members like Vicky Weiss and Bill Brightman who encouraged him to think broadly outside his field. He is grateful that Oglethorpe took a chance on him when other schools would not and stoked his curiosity which has allowed him to rise in academia. After Oglethorpe, Michael earned his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Emory University and studied as a post-doctoral research fellow at the California Institute of Technology. His scholarship focuses on how therapeutic drugs and drugs of abuse alter the signaling properties of

CARILLON Alumni News | Spring 2018

nerve cells. From his contributions in science to his efforts in shaping a conscientious academic community, Dr. Quick has made a life, made a living, and is now making a difference.

Michael urges us to re-think the traditional college curriculum to combine theory and practice.



Oglethorpe alumnus and trustee Cemal Özgörkey ’84 was named to the Order of Rio Branco by the government of Brazil as a civil servant and honorary consul. Cemal, a Turkish citizen, was formally inducted during an October 2017 ceremony in Istanbul, where he was presented with the Rio Branco Medal. Members of the Brazilian and Turkish governments attended the medal presentation. For the past 20 years, Cemal has served as chairman of Özgörkey Holding, which owns businesses in the print and packaging, plastic, agriculture and food, and beverage sectors. Started by his father, the family business established some of the first Coca-Cola bottling plants in Turkey, the Mediterranean

and Balkan regions. Turkish-American businessman, chairman and former Coca-Cola Company CEO Muhtar Kent sent a congratulatory video for the ceremony. Rio Branco Medal The Order of Rio Branco was established to honor meritorious service and civic virtues. Named in tribute to the patron of the Brazilian diplomacy, the Baron of Rio Branco, José Maria da Silva Paranhos Junior. Paranhos, a national hero in Brazil, peacefully settled border disputes with neighboring countries, which defined, to a large extent, the current Brazilian territory.

OGLETHORPE ALUMNI PLAY A ROLE IN ATLANTA’S GROWTH The 2018 Eggs & OU business networking breakfast attracted young and seasoned alumni. Featured speakers were (pictured left to right) Emily Macheski-Preston ’07, Partner, Coleman | Talley LLP; Tim Evans ’94, Vice President, Economic Development, Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce; DeShawn Dominique Jenkins ’91, Executive Director, Alliance Française d’Atlanta; Chip Moore ’85, Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Atlanta Braves; and Moderator Richard Bakare ’03, Solution Architect at Zuora. Coming from different backgrounds and professions, the speakers gave well-rounded perspectives on the contributions to Atlanta’s growth over the last several decades. As moderator, Richard took a SWOT approach, and the group discussed strengths Atlantans have developed and weaknesses we have overcome and continue to tackle. Chip Moore, the most senior of the speakers, said he was impressed with his fellow panelists and how much he appreciated the opportunity to learn what other alumni are doing.





Adult Degree Program Complements a Busy Career By Mary Rinaldi Winn


ucia Moraes Jennings arrived at Oglethorpe in her late 30s as an evening degree student with a business major and a career at The Coca-Cola Company. A native of Brazil, she started college there but knew she needed more education to advance in her profession. Oglethorpe became a “great home for someone” like her. Her schedule and studies were flexible, and professors supported and encouraged her to share her work experiences with her fellow students. “It was a tremendous benefit to have small classes and attentive professors, who sometimes held Saturday afternoon office hours to give students extra help,” Lucia says. Among the many faculty

Lucia is extremely active in the Brazilian American community. To promote Brazilian culture in Atlanta and bring together a growing Brazilian immigrant community, she founded the Brazilian American Society in 1987. In 1996, she founded the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of the Southeast, Inc., a

Lucia currently serves as president of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of the Southeast.

Part of my legacy is sharing my knowledge with others.”

members who helped Lucia along the way were Bruce Hetherington, Jim Turner, William Straley, Dean Tucker, and Kent Hill. Lucia says part of her legacy is sharing her knowledge with others to help them develop, a “priceless reward” for working with a team of volunteers. To


that end, Lucia has taken advantage of many leadership opportunities. In 2011, she participated in the National Hispanic Leadership Institute to develop Latina Leaders in the U.S. In 2017, Lucia was selected by The CocaCola Company to participate in the Women in Leadership Development program, one of the highest levels of professional development offered to women at the company.

nonprofit whose mission is to foster business relationships between Brazil and the southeastern United States. Now retired, Lucia travels and spends time in Brazil. She continues to look for adventure and says she has “one more gig to do that is yet to be defined.”

CARILLON Alumni News | Spring 2018




om Cioffi arrived at Oglethorpe in 1967. He attended the college on a baseball scholarship, lettered in four sports, and majored in psychology and sociology. Last year, a friend and former OU roommate, Kevin Mende ’73, recruited Tom to serve on OU’s Alumni Board. After Tom retired from 40 successful years in food sales, he decided it was “a good time to start giving back. There really is no ‘I’ in team,” said Tom. “That’s true whether on the baseball field or motivating church members to band together as congregational teams in the Family Promise goal to help end homelessness.” Poverty is a complex problem. It requires an integrated approach that reaches beyond immediate needs. Family Promise, celebrating its 30th year, is a national charitable organization that helps homeless and low-income families achieve independence through a communitybased response. As a Family Promise national associate, Tom travels around the country speaking to members of churches, synagogues and mosques, helping them to form, give structure, and put ‘roots in the ground’ for new Family Promise affiliates.

The organization operates without the overhead of a typical shelter: congregations provide meals and space for families to stay at night on a one-week rotation. They also offer case management assistance, financial literacy training, and job support. To date, Family Promise has served one million families across the U.S. through 6,000 congregations. “Oglethorpe provided me with a strong sense of community. Working with Family Promise allows me to create the same,” Tom said. “Our vision at Family Promise is a nation in which every family has a home, a livelihood, and the chance to build a better future. I am fully committed to making a difference in the lives of others.”

A recent photo of Tom and one from his OU pitching days

My favorite memories at Oglethorpe were those of being part of Chi Phi fraternity. To this day, I am still in contact with my brothers.”




EQUIPPING, EMPOWERING AND EDUCATING LEADERS A conversation with Dr. Kendra King Momon, Professor of Politics By Chelcie Juliet Rowell ’09

What are the goals you most want to accomplish— beyond the goals in your job description as Professor, Division II Chair and Director of the Rich Foundation Urban Leadership Program—but the goals you hold personally? The predominant motivator in my work is witnessing the first-hand transformation of my students. Observing someone grow in confidence because of teaching Nelson Mandela’s eight lessons of leadership gives me life. I’ve been blessed to do what I love—equip, empower and educate others. My goal as a professor is threefold: I want to expand your intellectual and analytical process; I want to see you grow and develop outside of your comfort zone; and, I want you to sense and know that I care about you the entire time. Who deeply influenced what you believe in and what you’re committed to in your work and life? One of my greatest mentors was my late grandmother, Lula Belle Logan. She grew up in rural Alabama and only had a 10th-grade education. However, when it came to kindness and love, she was a double Ph.D. in her mastery of both. She taught me until her final breath, as I was present, “to act justly and to love


mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) Another deeply influential person is Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. His ability to see beyond the short term and engage in reconciliation for the long term is masterful. Additionally, Dr. King was a funny man who knew how to laugh at himself and use the power of humor to engage as well as disarm. In my classes, I tell my students we will work hard and have fun at the same time.

CARILLON Alumni News | Spring 2018

Describe a moment from teaching leadership in the classroom—perhaps a moment when you could see a student coming into his or her own as a leader. At the beginning of the semester, a student considered dropping the course. Recently, she shared how she is glad she didn’t drop the class as she gained a better sense of self and now understands that “leadership doesn’t happen in a day, it’s a daily process.” Moments like these inspire, motivate and re-center me so I can follow my Nana Logan’s exhortation to live the words of Micah 6:8.



Leadership is an essential component of the OU experience By Kristen Obaranec

Student engagement and leadership allow students to gain valuable skills that can’t be taught in a classroom. With Shane Pruitt as its director, Student Engagement & Leadership is an office of Campus Life that provides formal training and hands-on leadership opportunities through Greek life, Student Government Association and four formal leadership training programs. Orientation Leaders for New Student Orientation Oftentimes, orientation leaders are the first people new students meet at OU. They help to plan and implement orientation activities, encourage new students to fully participate in the OU experience and communicate with students during the summer. These 50 students also lead discussion groups with incoming students and family members, acquaint new students with campus services, activities and facilities and make sure new students understand the academic requirements.

Step UP! is a Bystander Intervention Program Step UP! Oglethorpe educates students about how to be proactive in helping others in sexual violence prevention, alcohol/drug abuse deterrence, anti-bias dialogue and more. The goals of this program are to raise awareness of helping behaviors, increase motivation to help, develop skills and confidence when responding to problems, and ensure the safety and well-being of self and others. Student advocates teach their peers how to be leaders in these social situations. President’s Emerging Leaders The President’s Emerging Leaders program was created to fulfill Oglethorpe University’s mission to educate students to be citizens in a global world, ready them for responsible leadership, and empower them to pursue meaningful lives and productive careers. The program brings in leaders from all areas and is the premier leadership program for 20 first-year students.

Oglethorpe Leadership Institute Open to all students, the Oglethorpe Leadership Institute is a self-paced leadership endorsement program that connects students to opportunities like a professional fellowship with a top company in Atlanta or a distinguished professional to serve as a career mentor. There are four levels—self, team, community, and career—and students can begin the program at any point during their time at Oglethorpe.

Interested in getting involved in these OU leadership programs? Contact Director of Alumni Relations Mary Rinaldi Winn at or 404-364-8412.

STUDENTS TODAY, ALUMNI TOMORROW was founded by the Office of Alumni Relations in 2015 to bridge the gap between students and the alumni experience. Some of Oglethorpe’s most capable students have been selected for this official ambassador program to host alumni events, plan campus traditions and moderate alumni career panels. Managed by Carson Raymond in the Alumni Office, STAT supports many alumni efforts.




Association (UPFDA). After 27 years with GPCA, Valera was elected to the GPCA Hall of Fame.

1970s Larry Hersch ’72 of Dade

Rose Simmons Andrews ’51 recently served as

a marshal in the Wilkes County, North Carolina, Christmas Parade. She is active in the Apple Blossom Garden Club, secretary of the Wilkes Heritage Museum Board of Trustees, and serves on the board of the Friends of the Wilkes County Library.

City, Florida, has been appointed to membership on the Florida Board of Bar Examiners by the Supreme Court of Florida to succeed Barbara J. Pittman of Tampa, Florida. His term of office began November 1, 2017, and extends through October 31, 2022.

Diane Baker ’77 joined Menden Freiman LLP as a partner in its estate planning, trust and estate administration, and business practice areas. Diane currently serves on the OU President’s Advisory Council.


Q. William “Bill” Hammack, Jr. ’73 gave a

Valera Bagwell Jessee ’68


honored by the Association of Fundraising Professionals with the award of AFP Outstanding Fundraising Professional. Phillip currently serves as Regional Director of Philanthropy at Children’s Home Society of Florida.

1990s Lisa Lawley Burnette ’91 accepted a position at


made a significant impact in her time with the Georgia Pest Control Association (GPCA). She remains active with the United Producers, Formulators and Distributors

Phillip Deal ’86 was

gift valued at $50 million, the largest in Oglethorpe University’s history, to establish the new Q. William Hammack School of Business, slated to open in fall 2019. The gift will come to Oglethorpe through a foundation established by Bill and his wife, Diane, and a significant portion will go to the university’s endowment.

CARILLON Alumni News | Spring 2018

Jim Nutt ’84 was appointed

by Florida Governor Rick Scott to serve on the Florida Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court. Jim fills the vacancy created by the resignation of Judge Richard L. Oftedal.

the Distinguished Young Women’s National Office. As the National Field Director, she represents the national staff and provides leadership and support to volunteers of Distinguished Young Women, a nonprofit corporation located in the historic district of Mobile, Alabama.

Submit your class note via ePetrel:

empowerment advocate, and current President of Women in Film & Video of D.C. The District of Columbia Office of Cable Television, Film, Music, and Entertainment recognized Carletta as the January 2018 Filmmaker of the Month.

Derek Rasmussen ’02 and

J. Smythe DuVal ’92 is the Libertarian nominee for Secretary of State of Georgia. He received the unanimous support of the delegation. He was the first Secretary of State candidate in Georgia to be assured of a spot on the November ballot. Jenna Carroll Hemphill ’95

received her master’s degree from Tulane University. An educator, she is the daughter of the late Beth Walker Carroll ’64 and Jim Carroll ’65. Dr. Brooke BourdelatParks Gorman ’95

accepted a position as Director of Science Education at the Tennessee Aquarium. She, husband Mike, and 3-year-old daughter, Megan, live in Ringgold. Brooke is excited to be back in the South and much closer to Oglethorpe.

his wife, Margaret Fairchild, welcomed a baby girl, Hayes Ann Rasmussen, into the world October 17. Meiyen Bell Kennedy ’03

Ashish Thakur ’99 spoke

at the Augusta TEDx event February 3, 2018. His talk was titled “A life turned upside down in a small Southern town, then turned back around.”

and her husband recently welcomed a new baby boy to their family. Gabriel Silas Charles Kennedy was born September 6, 2017, weighing 7 lbs. 13 ounces and measuring 21.5 inches.

Emily Lawson ’03 and her husband, Valur Gudmundsson, are delighted to have returned to Emily’s home state of Texas. They are setting up roots in Austin where Valur works in research and development for Intel, and Emily teaches children’s Imagination Yoga and Tinkergarten while homeschooling their two children (Bjorn, 4 and Oliver, 2).

2000s Patricia Martin ’01 has

worked for Ad Agency: Target MarkeTeam in Sandy Springs for 10 years, and she was promoted to Vice President Finance & Human Resources in 2017. Brianne NaLampoon ’02

was recently inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa, a highly selective national leadership honor society that encourages and rewards the highest standards of excellence for young leaders and innovators at universities nationwide.

Laura Rafter ’03 and her

Dar’shun Kendrick ’04

husband, Brandon Perry, welcomed the birth of their twin sons Samuel Alden Rafter, weighing 5 pounds 12 ounces, and Freeman James Rafter, weighing 6 pounds 15 ounces, on November 21, 2017.

presented a keynote speech in September to the Atlanta Area Council of American Business Women’s Association. She discussed success and failing with grace.

Carletta S. Hurt ’98 is a film and television producer, education and youth




Travis Griffin ’06 is an

Eli Arnold ’06 was named

Director of Oglethorpe’s Weltner Library December 6, 2017. He previously served as University Librarian and as Interim Director of the library following the retirement of librarian Anne Salter in June 2017.

attorney in Macon. For the last five years, Travis worked as an associate attorney in the criminal defense law firm of Hogue & Hogue, LLP. In November 2017, Travis was made a partner and formed the law firm of Hogue Hogue Fitzgerald & Griffin, LLP. Travis is a 2012 graduate of the Walter F. George School of Law at Mercer University and lives with his wife Alesha Tentinger Griffin ’09 in Macon, Georgia.

experiencing homelessness an outlet for artistic expression. Malika was named the Oglethorpe University O.K. Sheffield Young Alumnus of the Year for 2018 and was honored at the OU Alumni Awards Ceremony April 20, 2018. Stephanie Jefcoat Moore ’10 accepted a position

as Onboarding Manager at Riskalyze in Atlanta. Riskalyze’s mission is to empower the world to invest fearlessly. Stephanie will assist financial advisors as they begin using and adopting the Riskalyze software into their businesses. Morgan Coffey West ’13 LaDonna Barnes ’11

Leah Sanders DiRenzo ’06 and her husband Joe Jeffery Rowe ’06 is an

attorney in Atlanta. On November 4, 2017, Jeffery married Sarah Elizabeth Sastre. Sarah is a graphic designer who works for Getaway2Give. She received her education at Kennesaw State University and Emory University. Jeffery is a graduate of Mercer University School of Law. Jeffery and Sarah live in Druid Hills.


welcomed their second son, Wilton Everett, April 11, 2017. Their first son, Joseph Michael, was born February 19, 2015. The DiRenzo family lives in Augusta. Leah is mostly an at-home mother but works part time as an ER nurse.

was promoted to Clinical Coordinator at Mary Hall Freedom House, Inc., a women’s substance abuse facility in Sandy Springs which focuses on breaking the cycle of addiction and homelessness in women and women with children. LaDonna obtained her full licensing for counseling in Georgia in December 2017.

passed the Alabama bar in 2016 and the Georgia Bar in 2017. She is a member of the State Bar of Georgia and relocated her legal practice to Atlanta. She is thrilled to serve clients in the metro Atlanta and surrounding areas, primarily practicing in probate, estate planning, family, and business law.

Emily Macheski-Preston ’07 was made a partner

of Coleman Talley LLP. Emily specializes in local government law, zoning, and affordable housing. Coleman Talley has offices in Valdosta and Buckhead.

CARILLON Alumni News | Spring 2018

Chad Smith ’13 and Malika Whitley ’11 has

been especially active with her nonprofit. ChopArt, created in 2012, gives youth

Emmanuel Brantley ’15 traveled to South America (Bogotá, Colombia) during the summer of 2017 with former students (Angie

Uesseler, Quincy Bai, and Jorge Hernandez) from the Education First program that was hosted on Oglethorpe’s campus. Lucy Gartrell Boze ’46 September 5, 2017 William Raymond “Ray” Holley ’49 January 14, 2018

Betty Soper ’53 November 16, 2017

James “Jim” Milton ’57 February 2, 2018 Megan Makuck ’14 joined the Investor Advocacy Clinic for its fall 2017 semester. An OU graduate with a degree in business administration, Megan graduated from the Georgia State University College of Law with a joint JD/MBA degree in May 2018.

Florence Beaton Hill ’60 September 16, 2017

Murphy “Roger” Couch ’61 October 28, 2017

James Edwin Copeland ’67 January 8, 2018

John “Pierce” Hammond ’67 January 22, 2018 David “Tony” Keys ’67 October 20, 2017

Ward “Bud” Horton ’68 November 18, 2017 Michael Pollica ’69 February 4, 2018

William L. Kite ’69 September 14, 2017

Carolyn Rumage ’71 October 13, 2017

John “Jack” Dowd ’82 September 24, 2017 Christian Locklayer ’14

published her first book, #NotAFailure: From Grad School Dropout to Entrepreneur, The Life of A Professional Quitter. In her book, Christian describes her path and the pivots of life.

By John Carr, Director of Major and Planned Gifts

In a recent conversation with an alumnus, I was reminded how important it is to keep beneficiaries updated on life insurance and retirement accounts. The alumnus was taking care of his stepfather, who was in failing health. This alumnus’ mother passed away a few years ago. As the alumnus was going through his stepfather’s accounts and papers, he discovered that his stepfather’s life insurance beneficiary had not been changed since his mother passed. He was able to work with his stepfather to change beneficiaries that better met his current situation.


Walter Van Horn Slack ’50 October 9, 2017


Mia Wadopian ’83 February 20, 2018

Reverend Charles Dale Swaney ’84 September 26, 2017

The alumnus’ story reminded me how important it is to confirm periodically that beneficiaries are updated. While life insurance policies do have contingent beneficiaries, with his mother having passed, our alumnus was able to help his stepfather make sure his intentions for the life insurance were met. The moral to the story is that life is constantly changing. Most financial planners recommend reviewing beneficiaries following any significant life event, the death of a family member, retirement, marriage, divorce, etc. Even when there are no significant events, it is still a good idea to review all your policies and accounts every few years. Life insurance policies and retirement accounts also make great vehicles for philanthropic gifts to Oglethorpe in your estate. You can make Oglethorpe the beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of an account very easily. There can be some intricacies, and we can help. As you consider making Oglethorpe a beneficiary in your estate plan, please contact me at or 404-364-8439.

Diane Grossglass James ’90 August 26, 2017 Marie Sutherland Stallworth ’06 October 13, 2017



A PINNACLE OF LEADERSHIP One of OU’s beloved traditions honors Omicron Delta Kappa inductees By Kristen Obaranec


micron Delta Kappa is a highly selective national leadership honor society that encourages and rewards the highest standards of excellence for young leaders and innovators. ODK’s mission is to identify, honor and develop leaders in collegiate and community life; encourage collaboration among students, faculty, staff and alumni to advance leadership; and to promote its ideals of scholarship, service, integrity, character and fellowship. Each year, at least one alumnus, one faculty member and one staff member are inducted into ODK. Each December the Oglethorpe community inducts new members into ODK at the Boar’s Head ceremony. One of OU’s largest campus traditions, Boar’s Head combines a pre-concert alumni party, an OU Singers concert, and ODK initiation. A custom at many English colleges, the Boar’s Head celebration has been an Oglethorpe tradition since 1944. “Being inducted into the ODK Circle is one of the highest honors an Oglethorpe student can achieve,” said Dr. John Nardo, associate provost and professor of mathematics. “ODK is a wonderful opportunity to advance a student’s leadership abilities.”

arts. Oglethorpe’s ODK Circle was established in 1976 and remains a vital, thriving part of the campus today.

Besides exceptional scholarship, potential ODK members must be a leader in at least one of these aspects of college life: scholarship; athletics; campus or community service, social and religious activities, and campus government; journalism, speech and mass media; creative and performing

“It’s great to see alumni return to campus for this special evening,” Dr. Nardo said. “The Evening of Holiday Enchantment reception is held after the Boar’s Head ceremony. Alumni and their families are invited and encouraged to take part in this OU tradition.”


The Boar’s Head ODK induction ceremony is inspired by the armorial crest of General James Edward Oglethorpe, which depicts four boar’s heads, and the holiday tradition of the same name held at Oxford University, Oglethorpe’s alma mater.

CARILLON Alumni News | Spring 2018

ODK members inducted at the December 2017 Boar’s Head ceremony Delaney Abood ’18 Yasmin Anderson ’18 Madison Blazer ’19 Caroline Chamberlain ’19 Robert Dougherty-Bliss ’19 Haley Evans ’19 Brad Firchow ’18 Evan Furst ’18 Ben Hopper ’19 Celina Kassam ’18 Dr. Peter Kower Brianne NaLampoon ’02 Arman Niknafs ’18 Jim Owen Dr. Larry Schall Sebastian Tamayo ’18 Ashlee Tolbert ’18

OGLETHORPE DAY CELEBRATED NATIONWIDE Special thanks to our 2018 hosts in eight cities! Atlanta


HOST COMMITTEES: Atlanta OU Alumni Board


New York


San Francisco

D.C. area


Charlotte Chris Harvin ’08 Donna ’82 & Bob ’82 Rasile Chattanooga Kathryn Hargrove Winland ’02 & Joseph Winland Stephanie Ervin Szalkowski ’89 & Mike Szalkowski ’88 D.C. area Henry Broitman ’91 Carl Bergman ’66 Soumya Kantamneni Silver ’08 Mark DeLong ’03 Dallas Anna ’02 & John ’97 Breton John Shelnutt ’84 Barbara Bessmer Henry ’85 New York Rose-Gaëlle Belinga ’07 Lance Ozier ’01 Matthew Claiborne ’11 San Francisco Drew Murrell ’00 Stephen Germany ’08 Tampa Sheila & Thomas Hood ’78 Pam Pruitt ’78 Chris Lenz ’91



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STEM Reunion Host Committee

Mr. Bruce Benton ’86 Software Development Manager, T-Mobile Mr. David Crabbe ’04 Engineer, PM&A Dr. Jill Reiss Harper ’94 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH

Janice Haney Carr Howard Barr Johnny Cubert White Charis Andrews Hanberry Dwayne Hanberry Stephanie Prather Jason Stackhouse Dave Pass James Rissler Christina Burnham Rissler Angela Hyunh Richard Bakare Mark DeLong Kim Leung Williams Abby Snauwaert Heather Francoeur Karvis Chris Harvin Chandler Anderson Tony Golden


Dr. Ray Lucas ’86 Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs & Professional Development, George Washington University Dr. Ronny Remington ’06 Staff Systems Engineer, Lockheed Martin – MFC

Class Reunions Host Committee

’73 ’83 ’83 ’88 ’88 ’98 ’98 ’98 ’98 ’98 ’03 ’03 ’03 ’03 ’03 ’03 ’08 ’13 ’13

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