Alumni Carillon, Fall 2018

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FALL 2018



ON CAMPUS OU students have various opportunities for international experiences

EDITOR: Mary Rinaldi Winn

FALL 2018


PETREL PROFILES Alumni and students span the globe


CLASS NOTES News and notes from classmates

CONTRIBUTORS: Michael Deckert ’99, Mark DeLong ’03, Barbara Bessmer Henry ’85, Deborah Love ’08, Kristen Obaranec, Carson Raymond, Chelcie Juliet Rowell ’09, Mary Rinaldi Winn PHOTOGRAPHY: Stephen Johnson, Dr. Ted Kallman, Dennis Kelly, Katherine Peavy ’92, Mary Rinaldi Winn PROJECT MANAGER: Kristen Obaranec DESIGN: Niki Walker Design PRINTING: Standard Press Carillon Alumni News is published twice a year for alumni of Oglethorpe University. Founded in 1835, Oglethorpe is a private liberal arts college.

ON THE COVER: 2018 Philanthropy Week on campus

MEET YOUR 2018-19 ALUMNI BOARD Executive Committee Mark DeLong ’03 President Emily Treuman Heend ’07 Vice President of Admissions Richard Bakare ’03 Vice President of Advancement Courtney Roberts Disalvo ’06 Vice President of Awards & Recognition Christina Vinluan Heda ’04 Vice President of Career Services Chelcie Rowell ’09 Vice President of Communications Stephanie Powell ’96 Vice President of Events Harry Schroeder ’01 Secretary Members James Battle ’11 Ayana Bryan ’03 Charlotte Christian ’85 Thomas Cioffi ’71 Michael Deckert ’99 Brian Findley ’99 John Fittipaldi ’71 Kathleen Kraynick ’88 Lou Lombardy ’69 Deborah Love ’08 Jillian Martin ’05 Harrison McConnell ’12, ex-officio, Young Alumni Club President Katherine Peavy ’92 Sarah Phaff ’10 Derek Rasmussen ’02 Kirsten Hanzsek Schutt ’95 Scott Soloway ’87 Hoyt Wagner ’64


CAN YOU FEEL THE ENERGY? By Mark DeLong ’03 President, Oglethorpe University Alumni Board

The start of a new academic year brings new energy to a college campus. New students discovering their home-away-from-home, and returning students reuniting with friends. Oglethorpe had even more energy this year, welcoming almost 400 new students and the highest percentage of returning students this century. That energy was amplified as the latest round of college rankings were released. Oglethorpe is rising in national prominence in overall categories, as a best buy, and for its high graduation rate of Pell Grant recipients. A third bump came as Oglethorpe announced its “Flagship 50” program, matching in-state tuition and fees for top academic students from across the country. National media outlets helped spread that news far and wide. I haven’t even mentioned the energy around the I.W. “Ike” Cousins Center for Science and Innovation, which is transforming Goslin Hall. The

My advice to new college students is to take that chance and spend a semester abroad if at all possible.”

Cousins Center will be the new home of the Q. William Hammack, Jr. School of Business, which opens next fall. Its new Dean, Dennis Kelly, met with alumni in D.C. before starting on campus. He brings a wealth of experience and incredible connections to Oglethorpe. There’s renewed energy on global education, from international lessons taught in courses to exchange students joining our community to students taking a semester abroad. This Carillon issue features international stories of our students and alumni. As a student, I rejected the call to study abroad, even as friends took summers or semesters to study in other countries. I figured I would spend my years on campus, soaking up that energy and enjoying the campus environment. I’d travel the world after graduation. Fast-forward 15 years: I have traveled to different countries for wonderful

vacations. Those experiences—a few days here, a week there, the rare glorious two-week trek—cannot compare to spending a semester immersed in another culture, gaining new perspectives, exploring from a home base, challenging yourself. My advice to new college students, therefore, is to take that chance and spend a semester abroad. And share your stories with your fellow students and alumni who stayed in the Petrel’s nest. Alumni Weekend 2019 will give us a chance to hear some of those stories, with the weekend taking on a global theme. Save the date to join us back on campus April 12-13, 2019. Until then, stay stormy, my friends.

Have a story idea? Want to write an article? We want to hear from you! Contact Mary Rinaldi Winn,, 404-364-8412. OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY



OGLETHORPE’S GROWING GLOBAL NETWORK Welcome, Dr. Marisa Atencio By Mary Rinaldi Winn


aving jumped straight in after arriving on campus at the end of August, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Global Education Marisa Atencio is still setting up her office. The first items unpacked are a world map and photos representing different cultures around the world. Marisa is excited to return to a small liberal arts setting similar to her undergraduate institution, SUNY Geneseo, after working more than 15 years at public research universities including Georgia State University, University of Georgia and Georgia Institute of Technology. “I felt grounded coming to Oglethorpe with a capacity to work in this field where close relationships between students and faculty are fostered,” she said. As a student, Marisa studied abroad in Venezuela. SUNY Geneseo did not offer the experience she desired, so she researched and applied to a program that offered living with a host family, taking college courses and participating in an internship. These experiences helped influence Marisa’s perspective that “being in the place is not necessarily where the transformative learning takes place. Sometimes, it takes returning to one’s own culture to distinguish the social, cultural and political influences experienced while living outside of the United States.”


CARILLON Alumni News | Fall 2018

Marisa hopes to shift the idea of ‘study abroad’ to ‘global experience’ in the many forms that may take: internships in an international or multi-cultural workplace, traveling and studying in another country, and forming mentor relationships with international students on campus. Marisa will draw on her previous experience at Georgia Tech leading International Student and Scholar Services to support international students coming to Oglethorpe. Oglethorpe has International Exchange Partners and programs like Rotary International and Study Group. Study Group has partnered with Oglethorpe since fall 2017 to enhance international outreach, sometimes engaging OU alumni living abroad to help recruit students.

Global experiences can start the first day on campus.”

Currently, 111 international students hail from more than 31 countries.


CREATING WORLDWIDE TIES THROUGH BASKETBALL A conversation between #24s By Michael Deckert ’99, former OU basketball #24


alking across the quadrangle between the gray stone and mortar buildings is a 6-foot 7-inch slender, young man. He looks like most other students on this late summer day. He is easy to pick out as a basketball player, but what you might not know is that he is one of the many international students currently studying at Oglethorpe. Tom Inungu ‘19, #24 on the OU Men’s Basketball team, is from Lille, France. Tom’s family is originally from Congo. As a high school student living in Lille, Tom wanted to go abroad for college and entered Oglethorpe’s Education First program, which allows students to study in diverse environments around the world, including Atlanta. He selected Oglethorpe because it is a small university in a major metropolitan area and provides the opportunity to interact with many people. Tom was working out in the gym where he was discovered by Coach Phil Ponder. He played basketball in high school, but Tom didn’t know much about college ball. He has enjoyed his Oglethorpe experience over the last four years. “The environment of Oglethorpe allows for an easy integration and interaction of international students,” Tom said.

He looks forward to the 2018-2019 basketball season and graduation. As a business major, he is interested in finance, marketing and investments. Currently, he is seeking an internship and looking for a position with a company that is willing to sponsor him to remain in the United States. Tom represents the best of Oglethorpe University: he is a caring, intelligent young person who aspires to be successful and has the work ethic to do just that. Stormy Petrels come from all over the world. And, from this former #24 to the current #24, I thank Tom for continuing the exceptional legacy of Oglethorpe University students.

Oglethorpe allows for international students to easily adapt, because the current students are extremely welcoming of the international students.”





Katherine Peavy ’92 studied and lived abroad By Deborah Love ’08


ow often does it happen that you are asked to write about a fellow OU Alumni Board member who shares a love of travel and has been to Shenzhen, China? Perhaps just once in a lifetime. One seed that nourished Katherine Peavy’s journey took root when she was a student at Oglethorpe. In her junior year, with the encouragement of Dr. Jay Lutz, professor of French, Katherine spent a semester studying in Tours, France. This experience helped Katherine understand that she learned best by experiencing the environment first hand.

taught Mandarin Chinese, so Katherine began her language study at the Chinese Cultural Community Center in Chamblee. Katherine spent 15 years working in China investigating corporate fraud across Asia. She met her husband there and had a son (in photo with Katherine at the Great Wall of China). Today, Katherine makes her home in Decatur, where she moved to let her son to get a taste for life in the U.S. She is a new member of the OU Alumni Board, reconnected by fellow board member Charlotte Christian ’85. There is much to be said for meeting the right people at the right place and right time.

Upon her return from France, another seed was planted when Dr. Laura Calkins, assistant professor of Asian history, taught a course on the history of the People’s Republic of China. She encouraged Katherine to study Mandarin Chinese and apply to graduate school at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. In the 1990s, few universities

Having the foundation of a university with an intimate and supportive environment, in a major city and with all the opportunities that offers, contributed significantly to thriving in new places and global settings.”


CARILLON Alumni News | Fall 2018




ok Petric ’97 was born in Slovenia and moved to the United States as a child. He graduated from Alan C. Pope High School in Marietta, Georgia. Oglethorpe was a good fit for him because he wanted a high-quality, small-sized university with a diverse environment. At Oglethorpe, Rok obtained both a bachelor’s degree in business administration, majoring in economics, and a bachelor’s degree in international studies. He was actively involved in the International Club and the French Club and has fond memories of studying in the beautiful Weltner Library. As he reflects on his Oglethorpe experience, Rok remembers Dr. John Orme, politics professor and honors thesis sponsor, as particularly influential. Dr. Orme “was really brilliant and I enjoyed the high level of class discussion,” he said. Post Oglethorpe, Rok worked in cost analysis at SunTrust Bank and then completed an M.B.A. at Yale University. “Yale was very challenging, but I felt well prepared after my four years at Oglethorpe,” he said. He went to work in Prague for the global consulting firm McKinsey and Company, providing advice to CEOs, boards of directors and other corporate leaders. He also gained experience working in private equity, company takeovers

The global economy demands that employees are very adaptable. Students need to learn very quickly.” and restructuring deals in Europe. In 2010, together with his business partner, Rok launched Zaria Company, a management consulting firm and now mainly works with online startup companies to help increase and improve their businesses. Rok says his Oglethorpe education helped him learn how to analyze various situations, which he attributes to his business and economics classes and to the Core Curriculum. He appreciates how Core classes

connected to each another and taught him critical thinking and writing— skills he uses every day. Rok reminds today’s business students that business cycles, product cycles and trends are shortening, and competition is global. He also recommends business students to learn a foreign language. Above: Rok and Barbara Bessmer Henry ‘85 at a 2017 OU Alumni reception in London




Stephen in Barcelona

At Oglethorpe, I learned how much I still have to learn about myself and the world and how much possibility the future holds.”

GLOBAL ADVENTURES AND LEARNING Stephen Johnson ‘18 continues his education on the road By Kristen Obaranec Stephen Johnson graduated in May and had the summer off before starting his career in October with the audit staff of Ernst & Young in Atlanta. He extended his education by vagabonding around Europe, where his travels reinforced the significance of the Core and the importance of living a well-rounded life. He attended Oglethorpe because it gave him the chance to play college soccer, get an excellent small school education and live in a great city. Taking the advice at orientation, he got involved through campus leadership opportunities. “The activities are one of the best benefits of a small liberal arts school,” Stephen said. “By starting strong my freshman year, I experienced a compounding effect. The experiences


CARILLON Alumni News | Fall 2018

and knowledge learned outside of the OU classroom are equally important to that of the knowledge learned in the classroom. Serving as president of Delta Sigma Phi fraternity was like running a small nonprofit company.” Stephen was the first president of Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow. “I was excited by the possibility of a club that would promote and preserve campus history and traditions and find effective, unique ways to connect students and alumni for mutual benefit,” Stephen said. “Since the club was new, everything we did was a first, and there was an entrepreneurial feel to the work. We held dinners and panels with alumni and young alumni/ STAT mixers.” As he looks ahead, Stephen says, “In five years, I hope to be making the

most of my time at EY as a CPA, have attempted at least one entrepreneurial venture, invested in a stock portfolio and real estate, and will be in the best physical shape of my life, accomplishing 100 different things from my bucket list.” The Millionaire Real Estate Investor is currently in his backpack.


EGGS & OU: OUR INTERNATIONAL IMPRINT Alumni business and networking breakfast By Mary Rinaldi Winn

OU celebrated International Education Week in November with an Eggs & OU alumni panel specializing in international business. Four alumni returned to campus to share their experiences working in international firms headquartered in Atlanta. Dr. Marisa Atencio served as the moderator (see her profile on page 4).

Coming from a Japanese-American home, Yoshi Domoto ’03 shared a story about going to Japan to teach English as a Second Language, assuming he had the cultural differences down pat, only to discover there were certain cultural norms in Japan that surprised him and about which he had to re-adjust his thinking.

Joe McCurdy ’90, who played on the OU soccer team, recalled how his love of soccer at a young age opened his eyes to life outside the United States when his German uncle gave him a soccer ball from a German team. As an Oglethorpe student, Joe worked to save money to travel during the summers and experience other cultures. At CNN, Joe combines his love of soccer and international experience, covering the World Cup on six different continents.

From her short Study Abroad trips as an OU student, Amy Russ ’10 gained a more global perspective. In fact, she was one of only five percent of students without previous work experience who was accepted into the International Affairs graduate program at Georgia Tech. International learning and exposure continue to be a lifelong experience for her.

Originally from Brazil, Lucia Moraes Jennings ’00, MBA ’04, arrived in the U.S. in 1977 as a college student in Valdosta, Georgia. She had a difficult time fitting in, returned to Brazil and then came back to the U.S. She had a fulfilling career at Coca-Cola but always wanted to earn her degree. She returned to school in the Adult Degree Program, earning her undergraduate degree and her M.B.A. at Oglethorpe. Lucia spoke of overcoming her desire to assimilate and to celebrating the difference she brings to her community by being from another culture.

EGGS & OU PANELISTS Yoshi Domoto ’03 Executive Director, The Japan-America Society of Georgia Lucia Moraes Jennings ’00 Founder, Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of the SE, Inc. Director of Procurement, Global Ingredients at The Coca-Cola Company (Retired) Joe McCurdy ’90 Supervising Producer, CNN Amy Russ ’10 International Finance and Accounting Supervisor at UPS Supply Chain Solutions



CLASS NOTES 1960s Robert Currey ’66 and Suzanne Straub Currey ’65

were featured in a recent issue of Southern Living magazine. The article highlighted their restoration of an old estate in Sparta, Georgia, and they shared insights into their business venture Elm Street Gardens.

Tim Tassopoulos ’81

She completed an MS in Computer Science and an MSN in Nursing Leadership. She recently shared with the Office of Alumni Relations that her graduate studies were “a far cry from my happy days in my English lit classes, but Oglethorpe taught me how to love learning, and I never stopped.”

was honored by the American Hellenic Institute in March 2018 for his career achievements and contributions to the Greek American community.


Michael Johnson ’90 has been named Vice President of Commercial Development for Worldwide ERC. With his new role, he will be based in Singapore. Andrea Spencer Shelton ’91 Elizabeth Bridgers ’87 was

Dr. Louis Rossman ’69 was selected by the American Association of Endodontists to receive the 2019 Edgar D. Coolidge Award.


named Senior Vice President and Director of Marketing at HomeTrust Bank in Asheville, North Carolina, in July 2018.

works with HeartBound Ministries. The organization was featured recently in a USA Today series called the Humankind segment.

Donna Cron Rasile ’82 was recently honored with the prestigious Five Star Wealth Managers Award.

Talal Al Zain ’81 was

recently appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Dividend Gate Capital. The firm referred to Mr. Al Zain as “one of Bahrain’s most respected members of the banking and financial sector.”

Wasim Khan ’92 was

Mona Buck ’84 is a nurse informaticist with Virginia Commonwealth University Hospital system.


CARILLON Alumni News | Fall 2018

Eric Garvey ‘87 was recently named the Chief Operating Officer of the Baugher Hotel Group located in Brevard County, Florida.

recently appointed the Advisory Services Leader for the Middle East and North Africa teams at Ernst & Young.

Professor and Assessment Librarian at Oregon State University. She recently became part of a multiinstitutional, multi-year grant that will investigate student perceptions of the use of their data by academic libraries in the context of learning analytics. Brooke currently resides in Corvallis, Oregon. Sherrie Lewis-Massie ’93

recently signed a new publishing deal with book publisher CelebrityPress.

Dr. Shaniece Broadus Criss ’02 is an Assistant Professor

Jorge Navarro ’98 is a

teacher at Roosevelt Warm Springs in Warm Springs, Georgia. He recently completed the Educational Doctorate in School Improvement program at the University of West Georgia with a concentration in special education.

Jamie Walker Ball ’95

was named the Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity, Access and Title IX Coordination at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.


Daniel Sobczak ’01 was re-

elected as National Education Association Director from Georgia for a 2nd three-year term beginning September 1. He will continue to represent nearly 30,000 members of the Georgia Association of Educators and the public school students throughout Georgia until 2021. He is completing his 11th year teaching at Southwest DeKalb High School.

James Parks ’02 was recently appointed a partner at the accounting and consultancy firm Bennett Thrasher.

Dr. Theodora Soublis ’99

currently serves as the President of the Georgia Psychological Association. She also runs a practice in Roswell.

of Health Science at Furman University. On March 20, 2018, she was elected to the City Council in Travelers Rest, South Carolina. She officially took office on April 19, 2018, and is looking forward to serving her community.

Dr. Kimberly Watkins ’01

was recently awarded the 2018 CHSS Part-time Distinguished Teaching award by Kennesaw State University.

Nobles Green ’03 was recently elected to the Board of Governors for the Association of Medical Illustrators and also serves as the Vice Chair of the recentlyformed Diversity Committee.

Dr. Brooke Robertshaw ’95

earned a Ph.D. in Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences from Utah State University in 2013. She is now an Assistant

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college students. Mr. Jiwani currently serves as Vice President of Elite Healthcare in Washington, D.C.

wife, Kelbe, welcomed their first son, Charles Wyatt, on December 5, 2017.

Andrew Tulowitzky ’07

was recently named Athletic Director (Grades 9-12) at the Galloway School in Atlanta. Lindsey Boutin ’16, an OU Theatre grad, was cast as Borachio in Live Arts Theatre’s spring 2018 fundraising show, FLIPPED! Much Ado About Nothing. The show ran from April 19-22, 2018, in Norcross.

Olivia Reingold ’17 has been working as a producer at GPB here in Atlanta. Olivia is currently a producer for the programs “Two Way Street” and “Political Rewind.”


Chris Stanley ’03 and his

Caroline Drawdy Ellis ’52 April 1, 2018 Ruth Banks ’56 March 3, 2018

Peggy Cullars Guillebeau ’57 March 20, 2018 Leslie Shaffer ’04 was named

an Executive Creative Director for Fallon advertising agency’s New York City office in April 2018.

and Theodore Martin were married at Christ Church in Alexandria, Virginia on September 15, 2018. Marian is a PAC manager at Grant Thornton. They live in Alexandria with a small canine overlord, Artichoke.


Patricia “Pat” Weathers ’61 April 13, 2018 Robert E. Powell ’62 April 26, 2018

Rev. Jack Turpin, Jr. ’63 March 13, 2018 Kathryn Ethridge ‘17 was

recently named to the 30 under 30 list by the Georgia Center for Nonprofits. Kathryn works at the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta as the Corporate and Individual Giving Manager.

Martha Turner ’75 March 29, 2018 Ann Brown ’77 July 14, 2018 Tim Bates ’85 June 10, 2018

Virginia “Jinny” Hayden ’90 May 27, 2018 Wilton Looney (Former Trustee) June 1, 2018

Dr. Roja PondicherryHadish ’07 recently joined

The Cardiac & Vascular Institute in Gainesville, Florida.

Katherine “Kitty” Nobles (Former Director of Career Placement) June 5, 2018 Shahzaib Jiwani ’12 was featured in an NPR broadcast concerning first generation


Mildred Speights ’58 March 13, 2018

Marian (James) Martin ‘09

CARILLON Alumni News | Fall 2018

Dr. Wilt Straley (Retired Faculty) August 6, 2018

I am looking forward to the strong sense of community that spans the Atlanta and Georgia business, arts, cultural, and social communities.”

Dean Dennis Kelly speaks to students and faculty.



ennis Kelly is the new Dean of the Q. William Hammack, Jr. School of Business at Oglethorpe University. Before leaving Washington, D.C. for Atlanta, he met with D.C.based OU alumni and reflected on his experiences as an alumnus and donor with both Georgia Institute of Technology and Harvard University. “What I’ve learned from my involvement with both alumni organizations is to think of donors, alumni and partners as investors,” Dennis said. “The giving of time, talent and treasure comes with an expectation that their investment will yield better outcomes for students and

our society. I want to build long, deep and important relationships with OU alumni and donors over time.” Dennis views estate planning as a great service. “I’m a huge proponent of planned giving. Estate plans help to solve problems for donors and institutions. And, it should start early with young alumni, so they can make meaningful contributions and fund their passions.” He and his wife Debby have planned ahead, so their estate will go to their children and to causes and organizations meaningful to them. With family and professional roots in Atlanta, Dennis is delighted by the opportunity to return. “Atlanta and

D.C. are similar in size, diversity and climate. So, the move back home is very comfortable,” he said. “We live 10 minutes from campus (20 by bicycle!), so Debby and I can be fully engaged.” Dennis has traveled and worked internationally. In November, at the invitation of the Chinese government, Dennis went to Shanghai to lecture on the future of the zoological and conservation community in China and assisted the Smithsonian and China with planning the future of its joint 40 year-old giant panda conservation program. In 2019, he and Debby will lead a photo safari to Botswana and South Africa, his seventh safari to that continent.



BELOVED FACULTY MEMBER HONORED Endowment Scholarship is a lasting tribute by Chelcie Juliet Rowell ’09


he trajectory of my life and career would not have been the same without Dr. Leo Bilancio,” said Dr. Theodore “Ted” P. Kallman ’68. In the mid-1960s, Dr. Kallman was enrolled at Georgia Institute of Technology. But, in the midst of the Vietnam War protests and counter-protests, he found himself wondering, “Why am I studying differential equations?” He transferred to Oglethorpe and planned to study political science. During his first semester, he enrolled in Western Civilization taught by Dr. Leo Bilancio. From then until he graduated, Dr. Kallman took every class offered by Dr. Bilancio. While Dr. Kallman was pursuing his Ph.D. in history, Dr. Bilancio invited him to teach as an adjunct faculty member at Oglethorpe. “When I walked into the classroom—thinking of it still gives me a chill—I knew this is what I should be doing,” said Dr. Kallman. Thus began a productive and fulfilling career. What better way to honor and recognize Dr. Bilancio than to support an Oglethorpe student studying history? To this end, Dr. Kallman and his wife Deborah created the Leo Bilancio Scholarship Fund. Annually, it benefits a history major who demonstrates financial need and


CARILLON Alumni News | Fall 2018

maintains good academic standing. If no student meets the qualifications, a student in the division of history and politics will be selected. Mathew A. Murray ‘18 of Newnan, Georgia, was the 2018 recipient of the Leo Bilancio Award. Dr. Bilancio was a beloved member of the Oglethorpe history faculty from 1958 to 1989. Dr. Bilancio’s wife, Dorothy Bilancio received her master’s degree from OU in 1976. His daughter is an alumna, Carolyn Jane Bilancio Formica ‘86. His son, Ivan Bilancio ‘81, is a film editor who specializes in animation and is known for his work on the The Lion King, Hercules and Surf ’s Up.

Interested in establishing Oglethorpe Endowed Scholarships in honor or memory of a family member, mentor, colleague or friend? Contact John Carr, director of major and planned gifts, 404-364-8439 or


Meet OU’s new Director of the Annual Fund By Kristen Obaranec


risty Henry started her job at the end of September, bringing new experience, energy and expertise to the Office of Development and Alumni Relations. She enjoys Oglethorpe’s small-school setting, mission, and is thrilled to work with students, alumni, faculty and staff.

working for the Atlantic Coast Conference women’s basketball tournament and as an intern for NC State’s Wolfpack Club. Those experiences led to a position with the University of Miami Hurricane Club, where she was immersed in a mix of athletics, events, development, stewardship, and annual giving.

“Alumni relations and development are interwoven,” Kristy said. “I plan to attend events to get to know OU alumni and connect them to current students through the annual fund. I am looking forward to hearing how Oglethorpe had a positive impact on their lives.”

Transferring from athletics to academic development, she was the director for annual giving at Barry University in Miami, Florida. “While my engineering background transfers over to development for the data analysis skills, I also enjoy being creative, planning events, and developing personal connections with alumni and friends,” said Kristy. “Hearing all of the stories current students and alumni have to share is one of my favorite parts of my job because each person’s experience is unique.”

Kristy has lived along the East Coast from Rhode Island to Florida and grew up in the Washington, D.C., area. She graduated with an engineering degree from North Carolina State University and remained in the Research Triangle for jobs in biotechnology manufacturing. After a position in biotech training support took her to Rhode Island for two years, Kristy decided to change careers. She returned to school and earned an M.B.A. from Auburn University’s on-campus program, which included international travel to Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, and a trip to Machu Pichu. Kristy’s passion is college athletics—especially football and basketball—so she started there,

Together, we will build on current opportunities to engage alumni in OU’s philanthropic efforts to enhance the student experience.”



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Friday, April 12

OU Mini U – International focus Lunch with retired faculty/Faculty Staff Appreciation Alumni Awards & Athletic Hall of Fame Dinner & Ceremony (Dining Hall)



Alu m

W ee



Coffee with Dr. Schall, Alumni Association Annual General Meeting International Studies panel/Study Abroad Reunion QuadFest Family Picnic Alumni Carillon Ceremony Alumni Athletic matches Tours of Cousins Center for Science and Innovation Retirement celebration of Dr. John Carton, Professor of Psychology Petrel Pints & Vines Reception & Class Reunion Celebration (all classes ending in 4s and 9s) Class of 1999 20th Reunion Young Alumni After Party


Saturday, April 13


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