Cope-Up With Your Mental Health During This Global Pandemic

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Cope-Up With Your Mental Health During This Global Pandemic

The heightened threat of the outbreak may be stressful and can take a toll on people’s mental health. The most common emotion triggered in everyone in these times is ‘Fear’. Fear leads to anxiety and panic. And if you are someone who finds it difficult to anchor these emotions and get through the day, remember that you are not alone, it is reasonable to feel that way since life has changed as we know it. However, we must ensure to keep our mental and emotional health intact in these times. And here’s what we can reasonably do within our control to cope with the situation:

Strategies to cope for the COVID-19 Era

Lessen the News and Social Media exposure Pandemic has wreck havoc around the world as we know it already. Being bombarded with the relentless negative news is not good for your mental health and may make some people anxious about the future. And yes, it is important to stay informed for sure and you do not have to avoid the news entirely. But have a good judgement of it, consume the news and social media in minimum and spaced out doses.

Focus on facts and reject the rumours In the time of distress, people are seeking ways to prevent the disease. The spread of rumours is bound to happen, do not believe everything you hear, read or see-through random sources. Be careful of the wrong information, it may worsen the situation if executed. Take-in information from the verified sources and rest assured knowing that at times, ignorance is bliss!

Focus on the Bright Side As the saying goes “Every dark cloud has a silver lining� every situation has a brighter side all we need to do is see it. Having a positive outlook towards situations in life or life as a whole makes one mentally strong. It helps people stand tall in the tough phases of life like this one.

Ever since the world is on a lockdown nature has started to enrich. The polluted air of the cities of the world is cleansing, the earth is breathing, and the entire nature is healing. It is an opportunity to witness nature at its best. And remember when all of this is over we are all going to live a lot better than we used to.

Take Good Care of Your Body This goes out to all the people who are at higher risk for severe illness. COVID-19 is a deadly disease and people with fragile immune systems such as elders, children, and people with underlying health conditions are at higher risk. They need to take good care of themselves, eat healthily, think healthy, and stay indoors. These people have increased risk of having mental health concerns as well, in such cases ensure to consult online psychotherapy in Ottawa.

Practice meditation

Coping with this global pandemic can get overwhelming for you mentally. Getting anxious thoughts about the future is natural, but staying calm during the storm is the key to winning the fight.

Sleep Well Getting enough sleep also plays a role in maintaining your mental health. These times may cause insomnia due to fear and other feelings filling our minds. So different strategies promote better sleep, these include: ● Exercising or Yoga ● Avoiding to eat close to bedtime ● Reduce down screen-time before going to bed ● Reduce the intake of caffeine

Sleeping well does not only promote better mental health but it can also boost immunity which is much needed right now.

Keep Yourself Occupied in the Lockdown An empty mind is the home of the devil. Lockdown has all of us staying indoors and has left us with lots of idle time at hand which is the point of concern. Idle time can be harmful to your mental health and may make you anxious. So it becomes very necessary that you invest your time in something useful or productive. engage yourselves in activities that you enjoy doing, spend time with your family and bond with them, play with your kids, or learn a new skill. Keeping yourselves sane is vital during this pandemic.

Stay Social While Maintaining Social Distancing

Social distancing doesn't mean emotional distancing with your surroundings. Remember it is the physical distance you have to maintain and not emotional distance. Talk to your folks on phone calls, chat with people you find while you are out on your balcony, or have gone grocery shopping. Keep yourselves connected with the world outside, quarantine does not mean complete self-isolation from society.

Stay Mentally Strong Tough times demand you to be tougher, mentally. The global pandemic has undoubtedly shaken nations and even the most powerful people have caved in against nature.

Seek Online Therapy People are having a hard time managing their mental health. In case you find it difficult to manage your mental health, reach out to family and friends who will listen to you and help you cope with your thoughts and emotions. If nothing seems to help do not hold back from seeking therapy as well.

In Summary Professional counseling is an effective means of helping people cope with mental and emotional issues. Do not give up hope, we are here to help you get through these tough times. Find highly trained and experienced therapists in Ottawa. These experts will help you process these emotions and pass through these tough times.

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